proteins are complex organic compounds with high molecules that are polymer molecules of
amino acid monomers. this experiment aims to identify free amino acids in proteins with the
ninhydrin test, identify peptide bonds in proteins with biuret tests, and identify the isoelectric tth
of proteins shown by the pH that make up most deposits. on the ninhydrin test in which the
albumin sample when added with the ninhydrin reagent will result in a blue solution due to
deamination and decarboxylation reactions. a biuret test in which albumin and urea samples were
added 10% NAOH and 0.1% CuSO4 added will result in a purple solution due to the formation
of complexes between Cu2 + central atoms with peptide bonds in an alkaline atmosphere. an
isoelectric point is a state at a certain pH when a positive charge will have a negative charge on
the protein molecule. Casein sample added acetate buffer pH 6, 5.3, 5, 4.1, and 3.8. which will
result in the most sediment or turbidity being the result of the isoelectric point. obtained
isoelectric point of pH range 3.8-4.1