Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies

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Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies

18-21, Vithalbhai Patel House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-ll0001 (INDIA)

Tel No. 011-23716038, Telefax: 011-23717339
Website:; E-Mail:
Application Form for (Tick appropriate box/es):
1. Certificate Programme in Parliamentary Institutions and Procedures
2. Certificate Programme in Constitutional Law


1. Name (Mr./Miss/Mrs.)
Paste Recent
2. Address (a) Permanent Passport Size
(b) Present

(c) Ph. Nos. Off Res. Mob
(d) E-mail .
3. Name of Father/ Husband.........
4. Nationality
5. Place & Date of Birth...
6. Marital Status...
7. Academic qualifications (Attach copies of certificates)
S. Examination Subjects College/ Year of % of Marks &
No. Passed University Passing Class/Division

1. High School

2. Graduation



8. Whether Employed Yes No

If yes, Designation & office Address ....

Reporting to Whom . Ph. No....
9. Professional/ Research Experience, if any

10. Publications, if any

Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies
18-21, Vithalbhai Patel House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-ll0001 (INDIA)
Tel No. 011-23716038, Telefax: 011-23717339
Website:; E-Mail:

11. How do you think you will be benefited by pursuing the Programme/s?
(Use extra sheets, if needed)

12. Are you/ have ever been a Member of this Institute? Yes No

If yes, Membership No. Year .

Place: ..
Signature of the Applicant
(For Office Use Only)
Remarks of the Admission Incharge

Signature of Admission Incharge

Fee received vide Receipt No./ Cheque No./ NEFT Transaction No. .........................................
............................................................. Dated ...........................................
Roll No. of the Candidate: .......................................................

Signature of the Official


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