Guidelines On The Use of ASEAN 50 Logo
Guidelines On The Use of ASEAN 50 Logo
Guidelines On The Use of ASEAN 50 Logo
1. Background
To mark ASEANs 50th Anniversary, the ASEAN Member States have adopted a commemorative logo
to promote and publicize ASEANs Golden Jubilee in 2017. The logo is illustrated below:
The logo depicts a golden sun with five rays symbolizing hopeful beginnings and five decades of
prosperity. The dove of peace is painted in red to symbolize courage and dynamism. The ten stars
represent the ten ASEAN Member States; they are positioned even-handed to signify equality and
active collaboration.
The logo must be used in proper manner and not to be subjected to any indignity. It is prohibited to
use the logo as an advertisement or trademark for any political propaganda in whatever form.
The logo may also appear in grayscale, pure black & white, gold, or silver.
The size of the logo may be reduced or increased, but always in proportion. If the logo is to be
reduced in size, the elements of the logo must still be distinct.
The logo should not be distorted or modified in any way. For instance:
Do not tilt the logo in anyway
Do not crop any part of the logo
Do not interchange the colors
Do not distort its shape
Do not place the logo on a strong color or busy background that would obscure the logo
Any party outside the formal ASEAN structure that wishes to use or display ASEANs 50th Anniversary
logo should submit a request in writing. The request must include information on the
organization/institution/company, the specific purpose of using the logo, and prototype of the
proposed use of the ASEANs 50th Anniversary logo.
The approving authorities for the requests to use of the logo are as follow:
i) ASEAN National-Secretariats, which will decide on requests by parties located in their
respective countries;
ii) ASEAN Committees in Third Countries, which will decide on requests made by parties
located in the countries where they are respectively based; and
iii) ASEAN Secretariat, which will decide on requests submitted direct to the Secretariat and
those requests that do not fall into the above two categories under the ASEAN National
Secretariats and ASEAN Committees in Third Countries.
High resolution softcopy of the logo should be provided after approval is granted.
Further details on the use of the ASEAN Commemorative logo are provided in the attachment:
How to Seek Authorization to Use ASEANs 50th Anniversary Logo. They are also available at the
ASEAN website:
1. Any party outside of the formal ASEAN structure that wishes to use or display ASEANs 50th
Anniversary logo will need to submit a formal request in writing to get the approval of the
appropriate authorities as listed below.
2. If you are located in one of the ten ASEAN Member Countries, you can contact the following:
3. If you are located in any country where there is an ASEAN Committee in Third Countries (or ACTC),
you may contact the chairperson of the relevant ACTC as indicated here at
4. If the country you are located in does not fall in any of the above two categories, you can send your
request to the Community Relations Division of the ASEAN Secretariat by email to
or fax to (62-21) 739-8234.
5. In submitting your request, please include your company/organisational profile, the specific purpose
for using the logo, and the prototype of the proposed use of the ASEANs 50th Anniversary logo.