This document contains a list of various diagnoses in Indonesian and their corresponding ICD-10 codes. The diagnoses include conditions that can affect newborns such as low birth weight, prematurity, asphyxia, jaundice, infections, and complications during delivery. It also includes common pediatric illnesses like measles, tonsillitis, hepatitis, migraines and epilepsy. The ICD-10 codes provide standardized medical terminology and definitions to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases.
This document contains a list of various diagnoses in Indonesian and their corresponding ICD-10 codes. The diagnoses include conditions that can affect newborns such as low birth weight, prematurity, asphyxia, jaundice, infections, and complications during delivery. It also includes common pediatric illnesses like measles, tonsillitis, hepatitis, migraines and epilepsy. The ICD-10 codes provide standardized medical terminology and definitions to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases.
This document contains a list of various diagnoses in Indonesian and their corresponding ICD-10 codes. The diagnoses include conditions that can affect newborns such as low birth weight, prematurity, asphyxia, jaundice, infections, and complications during delivery. It also includes common pediatric illnesses like measles, tonsillitis, hepatitis, migraines and epilepsy. The ICD-10 codes provide standardized medical terminology and definitions to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases.
This document contains a list of various diagnoses in Indonesian and their corresponding ICD-10 codes. The diagnoses include conditions that can affect newborns such as low birth weight, prematurity, asphyxia, jaundice, infections, and complications during delivery. It also includes common pediatric illnesses like measles, tonsillitis, hepatitis, migraines and epilepsy. The ICD-10 codes provide standardized medical terminology and definitions to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases.
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Diagnosis ICD 10 Code
Kontak TB Contact with and exposure to tuberculosis Z20.1
Inkompeten serviks Fetus and newborn affected by incompetent P01.0 cervix KPD Fetus and newborn affected by premature P01.1 rupture of membranes Oligohidramnion Fetus and newborn affected by P01.2 oligohydramnion CPD, Malpresentasi, dan Fetus and newborn affected by other P03.1 Malposisi malpresentation, malposition, and disproportion during lanour and delivery BBLR Other low birth weight newborn, P07.1 1000-1249 gram P07.14 1250-1499 gram P07.15 1500-1749 gram P07.16 1750-1999 gram P07.17 2000-2499 gram P07.18 BBLSR Extremely low birth weight P07.0 NLB Post-term infant, not heavy for gestational age P08.2 NKB Other preterm infants P07.3 Extremely immaturity <28 minggu P07.2 Bayi besar Macrosomia >4000gram P08.1 KMK (kurang masa Light for gestational age P05.0 kehamilan) Small for gestational age P05.1 Fetal malnutrition without mention of lights or P05.2 small for gestational age Slow fetal growth, nos P05.9 Placenta Previa Fetus and newborn affected by placenta previa P02.0 Antepartum Hemoragic dan Fetus and newborn affected by other forms of P02.1 Perdarahan ibu lainnya placental separation and hemorrhage (solutio plasenta) Letak lintang dan presentasi Fetus and newborn affected by P01.7 abnormal lainnya sebelum malpresentation before labour partus Prolapsus Uteri Fetus and newborn affected by prolapsed cord P02.4 Lilitan Tali pusat Fetus and newborn affected by other P02.5 compression of umbilical cord Koriamnionitis Fetus and newborn affected by choriamnionitis P02.7 Bekas SC Fetus and newborn affected by caesarean P03.4 delivery Partus precipitatus Fetus and newborn affected by precipitate P03.5 delivery Asfiksia Severe birth asphyxia (AG 0-3) P21.0 Mild and moderate birth asphyxia (AG 4-7) P21.1 HMD Respiratory distress syndrom of newborn ( P22.0 Hyaline membran disease) Transien takipnoe Transien takipnoe of newborn P22.1 Other respiratory distress of newborn P22.8 MASS (meconium aspirasi) Neonatal aspiration of meconium P24.0 Neonatal aspiartion of blood P24.2 Neonatal aspiration of milk and regurgitated P24.3 food Dehidrasi pada neonatus Dehydration of newborn P74.1 Anemia pd neonatus Anemia of prematurity P61.2 Ikterik krn perdarahan Neonatal jaundice due to bleeding P58.1 Ikterik krn infeksi Neonatal jaundice due to infection P58.2 Ikterk krn preterm Neontal jaundice associated with preterm P59.0 delivery Ikterik krn ASI Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor P59.3 Ikterik yg fisiologis / Neonatal jaundice, unspecified P59.9 prolong Ikterik krn feeding jaundice Neonatal jaundice from other specified causes P59.8 atw penyebab lain Kandidiasis pada bayi Neonatal Candidiasis P37.5 Omphalitis Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild P38 haemorrhage ISK pada neonatus Neonatal urinary tract infection P39.3 Pioderma pada bayi Neonatal skin infection P39.4 Diare pada neonatus Noninfective neonatal diarrhoea P78.3 Hipotermi pd neonatus Other hypothermia of newborn P80.8 Hipertermi pd neonatus krn Other specified disturbance of temperature P81.8 pnybb trntu regulation of newborn Muntah pada neonatus Vomiting in newborn P92.0 Regurgitasi and rumination in newborn P92.1 Kejang pada neonatus Convulsion of newborn P90 Koma pada neonatus Neonatal coma P91.5 HIE Hypoxic ischemic enchelopathy of newborn P91.6 Sepsis Sepsis of newborn due to -- streptococcus, group B P36.0 Staphylococcus aureus P36.2 Eschericia coli P36.4 Anaerobes P36.5 Other bacterial sepsis of newborn P36.8 Bacterial sepsis of newborn, unspesified P36.9 Mastitis pada neonatus Neonatal infective mastitis P39.0 Konjungtivitis pd neonatus Neonatal conjungtivitis and dacryocystitis P39.1 Intake kurang pada bayi Neonatal difficulty in feeding at breast P92.5 (menyusui) Gagal tumbuh Delay milestone ( late of talker, walker R62.0 {physicological development) Other lack of expected normal physicological R62.8 development (failure to: gain weight, thrive, lack of growth, physical retardation) Demam Tinggi Hyperpirexia NOS R50.9 DHF Dengue hemoragic fever A91 Dengue fever Dengue fever A90 Demam tifus Typhoid fever A01.0 Infeksi bakteri Bacterial infection NOS A49.9 Chikungunya Chikungunya virus disease A92.0 Viral infeksi Viral infection NOS B34.9 Other specified viral disease B33.8 Campak Campak dg GE Measles with intestinal complication B05.4 Campak dg komplikasi lain Measles with other complication B05.8 Campak tanpa komplikasi Measles without complication B05.9 Down syndrom Down syndrom unspecified Q90.9 Pilek Common cold J00 ISPA Acute upper respiratory infection NOS J06.9 Parotitis Mumps without complication B26.9 Tonsilitis Tonsilitis akut J03.9 Tonsilitis kronis J35.0 Faringitis Acute pharingitis NOS J02.9 Kejang demam sederhana Febrile convulsions R56.0 Syok hipovolemik Hypovolemic R57.1 Syok sepsis Septic shock R57.2 Edema terlokalisasi Localized oedema R60.0 Hirchprung Hirschsprungs disease Q43.1 Hepatitis Hepatitis NOS K75.9 Hep A B15.9 Hep B B18.8 Hep C B18.2 Migrain Migraine without aura G43.0 Migraine with aura G43.1 Cefalgia Cluster Headche syndrome G44.0 Tension type headche G44.2 Chronic post-traumatic headche G44.3 Epilepsi Status epilepticus Grand mal status epilepticus (type tonic clonik G41.0 Petit mal status epilepticus (type absen) Cerebral Palsi Cerebral palcy NOS G80.9 Spastic quadriplegic CP G80.0 Spastic diplegic CP G80.1 Spastic hemiplegic CP G80.2 Retardasi Mental Mild mental retardation F70 Moderate mental retardation F71 Severe mental retardation F72 Retardation mental nos F79 Kejang demam Febris convulsion R56.0 KIPI Other complication following imunization NOS T88.1 TB Paru TB paru unconfirm NOS A16.7 TB paru in confirm bacteriology and A15.7 histological HIV /B20 B20 Bronkopneumoni Bronkopneumoni , unspecified J18.0 Pneumonia Pneumonia, unspecified J18.9 Lobar pneumoni J181 Aspirasi pneumonia Aspiration pneumoni J69.0 ISPA Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection J22 Status Asmatikus Status asthmaticus / Acute severe asthma J46 Asma Bronkiale Asthma bronchitis J45.9 Asthma allergy / rhinitis with asthma J45.0 Non allergy asthma J45.1 Bronkiektasis Bronchiectasis J47 Bronkitis Simple chronic bronchitis J41.0 Mucopurulen chronic bronchitis J41.1 Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic J41.8 bronchitis Dehidrasi Volume depletion E86 Diare / GEA Other and unspecified ge and colitis of A09.0 infectious origin GE and colitis of unspecified origin A09.9 GE non infeksius K52.9 BAB Berdarah / Alergi susu Allergic and dietetic gastrointestinal and K52.2 sapi colitis IBS Irritable bowel syndrom with diarrhoea K58.0 Irritable bowel syndrom without diarrhoea K58.9 Konstipasi Constipation K59.0 Diare normal Functional diarrhoea K59.1 Dispepsia Dyspepsia K30 Gastritis, unspecified K29.7 ISK Urinary tract infection, site not specified N39.0 Sistitis Acute cystitis N30.0 Cystitis, unspecified N30.9 Ruam popok Napkin/ diaper rash L22 Overload Fluid overload E87.7 Elektrolit imbalance Hypernatremi E87.0 Hyponatremi E87.1 Acidosis E87.2 Alkalosis E87.3 Mix asidosis alkalosis E87.4 Hyperkalemi E87.5 Hypokalemi E87.6 Other disorder electrolit fluid balance NOS E87.8 Selulitis Cellulitis of finger and toe L03.0 Cellulitis of other parts of limb (axilla, hip, L03.1 shoulder) Cellulitis of face L03.2 Cellulitis of trunk L03.3 Cellulitis of other sites( head, scalp exept face) L03.8 Cellulitis unspecified L03.9 Malaria Plasmodium falciparum malaria B50 -with cerebral complication B50.0 Other severe and complicated - B50.8 Cholestasis Toxic liver disease with cholestasis K71.0 Toxic liver disease with acute hepatitis K71.2 Kista disaluran empedu Choledochal cyst Q44.4 Malformasi hati Other congenital malformation of liver Q44.7 Dismenore Dysmenorrhoea, nos N94.6 Glomerulonefritis Glumerulonephritis nos N05 Acute nephritic syndrome N00 Chronic nephritic syndrome N03 Atresia Bilier Atresia of bile ducts Q44.2 Appendisitis Acute appendicitis with genetalized peritonitis K35.2 Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis K35.3 Acute appendicities NOS K35.8 Chronic appendicities K36 Kelainan Jantung VSD Q21.0 ASD Q21.1 Atrioventrikuler Septal defect Q21.2 Tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3 Aortapulmonary septal defect Q21.4 Other congenital malformation of cardiac Q21.8 septum Congenital malformation of cardiac Q21.9 septum,nos Tenggelam Drowning and nonfatal submersion T75.1 Motion sickness Airsickness, Seasickness, Travel sickness T75.3 Kesentrum Effect of electric current T75.4 Kelainan abdomen Omphalocel Q79.2 Gastroschisis Q79.3 Abses (Abscess) Abscess ginggiva K05.2 Fimosis Phimosis N47 Infeksi scrotum Inflammatory disorders of scrotum/ infection N49.2 CTEV Talipes equinovarus Q66.0 Talipes equinovalgus Q66.4 Other congenital deformitas feet Q66.8 Congenital deformity of feet NOS Q66.9 Sumbatan traktus bilier Obstruction of bile duct K83.1 Batu empedu Calculus of gallbladder without cholecytitis K80.2 With cholecystitis K80.0 Batu saluran empedu hepar Calculus of bile duct with choleysistitis K80.4 dll Without cholecystitis K80.5 Gizi ringan Mild protein energi malnutrion E44.1 Gizi kurang Moderate protein -energi malnutrition E44.0 Gizi buruk Seve protein energi malnutrion nos E43 Gizi berlebih Obesity NOS E66.9 Sariawan Stomatitis K12.1 Abses submandibular Submandibular abscess K12.2 Abses gigi Periapical abscess without sinus K04.7 --- with sinus K04.6 Ileus Ileus paralitik K56.0 Ileus obstructif K56.6 Ileus NOS K56.7
Low intake Anorexia R62.0
Low intake , drink and food R62.3 Sepsis berat SIRS, Nos R65.9 Hipoglikemi neonatus Hypoglicaemia neonatal P70.4 Hypoglikemi infant E16.1 Meconium plug Meconium plug neonatus P76.0 Konjungtivitis Conjungtivitis akut H10.1 Mucopurulent conjungtivitis H10.0 Conjungtivitis NOS H10.9 Pterigodium pterygium H11.0 Subconjungtiva perdarahan Subconjungtival haemorrhage H11.3 KAD ( Ketoasidosis IDDM KAD coma E10.0 Diabetikum) IDDM KAD not coma E10.1 NIDDM KAD coma E11.0 NIDDM KAD not coma E11.1 Granuloma Multiple anomaly Multiple congenital malformation, NOS Q89.7 Kelainan bawaan Congenital malformations NOS Q89.9 Efusi pleura Pleural effusion J90 Anemia Anemia hemolitic D58.9 Nutritious anemia ( chronik anemia) NoS D53.9
Tindakan ICD 9 Code
EKG Elektocardiography 89.52 USG Ultrasonography abdomen 88.76 Ultrasonography of head and neck 88.71 Ultrasound of uterus 88.79 Ultrasonography of gravid 88.78 Ultrasonography of lung 88.73 Other diagnostic ultrasound (multiple) 88.79 Rontgen Routine chest x-ray 87.44 Other x-ray of abdomen 88.19 CT-Scan Computerized axial tomography of head 87.03 Computerized axial tomography of thorax 87.41 Computerized axial tomography of abdomen 88.01 VTP Contininous mechanical ventilation of 96.70 unspecified duration Contininous mechanical ventilation for less 96.71 than 96 consecutive hours Contininous mechanical ventilation for 96 96.72 consecutive hours or more CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure 93.90 IPPB Intermitent positive pressure brathing 93.91 Non invasif O2 Non-invasif positif pressure (NIPPV) 93.90 Face mask/ nasal cannule/ nasal catheter 93.99 Manual resusitasi/ Nonmechanical methods of resusitation 93.93 perawatan rutin Transfusi Blood (whole) 99.03 Packed red cell 99.04 Plasma 99.07 Platelet 99.05 Thrombocytes 99.05 Amputasi Amputasi foot 84.12 Aspirasi asites Aspiration acites 54.91 IVFD Infusion intravena 99.20 IVFD + injection Injection of infusion of electrolit 99.18 Inj AB Injeksi of antibiotic 99.21 Inj steroid Injeksi of steroid 99.23 Inj insulin Injeksi of insulin 99.17 I/O Circulatory monitoring 89.6 Nebulisasi Respiratory medication administered by 93.94 nebulizer terapi Ultraviolet light therapy 99.82 Other phototherapy 99.83 RJP Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, NOS 99.60 Dc shock Atrial cardioversion 99.61 Appendektomi Appendectomy 47.0 Other incidental appendectomy 47.19 Pertolongan Partus Other manually assisted delivery 73.59 pervaginam Appendektomi Other appendectomy 47.09 klisma transenema 96.39 Gambaran darah tepi Pemeriksaan morfologi 90.59 Pelepasan perlengkatan Adhesiolysis 54.59 Extirpasi granuloma 86.3 Sirkumsisi Circumcision (male) 64.0 Circumcision (female) 71.4 SC Secctio cessarian 74.1
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