Kehamilan Multifetus
Kehamilan Multifetus
Kehamilan Multifetus
Definition 7
Epidemiology 8
Physiology 9
Etiology 11
Classification 12
Diagnosis 14
Clinical Manifestation 18
Labor Management 19
Complication 23
Prognosis 25
CHAPTER IV : Bibliography 27
Multiple pregnancy is the term used to describe pregnancy with more than one
fetus. The vast majority of such pregnancies are cases of twins (2 fetuses). The other
Multifetal pregnancies may result from two or more fertilization events, from a single
of both. Such pregnancies are associated with increased risk for both mother and child,
and this risk increases with the number of offspring. For example, 60 percent of twins,
Fueled largely by infertility therapy, both the rate and the number of twin and
higher-order multifetal births have increased dramatically since 1980. The overall
increase in the rate of preterm birth compromises neonatal survival and increases the
risk of lifelong disability. In 2009, the infant mortality rate for multiple births was five
times the rate for singletons.2 martin These risks are magnified further with triplets or
malformations are increased with multifetal gestation. For those reasons, multiple
1.1.1. Definition
Multiple pregnancy is the term used to describe pregnancy with more than
one fetus. The vast majority of such pregnancies are cases of twins (2 fetuses). The
and subsequent division of one egg, or dizygotic, originating from the fertilization
and development of two eggs. Approximately one third of twins are thought to be
pregnant when she is already pregnant. Superfetation occurs when ovum from two
separate menstrual cycles are released, fertilized, and implant in the uterus. It is
believed that this is a very rare event and only few cases have been reported and
from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse, which lead
to twin babies from two separate biological father. Therefore this phenomenon
1.1.2. Epidemology
twins, is around 3 to 1. In contrast, in West Africans, who have the highest rates
monozygotic twinning may be between 4-6 to 1. The lowest rates of twinning are
seen in Asia. The incidence of twin pregnancy has risen slightly over the last 10
years. In contrast, the rate of triplets and higher order multiple pregnancy
rule' the incidence of triplets should be 1 in 802 (6400) and that of quadruplets 1
in 803 (512000). In Indonesia itself, there is probability of one conjoined twins for
From 1982 to 1993 the incidence of multiple pregnancies rose dramatically
a. Race
In the United States, the twin birth rate was 33.3 per 1,000 births in 2009, while
in Nigeria, the rate of twinning has been reported as high as 49 per 1000 births.
In contrast, the rate of twinnin in Asia is relatively low compares to the other
b. Heredity
Non-identical twin women has the probability of given twin baby 1 out of 60
births. While a non-identical father has only 1 out of 125 births chances to have
a twin.
35-40 years old women with 4 child or more, has a bigger chance to have a twin
compared to the women with small body. This might be more related to
e. Fertilizing drugs and technological advances
Multiple pregnancy are more likely to occur in women who are consuming
1.1.3. Physiology
a. Each of fetal weight on multiple pregnancy usualy 1000 grams lighter than a
b. Weight of newborn baby are below 2500 grams for twins (gemelli), 2000 grams
for triplets, under 1500 grams for quadruplets, and under 1000 grams for
c. Weight of each fetuses usualy is not the same. Usualy they are in difference of
50-1000 grams, and because of the dividing blood circulaton, one of the fetus
d. In monozygotic twin
Blood vessels of one fetuses anastomose with the other fetuses, therefore
after one of the baby has delivered, the umbilical cord has to be tied to avoid
If the vascularization, growth and development of one fetuses are
hidramnion, polisitemia, and lung oedema. While the other fetuses has a
e. In dizygotic twin
One of the fetuses could be dead and one of the other keep growing until
1.1.4. Etiology
Twin fetuses commonly result from fertilization of two separate ovum and
twins arise from a single fertilized ovum that subsequently divides into two
similar structures, each with the potential for developing into a separate
numbers of fetuses. Quadruplets, for example, may arise from as few as one to
as many as four ovum.
In order for these things to happen there are many factors influencing such
as race, heredity, age of the mother, and pariety, especially twins from 2
different ovum. Fertility drugs and hormones such as gonadotropin also play
a. Monozygotic
Monizygotic twin is a multiple pregnancy which result from one single ovum.
The outcome of the twinning process depends on when the division occurs:
If division occurs within the first 72 hours after fertilization, the inner cell mass
(morula) has yet to form and the outer layer of blastocyst has not yet committed
to become chorion. Two embryos, two amnions, and two chorions develop, and
placentas or a single fused placenta may develop. If division occurs between the
fourth and eighth day, the inner cell mass has formed and cells destined to
become chorion have already differentiated, but those of the amnion have not.
From this division, two embryos develop, each in a separate amnionic sac
diamnionic, monochorionic twin pregnancy. If, however, the chorion and the
amnion have already differentiated, by about 8 days after fertilization, division
later, that is, after the embryonic disk has formed, cleavage is incomplete and
b. Dizygotic
Dizygotic twins are not in a strict sense true twins because they
Figure 3. Chorion and amnion on twins
Conjoined twin is a phenomenon where some body parts of the fetuses attach
occur in humans. Most authorities believe that the alleged cases of human
superfetation result from marked inequality in growth and development of
fertilization of two ova within the same menstrual cycle but not at the same
1.1.6. Diagnosis
larger than expected for the gestational age determined from menstrual
data. In women with a uterus that appears large for gestational age, the
When uterine palpation leads to the diagnosis of twins, it is most often
because two fetal heads have been detected, often in different uterine
is present.
During late pregnancy, the uterus is more globular and larger than
polyhydramnios, an apparent'excess' of fetal parts may be noted. It may
be difficult to define the lie of the fetuses but three fetal poles (head or Laboratory Ultrasonography
fetus with presence of fetal heart beat. Types of chorionicity and
amnionicity could be observed during the first trimester. Until the 10th
twins, seen with 2 amniotic sac, which each of them containing living
and if only seen 1 amniotic sac containing 2 living fetus, the pregnancy
If the fetus has different sex, or two separated placenta, it defines DC-
monochorionic pregnancy.
Figure 6. Ultrasonography of dizygotic pregnancy during 6 week gestation
Two fetal heart beat with significant position distance with differences
During twin pregnancy the uterine distended moreover above the normal
uterus, and the insidence of having early labor (partus prematurus) is increasing.
The more the number of fetus the shorter the gestation period. The average weeks
of gestation of twins are 260 days, while triplets are 246 and 235 days for
other nutrients deficiency are also increasing. Risk of hidramnion are 10 times
more likely than singleton pregnancy. Hidramnion makes the uterus distendes thus
The giantic size of uterus leads to shortness of breath, frequent urination, oedema,
1.1.8. Management of multiple pregnancy 20 weeks
enables an early diagnosis to be made but should not be shared too early with
screening is of use in some respects since the normal range is twice that of a
singleton pregnancy and elevated values are associated with the same
a number of difficulties. The parents are presented with one of three choices:
the first, is to await events. The second is to opt for termination of the
pregnancy and sacrifice of the healthy fetus. The third option is selective
feticide in which the heart of the abnormal fetus is injected with potassium
performed to exclude placenta praevia. When fetal compromise is suspected
presents by the vertex. The lie of the second baby is unimportant until the
first is born. Labour is usually straight forward though the higher incidence
should be carried out when the membranes rupture. Both fetal hearts should
be monitored, the first by a scalp electrode and the second externally, ideally
delivery of the first baby the cord is double clamped incase there are
monozygotic twins and a risk of the second baby bleeding from the cord of
When the first baby is delivered, the lie of the second is checked and if
fetal distress then, although the interval between delivery of first and second
reduce after delivery of twin 1. When the head or breech has descended into
the pelvis the membranes may be ruptured and delivery proceeds. If there is
evidence of fetal distress then the second baby may be delivered more
the ventouse, or, if required, internal podalic version and breech extraction
delivery of the anterior shoulder of the second baby. Rarely the first placenta
is born before the second baby. Bleeding is not usually severe.The uterus is
actively contracting and the reduction in size of the placental site and the
If the presentation of the first baby is not vertex, the delivery process should
Figure 10. Presentation of the first and second baby
with the other causing an impasse. It most commonly occurs with the first
as breech and the second as a vertex. The head of the second slips down
with the shoulders of the first and prevents the engagement of the head of
the first in the pelvis. Early recognition is essential as the condition has a
high fetal mortality. The treatment is to push the lower head out of the pelvis
to free the head of the first fetus and allow delivery. If displacement is not
21 Triplets and quadriplets
1.1.9. Complications
blood transfusion from one twin (donor) to another twin (recipient). TTTS only
twin is often smaller with a birth weight 20% less than the recipient's birth weight.
The donor twin is often anemic and the recipient twin is often plethoric with
The clinical features of TTTS are the result of hypoperfusion of the donor
twin and hyperperfusion of the recipient twin. The donor twin becomes
of the donor twin. Profound oligohydramnios can result in the stuck twin
phenomenon in which the twin appears in a fixed position against the uterine wall.
The recipient twin becomes hypervolemic and polyuric. Polyhydramnios develops
Either twin can develop hydrops fetalis. The donor twin can become hydropic
because of anemia and high-output heart failure. The recipient twin can become
1.1.10. Prognosis
Risk of the mother with multiple fetal pregnancy are higher than the
has a high risk of having anemia, pre-eclampsia, and post-partum haemorage, thus
the prognosis for the mother is worse. The numbers of perinatal mortality is also
high because of the premature, umbilical cord prolapse, solutio placenta and other
The rate of death of the second baby are higher than the first baby because
there are a high chance of placenta circulation abnormality after the first baby born.
or fetus. In the other classification, there are two types of twins, monozygotic and
dizygotic. Factors that influenced this phenomenon such as; race, heredity, mother age
and pariety, nutrition, and infertility. Symptoms that usualy occurs including shortness
abnormality that occurs to the mother and the baby, therefore more intensive antenatal
2. Cunningham FG, Gant NF, Leveno KJ, Gilstrap LC, Hauth JC, Westrom
KD. Kehamilan Multi Janin. Dalam: Hatono A, Suyono YJ. Pendit BU.
EGC, 2006.
3. Prof. Dr. Djamhoer M, Prof. Dr. Firman FW, Prof. Dr. Jusuf SE.
5. Kliegman RM. Kehamilan multiple. Dalam: Wahab AS, editor bahasa
Indonesia. Ilmu kesehatan anak. Volume 1 edisi 15. Jakarta: Penerbit buku
EGC. 1998
11. Cunningham FG, Normant FG, Kenneth JL, et al. Multiple Pregnancy.
Companies, 2005