Concept Turn 105 - en

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The document provides detailed technical specifications for the Concept TURN 105 CNC lathe machine and its various components and options.

The machine has a working area of 180mm swing over bed and 75mm swing over cross slide. The main spindle speed ranges from 150-4000rpm. The machine also has features such as a tool turret, coolant system, automatic lubrication and more.

The machine can be controlled using various control systems including Siemens 810D/840D, Fanuc Series 0/21, Emcotronic T02 and others.

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Concept TURN 105

PC-controlled CNC table lathe
with interchangeable control

Control software

SIEMENS 810/820
GE FANUC Series 21
GE FANUC Series 0

Subject to technical modifications.

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A. Technical data of the machine 3

B. Technical data of the PC control 5

C. Technical data of control WinNC SIEMENS 810/820 T 6

D. Technical data of control WinNC SIEMENS 810D/840D 9

E. Technical data of control WinNC GE FANUC Series 0 / 21-T 13

F. Technical data of control WinNC EMCOTRONIC T02 16

G. Technical data of control WinNC PAL 19

H. Technical data of control EMCO WinCAM 22


I. Basic machine 25

J. Clamping devices for workpieces 27

K. Toolholders 28

L. Tools 29

M. Accessories 32

N. Setting tools 32

O. Accessories for automation 33

P. EMCO Serial PC 35

Q. Manuals 36

R. Courseware 37

S. Catalogues 39

T. Packing 39


A. Declaration of conformity

Subject to technical modifications.

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A. Technical data of the machine

Working area
Center height [mm] 90
Distance between centers (spindle nose live center) [mm] 236
Swing over bed [mm] 180
Swing over cross slide [mm] 75
Max. size of workpiece for chuck parts with tailstock [mm] 75 x 121
Travel in X-axis [mm] 55
Travel in Z-axis [mm] 172
Main spindle
Range of spindle speed (stepless) [rpm] 150 - 4000
Max.torque ( 60% duty cycle) [Nm] 14
Spindle nose accord. to factory standard
Bearing, front bearing diameter Taper roller bearing,
Spindle bore [mm] 20,5
Hole through manual chuck [mm] 18
Main drive
AC motor, power [kW] 1,9
Tool system
Tool turret without directional logic
Number of tools alternatively inside/outside 8
Height and width of shank for outside tools [mm] 12 x 12
Bore for inside tools [mm] 16
Switch time (T1/T2/T3 = 45/180/315) [s] 1,4/3,5/5,5
Feed drive
3 phase step motor with a resolution of [mm] 0,0015
Rapid traverse in X/Z [m/min] 5
Feed rate in X/Z (stepless) [m/min] 0-5
Max. feed force [N] 2000
Positioning variation Ps according VDI 3441 in X/Z [mm] 0,005/0,005
Tailstock ( integrated live center)
Quill stroke [mm] 120
Quill diameter [mm] 35
Coolant equipment (option)
Tank volume [l] 35
Max. coolant velocity [l/min] 15
Max. coolant pressure [bar] 0,5
Pneumatic unit (option)
Pneumatic unit for automation accessories:
Automatic door, pneumatic chuck and parts catcher
Supply pressure [bar] 6
Air hose connection [mm] 10

Subject to technical modifications.

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Lubrication system
Guideways and feed spindle nuts Automatic oil central
Main spindle bearing lifetime
grease lubrication
Automatic clamping devices (option)
Solid clamping cylinder with pneumatic 3-jaw power chuck including
stroke control and blow-out unit
Spindle bore [mm] 20,5
Chuck diameter [mm] 85
Machine base for machine (option)
Total length x total depth x total height [mm] 1135x1100x800
Weight [kg] ca. 120
Automatic door (option)
Automatic door (pneumatic), incl.stroke control
Light grey similar RAL 7040
Red similar RAL 3002
Black similar RAL 7021
Electrical connection
Voltage supply [V] 230 1/N/PE
Admissible voltage fluctuation [%] +10/-10
Frequency [Hz] 50/60
Connection value of the machine [kVA] 2,3
Main fuse [A] 16
Height of rotation axis above ground [mm] 267
Total height [mm] 1030
Total length and total depth [mm] 1135 1100
Total weight of the machine (without machine base) [kg] 350
Machine acceptance
Accord. Din 8615, part 1
Safety rules
Acc. EEC-/ CE
EN292 part 1/2, EN60204 part1
EEC machine guiding rules appendix 1

Subject to technical modifications.

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B. Technical data of the PC-control system

Control system with PC and control keyboard (option)

Interchangeable control-specific keyboard (not contained in delivery)
Separate PC with 14 VGA-colour display (not contained in delivery)

PC-minimum configuration

IBM-compatible Celeron 700 MHz

Hard disk 4 GB
Disk drives 31/2 disk drive
CD-ROM drive
Control modes Windows 98
Main store 128 MB
Graphic card 8 MB VGA
Colour display 14 VGA
Networkcard__________________________________________with the ability for a TCP/IP protocol
1 free USB port (If you use the external control keyboard)

See chapter P.

Subject to technical modifications.

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C. Technical data
WinNC SIEMENS 810/820 T
Change of the control modes via softkeys
Graphic simulation in line graphics
Detailed error message about drive problems and programming faults
Operation via PC keyboard, digitizer or control keyboard
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish and Dutch
Main programs, subroutines, tool data, position offsets will be stored permanently

Type of the Control system

Micro-processor 2-axis path control
Linear and circular interpolation


Input resolution 0,001 mm

Feed rate control 0 - 120 %
Spindle rate control 50 - 120 %
Range of interpolation +/- 9999,999 mm
Tool corrections 99
Circular interpolation up to 360

Control modes

Diagnostics, data in/output, automatic measuring of tools, automatic measuring of
position offsets, skip block, dry run, setting data, blue print programming

Format of NC-code
According to DIN 66025

Data in/output
RS 232 port (V24, 150 - 9600 baud)
Storing and reading programs on/from hard disk and disk drive
Output to printer

Subject to technical modifications.

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% Main program number

N Block number
/N skipped number
G G-code
X, Z Position data in metric/inch
X Dwell time in s
A Angle in degrees for blue print programming and polar coordinates
B Chamfer/Radius in metric/inch for blue print programming
or circle radius in metric/inch
I, K Circle parameter in metric/inch or thread pitch in mm
D Number of tool correction
P Number of repetition of a subroutine
R Parameters for calculation
F Feed rate in mm/min, inch/min, mm/rev, inch/rev and Dwell in s
S Constant revolution in rpm or cutting speed in mm/min, inch/min
Spindle speed limit in rpm
T Tool number
L Subroutine number
Cycle number
M Miscellaneous functions
@ @-Code for creating cycles and for arithmetical operations
= Separation, always necessary for arithmetical operations
e.g. R35=13.5
+ Addition with parameters
- Subtraction with parameters
* Multiplication with parameters
/ Division with parameters
( Beginning of a remark
) End of remark
LF Block end


G0 Linear interpolation, rapid traverse

G1 Linear interpolation, feed rate
G2/G3 Circular interpolation clockwise/counter clockwise
G4 Dwell time
G9 Exact position
G10 .. G13 Polar coordinate interpolation
G25, G26 Min./max. working area limitation
G33 Thread cutting
G40 .. G42 Cutter radius compensation
G48 Abandon as approach
G50, G51 Selection / cancellation of scale change
G53 .. G59 Position offsets
G60, G62, Type of path operation

Subject to technical modifications.

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G70, G71 Measuring in inch/metric

G90, G91 Absolute/incremental programming
G92 Spindle speed limit for G96
G94 Feed rate in mm/min or inch/min and spindle speed
G95 Feed rate in mm/rev or inch/rev and spindle speed
G96 Constant cutting speed
G97 Constant revolution in r.p.m.
G147, G148 Approach/abandon contour with straight line
G247, G248 Approach/abandon contour with quadrant-circle
G347, G348 Approach/abandon contour with semi circle


M0 Programmed stop, unconditional

M1 Programmed stop, conditional
M2 End of program
M3 Main spindle on, clockwise
M4 Main spindle on, counter clockwise
M5 Main spindle off
M8 Coolant on
M9 Coolant off
M17 End of subroutine
M20 Tailstock sleeve back
M21 Tailstock sleeve forward
M30 End of program with return to program start
M71 Blow out ON
M72 Blow out OFF


L93 Grooving cycles

L94 Groove pattern cycle
L95 Roughing cycle with back pockets
L96 Roughing cycle without back pockets
L97 Threading cycle
L971 EMCO - threading cycle
L98 Deep hole drilling cycle
L99 Chaining of threads


Reproduced software status GA3

Subject to technical modifications.

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D. Technical data

Operation like the industrial control Sinumerik 810 D & 840 D MMC 100.2 with horizontal and vertical
Graphic simulation in line graphics with autozoom
Detailed error message about drive problems and programming faults
Operation via PC keyboard, digitizer, control keyboard or mouse
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish
Main programs, subroutines, tool data register and workpiece management will be stored permanently
Position offset will be stored per pressing the store button
Program titles can be given without limit
Windows oriented, modern user interface
Comprehensive editor with intermediate memory storage function
Unlimited NC-Program size (limited only by the size of the hard disc)

Type of the Control system

PC based multiprocessor control
Linear, circular, helical and thread interpolation


Input resolution of the CNC-program unlimited

Feed rate control 0 - 120 %
Spindle rate control 50 - 120 %
Range of interpolation Unlimited
Number of tools 32000
Number of tool correction 9 per tool
Circular interpolation up to 360

Main-control modes

Sub-control modes

Diagnostics, data in/output of workpiece program files (WPD) which can include several main- and
subprograms and further the corresponding tool data,
automatic measuring of tools, automatic measuring of position offsets, skip block, dry run, setting data,
intermediate memory storage, preliminary block run, editor with cycles including help functions and
pictures, contour processor with diagram.

Subject to technical modifications.

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Format of NC-code
According to DIN66025 and further
CNC-high level language programming like
Program titles of main- and subprograms can be given without limitation
Parameter names can be given without limitation
Long program titles
Frame concept
Programming of conditional jump (e.g. if)
Programming of unconditional jump (e.g. go to)
Programming of loopings (for, loop, while, repeat)
Access to system variables
Use of symbolic variables and constants
Use of R-Parameters
Comprehensive mathematic functions (e.g. sin, cos, tan, log, etc.)
Boolean functions (and, or, ), bitwise logical operators (B_and, B_or, )
Similar programming possibilities as in the programming language BASIC
Macro programming

Data in/output
RS 232 port (V24, 150 - 57600 baud)
Storing and reading programs on/from hard disk and disk drive
Output to printer

ANG angle data
AP Polar angle
AR Circle angle of spread
CR Circle radius
D Select of deselect of the tool compensation / Tool edge number
F Feed dwell time in seconds
G G-code (travel conditions)
H Auxiliary functions
I Circle interpolation, the circle centre has to be stated
I1 Circle interpolation CIP, the intermediate point has to be stated
J Circle interpolation, the circle centre has to be stated
J1 Circle interpolation CIP, the intermediate point has to be stated
K Circle interpolation, the circle centre has to be stated
K1 Circle interpolation CIP, the intermediate point has to be stated
L Subroutine program call
M Miscellaneous functions (Additional functions)
N Block number
P Number of repetition of a subroutine
R Arithmetic parameters
RP Polar radius
S Spindle speed or cutting speed
SPOS Spindle position
T Tool number
X Linear axis parallel to table front edge
Y Linear axis
Z Linear axis vertical (milling head)
: Main block

Subject to technical modifications.

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G - codes
G0 Rapid travers motion
G1 Feed motion
G2 Circular interpolation clockwise
G3 Circular interpolation counter clockwise
CIP Circle through points
G4 Dwell time
G17-19 Plane selection
G25 Min. working area limitation/spindle speed limitation
G26 Max. working area limitation/spindle speed limitation
G33 Thread cutting with constant lead
G40-42 Tool radius correction
G53,G500 De-selection of the zero offset
G60 Velocity reduction, exact positioning
G601/G602 Block change at exact positioning fine / coarse
G603 Block change at end of interpolation block
G63 Tapping without synchronization
G64 Continous path mode
G641 Continous path mode with programmable rounding distance
G70 Input system inch
G71 Input system metric
G90 Absolute dimension input
G91 Incremental dimension input
G94 Linear feedrate in mm/min, inch/min
G95 Revolutional feedrate mm/rev, inch/rev
G96 Constant cutting velocity ON
G97 Constant cutting velocity OFF
G110-112 Pole programming
G450/G451 Transition/Intersection of equidistances
G247/G248 Soft start/end of axis motion

Subject to technical modifications.

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M - codes
M0 Programmed stop
M1 Optional stop (program stop only when OPT.STOP)
M2 End of program
M3 Main spindle ON, clockwise
M4 Main spindle ON, counter clockwise
M5 Spindle STOP
M6 Tool change (has to be an own block)
M8 Coolant ON
M9 Coolant OFF
M17 End of subroutine
M20 Tailstock sleeve back
M21 Tailstock sleeve forward
M25 Clamping device OPEN
M26 Clamping device CLOSE
M30 End of program
M71 Blow out ON
M72 Blow out OFF

CYCLE81 Drilling, centering
CYCLE82 Drilling, counterboring
CYCLE83 Deep-hole drilling
CYCLE83E Deep-hole drilling (EMCO cycle)
CYCLE840 Tapping with floating tapholder
CYCLE85-89 Bore cycles 1-5
CYCLE93 Recessing cycle
CYCLE94 Undercutting cycle
CYCLE95 Stock removal cycle
CYCLE96 Thread undercut cycle
CYCLE97 Thread cutting cycle
CYCLE98 Chaining of threads

In this specification just a part of the huge functions and commands of the control WinNC
Sinumerik 810 D and 840 D are described.

Functions, which can be programmed, but due to the machine condition can not be carried
out, will be ignored and no alarm message will appear (e.g. round-axis programming)

Reproduced software status: 4.xx

Subject to technical modifications.

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E. Technical data
WinNC GE FANUC Series 0 / 21-T
Change of the control modes via softkeys
Graphic simulation in line graphics
Detailed error message about drive problems and programming faults
Operation via PC keyboard, digitizer or control keyboard
Languages: German, English, French and Spanish
Main programs, subroutines, tool data, position offsets will be stored permanently

Type of the Control system

Microprocessor 2-axis path control
Linear and circular interpolation


Input resolution 0,001 mm

Feed rate control 0 - 120 %
Spindle rate control 50 - 120 %
Range of interpolation +/- 9999,999 mm
Tool corrections 16
Circular interpolation up to 360

Control modes

Diagnostics, data in/output, automatic measuring of tools, skip block, dry run, setting data, blue print

Format of NC-code
According to DIN 66025

Data in/output
RS 232 port (V24, 150 - 9600 baud)
Storing and reading programs on/from hard disk and disk drive
Output to printer

Subject to technical modifications.

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O Program number (main program and sub-routine)

P Call up of subroutines (e.g. M98 P3000)
Jump code (e.g. M99 P150)
N Block number
/N Skip block
G G-code, cycles
X, Z, U, W Program coordinates in mm/inch
X, U, P Dwell time (X, U in s, P in ms)
A Angle in degrees for blue print programming
C Chamfer in mm/inch for blue print programming
R Radius in mm/inch for blue print programming
or circle radius in mm/inch
I, K Circle parameters in mm/inch
F Feed rate in mm/min or inch/min or thread pitch in mm
S Spindle speed in r.p.m. and cutting speed in m/min, inch/min
Spindle speed limit in r.p.m.
T Tool number, number of tool correction
M Miscellaneous functions
Q Cycle parameter
( Begin of remark
) End of remark
; Block end

G-Codes (Group C)

G0 Linear interpolation, rapid traverse

G1 Linear interpolation, feed rate
G2/G3 Circular interpolation clockwise/counter clockwise
G4 Dwell time
G10 Programmable data input
G70/G71 Measuring in inch/metric
G28 Return to reference point
G33 Thread cutting
G40 .. G42 Cutter radius compensation
G90, G91 Absolute/incremental programming
G92 Spindle speed limit
G94 Feed rate in mm/min or inch/min
G95 Feed rate in mm/rev
G96 Constant cutting speed
G97 Constant revolution
G98 Return to starting plane (drilling cycle)
G99 Return to withdrawal plane (drilling cycle)
G50, G51 De-/-selection modification scale and mirror function

Subject to technical modifications.

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M0 Programmed stop, unconditional

M1 Programmed stop, conditional
M3 Main spindle on, clockwise
M4 Main spindle on, counter clockwise
M5 Main spindle off
M8 Coolant on
M9 Coolant off
M20 Tailstock sleeve back
M21 Tailstock sleeve forward
M25 Clamping device open
M26 Clamping device close
M30 End of program with return to program start
M71 Blow-out on
M72 Blow-out off
M98 Call up subroutine
M99 End of subroutine, jump code

Cycles (Group A/C)

G70/G72 Finishing cycle

G71/G73 Turning cycle
G72/G74 Facing cycle
G73/G75 Pattern repeating
G74/G76 Deep hole drilling, peck drilling
G75/G77 Grooving cycle
G76/G78 Threading cycle
G80 Cancel drilling cycle
G83 Drilling cycle
G84 Tapping cycle
G85 Reaming cycle
G90/G20 Roughing cycle, simple
G92/G21 Threading cycle, simple
G94/G24 Facing cycle, simple

Subject to technical modifications.

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F. Technical data

Change of the control modes via softkeys
Graphic simulation in line graphics
Detailed error message about drive problems and programming faults
Operation via PC keyboard, digitizer or control keyboard
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish and Italian
Main programs, subroutines, tool data, position offsets will be stored permanently

Type of the Control system

Microprocessor, 2-axis path control
Linear and circular interpolation

Input resolution ____________________________________________________ 0,001 mm
Feed rate control 0 - 120 %
Spindle rate control 50 - 120 %
Range of interpolation _________________________________________ +/- 9999,999 mm
Tool corrections 99
Circular interpolation up to 360

Control modes

Data in/output, automatic measuring of tools, skip block, dry run, setting data.

Format of NC-code
According to DIN 66025

Data in/output
RS 232 port (V24, 150 - 9600 baud)
Storing and reading programs on/from hard disk and disk drive
Output to printer

Subject to technical modifications.

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O Main program number

N Block number
/N Skip block
G G-code, cycle
X, Z Absolute position data metric/inch
U, W Incremental position metric/inch
I, K Circle parameter in metric/inch or thread pitch in metric/inch
D Help parameters
P Help parameters
F Feed rate in mm/min, inch/min, mm/rev, inch/rev
S Spindle speed in r.p.m., cutting speed in mm/min, inch/min
Spindle speed limitation in r.p.m.
T Tool number, tool correction
L Subroutine number, repetition
M Miscellaneous functions


G0 Linear interpolation, rapid traverse

G1 Linear interpolation, feed rate
G2/G3 Circular interpolation, clockwise/counter clockwise
G4 Dwell time
G25 Subroutine call
G27 Unconditional jump
G33 Thread cutting
G40 .. G42 Cutter radius compensation
G50, G51 Select/cancellation of scale change
G53 .. G59 Position offset
G70, G71 Measuring inches/metrical
G92 Spindle speed limitation
G94 Feed rate in mm/min or inch/min
G95 Feed rate in mm/rev or inch/rev
G96 Constant cutting speed
G97 Constant revolution

Subject to technical modifications.

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M0 Programmed stop, unconditional

M3 Main spindle on, clockwise
M4 Main spindle on, counter clockwise
M5 Main spindle off
M8 Coolant on
M9 Coolant off
M17 End of subroutine
M19 Precise spindle stop
M20 Tailstock sleeve back
M21 Tailstock sleeve forward
M30 End of program with return to program start
M38 Precise spindle stop on
M39 Precise spindle stop off


G84 Face and longitudinal turning cycles

G86 Thread cutting cycle
G87 Grooving cycle
G88 Drilling cycle with chip breaking
G89 Drilling cycle with lifting off

Subject to technical modifications.

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G. Technical data

Change of the control modes via softkeys
Graphic simulation in line graphics
Detailed error message about drive problems and programming faults
Operation via PC keyboard, digitizer or control keyboard
Languages: German
Main programs, subroutines, tool data, position offsets will be stored permanently

Type of the control system

Microprocessor 2-axis path control
Linear and circular interpolation

Input resolution 0,001 mm
Feed rate control 0 - 120 %
Spindle rate control 50 - 120 %
Range of interpolation +/- 9999,999 mm
Number of tool corrections 99
Circular interpolation up to 360

Control modes

Diagnostics, data in/output, automatic measuring of tools, automatic measuring of position
offsets, skip block, dry run, setting data

Format of NC-code
According to DIN 66025

Data in/output
RS 232 port (V24, 150 - 9600 Baud)
Storing and reading programs on/from hard disk and disk drive
Output to printer

Subject to technical modifications.

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% Program number
L Sub-routine number
N Block number
/N skipped number
G G-code, machining cycles
X, Z Position data in metric/inch
H Dwell time in sec., cycle parameter
I, K Circle parameter in metric/inch, cycle parameter
D,P,Q,R Cycle parameter
F Feed rate in mm/min or mm/ref, thread pitch
S Constant revolution in rpm or cutting speed in mm/min, inch/min
Spindle speed limit in rpm
T Tool number
M Miscellaneous functions
; Block end


G0 Linear interpolation, rapid traverse

G1 Linear interpolation, feed rate
G2 Circular interpolation clockwise
G3 Circular interpolation counter-clockwise
G4 Dwell time
G9 Exact position
G33 Thread cutting
G40 Deselect cutter radius compensation
G41 Select cutter radius compensation left
G42 Select cutter radius compensation right
G53 Deselect zero point offset
G54 Zero point offset adjustable
G59 Zero point offset programmable
G90 Absolute programming
G91 Incremental programming
G92 Spindle speed limit
G94 Feed rate in mm/min or inch/min
G95 Feed rate in mm/rev or inch/rev
G96 Constant cutting speed
G97 Constant revolution

Subject to technical modifications.

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M00 Programmed Stop, unconditional

M03 Spindle on, right
M04 Spindle on, left
M05 Spindle off
M08 Coolant on
M09 Coolant off
M17 End of subroutine
M20 Tailstock sleeve back
M21 Tailstock sleeve forward
M25 Open clamping device
M26 Close clamping device )
M30 End of main program
M71 Blow out ON
M72 Blow out OFF
max. 3 M-codes per set


G81 Cutting cycle

G82 Cutting cycle with radius
G83 Thread cutting cycle
G84 Drilling cycle

Subject to technical modifications.

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H. Technical data

WinCAM offers a continuous didactic concept starting with the simple creation of
workpiece contours in CAD mode via automatic interactive creation of the NC program in
CAM-mode up to the execution of the NC program at a connected NC machine.

Due to the completely structured online help WinCAM is suited optimally for training.

Scope of supply
Simple graphic surface
Creation of CAD workpiece contours
Adjustable clamping devices and unmachined parts
Automatic contour programming
Cycle assistance
Online-NC-program editor
Status displays of the programmed machine status
Tool library
Import and export interface
Measurement of clamping devices and tools
Assistance of various control and machine types
Online NC-machine functions
Online-help functions
3D simulation of machining

General Commands

File menu
New Open a new file
Open Open an existing drawing
Save Store the actual drawing
Save as Store the actual drawing under a new name
Import Import a DXF -file (possible until AUTOCAD 14)
Export Export the drawing in a DXF -file
Print Print the actual drawing
Information Short information about existing drawings
Exit Close the actual drawing and terminate WinCAM

Edit menu
Undo Cancel the last command
Delete Delete identified elements
Define CAM
Rawpiece Define CAM Rawpiece
Program Delete the actual NC-program
Redraw Redraw the actual screen contents

Subject to technical modifications.

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Display menu
Display Configuration of: Colour and type of a line, Cursor, Grid,
Reference position, rawpart, vice/chuck
Cursor step Configuration of the cursor step
Mouse sensibility Size of mouse area to identify elements
Autom. contour
definition Automatic contour definition on/off
Control type Selection of the NC-program format to be used
Machine type Working area of the used machine

Tool Library menu

Tool Library Configuration of the tool data and setup of the tool holder

Window menu
Tile Shows two windows in the same size
Cascade Shows a cascade positioning of the windows
Standard Restores the standard position of the windows
Plane Selects the actual window

Help menu
Short description Short description
Use Help Explanation for using help
About WinCAM
Version Acknowledgements, information about the software

Commands CAD-Part

CAD Mode
Identify elements with window
Zoom with window
Redraw with scale 1:1

Point Menu
Set help point
Set reference point
Reset reference point
Display construction points of the identified elements
Delete all construction points

Line Menu
Draw line
Draw polyline
Draw parallel with point
Draw parallel with space
Draw perpendicular
Insert chamfer
Draw tangent between arc and point
Draw tangent between arc and arc

Subject to technical modifications.

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Arc Menu
Draw circle with centerpoint and radius
Draw circle with centerpoint and point on arc
Arc with startpoint, endpoint and point on arc
Arc with startpoint, endpoint and radius
Insert radius
Insert radius between elements

Transformation Menu
Shifting, incremental
Shifting, absolute with reference point
Trim corner
Trim contour
Cut element

Commands CAM-Part Turning

CAM Mode
Position display on/off
Tool change

Cycle Menu
Thread cutting
Movement with feed
Rapid traverse

Main spindle on - left
Main spindle stop
Main spindle on - right
Chuck open/close (automation)
Sleeve forward/back (automation)
Coolant on/off
Door open/close (automation)

Commands NC-Part Turning

NC Mode
Position display on/off
Tool change (direct machine control)

Main spindle on - left (direct machine control)
Main spindle stop (direct machine control)
Main spindle on - right (direct machine control)
Chuck open/close (automation, direct machine control)
Sleeve forward/back (automation, direct machine control)
Door open/close (automation, direct machine control)

Subject to technical modifications.

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I. Basic machine


PC controlled CNC table lathe A7F 000

Machine complete with fully enclosed working area,

safety units acc. to CE-regulations, 8-station tool
turret, manual tailstock, central lubrication, machine
lamp, electrical and mechanical preparation for
automation, tool-set for operation.

PC and control keyboard are not
included in basic machine!

WinNC control software,

machine license

In case of order please indicate required control:

SIEMENS 810/820, (32 bit) X5A C00

SIEMENS 810D/840D, (32 bit) X3Y 200
GE FANUC Series 0, (32 bit) X5A C50
GE FANUC Series 21, (32 bit) X3Y 300
EMCOTRONIC TM02, (32 bit) X5A E00
PAL (32-bit) X3A 000

EMCO WinCAM (32 bit) X8A 010

WinCAM contains the NC-size ISO. Furthermore

WinCAM contains also the exportfilter for Sinumerik
810D / 840D.

- Optional NC-program edition sizes:

- NC-Format SIEMENS 810/820-T 286 001

- NC-Format GE FANUC Series 0 / 21-T 286 002
- NC-Format EMCOTRONIC TM02 286 003
- NC-Format NUM 760 286 004

EMCO Win 3D-View, turning

3D-graphic simulation
Option for WinNC

EMCO Win 3D-View, turning, machine license X5A 150

Subject to technical modifications.

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Control keyboard basic case

Incl. connection cable RS 232 X9B 000

TFT- Display

incl. display cable, power supply and attaching X9Z 600


Main cable VDE A4Z 010

Main cable BSI A4Z 030
Main cable UL A4Z 050

Control keyboard key module


7 B

8 C

9 D



SIEMENS 810 X9Z 010N
F1 4 5 6 *
F2 K
1 L
2 M
3 N
O [ SIEMENS 820 X9Z 020N

SIEMENS 810D/840D X9Z 040N

P Q R S T ]
= 0 . +




\ V



GE FANUC Series 0 X9Z 110N
F8 - < > " GE FANUC Series 21 X9Z 130N


: $

PAL X9Z 510N



7 8 9 / (




3 N
O [
SIEMENS 810-T ZVP 663002
0 R
. S
T ]
SIEMENS 820-T ZVP 663004




SIEMENS 810D/840D-T ZVP 663840
- < > "

: $ %

GE FANUC Series 0-T ZVP 663012


M >

+X +Q


60 70 80

GE FANUC Series 21-T ZVP 663210
EDIT 6 110
-Q -X 0 120



Recommended Digitizer :
Genius HiSketch 1212

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 27/41

J. Clamping devices for workpieces


3-jaw lathe chuck

Chuck diameter 82 mm V4W 186R

incl. 1 set of inside/outside graduated hard jaws

Clamping jaws

Jaws for V4W 186R V0W 013R

1 set of toothed soft jaws

Hollow spindle stopper

Quickly adjustable, Rauscher type 1 271 015

Not for pneumatic chuck!

Face driver

A7Z 390

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 28/41

K. Toolholders

Collet holder

With clamping nut for collets type ESX 16 A7Z 760


Set of 12 collets 152 700

Type of collet ESX 16
Diameter 1-10 mm

Collets (individual)
Type ESX 16

1 mm 152 710
1,5 mm 152 715
2 mm 152 720
2,5 mm 152 725
3 mm 152 730
4 mm 152 740
5 mm 152 750
6 mm 152 760
7 mm 152 770
8 mm 152 780
9 mm 152 790
10 mm 152 800

Tap holder

4 pcs. tap holders with length compensation for taps

M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M10 and 6 pcs. reduction A7Z 280
sleeves for the core diameter twist drills

Reduction sleeves

12 pcs., 2 12 mm A7Z 270

for twist drills 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 3x10, 12

Die holder

Diameter 16mm, for threads M2 - M2,5 A7Z 700

Diameter 20mm, for threads M3 - M6 A7Z 710

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 29/41

L. Tools

Roughing tool left

No. PCLNC K12 T 271 040

Copying tool left

No. SDJCL 1212 D07 271 050

Copying tool right

No. SDJCR 1212 D07 271 070

Copying tool neutral

No. SDNCN 1212 D07 271 060

OD-thread tool left

No. NL 12-3 LH 271 100

OD-thread tool right

No. NL 12-3 RH 271 110

Parting off tool

No. L150.15.15.1212-3/M0 271 080

Roughing bore bar holder

No. S16H SCLCL 09 271 120

16 x 100 mm

Boring bar holder

No. S16H SDUCL 07 271 130

16 x 100 mm

Boring bar holder

No. S10D SDUCL 07 271 140

10 x 60 mm

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 30/41


ID-thread tool right

No. NVR 10-2 RH 260 627

10 x 60 mm for inside threads 0,5-1,5 mm

ID-thread tool right

Nr. NVR 16-3 RH 271 180

16 x 100 mm for inside threads 1,75-3 mm

ID-thread tool left

No. NVR 10-2 LH 271 170

10 x 60 mm for inside threads 0,5 - 1,5 mm

ID-thread tool left

No. NVR 16-3 LH 271 190

16 x 100 mm for inside threads 1,75 - 3 mm

Drills, HSS

25 twist drills 1-13mm (0.5 mm graduated) 781 280

9 twist drills 2-10 mm (1 mm graduated) 260 628

Twist drills for core holes, HSS

5 core hole drills 2.5, 3.3, 4.2, 5.0, 6.8 mm 771 120
6 core hole drills 2.5 - 8.5 mm 271 230

Twist drills, HSS

12 mm, extra short accord. DIN 1897 271 200

16 mm, extra short accord. DIN 1897 271 210

Centre drill, HSS

6,8 mm 573 770

A8, DIN 333 271 220

Screw taps, HSS DIN 352

6 screw taps M3 - M10 in box 781 310

Screw tap M3 (shank 3,5 mm) 781 301

Screw tap M4 (shank 4,5 mm) 781 302
Screw tap M5 (shank 6 mm) 781 303
Screw tap M6 (shank 6 mm) 781 304
Screw tap M8 (shank 6 mm) 781 305
Screw tap M10 (shank 7 mm) 781 306

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 31/41


Indexable inserts for steel

No. CCMT 09T304 EN Gm43
for: 271 040, 271 120 (10pcs.) 271 045
Indexable inserts for alu
No. CCGT 09T304 - 27 H10T
for: 271 040, 271 120 (10pcs.) 271 046
Indexable inserts for steel
No. DCMT 070204 EN Gm25
for: 271 050, 271 060, 271 070, 271 055
271 130, 271 140 (10pcs.)
Indexable inserts for alu
No. DCGT 070204-27 H10T
for: 271 050, 271 060, 271 070, 271 056
271 130, 271 140 (10pcs.)
Indexable inserts for parting off tool, 3mm
No. 150-15-9030-16 S25M
for: 271 080 (5pcs.) 271 085
Indexable inserts for OD-thread tool, left
pitch 0,5 - 1,5 mm
No. 16EL T A60 S36T 271 105
for: 271 100 (5pcs.)
Indexable isnerts for OD-thread tool, left
pitch 1,75 - 3 mm
No. 16EL T A60 S36T 271 106
for: 271 100 (5pcs.)
Indexable inserts for OD-thread tool, right
pitch 0,5 - 1,5 mm
No. 16ER T A60 S36T 271 115
for: 271 110 (5pcs.)
Indexable isnerts for OD-thread tool, right
pitch 1,75 - 3 mm
No. 16ER T A60 S36T 271 116
for: 271 110 (5pcs.)
Indexable inserts for ID-thread tool, right
pitch 0,5 - 1,5 mm
No. 11IR T A60 S36T 260 626
for: 260 627 (5pcs.)
Indexable inserts for ID-thread tool, right
pitch 1,75 - 3 mm
No. 16IR T A60 S36T 271 185
for: 271 180 (5pcs.)
Indexable inserts for ID-thread tool, left
pitch 0,5 - 1,5 mm
No. 11IL T A60 S36T 271 175
for: 271 170 (5pcs.)
Indexable inserts for ID-thread tool, left
pitch 1,75 - 3 mm
No. 16IL T A60 S36T 271 195
for: 271 190 (5pcs.)

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 32/41

M. Accessories

Coolant equipment

Coolant equipment with 35l tank and a coolant pump A7Z 360
capacity of 15 l/min

Levelling element

4 pcs. required, when using a machine base F3Z 150

Machine base

Base including: drawer for tools and other devices, A7Z 210
deposit for PC-tower and coolant equipment.
WxDxH 1135x1100x800 mm
Basic machine not mounted on machine base, when

Swivel table

Deposit for monitor and control keyboard. A7Z 430

With drawer for PC-keyboard. Height adjustment
with gas-pressure-spring from 720 to 970 mm.
Swivelling range +/- 30. Installation on both sides
possible. Installation left: Extension lead for monitor,
keyboard and mouse necessary!
WxD 845x550 mm. Table area 700x550 mm

N. Setting tools

Optical tool presetting device

For registration of tool datas in X- and Z-direction A7Z 610

Subject to technical modifications.

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Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 34/41

O. Accessories for automation


Pneumatic unit

Prepared for connection of automatic door, A8Z 550

pneumatic chuck, pneumatic tailstock and blow out
unit for pneumatic chuck.

Automatic door

Incl. stroke control A7Z 330

Power clamping chuck diam. 85

Rhm clamping chuck KFD 85, without bore, A7Z 350

including 1 set of basic and soft top jaws

Requires A8Z 550 and A7Z 370.

Soft jaws
A7Z 250
For pneumatic chuck A7Z 350

Automatic tailstock

Incl. stroke control A7Z 340

Solid clamping cylinder

Air solid clamping cylinder Rhm LVS 85 A7Z 370

Pneumatic clamping device

For collets 140 E, 22 DIN 6343, with 1 set of collets

(diam. 6,8,10,12,14,15,16 mm) and draw bar for
partial hollow clamping (max. 200 mm). 271 240

Requires A8Z 550 and A7Z 370.

Assembling of accessories for automation only ex works NO RETROFITTING POSSIBLE !

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 35/41


Robotik-Interface Hardware

Is required for the FMS/CIM operation. A8Z 530

(X1A 000 required)

Robotik-Interface Software

Is required for the FMS/CIM operation.

(A8Z 530 required) X1A 000


Enables the tele-operation of the control X5A 050

(WinNC) by a software-protocol. The
communication is made by a RS 232 interface.

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 36/41

P. EMCO Serial PC

EMCO Serial PC

Minimum PC-Celeron 700MHZ ZEM 200180

128 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, 10GB
hard disk, 8MB graphic card, MF-2 keyboard,
Windows 98OEM (english)

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 37/41

Q. Manuals


Manual Concept Turn 105

DE 1105
EN 1105
FR 1105
SP 1105
TA 1105
HL 1105

Programming instruction

SIEMENS 810/820-T DE 1804

EN 1804
FR 1804
SP 1804
TA 1804
HL 1804

SIEMENS 810D/840D-T DE 1815

EN 1815
FR 1815
SP 1815
TA 1815
HL 1815

GE FANUC Series 0-T DE 1802

EN 1802
FR 1802
SP 1802

GE FANUC Series 21-T DE 1902

EN 1902
FR 1902
SP 1902


EN 1805
FR 1805

PAL turning DE 1812

Operating manual WinCAM

DE 1809
EMCO WinCAM - turning EN 1809
FR 1809
SP 1809
TA 1809

Operating manual Win3D-View

DE 1807
EMCO Win3D-View - turning EN 1807
FR 1807
SP 1807
HL 1807

Subject to technical modifications.

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Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 39/41

R. Courseware

CNC program package

DE 9980
Contents teacher guide: EN 9980
Examples incl. the drawings of the work pieces, SP 9980
adjustment sheets, working plan, NC-programs, FR 9980
colour overhead slides, working sheets for students.
Sinumerik 810T/820T, 810D/840D-T, Fanuc 0T/21T. US 9980

Teachers guide

On the basis of a practical example the user will be

guided, step by step, about the operation of the
machine and the control system.

SIEMENS 810/820T DE 9902

EN 9902
SP 9902
US 9902

GE FANUC Series 0-T DE 9906

EN 9906
US 9906

EMCO Vision

Colour overhead slides for control specific
theoretical training (on CD-Rom), polyglot
. SIEMENS 810/820 turning, milling X5Y 080
SIEMENS 840D turning, milling X5Y 070
GE FANUC Series 0 / 21 turning, milling X5Y 090


Multimedia learning software for the CNC - training.

WinTrain CNC , single license
WinTrain CNC, multiple license X2Y 010
WinTrain CNC, additional CD-ROM for multiple X2Y 020
license X2Y 030


288 040

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 40/41


EMCO WinTutorials

Project single-cylinder 4-cycle engine. 5

turning and 5 milling workpieces, completely
videos of production, CNC- programs.
Complete drawing set of the engine.
Operating- and programming manuals of the
respective control integrated, with animation.

5 languages: German, English, French,

Spanish, and Italian.
Print function for all contents integrated.

WinTutorials are adapted to the EMCO

machine types, but also be ideal CNC theory
and practice instruction.

Sinumerik 810/840 D T/M

PC Turn / Mill 155 X2Y 100
Concept Turn / Mill 105 X2Y 140

GE Fanuc Series 21 T/M

PC Turn / Mill 155 X2Y 110
PC Turn / Mill 105 in development
PC Turn / Mill 55 X2Y 120

Other controls are in development.

810/840 D T/M, PC Turn / Mill 155 288 050

Subject to technical modifications.

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DATE: April 2003 Page 41/41

S. Catalogues

Catalogue CNC-training systems

Format A4 DE 4301
EN 4301
FR 4301
SP 4301
TA 4301

T. Packing

European packing

Pallet with rolamit cover ZVZ 341 220

Climate packing

Has to be used each for the machine and the

machine base.

Pallet, Alu-bandage, various accessories ZVP 547 120

Dehumidifier "Branogel" drying agent size 16 ZVP 441 160

Required quantity:
tropics 5 pcs.
other countries 2 pcs.

Seaworthy packing
(as option to European- and Climate packing)

Has to be used each for the machine and the

machine base.

Wooden box 124,5x120x115 cm ZVP 301 124

Subject to technical modifications.

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