CNIL PIA 1 Methodology
CNIL PIA 1 Methodology
CNIL PIA 1 Methodology
Methodology (how to carry out a PIA)
1. Context 2. Controls
4. Decision 3. Risks
FOREWORD............................................................................................................................................................ 3
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
SCOPE......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
WHY CONDUCTING A PIA? ............................................................................................................................................. 5
WHAT IS A PRIVACY RISK? ............................................................................................................................................... 6
HOW IS A PIA CONDUCTED? ........................................................................................................................................... 7
WHO TAKES PART IN THE PIA? ........................................................................................................................................ 9
WHAT IS A PIA REPORT? .............................................................................................................................................. 10
1. CONTEXT: SCOPE OF THE PIA ...................................................................................................................... 11
1.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................. 11
2. CONTROLS: THE COMPLIANCE COMPONENTS ............................................................................................ 12
2.1. LEGAL CONTROLS (MANDATORY)...................................................................................................................... 12
2.2. RISK-TREATMENT CONTROLS ........................................................................................................................... 13
3. RISKS: POTENTIAL PRIVACY BREACHES ....................................................................................................... 14
3.1. RISK SOURCES .............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2. FEARED EVENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 14
3.3. THREATS ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4. RISKS.......................................................................................................................................................... 15
4. DECISION: VALIDATION OF THE PIA ............................................................................................................ 16
4.1. EVALUATION OF THE PIA ................................................................................................................................ 16
4.2. CASE 1 THE PIA IS NOT YET DEEMED ACCEPTABLE: OBJECTIVES ........................................................................... 16
4.3. CASE 2 THE PIA IS DEEMED ACCEPTABLE: ACTION PLAN ..................................................................................... 16
4.4. CASE 2 THE PIA IS DEEMED ACCEPTABLE: FORMAL VALIDATION .......................................................................... 16
APPENDIX - REFERENCES USED ............................................................................................................................ 17
ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
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PIA, methodology June 2015 Edition
This document must be used in conjunction with the following guides:
[PIA-2-Tools], which includes models and knowledge bases for the practical application
of this methodology;
[PIA-3-GoodPractices], which is a catalog of controls designed to comply with legal
requirements and treat the risks assessed using this methodology.
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A PIA rests on two pillars:
1. fundamental principles and rights, which are non-negotiable, established by law and
which must be respected and cannot be subject to any variation, regardless of the nature,
severity and likelihood of risks;
2. management of data subjects privacy risks, which determines the appropriate technical
and organizational controls to protect personal data.
This document explains how to carry out PIAs. It describes how to use the [EBIOS]1 method in
the specific context of Personal Data protection.
It is intended for data controllers who wish to demonstrate their compliance approach and the
controls they have selected (concept of Accountability), as well as for product providers wishing
to show that their solutions do not breach privacy thanks to a design that respects privacy
(concept of Privacy by Design)2. It is useful to all stakeholders involved in creating or improving
processing of personal data or products:
decision-making authorities who commission and validate the creation of new
processings of personal data or products;
project owners, who must conduct an assessment of risks to their system and define the
security objectives;
prime contractors, who must propose solutions to treat risks pursuant to the objectives
identified by project owners;
data protection officers (DPO), who must support project owners in the area of personal
data protection and decision-making authorities;
chief information security officers (CISO), who must support project owners in the area
of information security (IS).
EBIOS Expression des Besoins et Identification des Objectifs de Scurit (Expression of Needs and Identification
of Security Objectives) is the name of the risk management method published by the Agence Nationale de la
Scurit des Systmes dInformation (ANSSI, the French National Cybersecurity Agency).
In the rest of the document, the term processing of personal data is interchangeable with the term product.
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Personal data can be valuable for the organization that processes them. But their processing de
facto creates a significant liability due to the risks brought upon the privacy of data subjects.
Personal data have value for data subjects as well. They can be useful for administrative or
commercial purpose, or may even contribute to their image. But security breaches in data
protection can also cause physical injury, material and moral damage.
Finally, personal data have a value for others. This includes a market value if they are exploited
for commercial purposes (spam, targeted advertising, etc.), or a nuisance value in the case of
unfair actions (discrimination, denial of access to benefits, etc.) or malicious actions (fraudulent
bank transaction, identity theft, blackmail threatening to destroy data, burglary, defamation,
threats, assault, etc.).
Moreover, we can see phenomena that tend to change our view of threats: a culture of
exposing our private life without worrying about the impacts this could have on our
professional and social future, as well as increased capabilities of risk sources (generation Y,
structured criminal organizations and powerful tools easily found on the Internet, espionage
between states, etc.). Personal data are therefore all the more vulnerable.
Given the stakes that are often high, and the evolution of systems 3 and threats, risk
management enables to determine the necessary and sufficient controls. It makes it possible to
methodically study the processings of personal data or products, prioritize risks and treat them
in a proportionate manner in order to optimize costs and make decisions on the basis of
information made as objective as possible.
Finally, a PIA helps demonstrating the implementation of privacy principles so that data
subjects retain control of their personal data.
Information systems, telephone, paper channels, organizational or interpersonal.
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Personal data
Risk sources supporting Personal data
Likelihood Severity
In view of the context of the processing of personal data (nature of data, data subjects, purpose of the
processing, etc.).
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And Article 17 of the [Directive-95-46].
And with [Directive-95-46].
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Decision to Changes in
conduct a PIA the context
1. Context
Presentation, purposes,
1.1. Presentation
1.2. Description Personal data, process,
supporting assets, etc.
2. Controls
Purpose, information,
2.1. Legal controls subjects rights, etc.
Actions on personal
2.2. Risk-treatment data, impacts, sources,
controls supporting assets, etc.
3. Risks
Who? Why?
3.1. Sources
What? How?
3.2. Feared events 3.3. Threats
Severity Likelihood
3.4. Risks
4. Decision
4.1. Evaluation Acceptable?
No Yes
4.4. Validation
The approach should be implemented as soon as a new processing of personal data is designed.
Implementing this approach at the outset makes it possible to determine the necessary and
sufficient controls and thus to optimize costs. Conversely, implementing it after the creation of
the system and the implementation of controls may call into question the choices made.
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A PIA requires the participation of several stakeholders of the data controller7, with different
roles and responsibilities depending on the steps:
Project Prime
Steps in the methodology Controller DPO10 CISO11
owner8 contractor9
1.1. General description Accountable12 Consulted13 Informed14 Responsible15 Informed
1.2. Detailed description Accountable Consulted Informed Responsible Informed
2.1. Legal controls Accountable Consulted Consulted Responsible Informed
2.2. Risk-treatment controls Accountable Consulted Consulted Informed Responsible
3.1. Risk sources Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Responsible
3.2. Feared events Accountable Consulted Informed Responsible Consulted
3.3. Threats Accountable Informed Consulted Informed Responsible
3.4. Risks Accountable Informed Informed Responsible Consulted
4.1. Evaluation Accountable Informed Informed Responsible Consulted
4.2. Objectives Accountable Consulted Consulted Responsible Informed
4.3. Action plan Accountable Responsible Consulted Informed Informed
4.4. Formal validation Responsible Informed Informed Consulted Informed
These responsibilities can be adapted to each specific context. They must particularly be
adapted to the organizations processes, such as project management. Furthermore, people
outside the organization may need to be involved and informed.
The PIA can also be carried out by a processor acting under the responsibility of the data controller.
It refers to business. It may be delegated, represented or subcontracted.
It may also be delegated, represented or subcontracted.
Data Protection Officer, or the person in charge of Data protection aspects.
Chief Information Security Officer, or person in charge of Information Security aspects.
Person duly authorized to approve the action.
Person(s) consulted to obtain information useful for the action.
Person(s) informed of the results of the action.
Person(s) responsible for carrying out the action.
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PIA report
Presentation of the processing of personal data
under consideration
Body of the PIA
Description of the scope
List of legal controls
List of risk-treatment controls
Risk map
Rationale to validate the PIA
Detailed description of the scope
Detailed presentation of the controls
Detailed description of the risks
Action plan
It need not be routinely sent, but must be kept available to authorities which may request it.
In France, the CNIL.
For example, if regulatory obligations so demand, if it is required as element of accountability, or when deemed
appropriate for reasons of image.
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Answer the question What are the expected benefits (for the organization, for data subjects, for society in
general, etc.)?.
Controls selected to comply with legal requirements (information to subjects, consent, rights of opposition,
access, correction and deletion) and to treat the risks (including identity management, access control and logging
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the data shall be obtained for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes (Article 6 of [DP-Act] and of [Directive-
they shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are obtained and
their further processing (Article 6 of [DP-Act] and of [Directive-95-46]).
they shall be accurate, complete and, where necessary, kept up-to-date (Article 6 of [DP-Act] and of [Directive-
95-46]). The quality requirement also concerns the relationship between the data that identifies individuals and
the data pertaining to them.
they shall be retained [] for a period no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are obtained
and processed (see Article 6 of [DP-Act] and of [Directive-95-46]), in the absence of another legal obligation
imposing a longer retention period.
See Article 32 of [DP-Act] and Articles 10 and 11 of [Directive-95-46].
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If necessary, see Article 7 of [DP-Act].
See Article 38 of [DP-Act] and Article 14 of [Directive-95-46].
See Article 39 of [DP-Act] and Article 12 of [Directive-95-46].
The data subject may ask that data that is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, out-of-date or whose
collection, use, disclosure or retention is prohibited should be deleted (see Article 40 of [DP-Act] and Article 12 of
See Articles 68 and 69 of [DP-Act] and Articles 25 and 26 of [Directive-95-46].
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3. Risks
Who? Why?
1 2
3.1. Sources Risk map
What? How?
Detailed description of
4 3 3.2. Feared events 3.3. Threats
the risks
Severity Likelihood
3.4. Risks
Answer the question Who or what could be the source of risks that might affect the specific context of the
processing(s) of personal data under consideration?.
They are known to unauthorized persons (breach of personal data confidentiality).
They are altered or changed (breach of personal data integrity).
They are not or no longer available (breach of personal data availability).
Answer the question What do we fear that might happen to data subjects?.
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3.3. Threats
Identify threats to personal data supporting assets that could lead to each feared
For each identified threat:
o select the risk sources that could cause it;
o estimate its likelihood, particularly depending on the level of vulnerabilities of
personal data supporting assets, the level of capabilities of the risk sources to
exploit them and the controls likely to modify them;
o formally set out a justification of the estimation in view of the factors identified.
Examples of threats
- A malicious attacker injects unexpected queries into the form on a website.
- A competitor, visiting incognito, steals a portable hard drive.
- A staff member deletes tables from a database by mistake.
- Water damage destroys the computer servers and telecommunications.
3.4. Risks
Determine the risk level37:
o its severity equals to that of the feared event concerned by the risk;
o its likelihood equals the highest likelihood value of the threats associated with
the feared event.
Present a map of all the risks depending on their level.
Answer the question How can it happen?.
A risk consists of a feared event and all the threats that may allow it to occur.
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4. Decision
4.1. Evaluation Acceptable?
Rationale to validate
1 2 No Yes the PIA
4 3 If applicable, action
4.2. Objectives 4.3. Action plan plan(s)
4.4. Validation
Risks that remain after the controls have been implemented.
The decision in no manner prejudges the conformity assessment that may be made, if necessary, by the data
protection authority (the CNIL in France), for example through prior checking or controls.
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IS Information Security
Personal data Personal data means any information relating to a natural person who
is or can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an
identification number or to one or more factors specific to that person.
In order to determine whether a person is identifiable, all the means
that the data controller or any other person can use or may have access
to should be taken into consideration. [DP-Act]
Feared event Breach of personal data security likely to have impacts on data subjects
Risk management Iterative process that allows to objectively manage the privacy risks on
the data subjects concerned by a processing of personal data. It
essentially consists in appreciating them (identification, estimation in
terms of severity and likelihood, and evaluation for comparison),
treating them (determining and implementing proportionate controls),
accepting residual risks, communicating (stakeholder consultation,
results presentation, etc.), and monitoring changes over time (in
context, risks, controls, etc.).
Threat Typical action used intentionally or not by risk sources that may cause a
feared event.
Data subject The data subject of a processing of personal data means an individual
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Data controller The data controller means, unless expressly designated by legislative or
regulatory provisions relating to this processing, a person, public
authority, department or any other organization who determines the
purposes and means of the data processing. [DP-Act]
Risk Scenario describing a feared event and all threats that make it possible.
It is estimated in terms of severity and likelihood.
Risk source Person or non-human source that can cause a risk, accidentally or
Supporting asset Asset on which some personal data rely. It can be hardware, software,
networks, people, paper or paper transmission channels.
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[EUCharter] Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2010/C 83/02.
[DP-Act] Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files
and Civil Liberties as amended40.
[PIA-3- Guide PIA Good practices (controls for treating risks), CNIL.
Amended by French Act No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, on the protection of individuals in regard to the
processing of personal data, and by French Act No. 2009-526 of May 12, 2009, on the simplification and
clarification of French law and the facilitation of procedures.
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