1. Aqueous solutions of AgNO3, Cu(NO3)2 and Cr(NO3)3 are electrolyzed using the same quantity
of electricity. How do the number of moles of metal formed compare?
A. Ag = Cu = Cr
B. Ag > Cu > Cr
C. Ag < Cu < Cr
D. Cu > Ag > Cr
2. The standard electrode potentials for two half-cells involving iron are given below.
Fe (aq) + 2e Fe(s) E = 0.44 V
3+ 2+
Fe (aq) + e Fe (aq) E = +0.77 V
What is the equation and the cell potential for the spontaneous reaction that occurs when the
two half-cells are connected?
2+ 3+
A. 3Fe (aq) Fe(s) + 2Fe (aq) E = +1.21 V
2+ 3+
B. Fe (aq) + Fe (aq) 2Fe(s) E = +0.33 V
3+ 2+
C. Fe(s) + 2Fe (aq) 3Fe (aq) E = +0.33 V
3+ 2+
D. Fe(s) + 2Fe (aq) 3Fe (aq) E = +1.21 V
3. Metallic tin can be produced by the electrolysis of a molten salt containing Sn ions. Which
change(s) would double the amount of tin produced?
4+ 2+
III. Using Sn ions instead of Sn ions
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. I, II and III
4. Which of the following factors affect the amount of product formed during electrolysis?
A. I and II only
D. I, II and III
5. The cyanide ion, CN , can form two complex ions with iron ions. The formulas of these ions are
4 3
[Fe(CN)6] and [Fe(CN)6] . What is the oxidation number of iron in the two complex ions?
4 3
[Fe(CN)6] [Fe(CN)6]
A. 4 3
B. +2 +3
C. +3 +2
D. 3 4
Cu (aq) + 2e Cu(s) E = +0.34 V
Mg (aq) + 2e Mg(s) E = 2.36 V
Zn (aq) + 2e Zn(s) E = 0.76 V
7. Consider the standard electrode potentials of the following reactions.
Cr (aq) + 3e Cr(s) 0.75 V
Cd (aq) + 2e Cd(s) 0.40 V
What is the value of the cell potential (in V) for the following reaction?
2+ 3+
2Cr(s) + 3Cd (aq) 2Cr (aq) + 3Cd(s)
A. 0.35
B. 1.15
C. +0.30
D. +0.35
8. Aqueous solutions containing different concentrations of NaCl were electrolysed using platinum
electrodes. What is the major product at the positive electrode in each case?
3 3
0.001 mol dm NaCl(aq) 1.0 mol dm NaCl(aq)
A. H2 Na
B. H2 H2
C. O2 Cl2
D. Cl2 O2
B. 1.0 mol dm sulfuric acid
C. a temperature of 273 K
D. a magnesium electrode
10. Which pair of factors both affect the amount (in mol) of chlorine produced in the electrolysis of
aqueous sodium chloride?
11. From the given standard electrode potentials which statement is correct?
Ca (aq) + 2e Ca(s) E = 2.87 V
Ni (aq) + 2e Ni(s) E = 0.23 V
3+ 2+
Fe (aq) + e Fe (aq) E = +0.77 V
A. Ca (aq) can oxidize Ni(s)
2+ 2+
B. Ni (aq) can reduce Ca (aq)
C. Fe (aq) can oxidize Ni(s)
3+ 2+
D. Fe (aq) can reduce Ca (aq)
12. Which statement is correct about the electrolysis of copper(II) sulfate solution using graphite
13. A metallic object is electroplated with copper using a solution of copper(II) sulfate. Which
statement is correct?
D. The reaction occurring at the negative electrode is Cu + 2e Cu.
14. Two half-equations and their standard electrode potentials are shown in the table.
Half-equation E /V
Pb (aq) + 2e Pb(s) 0.13
Ag (aq) + e Ag(s) +0.80
+ 2+
Pb(s) + 2Ag (aq) Pb (aq) + 2Ag(s)
A. 0.67
B. 0.93
C. 1.47
D. 1.73
15. Two electrolytic cells are connected in series so that the same current flows through both cells
for the same length of time.
- + - +
S n S O 4(aq ) C u S O 4 (a q )
The amount of tin deposited is 0.01 mol. How much copper is deposited?
A. 0.005 mol
B. 0.01 mol
C. 0.02 mol
D. 0.05 mol
16. Which are used for the electroplating of a metal spoon with copper?
A. I and II only
D. I, II and III
2+ +
Cu (aq) + e Cu (aq) E = +0.15 V
Cu (aq) + e Cu(s) E = +0.52 V
What is the standard cell potential when the two half-cells are connected?
A. 0.67 V
B. 0.37 V
C. + 0.37 V
D. + 0.67 V
3+ 2+
Fe (aq) + e Fe (aq) +0.77 V
What is the value of the cell potential (in volts) for the spontaneous reaction?
A. +1.69
B. +1.39
C. +0.92
D. +0.62
19. In the electrolysis of acidified water, if 8.4 cm of hydrogen gas is evolved, what volume of
oxygen gas is evolved?
A. 4.2 cm
B. 8.4 cm
C. 12.6 cm
D. 16.8 cm
20. Which factors affect the amount of metal formed during electrolysis?
II. Current
III. Time
A. I and II only
D. I, II and III
21. Which changes lead to the production of more moles of metal during the electrolysis of a
molten salt?
A. I and II only
D. I, II and III
22. Which equation represents the reduction process occurring in the standard hydrogen electrode?
A. H2(g) 2H (aq) + 2e
B. H (aq) + OH (aq) H2O(l)
C. 2H (aq) + 2e H2(g)
D. O2(g) + 4H (aq) + 4e 2H2O(l)
23. Which statement is correct about the value of E ?
A. The more positive the value of E , the greater the driving force for reduction.
B. The more negative the value of E , the greater the driving force for reduction.
C. The more positive the value of E , the greater the rate of reaction.
D. The more negative the value of E , the greater the rate of reaction.
D ire c tio n o f e le c tro n flo w
S a lt b rid g e
Z n (s) C u (s)
Zn (aq )
Cu (a q )
(a) The apparatus shown above may be used to carry out a redox reaction.
(iii) The above reactions are carried out under standard conditions.
State what the standard conditions are for the cell.
(iv) Using the Data Booklet, calculate the cell potential for the above cell.
(v) State and explain what happens to the concentration of the copper(II) ions when the
cell is producing an electric current.
(vi) State two observations that could be made if the zinc rod were placed in a solution
of copper(II) ions.
(b) The standard electrode potentials for three electrode systems are given below.
3+ 2+
Ti (aq) + e Ti (aq) E = 0.37 V
3+ 2+
Fe (aq) + e Fe (aq) E = +0.77 V
4+ 3+
Ce (aq) + e Ce (aq) E = +1.45 V
(i) Using the data above, deduce which species is the best reducing agent, giving a
reason in terms of electrons for your answer.
(ii) Write an equation, including state symbols, for the overall reaction with the
greatest cell potential.
(iii) State and explain the sign of DG for the reaction in (b) (ii).
(c) (i) State the name of a solution that would produce only hydrogen and oxygen when
electrolyzed using platinum electrodes.
(ii) Draw a diagram of apparatus that would allow the gases produced in the reaction in
(c) (i) to be collected separately. Annotate your diagram to show the polarity of
each electrode and the names and relative volumes of each gas.
(Total 20 marks)
C u S O 4(a q )
Two copper strips X and Y are placed in an aqueous solution of copper(II) sulfate and
electrolyzed for a certain time. X was then dried and weighed.
(ii) State two ways in which the change in the mass of X could be increased.
(Total 5 marks)
26. (a) Some standard electrode potentials are shown in Table 15 of the Data Booklet.
(i) State three conditions under which the hydrogen electrode is assigned a potential of
(ii) Calculate the cell potential of a cell made by connecting standard copper and zinc
electrodes. State the direction of electron flow in the external circuit when the cell
produces current. Outline the changes occurring at the electrodes and in the
solutions during the process.
(b) Using information from Table 15, determine whether or not there is a spontaneous
reaction between copper metal and a solution containing hydrogen ions.
(c) Using information from Table 15, identify a substance that will oxidize bromide ions but
not chloride ions. Explain your choice, and write an equation for the redox reaction you
have chosen.
(Total 15 marks)
27. (a) In one experiment involving the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, 0.1 mol of
chlorine was formed. Deduce, giving a reason, the amount of sodium formed at the same
(b) In another experiment involving the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, the time of
the electrolysis was halved and the current increased from 1 amp to 5 amp, compared to
the experiment in (a). Deduce the amount of chlorine formed, showing your working.
(c) If dilute aqueous sodium chloride is electrolyzed, a different product is obtained at each
electrode. Identify the product formed at each electrode and write an equation showing its
(Total 8 marks)
28. Define the term standard electrode potential of an element. Table 15 of the Data Booklet
contains E values for two reactions involving O2(g). Identify the E value of the reaction that
could be used to oxidize bromide ions and explain your reasoning. Construct a balanced
equation for the oxidation of bromide ions using this reaction and calculate the cell potential.
(Total 8 marks)
29. Use information from Table 15 of the Data Booklet, where relevant, in answering this part.
(i) The diagram shows the apparatus used in an experiment involving half-cells.
V o ltm e te r
N ic k e l L ead
S o lu tio n c o n ta in in g S o lu tio n c o n ta in in g
N i 2+ (a q ) P b 2(a q )
The reading on the voltmeter is 0.10 V. State two standard conditions that apply for this
reading to be obtained.
(ii) The voltmeter is replaced by a 2 volt power supply, so that non-spontaneous reactions
occur. Deduce the half-equations for these reactions.
(iv) Explain why potassium dichromate(VI) does not react with concentrated hydrochloric
(Total 8 marks)
30. (a) When a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride is electrolyzed using inert
electrodes, a different gas is produced at each electrode.
(ii) Explain why sodium is not formed during the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl
(b) Deduce the products formed during the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium
fluoride. Write an equation for the reaction at the positive electrode (the anode) and give
your reasoning.
(Total 7 marks)
Half-equation E /V
Zn (aq) + 2e Zn(s) 0.76
Cr (aq) + 3e Cr(s) 0.74
Fe (aq) + 2e Fe(s) 0.44
Sn (aq) + 2e Sn(s) 0.14
Cu (aq) + 2e Cu(s) +0.34
3+ 2+
Fe (aq) + e Fe (aq) +0.77
(a) These values were obtained using a standard hydrogen electrode. Describe the
materials and conditions used in the standard hydrogen electrode. (A suitably
labelled diagram is acceptable.)
(b) Define the term oxidizing agent in terms of electron transfer and identify the strongest
oxidizing agent in the list above.
(c) A cell was set up using zinc in zinc sulfate solution and copper in copper(II) sulfate
solution, both solutions being under standard conditions.
(d) Both zinc and tin are used to coat iron to prevent it from rusting. Once the surface is
scratched, oxygen and water containing dissolved ions come into contact with the iron
and the coating metal.
(i) State and explain whether zinc or tin would be more effective in preventing iron
from rusting under these conditions.
(ii) Electroplating may be used to coat one metal with another metal. Identify the three
factors affecting the amount of metal discharged during electroplating.
(iii) Explain why electrolysis of aqueous zinc sulfate is not used for coating with zinc
P t(s )
C r(s)
Fe 3+
(a q ), F e 2+
(a q ) C r3+ (a q )
h a lf-c e ll A h a lf-c e ll B
(i) Identify the part of the cell labelled Y and outline its function.
(ii) Write an equation for the initial reactions at each electrode and hence write an
equation for the cell reaction.
(Total 25 marks)
v o ltm e te r
s a lt b rid g e
Fe (aq )
A g +(aq )
(a) State an equation to represent the spontaneous reaction occurring in the cell.
(c) Use Table 15 from the Data Booklet to calculate the standard cell potential for the
spontaneous reaction in (a).
(d) Draw arrows on the above diagram to indicate the direction of electron flow.
(Total 4 marks)
33. (a) Iodide ions, I (aq), react with iodate ions, IO3 (aq), in an acidic solution to form
molecular iodine and water.
(i) Determine the oxidation number of iodine in I and in IO3 .
oxidation ..........................................................................................................
reduction ..........................................................................................................
(iii) Write an ionic equation for the reaction of I with IO3 in an acidic solution.
(b) Use information from Table 15 of the Data Booklet to calculate the cell potential for the
following reaction and state whether or not the reaction is spontaneous.
2+ +
Cu(s) + Cu (aq) 2Cu (aq)
(Total 8 marks)
34. A table of standard electrode potentials can be found in Table 14 of the Data Booklet.
(a) Describe the materials and conditions used in the standard hydrogen electrode.
(b) Define the term oxidizing agent in terms of electron transfer and identify the strongest
oxidizing agent in Table 14 of the Data Booklet.
(c) A cell was set up using tin in tin(II) sulfate solution and copper in copper(II) sulfate
solution, with both solutions under standard conditions.
(Total 10 marks)
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. B
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. A
20. D
21. C
22. C
23. A
24. (a) (i) ionic conductor/allows movement of ions between electrolytes
/completes circuit; 1
(ii) Zn(s) Zn (aq) + 2e (state symbols not needed); 1
5 3
(iii) 298 K/25C, 1 atm/1.0110 Pa, 1 mol dm solutions; 2
[1] for finding correct data, [1] for answer with unit (ECF).
(v) decreases;
Cu ions are converted to Cu metal/Cu deposited on electrode; 2
4+ 2+ 3+ 3+
(ii) Ce (aq) + Ti (aq) Ce (aq) + Ti (aq) 2
(iii) DG negative;
reaction spontaneous/corresponds to positive cell potential; 2
Halides not acceptable. (water is not a solution)
h y d ro g e n / H 2 oxygen / O 2
+ 3
26. (a) (i) ([H ]=)1 mol dm ;
298 K/25C;
1 atm/101.3 or 101 kPa 3
(ii) E (=0.76 +0.34) = (+)1.1(0)(V);
from zinc/Zn to copper/Cu;
copper/Cu deposited/electrode becomes larger/thicker/heavier;
zinc/Zn electrode becomes smaller/thinner/lighter;
Cu solution becomes paler/colourless; 5
Accept names.
E value for the reaction with Br is positive/suitable calculation to show this;
E value for the reaction with Cl is negative/Cl2 stronger oxidizing agent than
O2/Cr2O7 ; 5
+ 2 3+
4Br + O2 + 4H 2Br2 + 2H2O/Cr2O7 + 14H + 6Br 2Cr + 7H2O + 3Br2;
(b) 0.1 2 5;
= 0.25 mol; 2
+ - - -
2H + 2e H2/2H2O + 2e H2 + 2OH ;
positive electrode
- - + -
4OH 2H2O + O2 + 4e /2H2O O2 + 4H + 4e . 4
28. the potential/voltage difference between the element and its ions;
under standard conditions/ion concentration at 1 mol dm /298 K/25C;
(+)1.23 (V);
E value more positive or less negative than bromine/bromide system/
E value of combined half-cells is positive/OWTTE;
- +
2Br + 2 O2 + 2H Br2 + H2O;
Award [1] for all formulas correct, [1] for correct balancing.
Award [1] for correct equation reversed.
E (= 1.23 - 1.09) = (+)0.14 (V); 8
29. (i) (metal ions at) 1 mol dm concentration;
25C/298 K; 2
No penalty for using e instead of e .
No penalty for instead of .
(iii) 0.15 V;
10Cl + 2Mn O 4 + 16H + 5Cl2 + 2Mn
- 2+
+ 8H2O; 3
30. (a) (i) oxidation half-reaction: 2Cl Cl2 + 2e ;
reduction half-reaction: 2H2O + 2e H2 + 2OH /2H + 2e H2 2
(ii) Na has high E red / Na not readily reduced (in comparison to H2O)/if
formed, Na would (immediately) react with water to form Na 1
31. (a)
H y d ro g e n g a s a t 1 a tm
1 m ol dm [H +(aq )]
P la tin u m (c o a te d
w ith p la tin u m b la c k )
Pt electrode;
3 +
1 mol dm [H (aq)];
H2 gas;
at 1 atm/1.0110 Pa;
298 K/25C; 5
2+ 2+
(ii) Cu (aq) + Zn(s) Zn (aq) + Cu(s); 2
3+ 2+
(ii) A: Fe (aq) + e Fe (aq);
B: Cr(s) Cr (aq) + 3e ;
equations for A and B are reversed.
3+ 2+ 3+
3 Fe (aq) + Cr(s) 3 Fe (aq) + Cr (aq); 4
(iv) (+)1.51; 1
+ 2+
32. (a) Fe + 2Ag Fe + 2Ag; 1
v o ltm e te r
s a lt b rid g e
Fe (aq )
A g +(aq )
33. (a) (i) I- = -1/1- and IO3 = +5/5+; 1
(ii) oxidation
I (to I2), increase in oxidation number/loss of electron(s);
IO3 (to I2), decrease in oxidation number/gain of electron(s); 2
- +
(iii) 5I (aq) + IO3 (aq) + 6H (aq) 3I2(aq) + 3H2O(l); 2
2+ - + + -
(b) Cu (aq) + e Cu (aq) : E = (+) 0.15(V), Cu(s) Cu (aq) + e :
E = - 0.52(V)/(+) 0.15 and - 0.52(V);
Award [2] for correct Erxn even if equations are not given,
states not required.
Award [1] for correct reactants and products from (c)(i), and
[1] for state symbols.