8 - Muscular System: Taft College Human Physiology

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8 - Muscular


Taft College Human
Muscular System - Introduction

The bones provide the levers and structure of the

skeleton but it is the muscles that cause movement.
Motion results from the contraction and relaxation of
Muscles account for 40-50% of total body weight.
40% of body weight is due to skeletal muscle.
10% due to cardiac & smooth muscle combined.
The muscles change chemical energy (ATP) into
mechanical energy to generate force and perform work.
We will discuss this process over the next few weeks.
The scientific study of muscles is known as myology.
Functions of Muscle Tissue
Muscle tissues have a specialized property- contractility, the capability of
Through the contraction and relaxation of muscles, 4 functions can be described:
1. Motion such as walking, running, grasping.
These movements rely on the integrated function of bones, joints, and skeletal
muscles. The muscles are connected to the skeleton and pull to cause movement.
2. Propulsion of materials through the body (blood, ingested food).
Examples: Cardiac muscle contracts to pump blood to all body tissues.
Smooth muscle contractions aid in the movement of food through the GI tract, urine
through urinary system.
Skeletal muscle helps return venous blood to the heart.
3. Maintain body posture and sphincter control.
Examples: Skeletal muscle contractions maintain the body in stable positions as a
when standing.
Sustained contraction of smooth muscles (sphincters) prevent outflow of contents of
a hollow organ, as in the urinary bladder, colon, or stomach.
4. Thermogenesis (generating heat).
Heat is a byproduct of muscle contraction. Muscle generates about 85% of body
When more heat is needed to maintain body temperature, involuntary muscle
contraction (shivering), can increase thermogenesis by several 100%.
Contractile Proteins
Movement in living cells involves special protein
molecules, contractile proteins. Ex. Actin and Myosin
Contractile proteins can convert chemical energy like
ATP, into the mechanical energy of motion.
Surprisingly, contractile proteins have been found in
many types of cells other than muscle cells. They
account for things like:
1. Movement of chromosomes in cell division.
2. Movement of WBCs.
Movement of cilia and flagella (as in sperm).
**Therefore, muscle tissue is not unique in its
possession of contractile proteins but muscle tissue
is distinguished by its high concentration of
contractile proteins.
3 Types of Muscle Tissue

Very Large Small

10-100 micron 3-8 micron
Diameter Diameter

10-20 micron
1. Skeletal muscle.
2. Smooth (visceral) muscle.
3. Cardiac muscle.
1. Skeletal Muscle
1. Skeletal Muscle- is the muscle that is typically
attached to the skeleton and is responsible for the
a: of the skeleton.
b: of the diaphragm in breathing.
c. Sphincters- circles of skeletal muscle important in
voluntary release of urine and feces.
Contraction of skeletal muscle occurs by way of nerve
impulses. You have voluntary control of the
contraction of skeletal muscle. Therefore sometimes
called, voluntary muscle.
Skeletal muscle is the largest tissue of the body,
approximately 40% of body weight.
2. Smooth (visceral) muscle
2. Smooth (visceral) muscle- viscera refers to internal organs of chest
and abdomen.
Smooth muscle surrounds the hollow tubes and chambers of the body.
Found in organs of digestive system, reproductive, urinary, and blood
a. Smooth muscle functions to propel things through tubes
peristalsis = wave like contractions of smooth muscle
b. May change size (diameter) of an organ, important in maintaining blood
flow and pressure.
Do you have voluntary control over contraction of smooth muscle? No,
therefore it is also called Involuntary muscle.
Contraction of smooth muscle is inherent (automatic or involuntary).
Contraction of smooth muscle may be altered by:
1. Physical pressure (stretching).
2. Nerves (via neurotransmitters)
3. body chemicals (several hormones, chemical changes (pH, O2, CO2)) .
3. Cardiac muscle
3. Cardiac muscle- cardiac muscle is the
muscle of the heart. It serves to pump (propel)
the blood.
Cardiac muscle contractions are inherent, but
may be altered by nerves and chemicals
Cardiac and smooth muscle together makeup
about 10% of body weight.
In this exam, we will discuss skeletal muscle and
smooth muscle.
We will not discuss heart muscle until we get to
the cardiovascular system.
Microscopic Functional Anatomy
of Skeletal Muscle
Over 600 skeletal muscles have been identified
on the human body.
They are attached to bone by bundles of C.T.
called tendons.
If we examine a skeletal muscle we see that it
is composed of elongated cells or fibers.
Muscle cell = muscle fiber.
Let's examine the structural organization of a
skeletal muscle:
Functional Anatomy of Skeletal
Muscle Muscle Fibers = Muscle Cells
= Myofibers
100s or 1000s per muscle
Dense Irregular C.T.

Tendon Tendon

To Next Muscle
Why stretch prior to exercise?
To stretch C.T., not muscle tissue!
Functional Anatomy of Skeletal
Muscle notes- a skeletal
muscle is surrounded by dense,
irregular C.T. that strengthens
and protects the muscle.
The C.T. extends beyond the
muscle at each end to form a
tendon that attaches to
periosteum of a bone.
Individual muscle fibers run
longitudinally (parallel to each
other) though the muscle. They
number from 100s to 1000s in a
Muscle Fiber = Muscle Cell =
Skeletal Muscle Fiber =
Muscle Cell = Myofiber

Multiple Muscle cell
Nuclei Membrane


Sarcoplasm =
Myofibrils Striations in Muscle cell
To Next Fig. Myofibrils Cytoplasm
Muscle Fiber = Muscle Cell = Myofiber
Muscle Fiber = Muscle Cell =
Muscle fiber notes-
Skeletal muscle cells are the largest cells (but formed from many
myoblasts during development) in the body. Each cell has
numerous nuclei.
Notice the nuclei are at the periphery out of the way of the
contractile elements.
Does the nucleus have a difficult time controlling such a large cell?
No. They cheat, they are multinucleated!
The plasma membrane is called the sarcolemma.
The cytoplasm is called sarcoplasm.
The muscle fiber is stuffed with tiny threads called myofibrils. They
extend lengthwise within the muscle fiber. They stain with
alternating light and dark bands giving a striated appearance.
These bands are called cross-striations, which give rise the
reference to striated muscle.
Dark Bands = Light Bands =
A Bands I Bands
Z Discs

Sarcomere Sarcomere Etc.

To next Fig
Myofibril Notes
Each myofibril is made up of a series of
repeated units called sarcomeres.
Z discs serve as the border for adjacent
Sarcomeres are the smallest unit of
muscle contraction.
Light = I bands (isotropic) and Dark = A
bands (anisotropic) are more evident at
this magnification.
Myofibril Notes
A myofibril in turn is made up of myofilaments =
contractile proteins.
There are 2 major contractile proteins:
1. Myosin- thick filament, MW = 500,000.
2. Actin- thin filament, MW = 60,000.
A band (dark) consists mostly of myosin and portions
of actin that overlap thick filaments.
I band (light) consists of actin only.
The Z disc passes through the center of each I band,
and anchors the thin filaments. = Border for sarcomere
The narrow H zone in the center of each A band
contains myosin only.
Sarcomere Sarcomere

Myosin Myosin
Actin Actin

x ed
R ela

Z Disc
H Zone H Zone

I = Light Band A = Dark Band I = Light A =Dark Band I = Light

Band Band

e d
ct Myosin
tr a Actin

A = Dark Band I Band A= Dark Band

A Band (Dark) = Actin and Myosin
I Band (Light) = Actin only
H Zone = Myosin only
Elastic filaments
Elastic filament notes- The 3rd most common muscle
protein is a non contractile filament, the elastic
The elastic filament is composed of the stretchy protein
called titan (huge MW).
Titan is especially important in returning contracted
muscle back to its original position to begin
contraction again
Summary of Changes During
The A band (dark) is unchanged in
The I band (light) is reduced or absent.
The H zone is absent.
Physiology Quiz 2.1 Name___________________

Due ________
Draw and label the microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle as per lecture.
1. Label the following in 2 adjacent sarcomeres for both a relaxed and a
contracted muscle if present:
A band (dark)
I Band (light)
H zone
Z disc
2. State the components of the A band, I band, and H zone.
3. State what happens to the A band, I band, and H zone during contraction.

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