d20 Ronin Arts 101 Occult Books
d20 Ronin Arts 101 Occult Books
d20 Ronin Arts 101 Occult Books
James Maliszewski
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern D20 101 Occult Books
Roleplaying campaigns that focus on game, giving the GM dozens of books to use
the supernatural and the occult thrive on in a wide variety of ways. With this product,
hidden mysteries and secret lore. Theyre creating memorable occult adventures
every bit as essential as nefarious conspira- became that much easier.
cies and men in black. One of the ways in
which such lore is passed on is through the USING THIS PRODUCT
medium of ancient books, written by individ-
101 Occult Books can be used in a vari-
uals who know more than the average per-
ety of ways. The simplest is as a source of
son and who share their knowledge with
atmosphere and flavor. Whenever the GM
those who read their texts. Usually hard to
needs to embellish a GMCs exposition of
find and written in dead languages, these
supernatural beings or events, he can refer
tomes are conduits through which D20
to one of the following books as a way to
Modern characters might enter the dark
lend it the weight of hoary authority. Another
world that exists just beneath the surface of
approach is to treat these tomes as treas-
everyday reality.
ure, which is to say, items that the charac-
101 Occult Books provides the Game ters might find in the course of their own
Master with just what its name implies: 101 adventures. Whether they contain only
different books that can be used in any information or something more, these books
occult-based campaign or adventure. The make excellent rewards in D20 Modern
book presented here are all real or based on campaigns with an occult spin. Finally,
real-world books. That is, each of the follow- these tomes can serve as adventure seeds.
ing books exists in the real world, although While some have fairly banal contents,
the veracity of their contents depends great- many do not. GMs can easily mine these
ly on ones worldview. In any event, they contents for inspiration in creating occult
make excellent additions to any D20 Modern adventures or even entire campaigns.
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Modern D20 101 Occult Books
Contents: Abrief history of the book and 1. Aim of the Sage (Picatrix)
the topics it covers within its pages. Author: Al-Majriti (attrib.)
Benefits: This section details the effect Date: 1256
reading the book has upon the reader, usu- Language: Latin
ally bonus skill ranks in Knowledge (Arcane
Contents: This volume is a collection of
Lore) or other skills. In a few cases, more
many different topics, assembled togeth-
impressive benefits, such as spells, are pro-
er in a rough magical theory. It was very
vided. At the GMs discretion, these benefits
influential on medieval magical thought
can be altered to suit the realities of his
and was widely read well into the
Precisely how bonus Knowledge skill
Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore)
ranks function is left to the GM, who can
choose one of several approaches. The first
is to stick to the standard rules, as present- 2. Amphitheatrum Sapientiae
ed in D20 Modern, which limits the ranks a Aeternae
character can possess in any skill to char- Author: Heinrich Khunrath
acter level +3 for class skills and half that for Date: 1595
cross-class skills. Using this option, charac- Language: Latin
ters who already possess many skill ranks Contents: Following in the footsteps of
will derive little benefit from reading an Paracelsus, this book is an attempt to lay
occult book, at least in the form of the foundation for a Christianized natural
Knowledge skills. magic, especially for the purposes of
Another approach is to allow skill ranks healing.
gained through the reading of occult tomes Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore) and
to supersede the standard rules. Thus, the divine spell cure light wounds
ranks gained in this way allow the character
to break the rules and possess more ranks 3. A New and Complete
than would normally be permitted. This Illustration of the Occult
option makes occult books very valuable Sciences
and possibly overly powerful, at least in cer- Author: Ebenezer Sibly
tain types of campaigns. The GM should
Date: 1795
take care to limit how many he allows in his
game. Language: English
The third option is to rule that the bonus Contents: This book is a collection of many
skill ranks are in fact a bonus to Research different topics, from witchcraft to divina-
checks made while the book is at hand for tion to necromancy. The author owes
reference. This bonus does not apply when much to Swedenborg and is famous for
the book is not physically with the character. having cast a horoscope for the newly
Naturally, the bonus applies only to independent United States of America,
Research checks that pertain directly to the which he predicted (in 1787) shall soon
contents of the book. or late give laws to the whole world.
Any spells written in an occult book can Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore)
be learned only by someone capable of
casting the spells and who makes a suc- 4. Arbatel de Magia Veterum
cessful Spellcraft check against DC 20 + the Author: Unknown
level of the spell, as per the D20 Modern Date: 1575
rules. Language: Latin
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Modern D20 101 Occult Books
Contents: A collection of rituals and spells Contents: This work is a meditation on the
for use by the dead (!) in navigating the seven days of creation and how to sum-
perils of the aftermath, this book is one of mon and control the angels associated
the oldest extant esoteric texts still of with each day.
interest to occultists. Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore) and
Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore) one divine spell of 3rd level or lower
(GMs choice)
43. Fama Fraternitatis
Author: Christian Rosenkreutz (attrib.) 47. Index Librorum
Date: 1614/1615 Prohibitorum
Language: German/Latin Author: None Official Text
Contents: Another introduction to the Date: 1559
Rosicrucian philosophy, this text was Language: Latin
widely circulated in Europe and translat- Contents: Though not an occult book itself,
ed into many languages. the notorious Index of Forbidden Books
Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore) is an official listing of the texts that the
Roman Office of the Inquisition consid-
44. Grimorium Verum ered heretical, blasphemous, or other-
Author: Plangire wise unfit for reading by Catholics.
Consequently, it makes an excellent
Date: 1517
starting point for anyone doing research
Language: Latin into such topics.
Contents: This is yet another text on the Benefit: +1 Knowledge (theology and phi-
summoning of angelic spirits. It is note- losophy)
worthy for having a copy stolen from the
British Library in 1972, although police
48. In Scripturam Sacram
subsequently recovered it.
Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore) and
Author: Francesco Zorzi
two 1st-level divine spells (GMs choice)
Date: 1536
45. Grosser und gewaltiger Language: Latin
Meergeist Contents: This text argues that magic is not
Author: Johannes Faust (attrib.) inherently evil for a Christian to use, as
angels will act to prevent any Christian
Author: 1692
from falling under diabolic control through
Language: German its practice.
Contents: This tome derives its fame from Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore) and
its supposed author, the damned sorcer- the divine spell bless
er Dr. Faustus. Its contents include a ritu-
al for summoning a sea creature (hence
49. Key of Solomon the King
its title), which is almost certainly fake.
(Clavicula Salomonis)
Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore)
Author: Solomon the King (attrib.)
46. Heptameron Date: Unknown
Language: Latin
Author: Peter de Abano (attrib.)
Contents: One of the greatest occult texts
Date: 13th c. A.D.
in the Western tradition, this book is vast-
Language: Latin ly influential on the books that followed it.
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Modern D20 101 Occult Books
Benefit: +1 Knowledge (theology and phi- Benefit: This book is intelligible only to
losophy) someone who makes a successful
Intelligence check against DC 25, with
65. Monas Hieroglyphica ranks in Craft (chemical) providing a syn-
Author: John Dee ergy bonus to the check. If successful,
Date: 1564 the reader learns to Brew Potion, as per
the Mage special ability of the same
Language: Latin
Contents: This enigmatic work is one of
Dees earliest and it appears to be a
69. Mysteriorum Libri
treatment of symbolic language.
Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore)
Author: John Dee
66. Monita Secreta Societas Date: 1581-1583
Jesu Language: English
Author: Hieronim Zahorowski Contents: This text concerns itself with
angelic magic, as well as the Enochian
Date: 1614
language of the angels.
Language: Latin
Benefit: +2 Knowledge (arcane) and
Contents: Written by a man claiming to be Language (Enochian)
a rogue Jesuit priest, this book purports
to lay bare the secret plans of the Society
70. Oahspe
of Jesus to take over the courts of
Europe through mind control technique Author: John Newbrough
which this book offers the means to Date: 1882
defend against. Language: English
Benefits: +1 Knowledge (theology and phi- Contents: Composed through automatic
losophy) writing by an American dentist, this book
is nearly as large as the King James
67. Mundus Subterraneus translation of the Bible. The book sets
Author: Athanasius Kircher forth the basis for a new religion that has
similarities to both Theosophy and
Date: 1653
Language: Latin
Benefit: +1 Knowledge (theology and phi-
Contents: This book discusses the subter- losophy)
ranean world in great detail, from miner-
als, ores, and stones to the creatures and
71. Oedipus Aegyptiacus
civilizations that might lie beneath the
surface of the Earth. Author: Athanasius Kircher
Benefits: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore) Date: 1650
Language: Latin
68. Mutus Liber Contents: This book discusses Egyptian
Author: Isaac Baulot antiquities at great length, with an
emphasis on history and architecture, but
Date: 1677
with digressions into many other related
Language: None topics.
Contents: As its name suggests, this Benefit: +1 Knowledge (arcane lore) and
alchemical text consists only of pic- +1 Knowledge (history)
tures, with only a handful of Latin and
Hebrew words throughout.
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Modern D20 101 Occult Books
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3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Inc.: Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy
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Modern: 101 Occult Artifacts Copyright 2004 James Maliszewski.
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