Interaction Between Transverse Force, Bending Moment and Axial Force Interaction Between Transverse Force, Bending Moment and Axial Force Interaction Between Transverse Force, Bending Moment and Axial Force
in which r is the radius of curvature of the compression flange.
(3) If the girder is provided with transverse web stiffeners, the limiting value of bw / tw may be
increased by
the factor 2
1(bw / a) .
6.7.8 Web stiffeners Rigid end post
(1) The rigid end post (see Figure 6.27) should act as a bearing stiffener resisting the reaction
from bearings
at the girder support, and as a short beam resisting the longitudinal membrane stresses in the
plane of the
(2) A rigid end post may comprise of one stiffener at the girder end and one double-sided
transverse stiffener
that together form the flanges of a short beam of length hf , see Figure 6.27(b). The strip of web
between the stiffeners forms the web of the short beam. Alternatively, an end post may be in the
form of an
inserted section, connected to the end of the web plate.
(4) The double-sided transverse stiffener may act as a bearing stiffener resisting the reaction at
the girder
support (see 6.2.11).
(5) The stiffener at the girder end should have a cross-sectional area of at least 4h t / e 2w
f where e is the
centre to centre distance between the stiffeners and e 0,1hf , see Figure 6.27(b).
EN 1999-1-1: 2007 (E)
(6) If an end post is the only means of providing resistance against twist at the end of a girder,
the second
moment of area of the end-post section about the centre-line of the web (Iep ) should satisfy:
Ed /(250 Ed )
Iep b t f R W (6.152)
tf is the maximum value of flange thickness along the girder
REd is the reaction at the end of the girder under design loading
WEd is the total design loading on the adjacent span. Non-rigid end post and bolted connection
(1) A non-rigid end post may be a single double-sided stiffener as shown in Figure 6.27(c). It
may act as a
bearing stiffener resisting the reaction at the girder support (see 6.2.11).
(2) The shear force resistance for a bolted connection as shown in Figure 6.27(c) may be
assumed to be the
same as for a girder with a non-rigid end post provided that the distance between bolts is p <
40tw. Intermediate transverse stiffeners
(1) Intermediate stiffeners that act as rigid supports of interior panels of the web should be
checked for
strength and stiffness.
(2) Other intermediate transverse stiffeners may be considered flexible, their stiffness being
considered in the
calculation of k_ in
(3) Intermediate transverse stiffeners acting as rigid supports for web panels should have a
minimum second
moment of area I st :
if a / hw 2 : I h t3 / a2
st w
w 1,5 (6.153)
if a / hw 2 : I h t3
st 0,75 w w (6.154)
The strength of intermediate rigid stiffeners should be checked for an axial force equal to
VEd vbwtw f v /M1 where v is calculated for the web panel between adjacent transverse
assuming the stiffener under consideration removed. In the case of variable shear forces the
check is
performed for the shear force at distance 0,5hw from the edge of the panel with the largest
shear force. Longitudinal stiffeners
(1) Longitudinal stiffeners may be either rigid or flexible. In both cases their stiffness should be
taken into
account when determining the relative slenderness w in
(2) If the value of w is governed by the sub-panel then the stiffener may be considered as rigid.
(3) The strength should be checked for direct stresses if the stiffeners are taken into account for
direct stress.