Hayley Rice - Mimili Anangu School - 2016

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Anangu Education Services

Anangu Lands Partnership Field Experience Report

The purpose of this report is to gain information from Anangu Lands Partnership schools about the progress Pre-Service Teachers
have made towards understanding the complexities and challenges of teaching in an Anangu school.

Pre-service Teacher: Hayley Rice Student ID: 2135959

ALP School: Mimili Anangu School University: Flinders University
Mentor Teacher: Megan Hooper Year Level(s) taught: Secondary Years 7-11
Principal: Erin McQuade
Dates: 7/11/2016 - 18/11/2016

The Anangu Lands Partnership Field Experience Program is an initiative of Anangu Education Services and has the
endorsement and support of the Deans of Education for Adelaide University, Flinders University, the University of South
Australia and Tabor Adelaide. Selected pre-service teachers have been placed in an Anangu Lands Partnership school for a two
week field experience, either in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in the far North West of South Australia, or at
the Yalata Anangu School west of Ceduna, or at the Oak Valley School in the Maralinga Tjarutja Lands.

General Comments by Pre-Service Teacher:

I found that my time spent at Mimili school in the APY lands was a positive experience in which I developed my
understanding and knowledge, both as an individual and a professional. I have heard and researched about Indigenous
students and issues that may affect education and health, however never truly understood how education worked until I
went to the APY lands and saw everything with my own eyes.

Although I was only able to spend 2 weeks in Mimili I made positive relationships with students by helping them at school
and participating in community events. I learnt that a relaxed yet structured approach to teaching was important when
working with the students; this helped me to be able to get to know the students while also teaching them the lesson
required. I enjoyed participating in all lessons at Mimili, however mathematics, although challenging, was my favourite
subject. I learnt the most from this subject as I was required to devise numerous methods of explanation to help the students
to grasp concepts. The natural maths program that was implemented in this school seemed to be an engaging concept for
the students. I particularly enjoyed the mental routine which included maths games and activities to stimulate the students
to begin thinking about mathematics. The mental routine was a successful base to the lesson that calmed the students and
prepared them for the learning ahead. Working with students and thinking of relatable ways to explain things was a
highlight of my experience. I loved the feeling of helping a student through a lesson to find that they understood the
concept at the end of the lesson.

Literacy was another area in which I spent a lot of time observing in the classroom. In this lesson, as well as all the others,
it was evident that there was a big call to cater for differentiation in the classroom. In some activities, catering for
differentiation was evident and students worked at different levels that were suited to them. Ensuring that the work was at
the appropriate level helped students to stay on task and stay motivated. In many of the lessons all students had the same
work; during these activities the students that were at a lower level seemed to become disengaged and would copy other
students. This didnt promote a meaningful learning experience for the students. When I become a teacher, I will ensure
differentiation is a major focus in my classroom.

The class that I was in utilised work sheets as the most dominant learning tool. This was the only work that I saw the
students do. If I was teaching at a school I would like to encourage more hands on and enquiry based learning to promote a
more meaningful learning experience and to create a deeper understanding. I think that in subjects like mathematics a
more visual hands on activity could help the students to grasp the concepts easier.

I realised while being at the school there are many other factors that can contribute to classroom success. This included
both mental and physical health that needs to be addressed by the teacher. These become additional focus areas for teacher
in the APY lands compared to mainstream schools. I previously did not realise that I would facilitate hygiene practices with
the students every morning. I also did not realise the degree in which trauma can affect the students behaviour in the
classroom. These responsibilities would be challenging to me, but it is also rewarding to help the students learn new things
and improve their health for the future.

Consideration has been given to the complexities and degree of challenge of the field experience context in evaluating the pre-service
teachers suitability for possible future employment in an Anangu Lands Partnership school
Anangu Education Services
Anangu Lands Partnership Field Experience Report

I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to work with the teachers and students at Mimili school. I hope that,
after finishing my degree, I can experience this again in more depth while working as a teacher in the APY lands.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

General Comments by Principal/Coordinator/Mentor Teacher:

Hayley was able to take an active role in student learning during her field trip placement at Mimili. Hayley is eager to
learn and demonstrated this by asking questions, implementing small group literacy activities to gain a greater
understanding of what the students in her class already knew, so that she could design new learning games to in the class.
Hayley was a part of our team during her stay and participated in professional learning, staff social events and importantly
she was sensitive and responsive during a community funeral which took place during her time.
I hope to see Hayley back on The Lands in the near future as her enthusiasm for teaching Anangu students needs to be
capitalised on.
Erin McQuade

Hayley has worked with all staff to question and to learn more about how Anangu students learn.

She worked well with students in Literacy and Numeracy, successfully supporting them in a range of learning and
assessment tasks and providing them with feedback. She was successful in building relationships with students and relating
that to their learning and engagement. Hayley planned hands on, engaging and relevant activities.
One area for focus includes: development in understanding what Anangu kids already have in their cultural backpack and
how this diversity impacts their learning.

Hayley successfully planned and delivered two lessons for the civics and citizenship curriculum area, working with teachers
to make the lessons contextualised for Anangu students and to locate and use resources successfully.
An area for development includes, demonstrating a broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.

Hayley successfully taught three lessons in the secondary class, which were relevant and engaging for the large cohort at
the time.
An area for development includes, plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student learning, content and effective
teaching strategies.

Hayley had a great manner when dealing with challenging behaviour in the classroom and with support from AEWs and
mentor teacher, she followed the correct positive and negative behaviour systems.

Hayley maintained the classroom structures and showed through discussion and questioning that she understands the
importance of a safe and calm learning environment.

An area for development includes, demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour/
Improving knowledge of how trauma affects behaviour.

Hayley attended all site PD and spent a lot of time with all staff questioning and improving her professional knowledge.
She attended the pool after school, visited the art centre and spent time walking around community with friends, showing
that she was willing to engage with the community, staff and students. I believe this would be a strength of hers.
Megan Hooper

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Consideration has been given to the complexities and degree of challenge of the field experience context in evaluating the pre-service
teachers suitability for possible future employment in an Anangu Lands Partnership school

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