Chaos Theory
in the Social Sciences
Foundations and Applications
Edited b y
Ann Arbor
2004 7 6 5 4
A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.
Euel Elliott and L . Douglas Kiel
6. Nonlinear Politics
Thad A. Brown
7. The Prediction o f Unpredictability: Applications
o f the New Paradigm o f Chaos i n Dynamical
Systems to the O l d Problem o f the Stability
o f a System o f Hostile Nations
Alvin M. Saperstein
8. Complexity in the Evolution o f Public Opinion
Michael McBurnett
References 325
Contributors 347
The social sciences, historically, have emulated both the intellectual and
methodological paradigms o f the natural sciences. From the behavioral revo
lution, to applications such as cybernetics, to a predominant reliance on the
certainty and stability o f the Newtonian paradigm, the social sciences have
followed the lead o f the natural sciences. This trend continues as new discov
eries in the natural sciences have led to a reconsideration o f the relevance o f
the Newtonian paradigm to all natural phenomena. One o f these new discov
eries, represented by the emerging field o f chaos theory, raises questions
about the apparent certainty, linearity, and predictability that were previously
seen as essential elements o f a Newtonian universe. The increasing recogni
tion by natural scientists o f the uncertainty, nonlinearity, and unpredictability
in the natural realm has piqued the interest o f social scientists in these new
discoveries. Chaos theory represents the most recent effort by social scientists
to incorporate theory and method from the natural sciences. Most importantly,
chaos theory appears to provide a means for understanding and examining
many o f the uncertainties, nonlinearities, and unpredictable aspects o f social
systems behavior (Krasner 1990).
Chaos theory is the result o f natural scientists' discoveries in the field o f
nonlinear dynamics. Nonlinear dynamics is the study o f the temporal evolu
tion o f nonlinear systems. Nonlinear systems reveal dynamical behavior such
that the relationships between variables are unstable. Furthermore, changes in
these relationships are subject to positive feedback in which changes are
amplified, breaking up existing structures and behavior and creating unex
pected outcomes in the generation o f new structure and behavior. These
changes may result in new forms o f equilibrium; novel forms o f increasing
complexity; or even temporal behavior that appears random and devoid o f
order, the state o f "chaos" in which uncertainty dominates and predictabil
ity breaks d o w n . Chaotic systems are often described as exhibiting low-
dimensional or high-dimensional chaos. The former exhibit properties that
may allow for some short-term prediction, while the latter may exhibit such
2 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
sciences. Social systems o f initial relative simplicity may result over time in
very complex behavior.
The varying mathematics o f linear and nonlinear systems also result in
divergent temporal behavior for these types o f systems. Linear systems, char
acterized by stable relationships between variables, respond to changes in
their parameters, or to external "shocks," in a smooth and proportionate
manner. Consequently, linear systems w i l l exhibit smooth, regular, and w e l l -
behaved motion. Even large waves or pulses in a linear system w i l l be dis
persed over time, generally resulting in a move back to the typical behavior o f
the system.
Nonlinear systems may be characterized by periods o f both linear and
nonlinear interactions. During some time periods behavior may reveal linear
continuity. However, during other time periods relationships between vari
ables may change, resulting in dramatic structural or behavioral change. Such
dramatic change from one qualitative behavior to another is referred to as a
"bifurcation." Nonlinear systems are consequently capable o f generating very
complex behavior over time. Studies o f nonlinear systems evidence three
types o f temporal behavior. Nonlinear systems may evidence behavior that
(1) is stable (a mathematical equilibrium or fixed point); (2) oscillates between
mathematical points in a stable, smooth, and periodic manner; or (3) is cha
otic and seemingly random, devoid o f pattern (nonperiodic behavior). Chapter
one presents graphical images o f these three temporal regimes. These behav
iors may occur intermittently throughout the " l i f e " o f a nonlinear system. One
regime may dominate for some time periods while other regimes dominate at
other times. It is the potential for a variety o f behaviors that represents the
dynamics o f nonlinear systems.
Chaotic behavior is the behavioral regime in nonlinear systems o f great
est interest. Chaotic behavior, while occurring within defined mathematical
parameters, appears random and without pattern over time. Chaotic behavior
does not retrace previous points during its temporal evolution. This creates the
appearance o f randomness. Chaotic behavior, however, is not random behav
ior, since it can be generated with a completely deterministic equation. This
understanding is an essential foundation o f knowledge for chaos researchers.
Even deterministic systems can generate very erratic behavior over time.
Moreover, as noted above, a chaotic system may appear more or less random
depending on its complexity. A system mapped by the logistic equation may
allow for some predictability and is an example o f a low-dimensional chaotic
This point raises another distinctive point regarding nonlinear systems.
Nonlinear systems are historical systems in that they are determined by the
interactions between the deterministic elements in a system's history and
"chance" factors that may alter its evolution. In systems operating in a chaotic
6 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Many o f these new analytical methods are graphical in nature and are based
on researchers' efforts to examine the dynamical motion o f time series gener
ated by social science data. Chaos researchers have thus focused on examin
ing the morphology (Abraham and Shaw 1982) o f the graphics generated by
these time series. For example, the chapter in this volume by Brian J. L . Berry
and Heja K i m , on the dynamics o f the economic long wave, relies solely on
this graphical approach to data analysis.
These graphical representations are lagged mapping o f data at adjacent
time periods that result in an amazing array o f geometric structures, resulting
in what Abraham and Shaw (1982) label the "geometry o f behavior." These
mappings reveal that nonlinear systems possess an underlying order k n o w n as
an attractor, where the mathematical points describing the systems' behavior
Introduction 7
create pattern and structure. These geometric formulations are used through
out the chapters in the text as a means o f examining the underlying structure o f
longitudinal social science data.
Studies o f the attractors o f nonlinear time series reveal that each o f the
three behavioral regimes emanating from nonlinear differential equations cre
ates a uniquely shaped attractor. A stable equilibrium generates a point extrac-
tor, in which the data are attracted to a single point on the mapping. A stable
periodic oscillation generates a circular mapping, or limit cycle, as the data
revolve back and forth between consistent mathematical points. The chaotic
attractor is represented by a variety o f unique shapes resulting in the labeling
o f such attractors as strange attractors. These attractors are typified by the
creation o f form without retracing previous mappings.
It is an examination o f these attractors that serves as a graphical founda
tion for the notion o f "order in chaos." Even though the numerical data
describing a chaotic regime appear disorderly, their geometric representation
creates unique shapes o f order. A n d since chaotic regimes function w i t h i n
defined parameters, a stability also exists in chaos. We then begin to see that
chaotic behavior is globally stable, but locally unstable.
O r g a n i z a t i o n of t h e Book
The first section o f this volume examines the dynamics o f nonlinear and
chaotic systems and focuses on methodological approaches to testing for the
presence o f chaos in a time series. Testing for actual "chaos" in time-series
data is a particularly important issue, due not only to the technical challenge
involved, but also to ensuring that chaotic time series in social science data
emulate chaotic time series discovered in data from the natural sciences.
W h i l e a variety o f techniques exist to test for chaos, we have concentrated our
attention on those approaches that appear to be most often used by chaos
researchers. W h i l e each chapter has been written in what we consider a highly
accessible fashion, many readers may well prefer to start with the substantive
chapters in sections t w o and three and then return later to this section. For
those researchers w h o are either beginning to apply chaos theory to empirical
work or otherwise interested in some o f the more technical methodological
facets o f empirical work in the area, this section should be an invaluable
The editors o f this volume lead off this first section with a brief explora
tion o f the time series o f nonlinear and chaotic systems. This chapter is highly
recommended as a starting point for researchers new to chaos theory. It shows
Introduction 9
dential candidates during the 1984 primary season. McBurnett's analyses and
findings should be o f profound interest to all serious students o f public opin
ion. I f , indeed, the solution o f public opinion can be described as exhibiting
deterministic chaos, then the question is raised how one can deduce governing
or predictive equations from this time series. Certainly, McBurnett's study
suggests how and why drastic shifts in public opinion may occur, and the
consequences for predicting the evolution o f public opinion.
graphical analysis, Berry and K i m demonstrate that the inflationary and stag
flation cycles o f the last 200 years are characterized by a chaotic limit cycle.
Their w o r k shows how chaotic processes can be contained within a larger and
more extensive stable series. Berry and K i m also draw some very important
policy conclusions from their analyses o f the p o s t - W o r l d War I I period relat
ing to Keynesian macroeconomic management techniques.
The forms o f human settlement in physical space are the subject o f
Dimitrios Dendrinos's "Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors." Using an it
erative process that places a time series o f human activity in this space,
Dendrinos shows how human settlements such as cities can take the form o f
periodic, quasi-periodic, or nonperiodic (or chaotic) attractors. Dendrinos
indicates, for example, that chaotic patterns are the result o f laissez-faire-type
market processes. This analysis distinguishes two distinct forces in locational
choice: (1) those that determine the current location o f a population at particu
lar points i n time w i t h i n a given space, and that are associated with the
attributes o f location at a distance from where populations are currently
formed, and (2) those locational forces that determine current location o f
populations and are associated with the location o f prior settlement activity.
The two chapters in this section serve the purpose o f examining what chaos
theory means for social systems management and public policy and for re
search and knowledge generation in the social sciences. These chapters
attempt to provide insights to both the practical potentialities and the meth
odological limitations o f chaos theory as a tool for both altering and under
standing the dynamics o f social systems. These chapters raise the philosophi
cal issues o f the relevance o f chaos theory to social systems and social science
investigation that must be considered i f this research paradigm is to remain
Kenyon B . De Greene's "Field-Theoretic Framework for the Interpreta
tion o f the Evolution, Instability, Structural Change, and Management o f
Complex Systems" begins by pointing out that theories relating to the man
agement o f complex systems have tended to lag behind changes in technology
and society. He goes on to point out that an increasing gap exists between
management capabilities and reality. De Greene develops a model for under
standing organizational dynamics and change by employing a field-theoretic
framework. The author demonstrates the history o f field theory i n the natural
sciences and employs similar approaches to understanding organizational
management. Like many other authors, De Greene demonstrates the linkages
between macro-level phenomena, in this case the " f i e l d , " which is produced
14 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
face the compound problem o f dealing with highly intractable data that are not
easily amenable to traditional empirical analysis, as well as w h i c h , by their
nature, may preclude or limit traditional hypothetic-deductive means o f
theory generation.
The dynamics in the relationships between variables over time in non
linear systems may generate complexities that defy generalization. This diffi
culty in developing such generalizations underscores the challenge o f building
theories that are relevant to complex social phenomena such as government
budgeting. The fundamental dynamics o f social phenomena clearly exacer
bate theory building in the social realm. A t the same time, however, chaos
theory suggests a much richer and interesting w o r l d for the social scientist to
explore. For, as Heinz Pagels (1987, 73) has noted, "Life is nonlinear, and so
is just about everything else o f interest." Indeed, as the following chapters
convey, it is this richness and complexity that readers w i l l find most fas
Part 1
Chaotic Dynamics in
Social Science Data
20 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
t+ — kx,( 1 —
Mapping this formula also requires an initial starting value. The starting
point, usually called the initial condition, is represented by the first value o f
x„ x . Once the first value o f x, and the parameter value are determined, a
simple "copy" command w i t h the spreadsheet can be used to generate the time
series. The copy command serves the purpose o f recursion or feedback by
using the previous value to generate the current value o f x . t
A couple o f rules must be followed when using the logistic map. First,
the initial condition must be a fractional value such that 0 < x < 1. Second,
the parameter value or constant, k, must be greater than 0 and less than 4.
Adventurous readers are welcome to explore higher values o f k. The follow
ing is the general framework for inputting the logistic map into a spreadsheet.
Stable Equilibrium
A fascinating aspect o f the logistic map is that each behavioral regime occurs
w i t h i n defined mathematical boundaries. For example, values o f k between 0
and 3 (Stewart 1989) w i l l converge to an e q u i l i b r i u m . Table 1.1 reveals three
recursions o f the equation w i t h the same initial condition (x ) o f 0.97, but 0
w i t h varying values o f the parameter constant (k). This table reveals that the
iterations rapidly converge to a steady state and do not leave this state, or
mathematical point, once convergence occurs. Note that as the constant ap
proaches three, convergence to a stability requires more iterations. Figure 1.1
reveals the graph generated for the constant (k) o f 2.827 w i t h 100 iterations.
8 0.6-
I 0.5-
& 0.44
0 I 111 I I I 11 11 11 11 I I I I I III 11 I I M I II I I I I I ! ! I ! I I ! II I I ! I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I ! I I I I I 11 I 11 I I I I I I I I
25 50 75 100
x =037 fe = 2.827
Fig. 1.1. S t a b l e e q u i l i b r i u m
Periodic Behavior
A second type o f nonlinear behavior that can occur over time is periodic
behavior. Periodic behavior is cyclical or oscillatory behavior that repeats an
identifiable pattern. Such periodic behavior starts to occur when k > 3. This
regime initiates instability into the equation as the data start to oscillate. Such
a change in the qualitative behavior o f the time series is referred to as a
bifurcation, or a branching to a new regime o f behavior. This can be seen in
column one o f table 1.2. This first column represents a two-period cycle in
which the value o f x moves back and forth between t w o values. A t approx
imately the (k) value o f 3.5 (Stewart 1989) a four-period cycle occurs in which
four numbers alternate in a consistent pattern. This four-period cycle is shown
in column 2 o f table 1.2 and is presented graphically in figure 1.2.
This process o f cycles doubling i n the number o f alternating and contin
uous patterns o f values is labeled period doubling. It is this continuous bifur
cation o f period doubling that eventuates in the "road to chaos" (Feigenbaum
1978). B y exploring the range o f (k) between 3.56 and 3.57, this period
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet 23
doubling can be more closely examined. Table 1.2, column 3 shows the result
of the value 3.567, an eight-period cycle (Stewart 1989). This process o f
period doubling continues, as k increases, to periods o f 32, 64, 128, 256, and
so o n , until the onset o f chaos.
Chaotic behavior occurs at the (k) value o f 3.8 to 4 . This mathematical regime
represents another clear bifurcation or qualitative change i n a system's behav
ior. Three divergent values o f (k) are shown in table 1.3 to show the diverse
forms that chaotic regimes can take.
24 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
I f-
0.1 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I I I I I
20 40 60
- * = 0 . 9 7 fr = 3.50
Figure 1.3 reveals the chaotic series when k = 3.98 a n d x = 0.90. What 0
distinguishes chaos from the other regimes o f behavior is the lack o f pattern i n
its longitudinal behavior. Chaotic behavior does not repeat itself and is thus
labeled aperiodic. A close examination o f the decimals in the values o f (k)
evidences this point. The reader w i l l also note that chaotic behavior remains
w i t h i n definable parameters. W h i l e such chaotic behavior appears random, it
is not. Chaos can be generated by a deterministic equation.
S e n s i t i v i t y t o Initial C o n d i t i o n s
20 40 60
x = 0 . 9 0 k = 3.98
other perfectly. But once the divergence starts, the time series continue to
behave quite differently, as can be seen in figure 1.4.
Even researchers and students new to the study o f chaos are familiar w i t h the
notion o f order in chaos. The analyses o f nonlinear time series show that a
deeper underlying order exists in these diverse types o f behavior. This order
was discovered via graphical analysis o f chaotic time series. Yes, to under
stand nonlinear systems, look at the pictures they generate.
This deeper order is discovered by an investigation o f the attractors o f a
nonlinear system. Attractors provide a qualitative assessment o f dynamic
systems in motion (Mosekilde, A r a c i l , and A l l e n 1988, 21). Baumol and
Benhabib (1989, 91) define an attractor as "a set o f points toward which
complicated time paths starting in its neighborhood are attracted." Pool
(1989, 1292) defines an attractor as "the set o f points in a phase space
corresponding to all the different states o f the system." More simply, the term
attractor is used because the system's temporal evolution appears to be consis-
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet 27
Fig. 1.4. S e n s i t i v i t y t o i n i t i a l c o n d i t i o n s
The dynamism o f social systems suggests that each behavioral regime noted
above can appear w i t h i n the long-term behavior o f a nonlinear system. Be
cause dynamical systems are historical systems they can reveal many types o f
behavior over time. Thus each behavioral type does not reflect permanent
commitment only to that behavioral type, but rather reflects one possible type
that may occur for a period during the life o f a system.
Exploring the behavioral regimes o f nonlinear systems should provide
social scientists w i t h a foundation for discovering such behavior in social
phenomena. For example, notions o f periodicity have always been used in
analyses o f society, as phenomena ranging from fads to vehicular traffic reveal
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet 29
such oscillatory behavior. Analysts may, however, have a more difficult time
finding social systems that are truly in a steady state. Social systems do seem
to oscillate at varying frequencies. Finally, chaos may provide a means for
understanding the uncertain nature o f social systems as both historical and
evolving systems.
Michael McBurnett
32 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
five spectra. This section shows that no two time series have identical spectra
and that there is no single characteristic spectrum for chaotic dynamics.
Fourth, I introduce an empirical time series constructed from surveys con
ducted during the 1984 Democratic nomination race. These data are subjected
to spectral analysis and compared to some o f the spectra from the prior
section. I determine that spectral analysis is not conclusive in determining the
dynamics o f this time series. I conclude w i t h a discussion o f the use o f
spectral analysis and suggest the use o f some additional measures that can be
used to quantify chaos i f it is present in a time series.
Mathematical Background
Inspection o f a time series may lead one to suppose that it contains a periodic
oscillatory component with a k n o w n wavelength. This can be represented by
random variables uniformly distributed on (0, 2TT), which are fixed for a
particular value o f the process (Chatfield 1992). This assumption allows the
Probing the Underlying Structure in Dynamical Systems 33
~i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—I r
1 2 3 A 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 2 . 1 . S a m p l e s i n u s o i d a l f u n c t i o n w i t h w a v e l e n g t h 6 a n d
f r e q u e n c y 1/6
treatment o f time series suspected to contain more than one oscillating compo
nent as a stationary series.
Using the trigonometric identity cos (tot + 6) = cos wt • cos 6 — sin
cot • sin 6, equation 2 can be written as
where a- = Rj cos dj and bj = —Rj sin 0,. Clearly, from equations 2 and 3 we
see that only a finite number o f frequencies are represented here (the index j
counts only from 1 to k). W h y are there not more, indeed, an infinite number
of frequencies? Wiener (1949) showed that when k—*«>, any discrete process
measured at unit intervals can be represented as
where u(<o) and v(&>) are uncorrelated continuous processes defined for all a> in
the range ( 0 , TT). This equation is called the spectral representation o f the
process. Intuitively it helps to think o f Y, as a linear combination o f orthogo
nal oscillating terms.
One may also wonder w h y the upper l i m i t o f the integrals in equation 4 is
•nrather than + ° ° . I f the process were continuous, the l i m i t w o u l d be + ° ° . We
are concerned w i t h a discrete process measured at unit intervals. Hence,
there is no loss o f generality in restricting co to the range (0, TT), because
The power spectral distribution function, denoted F{co), is the empirical mea
sure that describes how the oscillations in a time series, i f they are present, are
distributed w i t h respect to the frequency. This measure is the one most fre
quently consulted when examining a time series for a periodic component.
Suppose we have a stochastic stationary process. Then the spectral distri
bution function is a continuous, monotone increasing, bounded function over
the interval ( 0 , TT). The function may be differentiated w i t h respect to <o in
(0, TT). The derivative is denoted / ( w ) = dF(u))/da>. This is the (power)
spectral density function, which is simply referred to as the spectrum.
When the derivative exists, and we have a stationary stochastic process
w i t h an autocovariance function y(k), we can express the relationship be
tween the autocovariance function and the spectral distribution function as
The physical meaning o f the spectrum is that f(w) du> represents the contribu
tion to the variance o f components with frequencies in the range (w, <a + dw).
When the spectrum is drawn, the total area under the curve given by equation
6 is equal to the variance o f the process. A peak in the spectrum indicates an
important contribution to variance in the appropriate interval. I n practice one
searches for peaks in the spectrum when it is drawn, as this is an indication
that periodicity is present in the series.
The integral i n equation 6 has another use in analysis. We are actually
dealing w i t h a finite number o f frequencies in the interval [ 0 , IT]. Summing the
contribution to the variance o f each o f these frequencies produces a charac
teristic shape. For a simple sinusoidal function with a single wavelength, such
as that given by equation 1, one observes a single peak that translates into a
step function. This is seen by using equation 1 to generate some data, say
2,500 iterates, and computing its spectrum. Then i f one computes the running
sum o f the contribution to the variance o f the spectral density function and
plots that sum against the cycles per iteration, the result w i l l have a single
step. More generally, for a series w i t h t w o incommensurate (nonoverlapping
or orthogonal) cycles, the result w i l l have two steps separated by the distance
corresponding to their respective frequencies, each o f which provides an
important contribution to the variance o f the process. Continuing, a process
that exhibits n cycles w i l l show n steps and each step w i l l contribute only a
small amount to the total variance o f the process. Figure 2.2 shows how this
phenomenon translates into problems when the number o f cycles present is
This figure shows five selected spectral density functions displayed as
described by equation 6 above. The equations used here are: a simple periodic
function (equation 1), an equation which contains a four-cycle (equation 7
following), the Lorenz equations (equation 8 following), a chaotic version o f
the logistic equation (equation 7 with its driving parameter set to 3.99), and a
random time series with mean zero.
The variance o f the spectrum is given by the sum over all the frequencies
present between 0 and TT. Since all computer implementations o f spectral
analysis report discrete frequencies, the m a x i m u m number o f which is given
by one-half the length o f the time series, the procedure for computing equa
tion 6 is to sum the spectral density function over all cycles. A l l the examples
used in figure 2.2 use time series with length 2,500. The vertical axis in this
figure is arbitrary; all the spectral densities have been normalized to match the
scale for the random time series to allow comparison o f their respective
36 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
n 1 1 1 1 i r
0 .1 .1667 .25 .3 A .5
The distinctions are quite dramatic. The spectral density for equation 1 is
shown as a step function, which means that all the variance in the spectrum is
accounted for by a single peak. This is also the case for the logistic equation
with the driving parameter at 3.5, which produces a four-cycle. Its spectral
distribution function has a single peak at 0.25 cycles per iteration and a
corresponding step i n this figure at 0.25 cycles. The Lorenz equations produce
a very different spectral density, which is mainly confined to the left region o f
this figure. This figure shows that the Lorenz equations are dominated by a
number o f short (high) frequencies spread over a relatively narrow range,
which accounts for all the variance. The two remaining equations are the
chaotic version o f the logistic equation and a random time series. These
functions have spectral density functions that are indistinguishable from one
another. Both show that all frequencies contribute about the same amount to
the total variance in the time series. The chaotic logistic equation has frequen
cies o f all cycles present in the series and these cycles are uniformly distrib
uted across the entire spectrum. This makes it is easy to see why the random
series and this equation look similar in this graph: each frequency contributes
about the same amount to the total variance. This is a serious impediment to
the sole use o f this technique for attempting to identify chaotic dynamics
Probing the Underlying Structure in Dynamical Systems 37
(Glass and Mackey 1988). It shows that deterministic chaos may not be
distinguished from noise in some instances by spectral analysis. Despite this
difficulty we can often learn about the dynamics o f a process from the fre
quency properties o f a time series. Below I introduce examples o f the spectral
distribution o f a variety o f time series.
I n v e s t i g a t i o n of Selected T i m e Series
-7 -
-8 -
Figure 2.4 shows the spectrum for equation 1, and the spike is present pre
cisely where it is expected. This spectrum shows that the variance in equation
1 is accounted for by a single frequency that corresponds to the precise
wavelength o f the time series. This example demonstrates convincingly the
resolving power o f spectral analysis w i t h periodic data.
These two examples use a purely random process and a known periodic
process to illustrate what to look for i n the spectrum o f a time series. In the
next section, I introduce three specific time series and their respective spectra.
First I show how the spectrum responds to the presence o f noise in the time
series. Second, because our interest lies in the examination and characteriza
tion o f (potentially) chaotic time series I demonstrate the analysis o f a selec
tion o f time series w i t h k n o w n chaotic properties both w i t h and without noise
present. T h i r d , I analyze the spectrum o f a time series derived from survey
data that may have some chaotic properties.
~i i r
25 .3
.1 .16667.2
Cycles per Unit Time
scientists are well aware that noise is present in all measurements o f social
processes. The error in measurements can be due to random or systematic
measurement error, the failure to account for a relevant variable, or unknown
other means. I n statistics, measurement errors can be problematic (Achen
1986; Greene 1978; Kenny and McBurnett 1992). I n deterministic dynamics,
the presence o f error can have a catastrophic effect (Peitgen et a l . , 1992). As a
matter o f fact, all models o f dynamical systems w i l l contain some error. One
source o f error is the computer. For many models, the only source o f error is
that due to computer rounding error. I n physical experiments, error can creep
into the measurements from imprecision in the instruments used to take mea
surements. Social scientists are well aware that many measurements we make
are imprecise. Inferences from surveys rely on sampling theory and the sam
ple error increases as the sample size decreases. What we need to know is how
stochastic error affects the resolving power o f the spectral distribution func
tion. I first examine t w o variants o f a well-known equation to illustrate the
resolving power o f the spectral density function in a periodic function, the
periodic function w i t h an additive stochastic component, and a chaotic variant
of the same equation. I then turn to an examination o f t w o additional w e l l -
k n o w n chaotic time series.
40 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
A Periodic Function
with Y = 0.5 produces a time series that contains a four-cycle. This series
contains 500 elements. The four-cycle is a stable attractor. The series con
verges to the four-cycle by the third iteration. The points are .38281, .82694,
.50088, and .87499. The series contains no noise except that due to computer
rounding errors.
Figure 2.5 shows the spectrum for the logistic equation above. A four
cycle translates into .25 cycles per unit time, and the graph shows a very sharp
peak at precisely that value. The remainder o f the graph is flat. What happens
when error is present?
The same time series produced by equation 7 is used again, but 20
percent error has been added to each observation. The error is normal, with
variance equal to .07. This series also contains 500 data points. In this case,
.015 -
the spectrum is recovered precisely, with the sharp peak at .25 cycles per
iteration, as before. The relatively large noise component manifests itself as
background noise surrounding the sharp peak. Figure 2.6 shows that noise
does not necessarily compromise the resolving power o f spectral analysis.
What does the spectrum o f a series with multiple cycles look like?
I f the driving parameter in equation 7 is changed to 3.6, the logistic
equation produces a chaotic time signal. This means that the series contains 1,
2, 3, 4 , . . . , oo-cycles. The spectrum for this series should be quite different
from the previous series, but the length o f this series is not sufficient to allow
cycles whose period exceeds 500 to be determined from the data. Figure 2.7
shows the spectrum for this series and it differs dramatically from the previous
two. Here a sharp peak is seen again at .25 cycles, but this peak is straddled
by t w o additional peaks, which are straddled by t w o additional peaks, and
these too are bounded by another t w o peaks, after which the resolution ceases
to allow a clear identification o f the presence o f additional peaks. This chaotic
signal contains multiple cycles as well as broad background noise and the
analysis o f its frequency spectrum allows one to identify the presence o f some
of them. Notice that the spectrum shows that the time series appears to be
.04 -
.02 -
.015 -
.01 -
® .00875 -
.9 .0075 -
| .00525 -
S -005 -
c .00375 -
« .0025 -
<g- .00125 -
0 -
I I ""I I I I i 1 1 1 n
0 .05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 A .45 .5
Cycles per Unit Time
JC] = 10(— x , + x)
x 2
28x| X2 -^1-^3 (^)
x 3 = —(8/3)x + 3 xx-
x 2
cies, and it decays rapidly. The peaks that are present are not well defined and
it appears that no periodicities are easily discernible. This result confirms
results reported by Farmer et al. (1980) and is one characterization o f chaotic
time series.
The Rossler equations are another system o f dynamic equations k n o w n
to display chaotic dynamics. The Rossler equations describe the spread o f
disease and have been used effectively to model measles and whooping cough
epidemics in children (Rossler 1976; Schaffer et a l . 1986; Schaffer 1987;
Schaffer et al. 1990). The system o f equations is again written in dot notation.
i , = ~(x 2 + x) 3
x2 = X] + -2x 2 (9)
x 3 = .2 + x xt 3 — 5.7x3
The parameters given in this system o f equations describe what is called "the
simple Rossler attractor" (Farmer et a l . 1980). The equations were integrated
numerically with the Runge-Kutta integrator i n Phaser for 1,000 iterations
with a step size o f 0 . 1 . The result is a discrete time series o f length 10,000.
The spectrum for this system o f equations (using x ), as shown in figure
2.9, displays features dramatically different from the Lorenz spectrum. The
Rossler equations contain many identifiable peaks corresponding to cycles o f
particular length, w i t h broad background noise evident between the peaks.
The logistic equation, the Lorenz equations, and the Rossler equations
all display different spectra. Where periodicities are k n o w n to exist a priori,
spectral analysis clearly identifies them as w i t h the logistic equations. The
Lorenz and Rossler systems are k n o w n to contain aperiodic cycles. This is
evident in the spectrum for the Lorenz system, which displays high power at
low frequencies w i t h rapid decay in the spectrum. In contrast, the Rossler
system has broad background noise and clearly identifiable peaks correspond
ing to periodicity at particular frequencies.
What we observe in these three examples, w i t h and without noise, is the
full range o f possibilities in the spectral distribution functions o f chaotic data.
The spectrum for the logistic equation exhibits period doubling, which is a
well-known route to chaos. The Lorenz equations, in contrast, show no iden
tifiable structure other than high power at l o w frequency with a decay in
power as the frequency increases. This pattern resembles the spectrum for
many economic time series. (See Granger and Newbold 1986, 66 for a similar
spectrum derived from the Federal Reserve Board index o f industrial produc
tion.) Finally, the spectrum for the Rossler equations shows some identifiable
peaks at a variety o f frequencies that appear above broad background noise.
W h y do we observe so much variability in these spectra, each o f which is
Probing the Underlying Structure in Dynamical Systems 45
The fact is that the spectrum provides us with only one piece o f evidence for
chaotic dynamics and even that may be suspect. The examples used here were
taken from time series whose dynamics are known to be chaotic. I f , for
example, the driving parameter in the logistic equation were to be shifted
downward by only 0.1 (to 3.5), the spectrum would show the single peak
identified in figure 2.4, rather than multiple peaks surrounded by background
46 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
In 1984, the Center for Political Studies conducted a telephone poll o f the
national electorate, using a probability sample over a very long period. This
survey is k n o w n as the Rolling Cross-Section. Although it has some draw
backs, such as a fairly large sampling error (Allsop and Weisberg 1988), it is
the only national sample o f its type. This analysis uses that portion o f the
survey containing those respondents interviewed after January 1 1 , 1984, and
before June 12, 1984 (153 days). Those respondents were interviewed during
the period in which all primary and caucus activity took place.
The survey asked respondents to rate the chances o f the various Demo
cratic candidates winning their party's nomination. As Bartels points out,
most respondents failed to rate candidates' chances as i f they had probability
theory i n m i n d (1988, app. A ) . Though Bartels used this survey for a quite
different purpose, I make use o f his coding scheme, which measures each
individual's perception o f each candidate's chance o f winning the Democratic
nomination (1988, 3 2 2 - 2 3 ) .
The individual responses were averaged according to the date o f the
Probing the Underlying Structure in Dynamical Systems 47
winning the nomination appear to cycle about a particular value. Notice that
Hart is always thought to have a chance o f winning the nomination. He is not
eliminated from the competition; he is considered to be a contender through
out the campaign. This pattern in public opinion matches the pattern in the
electoral results closely. The expectation is that these data may contain a cycle
w i t h long periodicity, as do the electoral results.
Figure 2.11 shows the dynamics o f the probability o f Jesse Jackson
w i n n i n g the nomination. The dynamics here are anything but smooth and
orderly. The graph contains a shape reminiscent o f a figure eight. The dynami
cal behavior cycles i n one direction and then reverses, and the two lobes
revolve about separate and distinct values. Though the data are obviously
noisy, the phase portrait shows that the dynamical pattern is bounded, that is,
the dynamics remain near the attractor, and that this does not appear to be an
ordinary cycle.
Figure 2.12 shows the phase portrait o f the probability that Walter
Mondale w i l l w i n the 1984 Democratic nomination. Though it is difficult to see
in the figure, the dynamics indicate that the perception o f Mondale's chances o f
winning increases rapidly at first, cycling about one value (near 0.50), and
.7 -
'« -65 -
S .45 -
then drops to a lower value (near 0.35), about which the series continues to
cycle. Toward the end o f the race the mean perception o f his chances rises
beyond the first level (near 0.60) and continues to cycle about that value. This
graph shows extremely complex behavior but it is hidden by the noise present
in the data.
Taken together, these figures reveal what may be a strange attractor
resembling the Lorenz attractor from climate dynamics (Lorenz 1963; Schuster
1989). Strange attractors are associated with chaotic dynamical systems
(Schuster 1989). The identification o f this type o f structure underlying the
dynamics o f public opinion is important because o f the implications this has
for forecasting the outcome o f nomination races as well as the study o f change
in public opinion over time generally (Huckfeldt 1990). For example, i f the
time series here can be shown to be chaotic, then we w i l l gain a deeper
understanding o f why polls are so variable while election outcomes are rela
tively easy to forecast (Gelman and K i n g 1993).
The spectral distribution function for the Mondale time series has some
features i n common w i t h the chaotic logistic spectrum. This spectrum is
displayed in figure 2.13. It appears that all frequencies contribute about
equally to the spectral density. The spectrum is dominated by broadband
it cannot. W h i l e it seems that the Mondale (and the Jackson) series contains
identifiable peaks corresponding to several frequencies, the series also con
tains considerable noise. Noise introduces problems in the resolution o f peri
odicity, especially when the signal-to-noise ratio is high. Glass and Mackey
(1988) and M o o n (1989) clearly state that spectral analysis is only one tool to
be used in the analysis o f time series that are thought to be chaotic. Here we
have an example o f w h y no particular technique is to be relied upon exclu
sively in the analysis o f suspected chaotic time series. A set o f tests need to be
applied to the time series. Spectral analysis is a good place to start, but
measures o f the dimension o f the series (the correlation integral) as well as o f
the rate o f divergence o f nearby points on the attractor (the Lyapunov expo
nent) are required for empirical identification o f chaotic motion.
I would like to thank Thad Brown and Jim Kuklinski for their cogent critiques of
earlier versions of this paper, and Gottfried Mayer-Kress for suggestions regarding the
spectra of a variety of time series.
1. All time series used here are discrete because they are produced by numerical
integration or recursion. Numerical integrators rely on small step sizes, which are a
discrete approximation to an integral solution.
2. A variety of smoothing (or weighting) techniques are commonly used with
spectral analysis to accentuate periodicity (see Chatfield 1991; Wei 1990 for ex
amples). None of these techniques are used here because smoothing a chaotic time
series destroys the basic property of interest! None of the basic research in the natural
sciences uses smoothing in spectral analysis because the interest lies not in modeling
the process but rather in examining the extant time series for periodicity in its natural
state. Hence smoothing is not used here, nor should it be used in general.
Thad A. Brown
A t some point in time, all scientific things must be measured and calibrated—
even chaos. The Lyapunov characteristic exponent, A, is the clearest measure
to prove the existence and to quantify chaos in a dynamical system or time
series. Chaos exists when A is positive, and this indicates the system under
investigation is sensitive to initial conditions. A dictionary would suggest
chaos is a state o f complete confusion, or one lacking any organization. I n the
field o f nonlinear dynamics, however, the term seems to imply specific prop
erties o f turbulence i n a nonlinear system. But what is chaos? H o w can we test
for it i n an empirical manner, and precisely, thereby separating it from other
complicated yet fully predictable phenomena? As it turns out, the Lyapunov
exponent, A, is a powerful measurement tool for separating chaotic behavior
from the stable and predictable. Before turning to a discussion o f this mea
sure, let us review some o f the main features o f chaos.
54 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
art than to statistics (Peitgen, J ü r g e n s , and Saupe 1992). Does this imply that
it is impossible to predict the long-time behavior o f a political or economic
system (or both)? Such systems are potentially chaotic because their initial
conditions can be fixed only w i t h finite accuracy. Error may explode.
Yet the long-time unpredictability exists only at the individual level (or,
in the language o f dynamics, at the level o f individual trajectories). A t the
level o f statistical properties o f the time evolution (averaged over different
trajectories, say as they evolve from different nearby initial conditions), very
definite predictions are possible. Said differently, when or where chaos exists
can only be k n o w n by statistical prediction. Trajectories w i l l eventually move
only on a small submanifold (chaotic or strange attractor to be described later)
of the entire state space, w i t h predictable visitation frequencies o f the different
parts o f the attractor. Is it possible, then, to estimate the time up to a short-
term prognosis o f an individual trajectory? Yes. It is the coexistence o f pre
dictable and unpredictable that leads to the phrase order in chaos in the field
of nonlinear dynamic systems.
What are the attributes o f deterministic chaos? Systems o f nonlinear
equations w i t h time dependencies are the easiest place to find chaos. They
range from simple one-dimensional models such as the quadratic equation
x —* ax( 1 — x) to more complex three- and four-dimensional equations (Hale
and Kocak 1991). Chaotic systems exhibit perverse or complex motion i n that
the time series never settles down to simple cycles or equilibrium. Orbits are
inconsistent, wandering, and erratic, m i x i n g the properties o f the time evolu
tion. The key to chaotic behavior is that the equation or the system o f equa
tions o f motion exhibits a sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Often a
series o f states can be seen when the value o f a parameter o f the model is
changed and the system moves from one state to another.
In time-series data where the exact equation o f motion can only be
presumed, chaos is harder to find. Even more challenging is to infer the
microscopic process that underlies a time series where chaos has been de
tected. To know the equations o f motion in politics, economics, and social
dynamics, we require just such discoveries o f microscopic laws. We w i l l turn
to this discussion and point to some interesting approaches at the end o f this
An Attractor
Chaos Characteristics
Chaotic A t t r a c t o r
The lower the dimensionality, the fewer independent variables are needed to
describe the chaotic behavior. O f course, i n a chaotic system the dimension o f
the attractor is less than the dimension o f the space w i t h i n which it is embed
ded (see Feder 1988).
A n d , finally, (3) the attractor is sensitive to initial conditions. Sensitivity
refers to the amplification o f any arbitrarily small interval o f values by itera
tion. Sensitivity to initial conditions is the nub o f chaos theory, and indeed
may be the point where chaos theory touches science. When nonlinear deter
ministic models—which are absolutely correct—are sensitive to initial condi
tions, they cannot be used to predict very far into the future. Lorenz (1963), in
his famous experiments on weather patterns, found that the higher iterations
appeared statistically independent o f earlier values. The smallest error in the
, h
n decimal place becomes magnified and amplified under the numerical left-
shift action o f the iterative function.
We assume that the volume o f an attractor is much smaller than the
volume o f phase space. In a dissipative system the irregular stretching in some
directions and contraction in other directions produces a final motion (once
transients are over) that may be unstable within the attractor. Points that are
arbitrarily near at the initial time step become exponentially separated at the
attractor for sufficiently long times. This leads to positive Kolmogorov en
tropy, the exponential separation that occurs in the direction o f stretching.
A Fourier analysis o f motion on a strange attractor reveals a continuous
power spectrum. Under conditions o f a linear model, a typical interpretation
w o u l d be that there are an infinite number o f Fourier modes or oscillators.
Under the conditions o f linear theory, such a reasoning has to take place i n an
infinite-dimension phase space. A n interpretation can be either that the system
is searching an infinite number o f dimensions in phase space or that the
system is evolving in a nonlinear fashion on a finite dimensional attractor.
Recognition o f nonlinearities has provoked a fundamental alteration from
thinking about Fourier modes to thinking about the information dimension.
The tool used to measure this information dimension is ergodic theory
(Billingsley 1965).
K Entropy
knows less and less over time. W i t h a second set o f measures, however, we
end up w i t h far more information about the system, even about the initial
state, than w o u l d have been possible at the beginning (Shaw 1981).
Consider that conditions where entropy increases are similar to a party
system where voters were limited to two or three parties but suddenly are
allowed to vote for twice as many. The disorder in the system increases
because voters are no longer limited or confined to their prior political space.
The increase i n disorder is coupled with an increase in our ignorance about the
state o f the system. Before the sudden doubling o f the number o f parties we
knew more about the position o f voters.
Precisely then entropy, S, is proportional to —S, P log P where P is the
t h t
set o f probabilities o f finding the system in state {/} and measures the informa
tion needed to locate the system in a specific state {i}. Thus S captures our
ignorance about the system.
the Lyapunov number, e , can be used to give a more precise interpretation.
The first Lyapunov number, e , indicates the error amplification; the second
number, e , illustrates the degree o f contraction (—) or expansion ( + ) . The
A 1 + A 2
sum o f the first and second exponents, e , can be interpreted as a measure
of how much the area is either reduced (—, —) or expanded ( + , + ) . For a
system evolving on a fixed point where k = 3, the signs o f the Lyapunov are
(—, —, — ) . I n such a system there is a continuous convergence on a fixed
value. For a l i m i t cycle the Lyapunov characteristic exponents are (0, —, — ) ,
where convergence occurs on two coordinates, w i t h a marginal limit on the
third. A two-torus attractor is indicated by (0, 0, —) and reflects instances
where t w o dimensions are marginally stable and one converges. Strange
attractors exist i n instances o f at least one positive Lyapunov exponent ( + , 0,
—) and reflect instances o f simultaneous convergence and divergence. A
purely chaotic state ( + , + , + ) represents utter divergence. Purely chaotic
behavior is illustrated by a cantor-like set in a noninteger, fractal dimension.
Intuitively, we can define a purely chaotic state where the three Lyapunov
exponents are all positive. The sum o f the three Lyapunov numbers,
eAi+A2+A3; approximates the maximal average by which the volume changes
per time step.
N x
e ee ^ o>
N iterations N N x
0 0 e f (x )f ( o
0 + £)'
N x N N
where ee * o> = \f (x 0 + e) —f (x )\. 0 The limits o f the previous expression
can be formally expressed as
+ e) -f ix )
N—t-x e - » 0 "
which reduces to
. . . lim 1 N
df (x ) 0
dx 0
Jx f 2 ( x )
U =j f f x
[ { x ) ]
L /'i/<w'c*o)
as w e l l as on the initial value o f the system. Oseledec's theorem has been used
in nearly all explications o f Lyapunovs to refine the definition o f their mathe
matical underpinning (Eckmann and Ruelle 1985).
The implications are as follows: (1) the Lyapunovs are invariant o f the
dynamics; (2) because they are independent o f the position o f the trajectory on
the orbit, the Lyapunov can be used to classify the attractor; (3) they also
define the limits o f predictability for any model. This implies a key interpreta
tion o f the Lyapunov, since the largest Lyapunov governs the size o f any
perturbation to the orbit around the attractor. When the system is Lyapunov-
positive, the perturbation grows and predictability is lost. We can precisely
say now that 2 A, is the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, which dictates the rate
/ 0 = - E ^ log ^ = log 2 2 n.
1 1
-\og a
- log - 2
n n
Measuring Chaos Using the Lyapunov Exponent 61
\(x )
0 = log 2 · |A/|.
The larger the exponent, the greater the information loss. The gain or loss o f
information reflects the amount o f uncertainty in the dynamical process. W i t h
a loss o f information, the amount o f predictability decreases and the certainty
in the future is diminished. Thus the Lyapunov exponent allows both a calcu
lation o f a chaotic signal and an interpretation.
Calculating A
The calculation o f the Lyapunov exponents depends upon measuring the rate
by which close or nearby trajectories split in phase space after small changes
in initial conditions. When the equations o f motion are k n o w n , as i n a
computer simulation, estimating the Lyapunov is not difficult. When data are
used, difficulties arise. As a rule, chaotic systems contain at least one positive
Lyapunov exponent. The trick is to calculate the Lyapunov w i t h i n the small
est possible D-dimensional hypersphere that contains the attractor w i t h i n a
specific number o f time steps. There are three control parameters: the embed
ded dimension, the number o f time steps over which pairs o f points are
evaluated, and the precision o f the estimate. A fc-dimensional volume segment
grows by the average factor o f A, + A + . . . + \ at each time step. A g a i n ,
2 m
a A > 0 indicates that the attractor is chaotic and that a very small error or
perturbation grows in the short run exponentially fast.
Two algorithms have been used to calculate Lyapunov characteristic
exponents: Wolf's algorithm (1985, 1986) and the Eckmann-Ruelle algorithm
(1985). The W o l f algorithm tracks a pair o f arbitrarily close points over a
trajectory to estimate the accumulated error per time step. The points are
separated i n time by at least one orbit on the attractor. The trajectory is defined
by the fiducial and test trajectories. They are tracked for a fixed time period
or until the distance between the two components o f the trajectory exceeds
some specific value. In sequence, another test point near the fiducial trajectory
is selected and estimation proceeds. The end product is that the stretching and
squeezing are averaged.
Figure 3.1 shows a representation o f the Wolf computation o f a
62 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
y(t )
0 y(t )
Fig. 3 . 1 . S c h e m a t i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e W o l f a l g o r i t h m t o c o m p u t e A,.
( F r o m V a s t a n o a n d K o s t e l i c h 1986. R e p r i n t e d w i t h p e r m i s s i o n . )
Lyapunov as presented by Vastano and Kostelich (1986, 102). The initial data
point, y(t ), and its nearest neighbor, z ( / ) , are L units apart. Over A f , a
0 0 0 0
series o f time steps from t to t , the two points y and z evolve until their
0 k
distance, L ' , is greater than some arbitrarily small e. The y value at t be
0 k
comes y ( f , ) and a new nearest neighbor, z , ( / , ) , is selected. This procedure
continues until the fiducial trajectory y reaches the end o f the time series. The
replacement o f the old point by its substitute point and the replacement o f the
error direction by a new directional vector constitutes a renormalization o f
errors along the trajectory.
The largest estimated Lyapunov exponent o f the attractor is then
Â, =
data into interval [ 0 , 1]. Such transformations allow for comparisons between
different time series and permit a more ready interpretation o f the length
scales. Second, Fraser and Swinney (1986) suggest verifying that the esti
mated Lyapunov exponent is stable over a range o f parameter choices. I n
creasing the m a x i m u m admissible length scale between fiducial and test tra
jectories eventually induces the value o f the Lyapunov exponent to drop. W o l f
et a l . (1985) suggest that the m a x i m u m length scales should not exceed 10
percent o f the extent o f the attractor.
The Eckmann-Ruelle algorithm offers some marginal gain over the W o l f
approach and is considered by some the "current state o f the art" (Peitgen,
J ü r g e n s , and Saupe 1992). I t uses a least-squares approximation o f the deriva
tive matrices, an approach that was independently proposed by Sano and
Sawada (1985). Figure 3.3 illustrates the Eckmann-Ruelle algorithm.
64 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Figures 3.1 and 3.3 are reprinted from "Comparison of Algorithms for Determining
Lyapunov Exponents from Experimental Data" by J . A . Vastano and E . J. Kostelich, in
Dimensions and Entropies in Chaotic Systems, ed. G . Mayer-Kress (Berlin: Springer¬
Verlag, 1986), by permission of the authors, Elsevier Science, and Springer-Verlag.
Local Lyapunov exponents may hence provide a useful approach to detecting chaos in
some cases.
3. B y definition a fiducial distribution makes probability statements about unknown
parameter values.
4. It should be noted that every replacement data point should be in the direction of
the previous point on the test trajectory. The replacement point, z,(f,), should be
located as near as possible to the value y ( / , ) in the direction z (f,). The search for such
a value is restricted to a cone of width © and height rj about the fiducial trajectory y.
The angular-width value of 0 is adjusted as needed. Wolf (1985) has suggested that the
resulting errors in the estimation of the Lyapunov are not sensitive to the choice of 0
or to approximate values of e. Usually, 0 = .349, the value of TT/9. See Vastano and
Kostelich 1986 for an excellent discussion of the implementation of both the Wolf and
Eckmann-Ruelle methods.
5. Using a least-squares estimate of the Jacobian at y(i), given a flow x = f(x), the
variation equations u = Df(x)u are integrated using Benettin's algorithm to compute
the Lyapunov.
Ted Jaditz
68 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
nonlinear structure as the prediction test. This paper w i l l discuss the basis for
the prediction test and evaluate the prospects for its application to economic
data. We illustrate by applying the test to monthly inflation data. We ask
whether nonlinear methods offer statistically significant improvements i n
forecast performance over the standard linear models typically employed by
To summarize the discussion, the prediction test for nonlinearity is ex
tremely promising. There are certain difficulties in applying the test and
interpreting the results: It is not at all obvious what measure o f forecast
accuracy should be used, and certain care must be taken in interpreting the
statistical tests o f forecast improvement. Despite these difficulties, out-of-
sample forecast improvement is perhaps the most persuasive evidence that
one can offer in favor o f the hypothesis o f nonlinearity.
Having said all that, the evidence for deterministic nonlinearity in eco
nomic data is weak. The methods that work very well at predicting even noisy
chaos do not offer substantially improved forecasts o f economic time series.
This suggests that it is rather unlikely that low-dimensional chaos underlies
economic time series.
andF: 3?" —» 3t" are "smooth" (i.e., twice differentiable almost everywhere)
X, = F(X,_,) (1)
a, = h(X,) (2)
th 2
tion: let F'{x) be denned as the f iterate o f F. For example, F (x) = F(F(x)),
F (x) = F(F(F(x))), and so on. Thus, X, - F'(X ). I f we knew the precise
initial state o f the process and the transition function, F, then in principle we
could predict the subsequent evolution o f the process perfectly accurately.
Note that the function h can be interpreted as a "measuring device," which
provides information about the current values o f the state variables. I n this
scheme, we need not observe the state variables directly.
O f particular interest is the case where F() is bounded on a closed
subspace o f and admits an attractor: Heuristically, the attractor is a
parsimonious description o f the long-run behavior o f the system. The long-run
behavior o f the system can be envisaged as orbits moving along the attractor.
(a) For all x E. A, F(x) G A . This means that once an orbit enters the
attractor, all subsequent motion of the system is on the attractor.
(Formally, the set A is invariant with respect to the law of motion F.)
(b) The attractor isn't a union of disjoint sets. (The set A is indecompos-
(c) The orbits generated by F are dense in A. This means that the
trajectory visits all neighborhoods of the attractor, so that a single
realization of a time series will fully describe the system if that
realization has enough observations. (The set A is topologically
(d) Finally, for the law of motion F, A = n j l F'(U). All orbits that start
i f X , < 0.5
2(1 - X , ) i f X, > 0.5
The phase curve and a sample time path are given in figure 4 . 1 . The attractor
for the tent map is just the phase curve, the kinked line segment in (X,, X , + 1 )
70 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
space from (0, 0) to (0.5, 1), to ( 1 , 0). Starting from any point on the attractor
X„ the subsequent value X t+l — F(X,) w i l l also lie on the attractor. Thus, even
though a typical orbit o f the tent map appears haphazard to the eye (and to
many statistical tests!), it is in fact generated by a very simple rule. I f one
knew the rule, one could predict subsequent observations to a high degree o f
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism 71
Note that attractors need not be as simple as this example. One way to
describe an attractor is to give a measure o f its complexity. One such measure
is the dimension. For the tent map, the attractor is a one-dimensional curve in
a two-dimensional space. Hence we say that the attractor has dimension one.
Attractors can be highly irregular; many interesting systems exhibit attractors
o f fractional dimension. The dimension is generally less than or equal to the
m i n i m u m number o f coordinates necessary to represent the state space o f the
process. See Eckmann and Ruelle 1985 for further discussion o f this impor
tant concept.
Let us add a trivial complication. Suppose that our observer function is
at = h(X ) = Xf
t (4)
In other words, we do not observe the state o f the system, but we observe
some function o f the state o f the system. O f course, i f we knew h(-), we could
invert it and thus observe the state o f the system directly. However, we
typically do not know enough about h(-) to be able to invert i t . Can we infer
anything about the true state o f the system from the observed time series?
The answer to this question is given by the Takens Embedding Theorem.
Takens's (1985) theorem states that we can learn about the underlying state
variables, X„ from "embeddings" o f the observed a,'s. Given a sequence o f
observations, {a,}, define the embedding or m-history as:
a? = (a„ a, , +l . . . , a l + m ^) (5)
0-F 1 1 | -.. - • _ !
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 4.2. E m b e d d i n g o f t h e o b s e r v e d values a ,
the observed values, a,, is in many ways similar to the phase diagram for the
unobserved variables, X It is stretched somewhat due to the effects o f the
In plainer words, the time paths o f the process started from t w o nearby states
w i l l diverge eventually. Figure 4.3 illustrates two trajectories o f the tent map,
using starting values that differ by 1 0 ~ . Even though the t w o starting values
are quite close, by the eleventh iteration, the paths have diverged enough to
lose all subsequent resemblance.
Sensitive dependence to initial conditions makes long-term prediction o f
their future states virtually impossible. Suppose we only know the current
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism 73
state o f a chaotic process to some fixed degree o f accuracy, due to the impreci
sion o f our measuring device. Suppose we observe a noisy chaos.
the process is chaotic, uncertainty about the current state is rapidly magnified,
and thus our long-term forecasts o f a noisy chaotic process can do no better
than to predict that the process w i l l be somewhere on the attractor. On the
other hand, i f the interval [a, b] is small e n o u g h — i f we know the current state
to a fair degree o f precision—then our prediction o f the near future states may
have a reasonable degree o f accuracy.
The chaos hypothesis is just the suggestion that economic data are gener
ated by a noisy chaos. I f this is true, then there is a nonlinear function, F, that
is the data generator underlying economic time series. To implement the
prediction test, we use embeddings o f the observed data to try and identify
features o f the attractor for this function, F. I f the attractor is simple enough,
74 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
i f the observer function does not obscure the underlying structure, and i f the
amount o f observer noise is small, we may be able to learn enough about the
attractor to aid in short-term forecasts.
A n I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e Prediction Test
for some N < T. The aim is to use the information in 5F to predict observa
tions i n 9*.
For a given lag length, m , construct for each observation {x},= \j, m+ an
m-history, xf_ x
x x x x
T-\ ~ ( l-\> l-2> · · · > t-m)- (8)
r e a c r i x n tr
Thus we have a set o f ordered pairs, { ( * , , xT-\)} = +i,T- P° t m i < »e
prediction set, we calculate the distance between x™_ and l V J£
Casdagli suggests using the norm to calculate distances,
|| * || = max,-1 |. (9)
We then select the k nearest pairs, (x , JCJL, ) , to estimate the parameters i n the
local regression,
x s = a k + x?_ ß x k + e.
s (10)
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism 75
The estimated parameters &Q and d are used to calculate the prediction,
k k
x = a + xT-ik-
t k (11)
Citing the Takens theorem, Casdagli suggests setting the lag length, m,
equal to In + I , where n is the dimension o f the process. When the dimension
of the process is not k n o w n , we can estimate i t , using (to pick one possibility
out o f several) the procedure sketched in Brock and Baek 1991.
We should point out how this procedure compares to the global linear
predictors typically used by economists. For the global linear predictor, we
use every observation in the fitting set to estimate the parameters o f the
regression. I f the underlying process is sufficiently nonlinear, the global linear
predictor w i l l do a poor j o b o f approximating the relationship between the
histories and the futures, and the resulting forecasts w i l l be inaccurate.
The essence o f the prediction test is to compare the forecasts generated
by the linear methodologies preferred by economists to the forecasts gener
ated by the nonlinear, nearest neighbor algorithms preferred by physicists. I f
the near neighbor algorithm gives more accurate forecasts, then we have
evidence that the underlying process is nonlinear. To evaluate forecasting
performance, we use the Root Mean Square Error ( R M S E ) o f the forecast.
Given a time series, { y y , • • • , y } , and a set o f forecasts for that series,
1 ( 2 r
{ y , , y , • • • , y }, we define the R M S E as
2 T
RMSE = (12)
X, = a (13)
We use the estimated parameters from the fitting set to generate predictions for
< >
the data in 3 . The results for the linear model are summarized in table 4.1 and
are quite poor. First, the linear model does not fit the data very w e l l . The
regression R is only about 0 . 0 1 ; the regression explains only about one-half
of 1 percent o f the total variation o f the process. The only significant coeffi
cient is the regression intercept. Out-of-sample forecast performance is dis
mal. The normalized R M S E for the A R ( 3 ) model is 1.024, which is worse
than the result obtained i f we just use the unconditional mean o f the fitting set
as our forecast.
I f we apply the near neighbor methodology, we obtain far superior re
sults. In figure 4 . 4 , we plot the normalized R M S E as a function o f the number
of near neighbors used in the regression. For a fitting set o f 500 observations,
we can set the number o f near neighbors used in the regression from one to
500. The m i n i m u m o f the N R M S E plot is the best near neighbor predictor.
The plot is minimized at k = 5: our best prediction o f an element in SP is
obtained when we comb through the fitting set and calculate our prediction
based on the five observations in the fitting set that are most similar to the
history o f the observation that we are trying to predict. A regression calcu
lated using only those five observations w i l l , on average, explain nearly 98
TABLE 4 . 1 . S u m m a r y o f Regression
Results f o r t h e T e n t M a p
Regression R 0.012
Fitting Set Mean Forecast NRMSE 1.008
Regression Forecast RMSE 1.024
Number of Observations 500
1.2 t
percent o f the variation in the process. The forecasts generated by the near
neighbor methodology are stunningly more accurate than the forecasts gener
ated by the global linear predictor, and this provides very convincing evidence
of the nonlinearity present in the tent map.
It bears mentioning that the N R M S E plot for the tent map is quite typical
of the shape o f the plot when significant nonlinearity is present. Here, we
observe that the plot is minimized for a relatively small number o f near
neighbors, and the plot is smoothly upward sloping from the m i n i m u m out to
the m a x i m u m number o f near neighbors, where we are essentially replicating
the global linear predictor.
For real economic data, the difference in forecast performance between
the linear and nonlinear predictors is seldom so clear cut. The normalized
R M S E for the nonlinear predictor is typically much closer to the R M S E o f the
linear predictor. We are then left to ask whether the forecast improvement
generated by the nonlinear models is sufficient to justify the inference that the
data generator is nonlinear. It turns out that answering this question is sur
prisingly difficult.
There are a number o f conceptual problems that must be addressed before one
can sensibly compare and evaluate forecasts generated by different methods.
The first problem is: how should we measure forecast accuracy? Almost
all authors focus on a mechanical measure o f forecast accuracy, such as Root
78 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
The second reason is that there are types o f forecast improvements that
these measures are poorly suited to identify. R M S E and M A D are global
measures o f forecast accuracy. It is possible to have a method that forecasts
poorly most o f the time, but very well some o f the time. The method may still
be useful, provided that one can tell when it is going to work and when it w i l l
not. Global measures o f forecast accuracy may not be sensitive enough to
identify these occasional successes.
Having said all o f that, we w i l l continue to focus on the R M S E measure
of forecast performance. We w i l l follow the usual practice o f measuring
forecast performance by normalized R M S E .
The second and much more difficult problem in forecast evaluation is:
how much better does the forecast have to be before the improvement is
"significant"? The term significant improvement is thrown about quite fre
quently i n papers on forecasting, and almost all o f the time the use o f the term
is not justified. One step toward turning a heuristic procedure into a statistical
test is to utilize some recently developed tools for comparing the accuracy o f
competing forecast methods.
A recent paper by Mizrach (1992) has derived a statistic to test the
hypothesis that one forecast has a smaller mean square error than another. The
test is a refinement o f an approach due to Granger and Newbold (1986) and
Meese and Rogoff (1988). To review the test, let { e , , } be the forecast residuals
from method one, and let {e } be the forecast residuals from method t w o .
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism 79
i,t +
2,t- The correlation between u, and v, is just o-\ — < J \ . Thus, i f the
correlation between u, and v, is significantly greater (less) than zero, then o~ is
significantly greater (less) than cr . 2
( \ 2 «,v,
R = Vf (14)
V X w(j')
S (i)
w(0 = 1 -
k + 1
T - i
2 u ,v u,v,,
i+ i+t i < 0
T + i
k(T) 3
k = k(T), w i t h l i m _ ^ , 0, = i n t ( J " ) + 1,
for example.
The a - m i x i n g assumption is worth explaining. A sequence o f random
variables is independently distributed i f no single observation or group o f
observations contains any information that can be used to forecast any aspect
o f any other observation in the sequence. A sequence o f random variables is a
m i x i n g i f (loosely speaking) the degree o f dependence between observations
declines d o w n the sequence. That is, while information in observation x, (say)
can be useful in predicting some aspect o f x (say), observation x, contains
assumption that anomalies or quirks in the data have only a transitory impact.
80 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
we confine our attention to a single class o f models, one must still demon
strate that the parameterization chosen for the simulation is sensible.
These difficulties all occur because, unfortunately, economics is not (for
the most part) an experimental science. Economists (particularly macroeco-
nomists) typically observe only a single, short realization o f their data-
generating process. A time series collected monthly since World War I I (like
the Consumer Price Index) has fewer than 600 observations. Data sets col
lected quarterly (like G N P figures) have less than 200 observations. We
cannot do controlled experiments to assess how the economy would respond
to controlled shocks. This means that there is, in general, no way to determine
whether the economic data we observe are typical or representative o f the
underlying process. I n terms o f the prediction test, this means that the best we
can expect is for the test to tell us whether method one outforecast method t w o
on the given sample. We have no way to determine how the methods w o u l d
compare on alternative samples from the underlying data generator. There
fore, assessing the reliability o f our measure o f forecast performance on real
data is a deep problem. These are important caveats that must be kept i n mind
when assessing our test results.
To illustrate the use o f these techniques, we apply them to a data set generated
from monthly observations on the Consumer Price Index for the period Janu
ary 1947 to February 1993. I take the first differences o f the logs o f the C P I ,
which results i n the monthly inflation rate.
Setting aside the last 20 percent o f the data, we estimate an A R ( 1 2 )
model on the first 442 observations. For the observations * in our filling set,
we obtain estimates o f the parameters in the regression
The lag length, while plausible, is selected for convenience. I n sample fit o f
the model is quite good. The R for the regression is 0.56, indicating that the
regression explains a sizable fraction o f the total variation o f the process. This
R would correspond to an in-sample R M S E o f 0.44. In the regression, the
standard measures o f parameter variability indicate that many o f the coeffi
cients are significantly different from zero at the 95 percent confidence level.
Summary statistics for the regression are given in table 4.2.
M o v i n g to out-of-sample forecasting, we use the estimated coefficients
from the A R ( 1 2 ) to forecast the rest o f the series. For observations o f y, in our
prediction set, and their corresponding histories, we calculate forecasts using
82 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Regression R 0.558
Fitting Set Mean Forecast NRMSE 1.011
Regression Forecast RMSE 1.005
Number of Observations 442
S, = a + + r (16)
i= l
These results are an illustration o f the forecasting paradox. Even though the
model fits reasonably w e l l in-sample, the out-of-sample forecasts are spec
tacularly inaccurate.The normalized R M S E for the fitting set is 1.005. To
compare, i f we just use the unconditional mean o f the fitting set as our
predictor, our normalized R M S E is 1.011. The regression estimate offers a
reduction i n R M S E o f less than one-half o f 1 percent out-of-sample, over the
unconditional mean predictor. The conclusion is that the global linear A R ( 1 2 )
model is a very poor representation o f the underlying data-generating process.
One then might cast about for a reason w h y performance is so poor. A
useful start w o u l d be to estimate the dimension o f the inflation data, to look
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism 83
E = 0.81 E = 0.9
Note: The dimension of the process is estimated as the elasticity of the correlation integral with respect to the link
scale e. Under the null of independent and identically distributed data ( I I D ) , the expected value of this statistic is equal
to the embedding dimension. The test statistic should be distributed as a standard normal random variable under the null
of I I D . The entropy statistic is a measure of sensitive dependence to initial conditions. Under the null of I I D , the
expected value of the entropy is minus the log of the correlation integral at embedding dimension 1. The test statistic
should be distributed as a standard normal under the null. The BDS test is a portmanteau test of I I D . Again, the test
statistic should be distributed as a standard normal under the null of I I D .
84 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Regression R 0.798
Fitting Set Mean Forecast NRMSE 0.996
Regression Forecast RMSE 0.913
Number of Observations 500
e = 0.81 £ = 0.9
Note: The dimension of the process is estimated as the elasticity of the correlation integral with respect to the link
scale e. Under the null of independent and identically distributed data (IID). the expected value of this statistic is equal
to the embedding dimension. The test statistic should be distributed as a standard normal random variable under the null
of I I D . The entropy statistic is a measure of sensitive dependence to initial conditions. Under the null of I I D , the
expected value of the entropy is minus the log of the correlation integral at embedding dimension 1. The test statistic
should be distributed as a standard normal under the null. The BDS test is a portmanteau test of I I D . Again, the test
statistic should be distributed as a standard normal under the null of I I D .
Compared to these results, the results for the inflation data are rather
disappointing. The R M S E plot for the inflation data is given in figure 4.6.
The N R M S E is minimized at k = 85, where N R M S E = 0.975. This is
approximately a 2.5 percent improvement over the N R M S E for the AR(12)
model. We check whether this improvement i n forecast performance is signifi-
1.2 j
1.1 ••
1 ••
0.8 •
0.7 ••
0.6 -I 1 1 1 1 1
0 100 200 300 400 500
Number of Near Neighbors
Fig. 4.5. N R M S E p l o t f o r t h e near n e i g h b o r f o r e c a s t s of t h e noisy Henon
86 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
0.7 ••
0.6 -J 1 1 1 1 1
cant, using the Mizrach test. The test statistic for this comparison is 1.77. The
improvement in forecast performance is not statistically significant by the
usual criteria.
The lack o f forecast improvement is especially troubling when we con
sider the computational burden o f the near neighbor approach. The AR(12)
model fits the data w i t h 13 parameters, counting the regression intercept. For
a fitting set o f 500 and a prediction set o f 100 observations, the near neighbor
methodology requires on the order o f 500· 100 = 50,000 regressions, and the
calculation o f 750,000 parameters, all to yield an insignificant forecast i m
The prediction test is a very enticing approach to testing for nonlinear deter
minism i n a data set. For data from systems known to be chaotic, near
neighbor techniques offer spectacular improvements in forecast performance,
relative to the performance o f the global linear predictors favored by econo
mists. The near neighbor methodology is also useful for predicting noisy
chaos. These developments are well documented in Casdagli (1992) and
references therein.
Numerous authors have applied near neighbor algorithms to economic
data sets, w i t h no significant forecasting success in evidence in the literature.
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism 87
Recent efforts include Diebold and Nason 1990, LeBaron 1992, Meese and
Rose 1990, Mizrach 1992b, and Jaditz and Sayers 1993b. When the method is
applied to economic data, the forecast improvements are generally not statis
tically significant. Even when there appears to be ample evidence o f nonlinear
dependence i n a data set, nonlinear methods are unable to exploit the depen
dence to offer improved forecast performance. The question is, why does this
In our previous discussions, we have touched upon some possible rea
sons w h y we may be failing to identify nonlinearities. One could question our
measure o f forecast performance or our method for testing whether our
forecast improvement is significant. Other explanations are also possible. For
example, the data set available may be too short to allow us to conclusively
identify whether nonlinear determinism is present. I t would be very difficult to
detect the presence o f a moderately high-dimensional process in samples as
short as the one at hand. High-dimensional chaos may be observationally
equivalent to random behavior i n time series this short.
However, one could just as easily reject the hypothesis that economic
data generators are chaotic, i n favor o f stochastic alternatives. I n their study o f
near neighbor forecasting o f current exchange rates, Diebold and Nason make
two points on the apparent paradox o f dependence and lack o f forecastability.
The first point is that in economic time series, the conditional variance tends
to change over time. The standard tests for nonlinear determinism are known
to be sensitive enough to pick up this dependence. A discussion o f this point is
carried out in Brock, Hsieh, and LeBaron 1991 in the context o f the BDS
statistic. W h i l e volatility clustering is easily detected, dependence in variance
is not useful for the prediction o f the mean. Thus there may be substantial
dependence in the time series that cannot be exploited to improve level predic
A second possible explanation for the poor forecast performance is that
tests for nonlinear dependence may be picking up regime shifts, statistical
outliers, or other underlying structural instability. M a n y economic time series
are subject to regime shifts. For example, in our inflation data there is gener
ally conceded to be a regime shift occurring about 1980, when the Federal
Reserve Board switched from a policy o f pegging nominal interest rates to a
policy o f pegging money supply growth. Occasional regime shifts or low-
probability outliers may be o f limited utility for short-horizon forecasting by
any pure time-series method.
Hence we reach a paradox. Conventional in-sample measures o f non
linear dependence suggest that economic data exhibit substantial nonlinear
structure. Forecasting algorithms seem to be unable to utilize any o f that
structure to improve forecasting. Hence, claims o f nonlinear determinism in
economic data are still controversial.
88 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
The prediction test does, however, offer hope for a possible resolution o f
the dilemma. I f nonlinear methods generate forecast improvements in eco
nomic time series on the order o f the improvements observed in the forecasts
o f physical systems, the case for nonlinear determinism w i l l be irrefutable.
Such improvement has not yet been demonstrated. I t is certainly worthwhile
to continue the search.
Diana Richards
One takes the sum of particular wills . . . [and] . . . take[s] away from these
same wills the pluses and minuses that cancel one another . . . [and] . . . the
general will remains as the sum of the differences.
—Jean Jacques Rousseau
90 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
lows. The first section examines the social choice debate and its importance
for democratic theory. The next section introduces chaotic dynamics using the
example o f the logistic function to illustrate the intuition behind examining a
chaotic process using symbolic dynamics, in particular the iterated inverse
image approach. The third section reviews the multidimensional spatial voting
model and the fourth applies the tools illustrated i n the second section to
the case o f multidimensional spatial voting. To suggest the robustness o f
this connection, the fifth section briefly outlines existing results on addi
tional cases o f individual-group aggregations, including simple voting and
equilibrium-adjusting market mechanisms. A l l these related aggregation
schemes also have connections to chaotic dynamics.
The sixth section explores an implication o f chaotic dynamics in social
aggregation functions: the presence o f an underlying structure created by the
interaction o f individuals. Chaotic processes are unusual in that although they
exhibit complex, seemingly random possibilities, they are in fact highly con
strained. The final section concludes by returning to the issues raised by
democratic theory and to the implications o f the individual-group connection
being chaotic.
F r o m Individuals t o G r o u p s
issues (Davis and Hinich 1966). When the topic to be voted on contains—
either explicitly or i m p l i c i t l y — t w o or more components, then stability in a
group outcome is nearly impossible (Cohen 1979; Cohen and Matthews 1980;
McKelvey 1976, 1979; Schofield 1979, 1980; Plott 1967). I n this case, any
social outcome can arise from a democratic process, since every outcome can
be defeated by some coalition o f voters. I n addition, voters have a disturbing
potential for manipulating the agenda in order to influence societal outcomes
(Gibbard 1973; McKelvey 1976).
We now know that the connection between individuals' preferences and
group outcomes is not as simple as originally thought. What was once as
sumed to be a trivial exercise in aggregating or summing individual prefer
ences in an additive way has become a "black box" that has the potential to
transform straightforward individual preferences into outcomes that can be
very complex and sensitive to small changes. The function that maps individ
ual preferences to group choices is not linear and additive; in fact, as w i l l be
seen, the mapping is nonlinear. A nonlinear relationship implies that an i n
crease in one variable does not cause a uniform increase in the other variable:
uniform changes in individual preference orderings do not imply uniform
changes i n the social orderings, as is evident in the winner-turn-loser paradox
and the inverted-order paradox. There is a domain for functions o f this type:
chaotic dynamics. Since the social choice function is nonlinear, it is natural to
expect chaos theory—the theory o f nonequilibrium, nonlinear dynamics—to
apply to the function that aggregates individual preferences into a social
choice (see also Schofield 1993).
Chaotic D y n a m i c s
These three conditions have all been informally illustrated w i t h the example o f
the logistic function i n chapter 2. Sensitive dependence on initial conditions is
evident i n the effect o f a new initial condition. Topological transitivity implies
that one can move from one region of x to another region—i.e., that outcomes
do not merely repeat the same few values but have a diversity o f potential
outcomes. Dense periodic points are evident in the bifurcation diagram. Peri
odic points are nearby other periodic points; there is a consistency in nearby
trajectories. Although all three conditions are intuitively evident in the ex
ample o f the logistic function, the proof that these conditions are in fact
satisfied requires more. Establishing these three conditions formally becomes
straightforward when the tools o f symbolic dynamics are used.
Symbolic Dynamics
The intuition behind the presence o f cycles and chaos in a function becomes
clearer w i t h the tools o f symbolic dynamics (see, e.g., Devaney 1989; Saari
1991). This technique permits a cataloging o f the permissible sequences o f the
function. It accomplishes this by abandoning point precision, as the previous
discussion emphasized, and examining instead how regions map into regions.
In particular, this approach reverses the focus to look at how sets o f points
map to other sets, rather than at where a single point maps.
To illustrate this approach, divide x, = [ 0 , 1] into two regions, labeled /?,
94 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
t+) axis by reflecting across the x, = x line. One is interested i n which l + i
regions map to which regions via the function. In this case, the function is the
one-to-one mapping o f the logistic function.
Note that from figure 5.1 it is apparent that region 1 maps to region 2
because for some values o f x, G R , the function results i n some values o f x,
x +i
we can describe the rules o f mapping under the logistic function for all the
regions, summarized as
i) i f x, G R x then x G R;
t + l 2
ii) i f x, G R 2 then J C , , G R or R .
+ x 2
possible; the mapping back to /?, allows for the completion o f the cycle. The
rule on the mapping is simply that R must be followed by R \ R can be x 2 2
approach used in choice theory. The iterated inverse image approach (Saari
1991) identifies where the cycle must appear. First, find all points in R that x
_ l
map to the first target region o f 7", = R , this is given b y / (T ) = f~ *(R ) H 2 t 2
R . However, the goal is not to map to any point in R , but to the subset o f
{ 2
points in R where the next iterate stays in R . This means we need to refine
2 2
the starting region o f /?, to the refined target o f T = f~ (R ) D R C 7",. 2 2 2
- X l
These p o i n t s / ( T ) C f~ (T ) are all the points that start in R , go t o R , and
2 { x 2
The same argument ensures that the third iterate is in R . Here the refined 2
f~ (T ) } C R,. A t each stage, the set o f initial points is refined to include only
those points that hit the refined target—this is the region that ensures that
more o f the steps o f the proposed cycle occur. The final stage, T = 4
_ 1 l
/ ~ ' ( . . . ( / (/?,)) C 7" , defines the set o f inverse iterated points f~ (T )
3 C 4
R . This is the set o f all points in R where the image o f the fourth iterate is i n
x t
From Individuals to Groups 95
X 1 =4gx (1-X )
t+ t t
1.0 1 ~y
: /
: /
\: \ '
: \ /
:' \
V. \.
t+1 /
JC. . . . . . . ...... .
/ •
/ /
/ /
/ /
0.0 F?i R 2 10
Fig. 5 . 1 . M a p of t h e l o g i s t i c f u n c t i o n
/?,. Trivially, there is at least one point x G R so that f (x) x = x. This is the
period-four orbit.
The possibility o f cyclic points and o f a set o f nonperiodic or chaotic
points arises because o f the presence o f a feedback in the logistic function. It
is the fact that region one maps to region t w o , which maps back to region one,
that allows for the abundance o f permutations o f sequences. A similar feed
back process occurs in nonequilibrium social choice, evident in the presence
of an intransitivity among three alternatives.
Using symbolic dynamics, Devaney's three conditions for chaos can
easily be shown to be satisfied, verifying that the logistic function is indeed
chaotic. To establish sensitive dependence on initial conditions, one must
demonstrate that two points that are arbitrarily close w i l l separate by a dis
tance 8 by the iteration o f the function. This requires that one can construct
two sequences o f symbols 1, 2 that are identical for n entries and that eventu
t h
ally differ i n their n + 1 entry. Let the distance between regions 1 and 2 be 8.
t h l h
Assume that the « entry o f these two sequences is 1. Then the n + l entry
can be 1 for the first sequence and 2 for the other, separating the points by 8
hood. Then any point that begins in one and ends in two satisfies this condi
tion. It is straightforward to come up w i t h a permissible sequence based on the
mapping rules o f the logistic such that the two sequences end in different
The condition o f dense periodic points requires that, given a periodic
point, there is another periodic point arbitrarily close by. Recall that distance
between the iteration o f points is evident by the extent to which two sequences
match. Given a sequence o f arbitrary length, it is possible to find another
sequence that matches the beginning n entries o f the first sequence, demon
strating the existence o f two periodic points arbitrarily nearby. This is obvious
in terms o f the permissible sequences o f 1, 2. For example, the initial condi
tions leading to (1222222) and (1222221) would be nearby points.
The satisfaction o f these three conditions verifies that the logistic func
tion is chaotic. Devaney (1989, 50) summarizes these conditions in terms o f
three characteristics that a chaotic function possesses: unpredictability, inde-
composability, and an element o f regularity. The presence o f sensitive depen
dence on initial conditions makes long-term prediction o f a chaotic process
impossible. Chaotic systems are indecomposable because they cannot be bro
ken d o w n into two subsystems that do not interact; this arises because o f
topological transitivity. T h i r d , although a chaotic process exhibits complex,
apparently random, behavior, there is an element o f regularity, in that periodic
points are dense and nearby points behave similarly.
M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l Spatial V o t i n g
These same techniques can be applied to the case o f voting by considering the
social choice function as a mapping rule. This section summarizes some o f the
notation and main results o f multidimensional spatial voting (see Kxehbiel
1988 or Strom 1990 for a complete survey), and can be skipped by those
familiar w i t h the standard notation and approach.
The choice among alternatives is often modeled spatially (Davis and
Hinich 1966), where the alternatives to be voted on are arranged on a contin
uum, such as the liberal-conservative spectrum or the amount o f a budget
allocation. The one-dimensional spatial approach has led to several interesting
implications, notably Black's (1958) median voter theorem, stating that i f all
voters' preferences are single-peaked then a stable outcome emerges at the
median voter, and Downs's (1957) results on party competition and the ten
dency for parties to move toward the center o f the distribution o f voters. The
single-dimension continuum can be extended to include voting over several
policy dimensions, such as when an issue implicitly contains two or more
components or when issues are linked and must be decided as a package.
Assume an alternative space o f issues with m issue dimensions. Assume
From Individuals to Groups 97
*>,yo||*-x,||<||y-*,.||, (1)
distance between proposal y and i's ideal point. Simply put, the rule on
preference among alternatives compared to a voter's ideal point is simply "the
closer the better."
For simplicity, I restrict attention to simple majority rule. A set o f voters,
M, is a majority-rule winning coalition i f
\M\ > ^ * i f n is odd and \M\ > " ^ ^ i f n is even.
L e t / d e n o t e the social choice function for simple majority rule. Then f(x) =
> t n e s e t
{y I y *} is o f points in the policy space that are majority-preferred to
x. In other words, f(x) is the set o f points that beats x by some majority
coalition. Iff(x) = 0 , then there are no proposals that beat alternative x and x
is the winner. A n y x £ X for which f(x) = 0 is called a core point. Note that
i f a core point exists then the iteration o f the social choice function w i l l reach
an equilibrium at outcome x.
However, the existence o f an equilibrium under the social choice func
tion o f majority rule in a multidimensional policy space is extremely rare. In
order to achieve a majority rule equilibrium outcome, severe restrictions on
the voters' ideal points are required (Black 1958; Plott 1967). For nearly all
voter preferences, majority rule does not lead to any stable winning social
outcome, but continues to wander over the policy space. Every issue can be
beaten by some other proposal that is also preferred by a majority o f the
voters. I n addition, the movement o f winning proposals can exhibit intransi-
tivity or cycles, where, by a sequence o f majority votes, the social outcomes
w i l l be alternative b over a, c over b, and then a over c! Moreover, any point
in the policy space can be reached by some sequence o f majority rule deci
sions. When an equilibrium breaks d o w n , it breaks down completely and
includes the entire policy space (Cohen 1979; Cohen and Matthews 1980;
McKelvey 1976, 1979; Schofield 1979, 1983). These results are typically
98 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Chaotic D y n a m i c s in M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l Spatial V o t i n g
Before examining the inverse image o f the social choice function, two pre
liminary facts must be established. First, every multidimensional spatial vot
ing context without a core has at least one three-cycle among alternatives.
Second, i f a cycle o f any length greater than three exists, then a three-cycle
also exists. These results are similar to previous findings (e.g., Cohen 1979;
Schofield 1983), but are presented using concepts needed for the subsequent
results. First, the notion o f a cycle must be clarified. A n alternative y G X can
be reached from a point x G X i f it is possible to move from x to y by iterations
of / . I f an x G X can be reached from itself by k iterations o f / a n d x ¥= p(x) for
1 ^ j < k, then a £-cycle exists.
From Individuals to Groups 99
To see that this is true, suppose that a three-cycle exists among three
alternatives, a, b, and c. Then a, b, and c form a nondegenerate triangle i n
R . Label the three perpendicular bisectors o f ab, be, and ca as H , H , and
ab bc
ca which must intersect in a space o f m — 2. Denote H% as the open
i m p l y i n g that H+ f l
b D H+ ¥= 0 . However, for a three-cycle pinwheel
lines intersect in a single point. Either the three lines already intersect i n a
single point or H~ includes all o f the cone H^ D H . I n the second case, H
a b bc ca
has the flexibility to move toward the vertex o f the cone (toward H 's "—" ca
region), since this can only result i n more, rather than fewer, voter ideal
points. Therefore, H can be moved until it intersects H and H in a single
ca ab bc
point at the base o f the H+ f l Hfc. cone. Therefore, i f there is no core then a
(2) I f there is a &-cycle for a k s 3, then there is some a', V, and c'
such that V = f(a'), c' —f{b'), a n d a ' = f(c'), i . e . , there is a three-cycle.
To see that this is true, note that the existence o f a &-cycle implies that the core
is empty (Cohen 1979; Schofield 1983). B y (1), i f the core is empty then a
three-cycle exists.
The previous discussion established that when voters' ideal points are such
that no equilibrium exists, then the majority-rule social choice function cre
ates a mapping from a to b, from b to c, and from c to a. As in the example o f
the logistic function, the existence o f regions that feed back into previous
regions allows for the existence o f cycles o f all lengths and for the demonstra
tion o f chaos. Therefore, one can characterize the permissible sequences o f
the social choice function in terms o f mappings o f regions. This is accom
plished by examining the iterated inverse image o f the social choice function.
The policy space is partitioned into regions, and by examining the nested
sequences in terms o f target regions, one can outline the permissible se
quences under the iteration o f the social choice mapping.
This approach differs from the typical approach to spatial voting in two
From Individuals to Groups 101
ways. First, rather than examining the mapping o f single points—as in the
" w i n set" formed by the indifference curves through a single point—this
approach examines the mapping o f regions into regions. B y abandoning the
point precision o f previous approaches, one can characterize the general dy
namics o f the social choice function (Saari 1991). Second, the iterated inverse
approach differs from previous analyses o f spatial voting by focusing not on
the social choice function, but on its inverse, / " ' ( * ) · Previous approaches
examined the set o f points that beat an existing status quo point, namely, the
set/(jc). The iterated inverse image approach reverses this logic and examines
the target region o f x—namely, the set o f points that map to x via the social
choice rule. I f y is the target region o f x, then x can follow y in a social choice
sequence. The iterated inverse image approach outlines which sequences o f
outcomes are possible under / b y examining the iterations o f target regions.
This allows for a general cataloging o f everything that can happen under the
social choice rule in terms o f permissible sequences o f target regions.
B. Define a set R(B) as the open set o f all points defined by reflecting across
H ab (see fig. 5.3). By construction a G R(B), since H is the perpendicular
bisector and b G B. Regions C, R(C), A, and R(A) are defined similarly, such
that cEC,bE R(C), a £ A, and c G R(A) (see fig. 5.3).
remain in B i n the second iterate. That is, we want to find the points in A that
map to the refined target region o f T = f~ (B)
2 f l B CT . The open cone B n
Hbc G f~ (B), since all points i n this cone map to B by approaching the H bc
l l
iterate is i n f l . Here the refined target region is T — f~ (f~ (B)
3 D B) C T . A t
each iteration, the set o f initial points is refined to include only those points
l l
that remain i n B. Then = f~ . . . (f~ (B) f l B); one can stay in B as
many times as necessary since the boundary H bc is open. The final stage
defines the set o f inverse iterated p o i n t s / ~ '(7*,) C A—i.e., the set o f points i n
102 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
R(B) \
t h
A where the image o f the i iterate returns to A. This means the final target
region must be refined to T = H f l f~ (A).
t This is an open cone and is
i) i f x, G A then x t + l G A or fl or C;
ii) i f x, G fl then x, +x G A or fl or C; (2)
iii) i f x G C then x
t t+l G A or fl or C.
From Individuals to Groups 103
Chaotic Dynamics
Recall from the example o f the logistic function that the presence o f chaotic
dynamics is established by demonstrating satisfaction o f three conditions:
sensitive dependence on initial conditions, topological transitivity, and dense
periodic points. A s in the case o f the logistic function, demonstrating that the
social choice function is chaotic becomes a straightforward exercise when the
permissible sequences in terms o f symbolic dynamics are used.
S i m p l e Voting
Market Mechanisms
interpreted to imply more than it technically does. While it is true that any
point can be reached from any other point, this does not imply that any point
can be reached from any other point by any path. In effect, for any two origin
and destination points, " y o u can get there from here," but the routes from here
to there may be quite constrained.
The symbolic dynamics approach emphasizes the constraints on feasible
sequences. The mapping rules outline what is permissible and what isn't
permissible i n the social choice dynamic. I f majority rule was in fact total
disorder, then every region would map to every other region even as regions
were refined to smaller and smaller sets. Although the construction o f the
fourth section d i d have the property o f the dictionary being the universal set, it
also contained only three partitions. It is obvious that as the regions are
refined, rules on the mapping w i l l emerge and the dictionary w i l l no longer be
the universal set. These constraints were already evident in terms of mappings
within a region. Although, for example, B maps to B, in fact, points must
approach the hyperplane with each iteration: not all points in B map to all
other points in B in one iteration. A refinement o f the region B would high
light these mapping rules.
Another example o f the order in a chaotic process is evident in the
condition o f dense periodic points. Recall that this condition states that for
any periodic point there is another periodic point arbitrarily close by. I n the
case o f the logistic function, the order in terms o f nearby dynamical behavior
was evident in the bifurcation diagram, where two-cycles transformed to four-
cycles, then a chaotic region, and so on. Bifurcation diagrams can also be
constructed o f the multidimensional spatial voting social choice dynamics.
Like the bifurcation diagram o f the logistic function, the bifurcation diagrams
of the social choice function show complex patterns (fig. 5.4).
The bifurcation diagrams o f figure 5.4 show the outcomes in one o f the
issue dimensions (y on the vertical axis) as a function o f the winning coalition
choosing either an extreme point (near the tip o f the coalition agreement set)
or an incremental point (near the status quo p o i n t — i . e . , the base o f the
coalition agreement set). For many steps over this parameter continuum, a
sequence o f eighty points was generated and the last fifty points were plotted
in a horizontal line. For example, part b o f figure 5.4 shows a three-cycle for
some o f its region. As seen by comparing parts a and b o f figure 5.4, a
different fine structure emerges as a result o f the voting rule and the individual
preferences. Each set o f voters produces a unique bifurcation diagram, con
stant to transformations that preserve the configuration o f the voters' ideal
points (such as rotating or a linear transformation). Although these diagrams
are o f limited use (because o f the nature o f the parameter choice to make the
function one-to-one), they do illustrate the fine structure to the dynamics o f
the social choice function.
108 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
150-r— 1 200-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
maximum feasible step <-—> minimum incremental step maximum feasible step < — > minimum incremental step
Given that the social choice function for multidimensional spatial voting is a
chaotic process, we know from the definitions o f chaos that there must be a
strict structure to the feasible outcomes. There are suggestions o f this struc
ture in a simulation o f iterations o f majority-rule decisions.
Figure 5.5 shows the distribution o f outcomes w i t h five voters deciding
by majority rule over a two-dimensional issue space. Since majority rule is
not one-to-one, for the simulation a single point had to be chosen as the
winner. I t was arbitrarily set as the midpoint o f the largest winning coalition's
agreement set. Note that the choice o f this point is arbitrary—it merely serves
as an anchor on the movement o f winning coalitions. The simulation was
begun w i t h an arbitrary initial point, a . a is beaten by a,, which is the
0 0
the midpoint o f that coalition's agreement set. N o w a, is also not stable and
can be beaten by a new set o f points by a reformation o f coalitions. a is the 2
point that beats a, and is the midpoint o f the largest coalition that can outvote
a,. Continuing this iterative process provides a sample o f the distribution o f
alternatives under the majority-rule social choice.
As is apparent in figure 5.5, the iteration o f this process is far from
random, as evident i n the complex patterns that emerge. Just as in the case o f
A · -\
— ι 1 1 1 • 1 • 1 • —
:' ν'
/ ' ·.
' ,Λ S
; if ' «. IV
;* ·
H ' i
- >·(··
I t .*
<• 3Γ
10 30 50 70 90
Issue 1
Given a social choice function that results i n outcomes that can be anywhere
and that are not consistent w i t h individual preferences, Riker (1982) makes
the case that liberal democracy, rather than democracy in its populist form, is
more effective. Liberal democracy does not attempt to represent its citizens'
preferences, but is democratic in that citizens have the opportunity to remove
their representatives. Populism, on the other hand, seeks to aggregate citi
zens' preferences on specific issues, achieving a social choice by combining
and weighing citizen's views. However, based on the pervasive presence o f
instability in the social choice function, Riker asserts that liberalism is the
only democracy that works, since it bypasses the instability problems o f the
social choice function. Populist democracy, being dependent on an imperfect
and troublesome aggregation scheme, w i l l only result in arbitrary decisions
and continually changing social outcomes.
What i f these aggregation schemes, including the individual preference-
group choice connection, are chaotic? The instability was previously known.
The new information is that the aggregation function that populism relies on is
a chaotic process. Returning to the technical characteristics leads to several
First, group outcomes w i l l appear arbitrary. Studying the relationship
From Individuals to Groups 113
between outcomes over time without knowing the mapping rule, the choice
w i l l appear random. N o amount o f empirical observation w i l l allow for pre
diction. However, as seen in both examples, these outcomes are far from
random. Outcomes are strictly related to individual preferences. They are not
arbitrary, in the sense that the same set o f individual preferences results in
different outcomes at different times. But outcomes are very sensitive to slight
changes in these preferences and the connection between individual and group
is complex. Complex does not mean random or arbitrary, however. Outcomes
in the logistic function were complex, but they were quite "regular" in terms
of resulting from a strict deterministic mapping.
Although the mapping is certainly not random or arbitrary, this may not
be enough for populism to work. Perhaps the very presence o f any instability
must be removed. I f we understand that the aggregation function is chaotic,
what does this tell us about removing the instability? First, it says one can't
solve the problem by breaking it down into smaller problems. I f there is
instability in the whole group, trying to break it down into stable subsystems
w o n ' t w o r k . This tends to imply that i f population w o n ' t work in its purest
form then neither w i l l a type o f "hierarchical populism." Chaotic systems are
Second, it tells us w h y the instability is occurring. I t is not merely
unstable; i t is unstable because it is in the chaotic regime, which in turn
implies that it is nonlinear and there is some "functional folding" or feedback
occurring. As seen in both the logistic and spatial voting, it is this feedback
process that creates the instability. In theory, i f one could "unfold" the social
choice function then the instability would disappear! B y understanding the
aggregation process as chaotic, one can examine why it is occurring. I f one
knows w h y the mapping is chaotic, then one can systematically, rather than
haphazardly, outline ways to reduce the instability, rather than identifying
isolated cases where instability does and does not occur.
The case for the instability o f social choice allowing for a context that sup
ports the stability o f pluralism is made by M i l l e r (1983). He reasons that the
instability o f the social choice process in fact helps promote pluralism. Plural
ism views preferences as largely determined by the issue group to which an
individual belongs, w i t h society divided along one or more lines that partition
the individuals into sets. Where the arrangement is pluralistic, these cleavages
are in a crosscutting rather than a reinforcing pattern: individuals that disagree
on one issue are likely to agree on other issues. In addition, intensity over
issues is also dispersed. The argument o f pluralism is that pluralistic prefer-
114 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
The purpose o f this chapter was to reraise the question o f the "black b o x " o f
the individual-group connection. We know that this connection is not the
simple additive relation that early theorists once assumed. We know it is
"strange," as evidenced by complex outcomes, instability, and sensitivity. I n
this chapter I sought to demonstrate that this black box o f aggregation from
individual to group is i n the realm of chaos theory. The function that maps
preferences to outcomes and that maps outcomes to outcomes through demo
cratic voting is chaotic—i.e., a unique type o f mapping w i t h a blend o f
disorder—in terms o f sensitivity, unpredictability, and evolutionary instability—
and o f o r d e r — i n terms o f strict mapping rules, regularity in regions o f insta
bility, and bounds or constraints on outcomes and paths. I showed this w i t h
the example o f multidimensional spatial voting: the voting context w i t h the
most pervasive presence o f instability. However, I suspect this applies to most
aggregations, as I suggested by pointing to similar findings by Saari on voting
and by economists in terms o f aggregation through price mechanisms.
The normative question o f whether this is good or bad for liberalism,
populism, pluralism, or democracy i n general remains open. But it suggests
several future tasks that need to be completed. I have shown that multidimen
sional spatial voting is a chaotic process. This only sets up the problem o f
understanding what is causing the chaos. M u c h work needs to be done on w h y
the social choice function is chaotic. A l s o , much work remains on specifying
the general conditions o f instability and ways to reduce the instability. But i f
we know what type o f problem we are dealing w i t h , then we can begin to
systematically understand the origins o f the instability. Only then can we
begin to open the black box o f the aggregation functions and to resolve the
normative debates i n democratic theory.
Epigraph from The Social Contract and Discourse, Book 2, chapter 3. Quoted in
Frölich and Oppenheimer 1978,15.
1. Obviously Bentham's scheme raises problems of interpersonal comparison of
utility. This is a related issue of such magnitude that it will not be discussed here.
2. Occasionally I will use the term social choice function rather than social choice
correspondence nontechnically, as it is used throughout the voting literature, to desig-
nate a mapping from individual preferences to a social choice.
3. Sarkovskii's theorem (that a three-cycle implies the existence of cycles of all
lengths) applies to the logistic function since it is one-to-one and continuous. These
conditions do not hold for the social choice correspondence.
4. Completeness requires that all alternatives can be ranked.
116 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
5. However, Saari (1990) demonstrates that the Borda count reduces the number of
6. O f course, this distribution is only one of many potential examples, but it
illustrates the presence of order.
7. The connection with fractals is suggested by the complex patterns in the distribu-
tion of outcomes.
8. This is the subject of a future research project.
Part 2
Chaos Theory and
Political Science
Nonlinear Politics
Thad A. Brown
Deterministic Chaos
At the turn o f the century, Poincare, and later Birkoff, noted that fully deter
ministic dynamics do not necessarily provide explicit predictions on the evo
lution o f a dynamical system (Poincare 1892; Birkhoff 1927). The subtlety o f
their observations was not fully appreciated until much later (Cartwright and
Littlewood 1945; Levinson 1949; Smale 1967; Ruelle and Takens 1971).
Today, chaos is a component in understanding dynamic macrobehavior in
many sciences.
Chaos exists when the long-term prediction o f a system is impossible
because uncertainty in a system's initial state grows exponentially fast over
time. Chaos fits the criterion that the autocorrelation function o f the time
signal goes to zero in finite time. Because trajectories are unstable, errors o f
estimation o f initial conditions or parameters, however small, can later accu
mulate into substantial errors. This implies that forecasts o f future behavior
based on the past become problematic as current memory o f the past fails.
Nonlinearity is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the generation o f
chaotic m o t i o n . O f course this implies some feedback mechanism exists. The
observed chaotic behavior is due neither to external noise nor to an infinite
number o f degrees o f freedom. The source o f irregularity is the nonlinear
system's property o f separating initially close trajectories exponentially fast.
Because the time evolution is self-independent from its own past history,
predicting the long-term behavior o f chaotic systems is an interesting exer
cise. The process does not come to rest i n a stable equilibrium but instead
120 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
could have been predicted i n detail i f better models had been available; the
point is that despite the unpredictability o f such developments, there may be
definite patterns i n their occurrence. Furthermore, there may be well-defined
relations between the time scales on which short-term prediction is possible
and the characteristics o f chaotic evolution at long times; there may be indica
tors o f incipient macropolitical changes; and there may be a wealth o f macro
scopic variables that are predictable at long times even though the system state
is not. In the field o f nonlinear dynamic systems, such coexistence o f predict
able and unpredictable properties has led to phrases like deterministic chaos
(Schuster 1988) and order in chaos (Prigogine and Stengers 1984).
A common example is weather forecasting. Here the solutions o f the
relevant (Lorenz) equations o f motion are so sensitive to small changes in
initial conditions that predictions beyond t w o or three days are intrinsically
impossible. In some places, like Los Angeles, the weather is pretty much the
same from day to day. On those days, the utterance o f any local weather
person w i l l be as correct in predicting the weather as forecasts o f the entire
U.S. National Weather Bureau. A n inversion layer produces smog; the end
less summer continues. Then one day the predictions break d o w n . The mas
sive computers around the world miss the formation o f a Pacific storm that
flattens the coast o f Baja, California. A t the same time, it is possible to predict
average temperature, amount o f rainfall, and so o n , for the month o f Novem
ber in the year 2022 at any desired location for any given set o f external
parameters. The equations that govern weather can simultaneously behave
both ways; order shifts to disorder and back through the mathematical pas
sages o f chaos.
time step, t,f(t) = ((\/N) X, .$,-), its variance, and so on, can be easily calcu
lated, as well as the asymptotic fraction o f partisans based on a long period.
Nonlinear Politics 125
Gfait + 1), · - · , s (t N + 1» = l l
^ X Sj (t) > 3,
where G, are given functions o f time t and the current values s (t),. . . ,s (t); x N
2 _ 2
\i ~ j \ = V(*,- — xj) + (y, yj) is the Euclidean distance between cells i and
j , w i t h location (x y,) and (x yj), respectively. The summation is over all
t< jt
cells j whose distance from i is less than or equal to a, including s, and its four
nearest neighbors (fig. 6.1). Thus, the voter at cell / w i l l be Republican at time
t + 1 i f , among i and its four nearest neighbors, at least three are Republicans
at time /; otherwise, it w i l l be Democratic. Since the summation condition
always examines five cells, no ties can occur and the interaction law is
symmetrical w i t h respect to partisan influence.
To see how the rule works consider i, starting from some given initial
state, 0, its four nearest neighbors, and their respective nearest neighbors,
over t w o time periods, as shown in figure 6.2. In the first time step, the
interaction o f the four neighbors o f i w i t h the peripheral cells leads to a
conversion o f the four neighbors into Republicans, leaving i Democratic. I n
the second time step, the central cell i also becomes Republican. As this
simple illustration shows, over time a voter is affected by voters outside the
range o f the defined radius o f the interaction law. Had we chosen the voter to
the Northwest o f / to be Democratic instead o f Republican at t = 0, then i
w o u l d have remained Democratic at t = 2. A more general statement would
be that the state s,(f) w i l l be influenced by the initial states s-(0) o f all cells j for
which the inequalities
bj - yt + ( J - *,·)! -
x T A
f=0 f=1 f= 2
0 1
5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Time Path
The steady gain o f one group comes at the expense o f the second. The
outcome o f which group w i l l dominate, however, is by no means predictable.
A t any point the fortunes o f a leading group can be reversed. A n equilibrium
is not predictable i n advance, in that the trajectory o f the individual voter
exists w i t h i n a highly irregular political environment. The time series from
these and other experimental data appears to have a fractal, noninteger dimen
sion, though more experiments are needed to determine i f this is true ( B r o w n ,
Pfeifer, and McBurnett 1992; McBurnett and Krassa 1991).
Wolfram (1986) has offered the most complete classification o f cellular
automata. Cellular automata appear to be classifiable into four general types
of behavior: Class I : cellular automata evolve into a fixed, homogeneous state
and these structures evolve to fixed l i m i t points; Class I I : evolution to a simple
periodic structure represented by l i m i t cycles; Class I I I : chaotic, aperiodic
patterns as found when strange attractors are present; Class I V : complex
localized organizations as represented by systems that exhibit very long tran
Distinguishable classes o f cellular automata related to politics can only
begin to tell us what the subtle, underlying structure might be. For instance,
electoral systems may represent an example o f Class I V behavior by exhibit
ing very long transients, a great deal o f local order, and a global order that
may emerge. Bureaucracies, on the other hand, may be reflected by Class I
dynamics where both local and global scales o f order exist. Yet the statistical
behavior o f such systems would still be unknown. Simple classification o f
dynamics is not sufficient to give us greater insight into political and social
dynamics. While lists o f political systems (and problems) classified by dy
namical behavior would be an improvement over current methods, these
classifications could not tell us precisely how the reality, process, and order
ing o f numerous forms o f qualitatively differing systems came about or, more
importantly, how they w i l l evolve.
I f political dynamics are likely to be complex or chaotic, how would we
know? One set o f measures w o u l d be based on the properties o f the aggregate
time series o f the number o f partisans, as well as on their asymptotic fraction.
The correlation integral, the Lyapunov exponents, and spectral analysis are
now commonly used to evaluate the presence o f chaos (Peitgen, J ü r g e n s , and
Saupe 1992). O n a spatial lattice, for the trajectories to be chaotic, slight
perturbations in the initial conditions w i l l have to induce a changed configura
tion in the values o f cells. H o w two trajectories quickly become different is
not the issue because the exact rule o f interaction is k n o w n . We must instead
estimate how rapidly and how far the trajectories w i l l diverge. The notion o f
chaos in politics may indeed include the speed w i t h which trajectories sepa
rate. In order for the concept o f closeness o f trajectories to have meaning, a
measure o f just what fraction o f the voters are different for the initial and
Nonlinear Politics 129
where a (t) and p,(f) are two time dependent configurations in phase space and
Strategic Interaction
where T > R > P > S and 2R > T + S. In a one-shot play o f the game, each
player's best strategy is to defect, since D gets the largest payoff, T, while C
w o u l d get 5. The paradox is obvious. I n finitely many repeated plays o f the
game, all Cournot-Nash (noncooperative) equilibria have the property that no
matter how long the sequence, a noncooperative outcome occurs in each
period. I n games o f an indeterminate duration, however, the player's utility is
calculated on the expected long-run payoff o f repeated one-shot plays. In
essence, it is best to figure out how to cooperate, since i f both players use D
both end up w i t h a lower payoff since R > P.
Axelrod explored some spatial properties o f the game w i t h an eye on the
territorial stability o f tit-for-tat (Axelrod 1984). When the iterative prisoner's
dilemma was examined w i t h i n difficult environments, Richards (1990)
showed the clear potential for chaotic behavior. In exploring evolutionary
games played w i t h neighbors on a spatial lattice, the most common approach
is to set each lattice cell to a single strategy. The strategy may be either fixed
(Axelrod 1984) or allowed to evolve based on a genetic algorithm or other
optimization h i l l - c l i m b i n g routine (Axelrod 1987; M i l l e r 1989).
As before, the lattice mechanism is quite simple. A l l cells are updated
simultaneously; the score o f a cell is determined to be the average it obtains
playing the neighbors defined by the given radius; the score o f the cell is then
compared to the scores o f the neighborhood and the cell itself; the cell adopts
the strategy o f the highest score w i t h i n the sites defined by the radius. Ties,
when they occur, are usually broken by adding a touch o f noise to the scores.
As was observed above, the scores o f the defined neighbors are dependent on
the strategies o f their defined neighbors, and so on. Thus, the contextual
influence on any cell extends beyond the defined radius. When the model is
restricted to set strategies, it clearly qualifies as a cellular automata.
To illustrate, let's examine one set o f recent findings on the iterative
prisoner's dilemma. I n a paper, N o w a k and M a y (1992) use fixed strategies o f
cooperation (C) and defection ( D ) to study how cooperative behavior evolves
and is maintained. A s mentioned above, nearly all prior work demanded that
individuals or groups remember past encounters, with some discounting o f
retrospective evaluation for prospective payoffs. Such recollections are neces
sary because o f the highly complicated strategies employed. Using fixed
strategies means that memory is not a requirement for behavior.
A'onlinear Politics 131
A x i o m a t i c Theory
1<—2<—4<—8<— 1 6 . . . 2 . . . « -
m m m m
. . . 2 • 9 *- 2 • 7 <— 2 • 5 <- 2 • 3 . . . <—
2 2 2
. . . 22 · 9 «- 2 · 7 <- 2 · 5 <- 2 · 3 . . . <-
. . . 2 - 9 < - 2 - 7 < - 2 - 5 < - 2 - 3 . . . « -
... 9 ^ 7 ^ 5 « - 3 .
Nonlinear Politics 133
(As before, "<—" means "precedes.") I f / ( x ) has period-3, then it must include
all periods n when n is an arbitrary integer. This inclusion forf(x) must also
contain a chaotic region. B y definition, the emergence o f period-3 implies
1 2 3 3 2 1 2
three f r e q u e n c i e s : / , / , a n d / , wheref = f // (Falconer 1990). Period-3
is one example where chaos was predicted from a mathematical theorem but
could not be seen in earlier computer simulations (Mayer-Kress and Haken
Richards restates the Li-Yorke Theorem, sketches a proof, and links it to
the three-cycle for the majority-rule function. Written without the work o f
Browne, James, and M i l l e r (1991) at hand, Richards clearly delimits and
urges the analysis they pursue. That is, based on the presence o f a strange
attractor, Richards suggests that within the dynamical decision process, a new
solution set is likely to emerge. In a sequel, Richards (1992) extends the logic
o f the analysis considerably by linking the presence o f period-3 cycles to
multidimensional social choice situations i n which the core is empty. Without
testing numerically for the presence o f chaos, Richards indicates with a series
o f bifurcation diagrams the fractal quality o f the complex decision behavior
over increasingly smaller scales.
Unraveling the dynamics o f axiomatic theories under conditions o f ma
j o r i t y rule has presented some interesting analytic problems. In their highly
innovative w o r k , James, Browne, and M i l l e r (1993) are reconsidering the
dynamics o f both individual decision makers and resultant system response.
Policy space is allowed to automatically initiate system preserving reactions
as a result o f changes in a decision maker's behavior.
Both proposals, to move the status quo and acceptance o f the change, are
allowed and indeed expected to have an effect on a policy space surface.
When a decision maker proposes or changes a policy position, the system
responds in an effort to automatically reestablish the previous alignment. This
systemic action may cause local disturbances, and the resulting ripple through
the adjacent regions o f policy space is allowed to produce a changed surface.
The decision maker, as a consequence, faces an altered policy environment at
the next iteration. These innovations allow for what we expect to be an
"institutional response o f entrenched interests against significant alterations o f
the system status quo. The expected consequence o f such resistance would be
a reordering o f positions in the vicinity o f a changed status quo that, at the
same time, preserves the general stability o f existing relationships" (Brown et
al. 1992, 13). The inability to preserve such stability could lead to greater
oscillations in support and to behaviors that may cause the system to go
extinct. Because systems do respond, such events are likely to be rare.
Ideal point dynamics are comparably developed. Choice theory assumes
that once a position is taken, it doesn't change. This assumption limits result
ing cyclical behavior to a subregion o f policy space. James et al. (1993) relax
this constraint and allow the ideal points to move within policy space condi-
134 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
tional to the iterated status quo locations. As the status quo iterates in policy
space, the change i n the position o f the status quo indicates the degree o f
stress that must exist on the surface o f the policy space. These forces consti
tute the sum o f the moments impacting a subregion in policy space; their
limits symbolize the critical values for phase transition.
A t the micro-level, James et al. (1993) provide a decision maker w i t h a
changed context w i t h i n w h i c h to reassess what might maximize his or her
utility. Hence, the movement o f the ideal point is not random in issue space
but dependent upon the change in the immediate local field o f forces, a very
old electoral behavior idea brought to bear on behavior in multidimensional
choice environments.
A t the onset o f cycling behavior, t w o things must occur i f the system is in
a chaotic state: (1) there is a rapid diminishing o f information on where the
next status quo is likely to be and (2) there is a dilemma as to what to do next.
A g a i n , Browne, James, and M i l l e r state: " . . . continuous cycling is likely to
produce strain in the region o f the policy space, and rather than accept this
state, actors (especially those whose ideal points are most distant from the
cycling location) have an incentive to break the cycle by relocating their ideal
points" (Browne et al. 1991b, 13). Implicitly, they are shifting the meaning o f
ideal points away from the strict rational-choice definition to a relative pre
ferred policy position based on what it is currently possible to realize.
In any phase transition, for instance, any smoothed approximation, or
envelope, o f the volume occupied by area such as a status quo w i l l grow in
volume as it is moved. Unperturbed, the séparatrices divide oscillatory and
rotational trajectories o f the various contours in utility space. Utility space, o f
course, exists as a projection o f indifference functions. As the utility space is
perturbed, a stochastic layer could form in its vicinity. What Browne, James,
and M i l l e r show is that the region occupied by the stochastic layer contains
chaotic motion and holes that a stochastic trajectory cannot enter. This
stochastic layer, moreover, is not uniformly thick, and the topology o f the
augmented space is therefore assumed to be coarse-grained or irregular.
Chaos as Allegory
Maybe the revolution caused by quantum theory during the first half o f this
century swamped P o i n c a r é ' s w o r k . Maybe the nature o f nonlinearities would
have been impossible to see without the development o f high-end computers
and the graphical ability to visualize complex mathematics. But it probably
took serious applications or even potential applications to move developments
like chaos theory o f f the pile o f intellectual toys. Clearly, the characterization
of complex dynamics and chaos w i t h low degrees o f freedom have opened up
a scientific reality in chemistry, physics, and biology. But what is reasonable
Nonlinear Politics 135
Beyond Chaos
The purpose o f theory is to make nature stand still when our backs are turned,
Einstein reportedly said. For political scientists, nature often laughs and
dances around behind us. Is the dance chaotic? In other disciplines, scientists
are finding that chaos is a normal part o f any process. Standing still—order,
stability, and continuity—is merely a special case w i t h i n a more complex
Some political mechanics govern electoral realignment, equilibrium be-
Nonlinear Politics 137
tween parties, the collapse o f the Soviet Union or the return to order in
Lebanon, the occurrence o f a coup d'etat, and so on. While politics is a
complicated process, its complexity may even be understandable and manage
able once political behavior can be precisely described. Yet despite the wealth
o f contemporary data and information, we really do not know how to pre
cisely describe political behavior. We do not know the exact degrees o f free
d o m or the equation(s) o f motion that describe (and maybe predict and con
trol) political dynamics. We don't know which political phenomena are linear
and hence i f they can be Fourier transformed.
Do equations that describe the cyclical nature o f electoral politics also
describe other political dynamics? D o political dynamical equations contain
universal features similar to other social, economic, or biological dynamics?
To borrow and to twist a line from Feynman's Lectures on Physics, political
scientists cannot say whether something beyond these equations, like free w i l l
or personal liberty, is even needed. Recent discoveries in nonlinear dynamics
may help us to eventually discover political laws and their qualitative content.
Alvin M. Saperstein
The social sciences have long tried to emulate the procedures and results o f
the physical sciences—the laws o f economic determinism o f Marx come
immediately to m i n d . To a large extent, the science o f international relations
has not been successful in this emulation; its capability o f predicting the
outcome o f international competition (war or peace?) has been very limited.
Perhaps this is because too many variables seem to be required, intuitively, to
describe the interactions between nations. Also, nations are composed o f
multitudes o f individually complex people, making it hard to believe that the
internation variables, representing their collective behaviors, can satisfy rela
tively simple functional relationships. A n y easily expressible theory, relating
such variables, is bound to be incomplete and thus suspect, whether the theory
is expressed verbally or mathematically.
The physical sciences owe much o f their long-term successful hold on the
public imagination and pocketbook to their long record o f successful predic
tions o f physical events and processes, predictions that have given rise to our
powerful modern technological society. In the process, the sciences have
learned that incomplete descriptions o f the systems being studied are still very
useful. O f the many variables evidently needed to describe a physical system,
some are major, more are minor, and often the latter can be ignored while still
producing very useful predictions about the system. For example, celestial
mechanics can give a very good predictive description o f planetary motion in
our solar system without including the effects o f the motions o f the various
moons about their respective planets. The minor variables only lead to impor
tant effects in those regions o f the system where the incomplete model,
consisting only o f the major variables, is itself unstable. Successful detailed
predictions have usually been obtained by avoiding these unstable regions,
140 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
regions i n which small changes i n the (major) variables included in the model,
mirroring the effect o f the excluded (minor) variables, lead to major changes
in the system. Such instability, in a deterministic system, is now commonly
referred to as chaos.
Physics also deals w i t h multitudes o f complex entities, such as mole
cules. When appropriate—that is, when the interest is in the collection, for
example, a gas, rather than in its individual constituent molecules—physics
successfully uses very few variables. These are often the result o f averaging
over the constituent multitudes, satisfying relatively simple functional rela
tionships, such as the gas laws and the fluid flow equations (e.g., Kinetic
Theory, Fluid Physics; see Lerner and Trigg 1991). These laws are necessarily
incomplete and hence sometimes incapable o f leading to detailed predictions.
But we have learned how to predict their unpredictability and have found that
this incomplete knowledge is still useful as the model is extended to include
further variables, that is, to more completeness.
Following the lead o f physics, it w i l l be assumed in this chapter that
international relations may be productively modeled by relatively few vari
ables, simply related; the choice o f variables depends upon the system o f
interest and the questions to be answered. It w i l l further be assumed that the
breakdown o f these incomplete models into chaos may be more useful than
the models themselves, that the qualitative prediction o f model instability may
be more meaningful than the quantitative predictions o f specific system varia
Given these assumptions, a procedure is developed for exploring a num
ber o f questions that are o f major concern to the understanding o f international
relations and the practical application o f this understanding to the creation o f
international security policy. The procedure is the creation o f simple mathe
matical models for the interaction o f competing states and the examination
of the numerical output o f these models for regions o f stability and chaos
(Saperstein 1990). The general questions to be explored in this chapter are:
" W h i c h is more war-prone—a bipolar or a tripolar world?"; "Are democracies
more or less prone to war than autocracies?"; and " W h i c h is more war-
prone—a system o f shifting alliances or a collection o f go-it-alone states?"
(Further questions suitable for exploration with this procedure should become
apparent to the reader.) For example, it w i l l be shown that the region o f
instability in a tripolar w o r l d is larger than that o f the corresponding bipolar
w o r l d . From this it w i l l be concluded that a tripolar w o r l d is more prone to
war than a bipolar one.
Before applying these assumptions to the development o f models and an
analytical technique for getting useful information from these models, I w i l l
first try to justify them by attempting to formulate a general definition o f
science and prediction and then draw from this requirements for the more
The Prediction of Unpredictability 141
*n+\ =/(*„. A
)> (!)
where / designates the functional relation that may depend upon a set o f
parameters A. I n physical science this might be the relationship between the
present configuration o f planets in the solar system and a previous configura
tion. I n biology, it might be the relation between the behavior o f a cell in a salt
solution to that o f the same or similar cell in plain water. I f there is a time
sequence between the two l e v e l s — i f one occurs at a later real time than the
142 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
other—then the implied later level is determined by the former. The resulting
system o f understanding—henceforth also referred to as "the theory"—is
then a deterministic system. ( A n illustration o f a deterministic system w o u l d
be the sequence o f positions along the orbit o f an artillery shell in the absence
of air resistance. A nondeterministic system would be the sequence o f posi
tions o f an electron in an atom, though the probabilities o f these positions are
well determined by quantum physics.) For example, suppose the theory deter
mines the value o f some variable, x, at all future times, t, given the starting
value o f the variable, x (this could be the result o f iterating the relationship o f
Fig. 7 . 1 . T i m e e v o l u t i o n o f m o d e l s o l u t i o n s under v a r y i n g d y n a m i c s :
(a) s i n g l e s o l u t i o n o f m a t h e m a t i c a l m o d e l ( d e t e r m i n i s m ) ; (b) f l o w o f
s o l u t i o n s ( p r e d i c t a b i l i t y ) ; (c) f l o w o f s o l u t i o n s (chaos).
Hence, given the theory, the parameters o f the determined states are as
w e l l k n o w n as those o f the initially given states (see fig. 7 . 1 , part b). It
follows that such a deterministic theory is also a predictive theory. The future
state o f the system is as well known as its present initial state. The ability o f
the physical sciences to make predictions, subsequently verified, has given
them a strong hold on the human imagination. A popularly observed eclipse
bolsters the public support o f astronomy, as well as o f all the other sciences,
presumably applying the same methods. (Naturally enough, other intellectual
and pseudointellectual disciplines thus strive to at least appear to be using the
same scientific approaches.)
In nonlinear theories, differences between initial states may not evolve
into allowed differences o f final states; that is, equation 2 is not valid. Hence,
small initial uncertainties about the system may lead to large final uncertain
ties; little or nothing may be k n o w n about the outcome, no matter how precise
the knowledge o f the initial state. For example, i n figure 7 . 1 , part c the range
in outcomes determined by the theory is equal to the full range o f values
possible to the system; prediction may be impossible. I f a small change i n the
initial configuration o f a deterministic theory leads to large indeterminate
changes in the output configurations, the theory is said to be chaotic (Schuster
1988); it precludes precise prediction. A given theory may be chaotic for
some ranges o f input or system parameters and nonchaotic and predictive for
other possible conditions.
For example, the theory obtained by applying the usual Newtonian dy
namical laws to the motion o f physical fluids is often referred to as the Navier-
Stokes equations. Given the initial state of, say, a body o f water—the velocity
of every particle o f the water at some given starting time—the solutions o f the
equations w i l l give the velocity o f each o f these particles at every subsequent
time. O f course, noise and measurement errors are associated with the deter
mination o f the initial and system parameters (e.g., the configurations o f the
rocks i n the creek bed over which the water flows; the random fluctuations o f
the molecules making up the fluid around their mean, fluid, motion). Hence,
there w i l l be fluctuations in the results produced by the equations. I f the
output fluctuations are small, the motion o f the fluid is well predicted: k n o w l
edge o f the behavior o f the water at one place, at one time, gives knowledge
of the fluid flow at neighboring places at subsequent times. Such a nonchaotic
flow is termed laminar flow and is characteristic o f liquids flowing slowly in
smoothly varying channels. The same theory w i l l describe the motion o f the
same water flowing rapidly in a boulder-strewn river, a flow that we usually
describe as turbulent (see, e.g., Lerner and Trigg 1991). I n this chaotic
regime, knowledge o f what the water is doing at one time and place provides
almost no insight into what it w i l l be doing later at the same and neighboring
The Prediction of Unpredictability 145
The difference between the laminar and turbulent regimes o f the theory is
determined by the value o f a parameter, the Reynolds number, calculated
from the fluid speed and the size o f the obstructions to the fluid flow. For
values o f the Reynolds number less than a critical value, determined by the
theory, the flow is laminar; exceeding the critical Reynolds number implies
turbulence. The turbulent regime can further be divided into regimes of soft
chaos and hard chaos. I n the soft regime, the output fluctuations, though
large w i t h respect to the input parameter fluctuations, are small compared to
the extent o f the system. For example, there may be turbulent ripples on the
surface o f a body o f water even though the motion o f the bulk o f the fluid is
well predicted. I n hard chaos the fluctuations dominate the entire system, as
does the flow uncertainty i n a fully turbulent, chaotically tumbling and s w i r l
ing river rapids.
Although the flow o f water in a turbulent stream may not be predictable,
the onset o f turbulence itself may be predicted. The transition from laminar
flow to turbulent flow depends upon the Reynolds number, a parameter that
changes as the stream is followed. K n o w i n g how it changes, from a k n o w l
edge o f the configuration o f the stream bed and its sources, allows a prediction
as to where and when the stream w i l l change from laminar to turbulent flow
and vice versa. Similarly, the transition to and from turbulent air flow over an
aircraft's wings can be predicted as the shape o f the aircraft and its aerial
maneuvers are varied. Or, since a large storm may be construed as a turbulent
part o f the earth's atmosphere, the possibility o f such a storm may be pre
dicted even i f the air flow w i t h i n such a storm remains chaotic and unpredict
able. Hence, a theory o f a system that manifests considerable chaotic, and
therefore unknowable, regimes, but that allows the prediction o f where and
when these chaotic regimes w i l l start, still represents considerable under
standing o f that system. Such theories may not have the presumably a l l -
powerful predictability o f celestial mechanics, which has caught the public
eye. But all natural systems may not be predictable (as we have learned in this
century), and one o f the characteristics o f successful science is to do the best
you can. The study o f such unknowable systems has become very popular
recently in the physical sciences (see, e.g., chaos in Lerner and Trigg 1991).
The possibility o f prediction implies the possibility o f deliberate control.
Control o f a process means that known intended consequences w i l l follow
from deliberate acts: prior conditions are modified to ensure desired outcomes
or to avoid undesired outcomes. For example, i f the outcome x„ +l in equation
1 is not desired, either the prior condition, x„, or the system parameters, A,
can be changed appropriately. ( I f a car is going in a dangerous direction, the
parameter A—the steering wheel position—can be changed or the system can
be started w i t h the car on a different highway.) I f prediction is not possible,
there is no way o f k n o w i n g the outcome o f a given act or policy, which is
146 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
n+l = a(A„, B „ , A)
B, = b(A , B„, A),
variables than are really required. The resultant equations, though far short
of the complexity o f the w o r l d , w o u l d still be complicated and nonlinear i f
they are to represent some o f the essential attributes o f our strongly interacting
real w o r l d , ruling out the possibility o f simple, explicit solutions (see, e.g.,
Prigogine and Stenger 1984). These obvious shortcomings o f any mathemati
cal model are no different than the difficulties o f any reasonable verbal under
standing o f the w o r l d . The difference is that the incompleteness o f the mathe
matical model is usually immediately obvious, whereas that o f verbal models
is concealed in their fuzzy verbosity. In both cases, the resultant predictions
are necessarily incomplete, making theoretical testing and practical policy
formulation difficult.
The more relevant factors left out o f a model or incompletely described
w i t h i n the model, the more gross and incomplete its consequent predictions
w i l l be. Overall system variations may be correctly predicted though the
detailed outcomes may not be trustworthy. Such incomplete predictions may
or may not be useful, depending upon the circumstance o f the policy making
or theory building. It becomes important to determine what kind o f gross
predictions, from necessarily incomplete theoretical models, can be useful in
a given arena o f human experience. I t is the contention o f this chapter that the
prediction o f unpredictability can be very useful i n attempts to understand and
control the advent o f war in the w o r l d system o f nations (Saperstein 1984).
= 8 0 *"«*o>. (4)
This defines the Lyapunov coefficient Ç(X ), which depends upon the starting
limit limit 1
log x: (5)
S&o) =
°° fir, 0 n
I f £ < 0, two configurations starting close to each other w i l l remain close to
each other. Thus, predictability is possible (fig. 7.1b), so such a system w i l l
be defined as stable. I f £ > 0, the initially close configurations w i l l drift ever
further apart, making prediction impossible. Thus £ > 0 is the signature o f
chaos or instability.
In this chapter, several aspects o f international arms competitions, nor
mally modeled qualitatively and verbally, w i l l be put into equivalent algebraic
forms. Only algebra is used! The variable expressing the arms level or pro
curement level o f one country in one year is expressed in terms o f similar
variables describing the status o f that country and o f its competitor nations in
the prior year (e.g., equation 3). These expressions only involve a small
number o f additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions. Hence, they
can be put into standard spreadsheets on a desktop computer and iterated from
year to year to generate the time evolution o f the armaments levels o f the
competing nations. Thus, the future o f these levels, and o f the arms competi
tion among these states, is determined. Similarly, the corresponding
Lyapunov coefficients, describing how the uncertainty associated w i t h these
levels, given that there are initial uncertainties, evolves with time, are also
The Prediction of Unpredictability 153
W h i c h Is M o r e W a r - P r o n e — A Bipolar
or a Tripolar W o r l d ?
insight into whether w e must be even more cautious or can be a little less
t i m i d in addressing the many nonmilitary security problems o f a twenty-first-
century w o r l d . One approach to this question is to compare the range o f stability
o f a two-power system w i t h that o f a corresponding three-power w o r l d .
The variable chosen to describe national behavior in the interactive
model o f equation 3 is the devotion o f a given nation to war preparation—the
ratio o f arms procurement ( i n the most general sense) i n a given year to
the gross national product o f that nation i n the same year. O f necessity, the
numerical value o f this variable must lie between zero and one. The bipolar
w o r l d is then heuristically modeled by the simple nonlinear Richardson-type
model represented by the coupled equations below
n+l = 4ar„(l - Y ) n (6)
Y n+l = 4bX (\ - X„).
bounds. The resultant curve represents the critical relation between a and b;
the region above the curve, in which the two Lyapunov coefficients, £(X ) and 0
In equation 7 the model is extended to three nations (when e = 0,
equation 7 reduces to the previous two-nation model, equation 6):
As e increases from zero, the coupling between X and Y and the third
nation, Z , becomes increasingly significant. Numerical computations o f the
three Lyapunov coefficients pertinent to this model, £(X ), £(Y ), and £(Z ),
0 0 0
1991), indicate that the stability region decreases in area as e increases, that
is, as the third nation becomes more significant in the w o r l d system. Hence,
the model suggests, in accord w i t h a great deal o f other scholarly evidence,
that a tripolar w o r l d is more dangerous than a bipolar one.
Given the propensity o f many o f the world's major democracies to aid and
abet less-than-democratic governments elsewhere, it would be useful to know
i f such policies hinder or further the w o r l d peace that these democracies
presumably seek and guard. Required first is a definition o f democracy that is
easy to quantify and fit into a model o f competitive arms procurement, such as
that o f equation 6, suitably generalized.
It seems easiest to define democracy in terms o f diffuseness o f decision
making. The larger the fraction o f the population that has significant input into
matters o f peace and war, the more democratic the nation w i l l be considered
to be. W i t h this definition, the numerical difference between democracy and
autocracy w i l l be based upon population-sampling theory. I assume that every
citizen o f nation 1 has some intrinsic feeling for the totality o f its opponent
nation 2, and conversely, ranging from complete confidence to extreme fear
and loathing. Let a, be the "fear and loathing" coefficient for any one citizen
of nation 1. Then the policy o f nation 1 toward its opponent w i l l be deter
mined by (a,), the mean o f a, over the class o f citizens o f 1 who are significant
decision makers; (a ) is similarly defined. The fraction o f the citizens belong
x„ +i =x„ + Y„(Y„
axy - x ) 0 (1 - [x
n n+l - x yc ) 0
n x (Y n
~^-X (X n n - Y„)@(X -Y ) n n
xy (9)
0 10 20 30 40
7.2, where the region above the curve is the region o f instability. Note that
small values for both a = a^ and b = a imply stability whereas instability
results when both a^ and a get large or when either gets very large.
Since large values o f the effective fear and loathing coefficient imply
chaos and war, and since any collection o f autocratic states (or large mixed
collection o f autocratic and democratic states) is more likely to have some
pairs o f nations w i t h large values o f this coefficient than a corresponding
collection o f democratic states, it follows that an outbreak o f war is more
likely i n a collection o f autocratic states than in a similar collection o f demo
cratic states. Even though it is often easier, in foreign affairs, to deal with
autocratic governments, it is evident that, in addition to the usual human
desire to nurture similar systems elsewhere, democracies are more likely to
ensure w o r l d peace by supporting the democratization o f other members o f
the international system.
W h i c h is M o r e War-Prone: A S y s t e m of S h i f t i n g
Alliances o r a Collection o f G o - l t - A l o n e States?
match any other state in the system or one i n which weaker nations j o i n
coalitions to collectively procure arms against the strong and in which they
shift alliances when a coalition member becomes too strong—independence
security or balance-of-power security? To model the t w o cases simply, con
sider three competing states, either independent o f each other or in which any
two w i l l be allied against the stronger third.
Considering any pair o f the three, arms buildup or build-down is pre
sumed to occur just as in the previous case (equation 9), w i t h the effective
fear and loathing coefficient o f X for Y and l/a^ the corresponding confi
dence coefficient. However, now X may pair against Y or Z , i f all three are
independent, so the resultant arms procurement or build-down is the sum o f
the corresponding pair terms:
e (z„ - x )] © ( - = ^ ) n
- ~- x (x n n - Y ) 0 (x -y„)~
N n ~ x (x n n - Z„) 0 (X - Z„) N
AY = y„ + 1 -Y„ = [a X {XYX N N - Y ) 0 (X
N N - Y„) + a Z (Z YZ N N - Y) N
0 (Z„ - Y )} 0 ( ^ - ^ )
N (10)
0 (Y N - Z„)] 0 ( X
-=^ )
- -L z (z n n - x ) © (z„ - x ) - -L z (z
n n n n - Y„) © (z„ - Y„).
0 (Z„ - X n - Y )} 0
N ( )
The Prediction of Unpredictability 159
TT~ V« + z )(X n n + Z n - Y ) 0 (X
n n + Z„ - Y) n
1 - AY
0 (z„ - y„ - x„>] ©
- r - (Y + z„)(Y n n + z„ - © (r„ + z„ - x) n
- ^ - (y„ + x„)(Y n + x„~ z„) 0 (K„ + x„ - z„)
0 (K„ - Z„ - X„)] 0 ( )
-T~(Z n + X )(Z„
n + X „ - Y ) 0 (Z„ + X
N N - Y ).
each o f the three nations are almost the same and asking whether these small
differences grow as the recursion progresses. A spreadsheet iteration o f the
recursion relations is again carried out, starting off w i t h XQ, Y' , Z' , represent 0 0
equal to each other, but the Lyapunov coefficients are positive. This occurs
because all limits are less than the starting value, X , except for the singular
case when all start off exactly equal to X , in which case the limiting value is
become less than the denominator, implying a positive coefficient. This situa
tion is an illustration o f bifurcation, in that one point leads to results com
pletely different from all other points. Since the limits are still well defined,
the sequences are predictable, not chaotic, and so again there is no war. I n the
third case, weak chaos, none o f the sequence limits exist and so there are no
Lyapunov coefficients. However, the variation within any one o f the se
quences, X' , Y' , Z' , and the differences between the sequences (X' — X )
n n n n n
The numerical results for the independent nation model are displayed in
figure 7.3. N o sharp boundary was evident between the regimes o f weak
stability and weak chaos and so the two regimes are considered to be a single
realm i n w h i c h crisis stability is still valid. Note that there is no upper l i m i t to
the weak chaos regime, no breakdown o f crisis instability, i f the fear and
loathing coefficient is small enough (a ^ 1). I f there is enough confidence in
the system, perturbations to the independent nation international system may
lead to continued fluctuations and uncertainty, but not to war, no matter how
large the initial, equal, stocks o f arms are. On the other hand, with sufficient
fear and loathing (a > I), war w i l l always break out i f the initial arms stocks
are large enough.
The numerical predictions o f the alliance model are quite different. For
large enough symmetric starting values, X = Y = Z , the system imme
0 0 0
diately and completely disarms, no matter what value is chosen for the fear
and loathing coefficient. This is region I o f figure 7.4; since all sequences tend
immediately to a zero l i m i t i n g value, it is a strong stability region. I n region I I
o f the figure, a l i m i t has not yet been reached numerically at n = 100;
nonetheless, the fluctuations in the monotonically decreasing sequences are
small and hence this region is appropriately characterized as weak chaos: the
course o f events is clear and the eventual complete disarmament is completely
top computer, have allowed us to conclude that a tripolar world is less stable
than a corresponding bipolar w o r l d , that a set o f democratic nations is more
likely to be stable than a similar set that includes autocracies, and that a group
o f nations attempting to guard their security via balance-of-power alliance
formation is more stable than a group in which each member makes individual
attempts to cope w i t h other potentially hostile members. A bigger and more
complex computer model indicates that a policy o f introducing S D I into a
situation similar to the recent cold war nuclear confrontation between the
United States and the Soviet Union would likely dangerously destabilize such
a world.
None o f these theoretical or policy results is new. Similar conclusions
have been reached before by many others using conventional verbal analyses.
But the alternative route presented in this chapter—the qualitative analysis o f
simple quantitative models—leads very quickly to the answers without any
hidden implicit assumptions, biases, or faulty logic. Finally, agreement o f
results obtained via traditional means and the methods developed here brings
added credence to both approaches. Science is a fabric: its ability to cover the
w o r l d depends upon the existence o f many different fibers acting together to
give it structure and strength.
C o m p l e x i t y in t h e E v o l u t i o n o f Public O p i n i o n
Michael McBurnett
Most political phenomena are not static. Presidential campaigns and the elec
torates' response to them; the emergence and outbreak o f international hostili
ties; the formation o f racial attitudes—all these and more are inherently
dynamic processes.
Be that as it may, we often study such phenomena as though they were
static. Cross-sectional analyses continue to dominate disciplinary research,
for two reasons. First, we typically choose to analyze cross-sectional data.
Exemplary are the many analyses o f year-specific surveys o f the electorate
during presidential and off-year elections (see Huckfeldt and Sprague 1987;
Cohen et al. 1991; and examples based on specific National Election Studies),
w h i c h , it might be noted, represent some o f the most sophisticated empirical
work in political science. Second, our methodological training has largely
concentrated on techniques well suited to the analysis o f cross-sectional data;
ordinary least squares and its cousins continue to hold sway. Although
scholars increasingly are turning to the analysis o f phenomena over time
(Tuma and Hannan 1984; Huckfeldt 1990; B r o w n 1991), the study o f dynamic
processes i n a truly dynamic way remains in its infancy.
One o f the most foreboding challenges is to identify the complexity that
inevitably characterizes dynamic phenomena (Ford 1986). In the pages that
follow, three methods are used to analyze complex dynamical time series.
First I discuss the phase portrait. Second, the correlation integral is introduced
and applied to a variety o f time series. Finally, Lyapunov exponents are used
to illustrate the divergent properties inherent in complex dynamics. I discuss
those methods w i t h i n the context o f the 1984 race for the Democratic nomina
tion. When candidates do w e l l , estimates o f their chances o f winning
increase. When the candidates fare poorly, citizens report a corresponding
decrease in their estimates o f the candidates' chances o f winning the nomina
tion. This pattern o f probability estimates does not follow an orderly cycle,
however; the pattern is considerably more complex—so complex that it is best
described as chaos. Chaos implies a deterministic structure in a nonlinear
dynamic process.
166 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
The empirical pattern o f voter support for candidates as the presidential nomi
nation race unfolds provides direct evidence o f how a cyclical pattern in
public opinion may develop during the campaign. Figure 8.1 shows the vote
percentages received by Hart and Mondale in the 1984 Democratic race for
each election date. Where multiple races were held on a single day, as on
Super Tuesday, the results have been averaged over all races held on that day.
The graph presents three pieces o f evidence about the dynamics o f candi-
J . I I I I I L
n 1 1 1 1 1 r
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Election Sequence
The parameters are estimated by O L S . The results establish that the percent
age o f the vote Mondale wins does oscillate about a limiting value. I n the
unweighted model, the estimate for the lagged variable is —.389 ± .22. The
constant term in this model is .49. The estimate in the weighted model is
— .409 ± . 19, w i t h an intercept o f .52. Both parameter estimates are negative
and the absolute value o f each estimate exceeds zero but is less than one. The
time path for both versions o f this model is an oscillatory trace that converges
rapidly to an equilibrium. Both demonstrate that oscillation in the percentage
o f the vote a candidate wins can occur during the nomination race. However,
the pattern produced by the parameters is short-term, period-two oscillations,
a pattern not found in the original data.
A more elaborate model demonstrates the long-term oscillatory nature o f
the election outcomes more convincingly. The traces for Hart and Mondale in
figure 8-1 show long-term oscillations rather than period-two oscillations or
an oscillatory convergence over time. Competition is an integral part o f the
168 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
campaign, so a model should account for the competition for votes between
candidates. Using only Hart and Mondale, a dynamic model o f competition is
given by
AHart, = B' - Q j3',Hart, + /3 Mondale, 2
measures the threat Mondale feels due to Hart's level o f success in repeated
elections. B' , B\, and B' in the second equation are interpreted similarly for
0 2
Hart. This model closely resembles the Richardson model o f arms races.
One equation can be eliminated by substitution (see Huckfeldt et al.
1982). This produces a second-order linear difference equation in one candi
date in which the interdependent structure o f competition is implicit. The
procedure is symmetric for the other candidate. The result for Mondale is
where b represents (B — B B
0 — B B[B ),
0 b represents (1 + B — B —
2 0 2 0 x 2 i
Using the quadratic equation, one can solve for the t w o roots o f the equation.
These roots may both be real, repeated roots, or complex conjugates. These
TABLE 8 . 1 . E s t i m a t e s f o r t h e S e c o n d - O r d e r
Dynamic Model
Candidate b 0 b 2
are the only alternatives (Goldberg 1958; Huckfeldt et al. 1982). Substituting
the estimates from Mondale's equation into the quadratic equation gives
_ - ( . 1 0 2 0 ) ± V ( . 1 0 2 0 ) - 4 · (.4188)
ii R
2 2 ' ' '
It is obvious that the sum under the square root radical is less than zero.
Hence, the roots are complex conjugates and the time path described by this
model contains long-term oscillations. The pattern is similar for Hart. For
particular values o f these roots, the time path w i l l show stable long-term
oscillatory motion (Baumol 1958). This implies that the competition between
candidates persists over time during the nomination race, an implication that
can lead to the media's portrayal o f competition between candidates as a horse
race (Brady and Johnston 1987, 184; Popkin 1991, 117-18). Campaign man
agers for the candidates in the 1984 race agree that this race was one in which
the competition persisted and one in which the outcome was i n doubt for some
time (Moore 1986, 56).
The outcome from this model resembles the time paths shown in figure
8 . 1 , where neither candidate shows a simple oscillatory motion and the lead
changes several times during the primary season. This simple model may
provide some insight into the problem survey respondents have when asked to
estimate the chance each candidate in a large pool o f candidates has o f
winning the party nomination. The problem o f accurately assessing the
chances o f a number o f candidates at a particular point in time is liable to be
quite difficult when the candidates are locked in a race in which the lead
changes a number o f times (Battels 1988, 3 2 0 - 2 3 ) . '
The simple models explored in this section demonstrate that competition
between candidates can lead to fairly complex long-term behavior in the
nomination race. I n this changing environment, where members o f the elec
torate are liable to switch their candidate preference ordering subject to the
results o f recent electoral outcomes, forecasting the eventual outcome be
comes extremely difficult. Preferences i n one state are driven by recent elec
toral results in another state. Issues become less important and electability
increases in importance (Brady and Johnston 1987). The Mondale campaign
discovered that even what is considered to be unshakable support can be
swayed in this fashion. Fifty percent o f Mondale's lead in Maine disappeared
between the New Hampshire primary and the Maine caucuses and this is
attributed to Hart's early successes (Moore 1986, 76). The forecasting prob
lem for campaigners is difficult, but it is precisely this difficulty that makes the
problem interesting, for campaigners and scholars alike.
I turn now to a method designed to analyze time series graphically and to
discover hidden patterns in the data that may not be revealed by other
170 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
A n a l y z i n g D e t e r m i n i s t i c Data
"I I I I i I I i 1 r 1 1 n
1 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 366
Days Since January 1
AY, = aY, + bX t
A X , = cY, + dX„
A n a l y z i n g Noisy Data
What happens when the system contains noise? Noise may enter the data
through measurement error, random response variation, sampling error, or by
unknown other means. Figure 8.4 shows the simulated time series o f mean
thermometer scores w i t h random variation about each point. The initial func
tion is identical to the first part o f equation 6, but random error has been added
to each observation o f the time series. The random component o f this series is
normal (/it = 0, a = 0.025).
I f the procedure o f examining the phase portrait is adopted to study the
172 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
dynamical behavior o f this series, the technique is to plot Y against Yt and t+l
~l I 1 1 T
.4 .45 .5 .55 .6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I
1 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 366
J I I I I 1 I L
n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
.3 .35 .4 .45 .5 .55 .6 .65 .7 .75
Nicolis and Prigogine point out that "for a proper choice o f T these
variables are expected to be linearly independent, and this is all we need to
define a phase space" (1989, 277). A l l o f these variables are derived from a
single time series, such as is shown in figure 8.4, and are provided by the
data. This procedure yields an experimental time series and it provides the
data to transcend the one-dimensional space o f the original (univariate) time
series and to "unfold the systems' dynamics in multidimensional phase space"
(Nicolis and Prigogine 1989, 277).
Figure 8.6 provides a graphic revelation o f the structure o f the attractor
k n o w n to be present in the noisy data representing the simulated thermometer
scores. Here the value o f the thermometer score at time t is plotted against the
thermometer score at time t + 10. The tenth lag o f the series has been used to
Complexity in the Evolution of Public Opinion 175
I 1 1 1 I I r~
.35 .4 .45 .5 .55 .6 .65
reveal the equilibrium cycle. It retains its elliptical shape. This is strong
evidence that this technique produces an insight that might otherwise be
masked by random variation or noise in a time series.
Clearly, in order to illuminate fine structure in a dynamical system,
empirical methods may be required. What happens when these techniques are
applied to a time series o f public opinion data? I n the next section, the time
series used in the later analysis is described.
C o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e T i m e Series
f r o m Public O p i n i o n Data
In 1984, the Center for Political Studies conducted a telephone poll o f the
national electorate using a probability sample over a very long period. This
survey is k n o w n as the Rolling Cross Section. Although it has some draw
backs, such as a fairly large sampling error (Allsop and Weisberg 1988), it is
the only national sample o f its type. This analysis uses that portion o f the
survey containing those respondents interviewed after January 11, 1984, and
before June 12, 1984. Those respondents were interviewed during the period
in which all primary and caucus activity took place.
The survey asked respondents to rate the chances o f the various Demo-
176 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
"1 I I I I I I I I I i I i I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
bounded region in phase space and the motion is erratic. The governing
equations for the system used in this analysis are not k n o w n , so it is impossi
ble to tell, given the information presented thus far, i f this series displays
sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
However, i f this system can be shown to be sensitively dependent on
initial conditions, then it is established that public opinion measures o f the
mean likelihood o f candidates winning their parties' nomination are very
probably unpredictable far in advance. This is disconcerting, not because
forecasts may be slightly off from time to time, but because forecasts may be
completely wrong between two adjacent polls only narrowly separated i n
time. This means that pollsters may predict the wrong candidate winning
elections. This has occurred in recent nomination races. James Johnson,
Mondale's campaign manager in the 1984 race, relates that
Peter Hart was Mondale's pollster in the 1984 race. His forecast o f Mondale's
support i n New Hampshire was off by 50 percent. The electoral result i n the
New Hampshire primary was a boost for Hart and tighter competition for the
Democratic nomination.
The 1976 Democratic race also provides examples. Morris Udall's p o l l
sters reported three weeks prior to the Wisconsin primaries that the vote split
was Carter 34 percent, (Henry) Jackson 24 percent, Udall 17 percent, Wallace
15 percent, and Undecided 10 percent. Udall desperately needed to w i n in
Wisconsin in order to stay in the race. This p o l l nearly forced h i m from the
race. Ten days prior to the election, another poll revealed a new mean prefer
ence ordering between candidates among the public: Carter 34 percent, Udall
30 percent, Henry Jackson 15 percent. This p o l l , as well as the previous one,
was conducted by Peter Hart (Schram 1977, 126). The Wisconsin primary
results (the first primary in the 1976 Democratic race) were Carter 37 percent
and Udall 36 percent, w i t h only five thousand votes separating these two
candidates (Schram 1977, 132). On the Thursday prior to the Wisconsin
primary, Carter's pollster, Pat Caddell, reported that "the weighted results
stood at Carter 38%, and Udall 2 7 % , " w i t h 5 percent no-preference respon
dents, who were expected to vote for Udall (Schram 1977, 133). This p o l l ,
conducted only days prior to the election, is close to the true outcome.
The forecast error increases as the distance from the actual election date i n
This problem has obvious implications for theoretical political science,
as well as for practical politics. Can this series, or other similar series, be
shown to be chaotic?
The answer turns on the ability to determine i f the phase portrait is a t w o -
dimensional slice o f a higher-dimensional strange attractor with a positive
Lyapunov exponent. This attractor must have a fractional, that is, noninteger
dimension; no strange attractors are k n o w n w i t h integer dimensions (Schuster
1988, 106). I f it can be shown that the phase portrait is a snapshot o f a strange
attractor w i t h a positive Lyapunov exponent, then the dynamics o f the un
k n o w n equations o f motion must display sensitive dependence on initial con
ditions and the time series is chaotic.
A demonstration o f sensitive dependence on initial conditions in a time
series o f opinion data has ramifications that extend far beyond this essay.
Nonlinear processes define the underlying structure o f opinion formation i f
the series can be shown to be chaotic. Forecasts o f election results based on
opinion data w i l l be unreliable unless the initial levels o f public opinion are
k n o w n quite precisely. This condition is never met in practice. Linear models
are functionally misspecified and results from these models are suspect.
We must probe the dynamics w i t h other tools that provide deeper insights
into the dynamics. One tool in common use is smoothing, which can help
reduce the variation in the observed series. Smoothing has problems o f its
Complexity in the Evolution of Public Opinion 179
own (see Schaffer et al. 1990). Another tool is spectral analysis, which can
uncover regularities in dynamical time series in the presence o f considerable
noise. As this is the subject o f a separate chapter in this volume I refer the
reader to it (see chap. 2). The time series in this chapter are analyzed i n much
greater detail there. Smoothing and spectral analysis are both designed to
probe for periodicity in the time series. What is needed is to attack the
problem from another angle. Two techniques are available to probe the geom
etry o f the time series: the correlation integral and Lyapunov exponents.
In the next section I explain the construction and use o f the correlation
integral. I also posit an alternative (linear, oscillatory) model and recompute
the correlation integral. I follow w i t h an examination o f the largest Lyapunov
exponent for the Mondale time series.
This analysis uses the Mondale time series rather than data from the entire
three-candidate series. It is known that the shape o f attractors in low-
dimensional phase space can be recovered using the phase space representa
tion from an appropriately lagged univariate time series (Packard et al. 1980;
Nicolis and Prigogine 1989). This result allows the use o f one series to
analyze the dynamic properties o f the entire three-candidate series.
Some vector notation is required for the analytic procedure that follows:
Xj represents a point i n phase space with the coordinates for the point given by
the ordered n-tuple { X , X - ,0 / X ,- ,
0t { • • • , Xot-J-
0 2 Typically, one begins
w i t h pairs o f points, then moves into a three-space, and then continues into
higher-dimensional phase space. The analysis takes place in this subspace o f
the N-dimensional space in which the original attractor lies (Packard et al.
1980, 712). I t is a consequence o f Takens's theorem (1980) that this technique
works. The dimension o f the attractor can be measured i n a number o f ways.
A measure that is computationally efficient for a discrete time series such as
this one is called the correlation dimension.
The correlation dimension is useful when one does not know the exact
dimension i n which the attractor lies. It is an experimental measure that w i l l
determine the dimension o f the attractor numerically.
Based on the ordered n-tuple constructed above, a reference point x is
chosen and all distances |JC, — jt-| from the N — I remaining points in the series
are computed (Nicolis and Prigogine 1989, 278). These distances are arrayed
against various values o f a radius r from the point X in the phase space. This t
C(r) = l i m (l/N ) .^ 6(r - \ x,•. - X j |), (7)
180 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
where 6 is the Heaviside function, 6(x) = 0 i f x < 0 and 6(x) = 1 i f x > 0 .
The Heaviside function acts as a dummy variable, allowing one to count
points i f they lie inside the radius, r. C(r) varies over the range 1 IN to 1. This
measure can be constructed using Euclidean distances or a non-Euclidean
measure such as the sum o f absolute values o f the component vectors ( M o o n
1987, 216). The former measure is used here. The fact that C ( r ) fails to vanish
measures the extent to which any one data point, X , , affects the positions o f
the other points (Nicolis and Prigogine 1989, 278). Hence the reference to
C(r) as the correlation integral.
This method is also known as the ball-counting method (Barnsley 1988).
Each point has a ball superimposed over it w i t h radius r. A l l the other points
in the phase space inside this radius are counted and stored. The radius is
incremented until all points lie inside the boundary. This radius defines the
upper l i m i t . The lower l i m i t for a particular dimension is UN, for individual
points must occupy a unique address in phase space. This process is repeated
for a number o f dimensions based on the construction o f the ordered n-tuple
C(r) ~ r (8)
or, i n other words, the dimension o f the attractor is determined by the slope o f
In C ( r ) versus In r in a particular range o f r (Nicolis and Prigogine 1989;
Grassberger 1986). This relation is
In C ( r ) = d · In r. (9)
The procedure then is to calculate C ( r ) for radii varying from zero to that
sufficient to cover all points in the phase space for successively higher dimen
sions. The relation between In C(r) and In r can be seen graphically in figure
8.8, where the correlation integrals for dimensions four through ten are plot
ted for the phase portrait o f public opinion data related to Mondale's chances
o f winning the 1984 Democratic presidential nomination.
The slope, d, from equation 9 is estimated using bivariate regression
from the various dimensions over the regions in figure 8.8 that are approx-
Complexity in the Evolution of Public Opinion 181
J I | I I 1 I I I L
Log Radius
Fig. 8.8. C o r r e l a t i o n i n t e g r a l s f o r t h e M o n d a l e t i m e - s e r i e s d i m e n s i o n s
four to ten
imately linear. It is the range o f linearity that allows the inference o f the
dimension o f the attractor. The slope is calculated for each dimension. I f the
slopes reach a saturation point, that is, become parallel as the dimension
increases, then the saturation point is interpreted to be the dimension o f the
attractor (Nicolis and Prigogine 1989, 279; Grassberger and Proccacia 1983,
196; M o o n 1987, 233). Where the slopes fail to saturate and the correlation
integral scales according to the relation
In C(r) = d • In n, (10)
vertical axis is the mean o f the slopes for dimensions six through ten. This is
the dimension o f the attractor. The value is approximately 3.58. Since this
value is noninteger, we make two inferences: the dynamics are governed by a
nonlinear process and the attractor is a strange attractor. This time series has a
fractal structure and it may be chaotic.
The dimension o f the attractor is between three and four and is non-
integer. The next-largest integer value greater than the dimension o f the
attractor—four—provides us w i t h knowledge o f the maximum number o f
dynamical variables needed to model the behavior o f the system (Schuster
1988, 128; Nicolis and Prigogine 1989, 279). The number o f variables re
quired to completely explain the dynamics o f the entire system is less than the
number o f candidates that ran for the Democratic nomination. This insight
provides another perspective on candidate viability i n presidential nomination
contests. Unfortunately, no one has as yet devised a way to deduce which
variables are required for modeling the dynamical behavior, though some
imaginative ad hoc forecasting techniques have been applied w i t h limited
success (Crutchfield and McNamara 1987; Casdagli 1989). These efforts have
thus far failed to recover the functional form o f the original equations, even
where it is k n o w n a p r i o r i .
Complexity in the Evolution of Public Opinion 183
Noise can be the bane o f statistical analysis. The survey used in this analysis,
the 1984 Continuous Monitoring Study, is known to contain more sampling
error than other National Election Studies (Allsop and Weisberg 1988). The
original survey contains about 11 percent error. I n the construction o f the time
series used in this analysis, the sampling error increases. The increase in the
error is approximately equal to the square root o f the sampling interval m u l t i
plied by the original sampling error. The original time series used a sampling
interval o f seventeen-day "weeks" in which the goal was to obtain two-thirds
of the interviews in the first actual week and use the remaining time to
complete the interview schedule (ICPSR 1984). The error in the collapsed
time series I use here is slightly more than . 4 5 . This is a large amount o f error
for any analysis and the question naturally arises as to whether or not the
results in the prior section can be trusted to identify a deterministic component
in the system dynamics.
In this section I report the results o f two Monte Carlo simulations on a
time series w i t h k n o w n dimension, where progressively larger error has been
added to the system dynamics in an attempt to destroy the resolving power o f
the correlation integral. The results show that the method is robust.
The Monte Carlo simulation uses the model constructed in equation 6 as
the baseline, w i t h slight modifications. That model is a linear harmonic os
cillator in t w o variables. It oscillates in the phase space, tracing a circle. A
circle is a closed line and a line is a one-dimensional geometric figure. Hence,
the dimension o f the experimental time series is k n o w n . Equation 6 was
iterated 1,500 times to obtain a series o f long length and the output was scaled
into the unit interval so as to be able to easily calculate the size o f the error
component. Random normal error with k n o w n variance and mean zero was
added to each observation. Ten computations o f the correlation integral from
the X-Y phase space were conducted for each level o f added error. Summary
results o f this experiment are shown in table 8.2.
The results i n the table show that this measure is robust in the presence o f
a normal error component. The subset o f the points used to estimate the
correlation dimension were selected using the method described by Chen
(1988). The linear region o f the correlation integral is identified by plotting
the log o f the radius, r, against the ratio formed by dividing the log o f the
radius into the change i n adjacent points in the correlation integral, that is,
plot [ A C ( r ) / A l o g ( r ) ] · log ( r ) . The linear region is identified as a plateau or flat
segment in the modified plot (see Chen 1988; Abraham et al. 1986; M o o n
1987). I n the simulations run with 50 percent error added to each observa
tion, the estimate for the correlation dimension is, on average, only 2.3
percent larger than the true dimension. This result is consistent with Schaffer
184 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
(1988). The results i n the table show that the standard error o f the estimates
increases as the amount o f error increases.
The simulation above is based on a time series o f length 1,500. Next I
report the results o f a second simulation where the error components remain
constant and the sample sizes increase. This shows the effect o f noise in small
samples. Two runs are reported. The first has 15 percent error and the second
has 50 percent error. The series lengths are 200, 300, 400, . . . , 1,000, for
each run. Table 8.3 contains the results.
This simulation is based on one run per series. The results show that this
technique allows one to recover the k n o w n dimension o f the linear harmonic
oscillator quite accurately w i t h small sample sizes. These results are similar to
a simulation reported by Schaffer (1988) for the logistic equation with varying
sample sizes (see also Albano et al. 1987). I n both cases the standard errors o f
the estimates are larger w i t h small sample sizes. The larger the sample, as
always, the more accurate the estimate.
The results o f this simulation give added weight to the results from the
aggregate time series. The ability to recover the true dimension is not com
pletely destroyed by having a short or noisy time series. Can the movement in
opinion in the primary period be explained by a simpler model? I test this
hypothesis i n the next section.
A Test of an A l t e r n a t i v e M o d e l
It can be argued that the results derived in the previous section are the result o f
some unknown nonlinear yet regular process similar to the example used in
equation 6, where the deterministic relation was based on a linear harmonic
equation. A n even stronger argument might begin by positing that the ob
served relationship is actually explained by a linear model. A test o f an
alternative model is used to demonstrate that the empirical results detailed
above are not due to noise that happens to follow an unusual cyclical pattern.
When coupled w i t h the Monte Carlo results reported above, this provides
further evidence for a low-dimensional deterministic process at work.
Experimental work on physical (Ben-Mizrachi et al. 1984; Ott et al.
1985) and economic time series (Scheinkman and LeBaron 1989) containing
an error component has revealed that the correlation dimension can be recov
ered when noise is present in the data.
Ott et al. describe how an attractor's volume changes with the addition o f
an error component to a time series. I f e, represents the error component o f the
series, the presence o f noise in a dynamical system "fattens up the attractor by
an amount proportional to e" (1985, 65). This can be seen by referring back
to figures 8.3 and 8.6. The equilibrium in figure 8.3 is "fattened" in figure 8.6
by the addition o f the random error component.
This has the additional effect o f further separating nearby points from
one another. I n the context o f calculating the correlation integral, this addi
tional separation results in fewer points falling inside small radii, r , which
means that larger and larger radii w i l l be required to discover the upper l i m i t
required to cover the entire set o f points in the phase space. Noise has the
effect o f increasing slightly the calculated dimension o f the attractor using
the correlation integral (Abraham et al. 1986). The estimated slopes over the
correlation integral w i l l , i f the system is dominated by noise, fail to saturate.
Thus, in the presence o f noise, the point at which the slopes o f the various
correlation integrals saturate w i l l be marginally greater than the saturation
point in a system without noise.
186 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
ten, as before. Estimates for the slopes were derived as before, and are shown
in figure 8.10. The results clearly show that the deterministic component in
the data remains after use o f the A R 2 model. The correlation integral saturates
at approximately 3.70, the mean slope over the last five dimensions, and the
standard errors o f these estimates overlap the standard errors o f the slopes
based on the original Mondale time series.
The fact that the linear model fails to account for the deterministic
component in the model coupled w i t h the repeated result o f saturation in the
slopes over the scaling interval i n the correlation dimensions based on the
residuals from the A R 2 model is strong evidence that the time series contains
a nonlinear deterministic component. It remains to be shown that this series is
chaotic. Chaos is confirmed by the presence o f a positive ( > 0 ) Lyapunov
exponent. The next section confronts this problem.
The evidence provided to this point indicates that the aggregate time series
constructed from the 1984 Rolling Cross Section may be chaotic. Confirma
tion o f chaos requires a positive Lyapunov exponent. Lyapunov exponents
measure the rate o f divergence o f nearby points during the evolution o f a
dynamical system. This section discusses the technique o f estimating
Lyapunov exponents from an experimental time series, shows that the tech
nique is robust in the presence o f large amounts o f noise, and estimates a
positive Lyapunov exponent for the constructed time series.
X r
' n
' 0 X
n) (11)
188 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
+i + dx n+l = f[x„ + dx ] n
dx i n+ = dx„- f [x ] n
= dx n · r(l - 2x„).
\dx \ • 0 fi |K1 - 2x . i
1= 0
For any value o f r, the uncertainty grows i n time i f the product o f the local
stretching, | r ( l — 2x,)|, exceeds one. I f equation 13 is consistent w i t h
n- 1
Note that logarithms are reported in base t w o . I n practice, this means that the
Lyapunov exponent, A, is reported in bits per iteration.
Complexity in the Evolution of Public Opinion 189
500 .4661 1 2
450 .4021 1 2
400 .3622 1 2
350 .4092 1 2
300 .4004 1 2
250 .4460 1 2
200 .4737 1 2
150 .3692 1 2
100 .4511 1 2
50 .3852 1 2
128 points were needed to calculate the largest (positive) exponent for this
attractor to w i t h i n 5 percent o f its value. Hence, the data requirements appear
to be less rigorous here than for the computation o f the correlation integral.
Note that the estimates for the Lyapunov exponents are consistently
greater than zero. I n this simulation I used one time series and drew increas
ingly short samples from it in order to compute the Lyapunov exponent. W o l f
et a l . (1985) report on similar experiments for a number o f other attractors: the
Rossler attractor, the Lorenz attractor, hyperchaos (a 4 - D variant o f Rossler's
system), the delay differential equation, and others. Their results indicate that
the data requirements for difference equations are far shorter than for systems
of differential equations. The time delay is the lag used to construct the phase
portrait. Evolution time refers to the number o f iterations o f the fiducial and
test trajectories at the end o f which the paired trajectories are measured.
Noise i n the data poses no problem here. W h i l e adding noise to every
observation fattens up the attractor, noise o f the standard normal variety
moves points about in random, equiprobable directions. When computing the
Lyapunov exponents, these variations tend to cancel out and the resulting
estimates remain positive and far from zero. This is demonstrated i n another
simulation by constructing a new time series based on the Henon map but in
which a large random error component is added to each observation. The error
amounts to 50 percent. The results are shown in table 8.5.
These results indicate that error does not interfere greatly with the struc-
3 b
N Exponent Time Delay Evolution Time
500 .4057 1 2
450 .4944 1 2
400 .3760 1 2
350 .4236 1 2
300 .3762 1 2
250 .3555 1 2
200 .3280 1 2
150 .4640 1 2
100 .4354 1 2
50 .3371 1 2
ture o f the attractor and i f chaos is present it can be detected. Table 8.5 is
based on an error component that exceeds the error component in the aggre
gate time series based on the 1984 Rolling Cross Section. It seems reasonable
to proceed on the assumption that i f a positive Lyapunov exponent exists in
the time series o f candidate chances, it w i l l be detected.
The correlation integral informs us that the dimension o f the attractor for the
Mondale (and the Jackson) time series is between three and four. We make use
of this information in the computation o f the Lyapunov exponent by comput
ing the magnitude o f the exponent for a range o f evolution times and time
delay reconstructions o f the attractor for dimensions three and four. I n this
case a small amount o f information can dramatically reduce the amount o f
w o r k necessary.
The time series I have constructed is based on daily data. It is a mapping,
like the Henon map used above. Hence the appropriate time delay for recon
structing the attractor is one, just as for the Henon map or the logistic map.
What must vary is the evolution time for each choice o f dimension. I f the time
series is chaotic, we must expect that all o f the Lyapunov exponents computed
w i t h the fixed evolution time algorithm w i l l be positive. The results are shown
in table 8.6.
A l l estimates exceed zero, hence this time series is chaotic ( M o o n 1987,
191-92; W o l f et a l . 1985; Ruelle 1989; Baker and Gollub 1 9 9 0 ) . This
evidence also is an indication that the evolution o f public opinion during the
1984 presidential primary season is sensitively dependent on initial condi-
2 0.1739 0.1255
3 0.1722 0.1350
4 0.1837 0.1202
5 0.1150 0.0871
6 0.1096 0.0833
7 0.0633 0.0826
8 0.0549 0.0493
9 0.0806 0.0445
10 0.0683 0.0862
In this result we find the reason that shifts in public opinion can occur in
dramatic fashion. The Lyapunov exponent is interpreted as a loss in predictive
power measured in bits per iteration. Large exponents, such as for the logistic
equation w i t h driving parameter equal to four, where the Lyapunov exponent
is one, mean that one bit is lost each iteration. I f one measures w i t h eight-bit
accuracy, all predictive power is lost after eight iterations.
By choosing the exponent for dimension four and a time evolution o f
two, we see that one bit is lost after thirteen iterations (days). Extend this to
six months and the result reported by James Johnson (in Moore 1986, 73),
Mondale's pollster in 1984, is clear: the predictive power has been lost as
people switch their candidate preference ordering. Effectively, such a long
forecast may as well be a roll o f a probability die.
Because the exponents in the Mondale series are relatively small, only a
small amount o f information is lost per iteration. The effective result is to
allow longer forecasts with greater accuracy and this effect is reflected in the
polling done by the Udall campaign in 1976 (Schram 1976, 126, 132). We
know that forecasts made close to an election date are more accurate than
those made long before the election. The presence o f positive Lyapunov
exponents explains w h y that result occurs.
Radical opinion shifts can occur in a short period during primary election
campaigns. This has been demonstrated with the Mondale time series con
structed from the 1984 Rolling Cross Section NES survey. These shifts in
opinion can be induced by a response to the competition between candidates
for convention delegates.
The concept o f momentum is important here. M o m e n t u m can be positive
or negative (or zero) and the full range o f possibilities is shown in the time
series used here. Mondale w o n in Iowa, but Hart did better than expected and
reaped the electoral benefits in later elections. I n New Hampshire, Maine, and
Vermont, Hart captured ever-greater shares o f the vote. Mondale began to
recover on Super Tuesday and he then captured the higher percentage o f the
vote in a sequence o f elections. This long-term oscillatory pattern persists
throughout the campaign and the electoral results affect public opinion forma
tion, perhaps by altering individual candidate preferences reported in the
survey. The survey design unfortunately did not ask respondents whether they
had altered their perceptions o f candidates' chances o f winning the nomina
tion and each individual was only sampled once, so this hypothesis cannot be
confirmed. However, it seems very likely that respondents in this survey
reacted to electoral events in the same way that Mondale's deserters did—as a
reaction to Hart's ability to w i n votes when he was not supposed to.
Complexity in the Evolution of Public Opinion 193
The present version of this chapter is much improved thanks to the insightful
comments and critique of Courtney Brown, Thad Brown, Jim Kuklinski, Mike
M a c K u e n , Steve Seitz, Seymour Sudman, and Dina Zinnes. Remaining errors should
be attributed to the author. The data used in this paper were made available by the
I C P S R . Neither the original collectors of the data nor the I C P S R are responsible for the
interpretations made.
1. This is also a serious problem for campaign managers and candidates. The
candidates rely on accurate professional polls that correctly identify the issues voters
believe are important. These data aid the candidates in the formation of policy state-
ments in their attempt to sway voters into their camps. When, unexpectedly, one
Complexity in the Evolution of Public Opinion 195
the process considerably by reducing to one (from six or more) the number of dimen-
sions over which the calculation of the correlation integral takes place. This technique
(see Ben Mizrachi et al. 1984) is exactly equivalent to the procedure described in this
paper and the dimension estimates are the same. For example, using the technique
described in this paper, I estimated the dimension of the linear harmonic oscillator
using the time-delay method in a series of two hundred data points with no error and
the result was a set of six slope estimates of 1.00 with error less than 8.9e - 9 for each.
With 20 percent error added to the original series, the estimate for the correlation
integral converged to 1.008 ± 0.031 at the reconstructed five-dimensional phase
space. Because the multidimensional correlation integral is easier to interpret in the
context of the simulation, its use and the results are reported here. There is no
difference between the two measures. The results reported here are available from the
9. A l l techniques presently available that allow a determination of the linear region
of the correlation dimension integral involve some intuition on the part of the re-
searcher. The main question, and it has yet to be resolved, revolves about identification
of the linear region. This technique tends to maximize the fit of the regression as
measured by R.
10. Solution of the resulting difference equation reveals no oscillatory motion. This
does not detract from the results that follow.
11. The Henon map is given by the coupled difference equations
Xn+I = 1 - aX + Y
Y n+l = bX , m
where a = 1.4 and b — 0.3, and X 0 = Y = 0.5. This map is the two-equation analog
200 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Chaotic M i c r o e c o n o m i c M o d e l s w i t h
Rational Expectations
The control parameter for this process is am . A t values slightly greater than
one there is a stationary demand curve. As its value increases, period-
Chaos Theory and Rationality in Economics 201
xt+l = ffu e
*>> (5)
shows that an adaptive expectations strategy drawn from Heiner 1989 wherein
consumers respond to a weighted average o f past behavior by others reduces
the likelihood o f chaotic dynamics. This is an argument we shall consider in
more detail later.
Chaotic C o b w e b s
However, it has since been shown that oscillatory and even chaotic
dynamics can emerge because o f production lags i f supply or demand curves
are nonlinear and nonmonotonic, even w i t h rational expectations. Artstein
(1983) posited partially downward-sloping supply curves for agricultural
commodities i f farmers (rationally) forecast that very low prices in one year
w i l l trigger government price supports in the next year. Artstein shows that
such a case can generate a three-period cycle, thus implying chaotic dy
namics. Jensen and Urban (1984) derived similar results for models w i t h
backward-bending supply curves (not uncommon in labor markets and fish
eries) and double-valued demand curves (much rarer, perhaps Irish potatoes in
the mid-nineteenth century).
Chiarella (1988) showed the possibility o f chaotic cobwebs even with
normally shaped supply and demand curves. However, his results are not
consistent w i t h rational expectations because they depend on the existence o f
a lag in expectations formation as well as a lag in production, realistic as that
may b e . This model o f Chiarella's underlies the empirical studies o f the pork
and m i l k cycles by Chavas and Holt (1991, 1993).
Chaotic M a c r o e c o n o m i c M o d e l s
w i t h Rational Expectations
The first macroeconomic models to exhibit chaotic dynamics that are consis
tent w i t h rational expectations (Benhabib and Day 1980, 1982), labeled
"Strong New Keynesian" by Rosser (1990), depend on the use o f the over
lapping generations concept developed by Allais (1947) and Samuelson (1958).
In each period o f time let there be two generations alive, w i t h the young
possessing endowments o f w and the old possessing endowments o f w and a
the o l d possessing fiat money at the beginning o f time equal to M. Let p(t),
c (t), and c {t) be, respectively, prices, consumption by the young, and con
y a
p(t)c (t)
y + p(t + \)c {t
a + l)=p(t+ l)w .
0 (7)
p(l)c (l)
0 = p(l) Wo + M. (8)
R = [(c , c ) : c
y a y + c
a = w y + wj, (9)
Fig. 9.2. Chaotic i n t e r g e n e r a t i o n a l offer curve
Chaos Theory and Rationality in Economics 205
Chaotic cycles w i l l occur i f R (a ) > R (a ).
0 0 y y
tutable factors and the ranges o f their respective substitutabilities can allow
for chaotic dynamics within realistic discount ranges.
Deneckere and Pelikan (1986) have considered further factors beyond the
discounting issue that can also bring about chaotic dynamics in one-good,
two-sector, optimal infinite horizon, complete markets models. These include
the presence o f strongly decreasing returns to scale and the possibility that the
relative capital intensities o f the two sectors reverse order as the level o f
production rises. This latter condition is key to the arguments o f Boldrin
(1989) noted above.
Deneckere and Pelikan take the strong position that i f optimal behavior is
truly chaotic it w i l l never be observed. This is because the learning processes
necessary for perfect foresight (and the use o f rational expectations more
generally) can only operate in relatively regular environments. Sensitive de
pendence on initial conditions w i l l destroy this possibility and w i l l also render
impossible any Grandmont-type optimal governmental policy intervention as
Yet another case i n which chaotic dynamics can arise i n optimal infinite
horizon models w i t h complete markets is when real money balances enter
directly into agents' utility functions in a manner nonseparable from consump
tion goods. Matsuyama (1991) has examined this case. Let p be prices, c be
consumption, and m be real money balances, which grow at a rate u,. Let B be
the discount factor and let 8 = /JL/(B - 1) > 0. Let 8 be the elasticity o f
intertemporal substitution o f real balances, w i t h 17 being a parameter 3: —1
such that 8 = (17 4- 2 ) . Then Matsuyama assumes a utility function o f the
_ 1
uic, ) m = \; ^\ rr
[ m
l In g(c) + In m,
1(1 +1)1
i f 17 = - 1 ,
(i i)
(p, )n
+l = (1 + - p,). (12)
In particular, he shows that for any TJ > 0, there exists a value A*(-n) satisfy
ing 2 r] < A*(T/) < A(TJ) such that a period o f cycle three and hence chaotic
dynamics exists i f 8 > A*(TJ). These results and Matsuyama's more general
categorization o f possible outcomes are summarized in figure 9.4.
Matsuyama argues that this model suggests the possibility that even for
comparative statics analysis the set o f possible equilibrium prices may be
"topologically complex." This result is probably even more destructive o f
standard views o f economic theory than is the associated undermining o f the
usefulness o f the rational expectations hypothesis.
Empirical Evidence
Even i f full-blown chaos has not been confirmed for any major macro-
economic time series, many o f the problematic aspects o f chaotic dynamics
still adhere to series that are highly nonlinear while not fully chaotic. We
return to our central contradiction. O n the one hand, the possible coincidence
of chaos and rational expectations could mean the possibility o f improved
forecasting. O n the other hand, the problem o f the sensitive dependence on
initial conditions means that introducing any stochasticity at all into such a
system probably ruins any hope o f improving forecasting ability and renders
meaningless the very idea o f rational expectations. DeCoster and Mitchell
(1992) have suggested a possible response to this problem in the form o f
running many simulations and using the expected value, although this is very
time-consuming and expensive.
This problem relates to an o l d issue that has plagued rational expecta
tions models almost from their inception, namely, the possibility o f inde
terminacy due to an infinity o f possible equilibria (Rosser 1991b). Such a
possibility was first shown by Gale (1973) and numerous efforts by New
Classical economists have been made since to demonstrate the primacy o f the
golden rule steady state that the economy is supposed to tend to in such
models. Generally the non-golden rule steady state equilibria have the qual
ity o f being self-fulfilling prophecies, also known as "sunspot equilibria"
(Shell 1977).
A recent line o f arguments that has sought to rule out such extra equi
libria has been to argue that they are not dynamically stable. I f one assumes
certain kinds o f learning processes then the system w i l l converge on the
golden rule steady state. Evans (1985) first presented such arguments and
Marcet and Sargent (1989) have further developed them by arguing for the so-
called least squares learning process that appears to have this property. But
other learning processes lead to different results. Grandmont (1985) has
shown learning processes that converge to cycles. Woodford (1990) has
shown learning that converges to self-fulfilling prophetic equilibria. Benassy
and Blad (1989) argue that learning w i l l not converge on rational expectations
Chaos Theory and Rationality in Economics 211
So what is left o f the edifice o f standard neoclassical theory after the possi
bility o f nonlinear and chaotic dynamics is recognized? As noted above,
M i r o w s k i (1990) has argued that in fact chaos theory actually reinforces
standard theory. However, this is certainly a minority view. As we have seen,
sensitive dependence on initial conditions is profoundly disruptive o f the
ability to develop rational expectations, especially when any stochastic shocks
are present. This is so, or perhaps especially so, when rational expectations
equilibria are chaotic, as argued above by Deneckere and Pelikan (1986).
Nevertheless, it probably remains the case that standard neoclassical
theory remains useful for many situations despite the difficulties raised by
nonlinear and chaotic dynamics. Let us conclude this discussion with a quota
tion by Smale, one o f the initial developers o f chaos theory in mathematics, as
well as a student o f the structural stability o f Walrasian general equilibria:
216 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
The usual notes o f caution are i n order. We have at most two hundred
data points: It is not possible to prove statistically "from a data set o f the
lengths available in economics . . . whether the data are generated by high-
dimensional chaos" (Brock, Hsieh, and LeBaron 1991, 3). " I f long cycles
. . . exist, we w i l l need another 200 years o f data to determine whether they
do exist or are just a statistical figment o f an overactive imagination" (Becker
1988, 7). A t best, therefore, what we have to offer are suggestive graphics.
Long W a v e s o fPrices
The idea that there have been half-century-long waves o f prices in the past two
centuries begins w i t h the observation o f rhythms in the moving averages o f
the annual growth rates o f prices upward and downward on the sides o f
inflationary spirals (fig. 10.1). These movements have occurred with a broad
cross-national consistency (fig. 10.2). Russian economist N i k o l a i Kondratiev
argued that such roughly 55-year trough-to-trough waves (hence, Kondratiev
waves) were a fundamental characteristic o f capitalist economies, each
wave representing a radical regrouping of, and change i n , society's produc
tive forces (Berry 1991; also Rosser 1991, 138 f f . , for a discussion o f
Schumpeterian discontinuities and historical reswitching). Later investiga
tions confirm that these regroupings represent the crystallization o f new
3 1810 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990
"5 0
' ' '
1780 1930 1960
For each o f the time periods we plot the fluctuations in the annual growth
rates o f prices (P) in three spaces:
220 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
We ask how the price rhythms have been reset after each inflationary
surge, whether there is evidence o f a catastrophic switch in behavior in the
catastrophe theory sense o f the term, and what the underlying conditions
producing such a shift might have been.
We begin w i t h figure 10.4, covering the period 1790-1845. I n the PIP
space (top right-hand graph), oscillations are evident around two price levels.
The first and higher level is that o f the upwave leading toward the 1815
Kondratiev peak. After this stagflation crisis, the short-run fluctuations switch
to oscillate around a lower downwave level. There is thus evidence o f a
bifurcation astride the Kondratiev peak, with oscillation around a higher price
level before the main inflation surge, and around a lower level after the surge.
The Poincare first-return maps ( t w o bottom graphs in fig. 10.4) reveal
something else, however: despite the switching o f annual oscillations after the
Kondratiev peak, there is a single underlying chaotic regime in which the
oscillations are contained by well-defined limits (see Berge, Pomeau, and
V i d a l 1984, 6 6 - 7 1 , 1 0 3 - 4 , 181). The motions are those o f an endogenous
chaotic cycle, as evidenced by successive returns to the outer limits in the
graph (Rosser 1991, 114), w i t h moderate boom and bustiness revealed by the
elongation o f the ellipse o f points along the 45° diagonal (Gleick 1987, 176—
77; Glass and Mackey 1988, 2 6 - 3 4 ; Casti 1989, 2 4 9 - 5 3 ) . Even without the
filtering presented by Berry (1991) in the attempt to isolate the attractor
describing the longer-run pattern o f boom and bust, the movements point to a
strange-like attractor structure that is consistent both w i t h the notion o f a l i m i t
cycle (see also Goldberger and Rigney 1990, 3 2 - 3 3 ) and w i t h that o f an
attractor basin. Normally, in a limit cycle, the expectation is that sequential
movements w i l l be around the edge, w i t h a hollow interior. In the case o f an
attractor basin, the interior o f the ellipse is noisy and there is skateboard
movement across the short axis that gradually climbs the long axis (the princi
pal attractor) before descending rapidly from inflationary peak to deflationary
The long wave is better defined in the period 1845-95, w i t h a very sharp
inflationary surge that peaked in 1865 (top left-hand graph in fig. 10.5). I n the
PIP space (top right-hand graph), upwave/downwave levels are discernible,
but they are not as sharply differentiated as in the prior long wave. Likewise,
while there is a set o f limits in the Poincare first-return maps, they too are less
clearly defined, although the oscillations do occur w i t h i n the same limits as in
figure 10.4, once the 1865 boom and bust are accounted for. Certainly, the
Long Waves 1790-1990 221
1790 1793 1SO0 1105 1110 ISIS 1S20 1825 1830 1835 1840 1845
•20 -10 10 20 30 40
sharpness o f the 1865 peak emphasizes the magnitude o f the b o o m and bust,
whereas the first-return maps point to endogenous chaos.
The 1867-96 downwave phase o f this long wave is characterized thusly
in Friedman and Schwartz's Monetary History of the United States, 1867¬
1960 (1963a):
222 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
2o ' ' I
3 0 1 1
1M5 1850 !I55 I860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 " ' '
20 30 AO 50 60
Annual Rate of Change in Price (r) Annual Rate of Change in Price (f)
The years from 1867 to 1879 were dominated by the financial aftermath
o f the C i v i l War. I n 1862, convertibility o f Union currency into specie
was suspended as a result o f money creation i n the North to help
finance the C i v i l War. From then until the resumption o f specie pay
ments i n 1879, the U . S . was on a fiduciary (the "greenback") stan
dard, and the dollar was linked to other currencies via exchange rates
that fluctuated freely. Throughout this period, Great Britain main
tained a gold standard.
Long Waves 1790-1990 223
The resumption o f specie payments in 1879, plus the banking crises o f 1873,
1884, 1890, and 1893 are readily discernible in the greater and lesser inflation
spikes in figure 10.5. Yet equally apparent is that each o f these politically
significant events falls w i t h i n the limits o f the chaotic regime. N o clear
difference is discernible between price behavior in the greenback and gold
standard periods, or on the two sides o f the 1865 spiral.
Between 1895 and 1930, there is, in contrast, an exceedingly well de
fined two-phase relationship between price movements and levels, as behav
ioral switching occurs after the 1920 spiral (fig. 10.6, top right-hand dia
gram). Preceding the surge to the 1920 peak there is a progressive upwave
acceleration o f the rate o f price increase w i t h i n a narrowly oscillating range, a
classic example o f intermittency in action (Berge, Pomeau, and V i d a l , 1984,
245). After the Kondratiev peak there is retreat to oscillation around a stable
attractor. Yet these are two states o f the same narrowed set o f chaotic limits.
As is seen i n the P IP,
t+l space, both prior to and after the peak, the oscilla
tions occur w i t h i n the same restricted range.
What could have caused these switches? The Friedman-Schwartz
(1963a) characterization o f this period is that
30 . _
2 0 1 0 0 !0
20 10 0 10 20 30 40 20 30 «0
Annual Rate of Change in Price (f) Annual Rate of Change in Price it)
The downturn o f 1929 marked a major transition. There were major bank
failures, whose effects were multiplied by tight money policies and by
the Fed's reactions to Britain's departure from the gold standard.
There began the Great Contraction, during which one-third o f the
nation's banks went out o f existence, and there was a catastrophic drop
in aggregate demand, a result o f the Fed's failure to stop an enormous
decline in the money supply.
O n the heels o f the Great Depression, the relative price stability o f 1921-29
vanishes. Rather, in several surges defined by a l i m i t cycle, prices were
ratcheted upward (top right-hand graph i n fig. 10.7) as the Fed followed a
reflation strategy. Note that the Poincare phase portraits again assume the
form o f chaotic l i m i t cycles. The first points are i n the deflationary lower left
quadrant during the depression, but the l i m i t cycling is confined thereafter to
the upper right quadrant as a permanently inflationary environment is created
(bottom graphs in fig. 10.7).
Friedman and Schwartz (1963a) say that with the coming o f the New
Like many countries abroad, the United States entered a phase o f cheap
money policy, w i t h a network o f controls that only partially and inef
fectively combatted inflationary pressures. The proponents o f the New
Deal were strongly in favor o f easy money: "Easy money was the near-
uniform prescription. Inflation was the near-uniform result" (Friedman
and Schwarz 1963a, 700).
In 1934 came federal deposit insurance as one o f the reactions to the
contraction, the dollar was devalued, and subsequently the United
States departed from gold. Most importantly, faith in the potency o f
the Federal Reserve System collapsed as the United States adopted a
fiduciary standard, and the system assumed a passive and reactive
role. Federal Reserve policy was subordinated to Treasury policy dur
ing W W I I . The stock o f money became a function o f governmental
taxing and spending and rose 2.5 times between 1939 and 1945, and
then once again during the Korean conflict.
30 i
A n n u a l R a t e o f C h a n g e i n P r i c e <r> A n n u a l R a t e o f C h a n
9 e i n P r i c e
" !
£ 20
(D 20 TO
20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
stabilization has occurred, the long-run boom-bust pattern o f the long wave
L o n g Cycles of Economic G r o w t h
We now repeat the foregoing for variations in growth rates o f real per capita
G N P for the same time periods. Note (fig. 10.10) that the long swings o f
growth appear to diminish after 1950, and that the short-run oscillations also
are dampened between 1950 and 1990.
Growth behavior from 1790-1845 and 1845-95 is essentially similar
(figs. 10.11 and 10.12). Two long cycles o f growth are arrayed on either side
o f the 1815 and 1865 inflation peaks/stagflation crises (Berry 1991). These
quarter-century-long cycles are named for Simon Kuznets, who first identified
them. I n both PIP spaces the first Kuznets cycle involves a surge o f real
growth and a cyclical drawback in the stagflation crisis. Likewise, the second
Kuznets cycle also reveals growth surges terminated by drawbacks in the
deflationary depressions that mark the Kondratiev troughs. The P /P t+l t
defined (fig. 10.13), but nonetheless the PIP space reveals that growth pro
ceeds until the cyclical setback i n W W I and resumes again until the pullback
in 1929-30. A g a i n , the P lP, maps show a chaotic l i m i t cycle.
IS 10 -5 0 S 10 IS " -'"
A n n u a l Rate o f C h a n g e in G r o w t h ( f ) A n n u a l R a t e o f C h a n g e i n G r o w t h (*)
I I ) , the long-term first-return maps o f growth (fig. 10.16, top panels) are quite
unlike the annual first-return maps after 1950 (bottom panels o f fig. 10.15).
The latter display a perfect l i m i t cycle, each 360° circuit o f w h i c h is a business
cycle; the former shows the longer-term boom and bustiness o f growth. What
thus has been eliminated since 1950 is the longer-term Kuznets cyclicality: the
first-return map o f the moving average o f growth since 1950 appears to be a
stable attractor (bottom panel, fig. 10.16). What has been produced is a
pattern o f business cycles around a steady-state path o f economic growth.
Long Waves 1790-1990 233
.15 -10 5 0 5 10 15 15 10 -5 0 5 10
2 5 » *
% ffc * at
1 1
booms and busts. I n the shorter run, fluctuations were chaotic within limits
until the Great Depression.
The rhythms have not been immutable, however. Institutional changes
and policy interventions since the Great Depression have raised the level
around which prices fluctuate by five percentage points and, simultaneously,
have suppressed short-term oscillations, leaving behind more gradual upward
and sharper downward movements along the long-wave attractor. But simul
taneously, economic growth has been constrained to fluctuate around a long-
term steady state o f roughly 2 percent per annum while preserving the shorter-
term rhythms o f the seven- to eleven-year business cycle. Thus, since the
î o
< IS
o T 5
<5 o
< 15
Annual Rate of Growth Change (f) Annual Rate of Growth Change (fî
Fig. 10.16. F i r s t - r e t u r n m a p s o f l o n g - t e r m g r o w t h , 1 7 9 0 - 1 8 4 5 , 1 8 4 5 - 9 0 ,
1890-1930, 1930-55, and 1955-90
236 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
C i t i e s as S p a t i a l C h a o t i c A t t r a c t o r s
Dimitrios S. Dendrinos
238 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
This is not the appropriate forum to survey all the areas where chaos theory
has made inroads or to fully assess the impact from or the value o f these
contributions. Some o f the papers in this volume do so in their o w n special
fields. Whereas in some areas, like those in spatial analysis and geography,
the contributions might be basic, in other areas, particularly i n economics,
one may find the contributions made to date to be rather marginal.
In economics, the most credible o f the attempts to exploit chaos (and
catastrophe) theory occurred when existing classical and neoclassical deduc-
tionist (causality-based) theories were modified to marginally change preexist
ing (and widely accepted among disciples o f current orthodoxies) assump
tions. Such changes were offered as means o f showing how chaotic dynamics
can arise from currently prevailing theoretical models, and thus enhance these
models' utility.
There is another side to this coin, however. Marginal extensions o f
currently accepted paradigms in economic analysis point directly to one o f
their weaknesses, namely, that under slight but proper modifications in speci
fication, these models can reproduce almost anything that the analyst wishes
to produce through theoretical deduction. A scientist might find such accom
modations somewhat troublesome.
A need arises for a basic and not simply marginal modification to defin
ing social systems and for establishing a single, all-encompassing, non-
disciplinarian dynamical social science frame o f reference. This is a call for a
new and ambitious research agenda w i t h potentially high rewards in descrip
tive power, but at the cost o f losing explanatory value o f the deductionist type.
A theory that offers reductionist explanation, being a different type o f
explanation than social scientists have been used to, may be considered a
severe shortcoming and may conjure criticisms by those w i t h an incantation
for policy analysis. Widespread current dissatisfaction w i t h the multiplicity o f
and tenuous base for most policy-sensitive, behaviorally motivated social
science fields, where multiple deductive explanations vie for few followers,
tempers such criticism. Discounting o f such fears may also be enhanced by
the fact that social science orthodoxies are ephemeral and do not commend the
recognition o f relatively durable natural science theories. But this, being a
very involved and demanding subject, w i l l not be elaborated significantly
here, although a bit more w i l l be added later.
Lack of Data
Frequent Perturbations
When the dynamics o f state variables are extremely sensitive to either initial
conditions or the magnitude o f the model parameters, then serious questions
due to inaccuracy in measurements o f state variables and in estimating param
eter values arise in the social sciences. H o w inaccuracy in parameter estima
tion techniques might, in the presence o f quasi-periodic or chaotic dynamics,
hinder statistical methods is a topic still to be fully addressed.
Instruments, techniques, and methods o f measuring social science data
(state variables) are highly imperfect. Fuzziness in measurement and m u l t i
plicity in perception o f social data sets are often necessary conditions for
social planning, policy, and action. H i g h resolution or sharpness in data sets is
not always feasible or efficient to obtain. It may even be undesirable.
Unresolved Issues
ment activity, for instance, are due to the size o f buildings and cities. The
presence o f these bounds poses certain theoretical questions (unanswered until
now) to socio-spatial models producing chaotic outcomes with fractal dimen
To conclude however, that social science ought to downplay mathemati
cal chaos theory and its insights, and instead persist in learning from only
static, sharp, or stable dynamical models would be erroneous, and even per
nicious. I t w o u l d deprive the analyst o f an ability to obtain intuitively appeal
ing qualitative insights, simply because one lacks the comfort o f very many
and accurate measurements. Such luxury may never be afforded the social
scientist, while the social agent is always confronted with a need to act. The
agent w i l l always be either right or wrong in its speculative action; conse
quently, the agent w i l l be either rewarded or penalized. A mathematical
chaos-ignorant social scientist would not be an effective or desirable advisor
to the social agent.
The central proposition o f the universal map is as follows: at any time period,
/ (t = 0,1,2, . . . ,T), the relative size o f a stock at some location w i t h i n a
prespecified environment (consisting o f a number o f locations) can be simu
lated (modeled or described) as being directly proportional to a prior level o f
locational comparative advantages enjoyed by the stock in question at the site
in question. Locational comparative advantage is translated into a likelihood
or probability that a particular event w i l l occur at a particular location.
A replication (or reproduction) force occurring at regular time intervals
is assumed to underlie the iterative procedure. For social stocks (as in the case
at hand), the replication procedure may be attributed to internal ( i . e . , among
the various locations within the prespecified environment) temporal realloca-
tion (or redistribution) o f the stock(s).
In specific, for the case o f a one-stock, multiple-location configuration,
the model is given by the following specifications:
The discrete iterative map describes the dynamics o f the relative distribu
tion o f the (homogeneous) stock at a location i (0 < *,·(/) < 1) within an
environment o f / (heterogeneous) locations, so that at all time periods
2,x,(0 = 1 ; / = 0 , 1 , T (3)
x {t + 1) = Ftf/ZjFft);
t i,j = 1,2,3; 2 , · * , « = 1, (5)
where the vector o f the state variables, *,(**), defines in the three-dimensional
space an equilateral triangle w i t h sizes equal to the square root o f 2.
The vector o f (strictly positive) parameters, A , depicts in absolute terms
and in a descriptive and bundlelike manner the following prevailing condi
tions at each o f the three locations (among numerous other factors characteriz
ing each location). First, it identifies the way i n which the environment favors
or handicaps the location. Second, it picks up the presence and level (or
absence) o f natural resources at the location in question. T h i r d , it records a
pattern o f accessibilities to markets (locational access as a place o f origin for
trips) and to input factor sources (access as a place o f destination for trips).
Fourth, it depicts the technological conditions prevailing there. H o w much
each o f these factors contributes to each element in A is unknown, intractable,
and indeed irrelevant in this discussion.
In combination, all these factors affect production, consumption, market
(exchange and inter- as well as intralocational trade), and public decision
making conditions, which in turn may entail advantages or disadvantages at
that location. These factors indirectly affect interaction and flow o f stocks.
Whereas the matrix o f real ( i . e . , any negative or positive) coefficients [a]
contains entries, each o f which identifies in a bundlelike manner factors
directly associated w i t h and affecting (facilitating or impeding) interaction
(including interlocational trade, and flow o f stocks), these coefficients identify
comprehensive cross-elasticities o f locational comparative advantages w i t h
respect to stock sizes, since
{dFJdxjViFtlxj) = a . 0 (7)
* , ( / + 1) = + F (t)
2 + F (t)]
3 = 1 - x (t 2 + 1) - x (t 3 + 1) (8)
x (t
2 + 1) = F (t)l[\ 2 + F (t) 2 + F (t)]
3 (9)
x (t
3 + 1) = F ( / ) / [ l + F (t)
3 2 + F (t)]
3 (10)
« y = o ~ a ; i = 2,3 XJ j = 1,2,3 (14)
^ 2 = A /A,, A 2 3 = A /A,.
3 (15)
In addition, and without any loss o f generality, the above can be further
algebraically scaled by assuming that A , = 1 and that all a = 0, that is, by XJ
The configuration in this case, where one wishes to describe the interdepen
dent evolution o f many stocks allocated into many interdependent and inter
acting locations, goes as follows:
Xij + 1) = FipyY.fifi); i = 1,2, . . . J;j = 1,2, . . . J
l (t)
iXij = l;j = 1,2, - · · J.
Under this configuration, index i stands for locations and index j for stock type;
the functions F could be specified equivalently to those specifications given for
the case o f a single stock and multiple locations. H o w this multiple-stock and
multiple-location case could be used w i l l be briefly outlined later in the
chapter. However, since this configuration w i l l not be used extensively i n this
paper (which deals w i t h only a simple case), not much detail w i l l be supplied
here. The interested reader is referred to Dendrinos and Sonis 1990 for more.
relative stock size space, and not physical space. Indeed, locations have been
merely represented by an index, i, i = 1,2, . . . ,/.
Next, a different angle to the universal map is taken, whereby its phase
space is thought to be physical space. A n attempt is made to describe the
formation and evolution o f human communities or settlements comprehen
sively in the form o f spatio-temporal chains, or a series o f points (sites)
inhabited by human population w i t h i n a specific area. Sites have different
temporal vintage, some being inhabited before others. These chains are pro
duced as either fixed stable and unique points; periodic, attracting, stable foci;
quasi-periodic, cyclically formed rings; or strange, aperiodically formed at-
tractors in physical space.
The settlement formation (chaining) process to be presented next de
scribes the form o f communities w i t h i n urban areas and produces intra-urban
allocations in the shape o f urban patches. I t also describes the formation o f
urban settlements w i t h i n nations or regions, producing interurban allocations
in the form o f urban strings. Hence, it can depict formation o f microsettle-
ments o f different vintages w i t h i n metropolitan areas, as well as the rise o f a
series o f interconnected urban macrosettlements appearing as linked clusters
o f urban agglomerations in the context o f nations or even continents. Put in
slightly different terms, what is shown next is the formation o f human settle
ments (cities) w i t h i n spatio-temporal niches. Patterns in the evolution o f these
niches are also shown.
A question not often raised by spatial analysts is whether the formation
o f settlements at particular sites in space is due to forces operating exactly and
solely at these sites or whether the appearance, g r o w t h , and extinction o f
urban settlements at these sites is due to forces operating at a distance from
them. Obviously, there are endogenous as well as exogenous forces at work at
the sites in question, and the framework shown next is helpful i n putting this
issue in a spatial (physical) context.
Spatial allocations o f human population are influenced by the presence o f
topographical features (such as rivers, shores, mountains, valleys, lakes,
etc.), climatic conditions, or man-made landmarks, such as highways. Alter
natively, transportation arteries and corridors (in the form o f rivers, shores, or
highways), can be looked at as spatial attractors or containers along which
human settlement activity periodically or aperiodically occurs.
One o f the principles embedded in the spatial shaping o f form emerging
from the universal map o f discrete iterative dynamics is the following: spatial
form, which contains components o f different vintage, is neither shaped nor
does it evolve in a locationally contiguous manner. Rather, it rises, transforms
itself, and disappears in a spatially discontinuous way. A broadly based prin
ciple may underscore this finding: that spatial diffusion processes do not occur
through locational proximity, but rather through spatial ecological propin
quity, which might involve spatial discontinuities (Dendrinos 1992b).
Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors 249
tive advantages seem warranted, in view o f its rather confined definition and
use w i t h i n the theory o f international trade in economics.
Locational comparative advantages is a Darwinian-like notion in the
evolution o f human settlements. A m o n g other things, it calls for the survival
o f the most advantageous o f all spatial settlements, much like Darwin's notion
o f survival o f the fittest among various animal and plant species. Embedded
within this assertion is Darwin's principle o f evolution o f species through a
natural selection process. The process o f selection acquires a broader frame
work under the mathematical properties o f chaos, as also does the notion o f
Malthusian-type dynamics, a notion that considerably influenced D a r w i n
Selection involves processes o f optimization and search for optima.
Questions regarding the optimization processes employed by social agents
individually and/or collectively (objective functions and constraints), and
numerous search mechanisms applicable thereon resulting in a variety o f
locally (as opposed to globally) optimum outcomes in socio-spatial evolution
are not the concern here. Mathematical chaos may be capable o f shedding
additional light on such socio-spatial processes, including processes equiva
lent to those associated w i t h neural nets, cellular automata, and processes
o f evolution in genetics. But the central concern o f this paper is much
more narrow, and such considerably more elaborate discussions are found
elsewhere (Dendrinos ( w i t h M u l l a l l y ) 1985; Dendrinos and Sonis 1990;
Dendrinos 1992b).
X 2 X2W
P 2
map o f relative dynamics. Since on the horizontal and vertical axis one
measures the transformed and normalized distance between the origin (an
arbitrary point among the three, say point P in fig. 11.2) and one o f the other
points where new activity by the same stock locates. This is a process o f
spatial colonization. The model could also be interpreted as simply represent
ing a nomadic process, that is, a temporal sequence in the location o f the same
stock unit.
Interpreting the universal map in physical space, one obtains a process
that generates spatial form as a single frame m, m = 1,2, . . . ,M. Each frame
corresponds to a particular set o f parameter values, initial conditions, and
number o f iterations (time periods), all o f them constituent components o f the
phase space. B y consecutive changes in any o f these elements, one obtains a
process that includes a temporal sequence o f spatial frames (changes in the
spatial form, or phase portrait). I n particular, a change in parameter values or
initial conditions can result in a new frame, m, potentially characterized by a
qualitatively different dynamic; that is, a different phase portrait may emerge
as a result o f a bifurcation. This change constitutes the evolution in spatial
form principle.
In carrying out such changes in parameter values, a condition can arise
according to w h i c h the initial state o f the new frame is the end state o f the last
frame. This represents a last-point-out-first-point-in condition. A series o f
frames, M, that does not obey this last-point-out-first-point-in condition is a
series that contains frames where the slate has been cleaned at the end o f each
one and the initial state has been reset.
When each frame, m, corresponds to a particular set o f parameter values,
frames change when parameter values change. H o w frequently these parame
ters change must be related to the time horizon, T , o f each frame, m. One
could suppose that the more frequently on the average a parameter changes,
the shorter the average length o f the r ' s .
3 2
By projecting the study's areal triangle from R into R , quantities x (0) t
and x (0) become the physical location coordinates o f the first settlement
tion. Stated differently, the next settlement locates at a point at some distance
away from the origin proportional to the current net repulsion force along the
t w o axes.
The above is the locational rule underlying the physical configuration o f
the universal map o f relative discrete dynamics. In the example that follows,
254 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
only units o f human settlement (say, an individual, a family, or any other unit)
are thought to be allocated on the basis o f this rule. In case one wishes to
allocate at each time period a different quantity o f a single human a c t i v i t y —
for example, a varying quantity o f human population—then stock size must
be configured in the formulation; then the formulation w i l l include two state
variables, one depicting location and the other stock size, as in the case o f two
stocks and three locations mentioned above.
I f one wishes to consider additional stocks—for example, capital and/or
wealth allocation i n these spatial dynamics—then this is easily accomplished
by adopting a configuration capable o f accommodating additional stocks.
Such configurations w i l l not be elaborated, however, in this chapter. Only the
note w i l l be added that such configurations supply the comprehensive treat
ment o f all land-use models found in the standard literature o f spatial model
ing. Land-use models involve dynamics, either directly or indirectly, by way
of long-run static (equilibrium or disequilibrium) solutions obtainable through
some form o f an iterative process.
The magnitude o f the net repulsion force from the origin along the
horizontal axis (and equivalently the size o f the net attraction force toward P,)
is given by
where A , is the level o f relative environmental and access (due to the topogra
phy and relative location w i t h i n the landscape) favoritism toward location P,
and is constant over the time horizon, T, under consideration. Equivalently,
F (t) is also specified.
In what follows one must keep in mind that the phase portrait represents
transformed actual space. First, the case o f a very efficient specification o f the
map w i l l be shown. It has only one or two parameters that are not either zero
or one (in absolute value) and is capable o f generating periodic and quasi-
periodic (in the case o f a single parameter), as well as chaotic (in the case o f
two parameters) form. Then, a more complicated and less efficient specifica
tion o f the map w i l l be shown. Its phase portraits w i l l be derived in a very
256 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
small neighborhood o f the parameter space, where various types o f chaos are
present. The case demonstrates the encompassing behavior o f the universal
map in its capacity to generate and replicate human settlement variety ( i n the
shape o f individual frames, or phase portraits) and their evolution.
Next, t w o sets o f examples are presented. I n the first set, the case o f periodic
movement is shown in a specification o f the map involving only one parame
ter being neither zero or one in absolute value. H o w this periodic map is
transformed into a quasi-periodic one is demonstrated by a very short trip
along the dimension o f a single parameter in parameter space. The second
case presents the shaping o f spatial form as either m u l t i r i n g , quasi-periodic,
or chaotic motions and it involves a two-parameter specification o f the map.
0 0 0 " 1"
[a] = -1 -.1111 1 A = 1
. 1 -1 0 . . 1 _
where the initial state is neutral (JC,-(0) = .333 . . . , i = 1,2,3). The iterative
process under this specification is as follows:
In xi(t + 1) = - I n F(t)
In x2{t + 1) = - I n jc,(r) - .1111 In x2(t) + In x3(t) - In F(t)
In x3(t + 1) = In JC,(0 - In x2(t) - In F(t)
F(t) = 1 + x2(t)' ilux3(t)/xt(t) + Xl(t)/x2(t),
where xx(t) and x2(t) are plotted in the phase portrait. I n this specification there
is only one parameter, a22, that appears to affect the system's dynamics.
Location-node "one" is the reference or numeraire site. The returns to scale i n
all elements o f F ( i . e . , all three corners o f the triangle) are approximately but
not exactly equal to zero, and the environment is neutral to all (as all elements
o f A are equal to one). The dynamics are shown in figure 11.3, panel (a) and
represent a four-period cycle spiraling from the center o f the triangular space
(the initial state) toward four particular points very close to its sides. This
example may be modeling the formation o f very stable, highly dense, small in
area, fortified frontier cities o f the past.
Then, consider the very close neighborhood case o f specifications, i n
volving t w o parameters:
0 0 0 " 1"
a] = -.77.. -.33. 1 A = 1
1 -1 0 . . 1 .
where the initial state is x,(0) = .333 . . . , / = 1,2,3. This example can be
thought o f as an evolution o f the first specification through a change in only
two parameters, namely a 2l and a . 22 In this case the returns to scale are
exactly equal to zero at all locations (nodes), while the environment remains
neutral. The phase portrait is shown in figure 11.3, panel b , and it represents
the formation o f a quasi-periodic motion (a rotating nine-period cycle) ap
proaching (but never falling on) the three sides o f the triangle including its
three nodes. Such a spatial form may be seen i n , among other cases, traffic-
ways and traffic patterns o f modern day metropolises. It is again noted that the
shape shown in figure 11.3, panel b is in transformed physical space.
0 0 0 1
[a] = -1 -1 0 A = 10"
. 1 -1 a 33 . . 1 -
where the neighborhood o f varying the parameter a 33 is 1.15 < a 33 < 1.2 and
where the environment is no longer neutral (A 2 < 1). According to the above
specification, the vector in R ( f i g . 11.1) is
In (t
Xl + 1) = - I n F(t)
The physical space, in R and in figure 11.2, is given by plotting x {i) and x
point P , as a
3 > 1. The returns to scale are negative at P ( F ' s sum o f
33 2 2
elements o f [a] is —2), whereas they are positive (but less than one) at P . 3
Two phase portraits from this example are shown in figure 11.4. In figure
11.4, panel a, the case o f a multiring spatial form o f settlements is shown
away from node P . Such form can be detected in the location and areal size
Nonefficient Specifications
0 0 0 1
la] = .28 -1 «23 A = 1
. -1.11835 -2.28 -1 .10" .
In figures 11.5 and 11.6 some spatial forms are shown, as phase portraits o f
the dynamics corresponding to a set o f parameter values for a in the range 2 3
forms i n the shape o f rings are not frequently observed in human settlement
formation processes. These must represent fragile spatial forms, not lasting
long time periods.
Bifurcations involving various types o f chaos are shown in figure 11.6,
as the elasticity, a , increases further. The chaotic spatial allocations form a
3 1
Mathematical chaos has made considerable inroads into social sciences, rang
ing from marginal effects in economics to possibly basic contributions in
geography. A brief commentary has been presented on the possibilities and
obstacles currently present in further applying dynamical analysis in social
ratios of measures are preserved. Given the audience of this book, simple geometry
will be used to demonstrate the statements, instead of matrix algebra and topology.
For any arbitrary point in triangle A B C , say point D , one can identify the
following two ratios (parentheses stand for measure or length): ( B E ) / ( E C ) = a , and
( A D ) / ( D E ) = b. With these two ratios alone, one can uniquely identify the location of
point D in the triangle A B C . One can now show that: (1) measures ( B D ) and ( D F )
obey a specific ratio that only depends on the quantities a and b, as do the measures
( C D ) and ( D H ) ; and (2) these ratios are independent of the form of the triangle A B C ,
say the sine or cosine of each of its three angles or the length of its sides. In other
words, given any two arbitrary triangles, A B C and A ' B ' C , to any arbitrary point D in
A B C one can assign a unique point D ' in A ' B ' C so that certain ratios are preserved.
268 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
The proof that the other ratio, ( C D ) / ( D H ) , is also a function of a and b alone is
identical to the above and thus omitted. Hence, for a unique point in A B C specified by
the ratios a and b, one can locate in any other triangle, including the isosceles
orthogonal triangle of figure 1 1 . A 2 , a unique point preserving certain ratios that are
functions of only a and b. Instead of working with any triangle A B C , one can, as a
result, work with A ' B ' C , that is, the phase portrait of the universal map in R as
projected in R .
2,.jr,(f) = 1, i = 1,2,3; t = 0 , 1 , . . . , 7 .
Such is also the case for the physical space interpretation of the one-stock, three-
location configuration of the universal map. In this case, the set of state variables, x,
depict normalized distances away from the respective nodes, the end result of local net
repulsion forces operating at the three nodes. Thus, this is a repulsion triangle.
By forming the quantities ~x,{t) = [1 - *,(/)], /' = 1,2,3, one obtains normalized
(but not relative) proximities to the respective nodes, so that their sum is equal to two.
As a result, one can find the iterative dynamics of the normalized proximities on the
shaded triangle located at the lower left-hand side of figure 11.A2. The triangle is
defined by the condition
in R . This is an attraction of the antitriangle to the repulsion triangle shown above. Its
sides are equal to twice the square root of two. In it, the phase portrait of the
corresponding dynamics of attraction is contained; on this phase portrait the original
Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors 269
dynamics from the repulsion triangle are blown up (exactly twice in size) and pro
As distance from repulsion is given by the general (universal relative dynamic)
expression x (t + 1) = F^lzZjFp),
t proximity is given by ~ (t + 1) = 1 - x£t + 1)
= [ 2 , ^ F / r ) ] / [ S , F / / ) ] . It follows that
[-xff + l)V[ (t
Xi + 1)] = 2 ^ , . F / 0 ; i = 1,2,3
2 * , ( ' + 1) = [2,x,-(r + 1 ) ] [ 2 ^ , F / 0 I = 2.
By specifying x,(t + 1) = 2x,(r + 1) = 2[1 - ~x,(r + 1 ) ] , then one has:
2,- x,-(/ + 1) = 2,-*,-(f + 1) = 2.
Quantity JC,-(0 may be viewed as a measure of local push equal to twice the magnitude
of the local repulsive force operating at each node, i.
Part 4
Implications for Social Systems
Management and Social Science
Kenyon B. De Greene
Policy making and decision making and other aspects o f the management o f
complex systems are becoming increasingly difficult. Management philoso
phies, approaches, and techniques were developed during simpler times.
However, complex systems are dynamic rather than static, evolve or are
driven into domains o f instability, and emerge into new structures. There is
now a growing gap or loss o f fit between our systems-management capa
bilities and the real w o r l d . Policymakers and decision makers must deal
especially w i t h severely reduced time frames, consequences-of-action uncer
tainty, and actions that produce diminishing returns.
Fortunately, advances in systems theory provide a means for narrowing
the gap and providing a better fit between systems management and reality.
The theories have multifarious origins and different emphases. This question
therefore arises: how can these theories be interfaced and interrelated? M y
approach is to use the integrating framework o f field theory. As has histori
cally been the case with the development o f field theory in the several sci
ences, field theory is not so much a theory in itself as a framework for
theoretical orientation and study.
I have coined the term world system-field ( o f forces), which consists o f
the dynamically interacting world societal field and the world ecosystem. A
field describes the structure and behavior o f space-time and the placement o f
objects in space-time. I n fields, myriad state variables depend continuously on
the space coordinates. Einstein's field equations relate the properties o f space-
time to those o f matter, but thinking has proceeded quite far beyond Einstein's
original rather static formulation that denied irreversibility and evolution
(Nicolis and Prigogine 1989). A field can also describe the interactions be
tween a system at a given hierarchical level o f the organization o f matter,
energy, and information (e.g., a human institution) and its external environ
m e n t s ) . A (turbulent) field can induce structural changes in the various parts
274 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
vides new, often surprising challenges, opportunities, and choices. The chap
ter discusses important systems management consequences o f structural
change and paradigm shift. The chapter concludes with some thoughts about
the meaning o f the new theories to the social sciences.
The approach is transdisciplinary. That is, basic constructs are sought
from the physical and biological, as well as the behavioral and social sciences.
Indeed, many o f the constructs had their origins in the physical sciences.
Transfer o f constructs provides an exciting challenge.
The bibliography at the end o f this book provides a rather comprehen
sive literature on systems theories and models, definitions o f terms, and
relevant examples. The reader should turn to these references for a fuller
understanding o f the basic ideas and o f previous work. Space limitations
preclude our starting from scratch in this chapter.
E v o l u t i o n , Instability, a n d S t r u c t u r e
of C o m p l e x S y s t e m s
A l l systems evolve, although the rates o f evolution may vary over time both
between and w i t h i n systems. The rate o f evolution is a function o f both the
inherent stability o f the system and changing environmental circumstances.
But no system can be stabilized forever. For the universe as a whole, an
isolated system, time's arrow points toward greater and greater breakdown,
leading to complete molecular chaos, m a x i m u m entropy, and heat death. For
open systems, including the l i v i n g systems that are o f major interest to us and
that interchange matter and energy w i t h their external environments, time's
arrow points to evolution toward greater and greater complexity. Thus, the
universe consists o f islands o f increasing order in a sea o f decreasing order.
Open systems evolve and maintain structure by exporting entropy to their
external environments.
The concept o f evolution is finding increasing application in physics,
chemistry, astronomy, and astrophysics, as well as, o f course, in biology,
geology, and paleontology. But it appears that all too few behavioral and
social scientists use the evolutionary framework, and that all too many theo
ries, hypotheses, and empirical research efforts are directed toward the static,
the cross-sectional, the linear, the equilibrium seeking, the stable, the revers
ible, and the structurally constant. These efforts, as interpreted here, operate
w i t h i n a prevailing but exhausted paradigm. This chapter and this book repre
sent attempts to move beyond this paradigm.
In organic evolution, as summarized by Neo-Darwinism, two principal
processes are involved. First, random mutations lead to genetic differences
among organisms. Second, natural selection tends to enhance the likelihood
276 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
of genes that produce adaptive characteristics. Some parts o f the genome may
be more susceptible to mutation than are others, and environmental factors
may also affect mutation rates. But any given mutation is considered to be
independent o f any adaptive or survival value imparted to the organism.
Whether Neo-Darwinism provides a complete answer to organic evolution
remains to be seen, and the issue continues to be debated. Alternative expla
nations are often dismissed as harking back to Lamarckism and teleology. But
it seems intuitively unlikely that the organic evolutionary system would func
tion open loop; that is, w i t h no feedback between effect and cause.
D i s s i p a t i v e - S t r u c t u r e Theoretical I n t e r p r e t a t i o n s
theory. For systems management purposes, it should be noted here that things
often look normal at the macrolevel o f the established order parameter, but
that at the microlevel things are seething w i t h incipient change. Preceding a
bifurcation o f the macrostructure, the system has been reorganized via long-
range correlations (see below).
A field i n the horizontal sense at any given time reflects the competition
between the stability provided by communication (and information) and the
instability that can follow fluctuation and nucleation. The result dictates the
threshold o f stability. The threshold o f stability reflects the interplay among
forces. I f the fluctuating area lies, say, below some critical point, the area w i l l
regress; i f it lies above, the fluctuation and nucleation can spread across the
entire field or take over the entire system. The field need not be limited to two
dimensions (physicists, for example, provide both t w o - and three-dimensional
models for many systems that show phase transitions.)
A n order parameter (De Greene 1989, 1993; Haken 1983; Nicolis and
Prigogine 1989; Weidlich and Haag 1983; Wilson 1979) is such an outgrowth
of micro-macro interactions. It is a macrostructure or macrovariable that
emerges along with a great reduction in the number o f degrees o f freedom o f a
system. The emergence o f an order parameter can also be viewed from the
horizontal perspective, but the vertical sense receives more emphasis in this
The term order parameter arose i n the study o f the physics o f the equilibrium
phase transitions mentioned above. It was used to describe a number o f
phenomena that are the properties o f collectivities o f subatomic particles,
atoms, or molecules, rather than o f the sometimes randomly ordered particles
themselves. Order typically emerges at a critical threshold. Examples o f
physical order parameters include spontaneous magnetization, correlation
length, the properties o f metal alloys, density differences between the liquid
and gaseous phases o f a fluid, and concentration differences. The strong
fluctuations that characterize these phase transitions take place in the order-
parameter field. It is not necessary to know the precise form o f the strongly
nonlinear interactions. Collective behavior arises at a statistical level, and
only probabilistic predictions can be made as to the behavior o f any given
The system may display, as a function o f fluctuations o f state near the
critical point, pockets o f structure or order embedded in regions o f disorder
embedded in still greater domains o f order, and so o n . Well above a critical
point (say the Curie point o f temperature that is associated w i t h magnetiza
tion), the system's elements are arranged essentially randomly, and the system
shows only short-range order. A s the critical point is reached from above,
Interpretation of Complex Systems 279
B i f u r c a t i o n a n d Order Parameter
Closer to the emphasis o f this chapter, Haken (1983) offers this example o f an
order parameter. Languages are the order parameters that slave the subsystems
that consist o f individual human beings. The language changes very little over
280 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
The Kondratiev cycle has been classified as one o f the business cycles. Cycles
of about three-to-four or four-to-seven, and ten, twenty, and fifty-five years
mean duration have been identified. The first is the business cycle per se and
the last is the Kondratiev cycle or economic long wave. Cycles o f 150 or more
years duration have also been identified. A large literature has now been built
up in this area (e.g., Berry 1991; De Greene 1988a, 1988b, 1989, 1990d,
Interpretation of Complex Systems 281
The Phases of t h e K o n d r a t i e v s
tional innovations and societal leaders that often appear to lag behind the new
technological capabilities.
As mentioned earlier, scientific discoveries, inventions, innovations, and
great persons are mutations in societal evolution. The dynamics o f evolution,
as interpreted in terms o f dissipative-structure theory and order-parameter
theory, are held to apply here. Each Kondratiev structure is bounded by i n
stabilities. Each Kondratiev structure is an order parameter or macrovariable,
initially emergent out o f interactions at a more microlevel and sustained as a
field that offers both opportunities and constraints. The order-parameter field
defines the realm o f the possible. During much o f its fifty-five or so years
duration, the field functions as a mean field and average behavior dominates,
w i t h the damping o f fluctuations.
Finally, in the search for a basic causality, the order parameter is viewed
as primarily macropsychological, and collective perceptions, intelligence,
anxiety, and so on shape the investment decisions and other features discussed
On Paradigm Change
Stengers 1984), and the "new" paradigm (which might be called the paradigm
o f evolution and reconfiguration).
The Newtonian paradigm may be viewed as part o f the macrostructure o f
information and knowledge that emphasizes and usually tolerates only the
following: rationalism; reductionism; parts isolated from wholes; detached
objectivity o f observation and measurement and separation o f the observer
from the observed system; simple causality; logical, steplike but iterative
analysis; deduction o f rules, procedures, and algorithms; m a x i m u m use o f
numbers; emphasis on average behavior; equilibrium; fixed, inviolable laws;
reversibility; denial o f variety and ambiguity; denial o f subjectivity; and con
vergent focus on the correct answer or solution. The Newtonian paradigm is
best fitted to a static or slowly changing w o r l d o f stability and structural
continuity, not one o f evolution, instability, and structural change.
In contrast, the new paradigm encompasses nonrationality, nonlinearity,
mutual causality, nonequilibrium, irreversibility, stochasticity/determinism,
uncertainty, opportunity and choice seen in fluctuations and apparent noise.
Moreover, the dominance o f exceptions near critical thresholds, the genera
tion and maintenance o f variety, structural change, divergent thinking, and the
recognition that there can never be eternal truth and reality but only different
perceptions o f such, also represent crucial elements o f the new paradigm.
F o l l o w i n g the broad definition above, paradigms structure the very way
that science is conducted. Karl Popper emphasizes testability over truth
because truth may never be reached. Further, scientific theories can never be
proven or validated through experimental tests; they can only be disproven or
falsified. Science thus cannot be reduced to the formal, logical method o f the
positivists. Popper considers conceptual structures like Marxism and psycho
analysis to be outside the realm o f science because they cannot be tested and
falsified. I t appears to me that this orientation rules out o f scientific inquiry all
the really interesting systems—the large-scale, complex, unstable, evolving,
self-organizing, structurally changing systems—of concern in this chapter.
Because o f instability, chance, fluctuation, bifurcation, and chaos, each such
complex system is unique. Both organic and societal evolution are summa
tions o f chance occurrences over time. Even i f testing o f large-scale l i v i n g
systems were possible, the social objections and social and environmental
dangers and costs w o u l d most likely preclude such activity (see, for example,
many o f the criticisms o f the Strategic Defense Initiative). In some cases
small, experimental studies (e.g., the comparison o f small ecosystems w i t h
and without a given species) can be suggestive, but even here the generaliza
tion o f the results requires caution.
A great deal o f research in the behavioral and social sciences, both in the
laboratory and in the field, has followed the Newtonian paradigm. One o f the
Interpretation of Complex Systems 287
major purposes o f this book can be the rethinking o f the adequacy o f this kind
of scientific method. A t the present time many scientists are taking a new look
at the very purpose, meaning, and practice o f science. This discussion is
pursued further elsewhere (De Greene 1993b).
A t the level o f societal policy making, decision making, and design,
different paradigms or subparadigms are needed, depending on the apparent
linearity, equilibrium state, stability, and predictability o f the system (De
Greene 1987, 1990d, 1991b). These features can also be related to the phases
o f the Kondratiev cycle/structure.
The Challenge t o t h e M a n a g e m e n t
of C o m p l e x S y s t e m s
The G r o w t h o f Exhaustion o f I n f o r m a t i o n / K n o w l e d g e
at t h e End of t h e Kondratiev C y c l e / S t r u c t u r e
To the extent that information is the negative o f entropy (see the Shannon and
Boltzmann formulas), we can also speak o f an information life cycle and a
growth o f exhaustion o f information as the end o f the cycle, identified by this
author (De Greene 1993a) as the recession-early depression phase o f the
Kondratiev cycle. A t the end o f a Kondratiev, entropy is high and information
level is low. The progressive uniformization o f the system is associated w i t h
the loss o f information. In the stages o f recovery and prosperity, information
is increasing as the new cognitive space or field is explored, and disorder and
entropy are decreasing as new designs are implemented. In the phase o f
recession, when the field has been explored to its boundary, energy is dissi
pated and information decreases as confirmation o f the status quo, w i t h the aid
o f proliferating bureaucracies, becomes the established modus operandi. But
eventually, reinforcement no longer works, real underlying instability arises,
and the system starts oscillating, with the emergence o f fads and hysterias as
society attempts to preserve and regain order. We note here that entropy has a
material meaning as well as informational and strictly energy-based mean
ings. The untoward consequences o f the degradation o f matter and energy by
288 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
S y s t e m s M a n a g e m e n t at a T i m e
of T r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l Change
The American system has been a dominant institutional form over part o f
the second and essentially all o f the third and fourth Kondratievs. It has, o f
course, spread around the globe. The myriad criticisms o f Tayloristic/Fordian
work-system designs and their deleterious impacts on worker motivation,
morale, j o b satisfaction, and productivity (e.g., De Greene 1982) can be
noted here but are beyond the scope o f this chapter. The Japanese system
appears presently to be at least a partial alternative to the American system,
but this topic, which has also received a tremendous amount o f attention, is
also beyond the scope o f this theoretically based chapter. I n keeping w i t h
other interpretations made herein, it is my belief that the American system o f
management is part o f the exhausted machine model o f humanity, part o f the
overall Newtonian paradigm. New theories, methods, observations, and find
ings should not be distorted and made to fit the old paradigm and outmoded
Finally, a dynamic field o f forces cannot be controlled or managed; but it
can be perturbed, leading to surprising nonlinear, unstable, and reconfigura-
tional results. These results could come about because critical thresholds were
passed, the delicate balance among feedback loops disrupted, and the bound
aries o f stability passed. On the other hand, reconfiguration is natural in
evolution and can provide new choice and new opportunity. The distinction is
management w i t h i n the field, not o f the field (De Greene 1990b). The chal
lenge for Americans, and for humanity in general, is to try to induce climates
of creativity, small at first, that might generate desirable innovative fluctua
tions that could trigger the emergence o f new order parameters better fitted to
evolutionary reality. Note the absence o f deterministic language and the ab
sence o f any implication o f ultimate human understanding and control.
How valuable are chaos and nonlinear systems theory to the social sciences?
The answer depends on the nature o f the driving force. I f these theories act as
perturbations and fluctuations, driving a restructure o f social science, and i f
they help generate new paradigm thinking, then the future can indeed be
promising. I f , however, the new theories function just as new tools (like a new
form o f regression analysis), then the social sciences may find that the excit
ing and challenging aspects o f social reality have been usurped by the more
dynamic, the more imaginative, and the more adventuresome, and that tradi
tional economics, sociology, political science, and so on have become i n
creasingly irrelevant.
The same k i n d o f situation pertains for the high-level systems practices
of management (in this chapter policymaking and decision making in particu
lar) and design. A time o f major transformation o f the existing force field
Interpretation of Complex Systems 293
w o r l d o f the 1950s and 1960s: use risk analysis, perform a decision analysis,
optimize, reduce the scope o f concern to the immediately manageable. There
is no meaningful list o f steps that can be taken. There are no real-world-
sensitive panaceas that can be offered. A field o f forces is imprecise. As
system dynamics, dissipative-structure theory, and catastrophe theory all
show, and as experience indicates, a field o f forces can surprisingly swallow
policy and decisional perturbations, or it can be destabilized by such perturba
tions. What happens is fortuitous and depends on the t i m i n g and placing. The
task confronting us now is a highly individualistic and lonely one, but poten
tially a most creative one. Leaders and changers w i l l be those persons who
can overlap their cognitive/emotional models, themselves internal fields o f
forces, w i t h the w o r l d system-field or a constituent part o f that field. In the
latter case, an energized local field could excite, or even inflame the entire
Yet in spite o f the formidable nature o f evolution and reconfigurational
change in the w o r l d system-field and in spite o f the great difficulty in mapping
external reality onto the m i n d , certain general advice can be offered to those
w i l l i n g and able to accept it: recognize human limitations, do not compart
mentalize your thinking, avoid linear thinking about cause and effect, respect
and learn from history, expect the system to behave counterintuitively, expect
surprises and anticipate the opportunities that surprises can provide, expect
policy and decision actions to assume new meanings when imbedded in a field
context, think instability, instability, instability. As emphasized here, rare
persons w i l l intuitively understand these matters, but this advice should help
Finally, we can note that there are implications for education. Once again
the questions o f appropriateness in a field and o f direction o f causality arise.
A t times o f instability and chaos, rigidities such as programs, plans, curricula,
learning objectives, fixed assignments, tests, and administrative control are
likely to be indifferent at best and harmful at worst. Educational needs,
expressed as fluid learning experiences, w i l l evolve and emerge from the
pioneering behavior o f those who can sense and move w i t h the dynamics o f
the field. I f and when things quiet d o w n , some further formalization o f
methods and designs w i l l probably be desirable. But formalization should
never again be allowed to reach the scope o f the Newtonian paradigm o f
science, culture, and society.
S o c i a l S c i e n c e as t h e S t u d y o f C o m p l e x S y s t e m s
296 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
ences separating the social world from that o f nature. Such a dynamic realism
is capable o f sustaining the particularity and plurality o f the social w o r l d while
preserving rational canons o f scientific understanding.
A n y hope we have o f realizing this new social scientific worldview is
tempered, however, by our realization that the ontological structure o f social
phenomena places objective limits upon the types o f methods that can be
legitimately deployed when studying the social realm. Hence, the naturalism
we advocate demands social scientists employ a methodological pluralism
when studying institutional life from a dissipative systems perspective. I n line
w i t h these reservations, we make two assumptions. First, w i t h the notable
exceptions o f its judicious application in such areas as demography, social
ecology, and urban place theory, the simple incorporation o f the deterministic
chaos paradigm into social scientific research w i l l prove nugatory. Second, i f
the actual mathematical models o f deterministic chaos and the concrete find
ings o f the physical sciences have limited value in their direct application to
the social sciences, they can still provide a rich heuristic base from w h i c h
social scientists can w o r k .
Our vehicle for exploring these theses is a matrix that matches modeling
strategies used in the social sciences with the different ontological levels that
characterize social systems. The matrix is constructed in three steps. We begin
by identifying six modeling strategies currently used in the social sciences:
(1) predictive models patterned after the methods o f classical mechanics;
(2) statistical models commonly employed in the social sciences; (3) icon-
ological models recently developed by mathematical chaos theoreticians;
(4) structural models popular i n contemporary anthropology and sociology;
(5) ideal type models utilized in comparative economics and sociology; and,
finally, (6) historiographical models that concentrate on the ideographic
description o f temporally ordered concrete events. The second step in con
structing the matrix focuses upon the development o f a framework that reflects
the ontological stratification o f the social world. Borrowing from Kenneth
Boulding's (1968, 3 - 1 0 ) work on hierarchies o f complexity and Neil J.
Smelser's (1963, 1-46) reading o f Parsonsian systems theory (Parsons 1961),
we develop a model o f nested social system hierarchies that emphasizes their
ontologically layered nature. This conception o f social systems sees them as
consisting o f emergent layers that are ontologically distinct and irreducible.
The third and final step in this process is the construction o f the matrix itself.
After completing the matrix, we illustrate its use by assessing the relative
efficacy o f each o f the six strategies for studying chaos.
We make no exaggerated claims for this matrix or for the resulting
typology. Ours is a first effort, and like all initial formulations it invites
comment and revision. Rather than presenting a finished product, we offer the
matrix as a tentative first statement to be tested and revised in practice.
298 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Philosophical A s s u m p t i o n s
solid state or many-body physics elementary particle physics
chemistry many-body physics
molecular biology chemistry
cell biology molecular biology
psychology physiology
social sciences psychology
But this hierarchy does not imply that science X is "just applied Y . " A t
each stage entirely new laws, concepts, and generalizations are neces
sary, requiring inspiration and creativity to just as great a degree as i n the
previous one. Psychology is not applied biology, nor is biology applied
chemistry. (Anderson 1972, 393)
I m p l i c a t i o n s o f Critical Realism
f o r Social Scientific M e t h o d
Bhaskar is by no means among the first to argue against the idea that
classical prediction is the final arbiter for establishing scientific truth claims.
He has, however, contributed significantly to our philosophical understanding
of this problem by providing an ontological framework that establishes the
limits o f predictive validity in open evolving systems. The universal claims o f
prediction in such systems had already been seriously challenged by quantum
theory early in this century (Peitgen, Jiirgens, and Saupe 1992, 11-14).
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle denied that scientists could ascertain a
dynamic system's initial conditions at the subatomic level. It was impossible
to measure simultaneously and w i t h equal precision a particle's position and
its momentum. As a result, classical mechanics' claim that given any system's
position, momentum, and the dynamic laws, it could predict the system's
future state was denied. By the midsixties, chaos theory had further limited
302 Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Dissipative Social S y s t e m s
Strategies o f M o d e l i n g a n d Their O n t o l o g i c a l L i m i t s
Process 1: C l a s s struggle.
Conflict over cultural h e g e m o n y
11 V a l u e s 1: Struoale of
hegemonic vs. s u b t e r r a n e a n
world views
9. N o r m s 1: Personal c o n f o r m i t y
to g e n e r a l h e g e m o n i c s t a n d a r d s
8. Roles I I : Intraoraanization
allocation of roles & resources
7. Roles 1: Distribution of
material r e w a r d s & e s t e e m
6 Facilities I I : T e c h n i c a l division
of labor in productive sphere
5. Facilities 1: S o c i o t e c h n i c a l
infrastructure of organization
4. Ecological organization of
institutional t i m e & space
3. Ecological organization
of local biotic c o m m u n i t y
2. Biological evolution a s a
series of assisted bifurcations
Levels of M o d e l i n g A b s t r a c t i o n
Returning to figure 13.1 and its shaded diagonal, we can now imagine its
matrix as being partitioned into four quadrants. The lower left quadrant and
the upper right are areas o f relative fit between the dissipative system's ontol
ogy and the modeling methods o f those quadrants. The upper left and lower
right quadrants, by contrast, are areas o f modeling misapplication—that is,
areas in which basic methodological fallacies are most likely to occur. Work
ing from this interpretation o f the matrix and its partitioning, the following
rules apply:
Predictive Modeling
into one o f these four categories, the forecaster can improve his or her overall
predictive performance. W h i l e forecasting may not be quantitatively i m
proved in the sense o f increased precision by following Huckfeldt's path, the
art o f forecasting can achieve a more realistic sense o f its o w n possibilities
and options. B y identifying the presence o f stochastic or chaotic variation in
forecasting data, a more realistic set o f expectations can be made possible by
which forecasters and their publics can judge the efficiency o f their results. In
this way the art o f forecasting can be evaluated against a pragmatic back
ground o f the limitations imposed upon it by the stochastic and chaotic struc
ture o f its data.
Even this paring o f expectations may not suffice, however, for there are
momentous technical problems associated with being able to differentiate
between stochastic errors and chaotic indeterminacy. Data-based deficits
haunt all such efforts at chaos modeling—not just forecasting. There is, for
example, a g r o w i n g awareness among researchers that chaos modeling is a
data-hungry process that requires inordinately long time series. In most cases
such series are virtually impossible to obtain in common research settings. For
example, the use o f Lyapunov exponents is a crucial test in determining the
presence o f deterministic chaos. Without i t , and without the possibility o f
periodic renormalization, the possibilities o f the mathematical modeling o f
social chaos are severely constrained. Yet, as W o l f (1986) and B r o w n (see
chap. 6 i n this volume) have noted, adequate databases are usually not avail
able for such testing. The problem o f insufficient databases, o f course, can be
technically resolved w i t h computer modeling. A n d while this allows re
searchers to explore chaotic models in the abstract, it does little to solve the
problems o f building a tradition o f empirical chaos research.
Finally, going beyond the current predicaments o f improved forecasting
and computer simulation in econometric modeling, there are additional prob
lems. These problems have been raised for more than a decade by M i r o w s k i
(1988, 1989, 1990, 1993). He maintains that most o f the use o f partial
differential equations in modern econometrics cannot be justified. Such prac
tices, M i r o w s k i claims, are based on an unsubstantiated premise: the principle
o f the conservation o f energy. This principle was at the heart o f nineteenth-
century classical mechanics and was borrowed by neoclassical economists in
an attempt to assume the trappings o f genuine science. The validity o f the
conservative premises adopted, however, has yet to be proven. Unless they
can be formally justified, the entire enterprise o f mathematical economics and
its use o f integrable functions to model markets and entire economies, chaotic
or otherwise, w i l l collapse. To our knowledge, M i r o w s k i ' s institutionalist
critiques o f neoclassical theory and method have not been adequately ad
dressed and, until they are, the work o f those economists and social scientists
Social Science as the Study of Complex Systems 317
Statistical Modeling
time series. Indeed, it can give the illusion that patterns in history come and
go w i t h an almost sidereal certainty. I f not handled with caution, however,
such quantitative modeling can become a Rorschach Test in which the re
searcher, once having found what appears to be a pattern, can interpret it
almost any way he or she chooses. I f we are correct, such modeling is most
appropriate when working in the lower levels o f dissipative social system
specificity. Otherwise, the risk o f reification increases as one moves to the
higher levels o f the system. The shaded cells in figure 13.1 for statistical
models (column two) show how we would ontologically delimit such efforts
in order to avoid the reification o f institutional life.
Iconological Modeling
graphics, they were able to reproduce pictorially many o f the patterns o f urban
structure first discovered in the social sciences by the Chicago School.
Finally, we would be remiss not to mention what is, perhaps, the most
powerful icon o f a l l , the folded catastrophe surface that was popular a decade-
and-a-half ago. Although it has fallen into disfavor in recent years, we can
think o f fewer images that visually communicate the ideas o f nonlinear
change, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, and the processes o f dy
namic bifurcation. Whatever the cause o f its fall from favor, two points are
obvious: (1) the mathematics o f catastrophe remain valid; and (2) the visual
power o f the catastrophe surface is still a potent stimulus for promoting
metaphorical and analogical thinking—especially in the early phases o f con
ceptualizing or outlining a research problem.
Structural Modeling
Ideal Typical M o d e l i n g
singularities o f social life. Indeed, one can find few better illustrations o f the
operation o f sensitive dependence on initial conditions than the stimulating
examples he provides. Gemill and Smith's (1985) work on organizational
evolution also emphasizes the disjunctive. Their provocative suggestions con
cerning the role o f symmetry-breaking processes in the evolution o f organiza
tions have yet to be fully appreciated by other analysts o f formal organization.
Indeed, the implications o f symmetry-breaking processes for deterministic
chaos theory have just begun to be explored by the social sciences. The
psychiatrist M o n y Elkai'm (1982, 1985,1987), working in the general systems
tradition o f Von Bertalanffy, and the family systems approach to therapy
established by Bateson and his colleagues, has approached chaos theory from
a similar point o f view. Emphasizing existential and nonlinear social inter
action processes as they arise in the therapeutic situation, Elkai'm uses dissipa-
tive systems analysis to map the psychodynamic transition to chaos in the
client-therapist relation. Emphasizing the nonlinear aspects o f this relation
ship, Elkai'm maps the singularities o f interaction underlying the phase devel
opment o f the "talking cure."
The ideal type strategy is grounded in an existentialist celebration o f the
particular and the deviant. It epitomizes the iconoclastic spirit that gave birth
to chaos theory some thirty years ago. Its ethos stands in strict opposition to
the Newtonian nemesis o f uniformity, gradualism, and a universe bound by
absolute parameters. It embraces the premises o f deterministic chaos and
embodies its commitment to seek out and understand the nonlinear dimen
sions o f social life lying just below the surface o f seemingly staid, equili
brated institutions and groups.
Historical Narratives
logical turn advocated by Bhaskar's critical realism, and exemplifies the direc
tion deterministic chaos theory must take i n the cultural sciences i f they are
not to succumb to scientism when adapting the perspective o f deterministic
chaos to the study o f history.
S u m m a r y a n d Conclusions
326 References
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Brian J . L . Berry is the Lloyd Viel Berkner Regental Professor and Professor of
Political Economy at the University of Texas at Dallas. He is widely published in the
area of urban economics and geography. His most recent research examines the role
that economic long cycles play in technological and other social transformations. His
most recent publications include Long-Wave Rhythms in Economic Development and
Political Behavior (1991) and America's Utopian Experiments (1992). Professor
Berry is a member of The National Academy of Sciences.
348 Contributors
Ted Jaditz is an economist at the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. He is a past
president of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, and has published
widely on nonlinear time series, seasonality, and forecasting.
Heja Kim received her doctorate in political economy in 1988 from the University of
Texas at Dallas. Since then, she has worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the School of
Social Sciences. Her research interests lie mainly in the analysis of long economic
cycles. She has, with Brian Berry, coauthored articles that have appeared in Techno-
logical Forecasting and Social Change. Along with Brian Berry and colleagues at the
University of Texas at Dallas, she is completing a book manuscript that takes an in-
depth look at the relationship between long waves and social and political outcomes.
Michael Reed is Professor of Economics and Dean of the College of Business Admin-
istration at the University of Nevada-Reno. He has published in the areas of economic
history, political economy, and chaos theory.
Diana Richards received her doctorate from Yale University and is currently Assistant
Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota. Her work has focused on
the application of nonlinear dynamics for understanding a range of political phenom-
ena, including game-theoretic behavior and empirical work examining international
behavior. Her work has appeared in a number of journals, including Behavioral Sci-
ence and American Journal of Political Science, among others.
J . Barkley Rosser, Jr. is Professor of Economics and Holder, Kirby L . Kramer, Jr.
Chair of Business Administration at James Madison University. He has published
Contributors 349