Juvenile Mi Rand A Rights

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JUVENILE MIRANDA RIGHTS of the charges against them and notice to

parents when their child has been taken

Joey L. Caccarozzo into custody. Juveniles have the right to
Legal Division Intern have an attorney present during all phases
of the proceedings. If they cannot afford
an attorney, one will be appointed for
This article will discuss a them.5 Juveniles have the right to cross-
juvenile’s Miranda rights, what constitutes examine witnesses. Finally, the Court
a valid waiver of those rights, and what extended the Miranda decision to apply to
officers must do to make sure a juvenile’s juveniles as well as adults.
confession will not be suppressed in court.
Before the twentieth century, ACT 18 USC § 5033
juveniles were treated and sentenced as
adults. It was not until the Custody prior to appearance before
Industrialization Era that society magistrate.
developed the parens patriae concept, that
the state could intervene to protect a Whenever a juvenile is taken
child’s welfare.1 The juvenile court that into custody for an alleged
developed in the 1900’s was very different act of juvenile delinquency,
from the adult court by having informal the arresting officer shall
proceedings, proceedings based on civil immediately advise such
law, closed proceedings, emphasis on juvenile of his legal rights, in
helping the child, and lack of jury trials.2 language comprehensive to a
juvenile, and shall
The juvenile court system immediately notify the
remained virtually unchanged until the Attorney General and the
Supreme Court decision, In Re Gault in juvenile’s parents, guardian,
19673 which held that the due process or custodian of such custody.
clause of the Fourteenth Amendment The arresting officer shall
applied to juvenile court proceedings. The also notify the parents,
opinion states that juveniles have 1) a right guardian, or custodian of the
to notice, 2) a right to counsel, 3) a right to rights of the juvenile and of
confront witnesses, and 4) a privilege the nature of the alleged
against self-incrimination in hearings that offense.
could result in them being confined to an
institution.4 The juvenile’s right to notice The juvenile shall be taken
includes being advised in a timely manner before a magistrate
forthwith. In no event shall
the juvenile be detained for
David W. Neubauer, America’s Courts and the longer than a reasonable
Criminal Justice System (6th ed., West/Wadsworth period of time before being
Id. brought before a magistrate.
4 5
In Re Gault, 387 U.S. 1 (1967). Id. at 41.
In Fare v. Michael C., The Supreme Court prejudice caused by the confession.13 For
ruled that a totality of the circumstances example, was the prosecution and
test is adequate to determine a valid conviction based primarily on the
waiver of rights during an interrogation of confession?
a juvenile.6 The court must look to all
circumstances surrounding the SCOPE
interrogation. Some factors to consider
are the juvenile’s age, education, The State must make a good faith effort
experience, intelligence, background, and to locate a juvenile’s parents or
whether the juvenile understands the guardian before beginning questioning.
warnings given and the consequences of
waiving those rights.7 In this case, the In the case U.S. v. Burrous, the
juvenile was 16 ½, was currently on defendant was arrested for armed
probation, had a record of prior offenses, robbery.14 One of the arresting agents
had spent time in a youth corrections asked the defendant three different times
camp, was of average intelligence, and how his parents or guardian could be
there was no coercion used. Therefore, contacted and the defendant replied that he
under the totality of the circumstances, the did not know how either his mother,
juvenile voluntarily waived his rights and father, or brother could be contacted. The
the confession was admitted. defendant did not give the agents enough
information to locate his relatives and he
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals did not attempt to contact anyone himself.
uses a three-part test for reviewing The defendant voluntarily waived his
Juvenile Delinquency Act violations.8 Miranda rights and confessed. The court
First, the Court asks whether the ruled that law enforcement officers made
government violated § 5033.9 If the good faith efforts to locate juvenile’s
answer is yes, the next question is whether parents and that his confession was
the government’s conduct was so admissible.15
outrageous that it deprived the juvenile of
their due process rights.10 If the answer to A juvenile’s parents or guardian must
the second question is yes, then the case is be advised of the juvenile’s rights
reversed.11 Even if the answer is no, the immediately, according to §5033.
court also has discretion to reverse the
case if the defendant was “prejudiced.”12 In U.S. v. John Doe, the court said
The Ninth Circuit uses a two-step test to that even though the agents attempted to
determine prejudice – 1) was the § 5033 notify the juvenile’s parents before they
violation a cause of the confession began to question him, it was three and a
(isolation from family, lack of advice from half hours after he was taken into custody
counsel, etc.) and 2) what was the and, therefore, not “immediate” under §
Fare v. Michael C., 442 U.S. 707 (1979).
Id. at 725.
U.S. v. Juvenile (RRA-A), 229 F.3d 737 (9th Cir.
9 13
Id. at 744. Id. at 747.
10 14
Id. at 744. 147 F.3d 111 (2nd Cir. 1998).
11 15
Id. at 744. Id. at 113.
12 16
Id. at 744. 219 F.3d 1009, 1015 (9th Cir. 2000).
The arresting officer has the Because the policy assured that the
responsibility to notify parents or arraignment of a juvenile would be
guardians that the juvenile is in delayed longer than a “similarly situated
custody. adult,”22 it violated § 5033 and would not
be considered an extenuating
In U.S. v. Juvenile (RRA-A), the circumstance.
arresting officer twice delegated his job of
notifying a juvenile’s parents or consulate A juvenile’s confession was considered
- first to an AUSA and second to a voluntary when his will was overborne
secretary in the United States Attorney’s by his mother, not by police officers,
office.17 (The juvenile was a foreign after he invoked his right to silence.
national whose parents were not in the
United States. Therefore, the appropriate Officers ceased questioning a
consulate should have been contacted.) juvenile after the juvenile invoked his
The arresting officer must comply with § right to silence. The juvenile’s mother
5033 unless there are extenuating convinced him to talk freely with the
circumstances.18 This type of violation officer, which lead to his confession. The
alone will not result in reversal, because it juvenile’s parents were present during the
is not considered a due process violation. interrogation and the law enforcement
In this case, because the officer delegated officer did not use any coercion to get the
his duties and the consulate was not juvenile to confess. The juvenile’s
contacted before the interrogation and the confession was deemed voluntary by the
court ruled that these § 5033 violations Tenth Circuit.24
were prejudicial. The juvenile’s confession
was suppressed.19 A juvenile’s request for counsel and
right to remain silent should be asserted
A juvenile must be brought before a in a clear manner.
magistrate “forthwith,” according to §
5033. In Fare v. Michael C., after the
juvenile was read his Miranda rights, he
The Ninth Circuit held that a 34- asked to speak to his probation officer.25
hour delay was reasonable where no The officers refused and the juvenile was
magistrate judge was available, the agents again read his rights. This time he agreed
were busy with other urgent cases, and the to speak without an attorney present. A
government agreed not to use the pre- probation officer is duty bound to report
arraignment statement of the juvenile.20 the juvenile if the juvenile gets into
trouble. Because of this a conflict of
A 31-hour delay caused by a U.S. interest, the probation officer does not
Marshal policy that only accepted juvenile represent the juvenile in the same sense as
prisoners at the courthouse between 7:00 an attorney.26 There is no right to a
and 8:00 a.m. was ruled “prejudicial.”21
Id. at 1013.
17 th 23
229 F.3d 737 (9 Cir. 2000). Id. at 1014.
18 24
Id. at 745. U.S. v. Erving L., 147 F. 3d 1240 (10th Cir.
Id. at 747. 1998).
U.S. v. Doe, 701 F.2d 819, 824 (9th Cir. 1983). 25
442 U.S. 707 (1979).
U.S. v. John Doe, 219 F.3d 1009 (9th Cir. 2000). 26
Id. at 720.
probation officer during questioning; nor
does such a request constitute an
invocation of the right to remain silent.
The juvenile never requested an attorney.
Based on the taped interrogation, using the
totality of the circumstances test, the Court
decided that the juvenile clearly waived
his Miranda rights.


Once a juvenile is in custody, the

arresting officer must make a good faith
effort to notify the juvenile’s parents or
guardian to tell them that the child has
been taken into custody, what offense the
child was accused of committing and the
juvenile’s Miranda rights. A juvenile’s
Miranda rights must be given in a
language that the juvenile can understand.
The confession must also be otherwise
voluntary. If the juvenile requests an
attorney or invokes his/her right to remain
silent, the interrogation must stop
immediately. The juvenile must appear
before a magistrate “forthwith.” If the
juvenile is not afforded these due process
rights, the confession may be suppressed.

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