Report (Lesson 5)
Report (Lesson 5)
Report (Lesson 5)
Janiuay Campus
School of Teacher Education
Janiuay, Iloilo
Lesson 5
Rizal's Earliest Literary Work as a Student
In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics - religion, education, childhood memories, and war. They
were as follows.
1. Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My Town).
2. Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena Educacion (Intimate Alliance Between Religion
and Good Education).
3. Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria (Through Education the Country Receives Light).
4. El Cautiverio y el Triunfo: Batalla de Lucena y Prision de Boabdil (The Captivity and the
Triumph: Battle of Lucena and the Imprisonment of Boabdil).
This martial poem describes the defeat and capture of Boabdil, last Moorish sultan of Granada.
5. La Entrada Triunfal de los Reyes Catolices en Granada (The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic
Monarchs into Granada).
This poem relates the victorious entry of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel into Granada, last
Moorish stronghold in Spain.
A year later, in 1877, he wrote more poems. It was his last year in the Ateneo. Among the poems
written that year were:
1. El Heroism de Colon (The Heroism of Columbus).
This poem praises Columbus, the discoverer of America.
2. Colon y Juan II (Columbus and John II).
This poem relates how King John II of Portugal missed fame and riches by his failure to finance
the projected expedition of Columbus to the New World.
3. Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha (Great Solace in Great Misfortune).
This is a legend in verse of the tragic life of Columbus.
4. Un Dialogo Alusivu a la Despedida de los Colegiaeles (A Farewell Dialogue of the Students).
This was the last poem written by Rizal in Ateneo; it is a poignant poem of farewell to his
Nature was beautiful.
It's truly a good time to celebrate.
He was already inspired to write again.
The environment was rich during Rizal's time.
A return of a love one is very important.
Rizal missed his family especially his mother.
Inspiration comes from very significant things, especially people in your lives.
In another poem, The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education, Rizal showed
the importance of religion in education. To him, education without God is not true education.
Stanza 1
Compared the relationship of Education and Religion to that of an ivy and elm.
Stanza 2
"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits its sweet. ~Aristotle
Education will lead us to greener pasture.
Stanza 3
Education without religion is comparable to a vessel lost in a stormy sea.
Stanza 4
With the aid of religion, education will be used for the common good.
Rizal's Religious Poems
During his student days Rizal expressed his devotion to his Catholic faith in melodious poetry.
One of the religious poems he wrote was a brief ode entitled Al Nio Jesus (To the Child Jesus).
This poem was written in 1875 when he was 14 years old.
Another religious poem which he wrote was entitled A La Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary).
This poem is undated.
Probably Rizal wrote it after his ode to the Child Jesus.