TI NspireStudentHelp en
TI NspireStudentHelp en
TI NspireStudentHelp en
Responding to Questions 29
Understanding the Question Toolbar 29
Types of Questions 29
Responding to Quick Poll Questions 30
Submitting Responses 32
Working with Problems and Pages 47
Printing Documents 49
Viewing Document Properties and Copyright Information 50
Writing Lua Scripts 131
Overview of the Script Editor 131
Exploring the Script Editor Interface 131
Using the Toolbar 132
Inserting New Scripts 134
Editing Scripts 135
Changing View Options 135
Setting Minimum API Level 136
Saving Script Applications 136
Managing Images 137
Setting Script Permissions 138
Debugging Scripts 139
Getting Started with TI-Nspire CX Student Software
TI-Nspire software enables students to use PC and Mac computers to perform the
same functions as on a handheld. This document covers TI-Nspire CX Student
Software and TI-Nspire CX CAS Student Software.
TI-Nspire applications. Click one of these icons to create a new document with the
selected application active. The applications are Calculator, Graphs, Geometry,
Lists&Spreadsheet, Data&Statistics, Notes, and the Vernier DataQuest
application. When you click an icon, the Welcome Screen closes and the selected
application opens.
Quick Start links. Click one of these options to:
Open an existing document.
Select a document from a list of recently opened documents.
Always show this at startup. Clear this check box to skip this screen when you open
your software.
To access the default workspace and begin working with documents, click to close
the Welcome Screen. To open the Welcome screen again, click Help > Welcome Screen.
Page Size. Shows the document's page size as Handheld or Computer. You can
use the TI-Nspire File menu to convert a document from one page size to the
Problem/Page counter. The first value represents the problem number of the
active page, and the second value tells you the page number within the
problem. In the example, the counter reads 1.2, indicating Problem 1, Page 2.
Settings. Double-click to view or change the Document Settings for the active
document or to change the default Document Settings.
Zoom. Enabled in Handheld preview only (click DocumentPreview on the
toolbar and select Handheld). Click and select a magnification value for the
Boldness. Enabled in Computer preview only (click Document Preview on the
toolbar and select Computer). Click and select a value to increase or
decrease the boldness of text and other items.
Changing Language
Use this option to select a preferred language. You must restart the software for the
language to take effect.
1. Click File > Settings > Change Language.
The Choose a Language dialog box opens.
Note: If you dont select a new location, the copied file is pasted
with a new name "Copy of ..."
Up a Level Go up a level in the folder hierarchy. This option is available when you
select a file inside a folder.
The folders and files on your computer are listed in the Computer pane.
3. Navigate to the folder or file you want to save to the handheld.
4. Click the file to select it.
5. Drag the file to a connected handheld listed in the Connected Handheld pane.
The file is saved to the connected handheld.
Note: To save the file in a folder on the handheld, double-click the handheld name
to list the folders and files, and then drag the file to a folder on the handheld.
If the file already exists on the handheld, a dialog box opens asking if you want to
replace the file. Click Replace to overwrite the existing file. Click No or Cancel to
abandon the save.
If the operating system is not current, the TI-Nspire software prompts you to
install the latest OS now, with the option to download the OS to your
Installing an OS Update
Note: To avoid losing unsaved data, close all documents on the handheld before
updating its operating system (OS). Updating the OS does not replace or remove
previously saved documents.
The OS on a new handheld comes bundled with the installer, which places the OS in a
default location such as: C:\mydocuments\TI-Nspire\downloads.
Go to education.ti.com/latest to download the latest OS files.
Note: You can install OS updates on connected handhelds from the Content Workspace
at any time.
5. Click Close to cancel the installation, or click Continue and follow the prompts to
install the OS on the handheld.
Note: To avoid losing unsaved data, close all documents on the handheld before
updating its operating system (OS). Updating the OS does not replace or remove
previously saved documents.
The OS version information updates, and the Select OS Handheld File dialog
redisplays for further selection.
Documents Toolbox. Contains tools such as the Document Tools menu, Page
Sorter, TI-SmartView emulator, Utilities, and Content Explorer. Click each
icon to access the available tools. When you are working in a TI-Nspire
document, the tools available are specific to that document. When you are
working in a PublishView document, the tools are specific to that document
Toolbox pane. Options for the selected tool are displayed in this area. For
example, click the Document Tools icon to access tools needed to work with
the active application.
Note: In the TI-Nspire CX Teacher Software, the tool for configuring questions
opens in this space when you insert a question. For more information, see
Using Question in the Teacher Software.
Work area. Shows the current document and enables you to perform
calculations, add applications, and add pages and problems. Only one document
at a time is active (selected). Multiple documents appear as tabs.
Document information. Shows the names of all open documents. When there
too many open documents to list, click the forward and backward arrows to
scroll through the open documents.
Tools available for the Calculator application. Click to open the submenu for
each option.
Exploring Utilities
Utilities provides access to the math templates and operators, special symbols, catalog
items, and libraries that you need when working with documents. In the following
example, the Math templates tab is open.
Shows files on your computer and the name of the folder where the files are
located. Click to navigate to another folder on the computer.
The list of folders and files within the folder named in the Look In: field. Right-click
on a highlighted file or folder to open the context menu listing available actions for
that file or folder.
Click to close the list of files. Click to open the list of files.
Options menu. Click to open the menu of actions you can perform on a
selected file:
Open an existing file or folder.
Connected handhelds. Lists the connected handhelds. Multiple handhelds are listed
if more than one handheld is connected to the computer or when using the
TI-Nspire Docking Stations.
The name of the connected handheld. To show the folders and files on a handheld,
double-click the name.
Click to navigate to another folder on the handheld.
For more information on page size and document preview, see Working with
TI-Nspire Documents.
3. Press Tab or use your mouse to move through the list of settings. Click to open
the drop-down list to view the available values for each setting.
Field Value
Display Float
Digits Float1 - Float12
Fix0 - Fix12
Angle Radian
Exponential Normal
Format Scientific
Real or Real
Complex Rectangular
Calculation Auto
Mode CAS: Exact
Note: Auto mode shows an answer that is not a whole number
as a fraction except when a decimal is used in the problem.
Exact mode (CAS) shows an answer that is not a whole number
as a fraction or in symbolic form, except when a decimal is used
in the problem.
Vector Rectangular
Format Cylindrical
Base Decimal
Unit System SI
(CAS) Eng/U.S.
4. Press Tab or use your mouse to move through the list of settings. Click to open
the drop-down list to view the available values for each setting.
Field Values
Display Digits Auto
Float1 -
Fix0 - Fix12
Graphing Angle Auto
Geometry Angle Auto
Automatically hide Plot labels are displayed only when selected, grabbed,
plot labels or hovered.
Show axis end values A numeric label is displayed at the least and greatest
values visible on an axis
Show tool tips for Shows helpful information as you manipulate function
function manipulation graphs
Automatically find a Shows zeros, minima, and maxima for graphed functions
point of interest and objects while tracing function graphs.
Clear Lets you clear the answers in the current question or in the
Answers document.
Check If the teacher enabled Self-Check mode for the question, click
Answer here to view the correct answer.
Insert Lets you insert a math expression box or chemical equation box
in your answer.
Format Click this tool to format the selected text in your answer as
subscript or superscript. (The chemical equation box uses its own
formatting tool, so this Format tool does not work in the
chemical equation box.)
Types of Questions
There are several types of questions you may be asked. There may be variations in a
type, but how you answer the question is basically the same for each type.
Multiple Choice
- Custom
- True/False
- Yes/No
- Always/Sometimes/Never
- Agree/Disagree
- Strongly Agree...Strongly Disagree
Responding to Questions 29
Open response
- Explanation (not auto-graded)
- Text Match (auto-graded)
Equations and Expressions
- y=
- f(x)=
- Expression
Coordinate Points and Lists
- (x,y) numerical input
- Drop Point(s)
- List(s)
- Label
- Point on
30 Responding to Questions
3. When you are finished, click the Quick Poll icon.
When you respond to a poll, your response is immediately sent to the teachers
computer and teachers can track student responses in real time.
Responding to Questions 31
For Chemistry questions, type a response.
For Image: Label questions, press Tab to move the cursor to a label on the image.
Type a response in the label field.
For Image: Point on questions, press Tab to move the cursor to a point on the
image. Press Enter to mark a response.
Checking Answers
If the teacher enables self-check on the question, the Check Answer option is available.
1. Click .
Handheld: Press b .
2. Click Check Answer.
Clearing Answers
After you answer a quick poll, you may decide you want to change the answer before
you submit it.
Click Menu > Clear Answers > Current Question or Document.
Current Question clears answers for the active question.
Document clears answers for all questions contained in the active document.
If you answered the question, you still have time to clear the answer before you submit
it to your teacher.
Click Clear Answer to clear your answer and try again.
Submitting Responses
To send a final answer to the teacher:
Click Submit Response.
32 Responding to Questions
Working with TI-Nspire Documents
All work that you create and save using TI-Nspire applications is stored as a
document, which you can share with others using TI-Nspire software and with those
using handhelds. There are two types of documents:
TI-Nspire document (.tns file)
PublishView document (.tnsp file)
TI-Nspire Documents
A TI-Nspire document consists of one or more problems. Each problem can contain
one or more pages. A single page is displayed in the work area. All work occurs in the
applications within pages.
Because the TI-Nspire software and handhelds share the same functionality, you can
transfer TI-Nspire documents between computers and handhelds. When you create a
document, you select one of two page sizes.
Handheld. Size: 320 217 pixels. This size allows documents to be viewed on all
platforms. The content will be scaled when viewed on a tablet or larger screen.
Computer. Size: 640 434 pixels. The content will not be scaled when viewed on
smaller platforms. Some content may not be visible on a handheld device.
You can convert a document from one page size to the other anytime.
PublishView Documents
PublishView documents can be printed on a standard piece of paper or published to a
website or blog. PublishView documents can include formatted text, images, and
hyperlinks as well as all TI-Nspire applications.
For more information, see Working with PublishView Documents.
Click .
The Open dialog box opens.
2. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the document or create a folder in
which to store the document.
Deleting Documents
File deletions on your computer are sent to the Recycle bin and can be retrieved if the
Recycle bin has not been emptied.
Note: File deletions on the handheld are permanent and cannot be undone, so be sure
that you want to delete the file that you select.
1. Select the document you want to delete.
2. Click Edit > Delete or press Delete.
The Warning dialog box opens.
3. Click Yes to confirm the delete.
The document is deleted.
Closing Documents
To close a document, click File > Close or click the Close icon on the document tab
at the bottom of the document.
If working in tiled view, click the Close icon in the upper right corner of the
document window.
Option Function
When the formatting toolbar is visible, click (located under the toolbar) to hide
the toolbar.
On the main TI-Nspire File menu, select Convert to, and then select the page size.
The software saves the current document and creates a copy that uses the
requested page size.
The preview changes. This does not change the document's underlying page size.
- Click the Zoom to Fit button to make the handheld preview adjust
automatically to the window size.
The preview changes. This does not change the document's underlying page size.
2. (Optional) Click the Boldness tool beneath the work area, and select a value to
increase or decrease the boldness of text and other items.
1. On the main TI-Nspire File menu, select Settings > Page Size Settings .
2. Select a default page size, either Handheld or Computer.
By default, when you open a document, it is automatically displayed using the preview
that matches its page size. You can override this rule and specify a preview that you
1. On the main TI-Nspire File menu, select Settings > Preview Settings .
2. Select the preview that you want documents to use when you open them.
Click the tab to show a document in the work area. This document
becomes the active document. If the Show Documents in Tiles view is
open, these tabs are not shown.
Use the right and left arrows to scroll through the list of documents.
These arrows are active only when there are too many documents to fit
in the window.
Click the Show List icon to list all open documents. This is useful when
you have a large number of documents open and documents names on
the tabs may be truncated.
By default, each page contains space to add one application. To add additional
applications to the page, complete the following steps.
Click .
There are eight page layout options available. If an option is already selected, it is
2. Highlight the layout you want to add to the problem or page, and then click to
select it.
Swapping Applications
Note: The last active application you worked on is automatically selected as the
first application to be swapped.
Note: When there are only two work areas, the selected application automatically
swaps position with the other application in the work area.
Selecting Pages
Click the Previous Page or Next Page button on the main toolbar.
Click the Page Sorter tool in the Documents Toolbox, and then click the
thumbnail of the page you want to work with.
Tip: To expand or collapse the list of thumbnails for a problem, double-click the
name of the problem.
Copying a Page
You can copy a page within the same problem or copy it to a different problem or
Moving a Page
You can move a page within the same problem or move it to a different problem or
Deleting a Page
You can combine as many as four consecutive application pages into a single page.
The next page is grouped with the first page. The page layout automatically adjusts
to display all the pages in the group.
Each problem can contain up to 50 pages. Each page has a work area, where you can
perform calculations, create graphs, collect and plot data, or add notes and
An empty page is added to the current problem, and you are prompted to choose
an application for the page.
The Page Sorter lets you reorder problems within a document. If you move a problem
that you have not renamed, the numeric part of the default name changes to reflect
the new position.
Tip: To collapse a problem's list of page thumbnails, double-click the name of the
Copying a Problem
You can copy a problem within the same document or copy it to a different document.
Moving a Problem
You can move a problem within the same document or move it to a different
Deleting a Problem
Printing Documents
1. Click File > Print.
The Print dialog box opens.
2. Set options for the print job.
Printer Select from your list of available printers
Print What:
- Print All prints each page on a separate sheet
- Viewable Screen prints selected pages with additional layout options
(see Layout, below)
Print Range Click All Pages, or click Page range and set the starting and
ending pages.
- Orientation (portrait or landscape)
- The number of TI-Nspire pages (1, 2, 4, or 8) to be printed on each sheet
(available in Viewable Screen option only). The default is 2 pages per
- Whether to allow space below each printed TI-Nspire page for comments
(available in Viewable Screen option only)
- Margins (from .25 inches to 2 inches). The default margin is .5 inches on all
Documentation information to include:
- Problem name, including the option to group the pages physically by
- Page label (such as 1.1 or 1.2) under each page
- Page header (up to two lines)
- Document name in the footer
3. Click Print, or click Save As PDF.
1. In the Teacher Software, go to the TI-Nspire File menu and select Document
Properties .
2. Click the Page Size tab.
3. A checkmark indicates the document's current page size.
The Teacher Software and Student Software let you view copyright information that
has been added to a document.
Using the Teacher Software, you can add copyright information to individual
documents that you create, or you can apply the same copyright information to all new
Teachers can protect documents to create a document for distribution to your students
or for other use. A student who receives a read-only document and makes changes to it
will be prompted to save the document as a new file.
PublishView documents are saved as .tnsp files, which distinguishes them from
TI-Nspire documents (.tns files).
When inserting PublishView objects into a document, the text, image, hyperlink,
or embedded video are contained in boxes that can be moved and resized.
When you insert TI-Nspire applications, they work the same way as pages in a
TI-Nspire document.
In a PublishView document, objects can overlap each other and you can control
which object is on top or bottom.
Objects can be placed and positioned in a PublishView document in a free-form
You can convert an existing TI-Nspire document to a PublishView document
(.tnsp file).
The following example shows how you might use TI-Nspire applications and
PublishView objects to build a PublishView document. In this example, borders are
turned on to show the boundaries around the objects. Showing borders enables you to
work with objects easily while building a document. When you are ready to print or
publish the document to the web, you can select to the hide borders.
Header. In this example, the header contains the title of the document. When the
header area is active, you can type and format text as needed.
When a PublishView document is open, options on the status bar are different than
when working in a TI-Nspire document.
Click .
Note: When you save a file, the software first looks in the same folder the next time
you open a file.
To save a previously saved document in a new folder and/or with a new name:
The Documents Toolbox opens when you create a new PublishView document or
open an existing PublishView document. When working in a PublishView document,
Page Sorter and TI-SmartView emulator are not available.
Vernier DataQuest
Text box
When working in a PublishView document, select options from the menus or the
toolbar in the Documents Workspace to work with content and objects. When you
insert an object into a PublishView document, you can manipulate it using the same
tools as you would when working with a TI-Nspire document. In PublishView
documents, you can:
The Sheet context menu provides options for working with the layout of the sheet
and document.
Object context menus provide options for manipulating the object.
Content-sensitive context menus provide options for working with the content
inside the object such as text or a video.
State Description
Inserting an Object
4. Using the mouse, grab the handles to resize the object and drag it to position the
object in the document as needed.
The context menu opens to provide access to delete, copy/paste, cut, and bring to
front/send to back actions.
1. Click any border around the object to select it. The border becomes a bold blue line
and the handles are active.
2. Move your mouse over one of the handles to activate the resizing tool.
3. Grab one of the handles and drag in the direction needed to make the object larger
or smaller.
4. Click outside the object to save the new size.
Moving an Object
1. Click any border around the object to select it. The border becomes a bold blue line
and the handles are active.
2. Move your cursor over one of the borders to activate the positioning tool .
3. Click to grab the object. The horizontal and vertical alignment guides are activated
at the top and bottom of the object. Use the grid lines to position the object on the
horizontal alignment
Overlapping Objects
You can position objects so that one is on top of another. You can control the stacking
order to specify which object is positioned in front or behind the other. Overlapping
objects have many practical uses when presenting information in the classroom. For
example, you can create a "curtain control" by placing an empty text box over other
objects. Then, you can move the text box to reveal the items below it one at a time.
1. Click the border of the object you want to position to select it, and then right-click
to open the context menu.
2. Click Send to back or Bring to front to move the selected object to the desired
Deleting an Object
Right-click a border, and then click Delete from the context menu.
Use the Choose Your Working Folder field in the PublishView Objects pane to select a
folder for storing PublishView documents and related files.
2. Click .
The selected folder becomes the working folder and the folder name is displayed in
the Choose your working folder field. Previews of supported images and video files
in the folder are shown in the PublishView objects pane.
5. To add an image or video file to a PublishView document, select the file and
move it onto the active sheet.
2. Using your mouse, grab the handles to resize or position the application object as
3. Click outside the application frame to accept the dimensions.
4. To open the menu for the active TI-Nspire application, click inside the application.
The menu opens in the Documents Toolbox above the TI-Nspire Applications
Use the TI-Nspire Documents pane to open an existing TI-Nspire document to add
to a PublishView document. When you open an existing TI-Nspire document, all
pages of the document appear in the preview pane. You can move complete problems
or individual pages onto the PublishView sheet.
If you are adding a problem with multiple pages, the pages are stacked on top of
each other on the PublishView sheet. Move the top page to see the other pages.
Adding a Problem
1. Right-click anywhere on the sheet, and then click Insert > Problem.
The problem is added to the document below any existing problems. The problem
break provides a visible divider between problems.
2. To name the problem, highlight the default text, type a name, and then click
outside the text box to save the name.
If a document has multiple problems, use the scroll bar on the right side of the
document to move up and down through the problems.
1. Right-click in any blank area of the document (outside of any object) to open the
sheet context menu.
2. Click Layout Options .
Note: You can also click View > PublishView Layout Options .
3. Clear the Show problem breaks option to hide problem breaks in the document.
Select the option to return to the default setting and show the problem breaks.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Renaming a Problem
Deleting a Problem
Select the problem break and click on the right side of the break.
Select the problem break and press the Delete or Backspace key.
When you delete a problem, all objects contained in the problem are removed and the
space between the selected problem break and the next problem break is removed.
The sheet is added to the document and the numbering increments by one.
A context menu opens with options for inserting problems, pages, applications, and
PublishView objects, edit options for removing space or deleting a page, and
options for hiding and showing problem breaks and object borders.
Page Numbering
PublishView documents contain space at the top and bottom of a sheet to add a
header or a footer. Headers and footers can contain the date, the document name, the
lesson plan name, the class name, your schools name, or any other information
needed to identify a document.
By default, headers and footers do not contain content and boundaries for the header
and footer are hidden. To activate a header or footer for editing, click inside the top or
bottom margin. When activated, a text box with a light gray border is displayed.
The text box borders in the margin become visible and the object space is disabled.
The cursor is placed in the header or footer space and the formatting toolbar
becomes active.
The PublishView sheet becomes active and the formatting menu closes.
By default, borders are displayed when you insert an object into a problem. When you
select to hide borders, the selection applies to all objects in the document and to
objects that you add to the document. To hide the border:
1. Right-click in any blank area of the sheet (outside of any object) to open the
context menu.
2. Click Layout Options.
Note: You can also click View > PublishView Layout Options .
To manage how PublishView objects appear on a sheet, you may need to add or
delete space between objects.
Note: You can add and remove vertical space between objects using this method. To
add or remove horizontal space between objects, move the object.
Adding Space
1. Right-click in the area outside of any object where you want to add space. The
context menu opens.
2. Click Edit > Add/Remove Space. The Add/Remove Space tool becomes active.
Add/Remove Space
3. Use your mouse to position the tool to the exact place where you want to add
4. Click the tool, and then drag down to select the amount of space you want to add.
As you select the amount of space to be added, it is indicated in green.
Removing Space
1. Right-click in the area outside of any object where you want to remove space.
3. Use your mouse to position the tool to the exact place where you want to remove
4. Click the tool, and then drag up to select the amount of space you want to remove.
As you select the amount of space to be removed, it is indicated in red.
5. Press the Enter key to remove the space in between the objects. You can adjust the
amount of space by dragging up and down before you press Enter.
You can delete a sheet that does not contain any TI-Nspire applications or
PublishView objects from a problem. To delete a blank sheet from a problem:
Using Zoom
The zoom feature lets you zoom in on any object or area on the PublishView
document for discussion, and zoom out to see an overview of the lesson. The zoom
uses the center point of the viewable area to zoom in.
The default zoom setting is 100%.
To change the zoom percentage, do one of the following:
Type the number in the box and press Enter.
Use the - and + buttons to decrease or increase the percentage in 10%
Use the drop-down arrow to choose a preset percentage.
The zoom settings are retained when you save the document.
3. Release the mouse button to drop the text box into the problem.
4. Using the mouse, grab the handles to resize the text box or position in the problem
as needed.
5. Click outside the text box to save the size and position.
6. Click "Type your text here."
The formatting toolbar becomes active. The text box is in an interactive state for
adding or editing text.
The options for editing and formatting text are located on a formatting toolbar at the
top of the active document. Formatting options for editing text include:
The formatting menu and context menu open providing shortcuts to cut, copy, and
Linking to a File
You can link to any file on your computer. If the file type is associated with an
application on your computer, it will launch when you click the link. There are two ways
to link to a file; by typing or pasting a file address into the Address field, or by browsing
to a file.
3. Type the name of the link in the Text field. For example, this can be the name of
the document.
4. Copy the location of the file path you want to link to, and paste it in the Address
3. Type the name of the link in the Text field. For example, this can be the name of
the document.
5. Navigate to and select the file you want to link to, and then click Insert.
The path name is inserted into the Address field in the Hyperlink dialog box.
Click Start Over to go back to the Hyperlink dialog box and choose a different file to
link, or to edit the Text or Address fields.
7. Using the mouse, grab the handles to resize the text box.
Grab any border to position the text box in the document as needed.
Linking to a Website
There are two ways to link to a website; by typing or pasting the URL into the Address
field, or by browsing to a file.
2. Drag the hyperlink icon onto the document to open the Hyperlink dialog
3. Type or paste the URL you want to link to in the Address field.
2. Drag the hyperlink icon onto the document to open the Hyperlink dialog
4. Navigate to the website or file on a website that you want to link to.
5. Copy the URL, and then paste it in the Address field in the Hyperlink dialog box.
6. Click OK.
7. Using the mouse, grab the handles to resize the text box.
Grab any border to position the text box in the document as needed.
To change the name of a hyperlink, change the path, or change the URL, complete the
following steps.
1. Using your mouse, right-click the hyperlink text, and then click Edit hyperlink.
1. Click inside the text box to activate edit mode and open the formatting menu.
2. Select the text you want to convert to a hyperlink.
3. Click .
The Hyperlink dialog box opens with the selected text in the Text field.
Removing a Hyperlink
Use this process to remove a link from text inside a text box. The text remains in the
The hyperlink formatting is removed from the text and the text is no longer
Note: To remove both the text and hyperlink, delete the text. If a text box contains only
the linked text, delete the text box.
Inserting an Image
3. Navigate to the folder where the image file you want to insert is located, and then
highlight the file name.
4. Click Insert image.
5. Using the mouse, grab the handles to resize the text box,
Grab any border to position the text box in the document as needed.
2. Move your cursor over the edge of the image to activate the positioning tool.
3. Move the image to its new location on the PublishView sheet.
Resizing Images
Deleting Images
Click the image to select it, and then press the Delete key.
Right-click a handle to open the context menu, and then click Delete.
Inserting a Video
5. Using the mouse, grab the handles to resize the object or grab any border to
position the object in the document as needed. For example, you may want to
position the object containing the video above or below a text box that contains
text introducing the video.
6. To play the video, click the forward arrow, or click anywhere in the viewing
Converting Documents
You can convert PublishView documents (.tnsp files) to TI-Nspire documents (.tns
files) for display on handhelds. You can also convert TI-Nspire documents to
PublishView documents.
Converting a document creates a new documentthe original document remains
intact and is not linked to the new document. If you make changes to one document,
the changes are not reflected in the other document.
You cannot open a PublishView document (.tnsp file) on a handheld. However, you
can convert the PublishView document to a TI-Nspire document that can be
transferred to and opened on a handheld. When you convert a PublishView document
to a TI-Nspire document:
Complete the following steps to convert a PublishView document (.tnsp file) to a TI-
Nspire document (.tns file).
current folder.
Note: If the document has never been saved, both the Save and Save as options
allow saving in a different folder.
Note: You can also use the Save as option to convert a PublishView document to a
TI-Nspire document.
Note: If you try to convert a PublishView document that does not contain TI-Nspire
pages or applications, an error message is displayed.
current folder.
Note: You can also use the Save as option to save a TI-Nspire document as a
PublishView document.
Inserting Images
In the Notes and Question applications, and in Quick Poll, you can insert more than one
image on a page. You can only insert one image on a page in the Graphs & Geometry
and Data & Statistics applications.
Note: You can also insert images by copying an image to the Clipboard and pasting it
into the application.
Moving Images
In applications such as Notes and Question where the image is set at the cursor
location, you can reposition the image by moving the image to a new line or blank
space, or by placing the image within a line of text. In the Graphs & Geometry and
Data & Statistics applications, images can be moved to any position on the page.
If an image is in the foreground, the cursor changes to when you hover your
mouse pointer over a location where there is a new line or space. Images in the
background can be moved and placed anywhere on the page.
Resizing Images
To retain the aspect ratio of an image, resize by grabbing the image at one of the four
Note: If you drag the cursor to an edge of the image, the cursor changes to (a
two-sided directional arrow). If you drag an image from one of its edges to resize
it, the image becomes distorted.
4. Drag in to make the image smaller or drag out to make the image larger.
5. Release the mouse when the image size is correct.
Deleting Images
Calculator menu. This menu is available anytime you are in the Calculator work area
using the Normal view mode. The menu in this screen snapshot may not exactly
match the menu on your screen.
Calculator work area
Enter a math expression on the entry line, and then press Enter to evaluate the
Expressions are displayed in standard mathematical notation as you enter
Entered expressions and results show in the Calculator history.
Example of Calculator variables used in another application.
Type *43/12.
Note: If a result does not fit on the same line with the expression, it is displayed on the
next line.
You might expect to see a decimal result instead of 27523 in the preceding example.
A close decimal equivalent is 917.33333..., but thats only an approximation.
By default, Calculator retains the more precise form: 27523. Any result that is not a
whole number is shown in a fractional or (CAS) symbolic form. This reduces rounding
errors that could be introduced by intermediate results in chained calculations.
Note that this method forces all results in all of the documents problems to
You can use the Catalog to insert system functions and commands, symbols, and
expression templates into the Calculator entry line.
1. Click the Utilities tab, and then click to open the Catalog.
2. If the item you are inserting is visible in the list, select it and press Enter to insert
3. If the item is not visible:
a) Click inside the list of functions, and then press a letter key to jump to the
entries that begin with that letter.
b) Press or as necessary to highlight the item you are inserting.
The Calculator has templates for entering matrices, piecewise functions, systems of
equations, integrals, derivatives, products, and other math expressions.
Handheld: Press t.
The template appears on the entry line with small blocks representing elements
that you can enter. A cursor appears next to one of the elements to show that you
can type a value for that element.
3. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to each elements position, and type a value
or expression for each element.
Handheld: Press t.
2. Click .
Calculator opens a template with spaces for the rows and columns.
Note: If you create a matrix with a large number of rows and columns, it may take
a few moments to appear.
5. Type the matrix values into the template, and then press Enter to define the
You can use a wizard to simplify entering some expressions. The wizard contains
labeled boxes to help you enter the arguments in the expression.
Handheld: Press k 1.
2. Click an entry in the Catalog, and then press L to jump to the entries that begin
with L.
3. Press as necessary to highlight LinRegMx.
4. Select the Wizards On option, if it is not already selected:
Handheld: Press Tab Tab to highlight Wizards On, press Enter to change the setting,
and then press Tab Tab to highlight LinRegMx again.
5. Press Enter.
Note: You can copy values from the stat.results variables and paste them into the
entry line.
1. Begin the function definition. For example, type the following expression:
Define f(x,y)=
Handheld: Press t.
3. Click .
5. Type the expressions into the template, and press Enter to define the function.
Handheld: Press t.
2. Click .
4. Type the equations into the template, and press Enter to define the system of
To enter several statements on a single line, separate them with a colon (:). Only the
result of the last expression is shown.
You can convert a value between any two units within the same category (such as
Example: Using the Catalog, convert 12 meters to feet. The desired expression is 12_
m _ft.
3. Click the Length category to expand the list of pre-defined length units.
4. Scroll to meter.
As with the pre-defined units, user-defined unit names must begin with an underscore
Example: Using the pre-defined units _ft and _min, define a unit named _fpm that lets
you enter velocity values in feet per minute and convert velocity results to feet per
Suppose you want to define a function named cube() that calculates the cube of a
number or variable.
1. On the Calculator entry line, type Define cube(x)=x^3 and press Enter.
The message Done confirms that the function has been defined.
You can define a function consisting of multiple statements entered on separate lines.
A multiple-line function may be easier to read than one with multiple statements
separated by colons.
Note: You can create multiple-line functions only by using the Define command. You
cannot use the := or operators to create multiple-line definitions. The
Func...EndFunc template serves as a container for the statements.
1. On the Calculator entry line, type Define g(x,y)=. Do not press Enter yet.
4. Type the remaining parts of the function, using the arrow keys to move the cursor
from line to line.
Within a multi-line template such as Func...EndFunc or If...EndIf , you can start a new
line without completing the definition.
3. Type the following lines, pressing @ or Alt+Enter at the end of each line.
Defining a Program
1. On the Calculator entry line, type Define prog1(x,y)=. Do not press Enter
4. Type the remaining parts of the function, using the arrow keys to move the cursor
from line to line. Use the Symbol Palette to select the "symbol.
You might want to reuse or modify a function or program that you have defined.
The definition (for example, Define f(x)=1/x+3) is pasted into the entry line
for editing.
Press Tab, , , , or to move the cursor through the expression. The cursor
moves to the closest valid position in the direction that you press.
Note: An expression template may force the cursor to move through its parameters,
even though some parameters may not be exactly in the path of the cursor movement.
For example, moving upward from the main argument of an integral always moves the
cursor to the top limit.
1. Position the cursor at the point where you want to insert additional elements.
2. Type the elements that you want to insert.
Note: When you insert an open parenthesis, Calculator adds a temporary close
parenthesis, displayed in gray. You can override the temporary parenthesis by typing
the same parenthesis manually or by entering something past the temporary
parenthesis (thereby implicitly validating its position in the expression). After you
override the temporary gray parenthesis, it is replaced with a black parenthesis.
Financial Calculations
Several TI-Nspire functions provide financial calculations, such as time value of
money, amortization calculations, and return on investment calculations.
The Calculator application also includes a Finance Solver. It lets you dynamically solve
several types of problems, such as loans and investments.
2. Enter each known value, using Tab to cycle through the items.
The help information at the bottom of the Finance Solver describes each item.
You might need to temporarily skip the value that you want to calculate.
Make sure to set PpY, CpY, and PmtAt to the correct settings (12, 12, and END
in this example).
3. Press Tab as necessary to select the item that you want to calculate, and then
press Enter.
The Finance Solver calculates the value and stores all the values in tvm.
variables, such as tvm.n and tvm.pmt . These variables are accessible to all
TI-Nspire applications within the same problem.
Note: You may notice a processing slowdown when the history contains a large
number of entries.
You can quickly copy an expression, subexpression, or result from the history into the
entry line.
1. Press or to move through the history and select the item that you want to
Select part of the expression or result by using Shift in combination with the arrow
Note: The float setting for the current document may limit the number of decimal
places displayed in a result. To capture the result in its full precision, select it
either by scrolling with the up and down arrow keys or by triple-clicking it.
2. Press Enter to copy the selection and insert it into the entry line.
1. Press or to move through the history and select the item that you want to
2. Optionally, select part of the expression or result by pressing Shift in combination
with the arrow keys.
3. Use the standard key shortcut for copying a selection.
Handheld: Press / C.
4. Place the cursor at the location where you want the copy.
5. Paste the copy.
Handheld: Press / V.
Note: If you copy an expression that uses variables into a different problem, the values
of those variables are not copied. You must define the variables in the problem where
you paste the expression.
When you delete an expression, all variables and functions defined in the expression
retain their current values.
2. Press Del.
When you clear the history, all variables and functions defined in the history retain
their current values. If you clear the history by mistake, use the undo feature.
Capturing a Page
Complete the following steps to capture an image of an active page.
1. In the Documents Workspace, open a document and navigate to the page you want
to capture to make it active.
2. Click , and then click Capture Page.
Click , and then click Capture Selected Handheld.
The screen is copied to the Clipboard and to the TI-Nspire Screen Capture
window. The dialog box opens in the lower right corner of
your desktop when the screen capture is complete.
4. Click View it.
The Screen Capture window opens.
You can capture additional screens from an open document on a connected
handheld or open another document on a connected handheld to capture screens
from that document.
As you capture additional screens, the images are copied to the Screen Capture
window, which holds multiple images. The last screen captured replaces the
contents of the Clipboard.
1. In the Screen Capture window, select the screen image you want to save.
2. Click File > Save Selected Screen(s) .
Note: From the Screen Capture window, you can also click .
5. Select the file type for the image file. The default format is .jpg. Click to select
another format: .gif, .tif, or .png.
6. Click Save.
1. In the Screen Capture window, select the screens you want to save.
To select multiple consecutive screens, click the first image, and then hold down
the Shift key and click the additional images. To select screens in random order,
press Ctrl (Mac: ) and click each image you want to save.
2. Click or select File > Save Selected Screen(s) . To save all captured screens, select
File > Save All Screens .
Note: The "Save All Screens" option is not available when using Capture Class.
3. In the Save In field, navigate to the folder where you want to save the images.
4. In the File Name field, type a new folder name. The default folder name is MM-
DD-YYYY Image, where MM-DD-YYYY is the current date.
The images are saved in the specified folder with system-assigned names
reflecting the current date and a sequence number. For example, MM-DD-YYYY
Image 001.jpg, MM-DD-YYYY Image 002.jpg and so on.
Copying a Screen
1. Select the screen to copy.
2. Click or Edit > Copy.
The selected screen is copied to the Clipboard.
Pasting a Screen
Depending on the application you are pasting to, click Edit > Paste.
Note: You can also drag a screen capture to another application. This functions as a
copy and paste.
In Handheld + SideScreen view, click the area In Keypad + SideScreen view, click the area
above the emulator, click the area around the above the keypad to start the screen capture.
emulator, or click the border of the emulator
screen to start the screen capture.
Focus Sets the focus to the page in the document where the script
Script application is attached:
In a TI-Nspire document, sets the focus to the page.
In a PublishView document, sets the focus to the
frame on the page.
Call Stack Displays the call tree for the currently executing function.
Editing Scripts
To edit an existing script, follow these steps.
1. Open the TI-Nspire or PublishView document that contains the script. The page
containing the script must be active.
2. Select the page and the work area that contains the script.
3. Click Insert > Script Editor > EditScript.
The Script Editor opens showing the script. If the selected work area on the page
does not contain a script, Edit Script is dimmed.
If the script is password protected, the Password Protected dialog box opens
prompting for a password.
4. Make any desired changes.
To designate comments, use double hyphens (--) at the start of each comment
To change the title, click Edit > Set Script Title or right-click the title and click
Set Script Title.
Notes :
Some nonstandard UTF-8 characters may not be displayed correctly. For these
characters, it is highly recommended that you use the string.uchar function.
The print function may yield unexpected results for nonUTF-8 characters.
Some nonprintable characters returned by the on.save function will be
5. To execute the script, click Set Script.
Any errors are displayed in the Console area in the Tools panel.
6. To view the script application (running script), click Focus Script.
2. Click Set Script to save the script. You will see your image in the Document Preview
3. Click Focus Script to set the focus to the page in the document where you want to
attach the script application.
Note: A TI-Nspire document sets the focus to the page; A PublishView document
sets the focus to the frame on the page.
Debugging Scripts
You can debug your script to investigate runtime errors and trace the execution flow.
While debugging, data is displayed in the Tools panel.
To enable debugging mode or disable it and return to normal mode, click Debug >
Enable Breakpoints or Disable Breakpoints.
Note: Disabling breakpoints always resumes the script execution.
While debugging, click Step Into and Step Over as appropriate. See the Exploring
the Script Editor Interface section.
To set breakpoints, double-click in the space to the far left of the line number.
Breakpoints are disabled until you click EnableBreakpoints .
Note these factors when debugging:
Breakpoints in coroutines are not supported.
If a breakpoint is set in a function that is a callback, the debugger may not stop
at the breakpoint.
The debugger may not stop at functions such as on.save, on.restore, and
On the toolbar, Step Into and Step Over are enabled when breakpoints are enabled.
To suspend and resume the script execution, click Suspend Script and Resume
Script. When the script resumes, it runs until the next breakpoint is encountered or
to the end of the script. A script can be suspended in normal mode or debugging