Core Worlds: (Galactic Orders Expansion Rules Included)
Core Worlds: (Galactic Orders Expansion Rules Included)
Core Worlds: (Galactic Orders Expansion Rules Included)
Introduction The following SoloPlay variant was put together to challenge an experienced gamer. This
variant adds a spatial element to Core Worlds to add a bit more theme to your play. Additionally, there
is a cost to maintaining units left in your war zone when beginning a round. These 2 factors were added
to increase the focus on an energy economy as well as the strategic considerations needed to be
successful. Care has been taken to balance all of the various approaches that you can take to achieve a
victory condition. The Galactic Orders expansion additions are contained within these rules in case you
are playing with it. There are 3 levels to the play (easy, normal and full game) and any rule alterations
have been inserted into the appropriate sections.
Goal: To score better than the AI player after 10 rounds have been completed.
1) Retrieve the Galactic Deck and separate the cards into their
their 5 sectors
a) Full Game (Expansion): Separate the event cards from each sector deck and draw 1 event for
each of the 5 sectors without looking at them. The 0 event will not be used.
i) Place the events randomly chosen into a stack and turn the first event faceup. It will be in
play for the first 2 game rounds.
b) Shuffle sector decks 1-4
c) Prepare the sector 5 deck.
i) Draw cards from the sector 5 deck until you get 5 core worlds and 5 prestige cards. Shuffle
the 10 cards setting all other cards aside. You may review the cards so you know what
worlds will be available to invade and perhaps tailor a strategy around this knowledge.
Design Note: There is no guarantee that all of the worlds/prestige cards selected will be
available. This will be dependent on your actions taken in rounds 8 and 9.
2) Retrieve a faction deck to play
a) Lay out the home world and the capital city(expansion).
b) Keep the faction tokens next to your player board(expansion).
c) Retrieve the round marker which you will use to mark your position in the universe.
3) Retrieve 2 player boards,
boards one for you and one for the AI player
a) You will need an energy and action marker for yourself. The AI player will only need an action
marker (to score power tokens gained during play). Design Note: You will only need the AI
player board if you run out of energy tokens which can happen on occasion.
4) Drafting from the zero deck? (Optional)
a) Randomly draw 4 cards
b) Choose 1 to keep
c) Randomly choose 2 for the AI (you will need to maintain an area where the AI collects its cards)
d) Keep the last card
e) Discard 2 cards from your starter deck (select only from snub fighters and galactic grunts)
Order Tiles:
1) You: Remember to place your faction tokens as permitted onto the order tiles.
a) Faction Token Use Bonus: If you choose to use a faction token that you placed on an order tile
(it must be part of an action) you may remove an AI token from the same order tile to the AI
stock. You may instead pay 1 action point to remove one from a neighboring order tile.
2) AI:: The AI will place its faction tokens as it gains cards but never spends them and does not have a
limit to the number of its tokens placed on the order tiles (check icon and text on the card).
a) If the AI is dictated to select an order tile to place a token on, it will choose the leftmost tile that
does not have one of its tokens on it and then consider the one with the fewest tokens (and
leftmost in case of ties).
b) If the AI is directed to remove your token(s) consider the one with the most and then the
leftmost in case of a tie.
How to Play: (to reduce the luck of the draw the galactic phase is performed first each round)
1) Galactic Phase:
a) Discarding and Energizing: Except in round one, remove all cards that have an energy token on
them from the universe placing the energy tokens in the supply. Place an energy token on
every card remaining in the universe.
b) Draw cards from the appropriate galactic deck for the round being played and fill the universe
to a total of 6 cards.
i) Restriction:
Restriction A new galactic card is never placed next to your position unless your location
marker is on the AI position (destiny) marker.
ii) Start placing cards on the first empty clockwise position next to the AI position marker
(including corners) using the same considerations as during the setup. You can choose
whether to place a 4th world/non-world, discarding cards and retaining a tactic card as
mentioned in the setup section. All cards carried over from the previous round are
(1) In addition to the restriction mentioned, the only locations that cards cannot occupy are
the 2 center locations and those where position markers are located.
(2) Note:
Note By round ten there may be cards left over or not enough cards (rare) after filling
the universe. This is OK. You need to work through this situation.
c) Event Cards (Full Game): At the start of round 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 turn the top event card. This
event will be in play for the next 2 rounds. Event cards are activated during the appropriate
phase or immediately as indicated.
Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 3
i) The player may choose at the beginning of a round to spend 2 action points to negate the
event for the current round.
(1) If the event is negated, turn the event card face down remembering to turn it face up if
starting an even round or discarding and turning a new event for an odd round.
2) Draw Phase: Draw cards from your deck up to your hand limit.
a) Expansion Note:Note If playing with the expansion, you may place a card under your capital city
and/or draw an additional card as dictated on the home world and capital city cards.
3) Energy Phase: Use any energy abilities to increase your available energy.
a) Unit Energy Payment: You must pay for every (non non-
hero deployed unit in your war
zone after 3 at a rate of 1 energy for every 2 units rounded up.
i) Examples: 4 qualifying units, pay 1 energy / 8 qualifying units pay 3 energy.
ii) If you are not able to pay for your all of your units you must discard all units that you are
Note: not willing to pay 2 energy to retain. Dont let this happen.
Heroes and
robots deployed iii) To determine the effectiveness of energy surges refer to the energy generated by all worlds
are not invaded by both you and the AI. Note:
Note The AI does not have a home world.
considered for
the unit energy (1) If Balthazar has been invaded the AI refers to any heroes gained (as opposed to in its war
payment. zone) to determine its energy creation. Your hero(es) must be deployed in your war
4) Action Phase: (you may perform any action in addition to moving up to 3 spaces (up to 3 energy)
within the universe) Expansion Note: If playing with the expansion, remember to add a faction
token to the appropriate order tile when deploying a unit and drafting certain cards.
a) Draft a card: for 1 action and the necessary energy add a neighboring (orthogonally adjacent)
card to your position to your discard pile moving your position marker to the cards location.
b) Deploy X units: for the cost of 1 action and the necessary energy per card. You may deploy as
many units as you desire up to your action and energy limit.
c) Invade a world: for 1 action and 1 energy you may invade a world that is next to your current
position paying the necessary fleet and ground strength and for any tactic cards used. Discard
the cards used in the invasion after deciding whether to place any one unit used in the invasion
under the world conquered.
d) Use any as an action abilities
e) Pass
i) If you have no energy and/or are out of actions the AI does not take another action.
(1) Note: Moving to eliminate remaining energy is OK up to 2 spaces on a turn you pass.
ii) If you have energy and actions remaining, the game will take one additional action.
iii) If there are no cards in the universe, you must pass. The AI will not take an action in this
case regardless of how many actions and power you still have.
5) AI Reaction Phase:Phase AI chooses to perform an action based off the action that you chose. The AI does
not pay energy nor does its fleet/ground strength need to be checked to acquire cards. Expansion
Note: If playing with the expansion be sure to add an AIs faction token to the appropriate order
tiles when the AI gains a card.
a) If you drafted a unit, the AI moves clockwise up to 5 locations stopping on the first unit card and
acquires it. Place the card in the AIs area along with any energy token on it.
b) If you drafted a tactic card or use an as an action ability, you may move the AIs position
marker 1 to 5 locations to any open location. See No Empty Spaces?
Spaces below if no open locations.
c) If you drafted a prestige card, the AI moves up to 5 locations stopping on the first prestige card
and acquires it. Place the card in the AIs area along with any energy token on it.
#2 #3 #3
#5 #8 #5 #8 #5 #8
Hand Energy surge, 2 grunts, 2 snubs and tight formation. Discard surge for +1 energy. Discard 1
snub and 1 grunt for +1 energy. 4 actions / 5 energy.
Action #1:
#1 Deploy 2 grunts and 1 snub / AI reaction: Invade world in #2 location (move both yours and
the AIs position markers to #2 location).
Action #2:
#2 Buy unit card for 1 action/1 energy in #3 location (move your position marker to the #3
location) / AI reaction: There are no unit cards within 5 clockwise positions of its current position and
no cards have power tokens on them so you can move the AI position marker up to 5 locations
clockwise to an empty location (the AI can move to location #4 or #12 (#12 is chosen)
Pass You are out of actions and energy and thus pass / AI has no reaction since you are out of energy.
Round 2 (Galactic Phase) Place an energy token on #8, #11, #10 and #5 cards. Place a card in location
#9, its a world. Draw another card which is also a world. You have the option to place it in location #1
or to discard it and draw another card. You go ahead and place it.
#1 #1 #1
#5 #8 #5 #5
Hand Energy surge, 1 grunt, 2 snubs, hero and medibot. Discard surge for +1 energy. Discard medibot
and hero for +1 energy. 4 actions / 5 energy (3 units deployed : no energy payment needed)
Action #1:
#1 Spend 1 energy to move to location #4 (no action) / spend 1 action + 1 energy to invade the
world in location #8. Use 1 grunt and 1 snub. Move your position marker to location #8 / AI reaction:
Moves to take tactic card in location #11, gaining a power token (1 VP to the AI)
Action #2:
#2 Deploy 1 grunt and 2 snubs / AI reaction: Moves to invade world in location #9
Pass You are out of actions but with the 1 energy gained from #8 world you move to central location
#7 / AI has no reaction since you are out of energy and actions.
Round 3 (Galactic Phase) Discard #5 and #10 cards and place an energy token on #1 card. Place a card
on location #5 (unit). Place a card on location #2 (unit). Place a card on location #4 (world) [cant place
on #3, #8 or #11 because of your current position, no cards are placed on a location next to your
position)]. Place a card on location #12 (unit). Place a card on location #10 (tactic card, must be placed
because there are no tactic cards in the universe and only 3 non-worlds have been placed).
#1 #2 #4
The X marks note where cards cannot be placed
because they would be next to your position marker.
#5 Note:
Note If you were on the AI marker (location #9)
then the cards would be placed on #5, #2, #3, #4 and
#8. Next to is OK when you are on the AI position
#10 #12