Ability and Responsibility PDF
Ability and Responsibility PDF
Ability and Responsibility PDF
the way in which Hobbes and others undercut the debate between
the libertarians and the necessitarians.
Frankfurt supports his contention that PAP is false by means of
a certain style of counterexample; I shall call counterexamples
in this style, "Frankfurt counterexample^."^ The following Frank-
furt counterexample is due to David Blumenfeld. It is worked
out with rather more concrete detail than any of Frankfurt's
own counterexamples:
Suppose that the presence of a certain atmospheric reaction always causes Smith
to decide to attack the person nearest to him and to actually do so. Suppose
also that he always flushes a deep red when he considers and decides
against performing a n act of violence and that under certain circumstances the
atmospheric reaction is triggered by the appearance of just this shade of red.
Now imagine that on a day on which circumstances are favorable
to the triggering of the reaction, Smith considers whether or not to strike
a person with whom he is conversing, decides in favor of it, and forthwith
does so.3
other than his inability to perform any act other than A, for the
reason described).
Now if Frankfurt has indeed shown that PAP is false, this may
be of no great consequence. For it may well be that some trivial
modification of PAP is immune to Frankfurt counterexamples
and that this modified version of PAP entails that if universal
causal determinism and incompatibilism are both true, then all
our ascriptions of moral responsibility are false. Frankfurt argues
that this is not the case, however, and that what one might call
the "correct version" of PAP (that is, the correct principle govern-
ing excuse from responsibility in cases in which alternate possibil-
ities for action are absent) cannot be used to show that deter-
minism and moral responsibility are in ~ o n f l i c t I. ~shall not in
this paper try to determine whether Frankfurt's proposed principle
is true or false, or discuss whether it in fact plays a role in our
deliberations about moral responsibility. I shall instead exhibit
three principles, which, if they are not "versions" of PAP, are at
least principles very similar to PAP, and which do play a role in
our deliberations about responsibility. I shall argue that these
principles are immune to Frankfurt-style counterexamples. (I
shall call counterexamples that are directed against principles
similar to but distinct from PAP, and which are as strategically
similar to Frankfurt counterexamples as is possible, Frankfurt-
style counterexamples. I shall reserve the term "Frankfurt counter-
example" for counterexamples directed just against PAP itself.)
PAP, as Frankfurt formulates it, is a principle about performed
acts (things we have done). In Part 11, I shall consider a principle
about unperformed acts (things we have left undone). In Part 111, I
shall consider two principles about the consequences of what we
have done (or left undone). In Part IV, I shall argue that if these
three principles are true and if a version of incompatibilism
appropriate to each is true, then determinism and moral respon-
sibility are in conflict, even given that PAP is false.
T h e "correct version" of PAP is: "A person is not morally responsible for
what he has done if he did it only because he could not have done otherwise"
( p 838).
Consider the following principle (the Principle of Possible
PPA A person is morally responsible for failing to perform a
given act only if he could have performed that act.
This principle is intuitively very plausible. But the same might
have been said about PAP. Can we show that PPA is false by
constructing a counterexample to it that is like Frankfurt's
counterexamples to PAP? An adaptation to the case of unper-
formed acts of Frankfurt's general strategy would, I think, look
something like this: an agent is in the process of deciding
whether or not to perform a certain act A. He decides not to
perform A, and, owing to this decision, refrains from performing
A.' But, unknown to him, there were various factors that would
have prevented him from performing (and perhaps even from
deciding to perform) A. These factors would have come into play
if he had shown any tendency towards performing (perhaps even
towards deciding to perform) A. But since he in fact showed no
such tendency, these factors remained mere unactualized disposi-
tions of the objects constituting his environment: they played
no role whatever in his deciding not to perform or his failure to
perform A.
Putative counterexamples to PPA prepared according to this
recipe produce, in me at least, no inclination to reject this prin-
ciple. Let us look at one.
Suppose I look out the window of my house and see a man
being robbed and beaten by several powerful-looking assailants.
It occurs to me that perhaps I had better call the police. I reach
for the telephone and then stop. It crosses my mind that if I do
This schema and the instance of it that follows involve the agent's inten-
tionally refraining from performing a given act. Of course not every case in
which we might want to consider holding a n agent responsible for failing to
perform some act is a case in which the agent intentionally refrains from per-
forming that act: he may never even have considered performing that act. This
distinction between two ways of failing to perform a given act is of no impor-
tance for our present purposes. The points made in the text would be equally
valid if we had chosen to examine a case in which the agent fails even to think
of performing the act whose nonperformance we are considering holding him
responsible for.
call the police, the robbers might hear of it and wreak their ven-
geance on me. And, in any case, the police would probably want
me to make a statement and perhaps even to go to the police sta-
tion and identify someone in a lineup or look through endless
books of photographs of thugs. And it's after eleven already, and
I have to get up early tomorrow. So I decide "not to get involved,"
return to my chair and put the matter firmly out of my mind.
Now suppose also that, quite unknown to me, there has been
some sort of disaster at the telephone exchange, and that every
telephone in the city is out of order and will be for several hours.
Am I responsible for failing to call the police? Of course not. I
couldn't have called them. I may be responsible for failing to
try to call the police (that much I could have done), or for refraining
from calling the police, or for having let myself, over the years,
become the sort of man who doesn't (try to) call the police under
such circumstances. I may be responsible for being selfish and
cowardly. But I am simply not responsible for failing to call the
police. This "counterexample," therefore, is not a counterex-
ample at all: PPA is unscathed.
It is, of course, proverbially hard to prove a universal negative
proposition. Perhaps there are Frankfurt-style counterexamples
to PPA. But I don't see how to construct one. I conclude that
Frankfurt's style of argument cannot be used to refute PPA.
to these items. But what are events and states of affairs? This
question, like all interesting philosophical questions I know of,
has no generally accepted answer. Philosophers do not seem even
to be able to agree whether events and states of affairs are partic-
ulars or universals. In order to avoid taking sides in the debate
about this, I shall adopt the following strategy. I shall state a
certain principle about excuse from responsibility that seems
to me to be a plausible one, provided the events or states of affairs
we hold people responsible for are particulars. And I shall state
a similar principle that seems to me to be plausible, provided
the events or states of affairs we hold people responsible for are
universals. For each of these principles, I shall argue that it cannot
be refuted by Frankfurt-style counterexamples. The first of these
principles (which I shall call principles of possible prevention) is:
PPPl A person is morally responsible for a certain event (par-
ticular) only if he could have prevented it.
This principle is about events; but if we were to examine a prin-
ciple, otherwise similar, about "state-of-affairs particulars" (for
example, the way secondary education is organized in Switzer-
land6)we could employ arguments that differ from the following
arguments only in verbal detail.
What are events if they are particulars? They are items that
can be witnessed (at least if they consist in visible changes in
visible particulars), remembered, and reported.? They are
typically denoted by phrases like "the fall of the Alamo," "the
death of Caesar," "the death of Caesar in 44 B.C.," and "what
Bill saw happen in the garden."' How shall we identify and in-
The "filling" he suggests for this blank is (roughly) "x and y have
the same causes and effects." The biconditional so obtained, is,
I have no doubt, true. But this biconditional will not be "satis-
factory" for our purpose, which is the evaluation of PPP1. What
we want to be able to do is to tell whether some event that would
happen if what we earlier called "unactualized dispositions of
the objects constituting the agent's environment" were to come
into play, is the same as some event (the event responsibility for
which we are enquiring about) that actually has happened; that
is, we want to know how to tell of some given event whether it,
that very same event, would (nevertheless) have happened if
things had been different in certain specified ways. (For when
we ask whether an agent could have prevented a certain event E
by doing, say, X, we ;hall have to be able to answer the question
whether E would nonetheless have happened if the agent had done
To see why Davidson's criterion cannot be used to answer our
sort of question about event-identity, consider the following
formally similar criterion of individuation for persons: "x and
due, or not due solely, to the presence of the definite article in these phrases, for
we can say, "The thing Bill fears most has happened twice.")
' From Davidson's contribution to a symposium on events and event-
descriptions in Fact and Existence ed. by J. Margolis (Oxford, 1969), p. 84.
lo "The Individuation of Events," in Essays in Honor ofCarl G. Hembe1 ed. by
N. Rescher (Dordrecht, 1969), p. 225.
y are the same person if and only if x andy have the same blood
relatives (including siblings)." This criterion, while true, does not
help us if we are interested in counterfactual questions about
persons. For, obviously, any given man might have had different
relatives from those he in fact has (he might have had an addi-
tional brother, for example). Davidson's proposed criterion is
of no help to us for what is essentially the same reason: any given
event might have had different effects from the effects it has in
fact had. For example, if an historian writes, "Even if the murder
of Caesar had not resulted in a civil war, it would nevertheless
have led to widespread bloodshed," he does not convict himself
of conceptual confusion. But he is certainly presupposing that
the very event we call "the murder of Caesar" might have had
different effects.
The above considerations are not offered in criticism of David-
son's criterion, which is, after all, true, and may be a very useful
criterion to employ (say) when we are asking whether a given
brain-event and a given mental event are one event or two. But
Davidson's criterion is not the sort of criterion we need. We need
a criterion that stands to Davidson's criterion as "x and y are
the same human being if and only if x andy have the same causal
genesis" stands to the above criterion of personal identity. (I
use "causal genesis" with deliberate vagueness. A necessary condi-
tion for x and y having the same causal genesis is "their" having
developed from the same sperm and egg." But this is not suffi-
cient, or "identical"-monozygotic-twins would be numerically
identical.) This criterion can be used to make sense of talk about
what some particular person would have been like if things had
gone very differently for him.12 Can we devise a criterion for
counterfactual talk about events that is at least no worse than our
criterion for persons? I would suggest that we simply truncate
Davidson's criterion: x is the same event as y if and only if x and
y have the same causes. (Note the similarity of this criterion to
the causal-genesis criterion of personal identity.) I do not know
how to justify my intuition that this criterion is correct, any more
in this paper is held b y R. M . Martin and Jaegwon Kim. (See Martin's con-
tribution to the symposium referred to in n. 9 , and, for Kim's latest published
views on events, "Causation, Nomic Subsumption, and the Concept o f Event,"
Journal ofPhilosophy L X X (1973), 217-236). I f we abstract from the particular
twists that each o f these authors gives to his own account o f events, we may say
that, on the "Kim-Martin" theory, the class o f events is the class o f substance-
property-time triples. For example Caesar's death is the triple (Caesar, being
dead, 15 March 44 B.C.). (Strictly speaking, the term "15 March 44 B.C." in
the preceding sentence should be replaced with a term designating the precise
instant at which Caesar died.) A "Kim-Martin" event happens just in the case
that its first term acquires its second term at its third term. However useful
Kim-Martin events may be in certain contexts o f discussion, I d o not think it
is correct to think o f them as particulars. T h e y are, rather, highly specified
universals, just as the property being the tallest man is a highly specified (in fact,
"definite") universal ( c f .n. 20). This property, though only one m a n can have it,
is nonetheless such that it could have been possessed by someone other than the
m a n who in fact has it. Similarly, any Ki'm-Martin event that happens could
have been caused b y quite different antecedent events from those that in fact
caused it. T o suppose that event-particulars have this feature is to violate m y
Then, I think, a defender of the argument presented in the text need appeal
to no principle stronger than: From 'S is not responsible for C(p)', derive 'S
is not responsible for C(q)', provided p is a disjunctive elaboration of q. For
example, from "Henry is not responsible for C(There is a stack of plates on the
table that contains twelve plates or else some other number of plates)" we
derive "Henry is not responsible for C(there is a stack of plates on the table)."
This inference seems to me to be plainly valid, even if we suppose Henry to
be unable to count beyond three and to be ignorant of the logical principle
of Addition.
stand to each other. The former is, as I argued above, true, and
the latter false.'l
So, it would seem, we are unable to devise a Frankfurt-style
counterexample either to PPPl or to PPP2. If our attempts at
counterexamples looked initially plausible, this, I think, was due
to a confusion. When we hear the Gunnar-Ridley story, it seems
correct to say that it follows from the story that Gunnar is respon-
sible for Ridley's death and that Gunnar could not have prevented
Ridley's death. But "Ridley's death" is ambiguous. If we are
using this phrase to denote a universal, then we may say that
Gunnar could not have prevented Ridley's death, but not that he
was responsible for Ridley's death. If we are using this phrase to
denote a particular, then we may say that Gunnar was responsible
for Ridley's death, but not that he could not have prevented it.
This result might lead us to wonder whether Frankfurt's
counterexamples to PAP rest on a similar confusion. Suppose
we were to split PAP into two principles, one about "act-partic-
ulars" (event-particulars that are voluntary movements of
human bodies) and one about "act-universals" (that is, things
that could be.done by distinct agents, such as murder, prayer,
or killing Jones at noon on Christmas Day, 1953): should we then
see that Frankfurt's alleged counterexamples to PAP depend for
their plausibility on treating one and the same act as a particular
at one point in the argument, and a universal at another?
I do not think that Frankfurt is guilty of any such confusion.
The "acts" that figure in his counterexamples seem to me to be
treated consistently as universals. If this is the case, it raises two
questions. Let us split PAP into two principles as was suggested
in the preceding paragraph: PAP1 (about particulars) and PAP2
(about universals). The first question: If indeed Frankfurt's "acts"
are universals, he is arguing against PAP2; can his argument be
met by considerations like those we raised in defense of PPP2?
The answer seems to me to be No, but I am not at all sure about
I do not mean to give the impression that one never brings about any state
of affairs. For example, (granting the correctness of the Warren Commission
Report), Lee Harvey Oswald brought about C(Kennedy dies on 22 November
1963). But it is not true that Oswald brought about C(Kennedy dies). That
state of affairs was brought about by God or by Adam and Eve or by no one
at all. Moreover, it is true that Oswald brought about the event-particular,
Kennedy's death.
Syracuse University
would then have "come into play" and caused him (unfreely, of course) to kill
Ridley. Therefore, while Gunnar is responsible for killing Ridley, he is not
responsible for C(Gunnar kills Ridley freely or Gunnar kills Ridley unfreely)
and hence is not responsible for C(Gunnar kills Ridley). Thus our "obvious"
argument for the validity of R is fallacious.
Nonetheless, R seems to me to be valid. Certainly the case we have just
considered is not a counterexample to its validity. For, in this case, while
Gunnar is not responsible for C(Gunnar kills Ridley), he is responsible for
C(Gunnar kills Ridley without having been caused to do so by atmospheric
conditions). Moreover, he is responsible for the event-particular, Ridley's death.
Of course, if the above arguments are correct, and if determinism and
incompatibilism are both true, then PAP is true: it is vacuously true because
no one, in that case, is responsible for anything he does. Frankfurt, of course,
does not mean to deny that PAP might be, as a matter of contingent fact,
vacuously true.
26 I should like to thank the editors of The Philosophical Review for their care-
ful comments on earlier versions of this DaDer. which have led to manv im-
provements. I am especially grateful to them for pointing out to me t h i t an
;rgument I employed was invalid.