Primary Conjunctival Tuberculosis-2
Primary Conjunctival Tuberculosis-2
Primary Conjunctival Tuberculosis-2
Jeyanth Suresh Rose1, Anupriya Arthur1, Renu Raju2 and Meera Thomas3
Summary: Tuberculosis is a common disease in India. However, tuberculosis primarily affecting the conjuctiva is a rare
entity. We report a 14-year-old girl who presented with unilateral eye discharge, watering, redness and itching for two
weeks. Giant papillae were present on the upper tarsal conjunctiva. A provisional diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis was
made. Topical therapy with 1% Prednisolone acetate and 2% Sodium cromoglycate was commenced. The patient returned
six months later with no improvement in the symptoms.The tarsal conjunctiva had a polypoidal, velvety appearance with
giant papillae. A fibrinous membrane was seen over the tarsal conjunctiva and a preauricular node was found. Excision biopsy
and histopathologic examination revealed necrotizing granulomatous inflammation suggestive of tuberculosis. Systemic
examination and investigations were normal. She was started on anti-tuberculous therapy. In two months she showed
complete resolution of symptoms and marked reduction in papillae and conjunctival thickening.
Symptoms and signs of unilateral conjunctivitis may masquerade as primary conjunctival tuberculosis. In an
endemic country like India, laterality, chronicity and non-resolution of symptoms with steroids are indications for pursuing
a biopsy earlier than later. In our patient, the histopathology clinched the diagnosis of conjunctival tuberculosis resulting
in a faster and complete resolution of the disease condition. [Indian J Tuberc 2011; 58: 32-34]
Fig.1: Giant papillae extending upto the lid margin Fig. 2: Giant papillae with fibrinous membrane
of the upper lid. over the upper tarsal conjunctiva.
and 2% Sodium cromoglycate was commenced. The TREATMENT
patient returned six months later with no
improvement in the symptoms. The tarsal The patient was started on Anti-tuberculous
conjunctiva had a polypoidal velvety appearance and therapy according to current guidelines for the
papillae were seen extending up to the upper lid margin treatment of tuberculosis by the DOTS (Directly
(Fig. 1). A fibrinous membrane was seen over the Observed Therapy Shortcourse).
conjunctiva (Fig. 2). There was one enlarged pre-
auricular node. BCG scar was seen on the left arm. Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Ethambutol,
Histopathology examination showed necrotizing Pyraziamide were prescribed for two months
granulomatous inflammation suggestive of followed by Isoniazid and Rifampicin for four
tuberculosis (Fig. 3). Following this, a conjunctival months. There was no evidence of ocular toxicity
scraping was sent for Acid Fast Bacilli culture and with the above medication.
fungal culture which were negative. Chest X-ray
and ESR were normal, Mantoux was 12x10mm. Her In two months, the patient showed complete
HIV test was negative. resolution of symptoms and marked reduction in
papillae and conjunctival thickening (Fig. 4).
Fig. 3: Histopathology - H & E stain-conjunctival Fig. 4: Upper tarsal conjunctival after two months
biopsy with granuloma. of ATT.