Antenna Systems Demostrator ASD512pdf

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Antenna Systems Demonstrator ASD512

Description Features
Operational antennas are built in a great range of shapes and sizes, Fully operational
depending on the function and operating frequency. At low frequen- antennas
cies the equipment could be too large to be manageable and at high
frequencies too small to analyse. These factors are an essential Vivid displays of antenna
consideration in the design of an antenna systems demonstrator. characteristics
The ASD512 is a fully operational Antenna Systems Demonstrator Convenient size for
working at a frequency of 167.2MHz, giving a half-wave element of classroom
approx 90cm - an ideal size for classroom demonstration. Many
types of antenna can be constructed from a few component parts Versatile and easy to
making the ASD512 an extremely versatile demonstrator of antenna assemble
principles and practice. Considerable use is made of illuminated
Complex concepts made
hand-held detector displays, which show the relative magnitude of
voltage and current fields around the antenna and the field strength easy
of the radiated signal at a distance from the antenna. Reconciles theory and
Practical demonstrations described in the associated manuals practice
illustrate the principles involved, thus introducing students of
various levels to the basic concepts, leading on to an
understanding of most types of antennas in common use.
Radio Communications Equipment
The world would be a very The Antenna Systems Demonstrator ASD512 is a self-contained set of
different place without radio equipment that promotes student participation. It is ideal for classroom
communications.There would be demonstrations and does not require any special screening facilities.
no broadcasting, no television and This demonstrator includes all the items to build and clearly demon-
all long distance telephone calls
strates the majority of antennas described in the associated manuals.
would have to go by cable. Mans
leap into space would have been The half-wave element size of 90cm makes the ASD512 very easy to
impossible and the worlds airways use and the low output power of the RF Generator ensures safety.
would be very few and very The unique method of indicating V/I and the field strength with the
dangerous without reliable radio. hand-held detectors also helps the student to appreciate and under-
stand complex concepts easily.
The apparatus of a radio link starts
with a transmitter and ends with a Ease of use of the equipment is further faciliated by a storage tray,
receiver, but neither is complete which also serves as an inventory control for the various items (except
without an antenna. A transmitter the RF Generator) described below. This storage tray can be clipped
does not generate high-frequency on the ground plane for compact carrying purposes or can be fixed to
electrical oscillations; these must
a wall for easy access to the component parts.
be fed into an antenna to generate
a radio wave. Similarly, a radio
receiver requires an antenna to
convert an arriving radio wave
into an electrical oscillation. The
reliability of the communication
link (or circuit as it is sometimes
called) often depends more on the
antennas used than on transmitter
power or receiver sensitivity.
Antennas are available in many
shapes and sizes and considera-
tions such as space and cost can
affect specification as much as
technical characteristics.
It is fortunate that antenna
systems can be specified,
installed, tested and maintained
without a detailed knowledge of
their theoretical design, since the
theory is complicated and highly
mathematical. The ASD512 offers
a practical, non-mathematical 1. R F Generator Unit
understanding of how antennas This unit incorporates the RF generator and power unit inside a metal
work, allowing a range of simple case. The RF output is continuously variable from zero to 5 watts
design, installation, adjustment
maximum, readable on the front panel meter when switched to the
and maintenance exercises to
forward power condition. When set to reverse power, the meter reads
be carried out to ensure that
performance characteristics are the power reflected by the antenna system. This facilitates the tuning
met in practice. of the antennas. The transmitter is short-circuit proof and will function
with any impedence mis-match without excessive heat dissipation.

2. Antenna Ground Plane

The ground plane consists of an anodised aluminium box structure.
Incorporated at the centre of the plane is a pair of sockets into which
the constructed antenna arrays are plugged. RF power is conveyed to
the antenna from the drive unit via a co-axial cable. The particular
antenna array selected is then tuned by means of the balun tuner
contained within the ground plane.

3. Antenna
The many types of antenna desribed in the demonstration manuals can
be constructed from a few basic components. These primarily consist
of various specially made lengths of nickel-plated brass tubing, together
with a selection of clips for connecting them. Some antennas have a
series of connected lamps at intervals along their length to indicate the
current standing wave in the elements.
4. Detectors
Two hand-held detectors are supplied with the ASD512. One is a current and voltage field probe, giving a
linear LED display; the other is a radiation detector to indicate field strength. Both detectors are powered by
rechargable batteries that are recharged from the generator unit. The voltage and the current detectors are
designed to explore the distribution of voltage and the current along the length of the antenna elements.
Voltage is indicated by the illuminated height of the V column of lamps, which increases as the electric field
increases. The current indication likewise illuminates the I column as the magnetic field increases. The
fields used in these measurements are those immediately surrounding the antenna elements.The radiation
detector is intended for exploring the radiation field at various distances from the antenna. The radiation is
detected by a receiving dipole and the corresponding field strength is indicated by the detector lamp.
The unit can be switched on and off by pushbuttons, but if it receives no radiation for two minutes it will
switch itself off automatically. Conversely, strong radiation will automatically energise the unit.

Two manuals are provided as part of Examples for ASD512 Demonstrations
the ASD512. One is in textbook form
for use by the instructor in preparing Antenna Voltage & Current Distribution Polar Diagram
the lesson, and the other is a short-
form guide to conducting the Half-wave dipole
The teaching level is aimed at those
who will be involved in selecting,
installing, commissioning and main-
taining antennas. Consequently, the
treatment of the subject is non-
mathematical and non-quantitative.
The demonstrations described are: 3-Element parasitic array
1 Basic theory of radiation,
radiating & non-radiating systems
2 Feeders
3 Radiation resistance, drive point
impedance and ground resistance
4 Physical and electrical length
5 Directional antennas and radiation Inductive lengthening
6 Parasitic arrays and antenna gain
7 Antenna with folded elements
8 Slot radiators
9 Three dimensional polar diagrams
10 Loop antennas
Slot antenna
Application notes are also provided in
the manual describing some of the
specialised antennas that cannot be
directly demonstrated using the
antenna components supplied with
the ASD512. These application notes
provide the nescessary information to
enable the customer to construct their
own antennas for use with the trans- Quad loop
mitter, ground plane and detectors of
the ASD512.
The antennas described are:
1 Log-periodic antennas
2 Rhombic antennas
3 Batwing antennas
4 Cylinder slot antenna
5 Reflector type antenna
Transmitter The equipment emits an unmodulated carrier at field strength not
exceeding 0.5 Volt/metre at 30 metres.
Frequency *167.2MHz 50kHz
Power 0 - 5 Watts output
Termination Approximately 50 unbalanced
Ambient temperature 0 to +50C
Metering Forward Power 0 - 10 Watts
Reverse Power 0 - 10 Watts
Front Panel Controls Mains Off - On
Output Power 0 - full power continuous
Power meter Forward - Reverse
Detector charge Two outputs charging at 60mA for 5V
Modulation Input The transmitter can be amplitude modulated if required by miniature jack
(600 -15dBm = 100%).
*The operating frequency of the ASD512 is 167.2MHz and it is necessary in the UK for the establishment using the equipment to hold a Testing & Development License
available at low cost from the department of Trade and Industry, Radiocommunications Division. For overseas countries it is possible for the equipment to be retuned within a
range of
_0 MHz. This enables the equipment to be adjusted to local radio transmissions laws if necessary.

Ground plane
Size 1150mm, 840mm, Aluminium
Matching Assembly Unbalanced 50 to balance any impedance
Control Antenna matching, set for each antenna
Antenna sockets Two 4mm blind sockets

Antenna construction Antennas are constructed from: 23 nickel-plated brass rods in various
shapes, 3 rods containing a lamp every 12cm, 1 flat sheet of aluminum
containing a slot.

Voltage and current

Display Linear LED
Power supply 5 volts from internal battery, recharged from transmitter
Charge usage Approximately three hours use after one charge
Charge time Approximately seven hours from empty

Radiation detector Half-wave dipole with amplifier

Indication device 2.5V 0.2A MES lamp
Power supply 5V from internal battery; recharged from transmitter
Controls Pushbuttons for On/Off
Unit will switch itself off approximately 2 minutes after receiving the last
Charge usage Approximately two hours after one charge
Charge time Approximately seven hours from empty

Dimensions & weight Storage Tray RF Generator

Width 1160mm (45.7in) 330mm (13in)
Depth 855mm (33in) 226mm (8.9in)
Height 127mm (5in) 118mm (4.6in)
Weight 18.2kg (40lb) 2.7kg (5lb)

Tender Specification Antenna Systems Demonstrator enabling construction and demonstra-

tion of many types of operating antennas. To give qualitative assessment
of voltage and current distribution in the constructed antenna and field
strength around the antennas by use of hand-held detectors. To include
manual of practical demonstrations and assignments covering antenna
principles & practice. Application notes on some specialised antennas.

Ordering Information Antenna Systems Demonstrator ASD512

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