Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Page 1
I Prashant Kerketta, hereby declare that whatever has been produced in this project is original
and completely my own research and hard work. This project is not at all a result of any
plagiarism or copying from different sources. Material of course has been taken from various
websites but its pure research and not plagiarism.
Thanking you!
I would like to place on record a special thanks to Mr. Manoj Kumar, faculty of Criminal law,
for his personal care, timely suggestions, critical evaluation and creative guidance throughout
this project research and with whose help the practical realization of this project has been
The other person I owe a great deal of gratitude is to the Vice Chancellor of this University, Dr.
Sukhpal Singh for providing extensive database resources in the Library and through internet.
Some printing errors might have crept in, which are deeply regretted. I would be grateful to
receive comments and suggestions to further improve this project report.
Roll No. 119
Semester IX
CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 3
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 5
RESEARCH METHODOLGY ............................................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER-I ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Victim of crime: conceptual analysis ........................................................................................................ 8
Need for victim compensation ..................................................................................................................... 9
INTERNATIONAL INFLUENCES ..................................................................................................................... 10
UN Initiatives........................................................................................................................................... 10
Victim justice in international criminal law ............................................................................................ 11
Indian position ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Constitutional framework ........................................................................................................................... 13
Legal Frame work ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Judicial contribution.................................................................................................................................... 17
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................... 23
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................ 25
The main objective of criminal justice system in any country is to protect the rights of the
individual and the state against intentional infringement of the basic norms of the society by
unscrupulous persons. This objective is sought to be achieved by ensuring that the accused is
punished in accordance with law, in the process of which every measure is taken to ensure that
the rights of the accused is safeguarded. However it is disgusting to note that the system do not
give much similar concern for the victims of crime, who are the bye products of the crime. It is
always presumed that when the offender is convicted and punished, the victims claims are
sufficiently satisfied. However the reality is far from true. In any criminal case, the victim is
considered only as an informant for the material source of evidence and in most cases, as an
informant, he sets the criminal process in motion by reporting the crime to the police. But after
that he has no further role to play unless the police consider it necessary.
Even if it is decided to proceed, in most cases he is harassed under the guise of collecting
adequate information. Later in the trial stage, where he is required to participate as a prosecution
witness, his position becomes more vulnerable because of several factors like frequent
adjournments, indifferent attitudes of judges, questioning by prosecutor and the defence lawyer
etc. Moreover as he is the material source of information, he has to identify the suspects which
again put him at the risk of being intimidated by the accused/suspects. His life and safety is put
at peril. Thus victim in the criminal justice system feels not only dejected but becomes a victim
of secondary victimisation by the criminal justice system. Hence modern victimologists argue
that the traditional presumption that victims justice is satisfied on the conviction of the offender
is farce and it is unjust, unfair and inequitable. They argue that the states primary responsibility
is to protect the life, limb and property of its subjects and the crime victim suffers because of
states failure in protecting his life, limb and property. Hence State has an obligation to ensure
equal fairness and justness to the crime victim as that of the offender. It is really a matter of
solace that the recent trends of criminal justice policy in most countries exhibit a victim centric
perspective in their criminal justice. In fact in recent times, there is an exponential expansion in
victim related norms in international human rights law which points to the prominent position
they have assumed in the present scenario. Though there are some debates as to victims
participatory rights in trials and sentencing procedures, there is wide consensus as to their
protective rights and reparative rights. Victims compensatory rights have assumed maximum
prominence in the modern criminal justice system that almost all the developed countries have
comprehensive legislation in this area. In this article, an attempt has been made to analyze how
far right to compensation of victims of crime is materialised in India in the light of legislative
provisions and precedents.
The research method adopted for the purposes of this project is one which is doctrinal and
analytical in nature. It is doctrinal to the extent that it calls out the legal principles as enunciated
in judgments. It is analytical in the sense that it seeks to go beyond pronouncements and see the
nature and varied role that lawyers and judges have played in enforcing epistolary jurisdiction.
Legal provisions (procedural and substantive laws), books, reports, journals and other reference
as guided by Faculty have been primarily helpful in giving this work a firm structure. Websites,
dictionaries and web articles have also been referred.
Footnotes have been provided wherever needed, either to acknowledge the source or to
point to a particular provision of law. Uniform Bluebook (19th ed.) citation format has
Victim of crime: conceptual analysis
The legal definition of victim includes a person who has suffered direct or threatened
physical, emotional or pecuniary harm as a result of the commission of crime; or in the case
of victim being an institutional entity, any of the harms by an individual or authorised
representative of another entity. Thus victim of crime refers to any person, group or entity
who has suffered injury, or loss due to illegal activity and the harm may be physical mental
or economic.
As per UN Declaration of Basic principles of justice for victims, 1985 Victim is defined as
persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or
mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their
fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws
operative within the member states, including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of
power. Thus any person who has suffered harm because of violation of criminal law is a
victim. Harm may be physical, mental, economic or emotional in nature. The definition
seems wide enough to include both natural and artificial persons, individual and collective
groups and also the dependants of the victim. The Basic principles also stipulate that a
person will be considered as victim even if the offender is not identified, apprehended or
prosecuted. Term victim also includes persons who have suffered harm as a result of
assisting victims in distress or to prevent victimisation. The definition of victim in other
international Human rights instruments are also in similar lines.
As per Code of criminal procedure, victim means a person who has suffered any loss or
injury caused by reason of the act or omission for which the accused person has been
charged and the expression includes guardians and legal heir of the victim. This definition
which was incorporated by the 2008 criminal procedure (Amendment) Act, 2008, is a step
in positive direction. However the term for which the accused is charged shows the
restrictive nature of this definition. The definition is narrow when compared to the
definitions provided in other International human rights instruments.
Moreover for every crime that is committed, there are at least two victims. One is the
public/ society, who suffers due to the violation of criminal law and the other, is actual
individual who has suffered injury to person, property or reputation.
In ancient societies, the social control was victim retaliation and personal reparation. This was
actually before the conceptual separation between civil and criminal law. The offender was
required to reimburse the victim or his family for the loss he has caused as a result of crime.
Later as society became more complex with state assuming dominant role in the investigation
and prosecution of offences, a division between civil and criminal law emerged and victims
right to compensation was incorporated into civil law.1 This was the position till recently.
However recent trend shows that policy makers of criminal justice system all over the world are
stressing upon providing justice to the victim and also to develop schemes of the payment of
compensation to him. It is also argued that every crime depicts failure of the part of the state to
protect its subject and hence it has to compensate him when he suffers as a result of the crime.
Moreover, once crime is committed, the victim has the right to get justice and remedy the harm
which he has suffered as a result of crime. This right is different from and independent of the
right to retribution and responsibility of the state governed by rule of law. But if state fails to
discharge this responsibility, it must still provide a mechanism by which it is to ensure that
Victims right to compensation for injury is not lost. As observed by the Honble Supreme Court
in Maru Ram v. Union of India2, stressing the importance of victims right to compensation;
... A victim of crime cannot be a forgotten man in the criminal justice system. It is he who has
suffered the most. His family is ruined particularly in the case of death and other bodily injury.
This is apart from factors like loss of reputation, humiliation, etc. An honour which is lost or life
which is snuffed out cannot be recompensed but then monetary compensation will at least
provide some solace.
Suresh v. State of Haryana 2015 Cri l j 665
AIR 1980 SC 2147
UN Initiatives
The Rome statue of International criminal court contains an extensive range of protective
measures that victims can rely in their capacity as witnesses, and also their right to present
their views and concerns at certain stages of the proceedings. The statute also contains
effective provisions as to compensation. Under Article 75 the court provides for restitution,
compensation and reparation directly against the convicted person. Court may also order
reparations to be made available through the Trust Fund established under Art 79.The
United Nations has formulated victim sensitive rules in the rules of evidence and
procedures for the tribunals of former Yugoslavia and RwandaThe statute of both the
tribunals acknowledge a relationship between the accuseds right to fair hearing and the
need to protect victims and witnesses.With respect to compensation, though ICTY and
ICTR mechanism is less effective when compared with ICC statute. However, they also
contain provisions for restitutions for victims of crime. Thus it is evident that interests of
victims including their right to compensation are paid attention in the rapidly growing body
of international criminal law.
Indian position
In India as we follow adversary system of trial, wherein the state and the accused competes,
hence victims rights gets itself submerge in the public interest in prosecution and
conviction of the offender. Fair trial rights of the accused are given predominance in the
Criminal justice administration in the country and hence the victims do not get their due
attention. This situation was highlighted even by the apex court in Rattan singh v. State of
Punjab3 wherein it was observed that
It is a weakness of our jurisprudence that victims of crime and the distress of the
dependents of the victim do not attract the attention of law. In fact the victim reparation is
still the vanishing point of our criminal law. This is the deficiency in the system, which
must be rectified by the legislature.
As far as participation of victim of crime in criminal justice process, his role is limited to
that of an informant. As investigation is the sole prerogative of the police, victims role is
decided by the police and even if police decide to process victim is harassed in the process
of extracting information. Similarly, victim also does not have any say if the magistrate on
receipt of final investigation report from the police recommending the dropping of the case
is inclined not to take action against the accused. The Code of Criminal Procedure does not
require magistrate to hear the victim in this regard. During the time of prosecution also, the
victim does not have much say in the proceeding. Even with respect to the matters that
affect his rights and interest like that of bail decisions, withdrawal of prosecutions144 etc,
the victim is not heard.
Victims rights in India came into the focus of researchers only by late 1970s studies.
Initiatives by the University of Madras in early 1980s culminated in the foundation of
Indian society of victimology, which drafted a Bill on victim assistance in 1996. Apart from
various recommendations of law commissions and National commission to review the
working of the constitution, an important epoch with respect to victims right to
compensation is recommendations of Malimath committee on reforms of criminal justice
1979) 4 SCC 719
system in 2003. The committee recommended for a holistic justice to victims of crime by
allowing them, as a matter of right, in criminal proceedings as well to seek compensation
for the loss or injury.
Constitutional framework
Art 32 and Art226 of the Constitution of India. In fact honourable Supreme Court has in several cases granted
compensation to the victims for human rights violations under public law remedy.
For instance see Unnikrishnan v. State of Andhra Pradesh (1993) 1 SCC 645- right to edcation; Randhir Singh
v. Union of India AIR 1982 SC 879 etc
compassion for living creatures and to develop humanism. These provisions also could
be creatively interpreted as to include victims of crime.
Legal Framework
There are few statutory provisions which can be invoked to compensate victims of crime
and to that extent justice to the victims. The main statute which provides for compensation
to the victims of crime is the Code of criminal procedure.
The Code defines victim and provides for compensation to the victim of crime. Section 357
is the most important provision which provides for grant of compensation to the victims of
crime. This provision combines the procedures of both criminal and civil process as it
would be just and necessary so as to save time and money in seeking remedies in two
different courts. In fact even the old code had provision for providing compensation to the
victims of crime.
The Law Commission of India in its forty First report, had stated that our courts are not
exercising the statutory powers as to awarding compensation and recommended that
compensation must be provided as punishment in the penal code. Therefore based on the
recommendation of the Law Commission report, the provision in the old code was replaced
in the form of Sec 357. The provision stipulates that when court imposes a sentence of fine
or any sentence including death sentence of which fine forms part of the sentence, it may
award compensation to the victim, from the whole or part of the fine that is recovered from
the offender.6 Compensation may given be to the victim if in the opinion of court it is
recoverable by the civil court, for the loss or injury caused by the offence.7 Compensation
can also be provided to those persons who are entitled under the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855,
to recover damages from persons sentenced, for the loss resulting from such death. Thus
under Section 357(1) compensation is payable for any loss or injury whether physical or
pecuniary and can be awarded only when the accused is punished with a sentence of fine or
some other sentence of which fine is a part. It is paid out of the amount of fine that is
Sec 357(1)
Sec 357 (1) (b)
recovered. Hence the compensation amount in no case could exceed the fine amount.
Moreover the quantum of fine would depend upon the limit to which the fine can be
imposed for that particular offence and also upon the extent to which the court is
empowered to impose the same.
Section 357(3) is more liberal and it provides that compensation can be awarded when
court imposes a sentence of which fine is not a part of it. But it seems that the liberal
provision of Subsection (3) of Sec 357 is applicable only if the sentence of fine is not
imposed. If the sentence of fine is imposed the compensation can be ordered to be paid only
out of the fine amount. Under Sec 357 (3) the power of magistrate to award compensation
is unlimited. As per Section 357, compensation may be awarded by appeal late court or
revisional court. The amount recovered as compensation under this provision may be taken
into consideration by civil court while awarding compensation in a subsequent suit.
As per Criminal procedure code Amendment Act, 2008, Section 357 A was inserted which
specifically recognised victims right to compensation. The said provision deals with the
victim compensation scheme. The provision stipulates that every state government in
consultation with the Central govt shall prepare a scheme for providing funds for the
purpose of compensation to the victim of crime or his dependants who require
rehabilitation and who have suffered loss or injury due to the crime.8 At the end of the trial,
the trial court may recommend for compensation in two situations. Firstly, if it is satisfied
that the compensation awarded under section 357 is inadequate, for rehabilitation.
Secondly, if the case ends in acquittal or discharge of the accused and that the victim has to
be rehabilitated. Once the court makes recommendation for compensation, it is the state or
the District Legal service authority as the case may, which determine the quantum of
compensation to be awarded under the compensation scheme. The victim or his dependants
may also make an application for compensation, to the state or the district legal service
authority, if the offender is not traced or identified and where no trial takes place. When the
district or the State legal service authority receives the recommendation or the application it
may award adequate compensation after completing the enquiry within two months. On
certificate from the police officer or jurisdictional magistrate, the district or the State Legal
Sec 357 A (1)
Service authority, may order for immediate first aid facility or medical benefits to be made
available free of cost or provide any other interim relief as it deem fit, in order to alleviate
the sufferings of the victim.
Thus this provision is really in tune with providing with providing rehabilitative rights to
the victim under international human rights instruments. Any amount of compensation
which is awarded by the court is recoverable as if it were a fine. The amount of fine may be
recovered by the attachment and sale of moveable property of the offender and also from
both movable and immovable property as arrears of land revenue. Apart from there are also
other provisions in the code which authorises payment of compensation
Various law commissions have also recommended for victim compensation scheme.
National commission to review the working of the constitution, has also recommended for a
victim oriented approach of criminal justice system and also provided for victim
compensation scheme. Malimath Committee has also made recommendations with respect
to right of victim. Apart from making many salutary recommendations for rights of victims,
the committee made strong recommendation for separate legislation by parliament for
victim compensation which should provide for victim compensation fund. The committee
opined that for the purpose of the guidance of court, the law should provide scale of
compensation for different offences. The law must also provide the conditions under which
the compensation may be granted or withdrawn.
The code of criminal procedure (Amendment) Act, 2008, has made tremendous
contribution in filling the gaps in the law as far as victims rights are concerned. Apart from
providing for various protection schemes for victim/witness protection especially in rape
cases, the Act also provided for right to counsel for the victim, right to appeal against
adverse order passed by the trial court and also incorporated Section 357 A which provided
for victim compensation scheme.
As per Criminal law Amendment Act, 2013, victims of acid attack are granted
compensation which could be utilised in their rehabilitation. Apart from these, there are
also other enactments like fatal accidents Act, 1855, The Motor vehicles Act, 1988, and the
Probation of offenders Act, 1958 which provide for compensation to the victim. However
these institutional arrangements designed for compensating victims of crime leaves it to the
discretion of the court to recover and pay compensation. It is really a matter of great solace
that some new legislations like The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,
2005 The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 The
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 provides
for mandatory compensation. However, these fragmented legal frameworks providing for
compensation by an offender to his victims for loss suffered by the commission of the
offence seems inadequate and a comprehensive legislation is the need of the hour. In fact
judiciary also has in several cases stressed the need for a comprehensive legislation in this
Judicial contribution
Judiciary has in several cases awarded compensation to the victims under Crpc while
convicting the accused. The perusal of the precedents depicts that the trend of judiciary in
earlier days as far as awarding of compensation under Sec 357 was not so optimistic. The
apex court had considered the applicability of Sec 357, in Palaniappa Gounder v. State of
Tamil Nadu and others.9 In that case, the accused was awarded death penalty by the trial
court and the High Court on appeal commuted the sentence to life imprisonment but
imposed a fine of amount of Rs20,000/- , out of which Rs15,000/- must be paid to the
dependants of the victim. The apex court though upheld the order of High court in imposing
fine reduced it to RS 15,000/-. The court held though there is legitimacy to impose fine , it
was not necessary that it should always be used. Court also held that legitimacy is different
from propriety. Court stated that awarding fine together with death penalty would not serve
any social purpose.
AIR 1977 SC 1323
In Sarwan singh and others v. State of Punjab10 apex court held that while awarding
compensation court should first determine whether it is a fit case for awarding the same. If
it is found that compensation may be awarded, the court should consider whether the
accused is capable of paying the compensation, as otherwise it would not serve any
purpose. Court also held that while awarding compensation under Sec 357 several factors
like the nature of offence, capacity of the accused, justness of the claims of the victim etc
and other relevant factors must be taken into consideration and has laid down that the
amount of fine out of which compensation is to be paid shall not be excessive.
In Jacob George v. State of Kerala11, Supreme Court held that the order of payment of
compensation under Sec 357 may be enforced by imposing sentence in default of it. Court
also held that in the effort to protect the rights of the accused, the victim or his family, who
had been incapacitated by the criminal act of the accused, cannot be forgotten. It may be
true that the life or the honour which is lost cannot be recompensed but monetary
compensation would at least provide some solace. The change in trend may be because of
momentum that was taking place in the international arena especially in the wake of
Declaration on Basic principles of justice to victims of crime and abuse of power, 1985.
In spite of that courts were reluctant to exercise power under Sec 357, and the apex court
had in several cases exhorted the courts to exercise this power. The apex court had also
called for setting up of victim compensation Board, which also went into deaf ears. Apart
from that, another trend shown by higher judiciary was to reduce the quantum of
substantive sentence given by the trial court and at the same time to enhance the quantum
of fine to be awarded as compensation. The courts had adopted this strategy as it might had
felt that the enhanced compensation would give more solace to the victim and that it would
serve the social purpose of awarding punishment more effectively. In some cases when
court did not interfere with the sentence, it had reduced the amount of compensation. Thus
it can be seen that court was reluctant to impose fine when severe punishment is provided.
It was also evident that whenever compensation is provided there is a trend to reduce the
quantum of substantive sentence. Thus in the sentencing process, the compensation is
AIR 1978 SC 1525
AIR 1978 SC 1525
In Dilip S Dahanukar v. Kotak mahindra Co. and Anr12, it was even held that an enquiry,
though of summary nature may be made as to determine the paying capacity of the accused.
The Court also held that though power under Sec 357 (3) is not subject to any limitation, it
should not be used arbitrarily and must be used only in appropriate cases. Thus it could be
stated though compensation may be awarded under Sec 357, it was limited in scope as it
could be awarded only if there is conviction and several factors have to be taken into
consideration while awarding compensation.
However it is heartening to note that in State of Punjab v. Ajaib Sing13h the apex court had
directed the accused to deposit an amount of RS 5 lakhs to be paid as compensation to the
victims though he was acquitted by the lower court.
Though not under Section 357, the apex court and High Courts had awarded compensation
to victims of crime under Article 32 and 226 respectively as public law remedy. As far as
sexual offences are concerned; the apex courts contribution is really laudable.
In Delhi Domestic working womens forum v. Union of India14 the apex court had laid
down several parameters in assisting victims of rape had directed that in the case of rape,
and held that compensation must be awarded to the victim whether or not accused is
convicted by the criminal injuries compensation Board. But in spite of that victims right to
compensation was not fully satisfied in criminal justice system. This situation was
highlighted by Malimath Committee in its report. Though victim compensation scheme was
incorporated in the legal frame work by Crpc (Amendment) Act, 2008, and Sec 357 A had
been incorporated, the award of compensation had not become a rule. In fact some positive
trends have become evident in recent years.
2007(6) SCC 528
AIR 1995 SC 975
1995) 1 Scc 14
For instance in Ankush Shiwaji Gaikwad v. The state of Maharashtra15, Supreme Court
had held that, taking into consideration the legislative intention of the provisions relating to
victim compensation; it seemed that this power was conferred on the court to reassure the
victim that he is not a forgotten party in the criminal justice system. Hence Sec 357 must be
read as to confer an obligation on the courts to apply their mind in the question of
compensation in criminal case. Otherwise it would defeat the very object of enacting this
provision. Thus the word may used in Sec 357 must be read as shall. Therefore apex
court held that though awarding or refusing to award compensation may be within the
discretion of the court, there exists a mandatory obligation on the part of the court to apply
its mind in every criminal case. This necessarily implies recording of reasons for awarding
or refusing compensation. The court must consider the issue of awarding compensation,
only when the conviction of the accused is recorded. An enquiry may be conducted as to
the capacity of the accused to pay the compensation before fixing the sentence and the
compensation. Thus it can be stated the power of the court to award compensation is tied
with an obligation for the same. Thus it is submitted that though there is no mandatory
obligation on the part of the state to award compensation under Sec 357, it is really
laudable that judiciary imposed a mandatory obligation on the part of courts to decide in
every criminal case the necessity as to awarding of compensation. This is really a welcome
trend as far as providing justice to the victims.
As far as Sec 357 A of Crpc is concerned, though it was incorporated in 2009, it is only
very recently that the Supreme court had begun to intervene. In Re: Indian woman says
gang raped on orders of village court published in Business and financial news dated 23-01-
2014, the Honble apex court Suo Moto took action based on news item and directed the
District judge to inspect the place and give report. The court held that victim has suffered
due to failure on the part of the state to protect her. Though her lost prestige and honour
could not be regained, the monetary compensation could be of some solace. Court held that
by virtue of Sec357 A, state Governments has a responsibility to formulate the schemes for
compensation of the victim which is mandatory in nature. It is for the District or the State
Legal Services Authority to determine the quantum of compensation in each case, though
AIR 2013 SC 2454
no rigid formula has been evolved in this regard. In this case, the court awarded a
compensation of Rs 5 lakhs as interim compensation under Sec 357 A.
Regarding victims of acid attack, under Sec 357 A, in Laxmi v. Union of India16, the
Supreme Court, had held that, a uniform compensation of Rs 3 lakhs must be paid by all
states and union territories to the victims. Of which 1 lakh should be paid immediately
within 15 days and remaining 2 lakhs should be within 2 months as expeditiously as
possible.The apex court even stated that compensation must be provided to the victim
irrespective of the outcome of the prosecution. For instance, in Abdul rashid v. State of
odisha and others it was held that Article 21 is not limited to providing compensation when
state or its agencies is guilty of an act but also to rehabilitate the victim or his family when
crime is committed against him. It was stated that Art 357 A was incorporated as a need
was felt to provide compensation to the victim irrespective of the outcome of the
prosecution. In this case court awarded interim compensation to the father of the victim
under Sec 357A.
A land mark decision in victim compensation under Sec 357A came very recently in
Suresh v. State of Haryana17. In this case the Supreme Court awarded an interim
compensation under Sec 357 A, and directed the state to pay an amount of Rs 10 lakhs to
the family of the victims who had been abducted and murdered. Court held that High Court
ought to have had awarded the compensation even without an application from the
dependants. The apex court lamented that though several years had passed since the
enactment of Sec 357A, the award of compensation has not become a rule and interim
compensation was not being granted by courts. The court gave the following directions:
2014) 4 SCC 427
2015 Cri L J 661
whether the victim was identifiable and whether the victim of crime require
immediate financial relief.
2. On being satisfied either on application or suo moto, the court ought to direct the
grant of interim compensation, subject to the final determination of compensation at
a later stage. This duty continues at every stage of criminal case, where
compensation ought to be given but not given, irrespective of the application by the
3. At the stage of final hearing , it is obligatory on the part of the court to advert to the
provision and record a finding as to whether a case for grant of compensation had
been made, if so who is entitled to compensation and how much.
5. Gravity of the offence and need of victim are to be the guiding factors, apart from
other factors which are relevant to the facts and circumstances of the case.
The court also directed the states of Andra Pradesh, Telengana, Madhya Pradesh and
Meghalaya to notify the scheme within one month from the date of receipt of the copy of
the order. The court also directed that a copy of the judgement be forwarded to the National
judicial Academy so that all judicial officers in the country can be imparted with the
requisite knowledge so as to make the provision operative and meaningful.
Thus it can be seen that apex court is making all endeavour to properly implement the
beneficial provisions as to victim compensation. It is of no doubt that if the directions of
Spume Court are implemented effectively, it may give some solace to the ailing soul and
body of the victim and his dependents. This decision again points to the lack of
comprehensive legislation in this regard.
Every crime depicts the failure on the obligation of the state to respect, protect and fulfil the
human rights of its subjects. Not only that every single crime, evidences failure on the part
of state, to maintain law and order, harmony and tranquillity in the society, to protect life
and property of the people and to use its authority to suppress crime and punish offenders.
Crime often entails substantive harm to people and not merely symbolic harm to the social
order. Therefore it is desirable that the structures of criminal justice as well as their
theoretical bases should reflect the interests of individual victims as well as the broader
interests of the state. In fact law commission, National Commission to review the working
of the constitution, Malimath Committee and also several decisions of the apex court have
unanimously highlighted the need to provide justice to the victims including right to
assistance and compensation in all stages of criminal justice process. It is not to be forgotten
that if the victim chooses not to cooperative with the criminal justice system, the whole
system will collapse. Hence there is an urgent necessity to streamline the criminal justice
system by legitimately including victims rights in the system, especially right to monetary
compensation. It should be made available whether or not conviction of the accused take
place or whether he is apprehended or trial has begun or not. In fact the contribution of
judiciary with respect to providing compensation for violation of his human rights is really
appreciable. With respect to sec 357 also the judiciary through its creative interpretation had
attempted to provide remedy to the victim.
It is now mandatory that court should determine in every criminal case the necessity as to
awarding compensation.
The criminal Procedure (Amendment) act, 2008 which incorporated Sec 357 a providing for
victim compensation fund is a giant leap in this regard. The recent contribution of apex
court in implementing this provision is also appreciable and that presently it has become
obligatory on the part of court to provide interim compensation in deserving cases. Now
that victim could get some solace by means of interim compensation provided under the
scheme. It is not necessary that conviction of the offender must be recorded. Though
Supreme Court has taken initiative to make the judicial members to be aware of this
scheme, it is also necessary that common men also must be made aware of this provision.
Legal awareness camps must be held in this regard. It is also important that wider publicity
must be given in the media as to the availability of this scheme. At the same time it is also
necessary that there should be uniformity as to the amount of compensation and that it is
arbitrarily low in some states as lamented by Supreme Court in Suresh v. State of Haryana.
Though the Honourable apex court has strived to achieve uniformity in this regard, it
highlights an urgent requirement for a comprehensive legislation on victims right.
Criminal Procedure Code-1973