Acs Biochem 7b00795
Acs Biochem 7b00795
Acs Biochem 7b00795
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doshisha Womens College of Liberal Arts, Kodo,
Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0395, Japan
Division of Medicinal Safety Science, National Institute of Health Sciences, Kamiyoga 1-18-1, Setagaya, Tokyo 158-8501, Japan
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, 2-4 Shirane Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki 319-1106,
Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road,
La Jolla, California 92037, United States
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2-4 Shirane Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06267, United States
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 106 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, New
York 12208, United States
S Supporting Information
angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan (Table S2). where a palmitic acid is forming hydrogen bond in the same
Losartan, a prodrug used mainly as an antihypertensive agent, region of residues from P227 to T229 as shown in Figure
is primarily oxidized in the liver by CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 to a S3A.17 The conserved residues FPGT from position 226 to 229
more potent E-3174 (Figures S1 and S2).14 illustrate a signature sequence in human CYP2C8, -2C9, and
The CYP2C9 WT and the *30 variant demonstrated binding -2C19 and observation of ligands bound at this site in multiple
of three molecules of losartan, with one at the peripheral site, CYP2C structures suggest a potential role of such a site in
another in the active site, and the third in the access channel. substrate recognition. Across the larger CYP2 family of
Whereas the *3 variant, with only two molecules bound, lacked enzymes, the residue at position 226 is variable hydrophobic,
the losartan in the access channel and exhibited an altered at 227 is conserved proline, at position 228 is either glycine or
binding mode in the active site (Figure 1). The losartan binding alanine, and position 229 includes either a hydrophobic or
hydrophilic substitution. In addition, the peripheral binding site
of losartan is near the surface binding site of progesterone in
CYP3A4, located in the Phe cluster of residues in the FG
cassette (Figure S3B).18 The F and G helices are longer in
CYP2C9, which lacks such a hydrophobic cluster.
The active site losartan in all the CYP2C9 structures make
two important polar interactions with the residue side chains of
R108 and N204. The presence of R108 in the active site is
important for the binding anity of the potent CYP2C9
inhibitor benzbromarone and other ionized phenols.19 R108,
known to be crucial in the formation of 4-hydroxydiclofe-
nac,20,21 rotates by 90 into the active site in the current
CYP2C9 complexes compared with the previously determined
CYP2C9 structures (Figure S4A).22 The guanidino group of
R108 forms a hydrogen bond with the tetrazole ring and the
hydroxyl of the imidazole ring in losartan, thereby stabilizing
substrate binding near the heme iron. The active site losartan is
signicantly altered in the *3 complex; however, the polar
Figure 1. Structures of CYP2C9 and allelic variants in complex with contacts between losartan and the side chains of R108 and
losartan. (A) Structure of CYP2C9 WT (yellow) complexed with three N204 are maintained in a similar fashion as observed with the
molecules of losartan (orange sticks). (B) Structure of CYP2C9 *3 WT and *30 complexes. The biphenyl rings of losartan in the
(orange) with two molecules of losartan (cyan sticks). (C) Structure of
*3 active site ip by 90, which is now 7 from the heme iron
CYP2C9 *30 (green) in complex with three losartan molecules (pink
sticks) in an orientation and location similar to that of the WT in place of the 5 distance in the other two losartan complexes.
complex. Heme is shown as red sticks. The location of each losartan is In addition to these polar contacts, the residue side chains of
represented by red numbers: 1, peripheral site; 2, active site; and 3, V113, F114, V237, and V292 were involved in hydrophobic
access channel. interactions with the active site losartan in all the three
structures as observed with other ligand-bound structures of
site at the periphery in all three complexes and the access CYP2C9.2224 Importantly, the site of hydroxylation of losartan
channel in the WT and *30 complexes are located at previously in the active site of CYP2C9, irrespective of WT, *3, and *30, is
predicted substrate recognition sites (SRS) 3, and 5 and 6, positioned away from the heme iron, in an orientation not
respectively, in the CYP2 family of enzymes.15,16 consistent with the demonstrated metabolism. Such an altered
The structural overlay of all the three complexes [root-mean- pose of the substrate has been observed in numerous
square deviation (RMSD) of 0.20.25 ] revealed the crystallographic structures of CYP enzymes.25,26 Because
residues located within 5 of losartan bound on the periphery substrate binding occurs during the rst step in the catalytic
(Figure 2). The tetrazole ring of losartan is located between cycle, it is possible for the substrate to reorient in subsequent
residues F226, P227, G228, and T229, whereas the Cl of the steps during the electron transfer from NADPH-cytochrome
losartan interacts with the side chain of K232. Interestingly, this P450 reductase (CPR). Moreover, the crystallization experi-
peripheral site is similar to that observed in a CYP2C8 structure ments are performed in the absence of NADPH or CPR.
Additional studies are warranted to elucidate the role of these
redox partners in reorienting the ligand in a conformation that
is suitable for metabolism. The water molecule is ordered by its
interactions with the heme iron in all three structures.
In contrast to the *3 complex, the structures of CYP2C9 WT
and *30 illustrated binding of an additional losartan in the
substrate access channel. The third losartan in the WT and the
*30 complex was observed in two similar orientations that
could be superimposed on each other. In each of the two
structures, the polar Q214 and N218 residue side chains are
positioned near the imidazole ring of losartan, while the
tetrazole of losartan contacts the polar side chain of T364
Figure 2. Structural overlay of CYP2C9losartan complexes (Figure S4B) and main chain oxygens of S365 and F476. Apart
representing interactions of peripheral losartan (sticks) with the from the residues mentioned above, a majority of residues
amino acid residue side chains (sticks) located within 5 . surrounding the losartan are hydrophobic. In particular, the side
5477 DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00795
Biochemistry 2017, 56, 54765480
Biochemistry Communication
chain of F100 and F476 -stacks with the imidazole and the
phenyl ring, respectively, of the access channel losartan found
in the WT and *30 complexes. Such -stacking interactions by
F100 and F476 side chains are also seen in the warfarin
complex,27 where the only molecule bound in the structure was
in this access channel region.
Most importantly, the eect of SNP that results in amino
acid substitution from isoleucine to leucine at position 359
located on the K helix in the CYP2C9 *3 complex is transduced
on the I helix from residue 307 to 311 (Figure 3). The side
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