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Unit 3 - There Is - There Are

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1 Learn these common NON-COUNTABLE NOUNS

water cheese sugar salt juice food (meal) coffee
tea milk bread soup coke wine yoghurt
fruit jam honey cream oil meat homework
rain music furniture time money air information
snow ice chalk glass* wood* iron* paper*
2 Learn these structures with There is... / There are...
Affirmative Negative / Interrogative
1 There is + some + non- countable There isnt + any + non- countable
Is there + any + non- countable...?

2 There is + much + non- countable There isnt + much + non- countable

Is there + much + non- countable...?

3 There is + a lot of + non- countable There isnt + a lot of + non- countable

Is there + a lot of + non- countable...?

4 There is + a / an / one + countable in singular There isnt + a / an / one + countable in singular

Is there + a / an / one + countable in singular...?
1 There are + numeral + countable in plural There arent + numeral + countable in plural
Are there + numeral + countable in plural

2 There are + some + countable in plural There arent + any + countable in plural
Are there + any + countable in plural...?

3 There are + many + countable in plural There arent + many + countable in plural
Are there + many + countable in plural...?

4 There are + a lot of + countable in plural There arent + a lot of + countable in plural
Are there + a lot of + countable in plural...?

3 Learn the order of the words in these QUESTIONS with How much / many...

How much + non-countable + is there ...? How much + non-countable + have ...... got?
How much + non- countable + has ...... got?

How many + countable plural + are there...? How many + countable plural + have ...... got?
How many + countable plural + has ...... got?
Cmo contar los nombres no-contables?

a piece of a cup of a glass of a bottle of a litre of a loaf of some

two pieces of four cups of six glasses of five bottles of six litres of seven loaves of a lot of

1. Complete the sentences. Use there is /are. 2. Complete the sentences. Use some /any.
a) ............................. some juice in the glass. f) Is there ....................... salt in the bag?
c) ............................ some potatoes in the basket. h) There is .................... coke in the kitchen.
d) ............................ some books in this drawer. i) Has she got .................... new magazines?
b) ............................ two dogs in the farm. g) I havent got ............... classes this week.
e) ............................ a little red bird on the tree. j) There are .................... cats on the roof.

3. Complete the sentences. Use there is /are. 4. Complete the sentences. Use some /any.
- ............................ an old man at the door. - He hasnt got ............... notes in his pocket.
- ............................ some fruit on the plate. - Theres ................ coffee for you in the pot.
- ............................. some pupils in the playground. - Is there ....................... wine in the bottle?
- ............................ a nice plant on the windowsill. - There are ................ teachers in the corridor.
- ............................ some onions in the basket. - Have you got .................... special friend?

5. Complete these sentences. Use How much or How many.

- .......................................................... water is there in the bottle?
- .......................................................... teachers have you got this year?
- .......................................................... days are there in one week?
- .......................................................... months are there in one year?
- .......................................................... hours are there in one day?
- .......................................................... cheese is there in the fridge?
- .......................................................... sugar is there in the cupboard?
- .......................................................... orange juice do you drink for breakfast?
- .......................................................... desks are there in your class?
- .......................................................... books are there in your school bag?

6. Choose the right word from those underlined below.

a) There isnt many / much food in the fridge, Im afraid.

b) Have you read many / much books in English?
c) There isnt many / much rain in the summer.
d) There isnt many / much coffee in the coffee pot.
e) You havent made many / much mistakes.
f) Have you got many / much friends in this city?
g) Hurry up. We havent got many / much time.
h) Do many / much cars park in this street?
i) The cinema is nearly full. The arent many / much seats available.
j) Have you got many / much homework today?

7. Complete with there is / are in affirmative, negative or interrogative.

- ............................. some dogs in the street. - .............................. any oil in the bottle?
- ............................ any people at the door. - ............................... many books in his bag.
- ............................ any music at your party? - ............................. two pupils in the class.
- ............................ any exams this week. - .......................... many friends at your party?
- ............................ a good film on TV tonight. - ........................ any teachers in the corridor?
- ............................ any cream in the fridge? - ............................. some girls in the street.
- ............................ an old man at the door. - ........................ any bread.
- ............................ any water in the pool. - ................ coffee and milk for breakfast.

8. Translate these sentences into English.

Hay algunas manzanas en la mesa. Hay hielo en los vasos.

No hay limones en la nevera. No hay miel, pero hay mermelada.

Hay caramelos en la bolsa? Hay gente en la habitacin?

Cunto dinero hay en esa cartera? Cuntos hermanos tiene Sonia?

Cunta agua hay en los vasos? Cuntas horas hay en tres das?

Hay algunos libros en las estanteras. Hay mucho dinero en el cajn de la mesa.

No hay patatas en esta cesta. No hay tiza en nuestra clase.

Hay agua en el frigorfico? Hay ordenadores en la clase?

Cuntos pasteles tienen en sus platos? Cunto queso hay en este bocadillo?

Cunta leche hay en el frigorfico? Cuntas asignaturas hay en este curso?

Hay zumo para los nios. No hay casas en esta calle.

No hay carne, pero hay queso. Hay lpices en tu mochila?

Hay ordenador en tu habitacin? Cunta gente hay en el cine?

Cuntos alumnos hay en esta clase? Cuntas preguntas hay en el examen?

1. Adjectives position. Look at the example and write sentences using the correct words.

- man / old 1 The man is old. 2 He is an old man.

- cars / blue 1 The cars are blue. 2 They are blue cars.

girl / beautiful 1 2
tables / long 1 2
toy / expensive 1 2
cat / white 1 2
books / cheap 1 2
packets / big 1 2
pencil / orange 1 2
cushion / small 1 2

2. Adjectives position. Look at the example and write sentences using the correct words.

- schoolbag / new 1 The schoolbag is new. 2 It is a new schoolbag.

- pupils / good 1 The pupils are good. 2 They are good pupils.

teacher / young 1 2
sofa / old 1 2
girls / thin 1 2
carpet / thick 1 2
women / tall 1 2
pupil / lazy 1 2
children / little 1 2
films / interesting 1 2

3 Complete the sentences. Use there is or there are. (affirmative, negative or interrogative)
- ............................. some new players in the team. - any wine in the bottle?
- ............................ any English exams this week. - any coins in my pocket.
- ............................ some fruit for dessert today. - lemon tea in this teapot.
- ............................ some onions in the basket. - a new pupil in this class?
- ............................ any plants in your room? - some pupils in the hall.

4 Complete with there is or there are. (affirmative, negative or interrogative)

- ............................ a good tennis match on TV. - ........................ any posters in your bedroom?
- ............................. some children in the playground. - .............................. a lot of cream on the plate.
- ............................ any snow in the roof of the house? - ............................. seven gilrs in this team.
- ............................ any people in the street at night. - ............................. many students from Spain.
- ............................ any English exams this month. - .............................. a lot of teachers in your school?
5. Translate into English the following sentences. (same sentcs. exs. 6-7 w / changes)
1) Hay trece chicos y doce chicas en la clase.

2) Hay aceite en la botella y hay huevos en la mesa de la cocina.

3) No hay patatas en esta cesta. Hay algunas en el cajn?

4) No hay azcar en mi taza de t.

5) Hay agua en el frigorfico? S, hay una botella.

6) Hay pasteles para la fiesta? S, hay muchos bocadillos tambin.

7) Cuntos amigos tiene Robert? Muchos.

8) Cunto caf hay en tu vaso?

9) Cunta carne hay en el plato? Hay tres trozos de carne.

10) Cuntas asignaturas hay en este curso? Once o doce.

11) Hay algunas personas en el comedor.

12) Hay muchos coches en la calle? No.

13) No hay pan en la bolsa! Ah! s, hay dos barras de pan.

14) No hay mermelada para todos los nios.

15) Hay miel en esta tienda? S.

16) Hay manzanas en la mesa? No, pero hay naranjas.

17) Cuntos bocadillos tiene Paul en su plato? Tres.

18) Cunto queso hay en este paquete? Diez lonchas.

19) Cunta leche hay en esa caja? Hay ocho botellas de leche.
20) Cuntas asignaturas nuevas tienes este ao? Dos.

1. Complete these sentences. Use How much or How many.

- .......................................................... bread is there on the table?
- .......................................................... months are there in a school term?
- .......................................................... money is there in my pocket?
- .......................................................... days are there in a week?
- .......................................................... players are there in a football team?
- .......................................................... meat do you eat very week?
- .......................................................... coffee is there in the cup?
- .......................................................... fish do you usually eat?
- .......................................................... colours are there in the Spanish flag?
- .......................................................... burgers do you eat in one week?

2. Translate into English the following sentences

a) Hay algunos alumnos nuevos en la clase.

b) Hay mucho dinero en el cajn de la mesa.
c) No hay patatas en esta cesta.
d) No hay azcar en el tarro.
e) Hay agua en el frigorfico? S, hay una botella.
f) Hay bastantes pasteles para la fiesta? No, pero hay muchos bocadillos.
g) Cuntos amigos tienes, Roberto? Muchos.
h) Cunto caf hay en tu taza?
i) Cunta carne hay en el plato?
j) Cuntas asignaturas hay en este curso? Once o doce.

3. Translate into English the following sentences

a) Hay algunas personas gritando en la calle.

b) Esta bicicleta cuesta demasiado dinero.
c) No hay manzanas en esta cesta.
d) No hay bastante mermelada para todos los nios.
e) Hay agua en el frigorfico?
f) Hay suficientes manzanas en la mesa? No te preocupes, hay demasiadas.
g) Cuntos pasteles tienes en tu plato? Tres.
h) Cunto queso hay en este bocadillo? Cuatro lonchas.
i) Cunta leche bebes cada da? Dos vasos.
j) Cuntas asignaturas tienes este ao? Doce.

4. Translate into English the following sentences (mandado marzo 2006)

a) Hay algunas alumnas cantando en la clase.
b) Este ordenador cuesta demasiado dinero.
c) No hay dinero en mis bolsillos.
d) No hay muchas sillas en esta clase.
e) Hay zumo de naranja en la botella?
f) Hay suficiente mantequilla en la mesa? S, hay mucha.
g) Cuntas monedas tienes en tu bolsillo? Treinta.
h) Cunto pan quieres para el bocadillo?
i) Cunta mantequilla hay en la nevera?
j) Cuntos profesores tenas el ao pasado? Ocho.

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