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Gunite Refractory Installations

by Ted W. Sofis efractory gunning, like any other gunite/ by using an auger-type predamper where the
shotcrete work, has much in common with material is continuously fed into a rotary gun
the practices and procedures that one would providing an uninterrupted flow of moistened
typically use in any other good installation. There material. Other effective methods are using the
are, however, some other things that differ and paddle-type mixer conveyor rigs with an overhead
need to be given the proper attention. holding hopper where one can predampen the
refractory material batch by batch. On smaller jobs
Predampening where production is not an issue, a paddle mixer
Refractory materials are typically packaged in can be used. A prewetting nozzle can also be used
a premixed state in 75 and 100 lb (34 and 45 kg) where there is a second water ring several feet back
bags or in 3000 lb (1361 kg) super sacks that can from the nozzle, but this is less effective than the
be handled with a forklift. The aggregates are kiln auger or paddle mixers. It is also beneficial to use
dried so there is no moisture in the prepackaged a Spirolet nozzle which has a rifled spiral in the
refractory materials. For this reason, it is nozzle where the water and material will more
advantageous to predampen the refractory material thoroughly mix at the nozzle.
by adding a moisture content of 3 to 6% to the dry
mixture. The dampened material has several Anchoring
benefits. First and foremost, there will be less Unlike conventional shotcrete installations
airborne dust in the work area which, depending where wire mesh and reinforcing bars are placed in
on the ventilation, could be a major health concern. horizontal and vertical patterns in the center of the
There is less separation of the dry aggregates and sprayed material, refractory anchors typically
cement binders as the predampened material extend directly out from the gunning surface almost
moves through the hose, which will result in a to the surface of the gunned lining. The reason for
better finished product in place. Also, the dampened this, in high temperature applications, is that as the
material accepts the water better when the entire temperatures increase, the metal expands, creating
amount does not have to be introduced at the horizontal shear planes in the refractory which in
nozzle. Therefore, the hydration of the refractory turn can cause delamination and spalling. The most
material is better and, because of this, there is less commonly used anchors are the V-Type refractory
rebound. Predampening is most effectively achieved anchors which are usually made of 304 stainless
steel rods. The point of the V-anchor is typically
welded to the steel shell and the two legs reaching
toward the surface. These anchors can be installed
on regular centers depending on the thickness of

Predampener feeding material to a The ungunned area to the left shows the V-Type refractory
rotary gun anchors with monolithically gunned refractory

26 Shotcrete Spring 2008

Ash hopper sidewall (left) with the refractory
gunned to full 9 in. (229 mm) depth and Completed opposite wall section of the ash hopper
V-anchors (right) reline, October 2007

the lining. Because they are vertical to the lining, occurred 25 years ago on a project at the U.S. Steel
there is no shear plane. The advantage of using a Edgar Thompson Works when the temperatures were
V-anchor is that it creates an inverted wedge and brought up too quickly. As a furnace is heated, the
the shortcrete can be applied to its full thickness in chemically combined moisture in the new refractory
one application on overhead and vertical installations. material migrates away from the hot face toward the
On burners or on boiler tubes where only a 1 or steel shell, and when it reaches the steel, the steam
2 in. (25 or 50 mm) lining is necessary, a straight escapes back toward the heat source through the vent
stainless steel stud is often used. holes. Therefore, taking the time to properly vent
the shotcreted refractory is essential. Quick fire fibers
Refractory Gunning are now common in refractory installations. The
When installing refractory, its important to quick fire fibers are typically made of polypropylene
follow good gunning practices. This means keeping and burn out quickly when the temperature increases,
the nozzle as close to a 90-degree angle to the creating fissures and avenues for the steam to escape.
gunning surface as possible. Try to maintain a Even with quick fire fibers, it remains a good practice
circular gunning pattern and never shoot over to vent the gunned refractory. Also when cutting
rebound. Rebound is expended or improperly down the shotcrete, it is recommended to use the
hydrated material that bounces off the gunning edge of the trowel to leave a textured finish, which
surface. Gunning over rebound in high-temperature will facilitate drying, rather than a slick trowel finish,
applications will ultimately lead to failure. So care which tends to seal moisture in the shotcrete and can
should be taken to ensure that any rebound that lead to surface spalling.
collects is properly cleaned out. This can be easily
achieved by shutting off the material at the nozzle
and turning up the air pressure air to blow out the Ted W. Sofis and his brother, William J. Sofis, Jr., are
corner or area where the rebound has collected. principal owners of Sofis Company, Inc. After grad
While gunning refractory, its important to bring the uating from Muskingum College with a BA in 1975,
refractory material out the full thickness in one pass he began working full time as a shotcrete nozzleman
rather than in layers. A monolithic lining with no and operator servicing the steel industry and began
laminations will provide a superior result. When the managing Sofis Company in 1984. Over the years,
refractory is gunned to the full thickness, vent holes Sofis Company has been involved in bridge, dam, and
should be poked in the green material with a straight slope projects using shotcrete, as well as refractory
steel rod to the full depth of the lining, on installations in power plants and steel mills. Sofis Company is a member
approximately at 12 in. (305 mm) centers. Venting of the Pittsburgh Section of the American Society of Highway Engineers
the refractory is extremely important because it (ASHE) and the American Shotcrete Association. Sofis resides in
provides a place for the steam to escape during the Pittsburgh, PA, and has over 33 years of experience in the shotcrete
heat up. During a heat up, it is not uncommon to see industry. He serves on the Board of Directors of the American Shotcrete
steam coming out of all vent holes. Entrapped steam Association and is a member of the ASA Publications, Education, and
has a tremendous amount of power and if the unit Marketing Committees.
is heated too quickly, it can cause an explosion. This

Shotcrete Spring 2008 27

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