ZTE Netnumen Guidance

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How to create X2 link (Sample create X2 link between 245002 TDD as Source and 245071 TDD

as Target):
1. Check IP Local of Source (245002).
For TDD : IP Transport --> IP Parameter link number, choose no.1 --> we get IP
For FDD : IP Transport --> IP Parameter link number, choose no.2

2. Check IP Target/Remote (245071). Same as 1st step

For TDD : IP Transport --> IP Parameter link number, choose no.1 --> we get IP
For FDD : IP Transport --> IP Parameter link number, choose no.2
3. After that, Open SCTP in Source (245002) and add new SCTP
3. Fill in the red mark area:
a. Fill SCTP link that unused in SCTP list => we use 10 for this sample
b. Choose Radio Standard based on source tech we want to create=> we use TDD because
source is TDD
c. Fill Local Port Number 36422 (Source)
d. Choose Ip Configuration based on source tech we want to create =>we use IPLinkNo 1
for TDD, check the 1st step

e. Fill Remote Port Number 36422 (Target)

f. Fill Remote Address based on target tech we want to create => we use for
Target TDD, check in 2nd step

4. Save and Synchronize

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