Tone 4 - 22 Aug - 13ap - 13 Matt - After Feast of Dormition
Tone 4 - 22 Aug - 13ap - 13 Matt - After Feast of Dormition
Tone 4 - 22 Aug - 13ap - 13 Matt - After Feast of Dormition
sarkothentos O Adis ihmalotiste, O became Incarnate of Thee, Hell is
Adam anakeklite, i katara
led captive, Adam is recalled from 13th Sunday After Pentecost - 13th Sunday Of St Matthew
nenekrote, i Eva ileftherote, O
thanatos tethanatote ke imis the dead, the curse is made void, The Wicked Vinedressers
ezoopiithimen. Dio animnountes Eve is set free, Death is slain, and
Voomen. Evlogitos Hristos O Theos we have been endowed with Life.
imon, O outos evdokisas, ✞ Doxa Si! Wherefore we cry aloud, extolling
in song: Blessed art Thou, O Christ TONE 4
our God, in Whose Sight it is thus RESURRECTION GOSPEL 2 – MARK 16 : 1 - 8
well/pleasing. ✞ Glory to Thee! EOTHINON 2
St Agathikos
For The Original Greek & English Translation - Our Eternal Gratitude To Pater Seraphim Dedes & All The
Contributing Translators Of The St Gregory Palamas Monastery & Elsewhere For Making Our Worship A Little
Easier To Understand, To Participate And To Appreciate.
12 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010
Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 4 Enite Afton en kimvalis evihis. Enite Praise Him with tuneful cymbals;
Afton en kimvalis alalagmou. Pasa
To fedron tis Anastaseos Kirigma ek tou When the Women Disciples of the
pnoi inesato ton Kyrion.
praise Him with loud cymbals. Let
Angelou mathouse e tou Kyriou Lord had learnt from the Angels the everything that has breath praise
mathitrie ke tin progonikin apofasin Glad Tidings of the Resurrection that the Lord.
aporipsase, tis Apostolis kafhomene
elegon. Eskilefte O thanatos, igerthi had cast away the condemnation of Ti Endoxo Kimisei Sou, Ourani At Thy Glorious Dormition, the
Hristos O Theos, doroumenos to their Forefather, they spoke epagallonte, ke Angelon gegithe ta Heavens rejoice and the Hosts of
kosmo to Mega Eleos. exultingly to the Apostles: Death is stratevmata. Pasa i gi de evfrenete, Angels exult; the whole earth
no more: Christ/God is Risen, odin Si Exodion, prosfonousa ti Mitri, rejoices, singing a Hymn of
granting to the world Great Mercy. tou ton olon Despozontos, apirogame,
Departure to Thee, O Mother of Him
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Panagia Parthene, i to genos, ton
anthropon risameni, Progonikis Who is Lord of all; All Holy Virgin
and to the Holy Spirit
Apofaseos. who knew not wedlock, Thou who
To fedron tis Anastaseos Kirigma ek tou When the Women Disciples of the Lord
Angelou mathouse e tou Kyriou delivered mankind from the
had learnt from the Angels the Glad
mathitrie ke tin progonikin apofasin Ancestral Condemnation.
aporipsase, tis Apostolis kafhomene Tidings of the Resurrection that had
elegon. Eskilefte O thanatos, igerthi cast away the condemnation of their Anastithi, Kyrie, is tin Anastasin Sou, Arise, O Lord, into Thy Rest, Thou and
Hristos O Theos, doroumenos to Forefather, they spoke exultingly to ou ke i Kivotos tou Agiasmatos Sou. the Ark of Thy Holiness.
kosmo to Mega Eleos. the Apostles: Death is no more: The
Christ/God is Risen, granting to the
Ek peraton sinedramon, Apostolon i first/called of the Apostles
prokriti, thearhio nevmati tou kidefse hastened from the regions by Divine
world Great Mercy.
Se, ke apos gis ermenin Se, pros ipsos Miracle to lay Thee away. And when
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Theomeni, tin fonin tou Gavriil, en
eonon. they saw Thee Ascending from earth
Hara anevoon Si. Here skima, tis
Amin to Heaven they joyfully shouted to
Amen Theotitos olis! Here Moni ta Epigia tis
Thee in the tone of Gabriel: Hail, O
ano, to toketo sinapsasa!
Apolytikion of the Dormition Chariot of the whole Godhead! Hail,
En ti Gennisi tin Parthenian efilaxas.
En In giving Birth, O Theotokos, Thou has O Thou whose Birth/giving alone
ti Kimisi ton kosmon ou katelipes retained Thy Virginity, and in Falling united the earthly with the Heavenly
Theotoke. Metestis pros tin Zoin, Asleep, Thou has not forsaken the Ones!
Mitir iparhousa tis Zois. Ke tes world. Thou who art the Mother of
Presvies tes ses litromeni, ek Life has passed over into Life, and by Omose Kyrios to David Alithian ke ou The Lord swore to David this Truth,
Thy Prayers Thou delivers our souls mi athetisi aftin. Ek parpou tis and He shall not reject it: I shall set
Thanatou tas psihas imon.
from Death. Wherefore, by Thine kilias Sou thisome, epi tou Thronou upon your Throne One from the
Intercessions, deliver our souls from Sou. Fruit of your loins.
Small Litany
Death Tin Zoin i Kiisasasa, pros Zoin O Bride of God, the Virgin Mother, who
First Kathisma of the Resurrection - Tone 4 metavevikas, ti septi Kimisi Sou tin gave Birth to Life, Thou has moved,
athanaton, dorifrounton “Angelon Si,
Anavlepsase tou tafou tin isodon, ke tin As they looked at the entrance of the
Arhon ke Dinamion, Apostolon
by Thy solemn Falling/asleep, to
floga tou Angelou mi ferouse, e Tomb and were unable to endure Immortal Life, surrounded by
Mirofori sin tromo existanto, legouse: Profiton, ke apasis tis Ktiseos,
the bright Flame of the Angel, the Angels, Archangels and Powers,
Ara eklapi, O to Listi anixa dehomenou te, akiratis palames tou
Paradison? Ara igerthi, O ke pro Myrrhbearers trembled with Iiou Sou tin amomiton psihin Sou Apostles, Prophets, and the rest of
pathous kirixas tin egersin? Alithos amazement and said: Can the One Parthenmitor Theonimfe. Creation. As for Thy blameless soul,
anesti Hristo O Theos, tis en Adi Who opened Paradise to the Thief Thy Son took it up in His pure
parehon, Zoin ke Anastasin. have been stolen? Can He Who Hands.
before His Passion proclaimed His
Rising, having been Raised? Truly ✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the
Christ God has Risen, granting those Pnevmati Son, and to the Holy Spirit
in Hades Life and Resurrection.
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Second Eothinon Doxastikon - Tone 2
and to the Holy Spirit Meta miron proselthouses tes peri tin The Women who went with Mary took
Ekousia Sou voili, Stavron ipeminas Of Thine own Will, O Saviour, Thou Mariam ginexi, ke diaporoumenes, ointments with them; and while they
Sotir, ke en mnimati keno, Anthropi endured the Cross, and mortals laid pos este aftes tihin tou efetou, orathi were concerned as how to achieve
ethento thniti, ton dia Logou ta O lithos metirmenos, ke Thios
in a new tomb the One Who their objective, they saw that the
perata sistisamenon: othen Neanias katastellon ton thorivon
desmevthis O allotrios, thanatos established the ends of earth afton tis psihis. Igerthi, gar, fisin, stone had been rolled aside, and a
through a Word; therefore, the alien
2 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 201011
dinos eskileveto, ke i en Adi apantes was bound, Death terribly despoiled
Enite ton Theon en tis Agiis Afton. Praise God in His Saints; praise Him ekravgzon, ti zoiforo egerse Sou:
Enite afton en stereomati tis in the firmament of His Power. and all those in Hades cried aloud at
Hristos Anesti, O zoodotis, menon is
Dinameos Aftou. tous eonos. Thy Life/bering Rising: Christ, the
Giver of Life, has Risen and abides
En to Stavro Sou Hriste, tis arheas By Thy Cross, O Christ, Thou hast freed unto the Ages!
kataras, ileftherosas imas, ke en to
thanato Sou, ton tin fisin imon
us from the ancient Curse, and by Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of ages.
Thy Death Thou hast destroyed the eonon. Amen
tirannisanta, diavolon katirgisas: en
de ti egersi Sou, Haras ta panta devil who tyrannised over our Amin
eplirosas: Dio voomenSi: O Anastas nature, by Thy Rising Thou hast First Kathisma of the Dormition – Tone 4
ek ton nekron, Kyrie Doxa Si! filled all things with Joy: Therefore
we cry unto Thee: Lord, Risen from Anavoison David, tis I parousa Eorti? In Call out, O David. What is this present
animnisa psisin, en to Viblio ton Feast? He said: Verily She whom I
the dead: Glory to Thee!
Psalmon, os Thigatera Theopeda ke praised in the Psalms as Daughter,
Enite afton epi tes Dinasties Afton. Praise Him for His Mighty Acts; Parthenon, metestisen aftin pros tas
Maiden of God and Virgin, has been
Enite Afton kata to plithos tis praise Him according to the ekithen monas, Hristos of ex aftis,
Megalosinis Aftou. greatness of His Majesty. anef sporas gennithis. Ke dia touto translated by Christ, Who was born
herouso, Miteres ke Thigateres, ke of her without seed, to yonder
To so Stavro Hriste Sotir, odigison imas, With Thy Cross, Christ Saviour, guide
Nimfe Hristou, Voose. Here, I Abodes. Wherefore, Mothers,
epi tin alithian Sou, ke rise imas, ton us to Thy Truth, and deliver us from metastasa pros ta ano Vasilia!
pagidon tou ehthrou: O Anastas ek Daughters and Brides of Christ shout
the snares of the foe; Risen from the
ton nekron, Anastison imas, pesontas in Joy! Rejoice, O Thou who has been
dead, raise us who have fallen
ti amartia, ektinas tin hira Sou, Translated to the Heavenly Kingdom!
Filanthrope Kyrie, ti presvia ton through sin by stretching our Thy
Second Kathisma of the Resurrection – Tone 4
Agion Sou. Hand, O Lord, at the Prayers of Thy
Saints. Anestis os athanatos, apo tou Adou Thou Arose from Hades as Immortal, O
Enite afton en iho salpingos. Enite
Praise Him with the sound of the
Sotir: sinigiras ton kosmon Sou, ti
Anastasi ti Si, Hriste O Theos imon:
Saviour, and raised Thy world with
afton en psaltirio ke kithara. Thee by Thy Resurrection, Christ our
trumpet; praise Him with lute and ethravsas en ishii, tou thantou to
kratos, edixas Eleimon, tin God. With Strength Thou broke the
Ton Patrikon Sou kolpon, mi horisthis Anastasion pasi: dio Se ke might of Death, and revealed the
Monogenes Loge tou Theou, ilthes epi Only Begotten Word of God: without Doxazomen, Mone Filanthrope! Resurrection to all, O Merciful:
gis dia Filanthropian, anthropos being parted from the Father’s therefore, we also Glorify Thee, Only
genomenos atreptos, ke Stavron ke Bosom, Thou came on earth through Lover of mankind!
thanaton ipeminas sarki, O apathis ti
Love for mankind, becoming Man ✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Theotiti anastas de ek nekron, and to the Holy Spirit
athanasian pareshes to geni ton without change, and although
aAnthropon, os monos impassible in Thy Godhead, Thou Ek ton ano katelthon, ton ipsomaton Coming down from the Heights Above,
Gavriil, ke ti petra proselthon, entha i Gabriel approached the rock where
Pantodinamos. endured Cross and Death in the
petra tis Zois, levhimonon the Rock of Life had lain, and
Flesh; but Risen from the dead, Thou anekravgaze tes kleouses: Avsasthe
imis, tis thrinodowus kravgis, ehouse clothed in white he cried aloud to
granted the human race Immortality,
ai, to evsimpathiton: on gar zitite the weeping women: Cease your cry
as Thou alone art All Powerful!
kleouse tharsite, os alithos exegigerte: of lamentation! Now your have
Prosomia of the Dormition – Tone 4 dio voate, tis Apostolis, oti Anesti O Compassion forever! Take courage,
Enite Afton en timpano ke horo. Enite Praise Him with timbrel and dance; for the One you seek weeping has
Afton en hordes ke organo. praise Him with strings and flute. truly Risen! Therefore, cry out to the
Apostles that the Lord had Risen!
Ti Endoxo Kimisei Sou, Ourani At Thy Glorious Dormition, the
epagallonte, ke Angelon gegithe ta Heavens rejoice and the Hosts of
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of
eonon. ages.
stratevmata. Pasa i gi de evfrenete, Angels exult; the whole earth
odin Si Exodion, prosfonousa ti Mitri, Amin Amen
rejoices, singing a Hymn of
tou ton olon Despozontos, apirogame,
Panagia Parthene, i to genos, ton Departure to Thee, O Mother of Him
anthropon risameni, Progonikis Who is Lord of all; All Holy Virgin
Apofaseos. who knew not wedlock, Thou who
delivered mankind from the
Ancestral Condemnation.
10 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 3
Second Kathisma of the Dormition – Tone 1 The Dormition - Ode 9 – First Canon – Tone 1
O pantimos Horos, ton sofon Apostolon, Verily, the Most Honoured Rank of the The Irmos
ithristhi Thavmastos, tou kidevse Wise Apostles came together in a E genei pase, Makarizomen Se, tin All generations Bless Thee, O Thou
Endoxos, to Soma Sou to ahranton, Miraculous Way to prepare with Monin Theotokon! Only Theotokos!
Theotoke Panimnite, is sinimnisan, ke Glorification Thine Undefiled Body,
ton Angelon ta plithi, tin Metastasin, Thou All/praised Theotokos. And Nenikinte tis fiseos i ori, en Si Parthene In thee, O spotless Virgin, the laws of
tin sin septos evfimountes. In Pisti with them the multitudes of Angels ahrante. Parthenevi gar Tokos, ke nature were suspended; the bounds
eortazomen. sang, praising Thy Solemn Zoin promnistevete thanatos. I meta of nature are overcome: for
Assumption, which we celebrate in tokon Parthenos, ke meta thanaton
Childbirth remains Virgin and death
Evlogitaria, Theotokion, small Litany Zosa, Sozis ai, Theotoke tin
Faith. is betrothed to Life. O Theotokos,
Klironomian Sou.
Iperkoi – Tone 4 Virgin after bearing Child and alive
Ta tis sis paradoxou egerseos, The Myrrhbearers proclaimed to the Small Litany & Praises to the Lord after death, do Thou ever Save Thine
prodramouse e Mirofori, tis Apostolis Apostles the news of Thy wondrous Inheritance!
ekiritton Hriste, oti anestis os Theos,
parehon to kosmo to Mega Eleos!
Rising, O Christ: that as God Thou Second Exaposteilarion – Tone 2
hast Risen, granting the world Thy
Great Mercy! Ton lithon deorisase, apokekilismenon, e Verily, when the Myrrh/bearing Women
Mirofori eheron. Idon gar neaniskon, saw the stone rolled, they rejoiced;
The Anabathmi – Tone 4 kathimenon en to tafo, ke aftos for they saw a young man sitting at
ANTIFONON AEk neotitos mou polla polemi Since my youth, many are the
ANTIPHON 1 taftees efi. Idou Hristos egigerte.
the Grave who said to them: Behold!
me pathi. All’ aftos antilavou ke passions that trouble me, but Thou, Ipate sin to Petro tis Mathites. En to
soson, Sotir mou. ori fthasate Galileas, eki imin Christ has risen! Tell the Disciples /
my Saviour, come help and save me.
ofthisete, os proipe tis filis. with Peter / to hasten to the
I misountes Sion, eskinthite apo tou You who hate Zion depart in shame Mountain; for there He shall appear
Kyriou, os hortos gar piri esesthe before the Lord, for you shall be as
grass withered by fire. to you, His Beloved Ones, as He
✞Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son
Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit. Now and Exaposteilarion of the Dormition - Tone 3
ever, and unto the Ages of Ages
eonon. Apostoli ek peraton, sinathristhendes O ye Apostles from far off, being
Amin Amen enthade en Gethsimani to horio, gathered together in the village of
✞Agio Pnevmati, pasa psihi zooute, ke ✞By the Holy Spirit shall every soul be kidefsate mou to soma; ke si Ie mou Gethsemane, lay my body in burial,
katharsi ipsoute, lamprinete, ti given Life and be elevated through ke Theo mou, paralave mou to
and Thou, my Son, and my God,
triadiki Monadi irokrifios. purification, and be made radiant pnevma.
receive now my spirit from me.
through the Mystery of the Triune
Lauds - Psalm 148 – Tone 4
Praises To The Lord From All Creation
Ekekraxa Si, Kyrie, thermos ek ANTIPHON 2 To
Thee, O Lord, have I
fervently cried from the depths of
Pasa pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite Let everything that has breath praise
vathous psihis mou, kami genestho, ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite the Lord. Praise the Lord from the
pros ipakoin ta thia sou ota. my soul. Let Thy Divine Hearing
Afton en tis ipsistis. Si prepi imnos Heavens; praise Him in the Highest.
hearken unto me.
to Theo. To Thee praise is due, O God.
Epi ton Kyrion elpida pas tis kektimenos, All who have placed their trust in the
ipsiloteros esti, panton ton lipounton Lord shall transcend all sorrows.
Enite Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Praise Him, all His Angels; praise Him,
Enite Afton, pase e Dinamis Aftou. all His Powers. To Thee praise is
✞Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Si prepi imnos to Theo. due, O God.
Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
eonon. Resurrection Stichera - Psalm 150 - Tone 4
ever, and unto the Ages of Ages.
Amin Amen Tou piise en aftis krima engrapton. To execute upon them the Judgement
✞Agio Pnevmati anavlizi ta tis haritos ✞The Holy Spirit overflows the streams Doxa afti este pasi tis osiis aftou. that is decreed; such Glory will be
rithra, ardevonta, apasan tin ktisin for all His Holy Ones.
pros zoogonian. of Grace and waters all Creation with
Regenerating Life. O Stavron ipominas ke thanaton, ke All Powerful Lord Who endured the
ANTIFONON Γ I kardia mou pros se, Loge, ANTIPHON 3 Let my heart rise to Thee, O anastas ek ton nekron, Pantodiname Cross and Death, and Arose from the
Kyrie, doxazomen Sou tin Anastasin. dead, we Glorify Thy Resurrection!
ipothito, ke ouden thelixi me ton tou Logos. Let not the pleasures of the
kosmou terpnon, pros hamezilian. world lead me to be of this earthly
4 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 9
Odi 5 Ode 5 Epi tin mitera aftou os ehi tis storgin, epi As each of us has love for his mother,
To Thion ke Arriton Kallos, ton areton Verily, I proclaim, O Christ, the Divine to Kyrio Thermoteron filtron even more so should we love the
Sou Hriste diigisome. Es ediou gar hreostoumen
Goodness of Thine ineffable Virtues; Lord with fervour.
Doxis sinedion, ke enipostaton
lampsas apavgasma, parthenikis apo
for Thou rose from Eternal Glory like ✞Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
a Ray, Co/Eternal in Thy Person, and Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit. Now and
gastros, tis en skoti ke skia, ever, and unto Ages of Ages.
Incarnate in the Virgin’s Womb, eonon.
somatothis anetilas Ilios.
bringing forth a Sun to those who Amin Amen
are in darkness and error. ✞Agio Pnevmati theognosias plountos, ✞Through the Holy Spirit comes the
Odi 6 Ode 6 Theorias ke Sofias. Panta gar ta wealth of Divine Vision and Wisdom,
Alion pontogenes, kitoon entosThion Pir, Verily, the Fire in the vitals of the Patroa Dogmata O Logos ekkalipti. for the Logos reveals the Father’s
tis Triimerou Tafis Sou ti deep/born whale was a Symbol of Teaching.
proikonisma, ou Ionas I Pofitis Thy Three/day Burial, of which The Prokeimenon – Tone 4
anadedikte. Sesosmenos gar os ke
proupepoto, asinis evoa. Thiso Si Jonah was a exemplar; for having Anastithi Kyrie, voithison imin ke Arise, O Lord, and help us, and deliver
meta Fonis Eneseos Kyrie. escaped without hurt when he was litrose imas, eneken tis doxis tou us, for Thy Name’s sake. [2]
8 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 5
“All ipagete ipate tis Mathites aftou ke “But go, tell His Disciples - and Peter - Thee, O Guiding Light, Who dwelt
to Petro oti praogi imas is tin that He is going before you into within Her Ever/ Virgin Womb.
Galilean. Eki afton dpsesthe, Galilee; there you will see Him, as Synaxarion of 22 August
kathos ipen imin.” He said to you.”
Ti KB’ tou aftou minos, Mnimi tou On the 22nd day of this month we
Ke exelthouse efigon apo tou mnimiou. So they went out quickly and fled Agiou Martiros Agathonikou ke ton Commemorate the Holy Martyr St
Ihe de aftas tromos ke ekstasis, ke from the Tomb, trembling and sin afto, Zotikou Zinonos,
oudeni ouden ipon. Efovounto gar Agathonikos of Nicomedia and
amazed. And they said nothing to Theoprepiou, Akidinou ke
those with him: St Zotikios, St Zeno,
Resurrection Prayer & Psalm 50 anyone, for they were afraid. Sevirianou.
St Theoprepios, St Acindynos, & St
Kontakion of the Resurrection – Tone 4 Severianos.
O Sotir ke ristis mou, apo tou tafou, os My Saviour and Deliverer, from the Ti afti imera, Mnimi tis Agias Martiros On this day we Commemorate the
Theos Anestisen, ek ton desmon tous Tomb as God raised from their Anthousis ke Athanasiou
gigenis, ke pilas Adou sinetripse, ke Holy Martyrs St Anthusa of
bonds those born of earth and Episkopou, tou Vaptisantos aftin, ke
os Despotis, anesti trimeros. Harisimou ke Neofitou ton iketon Seleucia; St Athanasios, Bishop of
smashed the Gates of Hades and, as
Master, Arose on the third day. aftis. Tarsus in Cilicia, who Baptised her;
Kontakion of the Dormition and St Charesimos & St Neophytos,
her servants.
Tin en Presvies akimiton Theotikon, ke Neither the tomb nor Death has power
Ti afti imera, i Agii Martires Irineos, On this day the Holy Martyrs St
prostasies ametatheton Elpida, ta Fos over the Theotokos, who is Ever/ Or ke Oropsis Ifi teliounte. Irenaeos, St Or, and St Oropsis were
ke nekrosis ouk ekratisen. Os gar watchful in her Prayers and in whose
Zois Mitera, pros tin Zoin metestisen, Perfected in Martyrdom by the
Intercession lies unfailing Hope. For
O Mitran ikisas Aiparthenon. sword.
as the Mother of Life she has been
transported into Life by Him Who Tes afton Agies Presvies, O Theos, By the Intercessions of Thy Saints, O
dwelt within her Ever Virgin Womb. eleison imas. Christ God, have mercy on us.
Ikos of the Resurrection – Tone 4 Amin Amen
Ton anastanta ek nekron, Hriston ton Let all of us who are born of earth sing The Katavasia of the Dormition – Tone 1
zoodotin, triimeron ek tafou, ke pilas the praises of Christ the Governor of Odi 1 Ode 1
tou thantou simeron sinthlasanta, ti
dinami ti aftou, ton Adin te
Life Who Rose from the dead on the Pepikilmeni ti Thia Doxi, I Iera ke evkleis Thy noble solemn Memorial, O Virgin,
nekrosanta, ke to kentron tou third day from the Tomb, and by His Parthene Mnimi Sou, pantas adorned with Divine Glory, has
thantou sintripsanta, ke ton Adam Power today smashed the Gates of sinigayeto, pros evfrosinin tous brought all Believers rejoicing
sin ti Eva eleftherosanta, imnisomen Death, put Hades to death and Pistous, exarhousis Mariam, meta ton
together as Miriam did of old,
pantes i gigenis, evharistos voontes crushed the sting of Death, set Adam horon ke timpanon, to so adontas
enon ektenos: Aftos gar os monos free with Eve, as with thanksgiving Monogeni Evdoxos oti Dedoxaste. coming forward with timbrels and
krateos, Theos ke Despotis, Anesti we cry aloud our fervent praise: For dances, singing to Thine Only Son;
triimeros. for in Glory He has been Glorified.
He as alone the Mighty God and
Master, Arose on the third day. Odi 3 Ode 3
Ikos of the Dormition I Dimiourgiki, ke Sinektiki ton apanton, Christ, Wisdom of God and His creating
Theou Sofia ke Dinamis, aklini and Almighty Power, establish Thy
Tihison mou tas frenas Sotir mou. To Set a rampart about my mind, O my akradanton, tin Ekklisian stirixon
gar Tihos tou kosmou animnise Church without guile, and unshaken;
Saviour, for I make bold to sing the Hriste. Monos gar I Agios O en Agiis
tolmo, tin ahranton Mitera sou. En Anapavomenos. for Thou alone art Holy, O Thou who
praises of Thy Most Pure Mother, the
pirgo rimaton enishison me, ke en dwells among the Holy.
Rampart of the world. Establish me
varesin ennion ohiroson me. Si gar Odi 4 Ode 4
voas ton etounton pistos tas etisis firmly within the fortress of my
pliroun. Si oun mi dories glottan, words and make me strong within the Pisis Profiton ke ainigmata, tin sarkosin The sayings of the Prophets, O Christ,
proforan, ke logismon akateshinton. defences of my thoughts: for Thou ipefinan, tin ek Parthenou Sou Hriste, and their Symbols explained clearly
Pasa gar dosis ellampseos para sou fengos astrapis Sou, is Fos ethnon Thine Incarnation of the Virgin; and
promises to fulfil the Petitions of
katapempete fotagoge, O Mitran exelefsesthe. Ke foni Si avissos, en the Brilliance of Thy Lightning
those who entreat Thee with Faith. agalliasi. Ti Dinami Sou Doxa
ikisas Aiparthenon. sends forth Light to the Gentiles, and
Endue me with a tongue and ready Filanthrope!
speech, and with thoughts that are the deep calls out to Thee shouting
without shame: for every Gift of with joy: Glory to Thy Might, O Lover
Enlightenment is sent down from of mankind!
6 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 Tone 4 – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 13th of St Matthew – After Feast of the Dormition – 22 August 2010 7