IB Biology Lab "Tool-Kit": Logistics

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IB Biology Lab Tool-Kit

There are two main types of investigations that you will perform in IB biology:
1. Experiments are studies that allow scientists to manipulate a variable and observe its effects. For
example: Does changing light affect the growth of radishes? Experiments are powerful studies
because they can establish whether a variable influences or determines an outcome.

2. Sometimes experiments are neither possible nor desirable. Human subjects, for example, are often
unsuitable for experimentation for ethical reasons. Jane Goodall, wishing to discover the behavior
and social structure of chimpanzees in their natural habitat, did not perform experiments with her
subjects but instead observed them with minimal human interference. When subjects are studied
as is rather than manipulated in controlled settings, they are part of descriptive studies.

The purpose of writing a lab report is to determine how well you performed your investigation, how much
you understood what happened during the process, and how well you can convey that information in an
organized fashion. Remember that lab reports are individual assignments. You may have had a lab
partner, but the work that you do and report on should be your own.

Raw data must be collected in a bound lab book
Lab must be typed or neatly hand written
Title of lab is clear and relevant
1.5 line spacing
Logical order, with clear headings
The spelling, grammar, and flow of the writing must be understandable. When you write a lab
report, you will have already performed the investigation. Please use the past tense throughout
the paper.

DESIGN ASPECT 1: Defining the Problem and Selecting Variables

Include a Background Information section. Introduce and explain the biological principles and/or
concepts that are being investigated. Exhibit an independent understanding of what you did in lab
and why you did it. Provide the scientific name of the organism being investigated (Genus

State the PROBLEM QUESTION (PQ). Be sure your problem question is focused enough so that it
specifically states what was under investigation in the experiment. If a controlled experiment was
done, the manipulated and responding variables must be clearly identified. Often, but not always,
written as, What is the effect of __MV__ on __RV__?

In the case of a true experiment, you need to explain what you changed between groups, the
Manipulated Variable. Indicate the manipulated variable and list the levels of the MV that you
included in your experimental protocol. Provide the unit for your MV. Typically you should have a
minimum of 5 levels of the MV. Explain how the range of levels of your MV was selected. If you
performed a descriptive study, explain why no variable was or could be manipulated.

You need to explain what was measured, the Responding Variable. List what was measured (both
qualitative and quantitative data) and explain how it was measured. Provide the unit for your RV.
If no qualitative data was collected, say so, and explain why qualitative data was not gathered.

For true experiments in which you are determining the effect of a MV on and RV, you need to
include a hypothesis. A hypothesis is like a prediction. It will often take the form of a proposed
relationship between two or more variables that can be tested by experiment. Hypothesis
statements are often written as: If __describe MV_manipulation__, then ____explain expected
result on the RV___. You must also provide an explanation for your hypothesis. This should be a
brief discussion (paragraph form) about the science behind your hypothesis and prediction. You
should site credible references that support your explanation (see section on citations)
DESIGN ASPECT 2: Controlling Variables

At least three CONTROLLED VARIABLES are required, but more may be necessary. The
controlled variables you list must be relevant to your investigation. You need to control for all
variables that may reasonably affect the outcome of the investigation. Materials used and
measurement techniques are NOT controlled variables (they are validity measures). While
materials and techniques must be consistent, a true variable is something that could directly
influence the responding variable, not just how it is measured.

You must explain why and how variables were controlled. When explaining why a variable needs to
be controlled, describe how the variable could impact the results if it was not controlled. Often
times, students create a table to organize this information:

CONTROLLED VARIABLES WHY in must be controlled HOW it was controlled




DESIGN ASPECT 3: Developing a Method for Collection of Data

Make a list of the MATERIALS needed in the investigation. Be as specific as possible (example:
50 mL beaker instead of beaker); include the volumes of tubes and cylinders, the concentrations
of solutions, the model and manufacturer of any complex apparatus. If you have to decide how
much of a substance or a solution to use, state your reasoning or show the calculations.

Include a DIAGRAM OR PHOTOGRAPH of how you set up the experiment. Be sure your diagram
includes a title and any necessary labels. It is recommended that this be annotated to illustrate
how the variables were involved.

State or discuss the PROCEDURE that you used in the experiment. Be sure your procedure
explains how you changed the manipulated variable. This can be in paragraph form or a list of
step-by-step directions. Provide enough detail so that another person could repeat your work by
reading your report.

o If you use a known, published protocol than you must provide a full citation as a reference.

o Your procedure must include at least three clear VALIDITY MEASURES (i.e. cleaning test
tubes prior to use, cleaning the microscope lenses, using the same ruler, etc). Validity
measures are things kept constant to make sure experimental measurements are valid and

o Your procedure must CLEARLY STATE HOW YOU COLLECTED DATA. What measuring
device did you use, what data did you record, when did you collect data? What qualitative
observations did you look for?

o Explain how you set up so you had MULTIPLE TRIALS of data collection. The procedure must
allow collection of sufficient relevant data. The definition of sufficient relevant data depends
on the context. The planned investigation should anticipate the collection of enough data so
that the problem question can be suitably addressed and an evaluation of the reliability of the
data can be made. As a rule, the lower limit is a sample size of five. Very small samples run
from 5 to 20, small samples run from 20 to 30, and big samples run from 30 upwards.
Obviously, this will vary within the limits of the time available for an investigation.
o If you will be COMBINING DATA with data collected by other students in the class, you should
indicate that, pooling data was done to ensure collection of significant, relevant data (IB
Biology subject guide, 2009, page 26). Be sure to cite this reference if you pool data.

o If you are SAMPLING only a portion of a population, you must explain how and why you
ensured that the sample was randomly selected.

o Your procedure must be safe and ethical. Organisms, including humans, can not be subject to
harm in your investigation. List any SAFETY PRECAUTIONS that were taken during the lab.
If necessary, address the IBO animal experimentation policy.


Create a formal DATA TABLE in which to present the raw, unmodified data you collected. Be sure
your table:
o Is easy to understand
o Has a specific title
o Tables are titled in sequential order as Table 1: title. Table 2: title
o Has column headings
o Includes the unit of measurement of the MV and RV (always in metric units)
o Includes the measurement uncertainty of the measurement tools used (or, if the data was a
count, indicates that counts have no measurable uncertainty). Uncertainly is usually
stated in a column heading or as a footnote at the bottom of the table.
o Has a consistent and correct number of digits for each measurement
o Has decimal points aligning down a column (if applicable) and numbers centered in the
o Indicates which data was collected by which student IF the data was collected and pooled
across multiple students.

Your report must include QUALITATIVE DATA. This might be a paragraph in which you describe
the qualitative observations and results in general or be specific qualitative data for each trial that
is presented in table form.
LAB DRAWINGS are considered data by the IB Organization. Not all labs will include a lab
drawing. However, when included, please be sure your lab drawings:
o Are done with a sharp pencil line on white, unlined paper.
o Have the drawing occupy at least half a page, centered on the page.
o Include labels written off straight, horizontal lines to the right of the side of the drawing.
The labels should form a vertical list.
o Are accurate. Draw what you see; as you see it, not what you imagine should be there.
o Include a title that states what has been drawn and what lens power it was drawn under.
The title must be informative, centered, and larger than other text.
o Has a scale that indicates how many times larger the drawing is compared to life size and a
scale line that indicates relative size.


STATISTICS are useful mathematical tools which are used to analyze data. Common statistics
used in biology are:
o Mean
o Range
o Median
o Percent change
o Standard deviation (to determine amount of variation around a mean)
o T-test (to compare two means to determine if they are statistically different from each
other). When a t-test is calculated, you must indicate the significance level at which your
critical T value is determined (we typically use the 95% confidence interval, 0.05).
o Chi-square (to determine if observed results are significantly different from expected
o Correlation coefficient (to determine the extent two variables are related to each other).

Use only the statistical tests appropriate to investigate and address your problem question.

For each statistic you calculate, you must EXPLAIN WHY YOU ELECTED TO DO THAT
CALCULATION. What does the calculation tell you about the data?


Show an EXAMPLE CALCULATION for each statistic you calculate. Use plenty of room; make
sure they are labeled, are clear and are legible. Show the units of measurements in all
calculations. Pay attention to the number of digits! Dont lose accuracy by carelessly rounding off.
Round only at the end of a calculation. Do not truncate.

Present your data processing results in a TABLE. The initial raw data and the processed
(calculated) data may be shown in one table provided they are clearly distinguishable. Be sure
your processed data table:
o Is easy to understand
o Has a specific title
o Has column headings
o Includes the unit of measurement
o Has a consistent and correct number of digits for each measurement (to the same precision
as your raw data)
o Has decimal points aligning down a column (if applicable) and numbers centered in the

You must also present your results in a GRAPH.

o Use the correct type of graph for the type of data you are presenting.
o Graphs must be clear and easy to understand. Please avoid creative or funny coloring of
o Graphs need to have appropriate scales, labeled axes with units, and accurately plotted data
o Graphs are titled in sequential order as Figure 1: title. Figure 2: title
o If necessary, add smooth lines or curves to show the overall trend of the data.
o If a mean is calculated, only graph the mean, not all data points. When a mean is graphed,
its associated standard deviation error bar must also be included (and labeled as such).
o Legends (keys) are not always necessary. Delete series 1 and series 2 boxes from
graphs created in Excel.


Write one (or more) paragraphs in which you DRAW CONCLUSIONS FROM YOUR RESULTS.
Your conclusion should be clearly related to the research question and the purpose of the
o Answer the problem question (if you used a T-test, be sure your conclusion matches what
the T-test tells you; dont say there is a difference if the T-test says the difference is
o Was your hypothesis supported or refuted? Use the appropriate language, i.e. Supports
my hypothesis (not proves or is correct).
o Provide a brief explanation as to how you came to this conclusion from your results. In
other words, sum up the evidence and explain observations, trends or patterns revealed by
the data. Summarize the processed data: mean, range and standard deviation. Refer
directly to tables and graphs by referencing tables and figures (i.e. as seen in Figure 1)
o Summarize the results of the T-test: was the effect of the MV significant or not?

If possible, CITE LITERATURE related to your conclusion. Does you result coincide with published
results? Does it refute published results?


In general, how much CONFIDENCE do you have in the results? Avoid giving your confidence as
a percentage; use words such as very or somewhat. Are your results fairly conclusive, or are
other interpretations/results possible?
Why are you (or arent you) confident? What did you do to make sure your results are valid? Was
the range of the MV levels appropriate? Was the data collected relevant to the problem question?

Explain any anomalous data points

Identify and discuss significant ERRORS that actually affected your data collection. You must
identify the source of error and tie it to how it likely affected your results. Avoid hypothetical
errors (could have or I might have) without evidence to back it up. Common errors include:
o Human error: Human error can occur when tools or instruments are used or read
incorrectly. Human errors can be systematic because the experimenter does not know how
to use the apparatus properly or they can be random because the power of concentration of
the experimenter is fading. Automated measuring using a data-logger system can help
reduce the likelihood of this error; alternatively you can take a break from measuring from
time to time. Do not list time constraints or time management as errors - they should be
eliminated with good practical skills. The focus here should be on the investigation.
o Calibration error: Some instruments need calibrating before you use them. If this is done
incorrectly it can increase the risk of systematic error.
o Random errors: In biological investigations, the changes in the material used or the
conditions in which they are carried out can cause a lot of errors. Biological material is
notably variable.
o The act of measuring: Could the measurement uncertainty have affected the results? Why
or why not?
o Uncontrolled variables: What variables were not controlled? What effect might each of
these uncontrolled variables have had on your data? On the conclusion?
o Systematic errors: could the measurement uncertainty have affected the results? Why or
why not? Did systematic errors affect the data? The conclusion?

Errors and their effect on the results can be clearly presented in a table.

What are the LIMITATIONS of your conclusion? Can the results be generalized to other
situations/conditions? How might your results explain a process in the real world?


What could you do to make IMPROVEMENTS to the investigation? Suggestions for improvements
should be based on the weaknesses and limitations identified in aspect 2.

As appropriate, address modifications to the experimental technique and the data range.

Propose only realistic and specific modifications. More time and be more careful are

It is permissible in the design and conclusion sections to use brief quotations. Sometimes a book or
reference has a phrase or sentence that expresses exactly the thought you are trying to convey;
you may use that phrase or sentence IF you use quotation marks and cite a reference at the end of
the sentence. It is NOT appropriate to borrow extensive passages (more than two sentences) from
a text or web site. You should also acknowledge where ideas or knowledge not originally your own
come from, even if you state your understanding of the idea in your own words. This is usually
done by putting the first authors last name and the date of the paper, or the page of a textbook, in
parentheses at the end of the sentence containing the idea.

Any source you mention in the text of your paper should be included in a list of references in a
separate section at the end of the paper. These references are usually listed in alphabetical order
by the first authors last name. Make sure all the authors of a paper or book are listed, and include
the title of the book or article, the journal or publisher (and place), and the date. If you used just
part of a book, indicate the chapter or pages used. For web sites, give the exact electronic address
and any other information you have about it (the author, the name of the organization that
sponsors the site). Examples:
o Book:
Author(s). Year. Title. Location: Publisher. Number of pages, or pages cited.
Hille, Bertil. 1992. Ionic Channels of Excitable Membranes. Second Edition.
Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc. 607p.
o Article:
Author(s). Year. Title of Article. Journal, volume number, pages.
Huxley, A.F. and R. Stmpfli. 1949. Evidence for salutatory conduction in peripheral
myelinated nerve fibres. J Physiol. (Lond.) 108: 315-339.
o Web page:
Name of web page. Creator or publisher. Subject. Web address.
The Animated Brain. Brainviews, Ltd. Saltatory conduction.
o Lecture or information from a teacher.
Name of teacher(alphabetically, by last name). The exact date and topic of the
lecture (including the course in which it was given).
Or for individual answers to questions you asked a teacher, you can call it personal
communication and give the date.

Do not use Wikipedia as a resource site; however you may read it to gain understanding.

Laboratory skills are assessed summatively over the course of the entire IB Biology course. Your teacher
will be watching to see if you:

Follow directions carefully

Do not fabricate data
Seek assistance when appropriate (independence is encouraged)
Consistently carry out proper safety measures
Effectively use a variety of biological techniques
Properly use experimental equipment
Safely dispose and reduce waste
Work in the lab in a way that does not put yourself or others in harms way
Follow the IBO animal experimentation policy

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