Introduction PAK FERRY
Introduction PAK FERRY
Introduction PAK FERRY
Lotte Mart became the first Korean retailer to enter the Indonesian market, as we acquired
19 Indonesian Makro chain stores on October 2008. Since then, we have been using direct
investments to open new stores in Jakartas Gandria City and other locations, raising our
current store count to 22. Indonesias retail market has been posting an average of 10% growth
every year since 2002, while supermarket chains are soaring at a 30% rate. Meanwhile,
Indonesias population of 240 million also makes it the fourth most crowded country in the
world. Others have already entered this high-potential market such as multinational
Carrefour, Hong Kongs Dairy Farm, and local chain Matahari but the market share of
supermarket chains is still on the low end, which hints at considerably high growth potentials.
As the first Korean retail chain to penetrate the market, Lotte Mart will make use of meticulous
localization strategies reflecting the local characteristics of the population and differentiated
strategies to advance into the market.
The method used for SCM Lotte Mart Indonesia this by applying the process of
just-in-time (JIT) in the distribution center (Distribution Center / DC), which is called
Cross Dock. The goal is to establishing an eficient the process so that there is no need for
the stock in the distribution center. To order goods with all suppliers, Lotte Mart
Indonesia uses a system of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). If the order has been
received, the supplier can receive it via Web. There are also suppliers who already
integrate with their ERP system. Furthermore, they submit (submit) the order to the
manufacturer, the goods were sent to the Distribution Center (DC) Lotte Mart Indonesia.
The supply chain involving Lotte Mart Indonesi is shown on Figure 1. It depicts the flow
of goods from the suppliers to the Distribution Center (DC) as the response to the orders; and
the continuing flow from the DC to the requesting stores.
Supplier Selection
Lotte Mart Indonesia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di ritel modern, untuk
menjaga keberlangsungan persediaan barang yang ada di lottemart. Ada beberapa persyaratan
yang harus dipenuhi untuk menjadi supplier, diantaranya :
1. Menyediakan sampel barang
2. Kualitas, size dan spesifikassi barang
3. Harga bersaing pasar
4. Kontinuitas barang
5. Administrasi
6. Trial
Proses administrasi juga harus dilampirkan untuk supplier yang berbentuk perseorangan
maka wajib melampirkan fotokopi KTP, NPWP, dan halaman pertama dari rekening bank.
Sedangkan untuk supplier yang berbentuk PT ataupun CV, maka wajib untuk melampirkan
company profile, SIUP (surat ijin usaha perdagangan), rekening Koran dan juga fotokopi
identitas dan NPWP.
Lotte Mart Indonesia is a company engaged in modern retail, to maintain the
continuity of existing inventory in LotteMart. There are several requirements that must
be met to become a supplier, such as:
1. Provide samples of goods
2. The quality, size and specification of goods
3. Price competitive market
4. Continuity goods
5. Administration
6. Trial
PT Lotte Mart already has a maturity in the use of IT, one of which is the provision
of IT services in the system used is based B2B (Business to Business), providing ease of
electronic transactions between entities or business objects one object to another business.
B2B is also called inter-company transactions are transactions using EDI (Electronic
Data Interchange) and email to the purchase of goods and services, information
consulting da used to dispatch and request a business proposal.
Before applying TBXSRC system, the supplier receives purchase order online,
received a permit in their warehouses and Lottemart invoice for payment. In the case of
an mistake in the invoice, Supplier make an appointment
with their buyer categoriesto sort it out. Lotte Mart is sending more than 180,000
purchase orders per month, receives over 140,000 invoices, and hundreds of thousands of
supporting documents - in line with the rapid growth of Lotte Mart in Indonesia.
What has been achieved in implementing LotteMart Indonesia TBX SRC solution?
Efficiency in all departments throughout the order- to-payment process
Accelerate the pay dispute, from 10 to 20 days to a maximum of 2 days!
Allows after 6 months more than 70% - 99% today - from suppliers using the system
Improve the service level, which is equivalent to an increase in income
Being the most preferred retail and most agile in Indonesia
Provide visibility of the entire process of collaborative
The increase in working capital as a whole
3. Conclusion
Penerapan e-business ini telah dapat membantu perusahaan dalam menjalankan
usahanya dengan efisien dan efektif, menerapkan strategi bisnisnya dan mencapai tujuan
perusahaan dalam mendominasi pangsa pasar bisnis eceran. Penerapan TBX SRC juga sangat
mendukung relasi antara PT Lotte Mart Indonesia dengan ribuan supplier.
Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi E-commerce (B2B), maka PT Lotte Mart Indonesia
dapat menggunakan websitenya untuk melakukan penjualan secara lebih efektif dengan
melakukan pemasaran & promosi produk pada website yang dapat dengan mudah diakses oleh
pembeli, serta dapat mencakup wilayah pemasaran yang luas karena hanya memerlukan
koneksi internet untuk mengaksesnya.
The implementation of e-business has been to help companies run their business
efficiently and effectively, implementing its business strategy and achieve its goals in a
dominating market share of retail business. TBX application of SRC also strongly
supported the relationship between PT Lotte Mart Indonesia with thousands of suppliers.
By utilizing the technology of E-commerce (B2B), the PT Lotte Mart Indonesia can
use the website to make the sale more effectively with marketing and promotion of
products on the website that can be easily accessed by the buyer, and can cover an area
as vast marketing because it only requires internet connection to access it.
4. References
Hidayat, S., Astrellita, S.A. 2012. Performance Measurement of Distribution System at PT.
Lotte Mart Indonesia Using Supply Chain Operation Reference Model (SCOR). ISSTIN
Proceedings. International Seminar On Science And Technology Innovation 2012 (ISSTIN-