CSE543 MTEsolution HighSpeedNetworks
CSE543 MTEsolution HighSpeedNetworks
CSE543 MTEsolution HighSpeedNetworks
Q1(a) Write data rate, transmission mode, access method and supporting standard for Gigabit-Ethernet.
Gigabit Ethernet
IEEE 802.3
[2.5 Marks]
(b) Write the bit pattern and bit length of Preamble and SDF of IEEE802.3 Ethernet frame format. [2.5 Marks]
Bit pattern:alternate 10 bit length:56
7 octets with pattern 10101010, followed by one byte with pattern 10101011 (SFD)
used to synchronize receiver, sender clock rates
Note: IEEE 802.3 specifies that frame length, excluding preamble and SFD, must be between 64 and 1518
bytes. Data is padded to 1500 bytes, if necessary, to ensure that the minimum length is achieved.
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Q2(a) ATM is in some ways similar to packet switching using X.25 and to frame relay. Justify this statement.
[15 Marks]
ATM evolved from B-ISDN development efforts
Frame Relay: high-speed WAN (1.5+ Mbps)
ATM: very high speed WAN (155 Mbps and 622Mbps)
Connection-oriented packet-switched network
Used in both WAN and LAN settings
Commonly transmitted over SONET
other physical layers possible
ATM, like Frame Relay, was built on the assumption that the underlying physical media was reliable
and flexible
Faster than Frame Relay because :-
Minimal error and flow control capabilities thus reduces overhead per cell
More streamlined in nature
Use fixed-size cells simplifies the processing required at each ATM Node
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Q3(a) In early 1990s, two significant trends altered the role of the personal computer and therefore the
requirements on the LAN. Mention these trends. Give example for such requirements that call for higher-
speed LANs [15 Marks]
Answer: 2 Significant trends
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Q4(a) What are the applications of Fibre Channel ? [15 Marks]
Fibre Channel Application Example
Fibre Channel
(b) Explain in detail IEEE802.11 Architecture [15 Marks]
Replacement for traditional premise- based wired LANs
ease of workstation relocation, addition
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cost of upgrading premise wiring
Site configuration demands
large, open spaces (warehouses, stock exchange, manufacturing plants)
historical buildings
LAN extension
tying mobile devices into wired LAN infrastructure
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