Hazardous Waste Seminar
Hazardous Waste Seminar
Hazardous Waste Seminar
1. Acknowledgement 4
2. Abstract 4
3. Introduction of hazardous waste 5-6
4. Importation of hazardous waste management 7-8
5. Transportation of hazardous waste 9-10
6. Current methodology to manage hazardous waste 10-22
7. References 22-24
Hazardous waste is the major problem in this time on earth. At this time there are
so many researches are going on to manage hazardous waste. So in this paper is I
mainly concentrate on given objectives. (1) What is the problem are because of
hazardous waste? (2) Which is the methodology to manage hazardous waste? (3)
What are the advantages, disadvantages and problems to manage hazardous waste?
1.1 Introduction
A substance which is harmful for health of human or the environment is consider in hazardous
waste. But we cannot say that all wastes to hazardous waste. Hazardous waste has some special
characteristics. A waste is considered in hazardous if it is exhibits one or more of the following
Toxicity [1]
Hazardous waste is regulated under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). By using
MSDS we see our waste is hazardous waste or not.
basically, RCRA divide hazardous wastes into main four-hazardous waste list.
F-Listed Wastes: in This list of wastes includes 28 different wastes, including certain spent
solvents, metal finishing wastes, dioxin-containing wastes, chemical manufacturing wastes,
wood preserving wastes, petroleum manufacturing wastes etc.
K-Listed Wastes: This list of wastes includes over 100 wastes from specific industrial
processes. The specific processes are in the industries are may be wood preserving, petroleum
refining, primary and secondary metals manufacturing, and the manufacturing of industrial
chemicals, inks, pigments, pesticides, explosives etc.
U-Listed Wastes: This list of wastes includes large number of different commercial chemical
products. These wastes include many type of chemicals like acetone, chloro benzene, carboxylic
acid, furan, phenol, toluene etc.
P-Listed Wastes: This list of wastes includes about 200 different commercial chemical products
that are defined as acutely hazardous. So, this waste is especially toxic. P-list wastes are
including many types of several chemicals like acrolein, benzyl chloride, carbon disulphide,
hydrogen phosphide, thallic oxide, zinc cyanide etc. [4]
Hazardous waste management is the collection, treatment and disposal of waste material that can
cause substantial harm to human health and safety or to the environment. Hazardous wastes can
take the form of solids, liquids, sludges or gases. [ 3]
In India 80% of hazardous waste is generated from mainly Andhra Pradesh, Gujrat, Karnataka,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan. [29]
The hazardous waste can harmful for humans, animals, and plants if they encounter these toxins
buried in the ground, in stream runoff, in groundwater that supplies drinking water, or in
floodwaters, as happened after Hurricane Katrina. Mercury, persist are that type of toxic which
are harmful in the environment and accumulate. Humans or animals often absorb them when
they eat fish.
Every year, major health problems are coming from hazardous waste. Increasing amounts of
hazardous waste have caused increasing health problems. Here are over 75,000 chemicals in
existence, and in industrial processes many chemicals are used.
When hazardous wastes are released in the air, water, or on the land they can spread,
contaminating even more of the environment and posing greater threats to our health. A
hazardous substance can cause injury or death to a person, plant, or animal.
Because of hazardous waste many types of problems are occurs. Like environment problems,
public health problems, etc. [5]
The longer hazardous waste, in the form of petroleum projects, such as MTBE, volatile organic
compounds and PCBs, remain in the ground, the further it is going to spread. These chemicals
can persistent in the environment for decades if not longer. Both environmental and degradation
and clean up coast rise dramatically the longer clean ups are delayed. Hazardous waste can
pollute rivers and drinking water suppliers as well as harm wildlife Waste breaks down in
landfills to form methane, a potent greenhouse gas change in climate and destruction of ozone
layer due to waste biodegradable littering. [5]
Nausea and vomiting increase in hospitalization of diabetic residence to living near hazardous
waste sides. Mercury toxicity occurs because of high levels of mercury in fishes. Low birth rate,
cancer also occurs. By direct contact of hazardous waste skin and blood type of infections
occurs. [5]
2.2 solutions:
In this time, many types of solutions to manage hazardous waste are there. We can reduce the
use of things which produces the hazardous waste. Here some solutions of hazardous waste are
Permanent clean-up over temporary clean-up [7]
Reduce waste and pollution.
Recycle and compost as much waste as possible.
Identify the wastes and get information from MSDS.
Chemically or biologically treat or incinerate waste that can't be reduced, reused,
recycled, or composted. [6]
So this is all method to take control on hazardous waste. We can reduce the use which contains
toxic materials and hazardous things. Polluter pay principle is useful for hazardous waste. We
can make strict timelines for clean roads and throwing garbage. All day should clean the
surrounding area. All citizen involvement is main thing to control on hazardous waste. So this is
all the solutions of the hazardous waste.
Fig 3.1: transport truck [8] fig 3.2 hazardous waste shipment [9]
Here many types of method to manage waste disposal. This all methods are available in these
days. Main thing is to manage hazardous on generally landfills or incineration. But every country
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has different possibilities, some country has small land for landfills. So, as the situation they use
different methodologies.
Recovery and recycling
Plasma gasification
Waste to energy recover
waste minimization
Pyrolysis [2]
Resource recovery
4.1 Landfills:
In this day garbage or waste are throwing on the landfill is the most commonly method.
Landfills are commonly found in developing countries. At the landfills, very bad smell is
coming out from the waste disposal. So generally, landfill is at the out of the area or city. In
landfills waste is crushed into small pieces. Now this piece is burned in absence of oxygen so
dangerous gases are produce like methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) etc. [2] some counties are
use methane gas is useful in produce energy. Here from landfills dangerous gases are produces
which is harmful for all human, animals, birds etc. landfills are Americas third largest source of
methane according to the federal environment protection agency (EPA). In America about 20%
of methane gas came from landfills in 2014. [12]
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Fig. 4.1.1 landfills [13] fig. 4.1.2 landfills [13]
From the burying of landfill, we get gases and from these gases we can produce energy.
The waste products of landfills can be used as direct fuel for combustion or indirectly
they can be processed into another fuel.
Landfill can be reclaimed and it can be used as parks or farming land.
Landfill is a specific location for waste deposition that can be monitored.
In some properly well designed landfills the hazardous waste can be processed and all
recyclable materials can be used before closing.
Organic material can also be separated from a properly designed landfill which can be
used for compost or production of natural gas.
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The landfills which are properly managed they can capture the natural gas or methane.
Which is produced by the underground decomposing material. [14]
Landfills that are poorly designed are create more problems that are faced at the
uncontrolled dumping areas.
The areas surrounding become heavily because of landfills.
Landfill generates the many types of pollution like air, water, soil etc.
In a poorly developed landfill it is difficult to keep the dangerous chemicals from
leaching out into the surrounding area.
Dangerous chemicals can seep into the ground water system.
Many insects and rodents are attracted to landfills and can result in dangerous diseases.
Landfill can cause illness in the communities living around the landfill. [14]
4.2 Incineration:
In this method, our waste is burned at very high temperature and converted into the residue or
gaseous products. By using this method, we can decrease the volume of our waste to 20 to 30
percent from the original waste. Now this waste required small space and take up to the landfills.
This process is also known as thermal treatment. In this process waste is converted by
incinerators into heat, steam, gas, and ash. Those countries which have small land for landfills
using mainly this method. In incineration the fuel is waste and the oxygen source is air.. [15]
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Fig 4.2.1 incineration process [16] fig 4.2.2 incineration [16]
Incineration causes a significant reduction in the volume of waste. The reduction in the
original volume and weight 95% and 75% respectively.
It helps providing a renewable source and conserving valuable raw materials.
Incineration does not generate methane gas and reduces methane from landfills.
It provides better control over odor and noise.
It occupies small land. [17]
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4.2.2 Disadvantages of Incineration:
Resource recovery is the process which is convert waste item into some useful product for
specific use. Some of the waste items are also useful into convert into energy in the form of heat,
electricity or fuel. Recycling is the process of converting waste products into other new products
to fresh raw materials consumption and prevent energy usage. The main idea behind recycling
process is to reduce energy usage, reduce volume of landfills, reduce pollution from air and
water, reduce emissions of greenhouse gas and for future use preserve natural resources. In the
landfill, some waste is send for reuse and some waste is send to recycle process. By using this
method, we can reduce the hazardous waste and also use those waste things by recycle. In 2011,
about 1.5 million tons of hazardous wastes are manage by recycling in unites states.it is include
metals, solvents and other recovery.
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Fig 4.3.1 recycling [19] fig 4.3.2 recycling [19]
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4.4 Plasma gasification:
Plasma gasification is one another advance method to manage hazardous waste. In this process,
we using the plasma gas and convert organic materials into synthetic gas which are made up of
carbon monoxide and hydrogen. By electric arc we give power to plasma torch which is used to
ionized gas and catalyze organic matter into synthetic gas with slag. Here we pass a strong
electric current between two electrodes as an electric arc. Here electrodes are varying from
copper or tungsten to hafnium or zirconium. By passing through plasma pressurized inert gas is
ionized. The temperature of torch is ranges from 2200 to 14000 C. here the waste is heated,
melted and finally vaporized. If our waste includes higher inorganic material such as metal then
we get less syngas production and we get higher amount of slag production. For plasma
gasification, we use the reactors which is shown in fig 4.4.1. [21]
Fig 4.4.1 plasma gasification [22] fig. 4.4.2 plasma gasification [22]
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It is not incineration process. And here does not get leachable fly ash or bottom ash.
Plasma gasification has no harmful emissions in environmental.
Here slag is also produce so it could be used as construction material.
By plasma gasification we Produce value-added products or metals from slag. [23]
Plasma gasification releases carbon dioxide into the surrounding and it is harmful for
Here we require large no. of capital costs compare to some other method.
In plasma gasification, we require large amount of electrical energy input.
The filters and gas treatment systems are sources of toxic waste themselves. some of are
poor candidates for plasma processing. [24]
4.5 Composting:
Composting is one of easy and natural bio-degradation process that takes organic wastes. Plants
garden and kitchen waste and turns into nutrient rich food for our plants. Basically, composting
used for organic farming which is occurs by allowing organic materials to stay at in one place for
months until they decomposed. Composting is one of the best methods of waste disposal as it can
turn unsafe organic products into safe compost. On the other side we can say it is very slow
process and takes a lot of space.
Composting has main advantage is it reduce of waste to dispose to landfill and incineration. Here
we get recovery of useful organic matter which is useful in soil amendment. In composting we
get odour, noise etc.
The use of composting for bioremediation of contaminated soil has gained much ground in many
developed countries of the world. When composting is improperly designed, it could lead to
methane production, odour emission and heavy metals build-up in the final product. Therefore,
composting and its numerous advantages over other waste disposal options in developing
countries. [24]
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4.6 Waste Minimization:
The most easier method of waste management is to reduce creation of waste materials, so by
this way direct reducing the amount of waste going to landfills. Waste reduction can be done
through recycling old materials like jar, bags, repairing broken items instead of buying new one,
avoiding use of disposable products like plastic bags, reusing second hand items, and buying
items that uses less designing.
We can follow some examples and achieved waste minimization. We can substitute hazardous
waste material used in process with nonhazardous waste material. We can also change the
process and also reducing and recovery of hazardous material. For waste minimization in New
Zealand in lather production industry they replace ammonia salts by carbon dioxide in dehairing
Recycling and composting are the best methods of waste management. Composting is so far only
possible on a small scale, either by private individuals or in areas where waste can be mixed with
farming soil. Recycling is widely used around the world, with plastic, paper and metal leading
the list of the most recyclable items. Most material are recycled and it is reused for original
purpose. [25]
Waste minimization is aimed at reducing the production of waste through education and
improved production process rather than aiming to increase technology to improve treatment of
waste. The idea of minimization is not centered on technological advances, it can be viewed a
method of managing existing resources and technology in order to maximize the efficiency of
available resource use. Minimizing waste generation has the potential to reduce costs or increase
profits by maximizing the use of resources and by reducing the amount of waste to be disposed
of the cost of waste management is also decreased. [2]
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Waste minimization is perhaps the most important element of the Waste Hierarchy and also the
one which presents the toughest challenges. Unfortunately, in spite of growing awareness in the
community about the need to reduce waste, waste generation rates have continued to rise in line
with growth in our standard of living. A recent study of attitudes to wasteful consumption made
the disturbing finding that young people are both more likely to engage in wasteful consumption
and less likely to feel guilty about such behavior. [26]
4.7 Pyrolysis:
Pyrolysis is a form of treatment that chemically decomposes organic materials by heat in the
absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis typically occurs under pressure and at operating temperatures
above 430. In practice, it is not possible to achieve a completely oxygen-free atmosphere.
Because some oxygen is present in any Pyrolysis system, a small amount of oxidation occurs.
If volatile or semi-volatile materials are present in the hazardous waste, thermal desorption will
also occur. [2]
Organic materials are transformed into gases, small quantities of liquid, and a solid residue
containing carbon and ash. The off-gases may also be treated in a secondary thermal oxidation
unit. Here particulate removal equipment is also required. Several types of Pyrolysis units are
available, including the rotary kiln, rotary hearth furnace, and fluidized bed furnace. These units
are similar to incinerators except that they operate at lower temperatures and with less air supply.
Pyrolysis is a developed technology. The basic concepts of the process have been validated.
However, there are limited performance data on the treatment of hazardous wastes containing
PCBs, dioxins, and other organics.
Lower reaction temperature of 230-280 so lower operating cost, increased safety and
reduced maintenance.
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Here 2 step energy recovery system so ensure energy efficiency of more than 90%.
In pyrolysis energy self-sufficient machinery so more profits to investor and no external
fuel for heating required during normal operations.
Innovative catalyst combination is there. So this way we get maximum yield of oil,
stable reaction process.
It is safe and automatic pyrolysis gas handling system. Excess gas can be used to run
electricity generator or can be supplied to furnace.
Here we have multiple layers of safety. So it is preventing to machinery damage or health
Operational pressure of less than 300mmWC along with automatic and reliable safety
release system. So here negligible risk of fire or pressure related hazards.
Reactor manufactured of stainless steel and reactor heating by hot air. So long life of
Low reaction time (15 to 45 minutes). So higher processing capacity and higher profits
It is continuous process so low manpower is required, negligible maintenance/cleaning
Environment friendly process design. So no harmful effect to environment [28]
Plastic is easy to burn, and it produces toxic gases when burned, such as polystyrene
produced during combustion of toluene. A small amount of this substance can cause
blindness, vomiting and other symptoms of inhalation.
PVC burning will produce toxic hydrogen chloride gas. In addition to burning, high-
temperature environment will lead to the decomposition of toxic plastic components,
such as benzene, etc.
Pyrolysis is not effective in either destroying or physically separating inorganic from the
contaminated medium.
Volatile metals may be removed as a result of the higher temperatures associated with
the process, but they are not destroyed. By products containing heavy metals may
require stabilization before final disposal. [28]
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4.8 Resource recovery:
Resource recovery is the systematic diversion of hazardous waste, which was intended for
disposal, for a specific next use. It is the processing of recyclables to extract or recover materials
and resources, or convert to energy. These activities are performed at a resource recovery
facility. Resource recovery is not only environmentally important, but it is also cost effective. It
decreases the amount of waste for disposal, saves space in landfills, and conserves natural
Resource recovery (as opposed to waste management) uses LCA (life cycle analysis) attempts to
offer alternatives to waste management. For mixed MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) a number of
broad studies have indicated that administration, source separation and collection followed by
reuse and recycling of the non-organic fraction and energy and compost/fertilizer production of
the organic material via anaerobic digestion to be the favored path.
As an example of how resource recycling can be beneficial, many of the items thrown away
contain precious metals which can be recycled to create a profit, such as the components in
circuit boards. Other industries can also benefit from resource recycling with the wood chippings
in pallets and other packaging materials being passed onto sectors such as the horticultural
profession. In this instance, workers can use the recycled chips to create paths, walkways, or
arena surfaces. [2]
1. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/hazardous-waste.html
2. www.Wikipedia.com
3. https://www.britannica.com/technology/hazardous-waste-management
4. http://www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2718&q=451894&depNav_GID=1967
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5. http://www.slideshare.net/pmdrafi/hazardous-waste-managementppt
6. https://www.learner.org/exhibits/garbage/hazardsolut.html
7. http://www.toxicsaction.org/problems-and-solutions/hazardous-waste-sites
8. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=transportation+of+hazardous+waste&espv=2&biw=1
9. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=transportation+of+hazardous+waste&espv=2&biw=1
10. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=transportation+of+hazardous+waste&espv=2&biw=1
11. http://www.norcalcompactors.net/6-waste-disposal-methods/
12. https://journalistsresource.org/studies/environment/solid-waste-disposal-landfill-gas-
13. https://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fw
14. http://www.edurite.com/kbase/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-landfills
15. https://www.nap.edu/read/5803/chapter/5#37
16. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=incineration&espv=2&biw=1242&bih=602&source=
17. http://civilengineersforum.com/incineration-advantages-disadvantages/
18. https://www.epa.gov/hw/hazardous-waste-recycling
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19. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=recycling+process+of+hazardous+waste&espv=2&bi
20. http://greengarageblog.org/14-important-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-recycling
21. http://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2009/07/08/plasma-gasification-a-solution-to-the-waste-
22. http://www.gasification-syngas.org/technology/plasma-gasification/
23. http://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2009/07/08/plasma-gasification-a-solution-to-the-waste-
24. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-011-5068-2_29
25. https://www.conncoll.edu/offices/environmental-health-and-safety/environmental-
26. http://ehs.ucsc.edu/programs/waste-management/waste-minimization.html
27. http://www.cpeo.org/techtree/ttdescript/pyrols.htm
28. http://www.china-
29. https://www.slideshare.net/gauravpahuja3012/82-hazardous-waste-management
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