ASDB - Star Fleet Prototype PDF
ASDB - Star Fleet Prototype PDF
ASDB - Star Fleet Prototype PDF
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In This Issue...
In This Issue
- Definitions
- Classifications
- Performance
- Definitions and Tables
New From the Yards
- U.S.S. Jaguar - CR 74750 Class Diplomatic Cruiser
- U.S.S. Crusader - CF 74711 Class Fast Cruiser
- U.S.S. Discovery - CE 79431 Class Cruiser
- U.S.S. Eximius - CR 80077 Class Battlecruiser
- U.S.S. Frontier - CH 80426 Class Heavy Cruiser
- Design Philosophy & Purpose
- Shakedown Trials
- Vessel Specifications & Related Data
- Performance Characteristics
- Front, Plan, & Profile Views
- U.S.S. Cantell - FR 74851 Class Frigate
- U.S.S. Katana - FR 74900 Class Frigate
- Design Philosophy & Purpose
- Shakedown Trials
- Vessel Specifications & Related Data
- Performance Characteristics CHIEF EDITOR AND PUBLISHER
- Front, Plan, & Profile Views Admiral Chris Wallace
Tac Fleet
- U.S.S. Omar Khayyam - CE 79001 Class Exploratory Cruiser
Sakura Shinguji
- Design Philosophy & Purpose
Panda Press Interstellar
- Shakedown Trials
- Vessel Specifications & Related Data
Captain Belldandy Morisato
- Performance Characteristics
Star Fleet Advanced Starship Design Bureau
- Front, Plan, & Profile Views
Appendix Commander Natsumi Tsujimoto
- Team Kempo Star Fleet Operating Forces
- About the Design Team PRODUCTION EDITOR
- Credits Rear Admiral Kurt Roithinger
- Art Credits Star Fleet Command
Admiral Alex Rosenzweig
Star Fleet Department of Technical Services
Lieutenant Commander Skuld
Star Fleet Operating Forces
Rear Admiral Carsten Pedersen
Star Fleet Office of Research and Development
Rear Admiral John Scharmen
Star Fleet Operations
Commodore David Pipgras
Region Five Office of Graphic Design
Lieutenant General Scott A. Akers
Office of the Star Fleet Historian
Doctor Richard Sternbach, PhD.
Doctor Michael Okuda, PhD.
Doctor Graham Kennedy, PhD.
Doctor Bernd Schneider, PhD.
Each Type is further divided into Classes. When a new starship design is created, a name is
assigned to that vessel. After review and testing, should the design be approved for general construction,
Classifications all future vessels built to that design and specification are considered to be members of the same class,
and that class is named after the prototype (now lead) vessel. Hence the Galaxy Class was composed
of six ships:
U.S.S. Galaxy U.S.S. Challenger U.S.S. Yamato
U.S.S. Enterprise U.S.S. Odyssey U.S.S. Venture
With regard to the Incorporated Systems, it is important to note that all
Sometimes, an existing class is modified from the original specifications. While minor modifications
vessels included herein are prototypes, and as such were built in Starfleets
across hulls within a class are normal, if the modifications are extensive or extreme enough, the first
Orbital Construction Yards (San Francisco, Earth Station McKinley, and Utopia
vessel built to the new specification is often christened as its own class. An example is the eighth Galaxy
Planitia Mars) by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. As such, the systems
class vessel, U.S.S. Bright Star, which was fitted with a new propulsion, computer, sensor, and tactical
incorporated into them were ones Starfleet Logistics had approved for use in
system. Trials and testing proved successful enough that the seventh Galaxy class vessel (then under
other starship classes already in production.
construction) and the remaining four spaceframes became vessels of the Galaxy (II) / Bright Star class.
Classification Levels
Starships are divided into different, hierarchical levels of Classification:
Level 1: Design Level 2: Type Level 3: Class
Cruisers Specialized
CH Heavy Cruiser CO Command Ship
CS Strike Cruiser SC Shuttlecarrier
CG Battlecruiser SO Space Control Ship
CD Through-Deck Cruiser
CKE Large Exploratory Cruiser Patrol Combatants
CE Exploratory Cruiser DN Dreadnought
CA Cruiser DNF Dreadnought-Frigate
CL Light Cruiser BB Battleship
CT Tactical Cruiser CKV Large Carrier
CP Patrol Cruiser CVS Strike Carrier
CV Carrier
Frigates PKA Large Perimeter Action Ship
FH Heavy Frigate PA Perimeter Action Ship
FR Frigate ET Escort
FF Fast Frigate CV Corvette
FS Small Frigate FT Fighter-Interceptor
FT Strategic Frigate
Destroyers TR Transport
DH Heavy Destroyer TT Transport-Tug
DD Destroyer TE Tender
DF Fast Destroyer TU Tug
DS Super Destroyer SP Combat Support Ship
SM Medical Ship
Scouts CR Courier
SS Superscout RB Runabout
ST Scout
New from the Yards...
U.S.S. Jaguar
CA 74750 Class Diplomatic Cruiser
standard to which During the war, there was a need for a high-speed diplomatic courier vessel to travel between the three Allied powers. The Nova class Courier
was used, as was the Cheyenne class, both due to their high-sustained speeds thanks to their four warp nacelles. However, neither ship was
all future Intrepid designed for combat duty, and were not sent into harms way. For those missions, Intrepid class Exploratory Cruisers were used, due to their
high speed and heavy armament.
class vessels are The Intrepid was quite successful in this role and, after the War, Star Fleet looked hard at possibly modifying one or more of the new-build
Intrepid class vessels to true diplomatic cruiser specifictions. As Chairman of the SSDAC, my group was charged with preparing a proposal for
The M-16 Isolinear III is fitted to all Intrepid class starships. The Galaxy (II) class has a highly advanced artificial-personality program called E.V.E. (Enhanced Visual interfacE) on top of the standard
LCARS software, providing enhanced computer-human interactions. This system has been added to the U.S.S. Jaguar and may be fitted to future Intrepid class starships.
The Intrepid class already mounts an impressive and powerful tactical suite. Nonetheless, it was decided to improve this to the latest standards. Therefore, the standard five Type X phaser strips
have been upgraded to Type XII. The two Mk 90 photon torpedo launchers are the current state of the art, and remain unchanged. She is also one of the few ships currently carrying the new
quantum torpedo. CETIS Mk III with Type 225TACAR (Target Acquisition Center Accelerated Response) is standard equipment. In a nod to try and produce a cheaper command ship, Jaguar was
fitted with an AEGIS Mk 7 mod 1 Fleet Fire Control System, a CIC, a Link 35 Communications Core, Flag Plot Holodeck, and 42/ADA Countermeasures Support System. The FSS shield system was
considered, but such a system was designed for a far larger vessel and there was no way to place the shield grid generators on the hull. Therefore, the FSQ/2 system upgrade was fitted, making
the vessel extemely well-defended.
The Intrepid class is geared for exploration, and therefore has one of the most advanced sensor suites in service. The crew also carries a large Sciences compliment to support it. It was decided to
leave the exploration suite alone, but to reduce the Sciences compliment by 25%. The reason for such a reduction is that the vessel is not expected to perform serious exploration and scientific mis-
sions. The reduction in Sciences crew has been transferred to a new Diplomatic Support team which will handle diplomatic-related duties. In addition, twenty large VIP quarters have been added,
as well as five meeting rooms one large, two medium, and two small. The ships galley has undergone extensive refitting and enlargement, so as to handle diplomatic functions.
The vessel was started in January of 2378 in the Hakon Dockyards around Galena. Through a Herculean effort by the Hakon workers, the ship was completed in late October of 2379. As expected,
trial results were no different than those of a normal Intrepid class cruiser in terms of performance, range, and maneuverability. The Type XII phasers and FSQ/2 shielding system provides the vessel
with a greatly enhanced combat index over that of her regular sisters. The vessel saw extensive service during the Slobodan Police Action and these enhancements were well-served. The Military
Staff Committee is currently preparing a proposal on building additional vessels to this specification.
U.S.S. Jaguar (CR 74750)
Displacement 750,000 mt Embarked Craft: 1 Aerowing Type Runabout
Overall Length 343 m 2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
Overall Draft 66 m 0 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
Overall Beam 133 m 0 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
Propulsion: Two LF-45 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units 4 Type 16 Shuttlepod
(System Contractor: Leeding Energies, Sydney, Earth) Navigation: RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
One FIG-4 subatomic unified energy impulse unit (System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Tellar) Computers: M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS 2.5interface software
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters (System Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)
(System Contractor: Scarbak Propulsion Systems, Earth) AEGIS Mk 7 Mod 1 Fleet Fire Control System
Trentis IV pulsed laser reaction control system (System Contractor: RCA, New York, Earth)
(System Contractor: Orage Ijek, Aksajak, Andor) Phasers: 5 Type XII Collimated Phaser Array
Velocity: Warp 9.0 Standard Cruising Speed (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
Warp 9.975 Maximum Cruising Speed Missiles: 2 Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
Warp 9.98 Maximum Attainable Velocity (System Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
Duration: 5 years, standard Defense: FSQ/2 Primary Force Field
Complement: 31 Officers (System Contractor: Charlottes Shields, Earth)
10 Diplomatic Support Life Support: MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
100 Enlisted Crew (System Contractor: Morris Magnatronics, Palyria, Mars)
0 Passengers (Normal Up to 30 Maximum) AL4 Life Support System
141 Total Crew (Standard) (System Contractor: AAlakon Landiss, Divallax, Andor)
U.S.S. Crusader
CF 74711 Class Fast Cruiser
Crusader, however, was not forgotten. With conflict with the Dominion looking imminent in 2371, Starfleet began to review their force structure.
her technology. Though fast, the Intrepid class was not extremely well-armed, nor could it carry ground forces. The Akira class strike cruiser was incredibly power-
ful, but was expensive to build. Crusader was capable of the Intrepids speeds, but carried almost double the firepower. She also had extensive
Everything is tried hangar capacity, though not the massive through-deck of the Akira. Crusaders exploratory suite was also much larger and more advanced
than those fitted on the Akira.
The Crusader does not break any new ground in terms of her technology. Everything is tried and true. From the Leeding Energies LF-41 warp
drive to the AL4 Life Support System, everything is Class One Starship standard. These systems were chosen for their effectiveness and durability,
all having been in Fleet service for over two decades.
As noted above, the Crusader class mounts a heavy offensive suite. Ten Type X phaser arrays and three Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo launchers
make her equivalent to a Galaxy class in offensive capability, though the ship is half the size. FSS defensive shields result in amazing combat
longevity. The M-15 Duotronic III computer core and RAV/ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance system are standards for ships of her size and
Crusader Class Fast Cruiser
Vessel Specifications & Related Data
Prototype Name: U.S.S. Crusader
Construction Contract: NCC-74711
Series: Class 1B Starship
Design: Cruiser
Type: Fast Cruiser
Overall Length: 301 m
Overall Draft: 80 m
Overall Beam: 182 m
Displacement: 1,850,000 mt
mission profile.
Due to her very small crew, the Crusader class is fitted with large staterooms for her officers and crew. There is extensive space for Marine barracks (though fifty are standard, she can hold five
hundred if necessary) as well as training areas. The ship does have a dedicated diplomatic suite, as well, with VIP rooms and extensive conference facilities.
Once given the go-ahead, Crusader was laid down in Utopia Planitia on January 16, 2376. Construction was completed, and the ship launched, on June 3, 2379. She was formally commissioned
into service in October of 2380 and entered service with the Fifth Fleet. Captain Jennifer Thomas and Commander Dona Rae Colbert were named as the command crew for her first tour of duty.
It is expected that an additional four vessels of this class will be ordered for long-range exploration and patrol duties, with full-scale production being considered, based on reports.
Crusader Class Fast Cruiser
Displacement 1,850,000 mt Embarked Craft: 1 Danube Class Runabout
Overall Length 301 m 2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
Overall Draft 80 m 2 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
Overall Beam 192 m 1 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
Propulsion: Two LF-41 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units 2 Type 10 Combat Drop Shuttle
(System Contractor: Leeding Energies, Sydney, Earth) 2 Type 16 Shuttlepod
One FIG-4 subatomic unified energy impulse unit Navigation: RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Tellar) (System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters Computers: M-15 Isolinear III with LCARS interface software
(System Contractor: Scarbak Propulsion Systems, Earth) (System Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)
Trentis IV pulsed laser reaction control system Phasers: 10 Type X Collimated Phaser Array
(System Contractor: Orage Ijek, Aksajak, Andor) (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
Velocity: Warp 7.0 Standard Cruising Speed Missiles: 3 Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
Warp 9.3 Maximum Cruising Speed (System Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
Warp 9.885 Maximum Attainable Velocity Defense: FSS Primary Force Field
Duration: 5 years, standard (System Contractor: Sylvanesti Shields, Alkara XV)
Complement: 55 Officers FCE-2 Integrated Cloaking Device
145 Enlisted Crew (System Contractor: Sylvanesti Shields, Alkara XV)
50 Marines Life Support: MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
0 Passengers (Normal Up to 50 Maximum) (System Contractor: Morris Magnatronics, Palyria, Mars)
200 Total Crew (Standard) AL4 Life Support System
(System Contractor: AAlakon Landiss, Divallax, Andor)
U.S.S. Discovery
CE 79431 Class Exploratory Cruiser
Discovery is similar in form to the Ambassador and her dimensions are almost identical. However, she takes advantage of the almost half-cen-
tury advancement in ships systems since the Ambassador first entered service. In addition, Discovery is has been fitted with the absolute latest
in warp drive, computer, and tactical systems, as well as also being the first class to be equipped with a variant of the quantum slipstream drive.
The Koller Uti HAN-210 Mk I drive allows a Warp equivalent of Warp 9.999.
Discovery Class Exploratory Cruiser
Vessel Specifications & Related Data
Prototype Name: U.S.S. Discovery
Construction Contract: NCC-79431
Series: Class 1B Starship
Design: Cruiser
Type: Exploratory Cruiser
Overall Length: 535 m
Overall Draft: 135 m
Overall Beam: 310 m
Displacement: 3,500,000 mt
One of the striking things of the Discovery is the arboretum located at the back of the primary saucer. Why such a thing on a Class One Starship? Just as studies with the Galaxy class showed having
families aboard helped reduce stress on long-duration missions, having real trees, as opposed to simulations in a holodeck, were found to have a relaxing effect on crews. Whether such a thing
becomes standard equipment on other starships, or even future ships of the Discovery class, is unknown.
Discovery can trace her design lineage back to 2375 when it was decided to consider a new class of cruisers to replace the Ambassador and Excelsior class vessels reaching their spaceframe
lifetimes. While the Sovereign class was entering general service, the vessel was quite expensive due to her latest technology loadout and it was hoped a more economical exploration platform
could be procured.
Post-Dominion War Fleet focus was on combat vessels, so Discovery sat on the back-burner at ASDB until 2380, when Admiral Topa of Exploration Command asked the ASDB to reconsider the
design. With the end of the Dominion War and the return of USS Voyager, Star Fleet wished to launch missions towards the Delta and Gamma Quadrants to explore and collect intelligence. Incred-
ibly high-speeds are necessary for such trips, and the slipstream drive technology Voyager brought back was immediately pounced upon. Teams at the Starfleet Advanced Research Projects
Agency had working prototypes by early 2380 and the drive was mounted on the Galaxy (II) class starship U.S.S. Bright Star, which made the first successful slipstream jump on June 15, 2381.
Drive retrofitting was nightmarish, however, and it was decided to fit the drive to the Discovery class. Production was approved in 2382 and the lead vessel launched in August of 2387 on her shake-
down cruise and trials. Slipstream drive tests were extensive and all were successful. While the extreme cost and stress of the slipstream drive will prevent its mainline use in Star Fleet vessels for some
time, though there are calls for additional Discovery class vessels to be procured for extreme deep-space exploration programs.
Discovery Class Exploratory Cruiser
Displacement 3,500,000 mt Navigation: RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
Overall Length 535 m (System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
Overall Draft 135 m Computers: M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS interface software
Overall Beam 310 m (System Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)
Propulsion: One HAN-210 Mk I Quantum Sliptream drive unit Phasers: 10 Type XIII Collimated Phaser Array
(System Contractor: Koller Uti, Stuttgart, Earth) (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
Two LF-46 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units Missiles: 3 Mk 100 Transphasic Torpedo Launchers
(System Contractor: Cochrane Warp Dynamics, Minos al Rijil, Alpha Centauri VII) (System Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
Two FIG-5 subatomic unified energy impulse units Defense: FSS-M Multiphasic Primary Force Field
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Tellar) (System Contractor: Sylvanesti Shields, Alkara XV)
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters Life Support: MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
(System Contractor: Scarbak Propulsion Systems, Earth) (System Contractor: Morris Magnatronics, Palyria, Mars)
Trentis IV pulsed laser reaction control system AL4 Life Support System
(System Contractor: Orage Ijek, Aksajak, Andor) (System Contractor: AAlakon Landiss, Divallax, Andor)
Velocity: Warp 7.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.5 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.8 Maximum Attainable Velocity
Warp 9.999 Slipstream Velocity
Duration: 5 years, standard
Complement: 100 Officers
410 Enlisted Crew
510 Total Crew (Standard)
Embarked Craft: 2 Danube Class Runabout
2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
4 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
6 Type 16 Shuttlepod
U.S.S. Eximius
CG 80077 Class Battlecruiser
last battlewagon the Eximius class will be the last battlewagon design put forward by the ASDB for the remainder of the century.
design put forward The Eximius class highlights the more angular design introduced into Star Fleet service starting with the Prometheus and now appearing in civil-
by the ASDB for the ian vessels such as Starblade. The angled design helps deflect sensor sweeps as well as energy weapons fire, allowing the shield system to be
more effective at the same power dissipation rate. The vessel is quite large, over five percent bigger than an Excelsior class heavy cruiser. She is
remainder of the also extremely well-armed, with Type XII phasers, pulse phasers, and quantum torpedo launchers. Like most post-Dominion War combat vessels,
she is equipped with the FSS regenerative shield system. These systems require the M-16 computer system.
The class is designed to travel very quickly to a troublespot and also to patrol large areas of space. Therefore, though some 30% smaller, the
century. Eximius uses the same LF-44 warp drive system as the Sovereign class, allowing extremely high sustained warp speeds.
Eximus Class Battlecruiser
Vessel Specifications & Related Data
Prototype Name: U.S.S. Eximus
Construction Contract: NCC-80077
Series: Class 1B Starship
Design: Cruiser
Type: Battlecruiser
Overall Length: 492 m
Overall Draft: 94 m
Overall Beam: 186 m
Displacement: 1,170,000 mt
As a battlecruiser, crew comfort is not her primary concern. Unlike most Star Fleet vessels, the crew quarters are somewhat spartan, to prevent objects from turning into weapons during combat.
The cabins are also better protected against damage and are actually part of the ships general structure, rather than just being units attached to the structural skeleton. The vessel has a small
crew compliment, but excellent recreation facilities have been provided as these vessels undergo six-month patrols on a regular basis. There is extensive space available for transport of troops and
their cargo.
Once given the go-ahead, Eximius was laid down at the Andreseen Star Yards on March 3, 2381. Construction was completed, and the ship launched, on December 21, 2383. She was formally
commissioned into service in June of 2384 and is currently completing her shakedown trials under the command of Captain Don 'Cleeve' Woligroski, the lead designer of the class. Funding for five
vessels has been approved, with the Military Staff Committee currently considering procurement of an additional five ships.
Eximius Class Battlecruiser
Displacement: 1,170,000 mt Computers: M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS interface software
Overall Length: 492 m (System Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)
Overall Draft: 94 m Phasers: 4 Type XIII Pulse Phaser Cannon
Overall Beam: 186 m (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
Propulsion: Two LF-44 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units Phasers: 10 Type XII Collimated Phaser Array
(System Contractor: Cochrane Warp Dynamics, Minos al Rijil, Alpha Centauri VII) (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
Two FIG-5 subatomic unified energy impulse units Missiles: 3 Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Tellar) (System Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters Defense: FSS-M Multiphasic Primary Force Field
(System Contractor: Scarbak Propulsion Systems, Earth) (System Contractor: Sylvanesti Shields, Alkara XV)
Trentis IV pulsed laser reaction control system Life Support: MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
(System Contractor: Orage Ijek, Aksajak, Andor) (System Contractor: Morris Magnatronics, Palyria, Mars)
Velocity: Warp 6 Standard Cruising Speed AL4 Life Support System
Warp 9.7 Maximum Cruising Speed (System Contractor: AAlakon Landiss, Divallax, Andor)
Warp 9.9+ Maximum Attainable Velocity
Duration: 3 years, standard
Complement: 100 Officers
300 Enlisted Crew
400 Total Crew (Standard)
Embarked Craft: 0 Danube Class Runabout
2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
4 Type 16 Shuttlepod
Navigation: RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
(System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
U.S.S. Frontier
CR 80426 Class Heavy Cruiser
The Frontier class is an attempt to bridge the gap between the more cost-effective, though not as effective, ships like the Intrepid class and the
the...Intrepid larger Galaxy and Sovereign class explorers. It incorporates design features and technologies from the larger vessels in a package smaller and
inexpensive platform. The result is a vessel more-capable than the Intrepid without the high costs of the Sovereign.
class and the SHIPS SYSTEMS
larger Galaxy and It is easy to see the influence of the Galaxy and Sovereign classes in the design of the Frontier class. The secondary hull is almost identical in style
to that found on the Galaxy, while the saucer shares design features common to both. The LF-41 warp drive is more than sufficient for a vessel
Sovereign class that masses almost two million metric tons less than a Galaxy class while providing significant cost and operational savings over the Sovereign.
Weapons are nine Type XII phasers and two Mk. 95 quantum torpedo launchers. The M-16 Isolinear III computer was installed to maximize
explorers. flexibility.
Frontier Class Heavy Cruiser
Vessel Specifications & Related Data
Prototype Name: U.S.S. Frontier
Construction Contract: NCC-80426
Series: Class 1B Starship
Design: Cruiser
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Overall Length: 457 m
Overall Draft: 78 m
Overall Beam: 195 m
Displacement: 3,205,000 mt
While derided by some as a cruise ship, it is a proven fact that Galaxy class crews rate their accommodations as the best in the Fleet. As such, it was decided to fit them to the Frontier. This results
in about 15% smaller crew and cargo compared to Sovereign class fittings, but the crews are much more comfortable and the enhanced automation negates the need for a large crew.
The Frontier class proposal was presented to the ASDB in 2383 and quickly approved. Production at Utopia Planitia began in 2384 and the vessel was completed in mid-2390. The ship passed her
shakedown and PSA trials with flying colors and the general consensus is this vessel will see volume production soon.
Frontier Class Heavy Cruiser
Displacement 3,205,000 mt Computers: M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS interface software
Overall Length 457 m (System Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)
Overall Draft 78 m Phasers: 9 Type XII Collimated Phaser Array
Overall Beam 195 m (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
Propulsion: Two LF-41 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units Missiles: 2 Mk 95 Photon Torpedo Launchers
(System Contractor: Cochrane Warp Dynamics, Alpha Centauri V) (System Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
Two FIG-5 subatomic unified energy impulse units Defense: FSQ/2 Primary Force Field
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Tellar) (System Contractor: Charlottes Shields, Earth)
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters Life Support: MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
(System Contractor: Scarbak Propulsion Systems, Earth) (System Contractor: Morris Magnatronics, Palyria, Mars)
Trentis IV pulsed laser reaction control system AL4 Life Support System
(System Contractor: Orage Ijek, Aksajak, Andor) (System Contractor: AAlakon Landiss, Divallax, Andor)
Velocity: Warp 6.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.0 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.3 Maximum Attainable Velocity
Duration: 5 years, standard
Complement: 90 Officers
325 Enlisted Crew
0 Passengers (Normal Up to 12000 maximum)
415 Total Crew (Standard)
Embarked Craft: 2 Danube Class Runabout
2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
4 Type 16 Shuttlepod
Navigation: RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
(System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
New from the Yards...
U.S.S. Cantell
FR 74851 Class Frigate
class was heavily smaller in size and forty percent cheaper to produce. Star Fleet knew they had a winner on their hands with the Intrepid, however they began
to worry that vessels of this class would spend more time patrolling than exploring with the deteriorating relations with the Dominion. Star
Fleets most modern frigate, the Norway class, had been designed for exploration over patrol, and they were outclassed by their JemHadar
influenced by the counterparts. Star Fleet knew they needed to enhance their force structure quickly and inexpensively, and the Cantell class looked tailor-made
for the role.
Intrepid class in her SHIPS SYSTEMS
design. The Cantell class was heavily influenced by the Intrepid class in her design. The Cantell uses the LF-40 warp drive system from Leeding Energies,
though in a nacelle similar to the Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-45 found in the Sovereign and Prometheus class cruisers. The nacelle design
provides additional performance without the extreme cost of the LF-45 variable-geometry system found on the Intrepid. The Cantell is equipped
with the M-16 Isolinear III computer system. Her weapons mix reflects that on Intrepid, with six Type X phasers and three Mk. 95 quantum torpedo
launchers, making her much more powerful than the Norway class.
Frigates are normally not the most luxurious of Star Fleet vessels, however the Cantell uses the same interior fittings of the Intrepid, which puts her
a cut above her peers in the New Orleans and Norway classes. The Cantell has been fitted with part of the sensor suite found on the Intrepid
Cantell Class Frigate
Vessel Specifications & Related Data
Prototype Name: U.S.S. Cantell
Construction Contract: NCC-74851
Series: Class 1B Starship
Design: Frigate
Type: Frigate
Overall Length: 260 m
Overall Draft: 50 m
Overall Beam: 100 m
Displacement: 585,000 mt
class, as space considerations prevent the entire suite from being fitted.
Unfortunately, the War started before the design was even though her first pass, and the class was shelved as all resources were directed to the War Effort. With hostilities ending in 2376, the ASDB
once again picked up the design, which was approved in 2378. The first prototype was laid down in 2380 and completed within eighteen months. The ship scored quite well on her shakedown and
commissioning trials, and received a favorable review to the Military Staff Committee. This will be compared with the results from the Katana class to decide which vessel will receive a production
Cantell Class Frigate
Displacement 585,000 mt Computers: M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS interface software
Overall Length 260 m (System Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)
Overall Draft 50 m Phasers: 5 Type X Collimated Phaser Array
Overall Beam 100 m (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
Propulsion: Two LF-44 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units Missiles: 2 Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
(System Contractor: Cochrane Warp Dynamics, Minos al Rijil, Alpha Centauri VII) (System Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
One FIG-4 subatomic unified energy impulse unit Defense: FSQ Primary Force Field
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Tellar) (System Contractor: Charlottes Shields, Earth)
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters Life Support: NAG2 Modular Gravity Unit
(System Contractor: Scarbak Propulsion Systems, Earth) (System Contractor: New Amsterdam Gravitics, New Amsterdam, Alpha III)
Trentis IV pulsed laser reaction control system AL3 Life Support System
(System Contractor: Orage Ijek, Aksajak, Andor) (System Contractor: AAlakon Landiss, Divallax, Andor)
Velocity: Warp 8.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.5 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.7 Maximum Attainable Velocity
Duration: 5 years, standard
Complement: 25 Officers
65 Enlisted Crew
90 Total Crew (Standard)
Embarked Craft: 1 Aerowing Type Runabout
2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
0 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
0 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
4 Type 16 Shuttlepod
Navigation: RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
(System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
U.S.S. Katana
FR 74900 Class Frigate
With her larger size, the Katana can fit the same interior fittings of the Intrepid without sacrificing as much space as the Cantell. The Katana uses
Katana Class Heavy Frigate
Vessel Specifications & Related Data
Prototype Name: U.S.S. Katana
Construction Contract: NCC-74900
Series: Class 1B Starship
Design: Frigate
Type: Heavy Frigate
Overall Length: 313 m
Overall Draft: 60 m
Overall Beam: 103 m
Displacement: 680,000 mt
the same sensor suite and science facilities of the Intrepid which, along with the larger crew, make it a more effective, though pricier, platform than the Cantell.
The first prototype was laid down in 2380 after the Cantell. Construction was twenty-eight months and the vessel is currently undergoing her Post Shakedown Availability (PSA) testing. Once
complete, it will be compared with the results obtained from the Cantell.
Katana Class Heavy Frigate
Displacement 680,000 mt Embarked Craft: 1 Aerowing Type Runabout
Overall Length 313 m 2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
Overall Draft 60 m 2 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
Overall Beam 103 m 1 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
Propulsion: Two LF-30 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units 2 Type 16 Shuttlepod
(System Contractor: Leeding Energies, Earth) Navigation: RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
One FIG-4 subatomic unified energy impulse unit (System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Tellar) Computers: M-15 Isolinear II with LCARS interface software
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters (System Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)
(System Contractor: Scarbak Propulsion Systems, Earth) Phasers: 8 Type X Collimated Phaser Array
Trentis IV pulsed laser reaction control system (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
(System Contractor: Orage Ijek, Aksajak, Andor) Missiles: 2 Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
Velocity: Warp 9.0 Standard Cruising Speed (System Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
Warp 9.975 Maximum Cruising Speed Defense: FSQ Primary Force Field
Warp 9.98 Maximum Attainable Velocity (System Contractor: Charlottes Shields, Earth)
Duration: 5 years, standard Life Support: MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
Complement: 30 Officers (System Contractor: Morris Magnatronics, Palyria, Mars)
85 Enlisted Crew AL4 Life Support System
0 Passengers (Normal Up to 50 Maximum) (System Contractor: AAlakon Landiss, Divallax, Andor)
115 Total Crew (Standard)
In the Design Tank...
U.S.S. Omar Khayyam
CE 79001 Class Exploratory Cruiser
is her ability to be vessels are small and based on mostly tried-and-true technologies. The second vessel of this class is to be a very special one. Designated the
U.S.S. Omar Khayyam, what makes her special is her ability to be used for space/time exploration and research.
The last vessel capable of regular time-travel was the timeship U.S.S. Lynx (TS 4600), built from a Monoceros class scout and commissioned in
used for space/time 2285. The ship operated on the principle of cold start matter/anti-matter integration first discovered by the USS Enterprise in 2266 around the
planet Psi 2000. This process required matter and anti-matter to be thrown together prior to reaching what is generally considered safe operat-
exploration and ing temperature. The resulting energy release tears a hole in space/time, throwing the ship either forward or backwards in time, depending on
the warp momentum. The process was extremely tough on the warp drive system and required extensive reworking and modifications. Due
research. to the risks, the ship never ventured forwards in time, making only trips back. For the most part, these trips were to observe stellar phenomena
and a few major historical events (such as the Terran Eugenics Wars). A total of twelve trips were made over a period of two years before the
drive system reached a point of needing complete overhaul. Also, stress fractures along the hull and such brought into serious question the
integrity of the ship for future jumps. In addition, the vessel had been mired in controversy since the projects inception, as various factions
squabbled on how to use the ship. In the end, the vessel was declared unspaceworthy and scrapped. No further vessels were produced, as
the benefits were far outweighed by the costs and risks.
Since the discovery of the Guardian of Forever by the USS Enterprise in 2267, the world that the artifact resides on has been one of the most
closely guarded planets in the galaxy. Starfleet maintains a robust defense around the system and a large orbital facility, known as Infinity
Station, serves as both a defensive structure and as a base for the teams of Federation scientists in temporal mechanics, temporal dynamics,
Hubble Class Exploratory Cruiser
Vessel Specifications & Related Data
Prototype Name: U.S.S. Hubble
Construction Contract: NCC-79001
Series: Class 1B Starship
Design: Cruiser
Type: Exploratory Cruiser
Overall Length: 252 m
Overall Draft: 44 m
Overall Beam: 236 m
Displacement: 555,000 mt
archeology, quantum physics, and other disciplines that have studied the artifact and the surrounding ruins. The Federation Science and Security Councils also created the Department of Temporal
Investigations and charged it with both investigating attempted and actual temporal incidents, as well as preventing them from happening. Part of the defense is a group known only by their
code name Timepiece. They serve as part of the Infinity Project stationed at Infinity Station.
The Omar Khayyam is very similar to her Hubble sisters, however she has been fitted with additional components specifically-tuned for her space/time duties. The primary role of the vessel remains
scientific research, with the ability to remain on-station for indeterminate duration and take care of itself far from normal support resources.
The centerpiece of the vessel is her Trans-Finite Quantum Superstring Space Fold Propulsion Unit. In 2379, the TaeLon proved that principles centered around the nature of space-time as it related
to quantum superstring structures could be used to negate the mass of an object as it approached C. This discovery opened a floodgate of new theories eventually led to the building of the first
"Trans-Finite" drive in 2382, which allowed equal velocity through either space or time. After a series of tests in unmanned prototypes, it was decided to integrate the drive into a functional starship.
Brigadier General Robb Jackson, Director of Timepiece, chose the Hubble class both because its systems were compatible with the mission parameters undertaken by Timepiece and because
the vessels were based on extremely reliable technologies.
The Hubble Class exhibits a new innovation in hull design. The primary (saucer) hull can detach from the secondary (engineering hull) and operate independently. While this concept in and of itself
is not new, the systems that allow the primary hull to successfully land on a planet's surface and return to the secondary hull are. These systems gives the primary hull the ability to act as a planetary
science station for those planets with less than hospitable atmospheres and where the particular research needs to be onsite. The entire hull incorporates advanced ECM/ECCM devices to reduce
the risk of detection by developing cultures. Enhanced adjustable bandwidth sensor arrays for extensive research and multi-purpose research laboratories throughout the vessel give it a large,
comprehensive research base. Quad impulse engines give additional in-system maneuverability with its high power to mass ratio.
The Hubble is able to maintain sustained warp speeds for extended periods of time and its solid shape easily provides an enhancement lattice matrix for a highly stabilized expanded warp field, 4
times that of a comparable sized starship's maximum extent.
This combination of systems and design allows the cruiser to explore away from the more populated areas of Federation space where assistance may not be immediately available. The Hubble,
with its narrow front silhouette and the direct connection between the primary and secondary hulls reduces its silhouette. The smaller size makes it both swift and difficult to target. The use of a rear
mounted photon torpedo launcher enables the vessel to retreat, while fully able to defend itself.
Hubble Class Exploratory Cruiser
Displacement 555,000 mt Navigation: RAV / ISHAK Mod 2 Warp Celestial Guidance
Overall Length 252 m (System Contractor: Tlixis Ramab RRB, Coridan III)
Overall Draft 44 m Computers: M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS interface software
Overall Beam 236 m (System Contractor: Daystrom Computer Systems, Luna)
Propulsion: Two LF-40 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units Phasers: 2 Talon Multi-Directional Phaser Cannon
(System Contractor: Leeding Energies, Earth) (System Contractor: Asakaze Ordinance Systems, Ltd., Earth)
One Trans-Finite Quantum Superstring Space Fold Propulsion Unit 2 Type X Collimated Phaser Array
(System Contractor: TaeLon) (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
Four FIG-2 subatomic unified energy impulse units 5 Type IX Collimated Phaser Array
(System Contractor: Kloratis Drives, Tellar) (System Contractor: HiBeam Energies, Earth)
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters Missiles: 3 Mk 75 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
(System Contractor: Scarbak Propulsion Systems, Earth) (System Contractor: Loraxial, Andor)
Trentis IV pulsed laser reaction control system Defense: FSP/2 Primary Force Field
(System Contractor: Orage Ijek, Aksajak, Andor) (System Contractor: Sylvanesti Shields, Alkara XV)
Velocity: Warp 9.0 Standard Cruising Speed CIDSS/WADE (Close-In Defector Shield System/Wide Angle Deflector Emitter)
Warp 9.975 Maximum Cruising Speed (System Contractor: Prentice-Schafer Inc., Mars)
Warp 9.999+ Maximum Attainable Velocity Heavy Deflector Supplement
Duration: 5 years, standard (System Contractor: Prentice-Schafer Inc., Mars)
Complement: 67 Officers Prentice-Schafer SPE (Sentry Protective Envelope deflector/force field system)
158 Enlisted Crew (System Contractor: Prentice-Schafer Inc., Mars)
10 Civilian Experts Metaphasic Deflector Shields
235 Total Crew (Standard) (System Contractor: Reyga Enterprises; Ferengi)
Embarked Craft: 2 Eidani Class Runabout Life Support: MM5/2 Modular Gravity Unit
6 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle (System Contractor: Morris Magnatronics, Palyria, Mars)
4 Type 10 Combat Drop Shuttle AL2 Life Support System
3 Type 16 Shuttlepod (System Contractor: AAlakon Landiss, Divallax, Andor)
Team Neko
Team Neko is the designation for the Star Fleet Advanced Engineering on hold. At the end of the War, now Vice Admiral Wallace left Fleet Operations and accepted
Group, whom are charged with developing new starship technologies. the Chairmanship of the Starfleet Spacecraft Design Advisory Commission. Over the next twelve
months, he developed the concept of the Star Fleet Advanced Engineering Group to perform
When he was named Chairman of the ASDB, the Rear Admiral Chris the same functions that the Bright Star and Team Kempo were.
Wallace chose the first Galaxy (II) Class Large Exploratory Cruiser, the
U.S.S. Bright Star (CKE 71875) to serve as the Test-Bed Vessel of the ASDB. Initially, SFAEG considered using a Sovereign class heavy cruiser, but Werner Von Braun was
As opposed to using the specialized prototype test crew (Cathedral already large enough to handle new propulsion systems, as well as Sovereigns being in short
Unit), the original test crew for the Bright Star were selected from various supply, they decided to use the Intrepid class as the starship platform. This plan doved well with
personnel who were chosen for their particular skills and experience another of Admiral Wallaces that of creating a Fleet Think Tank to the best and brightest of
aboard Galaxy and Nebula class starships. This was due to the significant various disciplines under one roof so to speak.
changes that had been incorporated into the Galaxy (II) class as well as
Admiral Wallaces desire to train an R&D testing crew who would also As for their name, Neko is the Japanese word for cat. It is a play off of the name of their ship,
serve as the ships Command Crew. Known as Team Kempo, it was thus the U.S.S. Jaguar (CA 74750). Team Neko consists of:
composed of some of Starfleets best officers in each discipline, and all
are considered experts in their respective fields.
Though the program was a successful one, constantly pulling a Galaxy (II)
class vessel out of service to install and test new systems proved to be a
serious hindrance to Star Fleet Operations, which had a large backlog of
missions for these ships. There was also some grumbling that the Galaxy (II)
class starship U.S.S. Werner Von Braun was already the ASDBs Engineering
Test bed, and could probably perform the same functions that the Bright
Star was currently handling, thereby freeing up the ship.
Chief Editor and Publisher: Admiral Chris Wallace Layout Consultant: Sakura Shinguji
The current Chief of Star Fleet Operations, Admiral Wallace also served as the Executive Director Ms. Shinguji serves as the Director of Publications for Panda Press Interstellar.
of the Galaxy and Galaxy (II) Class starship development projects and is a former Chairman of
the Advanced Starship Design Bureau. He was the Commanding Officer of both the U.S.S. Bright
Star and U.S.S. Galaxy.
Project Coordinator: Captain Belldandy Morisato Strategic Editor: Commander Natsumi Tsujimoto
Captain Morisato has served as the Project Coordinator for most of DTS and ASDBs technical Commander Tsujimoto serves as the Tactical Officer aboard the U.S.S. Bright Star and served
publications. She is the Executive Officer of the U.S.S. Bright Star. on the battle planning and management staffs for most of the Dominion Wars largest
Production Editor: Rear Admiral Kurt Roithinger Technical Editor: Admiral Alex Rosenzweig Engineering Consultant: Lieutenant Commander Skuld
The former commander of the Space Station Nexus, Rear Admiral Rosenzweig is the current Director of the Star Fleet The Chief Engineering Officer of the U.S.S. Bright Star,
Admiral Roithinger has worked on a number of Star Fleet Department of Technical Services, as well as the Director of the Commander Skuld served on the Galaxy (II) Class Starship
projects. Office of Technical Information. He has chaired numerous Star Development Project and is considered one of the top field
Fleet committees and panels, including the commission that engineers in Star Fleet.
oversaw the loss of the U.S.S. Enterprise at Veridian III.
Systems Analyst: Rear Admiral Carsten Pedersen Naval Liaison: Rear Admiral John Scharmen Graphics: Commodore David Pipgras
Considered one of the premiere designers at Star Fleet R&D, Admiral Scharmen serves as the Naval Liaison between Star Commodore Pipgras is the Director of the Region Five Office of
Admiral Pedersen has lent his talents to most of the starship Fleet Operations and the Star Fleet Spacecraft Design Advisory Graphic Design.
designs put into production over the past decade. Commission.
Historical Liason: Lieutenant General Scott A. Akers Support Staff: Doctor Rick Sternbach Support Staff: Doctor Michael Okuda
General Akers serves as the Chief Historian of Star Fleet and Doctor Sternbach serves on the Advanced Propulsion Unit Doctor Okuda serves on the Advanced Propulsion Unit of the
assisted with the background histories of each class. of the Advanced Starship Design Bureau. He was a senior Advanced Starship Design Bureau. He was a senior member
member of the Galaxy, Sovereign, Intrepid, and Defiant Class of the Galaxy, Sovereign, Intrepid, and Defiant Class Starship
Starship Development Projects. Development Projects.
Support Staff: Doctor Graham Kennedy Senior Consultant: Dr. Bernd Schneider, PhD.
A senior analyst with the Daystrom Technical Institute, Doctor Dr. Schneider is the Dean of the School of Astronautics at
Kennedy provided technical data for this publication. Annapoilis. He is considered an expert of Vulcan and other
alien spacecraft and has written numerous articles for PPI.