Pe Lesson Plan: Knowledge, Skills, Behaviours & Dispositions

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PE LESSON PLAN Teachers Name: Demi Swaffer

Date: May 10, 2016 Learning Area: Health and Physical Education

Band /Year Level: 3 Achievement Standard:

By the end of Year 4, students understand the benefits of being
healthy and physically active.
Students apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply
rules fairly. They refine fundamental movement skills and apply
movement concepts and strategies in a variety of physical
activities and to solve movement challenges. They create and
perform movement sequences using fundamental movement
skills and the elements of movement.
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptors: Focus Area:

Movement and Physical Activity health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)

Apply basic rules and scoring systems, and
demonstrate fair play when participating in safety (S)
physical activities (ACPMP050)
active play and minor games (AP)
Apply innovative and creative thinking in
solving movement challenges (ACPMP049) fundamental movement skills (FMS)

Combine elements of effort, space, time, games and sports (GS)

objects and people when performing
movement sequences (ACPMP047)

Practise and apply movement concepts and

strategies with and without equipment

Learning Intentions: General Capabilities No Cross Curriculum Priorities

As a result of actively engaging in this lesson students Knowledge, Skills,
will Behaviours & Dispositions

Understand: Literacy
- how to work within a team to ensure a successful Numeracy
outcome Information &
Communication technology
Know: Critical & Creative
- for a successful pass, students will know how to use Thinking
an underarm or overarm throw Personal & Social
Be able to: Ethical Understanding
- catch a ball correctly by using a (Grip Ball) hand grip Intercultural
- throw accurately to their teammates as a FMS Understanding
Safety Considerations: Consideration for students Equipment requirements:
Sun Smart with special needs or Grip Ball hand grips
Appropriate dress and footwear Students who play an Crates/ boxes
invasion game outside of
Make sure there are no obstacles that could cause school are distributed Cones/markers
potential injury within the playing area; e.g. benches, amongst the class into
posts, etc. separate teams, so the Tags
teams are fair. This will also
Safe playing surface allow gifted students to use
their previous knowledge
First aid and assist their peers in
skills throughout the lesson.
Spatial awareness of self and others?
Allow versatile equipment
Soft throw of the ball to eliminate injury to an eye for children with different
or other body parts abilities.

Time: Introduction to Task (Routine matters/Statement of learning Outcome/Connection to previous learning)

3 Min.
Previously students were practicing the FMS of underarm and overarm throwing. Gradually the distance in throws
grew and Grip Ball hand grips were provided for students to exercise accuracy. Introduce the game Grip Ball
Lacrosse. Lacrosse sticks are replaced with Grip Ball hand grips. Two teams work together by passing and catching
a Hand Grip ball. Teams will aim to score points by throwing/dropping the ball into their goals. 1 point is awarded
for each goal.

The ball can only be picked up/ caught by the Grip Ball hand grip
When players run with the ball, the ball must remain on the hand grip
Players will be allocated forward, centre and back. Players will remain in these zones for the game
Players may only move 5 steps with the ball before they must pass it
Players must not block their opposition by standing in front of the player with the ball.

Once rules have been discussed, break class into teams of 6. To equalize the play, ask students who play or have
played invasion games (Netball, Football, Lacrosse, Rugby, Basketball) outside of school before. Separate these
students into different teams.

Once teams have distinguished the rules of Grip Ball Lacrosse and chosen their team positions, games can get
Time: Main learning Task/s (Task outline/Progression/Instructions Diagrams/Key questions/Cues)
Min Before game begins, ensure teams are in their right field Layout of field:
positions. Game will then commence. Remind students of the
5-step rule and ensure their positions within the allocated
zones. In this time, students should be observed to ensure an
accuracy in throwing. (5 mins)

Call time after 5 mins and group teams together to discuss

difficulties or simplicities that they found from the game.
Debrief on ideas that can change the play; e.g. minimize the
amount of steps taken with the ball, create a zone around the
goals to make it more challenging to score points. Key Question:
Once decided on a new rule, commence the game. (1 min) Has the rule change confidently
challenged students within the
Play with rule modification. (5 mins) game play?

Re-group teams for a debrief on the new rule changes. Have Cues:
they found these new rules challenging? Are there ways in Encourage students to call
which they can simplify them? (1 min) players name during game.

Commence final 5 mins of game play with or without new Remind students of having the
rules (depending on the abilities of the students). (5 mins) ball on the Hand Ball hand grip
at all times, unless passing to
another player.

Players can only take 5 steps

with the ball.

Players must not obstruct other

players who are in control of the

Players must remain in their

allocated zones at all times
during the game.

Time: Conclusion to Task (Key ideas to be summarized /Homework/ Formative/Summative assessment

2 Min task)
Once games are completed, students will discuss as a class the various skills they learnt or challenges that they
found during the game Grip Ball Lacrosse. Direct questions and discuss abilities that were used throughout the
game and why perform them; e.g. why hold the Grip Ball hand grip up (fingers pointing up) when trying to catch
the ball?
By playing Grip Ball Lacrosse students have established few Fundamental Sport Skills. Explain that these skills are
built within the Junior Primary Years as they explore movement, control and coordination; thus, it enables
students to perform and participate in complex activities.
Examples of evidence towards achievement of the outcomes:
Students working within teams by following basic rules and scoring strategies.

With the guide of a teacher, students are able to think creatively and enforce new rules upon the game.

Developing accurate throwing and catching skills by using a Hand Ball hand grip

Grip Ball Lacrosse in Play with Purpose: For Fundamental Movement Skills Teaching: A teaching guide for early years and
primary educators for physical education and daily PE by Shane Pill, p. 69.

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