2017and2018 Fish Regs
2017and2018 Fish Regs
2017and2018 Fish Regs
Getting Started
Licenses available at all license dealers, Department offices and online
More information about the new licenses can be found under Commission Rules R12-4-207, R12-4-209 and R12-4-210.
All fishing and combo hunt/fish licenses listed are valid for the take of all aquatic wildlife, which includes legal fish species, crayfish, frogs, waterdogs and
softshell turtles.
Allows the take of all fish species statewide, including at Community
General Fishing1,2,3 $37 $55
Fishing waters.
Allows take of all fish species statewide (including at Community
Combination Hunt
Fishing waters), small game, fur-bearing animals, predatory animals, $57 $160
and Fish1,2,3
nongame animals, and upland game birds.
Youth Combination Allows take of all fish species statewide (including at Community
Hunt and Fish1,2,3 Fishing waters), small game, fur-bearing animals, predatory animals, $5 $5
(ages 1017) nongame animals, migratory birds and upland game birds.
Allows take of all fish species statewide (including at Community
Short-term Combination
Fishing waters), small game, fur-bearing animals, predatory animals, $15/day $20/day
Hunt and Fish 2,3,4
nongame animals, and upland game birds.
Community Fishing1,2 Allows take of all fish species at Community Fishing waters $24 $24
1. Licenses are valid one year from date of purchase. or Nevada. In other words, privileges granted by the old (pre-2014) Colorado River
2. All licenses that allow fishing are valid for the take of trout and for simultaneous Stamps for California and for Nevada are now included.
fishing with two poles or lines. 4. A Short-term Combo license may be purchased for any day. Purchaser selects date(s)
3. These licenses also include privileges that allow fishing from the shore or from a boat of validity at time of purchase. If purchased for multiple days, the days need not be
on any portion of the Colorado River and impounded waters (e.g., Lake Mead, Lake consecutive.
Mohave, Lake Havasu) that form mutual boundaries between Arizona and California,
License Information
License Requirements on open and closed areas, methods of take, and Fish offices. Fee schedules vary by license
A valid fishing or combination license is seasons, and bag and possession limits. See type and age. For more information, visit www.
required for resident and non-resident page 48. azgfd.gov and type lifetime license in the search
anglers 10 years of age or older fishing any Arizona Fishing Licenses box. (Note: Lifetime licenses purchased prior to
public accessible water in Arizona. 2014 will now include the expanded privileges of
Are Not Required When their respective counterpart.)
Youth under the age of 10 and blind residents Fishing any public water on free fishing day,
do not need to purchase a state fishing license which usually takes place on the first Saturday Complimentary Licenses
to fish in Arizona. of National Fishing and Boating week. The Must meet criteria below to qualify for free
Licenses are valid one year from date of pur- next two years dates for free fishing day are: license. These licenses include the same privileges
chase. No license is transferable or refundable. June 3, 2017 and June 2, 2018. as the Combination Hunt and Fish. (A hard-plastic
All required licenses must be in possession Registered and participating in a Department permanent card may be purchased for $4. Cards
while engaging in fishing. sponsored fishing clinic. are mailed within 30 days of purchase.)
A member or spouse of a member of the Fishing private waters, tanks, or ponds with per- PIONEER Person must be 70 years of age
armed forces of the United States who is on mission of the property owner. (see R12-4-311) or older who has been a domiciled Arizona
active duty and stationed in this state for either resident for 25 or more consecutive years
permanent or temporary duty, or is a member
Where to Buy Licenses immediately preceding application for the
or spouse of a member of the armed forces and Stamps license.
of the United States on active duty stationed 250 license dealers statewide, including many DISABLED VETERAN A veteran of the armed
in another state or country but who lists this local sporting goods stores, bait and tackle forces of the United States who has been a
state as their home of record at the time of ap- shops, major retailers, and convenience stores. domiciled Arizona resident for one year or
plying for a license, permit, tag, or stamp, may Arizona Game and Fish Department offices. more immediately preceding application for
purchase a resident license. the license and who is receiving compensa-
Online at www.azgfd.gov, immediate print out
tion from the United States government for
A valid fishing or combination license is required of license.
permanent service connected disabilities rated
for take of frogs, waterdogs, crayfish and softshell
turtles. See Commission Orders 41 (Amphibians), Lifetime Licenses as 100 percent disabling.
42 (Crustaceans and Mollusks) and 43 (Reptiles) Lifetime license options are available only to
Arizona residents and must be purchased at Game
2017 & 2018 Arizona Fishing Regulations 3
Regulation Changes
Note: All regulation changes take effect Jan. 1, 2017. Check General and Special regulation sections for changes
highlighted as NEW or as REVISED.
Reduce the daily bag limits to 2 bass, minimum size 13 inches; and 4 catfish in any combination at Whitehorse Lake. pages 1415
Change the season and daily bag limit from Glen Canyon Dam to the Paria Riffle to 2 rainbow trout; artificial fly and lure only; barbless
hooks only. pages 1819
Reduce the daily trout bag limit to 5 at the Colorado River from Lake Mead to California-Nevada boundary (including Lake Mohave and
Willow Beach). pages 1819
Close the Kino Environmental Restoration Project (KERP) to fishing. Kino Environmental Restoration Project in Tucson (Pima County). page 24
Change the daily trout bag limit to 2, any species combination at Frye Mesa Reservoir. pages 2425
Allow the use of fathead minnows caught on site to be used as bait at Riggs Flat Lake. page 10
Create a year-round bow-and-arrow season for catfish at Apache, Canyon and Saguaro lakes, with a special regulation daily bag limit of 5
catfish in any combination. pages 2223
Catch and release regulations for largemouth bass at Pena Blanca Lake and Dankworth Pond have expired. pages 2425
It is the anglers responsibility to know what regulations apply to the body of water they are fishing. New or
revised regulations for 2017 are summarized on page 4.
Reservation p.24
The following native fish are protected statewide and may not be loach minnow, Mexican stoneroller, Quitobaquito pupfish, razorback
angled for, taken, possessed, pursued or captured: beautiful shiner, sucker, Sonora chub, spikedace, Virgin spinedace, Virgin roundtail
bluehead sucker, bonytail chub, Colorado pikeminnow, desert chub, woundfin, Yaqui catfish, Yaqui chub, Yaqui topminnow, and
pupfish, flannelmouth sucker, Gila topminnow, Gila trout (except Zuni bluehead sucker.
Frye Mesa Reservoir, Goldwater Lake and West Fork of Oak Creek),
If any of these protected native fish are incidentally caught, they must
humpback chub, Little Colorado sucker, Little Colorado spinedace,
be immediately released unharmed. See page 33.
Fish or Take Aquatic Wildlife your license every time that you go fishing. Fishing with an Unattended Line
Without a License or With the A Community fishing license is not valid at
Anytime you are fishing your line must be
Wrong License state waters. Community Fishing Program
constantly attended and within your immedi-
guidebooks are available at all Game and Fish
In order to fish or take any aquatic wildlife in offices, license dealers or online at ate control. Before you leave the area, even for
Arizona, you must have a valid fishing license, www.azgfd.gov. (A.R.S. 17-331) a short while, your line must be reeled in and
as applicable, in your possession if you are removed from the water. (A.R.S. 17-301C)
10 years of age or older. You should check
Legal live baitfish can be obtained from licensed bait dealers and from wild
Waterdogs are NOT considered baitfish, however they have specific capture for personal use only. For regulations on legal capture methods,
regulations governing their use in Arizona. For regulations on live possession and transport of live baitfish, see:
waterdog legal areas, capture, possession, and transportation see R12- Capturing baitfish and crayfish for bait (page 7 of this book)
4-313.C.4 and R12-4-316.A & C.
Lawful methods R12-4-313.A thru E
No live waterdogs or salamanders may be taken, used or possessed Possession of live fish R12-4-315.A & B
in that portion of Santa Cruz County lying east and south of State
Highway 82, or that portion of Cochise County lying west of the San Possession and transportation of live baitfish R12-4-316.A & B
Pedro River and south of State Highway 82 (this includes Parker Seasons for lawfully taking fish R12-4-317.A thru C
Canyon Lake).
The following bodies of water identified under Special Regulations and Seasons (pages 1225) have special fishing seasons (R12-4-317), daily
bag and possession limits, length limits or closures that differ from General Statewide Regulations (pages 69) or Statewide Daily Bag and
Possession Limits (page 6). Only exceptions to General Statewide Regulations and General Sport Fishing Seasons are shown for each area.
White Mountains
Special Regulations include fishing seasons, daily bag and posses- East Fork of the Little Colorado River above Colter Dam: in Apache
sion limits, length limits, bait and hook restrictions, legal methods, County-Catch and release only for trout; trout must be immediately re-
and waters and areas closed to fishing. leased unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; single
Notes: barbless hooks only.
West Fork of the Black River From the confluence of Hayground
1. General Statewide Regulations apply to all waters and fish spe- Creek upstream to the Fort Apache Indian Reservation including tributar-
cies within the White Mountains area except as listed below.
ies. Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be immediately released
2. For each water listed, the possession limit is two times the daily unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; single barb-
bag limit, unless a different possession limit is specified.
less hooks only.
Ackre Lake Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be imme- Woodland Lake The limit is 4 trout.
diately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and Waters and Areas Closed to Fishing
lure only; single barbless hooks only.
Region I headquarters in Pinetop Posted boundary.
Becker Lake Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be imme- State or federal hatcheries Posted boundaries.
diately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and
lure only; single barbless hooks only.
Native Trout Recovery Closures
Bear Wallow Creek In Greenlee County
Burro Creek Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be imme-
Conklin Creek In Greenlee County
diately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and
Fish Creek Includes tributaries Double Cienega and Corduroy creeks
lure only; single barbless hooks only.
in Greenlee County (excludes Ackre Lake).
Carnero Lake The limit is 2 trout; artificial fly and lure only. Hayground Creek In Apache County
Coyote Creek Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be Lee Valley Creek Above Lee Valley Lake.
immediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly Mineral Creek In Apache County, upstream of the Apache-Sitgreaves
and lure only; single barbless hooks only. National Forests boundary.
Lee Valley Lake The limit is 2 trout (includes any combination of Raspberry Creek In Greenlee County
trout and grayling); artificial fly and lure only. Soldier Creek In Apache County
Mamie Creek Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be South Fork Little Colorado River In Apache County
immediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly Stinky Creek In Apache County
and lure only; single barbless hooks only. West Fork of the Black River From the upper Apache trout barrier
mile below Forest Service Road 116, downstream for .3 miles to a point
Nelson Reservoir Unlimited rainbow and brown trout from Sept.
100 yards below the next Apache trout barrier in Apache County.
1 through March 31. Note: from April 1 through Aug. 31 the limit is
6 trout. NOTE: Other seasonal closures may be in effect within some areas due to
bald eagle breeding closures and/or Wildlife Area closures. See page 46
Nutrioso Creek From its confluence with the Little Colorado River
for information on Crescent Lake, Greer Lakes (Tunnel and River), Luna
upstream to Highway 180 in the city of Nutrioso including Nelson
Lake and Show Low Lake.
Reservoir. Unlimited rainbow and brown trout from Sept. 1 through
March 31. Note: from April 1 through Aug. 31 the limit is 6 trout. Live Baitfish Regulations
Patterson Ponds The Community Fishing Program pond limit is 2 No live baitfish may be used or in possession on any waters in this fishing
trout; 2 catfish; 1 bass, minimum size 13 inches; 5 sunfish. area in Navajo or Apache Counties, no exceptions. See pages 1011.
Silver Creek In Navajo County within the boundaries of the Arizona
Game and Fish Commission-owned property, excluding the upper Watercraft and Motor Restrictions
portion designated as state fish hatchery. Catch-and-release only The use of watercraft and motors are restricted on the following waters in
for trout from Oct. 1 through March 31. Trout must be immediately this fishing area:
released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; Single electric motor only: Ackre Lake, Bunch Reservoir, Carnero Lake, Lee
single barbless hooks only. Note: from April 1 through Sept. 30 bait Valley Lake, Scott Reservoir, Tunnel Reservoir, Woodland Lake, Pratt Lake,
and barbed hooks may also be used, and the limit is 6 trout. Hulsey Lake.
Thompson Creek Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be 10 horsepower or less: Becker Lake, Big Lake, Concho Lake, Crescent
immediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly Lake, Fool Hollow Lake, Luna Lake, Nelson Reservoir, Rainbow Lake, River
and lure only; single barbless hooks only. Reservoir, Show Low Lake.
For more information and a complete listing, refer to page 39.
12 Arizona Game and Fish Department www.azgfd.gov
Fishing Waters White Mountains
23 Woodland Lake
6 Carnero Lake Navajo
1 Blue
Dogtown Lake The limit is 2 bass, minimum size 13 inches; the limit
is 4 channel catfish.
Waters and Areas Closed to Fishing
East Verde River Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass; Fossil Creek In Yavapai County; except for the 4.5 mile
unlimited channel and flathead catfish. middle reach portion during open season and open area as
Elk Tank Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be immedi- described under Fossil Creek, Middle Reach Special Regula-
ately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure tion/Season language opposite column.
only; single barbless hooks only. Gap Creek between Honeymoon Cabin and its confluence
Fain Lake The limit is 4 catfish in any combination. with the Verde River.
Fossil Creek, Middle Reach Seasonally, from the first Saturday in Grapevine Creek in Yavapai County
October through April 30, fishing is allowed between the waterfall Lake Mary, Upper Posted area immediately above the dam.
located approximately 1 mile above the Flume Trailhead parking State or federal hatcheries Posted boundaries.
lot along FS 708 and the downstream-most power line crossing NOTE: Other seasonal closures may be in effect within some
(immediately below Sally May Wash). Catch-and-release only for areas due to bald eagle breeding closures and/or Wildlife Area
roundtail chub and headwater chub. Roundtail chub and headwater closures. See page 46 for information on Lower Lake Mary,
chub must be immediately released unharmed; no chub may be Lynx Lake and Verde River.
kept; artificial fly and lure only; single barbless hooks only.
Live Baitfish Regulations
Francis Short Pond The limit is 4 trout; the limit is 2 bass, mini-
mum size 13 inches; the limit is 4 catfish; the limit is 5 sunfish. No live baitfish may be used or in possession on any waters in
Goldwater Lake The limit is 1 bass, minimum size 13 inches. Coconino County, no exceptions. For waters in other counties
Granite Basin Lake The limit is 4 catfish in any combination. within this fishing area, See pages 1011.
J.D. Dam Lake Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be Watercraft and Motor Restrictions
immediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly
and lure only; single barbless hooks only. The use of watercraft and motors are restricted on the following
Kaibab Lake The limit is 2 bass, minimum size 13 inches; the limit waters in this fishing area:
is 4 channel catfish.. Single electric motor only: Dogtown Reservoir, Goldwater Lake,
Lake Mary, Lower The limit is 4 channel catfish. Granite Basin Lake, J.D. Dam Lake, Santa Fe Lake, Whitehorse
Middle Tank Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be im- Lake
mediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and 10 horsepower or less: Ashurst Lake, Cataract Lake, Kaibab
lure only; single barbless hooks only. Lake, Kinnikinick Lake, Lower Lake Mary, Lynx Lake
Oak Creek For more information and a complete listing, please refer to
Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass; unlimited channel page 39.
and flathead catfish.
Between Junipine Crossing and Call-of-the-Canyon Crossing
spanning the confluence of Oak Creek, and West Fork Oak Creeks.
Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be immediately re-
leased unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only;
single barbless hooks only.
Gray Mtn.
Parks Bellemont
27 3 4
Ash Fork
22 65 11 Winona
2 31
30 17
821 24 18
12 1 Winslow
Paulden 23
20 Munds
Park Mormon
Camp Clarkdale
Wood Chino
Springs Happy Jack
22 2 Lake
1 29Prescott Valley McGuireville
8 Dewey
18 Humboldt
10 Verde
Kirkland Jct.
Wilhoit Mayer
10 Strawberry Pine
Cordes Jct.
Black Canyon
Rock Springs
1. General Statewide Regulations apply to all waters and fish Horton Creek in Gila County Catch and release only for
species within the Mogollon Rim area except as listed below. trout, trout must be immediately released unharmed; no
trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; single barbless
2. For each water listed, the possession limit is two times the hooks only.
daily bag limit, unless a different possession limit is specified. Knoll Lake Unlimited rainbow and brown trout from Sept.
1 through March 31. Note: from April 1 through Aug. 31 the
All waters within the city park systems of Payson The limit limit is 6 trout. Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass;
is 4 trout; the limit is 4 catfish in any combination. unlimited channel and flathead catfish.
Bear Canyon Lake Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth Long Tom Lake Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass;
bass; unlimited channel and flathead catfish. unlimited channel and flathead catfish.
Black Canyon Lake Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth Willow Springs Lake Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth
bass; unlimited channel and flathead catfish. bass; unlimited channel and flathead catfish.
CC Cragin Reservoir (Blue Ridge Reservoir)Unlimited Woods Canyon Lake Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth
rainbow and brown trout from Sept. 1 through March 31. Note: bass; unlimited channel and flathead catfish.
from April 1 through Aug. 31 the limit is 6 trout. Unlimited
smallmouth and largemouth bass; unlimited channel and Waters and Areas Closed to Fishing
flathead catfish.
State or federal hatcheries Posted boundaries.
Canyon Creek
Dude Creek In Gila County.
From the creek source to the O.W. Bridge. The limit is 4 trout.
NOTE: Other seasonal closures may be in effect within some
From the O.W. Bridge to the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. areas due to bald eagle breeding closures and/or Wildlife Area
Catch-and-release only for trout; trout must be immediately closures. See page 46 for information on Tonto Creek and
released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and Woods Canyon Lake.
lure only; single barbless hooks only.
Chevelon Creek Live Baitfish Regulations
From the confluence with Willow Springs Creek to Chevelon No live baitfish may be used or in possession on any waters in
Crossing including Chevelon Canyon Lake. The limit is 2 Navajo or Coconino Counties, no exceptions. For waters in other
trout; artificial fly and lure only. counties within this fishing area, see pages 1011.
From Chevelon Crossing to the Little Colorado River. Unlim- Watercraft and Motor Restrictions
ited rainbow and brown trout from Sept. 1 through March 31.
Note: from April 1 through Aug. 31 the limit is 6 trout. The use of watercraft and motors are restricted on the follow-
ing waters in this fishing area:
Chevelon Canyon Lake The limit is 2 trout; artificial fly and
lure only. Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass; unlim- Single electric motor only: Bear Canyon Lake, Green Valley
ited channel and flathead catfish. Lake, Knoll Lake, Woods Canyon Lake
East Clear Creek In Coconino and Navajo counties and its 10 horsepower or less: Black Canyon Lake, C.C. Cragin (Blue
tributaries upstream from the confluence of East Clear Creek Ridge) Lake, Chevelon Canyon Lake, Willow Springs Lake
and Willow Creek including Blue Ridge and Knoll reservoirs.
For more information and a complete listing, please refer to
Unlimited rainbow and brown trout from Sept. 1 through March
page 39.
31. Note: from April 1 through Aug. 31 the limit is 6 trout.
East Verde River
From the creek source to the Pumphouse.Catch-and-release
only for trout; trout must be immediately released unharmed;
no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; single barb-
less hooks only. Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass;
unlimited channel and flathead catfish.
1 1 5
Strawberry Pine 12 1 12
12 Lakes Overgaard
9 Ranch 14
16 2
Valley 7 4
10 Payson Creek 11
Rye Young
Colorado City
9 Fredonia
Littlefield Kaibab
7 Page
Marble Canyon
Jacob Lake
e Co
l or a
Temple Grand
Bar Desert View
5 pai
NV Davis Dam
Bullhead City
Havasu City
Parker Dam
9 Mittry Lake 1
10 Quigley Pond 2
11 Redondo Lake (Community Fishing)
12 Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage Poston
00 Popular General Regulation Fishing Waters
00 Special Regulation Fishing Waters
W Indian Reservation
W National Park, Monument, or
Memorial Closed to Hunting
W Military Range or Proving Ground
National Wildlife Refuge Cibola
8 Martinez
9 Dateland
3 11 Dome Roll
4 12
14 5 11 Wellton 10Tacna
San Luis
Wilhoit Mayer
Kirkland Jct.
Cordes Jct.
Valley Crown
Yarnell Bumble
6 Sunflower
Punkin Center
Cave Creek
Sun City
Roosevelt 7
El Mirage
Sun City
Ft. McDowell
Fountain 10
Paradise Hills
3 1
9 8
Youngtown Peoria Valley
Litchfield Park
Scottsdale Tortilla
4 Tolleson Flat
Wintersburg Goodyear 12
Tempe Mesa Apache
Buckeye Avondale
Jct Miami
Arlington Chandler
14 Higley
Mobile 17
16Maricopa Sacaton
Hyder Ak-Chin
Coolidge Winkelman
Sentinel Stanfield
Casa Grande
Gila Bend
City ho
ED Frye Mesa Reservoir The limit is 2 trout, any combination. Live Baitfish Regulations
REVIS Grant Creek Catch and release only for trout, trout must be im- No live baitfish may be used or in possession on any waters in Pima or
mediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly Cochise Counties, no exceptions. For waters in other counties within
and lure only; single barbless hooks only. this fishing area, see pages 1011.
Parker Canyon Lake Daily bag limits have been reduced to 4
channel catfish.
Waterdog Prohibitions
No live waterdogs or salamanders may be taken, used or possessed
D Pena Blanca LakeThe limit is 4 bass, minimum size 13 inches, the
REVISE limit is 4 catfish in any combination.
in that portion of Santa Cruz County lying east and south of State
Highway 82, or that portion of Cochise County lying west of the San
Roper Lake The limit is 4 catfish in any combination. Pedro River and south of State Highway 82 (this includes Parker
Canyon Lake). See R12-4-313.C.4 and R12-4-316.A & C.
All waters, not in the Community Fishing Program, but within
the city park systems of Tucson The limit is 4 trout; the limit is
4 catfish in any combination.
Watercraft and Motor Restrictions
The use of watercraft and motors are restricted on the following
Managed Community Fishing Program waters
waters in this fishing area:
Kennedy Park Lake (city of Tucson)
Single electric motor only: Cluff Ranch Ponds, Dankworth Lake, Riggs
Lakeside Lake at Chuck Ford-Lakeside Park (city of Tucson) Flat Lake, Roper Lake
Sahuarita Lake (town of Sahuarita) 10 horsepower or less: Arivaca Lake, Parker Canyon Lake, Pena
Blanca Lake
Silverbell Lake at Christopher Columbus Park (city of Tucson)
No watercraft allowed on: Frye Mesa Reservoir, Rose Canyon Lake
For more information and a complete listing, please refer to page 39.
Coolidge Dam
acaton s Geronimo
Kearny Morenci
Hayden Fort Thomas
C Winkelman
am Valley 11
ta Rosa
Bowie San Simon
n Tanque
Verde Willcox
12 Dos
South Tucson
Cababi Three Points Kansas
Comobabi Settlement
Vail Dragoon
Sunsites Portal
The following bodies of water identified under Special Regulations and Seasons (pages 1225) have special fishing seasons (R12-4-317), daily
bag and possession limits, length limits or closures that differ from General Statewide Regulations (pages 69) or Statewide Daily Bag and
Possession Limits (page 6). Only exceptions to General Statewide Regulations and General Sport Fishing Seasons are shown for each area.
Native Trout
Apache Trout Gila Trout
Description: The Apache is one of Arizonas Description: Gila trout have iridescent gold
two native trout species and is the Arizona sides that blend to a darker shade of copper
state fish. Body color is yellowish-gold at on the Opercles. Spots on the body of this
the top of the head and the back is a dark trout are small and profuse, generally occur-
olive. Dorsal, anal and pelvic fins are white ring above the lateral line and extending onto
tipped with dark, bold spots on dorsal and the head, dorsal fin and caudal fin. Dorsal,
tail fin. Spotting on the body is sparse and pelvic and anal fins have a white to yellowish
irregular and may extend below the lateral tip that may extend along the leading edge
line. Two small black spots on either side of of the pelvic fins. Parr marks are commonly
pupil give appearance of black stripe through retained by adults, although they may be faint
eye. Length: up to 20 inches. Weight: up to 5 or absent. Length: up to 20 inches. Weight: up
pounds. to 5 pounds.
Crystal Gardens Water Treat- Goldwater Lake Alvord Maricopa Lake
ment Facility (City of Avondale) Friendship Pond Cataract Lake Pena Blanca Lake
The Pond at Town Hall (town of Council Avenue Pond City Reservoir
Gilbert) Discovery Pond Dogtown Lake 6 BASS LIMIT, MINIMUM
Water Ranch Lake Freestone Ponds Francis Short Pond SIZE 13 INCHES:
Arivaca Lake McQueen Pond Kaibab Lake Topock Marsh
Bonsall Pond Santa Fe Colorado River-Davis Dam to
UNLIMITED NO BAG Rio Vista Stone Dam the International Boundary
FOR EITHER LARGE- Papago Ponds Tempe Town Lake
MOUTH OR Growler Pond
Roadrunner Pond 5 LARGEMOUTH BASS
SMALLMOUTH BASS: Steele Indian School Chaparral
Beaver Creek (Wet and Dry) Quigley Pond
El Dorado Pond Lake Powell
East Verde River Evelyn Hallman Pond Copper Sky
Verde River and tributaries Pacana Park Pond Cortez
West Clear Creek Dave White Regional Park Pond Desert West
Bear Canyon Lake West Wetland Pond Desert Breeze
Black Canyon Lake Patterson Ponds (St. Johns) Encanto
Chevelon Canyon Lake Fortuna
CC Cragin Reservoir (Blue 2 BASS LIMIT: Green Valley
Ridge) Deadhorse State Park Lagoons Kennedy
Knoll Lake Kiwanis
Oak Creek Lakeside
Virgin River Pioneer
Long Tom Lake Redondo
Willow Springs Lake Red Mountain
Woods Canyon Lake Riverview
Colorado River-Glen Canyon Silverbell
Dam to Separation Canyon Sahuarita
Horseshoe Lake Surprise
upper Salt River (Roosevelt Di- Veterans Oasis
version Dam upstream to the Whitehorse Lake
Reservation Boundary)
RELEASE ONLY: CHANNEL continued: Cataract Lake Quigley Pond
Crystal Gardens Water Verde River and tributaries Chaparral Redondo
Treatment Facility (City of Virgin River Cluff Ranch Ponds Red Mountain
Avondale) West Clear Creek Copper Sky Riverview
The Pond at Town Hall (town of Willow Springs Lake Cortez Roper Lake
Gilbert) Woods Canyon Lake City Reservoir Sahuarita
Dankworth Pond Santa Fe
UNLIMITED-NO BAG FOR 2 CATFISH LIMIT: Deadhorse State Park Lagoons Silverbell
EITHER FLATHEAD OR Bonsall Pond Desert Breeze Stone Dam
CHANNEL: Council Avenue Pond Desert West Surprise
Beaver Creek (Wet and Dry) Dave White Regional Park Dogtown Lake Tempe Town Lake
Bear Canyon Lake Discovery Pond Encanto Tucson waters in the city park
Black Canyon Lake El Dorado Park Fortuna system, but not in the CFP
CC Cragin Reservoir (Blue Evelyn Hallman Pond Fain Veterans Oasis
Ridge) Freestone Pond Francis Short Pond Whitehorse Lake
Chevelon Canyon Lake Friendship Pond Granite Basin
Colorado River-Glen Canyon McQueen Pond Green Valley 5 CATFISH LIMIT WHEN
Dam to Separation Canyon Pacana Growler Pond TAKEN BY BOW AND
East Verde River Papago Park Ponds Kaibab Lake ARROW:
Horseshoe Lake Patterson Ponds Kennedy Apache Lake
Knoll Lake Rio Vista Kiwanis Canyon Lake
Long Tom Lake Roadrunner Park Lakeside Saguaro Lake
Oak Creek Steele Indian School Lower Lake Mary
Upper Salt River (Roosevelt Water Ranch Maricopa
Diversion Dam upstream to the West Wetland Pond Parker Canyon Lake
Reservation Boundary) Pena Blanca Lake
Catfish Family
Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Bullhead (black, yellow, brown)
Description: Scattered black spots on a silver Description: Back and sides mottled, Description: Body is yellow-olive to brown
or gray colored back and sides with a white dark-brown to yellow-brown; belly is on back with yellowish sides, and yellow to
belly. Few spots on large adults. Smooth, yellowish-white. Head is broad and flat white belly. Slight to no mottling. Chin bar-
scaleless skin. 8 barbels or whiskers. Short with small eyes. Large mouth, lower jaw bels are always light in color, either white or
base on small adipose fin. Deeply forked projecting beyond the upper jaw. Adipose pale yellow. Anal fin is moderately long with
tail. Anal fin has 24 to 30 rays and is slightly fin is large; Tail fin is flat or slightly notched. a straight profile; Tail fin is rounded. Length:
rounded. Length: up to 35 inches. Weight: up Length: up to 50 inches. Weight: up to 70 up to 16 inches. Weight: up to 3 pounds.
to 30 pounds. pounds.
The following list of waters are only some of the more popular plac- Pleasant, Mittry Lake, Lake Mohave, Tempe Town Lake and Topock
es where these fish can be found. Because water conditions change Marsh.
rapidly please contact Arizona Game and Fish when planning your
Northern Pike: Upper Lake Mary, Long Lake, Fool Hollow Lake,
fishing trip. For the latest fishing reports, visit the Departments
and Rainbow Lake.
website at www.azgfd.gov.
Smallmouth Bass: Apache Lake, Lake Powell, Roosevelt Lake, Fool
Bluegill (sunfish): Canyon Lake, Goldwater Lake, Apache Lake,
Hollow Lake, Verde River, Lake Havasu, Lake Mead, Lake Mohave,
Francis Short Pond, Roper Lake, Saguaro Lake, Lake Pleasant,
Show Low Lake, Topock Gorge, and Colorado River at Parker Strip.
Arivaca Lake, Lake Powell, Bartlett Lake, and designated Community
Fishing Program waters. Striped Bass: Lake Havasu, Lake Mohave, Lake Mead, Lake Pleas-
ant, and Lake Powell.
Carp: Lake Havasu, Lake Mohave, Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Lyman
Lake, Roosevelt Lake, Bartlett Lake, Lake Pleasant, Tempe Town Trout Waters: Ashurst Lake, Bear Canyon, Becker Lake, Big Lake,
Lake, Saguaro Lake, Canyon Lake, and Apache Lake. Black Canyon Lake, Deadhorse State Park Lagoons, West and East
Fork of the Black River, C.C. Cragin (Blue Ridge), Canyon Creek,
Channel Catfish: Canyon Lake, Apache Lake, Roosevelt Lake,
Chevelon Canyon Lake, West Clear Creek, Crescent Lake, Frye Mesa
Colorado River below Parker Dam, Saguaro Lake, Alamo Lake, Fran-
Reservoir, Frye Creek, Goldwater Lake, J.D. Lake, Knoll Lake, Lee
cis Short Pond, Kinnikinnik Lake, Bartlett Lake, Lake Powell, Fool
Valley Lake, Lees Ferry on the Colorado River, Colorado River below
Hollow Lake, Lake Havasu, Show Low Lake, Rainbow Lake, Verde
Davis Dam, Little Colorado River, Luna Lake, Lynx Lake, Nelson Res-
River, Deadhorse State Park Lagoons, Topock Marsh, and designated
ervoir, Oak Creek, Parker Canyon Lake, River Reservoir, Salt River
Community Fishing Program waters.
below Saguaro Lake, Show Low Lake, Tonto Creek, Verde River from
Crappie: Roosevelt Lake, Bartlett Lake, Lake Pleasant, Dogtown Clarkdale to Camp Verde, Woods Canyon Lake, White Horse Lake,
Lake, Kaibab Lake, Alamo Lake, Santa Fe Lake, Whitehorse Lake, Willow Beach, and Willow Springs Lake.
Cataract Lake.
Winter-only trout stockings occur at: Canyon Lake, Cluff Pond,
Flathead Catfish: Saguaro Lake, Canyon Lake, Apache Lake, Lake Parker Canyon Lake, Patagonia Lake, Pena Blanca Lake, Roper Lake,
Pleasant, Colorado River at Yuma, Topock Marsh, Lake Havasu, Roo- Saguaro Lake, and designated Community Fishing Program waters.
sevelt Lake, Bartlett Lake, the Verde River at Camp Verde and below
Walleye: Apache Lake, Show Low Lake, Upper Lake Mary, Fool Hol-
Horseshoe Lake, the Gila River at Safford and Patagonia Lake.
low Lake, Lyman Lake and Lake Powell.
Grayling: Lee Valley Lake, Perkins Tank.
White Bass: Lake Pleasant.
Largemouth Bass: Alamo Lake, Apache Lake, Bartlett Lake, Roos-
Yellow Bass: Saguaro Lake, Canyon Lake, Apache Lake, Roosevelt
evelt Lake, Canyon Lake, Saguaro Lake, Fool Hollow Lake, Dogtown
Lake, Tempe Town Lake, and Upper Lake Mary.
Lake, Rainbow Lake, Lake Havasu, Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Lake
Sunfish Family
Bluegill Redear Sunfish Green Sunfish
Description: The bluegill has blue coloring on Description: The Red-ear sunfish has a black Description: Large mouth with blue-green stri-
the chin, a solid black opercle flap, a small opercle flap which is bordered with a reddish ations on the cheeks. Opercle flap is black with
mouth and a dark spot at the rear of the dorsal or orange color on the rear of the flap. Sides reddish or orange border. Body olive-green
fin. The body is very compressed or flat and has of head have olive-brown speckling. Body is in color, dark vertical bars on sides. Pectoral
from five to nine dark vertical bars on the sides. compressed or flat with an olive-green cast, fin short and rounded. Caudal fin and lower
Length: up to 12 inches. Weight: up to 3 pounds. light speckling on sides. Pectoral fin long and fin margins are white or yellowish with dusky
pointed, usually extends far past eye when spots at rear of dorsal and anal fins. Length: up
bent forward. Length: up to 14 inches. Weight: to 10 inches. Weight: up to 1.5 pounds.
up to 5 pounds.
Minnow Family
Common Carp Roundtail Chub (native) White Amur or grass carp
Description: Back olive-yellow with yellowish Description: Body is thick and streamlined, Similar to common carp only in general color
gold sides. Scales on back and upper sides are dark olive-gray above with silver sides. Mouth (brassy yellow) and large scales. Notable dif-
dark-edged, with a dark spot at the base. The extends to front of eye. Dorsal fin and anal ferences include no barbels on bony mouth,
dorsal fin has 17 to 22 rays. One saw-toothed fin usually have 8 to10 rays. Large forked tail no spine on a short dorsal fin or anal fin, more
spine at front of long dorsal and anal fin. Two fin. Breeding males develop red or orange elongated body, less yellow in color, tail darker
barbels at each corner of the mouth on the up- coloration on lower half of cheek and bases and more deeply forked. These fish are highly
per jaw. Large adults have reddish-orange anal of paired fins. Length: up to 18 inches. Weight: effective weed eaters and are stocked to control
and tail fin. Length: up to 40 inches. Weight: up to 3 pounds. NEW: Catch-and-release nuisance weeds and algae. Length: up to 42
up to 40 pounds. only, statewide. inches. Weight: up to 40 pounds. NEW: 1 fish,
30 inch minimum statewide.
Bonytail Chub
Description: Extremely rare. Federally listed as
Endangered. Body highly streamlined, bluish,
dusky color above, pale below. Head short,
concave on top, arching smoothly into a subtle
hump in adults. Dorsal fin rays almost always
10 or more; anal fin rays 9-11; very slender
caudal peduncle. Length: up to 24 inches.
Weight: up to 3 pounds.
Line: 8 to 12 lb. test
Hook Size: 2 to 6 baitholder
Bait: Worms, stink baits, hotdogs, liver, shrimp
Catfish are best caught using a hook and sinker
setup (fig. 1 and fig. 2). Catfish bite best in
darker environments. Fish the deepest spots dur- Split Shot Sinker
ing the daytime and shallower areas after dark.
Figure 2: Split
8-18 inches Shot Sinker setup
Line: 2 to 6 lb. test Pencil Bobber
Hook Size: 8 to 12 baitholder
Bait: Worms, salmon eggs, Power Bait
When using prepared floating baits, the bottom fishing set up with an egg sinker
is most effective (fig. 1). When fishing for trout, use the egg sinker set-up with 2-
or 4-pound line tied below the swivel to the hook. Fishing with a bobber (fig. 3)
can work well for trout when using non-floating baits such as worms or salmon
eggs. In addition to the baits suggested for trout, small in-line spinners such as 2-4 feet
Panther Martins or Mepps, or spoons such as KastMasters or Super Dupers, can
be effective.
Split Shot Sinker
Line: 2 to 6 lb. test
Hook Size: 8 to 12 baitholder 8-18 inches
Bait: Worms, mealworms, corn
Sunfish or bluegill can be caught using the bobber setup (fig. 3). Use a small
pencil or round bobber and fish along the lake edges in 4-8 feet of water. Use
enough weight below the bobber so that it can be pulled underwater easily.
Try to cover up the hook with the bait.
Figure 3: Bobber Setup
Trout Challenge
A 24/7 hotline to report fish and wildlife violations an angler keeping more than the daily bag and possession
limit, fishing with more than two poles at the same time, or
Report a violation. Rewards of $50-$1,000 are offered for
not complying with other fishing rules, contact the Game
information leading to an arrest for fishing violations.
Thief Hotline to report the violation.
Callers can remain confidential. Call 1-800-352-0700.
Reported violations are prioritized based on the quality
Bag and possession limits provide everyone with a
of the information provided. Because the Department
chance at a quality fishing experience and protect the
has a limited number of Wildlife Officers statewide, it
fishery. Any angler that keeps or gives away more than
is not possible to have an immediate response to every
their limit is breaking the lawthey are thieves stealing
call. That is why it is important that you be a good wit-
fish from you and other responsible anglers.
ness so that follow-up by an officer can be conducted.
Your help is needed to catch these violators. If you witness
Be a good witness: Write down a description of the person(s) (physical and clothing).
Recognize what specific activities are violations. If possible, get the vehicle description and license plate number.
Do not put yourself in danger or confront the violator. Try to take pictures or video of the violation and violator.
Write down the date, time and specific park and lake location. Call or go online to report the violation as soon as possible.
Motor Restrictions:
Powerboats restricted to a single
electric motor on:
Ackre Lake Lee Valley Lake
Bear Canyon Lake McKellips Park Pond
Bunch Reservoir Pratt Lake
Carnero Lake Quigley Pond
Chaparral Park Lake Redondo Lake
Cluff Ponds Riggs Flat Lake
Coconino Reservoir Roper Lake
Coors Lake Santa Fe Lake
Dankworth Pond Scotts Reservoir
Dogtown Reservoir Sierra Blanca Lake
Fortuna Lake Soldier Lake With
Goldwater Lake
Granite Basin Lake
Stoneman Lake
Tunnel Reservoir
Horsethief Basin Lake
Hulsey Lake
Whitehorse Lake
Willow Valley Lake Gear
J.D. Dam Lake Woodland Lake
Knoll Lake Woods Canyon Lake
Boat registration
Powerboats restricted to a single elec-
tric motor or a single gasoline engine Life jackets for all
not exceeding 10 horsepower on:
Arivaca Lake Lower Lake Mary Throwable flotation aid
Ashurst Lake
Becker Lake
Luna Lake
Lynx Lake Fire extinguisher (B-1)
Horn, whistle or bell
Big Lake Marshall Lake
Navigation lights
C.C. Cragin (Blue Ridge) Nelson Reservoir
Cataract Lake Parker Canyon Lake
Chevelon Canyon Lake Pena Blanca Lake
Concho Lake Rainbow Lake
Crescent Lake River Reservoir
Visit www.azgfd.gov/boating for additional boating tips
Fool Hollow Lake Show Low Lake and details on free boating safety courses in your area.
Kaibab Lake Whipple Lake
Kinnikinick Lake White Mountain Lake
Little Mormon Lake Willow Springs Lake
NOTES: Records are based upon weight recorded on 1. Based on total length only and rounded down to 3. World record for all tackle as verified by the Na-
state-certified (legal for trade) scales and two witnesses nearest inch. New entries must exceed existing tional Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame.
to the weighing. Record fish must be available for inspec- entry by at least 1 inch. 4. Fort Apache Indian Reservation.
tion by Department personnel. New record fish must 2. Larger than current all-tackle world record listed by 5. Species now protected, may not be taken.
outweigh the standing record for the species by at least the International Game Fish Assn. and the National
one full ounce. Fish taken from private waters that are Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame.
closed to public access are not eligible for record status.
2017 & 2018 Arizona Fishing Regulations 41
Arizona Fish Entry Form (Use this form or a copy for all Arizona State Records, Statewide or
Community Fish-of-the-Year, or Catch-and-Release entries.)
Yes, the Arizona Game and Fish Department may use my photo for promotional purposes.
RED ADEQ recommends that the public not consume this species.
ADEQ recommends that adults limit consumption of these fish to 2.4 ounces (uncooked weight) per week and
children 12 years old and younger limit consumption to 2 ounces per month (uncooked weight).
Previously the lower Salt and Gila rivers from 59th Avenue down to and including Painted Rocks Reservoir, Painted
Rocks Borrow Pit and the lower portion of the Hassayampa River were listed as contaminated with pesticides. That fish
consumption advisory has been rescinded by the ADEQ as of Aug. 7, 2015.
Lakes With Bald Eagle Breeding Lynx Lake (not enacted unless pair Forest, Verde Ranger District, (928) District, (480) 595-3300.
Closure Areas moves nesting location) Portions 567-4121. Tonto Creek
Crescent Lake A portion of the of the lakes east side may be closed Verde River near Cold Water Creek, Tonto Creek from Gisela to 76
dirt entrance road to the west side to vehicle or foot traffic and a por- allows watercraft to float through but Ranch is closed to vehicle, foot
may be restricted to a no stopping tion of the shoreline may be closed no stopping on the river or landing is entry, and floating through from
zone and a portion of land near to watercraft from Dec. 1 to June 30. allowed Dec. 1 to June 30. Dec. 1 to June 30. Contact Tonto
the parking area on the west side Contact the Prescott National Forest, Contact Prescott National Forest, National Forest, Tonto Basin
may be closed to foot entry from Bradshaw Ranger District, (928) Verde Ranger District, (928) 567-4121. Ranger District (928) 467-3200.
April 1 through Aug. 31. Contact the 443-8000. Verde River near East Verde River, Tonto Creek inlet to Roosevelt Lake
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Show Low Lake A portion of the allows watercraft to float through but is closed to vehicle and foot entry
Springerville Ranger District, (928) lake is closed to watercraft and a no stopping on the river or landing within 1000 feet of the nest on land,
333-6200. portion of the shoreline may be is allowed Dec. 1 to June 30. Contact and to watercraft within 300 feet
Greer Lakes (Tunnel and River) (not closed to foot entry from March 1 to Tonto National Forest, Cave Creek on water from Dec. 1 to June 30.
enacted unless pair moves nesting August 31. Contact Apache-Sitgreaves Ranger District, (928) 595-3300. Contact Tonto National Forest, Tonto
location) Portions of the lakes may National Forest, Lakeside Ranger Verde River near Mule Shoe Bend, Basin Ranger District (928) 467-3200.
be closed to watercraft and a portion District, (928) 368-2100. allows watercraft to float through Salt River
of the shoreline may be closed to Whitehorse Lake A portion of but no stopping in the river or land-
the shoreline may be closed to foot Salt River from Horseshoe Bend to
foot entry from March 1 through July ing is allowed from Dec. 1 to June
entry from March 1 to August 31. Redmond Flat allows watercraft to
31. Contact the Apache-Sitgreaves 30. Contact Tonto National Forest,
Contact Kaibab National Forest, Wil- float through, but no stopping in the
National Forest, Springerville Ranger Cave Creek Ranger District, (480)
liams Ranger District (928) 635-5600. river or landing is allowed from Dec.
District, (928) 333-6200. 595-3300. 1 to June 30. Contact Tonto National
Horseshoe Lake A portion of the Woods Canyon Lake A portion of Verde River below Horseshoe Dam Forest, Globe Ranger District, (928)
lake is closed from Dec. 1 to June 30. the lake may be closed to watercraft is closed to vehicle or foot entry on 402-6200.
Contact the Arizona Game and Fish and a portion of the shoreline is the southwest side of the river from
closed to foot entry from April 1 Salt River near Meddler Point is
Department, (623) 236-7506. Dec. 1 to June 30. Floating through is
through August 31. Contact the closed to vehicle and foot entry
Lake Pleasant No vehicle, water- allowed, but no stopping in the river within 1000 feet of the nest on land,
craft, or foot entry is allowed into Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, or landing on the southwest side of
Black Mesa Ranger District, (928) and to watercraft within 300 feet
the Lower Agua Fria River Arm from the river is allowed. Contact Tonto on water from Dec. 1 to June 30.
Dec. 15 to June 15. Contact Maricopa 535-7300. National Forest, Cave Creek Ranger Contact Tonto National Forest, Tonto
County Parks and Recreation, (928) District, (480) 595-3300. Basin Ranger District (928) 467-3200.
Rivers/Creeks with Bald Eagle
501-1710. Breeding Closure Areas Verde River below Bartlett Dam is Salt River below Stewart Mountain
Lower Lake Mary (not enacted closed to foot or vehicle entry from Dam, is closed to vehicle or foot
Verde River
unless pair moves nesting loca- Dec. 1 to June 30. Floating through entry on the south side of the river
tion) There may be no vehicle or Not planned for enactment unless is allowed. Contact Tonto National
nesting resumes. Verde River below from Dec. 1 to June 30. Floating
foot traffic allowed on a portion of Forest, Cave Creek Ranger District, through is allowed. Contact the
the north side of the lake from Jan. 1 Sycamore Canyon Wilderness (480) 595-3300.
may be closed to foot and vehicle Tonto National Forest, Mesa Ranger
to Aug. 30. Contact the Coconino Na- Verde River at the Needle Rock District, (480) 610-3300.
tional Forest, Mormon Lake Ranger entry from Dec. 1 to June 15. Float-
Recreation area is closed to foot Salt River near Goldfield-Kerr Fire
District, (928) 774-1147. ing through is allowed. Contact
and vehicle entry on the east and Station is closed to foot and vehicle
Coconino National Forest, Sedona
Luna Lake There is no vehicle portions of the west side of the river entry on the north side of the river
Ranger District, (928) 282-4119.
or foot traffic allowed on the north from Dec. 1 to June 30. Floating from Dec. 1 to June 30. Floating
side from Jan. 1 to June 15. Contact Verde River near Chasm Creek is through is allowed, but no stopping
closed to foot and vehicle entry from through is allowed. Contact Tonto
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, in the river or landing on east side National Forest, Mesa Ranger Dis-
Alpine Ranger District, (928) 339- Dec. 1 to June 15. Floating through of river is allowed. Contact Tonto
is allowed. Contact Prescott National trict, (480) 610-3300.
5000. National Forest, Cave Creek Ranger
Amphibian Notes:
1. A fishing or combination license is required for (1) Posted boundaries of State or Federal Spawning Pond Number 2 located along (22) Sycamore Creek in Santa Cruz County.
take of amphibians. Amphibians may be taken hatcheries, except for Arizona Game and the Salinity Canal north of Yuma. (23) Cibola Lake from the first Monday in
day or night. Methods of take are prescribed in Fish Department sponsored fishing clinics. (11) The Luna Lake Wildlife Area from April 1 September (Labor Day) through March 15.
R12-4-313. (2) Posted boundary of the Region I regional through July 31. (24) Posted portions of Martinez Lake from
2. The Fort Huachuca Military Reservation controls headquarters in Pinetop. (12) Posted portions of Alamo Lake. October 1 through March 1.
access to the taking of aquatic wildlife on its (3) The Colorado River one-half mile upstream (13) Posted portions of the Tonto Arm of Roo- (25) Posted in accordance with and pursuant to
installation. and one-half mile downstream from its sevelt Lake from November 15 through ARS 17-303 and 304.
3. The possession limit for Craugaster augusti (bark- confluence with the Little Colorado River. February 15 annually. 8. The Grand Canyon-Parashant, Vermillion Cliffs,
ing frog) legally held prior to January 1, 2005 is (4) That portion of the Little Colorado River lying (14) Posted portions of Mittry Lake from Novem- Sonoran Desert, Ironwood Forest, and Agua Fria
10 per person. within the Grand Canyon National Park. ber 15 through February 15 annually. National Monuments are open to the take of
4. No waterdogs or salamanders may be taken (5) Lee Valley Creek above Lee Valley Lake. (15) Posted portions of Becker Lake are closed to wildlife.
in that portion of Santa Cruz County lying east (6) Gap Creek between Honeymoon Cabin and all public entry from December 15 through 9. Havasu, Bill Williams River, Cibola, and Imperial
and south of State Highway 82 or that portion of its confluence with the Verde River. June 15. National Wildlife Refuges are open to the take
Cochise County lying west of the San Pedro River (7) Mineral Creek in Apache County upstream (16) Posted portions of Lake Mead. of bullfrogs, as permitted by refuge regulations
and south of State Highway 82. of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest (17) Posted portions of Powers Butte Wildlife (posted areas are closed).
5. No Hyla wrightorum (Arizona treefrogs) may be Boundary. Area are closed to entry for the purpose of 10. Within Unit 25M, bullfrogs may only be taken
taken in Cochise or Santa Cruz counties. (8) Posted areas immediately above the dams taking wildlife.
at Upper Lake Mary, Alamo Lake and Lake by minnow trap, crayfish net, hand, or with any
6. Rana berlandieri (Rio Grande leopard frogs) may (18) Posted portions of Bog Hole Wildlife Area. hand-held, non-motorized implement that does
not be taken from the portion of the Hassayampa (19) Posted portions of Lake Havasu. not discharge a projectile, as prescribed in R12-
River between Wickenburg and Morristown. (9) Posted areas immediately below Davis,
(20) Posted portions of Cienega Creek in Pima 4-313(D.6).
Hoover, Glen Canyon, Waddell (Lake Pleas-
7. Amphibians may not be taken at any time (or ant), Roosevelt, Horse Mesa and Mormon County.
during periods specified) within the following Flat dams. (21) Aravaipa Creek in Pinal and Graham coun-
areas: ties.
(10) Posted, Spawning Pond Number 1 and
Crustaceans and Mollusks: Commission Order 42 Requires a valid fishing or combination license
Open Areas - Statewide - As defined in ARS17-101, but does not include any area closed under ARS 17-303 and 17-304, or R12-4-801, R12-4-802 and R12-4-803.
Open Season Dates Notes Open Areas Legal Crustaceans and Mollusks Bag and Possession Limit
A. Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2017 All crustaceans and mollusks, except
All Statewide, except areas in Notes below. Unlimited dead, except that area in Note 3.
Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2018 those named in Subsection B
B. There is no open season on any species in the genus Oxyloma (ambersnails), the genus Pyrgulopsis (springsnails; see Note 2 as it applies to the Huachuca springsnail [P. thompsoni]),
the genus Tryonia (springsnails), Sonorella eremita (San Xavier talussnail), Sonorella macrophallus (Wet Canyon talussnail), Sonorella grahamensis (Pinaleno talussnail), Sonorella
imitator (mimic talussnail), Sonorella christenseni (Clark Peak talussnail), Oreohelix grahamensis (Pinaleno mountainsnail), Gastrocopta dalliana (shortneck snaggletooth), Gastrocopta
quadrigens (cross snaggletooth), and Anodonta californiensis (California floater).
Reptiles: Commission Order 43 (aquatic only) Requires a valid fishing or combination license
*Open Areas do not include areas within municipal parks, municipal preserves, county parks, county preserves, airports, golf courses, or posted water treatment facilities (except as
specifically opened in this Commission Order) or areas closed under A.R.S. Sections 17-101, 17-303 and 17-304, or Commission Rules R12-4-321, R12-4-801, R12-4-802 and R12-4-803.
Other Notes may apply (see Open Areas information below).
Open Season Dates Notes Open Areas Legal Reptiles Bag and Possession Limit
Nerodia fasciata (banded watersnake), Apalone
Statewide, except areas closed in Notes 9, 11, 14,
Jan 1, Dec 31, 2017 (1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, spinifera (spiny softshell), Trachemys scripta
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, Unlimited dead.
Jan 1, Dec 31, 2018 22, 26, 30, 31, 32) (slider), and all species of the family Chelydridae
and 29 (also noted above*).
(snapping turtles)
Reptile Notes:
1. A hunting or combination license is required for take of reptiles. A (15) Posted portions of Becker Lake are closed to all public entry from 9. A limited weapon hand or hand-held implement season
fishing or combination license is required for take of softshell turtles. December 15 through June 15. may use one or more of the following methods or devices
Reptiles may be taken day or night. See R12-4-304 (F) for restrictions (16) Posted portions of Lake Mead. for taking wildlife, if authorized under R12-4-304 as lawful
on trapping and the use of artificial light and firearms. By law, softshell for the species hunted:
(17) Posted portions of Powers Butte Wildlife Area are closed to entry
turtles are considered aquatic wildlife and a fishing or combination a. Catch-pole,
for the purpose of taking wildlife.
license is required for take; methods of take are prescribed in R12-4-313.
(18) Posted portions of Bog Hole Wildlife Area. b. Hand,
2. A hunting or combination license is required for take of reptiles. A c. Snake hook, or
(19) Posted portions of Lake Havasu.
fishing or combination license is required for take of softshell turtles.
(20) Posted portions of Cienega Creek in Pima County. d. Snake tongs.
Reptiles may be taken day or night. See R12-4-304 (F) for restrictions
22. The following Pima County parks and preserves are open to hunting
Ackre Lake..................................................................12 Fain Lake.....................................................................14 Pacana Pond.............................................................. 22
Alamo Lake................................................................ 20 Fortuna Lake.............................................................. 20 Papago Park Ponds 1-3............................................ 22
Alvord Lake................................................................ 22 Fossil Creek, Middle Reach .....................................14 Parker Canyon Lake................................................. 24
Apache Lake.............................................................. 22 Francis Short Pond.....................................................14 Pena Blanca Lake...................................................... 24
Arivaca Lake.............................................................. 24 Frye Mesa Reservoir/Frye Creek............................ 24 Perkins Tank...............................................................14
Pioneer Lake.............................................................. 22
Bartlett Lake.............................................................. 22 Goldwater Lake..........................................................14 Q
Bear Canyon Lake.....................................................16 Granada Ponds......................................................... 22 Quigley Pond............................................................. 20
Beaver Creek, Wet and Dry......................................14 Granite Basin Lake.....................................................14
Becker Lake................................................................12 Grant Creek............................................................... 24
Black Canyon Lake....................................................16 Green Valley Park Lakes...........................................16
Bonsall Pond.............................................................. 22 Growler Pond............................................................ 20 Red Mountain Park Lake......................................... 22
Bright Angel Creek.....................................................18 Redondo Lake........................................................... 20
H Rio Vista Park Pond.................................................. 22
Burro Creek................................................................12
Horseshoe Lake........................................................ 22 Riverview Park Lake................................................. 22
C Horton Creek..............................................................16 Roadrunner Pond..................................................... 22
Canals in the Yuma Area......................................... 20 Roosevelt Lake.......................................................... 22
Canyon Creek.............................................................16 Roper Lake................................................................. 24
Canyon Lake.............................................................. 22 J.D. Dam Lake............................................................14
Carnero Lake..............................................................12 K
Cataract Lake..............................................................14 Saguaro Lake............................................................. 22
CC Cragin Reservoir (Blue Ridge Reservoir)..........16 Kaibab Lake................................................................14 Sahuarita Park Lake.................................................. 24
Chaparral Park Lake................................................. 22 Kennedy Park Lake................................................... 24 Salt River (upper)...................................................... 22
Chevelon Creek..........................................................16 Kiwanis Park Lake..................................................... 22 Salt River Project Canal System.............................. 22
Chevelon Canyon Lake.............................................16 Knoll Lake...................................................................16 Santa Fe Reservoir.....................................................14
City Reservoir.............................................................14 L Silver Creek.................................................................12
Cluff Ranch Ponds 1 and 3...................................... 24 Silverbell Lake........................................................... 24
Lake Havasu.............................................................. 20 Steele Indian School Park Pond.............................. 22
Colorado River ................................................... 18, 20
Lake Mary, Lower......................................................14 Stone Dam Lake.........................................................14
Colorado River, Lees Ferry.......................................18
Lake Mead..................................................................18 Surprise Park Lake.................................................... 22
Colorado River, Parker Strip.................................... 20
Lake Mohave..............................................................18
Colorado River, Willow Beach.................................18 T
Lake Pleasant............................................................ 22
Colorado River, Yuma area..................................... 20
Lake Powell.................................................................18 Tempe Town Lake..................................................... 22
Copper Sky Lake....................................................... 22
Lakeside Lake............................................................ 24 The Pond at Town Hall............................................. 22
Cortez Park Lake....................................................... 22
Lee Valley Lake...........................................................12 Thompson Creek.......................................................12
Council Avenue Pond, Somerton........................... 20
Long Tom Lake...........................................................16 Topock Marsh.............................................................18
Coyote Creek..............................................................12
Crystal Gardens Water Treatment Facility............. 22 M U
D Mamie Creek..............................................................12 Upper East fork of the Little Colorado
Maricopa Lake........................................................... 22 River above Colter Dam............................................12
Dankworth Lake........................................................ 24
Martinez Lake............................................................ 20
Dead Horse State Park Lagoons..............................14
McKellips Pond......................................................... 22 V
Desert Breeze Park Lake.......................................... 22
McQueen Pond......................................................... 22 Verde River, and tributaries......................................14
Desert West Park Lake............................................. 22
Middle Tank................................................................14 Veterans Oasis Park Lake......................................... 22
Discovery Ponds....................................................... 22
Mittry Lake................................................................. 20 Virgin River.................................................................18
Dogtown Lake............................................................14
Nelson Reservoir........................................................12 Water Ranch Park Lake............................................ 22
East Clear Creek.........................................................16
Nutrioso Creek...........................................................12 West Clear Creek.......................................................14
East Verde River...................................................14, 16
West Fork of the Black River....................................12
Eldorado Pond.......................................................... 22 O
West Wetlands Pond................................................ 20
Elk Tank.......................................................................14 Oak Creek...................................................................14 Whitehorse Lake........................................................14
Encanto Park Lake.................................................... 22 Oak Creek, West Fork................................................14 Willow Springs Lake..................................................16
Evelyn Hallman Pond............................................... 22
Woodland Lake..........................................................12
Woods Canyon Lake.................................................16