Designs of Rattan Furniture 1875
Designs of Rattan Furniture 1875
Designs of Rattan Furniture 1875
6 15
IMP. A. ft
While all the patterns are desirable we wish to call particular attention to
NOS. 3006, 3208, 3004, 3104, 3204, 3403, 3406, AND 3407 S. S.
We desire to call the attention of our patrons to the fact that this catalogue represents only one department
of our extensive business.
brief description of its arrangement will give the reader some idea of the magnitude of our facilities. On
Cabinets in ebony and black walnut. Hanging Cabinets for decorating the wall, beautiful and useful. From
this floor a large passenger elevator is in readiness to convey customers to the different floors. Also a large
freight elevator is in constant use from our shipping department to the different floors.
The inspection of which would repay every housekeeper; the designs of the principal articles are shown
in this book.
Is devoted entirely to the exhibition of Chamber Furniture and its collateral branches. This floor, with its
is entirely occupied by this stock, and offers an interesting study to the customer
entire space of 40 x 200 feet,
with its one hundred Chamber Sets in all the modern styles, in cost from 15.00 to $500.00, produced in pine,
ash, black walnut, maple, and mahegany Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Shaving Stands, Cabinets and Bedets, Brass
In this department we offer unusual inducements, as we manufacture all our goods. Mattresses in excel-
sior, husk, fibre, palm leaf and the best horse hair ; Pillows and Bolsters, Excelsior, Hair and Feathers ; Spring
Beds, twenty-five different styles.
We make a specialty of. We solicit correspondence, having furnished over 100 churches in the vicinity of
Chairs, Students' Chairs, Lounges, Sofa Beds, Parlor Sets in hair cloth. Also on this floor Kitchen Furniture,
full capacity. In the front portion will be found a large variety of Parlor and Library Furniture upholstered in
muslin, enabling the customer to select first the articles then the coverings. Also Lounges, Divans, Patent
Rockers, Chairs of odd styles ; corner chairs, window chairs.
With all the room we have described we are obliged to occupy several adjacent buildings for the different
branches of manufacturing, every department being in charge of competent foremen.
With this brief description it will be seen that our facilities are such as to enable us to offer our customers
every legitimate advantage.
A visit to our warerooms will prove the truth of our statements and repay the purchaser.
No. 3304. No. 33S4.
No. 3303. Child's Cape May Sitting, $1.25 No. 3353. Misses' Cape May Sitting, $2.00
No. 3304. " " " Rocking, 1.50 No. 3354. " " " Rocking, 2.50
No. 3304J. " " " High, 1.75 No. 3354. " " Table, 2.25
No. 3004. No. 3204.
No. 3004. Ladies' Cape May Rocking Chair, $4.75 No. 3104. Gents' Cape May Rocking Chair, $6.00
No. 3104, P. R. No. 3306.
No. 3004. P. R. Ladies' Cape May Patent Rocker, $7.50 No. 3306. Child's Comfort Rocking Chair, $2.50
" "
No. 3204. P. R. Ex.Large " " 10.00
No. 300S. No. 3006.
No. 3005. Ladies',. Comfort Reception Chair, $5.00 No. 3006. Ladies' Comfort Rocking Chair, $5.50
No. 3005 Ebonized, 50 cents extra. No. 3006 Ebonized, 50 cents extra.
No. 3205 Ebonized, 75 cents extra. No. 3206 Ebonized, 75 cents extra.
No. 3208. No 3402
_ _
No. 3207
No. 3208.
No. 3208. P. R.
Ex. Large Comfort Sitting Chair,
" "
Rock -S
Ex. Large Patent Rocker,
. 340 l.
3m ^
Ladies' Albion Sitting Chair, $6.00
No. 3403. No. 3413.
No. 3403. Albion Large Ann, $11.00 No. 3407. S. S. Cambridge Large Arm, &8.00
No. 3403. " " " Ebonized, 12.00 No. 3413. Yale Large Arm, 9.00
No. 3407 is same pattern as Cut No. 3413 shows, only smaller.
No. 3406. No. 3418.
No. 3405. Ladies' Cambridge Reception Chair, $4.25 No. 3417. Nahant Library Chair, $4.25
No. 550J. No. 544.
No. 54% Ladies' Sewing Chair, $5.(0 No. 543. Ladies' Nurse Sitting Chair, $5.00
No. 550J. " Rocking Chair, 5.50 No. 544. " " Rocking Chair. 5.50
No. 1802. No. 1806.
Xo. 1801. Ladies' Nurse Sitting Chair, 5.50 Xo. 1805. Gents' Reception Chair, 57.00
No. 1802. " " Rocking Chair, 6.00 Xo. 1806. " Rocking " 7.50
No. 554, R. P. No. 654, R. P.
No. 560. No. 661.
No. 559. Ladies" Sitting Chair, Open Back, $5.00
No. 560. " Rocking " " " 5.50
No. 561. Ladies" Sitting Chair, Star Back, $6.00
No. 609. Gents" Sitting " " " 6.50 No. 611. Gents" " " " - 7.50
No. 61ii. " Rocking " " " 7.00 No. 661. Ex. Large " " " 9.00
No. 502. Ladies' Rocking Chair, Star Back, $6.50 No. 562. D. P. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $7.50
No. 612. Gents' " " " " 8.00 No. 612. D. P. Gents' " " 9.00
No. 662. Ex. Large " " " " 9.50 No. 662. D. P. Ex. Large " " 10.50
No. 562, O. P. No. 662, O. P.
No. 1006. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $8.00 No. 1006. P. R. Ladies' Patent Rocker, $12.00
Ex. Large Rocking Chair, 12.00 No. 1206. P. R. Ex. Large Patent Rocker, 16.00
No. 1206.
Above made with Esparto Backs, $3.00, S3.50 and $4.00 extra.
No. 1018. No. 1034.
No. 1010. Ladies' Rocking, Star Back, $6.50 No. 1034. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $7.50
No. 1018. " Woven Back, 6.50 No. 1134. Gents' " 9.00
Above with inside row of ring woik left out, $1.00 less.
No. 1124. No. 1226.
No. 1024. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $6.50 No. 1026. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $6.50
No. 1124. Gents' " " 8.00 No. 1126. Gents' " " 8.00
No. 1224. Ex. Large Rocking Chair, 9.50 No. 1226. Ex. Large Rocking Chair, 9.50
Above are made with Top like Xo. 1034. Above are made with Top like No. 1034.
No. 1030. No. 1230.
No. 1030. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $7.50
No. 1130. Gents' Rocking Chair, $9.00
No. 1066. Same as 1030 with inside rings left out, 6.50
No. 1230. Ex. Large Rocking Chair, 10.50
No. 1166. Same as 1130 with inside rings left out, 8.00
No. 1032. No. 1132.
No. 103-2. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $7.50 No. 1132. Gents' Rocking Chair, $9.00
No. 1068. Same as 103-2 with inside rings left out, 6.50 No. 1232. Ex. Large Rocking Chair, 10.50
No. 1168. Same as 1132 with inside rings left out. 8.00
No. 1036. No. 1136.
No. 1035. Ladies' Sitting Chair, $7.00 No. 1135. Gents' Sitting Chair, $8.50
No. 1036. " Rocking " 7.50 No. 1136. " Rocking " 9.00
No. 1044. No. 1050.
No. 1044. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $6.50 No. 1050. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $6.50
No. 1144. Gents' " " 8.00 No. 1150. Gents' " " 8.00
No. 1244. Ex. Large Rocking Chair, 9.50 No. 1250. Ex. Large Rocking Chair, 9.50
No. 1054. No. 1064.
No. 1054. Ladies' Rocking Chair, 67.00 No. 1064. Ladies' Rocking Chair, $9.00
No. 1154. Gents' " " 8.50 No. 1164. Gents' " " 11.00
No. 1254. Ex. Large " " 10.00 No. 1264. Ex.Large " 13.00
No. 691.
Same shape and size as 691. Filled in as shown in cut 603.
No. 691. Large, 4 ft. x 2 ft. 8 in. 24.00 No. 690. Large, 12.00
No. 693.
No. 695. Same as No. 693, filled in with Star Work as in No. 691, 15.00
No. 704.
No. 706.
No. 735.
Tete-a-Tetes and Settees made to match any pattern of Chair or Rocker shown in this book, prices ranging from $15.00 to $35.00.
No. 755.