Kims University Kaiet-2015.PDF 11111
Kims University Kaiet-2015.PDF 11111
Kims University Kaiet-2015.PDF 11111
Gender : Female
Category : OBC
De claration
1. I hereby declare that the above information is true and complete to the best of my know ledge. I am aw are that if any
information herein is found to be incorrect or incomplete, my application form w ill be rejected / admission w ill be cancelled.
2. If admitted to this Institution I shall abide by its Rules & Regulations.
3. I have read and understood all the provisions contained in the brochure and hereby agree to abide by these provisions.
I, the parent / guardian of the applicant hereby declare that I am aw are of the financial obligation of admitting my child / w ard to
K.I.M.S.D.U., Karad. I agree to pay the tuition and other fees payable to the institution as fixed from time to time as per the rules of
K.I.M.S.D.U., Karad. I also affirm and endorse the declaration made above by my child / w ard.
Place :
Date : Signature of the Pare nt /
Guardian 1/2
Authe ntication by the colle ge w he re the candidate has las t s tudie d/appe are d or by Gaze tte d office r. 2/2