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Ashwini nakshatra

Ashwini nakshatra (Castor and Pullox). From 00.00 to 13.20 Mesha or Aries. Devat
a for Ashwini Nakshatra is Ashwi or the Duality known as Ashwini Kumar Twins, th
e physician of the Gods. Symbol - the head of a horse. Ruler Ketu. So, by the in
fluence of this star the native is expected to be equestrian (horse-ride) or a s
oldier, also a physician with marvelous power to heal. The after-speak of physic
ian’s excellence or process. It is possible, in the horoscopes of these physicians
it will be seen that the Graha for successful medical practice is positioned in
Ashwini Nakshatra. From Ashwi is supposed to be derived carriages for animals f
or transport, everything related to transport and transport department. The Pura
nas relate that the two Ashwini Kumaras were born of mother Sanga and father Rav
i. The mother held the solar semen in her nostrils, for otherwise she could not
hold it, it is so strong. They are the twins of Sanga and therefore this Nakshat
ra is supposed to produce twins. Mars in this Nakshatra - especially if the Lagn
a is in Kumbha and Mars in bhatrusthana indicates twin brother and sister for th
e native. Or if Ravi, Guru or Pitru Karaka or lord of the Bhava signifying fathe
r or son in a similar way is in this Nakshatra then the father or any of the unc
les or any of the children may be one of the twins.
If you are born when the Moon was in Ashwini nakshatra, you are scrupulous, pros
perous, obedient, truthful, and obtain all comforts. You are endowed with good f
amily and children and wealth. You are daring, handsome and well off. You are a
capable administrator, cruel, of big body and respected. You sacrifice money, ha
ve a good conduct and an enjoyer. You are quick and candid, a knower of scriptur
es, rational and succeed in quarrels. You have long hands and wide eyes. You are
respected by kings and speak sweetly. You are daring, arrogant, thief, and a fr
aud. You are unkind, practice forbidden paths, intelligent, and contain some sym
bol on their girdle. You are fickle and undertake traveling. You may court other
women and are farsighted. You are not independent, but strong.
Bharani nakshatra
Bharani nakshatra (Arietis or a Muscae) Devata Yama. Lord Venus. It extends from
13:20 to 26:40. Symbol: Orifice of the womb (oss-mouth). It is possible to hav
e an idea of the nature of Bharani Nakshatra from the nature of Yama.
Yama purity, cleanliness, justice and integrity. The sense of restraint is also
Yama s gift; he is the lord of Dharma, a stern disciplinarian, a ruthless exposi
tor of truth, and a refuge for kings and law-abiding subjects. We should not alw
ays confine his interpretation to his being only the lord of death; he is the gr
eat judicature, the ultimate dispenser of reward and punishment. The story of Ya
ma-Nachiketa is a particularly exposition of the hospitality of Yama, his sense
of dharma and knowledge of it, his superb honesty and great integrity and other
divine virtues. The Nakshatra of which he is the devata (God) is also in consequ
ence the giver of whatever is good, pure, truthful and honest.
The etymological meaning of Bharani is what deserves to be cultivated and preser
ved that is dependence, servitors, retainers or anything by which living is earn
ed, for example salary.
If you are born in the Bharani star you are likely to incur the displeasure of o
thers; they are enjoyers, obedient and learned; they fear water and get the weal
th of bad people. They know the scriptures, rationale, intelligent and win the q
uarrels. They bear scars on their body due to injuries. They are good speakers a
nd suffer from heart diseases. They are stable, knowledgeable and truthful. They
are long lived. They are also determined, and proud, they do not tolerate other
s’ prosperity.
Krittika nakshatra
Krittika nakshatra (Tauri or Alcyone) It extends from Mesa 26:40. The residuary
10: degree falls in Vrishabha. The Devata is Agni; Ruling planet is Sun. Agni is
the great purifier, the great consumer of and the giver of light, heat and brig
htness. Agni causes the fire of life and the drive. It is also the spark of life
. Without fire creation would not exist. Agni is at the base of creation and of
the continuation of existence. It consumes everything. The fire of digestion in
the human system and the external fire for cooking are only different manifestat
ion of the same principle, which is Agni. Agni is the symbol of brightness and b
rilliance, all weapons with firepower. And other things of the same category com
e within the range of Krittika group. The fire is considered as purifier; for it
burns away all that is wicked, dark and dull, also all that is low and sinful a
nd inauspicious in the world. The dross thus blazed away, only effulgence and li
ght remain. Fire gives the earth its activity and dynamic and revives it after t
he spells of cold that periodically inflict comatose condition of the earth. It
is easy enough to deduce from fire the causal effect of the Krittika group.
Mangal is the lord of that part of Krittika which is in Mesha Rasi and Mangal is
like a mass of lightning in shining splendor. So, the Krittika in Mesa is devas
tatingly brilliant, the effulgence being closely associated with also an incendi
ary character. The Krittika of Vrishabha Rasi is brilliant but unlike the Kritti
ka of Mesha, not incendiary. The Lord of Vrishabha Rasi is Shukra and Shukra sta
nds for worship of beauty and for poetry and imagination. He is radiantly white
like snow, the Kunda flower and the Utpal. He is also the encyclopedic expounder
of all branches of learning. It follows that the Krittika of Vrishabha is brill
iant but the brilliance does not burn, it is soft and sweet, and benign. The Kri
ttika of Mesa Rasi is doubtless brilliant; it has plenty of heat, which burns. T
he Krittika of Vrishabha has on the contrary a softened radiance, a wave of brig
htness that does not hurt.
Those born when the Moon was in Krittika nakshatra are bereft of friends and fam
ily; endowed with son and they enjoy life and are very prosperous. They suffer f
rom hunger and they are without strength and money; they undertake purposeless t
raveling but recollect the help rendered by others. They are very harsh, and do
jobs forbidden. They are cruel and do good jobs and they also have defective fac
e. They are bright, instant angry and run after other women. They are heavy eate
rs and fiery. They are stingy, intelligent, famous, successful, loved by partner
, with property earned by them, white haired, afraid of wind and carry the symbo
ls of til and fish.
Rohini nakshatra
Rohini nakshatra (Aldebaran) This is the birth nakshatra of Lord Krishna. The wo
rd is derived from Rohan, which means to rise or to bring into existence. It ext
ends in the Vrishabha Rasi from 10 degree to 23:20. The ruling planet is Moon, t
he symbol a Cart drawn by Cows. The Devata is Brahma, the prime creator of all
things living, from the meanest insect to Man, the beauty of the weird, the para
gon of animals. Rohini- group therefore encompasses everything that comes within
the range of creation—beasts, birds, animals etc. It would also connote the proce
ss of growing, begetting, birth, production etc, in brief production, birth and
creation. Rising means process of ascending that is to say the creative evolutio
n, the cultivation and the improvement. Mythology describes Rohini the wife of C
handra. Of all the 27 Stars-all wives of Chandra-Rohini is said to have been fon
d of fine dress, cosmetics and decor and was the most beloved of Chandra. The Ro
hini (group) is, in the line with this, considered to be the cause of a taste fo
r fine dress, perfume, and other articles of toilet. Creation continues to exist
mainly on the basis of food; and Rohini is supposed to be the cause of food. Th
e direct and immediate cause of food is Agni and Brahma the remote cause. From t
his point of view the God who gives food, that is Agni, is the spiritual princip
le of Rohini (group) Nakshatra and because, Brahma the remote cause of food is a
lso the Devata of Rohini; the range of influences of this group runs over the wh
ole gamut of the visible and invisible animal world.
Those born in the star Rohini are agriculturists, experts, well-behaved, handsom
e, good speakers and poets. They are stable minded, respected, enjoyers and inte
rested in lovemaking. They are of sweet-speech, intelligent, capable and bright.
They are long-lived and perform accepted jobs, religious, truthful and help tho
se who have helped them. Kings respect them. They respect gods and Brahmins and
know the science of meters and metaphors. They are able servants of their lords
and determined. They are endowed with good looking hands and wide forehead, hand
some, independent, loved by their children, experts, wealthy with respect to cor
ns and money, have desire to wear new clothes, suffer from eye diseases, little
feared and play with women.
Mrigasira nakshatra
Mrigasira nakshatra (Orionis) Mrigasira Nakshatra extends from after 23:20 in Vr
ishabha Rasi up to 6:40 in Mithuna. Presiding deity Chandra. Ruling planet Mars.
Symbol-Antelope or Deer. The word Mriga represents forests, gardens, a search,
a seeking to find, to roam about in the forests and a hunter, to seek, to blaze
the trail, a guide and preceptor. An erotic affair, beauty of the countenance wi
th particular emphasis on the radiant luster of the face, because of Chandra. To
seek as the primary characteristic of the star, to discover hidden treasures af
ter the churning of the Sea, the Samudra Manthan of the Hindu Mythology, the mot
her, motherly conduct that is to say maternal instincts, self-sacrifice without
hope of requital etc. Chandra is the lord of the mind, so all mental attitude, g
ood or bad, sympathies and antipathies, patience and impatience, the fidgetiness
and placidity, imagination, the gift of poetry, purity, sweetness and light, ph
ysical and mental aspects, all these come within this star. Shukra and Chandra b
oth are female grahas (planets) with difference that while Chandra is the Lord o
f motherhood, maternal instincts and all that, Shukra is the lord of feminine be
auty, the structure of feminine form, the physical excellence of women and all t
hat. In the former there is elegance and dignity of the feminine while in the la
tter, the physical beauty and the lure of feminine form, which leads a male capt
ive, dominates. Chandra is the lord of marine products and of medicines; that it
was from the sea that Chandra rose. And it is to Chandra that the influences an
d causalities have to be traced.
Those born in the Mrigashira star are truthful, handsome, enjoy wealth and prosp
erity, pure in heart, bright, sage-like and fickle minded. They are interested i
n learning, obedient, always loving teachers, friendly with the king and respect
ed by kings. They are enthusiastic, feared, rich, lovable, knowledgeable in arch
itecture, kingly and good at administration. They are pleasant spoken, intellige
nt and affectionate to their mother. They are quick and arrogant and they hate o
Arudra nakshatra
Arudra nakshatra (Betelgeuse) In Mithuna from 6:40 to 20:00. The presiding deity
the Rudra, the wielder of the trident. Symbol- a teardrop. The ruling planet is
Rahu. When Surya enters Arudra the earth is said to be starting its menstrual c
ourse that is Ambobachi. Arudra means wet or surcharged with water, that is fat.
Because the earth is running her menstrual course there are teardrops falling o
ne after another. From Rudra comes all suffering, persecutions and oppressions,
anger, ferocity of countenance or hideousness of noise. Rudra is another name of
Siva, the Five Faced (Panchanana). In knowledge, asceticism, renunciation, as a
lso in enjoyment, he is the supreme consummation of all desires. He is a blue-th
roated one, the wielder of the most tremendous powers, what could not be attempt
ed far less achieved by other Gods, when the churned Ocean at the time of Samudr
a Manthan exhaled poison Siva achieved quite simply by holding the exhalation in
his throat. On one side he is the symbol of the most perfect placidity and sere
nity, on the other hand he is the symbol of all that is terrible. He holds the g
reat serpent on his head and on his forehead crescent Chandra with his sweet-sof
t light. He is at the same time the most peaceful and also the most terrible. An
d in all these are to be traced the intrinsic characteristics of Arudra. Superfi
cially, on the surface of it, Arudra stands for suffering, hardness, cruelty, mu
rder, prison, theft, adultery etc. The root characteristic is oppression-in orde
r to purify. All male kidney trouble and connected urethral disease comes within
the jurisdiction of Arudra; so also uterine diseases of the female. It represen
ts the skull of Kalapurusha with hair on it.
Those born in the Ardra star are soft, stable minded, strong, earning by sacrifi
ce, afflicted by sickness, fear and angry. They suffer due to hunger, hard bodie
d, lovable, forget the help rendered by others, experts in trade and commerce, c
ruel, having many relatives, ill advisers and hate all. Those born in Ardra are
with pride, of lower levels and do jobs, which are forbidden. They are bereft of
money and corns. Such people are poets, little learned, long lived, and little
interested in things.
Punarvasu nakshatra
Punarvasu nakshatra (Geminorium) Spread from 20:00 degrees Mithuna up to 3:20 Ka
rkata. Presiding deity Aditi, the ruling planet is Jupiter. Symbol-Quiver (recep
tacle for arrows).
This is the birth nakshatra of Lord Rama. The word Punarvasu is derived from Pun
a+ Vasu, which means return, renewal, restoration or repetition. The 12 Adityas
were born of Kasyapa in the womb of Aditi. The 12 Vasus are Indra, Vishnu, Vaga,
Twasta, Barun, Aryama, Pusa, Mitra, Agni, Parjyanya, Vivaswan and Dinakar. The
mother Aditi of whom the Gods are born is the repository of everything good-trut
h, generosity, magnanimity, purity, aristocracy, beauty and renown. It follows t
hat this star is the cause for these virtues. To start afresh after having once
broken off, to start a new life, to come back from a distant land-all. Punarvasu
signifies these. It stands for freedom from restriction and limitation, and bou
ndless space. The Gods, the children of Aditi, are basically and essentially are
different from children of Diti, who are demons. The demons never had a taste o
f divine nectar and therefore miss the knowledge of fundamentals, fundamentals o
f creation and mystery. They were engrossed with or deeply emerged in enjoyment
of the externals, the materialistic aspect of the universe. Gold and sex were th
e two immediate pursuits, which made them extroverts. The Gods however, could ri
p into the deeper texture of thins, they had tasted the divine nectar and become
partners in supreme divine bliss and Punarvasu represents all these.
Those born in the star Punarvasu are endowed with children, have good qualities,
wealthy and they indulge in bringing difference of opinion among friends. They
speak very clearly and are secretive in their dealings. They are learned in the
sciences and interested in personal decoration with gems and gold ornaments. The
y are givers and famous. They are religious, attractive, carry out works of othe
r women. They are tolerant, satisfied with small things and fast movers. They co
llect a good circle of friends, daily eat good food, sacrifices and worship lord
Vishnu. They are peaceful, happy, enjoying and endowed with good progeny. Those
born in the Punarvasu star are noted to be long lived, loved by wife, handsome,
interested in pomp, of good heart, high in conduct, with low voice, like cereal
s, intelligent, thinkers, and possess fish sign on stomach.
Pushyami nakshatra
Pushyami nakshatra (Cancri) It is regarded as the best of the nakshatras for any
auspicious undertaking. Spread from 3:20 to 16:40 Karka. Ruling planet is Satur
n. The presiding deity is Brihaspati. Symbol - teat of the Cow. The word etymolo
gically means to nourish and that again means to preserve, to protect, replenish
, multiply and strengthen. Everything of the very best comes within the scope of
this Star. Enjoyment of wealth and prosperity follows from it.
Brihaspati is described as the great teacher of all creation from amoebae to the
Gods and is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. The mystery of creation is
no mystery to him. He is the eloquent preceptor, the wise minister, pontiff, hea
d of all religious ceremonies. He takes pleasure in all worshipful ritual. And t
hat is why the Pushya is composed of these virtues. It has been described as blo
ssoming and flourishing. It is the mouth of Orien.
Those born in the star Pushya are wealthy, happy, respected, stable minded, endo
wed with good looks and are loved by women. Those born in the star Pushya are we
althy, happy, respected, stable minded, endowed with handsome body; respecting p
arents, following their religion, and most obedient. They command money and vehi
cles of novelty. They are important persons in the world, knowledgeable in the s
cience of spells and respected by kings. They retain their stand, and are happy.
They are characterized by the presence of fish symbol on the hands -and feet. T
hey are endowed with all good qualities, short tampered, and interested in the d
iscussion on scriptures.
Ashlesha nakshatra
Ashlesha nakshatra (Hydarae) Spread from 16:40’ to 30: degree Karka. Ruling planet
is Mercury. Symbol-coiled up snake. According to Valmiki Ramayana, the twin bro
thers Lakshman and ShatrughnaIt were born in this nakshatra. is the nature of a
snake to hide himself, to encircle and entwine, to creep on the chest, to embrac
e, and to enjoy or unite surreptitiously. All this is an attribute of Aslesha al
so. The cunningness of the serpent, its devious nature, the burning sensation of
poison and pain along with all consequences that poison connotes are to be read
in the constitution of Aslesha. The virtues and vices of the serpent are all in
it. Chandra in Aslesha sicklied over with various faults in great intensity. Wh
oever would have his or her karmadhipati (Lord of the 10th house) or bhagyapati
(Lord of the 9th house) in this star would run the risk of having all his or her
principal acts in life handicapped, jeopardized or spoiled by many kinds of dan
ger and obstruction. If the Lagna is in this star, the native would possibly be
of wily disposition. Such people would like to work in secret and their words wo
uld carry the sting of poison.
Those born in the star Ashlesha are cruel, daring and angry; they probably co-ha
bit with people of same sex and animals like cow, according to Narasimha Prayoga
Parijata. They travel aimlessly, do undesirable jobs, harmful to his own and ot
her people; they are proud and suffer on account of sex starvation. They are ang
ry and are strong like lion; they know Brahman and dependent on others for life.
They are cruel to all beings, pay fines by doing sinful acts, unstable minded,
and fearful. They are always sad, serve others, short tempered, and vary bad per
sons. They are childish, slow in the work of their lord (nidhana-drohi), wide ey
ed, endowed with fish sign in eyes, develop enmity with his own people, highly s
tingy and stubborn.
Magha nakshatra
Magha nakshatra (Regulas or Leonis) Spread from 0 degree to 13:20’ Simha. The ruli
ng planet is Ketu, the deity is ‘Pitrigan’. Symbol - The royal Court with a royal th
rone. Attributes - The virtues and vices of the father’s family, wealth, glory, be
auty, strength and prowess, lustre and effulgence, superior qualities, sharpness
of intellect, nobility, prestige, replenishment, and increase, wisdom, brillian
ce, capacity and willingness to donate, ancestors on the paternal side-all these
are effected by Magha. In Magha Ravi is like an emperor, confident and self-ass
ured. If happy and pleased, he is in a mood to make any benediction or gift. Mag
ha stands for noble impulses and incentives, the gift of Magha must always be a
noble one. Magha has been described as glorious one. Anthropomorphically it is t
he nose of Kalpurusha.
Those born in the star Magha are reserved, highly sexy, endowed with comforts an
d have wives who are also reserved. Knowledgeable, pure and sacrifice things. Th
ose born in the Makha star are cruel, respect their fathers, sharp in reacting w
ith others, non-sinners and destroy their enemies. They are harsh-spoken, hefty
bodied, angry, transact with teachers and kings, interested in the advise of Dev
aguru and are bright. They tread the religious path and endowed with pleasant qu
alities; enjoyers and truthful. They are served by many servants, conduct big op
erations and are leaders of a big army. They are learned, long lived, earn good
money, obedient and help their relatives. They have bloodshot eye and possess fi
sh sign on the chest.
Poorva Phalguni nakshatra
Poorva Phalguni nakshatra (Leonis) Spread from 13:20’ to 26:40’ Simha. Ruling planet
is Venus, deity “Shivalinga”, Symbol-Swinging hammock. It is also called the Bhagad
aivata Star. All the six majesties, pleasures and prosperities, love, enjoyment
and sensual delights are caused by this Nakshatra. The origin of creation, it an
nounces creation and development. The closure of it means destruction. The indiv
idual who in personal life succeeds in mastering the six impulses, that is the i
mpulse of creativity, which masters also death. Therefore, on the one hand this
star symbolizes the joy of creation and enjoyment, and on the other hand signifi
es desirelessness and asceticism. It is the gateway to creation, the basic seed
of it, but on the other hand it aims at renunciation, dissolution, and a merger
in ‘Brahma’. Fame and renown are the special feature of this star. Poorva Phalguni a
nd Uttara Phalguni are symbol of good fortune and luck. It is the birth star of
Guru. Anthropomorphically it is the upper lip of Kalapurusha.
Those born in this nakshatra are experts in love making, strong and handsome but
extremely fearful. They help others, and carry out works, which cannot be done
by others. They are angry, frauds, cruel and candid. They are bright, wealthy, g
ivers, and experts in music and dance. They are wise and are in the service of k
ings. They are long lived and beget few children. They are learned, reserved, lo
ve women, enjoyers, prominent amongst the learned, handsome, love their brothers
, endowed with soft hands and feet, born of Rajamsha, endowed with attractive ey
es, idle and possess kingly signs.
Uttara Phalguni nakshatra
Uttara Phalguni nakshatra (Lionis) Spread from 26:40 Simha to 10: degree Kanya.
The ruling planet is Sun, deity is Aryaman, symbol is a bed. Poorva Phalguni and
Uttar Phalguni are pair together. Its attributes are much the same as those of
Poorva Phalguni. The only difference is that generosity, kindness, patronage and
an eagerness to help and succor the distress, to help friends and intimates and
those who seek help are more pronounced in this star.
Those born in the Uttara Phalguni are wealthy; know the science of weapons, impo
tent, respectful and endowed with attractive eyes. They are fixed to the science
s and stingy in expending money. They are givers, kind hearted, happy and endowe
d with good qualities, famous, kingly, daring and extremely soft personalities.
They win over their enemies, loved by women, experts in arts, truthful, and lear
ned. They are obedient, religious, loved by people, stable and bright. They are
fearful but good warmers.
Hasta nakshatra
Hasta nakshatra (Corvi) Spread from 10: to 23:20’ Kanya. Deity Surya, ruling plane
t is Moon, symbol - closed hand. The 12 names of the sun are: (1) Arun, (2) Adit
ya, (3) Tapan, (4) Divakar, (5) Bhaskar, (6) Bhanu, (7) Martanda, (8) Mihir, (9)
Ravi, (10) Bivakar, (11) Sahasramshu and (12) Surya. All the attributes of thes
e names etymologically connote are caused by this star. From the Surya we derive
creativity and creation, and from creation we derive light, luster, and strengt
h. Surya is the prime cause of dominion, kingship, power of immunity and the lig
ht that dispels darkness. Budha is the cause of knowledge. If placed in this sta
r he sheds light all around. Ravi with this Nakshatra enhances the instinct of d
ominion and the capacity to rule over others. It brushes up human intelligence,
making it more luminous and makes a man vibrant with life and light.
The symbol is a closed hand or fist. It would follow that is signifies determina
tion and clenched resolution. To keep everybody within one’s grip, the possessive
instinct follows from the nature of this star. The magician and the pick-pocket
are also born under this star - variation from nobler attributes. Anthropomorphi
cally it is the hand of Kalapurush.
Those born in the star Hasta are stable bodied, untruthful, bear excellent chara
cter and warriors. They are givers, independent, famous, interested in the worsh
ipping of gods and pious people, and likely to get all the properties of their f
ather. They are learned, handsome, wealthy, daring, helpful to others and all kn
owledgeable. They are cruel and grab others’ property. They are bad people, strong
, interested in music, happy with their relatives and friends, respected by king
s, respect the gods and pious, destroy their enemies, famous and posses the sign
s of fish.
Chitra nakshatra
Chitra nakshatra (Virginis or Spica) Spread from 23:20’ Kanya to 6:40’ Tula Rashi. T
he lord is Mars, Deity Viswakarma, the symbol is the gem on the serpent’s crest. C
hitra is very beautiful to look at. Viswakarma, the great artist and artificer t
o the Gods, the lord of practical arts and applied aesthetics. The knowledge and
capacity to paint, the gift of narration and well-ordered conversation. From Ch
itra is derived the painter, specialist in paints, the artist, the musician, the
skilful surgeon, the imaginative writer, the specialist in aromatic herbs and d
reamer of intricate patterns. The art of construction, the art of engraving, emb
roidery, frame-making and everything that constitutes an artistic complex from f
ine embroidery to the Tajmahal and on the other hand industrial engineering and
skill and the organization of machinery and plants - everything is caused or inf
luenced by Chitra. It is Anthropomorphically the forehead of kalapurusha.
Those born in the star Chitra are extremely fearful of low mind suffer from hung
er, and troubled in mind They are weak and perverse sexed. They are troubled by
their enemies, obedient, capable and wear peculiar dresses. They advance peculia
r arguments. Those born in the Chitra star are experts in love making, bright, w
ealthy, enjoyers and learned. They are probably distorted (personalities), stron
g, brave, endowed with wife and children, and respect the gods and pious.
Swati nakshatra
Swati nakshatra (Bootis or Arcturus) Spread from 6:40’ to 20: Tula. Ruling planet
is Rahu, the deity is Vayu - the Wind and because of this latter factor this ca
uses the attributes of the Wind. Restlessness of disposition or physical restles
sness, inability to stay still at any place comes from it; also fidgetiness and
noise. It is self-assured and asserting. The winds (Murut) are the Lords of Nort
h-West. The 49 of them under the ‘Paban’, of all Gods he is the strongest and most o
bstinate. From these are derived the knowledge, the physical internal adjustment
s of the 5 Winds - Pan, Apan, Vyan, Udan and Saman. Also from this comes the sto
rms and the whirl-wind, the concrete disturbance of the atmosphere, A person bor
n under this star is good at buying and selling, his wealth and property come an
d go quite easily. He is an independent sort of man, always striving for more in
dependence. Asceticism is yet another attribute of this star. Diseases of the wi
nd are to be treated in reference to this . The Wind is the great scavenger, it
sweats the dross and purifies. The winnowing of rice bears comparison to this.
Those born in the star Swati are wise, witty and learned. They are religious and
pleasant minded. They are endowed with the body of kingly symbols, bright and h
andsome and loved by their wives. They perform religious works, truthful, expert
s in transactions, sexy, givers and learned. They are obedient, lovers of pious
people, experts in architecture and sculpture, stingy and respect gods and brahm
ins. They help others, daring, long lived, large eyed, kind, famous, lovers of r
elatives and friends, independent, eat optimum food, and followers of their own
Vishakha nakshatra
Vishakha nakshatra (Librae) Spread from 20 Tula up to 3:20’ Vrischika Rashi. The l
ords are Sukra and Mangal, Deity is Satragni, Symbol - a leaf-decked triumphal g
ate. Another name of this Star is Radha, a compliment to Anuradha, the birth sta
r of Surya. From this is derived the fulfillment of action, variety of enterpris
e, achievement irrespective of the means employed and fearless and unscrupulous
pursuit of self-interest. The only objective being to reach the end justifying i
t by any means fair or foul. Real friendship hardly happens. A man born under th
is star works at various things but hardly concentrates on any one of them. To s
pread about and to dissipate is another attribute of this star. The native of th
is star aims at success and is pleased with it when it happens, nothing else mat
ters. Among other attributes may be mentioned obedience to religious injunctions
, quickness of the uptake, and also loss and disaster from enemies , sometimes e
ven death or lunacy.
Those born with the Moon in Vishakha nakshatra are physically impure, strong, go
after others’ women, bereft of relatives and cause deference amongst friends. The
y are always thinking about sex, experts in the jobs of fire, brewery, ?ores and
metallurgical operations and do not develop friendship with anybody. They are j
ealous, subtle, kind, forbidden love, of controlled senses, wealthy and stingy.
They are intelligent, stable minded, good speakers, love relatives, children and
friends. They are great people. They are candid and quarrelsome and addicted to
prostitutes. They are witty, obedient, longlived, help many, speakers of truth,
short tempered, lovers of women, possess blood-shot eyes and also fish sign on
the secret parts.
Anuradha nakshatra
Anuradha nakshatra (Scorpionis) Spread from 3:20’ to 16”40’ Vrischika Rashi. Ruling pl
anet is Saturn, Symbol - a leaf-decked triumphal gate. Visakha and Anuradha are
complimentary to each other. From Anuradha is derived friendship, love, affectio
n and other tender feature of a person’s character. Anuradha-native retains soft f
eeling about them, he keeps his friendship intact and does not forget the benefi
ts. The Anuradha-native’s mind is always alive and receptive to all feelings and g
estures of friendship and love. He is like the sentinel always a mounting guard
over emotions, but lacking the hardness or toughness of the official sentinel.
Those born in the star Anuradha are interested in women, with commendable comple
xion of the body, bewildered, idle and weak minded. They are famous, experts in
arts, and destroyers of their enemies. They are servers of king, brave, statione
d in countries other than their own, handsome, and destroyers of their sins. The
y are truthful, respect kings, respect their mothers and are musicians. They enj
oy life and go after other women. They are fit for friendship, kind hearted, of
helping nature, intelligent, enjoyers and travelers.
Jyeshtha nakshatra
Jyeshtha nakshatra (Antares) Spread from 16:40’ up to 30: degree Vrischika Rashi,
ruling planet is Mercury, the deity is Indra the King of the firmament. Indra is
the great lord, the mighty warrior and a hero among heroes by tradition and in
the plenitude of power he reigns supreme. He is the first among courtesans. When
this star is unfavorable it causes sorrow and poverty. Anthropomorphically: Mid
dle finger and Neck of Kalapurush.
Those born in the Jyeshtha star are fond of daily physical exercises, warriors,
always respecting Brahmins, famous and endowed with fine qualities. They gain fa
me, are bright, accompany kings, affected in mind, deeply idle, well known, and
speak final. They are addicted to bad jobs, capable of undergoing difficulties,
unbearable, cruel, untruthful and wealthy. They are tall and endowed with few ch
ildren. They are pure and intelligent. They are religious and have a good circle
of friends; they are poets and wise. They are generally dark complexioned, happ
y, stable and much learned.
Moola nakshatra
Moola nakshatra (Scorpionis) Spread from 0: to 13:20’ Dhanu Rashi, the ruling plan
et is Ketu. Symbol - a bunch of roots tied together, deity ‘Nirithi’ or ‘Alakshmi’. It a
lso means the ‘opposite’ or ‘reverse’. Moola is not one of the good stars which is evide
nt from this that the deity is Alakshmi i.e. God of ill luck. Moola signifies ro
ots, that is to say, everything of basic nature, its motion is finite and limite
d. It does not go beyond its narrow orbit. Old servant, peddler of seeds, physic
ian administering herbal seed remedies - every such thing is determined from thi
s star. The Moola native looks into scientific, literary, philosophic and other
basic subjects. This star governs mortgage and mortgaged property and its horizo
n is not rural but urban.
Those born in the Moola star are fast walkers, soft, fickle, endowed with good q
ualities, harmful and untrustworthy. Those born in the Moola star route out the
different parties unconcerned; otherwise they enhance the prosperity of their cl
an and comfort their mothers. They are sage-like, wealthy, enjoyers; helping oth
ers, comforted by women and suffer from phlegm diseases. They are also proud, se
rve the king; processes knowledge of finer aspects, daily enjoyers, handsome and
hated by all. They are happy and have vehicles, harmful, do permanent jobs, and
famous by defeating their enemies. They are religious, thieves, respectable, sh
ow affection to relatives, red complexioned, sexy, obedient, independent, bloods
hot-eyed and loved by women.
Purvashadha nakshatra
Purvashadha nakshatra (Sagittari). Spread from 13:20’ up to 26”40’ Dhanu Rashi, the ru
ling planet is Venus, the deity is “Varuna’ (lord of the Waters), symbol a ‘hand fan’. I
ts attributes are extensiveness like that of the waters, concealment, protection
of the dependant, firmness in danger, kindness, forgiving nature, power of endu
rance, will to victory, biting time for opportunities for victory, declaration o
f war, the courage never to submit or yield, travel by water, cold things, marin
e life, fish or anything concerning fish trad, bridge-making, fisherman’s occupati
on, the watery part of the human system, the watery diseases like Brights’ disease
, kidney trouble, things that float on waters including boats, ships and other v
essels, mist i.e. barges, all these things come within the purview of this star.
According to some, the deity of ‘Poorbasarha’ is ‘Daksha’ the son of Prajapati. He was
the father of ‘Sati’, he was the most powerful among Gods but having incurred the di
spleasure of Shiva he was beheaded and had a goat’s head in place of his own. From
this it is possible to ascribe attributes like truth, desire and other qualitie
s of Puru, Kuru, Pururaba and others to this star.
Those born in the star Purvashadha are thieves, proud, angry, wealthy, endowed w
ith good qualities, always speak untruth and capable. They are drunkards, fickle
, good speakers, endowed with good qualities and attractive face, obedient, love
rs of cows, suffer ungrudgingly, youthful and live with respect. They help at th
e sight of difficulty, loved by people, and experts in almost all fields. They a
re slightly taller, possess subtle fingures, famous and sophisticated.
Uttarashadha nakshatra
Uttarashadha nakshatra (Sagigtarii). Spread from 26:40’ Dhanu to 10: of Makarathe,
ruling planet is Sun. The derivatives from Uttarasarha are closely allied to th
ose of Poorbasarha. The points of difference are as follows. Poorbasarha spreads
out, it is concerned with extensiveness. Uttarasarha is introspective and penet
rative and is concerned with intensiveness, the results of the latter being more
permanent than the former (Poorbasarha). The deity who preserves this world and
makes for its welfare is called ‘ganadevata’. There are ten ganadevatas Basu, Satya
, Kratu, Daksha, Kala, Kama, Dhriti, Kuru, Pururaba, Madraba. (according to some
the ruling deity is Vishwadevatas). All their attributes are in this star. The
warrior, the wrestler, the painter, the artist, the magician, the well-dressed m
an, the happy and successful men are influenced by this star. A special characte
ristic of it is that it causes a person to be admired and socially applauded. An
other characteristic of it is is that under the influence of this star the nativ
e falls in love with an unmarried girl. Vishma of the Mahabharata was one of the
8 Basus; so under this star one possesses self-control, restraint, endurance an
d firm character. There are special rituals for the worship of ganadevatas, whic
h are more or less of specialized nature. The juice of Soma plant plays a part i
n ‘yagna’ and worship.
Those born in the star Uttarashadha are born with Brahmamsha, cause difference o
f opinion between friends, do physical exercises, loved by people, enjoyers and
travel a lot. They are givers, successful, obtain enjoyment from wife and happy.
They recollect the help rendered by others, religious, obedient and endowed wit
h may children. They are independent, handsome and wealthy. Loved by their relat
ives they are great givers. They are all knowledgeable, pure, endowed with good
qualities, entertain guests, witty, kind hearted, furnished of grand qualities,
brave, endowed with long nose and fish signs on private parts.
Shravana nakshatra
Shravana nakshatra (Aquarii). Spread after 10: degree up to 23:20’ in Makara, the
ruling planet is Moon, symbol 3 footprints, deity Hari who takes all forms of Br
ahma, Vishnu, Siva, etc. It is the birth star of Saraswati. From this is derived
light-rays, lion, beasts, horse etc. “Hari” means “to take away”. From Sravana is deriv
ed the art of hearing and education and audible education. As the birth star of
Saraswati it signifies and bestows scholarship, educational proficiency, respect
for the shastras, knowledge etc. The eminent men in the field of education and
knowledge, the man who is listened to by others with respect is influenced by th
is star. It causes also disease of the urethral channel.
Those born in the Shravana star are experts in music, dance and drama, truthful
and stable minded; they enjoy hearing scriptures. They are endowed with many chi
ldren and friends, respect pious people, win over their enemies, large-hearted,
knowledgeable, brave, learned, wealthy, experts in arts, religious, famous, give
rs, recollect the help rendered by others, accompanied by relatives, and pure in
heart. They are interested in scents and flowers, hefty bodied, go after other
women, handsome, large-hearted, support many relatives and loved by all. They ar
e good speakers, enjoy life, wise, possess signs of fish on private parts.
Dhanishtha nakshatra
Dhanishtha nakshatra (Capricorni or Delphini). Spread from after 23:20 in Makara
up to 6:40’ in Kumbha, the ruling planet is Mars. Ruling deity is Asthavasu deriv
es from Ganga. The virtues of these gods are associated with this star. Persons
born under this star are hostile to women, ecause they lack adequate sex power.
If Shani is the lord of the 7th house and also in this star- any other Graha in
the 7th house and associated with this star will also do-the native will be sexu
ally weak. It has to be noted that Shani himself is eunuch. The native of the St
ar seldom marries or marriage is difficult for him, if married conjugal relation
is seldom happy. Anthropomorphically is the back of Kalapurush.
Those born in the star Dhanishtha are difficult to win, bereft of sadness, good
eaters, and very famous. They serve the elders and always protect others. They a
re religious, endowed with many good qualities, wealthy, kind hearted, and havin
g good establishment. They are sad, cruel, suffer from diseases like tuberculosi
s, and are stubborn. They are after other women, daring, and loved by women. The
y worship the gods and elders, good givers and wealthy. They are interested in m
usic, respected by relatives, decorated by jewelry and rule many people. They ar
e bright, joyful, cruel, hate brahmins, hot constitutional, stingy and possess l
ong feet. They speak much and show pride in undertaking many works.
Shatabhistha nakshatra
Shatabhistha nakshatra (Aquarii) Spread from after 6:40 up to 20: in Kumbha, the
ruling planet is Rahu and the ruling deity is Varuna. Symbol a circle.
The Ocean, rivers, lakes etc. are derived from this star and it signifies aquati
c marine life. It concerns boats, concealment, the veil, and to hide beneath the
veil, covering, armor, places to hide things, failures, no-easy success, sorrow
, death, restrain, idleness, peevishness, cynicism and a mania for excessive cle
Diseases indicated by this star are dropsy, rheumatism and heart disease.
Those born in the star Shatabhistha are endowed with many children, angry, darin
g, extreme and unbearable; they are most selfish and gamblers. They are of quest
ionable character and experts in magic. They are stubborn, stable minded, specia
lly knowledgeable, brave, cruel, eat little, stingy, wealthy, servers and go aft
er other women. They live in foreign lands and most sexy. They are respected by
the world, plenty minded, their enemies, longlived and are witty. They are good
in various transactions, astrologers, suffer from various diseases, and are endo
wed with some knowledge.
Purvabhadra nakshatra
Purvabhadra nakshatra (Pegasi). Spread from after 20: in Kumbha up to 3:20’ in Mee
na, the ruling planet is Jupiter, deity Ajopada (Rudra). Symbol double-faced man
. It causes burns, punishes by fire, to cause pain, to burn things to ashes, to
use words that burn, conduct that blisters, to use harsh words, evil disposition
, cruelty, greediness, restlessness, feeling of despair and unsatisfied ambition
, to burn by slow degrees, sudden excess of anger etc. Anthropomorphically: the
side of the body of Kalapurush.
Those born in the Purvabhadra star are worshipful of gods and teachers, of right
eous conduct and of broad minded. They are respectable and above controversies.
They are having control over their senses, experts in all kinds of jobs, endowed
with good chest; they are at home with the learned, determined, won over by wom
en, stubborn, despise others, irreligious, brave, givers, enjoyers, soft spoken
, handsome, and loving their relatives. They are speakers, endowed with children
, sleep excess, possess long tongue, suffer from the diseases of ears, obedient,
helping nature, tall and possess symbols of fish and til on the private parts.
Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra
Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra (Andromedae). Spread from after 3:20 up to 16:40 in
Meen, the ruling planet is Saturn, deity Ahirbudhyana. The Star is adorned with
serpent-like symbol. It looks like rice, its properties and attributes are like
those of Adra, some attributes of Purvabhadrapada also are found. Purvabhadrapad
a shows signs of contrition and atonement while Uttarbhadrapada shows restrain.
From this are to be calculated long distance journeys, renunciation of worldly p
ossessions and mendicancy etc. On the other hand knowledge, learning, good couns
el, personality also come within the purview of this star.
Anthropomorphically: the sole of the feet of Kalapurush.
Those born in the Uttarabhadra star suffer from fluctuation of funds, wise and s
urrounded by many people. They are affected by the imbalance of bile and always
idle. They are prominent amongst their clan, wear jewels, always do constructive
jobs, obtain wealth and corns and they are givers. They are endowed with childr
en, religious, winners of their enemies, happy, determined, sexy, learned, great
sacrifices, respected in all circles, suffer from various diseases, brave, wise
, idle, fickle, possess the signs of fish and til on their private parts and lov
ed by their relatives, They are just and they earn by righteous means.
Revati nakshatra
Revati nakshatra (Piscium). Spread from after 16:40 up to 30 degree in Meena Ra
shi, the ruling planet is Mercury. Deity Pusan. Pusan is the keeper of Cows of t
he Gods, causes Cow keeping and animal husbandry, protection and nourishing of d
ependants, foster-father etc. Pusa means the cherishing of protected people, nou
rishment, excellence, increase etc., material enjoyment, wealth, prosperity, sup
erfluity, fatness-these are the attributes of Revati. Another attribute is that
the native of this star advances by leaps and bounds, that it is to say by fits
and starts. Birth star of Shani. Anthropomorphically: cavity of the abdomen, gro
ins of Kalapurusha.
Those born in the star Revati practice irreligious things, candid, handsome, tal
k angrily and quick. They are independent in pursuing any jobs. They are endowed
with good qualities, have control over their senses, always thinking about thei
r home, wise, handsome, wealthy, enjoy life, learned, fickle, earn good money, s
exy, brave, givers, lose women, pure in mind, intelligent, endowed with well pro
portioned body, capable, hefty bodied, bright, help others and move in foreign l

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