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M.A. Translation Studies-236
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 F/N MTS-11 Introduction to Linguistics
10.12.2017 F/N MTS-12 Theories of Translation Studies
16.12.2017 F/N MTS-13 Procedures of Translation
17.12.2017 F/N MTS-14 Study of Classics in Translation
MTS-15 Project Work-1 (Creation)
M.A. Women Studies (216)
09.12.2017 F/N MWS-11 An Introduction to Womens Studies
10.12.2017 F/N MWS-12 Womens Movement and Feminism
16.12.2017 F/N MWS-13 Women and Empowerment
17.12.2017 F/N MWS-14 Women and Human Rights
23.12.2017 F/N MWS-15 Women and Environment
09.12.2017 A/N MWS-21 Women and Legal System in India
10.12.2017 A/N MWS-22 Women and Entrepreneurship
16.12.2017 A/N MWS-23 Women and Media
17.12.2017 A/N MWS-24 Women and Psychology
23.12.2017 A/N MWS-25 Feminism and Research Methodology
M.A. History (201)
09.12.2017 F/N MHI-11 History of Ancient India (From Ancient times to 1206 A.D. )
10.12.2017 F/N MHI-12 History of Medieval India (From 1206 A.D. to 1707 A.D. )
16.12.2017 F/N MHI-13 History of Modern India (From 1707 A.D. to 1947 A.D. )
17.12.2017 F/N MHI-14 Contemporary India (From 1947 A.D. to 2000 A.D. )
23.12.2017 F/N MHI-15 History of Tamil Nadu (From Ancient times to 2000 A.D. )
09.12.2017 A/N MHI-21 History of Civilization (Excluding India)
10.12.2017 A/N MHI-22 Studies in Human Rights
16.12.2017 A/N MHI-23 History of Europe (From 1789 AD To 1990 AD)
17.12.2017 A/N MHI-24 History of USA (From 1865 AD to 2000 AD)
23.12.2017 A/N MHI-25 Tourism
M.A. Tourism and Travel Studies (209)
09.12.2017 F/N MTTS-11 Basic Concepts of Tourism
10.12.2017 F/N MTTS-12 Ticketing and Fare Constructions
16.12.2017 F/N MTTS-13 Front Office Management
17.12.2017 F/N MTTS-14 Introduction to Travel and Management
23.12.2017 F/N MTTS-15 Communications and Public Relations
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 A/N MTTS-21 Tourism and Human Rights
10.12.2017 A/N MTTS-22 Eco Tourism
16.12.2017 A/N MTTS-23 Personnel Management
17.12.2017 A/N MTTS-24 Tourism Promotion, Publicity and Marketing
MTTS-25* Project Work
M.A. Public Administration (206)
09.12.2017 F/N MPA-11 Principles of Management
10.12.2017 F/N MPA-12 Organization Theory
16.12.2017 F/N MPA-13 Indian Administration
17.12.2017 F/N MPA-14 Comparative Administrative Systems
23.12.2017 F/N MPA-15 Administrative Thinkers
09.12.2017 A/N MPA-21 Public Personnel Administration
10.12.2017 A/N MPA-22 Public Financial Administration
16.12.2017 A/N MPA-23 Development Administration
17.12.2017 A/N MPA-24 Administrative Law
23.12.2017 A/N MPA-25 Environmental Administration
M.A. Political Science (204)
09.12.2017 F/N MPS-11 Elements of Political Theory
10.12.2017 F/N MPS-12 Western Political Thought
16.12.2017 F/N MPS-13 Indian Government and Politics
17.12.2017 F/N MPS-14 Principles of Public Administration
23.12.2017 F/N MPS-15 International Relations
09.12.2017 A/N MPS-21 Modern Political Analysis
10.12.2017 A/N MPS-22 Indian Political Thought
16.12.2017 A/N MPS-23 Human Rights
17.12.2017 A/N MPS-24 Local Government in India
23.12.2017 A/N MPS-25 Emerging Issues and Movements
M.A. Human Rights (217)
Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on Human Rights and
09.12.2017 F/N MHR-11
10.12.2017 F/N MHR-12 Constitutional Foundations of Human Rights in India
16.12.2017 F/N MHR-13 International Perspectives on Human Rights
17.12.2017 F/N MHR-14 Education, Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
23.12.2017 F/N MHR-15 Research Methodology
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 A/N MHR-21 Societal Problems and Social Movements in India
10.12.2017 A/N MHR-22 Development, Globalisation and Human Rights
16.12.2017 A/N MHR-23 Major Themes and Issues in Human Rights
17.12.2017 A/N MHR-24 Environment and Human Rights
A/N MHR-25A Science, Technology and Human Rights
23.12.2017 A/N MHR-25B Marginalised Sections: Human Rights and Duties
A/N MHR-25C Working Class and Human Rights
MHR-25D Project Work
M.Sc. Geography (218)
09.12.2017 F/N MGEO-11 Basic Principles of Earth System
10.12.2017 F/N MGEO-12 Human and Settlement Geography
16.12.2017 F/N MGEO-13 Environmental Geography
17.12.2017 F/N MGEO-14 Geographical Thought
MGEO-15 Practical: Mapping Techniques - I
09.12.2017 A/N MGEO-21 Geography of India
10.12.2017 A/N MGEO-22 World Economic Geography
16.12.2017 A/N MGEO-23 Principles of Geo - Informatics
MGEO-24 Practical : Mapping Techniques - II
MGEO-25 Project
M.A. Development Administration (219)
09.12.2017 F/N MADA-11 Introduction to Development Administration
10.12.2017 F/N MADA-12 Development : Concepts and Principles
16.12.2017 F/N MADA-13 Indian Administration
17.12.2017 F/N MADA-14 Administrative Thinkers
23.12.2017 F/N MADA-15 Gender Issues and Development
09.12.2017 A/N MADA-21 Development Theory
10.12.2017 A/N MADA-22 Public Policy Analysis
16.12.2017 A/N MADA-23 Public Service Management
17.12.2017 A/N MADA-24 Globalisation and Development
23.12.2017 A/N MADA-25 Administration of Non-Governmental Organisations
M.A. Police Administration (220)
09.12.2017 F/N MAPA-11 Introduction to Police Administration
10.12.2017 F/N MAPA-12 Constitution and Administrative System in India
16.12.2017 F/N MAPA-13 Police Ethics and Integrity
17.12.2017 F/N MAPA-14 Legal System and Police
23.12.2017 F/N MAPA-15 Police Personnel Administration
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 A/N MAPA-21 Comparative Police Administration ( UK, USA, France and Israel)
10.12.2017 A/N MAPA-22 Terrorism
16.12.2017 A/N MAPA-23 Correctional Administration
17.12.2017 A/N MAPA-24 Police and Functional Agencies
23.12.2017 A/N MAPA-25 Human Rights
M.A. International Relations (221)
M.A. Economics (205)
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 F/N MEC-11 Micro Economics
10.12.2017 F/N MEC-12 Macro Economics
16.12.2017 F/N MEC-13 Fiscal Economics
17.12.2017 F/N MEC-14 Developmental Economics
23.12.2017 F/N MEC-15 Monetary Economics
09.12.2017 A/N MEC-21 Indian Economy
10.12.2017 A/N MEC-22 Managerial Economics
16.12.2017 A/N MEC-23 Human Resource Management
17.12.2017 A/N MEC-24 International Economics
23.12.2017 A/N MEC-25 Statistical Methods
M.Sc. Apparel and Fashion Design (235)
09.12.2017 F/N MAFD-1 Research Methods and Statistics
10.12.2017 F/N MAFD-2 Historic Costume
16.12.2017 F/N MAFD-3 Sketching and Fashion Illustration
17.12.2017 F/N MAFD-4 Woven Fabric Structure and Fabric Analysis
23.12.2017 F/N MAFD-5 Knitting Technology
24.12.2017 F/N MAFD-6 Advanced Garment Construction
MAFD-P1 Sketching and Fashion illustration Lab
MAFD-P2 Advanced Garment Construction Lab
09.12.2017 A/N MAFD-7 Computer Application in Apparel Industry
10.12.2017 A/N MAFD-8 Fashion Merchandising
16.12.2017 A/N MAFD-9 Technical Textiles
17.12.2017 A/N MAFD-10 Textile Testing and Quality Control
23.12.2017 A/N MAFD-11 Textile Chemistry and Wet Processing
MAFD-P3 Textile Testing-Lab
MAFD-P4 Computer Application in Apparel Industry Lab
MAFD-12 Project Work
M.A. Sociology (211)
09.12.2017 F/N MSO-11 Principles of Sociology
10.12.2017 F/N MSO-12 Sociology of Indian Society
16.12.2017 F/N MSO-13 Sociological Theories
17.12.2017 F/N MSO-14 Social Research and Statistics
23.12.2017 F/N MSO-15 Rural Society in India
09.12.2017 A/N MSO-21 Urban Sociology
10.12.2017 A/N MSO-22 Population Studies
16.12.2017 A/N MSO-23 Human Resource Management
17.12.2017 A/N MSO-24 Medical Sociology
23.12.2017 A/N MSO-25 Social Psychology
M.A. Social Work (212)
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 F/N MASW-11 Profession of Social Work
10.12.2017 F/N MASW-12 Foundation of Sociology &Psychology for Social Work
16.12.2017 F/N MASW-13 Social Work With Individuals and Groups
17.12.2017 F/N MASW-14 Social Work Research
Field Work -Observation Visits (Candidate shall have to do a
field practicum for a period of atleast 45 days either
continuously or spread across the second half of the Academic
year and submit the project report to TNOU.)
Specialization - A
09.12.2017 A/N MASW-21 Social Work with Communities & Welfare Administration
10.12.2017 A/N MASWCD-22 Rural Community Development
16.12.2017 A/N MASWCD-23 Urban Community Development
17.12.2017 A/N MASWCD-24 Corporate Social Responsibility
Research Project (Report shall be submitted before the
MASW-25 *
commencement of theory exam)
Specialization - B
09.12.2017 A/N MASW-21 Social Work with Communities & Welfare Administration
Human Resource Management and Human Resource
10.12.2017 A/N MASWHR-22
16.12.2017 A/N MASWHR-23 Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations
17.12.2017 A/N MASWHR-24 Organization Behaviour and Organization Development
Research Project (Report shall be submitted before the
MASW-25 *
commencement of theory exam)
Master of Social Work (214)
09.12.2017 F/N MASW-11 Profession of Social Work
10.12.2017 F/N MASW-12 Foundation of Sociology &Psychology for Social Work
16.12.2017 F/N MASW-13 Social Work With Individuals and Groups
17.12.2017 F/N MASW-14 Social Work Research
Field Work -Observation Visits (Candidate shall have to do a
field practicum for a period of atleast 45 days either
continuously or spread across the second half of the Academic
year and submit the project report to TNOU.)
Specialization - A
09.12.2017 A/N MASW-21 Social Work with Communities & Welfare Administration
10.12.2017 A/N MASWCD-22 Rural Community Development
16.12.2017 A/N MASWCD-23 Urban Community Development
17.12.2017 A/N MASWCD-24 Corporate Social Responsibility
Research Project (Report shall be submitted before the
MASW-25 *
commencement of theory exam)
Specialization - B
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 A/N MASW-21 Social Work with Communities & Welfare Administration
Human Resource Management and Human Resource
10.12.2017 A/N MASWHR-22
16.12.2017 A/N MASWHR-23 Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations
17.12.2017 A/N MASWHR-24 Organization Behaviour and Organization Development
Research Project (Report shall be submitted before the
MASW-25 *
commencement of theory exam)
M.Com. (251)
09.12.2017 F/N MCO-11 Business Administration
10.12.2017 F/N MCO-12 Management and Cost Accounting
16.12.2017 F/N MCO-13 Advanced Financial Accounting
17.12.2017 F/N MCO-14 Marketing Management
23.12.2017 F/N MCO-15 Advanced Business Statistics
09.12.2017 A/N MCO-21 Financial Management
10.12.2017 A/N MCO-22 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
16.12.2017 A/N MCO-23 International Marketing
17.12.2017 A/N MCO-24 Human Resource Management
23.12.2017 A/N MCO-25 International Banking and Foreign exchange
M.A. Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration (213)
09.12.2017 F/N MCCJ-11 Principles of Criminology
10.12.2017 F/N MCCJ-12 Criminal Law and Special Laws
16.12.2017 F/N MCCJ-13 Criminal Procedure and Evidence
17.12.2017 F/N MCCJ-14 Police Administration
23.12.2017 F/N MCCJ-15 Penology and Correctional Administration
09.12.2017 A/N MCCJ-21 Human Rights in Criminal Justice Administration
10.12.2017 A/N MCCJ-22 Forensic Science & Forensic Medicine
16.12.2017 A/N MCCJ-23 Investigative Journalism
17.12.2017 A/N MCCJ-24 Vigilance and Security Management
23.12.2017 A/N MCCJ-25 Victimology
M. Sc. Psychology (233)
09.12.2017 F/N MSY-11 Advanced General Psychology
10.12.2017 F/N MSY-12 Advanced Social Psychology
16.12.2017 F/N MSY-13 Life Span Psychology
17.12.2017 F/N MSY-14 Research Methodology
MSY-15* Psychological Testing (Practical)
* Practical Exam will be conducted based on attendance in practical classes, only at certain designated
centres where the class were held which will be informed to students separately.
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 A/N MSY-21 Organisational Behaviour
10.12.2017 A/N MSY-22 Marketing Psychology & Consumer Behaviour
16.12.2017 A/N MSY-23 Human Resource Management
17.12.2017 A/N MSY-24 Counselling and Behaviour Modification
23.12.2017 A/N MSY-25 Health Psychology
M.Sc. Counselling and Psychotherapy (232)
09.12.2017 F/N MCP-BC MCP-Bridge Course
10.12.2017 F/N MCP-11 Fundamentals of Psychology
16.12.2017 F/N MCP-12 Developmental Psychology
17.12.2017 F/N MCP-13 Psychopathology & Mental Health
23.12.2017 F/N MCP-14 Counselling and Health Psychology
24.12.2017 F/N MCP-15 Counselling Techniques and Assessments
09.12.2017 A/N MCP-21 Principles and Techniques of Psychotherapy
10.12.2017 A/N MCP-22 Behaviour Therapies
16.12.2017 A/N MCP-23 Psychotherapies
17.12.2017 A/N MCP-24 Clinical Assessment
Psychological Tests for Assessment-Practical (will be
conducted at the respective PCCs only)
M.A. Anthropology (223)
09.12.2017 F/N MAY-11 Introduction to Anthropology
10.12.2017 F/N MAY-12 Anthropological Theories
16.12.2017 F/N MAY-13 Anthropological Applications and Research Methods
17.12.2017 F/N MAY-14 Evolution of Anthropology
23.12.2017 F/N MAY-15 Biological Anthropology
09.12.2017 A/N MAY-21 Human Genetic
10.12.2017 A/N MAY-22 Archaeological Anthropology
16.12.2017 A/N MAY-23 Cultural Anthropology
17.12.2017 A/N MAY-24 Indian Anthropology
23.12.2017 A/N MAY-25 Development Anthropology
M.A. Gender Studies (224)
09.12.2017 F/N MGS-11 Introduction to Gender Studies
10.12.2017 F/N MGS-12 Feminist theories and Movements
16.12.2017 F/N MGS-13 Feminist Research Methodology
17.12.2017 F/N MGS-14 Gender and Technology
23.12.2017 F/N MGS-15 Gender and Development
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 A/N MGS-21 Development and Gender Equality
10.12.2017 A/N MGS-22 Gender and Governance
16.12.2017 A/N MGS-23 Gender and Mass Media
17.12.2017 A/N MGS-24 Gender Management System
23.12.2017 A/N MGS-25 Women Development Programme and Policies
M.A. Islamic Studies (222)
09.12.2017 F/N MAIS-11 Sciences of Hadeeth (Prophetic Narrations)
10.12.2017 F/N MAIS-12 Islamic Jurisprudence
16.12.2017 F/N MAIS-13 Arabic Language
Principles of Islamic Morals and the Methodology of
17.12.2017 F/N MAIS-14
23.12.2017 F/N MAIS-15 Research Methodology in Islamic & Arabic Studies
09.12.2017 A/N MAIS-21 Islamic Civilization and Contemporary Muslim World
10.12.2017 A/N MAIS-22 Quranic Sciences
16.12.2017 A/N MAIS-23 Legal Maxims and Objectives of Islamic Legislation (Shariah)
17.12.2017 A/N MAIS-24 Comparative Study of Religious and Muslim Sects
MAIS-25 Dissertation
M. Sc. Mathematics (231)
09.12.2017 F/N MMS-15 Algebra
10.12.2017 F/N MMS-16 Real Analysis
16.12.2017 F/N MMS-17 Complex Analysis and Numerical Analysis
17.12.2017 F/N MMS-18 Mathematical Statistics
09.12.2017 A/N MMS-25 Topology and Functional Analysis
10.12.2017 A/N MMS-26 Operations Research
16.12.2017 A/N MMS-27 Graph Theory and Algorithms
17.12.2017 A/N MMS-28 Differential Equations
P.G. Diploma in Psychological Counselling (605)
09.12.2017 F/N MCP-BC MCP-Bridge Course
10.12.2017 F/N MCP-11 Fundamentals of Psychology
16.12.2017 F/N MCP-12 Developmental Psychology
17.12.2017 F/N MCP-13 Psychopathology & Mental Health
23.12.2017 F/N MCP-14 Counselling and Health Psychology
24.12.2017 F/N MCP-15 Counselling Techniques and Assessments
Psychological Tests for Assessment (will be conducted at the
respective PCCs only)
P.G. Diploma in Spoken English (604)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDSE-01 Basics of Language
10.12.2017 F/N PGDSE-02 Introduction to Linguistics
16.12.2017 F/N PGDSE-03 Phonetic Transcription & Spoken English
P.G. Diploma in Tamil Research Methodology (601)
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 F/N PGDTR-01 Ma;T newpKiwfs;
10.12.2017 F/N PGDTR-02 jkpo; Muha;rr
; papd; tuyhWk; tsh;rr
; pAk;
16.12.2017 F/N PGDTR-03 jpwdhaT mZFKiwfs;
PGDTR-04 jpl;l Ma;NtL
P.G. Diploma in Software Quality Management (672)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDSM-01 Fundamentals of Information Technology
10.12.2017 F/N PGDSM-02 Data Structures Through C
16.12.2017 F/N PGDSM-03 Introduction to Database Management systems
17.12.2017 F/N PGDSM-04 Introduction to Software Engineering
23.12.2017 F/N PGDSM-05 Software Testing
24.12.2017 F/N PGDSM-06 Software Quality Management
PGDSM-P1 Lab 1: Software Development
PGDSM-P2 Lab 2: Software Testing
P.G. Diploma in Information Security (673)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDIS-01 Fundamentals of Information Technology
10.12.2017 F/N PGDIS-02 C# and .NET
16.12.2017 F/N PGDIS-03 Data Communication and Networking
17.12.2017 F/N PGDIS-04 Introduction to information Security
23.12.2017 F/N PGDIS-05 Network Security
24.12.2017 F/N PGDIS-06 Cyber law and Cyber Security
PGDIS-P1 Lab 1:C# and .NET
PGDIS-P2 Lab 2: Network Security
P.G. Diploma in Public Administration (606)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDPA-01 Principles of Public Administration
10.12.2017 F/N PGDPA-02 Administrative Theories
16.12.2017 F/N PGDPA-03 Indian Administrative System
17.12.2017 F/N PGDPA-04 Human Resource Management
23.12.2017 F/N PGDPA-05 Environmental Administration
P.G. Diploma in Public Relations (607)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDPR-01 Principles of Public Relations
10.12.2017 F/N PGDPR-02 Public Relations in Government
16.12.2017 F/N PGDPR-03 Public Relations and Mass Media
Public Relations and Information and Communication
17.12.2017 F/N PGDPR-04
23.12.2017 F/N PGDPR-05 Trends in Public Relations
P.G. Diploma in Rural Development Administration (608)
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 F/N PGDRDA-01 Rural Development Administration in India
10.12.2017 F/N PGDRDA-02 Planning and Management for Rural Development
16.12.2017 F/N PGDRDA-03 Administration of Rural Development Programmes
17.12.2017 F/N PGDRDA-04 Rural and Social Development
23.12.2017 F/N PGDRDA-05 Emerging Trends and Issues in Rural Development
P.G. Diploma in Human Rights (609)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDHR-01 History and Basic Theories of Human Rights
10.12.2017 F/N PGDHR-02 Indian Constitution and Human Rights
International Instruments and Machinery for the Protection of
16.12.2017 F/N PGDHR-03
Human Rights
17.12.2017 F/N PGDHR-04 Human Rights Issues and Movements
23.12.2017 F/N PGDHR-05 Changing Dimensions of Human Rights
P.G. Diploma in Environment & Sustainable Development (610)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDESD-01 Principles of Environment and Sustainable Development
10.12.2017 F/N PGDESD-02 Environment and Society
16.12.2017 F/N PGDESD-03 Challenges to Environment
17.12.2017 F/N PGDESD-04 Environmental Law and Movement
23.12.2017 F/N PGDESD-05 Environmental Education
P.G. Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (611)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDIPR-01 Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
10.12.2017 F/N PGDIPR-02 Law of Patents
16.12.2017 F/N PGDIPR-03 Concepts of Copy Rights
Law of Trademarks and Law of Geographical Indications
17.12.2017 F/N PGDIPR-04
Goods Act 1999
23.12.2017 F/N PGDIPR-05 Other Enactment of Intellectual Property Rights
P.G. Diploma in Disaster Management (612)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDDM-01 Typology of Disasters
10.12.2017 F/N PGDDM-02 Earth System Science
16.12.2017 F/N PGDDM-03 Disaster Management
17.12.2017 F/N PGDDM-04 Hazards and Disaster Case Studies in India
PGDDM-05 Project
P.G. Diploma in Mathematics (613)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDMAT-11 Algebra
10.12.2017 F/N PGDMAT-12 Real Analysis
16.12.2017 F/N PGDMAT-13 Topology and Functional Analysis
P.G. Diploma in Applied Mathematics (614)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDAM-11 Operations Research
10.12.2017 F/N PGDAM-12 Graph Theory and Algorithms
16.12.2017 F/N PGDAM-13 Mathematical Statistics
P.G. Diploma in Export Marketing (615)
Date Session Course Code Course Title
09.12.2017 F/N PGDEM-10 Basics of Export Policy and Markets
10.12.2017 F/N PGDEM-11 Service Exports
16.12.2017 F/N PGDEM-12 Export Support and Promotion Agencies
17.12.2017 F/N PGDEM-13 Export Pricing
23.12.2017 F/N PGDEM-14 Export Documentation
24.12.2017 F/N PGDEM-15 Export Procedure and Processing
PGDEM-16 Project Work
P.G. Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (616)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDGC-11 Developmental Psychology
10.12.2017 F/N PGDGC-12 Psychopathology and Mental Health
16.12.2017 F/N PGDGC-13 Fundamentals of Guidance and Counselling
17.12.2017 F/N PGDGC-14 Counselling Techniques and Practice
23.12.2017 F/N PGDGC-15 Testing and Assessment for Counselling
P.G. Diploma in Gerontology (617)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDGY-01 Introduction to Aging
10.12.2017 F/N PGDGY-02 Physiological and Psychological Problems of Elderly
16.12.2017 F/N PGDGY-03 Policies and Programmes for the aged
17.12.2017 F/N PGDGY-04 Old Age Care
23.12.2017 F/N PGDGY-05 Research and Development in Gerontology
P.G. Diploma in Child Rights & Child Protection (618)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDCPR-01 Introduction to Child Rights and Child Protection
10.12.2017 F/N PGDCPR-02 Indian Child Rights
16.12.2017 F/N PGDCPR-03 International Conventions on Child Rights
17.12.2017 F/N PGDCPR-04 Child Welfare and Protection
23.12.2017 F/N PGDCPR-05 Methods and Techniques of Social Intervention
P.G. Diploma in Social Welfare Administration (619)
09.12.2017 F/N PGDSWA-01 Introduction to Social Welfare Administration
10.12.2017 F/N PGDSWA-02 Establishment and Administration
16.12.2017 F/N PGDSWA-03 Co-ordinating Agencies at National and International Level
17.12.2017 F/N PGDSWA-04 Role of NGOs in Social Welfare
23.12.2017 F/N PGDSWA-05 Programme Implementation