Unit 1 - Number Concepts Part 1

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Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1

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Unit Goal How Long?

Building Math Workshop: Routines and Procedures 1 week ( 5 days)

Counting, Skip Counting, Patterns 3 days

Ordinal Numbers 2 days

Place Value 5 days

Compare and Order Numbers 3 days

Even and Odd 2 days

Rounding 5 days

Extra Resources Description (optional)

Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
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Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Week 1
Unit Goal(s) Unit 0: Build Math Workshop Routines and Procedures

Learning target




Lesson Resources

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Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
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Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Week 2:
Counting, SC,
Number Sense

Learning target I can use patterns to I can use patterns to I can identify the rule I can identify ordinal I can identify ordinal
help me skip count. help me skip count. and use it to continue position. position.
the pattern.

What? Mathematicians skip Mathematicians Mathematicians notice Mathematicians order Mathematicians order
count, skip counting recognize number and use rules to things... things...
is based on number patterns in a set of create and continue
patterns. numbers. patterns.

Why? Our number system is Skip counting is one Identifying and Helps us to organize Helps us to organize
based on patterns. way we identify continuing patterns and sequence things and sequence things
Skip counting is one patterns within our helps us understand around us... around us...
way we identify number system. how our number
patterns within our Noticing these system works.
number system. patterns is important Use real life examples
Use real life to understanding our and applications.
examples and number system.
applications. Patterns follow rules.
Use real life examples
and applications.

How? One tool Mathematicians Mathematicians - Use kids in the - Use kids in the
mathematicians use discover the rules create or continue classroom classroom
is the hundreds chart. within patterns by patterns using - Use the - Use the
(notice number using tools such as numbers and calendar calendar
patterns) hundreds charts, manipulatives. - Use the class - Use the class
manipulatives, and schedule schedule
Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
Pacing Guide Link
number lines/tracks. *Continue to revisit *Continue to revisit
throughout the year. throughout the year.

Reflection Use real life

examples and
applications to
demonstrate the
purpose of these

Passing out cards,

game pieces,
estimation jar.

Lesson Resources

Check for Check-in: Skip Ordinal numbers

Understanding counting by 2s, 5s, assessment/quick
and 10s, from various check-in.
starting points - up to
Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
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Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

Week 3
Unit Goal(s): Place
value within a 2 digit

Learning target I can represent I can identify the value I can identify the value I can represent a Performance Task
numbers using of a digit within a 2 of a digit within a 2 number in a variety of
pictures and tools. digit number. digit number. ways.

What? Mathematicians Mathematicians know Mathematicians know Mathematicians

create that every digit in a that every digit in a represent numbers in
representations. number has a value. number has a value. a variety of ways.

Why? To explain their The value of the digit The value of the digit In the world,
thinking and to show tells you how much tells you how much mathematicians see
proof of the number the digit is worth. It the digit is worth. It numbers in different
value. helps you work with helps you work with ways and need to be
numbers later on numbers later on able to understand
(add, subtract..). (add, subtract..). them.

How? - Pictorial - Decompose - Decompose - Different ways

representation numbers (ex: numbers (ex: to show the
- Groupings with 37 and 73) 37 and 73) same number
manipulatives - Expanded - Expanded (ex: 73).
- Building set of form form
10 with unifix - Use rods and - Use rods and
cubes and cubes cubes
other - Place value - Place value
manipulatives chart chart
- Pictorial - Pictorial
representation representation

Lesson Resources

Check for Exit ticket check-in:

Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
Pacing Guide Link
Understanding students will represent
numbers in a variety
of ways.
Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
Pacing Guide Link

Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20

Week 4
Unit Goal(s) Compare and Order Numbers (3 days) Even and Odd (2 days)

Learning target I can compare I can compare I can put numbers in I can identify whether I can identify whether
numbers. numbers using order from least to a number is even or a number is even or
greater and less than greatest and greatest odd. odd.
symbols. to least.

What? Mathematicians use Mathematicians use Mathematicians order Mathematicians Mathematicians

symbols to compare symbols to compare numbers to compare determine whether determine whether
numbers. numbers. numbers based on numbers are even or numbers are even or
value. odd. odd.

Why? Using symbols helps Using symbols helps Organizing numbers Determining whether Determining whether
show understanding show understanding by value helps us to a number is even or a number is even or
of numerical values. of numerical values. compare them. odd helps us see odd helps us see
patterns in numbers. patterns in numbers.

How? We use symbols, Pacman Number lines; open Mittens Journal task: (picture)
greater and less than number lines (manipulatives) explaining thinking
to show which number Three Card Flip (Does everyone have
is greater or less. Physical Number Line The Missing Mitten a partner?)
*Begin with Number (string across room)
Using knowledge of Talk: Write a number Acting out
place value (digits) on a post-it that Using knowledge of
(Pacman) makes the sentence place value (digits) 100 chart
true: 84 > ____
*Quick exit ticket Hundreds chart with

numbers identified

Estimation Jar
(estimation 180
Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
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Number Sense Number talk: agree or - Ordering

Routines disagree with shown estimates from
statement estimation
Number talk 28 >

Lesson Resources Sentence frames

Check for Check in Cat Journal Task

Understanding Pumpkin Assessment
Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
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Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25

Week 5
Unit Goal(s) Rounding (5 days)

Learning target I can identify the I can use bookends to I can use bookends to I can identify two
bookends for a two round two-digit round two-digit numbers that round to
digit number. numbers to the numbers to the the same ten.
nearest 10. nearest 10.

What? Bookends are the Round Two-Digit Round Two-Digit Multiple numbers
tens that a number is Numbers to the Numbers to the round to the same
in between. nearest 10. nearest 10. ten.

Why? Mathematicians do Mathematicians round Mathematicians round Mathematicians can

this so that they can numbers to help them numbers to help them identify two numbers
determine the section conceptualize a conceptualize a that round to the
of a number line that a number in relation to number in relation to same ten. They notice
number falls between. other numbers. other numbers. patterns and
relationships between
numbers on a number

How? Bookends smartboard Bookends smartboard

and activities. and activities.

Open Number lines Open Number lines

Practice skip counting Practice skip counting

by 10 by 10

Games: Sentence Frames:

Cover the Stars I know my number
Rounding Race rounds to___
Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
Pacing Guide Link
Number Sense Number talk about
numbers that end in
5s.. Round up*

Check for Rounding journal task Rounding journal task

Unit 1: Number Concepts Part 1
Pacing Guide Link

Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30

Week 6
Unit Goal(s)

Learning target




Lesson Resources

Check for

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