The First Armies
The First Armies
The First Armies
Doyne Dawson
General Editor: John Keegan
To Bae Dong-lyong
Cassell & Co
Wellington House, 125 Strand
London WC2R OBB
The present volume has profited enormously from the counsel of Robert Drews,
who read an early draft of the manuscript and offered invaluable comments and
suggestions. I am solely responsible for the conclusions advanced in the final
version, and for all errors it may contain. I am grateful to Sir John I(eegan, the
general editor of the Cassell History of Warfare series, for giving me the
opportunity to write this book; and to Penny Gardiner, the project manager, and
the rest of the staff at Cassell, for seeing it into print.
Seoul, Korea
The Assyrian victory over the Elamites at the Ulai River, 653 Be.
General symbols
X site of battle
Geographical symbols
urban area
seasonal river
internal border
international border
The Assyrian King List provides us with a before the Persian conquest into thirty dynasties;
reasonably firm chronology for events in this can be supplemented by fragments of earlier
Mesopotamia, and hence for the Middle East in king lists. Egyptian chronology can also be verified
general, from the tenth century BC onwards. Before by astronomical observations but there is much
that the synchronous study of the many different dispute over the interpretation of this data for dates
king lists allows us to reconstruct a rough before the first millennium BC.
chronology for Mesopotamia back to c. 2300 BC, In other parts of the Middle East, such as
when the Akkadian rulers adopted the practice of Anatolia and the Levant, events must be dated by
naming years after important events, such as correlation with Egyptian and Mesopotamian
military campaigns and building projects. This chronology.
system persisted until c. 1500 BC, when the Kassite Hence the reader should assume a margin of
kings of Babylon began to date by regnal years error of at least a century for all dates in the Bronze
(e.g., 'in the third year of king so-and-so'). These Age, or before 1000 BC. The central debate concerns
lists of year-names and kings are our main sources certain observations of the planet Venus recorded in
of information about warfare, especially when the a Babylonian omen text which give us a choice
scribes filled in descriptions of major events under between 'high', 'middle', and 'low' chronologies for
each year, thereby turning the lists into 'annals'. the Bronze Age. By the high chronology, the dates
This tradition culminated in the great royal annals of the reign of Hammurabi of Babylon were
of Assyria between the ninth and seventh centuries. 1848-1806 BC; by the middle, 1792-1750 BC; by the
They can be supplemented by the Babylonian low, 1728-1686 BC. For the sake of convenience I
Chronicle, a year-by-year account of events aff~cting have generally followed the middle chronology,
southern Mesopotamia from 774 to 668 BC. which is the one used in the most recent edition of
Towards the end of our period there is also real The Cambridge Ancient History. But readers should
narrative history, a genre independently invented by be aware that for many events most specialists
Jews and Greeks. The historical books of the Bible, would currently prefer a different dating. In recent
written probably in the seventh or sixth century on years Egyptologists have tended to favour lower
the basis of earlier chronicles and oral traditions, dates than those in The Cambridge Ancient History
allow us a look at the Assyrian Empire from the for Egyptian history before 1000 BC; I have therefore
perspective of one of its client states. The Histories adopted the low dates for Egyptian campaigns of
of Herodotus, who visited Babylon and collected the New Kingdom.
traditions going back to late Assyrian times, give us
a notion of what Mesopotamians of the fifth
century thought about their past.
For Egypt, there is a more or less reliable relative
chronology to c. 2900 BC, owing to the preservation
of a complete king list including all the pharaohs
back to the First Dynasty. In the third century BC an
Egyptian priest named Manetho wrote in Greek a
History of Egypt, some of which has been preserved
by Christian writers, dividing Egyptian history
(Neo-) Assyrian Empire - Early Phase 1080-656 Third Intermediate Period
883-859 Ashurnasirpal II (Dynasties 21-25)
858-824 Shalmaneser III 656-525 Dynasty 26 (Saite)
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of war:
two famous philosophers on the functions
Hobbes found the roots of war in the nature of man; Clausewitz, in the nature
of politics. Clausewitz was thinking of the wars of highly organized bureaucratic
states like those of early modern Europe; Hobbes, of
warfare as practised by peoples living below the
institutional level of the state, like the savages of
America. It did not occur to either that there might
have been something even below the level of the wars
of savages. Now there is reason to think that there was.
Hence the first chapter of this volume is about
Darwinian warfare, or proto-warfare, and will trace
the roots of war into the animal past of mankind. The
second chapter deals with Hobbesian warfare, or the
warfare of pre-state societies. Chapters three to five
cover Clausewitzian warfare - the continuation of
primitive warfare with some admixture of politics, to
turn Clausewitz's dictum on its head - in its formative
stages, in the region now called the Middle East
(south-west Eurasia and north-east Africa) from
roughly 3500 to 500 BC. (The parallel development of
state-level warfare in east Asia after 1500 BC is to be
The most influential modern left to Ralph Sawyer's volume in this series: The Chinese Empire and Warfare.)
work on military strategy is The vast time spans and the fragmentary nature of the evidence present
On War by the Prussian
problems unlike those normally encountered in military histories. Warfare in the
general Carl von Clausewitz
(1780-1831), veteran of the usual sense probably did not begin until some fifty thousand years ago, a late date
Napoleonic Wars. He in human evolution but still ten times as long as the entire span of recorded
defined warfare as simply history. There can of course be no attempt at a 'history' of prehistoric warfare
Politik (a German word that
and some would doubt that there can be an anthropology. Most of the present
means both 'politics' and
'policy') with the admixture volume is concerned with the pre-classical civilizations, a relatively brief period
of 'other means'. of three thousand years, but even that is longer than all the rest of recorded
history. Furthermore, the history of the earliest Orient is not like the sort of
narrative to which most readers of history are accustomed. They may feel
numbed by the seemingly endless lists of dynasties and kings with
unpronounceable names in a bewildering variety of dead languages and scripts,
and until biblical times are reached it is almost never possible to flesh out the bare
account into what is normally expected of an historical narrative. Until we reach
the first millennium Be even basic chronology is uncertain; all earlier dates have
margins of error of a century or more. The history of war is particularly opaque. A stylized confrontation
We shall always know relatively little about pre-classical warfare. The Greco- of warriors on a bronze
pectoral from north Italy,
Roman tradition of writing narrative history did not exist, except among the
sixth century Be. European
Hebrews late in our period, and even Hebrew historical writing never developed chiefdoms of the early
any interest in realistic military narrative. In only a few cases can any attempt be Iron Age were on or near
made to reconstruct the course of a battle, and the difficulties attending such the threshold of the state
and represent a transition
attempts will be obvious in what follows. Archaeology can tell us much about
between tribal warfare
arms and armour, for some periods more than others, but never about the use of and the Clausewitzian
the weapons, which is where the real problem lies. wars of policy.
I suggest that pre-classical military history has been further obscured by the
assumption that the nature and functions of warfare have not basically changed
since civilization began. Land warfare between civilized states, from the time it
entered the light of history in the first millennium Be, has been essentially
infantry warfare; cavalry has always played a subsidiary role on the battlefield,
sometimes abetted by other subsidiary arms such as chariots and elephants.
Among some nomadic peoples, especially on the Eurasian steppes, there has
flourished a quite different military tradition, based
on cavalry; we will encounter some of its
representatives in the final chapter of this
volume. But the wars of complex
agrarian societies seem always to
turn on the clash of masses of
foot soldiers in more or less
disciplined formations. It
is hence commonly,
rab .
I a
Rise of civilizations
Third Millenium Be
area of cities/towns
area of villages
and not unreasonably assumed that state-level warfare of the Clausewitzian type OVERLEAF: 'They shall come
must have arisen simultaneously with the rise of the state in about 3000 BC, and all for violence ... And they
shall scoff at the kings, and
that infantry warfare arose at the same time.
the princes shall be a scorn
But it will be argued herein that in fact there was a startling time gap, two unto them: they shall deride
thousand years long, between the rise of the state and the rise of state-level every stronghold... '
warfare. Three stages can be discerned in that long transition. Clausewitzian (Habakkuk 1:9-10).
Clausewitzian warfare
warfare became technically possible with the development of city states in
finally emerged in the first
Mesopotamia by 3000 BC, but the evidence suggests that did not happen. Instead millennium BC with the rise
the first states poured their resources into fortification, a purely defensive strategy of centralized empires
which prohibited offensive warfare; insofar as offensive warfare existed, it was before whose armies no
citadel could stand. Here the
probably little different from that of the Stone Age, and no more effective as an
Assyrians breach a city wall
instrument for achieving political objectives. In the second stage, after 1700 BC, with battering ram and siege
offensive wars between well-organized states became common, but this was a tower (ninth century BC).
type of warfare unlike any before
or since, relying upon elite
groups of horsed chariotry, with
such infantry as there was in a
passive and subsidiary role.
Finally, after 1000 BC, the first
true infantry formations
appeared, as did the first true
cavalry, and the art of war
as we know it was born.
chimps account for 90 per cent of the kills, and almost all
the kills of larger game such as monkeys. Females receive
meat from males, who share it with other band members to
ensure social and sexual dominance. In addition parties of
adult males patrol the borders of their territory, attacking
trespassers from neighbouring bands, and may stealthily
intrude into the neighbouring territory. On these raids
solitary 'foreign' chimps are ambushed and killed, but
females in heat are likely to be adopted.
so common that it seems a forced move in the game of evolutionary design; and
the analogies in human society are close enough that one is tempted to call this a
case of convergent evolution. But we find these analogies only at a late date in
human histor~ Humans did not practise the ant kind of warfare until they lived
in communities that resemble anthills - sedentary, densely populated, rigorously
organized, highly territorial. Such human anthills did not appear until the rise of
the first agrarian civilizations five thousand years ago, and it will be argued later
that even after such societies arose it was many centuries before they began to
wage offensive territorial wars against one another. We came to this late, and Among ants that live in
came to it reluctantly and timidly, compared to the fierce solidarity and large colonies deadly
ruthlessness of ants. Therefore insect evolution is of no help in trying to explain internecine warfare is
extremely common
the uniquely human type of coalitional aggression in its earlier stages.
between neighbouring
To explain that we must look at the animals around us, not those down at communities of the same
our feet. We may suppose, for reasons to be considered shortly, that early or related species.
mankind, during the formative stages of human society, lived by hunting big
game in an open plains environment. The social carnivores that inhabit a
comparable ecological niche today -lion (Panthera leo), spotted hyena (Crocuta
crocuta), African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) and wolf (Canis lupus) - all engage
in intraspecific combats, occasionally lethal, between neighbouring packs or
prides in defence of their territories. These fights are not truly coalitional, as
these species lack the necessary degree of social intelligence. But it seems
significant that social predators will so readily turn the habits of co-operative
hunting to co-operative defence against their own kind. Lions, hyenas and wild
dogs were the chief competitors of hominids on the African plains through the OVERLEAF: A pack of wild
whole course of hominid evolution, until the point about ten thousand years ago dogs brings down a
wildebeest. Among
when mankind was compelled to give up the hunting life, and in the African
mammalian carnivores
game parks their remnant populations still hunt; but the wolf, northern the African wild dog
counterpart of the wild dog, entered at that point into a symbiotic relationship represents the apex of
with man that promised its genes a larger future. social co-operation. Within
the pack mating is restricted
Early researchers on human origins paid more attention to the social
to the dominant pair, whose
carnivores than to the great apes, our closest living relatives, because the apes pups are cared for by all
were believed to be strict vegetarians and early man was believed to be a their packmates.
Troops of savannah specialized big-game hunter from far back. When they looked to primates they
baboons can defend focused on the baboon, the only large primate other than man that ever adapted
themselves from lions and
completely to life on the treeless plains. It was found that these big fierce
leopards with their
impressive canines, bared by monkeys had a high degree of social complexity, as animals tend to have in that
this male baboon in threat menacing environment; that they carry out considerable small-game hunting, of
display. Australopithecines, fawns and hares and the like, and indeed eat more flesh than any other primate
on the other hand, had
but man, for a tropical savannah is the most game-rich environment on earth
harmless teeth even smaller
than those of chimps, and highly conducive to carnivorous habits; and that their bands, often more
possibly suggesting a high than a hundred strong, engage in intraspecific conflicts with neighbouring
degree of co-operative troops which produce appalling noise levels and some bloodshed. Beyond that
the observation of baboons added little to the information gleaned from the
plains carnivores.
The discovery of the real chimpanzee was a different matter. In the 1970s
the anthropologist Jane Goodall found that the common chimpanzee (Pan
troglodytes) is not the peaceful vegetarian it had been thought. Chimpanzee
bands routinely practise co-operative hunting of monkeys and other small
animals, and also conduct lethal raids into the territories of neighbouring chimp
bands. These conflicts differ from the intraspecific conflicts described above in
that the fighting, like the hunting, is primarily the work of male chimpanzees,
whereas in other species the females are at least as active as the males in group
defence; and among chimps both hunting and fighting seem to show a degree of
planning and orchestration. In other words, there is something eerily human
about the business. This drew attention because by this time molecular analysis
had revealed that humans and chimpanzees are genetically much closer than was
thought. They are descended from a common ancestor that lived only 5 to 8
million years ago.
What is there about chimpanzees that could give rise to such a special
pattern of agonistic behaviour? Three factors have been pointed out. Firstly,
there is a peculiar social organization. Chimpanzees are one of the few
primates in which males stay in their natal group after adolescence and females
leave it. Most primate societies are essentially bands of related females with
their attached males, but a chimp society is a band of related males with their
attached females. They are mildly polygynous and there is a ranking order
among males, but little mating competition and no lethal combats. The sexual
dimorphism of chimpanzees is moderate, with males averaging 125 per cent
larger than females, just as in humans. Gorillas and orangutans, by contrast,
are highly polygynous, and males fight savagely over females, who are less than
half their size, extreme sexual dimorphism being a sign of extreme polygyny in
all mammals. In most mammalian species it pays in terms of inclusive fitness
for males to fight one another for dominance and access to females; but in a
species with male-retentive groups it pays for males to co-operate with one
another and compete as a group with other brotherhoods to defend their
territory and females.
The male gorilla (right) is At least it pays if the rewards of coalitional behaviour are worth fighting for.
twice the size of the female. For there also seems to be an ecological factor at work. Another surprising
The sexual dimorphism of
outcome of recent research is that the other chimpanzee species, the relatively
chimpanzees is
comparatively slight, a little-known pygmy chimpanzee or bonobo (Pan paniscus), does not practise
factor favouring co- co-operative hunting or intraspecific conflict, or at least not to nearly the same
operation rather than degree as its larger cousin, and intraspecific killing has never been observed. The
competition between males.
two animals are very closely related; P. paniscus was only recently recognized as
But the australopithecines
were more dimorphic, a distinct species. The most plausible explanation of the difference in behaviour
which may indicate some is that the pygmy chimp lives in a food-rich habitat and does not have to forage
reversion to polygyny. in small parties like the common chimp. Small groups scattered through the
forest are vulnerable to raid and reprisal.
Finally, most importantly, a certain level of social intelligence is required.
The great apes, and especially the chimpanzees, are said to be the only creatures
other than ourselves that display' Machiavellian intelligence'. They can imagine
what other animals are thinking and can attribute intentions to them; they can
picture other possible worlds and design alternative scenarios; they can
empathize; they can practise deception and cruelty. Only that sort of social The pygmy chimpanzee or
cognition makes possible genuine coalitional behaviour, for an effective coalition bonobo inhabits a restricted
range in the Congo
cannot be forged without the ability to assess the capacities and loyalties of its
rainforest. There has been
members. There are a few species of monkey that have male-retentive social little observation in the
organization but they do not form lasting male affiliations like chimps because wild, but the available
they lack that kind of intelligence. evidence suggests it is
strikingly different from the
Much of what has been said about chimpanzees applies also to the most
common chimp in social
primitive human societies, those living at the hunting-and-gathering level of behaviour, with little male
culture, of which the Australian aborigines before contact with Europeans may dominance, hunting, or
represent the purest example. All hunting-and-gathering cultures are by intraspecific violence, and
no tool use.
definition foragers, and must travel long distances in small parties in search of
foods that are hard to find. In all those known to anthropology, hunting and
warfare are essentially male activities - the essentially male activities - and, in
all, male bonding is a central institution while bonding between females is
relatively weak and socially insignificant, except when women are united by
attachment to the same man. The great majority of these cultures are patrilocal,
an anthropological term meaning that males stay in the natal group after
adolescence and females leave it to marry into other groups. (It might be pointed
out that this arrangement is not necessary to male bonding among humans as
it is among apes, because humans have language and can form lasting
affiliations with either gender regardless of genealogical relationships or spatial
proximit~ The 20 per cent of known hunter-gatherers who are matrilocal are
just as male-bonded as the patrilocal cultures. But the preference for
patrilocality still seems significant.) And the native Australians of course
possessed a potential Machiavellian intelligence on the level of Machiavelli, not
that of a chimpanzee.
A plausible portrait of the common ancestor of 5 million years ago can be
reconstructed. It was probably a cunning ape that lived in closed, stable, male-
retentive social groups and had strong tendencies to male-coalitional behaviour,
especially when expressing hostility to outsiders. In those tendencies can be
found the ultimate roots of warfare.
The biologist Edward o. Wilson, a specialist in the study of ants and a
pioneer in the application of evolutionary science to human behaviour, put
forward the following conjectures on the origins of what anthropologists have
called 'ethnocentricity', by which is meant the human tendency to form
exclusive groups:
More recent work in evolutionary science suggests that these learning rules
may have evolved over millions of years.
The hypothesis that the real cause of warfare is ethnocentricity has serious
implications. It means that warfare is an expression of the human capacity for
co-operativeness and fraternity, not egoism and competitiveness. Xenophobia
is the other side of ethnocentrism, warlikeness the other side of peaceability;
in-group amity requires out-group enmit~ What is missing from Hobbes's
analysis is the coalition. It is indeed in the nature of man to invade for safety,
gain and glory, but he does this for his group, not for himself.
The first fossils of Australopithecus were discovered in 1924, but not until
the 1960s was it generally accepted as the long-sought 'missing link'
between ape and human. Since then a fairly clear picture of human
origins has taken shape, though the details are fuzzy, and new
discoveries change the picture constantly. Only its outlines will be
sketched here.
In the Miocene epoch, which began 25 million years ago, the
earth was warm and wet, and in the dense forests that blanketed
Africa flourished many kinds of apes, one of them the
common ancestor. With the coming of the Pliocene, 5 million
years ago, a cooling and drying trend set in, and forests gave
way to grasslands. The apes, except for one species, retreated
before the more adaptable monkeys and eventually became
confined to their present remnant populations in the diminished
equatorial rainforest belt. On the spreading savannahs appeared
many new animals adapted to life in the open, including the fast modern Australopithecines were
antelopes and equids, and the efficient socialized carnivores like lions and once envisioned as big-game
hunters on the open plains,
hyenas. There was also a new kind of primate that went on two legs.
but now it is thought they
These australopithecine primates were not prepossessing in appearance. rarely moved far from trees,
They resembled slightly built chimpanzees, weighing about 90 pounds, with foraging for plants and
brains only slightly larger than a chimp's. Their main evolutionary novelty was a small animals in the same
way that chimps do,
primitive form of bipedalism, and there has been much debate over the
perhaps also scavenging;
reasons for that unique adaptation. Ever since Darwin it had been thought the sabre-toothed cats,
that hominids became bipedal to use tools, but the discovery of the australo- which preyed on elephants
pithecines disproved that, for there is no reason to credit them with any and other megafauna, must
have left many huge
tool-using capacity much more impressive than that of a chimpanzee. It seems
carcasses about.
clearly an adaptation to a semi-terrestrial existence and was probably the result
Division of labour and genuine food sharing imply the existence of the peculiar
human family structure, in which males as well as females invest in parenting, a
thing utterly unknown in other primates. The key factor in the systematic
development of human family and band structure may have been the rise of
intensive big-game hunting, which made available great quantities of meat on
an irregular basis, and made food sharing highly adaptive. A hunting-
and-gathering group organized in that way was a superbly well-adapted social
organism, living at the top of the food chain, immune from predators, with no
rivals except groups like itself.
Artist's conception of men - Every aspect of this system obviously needed high social intelligence and
perhaps made to look too probably required some kind of language. But we do not know when such
modern - hunting fallow
humans appeared. Erectines did some big-game hunting, Neanderthals did it
deer in England 200,000
years ago. These fossils, intensively, but it has been questioned whether either was capable of
found at Swanscombe in the grammatical language. No one doubts that even the earliest H. sapiens, being
1930s, are classified as anatomically indistinguishable from ourselves, was physically capable of such
Homo heidelbergensis, a
language, and it is difficult to believe they did not have a recognizably human
type of erectine that
inhabited Europe from culture of the type described above, but it has left little sign of itself. Between the
700,000 years ago and may first evidence for anatomically modern humans and the first evidence for
have been the ancestor of mentally, spiritua1!y, culturally modern humans there is a gap of 60,000 years.
the Neanderthals.
Such minds have not left clear signs In the archaeological record until
40,000-50,000 years ago - the birth of the Upper Palaeolithic culture, the climax
of the Old Stone Age. The most obvious change is the flowering of visual arts.
Before then it is hard to find any human artefact that can be described as an art
object. Everything made by erectines and Neanderthals, and almost everything The climax of Upper
made by anatomically modern people for their first 60,000 years was strictly Palaeolithic art was the
Magdalenian culture,
functional, though claims have been made for isolated 'art objects' from far
which appeared in France
back. But in the Upper Palaeolithic all manufactured objects containing any 18,000 years ago, at the
space large enough are likely to be carved, painted or otherwise decorated. With coldest point of the last
the birth of art came the birth of style. Other species are practically uniform in glaciation. The Magdalenian
artists produced the famous
social behaviour, and to judge from the monotonous uniformity of the artefact
cave paintings and many
record so were hominids until the Upper Palaeolithic, but after that every superb sculptures like this
locality stamps everything it makes with its own assertive, emblematic, self- bison carved from bone.
identifying forms and techniques. The crude weapons of the earlier Stone Age
are replaced by beautifully shaped blades in a variety of standardized forms.
Evidence of structured imagination is everywhere. At the same time the
colonization of the Australasian islands and the American Arctic gives evidence
not only of high population density (by a hunter's standards) across the Old
World but also of levels of information exchange, planning, and social/technical
expertise capable of exploring highly daunting oceanic and tundra environments.
In short, there is no doubt that a fully human culture existed by the Upper
Palaeolithic, and there is hardly more reason to doubt that warfare of the fully
human type was already an integral part of it. It is very likely that the remote
ancestors of mankind had some innate tendency to proto-ethnocentric
35,000-3200 Be
In the distant future I see open fields for far more important researches.
Psychology will be based on a new foundation, that of the necessary
acquirement of each mental power and capacity by gradation. Light will
be thrown on the origin of man and his histor~
Twelve years later he entered those open fields himself in The Descent of
Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871). In a chapter on the evolution of the
intellectual and moral faculties he speculated at length on the functions of
We can see, that in the rudest state of society, the individuals who were
the most sagacious, who invented and used the best weapons and traps,
and who were best able to defend themselves, would rear the greatest
number of offspring. As a tribe increases and is victorious, it is often still
further increased by the absorption of other tribes ... When two tribes of
primeval man, living in the same country, came into competition, if
(other circumstances being equal) the one tribe included a great number
of courageous, sympathetic and faithful members, who were always
ready to warn one another of danger, to aid and defend one another, this
tribe would succeed better and conquer the other. Let it be borne in mind
how all-important in the never-ceasing wars of savages, fidelity and
courage must be.
Then Darwin asks how it is possible for 'a great number' of such courageous,
sympathetic and faithful individuals to arise. Natural selection always promotes
individual reproductive success, not the success of the group. Therefore altruistic
traits like these, which induce individuals to sacrifice themselves for the group,
ought to be eliminated by natural selection quite automaticall~ In the long run,
of course, altruism will benefit the group, and hence the individuals who
compose the group; but we need to explain how individuals with altruistic traits
could be there in the first place. The evolution of altruistic behaviour has always
been a central problem in Darwinian theor~ It ought not to exist in a Darwinian
world, yet it clearly does. And warfare, which tends to kill off the fittest young
men before they have had much chance to reproduce, was one of the hardest
altruistic behaviours to explain.
Darwin explained the evolution of altruism in three ways. Firstly, a human
It must not be forgotten that though a high standard of morality gives but
a slight or no advantage to each individual man and his children over
other men of the same tribe, yet that an increase in the number of
This passage seems to be ignored by those who tell us Darwin was not a
'social Darwinist'.
To recapitulate an argument presented in the preceding chapter, recent neo-
Darwinist thought has generally supported Darwin's speculations on the origins
of warfare. The deepest cause of warfare is believed to be ethnocentricity, and
this tendency probably arose in the way Darwin describes. Human evolution
operates by a unique combination of the instinctive and the rational, and it has,
to a large extent quite consciously, selected traits that benefit groups larger than
the kin group. Darwin, like all scientists of his time, accepted the Lamarckian
theory that acquired traits can be inherited, and therefore assumed the
interaction between biology and culture could work both ways: instinct might
promote habit, and habit in turn strengthen instinct. Modern biology has rejected
Lamarckism, or the direct genetic inheritance of acquired cultural traits, but does
accept the possibility of various tie-ins between cultural and genetic selection. If
genetic tendencies to altruistic behaviour do exist, then a culture that encourages
altruism should be a fertile ground for such genes, as Darwin suggested. Even
without assistance from the genes, the process of cultural evolution by itself is
capable of achieving fitness goals through deliberate cognitive manipulations and
organized altruistic behaviours.
Moreover, Darwin thought warfare had been the main agent of cultural
evolution. Nothing was then known about human origins except for the recently
discovered bones of Neanderthal Man, and Darwin advanced no speculations
about the matter; but he assumed that primitive man, from the time he split off
from some apelike ancestor, was always an intelligent weapons-using species
without natural predators, and therefore the main selection pressures in his
evolution must have come from competition between one human group and
another, which is to say from warfare. The science of anthropology did not yet
exist, but Darwin did not need it to see that cultures resemble organisms or
species, each with distinctive acquired traits that correspond to biological
variations (or as we now say, mutations), that some of these are adaptive in that
they promote the survival and reproduction of the culture, and that such cultural
traits and the cultures that carry them will be preferred over others by the process
of natural selection; and hence the evolution of the human moral and intellectual
faculties, and every other sort of adaptive trait, especially those that lead to
success in competition.
Probably most, even followers of the SSSM, would agree that warfare must
have originally been a successful adaptation in the Darwinian sense. But the
notion that warfare continued to be adaptive will meet with resistance. Darwin
himself thought that under the conditions of modern civilization warfare was no
longer a successful adaptation, but he thought it had been adaptive for a very
long time. The concept of warfare as an instrument of group selection, of
cultural evolution, and perhaps, in some ways, of progress was the core of social Australian aborigines lived
Darwinism. Modern social science has tried to avoid this disturbing thesis by in separate hunting-and-
every means possible, except refuting it. To evaluate it properly we must first gathering bands, each an
extended family or group of
review what is known about the history of warfare before the rise of civilized
families, but neighbouring
states. bands speaking related
dialects would congregate
FROM BAND TO TRIBE once a year into a temporary
macro-band of several
Anthropologists distinguish four basic types of social organi~ation, which they
hundred people to conduct
call the 'band', 'tribe', 'chiefdom', and 'state'. This division does not correspond ceremonies, trade, and
exactly to the older classification into Old Stone Age hunting societies ('savages' marital arrangements.
as they were formerly called), New Stone Age
agricultural societies (the former 'barbarians')
and 'civilizations'. Some of the more complex
hunting-and-gathering societies are considered
to be 'tribes', and some complex Neolithic
agricultural tribes are 'chiefdoms'.
'Bands' are the smallest and simplest of
human societies: they usually number twenty to
fifty people; they do not usually practise
agriculture but live entirely by foraging over an
immense and loosely defined territory; their
social structure is extremely egalitarian. The
examples known to Western ethnographers in
recent centuries, such as the Eskimos, the
Bushmen of southern Africa, the Congo
Pygmies and the aborigines of the Australian
interior, have inhabited grimly inhospitable
environments and often seem to be relict or
refugee populations. If they practise any
warfare it is of very low intensity, for obvious
reasons. In this category belong virtually all the
known societies that can be described as
genuinely peaceful, in that warfare and the cult
of the warrior play no routine part in their culture and they avoid armed conflict
with neighbours at all costs. These recent bands provide the closest analogue to
the earliest human societies, but a dubious analogue because of their
marginalized status. Unlike early Palaeolithic bands, these peoples live on the
fringes of richer and more complex societies on which they are often dependent,
and many of them are actually defeated and degraded 'tribes'.
Most of the primitive or pre-state peoples studied by anthropology are
'tribes'. A tribe is a group of bands or villages with a total membership usually in
the hundreds. They live by foraging, agriculture, pastoralism, or some
combination of these. In social structure they are practically as egalitarian as
bands, but with more room for personal distinction, especially in warfare. They
are united by pan-tribal associations such as warrior societies, or by a common
language or related dialects, or by a myth of descent from a common ancestor.
They co-operate, especially in war, and war chiefs may have much influence, but
no one individual has power; decisions are made in council, usually by older
males. This was probably the norm for human society between the Upper
Palaeolithic cultural revolution and the growth of literate civilization, and when
we speak of 'primitive warfare' we are almost always speaking of the tribal
world, where it is a familiar institution.
About warfare in the Upper Palaeolithic there is very little to be said. There is
ample evidence of homicide, but murder is not the same thing as war, and it is
very difficult to find unmistakable archaeological evidence of warfare before the
appearance of permanent settlements. The complexity of Upper Palaeolithic
culture suggests the tribal stage of society. Band-level societies may have survived
only in marginal areas, as they do today. We can infer the existence of tribal
warfare, of the sort to be described shortly, but the vast dispersal of foraging
peoples must have minimized competition and conflict. Space is the enemy of
war. To slightly paraphrase Hobbes, it is in the nature of tribes to invade for
safety, gain and glory; but not when they must travel days in order to do it, and
there is little to gain in the absence of fixed settlements and stores, and, for the
same reasons, little concern for safety; and as for glory, a culture must be fairly
militarized to place a high value on it, which requires a certain level of military
activity to begin with.
But the Upper Palaeolithic colonization of difficult environments such as the
Arctic barrens, the tropical rainforests and the oceanic islands is a sign that the
earth was filling up. After the end of the Ice Age, 12,000 years ago, there is
evidence of more serious ecological change. Glaciers melted, seas rose, climates
warmed, forests across northern Eurasia, the Middle East and north Africa began
to dry up. The Upper Palaeolithic culture gave way to what archaeologists call the
Mesolithic, in which there are signs of increasing population density and social
complexity, with semi-permanent settlements in some places. From the
Mesolithic comes the first definite evidence of warfare. In Offnet Cave in
Germany a cache of thirty-four skulls of men, women and children was found,
brained with stone axes. This is significant because it proves that the practice of Mesolithic cave paintings
headhunting, which is later testified from all over the world, was already in vogue, from Spain, c. 10,000 Be,
provide the earliest images
and with it the cult of battle trophies as marks of prestige, and all that implies
of warfare. Most are hunting
about the militarization of culture. At Jebel Sahaba in upper Egypt the skeletons scenes, but two show human
of fifty-nine people killed with arrows were found, the possible record of a victims pierced by multiple
massacre. Cave paintings from Spain show the first pictorial representations of arrows and two depict
groups of archers in combat.
human combat, always with bow and arrow, and including a couple of group
This painting features some
scenes, though whether of real or ritual battles is open to interpretation. The first thirty warriors in a confused
real missile weapons, bow and sling and spear-thrower, became common at about engagement.
this time; they would of course have been useful for hunting, but also extremely
useful for warfare, as primitive warriors sensibly prefer missiles to shock
weapons. Another invention was the axe or mace, a club with a stone head, which
seems designed for the penetration of human skulls.
In south-west Asia the Mesolithic soon led to the Neolithic revolution. By
10,000 years ago there had appeared in the hills of Palestine, the southern
Anatolian plateau and the Zagros range on the border between Iraq and Iran, a
number of permanent mud-brick villages raising plots of barley, wheat and
legumes and herding flocks of goats and sheep. By 8,000 years ago villages like
these, some housing a few thousand people, dotted the Middle East and were
spreading around the coasts of the Mediterranean.
Evidence for the prevalence of warfare in Neolithic societies is so well known
that there seems no need to rehearse it in detail. In the regions most thoroughly
of it by the standards of any humans now alive, and that by the late Palaeolithic OVERLEAF: Warriors in full
he must have felt he was running out of it, because there is no other way to regalia from the Kawahari
River region of New
explain the discovery of America. It has been pointed out that foraging cultures
Guinea. In the New Guinea
can limit their populations, indeed have no choice about this because women kept mountains wars often began
on the move must space out their pregnancies or else accept the grim necessities with a ritual 'nothing fight'
of infanticide, at least through neglect. But this would not prevent a gradual, in which arrows were fired
from a distance, but this
imperceptible rise in world population over many millions of years. The universal
could easily slide into a
practice of exogamy would tend to equalize population. The ecological changes bloody 'true fight' with
at the end of the Ice Age only accelerated a transition to a more crowded world hand-to-hand weapons, or
that was already underway. into ambush and massacre.
The general patterns of tribal warfare are well known and there is no reason
to think they were different in the Stone Age. I will summarize here the principal
features that distinguish tribal from state warfare, omitting for the moment
societies at the chiefdom level, which may resemble states more than tribes. The
most obvious difference is of course the small scale of tribal warfare. There are
battles but no campaigns, tactics but no strategy, and the functions of leadership
are mostly inspirational. There are ruses, such as the time-honoured feigned
retreat and ambush, but only such as individual warriors can carry out; there are
no massed formations capable of concerted manoeuvres. Pitched battles tend to
have a ritualized or gamelike atmosphere, reminiscent of the cacophonous threat
displays of baboon troops: the men meet by appointment at a designated
battlefield and spend the day exchanging insults and missiles at extreme range,
while the women form cheering sections in the rear and the old women scurry
about shrieking curses at everybody, and the affair is broken off after a few
Tribal warfare should not, however, be seen as some kind of Homeric farce.
These ritual battles are often only the initial stage of a war, and if they fail to
settle the dispute, the war can easily escalate to much bloodier combats with
hand-to-hand weapons. Formal battles, which affect only males, are the least
destructive mode of tribal warfare. Tribesmen can also conduct murderous raids
aimed at killing as many people as possible, regardless of age or sex. Though
there are rarely many casualties from a single encounter, primitive wars can be
more protracted than the wars of states, and we know of many cases where a
tribe lost the majority of its warriors in the course of a war that may have
dragged on for years. Among the warlike Yanomamo of Venezuela, one-third of
the males meet their deaths in war. For a tribal people such casualty rates seem to
be high but not extraordinary. Among civilized societies they are unknown,
except for a few brief periods in the histories of some nations, such as ] apan and
Germany during the Second World War. The extinction of entire tribes is a fairly
common event in the tribal world. New Guinea is an area of special importance
here, because its traditional warfare continued into the 1950s, when the
Australian government more or less stopped it, and has been the subject of much
first-rate anthropological work. A recent study estimated that 10 per cent of the
ethnic groups in New Guinea have become extinct through warfare in every
generation. (For the purposes of that study, 'ethnic group' was defined as any
group that can conduct war.) Primitive war is small in scale but for that reason
can be highly destructive.
As to the causes of war, there is a simple and significant difference. Primitive
warfare, at least ostensibly, is about revenge. The reason tribal peoples commonly
give for going to war is to avenge wrongs. The nature of the offence matters little.
Women, assault, theft, sorcery, slander, and what we would call civil suits of every
sort are all legitimate and common causes.
Some anthropologists have argued that the articulated aims of revenge and
honour are only pretexts for materialistic motives, mainly territorial acquisition.
In fact territorial changes are very frequent outcomes of tribal wars, and cases of
tribal displacement, especially in desirable territories, may be found everywhere
in anthropological literature. Surely no tribal war ever began without much hard-
headed calculation of material costs and benefits. The best-known case of
displacement may be the Nuer victory over the Dinka tribe in Sudan, because the
former happened to become the subject of one of the classics of anthropological
literature, E. E. Evans-Pritchard's The Nuer (1940). Over a seventy-year period
the Nuer territory has expanded four times over, which is no mean territorial gain
by any standard.
And yet one resists the conclusion that these wars were for 'economic'
motives. Certainly all these peoples assumed that victory in a just war ought to
bring some well-deserved material benefits to the victors, in addition to
upholding their hQnour. But they were not accustomed to thinking in terms of
abstractions like 'economic' and 'political' and had no authorities capable of the
determination and sustained pursuit of such cold-blooded goals. A recent
statistical study concluded that the most reliable predictor of warfare among
tribal peoples is a history of unpredictable natural disasters; not real scarcity, as
we might expect if the basic motives for war were economic, but, rather, a general
sense of insecurity and vulnerability which intensifies fear of neighbours. If the
fundamental cause of war is ethnocentric feeling, then it is the ultimate
expression of the moral solidarity of the community, undertaken with the moral
consensus of the people and their gods (who are often ancestors, hence the non-
living portion of the community) to punish evil outsiders and defectors. War
might serve many other functions as well, with no sense of contradiction; but a
frankly predatory concept of warfare requires an extreme degree of
pseudospeciation, of which tribal cultures rarely seem capable, and perhaps only
when they encounter the utterly alien. The ethic of warfare set forth in Aristotle's
Politics expresses an ancient and universal outlook: Aristotle assumed that wars
between civilized peoples required the declaration of a just cause, and only
against barbarians, fit to be slaves, could wars be waged for predatory reasons, as
we would hunt wild animals. The horse nomads of the Eurasian steppe inspired
utter terror precisely because they were capable of this attitude, regarding settled
peoples as beasts to be hunted; but they appeared late in history and in The Zulus were originally a
prehistoric times their equivalents may never have appeared at all. The worldwide tribe of the Nguni people,
cattle-raising pastoralists of
custom of purification after battle, in which warriors perform expiatory rites to
southern Africa. In the early
appease the ghosts of their slain enemies, is further testimony to the limits of nineteenth century Shaka
pseudospeciation. imposed a regimented
military system: all males
aged under 40 lived in
barracks like the ancient
During the several millennia that followed the spread of systematic agriculture Spartans, and were trained
the human population of the planet increased several times over. Demographic to fight in close formation
pressures eventually forced the growth of new layers of social complexity, with assegais (stabbing
including formal political authorit): The earliest institutional political leadership
doubtless took the form known to anthropology as a chiefdom. Chiefdoms are
complex tribes with a ranked social structure, consisting of at least two ranks, the
nobles and the commoners; and formal political leadership, usually in the form of
a hereditary chief with religious and redistributive functions. These societies
differ from states mainly in the absence of coercive bureaucracy, and this
distinction can be a fine one.
The chiefs probably arose from among the 'big men' common in tribal
cultures, who are mainly concerned with the redistribution of surplus wealth.
The likely catalyst that turns 'big men' into chiefs is warfare. In peacetime the
exploitative tendencies of an ambitious headman will be restrained by kinship
and tribal custom, but prolonged warfare or the constant threat of it will give him
opportunities to break free of these bonds and make his position absolute and
hereditar): In the process the nature of war will change: permanent coercive
leadership can channel group energies into sustained political and economic
objectives; successful wars in turn bring new wealth and enlarge the redistributive
functions of the chief. Chiefdoms may rule thousands or tens of thousands of
people and may be more formidable in warfare than many states. Societies of this
type have been common in recent centuries and they play a great part in
anthropological literature, but that is because they typically flourish in the
hinterlands of genuine states, which they imitate. The supreme examples of great
chiefdoms were perhaps those of Polynesia in the eighteenth and nineteenth
OVERLEAF: A Zulu kraal
centuries, which were obviously indebted to European contacts. It is not easy to
(enclosed village). The
determine what chiefdoms were like in a world that had no states at all. Zulus originally practised
The chiefdom would appear to be a natural stepping stone to the state, except the normal tribal warfare
that normally it goes nowhere. The number of chiefdoms that evolved into states exemplified by the
Nuer-Dinka conflict, but
independently is miniscule: there are not above four examples in the Old World,
Shaka carried out a
and a couple of others in the New. This cannot be because they are ineffective in deliberate policy of
war. The historical chiefdoms have tended to be highly warlike and war-effective, conquest which spread
sometimes capable of scoring victories over the mechanized armies of modern chaos over a fifth of Africa.
H is military system was
states. The last was in 1879, when the Zulus defeated the British at Isandlwana.
destroyed by the British in
Shaka (died 1828), the ruthless chief who founded Zulu power, was called by 1879. These photos were
John Keegan 'a perfect Clausewitzian' because of the single-minded way he taken in the 1930s.
Chiefdoms no longer exist. channelled all the energies of his primitive pastoral society into offensive warfare.
The best known examples Keegan suggests that the early demise of this power demonstrates the limitations
were those of Polynesia and
of pure Clausewitzianism. Perhaps it was the limitation of chiefdoms in general
sub-Saharan Africa. Most of
barbarian Europe to be too geared to the fluctuations of warfare and too unresponsive to the other
contemporary with the needs of their societies. In Neolithic times they may have been uncommon and
ancient Middle Eastern short lived. In the well-studied ethnographic history of the New Guinea
civilizations was at the level
highlands, an area densely populated by Neolithic standards where warfare and
of the chiefdom. This
bronze sheet (fifth century displacement have been common, there are many tribal 'big men', but none has
Be) shows a warrior of the ever become a chief, and if a chiefdom ever existed there it vanished without
Venetie people of north-east trace. The Zulu ascendancy was a response to overpopulation, exacerbated
because their expansion to the south was blocked by the Dutch colonists in the
Cape. Perhaps dynamic chiefdoms require such situations of entrapment.
There was, so to speak, something unnatural about the rise of political
power. Unlike the development of agriculture and village life, which came
independently in many different parts of the world, states arose in rare and
special circumstances. During the first thousand years of recorded history this
process took place only three times, in the basins of the Euphrates, Nile and
Indus Rivers; and as the three rivers are not that far apart, the first provides the
sole indisputable example in the Old World of a truly pristine civilization that
owed nothing to external influences. Clearly there is that in human nature which
resists centralized political power. It required a highly specialized environment for
the process of political consolidation to continue to what, in retrospect, seems its
predestined end.
These consid~rations have led to the widespread adoption of the
'circumscription' theory of state origins, which holds that advanced social
complexity cannot evolve without population pressure in circumscribed
agricultural land - a territory so enclosed by natural barriers that people cannot
escape, creating a pressure-cooker effect. The three earliest examples fit that
description, for all were alluvial river plains caged in by desert or dry steppe.
Neolithic population growth was dispersive: an expanding people acquired
new land by replacing its neighbours and pushing them out into adjacent
territories, as in the early-nineteenth-century Zulu expansion, an extreme case of
tribal displacement whose effects were felt all over southern Africa. But in a
completely caged environment, which in Neolithic times could only be created by
geographical factors, population growth became aggregative and settlements
mushroomed. In these human anthills the ancient social bonds stretched and
snapped, to be replaced by a hierarchial organization, a central planning
mechanism, in which the personal authority of the chief became stabilized,
routinized and discretionar~ There have been many attempts to identify the main
cause or prime mover in this process. Two favourite suspects are irrigation and
warfare: internal management and external defence. It seems likely the two
worked together, indeed required one another, a process that will be examined
more fully in the next chapter.
Many social scientists and probably most historians would subscribe to this
view. There are, however, reasons to think that there have been very long-range
evolutionary trends in history, so long-range that most historians, who work
within very limited time spans, never notice them. Since the Upper Palaeolithic,
human society has not only grown steadily in social complexity, but has
everywhere grown in the same directions. In the Old World these parallel trends
might be attributed to diffusion, but in the New World, where there was no
possibility of significant contact between 40,000 Be and AD 1492, society
developed along the same path, from band to tribe to chiefdom to state; and the
history of warfare in the New World followed the same course as in the Old, the
main differences being clearly attributable to the absence of any beasts suitable
for riding or pulling chariots. The anthropologist Marvin Harris pointed out
that 'the story of the second earth shows that cultural evolution has not resulted
to b~ associated with adaptive traits, a phenomenon called 'hitchhiking' by Navajos in the ArizonQ
geneticists. According to evolutionary theory the adaptive ttaits sh~uld still win Territory, 1880s. As late as
the time of the Anglo-Zulu
out over the long run. There is no obvious reason why cultural evolution should
War the Indian tribes of the
not produce the same result. Some cultural variations should be sufficiently western prairies and deserts,
adaptive to ensure that their carriers are consistently 'victorious over most other who possessed no chiefdom
tribes', regardless of historical contingencies; and this, as Darwin said, 'would be remotely as formidable as
the Zulu, were still capable .
natural selection'.
of keeping white settlers off
Second, ~f there have been parallel and convergent trends, these have not been their lands, and it required
caused by group extinctions. It is true that group extinc~ion could not be the only the armies of a major
cause. It was argued above that the worldwide shift from hunting to farming, industrial power to remove
which has been called the most conspicuous testimonial to the power of ~
Darwinian cultural adaptation, was a reaction to a worldwide demographic
swell. Agriculture can support a population density fifty times that of a foraging
economy, so foragers must eventually be pushed out or be absorbed by farmers.
But foragers are not helpless to retard this process, especially in its initial stages.
Even in the age of railroad and rifle, the Great Plains of North America could not
be put to agricultural uses until their indigenous foragers had been removed by
military means. Much the same can be said about other massive trends, such as
the rise of the state. In speaking of cultural evolution, 'extinction' normally
means the sociocultural, not the physical, termination of a group; but it is still
difficult to see how any kind of evolution can proceed unless some groups
disappear and others survive and replicate themselves.
Warfare is not the only cause of group extinction. The red horseman rarely
rides alone. But warfare is the decisive cause and often administers the final blow
to a group already weakened by malnutrition, disease, or desertion. It is not clear
from the anthropological data that any culture, except perhaps insular
populations small enough to be wiped out by one hurricane, has ever become
totally extinct without the assistance of human enemies. The disappearance of
the Norse colony in Greenland in the late Middle Ages, an extinction both
cultural and physical, has been attributed to worsening climate in an environment
already marginal; but there is archaeological evidence that the settlement finally
succumbed to Eskimo raids.
Third, rates of group extinction are too slow to account for significant
cultural change. It may be recalled that Darwin thought that the 'never-
ceasing wars of savages' was a necessary backdrop to cultural evolution.
The New Guinea data referred to above, however, indicates an average rate
of group extinction so slow that the compilers of that study estimated it
would take between 500 and 1,000 years for serious cultural changes to
take place.
The real rates of change, however, must be far faster than that. The
most important difference between cultural and biological evolution is
that cultural groups can select favourable adaptations deliberately,
without waiting for the lumbering processes of group extinction.
Though the innate conservatism of ethnocentricity inhibits cultural
borrowing, people can sometimes foresee the eventual results of group
selection and act to forestall them. When the first tribe took up archery, its
rivals probably, and in short order, did the same thing, realizing that otherwise
they would be pushed into marginalization or extinction. The threat of war
may be a more potent agent of cultural change than its practice. Clausewitz said
battle need not be offered often, and in fact the prudent commander will enter N iccola Machiavelli
into it rarely, but it is still to military activity what cash payment is in business (1469-1527), Florentine
diplomat and historian,
affairs. Likewise, the advantage of warfare over all other modes of group
formulated the theory of
competition is that of cash over credit. raison d'etat that goes by his
The fourth and last point is that Machiavellian intelligence is self-defeating. name. Machiavellian
There is about it something almost deliberately anti-evolutionary. Cultures, intelligence is the ability to
design scenarios to ensure
unlike genes, are calculating and devious entities that are normally fated to
evolutionary success. The
contend with rivals as cunning as themselves. The strategies of cultural evolution 'strategies' of natural
cannot depend upon accumulated experience and are not played with a passive selection are unconscious;
environment. The strategies must be as fluid as in a chess game; the environment those of cultural selection
are deliberate.
that counts is social, intelligent, reactive; the only thing that can be predicted is
that any improvement in skill will select for a corresponding improvement in the
other players. It is the most challenging of games and it can produce brilliant
moves, but it leads very easily to stalemate. Hence the rules of Machiavelli
constantly defeat those of Darwin, and the normal outcome of war is a balance
of power, which is the opposite of evolution.
For the reasons given above, and especially the last, warfare must normally
have been a somewhat inefficient agent of cultural evolution. It cannot have
accounted for most cultural change, nor could it have provided much of a
check on the limitless proliferation of cultural variations, which otherwise would
not be as diverse as they undoubtedly are. Nevertheless it is difficult to resist the
conclusion that in the final analysis warfare has been a decisive arbiter in
human evolution, both biological and cultural; and it has been so not only in the
great crises of prehistory, but also in many important breakthroughs within
historical times. Several such breakthroughs will be examined in the chapters that
---_.a--=-:=:-==:=;;;;.....:@:.~:==~:r-rl- . -----
3200-1700 Be
The oak-covered hills to the east and north of the Tigris-Euphrates valley were
home to some of the earliest agricultural sites, but farmers long avoided the
baked plains except to hunt onager and gazelle. Not until 5000 BC did villages
and irrigation channels appear along the two great rivers. Archaeologists call this
the Ubaid culture, after one of its early sites. Nothing dramatically new
developed until 3500 BC, when there grew up in the very fertile down-river plain,
later known as Sumer, an offshoot of the Ubaid known as the Uruk culture, after
another archaeological site. Soon this became the first culture that can be
described as urban, with a probable majority of its people living in walled towns
with populations in the thousands. Sometime late in the fourth millennium a
The first writing,
point of take-off was reached in cultural complexity. We may imagine growing up undecipherable to us,
along the riverbanks a series of core areas of productive irrigated land, each appeared in the late Uruk
united by patron-client relationships to a periphery of farming villages and period (3500-3000 BC). By
c. 3000 BC this had
pastoralists, each forming a network of economic redistribution controlled by a
developed into a cuneiform
managerial elite in the central town. The whole network resembled a great (wedge-shaped) script,
household, and from an early time was conceived simply as the household of the inscribed with a reed on clay
god who resided in the main temple, while the human governors were thought of tablets, which can be read as
Sumerian. Used mostly for
as the god's stewards. Towards 3000 BC the Uruk culture entered a climactic phase
accounts, it is one of the
that can be described as the first civilization: populations became densely signs that complex urban
concentrated in the central towns; wheeled vehicles and bronze weapons were organization had emerged.
fashioned; temples - awesome by any
previous standard - were erected; chiefs
were buried in tombs that deserve the
adjective 'royal'; and the first messages
were written on clay tablets. Warfare
must have played an important part in
this process. As the Sumerian Plain,
which is the size of Belgium or New
Jersey, filled up with the complex
communities described above, disputes
of the usual Neolithic sort would
have proliferated, more frequent and
more serious now because they were
increasingly focused on rights over land
and water, and these rivalries must have
contributed to the consolidation of the
new elites in the towns. It is plausible to
imagine an early period of fairly
intensive warfare in Sumer, resembling
in scale the warfare of the more
advanced chiefdoms, which culminated
in the consolidation of the city states
early in the third millennium.
During the Early Dynastic Age
(2900-2350 BC) Sumer contained some
thirty such cities. At any given time
there were a dozen or more major
cities, each with its imposing temple
and patron deity, each controlling an
agricultural territory stretching for
some miles around its walls. Some
EARLY MESOPOTAMIA AND cities were within sight of another's walls. The largest cities had populations of
SYRIA 4300-2300 Be perhaps 50,000; the population of all Sumer is reckoned at half a million.
It is widely thought that the The primary source for unravelling the early history of these cities is the
ancient coastline of the
Sumerian King List, a document compiled around 2000 Be which purports to list
Gulf extended much further
north than now; hence this all the kings who had held the position of nam-lugal, high king, over Sumer.
map puts Ur on the coast. According to this text the gods first set up kingship at Eridu (known from
After the rise of the archaeology to have been an ancient centre of the Ubaid culture), where two
Akkadian Empire c. 2300 Be
kings reigned for 64,800 years between them. The supreme kingship was then
southern Mesopotamia was
called 'Sumer and Akkad'. held in succession by four other cities, and by kings of comparable longevity, for
'Akkad' probably referred to the next 176,000 years. Then the gods sent a great Flood which drowned all men
the largely Semitic northern but one. After the Flood a new start was made, and once again kingship was
area. The civilization of
'lowered from heaven', this time at Kish, where twenty-three kings reigned 24,510
Elam, which achieved
literacy almost as early as years, three months and three and a half days. Here we touch dry land, for Kish
Sumer, was cut off from it by was a place of mysterious importance in later times, and the title 'King of Kish'
the marshes of the Gulf always conveyed a claim to hegemony in Mesopotamia. The last two kings of the
Sumerians called northern
First Dynasty of Kish in the King List are historical figures, the first attested by
Mesopotamia 'Subartu'.
an inscription and the second by literature: 'En-mebaragesi, the one who carried
___ ---I
I ,,-
/ /
\ {
- - --- \ \
a n P e n n s u l /
\ \ _I
- ./
Early Mesopotamia and Syria
/: - ~ /
4300-2300 Be
\ / area of Sumerian cultural
/' .-
/ ....... ""'-
D influence
/"" major trade route
major city
away as spoil the weapons of the land of Elam [south-west Iran], became king
and reigned 900 years; Akka, son of En-mebaragesi, reigned 625 years.' After
Akka, 'Kish was smitten with weapons' and its kingship passed to Uruk, one of
whose early kings was named Gilgamesh. In the epic poem Gifgamesh and Akka,
Akka of Kish appears as the enemy of Gilgamesh, whose city Uruk is
unsuccessfully besieged by Akka. Gilgamesh of Uruk, who became the Sumerian
folk hero and the subject of many epic tales, was doubtless an historical person
who lived in the twenty-seventh century: After Uruk the kingship passed to Ur, a
city well known from its inscriptions. From this time on, the King List becomes
more historical and the life spans of its rulers more credible, and it can be
supplemented not only by inscriptions on stone but by archival and literary texts
on clay:
As the King List shows, the Sumerians assumed that 'The Land', as they
called it, was of almost inconceivable antiquity and had always been ruled by
many city kings under a single high king. The notion which gave the King List its
organizing principle, that only one city at a time had held the supreme kingship,
with no overlap, is obviously fictive; but when this was written exact chronology
was a novel idea and the compilers may have known no other way to organize
their material. The King List is also selective: Lagash, because of its extensive
inscriptions, is the best known to us of all Sumerian cities, and we know that in
the twenty-fifth century its king styled himself 'King of Kish' and held a sort of
hegemonic position in Sumer; yet Lagash never appears in the List and we can
only guess at the reasons for the omission. But the myth of unity was supported
by the common pantheon and by the centrality of the temple city of Nippur,
which was never a city state and had no kings, yet no one was recognized as nam-
fugal unless he had been confirmed by Enlil, king of the gods, at Nippur.
The Sumerians believed that there had always been kings, and there is no
sound reason to doubt it. Some modern authorities have supposed the cities were
originally ruled by priesthoods and have seen in the titles ensi and lugal, the usual
terms for rulers, a distinction between priestly and royal functions; but Sumerian
kingship was so theocratic that the distinction seems unclear, and the different
titles may have reflected only regional differences. Others have thought, on the
basis of occasional references to assemblies and councils, that the cities originally
had a republican form of government and that monarchy arose later; but it is
more plausible to see in these advisory bodies a vestige of the primitive tribal
consensus, and to imagine city kingship growing directly out of the Neolithic
chiefdom with no republican detour. Republican government, it will be argued
later, assumes a type of social structure that did not appear until the first
millennium Be.
Warfare was clearly an important feature of the Early Dynastic world. The
King List assumes that the title of nam-lugal usually passed from one city to
another by warfare. Sooner or later the leading city was 'smitten with weapons'
and its hegemony passed to another. All the chief Sumerian gods had military
Terracotta relief, c. 2000 BC, functions: Enlil, the high god, was 'he who breaks the enemy like a reed'; the
featuring the goddess of sex goddess of love, Inanna, was also goddess of war. The functions of the king, who
and of war, Inanna, called
was simply the deputy of the chief god of the city, were largely concerned with
Ishtar by Semites, wearing a
crown of lunar horns and a warfare. Fighting warriors and bound captives appear frequently in Sumerian art.
rainbow necklace, But it is very difficult to determine what early Sumerian wars - the first wars
accompanied by her lions between states in human history - were like, and the common assumption that
and owls. At the New Year
they resembled the state-level warfare of later times may be misleading.
ceremony the king of the
city played the role of her Though Sumer emerged into a sort of historical half-light by around 2600 BC,
lover Dumuzi (Tammuz) the only city rivalry about which we have much information is that between
and somehow had sexual Lagash and Umma, cities located 18 miles apart, which were repeatedly in
union with her.
conflict over a disputed piece of irrigated land on their borders. Lagash recorded
its claims on a series of inscriptions. These tell us that about 2600 BC the dispute
had been arbitrated and the boundary demarcated by the current nam-lugal,
Mesalim, king of I(ish. But sometime after 2500 BC Ush, king of Umma, invaded
the disputed territory and smashed the boundary stone Mesalim had put up.
Then Ningirsu, the chief god of Lagash, appeared in a dream to Eanatum, king
of Lagash, and ordered him to restore the god's 'beloved field', promising him
that Umma would be abandoned by its ally Kish and that the king of Umma
would be killed by his own people. (All wars were fought to avenge the honour of
the god, as simpler societies fight to avenge the honour of the people; a king went
to war at the command of his god, who naturally possessed good intelligence
about shifts in the balance of power and the internal affairs of enemy cities.) In
both of the two battles that followed, Lagash was victorious over Umma, or
rather, as the inscriptions present the matter, Ningirsu defeated Shara the god of
Umma. Ningirsu 'cast the great battle-net' of Enlil over the Ummaites and
erected twenty burial mounds over fallen Ummaites in the plain. Ush seems to
have been overthrown by his own people as prophesied, and a treaty was made
with his successor in which the Ummaite king promised to pay tribute and neither
trespass on Ningirsu's land nor alter the irrigation channels. The treaty was
sealed by a ritual of obscure significance in which six pairs of doves, their heads
crowned with cedar and their eyes marked with kohl, were released to six temples
in six different cities. A later king of Umma, Urluma, acquired new allies and
repossessed the disputed land; the then king of Lagash, Enanatum (Eanatum's
brother), fought with him and, since the inscriptions do not mention the result,
was probably defeated. But Enanatum's son Enmetena defeated Urluma, captured
sixty of his ass teams and put up five burial mounds over his fallen soldiers, while
Urluma was killed in Umma by his own people.
The inscriptions tell us much about the treaties but nothing about the fighting
itself, except that Eanatum was wounded by an arrow. The theocratic conventions
of Middle Eastern royal inscriptions always precluded anything resembling
realistic battle description. There are no real battles, only routs and massacres.
But Eanatum also commemorated his victory in bas-relief on the Stele of the
Vultures, which is one of the two main pictorial sources for Early Bronze Age
warfare. The other is the so-called Standard of Ur, a plaque of unknown purpose
made about 2500 Be and found in the Royal Tombs of Ur. On the basis of these
two works, it has been supposed that Sumerian armies included war chariots and
phalanxes of heavy infantry. This is to read back into the dawn of interstate
warfare two institutions that appeared very much later.
The war chariot was an invention of the High Bronze Age, after 1700 BC. The
disciplined formation of heavy infantry was invented by the Archaic Greeks, and
Eastern armies first met it in the fifth century BC. Both chariotry and phalanx,
when they finally appeared, were devastating innovations that revolutionized
Artist's reconstruction of
the Sumerian battle cart.
The wheels were solid wood
and there was no swivelling
front axle, making it
impossible for the vehicle to
turn quickly. The asses were
controlled by rings in their
upper lips, which does not
suggest high training. Yet
there is evidence for palace
departments specializing in
the care of these animals.
Excavations at Ur in
1927-32 uncovered the Early
Dynastic Royal Tombs, the
most spectacular find in
Mesopotamian archeology.
The treasures, now in the
British Museum, included
this ceremonial gold helmet,
which resembles the helmet
worn by Eanatum on the
Stele of the Vultures.
warfare, which makes it unlikely they had been around since the beginning of
civilization. The 'war chariot', which is pictured both on the Stele and the
Standard, is a most improbable vehicle, a heavy wagon pulled by what look like
onagers (the Asian wild ass, Equus hemionus); but as this beast has always been
found totally untamable, they are perhaps onagers crossed with domestic
donkeys (E. asinus). Whatever they are, they are guided by rings in their noses,
and the king they are pulling is armed with throwing spears, not a bow such as
the real charioteers of the High Bronze Age invariably carried. It is impossible to
imagine this contraption being used in battle. It was clearly a pre tige vehicle.
The fact that the Ummaites left sixty of them on the battlefield demonstrates
that any man of rank had to have one, and that they were of little use when it
came to making an escape.
The foot soldiers are a much more serious proposition, but to compare them
with the Greek hoplites of 2,000 years later is to be struck by the lightness of their
equipment: wooden shields, light metal helmets, no metal body armour, though The 'Standard~ of Ur is a
sometimes a corselet of leather or canvas seems to be worn. On the Stele they are wooden object inlaid with
drawn up several ranks deep, which does make them resemble a phalanx. On the elaborate scenes in shell and
lapis lazuli. The battle
other hand, given a horde of hundreds of men to organize, there is nothing much
scenes show soldiers with
one can do with them except form them into ranks, so that they would inevitably heavy cloaks instead of
look something like a phalanx. It is not obvious from these representations what shields, and ass carts
they were supposed to do on a battlefield. charging over the bodies of
the enemy dead, which was
It will be more enlightening to look at siege warfare, the only kind of Early
probably all they ever did in
Bronze Age warfare for which we have substantial archaeological evidence. battle. The other side shows
Practically all the large city mounds that have been excavated in Mesopotamia banquet scenes.
long or it could not easily be transported, so a wall more than 30 feet high
should be reasonably secure from escalade. In that event it would be necessary to
breach the wall. The earliest representation of siege warfare is a sculpture from
Deshashe in Egypt, from the twenty-seventh century, which shows soldiers
storming a walled city, probably in Palestine, by a combination of scaling and
breaching: some are climbing walls under covering fire from archers, while others
are prising at the wall with long poles. An Egyptian painting from Kaemheset
(twenty-third century) shows a siege in which scaling ladders are equipped with
wheels to make it easier to position the ladder, and men standing on a ladder are
pounding on the wall with axes. Against walls of adobe brick, poles and axes
The damaged limestone relief
might be fairly effective tools, but the use of such implements means that the at Deshashe. On the left,
battering ram had not yet been invented, and the prospect of working through an Egyptians with axes and
immense wall by these methods under a rain of arrows and stones from the bows fight long-haired
Canaanites and on the
battlements does not seem inviting. Moreover, city walls were sometimes
bottom register, take them
constructed in unbonded sections so that if one section collapsed it would not prisoner. On the right,
pull down the whole wall. Egyptians storm a Canaanite
The contrast between the relatively advanced state of fortification and the city. Its walls, viewed from
above, have semicircular
relatively primitive state of armies, which represented hardly any advance over the
bastions. Beneath the scaling
Neolithic except for the use of metals, induces one to suggest that Early Dynastic ladder men prise at the gate
warfare was basically siege warfare. If an invading army were superior in with poles.
numbers, a king might not offer battle at all but stay behind his walls, as
Gilgamesh did when the land of Uruk was invaded by Akka of Kish. In the
Gilgamesh and Akka epic, which was written in post-Sargonic times but may
contain authentic traditions about Early Dynastic warfare, Akka makes no
attempt to storm the walls of Uruk. The warriors of Uruk gather at the gate and
appear to be preparing to charge out and offer battle to the besiegers, but instead
the leaders parley and a treaty is arranged. The invader might try to devastate
crops, but this is so difficult to do under the conditions of ancient agriculture that
the threat would be mostly symbolic unless the invader could manage to invade
precisely at harvest time. If battle were offered, one doubts that it involved any
proper formations of infantry at all. Instead of charges en masse, with shields
locked together in the fashion developed much later by the Greeks, we should
imagine an individualistic Neolithic melee with plenty of room for the men to
keep out of one another's way, for that is what fighting with hand-to-hand
weapons tends to amount to in the absence of tight disciplined formations. The
powerful composite bow was not yet in use, so arrows and slings were not very
effective against men protected by big shields, metal helmets and studded cloaks.
In Sumerian art bows normally appear in hunting scenes, rarely in warfare. The
best representation of archery in war is a carving from Mari showing an archer
protected by a spearman with a large wicker shield, clearly during a siege. Battles
were probably uncommon, and when they occurred, short in duration and light in
casualties, since the defenders always had the option of retreating behind the city
walls. The twenty burial mounds Eanatum erected after his great victory suggest a
few hundred Ummaites were killed in battle or executed afterwards; but this battle
may have been exceptional, as its unique commemoration on stone suggests. His
nephew Enmetena claimed only five mounds, and an earlier Lagashite king about
2500 Be claimed victories over Umma and Ur with only one mound each.
The pursuers might hope to get inside the walls before the gates were closed,
but usually a siege would be necessary. The real use of missiles was to attack and
protect the besiegers; the function of the spearmen was to force a way through a
gate or breach in the wall, which may be what Eanatum's ranked infantry on the
Stele of the Vultures are trying to do. It is doubtful that any Sumerian city state
possessed the manpower to conduct a long siege, without which no city properly
supplied could be starved into submission; and given the absence of effective rams
or other storming techniques, the defenders of a well-fortified city would seem to
have possessed a clear advantage over the besiegers. One may suppose that the fall
of a city was accompanied by sack because that is a universal practice, but one
suspects that before Sargon of Akkad the sack of a city was an extremely rare
event. In the Lagash-Umma wars the defeated city appears to surrender on terms,
and this was probably a typical outcome. Surrender might be facilitated by the
deposition of the defeated king. Treaties sometimes ended with a formulaic curse
calling for the king who breaks his oath to be overthrown and killed by his own
people in his own city.
There is not much information about the way armies were organized. Kings
doubtless had their hand picked guards, but large armies must have been
conscript armies. Much of the land was owned by temples, which contributed
men from their tenantry for military and other services. We hear of a big temple
at Lagash that furnished five hundred soldiers to the king. An inscription from
Shuruppak mentions six hundred soldiers going into battle. Armies seem to have
numbered in the hundreds or at most a few thousand. Alliances between cities
were clearly of fundamental importance, as it probably required a formidable
coalition to carry out a successful siege. Hence we can dimly discern the familiar
pattern of a constantly shifting balance of power accompanied by much intrigue
and occasional warfare. There was nothing new about any of this; Neolithic
tribes behaved likewise.
It is impossible to say how common inter-city warfare in Sumer may have
been, as the stone monuments that reveal the Lagash-Umma conflict have rarely
survived; but one is left with a strong impression that the warfare of the earliest
civilization, however frequent, was rarely a very serious or decisive affair, not at
least if it concerned strongly fortified cities with approximately equal manpower
resources. In a typical war of this sort we should perhaps imagine a short and
inconclusive engagement in the open, followed by a longer but equally
inconclusive siege operation, and then a treaty: If the stakes of war amounted to
nothing but a disputed stretch of irrigated field, the victor would then be free to
occupy it. If the stakes included the title of nam-Iugal, which was expected to
pass from one city to another by war, a symbolic victory may have sufficed, since
the nam-Iugal seems to have held a mostly symbolic position, with nothing much
to do but arbitrate disputes upon request. The ideology reflected in the Sumerian
King List views Sumer as a closed and balanced political system, permanently
divided into divinely sanctioned city states with divinely sanctioned boundaries;
intermittent struggle among them is taken for granted, but neither conquest nor
unification is envisioned. This city-state ideology probably corresponded to
political reality:
Not all wars involved neighbouring cities. Eanatum of Lagash declared in his
inscriptions that he conducted raids as far away as Elam, perhaps for tribute,
perhaps to bolster his claim to the title king of Kish. And the irrigated land had
to be defended from pastoralists, but since nomads without horses or camels
could have been no great threat this may be envisioned as a police activity:
The hypothesis put forward here is that Sumerian city states at an early date
in the third millennium became capable of carrying out wars for sustained
economic and political objectives, but these objectives were almost immediately
frustrated by the sudden development of the art of fortification. The stalemated
cities then settled down to a type of warfare that probably represented a
regression from the Neolithic, as it seems to have been less serious and destructive
than the typical warfare of advanced chiefdoms. This pattern then endured for
some centuries.
The Akkadian or Sargonic became king of Ur and of Uruk; the latter city
period saw the first became his base, for he appears in the King List as
successful attempt to bring constituting, all by himself, the Third Dynasty of
the cities of Mesopotamia
Uruk. He is said to have had fifty ensi (rulers or
under the control of one
dynasty. The map shows in governors) under him. When he won recognition
solid colour areas where from Nippur as nam-lugal, he dedicated vases in
there is documentary the temple of Enlil bearing the following
evidence for an Akkadian Sin
presence. Beyond these ( I
regions it is probable only
an indirect control was When to Lugal-zagesi - King of Uruk, King of
exercised and in Anatolia the Land [a IOl)g list of titles follows] .... Enlil,
even that is doubtful. ~~/ 1\
king of countries, had given the Kingship of
Centralized administration ~ \\ I
is reflected by the the Land, made the Land obedient to him, e-"Thinis
Abydos ...,~
imposition of standardized thrown all countries at his feet, and subjected Nubt
weights and measures, a them to him from sunrise to sunset - at that
common calendar based on
time he made his way from the Lower Sea [the
year-names, and the use of
Akkadian as the Persian Gulf], via the Tigris and Euphrates, to
administrative language. the Upper Sea [the Mediterranean], and Enlil
had allowed none to oppose him from sunrise
to sunset. Under him all countries lay contented in their meadows, and
the Land rejoiced. The shrines of Sumer, the Governors of all countries
and the region of Uruk decreed the role of ruler for him. At that time
Uruk spent the days in celebrations, Ur raised its head to heaven like a
bull, Larsa the city beloved of Utu rejoiced, Umma the city beloved of
Sara raised high its horn, the region of Zabala cried out like a ewe
reunited with its lamb, and [some other city] raised its neck to the sky:
- -- - -
~~ ~
- - =_/---- -
/ --/-
./ I
I /
, I / \
'A r a b I (
n Pen /
I \
\ \
\ / \
Akkadian Empire
c. 2350-2230 Be
o Empire of Lugalzagesi
c. 2350 Be
Empire of Akkad
of suzerainty over the city of Mari on the upper Euphrates, which was the
western outpost of the Sumerian world, and which in turn may have had ties to
Ebla and other towns in Syria. But Lugalzagesi clearly tried to turn the traditional
nam-Iugal primacy into a position of real power. He demonstrated his ability to
sack cities and his willingness to despoil the temples of the gods. He began an
escalation of warfare which soon buried him, for he was the unwitting teacher of
Sargon of Akkad.
The name Sargon translates as 'legitimate king', which probably means he
was not one. According to the King List he started out as a cupbearer to the king
of Kish, but somehow became ruler of a new city called Akkad, which has never
been found but was probably near Kish; and he is supposed to have reigned
fifty-six years, but we do not know when or by what stages he built his empire.
(The dates now commonly accepted for his reign are 2371-2316 Be, but as a
The fragments of the Stele reminder of the uncertainties of Bronze Age chronology it may be mentioned
of Sargon show Akkadian that some scholars have placed him a century earlier and others a century later.)
soldiers taking prisoners
He overthrew Lugalzagesi of Uruk, made himself king of Kish, Uruk and Or, as
after a revolt. This
monument may belong to well as Akkad, and placed 'men of Akkad' as ensi in other cities. His inscriptions
the reign of one of Sargon's declare:
sons, Rimush or
Manishtushu, both of
Sargon, king of Kish, was victorious in 34 campaigns and dismantled [the
whom succeeded him in the
kingship and had to walls of all] the cities, as far as the shore of the sea ... Enlil did not let
suppress numerous revolts. anyone oppose Sargon, the king. 5,400 soldiers ate daily in his palace.
The secret of Sargon's success was doubtless siegecraft. This was the
advantage of his novel standing army, as sieges are extremely labour-intensive
operations. Most of our information about siege warfare comes from the Mari
tablets of the early second millennium, but it is reasonable to assume that
advances in siegecraft we find there go back to the time of Sargon, the king who
'dismantled' the walls of the cities.
There seem to have been three major technological innovations. Firstly, there
is frequent mention of a technique translated as 'sapping'. Since Mesopotamian
walls were of brick, this probably did not mean digging under the walls in the
fashion of medieval and early modern sappers, but rather digging through them.
A wall-painting of the twentieth century Be found at Beni Hasan in Egypt
provides our only good pictorial representation of the technique: three men,
standing inside a sort of movable hut, are poking at a city wall with a long heavy
beam, probably tipped with metal, which may be described as a primitive ram,
though for levering rather than battering.
Secondly, the construction of earthen ramps beside city walls became an
exact science. Babylonian texts from the second millennium have preserved
mathematical exercises which show that engineers, if they knew the height of a
wall, could calculate precisely the volume of earth, the number of men, and the
time required to complete a ramp. According to these calculations, it would take
10,000 men only five days to build a ramp to the top of a wall 60 feet high. Such a
ramp would have been worth its prodigious labour costs, for its completion
spelled doom to a city. The final assault up the ramp in the face of the defenders'
missiles would have been an unnerving moment, but once at the top the attackers
could easily sweep off the defenders, who had no room on the battlements to
form up in depth. And even a half-completed ramp would enable sappers to prise
at the upper and thinner sections of the wall.
Finally, siege towers were in common use, probably as platforms for bowmen
and slingers; and so was the composite bow, which roughly doubled the range
and power of archery. A famous sculpture from the twenty-third century, the
Victory Stele, shows Naram-Sin, grandson of Sargon, armed with what is
generally agreed to be the earliest artistic representation of this deadly weapon.
Without such firepower the new siegecraft might not have been practical, as it
exposed the besiegers to constant fire from the walls. Now they could answer this
with their own fire from towers at the same level as the battlements.
There were of course attempts to counter the new~ siegecraft with
improvements in the art of fortification. In the Beni Hasan fresco the besieged
fortress has battlements with crenellations and machicolated balconies to protect
archers, and a glacis, or sloping bank, at the foot of the wall to keep off sappers.
The most elaborate fortification so far discovered by archaeologists is the
twentieth-century Egyptian fort at Buhen, now in Sudan: it had a double wall,
bristling with towers, bastions and loopholes, surrounded by a deep ditch, and
outside that a third wall with a glacis. Such a place must have been a hard nut to
crack, but there can be little doubt that by Akkadian times walls were no longer
invulnerable when faced with a besieger of sufficient determination and means.
The immense manpower required by the new siege warfare explains the
success of the kingdom of Akkad, the first state in history that could draw not THE SICKLE SWORD
only upon a large standing army but on practically unlimited amounts of The invention of bronze
conscript labour. Every capture of a city replenished the labour pool; in the light made possible the first
swords. The common sword
of later Mesopotamian practices, we can assume that after the initial sack the
of the Bronze Age was the
survivors will have been deported into conditions of forced labour for the king, or sickle sword, in Egypt called
for such nobles and temples as he chose to reward. a khopesh from the
The Akkadian dynasty achieved the most impressive conquests and created Egyptian word for the
foreleg of an animal. Never
the largest polity in history to that date. It gave Mesopotamia a permanent sense
more than 18 inches long, it
of cultural if not political unity: henceforth the land was called 'Sumer and had only one edge and was
Akkad', comprising the old Sumerian south and the newer Semitic north, and its used for slashing, not
two languages were called Sumerian and Akkadian. thrusting; hence the biblical
phrase 'he smote with the
Yet the Akkadian Empire was short-lived. Until the site and archives of
edge of the sword'.
Akkad are discovered we will not know how it was governed, but it seems likely
that as a unit it was not governed at all. Akkadian governors may have been
Babylon is the best known excavations. But the Babylon as it may have to west. A processional
of ancient Middle Eastern fragments of a description looked under the dynasty way led from the Ishtar
cities. The city uncovered of Babylon written of Hammurabi (eighteenth Gate to Eridu, the central
by modern archaeologists probably in the thirteenth to seventeenth centuries district where the ziggurat
is the one rebuilt by the century BC indicate the BC), to show Bronze Age and the temple of Marduk
N eo- Babylonian kings in major buildings always fortification at its height. stood. The quay wall on the
the sixth century BC; occupied the same sites. The city is seen from the east bank of the Euphrates
the high water table has This map attempts to north. The walls stretch a may not have been built
prevented deeper reconstruct the original mile and a half from east until later.
appointed, but there is evidence that the traditional ruling families remained in
control of most cities. Akkad probably did not interfere with them as long as they
paid tribute and made no attempt to rebuild the city walls. The Akkadian
'empire' was a loose hegemonial structure, an unwilling federation held together
by the standing army of five thousand men, the equivalent of a single Roman
legion. Both of Sargon's sons had to reconquer it afresh and both died by
assassination. His grandson Naram-Sin (reigned 2291-2255 BC), who called
himself 'King of the Four Quarters' and 'God of Akkad', imposed more
centralization. But the empire hardly outlived Naram-Sin's son, who was named
Shar-Kali-Sharri (2255-2230 BC). In the reign of Shar-Kali-Sharri the frontiers
began to be infiltrated by various barbarian peoples: mountaineers from the
Zagros range called the Guti, Semitic tribes from Syria known to the Akkadians
as 'Amorites' (westerners), and Hurrians from northern Mesopotamia. The
anarchy of the last years of Akkad was such that at one point the compilers of
the King List could only say 'Who was king? Who was not king?'.
On the N armer Palette, a
2-foot-high slate palette for
grinding eye-paint, found
at Nekhen (Hierakonpolis),
a king of godlike stature
wearing the crown of
Upper Egypt brandishes a
mace while clutching an
enemy. On the upper right
Horus the falcon god
captures a prisoner from
the Delta (symbolized by
papyrus plants).
Mesopotamia this led to an age of fortification; in Egypt it resulted in unification CEREMONIAL MACE
so quickly that elaborate fortifications never arose and such as existed were The Scorpion King, perhaps
pulled down by the pharaohs. a predecessor of Narmer,
After unification there was slight need for any military function and is known only from
ceremonial maces found at
pharaohs do not again appear in military scenes until the New I(ingdom, fifteen
Nekhen, which show him
centuries later. In the Old Kingdom or Pyramid Age (the Third to the Sixth wearing the two crowns and
Dynasties, 2686-2181 Be), there were indeed local disturbances, brigandage from subduing enemies.
THE INDUS VALLEY Berber nomads in the Libyan Desert and raids into the southern nomes by
CIVILIZATION Nubian tribes. The pharaohs also had a degree of interest in the Levant, the only
The mysterious Indus Valley civilized region that touched their borders; Egyptian merchants kept up a
civilization, often called
flourishing trade with the port of Byblos to import Syrian wine and olive oil;
'Harappan' after one of its
two main centres (the other there were occasional military expeditions into Palestine and cities were besieged
was Mohenjo-Daro), lasted and taken, but with no attempt at occupation. As we have seen, the most useful
for several centuries with pictorial evidence for Early Bronze Age siege warfare comes from Egypt, thanks
little apparent change. The
to the Egyptian custom of decorating tombs with detailed realistic paintings.
region was then much more
fertile than now. There was Even the Old Kingdom could not do altogether without soldiers. But a society
a great dockyard at Lothal. that could build the pyramids clearly had time on its hands.
\ to Shorthugai
y Rohri \ 0-
Kot Diji 0 KQ.~a~ur .
Mohenjo-Oaro () () 0 DIJI-h-Takn T h a r
Mehi ()
Nokjo Shahdinzai 0 ~ lohumjo-Daro ()
Nundara Pandi Wahi ~
Kulli 0 Mit~~i rfe~:~o--g~ Ghazi Sha~
Damb Buthi 0 oDJlm~Bc~~nhu_Daro
Dhal ()Amri
Karchat 0 Shahjo-Kotiro
OJ a-Koh Bala-Kot () Kotrash 0 00thmanto Buthi
Civilization of
the IndusValley Trop[cof(ancer
2600-2500 Be
farming settlements,
c. 6000 Be
spread of farming
Banas culture
area of civilization of the Kinnarkheda 0
Indus Valley Sea a ti
o pre-Harappan settlement
site of Harappan civilization
The third great riverine civilization of the Early Bronze Age remains an
enigma. Agricultural settlement in the plain of the Indus River was as old as in
Mesopotamia and Egypt. By the middle of the third millennium there had
grown up there a complex culture with large cities, writing, massive architecture,
long-distance trade networks and most of the other appurtenances of
civilization. In geographical extent it was the largest civilization yet, stretching a
thousand miles across what is now Pakistan and north-west India, with an
offshoot as far away as Afghanistan. Superficially it looked much like the culture
of Sumer, but there are also striking differences. In the cities of the Indus no
imposing temples, palaces or royal tombs have yet been found; there are citadels
but no massive fortifications, and no sign of serious warfare; tombs yield
thousands of metal objects but no luxury goods. In other words, the
archaeological relicts of political centralization and steep social stratification, so
familiar and unmistakable in the Middle East, are lacking here. For an Early
Bronze Age civilization it seems oddly decentralized and unwarlike. It has been
proposed that the states of the Indus were mercantile states, dependent on trade
rather than territorial control. But they still seem highly organized, and it can
only be speculated who organized and ran them because the Indus script has so
far defied deciphering.
The Mesopotamian pattern of chronic interstate warfare, which, to judge
from the evidence of fortification, appears to have spread quickly to the offshoots
of Mesopotamian culture in Elam and Syria, was absent from both the Nile and
the Indus throughout the Early Bronze Age. It failed to develop in Egypt because
the civilization was too circumscribed, and possibly it never developed in India
because that civilization, with its vast territory and widely spaced cities, was not
circumscribed enough, although at present we have insuffient knowledge about it
for there to be any certainty. In any case the Mesopotamian pattern was fated to
become the pattern of the future, for civilizations could not remain isolated from
one another forever.
As we have seen, the Akkadian state was falling to pieces throughout the
latter half of Pepi's reign, and vanished almost simultaneously with the Sixth
Dynast~ There followed a century of disunity when much of the land between the
Tigris and Euphrates was dominated by Gutian and other barbarian chieftains
and the rest was divided among the resurgent city states. Then around 2113 Be
(the chronology of this period is more than usually uncertain) Sumer and Akkad
were reunited under the king of Ur. In the Sumerian King List this is labelled the
Third Dynasty of Ur, but it was not a traditional nam-lugal primacy like the first
two dynasties of Ur, rather a genuine revival of the Sargonid Empire. Its extensive The Third Dynasty of Ur,
archives show that the regime exceeded the Akkadian state in administrative most centralized of ancient
Mesopotamian empires J
activity and greatly expanded the irrigation networks. The kings were routinely
carried out a large building
deified within their own lifetimes, following the example of the Akkadian programme including the
Naram-Sin. But the empire of Ur III showed even less staying power than ziggurat of the moon god
that of Akkad, lasting hardly more than a century: The northern and western at Ur, built by Ur-Nammu.
The appearance of the its
frontiers were constantly threatened by the Amorites and other barbarians,
upper stages is uncertain.
against whom the kings of Ur erected massive fortifications: first an earthwork
across the narrow waist of the Tigris-Euphrates valley to the north of I(ish, then
an earthen 'Amorite wall' stretching 170 miles across the west. The final blow was
delivered by an ancient civilized enemy, the Elamites from the south-east,
who sacked Ur in about 2006 BC, plunging Mesopotamia back into political
fragmentation and warfare.
Although our focus is on the In Palestine and Syria city life was in decline through the last third of the
rise and fall of empires, millennium. There is considerable evidence of warfare and sack. The Egyptians
most city rulers in the Early
were certainly responsible for some of this. About 2300 BC a Sixth Dynasty
Bronze Age were more
interested in displaying their official named Uni recorded his military exploits on his tomb inscription: he had
piety than their conquests. led no fewer than six expeditions into Palestine with armies recruited from all
The votive plaques of over Egypt, including Nubian and Libyan mercenaries; he had destroyed the walls
Ur-Nanshe of Lagash,
of cities, slaughtered the inhabitants and laid waste their vines and fig (olive?)
grandfather of Eanatum
(see page 80), show him trees. As vineyards and groves are practically indestructible the threat to
digging irrigation works, agriculture was mostly symbolic, but the threat to city walls was real. Over the
building temples, and next century or so, Ebla and Byblos were destroyed, trade with Egypt was cut off
surrounded by his family.
and urban life virtually disappeared, the population reverting to village
Mohenjo-Daro, greatest
city of the Indus, was
completely abandoned by
the eighteenth century Be.
There is evidence of
violence, but the date
seems too early for the
destruction to be blamed
on the Aryan invaders (for
whom see the next
chapter). Environmental
factors such as changes in
the course of the Indus
may have played a part.
agriculture. Much of this devastation could have been the work of the Akkadians.
But much else can be attributed to the Amorite nomads who were moving both
east and west from their homeland in the Syrian Desert.
The wave of destruction extended, however, to places that should have been
beyond the reach of Amorite or Akkadian. Around this time the great citadel of
Troy in Anatolia (labelled Troy II by archaeologists), one of the most impressive
fortifications in the Early Bronze Age world, went up in flames. Other towns
vanished all around the Aegean. The Indus valley was in decline from 2200 BC; by
1800 BC its major city at Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan was deserted; by 1500 BC the
entire civilization had disappeared from history, for even its existence was
forgotten until archaeologists discovered its ruins in the twentieth century AD.
as a response to the growing instability in that region. A century later the turmoil
engulfed Egypt itself, and then spread havoc around the Aegean. The end of the
Indus culture, however, is still too obscure to enable us to say how it may fit into
this picture.
The earliest states must have been highly vulnerable to total systems collapse
under stress. Simpler societies can deal with intolerable pressures by dispersal.
But when complex agrarian societies were subjected to unaccustomed challenges,
such as external enemies or environmental deterioration, they could only respond
by increasing their bureaucratic and military establishments. The problem with
this is that after a certain point, increased socio-political complexity in a
technologically primitive world has to produce a diminishing rate of return: once
the cheap solutions have been used up, complexity becomes increasingly
expensive, and more and more must be spent simply to maintain the status quo.
The Third Dynasty of Ur invested heavily in irrigation, but the suddenness of its
collapse suggests it was exploiting marginal land that was hardly worth the
effort. Most states after 2300 BC found themselves involved in an arms race that
required immense expenditure on standing armies, siege trains, and fortifications,
yet brought none of the rewards that Sargon had reaped because now all states
had armies like that. The state became top-heavy, its burdens too great for an
exploited population to bear; eventually local units opted for independence and
the system collapsed under its own weight. The fall of the Early Bronze Age
civilizations may have been the first demonstration of a pattern that would repeat
itself throughout ancient and medieval histor)T. For example, the collapse of the
Western Roman Empire in the fifth century AD has been explained in the same
general terms. But the first civilizations, with their relatively weak economic and
technical base, may have been particularly fragile.
These wooden model the Nile, including the great stronghold at Buhen; this has been called the first
soldiers, found in the tomb deliberately planned system of strategic territorial defence in history. On the
of Mesehti, a provincial
northern frontier the Sinai peninsula was fortified and occasional raids were
governor of the Eleventh
Dynasty (twentieth century made into Palestine, probably to maintain an Egyptian sphere of influence there.
Be), are an important source In Mesopotamia the drought in the north finally ended and population and
for Egyptian weaponry. wealth recovered. The barbarian invaders were soon assimilated and many cities
They include forty Egyptian
acquired Amorite or Hurrian dynasties. But the age of genuinely independent city
spearmen with wooden
shields (shown here) and states was over; from now on a small city could survive only as an ally of a
forty Nubian archers with hegemonic city, and the power of a leading city was judged by the number of its
simple bows. client states. Between 2000 and 1800 Be a rough balance of power prevailed
among the four strongest cities, each with its ring of dependants: the south was
dominated by Isin and Larsa, the north by Assur and Eshnunna. In addition two
powerful Amorite cities in northern Syria, Yamhad and Qatna, were involved in
Mesopotamian affairs. It happens that most of our detailed information about
interstate relations in Mesopotamia comes from this period, owing to the
discovery at Mari of a cache of thousands of tablets, including much diplomatic
correspondence. One of these letters summarizes the political situation of the MIDDLE EAST 2000 BC
early eighteenth century Be in terms recognizable to diplomats of any age: By 2000 Be the Egyptians
have turned lower Nubia
(Wawat) into a province and
There is no king who is strong on his own: Hammurapi [Hammurabi] of
established a Red Sea port at
Babylon has a following of 10 or 15 kings, Rim-Sin of Larsa the same, Sawu for trade with east
Ibal-pi-El of Esnunna [Eshnunna] the same, Amut-pi-El of Qatna the Africa; the empire of Ur III
same, and Yarim-Lim of Yamhad has a following of 20 kings. is approaching collapse; and
records of Assyrian
merchants show central
The reconstruction of Early Bronze Age warfare attempted earlier in this Anatolia is already occupied
chapter was based largely on the evidence of the Mari archives, as there seems no by the later Hittites.
~ : ~ ~ ~ -z- - Babylon.
30 (
\ l I
\ j
*1. Sawu
I /
Thinis I
I Ara~i~~ ;eninsula
TrO~ic of (ancer I c. 2000 Be
f- \
D city states
N- - Ur: state society
/' - D Egypt: state society
~ chiefdoms
A D nomads
/'\ 2qUk~
~ farming societies j
0 200 miles
The documents often mention armies numbering 10,000 men; once we hear
of 20,000 and once of 30,000. They often speak of engagements; kings are always
being 'opposed by weapons' and claiming glorious victories. About 1800
Shamshi-Adad I, king of Assur, wrote to his son:
stratagems and to manoeuvre for position against you, just as two Hammurabi of Babylon
wrestlers use tricks against each other. (1792-1750 BC), here raising
his arm in worship, did not
assemble his empire until
The advice sounds timeless, but the kind of warfare Shamshi-Adad probably toward the end of his reign.
had in mind was that of his own time. The documents tell us nothing about what In about 1760 BC he began a
happened when armies met in the open field, but they tell us much about sieges, series of diplomatic and
military manoeuvres to
and the stratagems the king meant were primarily diplomatic manoeuvres to
achieve hegemony over
assemble enough allies to carry out or relieve a siege. When the king of Mari was Mesopotamia, defeating and
attacked by three allied kings, he called on his patron the king of Yamhad for absorbing in turn the
help; but instead of challenging the three kings to a pitched battle they besieged powerful cities of Larsa,
Eshnunna, and Mari.
them in their stronghold and 'destroyed their ramparts'. Warfare in the Middle
Bronze Age seems to mean siege warfare, as it probably had been since the city
walls arose. Shamshi-Adad once mobilized 60,000 men for a siege. Sieges use all
Black Sea
/ /
D \ S
/ /
/ I \
/ /
The Empire of Hammurabi --- --- /
c. 1750 Be \ /
Hammurabi's heartland
Hammurabi's empire
A r a b i a n
Des e r \
Hammurabi's campaigns \ --I
N \
Hurrian finds
/ /
100km (
Hittites' campaign of conquest 1595 B /
___ --- 1
I /' /
100 lmiles
/ -I
-,.,/ / .......
the methods described above - rams, towers, ramps - and often with deadly
effect; we hear of cities that fell in a week or even in a single day. But many did
not. A garrison commander wrote to the king of Eshnunna:
Say to my lord: The troops are well. The city is safe. The garrison of my
lord is strong. Even if the Amorites should make war for ten years and
bring ten battering rams, ten siege towers and twenty ladders(?), I will
remain strong in my cit): My lord should not worr):
The fact that the balance of power lasted so long suggests that warfare
was normally limited and indecisive. A game restricted to defensive strategies
must end in stalemate unless one of the players can assemble an
overwhelming coalition.
The balance was eventually upset by a new player, the city of Babylon
near Kish. Babylon was never a place of any importance until the nineteenth
century Be, when it came under the rule of an ambitious Amorite dynast):
Under its able king Hammurabi (reigned 1792-1750 BC) it quickly rose to
become the leading power in Mesopotamia and created an empire nearly as
extensive as the empire of Akkad at its height. Hammurabi is remembered
for his law code and for the other products of the Babylonian literary and
artistic efflorescence that distinguished his reign; it was then that Babylon
became the religious and cultural capital of Mesopotamia, a position it was
to keep for the next fifteen centuries. But the Babylonian Empire, even by
Mesopotamian standards, was an ephemeral political structure, lasting
only a few years: it was not completed until nearly the end of Hammurabi's
life, and began to fall apart soon after his death. By 1700 BC Mesopotamia
had reverted to the normal fractiousness which most of its rulers clearly
found congenial. The same arts of siegecraft that had made it easy to unify
the land in the days of Sargon, once they were widely disseminated, made
it impossible to unify thereafter.
Certain factors remained constant throughout the millennium and a
half surveyed in this chapter. Civilization in the Early and Middle Bronze
Age remained an obstinately parochial affair, based on the two ancient
centres of the Nile and Tigris-Euphrates valleys, each pursuing its independent The Code of Hammurabi is
destin): The copious records of Mesopotamia in the time of Hammurabi do not inscribed on an 8-foot stele,
showing Hammurabi before
contain a single mention of Egypt; the Egyptians still knew almost nothing and
Shamash, god of justice.
cared less about the world beyond Palestine. But all that was about to change. The 282 laws are an eclectic
sample and the purpose of
THE EMPIRE OF HAMMURABI the monument is unclear.
In his last years Hammurabi (Aleppo). Under his son the Hurrians seem to have been It was put up at the very
ruled an empire comparable empire began to shrink, but increasing in numbers in end of Hammurabi's life
to those of Akkad and Ur. Babylon remained a northern Mesopotamia and and may have been meant
H is western frontier reached considerable power till the Syria at this period but their to advertise his role as
to the kingdom of Yamhad Hittite sack of 1595 Be. The movements are obscure. dispenser of justice.
performed the most spectacular military exploit in history to that date, when he
led his army all the way to Mesopotamia, sacked the great city of Babylon and
carried off the statue of its god Marduk, doubtless accompanied by much booty
of a secular nature. As a result, the enfeebled dynasty of Hammurabi vanished
HATTUSAS, NEAR MODERN and was soon replaced by barbarians known as Kassites from the Iranian hills.
BOGHAZKOY, TURKEY Like earlier barbarian invaders of Mesopotamia they were quickly Akkadianized;
The best example of city their king called himself 'I(ing of the I(assites', but also 'I(ing of Sumer and
fortification in the High
Akkad'; and the dynasty lasted longer than any of the native dynasties of Sumer
Bronze Age. The citadel was
built on a rocky outcrop and Akkad, though next to nothing is known of its histor~ The Hurrian princes
dominating the surrounding took advantage of the general disorder: in about 1550 BC a great Hurrian
plateau. The upper parts of kingdom called Mitanni arose in northern Mesopotamia and soon contested the
walls have not survived, but
domination of Syria with the Hittites.
can be reconstructed with
the aid of Egyptian art. The All these kingdoms relied upon a new military technology, the horsed chariot
postern in the foreground and the composite bow. Early evidence for chariot warfare links it to the Hittite
led to a tunnel under the kingdom. The hyksos princes introduced it to Egypt, and then it became common
wall used for sorties.
all over the Middle East. But it is unlikely that the Hittites invented it. There is a
mysterious but definite connection between chariot warfare and people of Aryan
heritage, that is, speaking dialects ancestral to the Aryan or Indo-Iranic division
of the Indo-European linguistic family. Today Aryan languages are spoken in
Iran, much of Central Asia and most of the Indian subcontinent. The oldest
literary evidence for an Aryan language is the collection of Sanskrit hymns
called the Rig- Veda, composed in about 1500 Be. Most of the people of the
kingdom of Mitanni spoke Hurrian, but the aristocracy, all chariot warriors, had
Aryan names and worshipped the same gods - Indra, Varuna, Mithra - who
The King's Gate of
appear in the Rig- Veda. Many cities in Syria and Palestine acquired dynasties Hattusas, viewed from the
with Aryan or Hurrian names at this time. Some scholars have thought that even inside looking out. This was
the Kassites of Babylonia (whose original language is obscure, but could not have originally a vaulted passage
between two towers, which
been Indo-European) paid homage to some Aryan gods. Everywhere the Aryan
formed a citadel connecting
word maryannu (young warrior) was used for chariot fighters. There survives a the inner and outer walls.
Hittite treatise on the training of chariot horses, translated from Hurrian, which The gate was reached by a
is studded with Aryan technical terms. In the fourteenth century, when this ramp exposed to fire from
the towers. On the inner
treatise was written, Aryan may no longer have been spoken in the Middle East,
jamb Teshub the storm god
but it was still the international language of chariotry, as Italian is of music. guards the door with his
It is widely supposed that the ancestors of these Aryans had come from the battleaxe.
north, and likewise the horse and the war chariot. The dissemination of the horse
preceded the other two. The original range of the wild horse (Equus caballus) lay
on the Eurasian steppe, where domesticated horses were being ridden as early as
the fourth millennium Be. By 3000 BC there had developed a nomadic pastoral
culture exploiting the deep steppe with riding horses and ox-drawn wheeled carts,
stretching across the European steppe from the Dneister to the Ural River, and
soon to spread across the steppes of Central Asia. Horse nomadism was never
suitable for the arid steppes of the Middle East, but by the Middle Bronze Age
Syrian and Mesopotamian princes were importing horses from the north and
occasionally riding in horse-drawn chariots. These were prestige vehicles, with no
military function.
The war chariot of the High Bronze Age was a much more specialized vehicle
and could not have come from the European steppes, which lack the necessary
woods. Many scholars think the likeliest place for its invention lies in the
mountainous regions south of the Caucasus, where the high pastures were
famous for horse-breeding in antiquit~ Some think that we should also look there
for the homeland of the Aryans. It seems certain that by around 1700 Be
BRONZE ARMOUR SCALES horsemen in that part of the world developed a chariot built of lightweight
FROM HATTUSAS hardwoods, with two spoked wheels and a leather-mesh platform on which a
Body armour was invented rider could stand, the whole thing light enough (about 60 pounds) for one man to
for chariotry, as charioteers
carry, and pulled by two fast horses. It was the first effective use of the horse as a
needed both hands and
could make little use of draft animal, and the swiftest vehicle ever designed. It was surely invented for
shields. In all languages the hunting, which always remained one of its main uses, but some enterprising
corselet was called by the highland chieftain soon experimented with using such chariots in war: that is, as
same Hurrian word. It
a galloping archery platform, carrying two athletic young men, one an expert
consisted of a leather tunic
sewn with hundreds of driver and the other an expert archer armed with a composite bow, firing a steady
metal scales, each about stream of arrows with a range of several hundred feet. The basic principle of the
3 inches long; the whole composite bow had been known in the Middle East for some centuries, but it was
garment weighed 12 pounds.
an expensive weapon requiring years to manufacture; like the rifle of the
Probably both archer and
driver wore corselets, and eighteenth century AD, it was probably used for hunting by kings and nobles, and
also helmets. Hittite chariot in war by certain highly trained specialists. The weapon may not have been
crews added a third man as perfected, nor its full military potential realized, until it was mounted on a
shield bearer.
mobile platform. These inventions eventually spun off a third invention, the first
real body armour: the archer, and sometimes the horses, were protected by
leather tunics sewn with bronze or copper scales.
It has been suggested that chariot warfare was first tested early in the
seventeenth century at Troy, which at that time was taken over by the conquerors
who built the citadel known to archaeologists as Troy VI. Knowledge of the new
art had spread far by about 1650 BC, when upstart regimes in Anatolia and Egypt
used it in their rise to power. The long Hittite march to Babylon in 1595 BC
demonstrated its full potential. Over the next century Aryan and Hurrian
adventurers seized power in cities all around the Fertile Crescent.
These conquests were not mass migrations; rather, we should imagine quick
themselves in Greece, and two centuries after that took over the more advanced The war chariot was made
Minoan civilization on Crete, adapting the linear Cretan script to write a possible by two inventions,
the spoked wheel and the
language that was turning into Greek. In the east, a larger migration spread over
bit. Complete chariots have
the Iranian plateau and during the latter half of the second millennium overran been found in Egyptian
northern India, taking over the remnants of the Indus River civilization, whose tombs. The frame was made
people became the lower castes of Hinduism; the oral poetry of the conquerors of wood covered with
leather. It had two wheels,
preserved faithfully an Aryan dialect that was turning into Sanskrit. But in
each with four (later six)
the Middle East the upheavals were over by about 1550 BC, when the native spokes, and an axle placed
Eighteenth Dynasty expelled the hyksos from Egypt. By that time the barbarians at the very rear of the body
had been assimilated and a new pattern of interstate affairs had taken shape. for stability on fast turns.
Attached to the sides were
one or two quivers, each
The later Bronze Age, especially the fifteenth to the thirteenth centuries BC, has arrows, a bow case, and
been described as 'the first international civilization' because what we usually sometimes a quiver for
mean by diplomacy and foreign affairs first became visible then. Something like
this pattern had existed earlier, but on a far more localized scale, and, except for
the Mari tablets, insufficiently documented. But after 1500 BC there was a
constellation of powers in the known world, in constant contact with one
another. Roads were busy with couriers carrying tablets in Akkadian (now the
diplomatic language) in which kings exchanged flowery compliments, proposals
of alliance and threats of war; after them came embassies burdened with
sumptuous gifts and escorting princesses to be given in marriage; and
occasionally huge armies were somewhere on the move, marching for days or
weeks on end in columns that stretched for miles, obscuring the summer skies
with the dust clouds raised by thousands of horsed chariots.
Normally there were three first-rank powers in that world. They called
themselves the 'Great I(ingdoms'. (Any king who ruled other kings was
recognized as a Great King.) About 1550 BC the Eighteenth Dynasty at Thebes
reunited all Egypt for the first time in two hundred years, and founded what we
call the New Kingdom. It attempted a faithful restoration of the old pharaonic
system in every respect but foreign policy, for it was now obvious that Egypt
needed an aggressive one. The Nubian frontier was extended south to the Fourth
12 3
MIDDLE EAST Cataract, well within the present Republic of Sudan, and many campaigns were
1500-1100 Be waged to maintain an Egyptian sphere in the Levant as far north as the
Arzawa was a Luwian Euphrates. The Great Kingdom of Mitanni in northern Mesopotamia arose at
kingdom in western Anatolia
the same time as the Egyptian New Kingdom. They were the two aggressive
intermittently subject to the
Hittites. Somewhere further chariot states of the fifteenth century, and Syria was their battleground. But in the
west and outside Hittite late fourteenth century the Mitannians were pushed out of Syria by the resurgent
control lay a land known to Hittite power, and in Mesopotamia they were soon overshadowed by the
the Hittites as Ahhiyawa~
ascendancy of Assyria. It will be recalled that the Hittite state - the Great
which is perhaps to be
identified with the Achaeans I(ingdom of Hatti - had enjoyed a burst of glory during the time of troubles,
(Mycenaean Greeks). which it may have initiated. It fell into eclipse during the fifteenth century,
but in the fourteenth it recovered and replaced Mitanni as Egypt's rival for the
Jerusalem. 1457 BC
f __ J
(,/ / '1
'/ / ~ )
Middle East
1500 to 1100 Be
D Hittite kingdom c. 1400 BC
\ \ /\
Hittite empire at its maximum
extent c. 1322 BC
Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni
--_fl,/~- ~
c. 1400 BC
Kassite kingdom of Babylon
c. 1400 BC
Assyrian heartland
<:) Assyrian empire of
Tiglath-Pileser I (c.ll 00 Bcl
D Egyptian New Kingdom 1259 BC
-1 260 miles
12 4
control of Syria, which the two powers divided by treaty after the battle of The outdoor sanctuary at
Kadesh in 1275 Be. Yazilikaya near Hattusas, a
natural outcrop of rock
To the east lay two kingdoms that were not as great. The Assyrian kingdom
covered with high reliefs, is
rose to unite northern Mesopotamia after 1350 Be, and the Kassite dynasty at the outstanding monument
Babylon continued to dominate the south. The two were perpetual rivals within of Hittite religion. The
Mesopotamia but had few ambitions outside it. The Levant, cockpit of the High sculptures show Cthe
thousand gods of Hatti' in
Bronze Age, was a patchwork of small city states and tribes. The pharaoh
procession. Male gods,
Thutmose III claimed that at the battle of Megiddo he fought a coalition of no shown below, wear fluted
fewer than 330 Levantine princes. Some of these were to have their day in the conical helmets and carry
future (in the late thirteenth century the pharaoh Merneptah celebrated in an sickle swords; goddesses
wear crowns.
inscription, among more significant victories in Palestine, his destruction of a
tribal confederacy known as 'Israel'), but for now they were pawns of the Great
Kings. More fortunate were the city states of Mycenaean Greece, which enjoyed
a bustling trade with the east, enabling its charioteer princes to live in an opulent
High Bronze Age style: the shaft graves at Mycenae contained more gold than has
ever been found at any other archaeological site, and the palace at Cnossus on
Crete may have been the largest in the world, but they were far enough from the
12 5
12 7
crossroads of the Great Kingdoms to escape becoming their pawns. The Aryan
charioteers, then engaged in the conquest of north India, had drifted entirely out
of touch with Middle Eastern politics.
Egypt was the best-organized of the Great Kingdoms. The new Egyptian
empire in the Levant rested on a firm Palestinian core of cities under resident
Egyptian governors; beyond that, a zone of tributary allied cities stretched north
to Ugarit; beyond that a more uncertain and fluctuating sphere of Egyptian
influence extended northward into Syria and eastward across the Jordan. The
Hittite Empire was more loosely organized. In the kingdom of Hatti proper, the
king ruled through a council of leading men, probably great lords who owed him
Ceremonial axe of Queen
Ahhotop given to her by her military service, primarily in chariots. The Hittite empire in Anatolia and Syria
son the pharaoh Ahmose, was a collection of tributary allies whose princes were bound to the Great King
founder of the Eighteenth by intermarriage and other personal ties; beyond these was a fluctuating frontier
Dynasty. Real battleaxes of
zone where Hittite and Egyptian influence competed. How Mitanni was governed
the New Kingdom resembled
this, with wide-edged blades is unclear because its archives have never come to light - indeed its capital,
designed to pierce armour. Washukkani, has not even been located - but it seems likely that it resembled the
Mediterranean Sea
I "
26 o -J-----------tr-----
200 km
200 I
~, I
Hittite more than the Egyptian model. Assyria, 'land of Assur', originally a small
area around the city of Assur on the upper Tigris, had expanded by planting
colonies over northern Mesopotamia and Assyrianizing the Hurrian population.
On a painted stele The result was a kingdom smaller but more compact than either the Hittite or the
Ramesses II holds up three Mitannian, and, as it turned out, with a greater future. Little is known about
prisoners - an Asian, a
Kassite Babylonia.
Nubian, and a Libyan,
representing the enemies of Much is known about diplomacy, however, especially from the archives of
Egypt - by their hair before fourteenth-century Egypt. The most striking feature is the militarization of
executing them. This societ~ In earlier times kings had been essentially religious leaders; in the High
stylized image, the king
Bronze Age they are war leaders. The pharaohs of the Old and Middle Kingdom
killing prostrate foreigners,
is constantly repeated in were portrayed as benign gods in calm repose; those of the New Kingdom are
Egyptian art. chariot warriors surrounded by their charioteers. When kings wrote to kings they
commonly used a formal salutation, greeting first 'my brother the king' and then
his wives, his chariots, his horses and his chief men - in that order. Kings saw
themselves as constantly at war, surrounded by enemies, defending their gods
against foreign gods. In the thirteenth century Tukuli-Ninurta I of Assyria
addressed the following prayer to his god Assur:
The foreign countries surround the city Ashur [Assur] from everywhere
with a circle of evil, and their assemblage hates the shepherd you
appointed to keep your people in order. All the lands that I gratified with
a beneficial help despise you, and while you sheltered them with your
protection, they repulse your countr~ The king you granted benefits is
steadfast in his not agreeing, and those upon whom you established your
favour prepare the weapons. For your city Ashur the work of the
battlefield is standingly prepared, and all the onslaughts of the flood are
raised against it. Your adversaries and enemies keep looking at the site of
your residence, and they made a wicked agreement to plunder your
country, Assyria. Night and day the foreign countries are longing for the
destruction of your marvels, and apply themselves to destroy your towns
from above and below.
War was an ordeal by battle to decide which king and which god were in the
right. The Hittites actually conducted formal lawsuits against the enemy king
and his gods to convict them of crimes before Hit~ite armies crossed the frontier.
The Hittite king Mursilis sent this challenge to Uhha-ziti, king of Arzawa in
western Anatolia:
I came here, but I stopped before the border of your land. I did not invade
your land, I did not take away prisoners, cattle and sheep. But you did
begin the strife against my Sun, you did come, invade the land of
Dankuwa and depopulate it. The gods will go at my side and decide the
trial in my favour.
The gods were angry at the treacheries of the king of the Kassites,
committed by the standard of Shamash. Against the oath-breaker
Kashtiliash the gods of heaven and earth decided to send punishment: ...
Marduk abandoned his august sanctuary, the city of Babylon ... Sin left
Ur, his cult centre ... With Sippar and Larsa Shamash became wroth ...
Ea abandoned Eridu, the house of wisdom ... Ishtaran became angry
with Der ... Annunitu no longer approached Akkad ... The Mistress of
Uruk gave up her city ...
A war had to have a just cause to receive the help of the gods. In addition,
once begun the war had to be fought by the universally recognized rules, lest
divine favour be lost. A formal challenge was expected. This convention went
back to the Middle Bronze Age (compare the letter of Yarim-Lim quoted in the
preceding chapter), but now kings are expected to offer pitched battle outside the
city walls. Hittite kings wrote to their enemies: 'I came out against you: come out!
If you do not come, I will subdue you like a bear, and you will die suffocated.'
The challenger was expected to name the battlefield; Egyptian inscriptions
complain that the Levantine nomads do not communicate the place or day of
battle. Once on the battlefield a king was expected to charge the enemy directly,
and ruses and surprises were considered cowardl):
13 2
called herself 'King' and 'His Majesty' and wore a false beard in portrait
sculpture, but despite these masculine pretensions she showed little interest in
military affairs and allowed the Egyptian position in the northern territories to
deteriorate. Her death about 1460 was followed by a general revolt of the
Canaanite allies. (The Egyptian word 'Canaan' usually designated Palestine, but
sometimes it meant the entire Levant). Thutmose, who later smashed
Hatshepsut's statues, immediately reversed her foreign polic~ He led his army
into Canaan to meet a coalition of princes said to number 330, led by the king of
Kadesh. The rebels were based at the city of Megiddo, a strategic point which
was the site of many battles in antiquity as it commanded the exit from the Pass
of Aruna leading to the coastal plain of Palestine. The king of Kadesh sent
Thutmose his challenge: 'I shall wait here in Megiddo.'
The Battle of Megiddo The young pharaoh marched from the Delta up the coastal plain in two
1457 Be
weeks, at a rate of 15 miles a day, which in antiquity was the maximum for a large
army. All the Great Kingdoms had sufficient bureaucratic resources to manage
campaigns like this; otherwise they would not have been Great Kingdoms.
Armies still carried their own provisions, on ox wagon and pack donkey, but now THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO
they depended mostly on local governors and allied rulers for supplies, and all 1457 Be
those along Thutmose's line of march will have been notified of his coming far in When this world ends the
last battle will be fought at
Megiddo (Armageddon in
Greek), according to the
A day's march south of Megiddo he called a staff meeting to decide on the New Testament prophecy
best route. According to the inscription later put up on the walls of the temple of (Revelation 16:16).
Megiddo was also the site
Amun at Karnak, the officers advised they avoid the direct route, which led
of the first battle that can
through the narrow Aruna Pass: be reconstructed in some
detail. The reconstruction
What is it like to go on this road which becomes so narrow? It is reported proposed here assumes
infantry played no active role
that the foe is there, waiting on the outside, while they are becoming
at all in the battle, which was
more numerous. Will not horse have to go after horse, and the army and purely a clash of chariots
the people similarly? Will the vanguard of us be fighting while the rear manoeuvring in squadrons.
guard is waiting here in Aruna unable to fight? Now two other roads are
here. One of the roads - behold it is to the east of us, so that it comes out
Under the Eighteenth at Taanach. The other - behold it is to the north side of Djefti, and we
Dynasty the gigantic temple will come out to the north of Megiddo. Let our victorious lord proceed
complex at Karnak near
on the one of them which is satisfactory to his heart, but do not make us
Thebes became the centre
of the imperial cult of go on that difficult road.
Amun-Re and the starting
point for the annual festival But the pharaoh rejects this counsel:
processions. On its walls
Thutmose III inscribed a
year-by-year account of his 'Behold,' they will say, these enemies whom Re abominates: 'Has his
campaigns in the Levant. majesty set out upon another road because he has become afraid of us?' -
so they will speak.
Megiddo, the humbled generals are allowed to save face by offering the pharaoh Egyptian infantry on the
an obvious bit of tactical advice: march from the tomb of
the rear of his army and his people. When the rear of the army comes shields and bronze-headed
forth for us into the open, then we shall fight against these foreigners, axes and the soldier to the
Of course Thutmose would not have attacked the Canaanites until his army
was assembled. But even this elementary precaution he must seem to accede to
solely out of concern for the rear of his army, not out of a healthy respect for his
enem~ Once the army has debouched from the pass, a few miles from Megiddo
and the Canaanite army, which makes no attempt to interfere, he decides to pitch
camp and delay the battle until the morning.
Many commentators have assumed that the war council reported in the
inscription must reflect tactical realities, and have wondered why the Canaanites
passed up an obvious opportunity to attack the isolated Egyptian vanguard while
the rest of their army was deploying onto the plain. This would indeed seem an
obvious move to any modern arm~ But was it so obvious in the High Bronze Age?
It is clear from this inscription, as well as from other campaigns where
information exists, that armies met almost by appointment at a location known
in advance, just as European armies did in the eighteenth century AD, and for the
same reasons: military organization was highly sophisticated but transport was
primitive, so that large armies required complicated logistical support and moved
slowly along predetermined routes to carefully chosen battlefields. (Both kinds of
army needed level and open ground, though for different technical reasons.)
Fortifications provided an additional limiting factor in both periods, but were
particularly decisive in the Bronze Age. No city walls were invulnerable to a
besieger with sufficient resources, but sieges were long and costly, so time was on
the side of the defender, especially when the besieger was as far from home as
Thutmose was. Hence a defending army always sought to take up a position in
front of a fortified city into which it could retreat in the event of defeat; and
preferably as close as possible to the city walls, for in the event of a rout the
enemy might get inside them before the gates closed, as nearly happened at
Megiddo. The Canaanites had long since picked the battlefield by choosing
Megiddo as their base, and their army was in an excellent defensive position,
with the walls of Megiddo behind it and in front of it a brook called Qina, which
may have presented a small natural obstacle. If the Canaanites had tried to attack
Thutmose's vanguard they would have had to abandon this position. Hence the
pharaoh may have felt little trepidation about rejecting his generals' over-cautious
advice, if in fact they gave an~
But this is not to say that surprise was impossible. Strategic surprise may have
been impractical, for the reasons given above, but there must have been
considerable room for tactical surprise, or much more than there was in
neoclassical European warfare, because of the speed with which chariotry could
deploy on the battlefield. Both at Megiddo and at Kadesh the Egyptian
inscriptions place much importance on the danger of being attacked before one's
forces are fully prepared for battle, and at Kadesh a surprise attack really
To return to Megiddo: on the next morning Thutmose divided his forces into
three groups and positioned them before the city, his left wing to the north-west
of the city and his right on the south bank of the brook, with the pharaoh himself
standing in a gold chariot at the centre of the line.
Thereupon his majesty prevailed over them at the head of his arm~ Then
they saw his majesty prevailing over them, and they fled headlong to
Megiddo with faces of fear. They abandoned their horses and their
chariots of gold and silver ... Now the people had shut this town against
them, but they let down garments to hoist them up into this town.
We are told the city might have been taken at this point had the Egyptians not
been diverted from pursuit by the temptations of booty, especially the horses and
chariots. Thutmose ordered the city to be taken by siege at all costs, 'inasmuch as
every prince of every northern country is shut up in it, for the capturing of
Megiddo is the capturing of a thousand towns'. Megiddo surrendered after a
seven-month siege. As seven was a lucky number, historical events in the ancient
Middle East had a tendency to fall on the seventh day or month or year, but we
may safely take this to mean that the siege was a long one. The booty included
924 chariots, two of them gold; 2,041 horses; 502 bows; 340 living prisoners and
83 hands (Egyptians cut off the right hand or penis of a slain enemy as a trophy).
As always, we are given no details about the fighting itself. Pharaohs cannot
really fight, they can only triumph. But some things can be inferred. There were
at least a thousand chariots on the Canaanite side, and presumably the Egyptians
brought a like number. We know from the archives of Ugarit in Syria and Cnossus
in Crete that those important city states had a thousand chariots each, and from
other sources that Great Kingdoms like Egypt and Hatti each kept several
thousand chariots in their total forces. But to us the most surprising factor is the Life-size black granite statue
role of the infantry; or rather, its absence. The Egyptian infantry are mentioned of Ramesses II (reigned
on the march to Megiddo, but what were they doing in the battle? We only hear 1279-1212 BC), best-known
pharaoh of the Nineteenth
of chariots there, and we wonder how foot soldiers could have kept up with them.
Dynasty. As soon as he
And where were the Canaanite foot soldiers? Only 83 Canaanites were killed and assumed the blue crown he
340 taken prisoner, and this in a general rout that included 2,000 charioteers, challenged the Hittites for
many of whom must have been killed or captured. I suggest that in fact the the mastery of Syria. In
1276 BC he led his armies
infantry did not participate in the fighting at all, nor were they expected to do so.
north to Byblos. The next
The Canaanite infantry were guarding the city walls, and the Egyptian infantry year came the great battle
were guarding the Egyptian camp. But before we examine the implications of this at Kadesh.
hypothesis let us consider the larger and better-known battle at Kadesh.
patron gods. The division of Amun, under the pharaoh himself, was in the lead,
with the other three strung out behind. Some 8 miles to the south of Kadesh
Ramesses camped on the banks of the Orontes, where he received misleading
information from two nomads, who told him the Hittite army was still far in the
north. The Egyptian records present these two bedouin as Hittite spies who had
been instructed 'to prevent His Majesty's army from making ready to fight'. (But
how did the Egyptians know that?) Ramesses crossed the Orontes with the
Plain of Kadesh
division of Amun, marched north across the plain of Kadesh, and pitched camp THE BATTLE OF KADESH
north-west of the city. Then his scouts captured two Hittite scouts, who were 1275 Be
tortured until they revealed that the Hittite camp lay only a few miles to the east: Much about the battle of
Kadesh is open to
'They are furnished with their infantry and their chariotry carrying their
conjecture~ such as the
weapons of warfare, and they are more numerous than the sand of the river- 'coming of the Ne~arin of
banks. See, they stand equipped and ready to fight behind Kadesh the Old.' Pharoah from the land of
Ramesses called a staff meeting, rebuked his officers for their poor intelligence Amor~. 'Ne~arin~ is a
they were equipped with all weapons of warfare. They had been made to
Lake ofHoms
o~ contact
The second Hittite attack makes
with the Egyptians
OPPOSITE: On the left, stand concealed behind the town of Kadesh, and now they came forth
two-man Egyptian chariots. from the south side of Kadesh and broke into the army of Pre' [Re] in its
On the right, three-man
midst as they were marching and did not know nor were they prepared to
Hittite chariots. CHis
Majesty was after them like fight. Thereupon the infantry and the chariotry of His Majesty were
a griffin ... I lifted up my discomfited before them ...
voice to call to my army,
saying: tCStand ye firm,
After routing the army of Re, the Hittite force turned northward and
steady your hearts, my army,
that you may behold my attacked the camp, which the division of Amun was still setting up. In the reliefs
victory, I being alone... ,,, On we see that many of the Egyptian chariot horses had been unyoked. 'Then the
the reliefs, however, he does host of the Khatti enemy hemmed in the followers of His Majesty ... ' The reliefs
not appear quite alone.
show that at some point Hittites got inside the camp itself. Ramesses put on his
armour, mounted his chariot, and attacked the Hittites on the western side of the
Detail from the Kadesh camp.
reliefs. The legend reads:
cThe coming of Pharoah's
Then His Majesty started forth at a gallop, and entered into the host of
scout bringing two scouts of
the Fallen one of Khatti into the fallen ones of Khatti, being alone by himself and none other with
the Pharoah's Presence. They him. So then His Majesty went to look about him and he found 2,500
beat them to make them say chariots hemming him in on his outer side, consisting of all the
where the wretched Fallen
champions of the fallen ones of Khatti with the many foreign countries
one of Khatti was.' On the
upper register the royal which were with them ... [trans. Gardiner; but Drews has suggested
chariot is made ready. 'consisting of all the champions' should be rendered 'together with all the
runners'. These 'runners', whose role will be discussed later, were light
infantrymen who ran beside the chariots in battle.]
At this crisis Ramesses had a long conversation with Amun, reminding the
god of all he had done for him and receiving Amun's warm encouragement; this
he needed, as he was fighting alone, assisted, we are told repeatedly, only by his
driver Menna and his two horses Mut-Is-Contented and Victory-in-Thebes
Ramesses kills a Hittite and (though the narrative at one point admits that he was in fact accompanied by
tramples on another. 'The men of his household, and the reliefs show other Egyptian chariots in action).
goodly god, powerful of
strength, great of victories,
I shot on my right and captured with my left. I was in their sight like
defeating all foreign
countries, King who slays Sutekh at his moment. I found the 2,500 chariots, in whose midst I was,
his enemies with his single sprawling before my horse ... all their arms were weak, and they were
arm ... he entered in among unable to shoot.
the Khatti enemies, being
like a storm which goes
forth from heaven and his Mutawallis, still afraid to enter the fighting himself (or such is the
might like fire in stubble ... ' ungenerous assessment of his motives in the Egyptian sources), now sent
reinforcements across the Orontes, consisting of an additional 1,000 chariots led OVERLEAF: Hittites retreat to
by the king's own brothers and allied chiefs. Ramesses fought on 'alone' but Kadesh. '1 caused them to
plunge into the water even
found time to berate his absent men at length for their cowardly desertion and
as crocodiles plunge, fallen
their ingratitude for his past benefactions. His driver, Menna, implored him to upon their faces one upon
leave the battle, but the king replied: the other. I killed among
them according as I willed.
Not one of them looked
'Stand firm, steady thy heart, my shield-bearer. I will enter in among
behind him, nor was there
them like the pounce of a falcon, killing, slaughtering and casting to the any other who turned
ground. What careth thy heart for these effeminate ones at millions of round. Whoever among
whom I take no pleasure?' [Apparently Ramesses is referring to his own them fell, he did not raise
followers.] Thereupon His Majesty started forth quickly and entered at a
gallop into the midst of the battle for the sixth time of entering in
amongst them. I was after them like Ba'al at the moment of his power ...
['1' is Ramesses. The narration shifts abruptly between the third and first
The outcome may have been affected by the arrival of the third Egyptian
army, the division of Ptah, from the south, but the official record, in its single-
minded concentration on pharaonic heroics, has no time for such things. (The
reliefs do, however, depict the timely arrival of certain Egyptian reinforcements,
apparently Syrian auxiliaries, who killed the Hittites who were plundering the
camp.) In any case the Hittites were eventually driven across the Orontes, into
which they dived 'even as crocodiles plunge', and took refuge inside Kadesh.
The next day fighting was resumed. This was probably a more conventional
kind of battle, but it must have been inconclusive, as the literary record describes
it in the vaguest terms and the pictorial record not at all. Evidently the Egyptians
did not succeed in driving the Hittites inside Kadesh and so could not lay siege to
the cit~ The two kings agreed to a truce, which the Egyptian record naturally
portrays as an act of submission by the Hittite, and Ramesses took his army back
to Egypt. Fifteen years later Egypt and Hatti signed a peace treaty recognizing
one another's spheres of influence, and Ramesses married a Hittite princess.
The task of disentangling historical fact from literary and artistic convention
is more complicated here than in the Megiddo inscription. In the first place, it is
very difficult to believe that the Egyptians were really ignorant of the location of
the Hittite camp, which was only a few miles from their own. Everyone had
known for weeks that the battle was to be at Kadesh. It is clear from the Egyptian
record that armies, as we would expect, made every effort to get information
about the movements of the enemy, bringing in passing nomads for questioning,
and sending out scouts on chariot or horseback. It was conventional to attribute
cowardly and dishonourable ruses to the enemy, but there is so much emphasis on
the Hittite 'ruse' at Kadesh that one suspects an attempt to cover up some serious
blunder on the part of the Egyptians. Once we look for it, the nature of the
blunder seems evident. Ramesses had picked the worst possible site for his camp.
formation, drawn up in one, two, or perhaps three lines. The thousand Egyptian
chariots at Megiddo, if drawn up in a single line, would have stretched for two
miles. Or they might have been organized into columns or wedge formations. The
2,500 Hittite chariots that crossed the Orontes ford were obviously not in a linear
formation. However they formed, the charioteers would have begun firing as soon
as they came within extreme bowshot of the enemy, or about 200 yards, for they
are portrayed in art as shooting over the heads of their own horses. On the other
hand, how else could artists portray them? It is difficult to believe they normally
charged straight into the enemy line, a move which would surely have meant
prohibitive casualties. At Kadesh, Ramesses is supposed to have charged six times
into the Hittites, which is hardly credible if we suppose these charges were carried
all the way home. It seems more likely that when they came within effective
bowshot, perhaps a hundred yards, the chariots in some fashion deployed into a
linear formation, turned and galloped past or around the enemy line; or possibly
divided into two lines, one turning right and the other left. If the enemy line were
still intact, they could have wheeled away, regrouped and charged again.
The Hittites are said to have had 3,500 chariots at Kadesh, apparently 2,500
Hittite and 1,000 allied, and as a Hittite chariot normally carried three men -
archer, driver and shield-bearer - instead of the standard two, there will have
been more than 10,000 men in their chariot forces. Their infantry are said to
have numbered 17,000 (or perhaps 37,000 - the reading is difficult). But the
Hittite infantry are not mentioned at all in the battle. In the Egyptian reliefs they
guard the gates of the city, and that seems to have been their only function. We
are not told the size of the Egyptian forces but we suppose they were
comparable. Egyptian divisions sometimes numbered 5,000, which would give us
a figure of 20,000 for Ramesses' whole army. It is clear that each of the four
Egyptian divisions contained both chariotry and infantry. The Egyptian infantry
are mentioned on the march, but not in the battle. Apparently they were left to
guard the camp, which on the reliefs is surrounded by a row of great oblong
infantry shields. The shields form a cordon, offering sufficient protection
against enemy arrows so that a chariot with a wounded crewman might retire
behind it. It seems probable that in wars between civilized kingdoms heavy
infantry was normally used only in these defensive roles, guarding camps and
city walls, and for siege work. It would hardly have been possible for them to
keep up with chariots in the field. Infantry will have operated independently
only against barbarian tribes in hill country, where chariots could not go.
Operations of this kind would not have required tight infantry formations, and
there is no evidence any such existed.
There seem to have been two types of heavy infantryman, one armed with
long spear and big shield, the other with a bow - a self bow, not the deadly
composite bow. We may suppose these were conscripts, not trained professionals
like the chariot crews. There is no evidence of mass conscription, but there were
various forms of selective military draft. In Egypt every temple was obliged, when
Ramesses III kills a Libyan. called upon, to send to the pharaoh's army one man in ten from its dependants.
The inscriptions and reliefs Such units are unlikely to have been highly trained or motivated.
in Ramesses~ mortuary
But there is also evidence of a light infantry described as 'runners', usually
temple at Medinet Habu
near Thebes commemorate armed with small shields and javelins, who followed the chariots to pick off those
his victories over several of the enemy that were disabled and to rescue the crews of those disabled on their
foreign invasions in the early own side. They are sometimes depicted in art as running beside the chariots.
years of his reign. In his
Perhaps they rode on them before arriving at the battlefield. On the Kadesh reliefs
fifth year (1182 Be) he
defeated a great army of these skirmishers are seen killing or cutting off the hands of Hittite charioteers
Libyans who attacked the who have fallen from their vehicles. Peasant conscripts would not have been tough
Delta from the west. enough for this work; most chariot-runners were doubtless professional
mercenaries, recruited from the barbarous tribes of the hinterlands. The Kadesh
poem declares that the Hittite king 'left no silver in his land' when he came to
Kadesh because of the great numbers of mercenaries he had to hire. Sometimes a
small squad of runners seems to have been attached to every chariot. Often these
light infantry were called Sherden (Sardinians), for many were recruited from that
island; they can be distinguished in art by their distinctive horned helmets. Many
others came from the high country of Anatolia and the Levant, the Libyan Desert
and distant Nubia.
Hence the invaders are commonly called the 'Peoples of the Sea'; but the
Egyptian language had no word for island, and the term 'isles' may be better
50 m
150 ft
translated as 'coastlands'. In their inscriptions kings had always portrayed
themselves surrounded by hordes of enemies. Now rhetoric had become reality.
It was once thought that massive barbarian migrations must have been
responsible for the disasters, but there is no evidence for any large population
movements. It was believed that these invasions brought the Greeks or Achaeans
(which is what the Greeks call themselves in the Homeric poems) into Greece. But
when the Linear B script used in the Mycenaean world was finally deciphered in
the 1950s it unexpectedly turned out to be a sort of Greek, which means that the
Achaeans of Homer were already in Greece in the High Bronze Age. There was a
tradition, recorded in the Bible (Amos 9:7, Jeremiah 47:4), that the Philistines had
originally come from 'Caphtor' (Crete), so it was assumed they were part of the
general Volkerwanderung. But the later Philistines, as revealed by archaeology,
Tiryns citadel were as thoroughly Semitic and Canaanite as any people in Canaan, which would
old citadel 1400 Be
CD inner gateway to
palace The collapse of
Mycenae, c. 1200 Be
CD greater propcclum
site destroyed by
CD lesser propa:lum fire
__~ possible routes of
CD cou rt to chief
Megaron raiders
site destroyed but
~ chief Megaron supporting post
([) court to lesser palatial settlements
Megaron site abandoned
lesser Megaron
without destruction
site detroyed and
o n
~4It 4It 4It ,
41t --.,.--- b Sea o f Crete
50 miles
~ _'*' _. ~,... '- p _,. _ ,., _ ..- _ ~ ... __ ... ....., ..... -< <f. _. -< ..... _ __ ..... ~. ~ __ ... t p, ~ ~ ."'i.,...... A ". r .. - _
later be called Palestine after them; the legend of Cretan origins possibly started
with a band of Achaean refugees who settled in Canaan during the upheavals
around 1200 BC. The Indo-European invaders who inaugurated the chariot age
have been compared to the medieval Normans; the invaders who ended it were
more like Vikings, destructive raiders who founded no lasting dynasties and left
nothing behind in the cities they ruined, many of which were never inhabited
again. It was once thought that they brought iron weapons, but iron was still
rare in the Middle East at this time and did not generally replace bronze as the
common metal until after 1000 BC. The transition from Bronze Age to Iron Age
could have been in some way a result of the fall of the palaces, but could not
have caused it.
The end of the Early Bronze Age a thousand years before might be explained
in terms of systems collapse. The High Bronze Age societies, however, do not
seem to have been under any unusual stresses on the eve of their fall. There is no
evidence for general environmental deterioration; and warfare was not becoming
more frequent in the thirteenth century, rather the contrar~ Pitched battles
between Great Kings seem to have been rare in the High Bronze Age. Great Kings THE COLLAPSE OF
were expected to go on campaigns from time to time to show that they were MYCENAE, C. 1200 BC
Great Kings, especially at the start of a reign, but these martial demonstrations All the main centres around
the Aegean, including the
were largely symbolic. This is virtually admitted in a letter written by the old
mighty fortifications at
Hittite king Hattusilis III to a young Assyrian king who had just been enthroned: Mycenae and Tiryns, were
sacked and burned during
I have heard that my brother is grown into a man and goes often to hunt the late thirteenth and early
twelfth centuries, and
... My brother, you should not stay at home. Go out into the enemy
Mycenaean civilization was
country and defeat the enemy! But when you go out, go against a country obliterated. The same story
on which you are three or four times superior. was repeated all around the
eastern Mediterranean.
Dozens of palaces and cities
A young king must prove his valour, but let him pick a small enem~ In
were destroyed in Anatolia,
addition to keeping up appearances, the raid will serve a useful purpose, as it will Cyprus, Syria, and Palestine.
overawe his client states and perhaps acquire some new ones. Ramesses II was The last documents from
unusual in selecting another Great Kingdom for his target. But even Ramesses Ugarit suggest the city was
attacked from the sea. Only
never fought another major campaign after Kadesh, even though he lived on
in the interior of Palestine
for more than sixty years. The High Bronze Age states, it has been argued here, did some significant towns
were the first to be capable of offensive warfare; but it would be wrong to think escape, such as Jerusalem.
of warfare as endemic among them, in the sense that it was in classical Greek and
Roman times.
Hence the most plausible explanation so far offered for this catastrophe is
that it was a result of the transition from chariot to infantry warfare. The High
Bronze Age states, because of their exclusive reliance on chariot armies, had
always been vulnerable to concentrated infantry attack, but it was a long time
before their vulnerability was perceived. Chariots, so deadly to heavy infantry,
could easily be disabled by swarms of light infantry with missile weapons.
Archaeology suggests that the weapon which accounted for most of the chariots
was the simple javelin, most ancient and basic of missiles. This was a poor
weapon compared to the composite bow, which was arguably the most effective
firepower known before the nineteenth century AD. But composite bows were
expensive machines that took years to make, and the training of an archer
took years more. Javelins were cheap and abundant and any active young
man could throw them. Active, poor and hungry young men were one commodity
the barbarian world produced in unlimited numbers. Many such young men
had learned about chariots in the service of the Great Kings, who had long
recruited their chariot-runners from the tribes of the deserts and mountains and
the islands of the sea.
Some dramatic event must have revealed the vulnerability of the chariot
armies. Perhaps it was the Achaean sack of Troy. The city known as Troy VI to
archaeologists was destroyed in the late thirteenth century BC, and it is hard to
explain the mesmerizing effect of the Trojan War on the later Greek imagination
if something similar to that event had not happened. If so, the Achaeans who took
Troy should be pictured as tribesmen from the Greek mountains, not the civilized
Achaeans of Mycenae and Cnossus, though later legend mixed them up. Legend
has it that the Trojans were 'tamers of horses', and that Achilles was killed by an
arrow. This would have happened in the last years of Ramesses II (died 1212 BC),
under whom the eastern Mediterranean world had enjoyed a long peace. After he
died, the news from the north inspired a Berber chieftain to think the
unthinkable; that with this new method of fighting Egypt itself might be taken, Ramesses III with his
and for this he recruited great numbers of javelin-men from all over the north. Philistine captives. They
wear a distinctive headdress
Then the sacking of cities began. It might well seem to the Egyptians that the
of feathers or hair. Later
foreigners had made a conspiracy on their coasts to seize the circuit of the earth. many became Egyptian
Kingdoms that survived the collapse had to learn a new art of war. Egypt mercenaries and were settled
beat off the invasions by relying on infantry armies. Why Mesopotamia remained in garrisons in Palestine. The
Sherden (Sardinians), with
immune is not entirely clear, but the Assyrian kingdom served as a shield against
horned helmets, are shown
invaders from the west, and it is possible that Assyria, a hilly land that had never fighting on both sides. (See
been counted as one of the major chariot states, may have depended already upon endpapers. )
a militia of foot soldiers. The early Iron Age was to be a world of such infantry
militias, like the host of Israel in Canaan and the Dorian spearmen of Greece.
1100-539 Be
Tiglath-Pileser I, whose armies campaigned west into Anatolia and east into Iran; THE MIDDLE EAST c. 900 Be
but his ephemeral empire died with him, for it proved unable to cope with the A world without great
new challenge rising in the west. powers. By this time Egypt
has fallen into the Third
In the Levant the withdrawal of the Egyptians and the obliteration of the
I ntermediate Period: the
Hittites left a power vacuum, in which the native peoples found themselves free of Libyan pharaohs at Tanis
outside interference and for the first time in history took centre stage. The initial preside over a weakening
beneficiaries of the new situation were the Aramaeans. In the early eleventh state, eventually to be
overshadowed by the
century, when they first appear in Assyrian documents, the 'land of Aram' was
Nubian kingdom of Kush.
located around the upper Euphrates, and the Aramaeans were one of many The Levant is divided among
nomad groups roaming the edges of the Syrian Desert. Ever since agriculture warring principalities (see
began, shepherds like these had tended their flocks on the outskirts of arable next map).
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Middle East
c. 900 Be
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lands, but true nomad pastoralism capable of traversing the deep steppes and
deserts had to await the domestication of horses and camels. Horse nomadism,
which had conquered the European steppe back in the fourth millennium BC,
never worked in the arid Middle East; but by the beginning of the Iron Age the
Arabian camel had been domesticated, and the Aramaeans were the first to fully
exploit its potential. From their strategic location at the bend of the Fertile
Crescent they began in the eleventh century to move out in all directions, opening
up a vast network of caravan routes, infiltrating the settled lands and settling
there in increasing numbers as merchants, shepherds and farmers. Many other
nomads, Amorites in the north and Arabs in the south, adopted the Aramaic
language and culture, as did the Hittite cities of western Syria. Aramaic, a West
Semitic dialect related to Amorite, was written in a convenient alphabetic script
at least as early as the ninth century BC; it soon became the lingua franca of the
Middle East, replacing Akkadian as the diplomatic language, and within a few
centuries was to become the common tongue of all Mesopotamia and the Levant.
Most scholars have emphasized the commercial aspects of the Aramaean
diaspora, but it had also a military side. Aramaeans often came as conquerors
and rulers as well as traders. They founded many dynasties across Syria and
Mesopotamia. As early as the eleventh century there arose in eastern Syria the
aggressive kingdom of Zobah, which in the following century succeeded in
pushing the Assyrians out of the Euphrates valley. These conquests went
unrecorded, but a plausible guess can be made concerning the reasons for
Aramaean military success. Warfare in the early Iron Age seems to have relied to
an unprecedented extent on foot soldiers in the offensive. The major wars of the
late twelfth and early eleventh centuries were those of Tiglath-Pileser, about
which nothing is known, except that they were mostly fought in mountainous
terrain, which suggests that they were infantry campaigns. Soon after that the
formidable Assyrian kingdom became oddly helpless before the advancing
Aramaean tribes. The Aramaeans therefore must have been highly effective
infantry, and only one thing could give spearmen on foot a routine advantage
over warriors who were similarly equipped. The Aramaeans, like the Dorian
Greeks who overran the Peloponnesus around the same time, were probably
pioneers in the art of fighting in formation. If so, we should not imagine
Aramaeans fighting in a deep formation like the later Greek phalanx; more likely
they could form only one or two ragged lines. But in the eleventh century that,
combined with their alarming mobility, may have been enough. They could
emerge unexpectedly from the desert on camelback, dismount and charge in a
relatively disciplined line, presenting enough of a shield-wall to provide short-
term protection from missiles. There was no longer any chariotry to deal with,
and as yet no cavalr~ Later the Assyrian Empire would recruit its best light
infantry from the tribes of Aram.
The Aramaean example may have spurred a comparable military
development, which took place a little later in the southern Levant, the land
tribute not only on the Philistines but upon the Tamar."~ NOMADIC TRIBES /
other Canaanite princes - Ammon, Moab, Edom Edom \
states like Israel and the Aramaean principalities. The High Bronze Age had been AND SOLOMON C. 1000 Be
a world of large monarchies and small elite armies; the early Iron Age was a 'And after this it came to
pass that David smote the
world of small city states and tribal groups, and it is clear both from Hebrew
Philistines:J and subdued
tradition and archaeology that military success was a matter of disciplined mass them ... David smote also
infantry armed with spear and long iron sword. Hebrew tradition exaggerated HadadezeG the son of
when it claimed David could call up 1,300,000 able-bodied men who could use a Rehob:J king of Zobah ...
Then David put garrisons in
sword (2 Samuel 24:9), for the total population of his kingdom must have been
Syria of Damascus: and the
less than that, but it was true that power in the Iron Age meant the mass Syrians became servants to
mobilization of common soldiers motivated by a common ethnic and religious David:J and brought gifts.
purpose. In short, what we now mean by 'nationalism' entered history at this And the Lord preserved
David whithersoever he
time. The social cohesiveness of primitive tribalism was reborn, but in social
went' (2 SamuelS).
units much larger and more formidable than the primitive tribe.
mention. The Phoenician cities on the north coast,
cut off from the interior and the Aramaeans by the
SEMITIC massive ridge of Mount Lebanon, had survived the
1600-1400 BC
time of troubles by taking refuge behind stout
fortifications. Some of these cities - Tyre, Sidon,
perils but also opportunities, particularly in the
C. 1200 BC expanding trade networks. While the Aramaeans
were turning to camels and the desert, Phoenicians
EARLY PHOENICIAN turned to ships and to the sea. They invested
1100-1000 BC
increasingly in maritime commerce, which they
1> a
were soon transacting in a flexible alphabetic script
like the Aramaic. As early as the eleventh century
Phoenician ships began to explore the western seas
FORMS in search of metals. In the process they probably
8S0-700 BC
invented naval warfare, or the early stages of it.
Since armies began they had been moved about by water whenever possible. PHOENICIAN TRADE AND
When the Egyptians fought in Palestine in the Bronze Age they usually sent their COLONIZATION
troops by sea; after the battle of Megiddo, Thutmose III always preferred this Ezekiel's lament for Tyre:
'They of the house of
route for his northern campaigns. Piracy also was an ancient custom in the
Togarmah (Cimmerians?)
eastern Mediterranean. But none of this normally involved fighting at sea. Pirates traded in thy fairs with horses
rarely pursued merchants on the open sea because all ships carried both sails and and horsemen and mules ...
oars and were therefore difficult to catch. (Pure sailing ships did not appear until Arabia, and all the princes
of Kedar, they occupied with
the late sixth century Be.) The standard piratical procedure was doubtless that
thee in rams, and lambs, and
described in the Odyssey: the raiders beached their boats in the vicinity of a goats ... These were thy
coastal town and then captured the place by land. Raiders could also blockade merchants in all sorts of
harbours by intercepting ships at the harbour mouth, and we hear of Levantine things, in blue clothes, and
broidered work, and in chests
ports in the Bronze Age being blockaded in wartime, but as no ship could stay out
of rich apparel, bound with
to sea for very long this strategy required prior control of the coast so that the cords, and made of cedar,
port could be besieged by land and sea simultaneousl): In all these cases it would among thy merchandise. The
obviously have been desirable to cut off and board enemy ships at sea, but for the ships of Tarshish did sing of
thee in thy market; and thou
reason already mentioned this was difficult to do. The relief at Medinet Habu
wast replenished, and made
shows Egyptian ships intercepting the invading Philistines; but that was in the very glorious in the midst of
mouth of the Nile, and even there the feat must have required good timing. the seas.' (Ezekiel 27)
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None of the ships in the Medinet Habu relief have rams, so this device did
not exist around 1200 BC. But the evidence of Greek vase paintings shows that by
around 800 BC the practice of fixing bronze rams to the prows of ships so that
they could be used as weapons against other ships had become standard in the
Mediterranean. Owing to the lack of pictorial records from the intervening
centuries we cannot say with certainty when or where this device was invented,
but it seems likely that it appeared within a century or so after 1200 BC, for much
of the sacking of cities at that time was the work of coastal raiders, and there was
urgent need for some method of coastal defence. It is unlikely to have been
invented by the raiders, as it is not in the interest of pirates to sink their prey; but
after coastguards had rams, pirates of course acquired them too. The likeliest
inventors of ramming were the Phoenicians, the leading seafarers of the time.
The standard warship of the early Iron Age was the penteconter, a IOO-foot
galley propelled by fifty oarsmen, twenty-five on each side; the word 'warship' is
somewhat misleading, as there was no distinction between ships of war and
merchant vessels, and the penteconters were equally useful for transporting trade
goods (which were of slnall bulk at this time) and protecting them. In such ships
the Phoenicians, followed by the Greeks, opened up the whole of the western
Mediterranean to trade and colonization. Originally penteconters were built
with only one bank of oars. The next step was the bireme, a shorter and more
EARLY WARSHIPS seaworthy vessel with its fifty oars arranged in two superimposed banks. This
The invention of the ram was in use by 700 Be; an Assyrian relief of that date shows the king of Tyre
turned the galley into a self- embarking in a bireme.
propelled projectile which None of this amounted to much 'sea power' in the modern sense of that
could destroy vessels by
driving the ram into its hull.
term; it was more like coastal power. We do not hear of sea battles before the
The ship might be decked or seventh century, not even between Phoenician cities, and no big battles until the
undecked, like this one. The sixth, which suggests the fifty-oared galleys were for defensive purposes, to guard
oarsmen rowed from the
gunwales. A fifty-oared
galley had reached the
practical size limit for a ship
with one bank of oars, and
after that the only way to
increase power was to place
rowers at different levels.
harbours and repel pirates. It is doubtful there were any naval tactics, which
would require concerted action by a number of galleys. Real sea power had to
await the invention of the trireme, a highly specialized ship with 170 oars in three
banks, with more than three times the propulsive power of a penteconter, and
useful for nothing but warfare. These expensive technological marvels were
probably beyond the reach of a city state. They did not become common until the
late sixth century, when the Persian Empire became a Mediterranean power, and
the Persian king Cambyses, according to Herodotus, became the first man to
aspire to command of the sea.
14,000 of their warriors I slew with the sword. Like Adad, I rained
destruction upon them. I scattered their corpses far and wide, and
covered the face of the desolate plain with their widespreading armies ...
The plain was too small to let their bodies fall, the wide countryside was
used up in burying them. With their bodies I spanned the Orontes as with
a bridge.
Assyrian archer, ninth another reason to doubt it was an Assyrian victory, as the authors of the Books
century. Assyrian of Kings were not usually so reticent about the defeats of Ahab. But by 838 Be
inscriptions and art became
Shalmaneser had reached the Mediterranean and received tribute from many
much more copious in the
reign of Ashurnasirpal II. kingdoms, including Damascus and Israel.
H is fourteen campaigns In the last years of Shalmaneser a great revolt broke out in Assyria proper,
extended Assyrian rule to perhaps caused by opposition of the Assyrian nobility to the rapid
and beyond the Euphrates
aggrandizement of the monarchy. The rebellion was eventually quelled but it
and brought back much
wealth, with which he built a nullified all the conquests of the last two reigns and for decades to come Assyria
grand new palace at Nimrud. stagnated under a succession of weak kings. The first attempt to create an Iron
Age empire had failed dismall~ The old methods would no longer work. The
empire of Ashurnasirpal and Shalmaneser had indeed been a Great Kingdom of
the Bronze Age kind, a loose hegemonial structure consisting of a cordon of
client states surrounding a core territor~ Such an organization was difficult to
sustain in a world when warfare was as much between peoples as between kings.
Its collapse left Assyria ringed with danger: the traditional Aramaean enemies in
the west were now supported by the rising kingdom of Urartu in the northern
mountains, while Assyria itself was threatened with fragmentation owing to the
increasing independence of the provincial governors.
17 1
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Assyria was saved by one of these governors, who seized the throne in 744 BC
and took the name Tiglath-Pileser III. He immediately began the reconquest of
the lost territories and at the same time instituted a thorough reorganization. The
foundations of the new empire were laid in the years 743-741 BC, when Tiglath-
Pileser 'smashed like pots' a coalition of Syrian princes led by the king of Arpad,
defeated an attempted intervention by the Urartians, and took the city of Arpad
in a three-year siege. After this demonstration he turned south and received the
homage of Damascus, Israel and the Phoenician cities. Then he turned his
attentions eastwards: he pacified the Zagros range and penetrated farther into
the Iranian plateau than any Mesopotamian had ever gone, reaching the
neighbourhood of modern Tehran and setting up provinces in the land of the
Medes; he invaded Urartu and laid siege to its capital on Lake Van. A second
settlement of the Levant in 734-732 BC brought Damascus and most of Israel
within the provincial system, while Judah and the Philistine cities were made
vassals, extending the empire to the border of Egypt. A rump of the kingdom of
Israel was allowed to survive as the puppet state of Samaria, but its king Hoshea
rebelled at Tiglath-Pileser's death, whereupon his son Shalmaneser V took
Samaria in a three-year siege and turned it into a province.
What Tiglath-Pileser III had created was not only the largest state in history
thus far but the first centralized imperial state, and the model for all later
empires. When the former client states were recovered, the nearer ones were
usually turned into provinces under Assyrian governors, like the provinces of the
Assyrian homeland. Beyond the provincialized area arose a cordon of new client
states, which were now kept under a tight rein by Assyrian overseers. The
provinces were subdivided until they numbered about eighty, to reduce the
independence of the governors, who were required to report constantly to the
A relief from Tiglath- ramming tactics. Auxiliary is a light mobile structure on them loose, causing a section
Pileser's palace at N imrud: spearmen scale the walls with four wheels, with two poles of the wall to collapse.
the Assyrian army besieges a weapons in hand, covered by ending in flat metal blades. Before the walls the bodies
city of the Medes, using a archers firing from behind The blades could be forced of prisoners hang impaled
combination of scaling and high wicker shields. The ram between the stones to prise on stakes.
king and subjected to frequent visits from his itinerant inspectors. The
administration was served by history's first efficient postal service. By the end of
Tiglath-Pileser's life, the whole of the Fertile Crescent north of Egypt, with
adjacent parts of the Anatolian and Iranian highlands, containing several million
people, had been brought within this system. He had also created or perfected the
first great standing army, which will be studied more closely below.
After the short reign of Tiglath-Pileser's son Shalmaneser V (726-722 BC) his
empire passed to the Sargonid house, which may have been another branch of the
same family: Sargon II (722-705 BC), Sennacherib (704-681 BC), Esarhaddon
(680-669 BC) and Ashurbanipal (668-627? BC), after whom several obscure kings
or pretenders in a row presided over the sudden collapse. Thus the Assyrian
Empire lasted hardly more than one hundred years, and to the end its boundaries
remained essentially those established by Tiglath-Pileser. The Sargonids did little
but round out the frontiers, and their only significant effort to expand them - the
attempted conquest of Egypt by Esarhaddon - was never consummated. The
empire seems to have reached its limits almost at the start, after which its
resources were increasingly strained to hold on to what it had.
The Assyrian king was never deified like the Egyptian and many Babylonian
rulers, but he was the viceroy and high priest of the god Assur, and hymns
ASSYRIAN BATTERING repeatedly reminded him to 'enlarge the territory of Assur'. He was told at his
RAMS enthronement: 'Expand your land with your just sceptre.' The king was
The upper figure is a constantly addressed as if he were a universal sovereign: 'king of the four quarters
battering ram that appears
of the world', who 'holds the rulers by their reins'. As Sennacherib put it:
on a relief of Sargon II. The
lower figure is the ram from
the relief of Tiglath-Pileser Assur, the great mountain, has given me unrivalled kingship, and has
on the previous page. In the magnified my weapon over all who sit on thrones. From the Upper Sea of
eighth century Assyrian
the setting sun to the Lower Sea of the rising sun, all the kings of those
rams became much lighter
than before (an earlier regions he has caused to kneel at my feet so that they have drawn my
model is shown on p. 196) yoke.
and were prefabricated so
that they could be
Yet it would be misleading to conclude from these theocratic formulas, which
assembled on the spot.
They were deployed in had been commonplaces of royal rhetoric since the Bronze Age, that the
groups against certain Assyrians believed in 'holy war'. In practice they assumed that all wars had to be
parts of a wall. The reliefs justified by the traditional language of just warfare. Assur was a just god and his
of Sennacherib's siege of
servant, the king, a just king; they went to war to strike down the wicked and
Lachish (see p. 198) show
seven rams working protect the weak. The king was the 'light of all mankind', the 'shepherd of the
simultaneously. world' under whom 'all the lands are dwelling in peace'. Temples to Assur were
built in the provinces, but the Assyrians never made any attempt to force his cult
upon conquered peoples. The images of the conquered gods were usually
The reliefs from the palace
of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh deported by the conqueror, a common practice in the ancient Middle East, but
are among the finest these images were not trophies; their deportation to Assyria was a sign of the
examples of Assyrian defeated gods' submission to Assur, and the statues were usually repatriated after
sculpture, especially the
their worshippers had demonstrated their submissiveness and petitioned for the
famous scenes of the lion
hunt. Here Ashurbanipal return of their deities.
shoots his bow while his It cannot be denied, however, that Assur was vindictive, even for a god.
spearmen fend off a Assyrian kings routinely boasted in their inscriptions that they destroyed all cities
charging lion. The chariot is
they took and often claimed to have killed entire populations. These declarations
one of the heavy four-man
vehicles typical of the served a deliberate public-relations purpose, as the punishments were meant as
seventh century. salutary warnings, and the most imaginative refinements of cruelty were reserved
for cities that resisted siege to the end. Only quotation can convey the flavour of
these celebrations of pious terrorism. The following excerpts are from the annals
of Ashurnasirpal:
With battle and slaughter I stormed the city and captured it. 3,000 of
their warriors I put to the sword; their spoils and their possessions, their
cattle and sheep I carried off. Many captives from among them I burned
with fire, and many I took as living captives. From some I cut off their
hands and their fingers, and from others I cut off their noses, their ears,
and their fingers (?), of many I put out the eyes. I made one pillar of the
living, and another of heads, and I bound their heads to posts round
about the city: Their young men and maidens I burned in the fire, the city
I destroyed, I devastated, I burned it with fire and consumed it ...
I took the city, and 800 of their fighting men I put to the sword, and
cut off their heads. Multitudes I captured alive, and the rest of them I
burned with fire, and carried off their heavy spoil. I formed a pillar of the
living and of heads over against his city gate and 700 men I impaled on
stakes over against their city gate. The city I destroyed, I devastated, and I
turned it into a mound and ruin heap. Their young men and their
maidens I burned in the fire.
After crushing the taking one city he buried his captives alive under four
Babylonian rebellion in pyramids of severed heads, surrounded by rings of stakes
648 Be Ashurbanipal
on which their countrymen were impaled.
launched a desert campaign
against the Arab nomads Furthermore, the survivors were often deported to
who had been raiding the distant lands. This had been done before in the Middle
frontier. On these reliefs East, but never on the astonishing scale initiated by
from Nineveh, Arabs with
Tiglath-Pileser III and followed by all his successors. Their
simple bows, some on
camels and some on foot, inscriptions claim that between 750 and 620 Be, 4.5 million
are easily overwhelmed by people were deported from defeated or rebellious
Assyrian cavalry and territories and scattered all over the empire. Sennacherib
auxiliary foot.
claimed that he carried off 208,000 Babylonians at one
sweep. Even if these figures are greatly inflated, there must
have been massive redistribution of population. The most
main purpose of this policy was to punish rebellion and to
forestall it by breaking up disaffected communities, for
usually an entire population or its elites were deported,
many of them to disappear forever as ethnic groups. But
the redistribution also served economic functions. Some
deportees were conscripted into the army, but probably
most were used as forced labour - rarely as outright slaves,
for chattel slavery was never of great importance in
Mesopotamia, but in various servile conditions, which
often must have approximated slavery. They were moved
mostly to regions ravaged by warfare or otherwise
underpopulated, or to the burgeoning cities of the Assyrian
These policies may help to explain the premature
demise of the empire. The system was by no means totally
exploitative, or no more so than some later empires. The
tribute, prisoners and other booty produced by the
conquests were widely distributed. After the sack of
Babylon, Sennacherib declared, 'I apportioned [prisoners of
war] like sheep to all of my camp, my governors and the
people of my large cities.' Ashurbanipal boasted that after
a war against the Arabs he brought back so many
camels that they sold for a shekel apiece in Nineveh and
even tavern-keepers received camels and slaves in payment
for drinks. The non-Assyrian population of the empire
shared to some extent in its economic benefits. The
Assyrian army was heavily recruited from non-Assyrian
peoples. Even many of the deportees seem to have become
prosperous and loyal Assyrian subjects in their new homes.
Given enough time the Assyrians might have succeeded
in developing a diffused empire-wide governing elite, that did not have to rule
by cruelt~
But there was not enough time. The basic problem with history's first empire
was simply that it was the first. The system could not have been put together
without an extraordinary amount of violence, and in the process too many
implacable enemies were created. At the destruction of Nineveh in 612 Be the
prophet Nahum claimed: 'All who hear the news of you clap their hands at your
downfall. For who has not felt your unrelenting cruelty?' (Nahum 3:19). The
successors of the Assyrians - the Babylonians, Medes and Persians - avoided this
fate because they mostly took over the organization created by the Assyrians,
whom they found an easy act to follow.
The restored walls of
Nineveh. In the summer of A few centuries later a somewhat parallel process took place at the other end
612 BC the city fell to the of Asia. In northern China the transition from Bronze Age to Iron Age was once
Babylonians and Medes again accompanied by a shift from aristocratic chariot warfare to mass infantry
after a three-month siege
tactics. The aggressive state of Ch'in specialized in the new art of war, conquered
and was destroyed. The site
was not reoccupied. The all its neighbours and created a centralized bureaucratic empire; but in the
Greek commander process it had recourse to such draconian measures that its dynasty was soon
Xenophon records in his overthrown and its name became a byword for tyranny. It was replaced by the
memoirs that he saw the
mild, stable, long-lasting regime of the Han Dynasty, which built upon the
ruins in 401 BC but did not
know the name of the city foundations laid by its violent predecessor, as the Persians took over the stained
that had stood there. inheritance of Assyria.
18 5
King King
Turtanu (2) (Field Marshals) Chiliarch (Chief General)
Sab Sharri Sha Qurbuti Foreign Kinsmen (Royal Guard) Foreign
(Royal Army) (Royal Guard) contingents contingents
under allied under allied
kings Commander of Immortals':- kings
Provincial Governor Kisir Sharruti 10,000
(Royal Cohort)
I :
Shaknu Commander of
(General) 1,000
Rab Kisri Commander of 100
(Cohort Commander)
Commander of 10 ':-The Immortals numbered
Commander of 50 10,000 and were divided
into ten units. The first of
these, the Kinsmen were
Commander of 10 the Royal Guard, and their
commander, the Chiliarch,
was Chief General.
numbers of auxiliary infantry units, both heavy and light, which tended to be
drawn from certain warlike tribes like the Gurkhas of British India. The light
infantry, usually unarmoured, included archers and slingers. Particularly valued
were the archers, called Ituaeans because they were recruited from the Aramaean
tribe of that name on the Tigris (though 'Ituaeans' was possibly shorthand for
'Ituaeans and other auxiliary archers'). The auxiliary spearmen were called
Qurraeans; their origin is unknown, but their equipment suggests the Hittite
cities of Syria. (Again, it is possible 'Qurraeans' meant 'Qurraeans and other
auxiliary spearmen similarly armed'.) They were more lightly armoured than the
Assyrian infantry and wore a distinctive crested helmet instead of the pointed Many different types of
helmet of the Assyrians. soldier are portrayed in
Assyrian art. This relief
A document from Zamua gives us a precise numerical breakdown of the Sab
from Ashurbanipal s palace
Sharri troops under the command of a provincial governor in the reign of Sargon: at Nineveh may depict
10 chariots, 97 cavalrymen, 80 Assyrian heavy infantrymen, 101 Assyrian staff, soldiers of the royal
440 Ituaean archers and 360 Qurraean spearmen; a total of 630 Assyrians bodyguard, the Sha Qurbuti
('soldiers close to the king~).
(counting the grooms and other assistants who accompanied the horse troops)
Their equipment resembles
and 800 auxiliaries. that of the auxiliary
The Assyrians seem to have been recruited by the old method of landholding infantry, except for the large
in exchange for military service; the auxiliaries may have been mercenaries. The shields.
basic unit was called a kisru, which may be translated 'cohort' or 'regiment,' but
it is not known how many men it comprised.
There was also the Kisir Sharruti (Royal Cohort), an elite Assyrian force of
unknown strength, perhaps created by Tiglath-Pileser; this seems to have been a
sort of Praetorian Guard under the direct command of the king. A still more elite
unit formed the royal bodyguard, the Sha Qurbuti, which included cavalry,
spearmen and archers. All these seem to have been equipped like the Sab Sharri.
Finally there were forces contributed by the client states on the frontiers.
Some special foreign contingents, such as Israelite chariotry and U rartuan cavalry,
are known to have served in the Kisir Sharruti, and perhaps also in the Sab Sharri.
Others were called up in emergencies; for his main invasion of Egypt in 664 Be
Ashurbanipal took with him, in addition to the regular army, foreign contingents
collected from twenty-two princes of Syria and Palestine. These foreign troops,
who are rarely depicted in art, used the equipment of their various traditions.
It has been estimated that the total forces available to Tiglath-Pileser and the
Left, a Qurraean auxiliary
spearman, identified by his Sargonids numbered half a million. We have seen that one provincial governor
round shield, crested mustered 1,430 men, nor was this his entire command; we know that some
helmet, and crossed chest governors sometimes had more than 20,000. Inscriptions sometimes speak of
straps. Centre, an Ituaean
100,000 troops mobilized for a battle. The history of ancient armies that are
archer in kilt and headband.
They were originally better documented - Persian, Greek, Roman - suggests we should reduce this
recruited from an Aramaean number by half to get a maximum figure for an Assyrian field army, and halve it
tribe called Itu'a. These two again to get the normal figure: perhaps a maximum force of 50,000 and an
types are often encountered
average one of 20,000. Armies larger than this were difficult to manage. Assyrian
together in roughly equal
numbers and must have armies were not much larger than the biggest armies of the Bronze Age; the strict
fulfilled complementary barriers that nature had placed on the size of armies would not be decisively
functions. Right, an broken until the nineteenth century AD. The real advances of the Assyrians lay in
Assyrian heavy infantryman
the little-known but clearly enormous logistical infrastructure that enabled huge
(kallapu) with conical iron
helmet, corselet of metal armies to conduct long-distance campaigns the year round. A single statistic will
scales, and huge shield. suggest the magnitude of the supply problems: the archives of Nineveh reveal that
the royal stables received an average of one hundred fresh horses every day,
brought from all over the empire. There vvere five campaigns into Egypt within
eleven years (673-663 BC), suggesting that logistical bases with horses, equipment
and stores were stationed at intervals along that road and other well-travelled
military routes. Armies carried rations with them, but the provincial governors
and allied states were expected to provide food for men and horses, and it can be
assumed this was high among their responsibilities. Armies also foraged in the
countryside, especially during sieges, but the results must have been unreliable, as
grain stores will have been brought inside the city before the siege commenced.
The favoured campaigning season was still between the grain harvest (May-June)
and the sowing (October), but campaigns in every month of the year are recorded,
and in every type of terrain including mountain and desert. The king personally
commanded whenever possible but there were two field marshals (Turtanu) and of
course an elaborate but dimly viewed command structure lower down:
commanders of cohorts (Rab Kisri) , commanders of fifty, commanders of ten.
Cavalry were the great innovation of this arm~ Cavalry are first mentioned at
the battle of Qarqar in 853 BC, where the Assyrians had 5,542 cavalrymen and
2,002 chariots, or about an equal number, since chariots at this date still carried
two or three men. There was still some use for them, because in the ninth century
the art of managing a stirrupless horse in battle had not been fully mastered:
cavalrymen rode in pairs, one holding the reins of his companion and leaving him
free to draw his composite bow, like the traditional partnership of chariot warrior
and chariot driver, but without the chariot. Cavalry were cheaper, less vulnerable
and more useful in rough country than chariotry, but not as yet superior in
firepower. But the cavalry of Tiglath-Pileser and the Sargonids consisted of single
horsemen, each rider armed with bow or spear or both. Assyrians had learned
how to handle a composite bow on horseback. The chariot was thus obsolete by
about 750 BC, for every rider now had as much firepower as a two-horse, two-man
The rise of genuine cavalry made possible genuine tactics, which is to say the
art of combined arms, a variety of distinct services performing different roles in
battle and doing so in co-operation. The Assyrian army certainly had such a
tactical system, but it is not easy to reconstruct. We are well informed about
military equipment, for the reliefs of the Assyrian palaces have left us the richest
pictorial record of warfare before classical Greece, but not so well informed
about how this weaponry was used on the battlefield. Assyrian annals, like all
other ancient Middle Eastern records, are nearly devoid of useful battle
descriptions. Assyrian sculpture, so dramatically effective in the portrayal of
individual human and animal figures, never attained the Egyptian level of
narrative realism. Neither infantry nor cavalry are ever shown in formation.
There is no Assyrian battle that can be reconstructed in the way we can attempt
to reconstruct the battle of Kadesh. Even the relief from Ashurbanipal's palace at
Nineveh depicting the battle at the Ulai River in 653 BC, considered the finest
Basalt stele with an Assyrian large-scale composition in Assyrian art, is too broad and schematic, with too
two-horse, two-man chariot, many chariots.
eighth century. This chariot
Nevertheless some things can be legitimately deduced from the tactics of the
is transporting an officer. In
battle the chariot was still later Persian armies, which are believed to have been largely based on the
used as an archery platform Assyrian tradition, and are much better known to us through Greek sources.
but at this time was Persians put their infantry in the centre and their cavalry on the wings, which is
becoming obsolete because
such a common practice in all later warfare that we may assume the Assyrians did
of the development of true
cavalry. this too. The Persian army did not normally expect shock combat, but rather
tried to bre.ak up enemy formations with missiles. The Medes, Persians and other
Iranians who formed the core of their army were all lightly armoured bowmen,
both infantry and cavalr~ In battle the Persian infantry advanced and set up their
large wicker shields as a hedge from behind which they fired their arrows; they
closed in hand-to-hand combat with their short spears only when necessar~
Their cavalry harassed the enemy before and during the battle by riding up and
showering them with arrows and javelins, and after the enemy broke, cavalry were
used in a mopping-up role.
Assyrian armies also consisted largely of missile arms and we suppose
Assyrian tactics were similar, but there is reason to think that the Assyrians made
rather more use of heavy infantry and hand-to-hand combat. The heavily
armoured infantryman equipped with large shield and long spear, but no missile
weapon, was the core of the native Assyrian army and figures prominently in
Assyrian art. More than a century after Assyria fell Mesopotamian infantrymen
of this type were still prominent in the Persian arm~ Herodotus (7:61-99)
preserved the Persian army list of about 480 Be, which specifies the equipment
borne by all the provincial contingents of the Persian Empire. Practically all are
missile fighters - Iranian and Arabian archers, Anatolian and Thracian javelin-
men. Only two regional contingents are equipped as heavy infantry with shield
and spear: the Lydians of western Anatolia, who are armed like their neighbours
the Greeks, and the 'Assyrians' (inhabitants of the Persian satrapy of
Mesopotamia) .
Assyrian armies were basically infantry armies. That was already clear in the
ninth century, when an inscription of Shalmaneser mentions an army of 50,000
foot soldiers and 1,351 chariots. In the eighth century the ratio of foot to horse in
the forces of the governor of Zamua was eight to one. We may assume that after
some skirmishing by the cavalry the real battle was normally opened by the
advance of the infantr~ What was the infantry expected to do? In Assyrian art we
often see an archer accompanied by a spearman who protects him with his shield,
and on the Ulai River reliefs groups of archers and spearmen appear to be
co-operating in some fashion. Perhaps they supported one another like the
musketeers and pikemen of European infantry armies in the seventeenth century
AD: the missile fighters opened the battle under the protection of the heavy
infantry, and retreated behind them when it came to close combat. It may not be a
coincidence that the governor of Zamua commanded precisely equal numbers of
spearmen and archers - 440 each. The Persians appear to Detail from the reliefs
have merged the Assyrian spearman and the Assyrian archer depicting the battle on the
Ulai River from the palace
into a single all-purpose soldier, losing thereby the Assyrian
of Ashurbanipal at
capacity for shock combat. Assyrian battles, however, were Nineveh. Assyrian infantry,
probably won by archery. There would have been more scope consisting of spearmen
for hand-to-hand fighting when Assyrians pursued an enemy and archers working in
co-operation, push back
already broken and fleeing, as portrayed on the Ulai River
the Elamites, who are
reliefs. mostly archers.
Cavalry doubtless operated in support of the infantry,
which was always the role of cavalry in later armies:
providing a screen for the advancing infantry, harassing the
enemy with arrows, trying to outflank and encircle and break
up their formations, pursuing them after they broke. They
often carried spears as well, but as they had no stirrups and
wielded their weapons with an overhand thrust they
probably did not charge like medieval knights. Spears would
have been most useful in riding down fleeing infantrymen, as
on the Ulai River reliefs.
A long inscription by Sargon describing his great victory
over Urartu in 714 Be provides one of the few semi-realistic
narratives of an Assyrian battle. His army disorganized by
the long march over the mountains, Sargon was unable to
launch a conventional infantry assault, but won the battle by
a single charge of his bodyguard cavalry, led by the king in his
chariot. We notice that even at such close quarters the
Assyrian horsemen appear to have shot arrows and thrown
their spears.
On a relief from
Ashurbanipal's palace the
Assyrians storm an Elamite
city. Sappers undermine the
base of the wall while
Ituaean and Qurraean
auxiliaries mount the
ladders. If they could really
use their weapons while
climbing ladders, as pictured
here, they must have been
highly trained.
region, the troop, the command of Sin-ahi-usur, I plunged into his midst
like a swift javelin, I defeated him, I turned back his advance; I killed large
numbers of his troops, the bodies of his warriors I cut down like millet,
filling the mountain valleys with them. I made their blood run down the
ravines and precipices like a river, dyeing plain, countryside, and
highlands red like a royal robe. His warriors, the mainstay of his army,
bearers of bow and lance, I slaughtered about his feet like lambs, I cut off
their heads. His noblemen, counselors who stand before him, I shattered
their arms in the battle; them and their horses I captured. 260 of his royal
kin, who were his officers, governors and cavalry, I captured and broke
down their resistance. Him I shut up in his crowded camp and cut down
from under him his draft horses with arrow and javelin. To save his life he
abandoned his chariot, mounted a mare and fled before his arm~
In this battle only the king rode in a chariot, which was at that date on the
verge of obsolescence. Because of their prestige, chariots continued in use long
after cavalry, from the point of view of military effectiveness, should have
replaced them. In battle reliefs chariots are frequently shown charging into the
enem~ This was possible in Sargon's time because the chariot was still relatively
light, carrying two or three men, and capable of operating as an adjunct of the
cavalry, as described in Sargon's inscription. But in the seventh century the chariot
became a much heavier vehicle, pulled by four horses and carrying four men -
two archers, a shield-bearer and a driver. Their clumsiness and vulnerability to
missiles makes it improbable that these vehicles were used in the charge. It is more
likely that chariots had reverted to their original function and become mobile
headquarters for transporting important men around the battlefield. The
Assyrian king in battle was usually portrayed standing in an ornate command
chariot under a tall parasol held by a eunuch. In the Persian army this was the
only function of chariots, except for the scythed chariots (probably intended as
psychological weapons) that played an ineffectual role in a few battles of the Relief from Nineveh: the
fourth century BC. siege of Lachish in Judah by
Sennacherib in 701. Ramps
A pitched battle seems to have been an uncommon experience for the mature
of earth and timber have
Assyrian army, because they were so good at it: most enemies sensibly avoided been thrown up against the
pitched battle with them, so most wars were won by sieges. Hence the most wall and siege engines are
feared component of the Assyrian army was its siege-train, whose elaborate being pushed up the ramps,
protected by ranks of archers
engines and techniques are prominently featured in Assyrian art. The Assyrian
and slingers. Lachish fell but
reputation for invincibility rested not only on the ability of their armies to go the siege of Jerusalem was
anywhere, but to overcome any possible defences once they arrived. Many sieges broken of{, according to the
were very brief, proving that cities were regularly taken by storm. Esarhaddon Bible by divine deliverance.
took Memphis in half a day. The main innovation in siegecraft was the battering
ram, which first appeared in the ninth century. It rendered obsolete the ancient
and time-consuming tactic of building an earthen ramp to the top of a city wall
and greatly expedited the business of taking cities by assault. When the Assyrians
assaulted a city wall they often used three techniques simultaneously: battering
rams, scaling ladders and sapping, all carried out under the protection of archers
and slingers firing from siege towers as high as the wall. But there were also long
sieges; it took three years for Tiglath-Pileser to take Arpad, two years for
Ashurbanipal to take Babylon. In long sieges cities fell from starvation. An
inscription of Ashurbanipal reports with satisfaction that the Babylonians ate
one another during the siege of 648 BC. At the siege of Jerusalem Sennacherib's
officer, taunting the Jews on the city wall, promised them they were doomed to
'eat their own dung, and drink their own piss' (2 Kings 18:27).
Assyria's problems were always complicated by a lack of defensible frontiers. The
empire was vulnerable on three sides, of which the south-west frontier was
actually the most secure, in spite of the recurrent efforts of Egypt (under a Nubian
dynasty after 750 BC) to incite rebellion among the cities of Palestine. The revolt of
Judah in about 701 BC was crushed by Sennacherib, after a siege of Jerusalem
famous in Hebrew history. The revolt of Sidon in 677 BC ended in its destruction
by Esarhaddon, and prompted him to round off the south-western frontier by
conquering Egypt, which he did with deceptive ease in 671 BC. But none of the
frontiers could be rounded off easily. Egypt never remained conquered, though
Ashurbanipal invaded it twice (in 666 and 664 BC), and soon after he abandoned
the effort, granting de facto recognition to the native Saite dynasty.
The south-east frontier was more vexing. The Assyrians were never able
effectively to rule the ancient civilization of Babylonia, the shrines and traditions
of which even the most powerful Assyrian kings were compelled to treat with
reverence. Babylonia could be treated neither like a province nor like a client
state; neither could it be absorbed. The task was further complicated by the
ethnic heterogeneity of the land. The Akkadian population of the old cities was
relatively submissive, but the south (the ancient Sumer) had been settled by a
collection of restive tribes called the Chaldeans, and the desert by nomadic
Aramaeans who were even harder to control. In addition, the neighbouring
kingdom of Elam was always ready to support rebellion by any of these.
Various solutions were attempted. Tiglath-Pileser at first tried to rule the
south through native Babylonian kings. These puppets could not manage the
Aramaeans, so in the last year of his life Tiglath-Pileser himself took the title King
of Babylon, as did his son Shalmaneser after him. But as soon as Shalmaneser died
a Chaldean prince from the Gulf, named Merodach-Baladan (to use the biblical
spelling of his name, which in Akkadian was Mardukapaliddina), claimed the
throne of Babylon with Elamite support. The inscriptions of Sargon claimed a
great victory over the Babylonians and Elamites at Der in 720 BC; this is
unconvincing, as Merodach-Baladan is known from Babylonian inscriptions to
have ruled securely in Babylon for the next decade. In 710 BC he was finally driven
to Elam, and Sargon sat on the Babylonian throne for the last years of his life.
Upon his death Merodach-Baladan promptly retook Babylon with Elamite troops.
Sennacherib drove them out, but for years Merodach-Baladan continued the
resistance from the impenetrable swamps at the head of the Gulf. In 689 BC
Sennacherib finally vented his frustration by destroying Babylon, the holy city of
Mesopotamia, and carrying off the statue of Marduk to Assyria. This was felt
to be such a sacrilege that when Sennacherib was murdered by one of his sons in
681 BC, his younger son and successor, Esarhaddon, atoned by returning the statue
of Marduk and rebuilding Babylon in grand style.
Esarhaddon tried to unite the two kingdoms by making two of his sons kings
of Assyria and Babylonia respectively, but this solution did not work either; the
king of Babylonia, who found himself treated more like a provincial governor,
rebelled against his brother Ashurbanipal, which made it impossible for
Ashurbanipal to recover Egypt. Ashurbanipal may then have taken the Babylonian
throne himself. He tried to pacify the south-eastern frontier by undertaking the
total destruction of Elam, the perennial support of anti-Assyrian elements in
Babylonia. By 639 BC he was able to declare that Elam had been turned into 'a
pasture for wild asses'. It was the last important Assyrian victory, and a fruitless
one. About a decade later Babylonia was once again effectively independent under
a Chaldean king, who was to watch Nineveh burn. Despite the massive
deportations of its people, Babylonia had been growing in wealth and population,
and the long and ultimately successful resistance led by Merodach-Baladan
suggests that in spite of its ethnic mixture the country had acquired a sense of
political and perhaps even national unity; forced upon it by the northern rulers.
The running sore of Babylon prevented the Assyrians from dealing effectively
with the northern frontier, which turned out to be the most intractable of all, and
the source of their final ruin. The heart of the empire lay on the fertile plains of
northern Mesopotamia and Syria, which were vulnerable everywhere to the
highlanders living in the great arc of mountains stretching from the Zagros to the
Taurus. Assyria tried to intimidate these mountaineers by frequent raids, which
probably in battle with the Cimmerians. Soon after, the Cimmerians destroyed
the Phrygian kingdom; King Midas is said to have killed himself by drinking
bulls' blood. After this time the Assyrians seem to have given up Anatolia, which
the Cimmerians completely overran. For a time they were resisted by Gyges, king
of Lydia, an Assyrian ally, but about 650 BC the Cimmerians sacked his capital of
Sardis and then harassed the Greek cities of Ionia. Another horde had turned
eastward and invaded the Assyrian plain, where Esarhaddon claimed a victory
over a Cimmerian king in 679 BC. The Cimmerians may have been the first people
to realize the possibilities of cavalry; the first true nomad raiders, precursors of
Attila and Genghis Khan. It may have been no coincidence that the Assyrian
army learned the skills of horse archery at about the same time it made their
The surviving Assyrian oracle texts, which record royal attempts to discern
the future, are largely concerned with the activities of the unpredictable riders of
the north, whom Mesopotamian scribes had difficulty telling apart. Babylonians
used the same word for Cimmerian and Scythian; but Assyrians distinguished a
separate group of formidable horse archers called Scythians, who were said to
have followed the Cimmerians from the Pontic steppe. Modern historians also
find the identities and movements of the horse peoples a great puzzle. In their
wanderings the tribal groups will have split and merged, and the 'kings' with
whom Assyrians made war and alliance may be better described as temporary
chiefs of certain bands.
The Scythians are particularly obscure because their ascendancy coincided
Assyrian soldiers with slings with the failure of Assyrian historical records. Herodotus relayed a curIOUS
from Ashurbanipal's palace tradition that the Scythians had 'ruled over Asia' for twenty-eight years, during
at Nineveh. Ethnic
which time they had plundered the Assyrian empire at will and were bought off
Assyrians, identified by their
conical helmets, made up from invading Egypt by the Saite pharaoh Psammetichus, which would have been
the heavy infantry and horse in Ashurbanipal's reign. For the reason given below, we suppose the period of
troops but could also serve Scythian dominance was approximately 653-625 Be, occupying most of
as missile fighters, especially
Ashurbanipal's reign, and the tradition reflects the fact that by this time the whole
at sieges. Recent excavations
at Nineveh have found the of Assyria's northern frontier had crumbled.
bones of defenders who fell But the most serious threat to Assyria came from a more civilized group of
in the siege of 612 BC. Aryans who had long been established on the western Iranian plateau. Their
leading tribes were called the Medes and the Persians. Though they had retained
their skills at horsemanship and archery, they had learned the benefits of ruling
agricultural peoples instead of raiding them; some Mede chiefs had become
Assyrian subjects or vassals. For a long time they were dominated by the
Scythians. But about 625 BC Uvakhshastra (called Cyaxares by the Greeks)
united all the Medes into a kingdom with its capital at Ecbatana. Herodotus
says Cyaxares organized an army consisting of cavalry, archers and spearmen:
that is, he created an infantry of the Assyrian type out of the peasantry of Iran,
and added this to his mounted horde, or what portion of it he could master.
According to Herodotus he got the Scythian chiefs drunk at a banquet and
murdered them. Probably he disposed of many in a similar fashion, but he
probably also absorbed many Scythians and Cimmerians (who by this time were
being pushed out of Anatolia by the resurgent Lydian kingdom) into his new
federation; and the remaining Aryan nomads eventually wandered back to the
European steppes, all of whose people were later called 'Scythians' by the
The consolidation of the Median kingdom meant the doom of Assyria,
which in 625 BC was already being torn apart by the gravest succession crisis in
the history of the empire. As the annals of Ashurbanipal ended abruptly in
639 BC, after his conquest of Elam, the final collapse cannot be traced in detail.
Ashurbanipal may have been forced to abdicate some years before his death in
627 BC. Certainly there was a civil war between two of his sons, and at some
point the chief eunuch also claimed the throne. In 626 BC Babylonia saw its
opportunity and declared its independence under a Chaldean dynast~ In 625 Be
the Assyrian homeland was invaded by Babylonians from the south and Medes
from the north. In 612 BC Nineveh fell to the allied army after a three-month siege
and, as a Babylonian scribe wrote, was 'turned into a ruin heap'; and the Assyrian
empire also, although a last Assyrian king, who mayor may not have been a
legitimate Sargonid, held out at Harran until 608 BC. It had been the most
complex political structure that mankind had so far produced. The c.ontrast
between its unprecedented grandeur and its spectacular crash evoked
wonderment in antiquity, and still does.
D Ie s e r t
Egyptians defeated and killed Josiah at the old battleground of Megiddo, and EMPIRES AND !(INGDOMS
then occupied Palestine and Syria all the way to the Euphrates. The new Egyptian OF THE MIDDLE EAST
560 Be
empire lasted just a few years. In 605 BC, at Carchemish on the Euphrates, the
The Babylonians have
Egyptian army, which included some Greek mercenaries, fought a bloody battle
inherited the Assyrian
with the Babylonian crown prince Nebuchadrezzar and was annihilated. A few Empire. Egypt is enjoying a
months later his father N ablopolassar died and N ebuchadrezzar inherited an period of stability and
empire almost as extensive as that of Assyria at its height, including the entire prosperity under the Saite
dynasty. The Medes
Levant as far north as the Taurus.
exercise some kind of rule
He also inherited the problems that had plagued Assyria In the Levant, over an immense territory
including the meddling of the Egyptians and the recalcitrance of the Jews. Much but its nature is obscure; it
of Nebuchadrezzar's reign (605-562 BC) was spent on the Mediterranean coast, may have been a very loose
confederacy. In 585 a treaty
campaigning against Egypt and putting down Egyptian-inspired rebellions. In
between Medes and
597 BC Judah revolted and Jerusalem was besieged and taken. Ten years later Lydians divided Anatolia
Judah led a coalition of Palestinian and Phoenician cities in a more dangerous between them at the Halys.
rising. In 587 BC, after a siege of eighteen months, Jerusalem was sacked, the West of that river the
Lydian kingdom dominates
Temple of Yahweh destroyed, Judah turned into a province, and the Jewish
Anatolia and will shortly
leadership deported to Babylonia. In 571 BC Tyre was taken after a siege (perhaps take over the Greek city
not a continuous one) that is supposed to have lasted thirteen years and its king states of Ionia.
replaced with one more accommodating.
Empire of Cyrus
'the Great'
c. 520 Be
Persia at the
accession of Cyrus I
extent of the empire o
under Cyrus 'the o
Great' 559-530 BC
Added after Cyrus 'the Great':
added by Cambyses
D 530-522 BC
added by Darius SCYTHIANS
521-486 BC
vassal or tributary
~ state or region
/j / r i
c Cl
Empire did not long survive him. His line became extinct after three brief reigns member of the royal
and the throne passed to the pious and ineffectual N abonidus (556-539 BC), who infantry corps of 10 OOO
was interested mostly in promoting the cult of Sin the moon goddess, and who recruited from Persians J
Procession of court
dignitaries on a staircase in
the palace at Persepolis.
Persian official art avoided
the Assyrian celebration of
barbarity. The Achaemenids
achieved a stable regime
that united the Middle East
for 200 years, ruling through
local elites and using
Aramaic as the
administrative language.
T HE THESIS DEVELOPED in the last three chapters of this volume can be briefly
summarized as follows. Three stages in the evolution of state-level warfare
have been traced; these may be described in capsule form as the warfare of siege,
of chariot and of infantry. Each of these military systems was associated with a
certain type of political and social structure: the city state, the 'great kingdom'
and the centralized empire.
It has been argued here that the first stage, appearing in Sumer in about
3000 BC, was essentially siege warfare. As soon as city states became capable of
offensive warfare this opportunity was blocked by the rise of massive
fortifications, producing a centuries-long
Soldiers march on the gate stalemate in which only limited wars for limited
of Tiglath-Pileser's palace. objectives were feasible between city states. The
'Thy crowned are as the
stalemate was broken by the appearance about
locusts, and thy captains as
the great grasshoppers, 2350 BC of the first of the great kingdoms, the
which camp in the hedges Akkadian Empire, which commanded the
in the cold day, but when manpower resources to take cities by storm.
the sun ariseth they flee
The new art of war, in co-operation with
away, and their place is not
known where they are. Thy environmental stresses, seems to have spread
shepherds slumber, 0 king destruction over the civilized world.
of Assyria: thy nobles shall The next stage was initiated by the
dwell in the dust: thy
introduction of horsed chariotry in about
people is scattered upon
the mountains, and no man 1700 BC, which made possible offensive warfare
gathereth them.' between states, and caused great kingdoms to
(Nahum 3:17-18) rise across the Middle East. But the wars of the
great kingdoms remained limited by the small
size of their elite forces, so that decisive pitched
battles were uncommon. This period ended in
about 1200 BC in a second general crisis, this
time it seems of a purely military nature, which
again resulted In a general decline of
The third breakthrough came after 1000 BC
with the rise of mass infantry formations
supported by cavalry, dramatically increasing
the scale and frequency of warfare and giving
rise to centralized, bureaucratic multi-states
that could command unprecedented resources.
The organizational capacities of armies and the
effectiveness of weaponry reached levels not
significantly surpassed until modern times.
Offensive wars now became endemic and pitched battles (though still relying on
missile rather than shock tactics) became common. Unlike the first two systems,
this one did not end in a general crisis and collapse. Empires rose and fell but they
were succeeded by larger empires. In an important sense, this stage is still going
on. It was only in the early Iron Age that Clausewitzian warfare as we know it
became a routine activity of states.
There have been many military breakthroughs since, as described in the other
volumes of this series; some of these brought with them political and social
developments of major importance, such as the development of infantry shock
tactics by the ancient Greeks, and the gunpowder revolution of early modern
Europe. But perhaps no developments in the history of warfare have been so
fundamental and formative as the rise of the first armies.
Two hundred years ago no one could read any They are divided into East, West, and South Semitic.
ancient Middle Eastern language except Hebrew The last group is today dominant because it includes
and Greek. Since then about fifteen literary Arabic, but it entered our period only in the Sabaean
languages written in half a dozen different scripts inscriptions of Yemen (Sheba of the Bible), written
have been recovered, and without doubt many in the eighth century BC in an alphabet derived from
important discoveries are still to come. the Canaanite.
East Semitic was spoken in Mesopotamia along
SUMERIAN with Sumerian from the earliest times; some of the
Sumerian, the first written language, is unrelated to first kings of Kish in the Sumerian King List,
any other known language. The first examples of its supposed to be the first dynasty after the Flood, had
pictographic cuneiform script appeared late in the Semitic names. The first written Semitic language
fourth millennium BC. Sumerian had its final was Akkadian, official language of the dynasty that
flowering under the Third Dynasty of Ur (twenty- united Mesopotamia. Akkadian was always written
first century BC) when it was the official language of in the cuneiform script adapted from Sumerian.
Mesopotamia for the last time. By Hammurabi's Between 2300 and 2000 BC it is called Old Akkadian.
time it was a dead language but it enjoyed the status In the second millennium it split into a southern
of Latin in early modern Europe and was much used dialect (Babylonian) and a northern dialect
for literary purposes. It continued to be studied in (Assyrian). The classical literary dialect was Old
schools and used in liturgy in Mesopotamia until Babylonian (2000-1500 BC), language of
the time of Christ. Hammurabi's empire. By the end of the Assyrian
empire Akkadian had been largely replaced by
AFRO-AsIATIC (HAMITO-SEMITIC) Aramaic as the common spoken language of
Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic) was the major Mesopotamia, but continued as the literary
language family of the region, as it is toda~ It has language until the Persian conquest, and did not die
four main branches, one of which, Berber (spoken out until the first century AD or later.
by the Berber peoples of north Africa, called The earliest evidences of West Semitic are
Libyans in antiquity), was not written; a second, 'Amorite' personal names from the third
Cushitic (spoken by the peoples of north-east millennium. Its first known written form was
Africa called Nubians in antiquity), achieved Eblaite, which was not discovered until the 1970s;
written form only in some Nubian inscriptions in this was the language of the city state of Ebla in
Egyptian hieroglyphics from the first millennium Syria, written in a cuneiform script by c. 2500 BC.
BC. The two great subfamilies were Egyptian and Later West Semitic tongues diverged into Canaanite,
Semitic. on the coast, and Aramaic, in the interior. The
Egyptian hieroglyphic writing appeared in tombs earliest literate version of Canaanite so far
in the twenty-ninth century BC; a cursive version discovered is Ugaritic, which produced the first
called hieratic was used for administrative purposes. known alphabet (a consonantal alphabet, with
Egyptian remained the language of the common signs for consonants but not vowels), adapted from
people of Egypt far into the Middle Ages and cuneiform script c. 1400 BC at Ugarit (modern Ras
survives today in the form of Coptic, the liturgical Shamra) on the Syrian coast. In the first millennium
language of the Egyptian Christians. It has the consonantal alphabets were developed for three
longest continuously recorded history of any Canaanite languages, Phoenician, Hebrew, and
language. Moabite (the last known from a single inscription)
Semitic languages at the dawn of history were and another for Aramaic. Aramaic had the greatest
already spoken widely over south-western Asia. success, becoming the common language of the
Assyrian Empire and later the administrative both vowels and consonants, and had diverged into
language of the Persian Empire. Two dialects of Doric, Ionic, and other dialects.
Aramaic survive today: Syriac, the liturgical Phrygian, a poorly known Indo-European
language of many Eastern Christians, and a language of central Anatolia, has left some
language called 'Assyrian' spoken by some Christian inscriptions written about the sixth century BC in an
communities. Hebrew, of course, never ceased to be alphabet derived from the Greek. The language has
a learned language and is now again a spoken one. no clear relations though some have thought it
ancestral to modern Armenian.
Indo-European, the most widespread linguistic ELAMITE
family in the modern world, has many branches. Elamite, the language of the ancient civilization of
The first to appear was the Anatolian, written in a Elam, was written almost as early as Sumerian, at
cuneiform script from c. 1650 BC (later a first in its own pictographic script, and later in
'hieroglyphic' script, not related to the Egyptian cuneiform. The Elamite language survived in south-
script, was developed). This group includes the so- western Iran into the Middle Ages. It has been
called Hittite of central Anatolia, the official thought to be related to the Dravidian languages of
language of the Hittite kingdom (the dialect was India, leading some linguists to speak of an Elamo-
actually called Nesite, but its discoverers gave it the Dravidian family. If this is correct then it is plausible
biblical name), Luwian in south Anatolia, and that the language of the Indus Valley civilization,
Palaie in north-west Anatolia. The Anatolian whose script has never been deciphered, also
languages are very different from all other Indo- belonged to this group.
European languages and there is intense controversy
over whether they were indigenous to Anatolia. This CAUCASIAN(?)
is part of the larger controversy over the origins of Hurrian was spoken over a wide area in and around
the Indo-European family and the reasons behind its northern Mesopotamia; its original home is
vast dispersal (see Further Reading). In the first uncertain and so are its affinities; some have
millennium Anatolian languages, including Lydian thought it related to the Caucasian languages (such
and Lyeian (descended from Luwian) were still as Georgian). It was written in a cuneiform script by
spoken in western Anatolia, and were then written c. 2300 BC. In the second millennium it exercised a
in alphabetic scripts derived from the Greek. wide cultural influence because it was the language
In India, Aryan or Indo-Iranic developed into of the powerful kingdom of Mitanni. In the first
Sanskrit by c. 1500 BC. The history of Aryans in the millennium the kingdom of Urartu wrote its
Middle East is murky. Some Aryan words were in inscriptions in a Hurrian dialect but it is unknown
use in the Late Bronze Age, and their significance is whether this was the language of the people;
discussed in the text. In the first millennium the because of their location some have thought they
Medes and Persians certainly spoke Aryan dialects, more likely spoke a proto-Armenian.
and by the time of the Persian Empire Old Persian Caucasian origins have also been suggested for the
(ancestor of modern Persian) was written in mysterious Hattie, which to judge from its name
cuneiform. The Cimmerians and Scythians are must have once been the common language of
widely assumed to have spoken Aryan also, though Hatti. Some liturgical texts have been preserved in
the linguistic evidence is very scant. the archives of the Hittite kingdom, by which time
Mycenaean or Achaean Greek, ancestral to Hattic was probably already a dead language.
classical and modern Greek, was by c. 1450 BC Little beyond personal names is known of the
written in the Linear B script. This is a syllabary, a languages of the various peoples of the Zagros
script in which each sign stands for a syllable. (The region who appear in Mesopotamian history from
as yet undeciphered Linear A was the script of the time to time, such as the Guti and the Kassites; the
unknown language of the pre-Greek Minoan suggestion that they were related to Caucasian
civilization of Crete.) By the eighth century Greek seems to have nothing in its favour except a not very
was written in the first true alphabet, with signs for close geographical propinquity.
21 3
21 4
21 5
miles to sack Babylon. The middle chronology puts coast north to Amurru and a looser sphere of
this raid in 1595, but some would move it sixty years influence north to Ugarit.
either wa;: On his return Mursilis was assassinated by
his brother-in-law and his Syrian conquests did not SETI I (1294-1279)
last. Second pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty, waged
several campaigns to restore Egyptian authority in
SUPPILILULIUMAS I (1344-1322) Canaan. In the north he retook Amurru, fought a
Restored Hittite power after a long decline and is battle against Mutawallis the Hittite, and may have
considered founder of the 'New Kingdom' or concluded a treaty with him. He commemorated his
'Empire'. He destroyed the kingdom of Mitanni, wars in many battle reliefs in Egyptian temples.
sacking its capital Washukkani. He took from Egypt
(then distracted by the religious reforms of the heretic RAMESSES II (1279-1212)
pharaoh Akhenaten) the client states of Ugarit, Called the Great, was the son of Seti and resumed his
Kadesh, and Amurru, and made his sons viceroys of program of imperial reconquest. In his fourth year he
Carchemish and Aleppo, thus establishing Hittite challenged Mutawallis by campaigning north to
control over much of Syria. Amurru; in his fifth year came the standoff at Kadesh,
after which Ramesses had to put down many revolts
MUTAWALLIS II (1295-1271) in Canaan, and eventually worked out a settlement
Grandson of Suppililuliumas, reigned over the Hittite with the Hittites. He left 138 known progeny, and
empire at its height. He defended Syria from the self-glorifying monuments all over Egypt and Nubia.
Nineteenth Dynasty pharaohs Seti I and Ramesses II, (He is the 'Ozymandias' of Shelley's poem.) His
and at Kadesh in 1275 fought the greatest of all influence was such that the period of the Nineteenth
Hittite battles, making possible the permanent peace and Twentieth Dynasties is sometimes called the
settlement his brother Hattusilis III made with 'Ramesside' age, for Ramesses II accounted all by
Ramesses in 1259. himself for most of the Nineteenth Dynasty, and all
but one of the ten pharaohs of the Twentieth Dynasty
NEW !(INGDOM - EGYPT took the name 'Ramesses'.
Ancient texts often contain gaps, and modern editors must supply the missing
words. For ease in reading brackets indicating reconstructions have generally been
omitted from the translations quoted in this volume, and some spellings slightly
simplified; readers interested in these points should consult the original texts.
Most general military histories pay slight attention to anything before classical
Greece. A notable exception is John Keegan, A History of Warfare (NY, 1993).
The following books are interpretative surveys for the general reader covering
warfare from the Paleolithic through the ancient Middle East: Arther Ferrill,
The Origins of War: From the Stone Age to Alexander the Great (London, 1985);
R. L. O'Connell, Ride of the Second Horseman: The Birth and Death of War
(New York, 1995); and Doyne Dawson, The Origins of Western Warfare:
Militarism and Morality in the Ancient World (Boulder, 1996). Sociological
studies dealing with early warfare include Michael Mann, The Sources of Social
Power, Volume I: A History of Power from the Beginnings to A.D. 1700
(Cambridge, 1986) and Joseph Tainter, The Collapse of Complex Societies
(Cambridge, 1988).
I have treated the origins of war in more depth in 'Evolutionary Theory and
Group Selection: The Question of Warfare', History and Theory, Theme Issue 38
(The Return of Science: Evolutionary Ideas and History, 1999), pp. 79-100. On
Darwinian psychology see The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the
Generation of Culture, ed. J. H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides, and John Tooby
(NY, 1992). On group selection, see Elliot Sober and D. S. Wilson, Unto Others:
The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior (Cambridge, Mass., 1998).
Introductions to human evolution are numerous and quickly outdated, but Ian
Tattersall, Becoming Human: Evolution and Human Uniqueness (NY, 1998) can
be recommended to readers who want a current survey more sceptical of
Darwinian psychology than the present author. See also the essays collected in
Sociobiology and Conflict: Evolutionary Perspectives on Competition,
Cooperation, Violence, and Warfare, ed. J. M. G. Van der Dennen and v: Falger
(London, 1990). Different views on the primate connections of warfare can be
found in The Evolution of Human Behavior: Primate Models, ed. W. G. I(inzey
(NY, 1987); R. W. Wrangham and Dale Peterson, Demonic Males: Apes and the
Origins of Human Violence (Boston, 1996); Craig Stanford, The Hunting Apes:
Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior (Princeton, 1999). On the
cultural revolution, see The Human Revolution: Behavioural and Biological
Perspectives on the Origins of Modern Humans, ed. Paul Mellars and Chris
Stringer (Edinburgh, 1989). On Machiavellian intelligence, see Richard Byrne,
The Thinking Ape: Evolutionary Origins of Intelligence (Oxford, 1995), and
Stephen Mithen, The Prehistory of the Mind: A Search for the Origins of Art,
Religion, and Science (London, 1996).
21 7
In the second chapter I make use of a study of New Guinea warfare by Joseph
Soltis, Robert Boyd, and P. J. Richerson, 'Can Group-functional Behaviors Evolve
by Cultural Group Selection? An Empirical Test', Current Anthropology 36
(1995), pp. 473-94; and a study of the causes of war by Carol and Melvin Ember,
'Resource Unpredictability, Mistrust, and War: A Cross-Cultural Study', Journal
of Conflict Resolution 36 (1992), pp. 242-62. Readers interested in exploring
anthropological models that offer alternatives to the Darwinian approach adopted
here might consider the ecological school represented by Marvin Harris - I have
quoted from his Our Kind: Who We Are, Where We Came From, Where We Are
Going (N~ 1989) - and the skeptical approach of C. R. Hallpike, The Principles
of Social Evolution (Oxford, 1986) - my quotation is from his commentary on the
article by Soltis et al. in Current Anthropology. On primitive warfare see essays
collected in Warfare, Culture, and Environment, ed. R. B. Ferguson (Orlando,
1984), and The Anthropology of War, ed. Jonathan Haas (Cambridge, 1990).
Lawrence Keeley, War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage
(NY, 1996) is a useful study of archeological evidence but should be used with
caution on historical and philosophical questions. On the origins of agriculture
I have followed the interpretation of M. N. Cohen, The Food Crisis in Prehistory:
Overpopulation and the Origins of Agriculture (New Haven, 1977). The
circumscription thesis first appeared in Robert Carneiro, 'A Theory of the Origins
of the State', Science 169 (1970), pp. 733-8.
On the ancient Middle East the most recent survey is Amelie Kuhrt, The Ancient
Near East c. 3000-300 BC, 2 vols. (London, 1995), and the fullest is the latest
edition of The Cambridge Ancient History, vols. 1.2-111.2 (Cambridge, 1971-91).
On warfare, Yigael Yadin, The Art of War in Biblical Lands in the Light of
Archaeological Discovery (London, 1963), remains invaluable both for text and
illustrations. Essays on many subjects including warfare will be found in
Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, ed. J. M. Sasson, 4 vols. (N~ 1995).
Michael Roaf, Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East (N~
1990) is a convenient collection of maps and illustrations.
On Mesopotamia in the Early and Middle Bronze Age see J. N. Postgate, Early
Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at the Dawn of History (N~ 1992), source
of most of the translations quoted in the third chapter. For translations of and
commentary on the Lagash inscriptions see J. S. Cooper, Reconstructing History
from Ancient Inscriptions: The Lagash-Umma Border Conflict (Malibu, 1983).
The Sargon inscription is from Ancient Near Eastern Texts Related to the Old
Testament, ed. J. B. Pritchard, 3rd ed. (Princeton, 1969). For recent research on the
Akkadian period see the papers collected in Akkad: The First World Empire -
Structure, Ideology, Traditions, ed. Mario Liverani (Padua, 1993). Another recent
collection of papers, Third Millennium BC Climate Change and Old World
Collapse, ed. H. N. Dalfes, George Kukla, and Harvey Weiss (Berlin, 1997),
addresses the problem of the end of the Early Bronze Age. On the Mari
documents there is Sasson, The Military Establishment at Mari (Rome, 1969),
source of the translation from Shamshi-Adad.
The beginning of chariot warfare in the High or Late Bronze Age is studied by
Robert Drews, The Coming of the Greeks: Indo-European Conquests in the
Aegean and the Near East (Princeton, 1988). Other theories about the dispersal of
the Indo-European languages would place it at a much earlier date: see Colin
Renfrew, Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins
(London, 1987), and]. P. Mallory, In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language,
Archaeology, and Myth (London, 1989). M. A. Littauer and]. H. Crouwel,
Wheeled Vehicles and Ridden Animals in the Ancient Near East (Leiden, 1979) is
indispensable for the history of chariots and cavalry: Mario Liverani, Prestige and
Interest: International Relations in the Near East 1600-1100 BC. (Padua, 1990) is a
mine of information about the High Bronze Age and the source of the translations
in the fourth chapter, except for the inscriptions of Thutmose III and Ramesses III,
which are from Pritchard, and those of Ramesses II, which are from Sir Alan
Gardiner, The Kadesh Inscriptions of Ramesses II (Oxford, 1975). Papers collected
in The Crisis Years: From Beyond the Danube to the Tigris, ed. W. A. Ward and
M. S. Joukowsky (Dubuque, 1992) examine various aspects of the fall of Bronze
Age civilization. The interpretation of Drews, The End of the Bronze Age:
Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe c. 1200 BC. (Princeton, 1993) is still
controversial but in the view of the present author the most satisfactory
explanation yet offered. For the Hittites there is now Trevor Bryce, The Kingdom
of the Hittites (Oxford, 1998).
Lionel Casson, Ships and Seafaring in Ancient Times (Austin, 1994) is a well-
illustrated summary of research by Casson and other scholars. See also H. T.
Wallinga, Ships and Sea-Power Before the Great Persian War (Leiden, 1993).
H. W. F. Saggs, The Might That Was Assyria (London, 1984), is a general history:
There is no book in English on Assyrian warfare: see Florence Malbran-Lablat,
L'armee et l'organisation militail"e de l'Assyl"ie (Paris, 1982); Walter Mayer, Politik
und Kriegskunst del" Assyrer (Munster, 1995); and for a translation of the Zamua
document, Postgate, 'The Assyrian Army in Zamua', Iraq 62 (2000), pp. 89-108.
Israel Eph'al, 'On Warfare and Military Control in the Ancient Near Eastern
Empires: A Research Outline', in History, Historiography, and Interpretation:
Studies in Biblical and Cuneiform Literatures, ed. H. Tadmor and M. Weinfeld
(Jerusalem, 1984), pp. 88-106, is primarily concerned with Assyria. Aspects of
Assyrian imperialism have been studied in Morton Cohen, Imperialism and
Religion: Assyria, Judah, and Israel in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries B.C.
(Missoula, 1974); Power and Propaganda: A Symposium on Ancient Empires,
ed. M. T. Larsen (Copenhagen, 1979); Bustenay Oded, Mass Deportations and
Deportees in the Neo-Assyrian Empire (Wiesbaden, 1979), source of the
translations quoted on p. 182, and War, Peace, and Empire: Justifications for War
in Assyrian Royal Inscriptions (Wiesbaden, 1992), source of the translation on
p. 176). Other translations in the last chapter are drawn from Ancient Records of
Assyria and Babylonia, ed. D. D. Luckenbill, 2 vols. (NY, 1927).
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