Hyperthermia is elevated body temperature due to a break in thermoregulation that arises when a body produces
or absorbs more heat than it dissipates. It is a sustained core temperature beyond the normal variance, usually
greater than 39 C (102.2 F). Such elevations range from mild to extreme; body temperatures above 40 C (104
F) can be life-threatening. Hyperthermia differs from fever in that it is characterized by an uncontrolled
increase in body temperature that exceeds the bodys ability to lose heat. The setting of the hypothalamic
thermoregulatory center is unchanged. In contrast to fever in infections, hyperthermia does not involve
pyrogenic molecules.
Common cases of hyperthermia result from the combined effects of activity and salt and water deprivation in a
hot environment, such as when athletes perform in extremely hot weather or when older adults avoid the use of
air conditioning because of expense. Hyperthermia may transpire more quickly in persons who have endocrine-
related problems; use alcohol; or take diuretics; anticholinergics; or phototoxic agents. Common forms of
accidental hyperthermia include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and heat cramps. Malignant hyperthermia is a rare
reaction to common anesthetic agents such as halothane or the paralytic agent succinylcholine. Those who have
this reaction, which is potentially fatal, have a genetic predisposition.
Certain individuals, such as the elderly, infants and young children, the obese, outdoor workers, and those with
chronic medical conditions are at increased risk for developing a heat-related illness. A thorough assessment of
preoperative patients is necessary for prevention.
Related Factors
Exposure to hot environment
Illness or trauma
Inability to perspire
Increased metabolic rate
Vigorous activity
Defining Characteristics
The following are the common goals and expected outcomes for Hyperthermia:
Nursing Assessment
Assessment is necessary in order to identify potential problems that may have lead to Hyperthermia as well as
name any episode that may occur during nursing care.
Assessment Rationales
Determination and management of the underlying
Identify the triggering factors.
cause are necessary to recovery.
HR and BP increase as hyperthermia progresses.
Monitor the patients HR, BP, and especially the
Tympanic or rectal temperature gives a more accurate
tympanic or rectal temperature.
indication of core temperature.
Extremes of age or weight increase the risk for the
Determine the patients age and weight.
inability to control body temperature.
Monitor fluid intake and urine output. If the patient is Fluid resuscitation may be required to correct
unconscious, central venous pressure or pulmonary dehydration. The patient who is significantly
artery pressure should be measured to monitor fluid dehydrated is no longer able to sweat, which is
status. necessary for evaporative cooling.
Sodium losses occur with profuse sweating and
Review serum electrolytes, especially serum sodium.
accidental hyperthermia.
Nursing Interventions
Interventions Rationales
Room temperature may be accustomed to near normal
Adjust and monitor environmental factors like room body temperature and blankets and linens may be
temperature and bed linens as indicated. adjusted as indicated to regulate temperature of the
Exposing skin to room air decreases warmth and
Eliminate excess clothing and covers.
increases evaporative cooling.
Antipyretic medications lower body temperature by
Give antipyretic medications as prescribed. blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins that act in the
Hyperthermia increases the metabolic demand for
Ready oxygen therapy for extreme cases.
Provide chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and diazepam Shivering increases the metabolic rate and body
(Valium) when excessive shivering occurs. temperature.
If the patient is dehydrated or diaphoretic, fluid loss
Encourage ample fluid intake by mouth.
contributes to fever.
Provide additional cooling mechanisms commensurate with the significance of temperature elevation and
related manifestations:
Noninvasive: cooling mattress, cold packs
These measures help promote cooling and lower core
applied to major blood vessels
Evaporative cooling: cool with a tepid bath; do
not use alcohol Alcohol cools the skin too rapidly, causing shivering.
Invasive: gastric lavage, peritoneal lavage, These invasive procedures are used to quickly lower
cardiopulmonary bypass in an emergency core temperature. These patients require
cardiopulmonary monitoring.
Cooling too quickly may cause shivering, which
Modify cooling measures based on the patients
increases the use of energy calories and increases the
physical response.
metabolic rate to produce heat.
This is to ensure patients safety even without the
Raise the side rails at all times.
presence of seizure activity.
Start intravenous normal saline solutions or as Intravenous normal saline solution replenishes fluid
indicated. losses during shivering chills.
Provide high caloric diet or as indicated by the Appropriate diet is necessary to meet the metabolic
physician. demand of the patient.
Educate patient and family members about the signs
and symptoms of hyperthermia and help in identifying Providing health teachings to the patient and family
factors related to occurrence of fever; discuss aids in coping with disease condition and could help
importance of increased fluid intake to avoid prevent further complications of hyperthermia.
This organization provides information and additional
Refer at-risk individuals to the Malignant
resources for patients who have a history of malignant
Hyperthermia Association of the United States.
Discuss the significance of informing future health
care providers of the malignant hyperthermia risk; Alternative anesthetic drugs or methods can be used
recommend a medical alert bracelet or similar for these patients.