Appdx 6
Appdx 6
Appdx 6
1. Short title. These rules may be called the Maharashtra Ownership Flats
(Regulation of the Promotion of Construction etc.) Rules, 1964.
[10. Manner of making disclosure before the officer appointed under section
5.-(1) For the purpose of making disclosure of all transactions in respect of the account
referred to in section 5 or for the purpose of making disclosure of information and
documents in the manner prescribed in these rules, a promoter shall produce before the
officer, appointed under the said section, the following documents in relation to such
account within such time as that officer may fix in that behalf, namely:-
1. The Cash Book.
2. The General Ledger.
3. The Personal Ledger.
4. The Nominal Accounts.
5. The Receipts of Advances and Deposits.
6. The Vouchers of Expenditure
I and II, respectively, and the statement at serial numbers 10 and 11 in sub-rule (1) shall
be in Form III and IV, respectively. The other documents referred to in sub-rule (1) may
be maintained according to the trade practice.
4[11. Applications under sections 10 and 11.- (1) (a) Every application under the
proviso to sub-section (1) of section 10 or sub-section (3) of section 11 may be presented
in person by the applicant or by their duly appointed Authorised Representative, to the
Competent Authority during its office hours or may be sent to the Competent Authority
by registered post.
(b) Where an application is signed and presented by an Authorised
Representative, it shall be accompanied by a letter of authority appointing
him as such and duly signed by the applicant and accepted by the
Authorised Representative.
(c) Every application shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the
Act, the rules and notifications and shall be affixed with such court fee
stamps, as may be prescribed and pay the necessary enquiry fees.
(2) Notice of date of hearing.- The Competent Authority shall issue necessary notice
to all the parties regarding the date fixed for hearing the application and publish or
display the date fixed for the hearing thereof on the office notice board sufficiently in
(3) Place of Hearing.- All applications filed under the proviso to sub-section (1) of
section 10 or sub-section (3) of section 11 shall ordinarily be heard at the respective
offices of the Competent Authority.
(4) Office hours.- The office of the Competent Authority shall observe the same
office hours as other offices of the Government of Maharashtra observes. It shall remain
closed on Sundays and on such other days as may be declared to be holidays for the
offices of the State Government.]
1 Deleted by G. N. 23-5-1974.
2 Subs. by G.N. of 6-7-1972.
3 Deleted by G. N. 23-5-1974.
4 Rules 11 added by the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the Promotion of
Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) (Amendment) Rules, 2010, vide
Notification No. F0B. 2008/CR. 170/RR-II, dated 27th September, 2010., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
1[12. Form of Applications under sections 10 and 11.- Application under the
proviso to sub-section (1) of section 10 shall-be in Form VI. Application under sub-
section (3) of section 11 shall be in Form VII.]
2[13. Scrutiny of applications and notice to the parties, etc.- (1) Registration of
applications.- (a) On receipt of an application, the office of the Competent Authority
shall endorse on it the date of its receipt and shall as soon as possible, examine it and
satisfy itself that the person presenting it has authority to do so and that it conforms with
all the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder.
(h) If the Competent Authority is satisfied that the application is complete in
all respect, it shall cause the application to be registered, as admitted, in
the appropriate register maintained under these Rules.
(c) If the application is not complete, the Competent Authority may send
notice in the Form VIII, to the applicant/s to rectify the defects or comply
with such requirements, as it may deem fit to conform with all the
provisions of the Act, and these Rules, within a period of fifteen days of
the receipt of the said notice. The Competent Authority may, for sufficient
cause, may give further extension of not more than fifteen days to comply
with the requirements.
If the above defect in an application is rectified, the Competent Authority shall
cause it to be admitted and register the application in the appropriate register.
(2) Maintenance of registers and procedure for issuing notice, etc.- The Competent
Authority shall maintain the Register of applications received by it in Form IX.
On admitting the application, the Competent Authority shall, within a period of
fifteen days thereof, issue a notice in Form X to the opponent/s requiring him/them to
file the written statement on the day, date and place as may be specified therein. Such
notice shall be served on the opponents by registered post acknowledgment due or under
certificate of posting on the last known address.
(3) Appearance of parties and consequence of non-appearance.- (a) On the date fixed
as aforesaid, the opponent shall appear either in person or through his Advocate or his
authorized Representative before the Competent Authority and shall file a written
(b) On the date of hearing, if the applicant appears and the opponent or any of
the opponents does not or do not appear, as the case may be. the
Competent Authority shall decide the Application ex-parte:
Provided that, before deciding the Application, if the Opponent appears
and shows a sufficient cause for his non-appearance on the earlier
occasions. he shall be heard in the matter as if he had appeared before the
Competent Authority on the first day., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
(6) Signing of order and the notice and the official seal.- (a) Every judgment, order
and the certificate of the Competent Authority shall be delivered or supplied or provided
to all the concerned parties.
(b) The Competent Authority shall have an Official Seal of its own, which
shall be kept in the custody of the Competent Authority.
(c) Every judgment, order, certificate and the notice issued under the Act or
these Rules shall be signed by the Competent Authority and shall bear the
official seal on it.
(d) All the records of the Competent Authority shall be kept in its custody.]
[SEE RULE 10(2)]
Form of Register of persons purchasing ownership flats 3** the (name
of building).and constructed by (name of
[SEE RULE 10(2)]
Form of Register of flats 6**.. sold in the (name of building)
..constructed by the (name of builder)
RULE 10(2)]
Statement indicating person-wise receipts and disbursements in respect of sum
accepted as advance or deposit from the 3[Flat purchasers] in the (name of
building)..building constructed by (name of the builder).
Name of the 4[Flat 5**. Purchasers] . Date of Agreement .
Flat No..Floor No.
Serial Date of Receipt Purpose Date of
No. payment No. deposit in
the Bank
1 2 3 4 5
1 Deleted by G. N. 23-5-1974.
2 Ins. by G.N. of 15-1-1969
3 Subs. by G. N. of 6-7-1972.
4 Subs. by G. N. of 6-7-1972.
5 Deleted by G. N. 23-5-1974., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
RULE 10(2)]]
Statement indicating purposewise receipts and disbursements in respect of sums
accepted as advance or deposit from the 3[flat purchasers 4** in the (name of
building)..building constructed by the (name of the builder).
Note No 1:-This is only a model form of agreement, which will have to be modified
and adapted in each case having regard to the facts and circumstances of each case but in
any event such 6[clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 22 which are statutory and
mandatory according to the provisions of the Act and these rules shall be retained] in
each and every individual agreement/s executed between the Promoter and Flat
Purchaser. Any departure or variation from these statutory and mandatory conditions,
being violative and ultra vires of the provisions of the Maharashtra Ownership Flats
(Regulation of the Promotion of Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) Act,
1 The recital should be retained if the Promoter is also the owner of the Freehold land.
2 These recitals should be retained if the Promoter is also the owner of the Leasehold land.
3 These recitals should be retained if the Promoter is also the owner of the Leasehold land., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
WHEREAS by an agreement dated.. day of. 19 / Power of
Attorney dated . Executed between Shri (hereinafter referred to as the
Original Owner) of the One Part and the Promoter of the Other Part (hereinafter referred
to as the Development Agreement) the original Owner has appointed the Promoter as
his agent to develop the piece or parcel of freehold land lying and being
the registration Sub-District of .. admeasuring sq. mts. or thereabouts
more particularly described in the First Schedule therein as well as in the First Schedule
hereunder. Written (hereinafter referred to as the said land) and to construct thereon
building/s in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Development
Agreement/ Power of Attorney;
AND WHEREAS as a result of the urban land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976
(hereinafter referred to as the Ceiling Act) which came into force in the State of
Maharashtra on the 17th February 1976 Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter were
not entitled to hold any vacant land in excess of the ceiling limit except as otherwise
provided in the Ceiling Act.
AND WHEREAS the Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter having been shown
to be the owner of the said land in the Government and revenue records, the
Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter submitted to the Government of Maharashtra
(hereinafter referred to as the Government) in the name of the Vendor/Lessor/Original
Owner and/or Promoter and application under section 20 of Ceiling Act for exempting
the said land from the provisions of the Ceiling Act.
AND WHEREAS by an Order.dated(hereinafter referred to as
the said Order) the Government exempted, subject to the conditions stated in the said
Order, the said land from the provisions of the Ceiling Act.
AND WHEREAS as per the said Order and as a result of the Development
Agreement the Promoter is entitled and enjoined upon to construct buildings on the said
land in accordance with the said order.
AND WHEREAS the Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter having been shown
to be the owner of the said land in the Government and Revenue records, the
Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter submitted to the Government of Maharashtra
(hereinafter referred to as the Government) in the name of the Vendor/Lessor/Original
Owner and Promoter an application under section 21 of The Ceiling Act and the
guidelines framed by the Government in respect of section 21 of the Ceiling Act for the
purpose of developing the said land as stated in the application in accordance with the
provisions of the Ceiling Act.
AND WHEREAS by order No..dated..(hereinafter referred to as the
said Order) the Competent Authority under the Ceiling Act permitted the
Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner and/or Promoter to continue to hold the said land for the
1 This recital should be retained if the Promoter is not himself the owner of the land but is only
a developer or builder.
2 Retain if provisions of U. L. (C. & R.) Act, 1976 are applicable.
3 Applicable only in case of section 20 of U.L. (C & R) Act, 1976.
4 Applicable only in case of section 20 of U.L. (C & R) Act, 1976.
5 Applicable only in case of section 20 of U.L. (C & R) Act, 1976.
6 Applicable only in case of section 21 of U.L. (C & R) Act, 1976.
7 Applicable only in case of section 21 of U.L. (C & R) Act, 1976., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
construction of houses for weaker sections of the Society through the Promoter subject to
the terms and conditions therein contained.
AND WHEREAS as per the said Order and as a result of the Development
Agreement the Promoters are entitled and enjoined upon to construct buildings on the
said land in accordance with the said Order.
AND WHEREAS the Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter being in possession
of the said land and buildings thereon will be demolishing/have demolished the old
buildings and structures and constructing/has constructed instead new multi storied
building thereon.
AND WHEREAS permission contemplated by section 22 of the Ceiling Act for
Development has been obtained by the Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter.
AND WHEREAS the Promoter has proposed to construct on the said land
4 multistoried buildings of ground floor at stilt level and 5.or more
upper floors (hereinafter referred to as the said building/s).
AND WHEREAS the promoter has entered into a standard agreement with an
Architect registered with the Council of Architects and such agreement is as per the
agreement prescribed by the council of Architects; whereas the promoter has appointed a
structural Engineer for the preparation of the structural design and drawings of the
buildings and the promoter accepts of professional supervision of the Architect and the
structural Engineer till the completion of the building/buildings.
AND WHEREAS by virtue of the Development Agreement/Power of Attorney the
Promoter alone has the sole and exclusive right to sell the flats in the said building/s to
be constructed by the Promoter on the said land and to enter into agreement/s with the
purchaser/s of the flats and to revise the sale price in respect thereof.
AND WHEREAS the Flat Purchaser demanded from the Promoter and the Promoter
has given inspection to the Flat Purchaser of all the documents of title relating to the said
land, the said Order, the Development Agreement and the plans, designs and
specifications prepared by the Promoters/Architects Messrsand of such other
documents as are specified under the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of
construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) Act, 1963, (hereinafter referred to as the
said Act) and the rules made thereunder.
AND WHEREAS the copies of Certificate of Title issued by the Attorney-at-Law or
advocate of the Promoter, copies of Property card or extract of Village Forms VI or VII
and XII or any other relevant revenue record showing the nature of the title of the
Promoter to the said land on which the flats are constructed or are to be constructed and
the copies of the plans and specifications of the Flat agreed to be purchased by the Flat
Purchaser approved by the concerned local authority have been annexed here to and
marked Annexure A, B and C respectively.
AND WHEREAS the Promoter has got approved from the concerned local authority
the plans, the specifications, elevations, sections and details of the said building/s.
1 Applicable only in case of section 21 of U.L. (C & R) Act, 1976.
2 Applicable only in case of section 22, ibid.
3 Applicable only in case of section 22, ibid.
4 Here specify number buildings.
5 Here specify number of floors., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
AND WHEREAS while sanctioning the said plans concerned local authority and/or
Government has laid down certain terms, conditions, stipulations and restrictions which
are to be observed and performed by the Promoter while developing the said land and the
said building/s and upon due observance and performance of which only the completion
and occupation certificates in respect of the said building/s shall be granted by the
concerned local authority.
AND WHEREAS the Promoter has accordingly commenced construction of the said
building/s in accordance with the said plans.
AND WHEREAS the flat Purchaser applied to the Promoter for allotment to the Flat
Purchaser Flat No on floor in building No situated at
AND WHEREAS prior to making application as aforesaid, as required by the
provisions of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 (Maharashtra Act No. XXIV
of 1960) and the Urban Land (ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, the Flat Purchaser has
made a declaration to the effect firstly, that neither the Flat Purchaser nor the members of
the family [family as defined under the Urban Land (C&R) Act of 1976) of Flat
Purchaser on a tenements, house or building within the limits of 1(Name
of town in which flat applied for is located):
AND WHEREAS relying upon the said application, declaration and agreement, the
promoter agreed to sell to the Flat Purchaser a flat at the price and on the terms and
conditions hereinafter appearing.
AND WHEREAS prior to the execution of these presents the Flat Purchaser has paid
to the Promoter a sum of Rs .. 2(Rupees..3) only, being part
payment of the sale price of the flat agreed to be sold by the Promoter to the Flat
Purchaser as advance payment or deposit (the payment and receipt whereof the Promoter
do hereby admit of acknowledge) which shall in no event exceed fifteen per cent. of the
sale price of the flat agreed to be sold to the Flat Purchaser, and the Flat Purchaser has
agreed to pay to the Promoter balance of the sale price in the manner hereinafter
AND WHEREAS under section 4 of the said Act the Promoter is required to execute
a written agreement for sale of said flat to the Flat Purchaser, being in fact these presents
and also to register said agreement under the Registration Act.
1 Here specify the nomenclature or number of building in which flat is allotted to the Flat
2 Deleted by G. N. of 6-3-1997., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
possession of the flat to the flat purchaser and in any event before execution of a
conveyance/1assignment of lease of the said land in favour of a corporate body to be
formed by the purchasers of flats/shops/garages in the building to be constructed on the
said land (hereinafter referred to as the Society/the Limited Company), make full
and true disclosure of the nature of his title to the said land as well as encumbrances, if
any, including any right, title, interest or claim of any party in or over the said land, and
shall, as far as practicable, ensure that the said land is free from all encumbrances and
that the Vendor/Lessor/Original Owner/Promoter has/have absolute, clear and
marketable title to the said land so as to enable him to convey to the said Society/Limited
Company such absolute, clear and marketable title on the execution of a
conveyance/2assignment of lease of the said land by the Promoter in favour of the said
Society/Limited company.
6. The Flat Purchaser agrees to pay to the Promoter interest at 9 per cent per annum
on all the amounts which become due and payable by the flat Purchaser to the Promoter
under the terms of this agreement from the date the said amount is payable by the
Purchaser to the Promoter.
7. On the Flat Purchaser committing default in payment on due date of any amount
due and payable by the Flat Purchaser to the Promoter under this Agreement (including
his/her proportionate share of taxes levied by concerned local authority and other
outgoings) and on the Flat Purchaser committing breach of any of the terms and
conditions herein contained the Promoter shall be entitled at his own option to terminate
this agreement:
Provided Always that the power of termination herein before contained shall not be
exercised by the Promoter unless and until the Promoter shall have given to the Flat
Purchaser fifteen days prior notice in writing of his intention to terminate this agreement
and of the specific breach or breaches of terms and conditions in respect of which it is
intended to terminate the agreement and default shall have been made by the Flat
Purchaser in remedying such breach or breaches within a reasonable time after the giving
of such notice:
Provided further that upon termination of this agreement as aforesaid, the Promoter
shall refund to the Flat Purchaser the instalments of sale price of the Flat which may till
then have been paid by the Flat Purchaser to the Promoter but the Promoter shall not be
liable to pay to the Flat Purchaser any interest on the amount so refunded and upon
termination of this agreement and refund of aforesaid amount by the Promoter, the
Promoter, shall be at liberty to dispose of and sell the Flat to such person and at such
price as the Promoter may in his absolute discretion think fit.
8. The fixtures, fittings and amenities to be provided by the Promoter in the said
building and the flat are those that are set out in Annexure E annexed hereto.
9. The Promoter shall give possession of the flat to the Flat Purchaser on or before
.. day of 198 . If the Promoter fails or neglects to give possession of the
Flat to the Flat Purchaser on account of reasons beyond his control and of his agents as
per the provisions of section 8 of Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, by the aforesaid date
Name of the Attorney-at-Law/
This is to certify that we have investigated the title to the aforesaid property which is
more particularly described below in the Schedule hereunder written and have persued
title deeds and certify that in our opinion the title of..the Vendor/Lessor/Original
Owner/Promoter is clear, marketable and free from encumbrances, charges and/or
The Schedule Above Referred to
(Description of Property)
Bombay : of.198 .
Signature of Attorney-at-Law/Advocate
(Copies of Property Card or extract of Village forms VI or VII and XII or any other
revenue record showing nature of the title of the Vendor/Lessor/Original
Owner/Promoter to the said land)., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
(Copy of the plans and specifications of the flat as approved by the concerned local
[(Description of the Flat).
(Specification and amenities for the Flat).
Note:-Execution clauses to be finalised in individual cases having regard to the
constitution of the parties to the agreement.
Received of and from the flat Purchaser abovenamed the sum of
Rupees.being the fifteen per cent of the sale price of the flat as advance payment
or deposit paid by the Flat Purchaser to the Promoter.
I say received.
The Promoter/s.
Form of application under proviso to sub-section (1) of section 10 of the
Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the promotion of construction, sale,
management and transfer) Act, 1963 (Mah. XLV of 1963) for
obtaining direction to the concerned Registrar of Co-operative
Societies for registration of society.
stamp of
Before the Competent Authority at . Rupees 1000/
Application under proviso to sub-section (1) of section 10 of (Rupees One
the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the Promotion of thousand only)
Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer ) Act, 1963.
Application No. .. of 20
Promoter/s Opponent/s.
The Applicant/s above-named state as follows:
1. The Applicant is the Chief Promoter of . Co-operative
Housing Society Ltd. ( Proposed ) having its address at Plot No. ..
(address) .
(hereinafter referred to as the said proposed Society" for the sake of brevity).
2. The Chief Promoter has been elected in the meeting of the persons who have
taken flat from the Opponent (hereinafter referred to as the flat purchasers) held on and
the copy of the resolution is annexed and marked Exhibit No.
Sd/-, Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
Advocate/Authorised Representative
I, Shri being the
Applicant/ Chief Promoter of proposed Society and Authorised Representative
abovenamed, residing at . floor .. do hereby state on solemn
affirmation that what is stated in the foregoing Application is true to my own
knowledge and I believe the same to be true.
Solemnly declared at
This day .. of .. 20
Before me
Advocate/Authorised Representative
Notary Public
1 Form VII added by the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the Promotion of
Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) (Amendment) Rules, 2010, vide
Notification No. F0B. 2008/CR. 170/RR-II, dated 27th September, 2010., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
Promoter/s Opponent/s.
Representative for Applicants.
I, Shri . member of
the Applicant and Authorised Representative abovenamed, residing at floor
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. do hereby
state on solemn affirmation that what is stated in the foregoing Application is true
to my own knowledge and I believe the same to be true.
Solemnly declared at ..
This . 20 . (Sd/-)
Notary Public.
Advocate/Authorised, Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
Representative for Applicants. ]
[SEE RULE 13(1) (C)]
Form of Notice to the Applicant to comply with the requirements in the Application
filed under proviso to sub-section (I) of section 10 or sub-section (3) of section 11 of
the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulations of the Promotion of Construction,
Sale, Management and Transfer) Act, 1963
The above named Applicant-
1. You have filed an Application for order under section 10/ 11 of the Maharashtra
Ownership Flats (Regulations of the Promotion of Construction, Sale, Management and
Transfer) Act, 1963 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act).
2. It does not comply with provisions of the Act, and the Rules and
notifications made thereunder in the following respects:
(a) ..
(b) ..
You are hereby required to remedy the defects within 15 days of the receipt of this
notice by you. If you fail to comply with the requirements as mentioned above, within
the said period, your Application will be rejected and filed accordingly and no claim or
request whatsoever will be entertained thereafter.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Competent Authority
By order,
Competent Authority.
Dated the 20 .
1 Form VIII added by the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the Promotion of
Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) (Amendment) Rules, 2010, vide
Notification No. F0B. 2008/CR. 170/RR-II, dated 27th September, 2010., Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50
(1) It does not specify the name and address of the Applicant/s and also those of the
Opponent/s as required under the rules.
(2) It does not bear court-fee stamp of Rs. .. as required under the rules.
(3) (a) No Vakalatnama is filed though the memo is signed by the Advocate
(b) The Vakalatnama does not bear Court Fee stamp of Rs. ..
(c) The Vakalatnama is not signed by all Applicants.
(4) A certified copy of the Agreement for Sale executed with the Promoter / Builder
is/ are not filed.
(5) The uncertified copies of Sr. No. above are not filed as per the rules.
(6) The Application is not verified as required under the rules.
(7) Additional copies of Application with annexures required to be
sent to all the Opponents / Promoter as per the rules arc not tendered.
(8) A Resolution of the Managing Committee/Board of Directors authorising the
Applicant on behalf of the Society or the Company or the Association to sue or be sued
on behalf of the Society or the Company or the Association is not filed.
(9) (a) The Application suffers from defect as stated in para. No. .
(b) The Application complies with all the requirements under the Rules. It is
registered as Application under section/rule of the
Act/Rules. Letter or requisition calling for relevant record put for
Officer of the Competent Authority]
Sr. No. Date of receipt & Name and address of the Name and address
mode of receipt and Applicant/and their of the Opponents
case Number pleaders or agents, if any and their pleaders
or agents, if any
(1) (2) (3) (4)
[SEE RULE 13(2)]
Form of Notice to the concerned parties
Application No. of . 20 ..
Promoter/s Opponent/s.
The above named Applicant/s and address
The Promoter/Opponent/s and address
1. Take notice that the above Application has been filed by the Applicant under
section 10 or 11 under the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulations of the Promotion
of Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) Act, 1963 and under the
applicable Rules against the Promoter/ Opponents and the entire Application
with enclosures are attached herewith.
2. The Promoter/Opponent/s is/are hereby called upon to file his/their written reply
on . at time at the office of Competent Authority as his/ their
defence in person or through his Advocate or his Authorised Representative and the
Applicant is advised to collect the reply, if any filed, on .. at time
at the office of Competent Authority.
3. Considering the written reply received/ not received, the final hearing/ oral
argument in the above case has been fixed on .. at .
Competent Authority.
Dated the 20 ], Plot No. 118, Ramani Villa, TPS IV, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50