Macarrubo - v. - Macarrubo

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[A.C. No. 6148. February 27, 2004.]


by their Mother/Guardian, FLORENCE TEVES MACARRUBO ,
complainant, vs . ATTY. EDMUNDO L. MACARRUBO , respondent.



Florence Teves Macarubbo (complainant), by herself and on behalf of her two children,
filed on June 6, 2000 a verified complaint 1 for disbarment against Atty. Edmundo L.
Macarubbo (respondent) with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), docketed as CBD
Case No. 00-734-A, alleging that respondent deceived her into marrying him despite his
prior subsisting marriage with a certain Helen Esparza.
Detailing the circumstances surrounding respondent's complained act, complainant
averred that he started courting her in April 1991, he representing himself as a bachelor;
that they eventually contracted marriage which was celebrated on two occasions
administered by Rev. Rogelio J. Bolivar, the first on December 18, 1991 2 in the latter's
Manila office, and the second on December 28, 1991 3 at the Asian Institute of Tourism
Hotel in Quezon City; and that although respondent admitted that he was married to Helen
Esparza on June 16, 1982, he succeeded in convincing complainant, her family and friends
that his previous marriage was void.
Complainant further averred that respondent entered into a third marriage with one
Josephine T. Constantino; and that he abandoned complainant and their children without
providing them any regular support up to the present time, leaving them in precarious living
Complainant submitted documentary evidence consisting of the marriage contract
between respondent and Helen Esparza 4 and that between her and respondent, 5 and
photographs 6 of their (complainant and respondent) nuptials and of captured moments in
their life as a couple and a family.
Copy of the complaint could not be immediately served upon respondent owing to the
difficulty of locating him. 7
Complainant later filed a Manifestation 8 before the IBP, furnishing therein respondent's
address where he supposedly resided with his third wife Jo T. Constantino-Macarubbo.
The IBP Commission on Bar Discipline thereupon thrice 9 required respondent to file his
Answer. He failed to do so, however, hence, on motion of complainant, 10 he was declared
in default. 11 Complainant was thus allowed to present evidence ex parte.
The IBP Investigating Commissioner came out with a Report and Recommendation on
January 22, 2001. 12
By Resolution of May 26, 2001, 13 however, the IBP Board of Governors remanded the
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case to the Investigating Commissioner to "ensure proper notice or another opportunity to
serve notice to the respondent." Subsequently or on September 5, 2001, respondent filed a
Manifestation/Ex Parte Motion to Re-Open Proceedings 14 which was granted. 1 5
By Comment of October 18, 2001, 16 respondent denied employing deception in his
marriage to complainant, insisting instead that complainant was fully aware of his prior
subsisting marriage to Helen Esparza, but that she dragged him against his will to a "sham
wedding" to protect her and her family's reputation since she was then three-months
Respondent submitted in evidence the final and executory October 30, 2000 Decision of
Branch IV of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Tuguegarao City in Civil Case No. 5617,
"Edmundo L. Macarubbo v. Florence J. Teves," 17 declaring his marriage to complainant
void ab initio. He drew attention to the trial court's findings on the basis of his evidence
which was not controverted, that the marriage was indeed "a sham and make believe" one,
"vitiated by fraud, deceit, force and intimidation, and further exacerbated by the existence
of a legal impediment" and want of a valid marriage license. STHAID

Respondent also submitted a certification from the National Statistics Office that
complainant's name does not appear in the National Index of Marriages for Bride; 18
another certification from the National Statistics Office Office of Civil Registrar General
that it has no record of the December 28, 1991 marriage of complainant and respondent;
19 and an attestation from the Office of the Municipal Civil Registrar of Bacoor, Cavite that
Marriage License No. 772176221 which was used in complainant and respondent's
marriage is not on file in its records. 20
Admitting having sired complainant's two children, Juris Alexis and Gabriel Enrico,
respondent denied ever abandoning them.
In his Supplemental Comment, 21 respondent claimed that he left complainant and their
two children with her consent after explaining to her that the pain and shame of living in sin
and ridicule was unbearable.
To refute the charge that he had abandoned complainant and their two children, he
presented copies of fully paid educational plans 22 for the high school and college
education of the children; a Philippine National Bank check dated January 18, 1999 for
P22,556.33 representing his payment of the final amortization of his car which has been in
complainant's possession since 1997; 23 a copy of a petition of complainant in a civil case
filed against respondent with the Quezon City RTC, for judicial authorization to sell certain
properties of respondent, wherein she admitted that respondent issued three postdated
checks in the amount of P2,000.00 each for his children's allowance covering the period
October 1999 to December 1999; 24 and copy of his August 9, 1999 letter to complainant
demanding custody of his children, he having been barred from seeing them, as well as the
return of his personal properties in complainant's possession. 25
To disprove that he is of depraved moral character, respondent submitted certifications
from the Office of the Bar Confidant, 26 Office of the Ombudsman, 27 Department of
Justice, 28 and the Philippine National Police in his hometown in Enrile, Cagayan 2 9 that he
has no cases of any nature pending with them. And he too submitted letters from the
Department of Interior and Local Government 30 and the Metro Manila Development
Authority 31 addressed to him to show that he is a civic-spirited person.
Finally, respondent, in his Supplemental Comment, raised the additional defenses that the
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judicial decree of annulment of his marriage to complainant is res judicata upon the
present administrative case; that complainant is in estoppel for admitting her status as
mere live-in partner to respondent in her letter to Josephine T. Constantino; 32 and that she
resorted to forum-shopping in bringing both this administrative action and the civil case
with the Quezon City RTC.
Stressing that he had always been the victim in his marital relations, respondent invoked
the final and executory August 21, 1998 Decision of Branch 158 of the Pasig City RTC in
JDRC Case No. 4320, "Edmundo L. Macarubbo v. Helen C. Esparza," 33 declaring his first
marriage void on the ground of his wife's psychological incapacity.
After hearing during which both complainant and respondent took the witness stand, the
Investigating Commissioner rendered a Report and Recommendation 34 the dispositive
portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is recommended that respondent Atty.
Edmundo L. Macarubbo be SUSPENDED FOR THREE MONTHS for gross
misconduct reflecting unfavorably on the moral norms of the profession.
Moreover, it must likewise be impressed on respondent that he should comply
with the moral and legal obligations incumbent upon him as a father of the
children as a result of his relationship with complainant. (Emphasis supplied)

The IBP Board of Governors subsequently passed Resolution No. XV-2003-351 35 which
adopted and approved the Report and Recommendation of the Investigating
The final disposition of the present administrative case is now before this Court.
It appears that respondent began his legal career in 1986 as Legal Officer of the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports after which he became Supervising Civil
Service Attorney of the Civil Service Commission. 36 He later became an Ombudsman
Graft Investigation Officer, then a State Prosecutor of the Department of Justice, before
finally bowing out of public service after about 14 years or in July 2000 to engage in
private practice. 37
The rule that a lawyer may be disciplined or suspended for any misconduct, whether in his
professional or private capacity, which shows him to be wanting in moral character, in
honesty, in probity and good demeanor, thus rendering him unworthy to continue as an
officer of the court 38 bears reiterating.
Upon the evidence on record, respondent is indeed guilty of gross misconduct in his
private affairs which warrant disciplinary action by this Court as the guardian of the purity
and integrity of the legal profession.
The incontrovertible facts show that while respondent had a subsisting marriage with
Helen Esparza with whom he had two children, 39 he entered into a second marriage with
While the marriage between complainant and respondent has been annulled by final
judgment, this does not cleanse his conduct of every tinge of impropriety. He and
complainant started living as husband and wife in December 1991 when his first marriage
was still subsisting, as it was only on August 21, 1998 that such first marriage was
annulled, rendering him liable for concubinage. 4 0 Such conduct is inconsistent with the
good moral character that is required for the continued right to practice law as a member
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of the Philippine bar. 41 It imports moral turpitude and is a public assault upon the basic
social institution of marriage. 42
Even assuming arguendo that respondent was coerced by complainant to marry her, the
duress, by his own admission as the following transcript of his testimony reflects, ceased
after their wedding day, respondent having freely cohabited with her and even begot a
second child by her.
xxx xxx xxx

ATTY. PAGUIA [Complainant's Counsel]

Q: Are you claiming that the complainant coerced you again to marry her?
A: Yes, I was. cETDIA

Q: Did she use a gun to coerce you?

A: A lot of people appearing around and a lot of bad mouth from her, threats
to sue me and to even kill me by people around.
Q: So insofar as you are concerned the complainant committed a crime of
coercion against yourself?
A: Yes.
Q: And is it correct for me to say that you did not file any case before the
Prosecutor's Office.
A: I reported that matter to the police.

Q: In what way did M[s]. Florence Teves coerce you?

A: She placed me in a place where she could guard me and she treated (sic)
to sue me, destroy my career. And at the time of the marriage she sent
people to fetch me from my place to be there. And there are a lot of people
with strange faces.

Q: How many days or hours did this coercion last?

A: That's continuing.
Q: From what day to what day?
A: It's started when she said she was pregnant until the date of the alleged
Q: Can you tell the Honorable Commission who got her pregnant at that time?
A: Although there was a carnal knowledge once.

Q: Of course you know that the complainant delivered the child after your
marriage, is it not?

A: Yes, six months after because she was already pregnant three months
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during that time already.
Q: Can you tell the Honorable Commission what is the name of the child was

A: Juris. I recognized the children. There's no problem about that. I gave them
educational plan, I gave them support.

Q: After the first child you continued living with the complainant, is it not?
A: Intermittently I get out and then she would call pagka't may sakit yong
bata so I have to go back.
Q: Of course it was your responsibility as father to the child to see the
condition of the child?

A: Yes, that's why whenever she comes and tells me that the child is sick I go

Q: After your wedding with the complainant can you tell the Honorable
Commission where you resided?
Q: When you say where you resided, both of them?

Yes, Your Honor.

A: In the residence of Florence.
Q: How long did you live with the complainant after your wedding?
A: Intermittently again few months then I get out then when the child is sick I
have to visit.
Q: When you say intermittently you don't stay there?
A: Not permanently.
Q: How often did you come home to the residence of the complainant?

A: Whenever she calls that the child is sick.

Q: So you live (sic) with her up to what year?

A: Intermittently 1995.
Q: You mentioned that you have two children with the complainant?
A: Yes. AICTcE

Q: Can you remember when your second child with the complainant was
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A: I cannot remember.

Q: Do you know how old the second child with the complainant is?
A: I guess six or seven.
Q: What is his name?

A: Mico.
Q: Who provided the support for these children from the time they were born
up to the present?

A: When I was there I gave for their subsistence.

Q: Will you please tell the Commission how much was that?
A: I buy groceries for them and I gave also for their leisure and for their
Q: When you gave this support during the intermittently that you had with
A: Intermittently also.
Q: Roughly, Compaero, can you tell the Honorable Commission from that
time they were born to this time how much you were giving them?
A: I cannot compute.
Q: What about on a monthly basis, do you recall?

A: I cannot compute although when I left with her consent in 1997 I left
valuables in the amount of P400,000.00.

Q: When you say with her consent, did you tell her that you are leaving?
A: Yes, Your Honor, she agreed because I said I can no longer bear living with
xxx xxx xxx 43 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)

The saying that photographs do not lie could not be any truer in those submitted in
evidence by complainant which show a typical happy family with respondent essaying out
his role as a husband to complainant and a father to their two kids. Respondent cannot
thus take refuge in the earlier mentioned finding in the decision of Tuguegarao City trial
court in the annulment case he filed against complainant. The decision, rendered in default
of complainant, cannot serve as res judicata on the final resolution of the present case. As
this Court held in In re Almacen, 44 a disbarment case is sui generis for it is neither purely
civil nor purely criminal but is rather an investigation by the Court into the conduct of its
officers. Thus, if the acquittal of a lawyer in a criminal action is not determinative of an
administrative case against him, 45 or if an affidavit of withdrawal of a disbarment case
does not affect its course, 46 then the judgment of annulment of respondent's marriage
does not also exonerate him from a wrongdoing actually committed. So long as the
quantum of proof clear preponderance of evidence in disciplinary proceedings against
members of the bar is met, then liability attaches. 47
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The disturbing fact that respondent was able to secure the annulment of his first two
marriages and is in the process of procuring the annulment of his third bears noting.
Contrary to the finding of the Investigating Commissioner, respondent, by his own
admission, contracted a third marriage:
xxx xxx xxx
Q: After getting married to the complainant is it a fact that you entered into a
third marriage to one Josephine Constantino?
A: I think that is . . .

Q: I will reform, Your Honor. Do you know a person by the name of Josephine
A: Yes.

Q: What relation if any do you have with her?

A: I am separated to her since 2000.
Q: Were you married to Josephine Constantino?

A: Yes, but it's in the process of annulment.

xxx xxx xxx 48 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)

In both his marriages to his first wife and to complainant, respondent claimed that he was
made to enter into the marital union against his will. That claim is an affront to the
intelligence of the members of this Court to distinguish fact from fiction, reality from
fantasy. It is not easy to believe that a lawyer like respondent could easily be cowered to
enter into any marriage. One incident of a "shotgun marriage" is believable, but two such in
succession would tax one's credulity. And then, there is the third marriage to Josephine T.
Constantino which is again the subject of another annulment case. It would not come as a
surprise if in that pending case, he would again put the blame on his third wife in order to
send the marriage to oblivion.
Respondent here has exhibited the vice of entering into multiple marriages and then
leaving them behind by the mere expedient of resorting to legal remedies to sever them.
The impact of respondent's conduct is incalculable upon his ex-wives as well as the
children he had by them, their lives having been dislocated beyond recall.
Respondent's assertion that he has not failed to support his children by complainant is not
totally supported by the evidence on record. He may have secured educational plans for
them and doled out some sums of money in the past, but it appears that he has failed to
provide them regular, monthly support. In fact, he admitted that even before he left
complainant's residence in 1995, he was only giving intermittent support to his children
with her. 49
Such pattern of misconduct by respondent undermines the institutions of marriage and
family, institutions that this society looks to for the rearing of our children, for the
development of values essential to the survival and well-being of our communities, and for
the strengthening of our nation as a whole. This must be checked if not stopped.
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As officers of the court, lawyers must not only in fact be of good moral character but must
also be perceived to be of good moral character and must lead a life in accordance with
the highest moral standards of the community. 50 The moral delinquency that affects the
fitness of a member of the bar to continue as such, including that which makes a mockery
of the inviolable social institution of marriage, 51 outrages the generally accepted moral
standards of the community. ICTHDE

In sum, respondent has breached the following precepts of the Code of Professional
Rule 1.01 A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
CANON 7 A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal
profession, and support the activities of the Integrated Bar.
Rule 7.03 A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflects on his
fitness to practice law, nor shall he, whether in public or private life, behave in a
scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal profession.

There can then be no other fate that awaits respondent, as a consequence of his grossly
immoral conduct, than to be disbarred or suspended from the practice of law. 52 The
penalty of 3 months suspension recommended by the IBP is, however, not commensurate
to the gravity of his conduct.
WHEREFORE, respondent Edmundo L. Macarubbo is found guilty of gross immorality and
is hereby DISBARRED from the practice of law. He is likewise ORDERED to show
satisfactory evidence to the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline and to this Court that he is
supporting or has made provisions for the regular support of his two children by
complainant. 5 3
Let respondent's name be stricken off the Roll of Attorneys.
Davide, Jr., C.J., Vitug, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago, Sandoval-Gutierrez,
Carpio, Austria-Martinez, Corona, Carpio Morales, Callejo, Sr., Azcuna and Tinga, JJ., concur.
Puno, J., is on leave.

1. Exhibit "B," Rollo, Vol. 1 at 34-38.

2. Exhibit "D," Rollo, Vol. 1 at 40.

3. Exhibit "E," id. at 41.

4. Exhibit "C," id. at 39.
5. Exhibits "D" and "E," id. at 40-41.

6. Id. at 42-55.
7. Vide complainant's letter to the IBP's Commission on Bar Discipline describing the
circumstances behind the inability to serve the administrative complaint upon
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respondent at Rollo, Vol. 1 at 10-11.
8. Id. at 18-19.
9. Id. at 13-14 and 17.
10. Id. at 26.
11. Id. at 28.
12. Investigating Commissioner's Report and Recommendation, Rollo, Vol. 3 at 3.
13. Rollo, Vol. 1 at 56.
14. Id. at 58-60.
15. Vide October 12, 2001 Order by the Investigating Commissioner, Rollo, Vol. 1, at 89.
16. Rollo, Vol. 1 at 90.
17. Rollo, Vol. 2 at 34-37.
18. Exhibit "16," Rollo, Vol. 2 at p. 38.

19. Exhibit "17," id. at 39.

20. Exhibit "18," id. at 40.
21. Rollo, Vol. 1 at 108-112.
22. Exhibits "9," "9-c," "9-f," "9-i," Rollo, Vol. 2 at 16, 19, 22 and 25.
23. Exhibit "10," id. at 28.

24. Exhibit "11," id. at 29.

25. Exhibit "12," id. at 30-31.
26. Exhibit "1," Rollo, Vol. 2, at 7.
27. Exhibit "3," id. at 9.
28. Exhibit "4," id. at 10.

29. Exhibit "6," id. at 12.

30. Exhibit "7," id. at 13-14.
31. Exhibit "8," id. at 15.
32. Exhibit "13," id. at 32.

33. Exhibit "19," id. at 42-46.

34. Investigating Commissioner's Report and Recommendation, Rollo, Vol. 3 at 9.
35. Notice of Resolution, Rollo, Vol. 3.
36. Exhibit "5," Rollo, Vol. 2 at 11.
37. Rollo, Vol. 1 at 119.
38. Ducat, Jr. v. Villalon, Jr., 337 SCRA 622 [2000].
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39. TSN, February 15, 2002 at 18.
40. Vide Revised Penal Code, Article 334 where concubinage is committed also by a
husband who cohabits with a woman who is not his wife in any other place.
41. Laguitan v. Tinio, 179 SCRA 837 [1989].
42. Supra.
43. TSN, February 15, 2002 at 32-43.

44. 31 Phil. 562 [1970].

45. Calub v. Suller, 323 SCRA 556 [2000].
46. Rayos-Ombac v. Rayos, 285 SCRA 93 [1998].
47. Pimentel, Jr. v. Llorente, 339 SCRA 154 [2000].
48. TSN, February 15, 2002 at 45-46.

49. TSN, February 15, 2002 at 42.

50. Brientos v. Daarol, 218 SCRA 30 [1993].
51. Cordova v. Cordova, 179 SCRA 680, 683 [1989].
52. RULES OF COURT, Rule 138, Section 27.
53. Vide Laguitan v. Tinio, supra.

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