Edibon Brochure
Edibon Brochure
Edibon Brochure
(FME04) (FME18)
3 CAI. Computer Aided Instruction Software System
(FME05) Teaching
(FME16) used
FME../SOF. (FME14)
(FME11) Software
4 FME/CAL. Computer Aided Learning Software
(Results Calculation and Analysis)
(FME20) Teaching
(FME10)) (FME27
PC (FME22)
(FME30) (FME31)
Data Acquisition Electronic Box
The complete laboratory includes parts 1 to 5 and any part can be supplied individually or additionally.
(Base Service Unit + Module/s is the minimum supply) Products range
Available Modules 8.-Fluid Mechanics &
hGeneral concepts -FME22. Venturi, Bernoulli and Cavitation Unit. hPipes Aerodynamics
-FME01. Impact of a Jet. -FME06. Osborne-Reynolds Demonstration. -FME05. Energy Losses in Bends.
-FME02. Flow over Weirs. -FME31. H o r i z o n t a l O s b o r n e - R e y n o l d s -FME07. Energy Losses in Pipes.
-FME04. Orifice Discharge. Demonstration. -FME23. Basic Pipe Network Unit.
-FME14. Free and Forced Vortex. -FME24. Unit for the study of Porous Beds in -AFT/P. Fluid Friction in Pipes Unit.
-FME08. Hydrostatic Pressure. Venturi Tubes (Darcys Equation).
-FME10. Dead Weight Calibrator. -FME33. Pascals Module. hHydraulic Machines
-FME11. Metacentric Height. hDemonstration -FME12. Series/Parallel Pumps.
-FME26. Depression Measurement System -FME09. Flow Visualization in Channels. -FME13. Centrifugal Pumps Characteristics.
(vacuum gauge). -FME20. Laminar Flow Demonstration. -FME27. Axial Flow Turbine.
-FME32. Pitot Static Tube Module. -FME30. Vortex Flow Meter. -FME16. Pelton Turbine.
-FME34. Fluid Statics and Manometry. -FME15. Water Hammer. -FME28. Francis Turbine.
-FME35. Fluid Properties. -FME19. Cavitation Phenomenon Demonstration. -FME29. Kaplan Turbine.
-FME36. Rotameter. NEW -FME18. Flow Meter Demonstration. -FME21. Radial Flow Turbine.
hLaws -FME25. Flow Channel, 1m. length.
-FME03. Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration. -FME17. Orifice and Free Jet Flow.
ISO 9000: Quality Management European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14000 and Worlddidac Quality Charter
(for Design, Manufacturing, (total safety) ECO-Management and Audit Scheme Certificate and
Commercialization and After-sales service) Page 1 (environmental management) Worlddidac Member
Hydraulics is the branch of science that deals with the mechanical properties of fluids, and Fluid Mechanics provides the foundation for
With LIFLUBA (Basic Fluids Mechanics Integrated Laboratory), EDIBON tries to give answer to the academic demand for teaching and learning
the basics of Fluids Mechanics, in an easy and practical way. With the LIFLUBA modules series, students accomplish experiments that clearly show
them the laws of Hydraulics, and they acquire a valuable experience in the use of hydraulics instrumentation and tools, in a natural, pleasant and
uncomplicated way.
EDIBON presents a flexible and modular-based system for learning Basic Fluid Mechanics.
Any desired configuration can be chosen (see next page), according to the working mode, areas of study and numbers of working posts.
Being a modular and open system, it is very economical and may be enlarged depending on required needs; all previously acquired systems are
fully compatible and valid.
2 Modules:
Each module is a set of components that allows the realization of several experiments on Hydraulics.
EDIBON offers 36 different Modules covering the most important topics in the learning of Fluid Mechanics.
Each Module has its own manuals (8 manuals are normally supplied), that gives the theoretical background and explains everything the
student needs to carry out the exercises/experiments.
Connectors, pipes and cables for completing the exercises and practices are supplied.
3.1) INSTRUCTOR SOFTWARE: INS/SOF. Classroom Management Software Package (Instructor Software).
Only one package per classroom is needed.
It helps creating databases, reports and statistical comparisons among many more features.
3.2) STUDENT SOFTWARE: FME/SOF. Computer Aided Instruction Software Packages (Student/Module Software).
Each FME type module has its own software.
It gives to the students the proper assistance for theoretical knowledge as well as in practice, presenting
exercises and questions.
Page 2 www.edibon.com
Working possibilities
Student/Module Data Acquisition Software
Base Service Unit:
FME00. Hydraulics Bench CAI. BDAS.
or Module/s Computer Aided Computer Aided Learning Software Basic Data Acquisition
FME00/B. Basic Hydraulic Feed System Instruction Software System (Results Calculation and Analysis) System and Sensors
B) CAI + FME/CAL working possibility
+ +
Base Service Unit:
FME00. Hydraulics Bench
or Module/s Computer Aided Learning Software
FME00/B. Basic Hydraulic Feed System (Results Calculation and Analysis)
E) CAI working possibility
Base Service Unit:
FME00. Hydraulics Bench
or Module/s
FME00/B. Basic Hydraulic Feed System
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Item # 1
1 Base Service Units
FME00. Hydraulics Bench
Unit for the study of fluid behaviour, hydraulic theory and the properties
of fluid mechanics.
It is formed by a movable hydraulics bench used to hold a wide variety of
modules, which allow the student to experiment with the problems
presented by fluid mechanics.
Autonomous unit (tank and pump included).
Innovative water saving system consisting of a high capacity sump tank
and spillway that sends the excess of water back to the tank.
Easy access drain valve.
The volumetric measuring tank is stepped to accommodate for low or
high flow rates. A measuring cylinder (1 l.-capacity) is included in the
supply for the measurement of very small flow rates. Mobile hydraulic bench, made of fibreglass reinforced
polyester, and mounted on wheels for its mobility.
Level tube with scale that shows the water level in the upper tank.
Centrifugal pump, 0.37 KW, 30 - 80 l./min at 20.1-
Flow adjusted by means of a membrane valve. 12.8 m., single phase 220V/50Hz or 110V/60Hz.
Flow stilling baffle for reducing the turbulence rate. Runner made of stainless steel.
Sump tank capacity: 165 l.
Specially designed channel, in the upper part, to support the modules on Small channel: 8 l.
test. Flow measurement: volumetric tank, gauged from 0 to
The modules are easily mounted on its top without the use of tools. This 7 l. for low flow values and from 0 to 40 l. for high flow
ensures its simplicity. values.
Control valve for regulating the flow.
Manufactured with corrosion resistant materials, ensuring a long and Open channel to place the test module.
useful life of the unit. Measuring cylinder is provided for the measurement of
Centrifugal pump. small flow rates.
Remote hand-operating dump valve in the base of the
Pump breaker starting, safety and contact light. volumetric tank.
Each module is supplied as a complete piece of equipment with easy and Rapid and easy interchange of the different modules.
quick coupling to the bench, maximizing the available students time to DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT
perform the demonstrations or the experimental measurements.
Dimensions: 1130 x 730 x 1000 mm. approx.
To be used with the different units of Fluid Mechanics Area: FME type Weight: 70 Kg. approx.
modules, Fluid Friction in Pipes Equipment "AFT", etc., to increase the
Electrical supply: single-phase 220V/50 Hz or 110V/60 Hz.
1.-Flow measurement.
FME00-CR. Chronometer. (on request)
FME35. Fluid Properties FME36. Rotameter W
This module has been designed to allows the study of the The FME36 module is a variable area flowmeter with
fundamental properties of fluids and their behaviour in practical float. This type of flowmeter can be used for flow rate
We can study capillarity, density and relative density (specific
measurements in almost all media.
gravity), buoyancy (Archimedes principle), viscosity, atmospheric The operation mode of this flowmeter is based on the fact
pressure, etc. that if a medium is flowing upwards at a sufficient rate of
PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES flow through a vertically mounted tube, the float is raised
1.- To study the effect of capillary elevation between flat plates.
2.- To study and measure the effect of capillary elevation inside
to the point at which a state of equilibrium sets between
capillary tubes. the lifting force of the medium and the weight of the float.
3.- To study and verify the Archimedes principle using a bucket and Since the mean rate of flow is proportional to the quantity
cylinder with a lever balance. flowing through per unit of time, this state of equilibrium
4.- To measure the fluid density and relative density of a liquid corresponds to the measurement of the instantaneous
using a hydrometer and using a density bottle.
flow rate.
5.- To measure the atmospheric pressure using a barometer.
6.- To measure the fluid viscosity using a falling sphere viscometer. An additional advantage of this type of flowmeter is that it
7.- To measure the fluid temperature using an alcohol does not require minimum straight sections of pipe,
thermometer. therefore it can also be installed directly before or after
8.- Measuring of liquid levels. elbows and valves since the pressure loss is low.
Anodized aluminum structure and panels of painted steel.
3 Hydrometers of resolution 0.002SG: PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES
Hydrometer 0.8SG - 1SG
Hydrometer 1SG 1.2SG 1.- Flow measurement.
Hydrometer 1.2SG 1.4SG
Two hydrometer jars of 450 x 50 mm.
Aneroid barometer, range: 973 1047 mbar. SPECIFICATIONS
Thermometer with a range between -10 and 50C. Anodized aluminum structure and panel of painted
Pycnometer of 50 ml. steel.
Parallel plates capillary module.
Capillary tubes module with tubes of different size: 5 mm, 4 Variable area rotameter with float.
mm, 3 mm, 2.2 mm, 1.7 mm and 1.2 mm. Measurement range: 600-6000 l./h.
Two falling sphere viscometer tubes of 300 x 40 mm, with
marks at 0, 25, 175, 200 and 220. Material: transparent PVC.
Set of stainless steel balls of different sizes: 3.175 mm, 2.381 Accuracy class: 4.
mm and 1.588 mm.
Variable scale lever balance to be used with the Archimedes Quick-plug for an easy connection.
module, up to 310 gr.
Archimedes module: displacement vessel, bucket and DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT
Graduated cylinder made of glass (250 ml.) Dimensions: 400 x 300 x 900 mm. approx.
2 Beakers made of glass (600 ml.)
Digital chronometer.
Weight: 10 Kg. approx.
Dimensions: 850 x 500 x 800 mm. approx.
Weight: 20 Kg. approx. REQUIRED SERVICES
REQUIRED SERVICES It can work either on its own or with the Hydraulics Bench
It can work in autonomous way. (FME00).
Page 10 www.edibon.com
Item # 4 2 Modules
FME03. Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration FME22. Venturi, Bernoulli and Cavitation Unit
Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration module is mainly This module is designed for demonstrating some practical
composed of a circular section conduit with shape of a possibilities with the Venturis tube. This Venturi is made of
truncated cone, transparent and with seven pressure taps transparent methacrylate for a better visualization.
to measure, simultaneously, the static pressure of each
section. It consist of a circular transverse section Venturi tube with
All the pressure taps are connected to a manometer with a 6 taps (Divergent/Convergent). Being transparent, it gives
water collector (water might be pressurized). a better visualization of the cavitation phenomenon.
The ends of the conduits are removable, enabling to be It includes a manometer and a vacuum gauge, as well as
placed in either convergent or divergent form with respect
to the stream direction. 5 manometric tubes.
There is also a probe (Pitots tube) moving along the
conduit for measuring the height in every section PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES
(dynamic pressure). 1.- How to fill the manometric tubes.
The flow rate and the pressure in the module can be
modified by adjusting the control valve located at the end 2.- Flow calculation.
of the module. 3.- Determination of the exact section in Venturis tube.
A flexible hose attached to the outlet pipe is directed to the Bernoullis theorem study.
volumetric measuring tank.
For the operation, the module is placed on the Hydraulics 4.- Cavitation study.
Bench (FME00). 5.- Pressure reduction in a tank.
It has adjustable legs for levelling. 6.- Aspiration pump.
The inlet pipe ends in a female coupling which may be 7.- Aspiration pump for mixing two liquids.
directly connected to the bench supply.
8.- Using for air and water mixing.
1.- Determination of the exact section in Venturis tube. SPECIFICATIONS
2.- Demonstration of Bernoullis Theorem. Divergent-
convergent position. Manometer (Bourdon type), range: 0-2.5 bar.
3.- Determination of Bernoullis Theorem equation. Manometer (Bourdon type), range: 0-(-1) bar.
Convergent-divergent position. 2 Tanks, height: 135 mm and internal diameter: 64
4.- Observation of differences between convergent and mm.
divergent position.
Venturi tube with 6 tappings (Divergent/Convergent).
SPECIFICATIONS Differential manometers: 0-500 mm.
Manometer range: 0 to 300 mm of water. 5 Manometric tubes.
Number of manometer tubes: 8.
Upstream diameter of the throat: 25 mm. Easy and quick coupling system built-in.
Narrowing: Anodized aluminum structure and panels of painted
Downstream: 21. steel.
Upstream: 10.
Easy and quick coupling system built-in. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT
Anodized aluminum structure and panel of painted
steel. Dimensions: 750 x 400 x 850 mm. approx.
DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Weight: 10 Kg. approx.
Dimensions: 800 x 450 x 700 mm. approx. REQUIRED SERVICES
Weight: 15 Kg. approx.
Hydraulics Bench (FME00) or Basic Hydraulic Feed
System (FME00/B).
Hydraulics Bench (FME00) or Basic Hydraulic Feed
System (FME00/B). Chronometer.
Chronometer. Vegetable Colouring (Fluorescein C20H12O5).
Page 11 www.edibon.com
Item # 3 2 Modules Item # 2
FME24. Unit for the study of Porous Beds in FME33. Pascals Module
Venturi Tubes (Darcys Equation)
The module is formed by a circular section conduit with a The FME33 module allows to demonstrate Pascal's principle,
truncated cone shape, transparent, and with pressure taps that is to say, that pressure in an incompressible fluid has no
that allow measuring simultaneously the values of static relation with the size of the column section, it only depends on its
pressure corresponding to any point of different sections. head (level of the liquid) and on the nature of the liquid. For that
It also has three another conduits, full of sand of different purpose, the unit consists of three vessels with the same diameter
diameters of grain. on their base but different shape, so that they can be compared.
The conduit ends can be extracted, so they can be placed in a It also allows to determine the hydrostatic pressure quantitatively
convergent or in a divergent way in regard to the flow and to study the linear relation between pressure and filling
direction. height.
There is a probe (Pitots tube) that moves along the section in
order to measure the height of each section (dynamic This module is made up of a body with a diaphragm or
pressure). membrane to which any of the three vessels can be attached.
The flow velocity in the module can be modified by adjusting The membrane transfers the force to a lever arm that is balanced
the control valve and by using the Hydraulics Bench (FME00) with masses and a spirit level.
or Basic Hydraulic Feed System (FME00/B). A movable pointer adjustable in height located in a vertical rod
allows to fix the height of the water in the vessels to the same
PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES level, so that the force or pressure is common for the three
1.- Demonstration of Bernoullis theorem and its limitations vessels regardless their shape.
in divergent - convergent position.
2.- Demonstration of Bernoullis theorem and its limitations PRACTICAL POSSIBILITIES
in convergent-divergent position. 1.- Demonstration of Pascal's principle by comparing three
3.- Direct measurement of the static height and of the total vessels of different shape.
distribution of heights in Venturis tubes. 2.- Determining the hydrostatic pressure.
4.- Determination of the exact section in a Venturis tube. 3.- Determining the linear relation between pressure and filling
5.- Head losses in the porous bed (elements FME24/A, head of the vessel.
FME24/B and FME24/C).
Manometer range: 0-300 mm. of water. Anodized aluminum profile frame and painted steel panel
Number of manometric tubes: 8. that guarantees good stability and resistance to the
Strangulation diameter upstream: 25 mm. environment.
Narrowing: Three vessels of 230 mm high:
upstream: 10. Straight shaped vessel with internal diameter of 26
downstream: 21. mm.
Venturis tube with Pitot tube. Conical vessel with internal diameter from 26 mm. to
Venturis tube with porous bed of a grain diameter of 80 mm.
1.0 to 1.5 mm (FME24/A). Inverted conical vessel with internal diameter from 26
Venturis tube with porous bed of a grain diameter of mm. to 10 mm.
2.5 to 3.5 mm (FME24/B). Support for the vessel and membrane.
Venturis tube with porous bed of a grain diameter of Lever arm and spirit level to measure the weight at the
5.5 to 7.0 mm (FME24/C). base of the vessel.
Easy and quick coupling system built-in. Fastening nut for levelling.
Anodized aluminum structure and panels of painted
steel. Masses set.
Vertical rod with portable indicator to fix the fluid level in
Dimensions: 800 x 450 x 700 mm. approx. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT
Weight: 15 Kg. approx.
Dimensions: 550 x 350 x 500 mm. approx.
REQUIRED SERVICES Weight: 7 Kg. approx.
Hydraulics Bench (FME00) or Basic Hydraulic Feed System
Chronometer. It can work in autonomous way.
Page 13 www.edibon.com
Item # 6
Modules included
FME08. Hydrostatic
Products range
8.-Fluid Mechanics
& Aerodynamics
This unit enables the study of the main properties and the behaviour of liquids under hydrostatic conditions, with the aid of some accessories to
make the different experiments.
This equipment is supplied as a compact unit, movable and independent.
It consist of a metallic structure assembled on wheels with a panel at the top. In the lower part of the bench there is a tank where water is stored.
Water is then sent to a methacrylate tank placed at the upper part of the bench and to other plastic deposit, two hand-operated pumps are used for
such distribution. The methacrylate tank is connected to two communicating tubes on the front panel, enabling to perform some practices; the other
deposit placed on the horizontal surface of the bench is necessary for performing the rest of the practices. All water in excess is sent back to the
storage tank by the drain.
The rest of the equipment consists of different elements and independent accessories (see specifications section).
ISO:9001-2000 Certificate European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14001: 2004 and Worlddidac Quality Charter
of Approval. Reg. No. E204034 ECO-Management and Audit Scheme Certificate
(environmental management) Worlddidac Member
Page 1
Page 2 www.edibon.com
Mobile mass
Vertical mast
Page 3 www.edibon.com
Self-contained and mobile unit for demonstration of the properties of fluids and hydrostatics.
Structure in anodized aluminium, assembled on wheels with a panel (painted steel) at the top (front panel).
Process diagram in the front panel.
Tank where water is stored, in the lower part of the bench.
Methacrylate tank at the upper part of the bench.
Plastic deposit.
Ubbelhode capillary viscosimeter, 0.6-3 cp.
Ubbelhode capillary viscosimeter, 2-10 cp.
Ubbelhode capillary viscosimeter, 10-50 cp.
Ubbelhode capillary viscosimeter, 60-300 cp.
3 graduated cylinders.
Set of glass elements. Elements set for demonstration of free surface in static conditions (3 elements).
Bourdon manometers calibration Manometer range: 0-2.5 bar.
Manometers (range: 0-500mm).
Module to determine the Metacentric Height (FME11):
This module consists of a floating methacrylate prismatic base, with a vertical mast placed on it. An adjustable mobile mass has been added
to alter the position of the center of gravity. An adjustable traverse mass lets modifying the inclination of the floating base. A plumb line,
attached to the upper part of the mast is used to measure the inclination angle of the floating base with help of a graduated scale.
Maximum angle: +/-13.
Corresponding lineal dimension: +/- 90mm.
Dimension of the float: length=353mm, width=204mm, total height=475mm.
Module for studying the Hydrostatic Pressure (FME08):
The module consists of a quadrant assembled to the arm of a scale that swings around an axis. When the quadrant is immersed in the water
tank, the force that acts on the flat rectangular front surface, exerts a momentum with respect to the supporting axis. The swinging arm is fitted
with a tray and an adjustable counter balance. The tank has adjustable supporting legs for a right levelling. It has a drainage valve. The level
reached by the water inside the tank is indicated by a graduated scale.
Tank capacity: 5.5 l.
Distance between suspended masses and the support point: 285 mm.
Area of the section: 0.007 m.
Total depth of submerged quadrant: 160 mm.
Height of support point on the quadrant: 100 mm.
Set of masses of different weights.
Dead Weight Calibrator Module (FME10):
This module consists of a hollow cylinder in whose interior a precision piston fits and slips. Using a system of calibrated weights, we produce
predetermined pressures inside the cylinder. The Bourdon manometer that must be contrasted is connected to the cylinder by means of a
flexible pipe.
Pressure manometer: Bourdon type. 0 - 2.5 bar.
Set of masses of different weights.
Piston diameter: 18 mm. Piston weight: 0.5 kg.
Module levelling through adjustable feet.
Fluid level meter (hook and point gauge) and flow over weirs (FME02):
A level meter consisting on a nonius adjusted to a mast, where the heights are pointed out on a caliber coupled to it. A small hook or point is
attached to the bottom of the mast to carry out the measures. Two drains (a rectangular neckline and a V-shape).
Scale of the level meter: 0 to 160 mm.
Dimensions of the weirs: 160x230x40mm.
Neckline angle in the V-shape weir: 90.
Dimension of rectangular notch: 30x82mm.
Module for studying Archimedes principle (lever balance with displacement vessel, bucket and cylinder).
Set of weights (5, 10, 50, 100, 400, 1000, 2000, 5000 gr.).
Air pump.
2 water pumps.
Universal hydrometer (0-70 Baum , 0.700 - 2.000 Sp/gr).
Weather Station:
Barometer up to 1040 hPa.
Thermometer (-40 to 60C).
Hygrometer (0 to 100%).
Stop clock.
Two 600ml beakers.
Spare parts for the viscosimeter elements.
The following manuals are supplied with this unit: Required services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance,
and Practices manuals.
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Some practical possibilities of the Unit:
1.- Density and specific gravity measurements. 17.-Determination of the metacentric height.
2.- Viscosity measurement. 18.-Study of stability of a floating body. Angular displacements.
3.- Capillarity effect observation. 19.- Study of stability of a floating body. Different positions of the center
4.- Capillarity raising measurement. of gravity.
5.- Free surface of a static liquid. 20.- Operation and comparison of results obtained with different
6.- Effect of a liquid on a free surface. measuring instruments.
7.- Measurement of liquid levels. Other possible practices:
8.- Pressure center in a smooth surface. 21.- Table of the atmospheric pressure in function of the height.
9.- Center of pressures for partial immersion. 22.- Use instructions of the scale of Archimedes.
10.-Center of pressures for total immersion.
11.-Calibration of a Bourdon manometer.
12.-Hysteresis curve determination.
13.-Use of a water manometer.
14.-Use of an air manometer.
15.-Use of a U-shaped manometer for determining the differential
16.-Archimedes principle.
!LIFLUBA. Basic Fluid Mechanics Integrated Laboratory: !HVB. Falling Sphere Viscosimeter and Drag Coefficient.
-FME00. Hydraulics Bench. !UVF. Flow Visualization Unit.
-FME00/B. Basic Hydraulic Feed System. !HMM. Manometer & Multimanometers:
Modules: - HMM-W500. U-shape Double Manometer.
-FME01. Impact of a Jet. - HMM-U1000. U-shape Manometer.
-FME03. Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration. - HMM-I1000. Inclined Multimanometer with 20 manometric
-FME04. Orifice Discharge. tubes of 250 mm. length.
-FME05. Energy Losses in Bends. - HMM-V500. Multimanometer with 8 manometric tubes of
-FME06. Osborne-Reynolds Demonstration. 500mm. length, vertical position.
-FME07. Energy Losses in Pipes. - HMM-4B. 4 Bourdon type Manometers Unit.
-FME09. Flow Visualization in Channels.
-FME12. Series/Parallel Pumps.
-FME13. Centrifugal Pumps Characteristics.
-FME14. Free and Forced Vortices.
-FME15. Water Hammer.
-FME16. Pelton Turbine.
-FME17. Orifice and Free Jet Flow.
-FME18. Flow Meter Demonstration.
-FME19. Cavitation Phenomenon Demonstration.
-FME20. Laminar Flow Demonstration.
-FME21. Radial Flow Turbine.
-FME22. Venturi, Bernoulli and Cavitation Unit.
-FME23. Basic Pipe Network Unit.
-FME24. Unit for the study of Porous Beds in Venturi Tubes
(Darcys Equation).
-FME25. Flow Channel, 1m. length.
-FME26. Depression Measurement System (Vacuum gauge).
-FME27. Axial Flow Turbine.
-FME28. Francis Turbine.
-FME29. Kaplan Turbine.
*Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvements of the product.
C/ Del Agua, 14. Polgono San Jos de Valderas. 28918 LEGANES. (Madrid). SPAIN.
Phone: 34-91-6199363 FAX: 34-91-6198647
E-mail: edibon@edibon.com WEB site: www.edibon.com
Issue: ED01/09
Date: September/2009
Page 5
Item # 7
Falling Sphere Viscosimeter and
Drag Coefficient
Technical Teaching Equipment
Products range
8.-Fluid Mechanics &
The Falling Sphere Viscosimeter and Drag Coefficient Unit (HVB) is used to determine dynamic or kinematic viscosities of fluids and the relationship
between the drag coefficients of falling particles and their Reynolds number value. As a material property, viscosity is extremely important for
technical applications.
The unit consists of two precision transparent tubes fixed onto a frame in which a ball is allowed to drop down through different liquids. Both tubes
can be filled with liquids of different viscosity. Thus, it is possible to compare the both liquids directly.
The unit is illuminated from behind with two fluorescent lamps to facilitate the visualization of the falling of the balls.
The ball is guided down by a guide to aid the introduction of particles at the top of the tubes with the minimum disturbance to the liquid. The unit
includes several guides to facilitate the introduction of smaller balls.
During the exercises, students shall measure the falling rate of the balls by timing their passage between two marks on the walls of the tube.
Balls can be removed from the bottom of the tubes through two valves. Thus, the ball can be removed from the tube without a large loss of liquid.
Kinematic viscosity can be deduced by measuring the falling speed of a ball in a vertical tube filled with the fluid under study. During the uniform
rectilinear motion phase, the forces which apply to the sphere, the gravity, the pressure of Archimedes and the force of the trail related to viscous
friction are in balance.
The design of the unit is such that it is suitable both for practical trainee experiments in the fields of physics or engineering and for demonstration in
the classroom.
The unit is supplied with a set of balls of different size, a stopwatch and two beakers.
ISO 9000: Quality Management European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14000 and Worlddidac Quality Charter
(for Design, Manufacturing, (total safety) ECO-Management and Audit Scheme Certificate
Commercialization and After-sales service) (environmental management) (Worlddidac Member)
Page 1
Unit mounted on an anodized aluminium structure with panels in painted steel.
Two transparent measuring cylinders:
Internal diameter: 114 mm.
External diameter: 120 mm.
Length: 1.3 m.
Both cylinders are marked longitudinally every 50 cm, so that the distance the ball travels after being thrown inside can be read.
Two light sources placed between the tubes for ease of viewing. Power: 58 W.
Two guides to aid the introduction of particles at the top of the tubes with the minimum disturbance to the liquid.
Six couplings for the guides to make the introduction of smaller balls possible (5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm).
Two ball valves and two gate valves to aid the removal of balls from the bottom of the tubes, without a large loss of liquid.
Sets of balls of different sizes:
Ball 1 is made of stainless steel, diameter = 5mm.
Ball 2 is made of stainless steel, diameter = 10mm.
Ball 3 is made of stainless steel, diameter = 15mm.
Ball 4 is made of stainless steel, diameter = 20mm.
Ball 5 is made of stainless steel, diameter = 25mm.
A stopwatch.
Two plastic beakers with a capacity of 0.50 l. each one.
Cables and accessories, for normal operation.
Manuals: This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance
& Practices Manuals.
- Electrical supply: 220V./50Hz or 110V./60Hz. - Dimensions: 500 x 670 x 1800 mm. approx.
- Fluids with different viscosities are required. (19.68 x 26.38 x 70.87 inches approx.).
*Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvements of the product.
Issue: ED01/12
Date: December/2012
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Item # 8
(not included in
2 3 4 the supply)
Control Interface Data Software for:
Box Acquisition - Computer Control
Board - Data Acquisition
- Data Management
5 Cables and Accessories
6 Manuals
1 Unit: AFTC. Computer Controlled Fluid Friction in Pipes, with Hydraulics * Minimum supply always includes: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
Bench (FME00) (Computer not included in the supply)
Key features:
hh Advanced Real-Time SCADA.
hh Open Control + Multicontrol + Real-Time Control.
hh Specialized EDIBON Control Software based on LabVIEW.
hh National Instruments Data Acquisition board (250 KS/s, kilo samples per second).
hh Calibration exercises, which are included, teach the user how to calibrate a
sensor and the importance of checking the accuracy of the sensors before taking
hh Projector and/or electronic whiteboard compatibility allows the unit to be
explained and demonstrated to an entire class at one time.
hh Capable of doing applied research, real industrial simulation, training courses,
hh Remote operation and control by the user and remote control for EDIBON technical
support, are always included.
hh Totally safe, utilizing 4 safety systems (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic &
hh Designed and manufactured under several quality standards.
hh Optional CAL software helps the user perform calculations and comprehend the
hh This unit has been designed for future expansion and integration. A common
expansion is the EDIBON Scada-Net (ESN) System which enables multiple students
to simultaneously operate many units in a network.
http://www.edibon.com/products/catalogues/en/keyfeatures.pdf http://www.youtube.com/embed/CEgMr00oBPw
For more information about Key Features, click here
ISO 9001: Quality Management (for European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14001 and ECO- Certificate and Worlddidac
Design, Manufacturing, Commercialization (total safety) Management and Audit Scheme Member
and After-sales service) (environmental management)
The knowledge of pressure losses occurring in pipes as well as in different hydraulic accessories is very important in the design and
dimensioning of pipes systems.
The Computer Controlled Fluid Friction in Pipes Unit with Hydraulics Bench AFTC is designed to determine the friction coefficient in pipes
of several diameters and roughness, to study the pressure losses in different types of valves and different fittings and to compare different
methods to measure the flow.
The unit contains five straight pipe sections made of different materials and with different diameters and roughness. Additionally, a wide
range of accessories are included for the study of losses in straight pipes, several types of valves (gate, ball, angle seat, etc.), pipe fittings
(in-line strainer, elbows, sudden widening, contraction, etc.).
The different pipe sections, valves and pipe fittings include several pressure measurement points with quick action connections to fit the
tubing that is connected to the corresponding pressure measuring device.
With this unit friction pressure losses can be investigated over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, thereby covering the laminar, transitional
and turbulent flow regimes. Two water manometric tubes and two displacement sensors allow to study the pressure losses in the laminar
regimen. Two pressure sensors allow to obtain the pressure losses in the turbulent regimen. Additionally, it includes a flow sensor to
measure and to compare measurements of flow with the Venturi tube and the Pitot tube.
The unit includes the Hydraulics Bench (FME00), which incorporates a sump tank and a centrifugal pump to make water flow in a close
circuit and to supply it to the AFTC unit.
This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + a
Control Interface Box + a Data Acquisition Board + Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software Packages, for
controlling the process and all parameters involved in the process.
2 www.edibon.com
* References 1 to 6 are the main items: AFTC + AFTC/CIB + DAB + AFTC/CCSOF + Cables and Accessories + Manuals are included
in the minimum supply for enabling normal and full operation.
4 www.edibon.com
1.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a rough pipe 30.- Determination of pressure loss in a diaphragm.
with an internal diameter of 17 mm. 31.- Comparison of pressure loss in the different fittings.
2.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a rough pipe 32.- Measurement of the flow with the Venturi tube.
with an internal diameter of 23 mm.
33.- Determination of the discharge coefficient, Cd, in the Venturi d
3.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe tube.
with an internal diameter of 6.5 mm.
34.- Measurement of the flow with the Pitot tube.
4.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe
with an internal diameter of 16.5 mm. 35.- Determination of the discharge coefficient, Cd, in the Pitot tube.
5.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe 36.- Comparison between the flow measured in the Venturi and
with an internal diameter of 26.5 mm. Pitot tubes.
6.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the pressure loss due Additional practical possibilities:
to friction in rough pipes. 37.- Sensors calibration.
7.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the pressure loss due 38.- Study of the relationship between pressure losses due to fluid
to friction in smooth pipes. friction and the water flow rate.
8.- Study of the influence of the roughness in the pressure loss. 39.- Determining the relationship between the pipe friction
9.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a rough pipe with an coefficients and Reynolds number for flow through a pipe with
internal diameter of 17 mm. roughened bore.
10.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a rough pipe with an 40.- Determining of the resistance coefficients for bends,
internal diameter of 23 mm. enlargements and contractions.
11.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with 41.- Determining of characteristic curves of valves and fittings.
an internal diameter of 6.5 mm. Other possibilities to be done with this Unit:
12.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with 42.- Many students view results simultaneously.
an internal diameter of 16.5 mm.
To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a
13.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with projector or an electronic whiteboard.
an internal diameter of 26.5 mm.
43.- Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control.
14.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the friction coefficient
in rough pipes. This unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the
span, gains; proportional, integral, derivate parameters; etc, in
15.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the friction coefficient real time.
in smooth pipes.
44.- The Computer Control System with SCADA allows a real
16.- Comparison of the friction coefficient in smooth and rough industrial simulation.
45.- This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and
17.- Determination of pressure loss in an angle-seat valve. electronic, and software safety devices.
18.- Determination of pressure loss in a gate valve. 46.- This unit can be used for doing applied research.
19.- Determination of pressure loss in a diaphragm valve. 47.- This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries
20.- Determination of pressure loss in a ball valve. even to other Technical Education Institutions.
21.- Comparison of pressure loss in different types of valves. 48.- Control of the AFTC unit process through the control interface
22.- Determination of pressure loss in an in-line strainer. box without the computer.
23.- Determination of pressure loss in a 90 elbow. 49.- Visualization of all the sensors values used in the AFTC unit
24.- Determination of pressure loss in a double 90 elbow.
- Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.
25.- Determination of pressure loss in a 45 elbow.
26.- Determination of pressure loss in a 45 T.
27.- Determination of pressure loss in a symmetrical Y branch.
28.- Determination of pressure loss in a narrowing.
29.- Determination of pressure loss in a gradual widening.
Offered in this catalogue:
- AFTC. Computer Controlled Fluid Friction in Pipes Unit with Hydraulics Bench (FME00).
Offered in other catalogue:
- AFT. Fluid Friction in Pipes Unit with Hydraulics Bench (FME00).
- AFT/B. Fluid Friction in Pipes Unit with Basic Hydraulic Feed System (FME00/B).
- AFT/P. Fluid Friction in Pipes Unit.
5 www.edibon.com
Main screen
6 www.edibon.com
Additionally to the main items (1 to 6) described, we can offer, as optional, other items from 7 to 9.
All these items try to give more possibilities for:
a) Technical and Vocational Education configuration. (ICAI)
b) Multipost Expansions options. (Mini ESN and ESN)
7 www.edibon.com
Complete Technical Specifications (for optional items)
For more information see ESN catalogue. Click on the following link:
8 www.edibon.com
Main items (always included in the supply) Optional items (supplied under specific order)
Minimum supply always includes: a) Technical and Vocational configuration
1 Unit: AFTC. Computer Controlled Fluid Friction in Pipes, 7 AFTC/ICAI. Interactive Computer Aided Instruction Software
with Hydraulics Bench (FME00). System.
2 AFTC/CIB. Control Interface Box.
3 DAB. Data Acquisition Board. b) Multipost Expansions options
4 AFTC/CCSOF. Computer Control + Data Acquisition + 8 Mini ESN. EDIBON Mini Scada-Net System.
Data Management Software. 9 ESN. EDIBON Scada-Net System.
5 Cables and Accessories, for normal operation.
6 Manuals.
9 www.edibon.com
1 AFTC. Unit:
This unit allows the detailed study of fluid friction pressure losses, which occur when a non-compressible fluid flows through pipes, valves, pipe fittings and
flow metering devices.
Anodized aluminum structure with panel of painted steel.
Main metallic elements made of stainless steel.
Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
5 Pipes of different diameter, material and roughness:
Rough pipe (PVC): external diameter: 25mm. and internal diameter: 17 mm.
Rough pipe (PVC): external diameter: 32 mm. and internal diameter: 23 mm.
Smooth pipe (PMMA): external diameter: 10 mm. and internal 6.5 mm.
Smooth pipe (PVC): external diameter: 20 mm. and internal diameter: 16.5 mm.
Smooth pipe (PVC): external diameter: 32 mm. and internal diameter: 26.5mm.
Types of valves:
Angle-seat valve: internal diameter: 20 mm.
Gate valve: internal diameter: 20 mm.
Diaphragm valve: internal diameter: 20 mm.
Ball valve: internal diameter: 20 mm.
Types of couplings:
In-line strainer, internal diameter: 20 mm.
Sudden widening. Its section changes from 25 mm to 40 mm.
Sudden contraction. Its section changes from 40 mm to 25 mm.
90 elbow: inner diameter: 20 mm.
T junction: inner diameter: 20 mm.
45 elbow: inner diameter: 20 mm.
45 T junction: inner diameter: 20 mm.
Symmetrical Y branch: inner diameter of each pipe: 20 mm.
Double 90 elbow: inner diameter: 20 mm.
Special couplings (methacrylate):
Pitot tube: length:30 mm., external diameter: 4mm and internal diameter: 2.5 mm.
Venturi tube: length: 180 mm., larger section: 32mm. and smaller section: 20 mm.
Diaphragm with measuring plate: larger diameter: 25mm. and smaller diameter: 20mm.
The unit includes several ball valves to conduct the water flow through a certain pipe of the circuit and a regulation valve to regulate the flow that runs
through such pipe.
34 pressure tappings with quick action connections.
Two pressure sensors, range: 0 30 psi.
One flow sensor, range: 2 150 l./min.
Two magnetic displacement sensors, range: 0-1 m. Two water manometers, length: 1000 mm.
The unit is designed for use with the Hydraulics Bench (FME00):
Mobile hydraulic bench, made of fibreglass reinforced polyester, and mounted on wheels for its mobility.
Computer controlled centrifugal pump, 0.37 kW, 30 - 80 l./min., at 20.1 - 12.8 m.
Sump tank, capacity: 165 l. Small channel, capacity: 8 l.
Flow measurement: volumetric tank, gauged from 0 to 7 l. for low flow values and from 0 to 40 l. for high flow values.
Control valve to regulate the flow.
The complete unit includes as well:
Advanced Real-Time SCADA.
Open Control + Multicontrol + Real-Time Control.
Specialized EDIBON Control Software based on LabVIEW.
National Instruments Data Acquisition board (250 KS/s, kilo samples per second).
Calibration exercises, which are included, teach the user how to calibrate a sensor and the importance of checking the accuracy of the sensors before
taking measurements.
Projector and/or electronic whiteboard compatibility allows the unit to be explained and demonstrated to an entire class at one time.
Capable of doing applied research, real industrial simulation, training courses, etc.
Remote operation and control by the user and remote control for EDIBON technical support, are always included.
Totally safe, utilizing 4 safety systems (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic & Software).
Designed and manufactured under several quality standards.
Optional CAL software helps the user perform calculations and comprehend the results.
This unit has been designed for future expansion and integration. A common expansion is the EDIBON Scada-Net (ESN) System which enables multiple
students to simultaneously operate many units in a network.
2 AFTC/CIB. Control Interface Box:
The Control Interface Box is part of the SCADA system.
Control interface box with process diagram in the front panel.
The unit control elements are permanently computer controlled.
Simultaneous visualization in the computer of all parameters involved in the process.
Calibration of all sensors involved in the process.
Real time curves representation about system responses.
All the actuators values can be changed at any time from the keyboard allowing the analysis about curves and responses of the whole process.
Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences.
Real time computer control with flexibility of modifications from the computer keyboard of the parameters, at any moment during the process.
Real time computer control for parameters involved in the process simultaneously.
Open control allowing modifications, at any moment and in real time, of parameters involved in the process simultaneously.
Three safety levels, one mechanical in the unit, another electronic in the control interface and the third one in the control software.
3 DAB. Data Acquisition Board:
The Data Acquisition board is part of the SCADA system.
PCI Express Data acquisition board (National Instruments) to be placed in a computer slot.
Analog input: Channels= 16 single-ended or 8 differential. Resolution=16 bits, 1 in 65536. Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s (kilo samples per second).
Analog output: Channels=2. Resolution=16 bits, 1 in 65536.
Digital Input/Output: Channels=24 inputs/outputs.
4 AFTC/CCSOF. Computer Control +Data Acquisition+Data Management Software:
The three softwares are part of the SCADA system.
Compatible with the industry standards.
Flexible, open and multicontrol software, developed with actual windows graphic systems, acting simultaneously on all process parameters.
Management, processing, comparison and storage of data.
Sampling velocity up to 250 KS/s (kilo samples per second).
Calibration system for the sensors involved in the process.
It allows the registration of the alarms state and the graphic representation in real time.
Open software, allowing the teacher to modify texts, instructions. Teachers and students passwords to facilitate the teachers control on the student, and
allowing the access to different work levels.
This unit allows the 30 students of the classroom to visualize simultaneously all the results and the manipulation of the unit, during the process, by using
a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
5 Cables and Accessories, for normal operation.
6 Manuals:
This unit is supplied with 8 manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Interface and Control Software, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance,
Calibration & Practices Manuals.
10 www.edibon.com
Tender Specifications (for main items)
1.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a rough pipe with an internal diameter of 17 mm.
2.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a rough pipe with an internal diameter of 23 mm.
3.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe with an internal diameter of 6.5 mm.
4.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe with an internal diameter of 16.5 mm.
5.- Determination of pressure loss due to friction in a smooth pipe with an internal diameter of 26.5 mm.
6.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the pressure loss due to friction in rough pipes.
7.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the pressure loss due to friction in smooth pipes.
8.- Study of the influence of the roughness in the pressure loss.
9.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a rough pipe with an internal diameter of 17 mm.
10.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a rough pipe with an internal diameter of 23 mm.
11.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with an internal diameter of 6.5 mm.
12.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with an internal diameter of 16.5 mm.
13.- Determination of the friction coefficient in a smooth pipe with an internal diameter of 26.5 mm.
14.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the friction coefficient in rough pipes.
15.- Study of the influence of the diameter in the friction coefficient in smooth pipes.
16.- Comparison of the friction coefficient in smooth and rough pipes.
17.- Determination of pressure loss in an angle-seat valve.
18.- Determination of pressure loss in a gate valve.
19.- Determination of pressure loss in a diaphragm valve.
20.- Determination of pressure loss in a ball valve.
21.- Comparison of pressure loss in different types of valves.
22.- Determination of pressure loss in an in-line strainer.
23.- Determination of pressure loss in a 90 elbow.
24.- Determination of pressure loss in a double 90 elbow.
25.- Determination of pressure loss in a 45 elbow.
26.- Determination of pressure loss in a 45 T.
27.- Determination of pressure loss in a symmetrical Y branch.
28.- Determination of pressure loss in a narrowing.
29.- Determination of pressure loss in a gradual widening.
30.- Determination of pressure loss in a diaphragm.
31.- Comparison of pressure loss in the different fittings.
32.- Measurement of the flow with the Venturi tube.
33.- Determination of the discharge coefficient, Cd, in the Venturi d tube.
34.- Measurement of the flow with the Pitot tube.
35.- Determination of the discharge coefficient, Cd, in the Pitot tube.
36.- Comparison between the flow measured in the Venturi and Pitot tubes.
Additional practical possibilities:
37.- Sensors calibration.
38.- Study of the relationship between pressure losses due to fluid friction and the water flow rate.
39.- Determining the relationship between the pipe friction coefficients and Reynolds number for flow through a pipe with roughened bore.
40.- Determining of the resistance coefficients for bends, enlargements and contractions.
41.- Determining of characteristic curves of valves and fittings.
Other possibilities to be done with this Unit:
42.- Many students view results simultaneously.
To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
43.- Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control.
This unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the span, gains; proportional, integral, derivate parameters; etc, in real time.
44.- The Computer Control System with SCADA allows a real industrial simulation.
45.- This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and electronic, and software safety devices.
46.- This unit can be used for doing applied research.
47.- This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries even to other Technical Education Institutions.
48.- Control of the AFTC unit process through the control interface box without the computer.
49.- Visualization of all the sensors values used in the AFTC unit process.
- Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.
11 www.edibon.com
TENDER SPECIFICATIONS (for optional items)
* Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvement of the product.
Edition: ED01/16
Date: August/2016
Item # 9
2 3 4 Computer
(not included
Control Data Software for: in the supply)
Interface Box Acquisition - Computer Control
Board - Data Acquisition
- Data Management
5 Cables and Accessories
6 Manuals
Key features:
Advanced Real-Time SCADA.
Open Control + Multicontrol + Real-Time Control. +
Specialized EDIBON Control Software based on Labview. +
National Instruments Data Acquisition board (250 KS/s , kilo samples per second).
Calibration exercises, which are included, teach the user how to calibrate a sensor
and the importance of checking the accuracy of the sensors before taking
Capable of doing applied research, real industrial simulation, training courses, etc.
Remote operation and control by the user and remote control for EDIBON technical
support, are always included.
Totally safe, utilizing 4 safety systems (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic & Software).
ISO 9000: Quality Management European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14000 and Worlddidac Quality Charter
(for Design, Manufacturing, (total safety) ECO-Management and Audit Scheme Certificate
Commercialization and After-sales service) (environmental management) (Worlddidac Member)
Page 1
The Computer Controlled Multi-pump Testing Bench (PBOC) allows the students to study the operating characteristics of several types of
pumps. This unit allows to control and to measure the most representative parameters of the pumps. The measurements that can be
taken using the unit are: admission and discharge pressure of the pump, impelled water flow, torque and turning speed of the pump and
it can determine the manometric height, the hydraulic and mechanic power and the efficiency.
The unit is mounted on a structure with a working surface covered by a plastic sheet. Two different parts can be distinguished in the unit:
the pumps, with their motors, connections and flexible hoses and the tanks to store and recycle water, with their measuring elements.
The minimum supply includes four types of pumps: one centrifugal pump, one axial flow pump, one gear pump and one peripheral
pump. There are several optional pumps (not included in the minimum supply) that can be connected to the unit through valves and
flexible hoses in order to demonstrate the operating behaviour of these pumps.
Each pump is activated by a separate motor that allows the direct measurement of the torque. The speed is changed by a frequency
converter, located in the control interface box, and computer controlled.
The pump under study impels water in a closed circuit. There are two pressure tappings in each pump, one at the admission and other at
the discharge of the pump, to determine the manometric head of the different pumps. These tappings are connected to their
corresponding pressure sensor.
The pumps included in the minimum supply are connected through flexible hoses to the volumetric tank and to the storage tank. The
connection of the optional pumps to the volumetric tank and the storage tank are done through valves, connections and flexible hoses.
The unit includes two tanks, located at different levels, to recycle the water. The upper volumetric tank, located just over the water storage
tank, is equipped with two weirs and two stilling baffles and includes a discharge valve and an activator.
The volumetric tank has been designed to accommodate low or high flows and it includes a level sensor to determine the water flow and
the water level in the volumetric tank, an indicating transparent tube and a graduated scale. It has a safety overflow system that directly
pours water into the storage tank if an incorrect use is made. The storage tank includes an indicating transparent tube.
This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + a
Control Interface Box + a Data Acquisition Board + Computer Control and Data Acquisition Software Packages, for controlling the
process and all parameters involved in the process.
Page 2 www.edibon.com
With this unit there are several options and possibilities:
- Main items: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
- Optional items: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Let us describe first the main items (1 to 6):
1 PBOC. Unit:
Unit designed to demonstrate the operating characteristics of several types of pumps.
Anodized aluminium structure and panels in painted steel.
Main metallic elements in stainless steel.
Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
Fully instrumented self-contained unit.
The unit is mounted on a structure with a work surface covered by a plastic sheet.
It is equipped with rubber wheels to provide mobility and with brake
to immobilize the unit during the practices.
4 Pumps (computer controlled): Centrifugal pump, Axial flow
pump, Gear pump and Peripherical pump:
Centrifugal pump: pedestal or of free axis type, made of brass.
- Maximum flow: 80 l./min.
- Maximum height: 20 mwc (meters of water column).
- Efficiency: 35%.
Axial flow pump: with propeller, which works in an acrylic casing with
thin interstices between the propeller and the casing.
- Maximum flow: 50 l./min.
- Maximum height: 2 mwc (meters of water column).
- Efficiency: 15%.
Gear pump: of positive displacement, with casing of a melted piece
and two rotors in form of a straight cylindrical gear.
- Maximum flow: 35 l./min.
- Maximum height: 45 mwc (meters of water column).
PBOC. Unit
- Efficiency: 75%.
Peripherical pump: also known as regenerator or turbine pump, with a runner of straight blades inside an
annular casing and an axis of activation on two lubricated ball bearings.
- Maximum flow: 40 l./min.
- Maximum height: 22 mwc (meters of water column).
- Efficiency: 30%.
Motor for each pump, with independent operating.
Variation of speed by frequency converter, located in the control interface box, computer controlled.
There are two pressure tappings in each pump, one at the admission and other at the discharge of the pump.
Admission pressure sensor and discharge pressure sensor for each pump (8 sensors).
Reading of speed (r.p.m.) and torque (Nm) of the pump. The software can determine the pump manometric
height, the hydraulic and mechanic power and the efficiency.
Calibrated volumetric tank of 0-10 l. for low flows and of 0-45 l. for high flows. It includes a level sensor
(capacitive, length: 300 mm.) to determine the water flow and the water level in the volumetric tank, an
indicating transparent tube and a graduated scale.
Water storage tank, with capacity of 160 l. approx. It includes an indicating transparent tube.
2 U Shape weirs.
2 Stilling baffles.
Valves for centrifugal, peripherical and gear pumps. Control valve for axial pump.
The complete unit includes as well:
Advanced Real-Time SCADA.
Open Control + Multicontrol + Real-Time Control.
Specialized EDIBON Control Software based on Labview.
National Instruments Data Acquisition board (250 KS/s , kilo samples per second).
Calibration exercises, which are included, teach the user how to calibrate a sensor and the
importance of checking the accuracy of the sensors before taking measurements.
Projector and/or electronic whiteboard compatibility allows the unit to be explained and
demonstrated to an entire class at one time.
Capable of doing applied research, real industrial simulation, training courses, etc.
Remote operation and control by the user and remote control for EDIBON technical support, are
always included.
Totally safe, utilizing 4 safety systems (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic & Software).
Designed and manufactured under several quality standards.
Optional CAL software helps the user perform calculations and comprehend the results.
This unit has been designed for future expansion and integration. A common expansion is the
EDIBON Scada-Net (ESN) System which enables multiple students to simultaneously operate
many units in a network.
Optional Pumps: (NOT included in the minimum supply). See section Optional Pumps in page 5.
-PBOC-2BC. Second Centrifugal pump, and including the additional valves required to perform a
Series/Parallel pump demonstration.
-PBOC-BIF. Flexible impeller pump.
-PBOC-BD. Diaphragm pump.
-PBOC-BE. Plunger pump.
-PBOC-VA. Vane pump.
Page 3 www.edibon.com
Complete Technical Specifications (for main items)
2 PBOC/CIB. Control Interface Box:
The Control Interface Box is part of the SCADA system.
Control interface box with process diagram in the front panel and with the same distribution that the
different elements located in the unit, for an easy understanding by the student.
All sensors, with their respective signals, are properly manipulated from -10V. to +10V. computer output.
Sensors connectors in the interface have different pines numbers (from 2 to 16), to avoid connection errors.
Single cable between the control interface box and computer.
The unit control elements are permanently computer controlled, without necessity of changes or
connections during the whole process test procedure.
Simultaneous visualization in the computer of all parameters involved in the process.
Calibration of all sensors involved in the process.
Real time curves representation about system responses.
Storage of all the process data and results in a file.
Graphic representation, in real time, of all the process/system responses.
All the actuators values can be changed at any time from the keyboard allowing the analysis about
curves and responses of the whole process. PBOC/CIB
All the actuators and sensors values and their responses are displayed on only one screen in the computer.
Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences.
Real time computer control with flexibility of modifications from the computer keyboard of the
parameters, at any moment during the process.
Real time computer control for pumps, compressors, resistances, control valves, etc.
Real time computer control for parameters involved in the process simultaneously.
Open control allowing modifications, at any moment and in real time, of parameters involved in the
process simultaneously.
Three safety levels, one mechanical in the unit, another electronic in the control interface and the
third one in the control software.
3 DAB. Data Acquisition Board:
The Data Acquisition board is part of the SCADA system.
PCI Express Data acquisition board (National Instruments) to be placed in a computer slot.
Bus PCI Express.
Analog input:
Number of channels= 16 single-ended or 8 differential. Resolution=16 bits, 1 in 65536.
Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s (kilo samples per second).
Input range (V)=10 V. Data transfers=DMA, interrupts, programmed I/0. DMA channels=6.
Analog output: DAB
Number of channels=2. Resolution=16 bits, 1 in 65536. Maximum output rate up to: 900 KS/s.
Output range(V)= 10 V. Data transfers=DMA, interrupts, programmed I/0.
Digital Input/Output:
Number of channels=24 inputs/outputs. D0 or DI Sample Clock frequency: 0 to 100 MHz.
Timing: Number of Counter/timers=4. Resolution: Counter/timers: 32 bits.
4 PBOC/CCSOF. Computer Control +Data Acquisition+Data Management Software:
The three softwares are part of the SCADA system.
Compatible with actual Windows operating systems. Graphic and intuitive simulation of the process in
screen. Compatible with the industry standards.
Registration and visualization of all process variables in an automatic and simultaneous way.
Flexible, open and multicontrol software, developed with actual windows graphic systems, acting
simultaneously on all process parameters.
Management, processing, comparison and storage of data.
Sampling velocity up to 250 KS/s (kilo samples per second).
Calibration system for the sensors involved in the process.
It allows the registration of the alarms state and the graphic representation in real time.
Comparative analysis of the obtained data, after the process and modification of the conditions during the
Open software, allowing the teacher to modify texts, instructions. Teachers and students
passwords to facilitate the teachers control on the student, and allowing the access to different work levels.
This unit allows the 30 students of the classroom to visualize simultaneously all the results and the
manipulation of the unit, during the process, by using a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
5 Cables and Accessories, for normal operation.
6 Manuals: This unit is supplied with 8 manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Interface
and Control Software, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance, Calibration & Practices Manuals.
* included
References 1 to 6 are the main items: PBOC + PBOC/CIB + DAB + PBOC/CCSOF + Cables and Accessories + Manuals are
in the minimum supply for enabling normal and full operation.
Page 4 www.edibon.com
Optional Pumps
All the optional pumps are mounted on a structure with wheels to facilitate its movement. They include the required connections and hoses to
connect them to the PBOC unit, and the pressure tappings to measure the admission and discharge pressure of the pumps.
The connection of the pumps to the PBOC unit allows the measurement of impelled water flow, torque and turning speed of the pump. Besides,
the pump manometric heights, hydraulic and mechanic power and efficiency can be determined.
-PBOC-2BC. Second Centrifugal pump, and including the -PBOC-BIF. Flexible impeller pump.
additional valves required to perform a
Series/Parallel pump demonstration. Maximum flow of 66 l./min. at a maximum pressure of 2 bar.
Page 5 www.edibon.com
1.- Determination of the flow by a weir of thin wall in U-shape. 32.- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the
2.- Determination of discharge coefficient of a weir of thin wall in flexible impeller pump.
U-shape. 33.- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different
3.- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump. r.p.m. of the flexible impeller pump.
4.- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the peripherical pump. 34.- Determination of the curve vs the flow for different r.p.m. of
the flexible impeller pump.
5.- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the gear pump.
35.- Determination of the map of a flexible impeller pump.
6.- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the axial pump.
Diaphragm pump (PBOC-BD):
7.- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the
centrifugal pump. 36.- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the diaphragm pump.
8.- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the 37.- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the
peripherical pump. diaphragm pump.
9.- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the gear 38.- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different
pump. r.p.m. of the diaphragm pump.
10.- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the axial 39.- Determination of the curve vs the flow for different r.p.m. of
pump. the diaphragm pump.
11.- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. 40.- Determination of the map of a diaphragm pump.
of the centrifugal pump. Plunger pump (PBOC-BE):
12.- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. 41.- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the plunger pump.
of the peripherical pump.
42.- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the
13.- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. plunger pump.
of the gear pump.
43.- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different
14.- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. r.p.m. of the plunger pump.
of the axial pump.
44.- Determination of the curve vs the flow for different r.p.m. of
15.- Determination of the curve vs the flow for different r.p.m. of the the plunger pump.
centrifugal pump.
45.- Determination of the map of a plunger pump.
16.- Determination of the curve vs the flow for different r.p.m. of the
Vane pump (PBOC-VA):
peripherical pump.
46.- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the vane pump.
17.- Determination of the curve vs the flow for different r.p.m. of the
gear pump. 47.- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the
vane pump.
18.- Determination of the curve vs the flow for different r.p.m. of the
axial pump. 48.- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different
r.p.m. of the vane pump.
19.- Determination of the map of a centrifugal pump.
49.- Determination of the curve vs the flow for different r.p.m. of
20.- Determination of the map of a peripherical pump. the vane pump.
21.- Determination of the map of a gear pump. 50.- Determination of the map of a vane pump.
22.- Determination of the map of an axial pump. Other possibilities to be done with this Unit:
23.- Determination of the adimensional characteristic curves for 51.- Many students view results simultaneously.
different types of pumps.
To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a
24.- Determination of the specific speed of different types of pumps. projector or an electronic whiteboard.
25.- Verification of the similarity rules for pumps of different 52.- Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control.
This unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the
Additional practical possibilities: span, gains; proportional, integral, derivate parameters; etc in
26.- Sensors calibration. real time.
Additional practical possibilities to be done with the Optional Pumps: 53.- The Computer Control System with SCADA allows a real
Second Centrifugal pump, and including the additional valves industrial simulation.
required to perform a Series/Parallel pump demonstration (PBOC- 54.- This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and
2BC): electronic, and software safety devices.
27.- Coupling in series of two centrifugal pumps of different 55.- This unit can be used for doing applied research.
characteristics. 56.- This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries
28.- Coupling in series of two centrifugal pumps with the same even to other Technical Education Institutions.
characteristics. 57.- Control of the PBOC unit process through the control interface
29.- Parallel coupling of two centrifugal pumps with similar box without the computer.
characteristics. 58.- Visualization of all the sensors values used in the PBOC unit
30.- Parallel coupling of two centrifugal pumps of different process.
characteristics. - By using PLC-PI additional 19 more exercises can be done.
Flexible impeller pump (PBOC-BIF): - Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.
31.- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the flexible impeller
Page 6 www.edibon.com
-Electrical supply: single-phase, 220V./50Hz or 110V./60 Hz. PBOC:
-Water supply. Unit: -Dimensions: 1650 x 800 x 1500 mm. approx.
(64.96 x 31.49 x 59.05 inches approx.)
-Drainage system.
-Weight : 240 Kg. approx.
-Computer (PC). (528 pounds approx.)
-Chronometer. Control Interface Box: -Dimensions: 490 x 330 x 310 mm. approx.
(19.29 x12.99x12.20 inches approx.)
-Weight: 10 Kg. approx.
(22 pounds approx.)
-PBOC-2BC. Second Centrifugal pump, and including the additional valves required to perform a Series/Parallel pump demonstration.
-PBOC-BIF. Flexible impeller pump.
-PBOC-BD. Diaphragm pump.
-PBOC-BE. Plunger pump.
-PBOC-VA. Vane pump.
Offered in this catalogue:
Page 7 www.edibon.com
Main screen
Main screen of the PBOC computer control software.
The water circuit is shown depending on the pump selected in the interface with the actuator.
All the sensors and calculations are shown on the upper right side. Eight pressure sensors are shown, corresponding to the admission and discharge of each
pump. Depending on the pump selected, we will have the sensors enabled or not.
Data can be represented in a table or in a graph. Data acquisition can be made point by point, after changing the pressure conditions. In order to minimize
measurement oscillations, we can average the data before taking the resultant point.
Page 8 www.edibon.com
Axial pump
Data representation of the axial pump after making an experiment. Height pumped, mechanic power and efficiency are shown in the graphs, for different
pump speeds. As it is expected, axial pumps are not able to pump water reaching big heights.
Gear pump
Data representation of the gear pump after making an experiment. Discharge pressure, height and efficiency are shown in the graphs, for different pump
speeds. As we can see, when outlet valve is closing, discharge pressure and height increase in a linear way. The gear pump gives high discharge pressure
values, as it was expected.
Page 9 www.edibon.com
Some typical results
Centrifugal pump
Data representation of the centrifugal pump after making an experiment. Discharge pressure, height and efficiency are shown in the graphs, for different pump
speeds. As we can see, a typical pump map is obtained, reaching the higher pressure given by the pump. With flows similar to axial, centrifugal is able to give a
higher pressure than axial.
Peripherical pump
Data representation of the peripherical pump after making an experiment. Discharge pressure, height and efficiency are shown in the graphs, for different pump
speeds. As we can see, a typical pump map is obtained, reaching the higher pressure given by the pump. Although it can pump water to higher heights than the
centrifugal one, it is not able to move flows as bigger as the centrifugal does.
Page 10 www.edibon.com
Additionally to the main items (1 to 6) described, we can offer, as optional, other items from 7 to 12.
All these items try to give more possibilities for:
a) Industrial configuration. (PLC)
b) Technical and Vocational Education configuration. (CAI and FSS)
c) Higher Education and/or Technical and Vocational Education configuration. (CAL)
d) Multipost Expansions options. (Mini ESN and ESN)
a) Industrial configuration
7 PLC. Industrial Control using PLC (it includes PLC-PI Module plus PLC-SOF Control Software):
-PLC-PI. PLC Module:
Metallic box.
Circuit diagram in the module front panel.
Front panel:
Digital inputs(X) and Digital outputs (Y) block:
16 Digital inputs, activated by switches and 16 LEDs for confirmation (red).
14 Digital outputs (through SCSI connector) with 14 LEDs for message (green).
Analog inputs block:
16 Analog inputs (-10 V. to + 10 V.) (through SCSI connector).
Analog outputs block:
4 Analog outputs (-10 V. to + 10 V.) (through SCSI connector).
Touch screen:
High visibility and multiple functions. Display of a highly visible status. Recipe function. Bar graph function. Flow display function. Alarm list.
Multi language function. True type fonts.
Back panel:
Power supply connector. Fuse 2A. RS-232 connector to PC. USB 2.0 connector to PC.
Power supply outputs: 24 Vdc, 12 Vdc, -12 Vdc, 12 Vdc variable.
Panasonic PLC:
High-speed scan of 0.32 sec. for a basic instruction.
Program capacity of 32 Ksteps, with a sufficient comment area.
Power supply input (100 to 240 V AC).
DC input: 16 (24 V DC).
Relay output: 14.
High-speed counter.
Multi-point PID control.
Digital inputs/outputs and analog inputs/outputs Panasonic modules.
Communication RS232 wire to computer (PC).
Dimensions: 490 x 330 x 310 mm. approx. (19.29 x 12.99 x 12.20 inches approx.) Weight: 30 Kg. approx. (66 pounds approx.)
-PBOC/PLC-SOF. PLC Control Software:
For this particular unit, always included with PLC supply.
The software has been designed using Labview and it follows the unit operation procedure and linked with the Control Interface Box used in the Computer
Controlled Multipump Testing Bench (PBOC).
U it
Control Software
The "FAULTS" mode consists on causing several faults in the unit normal
operation. The student must find them and solve them.
There are several kinds of faults that can be grouped in the following
- Non-linearity.
On/off faults:
For more information see FSS catalogue. Click on the following link:
Page 12 www.edibon.com
Complete Technical Specifications (for optional items)
c) Higher Education and/or Technical and Vocational Education configuration
CAL computes the value of all the variables involved and performs the
calculations. Information of constant values, unit conversion
factors and integral and derivative tables
It allows to plot and print the results. Within the plotting options, any
variable can be represented against any other.
For more information see CAL catalogue. Click on the following link:
www.edibon.com/products/catalogues/en/CAL.pdf Plotting options
Mini ESN. EDIBON Mini Scada-Net System allows up to 30 students to work with a Mini ESN.
Teaching Unit in any laboratory, simultaneously. It is useful for both, Higher EDIBON Mini Scada-Net System
Education and/or Technical and Vocational Education.
The Mini ESN system consists on the adaptation of any EDIBON Computer
Controlled Unit with SCADA integrated in a local network.
1 UNIT =
This system allows to view/control the unit remotely, from any computer integrated up to 30 STUDENTS can
work simultaneously
in the local net (in the classroom), through the main computer connected to the
unit. Then, the number of possible users who can work with the same unit is higher
than in an usual way of working (usually only one).
Main characteristics:
- It allows up to 30 students to work simultaneously with the EDIBON Multipump Testing Bench (PBOC)
Computer Controlled Unit with SCADA, connected in a local net.
Control Computer Control
- Open Control + Multicontrol + Real Time Control + Multi Student Post. Interface Software: Computer
- Instructor controls and explains to all students at the same time. Box Control+Data
- Any user/student can work doing "real time" control/multicontrol and
- Instructor can see in the computer what any user/student is doing in the Central Mini Scada-Net
30 Student Computer
unit. Posts
- Continuous communication between the instructor and all the users/
students connected.
Main advantages:
- It allows an easier and quicker understanding.
- This system allows you can save time and cost. + Note: The Mini ESN
MULTICONTROL system can be used
- Future expansions with more EDIBON Units. + with any EDIBON
REAL TIME CONTROL computer controlled
For more information see Mini ESN catalogue. Click on the following link: + unit.
For more information see ESN catalogue. Click on the following link:
Page 13 www.edibon.com
Main items (always included in the supply) Optional items (supplied under specific order)
a) Industrial configuration
Minimum supply always includes: 7 PLC. Industrial Control using PLC (it includes PLC-PI Module plus PLC-SOF
Control Software):
1 Unit: PBOC. Multipump Testing Bench.
- PCL-PI. PLC Module.
2 PBOC/CIB. Control Interface Box.
- PBOC/PLC-SOF. PLC Control Software.
3 DAB. Data Acquisition Board.
4 PBOC/CCSOF. Computer Control + Data Acquisition + b) Technical and Vocational configuration
Data Management Software.
8 PBOC/CAI. Computer Aided Instruction Software System.
5 Cables and Accessories, for normal operation. 9 PBOC/FSS. Faults Simulation System.
6 Manuals.
c) Higher Education and/or Technical and Vocational Education configuration
* IMPORTANT: Under PBOC we always supply all the elements for 10 PBOC/CAL. Computer Aided Learning Software (Results Calculation and
immediate running as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Analysis).
d) Multipost Expansions options
11 Mini ESN. EDIBON Mini Scada-Net System.
12 ESN. EDIBON Scada-Net System.
Page 14 www.edibon.com
1 PBOC. Unit:
Unit designed to demonstrate the operating characteristics of several types of pumps.
Anodized aluminium structure and panels in painted steel.
Main metallic elements in stainless steel.
Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
Fully instrumented self-contained unit.
The unit is mounted on a structure with a work surface covered by a plastic sheet.
It is equipped with rubber wheels to provide mobility and with brake to immobilize the unit during the practices.
4 Pumps (computer controlled): Centrifugal pump, Axial flow pump, Gear pump and Peripherical pump:
Centrifugal pump: pedestal or of free axis type, made of brass.
- Maximum flow: 80 l./min.
- Maximum height: 20 mwc (meters of water column).
- Efficiency: 35%.
Axial flow pump: with propeller, which works in an acrylic casing with thin interstices between the propeller and the casing.
- Maximum flow: 50 l./min.
- Maximum height: 2 mwc (meters of water column).
- Efficiency: 15%.
Gear pump: of positive displacement, with casing of a melted piece and two rotors in form of a straight cylindrical gear.
- Maximum flow: 35 l./min.
- Maximum height: 45 mwc (meters of water column).
- Efficiency: 75%.
Peripherical pump: also known as regenerator or turbine pump, with a runner of straight blades inside an annular casing and an axis of activation on two
lubricated ball bearings.
- Maximum flow: 40 l./min.
- Maximum height: 22 mwc (meters of water column).
- Efficiency: 30%.
Motor for each pump, with independent operating.
Variation of speed by frequency converter, located in the control interface box, computer controlled.
There are two pressure tappings in each pump, one at the admission and other at the discharge of the pump.
Admission pressure sensor and discharge pressure sensor for each pump (8 sensors).
Reading of speed (r.p.m.) and torque (Nm) of the pump. The software can determine the pump manometric height, the hydraulic and mechanic power and the
Calibrated volumetric tank of 0-10 l. for low flows and of 0-45 l. for high flows. It includes a level sensor (capacitive, length: 300 mm.) to determine the water
flow and the water level in the volumetric tank, an indicating transparent tube and a graduated scale.
Water storage tank, with capacity of 160 l. approx. It includes an indicating transparent tube.
2 U Shape weirs.
2 Stilling baffles.
Valves for centrifugal, peripherical and gear pumps. Control valve for axial pump.
The complete unit includes as well:
Advanced Real-Time SCADA.
Open Control + Multicontrol + Real-Time Control.
Specialized EDIBON Control Software based on Labview.
National Instruments Data Acquisition board (250 KS/s , kilo samples per second).
Calibration exercises, which are included, teach the user how to calibrate a sensor and the importance of checking the accuracy of the sensors before taking
Projector and/or electronic whiteboard compatibility allows the unit to be explained and demonstrated to an entire class at one time.
Capable of doing applied research, real industrial simulation, training courses, etc.
Remote operation and control by the user and remote control for EDIBON technical support, are always included.
Totally safe, utilizing 4 safety systems (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic & Software).
Designed and manufactured under several quality standards.
Optional CAL software helps the user perform calculations and comprehend the results.
This unit has been designed for future expansion and integration. A common expansion is the EDIBON Scada-Net (ESN) System which enables multiple
students to simultaneously operate many units in a network.
Page 17 www.edibon.com
Tender Specifications (for optional items)
c) Higher Education and/or Technical and Vocational Education configuration
10 PBOC/CAL. Computer Aided Learning Software (Results Calculation and Analysis).
This Computer Aided Learning Software (CAL) is a Windows based software, simple and very easy to use.
CAL is a class assistant that helps in doing the necessary calculations to extract the right conclusions from data obtained during the experimental practices.
CAL computes the value of all the variables involved and performs the calculations.
It allows to plot and print the results. Within the plotting options, any variable can be represented against any other.
Different plotting displays.
It has a wide range of information, such as constant values, unit conversion factors and integral and derivative tables.
*Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvements of the product.
Issue: ED01/14
Date: April/2014
Page 18
Item # 10
Pneumatics is the technology that employs air to operate all types of machines and devices. It is one of the technologies most widely used
for industrial automation due to the advantages a work environment working with pneumatics provides.
The Pneumatic and Electro-Pneumatic Training System, "AE-PLCA-NS", has been designed to obtain the necessary knowledge to understand
the operation of the most common elements used in pneumatics and electro-pneumatics.
The "AE-PLCA-NS" includes a set of practical exercises through which the students will understand how to work with the most common
elements used in a pneumatic and electro-pneumatic system.
The Pneumatic and Electro-Pneumatic Training System, "AE-PLCA-NS", is a modular unit composed by a double-post bench with a panel
where the components that form the pneumatic circuit under study are attached.
The compressor is inside the station. It will supply compressed air to the different pneumatic circuits. The station includes drawers as well,
to keep all the elements after each practical exercise.
The "AE-PLCA-NS" is provided with all the elements required for the assembly and operation of the circuits proposed in the practical
exercises, such as the compressor, push in fittings, flexible tubing, filters, safety valves, etc.
The AE-PLCA-NS, designed by EDIBON, allows the user to learn about the basic concepts of pneumatics (operation, elements of a
pneumatic circuit, standardized symbols, etc.) without any previous knowledge or experience.
ISO 9001: Quality Management (for European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14001 and ECO- Certificate and Worlddidac
Design, Manufacturing, Commercialization (total safety) Management and Audit Scheme Member
and After-sales service) (environmental management)
The "AE-PLCA-NS" unit consists of the following blocks:
All the components are mounted on a support plate with clamps to fix them to the perforated plate of the working bench. The support
plate has the name of the component and its standardized symbol.
All the pneumatic components include quick-connections for pneumatic tube of 6 mm.
The working pressure of the unit is 4 bar or 0.4 Mpa.
Air treatment block:
Pressure regulator with filter-regulator and water trap.
Double scale manometer (MPa and Psi).
Discharge valve with silencer to connect to the distributor block.
Distributor block:
Eight quick-connection outputs with check valves.
Direct connection to the air treatment unit.
Pressure regulation block:
Pressure regulator set to 4 bar (working pressure).
Double scale manometer (MPa and Psi).
Manometer block:
Double scale manometer (MPa and Psi).
Set of pneumatic elements:
Two 3/2 NC valves activated by pushbutton with spring return.
3/2 NO/NC valve activated by two pushbuttons with spring return.
3/2 NC valve activated by emergency pushbutton.
FC 3/2 NC valve activated by roller.
FC 3/2 NC valve activated by retractable roller.
Bistable 3/2 NC valve activated by switch and with selectable interlock.
5/2 valve with two positions selector activated by switch with interlock.
Monostable NC/NO 3/2 valve with pneumatic activation convertible by the user NC/NO.
3/2 NC timer operated valve, convertible from NC to NO, with time range from 0 to 5s.
Monostable 5/2 valve with pneumatic activation.
Three bistable 5/2 valves with pneumatic activation and double pilot with memory function.
Valve that performs the logic function OR with circuit selector.
Double valve that perform the logic function OR with double circuit selector.
Valve that performs the logic function AND.
Two (double) one-way flow regulators with manual activation.
Quick exhaust valve with silencer.
Simple effect cylinder:
Material: stainless steel.
Normally retracted rod.
Diameter: 20 mm.
Stroke of 50 mm.
Elastic damping.
Two double effect cylinders:
Material: stainless steel.
Diameter: 20 mm.
Stroke of 100 mm.
Elastic damping.
Rail to attach the limit switch magnetic detectors.
Solenoid valves:
N/C monostable 3/2 solenoid valve:
Normally closed.
Peak suppressor and indicator LED.
Spring and air return.
Two monostable 5/2 solenoid valves:
Peak suppressor and indicator LED.
Spring and air return.
Three bistable 5/2 solenoid valves:
Peak suppressor and indicator LED.
Air return.
2 www.edibon.com
Power supply:
Outlet of 24 VDC.
ON/OFF lit switch (LED).
Fuse to protect the power supply against short-circuits.
Supply cable.
Electrical inputs module:
Laboratory sockets of 2 mm.
Two pushbuttons.
Pushbutton with latching.
Two contacts switched by pushbutton.
Independent light indicator.
Module of three relays:
Laboratory sockets of 2 mm.
Three relays with coil of 24 VDC and four switching contacts each.
Activated relay LED indicator.
Module of indicators:
Laboratory sockets of 2 mm.
Eight light indicators (LEDs).
Acoustic indicator (buzzer).
Electric distributor:
Laboratory sockets of 2 mm.
Five blocks.
Ten sockets per block.
Four limit switch pushbuttons based on reed effect.
Two limit switch pushbuttons activated by roller.
Pressure switch with electric contact:
With pneumatic-electric converter.
Minimum adjustable from 0 to 0.8 MPa with pressure indicator.
Manometer with electric contact:
Pressure switch function included in a manometer.
Pressure range from 0 to 0.4 Mpa.
Material for the configuration of pneumatic circuits:
Blue flexible tube of 30 m long and 6 mm of external diameter.
Orange flexible tube of 30 m long and 6 mm of external diameter.
Transparent flexible tube of 30 m long and 6 mm of external diameter.
Tube cutter for tube of 6 mm.
Set of 20 pressure caps for tube of 6 mm.
Set of 20 T type push in fittings for tube of 6 mm.
Set of 20 Y type push in fittings for tube of 6 mm.
Set of 60 electric cables with laboratory sockets of 2 mm of different lengths and colors.
Box to keep the pneumatic elements of the unit.
AE-WRB-2. Workbench with two posts:
Frame made of aluminum profiles.
Wheel with brake in each leg.
Workbench with two working posts that makes it possible to use the unit by both sides.
Perforated panel to attach the different elements of the unit (pneumatic, electro-pneumatic and electrical components) and other
commercial elements (for example, DIN rail).
AE-MC-4. Four drawers module with lock:
Chest of drawers to keep the components after the practical exercises.
Four drawers with lock.
Designed to be located under the bench.
AE-CP. Air compressor module:
Noiseless air compressor.
Capacity of the boiler: 9 l.
Power: 340 W.
Air intake: 50 l./min.
Maximum pressure: 8 bar.
Low noise level: 40 dB maximum.
Designed to be located under the bench.
Cables and Accessories, for normal operation.
Manuals: This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety,
Maintenance, Practices Manuals, theory books about Nneumatics and Electro-pneumatics, Specifications of the unit, Technical
datasheet of all the components and Teachers sheet with solutions to the questions of the Practical Exercises.
3 www.edibon.com
1.- Introduction to pneumatic technology. 6.- Pneumatic activation valves.
2.- Description of the main parts of pneumatic systems. 7.- Electrical activation valves.
3.- Compressed air treatment, distribution and compression system. 8.- Study of pneumatic actuators.
4.- Checking the state of the pneumatic circuit by measuring the 9.- Configuration of a pneumatic application.
most common pneumatic variables.
5.- Mechanical activation valves.
4 www.edibon.com
Instructor Software
ECM-SOF is the application that allows the Instructor to register students, manage and assign tasks for workgroups, create own
content to carry out Practical Exercises, choose one of the evaluation methods to check the Student knowledge and monitor the
progression related to the planned tasks for individual students, workgroups, units, etc... so the teacher can know in real time the level
of understanding of any student in the classroom.
Innovative features:
Updatable Contents.
ETTE. EDIBON Training Test & Exam Program Package - Main Screen with
Numeric Result Question
5 www.edibon.com
Student Software
Innovative features:
Student Log-In & Self-Registration.
Existing Tasks checking & Monitoring.
Default contents & scheduled tasks available to be used
from the first session.
Practical Exercises accomplishment by following the Manual
provided by EDIBON.
Evaluation Methods to prove your knowledge and
ESL-SOF. EDIBON Student LabSoft (Student Software)
Test self-correction. Application Main Screen
For more information see ICAI catalogue. Click on the following link:
* Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvement of the product.
Edition: ED01/16
Date: October/2016
Item # 11
Hydraulics is the technology that employs fluids to operate all types of machines. Hydraulics is widely used in applications in which large
forces must be exerted on the load. For that purpose, this technology is based on the properties of the liquids for energy transfer.
The AE-PLCA-HD, Hydraulics and Electro-hydraulics Trainer, has been designed to obtain the necessary knowledge to understand the
operation of the most common elements used in hydraulics and electro-hydraulics.
The AE-PLCA-HD includes a set of practical exercises through which the students will understand how to work with the most common
elements used in a hydraulic and electro-hydraulic system.
The AE-PLCA-HD is a modular unit composed by a double-post bench with a panel where the components that form the hydraulic circuit
under study are attached. The pump is inside the station. It will increase the pressure of the hydraulic liquid of the different hydraulic circuits
employed. The station includes drawers as well, to keep all the elements after each practical exercise.
The AE-PLCA-HD is provided with all the elements required for the assembly and operation of the circuits proposed in the practical
exercises, such as the hydraulic pump, push in fittings, filters, safety valves, etc.
The AE-PLCA-HD, designed by EDIBON, allows the user to learn about the basic concepts of hydraulic technology (operation, elements
of a hydraulic circuit, standardized symbols, etc.) without any previous knowledge or experience.
ISO 9001: Quality Management (for European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14001 and ECO- Certificate and Worlddidac
Design, Manufacturing, Commercialization (total safety) Management and Audit Scheme Member
and After-sales service) (environmental management)
The AE-PLCA-HD unit consists of the following blocks:
All the components are mounted on a support plate with clamps to fix them to the perforated plate of the working bench. The support
plate has the name of the component and its standardized symbol.
All the hydraulic components include quick-connection auto-sealed push in fittings.
Two pressure limiting valves:
Knob to regulate the pressure level.
Pressure regulation from 2 to 64 bars.
Shut-off valve:
Scale from 0 to 90.
Adjustable throttling valve:
Knob to regulate the flow level.
In-line check valve.
Adjustable throttling valve with check valve:
Knob to regulate the flow level.
Check valve function.
Flow regulation valve compensated with check valve:
Knob to regulate the flow.
Graduated scale.
Check valve function.
Pilot operated check valve for in-line assembly.
Manual distributor valve 2/2 with manual activation and spring recovery.
Manual distributor valve 3/2 with manual activation and spring recovery.
Manual distributor valve 4/2 with manual activation and spring recovery.
Manual distributor valve 4/3 with manual activation and spring recovery.
Solenoid valve 4/2:
Spring return.
Solenoid valve 4/3:
Spring centered.
Closed center.
Double effect differential hydraulic cylinder.
Material: stainless steel.
Threaded cam at the end of the rod.
Stroke of 200 mm.
Cross-shaped distributor with 4 outlets to 90 from each other.
Two cross-shaped distributors with manometer:
Three available intakes.
Manometers with range from 0 to 100 bars with glycerin damping and diameter of 63 mm.
Distributor plate with 4 intakes and manometer:
Four available intakes.
Manometers with range from 0 to 100 bars with glycerin damping and diameter of 63 mm.
Set of six tubes to study pressure drops:
Three tubes with different diameter.
Three tubes with different length.
Power supply of 24VDC:
Sockets of 4 mm.
Outlet of 24 VDC.
ON/OFF lit switch (LED).
Fuse to protect the power supply against short-circuits.
Supply cable.
2 www.edibon.com
Module of three relays:
Sockets of 4 mm.
Three relays with coil to 24 VDC with four switching contacts each.
Activated relay LED indicator.
Three electrical NO/NC limit switches:
Two contacts: one NO and one NC.
Retractable roller activation.
Pressure switch:
Knob to regulate the pressure level from 0 to 40 bars.
Outlet as switched relay.
Set of connectors and cables for the electromagnets of the solenoid valves.
Pushbuttons module:
Sockets of 4 mm.
Two pushbuttons with spring return.
Two positions selector.
Simple pushbutton module:
Sockets of 4 mm.
Pushbuttons with spring return.
Set of 12 hoses for hydraulic works with quick-connection female plugs:
Different lengths between 0.5 m and 1 m.
Set of 30 electrical cables with safety terminals of 4 mm. of different lengths and colors.
AE-WRB-2-HD. Workbench with two posts for hydraulics:
Frame made of aluminum profiles.
Wheel with brake in each leg.
Workbench with two working posts that makes it possible to use the unit by both sides.
Perforated panel to attach the different elements of the unit (hydraulic and electrical components, etc.) and other commercial elements
(for example, DIN rail).
Two tanks to take volumetric measurements:
One per working post.
Made of transparent PMMA.
Capacity: 1.2 L.
Graduated scale.
Anti-overflow device.
AE-MC-4. Four drawers with lock module:
Four drawers with lock.
Designed to be located under the AE-WRB-1 and AE-WRB-2 bench.
AE-GH. Hydraulic group module:
Two motors with hydraulic pump.
Reservoir tank.
Pressure: 185 bar.
Double scale manometer (MPa and Psi).
Temperature meter.
Hydraulic liquid level indicator.
Control panel with ON/OFF lit pushbuttons and emergency stop button.
Hydraulic liquid required for the operation of the unit included.
Located under the bench of the unit.
Cables and accessories for a correct operation.
This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required services, Installation, Starting-up, Safety regulations, Maintenance and
Practical exercises.
3 www.edibon.com
Exercises and Practical Possibilities
1.- Introduction to hydraulic technology. 6.- Electrical activation of hydraulic distributor valves.
2.- Description of the main parts of hydraulic systems. 7.- Study of hydraulic actuators.
3.- Hydraulic fluid pumping, distribution and treatment system. 8.- Study of proportional hydraulic actuators.
4.- Checking the state of the hydraulic circuit by measuring the most 9.- Configuration of a hydraulic application.
common hydraulic parameters.
5.- Mechanical activation of hydraulic distributor valves.
4 www.edibon.com
Instructor Software
ECM-SOF is the application that allows the Instructor to register students, manage and assign tasks for workgroups, create own
content to carry out Practical Exercises, choose one of the evaluation methods to check the Student knowledge and monitor the
progression related to the planned tasks for individual students, workgroups, units, etc... so the teacher can know in real time the level
of understanding of any student in the classroom.
Innovative features:
Updatable Contents.
ETTE. EDIBON Training Test & Exam Program Package - Main Screen with
Numeric Result Question
5 www.edibon.com
Student Software
Innovative features:
Student Log-In & Self-Registration.
Existing Tasks checking & Monitoring.
Default contents & scheduled tasks available to be used
from the first session.
Practical Exercises accomplishment by following the Manual
provided by EDIBON.
Evaluation Methods to prove your knowledge and
ESL-SOF. EDIBON Student LabSoft (Student Software)
Test self-correction. Application Main Screen
For more information see ICAI catalogue. Click on the following link:
* Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvement of the product.
Edition: ED01/16
Date: October/2016
Item # 12
ISO 9000: Quality Management European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14000 and Worlddidac Quality Charter
(for Design, Manufacturing, (total safety) ECO-Management and Audit Scheme Certificate and
Commercialization and After-sales service) (environmental management) Worlddidac Member
Page 1
The ICAI, Interactive Computer Aided Instructor Software System, helps both the teacher and the students.
b. Checking in real time what any student is doing and enabling the instructors to teach faster and more efficiently.
c. Supervising the students understanding progress and level, questions and answers as well as the whole class evolution.
g. Teaching easily.
a. Enabling them to understand the operation of any EDIBON Teaching Unit and the principles involved easily. This software can be used for all
manual computer controlled EDIBON SCADA units.
b. Providing them modern tools so that they are able to get clear ideas and quick understanding.
c. Saving time.
Wide variety of contents for any Area (Electricity, Electronics, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics). These contents are divided into:
c. Calculations: Formula Packages related to the different Units and a Spreadsheet tool to compute, compare and plot the results
obtained in the laboratory and the theoretical ones. It also includes an Equation System Solver Engine.
d. Graphical Results: Custom Reports & Results: Monitoring the Users & Workgroups progression.
Easy integration of own resources: You can design/edit/remove your own contents & tasks.
Multimedia-Supported auxiliary resources: Animations, Videos, Pictures, Audios, detailed Question Explanations and so on that can be shown
to expand the student knowledge.
Printable Reports & Statistics: Generate and export summarized information in different formats (Tables, Histograms, Progression plots)
related to the current status and results of the jobs planned for individual Users/Units/Tasks/Workgroups.
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The ICAI, Interactive Computer Aided Instruction Software System, comprises the following programs: EDIBON CLASSROOM MANAGER
ECM-SOF is the application that allows the Instructor to register students, manage and assign tasks for workgroups, create own content to carry out
Practical Exercises, choose one of the evaluation methods to check the Student knowledge and monitor the progression related to the planned tasks
for individual students, workgroups, units, etc... so the teacher can know in real time the level of understanding of any student in the
1.1 EUS. EDIBON Users Program 1.4 ETTE. EDIBON Training Test & Exam
Package. Program Package.
User Data Base Management. Custom Design of Evaluation Methods.
1.2 EWT. EDIBON Workgroups & Tasks 1.5 ECAL. EDIBON Calculations Program
Program Package. Package.
Administration and assignment of Creation and assignment of Formulas
Workgroups, Tasks and Training & Equations.
1.3 EPE. EDIBON Practical Exercises 1.6 ERS. EDIBON Results & Statistics
Program Package. Program Package.
Creation and Integration of Practical Report generation, User Progression
Exercises and Multimedia Resources. Monitoring and Statistics.
ESL-SOF is the application addressed to the Students that helps them to understand theoretical concepts by means of practical exercises and to
prove their knowledge and progression by performing tests and calculations in addition to Multimedia Resources. Default planned tasks and an
Open workgroup are provided by EDIBON to allow the students start working from the first session. Reports and statistics are available to know their
progression at any time, as well as explanations for every exercise to reinforce the theoretically acquired technical knowledge.
2.1 EUS. EDIBON Users Program 2.4 ETTE. EDIBON Training Test & Exam
Package. Program Package.
Student Log-In & Self-Registration. Evaluation Methods to prove the
student's knowledge and progression.
2.2 EWT. EDIBON Workgroups & Tasks 2.5 ECAL. EDIBON Calculations Program
Program Package. Package.
Existing Tasks checking & monitoring. Calculations computing and plotting.
2.3 EPE. EDIBON Practical Exercises 2.6 ERS. EDIBON Results & Statistics
Program Package. Program Package.
Practical Exercises accomplishment by Student results monitoring.
following the Manual provided by
Page 3 www.edibon.com
The following picture shows a Laboratory incorporating the ICAI Software System in several Workstations:
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Instructor Software
ECM-SOF. EDIBON Classroom Manager Software Application includes the following Software Packages:
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Instructor Software (continuation)
1.1.1. Independent User Data Base. All the information about the registered users is stored here. This Data Base is exclusively managed
by the Instructor.
1.1.2. Addition, deletion, viewing and editing of users. These features provide the Instructor total control over the User Data Base.
1.1.3. User Search Engine, allowing to find a specific student.
1.1.4. User Sort Tool, allowing to organize the students list.
1.1.5. User-Friendly management interface.
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Instructor Software (continuation)
The Workgroups & Tasks Program Package includes the following modules:
1.2.1. Addition, deletion, viewing and editing of user Workgroups. These features provide the Instructor total control over any existing
1.2.2. Default Workgroup with Default planned Tasks to start working from the first day. and pre-configured by EDIBON for each one
of your EDIBON Teaching Units.
1.2.3. Task Progression and Status control, presenting the current status of the planned jobs for each individual task in a summary table
1.2.4. Printable Report for Workgroups in a summary table format to export the information presented in this software to a pretty similar format.
1.2.5. Workgroups Status Monitoring. As Instructor, you will be up to date about the status of the scheduled jobs for any Workgroup and
any of its members.
1.2.6. Restore Default settings without needing to the reinstall the software again.
WORKGROUPS & TASKS Program Package - Main Screen
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Instructor Software (continuation)
1.2.10. Assignment of an unlimited number of Tasks to work with each one of the Units assigned to any Workgroup.
1.2.11. Multi-Contents for each Task to understand the main concepts inherent to each Unit.
1.2.12. Time Control and maximum number of attempts for each job scheduled for each task.
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Instructor Software (continuation)
1.3.1. Addition, deletion, viewing and editing of Practical Exercises. These features provide the Instructor total control to configure any
Practical Exercise.
1.3.2. Practical Exercises Sections & Contents Index, providing an overview of the number of Practical Exercises to perform with each
1.3.3. A complete set of Practical Exercises with default Multimedia Resources (Audios, Videos, Animations, Pictures...) are provided
by EDIBON for each one of your Units.
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Instructor Software (continuation)
1.3.6. Practical Exercise Multimedia Resources Management allowing managing your own Multimedia Resources, attached to the
Practical Exercises Manual.
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Instructor Software (continuation)
The Training Test & Exam Program Package includes the following modules:
1.4.1. Addition, Deletion, Viewing and Editing of Training Tests and Exams. These features provide the Instructor total control to
configure any Training Test and Exam.
1.4.2. Test Errors & Warnings Checker, providing additional help and tips during the Test creation/edition process.
1.4.3. Multi-Choice and Numeric Result Questions, aided by Multimedia Resources to evaluate the knowledge acquired by the users
in a more versatile way.
TRAINING TEST & EXAM Program Package Main Screen with Multi-Choice Question
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Instructor Software (continuation)
TRAINING TEST & EXAM Program Package Main Screen with Numeric Result Question
1.4.4. Question and Explanations, aided by Multimedia Resources allowing to explain the answers to the users.
TRAINING TEST & EXAM Program Package Main Screen with Question Explanation
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Instructor Software (continuation)
1.4.5. Collection of Training Tests and Exams provided by EDIBON for each Unit to allowing to start working from the first day.
1.4.6. Multimedia Resources Management. Attach your own Pictures and Videos to each individual Question as well as to its
TRAINING TEST & EXAM Program Package Main Screen: Multimedia Resources edition
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Instructor Software (continuation)
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Instructor Software (continuation)
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Instructor Software (continuation)
The Results & Statistics Program Package includes the following software package:
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Instructor Software (continuation)
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Instructor Software (continuation)
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Instructor Software (continuation)
REPORTS & RESULTS MANAGEMENT Program Package - Detailed Test Result (I): Answers & Marks
REPORTS & RESULTS MANAGEMENT Program Package - Detailed Test Result (II): Answers & Marks
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Instructor Software (continuation)
REPORTS & RESULTS MANAGEMENT Program Package - Detailed Test Result (III): Question Explanation
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Instructor Software (continuation)
REPORTS & RESULTS MANAGEMENT Program Package - Printable Reports (I): HTML
REPORTS & RESULTS MANAGEMENT Program Package - Printable Reports (II): JPEG Picture
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Instructor Software (continuation)
The Options & Tools Program Package includes the following modules:
1.7.1. Easy and Secure Connection between Manager and Users in a quick, easy and reliable way.
1.7.2. Self-Registration for users. The instructor can enable/disable this feature, which allows the students to register by themselves in the
User Data Base.
1.7.3. Data Base Backups, to keep a copy of the Workgroups Data Base factory and last session status.
1.7.4. Restore Default Settings, to reset the Workgroups Data Base to its factory status without needing to reinstall the software again.
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Instructor Software (continuation)
CONTEXT HELP Program Package - EDIBON Classroom Manager Software Application main screen
1.8.1. Floating Window for the Context Help. This window displays short explanations of the functionalities that any control or
indicator can perform.
1.8.2. Enable and Disable Help. You can activate/deactivate the Context Help window at any moment.
1.8.3. Available anytime and anywhere.
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Student Software
ESL-SOF. EDIBON Student LabSoft Software Application includes the following Software Package:
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Student Software (continuation)
2.1.1. User Self Logging for Multiple Users. One or more users can log themselves at the same time and in the same computer, allowing
them to work individually or in groups.
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Student Software (continuation)
2.1.2. User Self Register. One or more users can register their own user in the same computer.
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Student Software (continuation)
The Workgroups & Tasks Program Package includes the following modules:
2.2.1. Scheduled Tasks Selection, with specific information about the contents of each individual task, for each Workgroup and Unit, in a
summary table format.
2.2.2. Multi-User Scheduled Task Progression Status, in a summary table format. This second table allowing to gather the state of
realization of the jobs assigned to a specific task for each logged user.
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Student Software (continuation)
2.2.3. User Current Task Status Indicator allows to displays the state of realization of the selected task for each logged user and is
available during the whole session.
WORKGROUPS & TASKS Program Package Task Status Indicator, integrated in the ESL-SOF Application main screen
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Student Software (continuation)
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Student Software (continuation)
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Student Software (continuation)
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Student Software (continuation)
80-Fluid Mechanics
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Student Software (continuation)
100-Process Control
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Student Software (continuation)
110-Chemical Engineering
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Student Software (continuation)
140-Biomedical Engineering
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Student Software (continuation)
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Student Software (continuation)
2.3.4. Updatable Multimedia Resources. Every resource added/replaced/removed by the Instructor using EDIBON Classroom
Manager will be downloaded once the connection is set.
2.3.5. Multimedia Resources Index: This section presents a compilation of all the Multimedia Resources (Audio, Videos, Animations and
Pictures) which are available for each one of the sections of the Practical Exercises Manual.
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Student Software (continuation)
The Training Test & Exam Program Package includes the following modules:
TRAINING TEST & EXAM Program Package Multi-Choice Question for a Training Test
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Student Software (continuation)
TRAINING TEST & EXAM Program Package Numeric Result Question for an Exam
TRAINING TEST & EXAM Program Package Picture Viewer: Enlarged Question Picture
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Student Software (continuation) Plotted Spreadsheet. The user can represent in a XY graph the values introduced in the Spreadsheet for the Input and
Output variables of a specific formula.
SPREADSHEET & FORMULAS Program Package - Plotted Data from Spreadsheet
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Student Software (continuation) Exportable Data. All the graphs generated as well as the values introduced in the Spreadsheet tables can be exported.
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Student Software (continuation)
The Results & Statistics Program Package includes the following software package:
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Student Software (continuation) Result Statistics: Some statistics such as Mean Scores and Standard Deviations as well as representations such as
Histograms are shown.
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Student Software (continuation)
USER RESULT & REPORTS Program Package - Detailed Test Result (I): Answers & Marks
USER RESULT & REPORTS Program Package - Detailed Test Result (II): Question Explanation
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Student Software (continuation)
USER RESULT & REPORTS Program Package - Printable Reports (I): HTML
USER RESULT & REPORTS Program Package - Printable Reports (II): JPEG Picture
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Student Software (continuation)
The Options & Tools Program Package includes the following modules:
2.7.1. Easy Setting for a LAN Connection allowing to introduce the Instructor's IP-address and Port the connection with the EDIBON
Classroom Manager computer will be set.
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Student Software (continuation)
CONTEXT HELP Program Package - EDIBON Student Labsoft Software Application main screen
2.8.1. Floating Window for the Context Help. This window displays short explanations of the functionalities that any control or indicator
can perform.
2.8.2. Enable and Disable Help. You can activate/deactivate the Context Help window at any moment.
2.8.3. Available anytime and anywhere.
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Student Software (continuation)
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Student Software (continuation)
*Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvements of the product.
Issue: ED02/16
Date: November/2016
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