Hand Hygine Guideline WHO

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WHO Guidelines

on Hand Hygiene in Health Care

First Global Patient Safety Challenge

Clean Care is Safer Care
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care.

1.Hand wash - standards. 2.Hygiene. 3.Cross infection - prevention

and control. 4.Patient care - standards. 5.Health facilities - standards.
6.Guidelines. I.World Health Organization. II.World Alliance for Patient

ISBN 978 92 4 159790 6 (NLM classication: WB 300)

World Health Organization 2009

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WHO Guidelines
on Hand Hygiene in Health Care

First Global Patient Safety Challenge

Clean Care is Safer Care



1. Definition of terms 2

2. Guideline preparation process 4

2.1 Preparation of the Advanced Draft
2.2 Pilot testing the Advanced Draft
2.3 Finalization of the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care

3. The burden of health care-associated infection 6

3.1 Health care-associated infection in developed countries
3.2 Burden of health-care associated infection in developing countries

4. Historical perspective on hand hygiene in health care 9

5. Normal bacterial flora on hands 10

6. Physiology of normal skin 11

7. Transmission of pathogens by hands 12

7.1 Organisms present on patient skin or in the inanimate environment
7.2 Organism transfer to health-care workers hands
7.3 Organism survival on hands
7.4 Defective hand cleansing, resulting in hands remaining contaminated
7.5 Cross-transmission of organisms by contaminated hands

8. Models of hand transmission 22

8.1 Experimental models
8.2 Mathematical models

9. Relationship between hand hygiene and the acquisition of 24

health care-associated pathogens

10. Methods to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of handrub and 25

handwash agents and formulations for surgical hand preparation
10.1 Current methods
10.2 Shortcomings of traditional test methods
10.3 The need for better methods

11. Review of preparations used for hand hygiene 30

11.1 Water
11.2 Plain (non-antimicrobial) soap
11.3 Alcohols
11.4 Chlorhexidine
11.5 Chloroxylenol
11.6 Hexachlorophene
11.7 Iodine and iodophors
11.8 Quaternary ammonium compounds
11.9 Triclosan
11.10 Other agents
11.11 Activity of antiseptic agents against spore-forming bacteria
11.12 Reduced susceptibility of microrganisms to antiseptics
11.13 Relative efficacy of plain soap, antiseptic soaps and detergents,
and alcohols

4 I

12. WHO-recommended handrub formulation 49

12.1 General remarks
12.2 Lessons learnt from local production of the WHO-recommended handrub formulations in different
settings worldwide

13. Surgical hand preparation: state-of-the-art 54

13.1 Evidence for surgical hand preparation
13.2 Objective of surgical hand preparation
13.3 Selection of products for surgical hand preparation
13.4 Surgical hand antisepsis using medicated soap
13.5 Surgical hand preparation with alcohol-based handrubs
13.6 Surgical hand scrub with medicated soap or surgical hand preparation
with alcohol-based formulations

14. Skin reactions related to hand hygiene 61

14.1 Frequency and pathophysiology of irritant contact dermatitis
14.2 Allergic contact dermatitis related to hand hygiene products
14.3 Methods to reduce adverse effects of agents

15. Factors to consider when selecting hand hygiene products 64

15.1 Pilot testing
15.2 Selection factors

16. Hand hygiene practices among health-care workers 66

and adherence to recommendations
16.1 Hand hygiene practices among health-care workers
16.2 Observed adherence to hand cleansing
16.3 Factors affecting adherence

17. Religious and cultural aspects of hand hygiene 78

17.1 Importance of hand hygiene in different religions
17.2 Hand gestures in different religions and cultures
17.3 The concept of visibly dirty hands
17.4 Use of alcohol-based handrubs and alcohol prohibition by some religions
17.5 Possible solutions

18. Behavioural considerations 85

18.1 Social sciences and health behaviour
18.2 Behavioural aspects of hand hygiene

19. Organizing an educational programme to promote hand hygiene 89

19.1 Process for developing an educational programme when implementing guidelines
19.2 Organization of a training programme
19.3 The infection control link health-care worker

20. Formulating strategies for hand hygiene promotion 93

20.1 Elements of promotion strategies
20.2 Developing a strategy for guideline implementation
20.3 Marketing technology for hand hygiene promotion

21. The WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy 99

21.1 Key elements for a successful strategy
21.2 Essential steps for implementation at heath-care setting level
21.3 WHO tools for implementation
21.4 My five moments for hand hygiene
21.5 Lessons learnt from the testing of the WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement
Strategy in pilot and complementary sites

22. Impact of improved hand hygiene 124

5 I

23. Practical issues and potential barriers to optimal hand hygiene practices 128
23.1 Glove policies
23.2 Importance of hand hygiene for safe blood and blood products
23.3 Jewellery
23.4 Fingernails and artificial nails
23.5 Infrastructure required for optimal hand hygiene
23.6 Safety issues related to alcohol-based preparations

24. Hand hygiene research agenda 146


1. Ranking system for evidence

2. Indications for hand hygiene
3. Hand hygiene technique
4. Recommendations for surgical hand preparation
5. Selection and handling of hand hygiene agents
6. Skin care
7. Use of gloves
8. Other aspects of hand hygiene
9. Educational and motivational programmes for health-care workers
10. Governmental and institutional responsibilities
11. For health-care administrators
12. For national governments


1. Hand hygiene as a performance indicator 158

1.1 Monitoring hand hygiene by direct methods
1.2 The WHO-recommended method for direct observation
1.3 Indirect monitoring of hand hygiene performance
1.4 Automated monitoring of hand hygiene

2. Hand hygiene as a quality indicator for patient safety 164

3. Assessing the economic impact of hand hygiene promotion 168

3.1 Need for economic evaluation
3.2 Costbenefit and costeffectiveness analyses
3.3 Review of the economic literature
3.4 Capturing the costs of hand hygiene at institutional level
3.5 Typical cost-savings from hand hygiene promotion programmes
3.6 Financial strategies to support national programmes


1. Introduction 175

2. Objectives 175

3. Historical perspective 176

4. Public campaigning, WHO, and the mass media 177

4.1 National campaigns within health care

5. Benefits and barriers in national programmes 178

3 3

6. Limitations of national programmes 179

4 4

7. The relevance of social marketing and social movement theories 180

7.1 Hand hygiene improvement campaigns outside of health care
8. Nationally driven hand hygiene improvement in health care 181

9. Towards a blueprint for developing, implementing and evaluating a 182

national hand hygiene improvement programme within health care

10. Conclusion 182


1. Overview and terminology 190

2. Patient empowerment and health care 190

3. Components of the empowerment process 191

3.1 Patient participation
3.2 Patient knowledge
3.3 Patient skills
3.4 Creation of a facilitating environment and positive deviance

4. Hand hygiene compliance and empowerment 192

4.1 Patient and health-care worker empowerment

5. Programmes and models of hand hygiene promotion, including patient 194

and health-care worker empowerment
5.1 Evidence
5.2 Programmes

6. WHO global survey of patient experiences 195

7. Strategy and resources for developing, implementing, and evaluating 196

a patient/health-care worker empowerment programme in a health-care
facility or community




1. Definitions of health-care settings and other related terms 240

2 Guide to appropriate hand hygiene in connection with Clostridium difficile spread 242
3. Hand and skin self-assessment tool 246
4 Monitoring hand hygiene by direct methods 247
5. Example of a spreadsheet to estimate costs 250
6. WHO global survey of patient experiences in hand hygiene improvement 251



5 5


The WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care provide health-care workers (HCWs), hospital
administrators and health authorities with a thorough review of evidence on hand hygiene in health care and
specific recommendations to improve practices and reduce transmission of pathogenic microorganisms to
patients and HCWs. The present Guidelines are intended to be implemented in any situation in which health care
is delivered either to a patient or to a specific group in a population. Therefore, this concept applies to all settings
where health care is permanently or occasionally performed, such as home care by birth attendants. Definitions
of health-care settings are proposed in Appendix 1. These Guidelines and the associated WHO Multimodal Hand
Hygiene Improvement Strategy and an Implementation Toolkit (http://www.who.int/gpsc/en/) are designed to offer
health-care facilities in Member States a conceptual framework and practical tools for the application of
recommendations in practice at the bedside. While ensuring consistency with the Guidelines recommendations,
individual adaptation according to local regulations, settings, needs, and resources is desirable.
The development of the Guidelines began in autumn 2004 An Executive Summary of the Advanced Draft of the Guidelines
and the preparation process is thoroughly described in Part is available as a separate document, in Chinese, English,
I, Section 2. In brief, the present document is the result of the French, Russian and Spanish versions (http://www.who.
update and finalization of the Advanced Draft, issued in April int/gpsc/tools/en/). An Executive Summary of the present
2006, according to the literature review and data and lessons Guidelines will be translated into all WHO official languages.
learnt from pilot testing. A Core Group of experts coordinated
the work of reviewing the available scientific evidence, writing It is anticipated that the recommendations in these Guidelines
the document, and fostering discussion among authors; more will remain valid until 2011. The Patient Safety Department
than 100 international experts contributed to preparing the (Information, Evidence and Research Cluster) at WHO
document. Authors, technical contributors, external reviewers, headquarters is committed to ensuring that the WHO Guidelines
and professionals who actively participated in the work process on Hand Hygiene in Health Care are updated every two to three
up to final publication are listed in the Acknowledgements at the years.
end of the document.

The WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care provide

a comprehensive review of scientific data on hand hygiene
rationale and practices in health care. This extensive review
includes in one document sufficient technical information
to support training materials and help plan implementation
strategies. The document comprises six parts; for convenience,
the figures and tables are numbered to correspond to the part
and the section in which they are discussed:
Part I reviews scientific data on hand hygiene practices in
health care and in health-care settings in particular.

Part II reports consensus recommendations of the

international panel of experts mandated by WHO together
with grading of the evidence and proposes guidelines that
could be used worldwide.

Part III discusses process and outcome measurements.

Part IV proposes the promotion of hand hygiene on a large


Part V covers the aspect of patient participation in hand

hygiene promotion.

Part VI reviews existing national and sub-national guidelines

for hand hygiene.

6 6




Definition of terms

Hand hygiene. A general term referring to any action of hand cleansing

(see below Hand hygiene practices).

Hand hygiene products Antiseptic handrubbing (or handrubbing). Applying an

antiseptic handrub to reduce or inhibit the growth of
Alcohol-based (hand) rub. An alcohol-containing preparation microorganisms without the need for an exogenous source of
(liquid, gel or foam) designed for application to the hands to water and requiring no rinsing or drying with towels or other
inactivate microorganisms and/or temporarily suppress their devices.
growth. Such preparations may contain one or more types of
alcohol, other active ingredients with excipients, and Hand antisepsis/decontamination/degerming. Reducing or
humectants. inhibiting the growth of microorganisms by the application of an
antiseptic handrub or by performing an antiseptic handwash.
Antimicrobial (medicated) soap. Soap (detergent) containing
an antiseptic agent at a concentration sufficient to inactivate Hand care. Actions to reduce the risk of skin damage or
microorganisms and/or temporarily suppress their growth. The irritation.
detergent activity of such soaps may also dislodge transient
microorganisms or other contaminants from the skin to facilitate Handwashing. Washing hands with plain or antimicrobial soap
their subsequent removal by water. and water.

Antiseptic agent. An antimicrobial substance that inactivates Hand cleansing. Action of performing hand hygiene for the
microorganisms or inhibits their growth on living tissues. purpose of physically or mechanically removing dirt, organic
Examples include alcohols, chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG), material, and/or microorganisms.
chlorine derivatives, iodine, chloroxylenol (PCMX), quaternary
ammonium compounds, and triclosan. Hand disinfection is extensively used as a term in some parts
of the world and can refer to antiseptic handwash, antiseptic
Antiseptic hand wipe. A piece of fabric or paper pre-wetted handrubbing, hand antisepsis/decontamination/degerming,
with an antiseptic used for wiping hands to inactivate and/or handwashing with an antimicrobial soap and water, hygienic
remove microbial contamination. They may be considered as hand antisepsis, or hygienic handrub. Since disinfection refers
an alternative to washing hands with non-antimicrobial soap normally to the decontamination of inanimate surfaces and
and water but, because they are not as effective at reducing objects, this term is not used in these Guidelines.
bacterial counts on HCWs hands as alcohol-based handrubs
or washing hands with an antimicrobial soap and water, they Hygienic hand antisepsis. Treatment of hands with either
are not a substitute for using an alcohol-based handrub or an antiseptic handrub or antiseptic handwash to reduce the
antimicrobial soap. transient microbial flora without necessarily affecting the
resident skin flora.
Detergent (surfactant). Compounds that possess a cleaning
action. They are composed of a hydrophilic and a lipophilic Hygienic handrub. Treatment of hands with an antiseptic
part and can be divided into four groups: anionic, cationic, handrub to reduce the transient flora without necessarily
amphoteric, and non-ionic. Although products used for affecting the resident skin flora. These preparations are
handwashing or antiseptic handwash in health care represent broad spectrum and fast-acting, and persistent activity is not
various types of detergents, the term soap will be used to refer necessary.
to such detergents in these guidelines.
Hygienic handwash. Treatment of hands with an antiseptic
Plain soap. Detergents that contain no added antimicrobial handwash and water to reduce the transient flora without
agents, or may contain these solely as preservatives. necessarily affecting the resident skin flora. It is broad
spectrum, but is usually less efficacious and acts more slowly
Waterless antiseptic agent. An antiseptic agent (liquid, gel or than the hygienic handrub.
foam) that does not require the use of exogenous water. After
application, the individual rubs the hands together until the skin Surgical hand antisepsis/surgical hand preparation/
feels dry. presurgical hand preparation. Antiseptic handwash or
antiseptic handrub performed preoperatively by the surgical
team to eliminate transient flora and reduce resident skin flora.
Hand hygiene practices Such antiseptics often have persistent antimicrobial activity.
Surgical handscrub(bing)/presurgical scrub refer to surgical
Antiseptic handwashing. Washing hands with soap and water, hand preparation with antimicrobial soap and water. Surgical
or other detergents containing an antiseptic agent. handrub(bing) refers to surgical hand preparation with a
waterless, alcohol-based handrub.

2 2

Definition of terms
Associated terms Substantivity. An attribute of some active ingredients that
adhere to the stratum corneum and provide an inhibitory effect
Cumulative effect. Increasing antimicrobial effect with repeated on the growth of bacteria by remaining on the skin after rinsing
applications of a given antiseptic. or drying.

Efficacy/efficaceous. The (possible) effect of the application of Surrogate microorganism. A microorganism used to represent
a hand hygiene formulation when tested in laboratory or in vivo a given type or category of nosocomial pathogen when testing
situations. the antimicrobial activity of antiseptics. Surrogates are selected
for their safety, ease of handling, and relative resistance to
Effectiveness/effective. The clinical conditions under which a antimicrobials.
hand hygiene product has been tested for its potential to reduce
the spread of pathogens, e.g. field trials. Transient flora (transient microbiota). Microorganisms
that colonize the superficial layers of the skin and are more
Excipient. Inert substance included in a product formulation to amenable to removal by routine handwashing.
serve as a vehicle for the active substance.
Visibly soiled hands. Hands on which dirt or body fluids are
Health-care area. Concept related to the geographical readily visible.
visualization of key moments for hand hygiene. It contains all
surfaces in the health-care setting outside the patient zone of
patient X, i.e. other patients and their patient zones and the
health-care facility environment.

Humectant. Ingredient(s) added to hand hygiene products to

moisturize the skin.

Medical gloves. Disposable gloves used during medical

procedures; they include examination (sterile or non-sterile)
gloves, surgical gloves, and medical gloves for handling
chemotherapy agents (chemotherapy gloves).

Patient zone. Concept related to the geographical

visualization of key moments for hand hygiene. It contains the
patient X and his/her immediate surroundings. This typically
includes the intact skin of the patient and all inanimate surfaces
that are touched by or in direct physical contact with the patient
such as the bed rails, bedside table, bed linen, infusion tubing
and other medical equipment. It further contains surfaces
frequently touched by HCWs while caring for the patient such as
monitors, knobs and buttons, and other high frequency touch

Persistent activity. The prolonged or extended antimicrobial

activity that prevents the growth or survival of microorganisms
after application of a given antiseptic; also called residual,
sustained or remnant activity. Both substantive and non-
substantive active ingredients can show a persistent effect
significantly inhibiting the growth of microorganisms after

Point of care. The place where three elements come together:

the patient, the HCW, and care or treatment involving contact
with the patient or his/her surroundings (within the patient
zone).1 The concept embraces the need to perform hand
hygiene at recommended moments exactly where care delivery
takes place. This requires that a hand hygiene product (e.g.
alcohol-based handrub, if available) be easily accessible and
as close as possible within arms reach of where patient care
or treatment is taking place. Point-of-care products should be
accessible without having to leave the patient zone.

Resident flora (resident microbiota). Microorganisms residing

under the superficial cells of the stratum corneum and also
found on the surface of the skin.
3 3

Guidelines preparation process

The preparation process of the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care involved the steps that are
briefly described in this section.

2.1 Preparation of the Advanced Draft in Health Care (Table I.2.2). In the case of difficulty in reaching
consensus, the voting system was adopted. The final draft was
The present guidelines were developed by the Clean Care submitted to a list of external and internal reviewers whose
is Safer Care team (Patient Safety Department, Information, comments were considered during the March 2006 Core Group
Evidence and Research Cluster). consultation. The Advanced Draft of the WHO Guidelines on
Hand Hygiene in Health Care was published in April 2006.
A Core Group of international experts in the field of infection
control, with specific expertise in hand hygiene, participated
in the writing and revision of the document. The group was 2.2 Pilot testing the Advanced Draft
constituted at WHO Headquarters in Geneva in December
2004. During its first meeting, the experts discussed the According to WHO recommendations for guideline preparation,
approach to be emphasized in these guidelines and their a testing phase of the guidelines was undertaken. In parallel
content and drew up a plan for their preparation. The with the Advanced Draft, an implementation strategy
objectives identified were to develop a document including (WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy) was
a comprehensive overview of essential aspects of hand developed, together with a wide a range of tools (Pilot
hygiene in health care and evidence- and consensus-based Implementation Pack) to help health-care settings to translate
recommendations for optimal hand hygiene practices and the guidelines into practice (see also Part I, Sections 21.14).
successful hand hygiene promotion. Users were meant to be The aims of this testing were: to provide local data on the
policy-makers, managers and HCWs in different settings and resources required to carry out the recommendations; to
geographical areas. It was decided to adopt the CDC Guideline generate information on feasibility, validity, reliability, and cost
for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings issued in 2002 as effectiveness of the interventions; and to adapt and refine
a basis for the present document but to introduce many new proposed implementation strategies. Eight pilot sites from seven
topics. A distinctive feature of the present Guidelines is the fact countries representing the six WHO regions were selected for
that they were conceived with a global perspective; therefore, pilot testing and received technical and, in some cases, financial
they are not targeted at only developing or developed countries, support from the First Global Patient Safety Challenge team
but at all countries regardless of the resources available (see (see also Part I, Section 21.5). Other health-care settings around
also Part VI). the world volunteered to participate autonomously in the testing
phase, and these were named complementary test sites.
Various task forces were established (Table I.2.1) to examine Analysis of data and evaluation of the lessons learnt from pilot
different controversial topics in depth and reach consensus and complementary sites were undertaken and are reported in
on the best approach to be included in the document for both Part I, Section 21.5.
implementation and research purposes. According to their
expertise, authors were assigned various chapters, the content
of which had to be based on the scientific literature and their 2.3 Finalization of the WHO Guidelines on Hand
experience. A systematic review of the literature was performed Hygiene in Health Care
through PubMed (United States National Library of Medicine),
Ovid, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library, and In August 2007, the expert Core Group reconvened in Geneva
secondary papers were identified from reference lists and to start the process of guideline finalization. Authors were asked
existing relevant guidelines. International and national infection to update their text according to relevant new publications up
control guidelines and textbooks were also consulted. Authors to October 2007 and to return the work by December 2007;
provided the list of keywords that they used for use in the next some authors were asked to write new chapters by the same
update of the Guidelines. deadline. The First Global Patient Safety Challenge team and
the Guidelines editor contributed with the content of several
In April 2005 and March 2006, the Core Group reconvened at chapters and took the responsibility to revise the updated and
WHO Headquarters in Geneva for task force meetings, final new material, to perform technical editing, and to add any
revision, and consensus on the first draft. Recommendations further relevant reference published between October 2007 and
were formulated on the basis of the evidence described in June 2008. Six new chapters, 11 additional paragraphs, and
the various sections; their terminology and consistency were three new appendices were added in the present final version
discussed in depth during the expert consultations. In addition compared with the Advanced Draft. External and internal
to expert consensus, the criteria developed by the Healthcare reviewers were asked again to comment on the new parts of the
Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) of guidelines.
the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), Atlanta, GA, were used to categorise the consensus In September 2008, the last Core Group consultation took
recommendations in the WHO Guidelines for Hand Hygiene place in Geneva. The final draft of the Guidelines was circulated

4 4

Guidelines preparation process
ahead of the meeting, including relevant comments from the
reviewers. A specific session of the meeting was dedicated
to the evaluation of data and lessons learnt from the testing
sites and how to integrate these aspects into the text. Final
discussion took place about the content of the final version of
the document with a particular focus on the recommendations
and the research agenda, and reviewers comments and
queries; approval was obtained by consensus. Following the
consultation, the final amendments and insertions were made
and, at the latest stage, the document was submitted to a WHO
reference editor.

Table I.2.1
Task forces for discussion and expert consensus on critical issues related to hand hygiene in health care

Task forces on hand hygiene in health care

Behavioural changes
WHO-recommended hand antisepsis formulations
Glove use and reuse
Water quality for handwashing
Patient involvement
Religious and cultural aspects of hand hygiene
Indicators for service implementation and monitoring
Regulation and accreditation
National guidelines on hand hygiene
Frequently asked questions development

Table I.2.2
Modified CDC/HICPAC ranking system for evidence


IA Strongly recommended for implementation and strongly supported by well-designed experimental, clinical, or
epidemiological studies.

IB Strongly recommended for implementation and supported by some experimental, clinical, or epidemiological
studies and a strong theoretical rationale.

IC Required for implementation, as mandated by federal and/or state regulation or standard.

II Suggested for implementation and supported by suggestive clinical or epidemiological studies or a theoretical
rationale or a consensus by a panel of experts.

5 5

The burden of health care-associated infection

This section summarizes the epidemiological data and relevant issues related to the global burden of health
care-associated infection (HCAI) and emphasizes the importance of preventing HCAI by giving priority to the
promotion of hand hygiene best practices in health care. When available, national or multicentre surveys were
preferred to single hospital surveys, and only studies or reports published in English were considered. This
overview of available data on HCAI is therefore not to be considered exhaustive, but rather as an informative,
evidence-based introduction to the topic of hand hygiene in health care.

HCAI is a major problem for patient safety and its surveillance 25 million extra days of hospital stay and a corresponding
and prevention must be a first priority for settings and economic burden of 1324 billion. In general, attributable
institutions committed to making health care safer. The impact mortality due to HCAI in Europe is estimated to be 1% (50 000
of HCAI implies prolonged hospital stay, long-term disability, deaths per year), but HCAI contributes to death in at least
increased resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobials, 2.7% of cases (135 000 deaths per year). The estimated HCAI
massive additional financial burden, high costs for patients and incidence rate in the USA was 4.5% in 2002, corresponding
their families, and excess deaths. Although the risk of acquiring to 9.3 infections per 1000 patient-days and 1.7 million affected
HCAI is universal and pervades every health-care facility patients; approximately 99 000 deaths were attributed to
and system around the world, the global burden is unknown HCAI.7 The annual economic impact of HCAI in the USA was
because of the difficulty of gathering reliable diagnostic approximately US$ 6.5 billion in 2004.15
data. Overall estimates indicate that more than 1.4 million
patients worldwide in developed and developing countries are In the USA, similar to the position in other industrialized
affected at any time. 2 Although data on the burden of diseases countries, the most frequent type of infection hospitalwide
worldwide that are published in WHOs World Health Reports is urinary tract infection (UTI) (36%), followed by surgical
inform HCWs, policy-makers, and the public of the most site infection (SSI) (20%), bloodstream infection (BSI), and
important diseases in terms of morbidity and mortality, HCAI pneumonia (both 11%).7 It is noteworthy, however, that
does not appear on the list of the 136 diseases evaluated.3 The some infection types such as BSI and ventilator-associated
most likely reason is that the diagnosis of HCAI is complex, pneumonia have a more severe impact than others in terms of
relying on multiple criteria and not on a single laboratory test. mortality and extra-costs. For instance, the mortality rate
In addition, although national surveillance systems exist in many directly attributable to BSIs in ICU patients has been estimated
industrialized countries,4 e.g. the National Nosocomial Infection to be 1640% and prolongation of the length of stay 7.525
Surveillance (NNIS) system in the United States of America days.16,17 Furthermore, nosocomial BSI, estimated to account
(USA) (http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/nnis.html), they often for 250 000 episodes every year in the USA, has shown a trend
use different diagnostic criteria and methods, which render towards increasing frequency over the last decades, particularly
international comparisons difficult due to benchmarking in cases due to antibiotic-resistant organisms.18
obstacles. In developing countries, such systems are seldom in
place. Therefore, in many settings, from hospitals to ambulatory The HCAI burden is greatly increased in high-risk patients
and long-term care, HCAI appears to be a hidden, cross-cutting such as those admitted to ICUs. Prevalence rates of infection
concern that no institution or country can claim to have solved acquired in ICUs vary from 9.731.8% in Europe19 and 937%
as yet. in the USA, with crude mortality rates ranging from 12% to
80%.5 In the USA, the national infection rate in ICUs was
For the purpose of this review on the HCAI burden worldwide, estimated to be 13 per 1000 patient-days in 2002.7 In ICU
countries are ranked as developed and developing settings particularly, the use of various invasive devices (e.g.
according to the World Bank classification based on their central venous catheter, mechanical ventilation or urinary
estimated per capita income (http://siteresources.worldbank. catheter) is one of the most important risk factors for acquiring
org/DATASTATISTICS/Resources/CLASS.XLS). HCAI. Device-associated infection rates per 1000 device-days
detected through the NNIS System in the USA are summarized
in Table I.3.1. 20
3.1 Health care-associated infection in developed
countries In surveillance studies conducted in developed countries, HCAI
diagnosis relies mostly on microbiological and/or laboratory
In developed countries, HCAI concerns 515% of hospitalized criteria. In large-scale studies conducted in the USA, the
patients and can affect 937% of those admitted to intensive pathogens most frequently detected in HCAI are reported by
care units (ICUs).2,5 Recent studies conducted in Europe infection site both hospitalwide and in ICUs.21,22
reported hospital-wide prevalence rates of patients affected by
HCAI ranging from 4.6% to 9.3%.6-14 According to data provided Furthermore, in high-income countries with modern and
by the Hospital in Europe Link for Infection Control through sophisticated health-care provision, many factors have been
Surveillance (HELICS) (http://helics.univ-lyon1.fr/helicshome. shown to be associated with the risk of acquiring an HCAI.
htm), approximately 5 million HCAIs are estimated to occur in These factors can be related to the infectious agent (e.g.
acute care hospitals in Europe annually, representing around virulence, capacity to survive in the environment, antimicrobial
6 6

resistance), the host (e.g. advanced age, low birthweight, The burden of HCAI is also much more severe in high-risk
underlying diseases, state of debilitation, immunosuppression, populations such as adults housed in ICUs and neonates,
malnutrition), and the environment (e.g. ICU admission, with general infection rates, particularly device-associated
prolonged hospitalization, invasive devices and procedures,
antimicrobial therapy).

3.2 Burden of health care-associated infection in

developing countries

While HCAI surveillance is already a challenging task in highly

resourced settings, it may often appear an unrealistic goal in
everyday care in developing countries. In addition to the usual
difficulties to define the diagnosis of HCAI must be added the
paucity and unreliability of laboratory data, lack of standardized
information from medical records, and scarce access to
radiological facilities. Limited data on HCAI from these settings
are available from the literature. This is well demonstrated by
an electronic search of the period 19952008, which allowed
the retrieval of around 200 scientific papers published in
English and approximately 100 in other languages.23 Overall, no
more than 80 of these papers featured rigorous, high quality,
methodological characteristics.

The magnitude of the problem is particularly relevant in settings

where basic infection control measures are virtually non-
existent. This is the result of the combination of numerous
unfavourable factors such as understaffing, poor hygiene
and sanitation, lack or shortage of basic equipment, and
inadequate structures and overcrowding, almost all of which
can be attributed to limited financial resources. In addition to
these specific factors, an unfavourable social background and
a population largely affected by malnutrition and other types of
infection and/or diseases contribute to increase the risk of HCAI
in developing countries.24,25 Under these conditions, thousands
of infections in particular due to hepatitis B and C viruses and
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission are still
acquired from patients, but also from HCWs through unsafe use
of injections, medical devices and blood products, inadequate
surgical procedures, and deficiencies in biomedical waste
management. 24

When referring to endemic HCAI, many studies conducted

in developing countries report hospitalwide rates higher
than in developed countries. Nevertheless, it is important to
note that most of these studies concern single hospitals and
therefore may not be representative of the problem across
the whole country.26-36 For example, in one-day prevalence
surveys recently carried out in single hospitals in Albania, 36
Morocco,35 Tunisia,34 and the United Republic of Tanzania,33
HCAI prevalence rates were 19.1%, 17.8%, 17.9%, and 14.8%,
respectively. Given the difficulties to comply with the USA
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definitions
of nosocomial infection, 37 the most frequently surveyed type
of infection is SSI, which is the easiest to define according to
clinical criteria. The risk for patients to develop SSI in developing
countries is significantly higher than in developed countries
(e.g. 30.9% in a paediatric hospital in Nigeria, 38 23% in general
surgery in a hospital in the United Republic of Tanzania, 33 and
19% in a maternity unit in Kenya 39 ).

7 7

infection rates, several-fold higher than in developed countries.

As an example, in Table I.3.1, device-associated infection
rates reported from multicentre studies conducted in adult
and paediatric ICUs are compared with the USA NNIS
system rates.20,40,41 In a systematic review of the literature,
neonatal infections were reported to be 320 times higher
among hospital-born babies in developing than in developed

A very limited number of studies from developing countries

assessed HCAI risk factors by multivariate analysis. The
most frequently identified were prolonged length of stay,
surgery, intravascular and urinary catheters, and sedative

The magnitude and scope of the HCAI burden worldwide

appears to be very important and greatly underestimated.
Methods to assess the size and nature of the problem exist and
can contribute to correct monitoring and to finding solutions.
Nevertheless, these tools need to be simplified and adapted
so as to be affordable in settings where resources and data
sources are limited. Similarly, preventive measures have
been identified and proven effective; they are often simple
to implement, such as hand hygiene. However, based on an
improved awareness of the problem, infection control must
reach a higher position among the first priorities in national
health programmes, especially in developing countries.

8 8

Table I.3.1
Device-associated infection rates in ICUs in developing countries compared with NNIS rates

Surveillance network, Setting No. of patients CR-BSI* VAP* CR-UTI*

study period, country

INICC, 20032005, PICU 1,529 16.1 10.6 5.3

5 developing countries41

NNIS, 20022004, USA 20 PICU 6.6 2.9 4.0

INICC, 20022005, Adult 21,069 12.5 24.1 8.9

8 developing countries* ICU

NNIS, 20022004, USA 20 Adult 4.0 5.4 3.9


* Overall (pooled mean) infection rates/1000 device-days.

INICC = International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium; NNIS = National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance system; PICU = paediatric
intensive care unit; CR-BSI = cather-related bloodstream infection; VAP = ventilator-associated pneumonia; CR-UTI = catheter-related urinary
tract infection.
Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Turkey
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, India, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Turkey
Reproduced from Pittet, 200825 with permission from Elsevier.

9 9

Historical perspective
on hand hygiene in health care

Handwashing with soap and water has been considered a measure of personal hygiene for centuries 48,49 and has
been generally embedded in religious and cultural habits (see Part I, Section 17). Nevertheless, the link between
handwashing and the spread of disease was established only two centuries ago, although this can be considered
as relatively early with respect to the discoveries of Pasteur and Lister that occurred decades later.

In the mid-1800s, studies by Ignaz Semmelweis in Vienna, The 1980s represented a landmark in the evolution of concepts
Austria, and Oliver Wendell Holmes in Boston, USA, established of hand hygiene in health care. The first national hand hygiene
that hospital-acquired diseases were transmitted via the hands guidelines were published in the 1980s,53-55 followed by several
of HCWs. In 1847, Semmelweiss was appointed as a house others in more recent years in different countries. In 1995 and
officer in one of the two obstetric clinics at the University 1996, the CDC/Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory
of Vienna Allgemeine Krankenhaus (General Hospital). He Committee (HICPAC) in the USA recommended that either
observed that maternal mortality rates, mostly attributable to antimicrobial soap or a waterless antiseptic agent be used 56,57
puerperal fever, were substantially higher in one clinic compared for cleansing hands upon leaving the rooms of patients with
with the other (16% versus 7%).50 He also noted that doctors multidrug-resistant pathogens. More recently, the HICPAC
and medical students often went directly to the delivery suite guidelines issued in 200258 defined alcohol-based handrubbing,
after performing autopsies and had a disagreeable odour on where available, as the standard of care for hand hygiene
their hands despite handwashing with soap and water before practices in health-care settings, whereas handwashing is
entering the clinic. He hypothesized therefore that cadaverous reserved for particular situations only.59 The present guidelines
particles were transmitted via the hands of doctors and are based on this previous document and represent the most
students from the autopsy room to the delivery theatre and extensive review of the evidence related to hand hygiene in the
caused the puerperal fever. As a consequence, Semmelweis literature. They aim to expand the scope of recommendations to
recommended that hands be scrubbed in a chlorinated lime a global perspective, foster discussion and expert consultation
solution before every patient contact and particularly after on controversial issues related to hand hygiene in health
leaving the autopsy room. Following the implementation of this care, and to propose a practical approach for successful
measure, the mortality rate fell dramatically to 3% in the clinic implementation (see also Part VI).
most affected and remained low thereafter.
As far as the implementation of recommendations on hand
Apart from providing the first evidence that cleansing heavily hygiene improvement is concerned, very significant progress
contaminated hands with an antiseptic agent can reduce has been achieved since the introduction and validation of the
nosocomial transmission of germs more effectively than concept that promotional strategies must be multimodal to
handwashing with plain soap and water, this approach includes achieve any degree of success. In 2000, Pittet et al. reported
all the essential elements for a successful infection control the experience of the Genevas University Hospitals with
intervention: recognize-explain-act.51 Unfortunately, both the implementation of a strategy based on several essential
Holmes and Semmelweis failed to observe a sustained change components and not only the introduction of an alcohol-based
in their colleagues behaviour. In particular, Semmelweis handrub. The study showed remarkable results in terms of
experienced great difficulties in convincing his colleagues and an improvement in hand hygiene compliance improvement and
administrators of the benefits of this procedure. In the light of HCAI reduction.60 Taking inspiration from this innovative
the principles of social marketing today, his major error was that approach, the results of which were also demonstrated to be
he imposed a system change (the use of the chlorinated lime long-lasting,61 many other studies including further original
solution) without consulting the opinion of his collaborators. aspects have enriched the scientific literature (see Table I.22.1).
Despite these drawbacks, many lessons have been learnt Given its very solid evidence base, this model has been adopted
from the Semmelweis intervention; the recognize-explain- act by the First Global Patient Safety Challenge to develop the
approach has driven many investigators and practitioners since WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy aimed at translating
then and has also been replicated in different fields and settings. into practice the recommendations included in the present
Semmelweis is considered not only the father of hand hygiene, guidelines. In this final version of the guidelines, evidence
but his intervention is also a model of epidemiologically driven generated from the pilot testing of the strategy during 2007
strategies to prevent infection. 2008 is included (see also Part I, Section 21.5).62

A prospective controlled trial conducted in a hospital nursery52

and many other investigations conducted over the past 40
years have confirmed the important role that contaminated
HCWs hands play in the transmission of health care-associated
pathogens (see Part I, Sections 79).

10 10

Normal bacterial flora on hands

In 1938, Price 63 established that bacteria recovered from the hands could be divided into two categories, namely
resident or transient. The resident flora (resident microbiota) consists of microorganisms residing under the
superficial cells of the stratum corneum and can also be found on the surface of the skin. 64,65 Staphylococcus
epidermidis is the dominant species, 66 and oxacillin resistance is extraordinarily high, particularly among HCWs. 67
Other resident bacteria include S. hominis and other coagulase-negative staphylococci, followed by coryneform
bacteria ( propionibacteria, corynebacteria, dermobacteria, and micrococci). 68 Among fungi, the most common
genus of the resident skin flora, when present, is Pityrosporum (Malassezia) spp.69. Resident flora has two main
protective functions: microbial antagonism and the competition for nutrients in the ecosystem.70 In general,
resident flora is less likely to be associated with infections, but may cause infections in sterile body cavities, the
eyes, or on non-intact skin.71

Transient flora (transient microbiota), which colonizes the Normal human skin is colonized by bacteria, with total aerobic
superficial layers of the skin, is more amenable to removal by bacterial counts ranging from more than 1 x 10 6 colony forming
routine hand hygiene. Transient microorganisms do not usually units (CFU)/cm2 on the scalp, 5 x 105 CFUs/cm2 in the axilla,
multiply on the skin, but they survive and sporadically multiply and 4 x 104 CFU/cm2 on the abdomen to 1 x 104 CFU/cm2 on
on skin surface.70 They are often acquired by HCWs during the forearm.77 Total bacterial counts on the hands of HCWs have
direct contact with patients or contaminated environmental ranged from 3.9 x 104 to 4.6 x 106 CFU/cm2. 63,78-80 Fingertip
surfaces adjacent to the patient and are the organisms most contamination ranged from 0 to 300 CFU when sampled by
frequently associated with HCAIs. Some types of contact during agar contact methods.72 Price and subsequent investigators
routine neonatal care are more frequently associated with higher documented that although the count of transient and resident
levels of bacterial contamination of HCWs hands: respiratory flora varies considerably among individuals, it is often relatively
secretions, nappy/diaper change, and direct skin contact.72,73 constant for any given individual.63,81
The transmissibility of transient flora depends on the species
present, the number of microorganisms on the surface, and
the skin moisture.74,75 The hands of some HCWs may become
persistently colonized by pathogenic flora such as S. aureus,
Gram-negative bacilli, or yeast.76

11 11

Physiology of normal skin

The skin is composed of three layers, the epidermis (50100 m), dermis (12 mm) and hypodermis (12 mm)
(Figure I.6.1). The barrier to percutaneous absorption lies within the stratum corneum, the most superficial layer of
the epidermis. The function of the stratum corneum is to reduce water loss, provide protection against abrasive
action and microorganisms, and generally act as a permeability barrier to the environment.

The stratum corneum is a 1020 m thick, multilayer stratum The epidermis is a dynamic structure and the renewal of the
of flat, polyhedral-shaped, 2 to 3 m thick, non-nucleated cells stratum corneum is controlled by complex regulatory
named corneocytes. Corneocytes are composed primarily systems of cellular differentiation. Current knowledge of the
of insoluble bundled keratins surrounded by a cell envelope function of the stratum corneum has come from studies of
stabilized by cross-linked proteins and covalently bound lipids. the epidermal responses to perturbation of the skin barrier
Corneodesmosomes are membrane junctions interconnecting such as: (i) extraction of skin lipids with apolar solvents; (ii)
corneocytes and contributing to stratum corneum cohesion. physical stripping of the stratum corneum using adhesive tape;
The intercellular space between corneocytes is composed of and (iii) chemically-induced irritation. All such experimental
lipids primarily generated from the exocytosis of lamellar bodies manipulations lead to a transient decrease of the skin barrier
during the terminal differentiation of the keratinocytes. These efficacy as determined by transepidermal water loss. These
lipids are required for a competent skin barrier function. alterations of the stratum corneum generate an increase of
keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation in response to this
The epidermis is composed of 1020 layers of cells. This aggression in order to restore the skin barrier. This increase
pluristratified epithelium also contains melanocytes involved in in the keratinocyte proliferation rate could directly influence
skin pigmentation, and Langerhans cells, involved in antigen the integrity of the skin barrier by perturbing: (i) the uptake
presentation and immune responses. The epidermis, as for of nutrients, such as essential fatty acids; (ii) the synthesis of
any epithelium, obtains its nutrients from the dermal vascular proteins and lipids; or (iii) the processing of precursor molecules
network. required for skin barrier function.

Figure I.6.1
The anatomical layers of the cutaneous tissue

Anatomical layers


Subcutaneous tissue

Superficial fascia

Subcutaneous tissue

Deep fascia


12 12

Transmission of pathogens by hands

Transmission of health care-associated pathogens from one patient to another via HCWs hands requires
five sequential steps (Figures I.7.16): (i) organisms are present on the patients skin, or have been shed onto
inanimate objects immediately surrounding the patient; (ii) organisms must be transferred to the hands of HCWs;
(iii) organisms must be capable of surviving for at least several minutes on HCWs hands; (iv) handwashing
or hand antisepsis by the HCW must be inadequate or entirely omitted, or the agent used for hand hygiene
inappropriate; and (v) the contaminated hand or hands of the caregiver must come into direct contact with
another patient or with an inanimate object that will come into direct contact with the patient. Evidence
supporting each of these elements is given below.

7.1 Organisms present on patient skin or in the colonized with P. mirabilis and found 10600 CFU/ml in glove
inanimate environment juice samples. Pittet and colleagues72 studied contamination of
HCWs hands before and after direct patient contact, wound
Health care-associated pathogens can be recovered not only care, intravascular catheter care, respiratory tract care or
from infected or draining wounds, but also from frequently handling patient secretions. Using agar fingertip impression
colonized areas of normal, intact patient skin.82-96 The perineal or plates, they found that the number of bacteria recovered from
inguinal areas tend to be most heavily colonized, but the axillae, fingertips ranged from 0 to 300 CFU. Direct patient contact
trunk, and upper extremities (including the hands) are also and respiratory tract care were most likely to contaminate
frequently colonized.85,86,88,89,91,93,97 The number of organisms the fingers of caregivers. Gram-negative bacilli accounted for
such as S. aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella spp. and 15% of isolates and S. aureus for 11%. Importantly, duration of
Acinetobacter spp. present on intact areas of the skin of some patient-care activity was strongly associated with the intensity
patients can vary from 100 to 106 CFU/cm2.86,88,92,98 Diabetics, of bacterial contamination of HCWs hands in this study. A
patients undergoing dialysis for chronic renal failure, and those similar study of hand contamination during routine neonatal care
with chronic dermatitis are particularly likely to have skin areas defined skin contact, nappy/diaper change, and respiratory care
colonized with S. aureus.99-106. Because nearly 106 skin squames as independent predictors of hand contamination.73 In the latter
containing viable microorganisms are shed daily from normal study, the use of gloves did not fully protect HCWs hands from
skin,107 it is not surprising that patient gowns, bed linen, bedside bacterial contamination, and glove contamination was almost as
furniture and other objects in the immediate environment of high as ungloved hand contamination following patient contact.
the patient become contaminated with patient flora. 93-96,108-114 In contrast, the use of gloves during procedures such as nappy/
Such contamination is most likely to be due to staphylococci, diaper change and respiratory care almost halved the average
enterococci or Clostridium difficile which are more resistant to increase of bacteria CFU/min on HCWs hands.73
desiccation. Contamination of the inanimate environment has
also been detected on ward handwash station surfaces and Several other studies have documented that HCWs can
many of the organisms isolated were staphylococci.115 Tap/ contaminate their hands or gloves with Gram-negative bacilli,
faucet handles were more likely to be contaminated and to be in S. aureus, enterococci or C. difficile by performing clean
excess of benchmark values than other parts of the station. This procedures or touching intact areas of skin of hospitalized
study emphasizes the potential importance of environmental patients.89,95,110,111,125,126 A recent study that involved culturing
contamination on microbial cross contamination and pathogen HCWs hands after various activities showed that hands were
spread.115 Certain Gram-negative rods, such as Acinetobacter contaminated following patient contact and after contact with
baumannii, can also play an important role in environmental body fluids or waste.127 McBryde and colleagues128 estimated
contamination due to their long-time survival capacities.116-119 the frequency of HCWs glove contamination with methicillin-
resistant S. aureus (MRSA) after contact with a colonized
patient. HCWs were intercepted after a patient-care episode
7.2 Organism transfer to health-care workers hands and cultures were taken from their gloved hands before
handwashing had occurred; 17% (confidence interval (CI)
Relatively few data are available regarding the types of 95% 925%) of contacts with patients, a patients clothing or a
patient-care activities that result in transmission of patient patients bed resulted in transmission of MRSA from a patient
flora to HCWs hands.72,89,110,111,120-123 In the past, attempts have to the HCWs gloves. In another study involving HCWs caring
been made to stratify patient-care activities into those most for patients with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE),
likely to cause hand contamination,124 but such stratification 70% of HCWs contaminated their hands or gloves by touching
schemes were never validated by quantifying the level of the patient and the patients environment.114 Furthermore,
bacterial contamination that occurred. Casewell & Phillips121 HCWs caring for infants with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
demonstrated that nurses could contaminate their hands with infections have acquired infection by performing activities such
1001000 CFU of Klebsiella spp. during clean activities such as feeding infants, nappy/diaper change, and playing with
as lifting patients; taking the patients pulse, blood pressure the infant.122 Caregivers who had contact only with surfaces
or oral temperature; or touching the patients hand, shoulder contaminated with the infants secretions also acquired RSV.
or groin. Similarly, Ehrenkranz and colleagues 88 cultured the In the above studies, HCWs contaminated their hands with
hands of nurses who touched the groin of patients heavily RSV and inoculated their oral or conjunctival mucosa. Other
13 13

studies have also documented that the hands (or gloves) of Noskin and colleagues studied the survival of VRE on hands
HCWs may be contaminated after touching inanimate objects and the environment: both Enterococcus faecalis and E.
in patients rooms.73,111,112,125-130 Furthermore, a recent two-part faecium survived for at least 60 minutes on gloved and ungloved
study conducted in a non-health-care setting found in the fingertips.145 Furthermore, Doring and colleagues showed that
initial phase that patients with natural rhinovirus infections often Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia were
contaminated multiple environmental sites in their rooms. In transmissible by handshaking for up to 30 minutes when the
the second part of the study, contaminated nasal secretions organisms were suspended in saline, and up to 180 minutes
from the same individuals were used to contaminate surfaces when they were suspended in sputum.146 The study by Islam
in rooms, and touching contaminated sites 1178 hours later and colleagues with Shigella dysenteriae type 1 showed its
frequently resulted in the transfer of the virus to the fingertips of capacity to survive on hands for up to 1 hour.147 HCWs who
the individuals.131 have hand dermatitis may remain colonized for prolonged
time periods. For example, the hands of a HCW with psoriatic
Bhalla and colleagues studied patients with skin colonization dermatitis remained colonized with Serratia marcescens for
by S. aureus (including MRSA) and found that the organism more than three months.148 Ansari and colleagues149,150 studied
was frequently transferred to the hands of HCWs who touched rotavirus, human parainfluenza virus 3, and rhinovirus 14 survival
both the skin of patients and surrounding environmental on hands and potential for cross-transfer. Survival percentages
surfaces.96Hayden and colleagues found that HCWs seldom for rotavirus at 20 minutes and 60 minutes after inoculation
enter patient rooms without touching the environment, and were 16.1% and 1.8%, respectively. Viability at 1 hour for human
that 52% of HCWs whose hands were free of VRE upon parainfluenza virus 3 and rhinovirus 14 was <1% and 37.8%,
entering rooms contaminated their hands or gloves with respectively.
VRE after touching the environment without touching the
patient.114 Laboratory-based studies have shown that touching The above-mentioned studies clearly demonstrate that
contaminated surfaces can transfer S. aureus or Gram-negative contaminated hands could be vehicles for the spread of certain
bacilli to the fingers.132 Unfortunately, none of the studies dealing viruses and bacteria. HCWs hands become progressively
with HCW hand contamination was designed to determine if colonized with commensal flora as well as with potential
the contamination resulted in the transmission of pathogens to pathogens during patient care.72,73 Bacterial contamination
susceptible patients. increases linearly over time.72 In the absence of hand hygiene
action, the longer the duration of care, the higher the degree
Many other studies have reported contamination of HCWs of hand contamination. Whether care is provided to adults or
hands with potential pathogens, but did not relate their findings neonates, both the duration and the type of patient care affect
to the specific type of preceding patient contact.78,79,94,132-142 For HCWs hand contamination.72,73 The dynamics of hand
example, in studies conducted before glove use was common contamination are similar on gloved versus ungloved hands;
among HCWs, Ayliffe and colleagues137 found that 15% of gloves reduce hand contamination, but do not fully protect from
nurses working in an isolation unit carried a median of 1x 104 acquisition of bacteria during patient care. Therefore, the glove
CFU of S. aureus on their hands; 29% of nurses working in a surface is contaminated, making cross-transmission through
general hospital had S. aureus on their hands (median count, contaminated gloved hands likely.
3.8 x 103 CFU), while 78% of those working in a hospital for
dermatology patients had the organism on their hands (median
count, 14.3 x 106 CFU). The same survey revealed that 1730% 7.4 Defective hand cleansing, resulting in hands
of nurses carried Gram-negative bacilli on their hands (median remaining contaminated
counts ranged from 3.4 x 103 CFU to 38 x 103 CFU). Daschner135
found that S. aureus could be recovered from the hands of Studies showing the adequacy or inadequacy of hand cleansing
21% of ICU caregivers and that 21% of doctors and 5% of by microbiological proof are few. From these few studies, it can
nurse carriers had >103 CFU of the organism on their hands. be assumed that hands remain contaminated with the risk of
Maki 80 found lower levels of colonization on the hands of HCWs transmitting organisms via hands. In a laboratory-based study,
working in a neurosurgery unit, with an average of 3 CFU of Larson and colleagues151 found that using only 1 ml of liquid
S. aureus and 11 CFU of Gram-negative bacilli. Serial cultures soap or alcohol-based handrub yielded lower log reductions
revealed that 100% of HCWs carried Gram-negative bacilli at (greater number of bacteria remaining on hands) than using 3 ml
least once, and 64% carried S. aureus at least once. A study of product to clean hands. The findings have clinical relevance
conducted in two neonatal ICUs revealed that Gram-negative since some HCWs use as little as 0.4 ml of soap to clean their
bacilli were recovered from the hands of 38% of nurses.138 hands. Kac and colleagues152 conducted a comparative, cross-
over study of microbiological efficacy of handrubbing with an
alcohol-based solution and handwashing with an unmedicated
7.3 Organism survival on hands soap. The study results were: 15% of HCWs hands were
contaminated with transient pathogens before hand hygiene;
Several studies have shown the ability of microorganisms to no transient pathogens were recovered after handrubbing,
survive on hands for differing times. Musa and colleagues while two cases were found after handwashing. Trick and
demonstrated in a laboratory study that Acinetobacter colleagues153 did a comparative study of three hand hygiene
calcoaceticus survived better than strains of A. lwoffi at 60 agents (62% ethyl alcohol handrub, medicated handwipe, and
minutes after an inoculum of 104 CFU/finger.143 A similar study handwashing with plain soap and water) in a group of surgical
by Fryklund and colleagues using epidemic and non-epidemic ICUs. They also studied the impact of ring wearing on hand
strains of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. showed a 50% contamination. Their results showed that hand contamination
killing to be achieved at 6 minutes and 2 minutes, respectively.144 with transient organisms was significantly less likely after the
14 14

use of an alcohol-based handrub compared with the medicated investigated an outbreak of multidrug-resistant A. baumannii
wipe or soap and water. Ring wearing increased the frequency and documented identical strains from patients, hands of staff,
of hand contamination with potential health care-associated and the environment. The outbreak was terminated when
pathogens. Wearing artificial acrylic fingernails can also result remedial measures were taken. Contaminated HCWs hands
in hands remaining contaminated with pathogens after use of were clearly related to outbreaks among surgical148,162 and
either soap or alcohol-based hand gel154 and has been neonatal163,165,166 patients.
associated with outbreaks of infection155 (see also Part I, Section
23.4). Finally, several studies have shown that pathogens can be
transmitted from out-of-hospital sources to patients via the
Sala and colleagues156 investigated an outbreak of food hands of HCWs. For example, an outbreak of postoperative S.
poisoning attributed to norovirus genogroup 1 and traced the marcescens wound infections was traced to a contaminated
index case to a food handler in the hospital cafeteria. Most of jar of exfoliant cream in a nurses home.167 An investigation
the foodstuffs consumed in the outbreak were handmade, thus suggested that the organism was transmitted to patients via the
suggesting inadequate hand hygiene. Noskin and colleagues145 hands of the nurse, who wore artificial fingernails. In another
showed that a 5-second handwash with water alone produced outbreak, Malassezia pachydermatis was probably transmitted
no change in contamination with VRE, and 20% of the initial from a nurses pet dogs to infants in an intensive care nursery
inoculum was recovered on unwashed hands. In the same via the hands of the nurse.168
study, a 5-second wash with two soaps did not remove the
organisms completely with approximately a 1% recovery; a
30-second wash with either soap was necessary to remove the
organisms completely from the hands.

Obviously, when HCWs fail to clean their hands between patient

contact or during the sequence of patient care in particular
when hands move from a microbiologically contaminated body
site to a cleaner site in the same patient microbial transfer is
likely to occur. To avoid prolonged hand contamination, it is not
only important to perform hand hygiene when indicated, but
also to use the appropriate technique and an adequate quantity
of the product to cover all skin surfaces for the recommended
length of time.

7.5 Cross-transmission of organisms by

contaminated hands

Cross-transmission of organisms occurs through contaminated

hands. Factors that influence the transfer of microorganisms
from surface to surface and affect cross-contamination rates
are type of organism, source and destination surfaces, moisture
level, and size of inoculum. Harrison and colleagues157 showed
that contaminated hands could contaminate a clean paper
towel dispenser and vice versa. The transfer rates ranged from
0.01% to 0.64% and 12.4% to 13.1%, respectively.

A study by Barker and colleagues158 showed that fingers

contaminated with norovirus could sequentially transfer
virus to up to seven clean surfaces, and from contaminated
cleaning cloths to clean hands and surfaces. Contaminated
HCWs hands have been associated with endemic HCAIs.159,160
Sartor and colleagues160 provided evidence that endemic
S. marcescens was transmitted from contaminated soap
to patients via the hands of HCWs. During an outbreak
investigation of S. liquefaciens, BSI, and pyrogenic reactions in a
haemodialysis centre, pathogens were isolated from extrinsically
contaminated vials of medication resulting from multiple dose
usage, antibacterial soap, and hand lotion.161 Duckro and
colleagues126 showed that VRE could be transferred from a
contaminated environment or patients intact skin to clean sites
via the hands of HCWs in 10.6% of contacts.

Several HCAI outbreaks have been associated with

contaminated HCWs hands.162-164 El Shafie and colleagues164
15 15

Figure I.7.1
Organisms present on patient skin or the immediate environment

A bedridden patient colonized with Gram-positive cocci, in particular at nasal, perineal, and inguinal areas (not shown), as well as axillae and
upper extremities. Some environmental surfaces close to the patient are contaminated with Gram-positive cocci, presumably shed by the patient.
Reprinted from Pittet, 2006 885 with permission from Elsevier.

16 16

Figure I.7.2
Organism transfer from patient to HCWs hands

Contact between the HCW and the patient results in cross-transmission of microorganisms. In this case, Gram-positive cocci from the patients
own flora transfer to HCWs hands. Reprinted from Pittet, 2006885 with permission from Elsevier.

17 17

Figure I.7.3
Organism survival on HCWs hands*


(A) Microorganisms (in this case Gram-positive cocci) survive on hands. Reprinted from Pittet, 2006885 with permission from Elsevier.
(B) When growing conditions are optimal (temperature, humidity, absence of hand cleansing, or friction), microorganisms can continue to grow.
Reprinted from Pittet, 2006 885 with permission from Elsevier.
(C) Bacterial contamination increases linearly over time during patient contact. Adapted with permission from Pittet, 1999.14
* The figure intentionally shows that long-sleeved white coats may become contaminated by microorganisms during patient care. Although
evidence to formulate it as a recommendation is limited, long sleeves should be avoided.

18 18

Figure I.7.4
Incorrect hand cleansing*

Inappropriate handwashing can result in hands remaining contaminated; in this case, with Gram-positive cocci. Reprinted from Pittet, 2006 885
with permission from Elsevier.
* The figure intentionally shows that long-sleeved white coats may become contaminated by microorganisms during patient care. Although
evidence to formulate it as a recommendation is limited, long sleeves should be avoided.

19 19

Figure I.7.5a
Failure to cleanse hands results in between-patient cross-transmission*

(A) The doctor had a prolonged contact with patient A colonized with Gram-positive cocci and contaminated his hands. Reprinted from Pittet,
2006885 with permission from Elsevier.
* The figure intentionally shows that long-sleeved white coats may become contaminated by microorganisms during patient care. Although
evidence to formulate it as a recommendation is limited, long sleeves should be avoided.

20 20

Figure I.7.5b
Failure to cleanse hands results in between-patient cross-transmission*

(B) The doctor is now going to have direct contact with patient B without cleansing his hands in between. Cross-transmission of Gram-positive
cocci from patient A to patient B through the HCWs hands is likely to occur. Reprinted from Pittet, 2006885 with permission from Elsevier.
* The figure intentionally shows that long-sleeved white coats may become contaminated by microorganisms during patient care. Although
evidence to formulate it as a recommendation is limited, long sleeves should be avoided.

21 21

Figure I.7.6
Failure to cleanse hands during patient care results in within-patient cross-transmission*

The doctor is in close contact with the patient. He touched the urinary catheter bag previously and his hands are contaminated with Gram-
negative rods from touching the bag and a lack of subsequent hand cleansing. Direct contact with patients or patients devices would probably
result in cross-transmission. Reprinted from Pittet with permission from Elsevier, 2006.885
* The figure intentionally shows that long-sleeved white coats may become contaminated by microorganisms during patient care. Although
evidence to formulate it as a recommendation is limited, long sleeves should be avoided.

22 22

Models of hand transmission

8.1 Experimental models became colonized by strains transmitted from HCWs was one of
the most important determinants of transmission rates. Of
Several investigators have studied the transmission of infectious interest, they found that increasing hand hygiene compliance
agents using different experimental models. Ehrenkranz and rates had only a modest effect on the prevalence of MRSA
colleagues88 asked nurses to touch a patients groin for 15 colonization. Their model estimated that if the prevalence of
seconds as though they were taking a femoral pulse. The MRSA colonization was 30% without any hand hygiene, it would
patient was known to be heavily colonized with Gram-negative decrease to only 22% if hand hygiene compliance increased to
bacilli. Nurses then cleansed their hands by washing with 40% and to 20% if hand hygiene compliance increased to 60%.
plain soap and water or by using an alcohol-based handrub. Antibiotic policies had relatively little impact in this model.
After cleansing their hands, they touched a piece of urinary
catheter material with their fingers and the catheter segment Austin and colleagues173 used daily surveillance cultures
was cultured. The study revealed that touching intact areas of patients, molecular typing of isolates, and monitoring
of moist skin transferred enough organisms to the nurses of compliance with infection control practices to study the
hands to allow subsequent transmission to catheter material transmission dynamics of VRE in an ICU. The study found that
despite handwashing with plain soap and water; by contrast, hand hygiene and staff cohorting were predicted to be the most
alcohol-based handrubbing was effective and prevented cross- effective control measures. The model predicted that for a given
transmission to the device. Marples and colleagues74 studied level of hand hygiene compliance, adding staff cohorting would
the transmission of organisms from artificially contaminated lead to the better control of VRE transmission. The rate at which
donor fabrics to clean recipient fabrics via hand contact and new VRE cases were admitted to the ICU played an important
found that the number of organisms transmitted was greater role in the level of transmission of VRE in the unit.
if the donor fabric or the hands were wet. Overall, only 0.06%
of the organisms obtained from the contaminated donor fabric In a study that used a stochastic model of transmission
were transferred to the recipient fabric via hand contact. Using dynamics, Cooper and colleagues176 predicted that improving
the same experimental model, Mackintosh and colleagues169 hand hygiene compliance from very low levels to 20% or
found that S. saprophyticus, P. aeruginosa, and Serratia spp. 40% significantly reduced transmission, but that improving
were transferred in greater numbers than was E. coli from a compliance to levels above 40% would have relatively little
contaminated to a clean fabric following hand contact. Patrick impact on the prevalence of S. aureus. Grundmann and
and colleagues75 found that organisms were transferred to colleagues175 conducted an investigation that included cultures
various types of surfaces in much larger numbers (>104) from wet of patients at the time of ICU admission and twice-weekly
hands than from hands that had been dried carefully. Sattar and observations of the frequency of contact between HCWs
colleagues170 demonstrated that the transfer of S. aureus from and patients, cultures of HCWs hands, and molecular typing of
fabrics commonly used for clothing and bed linen to fingerpads MRSA isolates. A stochastic model predicted that a 12%
occurred more frequently when fingerpads were moist. improvement in adherence to hand hygiene policies or in
cohorting levels might have compensated for staff shortages
and prevented transmission during periods of overcrowding and
8.2 Mathematical models high workloads.

Mathematical modelling has been used to examine the A stochastic model by McBryde and colleagues used
relationships between the multiple factors that influence surveillance cultures, hand hygiene compliance observations,
pathogen transmission in health-care facilities. These factors and evaluation of the likelihood of transmission from a colonized
include hand hygiene compliance, nurse staffing levels, patient to a HCW, as well as other factors, to estimate the
frequency of introduction of colonized or infected patients onto impact of various interventions on MRSA transmission in an
a ward, whether or not cohorting is practised, characteristics of ICU.177 They found also that improving hand hygiene was
patients and antibiotic use practices, to name but a few.171 Most predicted to be the most effective intervention. Unlike several
reports describing the mathematical modelling of health care- earlier studies, their model suggested that increasing levels of
associated pathogens have attempted to quantify the influence hand hygiene compliance above 40% to 60% continued to have
of various factors on a single ward such as an ICU.172-175 Given a beneficial impact on reducing MRSA transmission. A model
that such units tend to house a relatively small number of using Monte Carlo simulations to study the impact of various
patients at any time, random variations (stochastic events) such control measures on MRSA transmission on a general medical
as the number of patients admitted with a particular pathogen ward also suggested that improving hand hygiene compliance
during a short time period can have a significant impact on was likely to be the most effective measure for reducing
transmission dynamics. As a result, stochastic models appear transmission.178
to be the most appropriate for estimating the impact of various
infection control measures, including hand hygiene compliance, While the above-mentioned studies have provided new
on colonization and infection rates. insights into the relative contribution of various infection control
measures, all have been based on assumptions that may not be
In a mathematical model of MRSA infection in an ICU, Sebille valid in all situations. For example, most studies assumed that
and colleagues172 found that the number of patients who transmission of pathogens occurred only via the hands of HCWs
23 23

and that contaminated environmental surfaces played no role

in transmission. The latter may not be true for some pathogens
that can remain viable in the inanimate environment for
prolonged periods. Also, most, if not all mathematical models
were based on the assumption that when HCWs did clean their
hands,100% of the pathogen of interest was eliminated from
the hands, which is unlikely to be true in many instances.176
Importantly, all the mathematical models described above
predicted that improvements in hand hygiene compliance could
reduce pathogen transmission. However, the models did not
agree on the level of hand hygiene compliance that is necessary
to halt transmission of health care-associated pathogens. In
reality, the level may not be the same for all pathogens and in
all clinical situations. Further use of mathematical models of
transmission of health care-associated pathogens is warranted.
Potential benefits of such studies include evaluating the benefits
of various infection control interventions and understanding the
impact of random variations in the incidence and prevalence of
various pathogens.171

24 24

Relationship between hand hygiene and the
acquisition of health care-associated pathogens

Despite a paucity of appropriate randomized controlled trials, there is substantial evidence that hand antisepsis
reduces the transmission of health care-associated pathogens and the incidence of HCAI. 58,179,180 In what would
be considered an intervention trial using historical controls, Semmelweis179 demonstrated in 1847 that the
mortality rate among mothers delivering at the First Obstetrics Clinic at the General Hospital of Vienna was
significantly lower when hospital staff cleaned their hands with an antiseptic agent than when they washed their
hands with plain soap and water.

In the 1960s, a prospective controlled trial sponsored by the to-nurse ratio remained an independent risk factor for BSI,
USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Office of the suggesting that nursing staff reduction below a critical threshold
Surgeon General compared the impact of no handwashing may have contributed to this outbreak by jeopardizing adequate
versus antiseptic handwashing on the acquisition of S. aureus catheter care. Vicca184 demonstrated the relationship between
among infants in a hospital nursery.52 The investigators understaffing and the spread of MRSA in intensive care.
demonstrated that infants cared for by nurses who did not These findings show indirectly that an imbalance between
wash their hands after handling an index infant colonized with workload and staffing leads to relaxed attention to basic
S. aureus acquired the organism significantly more often, and control measures, such as hand hygiene, and spread of
more rapidly, than did infants cared for by nurses who used microorganisms. Harbarth and colleagues185 investigated an
hexachlorophene to clean their hands between infant contacts. outbreak of Enterobacter cloacae in a neonatal ICU and showed
This trial provided compelling evidence that when compared that the daily number of hospitalized children was above the
with no handwashing, hand cleansing with an antiseptic agent maximal capacity of the unit, resulting in an available space
between patient contacts reduces transmission of health care- per child well below current recommendations. In parallel, the
associated pathogens. number of staff on duty was significantly below that required
by the workload, and this also resulted in relaxed attention to
A number of studies have demonstrated the effect of hand basic infection control measures. Adherence to hand hygiene
cleansing on HCAI rates or the reduction in cross-transmission practices before device contact was only 25% during the
of antimicrobial resistant pathogens (see Part I, Section 22 workload peak, but increased to 70% after the end of the
and Table I.22.1). For example, several investigators have understaffing and overcrowding period. Continuous surveillance
found that health care-associated acquisition of MRSA was showed that being hospitalized during this period carried a
reduced when the antimicrobial soap used for hygienic hand fourfold increased risk of acquiring an HCAI. This study not
antisepsis was changed.181,182 In one of these studies, endemic only shows the association between workload and infections,
MRSA in a neonatal ICU was eliminated seven months after but also highlights the intermediate step poor adherence to
introduction of a new hand antiseptic agent (1% triclosan) hand hygiene practices. Robert and colleagues suggested
while continuing all other infection control measures, including that suboptimal nurse staffing composition for the three days
weekly active surveillance cultures.181 Another study reported before BSI (i.e. lower regular-nurse-to-patient and higher
an MRSA outbreak involving 22 infants in a neonatal unit.182 pool-nurse-to-patient ratios) was an independent risk factor for
Despite intensive efforts, the outbreak could not be controlled infection.186 In another study in ICU, higher staff level was indeed
until a new antiseptic agent was added (0.3% triclosan) while independently associated with a > 30% infection risk reduction
continuing all previous control measures, which included the and the estimate was made that, if the nurse-to patient ratio was
use of gloves and gowns, cohorting, and surveillance cultures. maintained > 2.2, 26.7% of all infections could be avoided.187
Casewell & Phillips121 reported that increased handwashing
frequency among hospital staff was associated with a decrease Overcrowding and understaffing are commonly observed in
in transmission of Klebsiella spp. among patients, but they health-care settings and have been associated throughout
did not quantify the level of handwashing among HCWs. It is the world, particularly in developing countries where limited
important to highlight, however, that although the introduction of personnel and facility resources contribute to the perpetuation
a new antiseptic product was a key factor to improvement in all of this problem.183-186,188-190 Overcrowding and understaffing were
these studies, in most cases, system change has been only one documented in the largest nosocomial outbreak attributable to
of the elements determining the success of multimodal hand Salmonella spp. ever reported191; in this outbreak in Brazil, there
hygiene promotion strategies; rather, success results from the was a clear relationship between understaffing and the quality
overall effect of the campaign. of health care, including hand hygiene.

In addition to these studies, outbreak investigations have

suggested an association between infection and understaffing
or overcrowding that was consistently linked with poor
adherence to hand hygiene. During an outbreak, Fridkin183
investigated risk factors for central venous catheter-associated
BSI. After adjustment for confounding factors, the patient-
25 25

Methods to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of
handrub and handwash agents and formulations
for surgical hand preparation

With the exception of non-medicated soaps, every new formulation for hand antisepsis should be tested for its
antimicrobial efficacy to demonstrate that: (i) it has superior efficacy over normal soap; or (ii) it meets an agreed
performance standard. The formulation with all its ingredients should be evaluated to ensure that humectants
or rehydrating chemicals added to ensure better skin tolerance do not in any way compromise its antimicrobial

Many test methods are currently available for this purpose, but applies to pre-surgical scrubs, the objective is to evaluate the
some are more useful and relevant than others. For example, test formulation for its ability to reduce the release of naturally
determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of present resident flora from the hands. The basic experimental
such formulations against bacteria has no direct bearing on the design of these methods is summarized below and the
killing effect expected of such products in the field. Conditions procedures are presented in detail in Table I.10.1.
in suspension and in vitro192 or ex vivo193 testing do not reflect
those on human skin. Even simulated-use tests with subjects In Europe, the most commonly used methods to test
are considered by some as too controlled, prompting testing hand antiseptics are those of the European Committee
under in praxi or field conditions. Such field testing is difficult to for Standardization (CEN). In the USA and Canada, such
control for extraneous influences. In addition, and importantly, formulations are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration
the findings of field tests provide scant data on a given (FDA) 198 and Health Canada, respectively, which refer to the
formulations ability to cause a measurable reduction in hand- standards of ASTM International (formerly, the American Society
transmitted nosocomial infections. While the ultimate approach for Testing and Materials).
in this context would be clinical trials, they are generally quite
cumbersome and expensive. For instance, power analysis It should be noted that the current group of experts
reveals that for demonstrating a reduction in hand-transmitted recommends using the term efficacy to refer to the (possible)
infections from 2% to 1% by changing to a presumably better effect of the application of a hand hygiene formulation when
hand antiseptic agent, almost 2500 subjects would be required tested in laboratory or in vivo situations. By contrast, it would
in each of two experimental arms at the statistical pre-settings recommend using the term effectiveness to refer to the clinical
of (unidirectional) = 0.05 and a power of 1- = 0.9.194 For this conditions under which hand hygiene products have been
reason, the number of such trials remains quite limited.195-197 tested, such as field trials, where the impact of a hand hygiene
To achieve a reduction from 7% to 5% would require 3100 formulation is monitored on the rates of cross-transmission of
subjects per arm. This reinforces the utility of well-controlled, infection or resistance.199
economically affordable, in vivo laboratory-based tests to
provide sufficient data to assess a given formulations potential
benefits under field use. 10.1.1 Methods to test activity of hygienic handwash and
handrub agents

10.1 Current methods The following in vivo methods use experimental contamination
to test the capacity of a formulation to reduce the level of
Direct comparisons of the results of in vivo efficacy testing of transient microflora on the hands without regard to the resident
handwashing, antiseptic handwash, antiseptic handrub, and flora. The formulations to be tested are hand antiseptic agents
surgical hand antisepsis are not possible because of wide intended for use by HCWs, except in the surgical area.
variations in test protocols. Such variations include: (i) whether
hands are purposely contaminated with a test organism before
use of the test agent; (ii) the method used to contaminate CEN standards: EN 1499 and EN 1500
fingers or hands; (iii) the volume of hand hygiene product
applied; (iv) the time the product is in contact with the skin; and In Europe, the most common methods for testing hygienic
(v) the method used to recover the organism from the skin after hand antiseptic agents are EN 1499 200 and EN 1500. 201 Briefly,
the test formulation has been used. the former standard requires 1215 subjects, and the latter
(in the forthcoming amendment) 1822, and a culture of E.
Despite the differences noted above, most testing falls into one coli. Subjects are assigned randomly to two groups where
of two major categories. One category is designed to evaluate one applies the test formulation and the other a standardized
handwash or handrub agents to eliminate transient pathogens reference solution. In a consecutive run, the two groups reverse
from HCWs hands. In most such studies, the subjects hands roles (cross-over design).
are experimentally contaminated with the test organism before
applying the test formulation. In the second category, which
26 26

If an antiseptic soap has been tested according to EN 1499, 200 10.1.2 Surgical hand preparation

the mean log10 reduction by the formulation must be significantly

higher than that obtained with the control (soft soap). For In contrast to hygienic handwash or handrub, surgical hand
handrubs (EN 1500), the mean acceptable reduction with a preparation is directed against the resident hand flora. No
test formulation shall not be significantly inferior to that with experimental contamination of hands is used in any existing
the reference alcohol-based handrub (isopropyl alcohol or methods.
isopropanol 60% volume).

CEN standard: EN 12791 (surgical hand preparation) 210

ASTM standards
This European norm is comparable with that described in EN
ASTM E-1174 202 1500, except that the bactericidal effect of a product is tested:
Currently, handwash or handrub agents are evaluated (i) on clean, not experimentally contaminated hands; (ii) with
using this method in North America. The efficacy criteria 1820 subjects; (iii) using the split-hands model by Michaud,
of the FDAs Tentative Final Monograph (TFM) are a 2-log 10 McGrath & Goss 211 to assess the immediate effect on one hand
reduction of the indicator organism on each hand within and a 3-hour effect (to detect a possible sustained effect) on

5 minutes after the first use, and a 3-log 10 reduction of the the other, meanwhile gloved hand; (iv) in addition, a cross-over

indicator organism on each hand within 5 minutes after the design is used but, contrary to hygienic hand antisepsis, the
tenth use.198 two experimental runs are separated by one week to enable
regrowth of the resident flora; (v) the reference antisepsis
The performance criteria in EN 1500 and in the TFM for procedure uses as many 3-ml portions of n-propanol 60%
alcohol-based handrubs are not the same. 48,198,201 Therefore, (v/v) as are necessary to keep hands wet for 3 minutes; thus,
a formulation may pass the TFM criterion, but may not meet the total quantity used may vary according to the size and
that of EN 1500 or vice versa. 203 It should be emphasized temperature of the hands and other factors; (vi) the product is
here that the level of reduction in microbial counts needed used according to manufacturers instructions with a maximum
to produce a meaningful drop in the hand-borne spread of allowed contact time of 5 minutes; (vii) the requirements are
nosocomial pathogens remains unknown. 48,204 that the immediate and 3-hour effects of a product must not be
significantly inferior to those of the reference hand antisepsis;
and (viii) if there is a claim for sustained activity, the product
ASTM E-1838 (fingerpad method for viruses) 205 must demonstrate a significantly lower bacterial count than the
The fingerpad method can be applied with equal ease to reference at 3 hours.
handwash or handrub agents. When testing handwash
agents, it can also measure reductions in the levels of viable
virus after exposure to the test formulation alone, after post- ASTM standard: ASTM E-1115 (surgical hand scrub)
treatment water rinsing and post-rinse drying of hands.
This method also presents a lower risk to subjects because This test method is designed to measure the reduction in
it entails contamination of smaller and well-defined areas bacterial flora on the skin. It is intended for determining
on the skin in contrast to using whole hands (see below). immediate and persistent microbial reductions, after single or
The method can be applied to traditional as well as more repetitive treatments, or both. It may also be used to measure
recently discovered viruses such as caliciviruses.206 cumulative antimicrobial activity after repetitive treatments.

In North America, this method is required to assess the activity

ASTM E-2276 (fingerpad method for bacteria) 207
of surgical scrubs.198 The TFM requires that formulations: (i)
This method is for testing handwash or handrub against reduce the number of bacteria 1-log on each hand within

bacteria. It is similar in design and application to the 1 minute of product use and that the bacterial colony count
method E-1838 205 described above for working with viruses. on each hand does not subsequently exceed baseline within
6 hours on day 1; (ii) produce a 2-log 10 reduction in bacterial

ASTM E-2613 (fingerpad method for fungi) 208 counts on each hand within 1 minute of product use by the end
This method is for testing handwash or handrub against of the second day of enumeration; and (iii) accomplish a 3-log

fungi. It is similar in design and application to the methods In this method, the entire surface of both hands is
described above for working with viruses (E-1838) 205 and contaminated with the test virus, and the test handwash
bacteria (E-2276). 207 or handrub formulation is rubbed on them. The surface
of both hands is eluted and the eluates assayed for viable
ASTM E-2011 (whole hand method for viruses) 209 virus.
27 27

reduction of bacterial counts on each hand within 1 minute of

product use by the end of the fifth day when compared to the
established baseline.198

10.2 Shortcomings of traditional test methods

10.2.1 Hygienic handwash and handrub; HCW

handwash and handrub

A major obstacle for testing hand hygiene products to meet

regulatory requirements is the cost, which can be prohibitive
even for large multinational companies. Cases in point are

28 28

extensive and varied evaluations as specified in the TFM198 ; method.72 This method entails taking imprints of the fingerpads
time-kill curves must also be established along with tests on the and thumb on to a nutritive agar preferably containing
potential for development of antimicrobial resistance. In vivo, at neutralizers for the non-alcohol-based antiseptic agent in use.
least 54 subjects are necessary in each arm to test the product This is done by applying gentle pressure with the fingers and
and a positive control, hence a minimum of 2 x 54 subjects. The thumb individually on to the agar for 5 seconds. This method
immense expenditure would, however, be much smaller if the provides less accurate bacterial counts than the fingertip rinse
same subjects were used to test both formulations concurrently method, but it has the advantage of ease of use in the field and
in two runs in a cross-over fashion as described in EN 1499 provides good results when evaluating transient flora and their
and EN 1500. 200,201 The results could then be intra-individually inactivation. The problem with such a qualitative method is that
compared, thus allowing a considerable reduction in sample it often gives confounding results. Indeed, the bacterial count
size at the same statistical power. recovered after the use of the test formulation can be much
higher than the one in controls because of the disaggregation of
Another shortcoming of existing test methods is the duration of micro-colonies of resident bacteria.
hand treatments that require subjects to treat their hands with
the hand hygiene product or a positive control for 30 seconds198
or 1 minute,200 despite the fact that the average duration of 10.2.2 Surgical handwash and handrub; surgical hand
hand cleansing by HCWs has been observed to be less than scrub; surgical hand preparation
15 seconds in most studies.124,213-218 A few investigators have
used 15-second handwashing or hygienic hand antisepsis As with hygienic hand antisepsis, a major shortcoming for testing
protocols.151,219-222 Therefore, almost no data exist regarding surgical scrubs is the resource expenditure associated with the
the efficacy of antimicrobial soaps under conditions in which use of the TFM model. The required in vitro tests are the same
they are actually used. Similarly, some accepted methods for as described under Part I, Section 10.2.1, above (see also Table
evaluating waterless antiseptic agents for use as antiseptic I.10.1) No less than 130 subjects are necessary to test a product,
handrubs, such as the reference hand antisepsis in EN 1500, 201 together with an active control in the suggested parallel arm
require that 3 ml of alcohol be rubbed into the hands for 30 design. For some products, this number will even have to be
seconds, followed by a repeat application of the same type. multiplied for concomitant testing of the vehicle and perhaps
Again, this type of protocol does not reflect actual usage of a placebo to demonstrate efficacy.198 As mentioned with the
patterns among HCWs. However, it could be argued that test model for HCW handwashes and described in EN 12791, 210
non-inferiority in the efficacy of a test product as compared this large number of subjects could be much reduced if the
with the reference is easier to prove with longer skin contact. tests are not conducted with different populations of subjects
Or, inversely, to prove a difference between two treatments of for each arm but if the same individuals participate in each
very short duration, such as 15 seconds, under valid statistical arm, being randomly allocated to the various components of a
settings is difficult and requires large sample sizes, i.e. large Latin square design, the experiments of which can be carried
numbers of subjects. Therefore a reference treatment, which out at weekly intervals. The results are then treated as related
has usually been chosen for its comparatively high efficacy, may samples with intra-individual comparison. Additionally, it is not
include longer skin contact than is usual in real practice. By this, clear why the vehicle or a placebo needs to be tested in parallel
the non-inferiority of a test product can be demonstrated with if a product is shown to be equivalent in its antimicrobial efficacy
economically justifiable sample sizes. to an active control scrub. For the patient and for the surgeon,
it is of no interest whether the product is sufficiently efficacious
The TFM,198 for instance, requires that a handwash to be used because of the active ingredient only or, perhaps, additionally by
by HCWs demonstrates an in vivo reduction in the number a synergistic or even antimicrobial effect of the vehicle.
of the indicator organisms on each hand by 2 log within 5
minutes after the first wash and by 3 log after the tenth wash. In contrast to the requirement of EN 12791 where a sustained
This requirement is inappropriate to the needs of working in a (or persistent) effect of the surgical scrub is optional, the TFM
health-care setting for two reasons. First, to allow a preparation model requires a formulation to possess this feature (see
to reduce the bacterial release by only 2 log within a maximum above). However, the continued presence of a microbicidal
time span of 5 minutes seems an unrealistically low requirement, chemical to produce a sustained effect may be unnecessary
as even with unmedicated soap and water a reduction of 3 in view of the fact that volatile ingredients such as short-chain
log is achievable within 1 minute.48,223 Furthermore, 5 minutes is aliphatic alcohols (e.g. ethanol, iso-propanol, and n-propanol) 48
much too long to wait between two patients. Second, the appear fully capable of producing the same effect. 227 With their
necessity for residual action of a hand antisepsis formulation in strong antibacterial efficacy, the importance of a sustained
the non-surgical area has been challenged. 224-226 The current effect is questionable, as regrowth of the skin flora takes several
group of experts does not believe that for the aforementioned hours even without the explicitly sustained effect of the alcohols.
purpose a residual antimicrobial activity is necessary in the Furthermore, whether a long-term effect (several days), such as
health-care setting. Rather, a fast and strong immediate effect recommended in the TFM model, is necessary or not remains
against a broad spectrum of transient flora is required to render a matter for discussion. It is, however, difficult to understand why
hands safe, not only in a very short time, but also already the efficacy of a scrub is required to increase from the first to the
after the first application of the formulation. Therefore, the fifth day of permanent use. Ethical considerations would suggest
requirement that a product must demonstrate a stronger activity that the first patient on a Monday, when the required immediate
after the tenth wash than after the first seems difficult to justify. bacterial reduction from baseline is only 1 log, should be treated
under the same safety precautions as patients operated on the
An in-use test that is simple to use in the clinical setting to following Friday when, according to the TFM requirement, the log
document microbial colonization is the fingerprint imprint reduction has to be 3.0.
29 29

With regard to the statistical analysis of EN 12791, in which

the efficacy of a product is compared with that of a reference
(including a handrub with 60% n-propanol for 3 minutes), the
currently suggested model of a comparative trial is no longer
up to date. It should be exchanged for a non-inferiority trial.
Furthermore, the latest CDC/HICPAC guideline for hand hygiene
in health-care settings 58 considers it as a shortcoming that in
vivo laboratory test models use non-HCWs as surrogates for
HCWs, as their hand flora may not reflect that on the hands of
caregivers working in health-care settings. This argument is only
valid for testing surgical scrubs, however, because protocols
for evaluating hygienic handwash or rub preparations include
experimental hand contamination. Besides, the antimicrobial
spectrum of a product should be known from the results of
preceding in vitro tests.

10.3 The need for better methods

Further studies will be needed to identify necessary

amendments to the existing test methods and to evaluate
amended protocols, to devise standardized protocols for
obtaining more realistic views of microbial colonization, and
to better estimate the risk of pathogen transfer and cross-

To summarize, the following amendments to traditional test

methods are needed.

The few existing protocols should be adapted so that they

lead to comparable conclusions about the efficacy of hand
hygiene products.

Protocols should be updated so that they can be performed

with economically justifiable expenditure.

To be plausible, results of in vivo test models should show

that they are realistic under practical conditions such as the
duration of application, the choice of test organism, or the
use of subjects.

Requirements for efficacy should not be formulated with a

view to the efficacy of products available on the market, but
in consideration of objectively identified needs.

In vivo studies in the laboratory on surgical hand

preparation should be designed as clinical studies, i.e.
to determine equivalence (non-inferiority) rather than
comparative efficacy.

Protocols for controlled field trials should help to ensure

that hand hygiene products are evaluated under more
plausible, if not more realistic, conditions.

In addition, tests on the antimicrobial efficacy of hand hygiene

products should be conducted in parallel with studies on the
impact (effectiveness) of their use on cross-transmission of
infection or resistance. Indeed, there is no doubt that results
from well-controlled clinical studies are urgently needed to
generate epidemiological data on the benefits of various groups

30 30

of hand hygiene products on reducing the spread of HCAI, i.e. a

more direct proof of clinical effectiveness.

31 31

Table I.10.1
Basic experimental design of current methods to test the efficacy of hand hygiene and surgical hand preparation formulations

Method Test organism(s) Basic procedure

EN 1499 E. coli Hands washed with a soft soap, dried, immersed in broth culture for 5 seconds, excess
(hygienic handwash) (K12) fluid drained off, and air-dried for 3 minutes. Bacteria recovered for the initial values by
kneading the fingertips of each hand separately for 60 seconds in 10 ml of broth without
neutralizers. Hands removed from the broth and treated with the product following the
manufacturers instructions (but for no longer than 1 minute) or the reference solution (a
20% solution of soft soap). Recovery of bacteria for final values (see EN 1500).

EN 1500 E. coli Basic procedure for hand contamination and initial recovery of test bacteria same as in
(hygienic handrub) (K12) EN 1499. Hands rubbed for 30 seconds with 3 ml of isopropanol 60% v/v; same
operation repeated with a total application time not exceeding 60 seconds. The
fingertips of both hands rinsed in water for 5 seconds and excess water drained off.
Fingertips of each hand kneaded separately in 10 ml of broth with added neutralizers.
These broths are used to obtain the final (post-treatment) values. Log10 dilutions of
recovery medium containing neutralizer are prepared and plated out. Within 3 hours, the
same subjects tested with the reference formulation or the test product. Colony counts
obtained and log reductions calculated.

ASTM E-1174 S. marcescens To test the efficacy of handwash or handrub agents on the reduction of transient
(efficacy of HCW or and E. coli microbial flora. Before baseline bacterial sampling and prior to each wash with the test
consumer handwash material, 5 ml of a suspension of test organism are applied to and rubbed over hands.
formulation) Test material put onto hands and spread over hands and lower third of forearms with
lathering. Hands and forearms rinsed with water. Elutions are performed after required
number of washes using 75 ml of eluent for each hand in glove. The eluates are tested
for viable bacteria.

ASTM E-1838 Adenovirus, 10 l of the test virus suspension in soil load placed at the centre of each thumb- and
(fingerpad method rotavirus, rhinovirus fingerpad, the inoculum dried and exposed for 1030 seconds to 1 ml of test formulation
for viruses) and hepatitis A virus or control. The fingerpads then eluted and eluates assayed for viable virus. Controls
included to assess input titre, loss on drying of inoculum, and mechanical removal of
virus. The method applicable to testing both handwash and handrub agents.

ASTM E-2276 E. coli, Similar to ASTM E-1838.

(fingerpad method S. marcescens,
for bacteria) S. aureus, and
S. epidermidis

ASTM E-2613 Candida albicans Similar to ASTM E-1838.

(fingerpad method and Aspergillus
for fungi) niger

ASTM E-2011 Rotavirus and This method is designed to confirm the findings of the fingerpad method (E-1838), if
(whole hand method rhinovirus necessary. Both hands are contaminated with the test virus, and test formulation is used
for viruses) to wash or rub on them. The entire surface of both hands eluted and the eluates assayed
for infectious virus.

EN 12791 Resident skin Same as for EN 1500 with the following exceptions: no artificial contamination; reference
(surgical hand flora (no artificial hand antisepsis 3-minute rub with n-propanol 60% v/v; longest allowed treatment
preparation) contamination) with product 5 minutes; 1 week between tests with reference and product. Test for
persistence (3 hours) with split hands model is optional (product shall be significantly
superior to reference).

ASTM E-1115 (test Resident skin The method is designed to assess immediate or persistent activity against the resident
method for flora (no artificial flora. Subjects perform simulated surgical scrub and hands sampled by kneading them
evaluation of contamination) in loose-fitting gloves with an eluent. The eluates are assayed for viable bacteria.
surgical handscrub

32 32

Review of preparations used for hand hygiene

11.1 Water of fungi in tap water may be particularly important in settings

where immunocompromised patients are housed.242
The purpose of routine handwashing in patient care is to remove
dirt and organic material as well as microbial contamination
acquired by contact with patients or the environment. 11.1.3 Tap water quality

While water is often called a universal solvent, it cannot directly Tap water, in addition to being a possible source of microbial
remove hydrophobic substances such as fats and oils often contamination, may include substances that may interfere
present on soiled hands. Proper handwashing therefore requires with the microbicidal activities of antiseptics and disinfectants.
the use of soaps or detergents to dissolve fatty materials and Examples of common water contaminants and their effects are
facilitate their subsequent flushing with water. To ensure proper summarized in Table I.11.1.
hand hygiene, soap or detergent must be rubbed on all surfaces
of both hands followed by thorough rinsing and drying. Thus, The physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of
water alone is not suitable for cleaning soiled hands; soap or water to be used for handwashing in health-care institutions
detergent must be applied as well as water. must meet local regulations.228 The institution is responsible
for the quality of water once it enters the building. WHO
has developed guidelines for essential environmental health
11.1.1 Association of water contamination with infections standards in health care for developing countries. 243 In Europe,
the quality of drinkable water in public buildings is regulated
Tap water may contain a variety of microorganisms including by the European Councils Directive Water for Human
human pathogens. Tables I.11.1 and I.11.2 list known or Consumption (Regulation 1882/2003/EC) 244 (Table I.11.3). In
suspected waterborne pathogens, together with their health France, national guidelines for health-care settings have recently
significance, stability in water, and relative infectivity.228 proposed microbiological standards for water quality (Table

11.1.2 Microbially-contaminated tap water in health-care If an institutions water is suspected of being contaminated, it
institutions can be made microbiologically safer by filtration and/or
disinfection.228 Disinfectants include chlorine, monochloramine,
Tap water in health-care institutions can be a source of chlorine dioxide, ozone, and ultraviolet irradiation.228 Chlorine,
nosocomial infections. A Medline search from 1966 to 2001 in gas or liquid form, remains the most common chemical used
found 43 such outbreaks, of which 69% (29) could be linked for this purpose, but is prone to generating potentially toxic
by epidemiological and molecular evidence to biofilms (a by-products in the treated water. Ozone has high installation
community of microorganisms growing as a slimy layer on costs; monochloramine, while being slower than chlorine in its
surfaces immersed in a liquid) in water storage tanks, tap microbicidal action, does leave a disinfectant residual and is
water, and water from showers.229-232 Pathogens identified also less likely to generate harmful by-products.
in waterborne nosocomial infections include: Legionella
spp., P. aeruginosa,233,234 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia,235 The first step of conventional water treatment is the removal
Mycobacterium avium,236 M. fortuitum,237 M. chelonae,238 of as much of the organic matter and particulates as possible
Fusarium spp.,239 and A. fumigatus.240 Even if hand hygiene through coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration. Water is
practices are in place, a plausible route for transmitting these then disinfected before entering the distribution system. It
organisms from water to patient could be through HCWs is highly desirable to maintain a disinfectant residual in the
hands if contaminated water is used to wash them. WHO has treated water while it is in transit, in order to limit the growth
developed a reference document on Legionella spp. and the of microorganisms in the distribution system and to inactivate
prevention of legionellosis which provides a comprehensive any pathogens that may enter the distribution system through
overview of the sources, ecology, and laboratory detection cross-connections, leakage, seepage or backflow. However,
of this microorganism.241 It should be noted, however, that conventional levels of disinfectant residuals may be ineffective
Legionella spp. are transmitted primarily through inhalation of against massive contamination influx. 245
aerosolized or aspirated water.
Ultraviolet radiation is a potential alternative to chemical
A Norwegian study to determine the occurrence, distribution, disinfection of small water systems, as long as such water
and significance of mould species in drinking-water found 94 is free of suspended matter, turbidity, and colour. The main
mould species belonging to 30 genera, including Penicillium, disadvantage is that ultraviolet treatment does not leave a
Trichoderma, and Aspergillus spp. Of these, Penicillium spp. disinfectant residual.246
were abundantly distributed and appeared to survive water
treatment. Although heating of water reduced the levels of In Japan, the regulation on water supply mandates the use of
fungal contamination, A. ustus appeared to be somewhat sterile water instead of tap water for preoperative scrubbing
resistant to such treatment. Potentially pathogenic species

33 33

of hands. However, a Japanese study showed that bacterial

counts on hands were essentially the same, irrespective of

34 34

the type of water used, and emphasized the importance of determining the level of bacterial transfer associated with touch-
maintaining a free chlorine residual of >0.1 ppm in tap water. 247 contact after hand cleansing. Care must also be taken to avoid
recontamination of washed and dried hands.75 Recognition of
In many developing countries, tap water may be unfit this fact could significantly improve hand hygiene practices in
for drinking. While drinkable water may also be ideal for clinical and public health sectors.75
handwashing, available evidence does not support the need for
potable water for washing hands. In a resource-limited area of Paper towels, cloth towels, and warm air dryers are commonly
rural Bangladesh,248 education and promotion of handwashing used to dry washed hands. One study compared four methods
with plain soap and available water significantly reduced the of hand drying: cloth towels from a roller; paper towels left on
spread of diarrhoeal diseases across all age groups.248 A similar a sink; warm air dryer; and letting hands dry by evaporation; 256
study in Pakistan corroborated these findings.249 no significant difference in the efficacy of the methods was
reported. Reusing or sharing towels should be avoided because
Nevertheless, if the water is considered potentially unsafe for of the risk of cross-infection. 257 In a comparison of methods to
handwashing, the use of antibacterial soap alone may not be test the efficiency of hand drying for the removal of bacteria
adequate. Washed hands may require further decontamination from washed hands, warm air drying performed worse than
with antiseptic handrubs, especially in areas with high-risk drying with paper towels.258 This is in contrast to another
populations,250 while steps are initiated to improve water quality study, which found warm air dryers to be the most efficient
through better treatment and disinfection. when compared with paper and cloth towels. 257 However,
air dryers may be less practical because of the longer time
Health-care institutions in many parts of the developing world needed to achieve dry hands, 258 with a possible negative
may not have piped-in tap water, or it may be available only impact on hand hygiene compliance. Furthermore, one study
intermittently. An intermittent water supply system often has suggested that some air driers may lead to the aerosolization of
higher levels of microbial contamination because of the seepage waterborne pathogens.259 Further studies are needed to issue
of contamination occurring while the pipes are supplied with recommendations on this aspect. Ideally, hands should be
treated water. On-site storage of sufficient water is often the only dried using either individual paper towels or hand driers which
option in sites without a reliable supply. However, such water can dry hands effectively and as quickly as it can be done with
is known to be prone to microbial contamination unless stored paper towels, and have been proven not to be associated with
and used properly and may require point-of-use treatment and/ the aerosolization of pathogens.
or on-site disinfection. 251
When clean or disposable towels are used, it is important to pat
Containers for on-site storage of water should be emptied and the skin rather than rub it, to avoid cracking. Skin excoriation
cleaned252 as frequently as possible and, when possible, may lead to bacteria colonizing the skin and possible spread
inverted to dry. Putting hands and contaminated objects into of bloodborne viruses as well as other microorganisms.79 Sore
stored water should be avoided at all times. Storage containers hands may also lead to decreased compliance with hand
should ideally be narrow-necked to facilitate proper coverage, hygiene practices (see also Part I, Section 15).
with a conveniently located tap/faucet for ease of water
11.2 Plain (non-antimicrobial) soap
CDC has developed guidelines for safe water systems and hand
hygiene in health care in developing countries, 253 which were Soaps are detergent-based products that contain esterified
field-tested in Kenya and have been adapted to other countries fatty acids and sodium or potassium hydroxide. They are
in Africa and in Asia.254 According to the recommendations available in various forms including bar soap, tissue, leaf, and
included in this document, drinkable water should be used for liquid preparations. Their cleansing activity can be attributed
handwashing. to their detergent properties which result in the removal of
lipid and adhering dirt, soil, and various organic substances
from the hands. Plain soaps have minimal, if any, antimicrobial
11.1.4 Water temperature activity, though handwashing with plain soap can remove
loosely adherent transient flora. For example, handwashing
Apart from the issue of skin tolerance and level of comfort, with plain soap and water for 15 seconds reduces bacterial
water temperature does not appear to be a critical factor for counts on the skin by 0.61.1 log , whereas
10. washing for 30

microbial removal from hands being washed. In contrast, in a seconds reduces counts by 1.82.8 log In several studies,

study comparing water temperatures of 4 C, 20 C and 40 C,

warmer temperatures have been shown to be very significantly Because wet hands can more readily acquire and spread
associated with skin irritation.255 The use of very hot water for microorganisms, the proper drying of hands is an integral part
handwashing should therefore be avoided as it increases the of routine handwashing. Careful hand drying is a critical factor
likelihood of skin damage.

11.1.5 Hand drying

35 35

however, handwashing with plain soap failed to remove

pathogens from the hands of HCWs.88,110,260 Handwashing
with plain soap can result in a paradoxical increase in
bacterial counts on the skin.220,261-263 Because soaps may be
associated with considerable skin irritation and
dryness, 220,262,264 adding humectants to soap preparations
may reduce their propensity to cause irritation. Occasionally,
plain soaps have become contaminated, which may lead to
the colonization of HCWs
hands with Gram-negative bacilli.160 Nevertheless, there is
some evidence that the actual hazard of transmitting
microorganisms through handwashing with previously used
soap bars is negligible.265,266

36 36

11.3 Alcohols in Europe as the reference standard against which alcohol-

based handrub products are compared201 (see Part I, Section
Most alcohol-based hand antiseptics contain either ethanol, 10.1.1). Although n-propanol is found in some hand sanitizers in
isopropanol or n-propanol, or a combination of two of these Europe,300 it is not included by the TFM in the list of approved
products. Concentrations are given as either percentage active agents for hand antisepsis and surgical hand preparation
of volume (= ml/100 ml, abbreviated % v/v), percentage of in the USA.58
weight (= g/100 g, abbreviated % m/m), or percentage of
weight/volume (= g/100 ml, abbreviated % m/v). Studies of Alcohols are rapidly germicidal when applied to the skin, but
alcohols have evaluated either individual alcohols in varying have no appreciable persistent (residual) activity. However,
concentrations (most studies), combinations of two alcohols, or regrowth of bacteria on the skin occurs slowly after use
alcohol solutions containing small amounts of hexachlorophene, of alcohol-based hand antiseptics, presumably because of the
quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), povidone-iodine, sub-lethal effect alcohols have on some of the skin bacteria.301,302
triclosan or CHG.137,221,267-286 Addition of chlorhexidine, quaternary ammonium compounds,
octenidine or triclosan to alcohol-based formulations can result
The antimicrobial activity of alcohols results from their ability in persistent activity.48 A synergistic combination of a humectant
to denature proteins.287 Alcohol solutions containing 6080% (octoxyglycerine) and preservatives has resulted in prolonged
alcohol are most effective, with higher concentrations being activity against transient pathogens. 303
less potent.288,289 This paradox results from the fact that proteins Nevertheless, a recent study on bacterial population kinetics on
are not denatured easily in the absence of water.287 The alcohol gloved hands following treatment with alcohol-based handrubs
content of solutions may be expressed as a percentage by with and without supplements (either CHG or mecetronium
weight (m/m), which is not affected by temperature or other etilsulfate) concluded that the contribution of supplements to the
variables, or as a percentage by volume (v/v), which may delay of bacterial regrowth on gloved hands appeared minor. 227
be affected by temperature, specific gravity and reaction
concentration.290 For example, 70% alcohol by weight is Alcohols, when used in concentrations present in alcohol-
equivalent to 76.8% by volume if prepared at 15 C, or 80.5% based handrubs, also have in vivo activity against a number
if prepared at 25 C.290 Alcohol concentrations in antiseptic of non-enveloped viruses (Table I.11.5). For example, in vivo
handrubs are often expressed as a percentage by volume.198 studies using a fingerpad model have demonstrated that
70% isopropanol and 70% ethanol were more effective than
Alcohols have excellent in vitro germicidal activity against medicated soap or non-medicated soap in reducing rotavirus
Gram-positive and Gram-negative vegetative bacteria (including titres on fingerpads.257,304 A more recent study using the same
multidrug-resistant pathogens such as MRSA and VRE), M. test methods evaluated a commercially available product
tuberculosis, and a variety of fungi.287-289,291-296 However, they containing 60% ethanol, and found that the product reduced
have virtually no activity against bacterial spores or protozoan the infectivity titres of three non-enveloped viruses (rotavirus,
oocysts, and very poor activity against some non-enveloped adenovirus, and rhinovirus) by 3 to 4 logs. 305 Other non-
(non-lipophilic) viruses. In tropical settings, the lack of activity enveloped viruses such as hepatitis A and enteroviruses (e.g.
against parasites is a matter of concern about the opportunity poliovirus) may require 7080% alcohol to be reliably
to promote the extensive use of alcohol-based handrubs, inactivated.306,307 It is worth noting that both 70% ethanol and a
instead of handwashing, which may at least guarantee a 62% ethanol foam product with humectants reduced hepatitis A
mechanical removal effect. virus titres on whole hands or fingertips to a greater degree than
non-medicated soap, and both reduced viral counts on hands
Some enveloped (lipophilic) viruses such as herpes simplex to about the same extent as antimicrobial soap containing 4%
virus (HSV), HIV, influenza virus, RSV, and vaccinia virus are CHG.308 The same study found that both 70% ethanol and
susceptible to alcohols when tested in vitro (Table I.11.5). 297 the 62% ethanol foam product demonstrated greater virucidal
Other enveloped viruses that are somewhat less susceptible, activity against poliovirus than either non-antimicrobial soap
but are killed by 6070% alcohol, include hepatitis B virus or a 4% CHG-containing soap.308 However, depending on the
(HBV) and probably hepatitis C virus.298 In a porcine tissue alcohol concentration, time, and viral variant, alcohol may not
carrier model used to study antiseptic activity, 70% ethanol and be effective against hepatitis A and other non-lipophilic viruses.
70% isopropanol were found to reduce titres of an enveloped Schurmann concluded that the inactivation of naked (non-
bacteriophage more effectively than an antimicrobial soap enveloped) viruses is influenced by temperature, the ratio of
containing 4% CHG.192 disinfectant to virus volume, and protein load. 309 Various 70%
alcohol solutions (ethanol, n-propanol, isopropanol) were tested
Numerous studies have documented the in vivo antimicrobial against a surrogate of norovirus and ethanol with 30-second
activity of alcohols. Early quantitative studies of the effects of exposure demonstrated virucidal activity superior to the
antiseptic handrubs established that alcohols effectively reduce others.310 In a recent experimental study, ethyl alcohol-based
bacterial counts on hands.63,288,292,299 Typically, log reductions products showed significant reductions of the tested surrogate
of the release of test bacteria from artificially contaminated for a non-enveloped human virus; however, activity was not

hands average 3.5 log10 after a 30-second application, and superior to non-antimicrobial or tap/faucet water controls311.

4.05.0 log10 after a 1-minute application. 48 In 1994, the In general, ethanol has greater activity against viruses than

37 37

FDA TFM classified ethanol 6095% as a generally safe and isopropanol70. Further in vitro and in vivo studies of both alcohol-
effective active agent for use in antiseptic hand hygiene or based formulations and antimicrobial soaps are warranted to
HCW handwash products.198 Although the TFM considered that establish the minimal level of virucidal activity that is required to
there were insufficient data to classify isopropanol 7091.3% interrupt direct contact transmission of viruses in health-care
as effective, 60% isopropanol has subsequently been adopted settings.

38 38

Alcohols are not good cleansing agents and their use is not Frequent use of alcohol-based formulations for hand antsepsis
recommended when hands are dirty or visibly contaminated tends to cause drying of the skin unless humectants or other
with proteinaceous materials. When relatively small amounts skin conditioning agents are added to the formulations. For
of proteinaceous material (e.g. blood) are present, however, example, the drying effect of alcohol can be reduced or
ethanol and isopropanol may reduce viable bacterial counts eliminated by adding 13% glycerol or other skin conditioning
on hands,312 but do not obviate the need for handwashing agents. 219,221,267,268,273,301,313,326,327
with water and soap whenever such contamination occurs.179
A few studies have examined the ability of alcohols to Moreover, in prospective trials, alcohol-based solutions or gels
prevent the transfer of health care-associated pathogens by containing humectants caused significantly less skin irritation
using experimental models of pathogen transmission.74,88,169 and dryness than the soaps or antimicrobial detergents
Ehrenkranz and colleagues 88 found that Gram-negative bacilli tested.262,264,328,329 These studies, which were conducted in
were transferred from a colonized patients skin to a piece clinical settings, used a variety of subjective and objective
of catheter material via the hands of nurses in only 17% of methods for assessing skin irritation and dryness. Further
experiments following antiseptic handrub with an alcohol-based studies of this type are warranted to establish if products with
hand rinse. In contrast, transfer of the organisms occurred in different formulations yield similar results.
92% of experiments following handwashing with plain soap
and water. This experimental model suggests that when HCWs Even well-tolerated alcohol-based handrubs containing
hands are heavily contaminated, alcohol-based handrubbing humectants may cause a transient stinging sensation at the site
can prevent pathogen transmission more effectively than of any broken skin (cuts, abrasions). Alcohol-based handrub
handwashing with plain soap and water. preparations with strong fragrances may be poorly tolerated by
a few HCWs with respiratory allergies. Allergic contact dermatitis
Table I.11.6 summarizes a number of studies that have compared or contact urticaria syndrome caused by hypersensitivity to
alcohol-based products with plain or antimicrobial soaps to alcohol, or to various additives present in some alcohol-based
determine which was more effective for standard handwashing handrubs, occurs rarely (see also Part I, Section 14). 330-332
or hand antisepsis by HCWs (for details see Part I, Section
11.13). 88,125,137,221,223,273-279,286,313-321 A systematic review of publications between 1992 and 2002 on
the effectiveness of alcohol-based solutions for hand hygiene
The efficacy of alcohol-based hand hygiene products is affected showed that alcohol-based handrubs remove organisms more
by a number of factors including the type of alcohol used, effectively, require less time, and irritate skin less often than
concentration of alcohol, contact time, volume of alcohol used, handwashing with soap or other antiseptic agents and water. 333
and whether the hands are wet when the alcohol is applied. The availability of bedside alcohol-based solutions increased
Small volumes (0.20.5 ml) of alcohol applied to the hands compliance with hand hygiene among HCWs.60,333-335 Regarding
are no more effective than washing hands with plain soap and surgical hand preparation, an alcohol-based waterless surgical
water.74,169 Larson and colleagues151 documented that 1 ml scrub was shown to have the same efficacy and demonstrated
of alcohol was significantly less effective than 3 ml. The ideal greater acceptability and fewest adverse effects on skin
volume of product to apply to the hands is not known and may compared with an alcohol-based water-aided solution and a
vary for different formulations. In general, however, if hands feel brush-based iodine solution. 336
dry after being rubbed together for less than 1015 seconds,
it is likely that an insufficient volume of product was applied. Alcohols are flammable, and HCWs handling alcohol-based
Alcohol-impregnated towelettes contain only a small amount preparations should respect safety standards (see Part I,
of alcohol and are not much more effective than washing with Section 23.6). Because alcohols are volatile, containers
soap and water.74,322,323 should be designed so that evaporation is minimized and initial
concentration is preserved. Contamination of alcohol-based
Alcohol-based handrubs intended for use in hospitals are solutions has seldom been reported. One report documented
available as solutions (with low viscosity), gels, and foams. a pseudo-epidemic of infections resulting from contamination
Few data are available regarding the relative efficacy of various of ethyl alcohol by Bacillus cereus spores 337 and in-use
formulations. One small field trial found that an ethanol gel was contamination by Bacillus spp. has been reported. 338
somewhat less effective than a comparable ethanol solution
at reducing bacterial counts on the hands of HCWs.324 Recent
studies found similar results demonstrating that solutions 11.4 Chlorhexidine
reduced bacterial counts on the hands to a significantly greater
extent than the tested gels.203,325 Most gels showed results CHG, a cationic bisbiguanide, was developed in the United
closer to a 1-minute simple handwash than to a 1-minute Kingdom in the early 1950s and introduced into the USA in the
reference antisepsis.296 New generations of gel formulations with 1970s.204,339 Chlorhexidine base is barely soluble in water, but
higher antibacterial efficacy than previous products have since the digluconate form is water-soluble. The antimicrobial activity
been proposed.70 Further studies are warranted to determine of chlorhexidine appears to be attributable to the attachment
the relative efficacy of alcohol-based solutions and gels in to, and subsequent disruption of cytoplasmic membranes,
reducing transmission of health care-associated pathogens. resulting in precipitation of cellular contents. 48,204 Chlorhexidines
Furthermore, it is worth considering that compliance is probably immediate antimicrobial activity is slower than that of alcohols.
of higher importance, thus if a gel with lower in vitro activity is It has good activity against Gram-positive bacteria, somewhat
more frequently used, the overall outcome is still expected to be less activity against Gram-negative bacteria and fungi, and
better. minimal activity against mycobacteria.48,204,339 Chlorhexidine
is not sporicidal.48,339. It has in vitro activity against enveloped
39 39

viruses such as herpes simplex virus, HIV, cytomegalovirus, colleagues found that chloroxylenol had the weakest immediate
influenza, and RSV, but significantly less activity against and residual activity of any of the agents studied.353. When
non-enveloped viruses such as rotavirus, adenovirus, and 30-second handwashes were performed, however, using
enteroviruses.297,340,341 The antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine 0.6% chloroxylenol, 2% CHG or 0.3% triclosan, the immediate
is not seriously affected by the presence of organic material, effect of chloroxylenol was similar to that of the other agents.
including blood. Because chlorhexidine is a cationic molecule, When used 18 times/day for five days, chloroxylenol had
its activity can be reduced by natural soaps, various inorganic less cumulative activity than didCHG. 354 When chloroxylenol
anions, non-ionic surfactants, and hand creams containing was used as a surgical scrub, Soulsby and colleagues 355
anionic emulsifying agents.204,339,342 CHGhas been incorporated reported that 3% chloroxylenol had immediate and residual
into a number of hand hygiene preparations. Aqueous or activity comparable to 4%CHG, while two other studies found
detergent formulations containing 0.5%, 0.75% , or 1% that the immediate and residual activity of chloroxylenol was
chlorhexidine are more effective than plain soap, but are less inferior to both CHG and povidone-iodine.344,356 The disparity
effective than antiseptic detergent preparations containing between published studies may result in part from the various
4%CHG.301,343 Preparations with 2% CHGare slightly less concentrations of chloroxylenol included in the preparations
effective than those containing 4% chlorhexidine. 344 A scrub evaluated and to other aspects of the formulations tested,
agent based on CHG(4%) was shown to be significantly more including the presence or absence of EDTA.351,352 Larson
effective to reduce bacterial count than a povidone iodine (7.5%) concluded that chloroxylenol is not as rapidly active as CHG or
scrub agent. 247 iodophors, and that its residual activity is less pronounced than
that observed withCHG.351,352 In 1994, the FDA TFM tentatively
Chlorhexidine has significant residual activity.273,281-283,285,301,315,343 classified chloroxylenol as a Category IIISE active agent
Addition of low concentrations (0.51%) of chlorhexidine to (insufficient data to classify as safe and effective).198 Further
alcohol-based preparations results in significantly greater evaluation of this agent by the FDA is ongoing.
residual activity than alcohol alone.283,301 When used as
recommended, chlorhexidine has a good safety record.339 Little, The antimicrobial activity of chloroxylenol is minimally affected
if any, absorption of the compound occurs through the skin. by the presence of organic matter, but is neutralized by non-
Care must be taken to avoid contact with the eyes when using ionic surfactants. Chloroxylenol is absorbed through the
preparations with 1% chlorhexidine or greater as the agent can skin.351,352 Chloroxylenol is generally well tolerated; some cases
cause conjunctivitis or serious corneal damage. Ototoxicity of allergic reactions have been reported,357 but they are relatively
precludes its use in surgery involving the inner or middle ear. uncommon.
Direct contact with brain tissue and the meninges should
be avoided. The frequency of skin irritation is concentration- Chloroxylenol is available in concentrations ranging from 0.3%
dependent, with products containing 4% most likely to cause to 3.75%. In-use contamination of a chloroxylenol-containing
dermatitis when used frequently for antiseptic handwashing. 345 preparation has been reported. 358
True allergic reactions to CHGare very uncommon (see also
Part I, Section 14).285,339 Occasional outbreaks of nosocomial
infections have been traced to contaminated solutions of 11.6 Hexachlorophene
chlorhexidine.346-349 Resistance to chlorhexidine has also been
reported. 350 Hexachlorophene is a bisphenol composed of two phenolic
groups and three chlorine moieties. In the 1950s and early
1960s, emulsions containing 3% hexachlorophene were widely
11.5 Chloroxylenol used for hygienic handwashing as surgical scrubs and for
routine bathing of infants in hospital nurseries. The antimicrobial
Chloroxylenol, also known as para-chloro-meta-xylenol (PCMX), activity of hexachlorophene is related to its ability to inactivate
is a halogen-substituted phenolic compound that has been essential enzyme systems in microorganisms. Hexachlorophene
used widely as a preservative in cosmetics and other products is bacteriostatic, with good activity against S. aureus and
and as an active agent in antimicrobial soaps. It was developed relatively weak activity against Gram-negative bacteria, fungi,
in Europe in the late 1920s and has been used in the USA since and mycobacteria. 352
the 1950s. 351
Studies of hexachlorophene as a hygienic handwash or
The antimicrobial activity of chloroxylenol is apparently surgical scrub demonstrated only modest efficacy after a single
attributable to the inactivation of bacterial enzymes and handwash.125,313,359 Hexachlorophene has residual activity for
alteration of cell walls.48 It has good in vitro activity against several hours after use and gradually reduces bacterial counts
Gram-positive organisms and fair activity against Gram-negative on hands after multiple uses (cumulative effect).48,268,359,360 In
bacteria, mycobacteria and some viruses. 48,351,352 Chloroxylenol fact, with repeated use of 3% hexachlorophene preparations,
is less active against P. aeruginosa, but the addition of ethylene- the drug is absorbed through the skin. Infants bathed with
diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) increases its activity against hexachlorophene and caregivers regularly using a 3%
Pseudomonas spp. and other pathogens. hexachlorophene preparation for handwashing have blood
levels of 0.10.6 parts per million (ppm) hexachlorophene. 361
Relatively few articles dealing with the efficacy of chloroxylenol- In the early 1970s, infants bathed with hexachlorophene
containing preparations intended for use by HCWs have been sometimes developed neurotoxicity (vacuolar degeneration). 362
published in the last 25 years, and the results of studies have As a result, in 1972, the FDA warned that hexachlorophene
sometimes been contradictory. For example, in experiments should no longer be used routinely for bathing infants. After
where antiseptics were applied to abdominal skin, Davies and routine use of hexachlorophene for bathing infants in nurseries
40 40

was discontinued, a number of investigators noted that the bacterial counts were obtained after individuals wore gloves for
incidence of S. aureus infections associated with health care 14 hours after washing, however, iodophors demonstrated
in hospital nurseries increased substantially. 363,364 In several poor persistent activity. 48,271,282,360,376-381 The in vivo antimicrobial
instances, the frequency of infections decreased when activity of iodophors is significantly reduced in the presence
hexachlorophene bathing of infants was reinstituted. However, of organic substances such as blood or sputum.204 Povidone
current guidelines recommend against routine bathing of iodine has been found to be less effective than alcohol 60%
neonates with hexachlorophene because of its potential (v/v) and hydrogen peroxide 3% and 5% on S. epidermidis
neurotoxic effects.365 The agent is classified by the FDA TFM biofilms. 382
as not generally recognized as safe and effective for use as an
antiseptic handwash.198 Hexachlorophene should not be used Most iodophor preparations used for hand hygiene contain 7.5
to bathe patients with burns or extensive areas of abnormal, 10% povidone-iodine. Formulations with lower concentrations
sensitive skin. Soaps containing 3% hexachlorophene are also have good antimicrobial activity, because dilution tends to
available by prescription only.352 Due to its high rate of dermal increase free iodine concentrations. 383 As the amount of free
absorption and subsequent toxic effects,70,366 hexachlorophene- iodine increases, however, the degree of skin irritation also
containing products should be avoided and hexachlorophene may increase.383 Iodophors cause less skin irritation and fewer
has been banned worldwide. allergic reactions than iodine, but more irritant contact dermatitis
than other antiseptics commonly used for hand hygiene.220
Occasionally, iodophor antiseptics have become contaminated
11.7 Iodine and iodophors with Gram-negative bacilli as a result of poor manufacturing
processes and have caused outbreaks or pseudo-outbreaks
Iodine has been recognized as an effective antiseptic since the of infection.368,384 An outbreak of P. cepacia pseudobacteremia
1800s, though iodophors have largely replaced iodine as the involving 52 patients in four hospitals in New York over six
active ingredient in antiseptics because iodine often causes months was attributed to the contamination of a 10% povidone-
irritation and discolouring of skin. iodine solution used as an antiseptic and disinfectant solution. 384

Iodine molecules rapidly penetrate the cell wall of

microorganisms and inactivate cells by forming complexes with 11.8 Quaternary ammonium compounds
amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, resulting in impaired
protein synthesis and alteration of cell membranes. 367 Iodophors Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are composed of a
are composed of elemental iodine, iodide or triiodide, and a nitrogen atom linked directly to four alkyl groups, which may
polymer carrier (complexing agent) of high molecular weight. vary considerably in their structure and complexity.385 Among
The amount of molecular iodine present (so-called free iodine) this large group of compounds, alkyl benzalkonium chlorides
determines the level of antimicrobial activity of iodophors. are the most widely used as antiseptics. Other compounds that
Available iodine refers to the total amount of iodine that can have been used as antiseptics include benzethonium chloride,
be titrated with sodium thiosulfate.368 Typical 10% povidone- cetrimide, and cetylpyridium chloride.48 The antimicrobial activity
iodine formulations contain 1% available iodine and yield free of these compounds was first studied in the early 1900s, and
iodine concentrations of 1 ppm.368 Combining iodine with a QAC for preoperative cleaning of surgeons hands was used
various polymers increases the solubility of iodine, promotes as early as 1935.385 The antimicrobial activity of this group
sustained-release of iodine, and reduces skin irritation. The of compounds appears to be attributable to adsorption to
most common polymers incorporated into iodophors are the cytoplasmic membrane, with subsequent leakage of low
polyvinyl pyrrolidone (povidone) and ethoxylated nonionic molecular weight cytoplasmic constituents. 385
detergents (poloxamers).367,368 The antimicrobial activity of
iodophors can also be affected by pH, temperature, exposure QACs are primarily bacteriostatic and fungistatic, although
time, concentration of total available iodine, and the amount and they are microbicidal against some organisms at high
type of organic and inorganic compounds present (e.g. alcohols concentrations.48 They are more active against Gram-positive
and detergents). bacteria than against Gram-negative bacilli. QACs have
relatively weak activity against mycobacteria and fungi and
Iodine and iodophors have bactericidal activity against Gram- have greater activity against lipophilic viruses (Table I.11.7).
positive, Gram-negative and some spore-forming bacteria Their antimicrobial activity is adversely affected by the presence
(clostridia, Bacillus spp.) and are active against mycobacteria, of organic material, and they are not compatible with anionic
viruses, and fungi. 204,367,369-372 However, in concentrations used detergents.48,385
in antiseptics, iodophors are not usually sporicidal.373 In vivo
studies have demonstrated that iodophors reduce the number A QAC is present as a supplement in some commercially
of viable organisms that may be recovered from HCWs available alcohol-based handrubs. A study on the population
hands.280,314,317,320,374 Povidone-iodine 510% has been tentatively kinetics of skin flora on gloved hands indicated that the effect
classified by the FDA TFM as a safe and effective (Category of an alcohol-based handrub containing mecetronium etilsulfate
I) active agent for use as an antiseptic handwash and HCW (isopropanol 45% wt/wt plus n-propanol 30% wt/wt plus
handwash.198 The extent to which iodophors exhibit persistent mecetronium etilsulfate 0.2% wt/wt ) was not significantly
antimicrobial activity once they have been washed off the different from n-propanol 60% v/v. 227
skin is a matter of some controversy. In a study by Paulson,344
persistent activity was noted for six hours, but several other Depending on the QAC type and formulation, the antimicrobial
studies demonstrated persistent activity for 3060 minutes efficacy can be severely affected in the presence of hard water
after washing hands with an iodophor.137,284,375 In studies where (if it is a diluted product) and fatty materials. Later generations
41 41

of QACs, e.g. didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride (DDAC), have various dressings and bandages for release over time onto the
stronger antimicrobial activity and good performance in the skin.
presence of hard water and organic soiling, but their activity has
been studied on inanimate surfaces only. Triclosan enters bacterial cells and affects the cytoplasmic
membrane and synthesis of RNA, fatty acids, and proteins. 394
In 1994, the FDA TFM tentatively classified benzalkonium Recent studies suggest that this agents antibacterial activity is
chloride and benzethonium chloride as Category IIISE active attributable in large part to binding to the active site of enoyl-
agents (insufficient data to classify as safe and effective for acyl carrier protein reductase.395,396
use as an antiseptic handwash).198 Further evaluation of these
agents by the FDA is in progress. Triclosan has a fairly broad range of antimicrobial activity
(Table I.11.7), but tends to be bacteriostatic.48 Minimum
In general, QACs are relatively well tolerated. Unfortunately, inhibitory concentrations (MICs) range from 0.1 to 10 g/
because of weak activity against Gram-negative bacteria, ml, while minimum bactericidal concentrations are 25500
benzalkonium chloride is prone to contamination by these g/ml. Triclosans activity against Gram-positive organisms
organisms and a number of outbreaks of infection or pseudo- (including MRSA) is greater than against Gram-negative
infection have been traced to QACs contaminated with Gram- bacilli, particularly P. aeruginosa.48,394 The agent possesses
negative bacilli.386-388 For this reason, these compounds have reasonable activity against mycobacteria and Candida spp.,
seldom been used for hand antisepsis during the last 1520 but has little activity against filamentous fungi and most
years in the USA. More recently, newer hand hygiene products viruses of nosocomial significance. Triclosan (0.1%) reduces
containing benzalkonium chloride or benzethonium chloride bacterial counts on hands by 2.8 log after a 1-minute hygienic

have been introduced for use by HCWs. A recent clinical study and a variety of other consumer products (deodorants,
performed among surgical ICU HCWs found that cleaning shampoos, lotions, etc.), as well as being integrated also into
hands with antimicrobial wipes containing a QAC was almost
as effective as handwashing with plain soap and water, and
that both were significantly less effective than decontaminating
hands with an alcohol-based handrub.389 One laboratory-
based study reported that an alcohol-free handrub product
containing a QAC was efficacious in reducing microbial counts
on the hands of volunteers.390 Further studies of such products
are needed to determine if newer formulations are effective in
health-care settings.

QACs have been used as antiseptics to reduce the bioburden

on skin (e.g. for wound cleansing and on mucous membrane
as mouthwashes for the control of dental plaque). They are also
extensively used as disinfectants (spray & wipe) for household,
industrial, and health-care surfaces, as well as for food surface
disinfection, as most formulations do not require to be rinsed
off with water after application. 391 The presence of low-level
residues may allow the selective development of bacterial
strains with greater tolerance of QACs over time; intrinsic and
acquired resistance mechanisms have been described.392,393

In general, QACs are relatively well tolerated and have low

allergenic potential. In higher concentrations, though, they can
cause severe irritation to skin and mucous membranes.

11.9 Triclosan

Triclosan (chemical name 2,4,4trichloro-2-hydroxydiphenyl

ether) is known commercially as Irgasan DP-300. It is a
nonionic, colourless substance developed in the 1960s;
it is poorly soluble in water, but dissolves well in alcohols.
Concentrations ranging from 0.2% to 2% have antimicrobial
activity. Triclosan has been incorporated in detergents (0.4%
to 1%) and in alcohols (0.2% to 0.5%) used for hygienic and
surgical hand antisepsis or preoperative skin disinfection; it is
also used for antiseptic body baths to control MRSA. This agent
is incorporated into some soaps (at a 1% w/v concentration)

42 42

handwash.48 In a number of studies, log reductions achieved

have been lower than with chlorhexidine, iodophors or alcohol-
based products.48,137,223,354,397/ In 1994, the FDA TFM tentatively
classified triclosan up to 1% as a Category IIISE active agent
(insufficient data to classify as safe and effective for use as
an antiseptic handwash).198 Further evaluation of this agent by
the FDA is under way. Similar to chlorhexidine, triclosan has
persistent activity on the skin. Its activity in hand-care products
is affected by pH, the presence of surfactants or humectants,
and the ionic nature of the particular formulation.48,394 Triclosans
activity is not substantially affected by organic matter, but may
be inhibited by sequestration of the agent in micelle structures
formed by surfactants present in some formulations. Most
formulations containing less than 2% triclosan are well tolerated
and seldom cause allergic reactions. A few reports suggest
that providing HCWs with a triclosan-containing preparation
for hand antisepsis has led to decreased infections caused
by MRSA.181,182 Triclosans lack of potent activity against
Gram-negative bacilli has resulted in occasional reports of
contaminated triclosan. 398

A recent study compared an antibacterial soap containing

triclosan with a non-antibacterial soap and concluded that
the former did not provide any additional benefit. 399 Concerns
have been raised about the use of triclosan, because of the
development of bacterial resistance to low concentrations of
biocide and cross-resistance to some antibiotics. For example,
Mycobacterium smegmatis mutations in inhA gene leading
to triclosan resistance are known to carry resistance also to
isoniazid.400 Increased tolerance (i.e increased MICs) to triclosan
due to mutations in efflux pumps has been reported in E. coli
and P. aerugninosa.401 Laboratory studies involving exposure
of some microorganisms to subinhibitory concentrations of
triclosan have resulted in increased triclosan MICs. However,
the clinical relevance of increased triclosan MICs generated
in the laboratory is unclear, since affected strains remain
susceptible to in-use concentrations of triclosan.401,402 Further
research dealing with the relationship between triclosan use
and antimicrobial resistance mechanisms is warranted, and
surveillance for triclosan-resistant pathogens in clinical and
environmental settings is needed.

43 43

11.10 Other agents triclosan) used in antiseptic handwash or antiseptic handrub

preparations is reliably sporicidal against Clostridium spp.
More than 100 years after Semmelweis demonstrated the or Bacillus spp.287,339,418,419 Mechanical friction while washing
impact of rinsing hands with a solution of chlorinated lime on hands with soap and water may help physically remove spores
maternal mortality related to puerperal fever, Lowbury and from the surface of contaminated hands.110,420,421 This effect
colleagues 403 studied the efficacy of rubbing hands for 30 is not enhanced when using medicated soap.420 Contact
seconds with an aqueous hypochlorite solution. They found precautions are highly recommended during C. difficile-
that the solution was no more effective than rinsing with associated outbreaks, in particular, glove use (as part of contact
distilled water. Rotter404 subsequently studied the regimen precautions) and handwashing with a non-antimicrobial or
used by Semmelweis, which called for rubbing hands with antimicrobial soap and water following glove removal after
a 4% hypochlorite solution405 until the hands were slippery caring for patients with diarrhoea.422,423 Alcohol-based handrubs
(approximately 5 minutes). He found that the regimen was can then be exceptionally used after handwashing in these
30 times more effective than a 1-minute rub using 60% instances, after making sure that hands are perfectly dry.
isopropanol. However, because hypochlorite solutions tend to Moreover, alcohol-based handrubs, now considered the gold
be very irritating to the skin when used repeatedly and have a standard to protect patients from the multitude of harmful
strong odour, they are seldom used for hand hygiene today. resistant and non-resistant organisms transmitted by HCWs
A number of other agents are being evaluated by the FDA for hands, should be continued to be used in all other instances
use in antiseptics related to health care.198 However, the at the same facility. Discouraging their widespread use, just
efficacy of these agents has not been evaluated adequately for because of the response to diarrhoeal infections attributable to
use in hand hygiene preparations intended for use by HCWs. C. difficile, will only jeopardize overall patient safety in the long
Further evaluation of some of these agents may be warranted. term.
Products that utilize different concentrations of traditional
antiseptics (e.g. low concentrations of iodophor) or contain The widespread use of alcohol-based handrubs was repeatedly
novel compounds with antiseptic properties are likely to be given the major blame for the increase of C. difficile-associated
introduced for use by HCWs. For example, preliminary studies disease rates because alcohol preserves spores and is used
have demonstrated that adding silver-containing polymers to in the laboratory to select C. difficile spores from stools.424,425
an ethanol carrier (Surfacine) results in a preparation that has Although alcohol-based handrubs may not be effective against
persistent antimicrobial activity on animal and human skin.406 A C. difficile, it has not been shown that they trigger the rise of C.
unique chlorhexidine-loaded, nanocapsule-based gel showed difficile-associated disease.426-429 C. difficile-associated disease
immediate bactericidal effect, comparable to isopropanolol rates began to rise in the USA long before the wide use of
60% v/v against aerobic bacteria; surviving anaerobic bacteria alcohol-based handrubs.430,431 One outbreak with the epidemic
were significantly lower compared with ethanol-based gel 62% strain REA-group B1 ( ribotype 027) was successfully managed
v/v. Persistant bactericidal effect was observed throughout the while introducing alcohol-based handrub for all patients other
3-hour test period. The immediate and sustained antibacterial than those with C. difficile-associated disease.427 Furthermore,
effect was explained by an efficient chlorhexidine carrier system abandoning alcohol-based handrub for patients other than
which improved the drug targeting to bacteria.407 The clinical those with C. difficile-associated disease would do more harm
significance of these findings deserves further research. New than good, considering the dramatic impact on overall infection
compounds with good in vitro activity must be tested in vivo to rates observed through the recourse to handrubs at the point of
determine their abilities to reduce transient and resident skin care.320
flora on the hands of caregivers.
A guide on how to deal with C. difficile outbreaks, including
frequently asked questions on hand hygiene practices, is
11.11 Activity of antiseptic agents against spore- provided in Appendix 2.
forming bacteria
A recent study demonstrated that washing hands with either
The increasing incidence of C. difficile-associated diarrhoea in non-antimicrobial soap or antimicrobial soap and water reduced
health-care facilities in several countries, and the occurrence the amount of B. atrophaeus (a surrogate for B. anthracis) on
in the USA of human Bacillus anthracis infections related to hands, whereas an alcohol-based handrub was not effective. 432
contaminated items sent through the postal system, have raised Accordingly, HCWs with suspected or documented exposure to
concerns about the activity of antiseptic agents against spores. B. anthracis-contaminated items should wash their hands with a
The increasing morbidity and mortality of C. difficile-associated non-antimicrobial or antimicrobial soap and water.
disease in the USA, Canada, and some European countries
since 2001 has been especially attributed to more frequent
outbreaks and the emergence of a new, more virulent strain 11.12 Reduced susceptibility of microorganisms to
(ribotype 027).408 Epidemic strains differ among countries: for antiseptics
instance, while in Canada and the Netherlands ribotype 027
is predominant, the United Kingdom detected three different Reduced susceptibility of bacteria to antiseptic agents can
strains (ribotype 001, 027 and 106) responsible for 70% of C. be an intrinsic characteristic of a species, or can be an
difficile-associated diarrhoea.409-417 acquired trait.433 A number of reports have described strains
of bacteria that appear to have acquired reduced susceptibility
Apart from iodophors, but at a concentration remarkably higher to antiseptics such as chlorhexidine, QAC, or triclosan when
than the one used in antiseptics, 373 none of the agents (including defined by MICs established in vitro.433-436 However, since
alcohols, chlorhexidine, hexachlorophene, chloroxylenol, and in-use concentrations of antiseptics are often substantially
44 44

higher than the MICs of strains with reduced antiseptic respiratory tract infections or impetigo 249,449,450 . This suggests
susceptibility, the clinical relevance of the in vitro findings that the health benefits from clean hands probably result from
may be inaccurate. For example, some strains of MRSA have the simple removal of potential pathogens by handwashing
chlorhexidine and QAC MICs that are several-fold higher rather than their in situ inactivation by medicated soaps. Other
than methicillin-susceptible strains, and some strains of S. studies clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of alcohol-based
aureus have elevated MICs to triclosan.433,434,437 However, handrubs used for hand hygiene in schools in reducing the
such strains were readily inhibited by in-use concentrations incidence of gastrointestinal and/or respiratory diseases and
of these antiseptics.433,434 Very high MICS for triclosan were absenteeism attributable to these causes.451-454
reported by Sasatsu and colleagues,438 and the description of
a triclosan-resistant bacterial enzyme has raised the question In most studies on hygienic hand antisepsis that included plain
of whether resistance may develop more readily to this agent soap, alcohols were more effective than soap (Tables I.11.6
than to other antiseptic agents.396 Under laboratory conditions, and I.11.8). In several trials comparing alcohol-based solutions
bacteria with reduced susceptibility to triclosan carry cross- with antimicrobial detergents, alcohol reduced bacterial counts
resistance to antibiotics.439,440 Reduced triclosan susceptibility on hands to a greater extent than washing hands with soaps
or resistance was detected in clinical isolates of methicillin- or detergents containing hexachlorophene, povidone-iodine,
resistant S. epidermidis and in MRSA, respectively.441,442 Of CHG(CHG) or triclosan. In a cross-over study comparing
additional concern, exposing Pseudomonas strains containing plain soap with one containing 4% CHG, unexpectedly, the
the MexAB-OprM efflux system to triclosan may select for latter showed higher final CFU counts after use of CHG-soap
mutants that are resistant to multiple antibiotics, including compared with plain soap, but the comparative CFU log
fluoroquinolones.436,439,440 Nevertheless, a recent study failed reduction was not provided to permit conclusions concerning
to demonstrate a statistically significant association between relative efficacy.455 In another clinical study in two neonatal
elevated triclosan MICs and reduced antibiotic susceptibility intensive care units comparing an alcohol rub with 2% CHG-
among staphylococci and several species of Gram-negative soap, no difference was found either in infection rates or in
bacteria.443 Clearly, further studies are necessary to determine if microbial counts from nurses hands.456 Of note, the ethanol
reduced susceptibility to antiseptic agents is of epidemiological concentration (61%) of the sanitizer was low and the chemicals
importance, and whether or not resistance to antiseptics to neutralize CHG washed from the hands into the sampling
may influence the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant strains.433 fluids might not have been appropriate. However, a randomized
Periodic surveillance may be needed to ensure that this situation clinical trial comparing the efficacy of handrubbing versus
has not changed. 444 conventional handwashing with antiseptic soap showed that
the median percentage reduction in bacterial contamination
was significantly higher with handrubbing than with hand
11.13 Relative efficacy of plain soap, antiseptic antisepsis with 4% CHG-soap. 457 In another trial to compare
soaps and detergents, and alcohols the microbiological efficacy of handrubbing with an alcohol-
based solution and handwashing with water and unmedicated
Comparing the results of laboratory studies dealing with the in soap in HCWs from different wards, with particular emphasis
vivo efficacy of plain soap, antimicrobial soaps, and alcohol- on transient flora, handrubbing was more efficacious than
based handrubs may be problematic for various reasons. handwashing for the decontamination of HCWs hands.152
First, different test methods produce different results,445 In studies dealing with antimicrobial-resistant organisms,
especially if the bacteriostatic effect of a formulation is not alcohol-based products reduced the number of multidrug-
(or not sufficiently) abolished either by dilution or chemical resistant pathogens recovered from the hands of HCWs more
neutralizers prior to quantitative cultivation of post-treatment effectively than handwashing with soap and water. 225,374,458 An
samples. This leads to results that might overstate the efficacy observational study was conducted to assess the effect of an
of the formulation,446 Second, the antimicrobial efficacy of a alcohol-based gel handrub on infection rates attributable to the
hand antiseptic agent is significantly different among a given three most common multidrug-resistant bacteria (S. aureus,
population of individuals.315 Therefore, the average reductions K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa) in Argentina.459 Two periods
of bacterial release by the same formulation will be different were compared, 12 months before (handwashing with soap
in different laboratories or in one laboratory with different test and water) and 12 months after starting alcohol gel use. The
populations.447 Inter-laboratory results will be comparable second period (alcohol gel use) showed a significant reduction
only if they are linked up with those of a reference procedure in the overall incidence rates of K. pneumoniae with extended-
performed in parallel by the same individuals in a cross-over spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) infections, in particular
designed test and compared intra-individually. Summarizing the bacteraemias. Nevertheless, on the basis of this study, the
relative efficacy of agents in each study can provide a useful authors could not conclude whether this was a result of alcohol
overview of the in vivo activity of various formulations (Tables gel itself or an increase in hand hygiene compliance.
I.11.6 and I.11.8). From there, it can be seen that antiseptic
detergents are usually more efficacious than plain soap and The efficacy of alcohols for surgical hand antisepsis has been
that alcohol-based rubs are more efficacious than antiseptic reviewed in numerous studies. 48,268,271,280-286,301,313,316,460-463 In
detergents. A few studies show that chlorhexidine may be many of these studies, bacterial counts on the hands were
as effective as plain soap against MRSA, but not as effective determined immediately after using the product and again 13
as alcohol and povidone iodine.448 Studies conducted in the hours later. The delayed testing is performed to determine if
community setting bring additional findings on the topic of regrowth of bacteria on the hands is inhibited during operative
the relative efficacy of different hand hygiene products. Some procedures; this has been shown to be questionable by in vivo
indicate that medicated and plain soaps are roughly equal in experiments only if a suitable neutralizer is used to stop any
preventing the spread of childhood gastrointestinal and upper prolonged activity in the sampling fluids and on the counting
45 45

plates.227 The relative efficacy of plain soap, antimicrobial soaps,

and alcohol-based solutions to reduce the number of bacteria
recovered from hands immediately after use of products for
surgical hand preparation is shown in Table I.11.9. A comparison
of five surgical hand antisepsis products two alcohol-based
handrubs and three handwashes (active ingredient triclosan,
CHG or povidone-iodine) by EN 12791, an in vivo laboratory
test, showed that preparations containing povidone-iodine
and triclosan failed the test, although all products passed the
in vitro suspension test of prEN 12054. Better results were
achieved with the alcohol-based handrubs. 464 Alcohol-based
solutions were more effective than washing hands with plain
soap in all studies, and reduced bacterial counts on hands to
a greater extent than antimicrobial soaps or detergents in most
experiments.268,271,280-286,301,313,316,461-463 Table I.11.10 shows the
log10 reductions in the release of resident skin flora from clean

hands immediately and 3 hours after use of surgical handrub

products. Alcohol-based preparations proved more efficacious
than plain soap and water, and most formulations were superior
to povidone-iodine- or CHG-containing detergents. Among the
alcohols, a clear positive correlation with their concentration
is noticeable and, when tested at the same concentration, the
range of order in terms of efficacy is: ethanol is less efficacious
than isopropanol, and the latter is less active than n-propanol.

Table I.11.1
Examples of common water contaminants and their effects

Contaminant Examples Concerns

Inorganic salts Hardness (dissolved compounds of Inhibit activities of cleaning and biocidal products; can also
calcium and magnesium) cause the build-up of scale over time or spotting on a
Heavy metals (metallic elements with
high atomic weights, e.g. iron, chromium, Can inhibit the activities of cleaners and biocidal products;
copper, and lead) cause damage to some surfaces (e.g. corrosion); in some
cases, are toxic and bioaccumulative

Organic matter Trihalomethanes Toxic chlorine disinfection by-products

Proteins, lipids, polysaccharides Can leave harmful residues, including protein toxins and
endotoxins (lipopolysaccharide); can also reduce the
effectiveness of biocides

Biocides Chlorine, bromine Can cause corrosion and rusting on surfaces (in particular,
when carried in steam)

Microorganisms Pseudomonas, Salmonella, and Biofilm formation and biofouling; deposition onto surfaces or
oocysts of Cryptosporidium products and cross-contamination
(see Table I.11.2)

Dissolved gases CO2, Cl2 and O2 Can cause corrosion and rusting (in particular, when carried
in steam); non-condensable gases, such as CO 2 and O 2, can
inhibit the penetration of steam in sterilization processes

Source: reproduced with permission from McDonnell, 2007. 465

46 46

Table I.11.2
Waterborne pathogens and their significance in water supplies

Pathogen Health significance Persistence in water Relative infectivity



Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli High Moderate Moderate

Pathogenic Escherichia coli High Moderate Low

Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli High Moderate High

Legionella spp. High Multiply Moderate

Non-tuberculosis mycobacteria Low Multiply Low

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Moderate May multiply Low

Salmonella typhi High Moderate Low

Other salmonellae High Short Low

Shigella spp. High Short Moderate

Vibrio cholerae High Short Low

Burkholderia pseudomallei Low May multiply Low

Yersinia enterocolitica High Long Low


Adenoviruses High Long High

Enteroviruses High Long High

Hepatitis A High Long High

Hepatitis E High Long High

Noroviruses and sapoviruses High Long High

Rotaviruses High Long High

Acanthamoeba spp. High Long High

Cryptosporidium parvum High Long High

Cyclospora cayetanensis High Long High

Entamoeba histolytica High Moderate High

Giardia lamblia High Moderate High

Naegleria fowleri High May multiply High

Toxoplasma gondii High Long High


Dracunculus medinensis High Moderate High

Schistosoma spp.

High Short High

Source: WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2006. 228

47 47

Table I.11.3
Microbiological indicators for drinking-water quality according to 1882/2003/EC

Indicator 1882/2003/EC Comment

Escherichia coli 0 CFU/100 ml

0 CFU/250 ml (for bottled water)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0 CFU/250 ml Specified only for bottled water

Enterococci 0 CFU/250 ml

Total bacteria Specified only for bottled water

22 0C 100 CFU/ml
36/37 0C 20 CFU/ml

CFU: colony-forming unit

Table I.11.4
Microbiological indicators for water quality in health-care settings in France

Indicator Level Frequency

Aerobic flora at 22 C and 36 C No variation above a 10-fold compared to 1 control/100 beds/year with a minimum of
the usual value at the entry point 4 controls per year

Pseudomonas aeruginosa < 1 CFU/100 ml Quarterly

Total coliforms < 1 CFU/100 ml Quarterly

CFU: colony-forming unit

Source: adapted with permission from: Leau dans les tablissements de sant. Guide technique (Water in health-care facilities. A technical
guide), 2005. 466

48 48

Table I.11.5
Virucidal activity of antiseptic agents

Reference Test method Viruses Agent Results

Enveloped viruses

Spire et al., 1984 467 Suspension HIV 19% EA LR=2.0 in 5 min

Martin, McDougal & Suspension HIV 50% EA LR>3.5

Loskoski, 1985 468 35% IPA LR>3.7

Resnick et al., 1986469 Suspension HIV 70% EA LR=7.0 in 1 min

van Bueren, Larkin & Suspension HIV 70% EA LR= 3.25.5 in 30 s

Simpson, 1994470

Montefiori et al., 1990471 Suspension HIV 70% IPA + 0.5% CHG LR= 6.0 in 15 s
4% CHG LR= 6.0 in 15 s

Wood & Payne 1998 472 Suspension HIV Chloroxylenol Inactivated in 1 min
Benzalkonium chloride Inactivated in 1 min

Harbison & Hammer, Suspension HIV Povidone-iodine Inactivated

1989473 CHG Inactivated

Lavelle et al., 1989474 Suspension HIV Detergent + 0.5% Inactivated in 30 s


Bond et al., 1983475 Suspension/dried HBV 70% IPA LR= 6.0 in 10 min
Chimpanzee challenge

Kobayashi et al., 1984 476 Suspension/plasma HBV 80% EA LR= 7.0 in 2 min
Chimpanzee challenge

Kurtz, 1979477 Suspension HSV 95% EA LR>5.0 in 1 min

75% EA LR>5.0
95% IPA LR>5.0
70% EA + 0.5% CHG LR>5.0

Platt & Bucknall, 1985 297 Suspension RSV 35% IPA LR>4.3 in 1 min
4% CHG LR>3.3

Schurmann & Eggers, Suspension Influenza 95% EA Undetectable in 30 s

1983 309 Vaccinia 95% EA Undetectable in 30 s

Schurmann & Eggers, Hand test Influenza 95% EA LR> 2.5

1983 309 Vaccinia 95% EA LR> 2.5

49 49

Table I.11.5
Referenceactivity of antiseptic
Testagents (Cont.)
method Viruses Agent Results

Non-enveloped viruses
Sattar et al., 1983 Suspension Rotavirus 4% CHG LR<3.0 in 1 min
10% Povidone-iodine LR>3.0
70% IPA/0.1% HCP LR>3.0

Schurmann & Eggers, Hand test Adenovirus 95% EA LR>1.4

1983 309 Poliovirus 95% EA LR= 0.21.0
Coxsackie 95% EA LR=1.11.3

Finger test Adenovirus 95% EA LR>2.3

Poliovirus 95% EA LR= 0.72.5
Coxsackie 95% EA LR=2.9

Kurtz, 1979477 Suspension ECHO virus 95% EA LR>3.0 in 1 min

75% EA LR<1.0
95% IPA LR= 0
70% IPA+0.5%CHG LR= 0

Mbithi, Springthorpe & Fingerpad HAV 70% EA 87.4% reduction

Sattar, 2000 308 62% EA foam 89.3% reduction
Plain soap 78.0% reduction
4% CHG 89.6% reduction
0.3% Triclosan 92.0% reduction

Bellamy et al., 1993 272 Fingertips Bovine rotavirus n-propanol+IPA LR= 3.8 in 30 s
70% IPA LR= 3.1
70% EA LR=2.9
2% Triclosan LR=2.1
Water (control) LR=1.3
7.5% povidone-iodine LR=1.3
Plain soap LR=1.2
4% CHG LR= 0.5

Ansari et al., 1991257 Fingerpad Human rotavirus 70% IPA 98.9% reduction in 10 s
Plain soap

Ansari et al., 1989 304 Fingerpad Human rotavirus 70% IPA 80.3%
Plain soap 72.5%

Sattar et al., 2000 305 Fingerpad Rotavirus 60% EA gel LR>3.0 in 10 s

Rhinovirus 60% EA gel LR>3.0
Adenovirus 60% EA gel LR>3.0

Steinmann et al., Fingerpad Poliovirus 70% EA LR=1.6 in 10 s

1995 307 70% IPA LR= 0.8

Davies, Babb & Bradley,

Fingertips Poliovirus Plain soap LR=2.1
1993 372
80% EA LR= 0.4

HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; EA = ethanol; LR = Log 10 Reduction; IPA = isopropanol; CHG = chlorhexidine gluconate; HBV =

hepatitis B virus; RSV = respiratory syncytial virus; HSV = herpes simplex virus; HAV = hepatitis A virus.

50 50

Table I.11.6
Studies comparing the relative efficacy (based on log10 reductions achieved) of plain soap or antimicrobial soaps versus alcohol-

based antiseptics in reducing counts of viable bacteria on hands

Reference Skin Assay Time Relative efficacy

contamination method (s)

Dineen & Hildick-Smith, Existing hand flora Fingertip agar culture 60 Plain soap < HCP < 50% EA foam
1965 313

Ayliffe et al., 1975 286 Existing hand flora Handrub broth culture Plain soap < 95% EA

Ayliffe, Babb & Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 30 Plain soap < 4% CHG < P-I < 70% EA =
Quoraishi, 1978 273 alc. CHG

Lilly & Lowbury 1978 321 Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 30 Plain soap < 4% CHG < 70% EA

Lilly, Lowbury & Existing hand flora Handrub broth culture 120 Plain soap < 0.5% aq. CHG < 70% EA <
Wilkins, 1979 274 4% CHG < alc.CHG

Rotter, Koller & Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 60-120 4% CHG < P-I < 60% IPA
Wewalka, 1980 314

Ojajarvi, 1980125 Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 15 Plain soap < 3% HCP < P-I < 4% CHG
< 70% EA

Ulrich, 1982 275 Artificial contamination Glove juice test 15 P-I < alc. CHG

Bartzokas et al., 1983 276 Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 120 0.3-2% triclosan = 60% IPA = alc. CHG
< alc. Triclosan

Rotter, 1984315 Artificial contamination Fingertip agar culture 60 Phenolic < 4% CHG < P-I < EA < IPA <

Blech, Hartemann & Existing hand flora Fingertip agar culture 60 Plain soap < 70% EA < 95% EA
Paquin, 1985 316

Rotter et al., 1986 277 Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 60 Phenolic = P-I < alc. CHG < n-P

Larson, Eke & Laughon, Existing hand flora Sterile broth bag 15 Plain soap < IPA < 4% CHG = IPA-H =
1986 221 technique alc. CHG

Ayliffe et al., 1988137 Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 30 Plain soap < triclosan < P-I < IPA < alc.
CHG < n-P

Ehrenkranz & Alfonso, Patient contact Glove juice test 15 Plain soap < IPA-H

Leyden et al., 1991317 Existing hand flora Agar plate/image 30 Plain soap < 1% triclosan < P-I < 4%
analysis CHG < IPA

Kjolen & Andersen, Artificial contamination Fingertip agar culture 60 Plain soap < IPA < EA < alc. CHG
1992 278

Rotter & Koller, 1992 223 Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 60 Plain soap < 60% n-P

Namura, Nishijima & Existing hand flora Agar plate/image 30 Plain soap < alc. CHG
Asada, 1994 279 analysis

Zaragoza et al., 1999 318 Existing hand flora Agar plate culture N.S. Plain soap < commercial alcohol

Paulson et al., 1999 319 Artificial contamination Glove juice test 20 Plain soap < 0.6% PCMX < 65% EA

Cardoso et al., 1999 320 Artificial contamination Fingertip broth culture 30 4% CHG < plain soap < P-I < 70% EA

Existing hand flora = without artificially contaminating hands with bacteria; alc. CHG = alcohol-based chlorhexidine gluconate; aq. CHG =
aqueous chlorhexidine gluconate; 4% CHG = chlorhexidine gluconate detergent; EA = ethanol;
HCP = hexachlorophene soap/detergent; IPA = isopropanol; IPA-H = isopropanol + humectants; n-P = n-propanol;
PCMX = para-chloro-meta-xylenol detergent; P-I = povidone-iodine detergent; NS = not stated.
Note: Hexachlorophene has been banned worldwide because of its high rate of dermal absorption and subsequent toxic effects 70,366.

51 51

Table I.11.7
Antimicrobial activity and summary of properties of antiseptics used in hand hygiene

Antiseptics Gram- Gram- Viruses Viruses Myco- Fungi Spores

positive negative enveloped non- bacteria
bacteria bacteria enveloped

Alcohols +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ +++ -

Chloroxylenol +++ + + + + -

Chlorhexidine +++ ++ ++ + + + -

Hexachlorophenea +++ + ? ? + + -

Iodophors +++ +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ b

Triclosand +++ ++ ? ? e -

Quaternary ++ + + ? -

Antiseptics Typical conc. in % Speed of action Residual activity Use

Alcohols 60-70 % Fast No HR

Chloroxylenol 0.5-4 % Slow Contradictory HW

Chlorhexidine 0.5-4% Intermediate Yes HR,HW

Hexachlorophenea 3% Slow Yes HW, but not


Iodophors 0.5-10 %) Intermediate Contradictory HW

Triclosand (0.1-2%) Intermediate Yes HW; seldom

Quaternary Slow No HR,HW;

ammonium Seldom;
compoundsc +alcohols

Good = +++, moderate = ++, poor = +, variable = , none =

HR: handrubbing; HW: handwashing
*Activity varies with concentration.
In concentrations used in antiseptics, iodophors are not sporicidal.
Bacteriostatic, fungistatic, microbicidal at high concentrations.
Mostly bacteriostatic.
Activity against Candida spp., but little activity against filementous fungi.
Source: adapted with permission from Pittet, Allegranzi & Sax, 2007. 479

52 52

Table I.11.8
Hygienic handrub efficacy of various agents in reducing the release of test bacteria from artificially-contaminated hands

Agent Concentration a Test bacterium Mean log reduction exposure time

(%) (min)

0.5 1.0 2.0

n-Propanol 100 E. coli 5.8

60 5.5

50 5.0

3.7 4.7 4.9

40 4.3

Isopropanol 70 E. coli 4.9



60 4.4




S. marcescens 4.1

E. coli
50 3.4 3.9 4.4

Ethanol 80 E. coli 4.5

70 4.3 5.1

4.3 4.9


3.6 3.8 4.5

3.4 4.1

S. aureus 3.7


Tosylchloramide (aq. sol.) 60 S. saprophyticus 3.5 3.8

Povidone-iodine (aq. sol.) 2.0 b E. coli 4.2

Chlorhexidine diacetate (aq. sol.) 1.0b E. coli 4.04.3

0.5b E. coli 3.1

Chloro-cresol (aq. sol.) 1.0b E. coli 3.6

Hydrogen peroxide 7.5 E. coli 3.6

If not stated otherwise, v/v.
Sources: reprinted with permission from Rotter, 2004. 480,481
53 53

Table I.11.9
Studies comparing the relative efficacy of plain soap or antimicrobial soap versus alcohol-containing products in reducing
counts of bacteria recovered from hands immediately after use of products for preoperative surgical hand preparation

Reference Assay method Relative efficacy

Dineen & Hildick-Smith, 1965 313 Fingertip agar culture HCP < 50% EA foam + QAC
Berman & Knight, 1969 Fingertip agar culture HCP < P-I < 50% EA foam + QAC

Gravens, 1973 268 Fingertip agar culture HCP soap < EA foam + 0.23% HCP

Lowbury, Lilly & Ayliffe, 1974301 Broth culture Plain soap < 0.5% CHG det. < 4% CHG det. < alc. CHG

Ayliffe et al., 1975 286 Hand broth test Plain soap < 0.5% CHG det. < 4% CHG det. < alc. CHG

Rosenberg, Alatary & Peterson, 1976 285 Glove juice test 0.5% CHG det. < 4% CHG det. < alc. CHG
Pereira, Lee & Wade, 1997 Glove juice test P-I < CHG det. < alc. CHG

Galle, Homesley & Rhyne, 1978 284 Fingertip agar culture P-I = 46% EA + 0.23% HCP

Jarvis et al., 1979 280 Broth culture of hands Plain soap < P-I < alc. CHG < alc. P-I

Aly & Maibach, 1979283 Glove juice test 70% IPA = alc. CHG

Zaragoza et al., 1999 316 Fingertip agar culture Plain soap < 70% - 90% EA
Larson et al., 1990 Glove juice test, modified Plain soap < triclosan < CHG det. < P-I < alc. CHG

Babb, Davies & Ayliffe, 1991271 Glove juice test Plain soap < 2% triclosan < P-I < 70% IPA
Rotter, Simpson & Koller, 1998 Fingertip broth culture 70% IPA < 90% IPA = 60% n-P

Hobson et al., 1998 463 Glove juice test P-I < CHG det. < 70% EA

Mulberry et al., 2001482 Glove juice test 4% CHG det. < CHG det./61% EA

Furukawa et al., 2004483 Glove juice test P-I < CHG det. < 70% EA

QAC = quaternary ammonium compound; alc. CHG = alcoholic chlorhexidine gluconate;

CHG det. = chlorhexidine gluconate detergent; EA = ethanol; HCP = hexachlorophene detergent; IPA = isopropanol;
P-I = povidone-iodine detergent.

54 54

Table I.11.10
Efficacy of surgical handrub solutions in reducing the release of resident skin flora from clean hands

Rub Concentration a (%) Time (min) Mean log reduction

Immediate Persistent (3h)

n-Propanol 60 5 2.9b 1.6b

5 2.7b NA

5 2.5b 1.8b

5 2.3b 1.6b

3 2.9c NA

3 2.0b 1.0b

1 1.1b 0.5b

Isopropanol 90 3 2.4c 1.4c

80 3 2.3 c 1.2c

70 5 2.4b 2.1b

5 2.1b 1.0 b

3 2.0c 0.7c

3 1.7c NA

3 1.5b 0.8b

2 1.2 0.8

1 0.7b 0.2

1 0.8 NA

60 5 1.7 1.0

Isopropanol + chlorhexidine gluc. (m/v) 70 + 0.5 5 2.5b 2.7b

2 1.0 1.5

Ethanol 95 2 2.1 NA
85 3 2.4 NA

80 2 1.5 NA

70 2 1.0 0.6

Ethanol + chlorhexidine gluc. (m/v) 95 + 0.5 2 1.7 NA

77 + 0.5 5 2.0 1.5d

70 + 0.5 2 0.7 1.4

Chlorhexidine gluc. (aq. Sol., m/v) 0.5 2 0.4 1.2

Povidone-iodine (aq. Sol., m/v) 1.0 5 1.9 b


Peracetic acid (m/v) 0.5 5 1.9 NA

NA = not available.
v/v unless otherwise stated.
Tested according to the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Hygiene and Mikrobiologic (German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology).
Tested according to European Standard EN 12791.
After 4 hours.
Source: reprinted with permission from Rotter, 1999. 48

55 55

WHO-recommended handrub formulations

12.1 General remarks Formulation I

To help countries and health-care facilities to achieve system To produce final concentrations of ethanol 80% v/v, glycerol
change and adopt alcohol-based handrubs as the gold 1.45% v/v, hydrogen peroxide (H O ) 0.125% v/v.
2 2
standard for hand hygiene in health care, WHO has identified
formulations for their local preparation. Logistic, economic, Pour into a 1000 ml graduated flask:
safety, and cultural and religious factors have all been carefully
considered by WHO before recommending such formulations a) ethanol 96% v/v, 833.3 ml

for use worldwide (see also Part I, Section 14). b) H O 3%, 41.7 ml
2 2
c) glycerol 98% ,14.5 ml
At present, alcohol-based handrubs are the only known means
for rapidly and effectively inactivating a wide array of potentially Top up the flask to 1000 ml with distilled water or water that
harmful microorganisms on hands.60,221,329,484-487 has been boiled and cooled; shake the flask gently to mix the
WHO recommends alcohol-based handrubs based on the
following factors:
Formulation II
1. evidence-based, intrinsic advantages of fast-acting and
broad-spectrum microbicidal activity with a minimal risk of To produce final concentrations of isopropyl alcohol 75% v/v,
generating resistance to antimicrobial agents; glycerol 1.45% v/v, hydrogen peroxide 0.125% v/v:
2. suitability for use in resource-limited or remote areas with
lack of accessibility to sinks or other facilities for hand Pour into a 1000 ml graduated flask:
hygiene (including clean water, towels, etc.);
3. capacity to promote improved compliance with hand a) isopropyl alcohol (with a purity of 99.8%), 751.5 ml

hygiene by making the process faster and more convenient; b) H O 3%, 41.7 ml
2 2
4. economic benefit by reducing annual costs for hand The choice of components for the WHO-recommended
hygiene, representing approximately 1% of extra-costs handrub formulations takes into account cost constraints
generated by HCAI (see also Part III, Section 3); 488-490 and microbicidal activity. The following two formulations are
5. minimization of risks from adverse events because of recommended for local production with a maximum of 50 litres
increased safety associated with better acceptability and per lot to ensure safety in production and storage.
tolerance than other products (see also Part I, Section
14). 491-498

For optimal compliance with hand hygiene , handrubs should be

readily available, either through dispensers close to the point of
care or in small bottles for on-person carriage.335,485

Health-care settings currently using commercially-available

handrubs should continue to use them, provided that they
meet recognized standards for microbicidal efficacy (ASTM or
EN standards) and are well accepted/tolerated by HCWs (see
also Implementation Toolkit available at http://www.who.int/
gpsc/en/). It is obvious that these products should be regarded
as acceptable, even if their contents differ from those of the
WHO-recommended formulations described below. WHO
recommends the local production of the following formulations
as an alternative when suitable commercial products are either
unavailable or too costly.

12.1.1 Suggested composition of alcohol-based handrub

formulations for local production

56 56

c) glycerol 98%, 14.5 ml

Top up the flask to 1000 ml with distilled water or water that

has been boiled and cooled; shake the flask gently to mix the

Only pharmacopoeial quality reagents should be used (e.g. The

International Pharmacopoeia) and not technical grade products.

12.1.2 Method for local production Volume of production, containers

10-litre preparations: glass or plastic bottles with screw-

threaded stoppers can be used.

50-litre preparations: large plastic (preferably

polypropylene, translucent enough to see the liquid level) or
stainless steel tanks with an 80 to100 litre capacity should
be used to allow for mixing without overflowing.

The tanks should be calibrated for the ethanol/isopropyl alcohol

volumes and for the final volumes of either 10 or 50 litres. It is
best to mark plastic tanks on the outside and stainless steel
ones on the inside. Preparation

1) The alcohol for the chosen formulation is poured into the

large bottle or tank up to the graduated mark.

57 57

2) H O is added using the measuring cylinder. H O

2 2 2 2
3) Glycerol is added using a measuring cylinder. As the
glycerol is very viscous and sticks to the walls of the While alcohol is the active component in the formulations,
measuring cylinder, it can be rinsed with some sterile certain aspects of other components should be respected. All
distilled or cold boiled water to be added and then emptied raw materials used should be preferably free of viable bacterial

into the bottle/ tank. spores. The low concentration of H O is incorporated in the
2 2
4) The bottle/tank is then topped up to the corresponding formulations to help eliminate contaminating spores in the bulk
mark of the volume (10-litre or 50-litre) to be prepared with solutions and excipients 501,502 and is not an active substance for
the remainder of the distilled or cold, boiled water. hand antisepsis. While the use of H O adds an important safety
2 2
5) The lid or the screw cap is placed on the bottle/tank aspect, the use of 36% of H O for the production might be
2 2
immediately after mixing to prevent evaporation. complicated by its corrosive nature and by difficult procurement
6) The solution is mixed by gently shaking the recipient where in some countries. Further investigation is needed to assess
appropriate (small quantities),or by using a wooden, plastic H O availability in different countries as well as the possibility of
2 2
or metallic paddle. Electric mixers should not be used using a stock solution with a lower concentration.
unless EX protected because of the danger of explosion.
7) After mixing, the solution is immediately divided into smaller
containers (e.g. 1000, 500 or 100 ml plastic bottles). The Glycerol
bottles should be kept in quarantine for 72 hours. This
allows time for any spores present in the alcohol or the new Glycerol is added to the formulation as a humectant to increase
or re-used bottles to be eliminated by H 2O 2. the acceptability of the product. Other humectants or emollients
may be used for skin care, provided that they are affordable,
available locally, miscible (mixable) in water and alcohol, non- Quality control toxic, and hypoallergenic. Glycerol has been chosen because
it is safe and relatively inexpensive. Lowering the percentage of
If concentrated alcohol is obtained from local production, verify glycerol may be considered to further reduce stickiness of the
the alcohol concentration and make the necessary adjustments handrub.
in volume to obtain the final recommended concentration. An
alcoholmeter can be used to control the alcohol concentration

of the final use solution; H O concentration can be measured Other additives to the formulations
2 2
by titrimetry (oxydo-reduction reaction by iodine in acidic
conditions). A higher level quality control can be performed It is strongly recommended that no ingredients other than those
using gas chromatography499 and the titrimetric method specified here be added to the formulations. In the case of
to control the alcohol and the hydrogen peroxide content, any additions, full justification must be provided together with
respectively. Moreover, the absence of microbial contamination documented safety of the additive, its compatibility with the
(including spores) can be checked by filtration, according to the other ingredients, and all relevant details should be given on the
European Pharmacopeia specifications.500 product label.

For more detailed guidance on production and quality control In general, it is not recommended to add any bittering agents
of both formulations, see the WHO-recommended hand to reduce the risk of ingestion of the handrubs. Nevertheless,
antisepsis formulation - guide to local production in exceptional cases where the risk of ingestion might be very
(Implementation Toolkit available at http://www.who.int/gpsc/ high (paediatric or confused patients), substances such as
en/). methylethylketone and denatonium benzoate 503) may be added
to some household products to make them less palatable
and thus reduce the risk of accidental or deliberate ingestion. Labelling of the bottles However, there is no published information on the compatibility
and deterrent potential of such chemicals when used in alcohol-
The bottles should be labelled in accordance with national based handrubs to discourage their abuse. It is important to
guidelines. Labels should include the following: note that such additives may make the products toxic and add to
production costs. In addition, the bitter taste may be transferred
Name of institution from hands to food being handled by individuals using handrubs
Date of production and batch number containing such agents. Therefore, compatibility and suitability,
Composition: ethanol or isopropanol, glycerol and as well as cost, must be carefully considered before deciding on
hydrogen peroxide (% v/v can also be indicated) the use of such bittering agents.
and the following statements:
WHO-recommended handrub formulation A colorant may be incorporated to differentiate the handrub
For external use only from other fluids as long as such an additive is safe and
Avoid contact with eyes compatible with the essential components of the handrubs (see
Keep out of reach of children also Part I, Section 11.3). However, the H O in the handrubs

58 58

2 2
Use: apply a palmful of alcohol-based handrub and cover may tend to fade any colouring agent used and prior testing is
all surfaces of the hands. Rub hands until dry. Flammable: recommended.
keep away from flame and heat.
No data are available to assess the suitability of adding gelling
agents to the WHO-recommended liquid formulations, but this

59 59

could increase potentially both production difficulties and costs, Hygienic handrub
and may compromise antimicrobial efficacy.203,325
The microbicidal activity of the two WHO-recommended
The addition of fragrances is not recommended because of the formulations was tested by a WHO reference laboratory
risk of allergic reactions. according to EN standards (EN 1500) (see also Part I, section
10.1.1). Their activity was found to be equivalent to the reference
All handrub containers must be labelled in accordance with substance (isopropanol 60 % v/v) for hygienic hand antisepsis.
national/international guidelines.

To further reduce the risk of abuse and to respect cultural and Presurgical hand preparation
religious sensitivities, product containers may be labelled simply
as antimicrobial handrubs (see Part I, Section 17.4). Both WHO-recommended handrub formulations were tested by
two independent reference laboratories in different European
countries to assess their suitability for use for pre-surgical hand Use of proper water for the preparation of the preparation, according to the European Standard EN 12791.
formulations The results are reported in Part I, Section 13.5.

While sterile distilled water is preferred for making the

formulations, boiled and cooled tap water may also be used as 12.1.5 Safety standards
long as it is free of visible particules.
With regard to skin reactions, handrubbing with alcohol-based
products is better tolerated than handwashing with soap and
12.1.3 Production and storage water (see also Part I, Section 14).

Manufacture of the WHO-recommended handrub formulations In a recent study conducted among ICU HWs, the short-term
is feasible in central pharmacies or dispensaries. Whenever skin tolerability and acceptability of the WHO-recommended
possible and according to local policies, governments should handrub formulations were significantly higher than those of a
encourage local production, support the quality assessment reference product 504. Lessons learnt about acceptability and
process, and keep production costs as low as possible. Special tolerability of the WHO-recommended formulations in some
requirements apply for the production and stock piling of the sites where local production has taken place are summarized
formulations, as well as for the storage of the raw materials. below (Section 12.2).

Because undiluted ethanol is highly flammable and may ignite

at temperatures as low as 10C, production facilities should 12.1.6 Distribution
directly dilute it to the above-mentioned concentration (Section
12.1.1). The flash points of ethanol 80% (v/v) and isopropyl To avoid contamination with spore-forming organisms, 338
alcohol 75% (v/v) are 17.5C and 19C, respectively,(Rotter disposable bottles should preferably be used although reusable
M, personal communication) and special attention should be sterilizable bottles may reduce production costs and waste
given to proper storage in tropical climates (see also Part I, management. To prevent evaporation, containers should have
Section 23.6.1). Production and storage facilities should be a maximum capacity of 500 ml on ward and 1 litre in operating
ideally air-conditioned or cool rooms. Open flames and smoking theatres, and possibly fit into a wall dispenser. Leakage-free
must be strictly prohibited in production and storage areas. pocket bottles with a capacity of no more than 100 ml should
Pharmacies and small-scale production centres supplying the also be available and distributed individually to HCWs, but it
WHO-recommended handrub formulations are advised not to should be emphasized that the use of these products should
manufacture locally batches of more than 50 litres at a time. For be confined to health care only. The production or re-filling unit
safety reasons, it is advisable to produce smaller volumes and should follow norms on how to clean and disinfect the bottles
to adhere to local and/or national guidelines and regulations. (e.g. autoclaving, boiling, or chemical disinfection with chlorine).
The production should not be undertaken in central pharmacies Autoclaving is considered the most suitable procedure.
lacking specialized air conditioning and ventilation. National Reusable bottles should never be refilled until they have been
safety guidelines and local legal requirements must be adhered completely emptied and then cleansed and disinfected.
to for the storage of ingredients and the final product.
Cleansing and disinfection process for reusable handrub
bottles: empty bottles should be brought to a central point to
12.1.4 Efficacy be reprocessed using standard operating procedures. Bottles
should be thoroughly washed with detergent and tap water to
It is the consensus opinion of the WHO expert group that eliminate any residual liquid. If they are heat-resistant, bottles
the WHO-recommended handrub formulations can be used should be thermally disinfected by boiling in water. Whenever
both for hygienic hand antisepsis and for presurgical hand possible, thermal disinfection should be chosen in preference
preparation. to chemical disinfection, since chemical disinfection might not
only increase costs but also needs an extra step to flush out
the remains of the disinfectant. Chemical disinfection should
include soaking the bottles in a solution containing 1000
ppm of chlorine for a minimum of 15 minutes and then rinsing
60 60

with sterile/cooled boiled water.505 After thermal or chemical is subject to licensing restrictions and to strict record-keeping.
disinfection, bottles should be left to dry completely upside- Glycerol was procured by local suppliers in most cases while
down, in a bottle rack. Dry bottles should be closed with a lid hydrogen peroxide had to be imported in five sites.
and stored, protected from dust, until use.

12.2.3 Equipment
12.2 Lessons learnt from local production of the
WHO-recommended handrub formulations in Procurement of the equipment for production was relatively easy
different settings worldwide and not particularly expensive in most sites. Either plastic or
stainless steel containers were used for mixing except in Egypt
Since the Guide to Local Production has been disseminated where glass containers were used. In contrast, finding adequate
through the WHO complementary sites platform and pilot dispensers for the final product use was more problematic.
sites, many settings around the world have undertaken local In Kenya and Mali, it was not possible to purchase suitable
production of the two WHO-recommended formulations. dispensers in the country and they were donated by Swiss
institutions. For HCWs, 100 ml pocket bottles are in use in Hong
A web-based survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com) was Kong SAR, Mali, Mongolia and Pakistan; 500 ml wall-mounted
carried out to gather information on the feasibility, quality dispensers are also available in Egypt, Hong Kong SAR, Kenya,
control and cost of local production, and the acceptability and Mongolia, Pakistan and Spain. Bangladesh has been using 100
tolerability of the formulations by HCWs in different countries. ml glass bottles and 500 ml plastic bottles, Costa Rica 385 ml
Questions were designed to collect information on issues such bottles and Saudi Arabia 1 litre bottles or bags. For long-term
as training and numbers of personnel involved in production, sustainability, container moulds of both bottles and caps, for
the source and cost of each component, quality control of final use may have to be made locally which may represent a
each component and the final product, equipment used for very high initial cost. Pakistan was successful in enlisting the
production, adequacy of facility for preparation and storage, and support of a private sector company in making bottles using
finally distribution and end use. There were also open-ended new moulds. Bangladesh too identified local suppliers who are
questions on lessons learnt related to each item. Responses able to make the desired plastic dispensers.
were obtained from eleven sites located in Bangladesh, Costa
Rica, Egypt, Hong Kong SAR, Kenya, Mali, Mongolia, Pakistan The cleaning and recycling process proposed by WHO has
(two sites), Saudi Arabia, and Spain. been put in place and is working well in six sites. Methods used
for disinfection varied and included treatment with chlorine or
12.2.1 Production facilities and personnel

Production of a WHO-recommended handrub formulation took 12.2.4 Quality control

place at the pharmacy of the health-care facility itself in Egypt,
Kenya, Mali, Mongolia, the two sites in Pakistan, and Spain. In The quality control of alcohol concentrations in the final
Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Hong Kong SAR, and Saudi Arabia, product was regularly performed by alcoholmeter in all sites
either private commercial or government companies were asked but one. Hydrogen peroxide was quality checked at six sites
to manufacture the product; in these countries, it is intended (Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Mali, Mongolia, Pakistan, and Saudi
that the production will supply numerous health-care settings. Arabia).

The quantity of handrub produced ranged from 10 litres to Multiple samples from seven sites (Costa Rica, Egypt, Hong
600,000 litres per month. Qualified pharmacists were involved in Kong SAR, Mali, Mongolia, Pakistan,and Saudi Arabia) were
the production at all sites. However, in the case of local sent to the University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva,
production at the hospital level and also in some large-scale Switzerland, for more sophisticated quality checks by gas
production facilities (e.g. in Bangladesh), this task was added to chromatography499 and the titrimetric method to control the
the regular workload as economic constraints did not permit to alcohol and the hydrogen peroxide content. Initial results from
dedicate a staff member only for this reason. Other categories four sites showed either higher or lower alcohol and/or H 2O 2
of workers were also required for the production, but varied in concentrations, but the product was eventually declared to
numbers and qualifications. The facilities for preparation and conform to acceptable ranges in all sites. Quality was shown
storage were considered adequate by all but two sites (in Mali to be optimal also for three types of formulations made in
and one in Pakistan). Adequate ventilation and temperature Saudi Arabia in which either a fragrance or special humectants
control and fire safety signs were also available at most sites. were added to the WHO formulation I. Interestingly, samples
from Mali, which were kept in a tropical climate without air
conditioning or special ventilation, were in accordance with the
12.2.2 Procurement of components optimal quality parameters in all samples even 19 months after
production. The site located in Bangladesh was able to perform
All sites, except for the one in Bangladesh and the two located gas chromatography and titrimetry for quality control locally and
in Pakistan, produced the WHO-recommended formulation I, reported optimal results for all tests.
based on ethanol, mostly because of easier procurement (from
local suppliers in most cases) and lower cost. In some cases,
ethanol was derived from sugar cane or wheat. In Pakistan,
isopropyl alcohol was used because, although cheaper, ethanol
61 61

12.2.5 Costs production would be beneficial and WHO is exploring practical

solutions to resolve this issue.
Cost calculation of the local production of the WHO-
recommended handrub formulations at the different sites has There were also lessons learnt related to the procurement of raw
been quite complex in the attempt to consider several aspects ingredients. Sub-standard materials are available on the market
such as the cost of raw materials and dispensers, the recycling and it is important to select local sources with care. It would be
process (when applicable), and production staff salaries. The important to have specific recommendations on the chemical
cost of imported items was linked to the US$ and fluctuated grade of the component and acceptable manufacturers.
markedly. Cost also varied according to the supplier and the However, actual requirements need to be considered when
pack sizes. The cost of equipment (if any) to enable the facility taking decisions on quantities to be purchased and specific
to start production was not considered in the cost calculations attention should be paid to the risk of shortages of supplies,
of the examples below because it varied considerably based on especially in remote areas.
local needs and sources.
In some cases, the possibility of theft and accidental ingestion
The production cost (including salaries but not the dispenser) of the alcohol-based handrub made it difficult to obtain support
per 100 ml was US$ 0.37 and US$ 0.30 for formulation I in from hospital administrators.
Kenya and Mali respectively and US$ 0.30 for formulation
II in Bangladesh. In Pakistan and Hong Kong SAR, the The survey showed that in many hospitals the facilities and
cost including the pocket bottle was US$ 0.44 per 100 ml the equipment for quality control are inadequate, especially as
of formulation II, and US$ 0.50 per 100 ml of formulation I, far as testing for hydrogen peroxide is concerned. However
respectively. Prices of some commercially-available handrubs the centralization of high-level quality control at the University
may be much higher and vary greatly: US$ 2.50-5.40 for a Hospitals of Geneva overcame these obstacles and provided
100 ml pocket bottle; prices of gels can be as high as US$ 8 timely and very helpful support. Nevertheless, the availability
for a 100 ml pocket bottle. Effective actions to facilitate local of this service may be reduced with the expansion of local
procurement of some raw ingredients for the production of production to more sites around the world. Indeed, the fact
the WHO-recommended handrub formulations would lead that some samples failed to meet the standard required
very likely to a further reduction of the overall cost of the end concentrations indicated the importance of the quality check,
product. and it would be very important to identify other reference
laboratories able to perform it.
Studies are necessary to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of
the local production of the WHO-recommended handrub Tolerability and acceptability information were available from four
formulation in the course of a hand hygiene promotion sites (Bangladesh, Hong Kong SAR, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia)
campaign. As an example, in 2005 the cost of an alcohol- where, in general, the WHO-recommended formulations were
based hand rinse originally developed by the pharmacy of the well appreciated by HCWs. In Hong Kong SAR and Pakistan, the
University of Geneva Hospitals and currently commercially WHO-recommended formulations were preferred to the product
marketed, was 0.57 for a 100 ml pocket bottle, 1.74 for previously in use because of better tolerability. Hair bleaching
a 500 ml bottle, and 3.01 for a 1000 ml bottle. A study and one case of dermatitis were the rare adverse effects
performed in this institution on the cost implications of a reported. Issues related to the unpleasant smell of the final
successful hand hygiene campaign showed that the total product were raised by HCWs from all four sites, but were not a
cost of hand hygiene promotion, including the provision of the major obstacle to adoption. No religious issues related to the
alcohol-based handrub, corresponded to less than 1% of the alcohol content were identified in the survey.
costs associated with HCAI. 490

12.2.6 Issues raised by the survey

Several issues related to the expertise and time availability of

personnel involved in production were identified by the survey
participants. These included the request for additional training
in production aspects for pharmacists, the need for existing
staff to take on responsibilities in addition to their primary roles,
decisions to include production as part of the job description
of hospital pharmacists, and the question of remuneration for
these additional responsibilities.

Some participants emphasized that more attention needs to be

paid to the requirements for preparation and storage facilities,
especially if production has to be scaled up to peripheral
hospitals. A purpose-built production area with proper humidity
and temperature control according to the recommendations for
good manufacturing practices is a prerequisite for production.
Several items of equipment were inadequate in some facilities,
particularly for scaling up. Clearer guidance on large-scale
62 62

Surgical hand preparation: state-of-the-art

13.1 Evidence for surgical hand preparation clinical trial comparing an alcohol-based handrub versus a
chlorhexidine hand scrub failed to demonstrate a reduction
Historically, Joseph Lister (18271912) demonstrated the of SSIs, despite considerably better in vitro activity of the
effect of disinfection on the reduction of surgical site infections alcohol-based formulation.197 Therefore, even considerable
(SSIs). 506 At that time, surgical gloves were not yet available, improvements in antimicrobial activity in surgical hand hygiene
thereby making appropriate disinfection of the surgical site formulations are unlikely to lead to significant reductions of SSIs.
of the patient and hand antisepsis by the surgeon even more These infections are the result of multiple risk factors related to
imperative.507 During the 19th century, surgical hand preparation the patient, the surgeon, and the health-care environment, and
consisted of washing the hands with antimicrobial soap and the reduction of only one single risk factor will have a limited
warm water, frequently with the use of a brush.508 In 1894, three influence on the overall outcome.
steps were suggested: 1) wash hands with hot water, medicated
soap, and a brush for 5 minutes; 2) apply 90% ethanol for 35 In addition to protecting the patients, gloves reduce the risk
minutes with a brush; and 3) rinse the hands with an aseptic for the HCW to be exposed to bloodborne pathogens. In
liquid.508 In 1939, Price suggested a 7-minute handwash orthopaedic surgery, double gloving has been a common
with soap, water, and a brush, followed by 70% ethanol for 3 practice that significantly reduces, but does not eliminate,
minutes after drying the hands with a towel.63 In the second half the risk of cross-transmission after glove punctures during
of the 20th century, the recommended time for surgical hand surgery.526
preparation decreased from >10 minutes to 5 minutes. 509-512
Even today, 5-minute protocols are common.197 A comparison of
different countries showed almost as many protocols as listed 13.2 Objective of surgical hand preparation
countries. 513
Surgical hand preparation should reduce the release of skin
The introduction of sterile gloves does not render surgical hand bacteria from the hands of the surgical team for the duration of
preparation unnecessary. Sterile gloves contribute to preventing the procedure in case of an unnoticed puncture of the surgical
surgical site contamination 514 and reduce the risk of bloodborne glove releasing bacteria to the open wound.527 In contrast to the
pathogen transmission from patients to the surgical team.515 hygienic handwash or handrub, surgical hand preparation must
However, 18% (range: 582%) of gloves have tiny punctures eliminate the transient and reduce the resident flora.484,528,529
after surgery, and more than 80% of cases go unnoticed by It should also inhibit growth of bacteria under the gloved hand.
the surgeon. After two hours of surgery, 35% of all gloves Rapid multiplication of skin bacteria occurs under surgical
demonstrate puncture, thus allowing water (hence also body gloves if hands are washed with a non-antimicrobial soap,
fluids) to penetrate the gloves without using pressure 516 (see whereas it occurs more slowly following preoperative
Part I, Section 23.1). A recent trial demonstrated that punctured scrubbing with a medicated soap. The skin flora, mainly
gloves double the risk of SSIs.517 Double gloving decreases coagulase-negative staphylococci, Propionibacterium spp.,
the risk of puncture during surgery, but punctures are still and Corynebacteria spp., are rarely responsible for SSI, but in
observed in 4% of cases after the procedure.518,519 In addition, the presence of a foreign body or necrotic tissue even inocula
even unused gloves do not fully prevent bacterial contamination as low as 100 CFU can trigger such infection.530 The virulence
of hands.520 Several reported outbreaks have been traced to of the microorganisms, extent of microbial exposure, and host
contaminated hands from the surgical team despite wearing defence mechanisms are key factors in the pathogenesis of
sterile gloves.71,154,162,521-523 postoperative infection, risk factors that are largely beyond the
influence of the surgical team. Therefore, products for surgical
Koiwai and colleagues detected the same strain of coagulase- hand preparation must eliminate the transient and significantly
negative staphylococci (CoNS) from the bare fingers of reduce the resident flora at the beginning of an operation and
a cardiac surgeon and from a patient with postoperative maintain the microbial release from the hands below baseline
endocarditis with a matching strain. 522 A similar, more recent until the end of the procedure.
outbreak with CoNS and endocarditis was observed by Boyce
and colleagues, strain identity being confirmed by molecular The spectrum of antimicrobial activity for surgical hand
methods.162 A cardiac surgeon with onychomycosis became the preparation should be as broad as possible against bacteria and
source of an outbreak of SSIs due to P. aeruginosa, possibly fungi.529,531 Viruses are rarely involved in SSI and are not part of
facilitated by not routinely practising double gloving. 523 One test procedures for licensing in any country. Similarly, activity
outbreak of SSIs even occurred when surgeons who normally against spore-producing bacteria is not part of international
used an antiseptic surgical scrub preparation switched to a non- testing procedures.
antimicrobial product. 524

Despite a large body of indirect evidence for the need of surgical 13.3 Selection of products for surgical hand
hand antisepsis, its requirement before surgical interventions preparation
has never been proven by a randomized, controlled clinical
trial.525 Most likely, such a study will never be performed again The lack of appropriate, conclusive clinical trials precludes
nor be acceptable to an ethics committee. A randomized uniformly acceptable criteria. In vitro and in vivo trials with
63 63

healthy volunteers outside the operating theatre are the best less prone to errors compared with handrubbing (Table I.13.2)
evidence currently available. In the USA, antiseptic preparations as all parts of the hands and forearms get wet under the tap/
intended for use as surgical hand preparation (based on the faucet. In contrast, all parts of the hands and forearms must
FDA TFM of 17 June 1994) 198 are evaluated for their ability actively be put in contact with the alcohol-based compound
to reduce the number of bacteria released from hands: a) during handrubbing (see below).
immediately after scrubbing; b) after wearing surgical gloves for
6 hours (persistent activity); and c) after multiple applications
over 5 days (cumulative activity). Immediate and persistent 13.4.1 Required time for the procedure
activities are considered the most important. Guidelines in
the USA recommend that agents used for surgical hand Hingst and colleagues compared hand bacterial counts after
preparation should significantly reduce microorganisms on 3-minute and 5-minute scrubs with seven different
intact skin, contain a non-irritating antimicrobial preparation, formulations.378 Results showed that the 3-minute scrub
have broad-spectrum activity, and be fast-acting and persistent could be as effective as the 5-minute scrub, depending on
(see Part I, Section 10). 532 In Europe, all products must be at the formula of the scrub agent. Immediate and postoperative
least as efficacious as a reference surgical rub with n-propanol, hand bacterial counts after 5-minute and 10-minute scrubs
as outlined in the European Norm EN 12791. In contrast to with 4% chlorhexidine gluconate were compared by OFarrell
the USA guidelines, only the immediate effect after the hand and colleagues before total hip arthroplasty procedures. 512
hygiene procedure and the level of regrowth after 3 hours under The 10-minute scrub reduced the immediate colony count
gloved hands are measured. The cumulative effect over 5 days more than the 5-minute scrub. The postoperative mean log
is not a requirement of EN 12791. CFU count was slightly higher for the 5-minute scrub than for
the 10-minute scrub; however, the difference between post-
Most guidelines prohibit any jewellery or watches on the hands scrub and postoperative mean CFU counts was higher for
of the surgical team (Table I.13.1). 58,529,533 Artificial fingernails are the 10-minute scrub than the 5-minute scrub in longer (>90
an important risk factor, as they are associated with changes minutes) procedures. The study recommended a 5-minute
of the normal flora and impede proper hand hygiene.154,529 scrub before total hip arthroplasty.
Therefore, they should be prohibited for the surgical team or in
the operating theatre.154,529,534 A study by OShaughnessy and colleagues used 4%
chlorhexidine gluconate in scrubs of 2, 4, and 6-minutes
duration. A reduction in post-scrub bacterial counts was found
13.4 Surgical hand antisepsis using medicated soap in all three groups. Scrubbing for longer than 2 minutes did not
confer any advantage. This study recommended a 4-minute
The different active compounds included in commercially scrub for the surgical teams first procedure and a 2-minute
available handrub formulations are described in Part I, Section scrub for subsequent procedures.541 Bacterial counts on hands
11. The most commonly used products for surgical hand after 2-minute and 3-minute scrubs with 4% chlorhexidine
antisepsis are chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine-containing gluconate were compared.542 A statistically significant difference
soaps. The most active agents (in order of decreasing activity) in mean CFU counts was found between groups with the higher
are chlorhexidine gluconate, iodophors, triclosan, and plain mean log reduction in the 2-minute group. The investigators
soap.282,356,378,529,535-537 Triclosan-containing products have also recommended a 2-minute procedure. Poon and colleagues
been tested for surgical hand antisepsis, but triclosan is mainly applied different scrub techniques with a 10% povidone-iodine
bacteriostatic, inactive against P. aeruginosa, and has been formulation.543 Investigators found that a 30-second handwash
associated with water pollution in lakes.538,539 Hexachlorophene can be as effective as a 20-minute contact with an antiseptic
has been banned worldwide because of its high rate of dermal in reducing bacterial flora and that vigorous friction scrub is not
absorption and subsequent toxic effects.70,366 Application necessarily advantageous.
of chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine result in similar initial
reductions of bacterial counts (7080%), reductions that 13.4.2 Use of brushes
achieves 99% after repeated application. Rapid regrowth
occurs after application of povidone-iodine, but not after use Almost all studies discourage the use of brushes. Early in
of chlorhexidine.540 Hexachlorophene and triclosan detergents the 1980s, Mitchell and colleagues suggested a brushless
show a lower immediate reduction, but a good residual effect. surgical hand scrub.544 Scrubbing with a disposable sponge
These agents are no longer commonly used in operating rooms or combination sponge-brush has been shown to reduce
because other products such as chlorhexidine or povidone- bacterial counts on the hands as effectively as scrubbing with a
iodine provide similar efficacy at lower levels of toxicity, faster brush.511,545,546 Recently, even a randomized, controlled clinical
mode of action, or broader spectrum of activity. Despite trial failed to demonstrate an additional antimicrobial effect by
both in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrating that it is less using a brush.547 It is conceivable that a brush may be beneficial
efficacious than chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine remains one of on visibly dirty hands before entering the operating room.
the widely-used products for surgical hand antisepsis, induces Members of the surgical team who have contaminated their
more allergic reactions, and does not show similar residual hands before entering the hospital may wish to use a sponge
effects.271,463 At the end of a surgical intervention, iodophor- or brush to render their hands visibly clean before entering the
treated hands can have even more microorganisms than before operating room area.
surgical scrubbing. Warm water makes antiseptics and soap
work more effectively, while very hot water removes more of the
protective fatty acids from the skin. Therefore, washing with hot
water should be avoided. The application technique is probably
64 64

13.4.3 Drying of hands with small amounts of a QAC, hexachlorophene or chlorhexidine

gluconate, reduce bacterial counts on the skin immediately
Sterile cloth towels are most frequently used in operating post-scrub more effectively than do other agents.
theatres to dry wet hands after surgical hand antisepsis.
Several methods of drying have been tested without significant The WHO-recommended handrub formulations were tested by
differences between techniques.256 two independent reference laboratories in different European
countries to assess their suitability for use for surgical hand
preparation. Although formulation I did not pass the test in both
13.4.4 Side-effects of surgical hand scrub laboratories and formulation II in only one of them, the expert
group is, nevertheless, of the opinion that the microbicidal
Skin irritation and dermatitis are more frequently observed activity of surgical antisepsis is still an ongoing issue for
after surgical hand scrub with chlorhexidine than after use research as due to the lack of epidemiological data there is no
of surgical hand antisepsis with an alcohol-based hand indication that the efficacy of n-propanol (propan-1-ol) 60 %
rinse.197 Overall, skin dermatitis is more frequently associated v/v as a reference in EN 12791 finds a clinical correlate. It is the
with hand antisepsis using a medicated soap than with an consensus opinion of the WHO expert group that the choice
alcohol-based handrub.548 Boyce and colleagues quantified of n-propanol is inappropriate as the reference alcohol for the
the epidermal water content of the dorsal surface of nurses validation process because of its safety profile and the lack
hands by measuring electrical capacitance of the skin. The of evidence-based studies related to its potential harmfulness
water content decreased significantly during the washing phase for humans. Indeed, only a few formulations worldwide have
compared with the alcohol-based handrub-in phase. 264 Most incorporated n-propanol for hand antisepsis.
data have been generated outside the operating room, but it is
conceivable that these results apply for surgical hand antisepsis Considering that other properties of the WHO recommended
as well.549 formulations, such as their excellent tolerability, good
acceptance by HCWs and low cost are of high importance for
a sustained clinical effect, the above results are considered
13.4.5 Potential for recontamination acceptable and it is the consensus opinion of the WHO expert
group that the two formulations can be used for surgical hand
Surgical hand antisepsis with medicated soap requires clean preparation. Institutions opting to use the WHO-recommended
water to rinse the hands after application of the medicated formulations for surgical hand preparation should ensure that
soap. However, Pseudomonas spp., specifically P. aeruginosa, a minimum of three applications are used, if not more, for a
are frequently isolated from taps/faucets in hospitals.550. Taps period of 3 to 5 minutes. For surgical procedures of more than a
are common sources of P. aeruginosa and other Gram-negative two hours duration, ideally surgeons should practise a second
bacteria and have even been linked to infections in multiple handrub of approximately 1 minute, even though more research
settings, including ICUs.551 It is therefore prudent to remove tap is needed on this aspect.
aerators from sinks designated for surgical hand antisepsis. 551-553
Even automated sensor-operated taps were linked to P. Hand-care products should not decrease the antimicrobial
aeruginosa contamination.554 Outbreaks or cases clearly linked activity of the handrub. A study by Heeg 562 failed to demonstrate
to contaminated hands of surgeons after proper surgical hand such an interaction, but manufacturers of a handrub should
scrub have not yet been documented. However, outbreaks provide good evidence for the absence of interaction. 563
with P.aeruginosa were reported as traced to members of
the surgical team suffering from onychomycosis,154,523 but a It is not necessary to wash hands before handrub unless hands
link to contaminated tap water has never been established. are visibly soiled or dirty.562,564 The hands of the surgical team
In countries lacking continuous monitoring of drinking-water should be clean upon entering the operating theatre by washing
and improper tap maintenance, recontamination may be a with a non-medicated soap (Table I.13.1). While this handwash
real risk even after correct surgical hand scrub. Of note, one may eliminate any risk of contamination with bacterial spores,
surgical hand preparation episode with traditional agents uses experimental and epidemiological data failed to demonstrate
approximately 20 litres of warm water, or 60 litres and more for an additional effect of washing hands before applying handrub
the entire surgical team. 555 This is an important issue worldwide, in the overall reduction of the resident skin flora.531 The activity
particularly in countries with a limited safe water supply. of the handrub formulation may even be impaired if hands
are not completely dried before applying the handrub or by
the washing phase itself.562,564,565 A simple handwash with
13.5 Surgical hand preparation with alcohol-based soap and water before entering the operating theatre area is
handrubs highly recommended to eliminate any risk of colonization with
bacterial spores.420 Non-medicated soaps are sufficient, 566 and
Several alcohol-based handrubs have been licensed for the the procedure is necessary only upon entering the operating
commercial market,531,556,557 frequently with additional, long- theatre: repeating handrubbing without prior handwash or scrub
acting compounds (e.g. chlorhexidine gluconate or quaternary is recommended before switching to the next procedure.
ammonium compounds) limiting regrowth of bacteria on the
gloved hand,377,529,558-561 The antimicrobial efficacy of alcohol-
based formulations is superior to that of all other currently
available methods of preoperative surgical hand preparation.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that formulations
containing 6095% alcohol alone, or 5095% when combined
65 65

13.5.1 Technique for the application of surgical hand Manufacturers recommendations should be based on in vivo
preparation using alcohol-based handrub evidence at least, considering that clinical effectiveness testing
is unrealistic.
The application technique has not been standardized
throughout the world. The WHO approach for surgical hand
preparation requires the six basic steps for the hands as for 13.6 Surgical handscrub with medicated soap
hygienic hand antisepsis, but requires additional steps for or surgical hand preparation with alcohol-based
rubbing the forearms (Figure I.13.1). This simple procedure formulations
appears not to require training, though two studies provide
evidence that training significantly improves bacterial killing.531,567 Both methods are suitable for the prevention of SSIs. However,
The hands should be wet from the alcohol-based rub during although medicated soaps have been and are still used by many
the whole procedure, which requires approximately 15 ml surgical teams worldwide for presurgical hand preparation, it
depending on the size of the hands. One study demonstrated is important to note that the antibacterial efficacy of products
that keeping the hands wet with the rub is more important containing high concentrations of alcohol by far surpasses that
than the volume used.568 The size of the hands and forearms of any medicated soap presently available (see Part I, section
ultimately determines the volume required to keep the skin area 13.5). In addition, the initial reduction of the resident skin flora
wet during the entire time of the handrub. Once the forearms is so rapid and effective that bacterial regrowth to baseline
and hands have been treated with an emphasis on the forearms on the gloved hand takes more than six hours. 227 This makes
usually for approximately 1 minute the second part of the the demand for a sustained effect of a product superfluous.
surgical handrub should focus on the hands, following the For this reason, preference should be given to alcohol-based
identical technique as outlined for the hygienic handrub. The products. Furthermore, several factors including rapid action,
hands should be kept above the elbows during this step. time savings, less side-effects, and no risk of recontamination
by rinsing hands with water, clearly favour the use of presurgical
handrubbing. Nevertheless, some surgeons consider the time
13.5.2 Required time for the procedure taken for surgical handscrub as a ritual for the preparation of the
intervention571 and a switch from handscrub to handrub must
For many years, surgical staff frequently scrubbed their hands be prepared with caution. In countries with limited resources,
for 10 minutes preoperatively, which frequently led to skin particularly when the availability, quantity or quality of water is
damage. Several studies have demonstrated that scrubbing for doubtful, the current panel of experts clearly favours the use of
5 minutes reduces bacterial counts as effectively as a 10-minute alcohol-based handrub for presurgical hand preparation also for
scrub.284,511,512 In other studies, scrubbing for 2 or 3 minutes this reason.
reduced bacterial counts to acceptable levels. 378,380,460,529,541,542
Surgical hand antisepsis using an alcohol-based handrub
required 3 minutes, following the reference method outlined in
EN 12791. Very recently, even 90 seconds of rub have been
shown to be equivalent to a 3-minute rub with a product
containing a mixture of iso- and n-propanol and mecetronium
etilsulfate 557 when tested with healthy volunteers in an in vivo
experiment. These results were corroborated in a similar study
performed under clinical conditions with 32 surgeons.569

Alcohol-based hand gels should not be used unless they pass

the test EN 12791 or an equivalent standard, e.g. FDA TFM
1994, required for handrub formulations.533 Many of the currently
available gels for hygienic handrub do not meet the European
standard EN 1500.203 The technique to apply the alcohol-based
handrub defined by EN 1500 matches the one defined by EN
12791. The latter requires an additional rub of the forearms
that is not required for the hygienic handrub (Figure I.13.1). At
least one gel on the market has been tested and introduced
in a hospital for hygienic hand antisepsis and surgical hand
preparation that meets EN 12791, 570 and several gels meet the
FDA TFM standard.482 As mentioned above, the minimal killing is
not defined and, therefore, the interpretation of the effectiveness
remains elusive.

In summary, the time required for surgical alcohol-based

handrubbing depends on the compound used. Most
commercially available products recommend a 3-minute
exposure, although the application time may be longer for
some formulations, but can be shortened to 1.5 minutes for
a few of them. The manufacturer of the product must provide
recommendations as to how long the product must be applied.
66 66

Table I.13.1
Steps before starting surgical hand preparation

Key steps

Keep nails short and pay attention to them when washing your hands most microbes on hands come from beneath the fingernails.

Do not wear artificial nails or nail polish.

Remove all jewellery (rings, watches, bracelets) before entering the operating theatre.

Wash hands and arms with a non-medicated soap before entering the operating theatre area or if hands are visibly soiled.

Clean subungual areas with a nail file. Nailbrushes should not be used as they may damage the skin and encourage shedding of
cells. If used, nailbrushes must be sterile, once only (single use). Reusable autoclavable nail brushes are on the market.

Table I.13.2
Protocol for surgical scrub with a medicated soap

Procedural steps

Start timing. Scrub each side of each finger, between the fingers, and the back and front of the hand for 2 minutes.

Proceed to scrub the arms, keeping the hand higher than the arm at all times. This helps to avoid recontamination of the hands by
water from the elbows and prevents bacteria-laden soap and water from contaminating the hands.

Wash each side of the arm from wrist to the elbow for 1 minute.

Repeat the process on the other hand and arm, keeping hands above elbows at all times. If the hand touches anything at any time,
the scrub must be lengthened by 1 minute for the area that has been contaminated.

Rinse hands and arms by passing them through the water in one direction only, from fingertips to elbow. Do not move the arm back
and forth through the water.

Proceed to the operating theatre holding hands above elbows.

At all times during the scrub procedure, care should be taken not to splash water onto surgical attire.

Once in the operating theatre, hands and arms should be dried using a sterile towel and aseptic technique before donning gown and

67 67

Figure I.13.1
Surgical hand preparation technique with an alcohol-based handrub formulation

The handrubbing technique for surgical hand preparation must be performed on perfectly clean, dry hands.
On arrival in the operating theatre and after having donned theatre clothing (cap/hat/bonnet and mask), hands must be
washed with soap and water.
After the operation when removing gloves, hands must be rubbed with an alcohol-based formulation or washed with
soap and water if any residual talc or biological fluids are present (e.g. the glove is punctured).

Surgical procedures may be carried out one after the other without the need for handwashing, provided that the handrubbing
technique for surgical hand preparation is followed (Images 1 to 17).

1 2 3
Put approximately 5ml (3 doses) of Dip the fingertips of your right hand in Images 3-7: Smear the handrub on
alcohol-based handrub in the palm of the handrub to decontaminate under the the right forearm up to the elbow.
your left hand, using the elbow of your nails (5 seconds) Ensure that the whole skin area is
other arm to operate the dispenser covered by using circular movements
around the forearm until the handrub
has fully evaporated (10-15 seconds)

4 5 6
See legend for Image 3 See legend for Image 3 See legend for Image 3

7 8 9 I
See legend for Image 3 Put approximately 5ml (3 doses) of Dip the fingertips of your left hand in the
alcohol-based handrub in the palm of handrub to decontaminate under the
your right hand, using the elbow of your nails (5 seconds)
other arm to operate the dispenser

68 68

Figure I.13.1
Surgical hand preparation technique with an alcohol-based handrub formulation (Cont.)

10 11
Smear the handrub on the left forearm Put approximately Sml (3 doses) of
up to the elbow. Ensure that the whole alcohol-based handrub in the palm of
skin area is covered by using circular your left hand, using the elbow of your
movements around the forearm until the other arm to operate the distributor. Rub
hand rub has fully evaporated (10-15 both hands at the same time up to the
seconds) wrists, and ensure that all the steps re-
presented in Images 12-17 are followed
(20-30 seconds)

12 13 14
Cover the whole surface of the hands Rub the back of the left hand, including Rub palm against palm back and forth
up to the wrist with alcohol-based han- the wrist, moving the right palm back with fingers interlinked
drub, rubbing palm against palm with a and forth, and vice-versa
rotating movement

15 16 17
Rub the back of the fingers by holding Rub the thumb of the left hand by rota- When the hands are dry, sterile surgical
them in the palm of the other hand with ting it in the clasped palm of the right clothing and gloves can be donned
a sideways back and forth movement hand and vice versa

Repeat the above-illustrated sequence (average duration, 60 sec) according to the number of times corresponding to
the total duration recommended by the manufacturer for surgical hand preparation with an alcohol-based handrub.

69 69

Skin reactions related to hand hygiene

There are two major types of skin reactions associated with hand hygiene. The first and most common type
includes symptoms that can vary from quite mild to debilitating, including dryness, irritation, itching, and even
cracking and bleeding. This array of symptoms is referred to as irritant contact dermatitis. The second type
of skin reaction, allergic contact dermatitis, is rare and represents an allergy to some ingredient in a hand
hygiene product. Symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis can also range from mild and localized to severe and
generalized. In its most serious form, allergic contact dermatitis may be associated with respiratory distress and
other symptoms of anaphylaxis. Therefore it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between the two conditions.
HCWs with skin reactions or complaints related to hand hygiene should have access to an appropriate referral

14.1 Frequency and pathophysiology of irritant occurs more quickly.577 Damage to the skin also changes skin
contact dermatitis flora, resulting in more frequent colonization by staphylococci
and Gram-negative bacilli.79,219
Irritant contact dermatitis is extremely common among nurses,
ranging in prevalence surveys from 25% to 55%, and as many Although alcohols are safer than detergents,262 they can cause
as 85% relate a history of having skin problems. 572,573 Frequent dryness and skin irritation.48,578 The lipid-dissolving effect of
and repeated use of hand hygiene products, particularly alcohols is inversely related to their concentration,577 and ethanol
soaps and other detergents, is an important cause of chronic tends to be less irritating than n-propanol or isopropanol.578
irritant contact dermatitis among HCWs. 574 Cutaneous Numerous reports confirm that alcohol-based formulations are
adverse reaction was infrequent among HCWs (13/2750 well tolerated and often associated with better acceptability and
exposed HCWs) exposed to an alcohol-based preparation tolerance than other hand hygiene products. 504,548,579-584
containing chlorhexidine gluconate and skin emollient during
a hand hygiene culture change, multimodal programme; 548 it In general, irritant contact dermatitis is more commonly reported
represented one cutaneous adverse event per 72 years of HCW with iodophors 220 Other antiseptic agents that may cause
exposure. The potential of detergents to cause skin irritation irritant contact dermatitis, in order of decreasing frequency,
varies considerably and can be reduced by the addition of include chlorhexidine, chloroxylenol, triclosan, and alcohol-
humectants. Irritation associated with antimicrobial soaps may based products. Skin that is damaged by repeated exposure
be attributable to the antimicrobial agent or to other ingredients to detergents may be more susceptible to irritation by all types
of the formulation. Affected HCWs often complain of a feeling of hand antisepsis formulations, including alcohol-based
of dryness or burning, skin that feels rough, and erythema, preparations.585 Graham and colleagues reported low rates
scaling or fissures. An example of a hand skin self-assessment of cutaneous adverse reactions to an alcohol-based handrub
tool is given in Appendix 3. In addition, two similar protocols (isopropyl alcohol 70%) formulation containing chlorhexidine
to assess skin tolerance and product acceptability by HCWs (0.5%) with emollient.548
after use of an alcohol-based handrub are included in the
Implementation Toolkit of the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Information regarding the irritancy potential of commercially
Improvement Strategy.575 The method is based on: 1) objective prepared hand hygiene products, which is often determined
evaluation of dermal tolerance by an investigator using a by measuring the transepidermal water loss of persons using
validated scale; 2) subjective evaluation by the HCW of his/ the preparation, may be available from the manufacturer.
her own skin conditions and of the product characteristics. The Other factors that may contribute to dermatitis associated
simpler protocol is meant to be used to assess a single product with frequent hand cleansing include using hot water for
in the short term (35 days after use) and in the longer term (1 handwashing, low relative humidity (most common in
month after use); it is easy to implement under ordinary winter months in the northern hemisphere), failure to use
conditions. A more investigational protocol has been designed supplementary hand lotion or cream, and perhaps the quality
to make a fast-track comparison of two or more products using of paper towels.586,587 Shear forces associated with wearing
a double-blind, randomized, cross-over methodology.504 or removing gloves and allergy to latex proteins may also
contribute to dermatitis of the hands of HCWs.577
Hand hygiene products damage the skin by causing
denaturation of stratum corneum proteins, changes in In a recent study conducted among ICU HCWs, the short-term
intercellular lipids (either depletion or reorganization of lipid skin tolerability and acceptability of the WHO-recommended
moieties), decreased corneocyte cohesion and decreased alcohol-based formulations (see Section 12) were significantly
stratum corneum water-binding capacity.574,576 Among these, higher than those of a reference product.504 Risk factors
the main concern is the depletion of the lipid barrier that may identified for skin alteration following handrub use were male
be consequent to contact with lipid-emulsifying detergents sex, fair and very fair skin, and skin alteration before use.
and lipid-dissolving alcohols.577 Frequent handwashing leads
to progressive depletion of surface lipids with resulting deeper
action of detergents into the superficial skin layers. During dry
seasons and in individuals with dry skin, this lipid depletion
70 70

14.2 Allergic contact dermatitis related to hand 14.3.1 Selecting less irritating products
hygiene products
Because HCWs must clean hands frequently, it is important
Allergic reactions to products applied to the skin (contact for health-care facilities to provide products that are both
allergy) may present as delayed type reactions (allergic contact efficacious and as safe as possible for the skin. The tendency
dermatitis) or less commonly as immediate reactions (contact of products to cause skin irritation and dryness is a major factor
urticaria). The most common causes of contact allergies are influencing their acceptance and ultimate use by HCWs.137,264,608-
fragrances and preservatives, with emulsifiers being less 611
For example, concern about the drying effects of alcohol was
common.588-591 Liquid soaps, hand lotion, ointments or creams a major cause of poor acceptance of alcohol-based handrubs
used by HCWs may contain ingredients that cause contact in hospitals.313,612 Although many hospitals have provided HCWs
allergies.589,590 with plain soaps in the hope of minimizing dermatitis, frequent
use of such products has been associated with even greater
Allergic reactions to antiseptic agents including QAC, skin damage, dryness and irritation than some antiseptic
iodine or iodophors, chlorhexidine, triclosan, chloroxylenol preparations.220,262,264 One strategy for reducing exposure of
and alcohols 285,330,332,339,588,592-597 have been reported, as HCWs to irritating soaps and detergents is to promote the use of
well as possible toxicity in relation to dermal absorption of alcohol-based handrubs containing humectants. Several studies
products.598,599 Allergic contact dermatitis attributable to have demonstrated that such products are tolerated better by
alcohol-based handrubs is very uncommon. Surveillance at a HCWs and are associated with a better skin condition when
large hospital in Switzerland where a commercial alcohol-based compared with either plain or antimicrobial soap.60,262,264,326,329,486
handrub has been used for more than 10 years failed to identify ,577,613,614
With rubs, the shorter time required for hand antisepsis
a single case of documented allergy to the product. 484 In late may increase acceptability and compliance.615 In settings where
2001, a Freedom of Information Request for data in the FDAs the water supply is unsafe, waterless hand antisepsis presents
Adverse Event Reporting System regarding adverse reactions additional advantages over soap and water.616
to popular alcohol-based handrubs in the USA yielded only
one reported case of an erythematous rash reaction attributed
to such a product (J. M. Boyce, personal communication). 14.3.2 Reducing skin irritation
However, with the increasing use of such products by HCWs,
it is likely that true allergic reactions to such products will Certain hand hygiene practices can increase the risk of skin
occasionally be encountered. There are a few reports of allergic irritation and should be avoided. For example, washing hands
dermatitis resulting from contact with ethyl alcohol 600-602 and one regularly with soap and water immediately before or after using
report of ethanol-related contact urticaria syndrome.331 More an alcohol-based product is not only unnecessary, but may lead
recently, Cimiotti and colleagues reported adverse reactions to dermatitis.617 Additionally, donning gloves while hands are still
associated with an alcohol-based handrub preparation. In most wet from either washing or applying alcohol increases the risk of
cases, nurses who had symptoms were able to resume use of skin irritation. For these reasons, HCWs should be reminded not
the product after a brief hiatus. 332 This study raises the alert for to wash their hands before or after applying alcohol and to allow
possible skin reactions to alcohol-based handrub preparations. their hands to dry completely before donning gloves. A recent
In contrast, in a double-blind trial by Kampf and colleagues 582 study demonstrated that HCW education regarding proper skin
of 27 persons with atopic dermatitis, there were no significant care management was effective in preventing occupational
differences in the tolerability of alcohol-based handrubs when skin disorders.618 No product, however, is free of potential risk.
compared with normal controls. Hence, it is usually necessary to provide an alternative for use
by individuals with sensitivity or reactions to the hand hygiene
Allergic reactions to alcohol-based formulations may represent product available in the institution.
true allergy to the alcohol, or allergy to an impurity or aldehyde
metabolite, or allergy to another product constituent. 330 Allergic
contact dermatitis or immediate contact urticarial reactions 14.3.3 Use of moisturizing skin care products
may be caused by ethanol or isopropanol. 330 Allergic reactions
may be caused by compounds that may be present as inactive The effects of hand hygiene products on skin vary considerably,
ingredients in alcohol-based handrubs, including fragrances, depending upon factors such as the weather and environmental
benzyl alcohol, stearyl or isostearyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, conditions. For example, in tropical countries and during the
myristyl alcohol, propylene glycol, parabens, or benzalkonium summer months in temperate climates, the skin remains more
chloride.330,491,588,603-606 moisturized than in cold, dry environments. The effects of
products also vary by skin type. In one recent study, nurses
with darker skin were rated as having significantly healthier
14.3 Methods to reduce adverse effects of agents skin and less skin irritation than nurses with light skin, both
by their own self-assessment as well as by observer rating. 619
There are three primary strategies for minimizing hand hygiene- Results of a prevalence survey of 282 Chinese hospital nurses
related irritant contact dermatitis among HCWs: selecting less suggested that hand dermatitis was less common among this
irritating hand hygiene products; avoiding certain practices that group when compared with those in other parts of the world. 620
increase the risk of skin irritation; and using moisturizing skin In contrast, the reported prevalence of dermatitis was 53.3%
care products following hand cleansing.607 in a survey of 860 Japanese nurses, and the use of hand
cream was associated with a 50% reduction.621 The need for
moisturizing products will thus vary across health-care settings,

71 71

geographical locations and respective climate conditions, and


For HCWs at risk of irritant contact dermatitis or other adverse

reactions to hand hygiene products, additional skin moisturizing
may be needed. Hand lotions and creams often contain
humectants, fats, and oils that increase skin hydration and
replace altered or depleted skin lipids that contribute to the
barrier function of the skin.576,622 Several controlled trials have
shown that regular use of such products can help prevent
and treat irritant contact dermatitis caused by hand hygiene

Importantly, in a trial by McCormick and colleagues,624 improved

skin condition resulting from the frequent and scheduled use of
an oil-containing lotion led to a 50% increase in hand cleansing
frequency among HCWs. These investigators emphasized
the need to educate HCWs regarding the value of regular,
frequent use of hand-care products. However, most hand
moisturizing agents are not sterile and thus may easily become
contaminated; they have been associated also with outbreaks
in the neonatal ICU setting.628 In particular, if the lotion is poured
from a large bottle into smaller bottles, the smaller containers
should be washed and disinfected between uses and not
topped up.

Recently, barrier creams have been marketed for the

prevention of hand hygiene-related irritant contact dermatitis.
Such products are absorbed into the superficial layers of
the epidermis and are designed to form a protective layer
that is not removed by standard hand cleansing. Evidence of
the efficacy of such products, however, is equivocal.623,624,629
Furthermore, such products are expensive, so their use in
health-care settings, particularly when resources are limited,
cannot be recommended at present. Whether the use of basic,
oil-containing products, not specifically manufactured for hand
skin protection, would have similar efficacy as currently available
manufactured agents remains to be determined.

Frequent wearing of gloves can increase the risk of skin

problems. In a study among healthy volunteers, when a
moisturizer was applied prior to wearing occlusive gloves, there
was a statistically significant improvement in skin hydration. 630
More recently, an examination glove coated with aloe vera
resulted in improved skin integrity and decreased erythema in
30 women with occupational dry skin.631 Nevertheless, such
products cannot yet be recommended as field trials, larger
sample sizes, and cost analyses are needed.

In addition to evaluating the efficacy and acceptability of hand-

care products, product selection committees should inquire
about potential deleterious effects that oil-containing products
may have on the integrity of rubber gloves and on the efficacy
of antiseptic agents used in the facility,204,632 as well as the fact
that, as previously mentioned, most of these products are not
sterile and can easily become contaminated.

72 72

Factors to consider when selecting hand hygiene

To achieve a high rate of hand hygiene adherence, HCWs need education, clear guidelines, some understanding
of infectious disease risk, and acceptable hand hygiene products. 60,197,492,608,609,613,633,634 The selection of hand
hygiene products is a key component of hand hygiene promotion, and at the same time a difficult task. The
selection strategy requires the presence of a multidisciplinary team (e.g. infection control and prevention
professionals, occupational disease professionals, administrative staff, pharmacists, and behavioural scientists)
and efforts to evaluate factors related to hand hygiene products and to conduct clinical pilot projects to test
these factors.48,58,351,607,610,635,636 The major determinants for product selection are antimicrobial profile, user
acceptance, and cost. A decision-making tool for the selection of an appropriate product is available within
the Implementation Toolkit (http://www.who.int/gpsc/en/). The antimicrobial efficacy of hand hygiene agents is
provided by in vitro and in vivo studies (see Part I, Section 10) which are reproducible and can be generalized.
Pilot studies aiming to help select products at the local level should mainly concentrate on tolerance and user
acceptability issues. Other aspects such as continuous availability, storage, and costs should also be taken into
account on a local basis, so as to guarantee feasibility and sustainability.

15.1 Pilot testing hygiene compliance. After careful evaluation of suitable hand
hygiene agents, HCWs should be given the option to choose
Pilot testing to assess acceptability is strongly recommended themselves the product for use at their institution. Freedom
before final selection, aiming at fostering a system change of choice at an institutional level was rated the second most
and involving the users in the selection of the product they important feature reported by HCWs to improve hand hygiene
like most and therefore are most likely to use. Characteristics compliance in the audit of a successful promotion programme
that can affect HCWs acceptance of a hand hygiene product in Victoria, Australia.494 Prior to product pilot testing, the
include dermal tolerance and skin reactions to the product, appropriate administrative decision-makers in the institution
and its characteristics such as fragrance, consistency, and should determine which products have demonstrated efficacy
colour,220,493,504,598,610 Structured, self-administered questionnaires and which ones can be purchased at the best cost. Only
may be useful tools to assess HCWs acceptability of hand products that have already been identified as efficacious and
hygiene products. A standardized and validated survey affordable should be tested by HCWs.
to evaluate acceptability and tolerability among HCWs is
available within the Implementation Toolkit (http://www.who.
int/gpsc/en/). Such tools should be adapted to the local 15.2 Selection factors
setting because of differences in sociocultural backgrounds,
climate and environmental conditions, and clinical practices Factors to be taken into consideration for product selection
among users. Skin reactions to hand hygiene products may be include:
increased by low relative humidity. For example, dry weather
during winter months in the northern hemisphere should be relative efficacy of antiseptic agents (see Part I, Section
taken into account during pilot testing, and the introduction 10) and consideration for selection of products for hygienic
of new products during dry and cold periods with low relative hand antisepsis and surgical hand preparation;
humidity should be avoided. For an efficient test, more than dermal tolerance and skin reactions;
one product should be compared, if possible with products cost issues;
already in use. Each product should be tested by several users aesthetic preferences of HCWs and patients such as
for at least 23 weeks. A fast track method comparing different fragrance, colour, texture, stickiness, and ease of use;
products (including the WHO formulations) was tested and practical considerations such as availability, convenience
validated in high intensity users, such as nurses in intensive and functioning of dispenser, and ability to prevent
care, emergency rooms or postoperative rooms, by the First contamination;
Global Patient Safety Challenge team.504 The detailed protocol time for drying (consider that different products are
can be obtained from WHO upon request. If comparison is not associated with different drying times; products that require
possible, at least the pre-selected product should be tested longer drying times may affect hand hygiene best practice);
for tolerance and acceptance with the above-mentioned tool. freedom of choice by HCWs at an institutional level after
Dryness and irritation should be assessed with sufficient consideration of the above-mentioned factors.
numbers of HCWs to ensure that the results can be generalized.
If more than one new product is to be tested, either a period
with the routine product or, preferably, a minimum of a 2-day 15.2.1 Dermal tolerance and skin reactions
washout period should be observed between test periods. 504,579
When considering the replacement of a product, the new Several studies have published methods to evaluate
product should be at least as good as the previous one. An dermal tolerance such as dryness or irritation220,577,
inferior product could be responsible for a decrease in hand either by self-assessment or by expert clinical
73 73

evaluation197,221,264,326,327,329,405,495,504,608,610,613,636 (see Part I, Section manufacturers of foams recommend the use of a relatively large
14). Some studies have confirmed that these assessment amount of product for each application, and HCWs should be
techniques correlate well with other physiological measures reminded to follow the manufacturers recommendation.
such as transepidermal water loss or desquamation, tests which
are not practical to use in clinical settings.264,326,405,495,549,577,613,636
An example of a tolerability assessment framework for use in 15.2.3 Practical considerations
the clinical setting is included in Appendix 3220,504,572 and is part
of the WHO alcohol-based handrub tolerability and acceptability Product accessibility.
survey (Implementation Toolkit available at http://www.who. Several studies suggest that the frequency of hand
int/gpsc/en/) (see also Part I, Section 14). Dermal tolerance is cleansing is determined by the accessibility of hand hygiene
one of the main parameters leading to the product acceptability facilities.335,486,492,493,497,498,637-639 A reliable supplier (industrial
by HCWs that influences directly the compliance with hand or local at the health-care facility) is essential to ensure
hygiene. It is demonstrated that dermal tolerance of alcohol- a continuous supply of products. If industrial products
based handrubs is related to the addition and the quality of are not available or are too expensive, products may be
emollient in the product; 504,580,627 even alcohols, frequently used produced within the local setting (see also Part I, Section 12).
in alcohol-based handrubs, are known to generate a minor WHO identified and validated two different alcohol-based
skin irritant effect compared with handwashing with soap and formulations, and a Guide to Local Production (Implementation
water.548,583 Toolkit, available at http://www.who.int/gpsc/en/). However,
even if a simple method is proposed, it is difficult to regulate the
quality control of locally made products, and more sophisticated
15.2.2 Aesthetic preferences but feasible methods to monitor quality are needed.

Fragrance. Issues related to infrastructure necessary to ensure continuous

Products with a strong fragrance may lead to discomfort and access to hand hygiene products and equipment are specifically
respiratory symptoms in some HCWs allergic to perfume or dealt with in Part I, Section 23.5.
fragrances. Many patients complain about perfumed products,
especially in oncology. Therefore, consideration should be given Risk of contamination.
to selecting a product with mild or no added fragrances. Alcohol-based rubs have a low risk of contamination, 338 but
soap contamination is more common.160,640-644 Multiple-use
Consistency (texture). bar soap should be avoided because it is difficult to store
Handrubs are available as gels, solutions or foams. Dermal bar soap dry at a sink, with a subsequent increase in the risk
tolerance and efficacy were not considered as they are not of contamination.640-642 Although liquid soaps are generally
affected by consistency.203,495 Although more expensive than preferred over bar soaps for handwash, the risk for either
solutions, gels have recently become the most popular type intrinsic 643 or extrinsic160,644 microbial contamination still exists.
of alcohol-based handrub preparation in many countries.
Due to their formulations, some gels may produce a feeling of
humectant build-up, or the hands may feel slippery or oily 15.2.4 Cost
with repeated use. This difference in consistency has not been
associated with better objective tolerance or higher compliance The promotion of hand hygiene is highly cost effective (see
with hand cleansing in a controlled study.579 A prospective Part III, Section 3), and the introduction of a waterless system
intervention study and a comparison study have shown that for hand hygiene is a cost-effective measure. 329,645,646 While
the use of a gel formulation was associated with better skin the cost of hand hygiene products will continue to be an
condition, superior acceptance, and a trend towards improved important issue for departments responsible for purchasing
compliance.493,496 Nevertheless, it is worth recalling that first such products, the level of acceptance of products by HCWs is
generations of gel formulations have reduced antimicrobial even more important. An inexpensive product with undesirable
efficacy compared with solutions. 205,218 A recent study suggests characteristics may discourage hand hygiene among HCWs and
that the antibacterial efficacy of alcohol-based gels may the resulting poor compliance will not be cost effective.
depend mainly on concentration and type of alcohol in the
formulation.496 Financial strategies to support programmes designed to
improve hand hygiene across a nation may benefit from a
Solutions generally have a consistency similar to water while centralized design and production of supporting materials.
some are slightly viscous. They often dry more quickly than This strategy may be more cost effective to the overall health
gels or foams (a potential advantage) and may be less likely to economy (see also Part III, Section 3).
produce a feeling of humectant build-up. They are more likely
to drip from the hands onto to the floor during use, and it has
been reported that these drips have created spots on the floor
under the dispensers in some hospitals. Solutions often have a
stronger smell of alcohol than do gels. 495,636

Foams are used less frequently and are more expensive. Similar
to gels, they are less likely to drip from the hands onto the
floor during application, but may produce stronger build-up
feeling with repeated use and may take longer to dry. Some
74 74

Hand hygiene practices among health-care
workers and adherence to recommendations

16.1 Hand hygiene practices among health-care A number of investigators reported improved adherence after
workers implementing various interventions, but most studies had short
follow-up periods and did not establish if improvements were
Understanding hand hygiene practices among HCWs is of long duration. Few studies reported sustained improvement
essential in planning interventions in health care. In as a consequence of the long-running implementation of
observational studies conducted in hospitals, HCWs cleaned programmes aimed at promoting optimal adherence to hand
their hands on average from 5 to as many as 42 times hygiene policies.60,494,657,713-719
per shift and 1.715.2 times per hour (Table I.16.1). 79,137,217-
The average frequency of hand hygiene
episodes fluctuates with the method used for monitoring (see 16.3 Factors affecting adherence
Part III, Section 1.1) and the setting where the observations were
conducted; it ranges from 0.7 to 30 episodes per hour (Table Factors that may influence hand hygiene include risk factors
I.16.1). On the other hand, the average number of opportunities for non-adherence identified in epidemiological studies and
for hand hygiene per HCW varies markedly between hospital reasons reported by HCWs for lack of adherence to hand
wards; nurses in paediatric wards, for example, had an average hygiene recommendations.
of eight opportunities for hand hygiene per hour of patient
care, compared with an average of 30 for nurses in ICUs. 334,656 Risk factors for poor adherence to hand hygiene have been
In some acute clinical situations, the patient is cared for by determined objectively in several observational studies or
several HCWs at the same time and, on average, as many as interventions to improve adherence.608,656,663,666,720-725 Among
82 hand hygiene opportunities per patient per hour of care have these, being a doctor or a nursing assistant, rather than a
been observed at post-anaesthesia care unit admission.652 The nurse, was consistently associated with reduced adherence.
number of opportunities for hand hygiene depends largely on In addition, compliance with hand cleansing may vary among
the process of care provided: revision of protocols for patient doctors from different specialities.335 Table I.16.3 lists the major
care may reduce unnecessary contacts and, consequently, factors identified in observational studies of hand hygiene
hand hygiene opportunities.657 behaviour in health care.

In 11 observational studies, the duration of hand In a landmark study,656 the investigators identified hospitalwide
cleansing episodes by HCWs ranged on average from predictors of poor adherence to recommended hand hygiene
as short as 6.6 seconds to 30 seconds. In 10 of these measures during routine patient care. Predicting variables
studies, the hand hygiene technique monitored was included professional category, hospital ward, time of day/week,
handwashing,79,124,135,213-216,218,572,611 while handrubbing was and type and intensity of patient care, defined as the number of
monitored in one study.457.In addition to washing their hands for opportunities for hand hygiene per hour of patient care. In 2834
very short time periods, HCWs often failed to cover all surfaces observed opportunities for hand hygiene, average adherence
of their hands and fingers.611,658 In summary, the number of hand was 48%. In multivariate analysis, non-adherence was the
hygiene opportunities per hour of care may be very high and, lowest among nurses compared with other HCWs and during
even if the hand hygiene compliance is high too, the applied weekends. Non-adherence was higher in ICUs compared with
technique may be inadequate. internal medicine, during procedures that carried a high risk
of bacterial contamination, and when intensity of patient care
was high. In other words, the higher the demand for hand
16.2 Observed adherence to hand cleansing hygiene, the lower the adherence. The lowest adherence rate
(36%) was found in ICUs, where indications for hand hygiene
Adherence of HCWs to recommended hand hygiene were typically more frequent (on average, 22 opportunities per
procedures has been reported with very variable figures, in patient-hour). The highest adherence rate (59%) was observed
some cases unacceptably poor, with mean baseline rates in paediatrics, where the average intensity of patient care
ranging from 5% to 89%, representing an overall average of was lower than elsewhere (on average, eight opportunities
38.7% (Table I.16.2). 60,140,215,216,334,335,485,486,492,493,496,497,613,633,637,648- per patient-hour). The results of this study suggested that
It should be pointed out that the methods full adherence to previous guidelines was unrealistic and that
for defining adherence (or non-adherence) and the easy access to hand hygiene at the point of patient care, i.e.
methods for conducting observations varied considerably in particular through alcohol-based handrubbing, could help
in the reported studies, and many articles did not include improve adherence,615,656,720 Three recent publications evaluating
detailed information about the methods and criteria used. the implementation of the CDC hand hygiene guidelines 58 in the
Some studies assessed compliance with hand hygiene USA tend to concur with these results and considerations.726-728
concerning the same patient, 60,334,648,652,666,667,683,685-687 Various other studies have confirmed an inverse relation
and an increasing number have recently evaluated between intensity of patient care and adherence to hand
hand hygiene compliance after contact with the patient hygiene.60,334,335,493,649,652,653,656,689,729,730
environment.60,334,648,652,654,657,670,682,683,686,687,691,698,700-702,704,707-709,711 ,712
75 75

Perceived barriers to adherence with hand hygiene practice Lack of knowledge of guidelines for hand hygiene, lack of
recommendations include skin irritation caused by hand hygiene recognition of hand hygiene opportunities during patient
agents, inaccessible hand hygiene supplies, interference with care, and lack of awareness of the risk of cross-transmission
HCWpatient relationships, patient needs perceived as a of pathogens are barriers to good hand hygiene practices.
priority over hand hygiene, wearing of gloves, forgetfulness, Furthermore, some HCWs believed that they washed their
lack of knowledge of guidelines, insufficient time for hand hands when necessary even when observations indicated that
hygiene, high workload and understaffing, and the lack of they did not.218,220,666,667,676,733
scientific information showing a definitive impact of improved
hand hygiene on HCAI rates.608,656,663,666,722-725,729,731,732 Some Additional perceived barriers to hand hygiene behaviour are
of the perceived barriers to adherence with hand hygiene listed in Table I.16.3. These are relevant not only on the
guidelines have been assessed or quantified in observational institutional level, but also to particular HCWs or HCW groups.
studies.608,663,666,720,722-724 Table I.16.3 lists the most frequently
reported reasons that are possibly, or effectively, associated
with poor adherence. Some of these barriers are discussed in
Part I, Section 14 (i.e. skin irritation, no easy access to hand
hygiene supplies), and in Part I, Section 23.1 (i.e. impact of use
of gloves on hand hygiene practices).

Table I.16.1
Frequency of hand hygiene actions among health-care workers

Reference Year of publication Average no. of hand hygiene actions

Ayliffe et al.137 1988 5 per 8 hours

Broughall 218 1984 510 per shift

Winnefeld et al. 262 2000 10 per shift

McCormick, Buchman & Maki 624 2000 13.115.9 per day*

Boyce, Kelliher & Vallande264 2000 1.7 per hour*

Boyce, Kelliher & Vallande 2000 1.8 per hour**

Ojajarvi, Makela & Rantasalo 219 1977 2042 per 8-hour shift*

Larson et al. 647 2000 1.8 per hour*

Larson et al. 647 2000 2.0 per hour

Berndt et al. 623 2000 22 per day

Larson et al. 1991 1.72.1 per hour

Larson et al.79 1998 2.1 per hour*

Lam, Lee & Lau 2004 2.2 per hour*

Taylor611 1978 3 per hour

Gould 649 1994 3.3 per hour

Girard, Amazian & Fabry613 2001 3.5 per hour

Noritomi et al. 650 2007 6.3 per hour

Rosenthal et al. 2003 9.9 per hour*

Pittet et al. 652 2003 4.4 per hour

Harbarth et al. 653 2001 12 per hour

Larson, Albrecht & OKeefe 654 2005 7.0 per hour

Girou et al. 655 2006 15.2 per hour

* Handwashing only reported in the study.

** Handrubbing only reported in the study.

76 76

Table I.16.2
Hand hygiene adherence by health-care workers (1981June 2008 )

Reference Year Setting Before/ Adherence Adherence Intervention

after baseline after
contact (%) intervention

Preston, Larson & 1981 ICU A 16 30 More convenient sink locations

Stamm 492

Albert & Condie 660 1981 ICU A 41

Preston, Larson & 1981 ICU A 28

Stamm 492

Larson 661 1983 All wards A 45

Kaplan & 1986 SICU A 51

McGuckin 497

Mayer et al. 633 1986 ICU A 63 92 Performance feedback

Donowitz 1987 PICU A 31 30 Wearing overgown

Conly et al. 663 1989 MICU B/A 14/28 * 73/81 Feedback, policy reviews, memo,

DeCarvalho et al.734 1989 NICU A/B 75/50

Graham 665 1990 ICU A 32 45 Alcohol-based handrub introduced

Dubbert et al. 1990 ICU A** 81 92 In-service first, then group feedback

Simmons et al. 667 1990 ICU B/A** 22 30

Pettinger & 1991 SICU A 51

Nettleman 668

Lohr et al. 669 1991 Pedi B 49 49 Signs, feedback, verbal reminders to

OPDs doctors

Raju & Kobler670 1991 Nursery B/A *** 28 63 Feedback, dissemination of literature,
& NICU results of environmental cultures

Larson et al. 671 1992 NICU/ A 29


Doebbeling et al. 659 1992 ICU NS 40

Zimakoff et al. 672

1993 ICUs A 40

Meengs et al. 216 1994 Emerg A 32


Lund et al. 215 1994 All wards A 32

Wurtz, Moye & 1994 SICU A 22 38 Automated handwashing machines

Jovanovic 637 available

Pelke et al. 673 1994 NICU A 62 60 No gowning required

Gould 649
1994 ICUs A 30
Wards A 29

Shay et al. 674 1995 ICU A 56


Berg, Hershow & 1995 ICU NS 5 63 Lectures, feedback, demonstrations

Ramirez 675

Tibballs 676 1996 PICU B/A 12/11 13/65 Overt observation, followed by

Slaughter et al. 677 1996 MICU A 41 58 Routine wearing of gowns and gloves
77 77

Table I.16.2
Hand hygiene adherence
Reference by health-care
Year workers
Setting (1981June
Before/ 2008 ) (Cont.) Adherence
Adherence Intervention
after baseline after
contact (%) intervention

Dorsey, Cydulka 1996 Emerg A 54 64 Signs/distributed review paper

Emerman 678 Dept

Larson et al. 684 1997 ICU B/A** 56 83 Lectures based on previous

questionnaire on HCWs beliefs,
feedback, administrative support,
Automated handwashing machines

Watanakunakorn, 1998 All wards A 30

Wang & Hazy679

Avila-Aguero et 1998 Paediat- B/A 52/49 74/69 Feedback, films, posters, brochures
al. 680 ric wards

Kirkland, 1999 MICU B/A 12/55

Weinstein 681

Pittet et al. 60 2000 All wards B/A** 48 67 Posters, feedback, administrative

and *** support, alcohol rub

Maury et al. 485 2000 MICU A 42 61 Alcohol handrub made available

Bischoff et al. 486 2000 MICU B/A 10 / 22 23 / 48 Education, feedback, alcohol gel made
CTICU B/A 4 / 13 7 / 14 available

Muto, Sistrom & 2000 Medical A*** 60 52 Education, reminders, alcohol gel made
Farr682 wards available

Girard, Amazian & 2001 All wards B/A 62 67 Education, alcohol gel made available

Karabey et al 685 2002 ICU B/A** 15

Hugonnet, Perneger 2002 MICU/ B/A** 38 55 Posters, feedback, administrative

& Pittet 334 SICU and *** support, alcohol rub

Harbarth et al. 686 2002 PICU / B/A** 33 37 Posters, feedback, alcohol rub
NICU and ***

Rosenthal et al. 651 2003 All wards B/A 17 58 Education, reminders, more sinks made
3 hospi- available

Brown et al. 687 2003 NICU B/A** 44 48 Education, feedback, alcohol gel made
and *** available

Pittet et al. 652 2003 PACU B/A** 19.6

and ***

Ng et al.735 2004 NICU B/A*** 40 53 Education, reminders

Pittet et al. 335 2004 Doctors B/A** 57

in all and ***

Kuzu et al. 683 2005 All wards B/A** 39

and ***

Arenas et al. 689 2005 Haemo- B/A and B 13.8

dialysis *** Ar 35.6

Saba et al. 690

2005 Haemo- B/A 26

78 78

Table I.16.2
Hand hygiene adherence
Reference by health-care
Year workers
Setting (1981June
Before/ 2008 ) (Cont.) Adherence
Adherence Intervention
after baseline after
contact (%) intervention

Larson, Albrecht & 2005 Pediatric B/A 38.4

OKeefe 654 ER and

Jenner et al. 691 2006 Medical, B/A


Maury et al. 692 2006 MICU NS 47.1 55.2 Announcement of observations

(compared to covert observation at

Furtado et al. 693 2006 2 MSI- B/A 22.2 / 42.6


das Neves et al. 694 2006 NICU B/A 62.2 61.2 Posters, musical parodies on radio,

Hayden et al.140 2006 MICU B/A 29 43 Wall dispensers, education, brouchures,

buttons, posters

Sacar et al. 695 2006 Hospital- B/A 45.1


Berhe, Edmond & 2006 MICU, B/A 31.8 / 50 39 / 50.3 Performance feedback
Bearman 696 SICU

Girou et al. 655 2006 Rehab B/A 60.8


Eckmanns et al.736 2006 ICU B/A 29 45 Announcement of observations

(compared to covert observation at

Santana et al. 698 2007 MSICU B/A 18.3 20.8 Introduction of alcohol-based handrub
dispensers, posters, stickers, education

Swoboda et al. 699 2007 IMCU A 19.1 25.6 Voice prompts if failure to handrub

Novoa et al.700 2007 Hospital- B/A 20


Barbut et a. 496 2007 MICU B/A 53 / 63 / 68 3 different handrub products

Trick et al.701 2007 3 study A 23 / 30 / 35 46 / 50 / 43 Increase in handrub availability,

hospi- / 32 / 31 education, poster
tals, one

Dedrick et al.702 2007 ICU A 45.1

Noritomi et al. 650 2007 Multidis- B/A 27.9


Pan et al.703
2007 Hospital- B/A 19.6

79 79

Table I.16.2
Hand hygiene adherence by health-care workers (1981June 2008 ) (Cont.)
Reference Year Setting Before/ Adherence Adherence Intervention
after baseline after
contact (%) intervention

Hofer et al.704 2007 Hospital- B/A 34


Raskind et al.705 2007 NICU B 89 100 Education

Traore et al. 493 2007 MICU B/A 32.1 41.2 Gel versus liquid handrub formulation

Pessoa-Silva 2007 NICU B/A 42 55 Posters, focus groups, education,

et al. 657 questionnaires, review of care protocols

Khan & Siddiqui706 2008 Anaes- A 62


Rupp et al.707 2008 ICU B/A 38 / 37 69 / 68 Introduction of alcohol-based handrub


Ebnother et al.708 2008 All wards B/A 59 79 Multimodal intervention

Haas & Larson709 2008 Emerg B/A 43 62 Introduction of wearable personal

depart- handrub dispeners

Venkatesh et al.710 2008 Hematol- B/A 36.3 70.1 Voice prompts if failure to handrub
ogy unit

Duggan et al.711 2008 Hospital- B/A 84.5 89.4 Announced visit by auditor

ICU = intensive care unit; SICU = surgical ICU; MICU = medical ICU; MSICU = medical/surgical ICU;
PICU = paediatric ICU; NICU = neonatal ICU; Emerg = emergency; Oncol = oncology; CTICU = cardiothoracic ICU; PACU = post-
anaesthesia care unit: OPD = outpatient department; NS = not stated.
* Percentage compliance before/after patient contact.
** Hand hygiene opportunities within the same patient also counted.
*** After contact with inanimate objects.
**** Use of gloves almost universal (93%) in all activities.

80 80

Table I.16.3
Factors influencing adherence to hand hygiene practices

Factors for poor adherence / low compliance References

A. Observed risk factors for poor adherence to recommended hand hygiene practices

Doctor status (rather than a nurse) Pittet & Perneger, 1999737

Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Lipsett & Swoboda, 2001730
Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002334
Rosenthal et al., 2003 651
Zerr et al., 2005715
Pan et al., 2007703

Nursing assistant status (rather than a nurse) Pittet & Perneger, 1999737
Pittet, 2000738
Lipsett & Swoboda, 2001730
Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002334
Rosenthal et al., 2003 651
Arenas et al., 2005 689
Novoa et al., 2007700
Pan et al., 2007703

Physiotherapist Pan et al., 2007703

Technician Pittet et al., 2000 60

Male sex Pittet, 2000738

Rosenthal et al., 2003 651

Working in intensive care Pittet & Perneger, 1999737

Pittet, 2000738
OBoyle, Henly & Larson, 2001729
Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002334
Rosenthal et al., 2003 651
Pittet et al., 2004335

Working in surgical care unit Lipsett & Swoboda, 2001730

Pittet et al., 2004335
Zerr et al., 2005715

Working in emergency care Pittet et al., 2004335

Working in anaesthiology Pittet et al., 2004(Pittet, 2004 #261}

Working during the week (vs. weekend) Pittet & Perneger, 1999737
Pittet, 2000738

Wearing gowns/ gloves Thompson et al., 1997739

Khatib et al., 1999740
Pittet, 2000738
Pessoa-Silva et al., 2007657

Before contact with patient environment Zerr, 2005715

After contact with patient environment e.g. equipment Zerr, 2005715

Pessoa-Silva et al., 2007657

Caring of patients aged less than 65 years old Pittet et al., 2003 652

Caring of patients recovering from clean/clean-contaminated surgery in Pittet et al., 2003 652
postanaesthesia care unit

Patient care in non-isolation room Arenas et al., 2005 689

Duration of contact with patient (< or equal to 2 minutes) Dedrick et al., 2007702

Interruption in patient-care activities Harbarth et al., 2001653

Automated sink Larson et al., 1991217

Pittet, 2000738

81 81

Table I.16.3
Factors influencing adherence to hand hygiene practices (Cont.)

Factors for poor adherence / low compliance References

Activities with high risk of cross-transmission Pittet & Perneger, 1999737

Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002334
Pan et al., 2007703

Understaffing or overcrowding Haley & Bregman, 1982741

Pittet & Perneger, 1999737
Harbarth et al., 1999185
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
OBoyle, Henly & Larson, 2001729
Kuzu et al., 2005 683

High patient-to-nurse ratio and more shifts per day Arenas et al., 2005 689
(for haemodialysis unit)

High number of opportunities for hand hygiene per hour of patient care Pittet & Perneger, 1999737
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
OBoyle, Henly & Larson, 2001729
H Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002

Pittet et al., 2003 652

Kuzu et al., 2005 683
Pan et al., 2007703
Pessoa-Silva et al., 2007657

B. Self-reported factors for poor adherence to hand hygiene

Handwashing agents cause irritations and dryness Larson & Killien, 1982608
Larson, 1985742
Pettinger & Nettleman, 1991668
Heenan, 1992743
Zimakoff et al., 1992609
Larson & Kretzer, 1995722
Kretzer & Larson, 1998724
Huskins et al., 1999744
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Patarakul et al., 2005745

Sinks are inconveniently located or shortage of sinks Larson & Killien, 1982608
Kaplan & McGuckin, 1986497
Pettinger & Nettleman, 1991668
Heenan, 1992743
Larson & Kretzer, 1995722
Kretzer & Larson, 1998724
Huskins et al., 1999744
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60

Lack of soap, paper towel, handwashing agents Heenan, 1992743

Huskins et al., 1999744
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Suchitra & Lakshmi Devi, 2007746

82 82

Table I.16.3
Factors influencing adherence to hand hygiene practices (Cont.)

Factors for poor adherence / low compliance References

Often too busy or insufficient time Larson & Killien, 1982608

Pettinger & Nettleman, 1991668
Heenan, 1992743
Williams et al., 1994747
Larson & Kretzer, 1995722
Voss & Widmer, 1997615
Kretzer & Larson, 1998724
Boyce, 1999720
Pittet & Perneger, 1999737
Weeks, 1999748
Bischoff et al., 2000486
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Dedrick et al., 2007702
Suchitra & Lakshmi Devi, 2007746

Patient needs take priority Kretzer & Larson, 1998724

Pittet, 2000738
Patarakul et al., 2005745

Hand hygiene interferes with HCW-patient relationship Larson & Kretzer, 1995722
Kretzer & Larson, 1998724
Pittet, 2000738

Low risk of acquiring infection from patients Pittet, 2000738

Wearing of gloves or belief that glove use obviates the need for hand hygiene Pittet & Perneger, 1999737
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60

Lack of institutional guidelines/ lack of knowledge of guidelines and protocols Larson & Killien, 1982608
Pettinger & Nettleman, 1991668
Larson & Kretzer, 1995722
Kretzer & Larson, 1998724

Boyce & Pittet, 200258

Rosenthal, Guzman & Safdar, 2005716
Suchitra & Lakshmi Devi, 2007746

Lack of knowledge, experience and education Larson & Killien, 1982608

Pettinger & Nettleman, 1991668
Suchitra & Lakshmi Devi, 2007746

Lack of rewards/ encouragement Larson & Killien, 1982608

Pettinger & Nettleman, 1991668
Suchitra & Lakshmi Devi, 2007746

Lack of role model from colleagues or superiors Larson & Killien, 1982608
Pettinger & Nettleman, 1991668
Muto, Sistrom & Farr, 2000 682
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Suchitra & Lakshmi Devi, 2007746

Not thinking about it, forgetfulness Larson & Kretzer, 1995722

Kretzer & Larson, 1998724
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Patarakul et al., 2005745

Scepticism about the value of hand hygiene Pittet, 2000738

Pittet et al., 2000 60
Boyce & Pittet, 200258

Disagreement with recommendations Pittet, 2000738

83 83

Lack of scientific information of definitive impact of improved hand hygiene on HCAI Weeks, 1999748
rates Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60

84 84

Table I.16.3
Factors influencing adherence to hand hygiene practices (Cont.)

Factors for poor adherence / low compliance References

C. Additional perceived barriers to appropriate hand hygiene

Lack of active participation in hand hygiene promotion at individual or institutional Larson & Kretzer, 1995722
level Kretzer & Larson, 1998724
Larson et al., 2000713
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Pittet & Boyce, 2001749
Pittet, 2001750

Lack of institutional priority for hand hygiene Pittet, 2000738

Pittet et al., 2000 60
Pittet, 2001750

Lack of administrative sanction of non-compliers or rewarding of compliers Kelen et al., 1991751

Jarvis, 1994721
Kretzer & Larson, 1998724
Boyce, Kelliher & Vallande, 2000264
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet & Boyce, 2001749
Pittet, 2001750

Lack of institutional safety climate/ culture of personal accountability of HCWs to Larson & Kretzer, 1995722
perform hand hygiene Kretzer & Larson, 1998724
Larson et al., 2000713
Pittet, 2000738
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Pittet & Boyce, 2001749
Pittet, 2001750
Goldmann, 2006752

Factors for good adherence/ improved compliance References

A. Observed factors for improved compliance

Introduction of widely accessible alcohol-based handrub Pittet & Perneger, 1999737

(e.g. bedside handrub, small bottles/pocket-sized handrub); or combined with a Bischoff et al., 2000486
multimodal multidisciplinary approach targeted at individual and institution levels. Maury, 2000485
Pittet et al., 2000 60
Earl, 2001753
Girard, Amazian & Fabry, 2001613
Harbarth et al., 2002686
Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002334
Mody et al., 2003754
Brown et al., 2003 687
Lam, Lee & Lau, 2004 648
Pittet et al., 2004335
Johnson et al., 2005494
Zerr et al., 2005715
Hussein, Khakoo & Hobbs, 2007755
Pessoa-Silva et al., 2007657
Trick et al., 2007701
Rupp et al., 2008707

Multifaceted approach to improve hand hygiene Conly et al., 1989 663

(e.g. education, training, observation, feedback, easy access to hand hygiene supplies Dubbert et al., 1990 666
(sinks/ soap/ medicated detergents), sink automation, financial incentives, praises Larson et al., 1997684
by superior, admonishment of suboptimal performance, administrative support, Rosenthal et al., 2003 651
prioritization to infection control needs, active participation at institutional level) Won et al., 2004756
Rosenthal, Guzman & Safdar, 2005716

B. Predictive factors for hand hygiene compliance (by observational study / interventional study*)

85 85

(i) Status of HCW

Non-doctor HCW status (with attending doctors as reference group) Duggan et al., 2008711

86 86

Table I.16.3
Factors influencing adherence to hand hygiene practices (Cont.)

Factors for good adherence/ improved compliance References

Respiratory therapist (with nurses as reference group) Harbarth et al., 2001653

Harbarth et al., 2002686

(ii) Type of patient care Dedrick et al., 2007702

Swoboda et al., 2007699
Under precaution care (perceived as greater risk of transmission to HCWs themselves)
care of patient under contact precautions
care of patient in isolation room

Completing care/ between patients Pessoa-Silva et al., 2007657

(iii) Activities perceived as having a high risk of cross-contamination or cross- Lipsett & Swoboda, 2001730
infection to HCWs Harbarth et al., 2001653
Harbarth et al., 2002686
(e.g. after direct patient contact; before wound care; before/after contact with invasive Kuzu et al., 2005 683
devices or aseptic techniques; before/after contact with body fluid secretions; Jenner et al., 2006700
contact with nappies/diapers; or assessed by level of dirtiness of tasks) Pessoa-Silva et al., 2007657
Trick et al., 2007701
Haas & Larson, 2008709

(iv) Type of unit Novoa et al., 2007700

Harbarth et al., 2001653
Intensive care unit Arenas et al., 2005 689
Neonatal ICU
Acute haemiodialysis unit

(v) During the 3-month period after an announced accreditation visit Duggan et al., 2008711

(vi) Strong administrative support Rosenthal et al., 2003 651

C. Determinants/ predictors/ self-reported factors for good adherence to hand hygiene (by questionnaire or focus group study)

Normative beliefs

Peer behaviour (role model)/ Wong & Tam, 2005757

perceived expectation from colleagues (peer pressure) Whitby, McLaws & Ross, 2006725
Sax et al., 2007732

Being perceived as role model (for doctors)/ Pittet et al., 2004335

with good adherence by colleagues

Perceived positive opinion / pressure from superior or important referent others e.g. Seto et al., 1991758
senior doctors, administrators Pittet et al., 2004335
Pessoa-Silva et al., 2005731
Whitby, McLaws & Ross, 2006725
Sax et al., 2007732
Control beliefs

Perception that hand hygiene is easy to perform/ easy access to alcohol-based Pittet et al., 2004335
handrub Sax et al., 2007732

Perceived control over hand hygiene behaviour Pessoa-Silva et al., 2005731


Awareness of being observed Pittet et al., 2004335

Positive attitude towards hand hygiene after patient contact Pittet et al., 2004 335

Perceived risk of infection (level of dirtiness) during patient contact/ perceived high Parker et al., 2006 254
public health threat Whitby, McLaws & Ross, 2006725

Beliefs in benefits of performing hand hygiene/ protection of HCWs from infection Shimokura et al., 2006759
Whitby, McLaws & Ross, 2006725
Translation of community hand
washing behaviour (behaviour
87 87

developed in early childhood) into healthcare settings (for nurses in

handwashing) Whitby, McLaws & Ross, 2006725

88 88

Table I.16.3
Factors influencing adherence to hand hygiene practices (Cont.)

Factors for good adherence/ improved compliance References


Female sex Sax et al., 2007732

HCW status technician Shimokura et al., 2006759

Previous training Sax et al., 2007732

Participation in previous hand hygiene campaign Sax et al., 2007732

Patient expectation (for doctors) Sax et al., 2007732

D. Factors for preferential recourse to handrubbing vs handwashing

Doctors e.g. critical care (with nurses as reference group) Pittet et al., 2000 60
Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002334
Dedrick et al., 2007702
Trick et al., 2007701

Activities with high risk of cross-transmission/ level of dirtiness Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002334
Kuzu et al., 2005 683

High activity index (>60 opportunities per hour) Hugonnet, Perneger & Pittet, 2002334

89 89

Religious and cultural aspects of hand hygiene

There are several reasons why religious and cultural issues should be considered when dealing with the topic
of hand hygiene and planning a strategy to promote it in health-care settings. The most important is that these
Guidelines, issued as a WHO document, are intended to be disseminated all over the world and in settings
where very different cultural and religious beliefs may strongly influence their implementation. Furthermore, the
guidelines consider new aspects of hand hygiene promotion, including behavioural and transcultural issues.
Within this framework, a WHO Task Force on Religious and Cultural Aspects of Hand Hygiene was created to
explore the potential influence of transcultural and religious factors on attitudes towards hand hygiene practices
among HCWs and to identify some possible solutions for integrating these factors into the hand hygiene
improvement strategy. This section reflects the findings of the Task Force.

In view of the vast number of religious faiths worldwide, only the With the increasingly diverse populations accompanying these
most widely represented have been taken into consideration changes, very diverse cultural beliefs are also more prevalent
(Figure I.17.1).760 For this reason, this section is by no means than ever. This evolving cultural topography demands new,
exhaustive. Some ethno-religious aspects such as the followers rapidly acquired knowledge and highly sensitive, informed
of local, tribal, animistic or shamanistic religions were also insights of these differences, not only among patients but also
considered. among HCWs who are subject to the same global forces.

Philanthropy, generally inherent in any faith, has often been the It is clear that cultural and to some extent, religious factors
motivation for establishing a relationship between the mystery strongly influence attitudes to inherent community handwashing
of life and death, medicine, and health care. This predisposition which, according to behavioural theories (see Part I, Section
has often led to the establishment of health-care institutions 18), are likely to have an impact on compliance with hand
under religious affiliations. Faith and medicine have always cleansing during health care.
been integrated into the healing process as many priests,
monks, theologians and others inspired by religious motivations In general, the degree of HCWs compliance with hand hygiene
studied, researched, and practised medicine. In general, as a fundamental infection control measure in a public health
religious faith has often represented an outstanding contribution perspective may depend on their belonging to a community-
to highlighting the ethical implications of health care and to oriented, rather than an individual-oriented society. The
focusing the attention of health-care providers on both the existence of a wide awareness of everyones contribution to the
physical and spiritual natures of human beings. common good, such as health of the community, may certainly
foster HCWs propensity to adopt good hand hygiene habits.
Well-known examples already exist, however, of health For instance, hand cleansing as a measure of preventing the
interventions where the religious point of view had a critical spread of disease is clearly in harmony with the fundamental
impact on implementation or even interfered with it.761,762 Hindu value of non-injury to others (ahimsa) and care for their
Research has already been conducted into religious and well-being (daya).
cultural factors influencing health-care delivery, but mostly in
the field of mental health or in countries with a high influx of Another interesting aspect may be to evaluate optional methods
immigrants where unicultural care is no longer appropriate. 49,763 of hand cleansing which exist in some cultures according to
In a recent world conference on tobacco use, the role of deep-seated beliefs or available resources. As an example, in
religion in determining health beliefs and behaviours was the Hindu culture, hands are rubbed vigorously with ash or mud
raised; it was considered to be a potentially strong motivating and then rinsed with water. The belief behind this practice is that
factor to promote tobacco control interventions.764 A recent soap should not be used as it contains animal fat. If water is not
review enumerates various potential positive effects of religion available, other substances such as sand are used to rub the
on health, as demonstrated by studies showing its impact hands. In a scientific study performed in Bangladesh to assess
on disease morbidity and mortality, behaviour, and lifestyles faecal coliform counts from post-cleansing hand samples,
as well as on the capacity to cope with medical problems.765 hand cleansing with mud and ash was demonstrated to be as
Beyond these particular examples, the complex association efficient as with soap.766
between religion, culture, and health, in particular hand hygiene
practices among HCWs, still remains an essentially unexplored, In addition to these general considerations, some specific
speculative area. issues to be investigated in a transcultural and transreligious
context are discussed.
In the increasingly multicultural, globalized community that is
health-care provision today, cultural awareness has never been Based on a review of the literature and the consultation of
more crucial for implementing good clinical practice in keeping religious authorities, the most important topics identified were
with scientific developments. Immigration and travel are more the importance of hand hygiene in different religions, hand
common and extensive than ever before as a result of the gestures in different religions and cultures, the interpretation
geopolitically active forces of migration, asylum-seeking and, in of the concept of visibly dirty hands, and the use of alcohol-
Europe, the existence of a broad, borderless multi-state Union. based handrubs and alcohol prohibition by some religions.
90 90

17.1 Importance of hand hygiene in different religions is required to maintain scrupulous personal hygiene at five
intervals throughout the day, aside from his/her usual routine
Personal hygiene is a key component of human well-being of bathing as specified in the Quran. These habits transcend
regardless of religion, culture or place of origin. Human health- Muslims of all races, cultures and ages, emphasizing the
related behaviour, however, results from the influence of multiple importance ascribed to correct ablutions.770
factors affected by the environment, education, and culture.
With the exception of the ritual sprinkling of holy water on hands
According to behavioural theories725,767 (see Part I, Section 18), before the consecration of bread and wine, and of the washing
hand cleansing patterns are most likely to be established in of hands after touching the holy oil (the latter only in the Catholic
the first 10 years of life. This imprinting subsequently affects Church), the Christian faith seems to belong to the third category
the attitude to hand cleansing throughout life, in particular, of the above classification (Table I.17.1) regarding hand hygiene
regarding the practice called inherent hand hygiene,725,767 behaviour. In general, the indications given by Christs example
which reflects the instinctive need to remove dirt from the skin. refer more to spiritual behaviour, but the emphasis
The attitude to handwashing in more specific opportunities is on this specific point of view does not imply that personal
called elective handwashing practice725 and may much more hygiene and body care are not important in the Christian way
frequently correspond to some of the indications for hand of life. Similarly, there are no specific indications regarding
hygiene during health-care delivery. hand hygiene in daily life in the Buddhist faith, nor during ritual
occasions, apart from the hygienic act of washing hands after
In some populations, both inherent and elective hand hygiene each meal.
practices are deeply influenced by cultural and religious factors.
Even though it is very difficult to establish whether a strong Similarly, specific indications regarding hand hygiene are
inherent attitude towards hand hygiene directly determines nonexistent in the Buddhist faith. No mention is made of hand
an increased elective behaviour, the potential impact of some cleansing in everyday life, nor during ritual occasions. According
religious habits is worth considering. to Buddhist habits, only two examples of pouring water over
Hand hygiene can be practised for hygienic reasons, ritual hands can be given, both with symbolic meaning. The first is the
reasons during religious ceremonies, and symbolic reasons in act of pouring water on the hands of the dead before cremation
specific everyday life situations (seeTable I.17.1). Judaism, Islam in order to demonstrate forgiveness to each other, between the
and Sikhism, for example, have precise rules for handwashing dead and the living. The second, on the occasion of the New
included in the holy texts and this practice punctuates several Year, is the young persons gesture of pouring some water over
crucial moments of the day. Therefore, a serious, practising the hands of elders to wish them good health and a long life.
believer is a careful observer of these indications, though
it is well known that in some cases, such as with Judaism, Culture might also be an influential factor whatever the religious
religion underlies the very culture of the population in such a background. In certain African countries (e.g. Ghana and
way that the two concepts become almost indistinguishable. some other West African countries) hand hygiene is commonly
As a consequence of this, even those who do not consider practised in specific situations of daily life according to some
themselves strong believers behave according to religious ancient traditions. For instance, hands must always be washed
principles in everyday life. However, it is very difficult to establish before raising anything to ones lips. In this regard, there is a
if inherent725 and elective725 behaviour in hand hygiene, deep- local proverb: when a young person washes well his hands,
seated in some communities, may influence HCWs attitude he eats with the elders. Furthermore, it is customary to provide
towards hand cleansing during health-care delivery. It is likely facilities for hand aspersion (a bowl of water with special leaves)
that those who are used to caring about hand hygiene in their outside the house door to welcome visitors and to allow them to
personal lives are more likely to be careful in their professional wash their face and hands before even enquiring the purpose of
lives as well, and to consider hand hygiene as a duty to their visit.
guarantee patient safety. For instance, in the Sikh culture, hand
hygiene is not only a holy act, but an essential element of daily Unfortunately, the above-mentioned hypothesis that community
life. Sikhs will always wash their hands properly with soap behaviour influences HCWs professional behaviour has been
and water before dressing a cut or a wound. This behaviour is corroborated by scanty scientific evidence until now (see also
obviously expected to be adopted by HCWs during patient care. Part I, Section 18). In particular, no data are available on the
A natural expectation, such as this one, could also facilitate impact of religious norms on hand hygiene compliance in
patients ability to remind the HCW to clean their hands without health-care settings where religion is very deep-seated. This is
creating the risk of compromising their mutual relationship. a very interesting area for research in a global perspective,
because this kind of information could be very useful to identify
Of the five basic tenets of Islam, observing regular prayer five the best components of a programme for hand hygiene
times daily is one of the most important. Personal cleanliness promotion. It could be established that, in some contexts,
is paramount to worship in Islam.763 Muslims must perform emphasizing the link between religious and health issues may
methodical ablutions before praying, and clear instructions are be very advantageous. Moreover, an assessment survey may
given in the Quran as to precisely how these should be carried also show that in populations with a high religious observance
out.768 The Prophet Mohammed always urged Muslims to wash of hand hygiene, compliance with hand hygiene in health
hands frequently and especially after some clearly defined tasks care will be higher than in other settings and, therefore, does
(Table I.17.1).769 Ablutions must be made in freely running (not not need to be further strengthened or, at least, education
stagnant) water and involve washing the hands, face, forearms, strategies should be oriented towards different aspects of hand
ears, nose, mouth and feet, three times each. Additionally, hair hygiene and patient care.
must be dampened with water. Thus, every observant Muslim
91 91

17.2 Hand gestures in different religions and cultures listed among the cardinal virtues in authoritative Hindu texts
(Bhagavadgita, Yoga Shastra of Patanjali). Furthermore, in
Hand use and specific gestures take on considerable the Jewish religion, the norm of washing hands immediately
significance in certain cultures.771 The most common popular after waking in the morning refers to the fact that during the
belief about hands, for instance in Hindu, Islam, and some night, which is considered one sixtieth of death, hands may
African cultures, is to consider the left hand as unclean have touched an impure site and therefore implies that dirt
and reserved solely for hygienic reasons, while it is thought can be invisible to the naked eye. Therefore, the concept of
culturally imperative to use the right hand for offering, receiving, dirt does not refer only to situations in which it is visible. This
eating, for pointing at something or when gesticulating. understanding among some HCWs may lead to a further need
to wash hands when they feel themselves to be impure and this
In the Sikh and Hindu cultures, a specific cultural meaning is may be an obstacle to the use of alcohol-based handrubs.
given to the habit of folding hands together either as a form of
greeting, as well as in prayer. The cultural issue of feeling cleaner after handwashing rather
than after handrubbing was recently raised within the context of
There are many hand gestures in Mahayana and Tibetan a widespread hand hygiene campaign in Hong Kong and might
Buddhism. In Theravada Buddhist countries, putting two hands be at the basis of the lack of long-term sustainability of the
together shaped like a lotus flower is representative of the flower excellent results of optimal hand hygiene compliance achieved
offered to pay respect to the Buddha, Dhamma (teaching) during the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome pandemic (W H
and Sangha (monk). Walking clockwise around the relic of the Seto, personal communication).
Buddha or stupa is also considered to be a proper and
positive form of respect towards the Buddha. Washing hands From a global perspective, the above considerations highlight
in a clockwise movement is suggested and goes well with the the importance of making every possible effort to consider the
positive manner of cheerful and auspicious occasions. concept of visibly dirty in accordance with racial, cultural and
Studies have shown the importance of the role of gesture in environmental factors, and to adapt it to local situations with an
teaching and learning and there is certainly a potential appropriate strategy when promoting hand hygiene.
advantage to considering this for the teaching of hand hygiene,
in particular, its representation in pictorial images for different
cultures.772,773 In multimodal strategies to promote hand hygiene, 17.4 Use of alcohol-based handrubs and alcohol
posters placed in key points in health-care settings have been prohibition by some religions
shown to be very effective tools to remind HCWs to cleanse
their hands.58,60 Efforts to consider specific hand uses and According to scientific evidence arising from efficacy and cost
gestures according to local customs in visual posters, including effectiveness, alcohol-based handrubs are currently considered
educational and promotional material, may help to convey the the gold standard approach. For this purpose, WHO
intended message more effectively and merits further research. recommends specific alcohol-based formulations taking into
account antimicrobial efficacy, local production, distribution,
and cost issues at country level worldwide (see also Part I,
17.3 The concept of visibly dirty hands Section 12).

Both the CDC guidelines 58 and the present WHO guidelines In some religions, alcohol use is prohibited or considered an
recommend that HCWs wash their hands with soap and water offence requiring a penance (Sikhism) because it is considered
when visibly soiled. Otherwise, handrubbing with an alcohol- to cause mental impairment (Hinduism, Islam) (Table I.17.1). As
based rub is recommended for all other opportunities for hand a result, the adoption of alcohol-based formulations as the gold
hygiene during patient care as it is faster, more effective, and standard for hand hygiene may be unsuitable or inappropriate
better tolerated by the skin. for some HCWs, either because of their reluctance to have
contact with alcohol, or because of their concern about
Infection control practitioners find it difficult to define precisely alcohol ingestion or absorption via the skin. Even the simple
the meaning of visibly dirty and to give practical examples denomination of the product as an alcohol-based formulation
while schooling HCWs in hand hygiene practices. In a could become a real obstacle in the implementation of WHO
transcultural perspective, it could be increasingly difficult to recommendations.
find a common understanding of this term. In fact, actually
seeing dirt on hands can be impeded by the colour of the skin: In some religions, and even within the same religious affiliation,
it is, for example, more difficult to see a spot of blood or other various degrees of interpretation exist concerning alcohol
proteinaceous material on very dark skin. Furthermore, in some prohibition. According to some other faiths, on the contrary, the
very hot and humid climates, the need to wash hands with problem does not exist (Table I.17.1). In general, in theory, those
fresh water may also be driven by the feeling of having sticky or religions with an alcohol prohibition in everyday life demonstrate
humid skin. a pragmatic vision which is followed by the acceptance of
the most valuable approach in the perspective of optimal
According to some religions, the concept of dirt is not strictly patient-care delivery. Consequently, no objection is raised
visual, but reflects a wider meaning which refers to interior and against the use of alcohol-based products for environmental
exterior purity.774,775 In some cultures, it may be difficult to train cleaning, disinfection, or hand hygiene. This is the most
HCWs to limit handwashing with soap and water to some rare common approach in the case of faiths such as Sikhism and
situations only. For instance, external and internal cleanliness Hinduism. For example, in a fundamental Hindu textbook, the
is a scripturally enjoined value in Hinduism, consistently
92 92

Shantiparvan, it is explicitly stated that it is not sinful to drink results indicate a very strong adoption of the strategy, including
alcohol for medicinal purposes. a preference for handrubbing instead of handwashing, which
has led to a significant increase of hand hygiene compliance
In Buddhism, obstacles to the use of alcohol in health care are among HCWs and a reduction of HCAI rates in ICUs.777 This
certainly present, but from a completely different perspective. example shows that positive attitudes to the medicinal benefits
According to the law of kamma, the act or the intention to kill of alcohol, coupled with a compassionate interpretation of
living creatures is considered a sinful act. As microorganisms Quranic teachings, have resulted in a readiness to adopt new
are living beings, killing them with an alcohol-based handrub hand hygiene policies, even within an Islamic Kingdom which is
may lead to demerit. According to Expositor (1:128), the five legislated by Sharia (Islamic law).
conditions for the act of killing are: a living being; knowledge
that it is a being; intention of killing; effort; and consequent The risk of accidental or intentional ingestion of alcohol-based
death. Nevertheless, considering that HCWs for the most part preparations is one of the arguments presented by sceptics
have good intentions in their work, namely, to protect patients concerning the introduction of these products because of
from pathogen transmission, the result of this sinful action does cultural or religious reasons. Even if this is a potential problem,
not bear heavy consequences. Therefore, when comparing it is important to highlight that only a few cases have been
a human patients life with a bacteriums life, most people reported in the literature.599,778-781 In specific situations, however,
adhering to the Buddhist kamma agree that a patients life is this unusual complication of hand hygiene should be considered
more valuable. Furthermore, according to Phra Depvethee, a and security measures planned to be implemented (see Part I,
Thai Buddhist monk and scholar, the consequences of killing Section 23.6.2). Another concern regarding the use of handrub
depends on the size and good contribution of that being.776 formulations by HCWs is the potential systemic diffusion of
alcohol or its metabolites following skin absorption or airborne
The Islamic tradition poses the toughest challenge to alcohol inhalation. Only a few anecdotal and unproven cases of alcohol
use. Fortunately, this is also the only context where reflection skin absorption leading to clinical symptoms are reported in the
on alcohol use in health care has begun. Alcohol is clearly literature.779,780 In contrast, reliable studies on human volunteers
designated as haram (forbidden) in Islam because it is a clearly demonstrate that the quantity of alcohol absorbed
substance leading to sukur, or intoxication leading to an altered following application is minimal and well below toxic levels for
state of mind. For Muslims, any substance or process leading to humans.599,782-784 In a study mimicking use in large quantities and
a disconnection from a state of awareness or consciousness (to at a high frequency,783 the cutaneous absorption of two alcohol-
a state in which she or he may forget her or his Creator) is called based handrubs with different alcohol components (ethanol
sukur, and this is haram. For this reason, an enormous taboo and isopropanol) was carefully monitored. Whereas insignificant
has become associated with alcohol for all Muslims. Some levels of ethanol were measured in the breath and serum of
Muslim HCWs may feel ambivalent about using alcohol-based a minority of participants, isopropanol was not detected (see
handrub formulations. However, any substance that man can Part I, Section 23.6.2). Finally, alcohol smell on skin may be an
manufacture or develop in order to alleviate illness or contribute additional barrier to handrubbing, and further research should
to better health is permitted by the Quran and this includes be conducted to eliminate this smell from handrub preparations.
alcohol used as a medical agent. Similarly, cocaine is permitted
as a local anaesthetic (halal, allowed) but is inadmissible as a
recreational drug (haram, forbidden). 17.5 Possible solutions

To understand Muslim HCWs attitudes to alcohol-based In addition to targeting areas for further research, possible
hand cleansers in an Islamic country, the experience solutions may be identified (Table I.17.2). For example, from
reported by Ahmed and colleagues at the King Abdul Aziz childhood, the inherent nature of hand hygiene which is
Medical City (KAAMC) in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, strongly influenced by religious habits and norms in some
is very instructive.770 At the KAAMC, the policy of using populations could be shaped in favour of an optimal elective
alcohol handrub is not only permitted, but has been actively behaviour towards hand hygiene. Indeed, some studies have
encouraged in the interest of infection control since 2003. No demonstrated that it is possible to successfully educate
difficulties or reluctance were encountered in the adoption of children of school age to practise optimal hand hygiene for
alcohol-containing hand hygiene substances. Though Saudi the prevention of common paediatric community-acquired
Arabia is considered to be the historic epicentre of Islam, no infections.449,454,785
state policy or permission or fatwa (Islamic religious edict)
were sought for approval of the use of alcohol-containing When preparing guidelines, international and local religious
handrubs, given that alcohol has long been a component authorities should be consulted and their advice clearly
present in household cleaning agents and other materials for reported. An example is the statement issued by the Muslim
public use, including perfume, without legislated restriction Scholars Board of the Muslim World League during the
within the Kingdom. In all these instances, the alcohol content Islamic Fiqh Councils 16th meeting held in Mecca, Saudi
is permitted because it is not for ingestion. In 2005, the Saudi Arabia, in January 2002: It is allowed to use medicines that
Ministry of Health pledged its commitment to the WHO Global contain alcohol in any percentage that may be necessary for
Patient Safety Challenge, and most hospitals across the country manufacturing if it cannot be substituted. Alcohol may be used
have joined in a national campaign implementing the WHO as an external wound cleanser, to kill germs and in external
multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy centred on the creams and ointments.786
use of alcohol-based handrub at the point of care. Given this
high level commitment, WHO selected hospitals in Saudi Arabia In hand hygiene promotion campaigns in health-care settings
in 2007 for the testing of the present Guidelines. Preliminary where religious affiliations prohibiting the use of alcohol are
93 93

represented, educational strategies should include focus

groups on this topic to allow HCWs to raise their concerns
openly regarding the use of alcohol-based handrubs, help
them to understand the scientific evidence underlying this
recommendation, and identify possible solutions to overcome
obstacles (Table I.17.2). Results of these discussions could
be summarized in an information leaflet to be produced and
distributed locally. It has been suggested to avoid the use of
the term alcohol in settings where the observance of related
religious norms is very strict and rather use the term antiseptic
handrubs. However, concealing the true nature of the product
behind the use of a non-specific term could be construed as
deceptive and considered unethical; further research is thus
needed before any final recommendation can be made.

Medical practices different from Western medicine, such as

traditional medicines, should be explored for further
opportunities to promote hand hygiene in different cultural
contexts. For instance, traditional Chinese medicine
practitioners are very open to the concept of hand hygiene.
During a usual traditional Chinese medicine consultation, both
inpatient and outpatient, there can be a vast array of direct
contacts with the patient. These include various kinds of
physical examination such as the routine taking of the pulse
and blood pressure for almost all patients, but may also involve
various kinds of massages and examination of the oral cavities
or other orifices, and contact can be often more intense than
in Western medicine. In this context, the potential for using
an alcohol-based handrub is tremendous for the practitioner,
given the high frequency of hand hygiene actions, and there is a
definite avenue for further research in this setting.

Finally, the opportunity to involve patients in a multimodal

strategy to promote hand hygiene in health care should be
carefully evaluated (see Part V). Despite its potential value, this
intervention through the use of alcohol-based handrubs may be
premature in settings where religious norms are taken literally;
rather, it could be a subsequent step, following the achievement
of awareness and compliance among HCWs.

94 94

Table I.17.1
Hand hygiene indications
Religion and
Specific alcohol prohibition
indications for hand in different religions
Type of Alcohol prohibition
hygiene cleansing a
Existence Reason Potentially
affecting use of

Buddhism After each meal H Yes It kills living Yes, but

organisms surmountable
To wash the hands of the deceased S (bacteria)

At New Year, young people pour S

water over elders hands

Christianity Before the consecration of bread R No No

and wine

After handling Holy Oil (Catholics) H

Hinduism During a worship ceremony (puja) R Yes It causes mental No

(water) impairment

End of prayer (water) R

After any unclean act (toilet) H

Before and after any meal H

Islam Repeating ablutions at least three R Yes It causes Yes, but

times with running water before disconnection from surmountable.
prayers (5 times a day) a state of spitritual Very advanced and
awareness or close scrutiny of
Before and after any meal H consciousness the problem

After going to the toilet H

After touching a dog, shoes or a H


After handling anything soiled H

Judaism Immediately after waking in the H No No


Before and after each meal H

Before praying R

Before the beginning of Shabbat R

After going to the toilet H

Orthodox After putting on liturgical R No No

Christianity vestments before beginning the

Before the consecration of bread R

and wine

Sikhism Early in the morning

H Yes Unacceptable Yes, but probably
Before every religious activity behaviour as surmountable
R disrespectful of the
Before cooking and entering the faith
community food hall H Considered as an
After each meal
After taking off or putting on shoes

95 95

H = hygienic; R = ritual; S = symbolic.

96 96

Table I.17.2
Religious and cultural aspects of hand hygiene in health care and potential impact and/or solutions

Topic Potential impact and/or solutions

Hand hygiene practices Both inherent and elective hand hygiene practices are deeply influenced by cultural and
religious factors

Area for research: potential impact of some religious habits on hand hygiene compliance
in health care

Hand gestures Consider specific gestures in different cultures to be represented in posters and other
promotional material for educational purposes in multimodal hand hygiene campaigns

The concept of visibly dirty hands Consider different skin colour, different perceptions of dirtiness and climiate variations
when educating HCWs on hand hygiene indications

Prohibition of alcohol use Consultation of local clergy and wise interpretation of holy texts

Focus groups on this topic within education strategies

Use of the most appropriate term for alcohol-based handrubs

Careful evaluation of patient involvement

Area for research: quantitative studies on potential toxicity of accidental ingestion and
inhalation or skin absorption of alcohol related to alcohol-based handrubs; elimination of
alcohol smell

Figure I.17.1
Most widely represented religions worldwide, 2005760

2.1 billion, 33

1.5 billion, 21%
9 14%

Judaism Ethno-Religions
14 Million, 2% 300 Million,

23 Million, 0.4%

Source: http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adherents.html, accessed 26 February 2009

97 97

Behavioural considerations

18.1 Social sciences and health behaviour (intrapersonal), interpersonal, or community levels. The social
cognitive models mentioned above deal with intrapersonal
Hand hygiene behaviour varies significantly among HCWs within and interpersonal determinants of behaviour. Among the
the same unit, institution494,656,688 or country,787 thus suggesting community-level models, the Theory of Ecological Perspective
that individual features could play a role in determining (also referred to as the Ecological Model of Behavioural
behaviour. Social psychology attempts to understand these Change) can successfully result in behavioural change. This
features, and individual factors such as social cognitive theory is based on two key ideas: (i) behaviour is viewed as
determinants may provide additional insight into hand hygiene being affected by and affecting multiple levels of influence; and
behaviour.724,767,788,789 (ii) behaviour both influences and is influenced by the social
environment. Levels of influence for health-related behaviour
and conditions include intrapersonal (individual), interpersonal,
18.1.1 Social cognitive variables institutional and community factors.758

Over the last quarter of the 20th century, it was stated that Intrapersonal factors are individual characteristics that influence
social behaviour could be best understood as a function behaviour such as knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and personality
of peoples perceptions rather than as a function of real life traits.These factors are contained in social cognitive
(objective facts, etc.).790 This assumption gave birth to several determinants.790
models which were based on social cognitive variables and
tried to better understand human behaviour. The determinants Interpersonal factors include interpersonal processes and
that shape behaviour are acquired through the socialization primary groups, i.e. family, friends and peers, who provide
process and, more importantly, are susceptible to change social identity, support and role definition. HCWs, like others in
for which reason they are the focus of behavioural models. In the wider community, can be influenced by or are influential in
other areas of health-care promotion, the application of social their social environments. Behaviour is often influenced by peer
cognitive models in intervention strategies has regularly resulted group pressure,688,732 which indicates that responsibilities for
in a change towards positive behaviour.790 Some of the so-called each HCWs individual group should be clearly recognized and
social cognitive models applied to evaluate predictors of health defined.
behaviour include: Health Belief Model (HBM); Health Locus of
Control (HLC); Protection Motivation Theory (PMT); Theory of Community factors are social networks and norms that exist
Planned Behaviour (TPB); and Self-efficacy Model (SEM). The either formally or informally between individuals, groups and
cognitive variables used in these models are: organizations. For example, in the hospital, the community level
would be the ward.758 Community-level models are frameworks
knowledge; for understanding how social systems function and change,
motivation; and how communities and organizations can be activated.
intention: a persons readiness to behave in a given way, The conceptual framework of community organization models
which is considered to be the immediate antecedent of is based on social networks and support, focusing on the
behaviour; active participation and development of communities that can
outcome expectancy: an individuals expectation that a help evaluate and solve health problems. Lower hand hygiene
given behaviour can counteract or increase a threat and rates in non-nursing staff during ward-specific observations
how one perceives the threat; may, in part, be the result of inconsistent influences from
perception of threat: based on the perceived risk/ the immediate social or community environment for those
susceptibility and the perceived severity of the doctors, student HCWs, and agency nursing staff who move
consequences; in and out or between subspecialities. Public policy factors
perceived behavioural control (self-efficacy): the perception include local policies that regulate or support practices for
that performance of a given behaviour is within ones disease prevention, control and management. The role of local
control; community-based communication through ward-based liaison
subjective norm: beliefs about the expectations of an or link infection control nurses should be considered when
important referent towards a given behaviour; 790,791 attempting to have HCWs adopt a core infection control policy.
behavioural norm: an individuals perception of the
behaviour of others;792 subjective and behavioural norms
represent the perceived social pressure towards a certain 18.1.3 Application of social sciences to the infection control
behaviour. field

Few studies have applied social sciences to assess HCWs

18.1.2 Modelling human behaviour behaviour related to infection control practices. Seto
identified three fields of study in the behavioural sciences
Current models and theories that help to explain human with some degree of relevance to the field of infection control:
behaviour, particularly as they relate to health education, can social psychology, organizational behaviour and consumer
be classified on the basis of being directed at the individual behaviour.788 By applying a basic concept from each field,
98 98

Seto and colleagues demonstrated the potential value of these years, probably beginning at the time of toilet training. They
theories to achieve staff compliance with different infection are patterns of a ritualized behaviour carried out to be, in the
control policies in the hospital.758,788,793 main, self-protective from infection. However, the drivers to
practise hand cleansing both in the community and in the
Social cognitive models have been applied to evaluate HCWs health-care setting are not overtly microbiologically based
cognitive determinants towards hand hygiene and appear seriously influenced by the emotional concepts of
behaviour335,729,731,732,794,795 and are discussed in the next section dirtiness and cleanliness.725,797 This same behaviour pattern
(Part I, Section 18.2). has previously been recognized in developing countries,798 and
Curtis & Biran have postulated that the emotion of disgust in
Curry & Cole796 applied the Theory of Ecological Perspective humans is an evolutionary protective response to environmental
and reported their experience in the medical and surgical factors that are perceived to pose a risk of infection.799 Yet in
ICUs in a large teaching hospital experiencing an increased most communities, this motivation results in levels of hand
patient colonization rate with VRE. Their intervention consisted hygiene that are, in microbiological terms, suboptimal for ideal
of a multifaceted approach to the problem, considering the protection. 800,801
five levels of influence (individual, interpersonal, institutional,
community, and administrative factors). They implemented An individuals hand hygiene behaviour is not homogenous
in-service education and developed references, policies, and and can be classified into at least two types of practice.725
programmes directed at each of the five levels of influence. The Inherent hand hygiene practice, which drives the majority of
Health Belief Model was employed for assessment of beliefs community and HCW hand hygiene behaviour, occurs when
and intervention design. The authors observed a significant hands are visibly soiled, sticky or gritty. Among nurses, this
decrease in the number of patients with active surveillance also includes occasions when they have touched a patient
cultures or clinical isolates positive for VRE within six months in who is regarded as unhygienic either through appearance,
both ICUs, and the benefit seemed to persist even two years age or demeanour, or after touching an emotionally dirty area
later. such as the axillae, groin or genitals.725 This inherent practice
appears to require subsequent handwashing with water or with
soap and water. The other element to hand hygiene behaviour,
18.2 Behavioural aspects of hand hygiene elective hand hygiene practice, represents those opportunities
for hand cleansing not encompassed in the inherent category.
The inability over two decades to motivate HCW compliance In HCWs, this component of hand hygiene behaviour would
with hand cleansing722,738 suggests that modifying hand hygiene include touching a patient such as taking a pulse or blood
behaviour is a complex task. Human health-related behaviour pressure, or having contact with an inanimate object around a
is the consequence of multiple influences from our biology, patients environment. This type of contact is similar to many
environment, education, and culture. While these influences common social interactions such as shaking hands, touching
are usually interdependent, some have more effect than for empathy, etc. As such, it does not trigger an intrinsic need
others; when the actions are unwise, they are usually the result to cleanse hands, although it may lead to hand contamination in
of trade-offs with acknowledged or denied consequences. the health-care environment with the risk of cross-transmission
Thus, this complexity of individual, institutional and community of organisms. It therefore follows that it is this component of
factors must be considered and investigated when designing hand hygiene which is likely to be omitted by busy HCWs.
behavioural interventions.720,724,732,789
Compliance with hand cleansing protocols is most frequently
Research into hand hygiene using behavioural theory investigated in nurses, as this group represents the majority of
has primarily focused on the individual, although this may HCWs in hospitals and the category of HCWs with the highest
be insufficient to effect sustained change. OBoyle and number of opportunities for hand hygiene. 59,60,656 However, it is
colleagues729 investigated the possible association of also well documented that doctors are usually less compliant
cognitive factors and nursing unit workload with hand hygiene with practices recommended for hand hygiene than are
compliance, the first-ever attempt using a well-established other HCWs.60,608,656 Yet these clinicians are possibly the peer
behavioural model. The three major motivating factors were facilitators of hand hygiene compliance for nurses,725 with
predictive of intention, and while intention related to self- different groups acting as peer facilitators for other HCWs.335,732
reported estimates of compliance, the relationship was not Behavioural modelling725 suggests that the major influence on
strong (r= 0.38). Intention to wash hands did not predict nurses handwashing practices in hospitals is the translation
observed handwashing behaviour. However, the intensity of of their community attitudes into the health-care setting. Thus,
activity of the nursing unit was significantly and negatively activities that would lead to inherent community handwashing
associated with observed adherence to hand hygiene similarly induce inherent handwashing in the health-care setting.
recommentations (r=-33). In a neonatal ICU, a perceived The perceived protective nature of this component of hand
positive opinion of a senior staff member towards hand hygiene hygiene behaviour means that it will be carried out whenever
and the perception of control over hand hygiene behaviour were nurses believe that hands are physically or emotionally soiled,
independently associated with the intention to perform hand regardless of barriers, and will require washing with water. This
hygiene among HCWs.731 Perceived behavioural control and model indicates that other factors including perceived behaviour
intention were significant predictors of hand hygiene behaviour of peers and other influential social groups, together with a
in another study.794 nurses own attitude towards hand hygiene, have much less
effect on inherent hand hygiene behavioural intent.725
Focus group data725 suggested that hand hygiene patterns
are likely to be firmly established before the age of 9 or 10
99 99

Elective community behaviour has been shown to have a major 18.2.1 Factors influencing behaviour
impact on nurses with regard to their intention to undertake
elective in-hospital hand cleansing. Other important facilitators Patterns of hand hygiene behaviour are developed and
of nurses electing to practise hand hygiene are attitude and established in early life. As most HCWs do not begin their
an expectation of compliance not by their nursing peers, but careers until their early twenties, improving compliance means
by doctors and administrators.725 Nurses and doctors were modifying a behaviour pattern that has already been practised
more likely to report high levels of compliance if they believed for decades and continues to be reinforced in community
that their own peer group also complied.732 Reduction in situations.
effort required to undertake hand hygiene has no influence on
inherent hand hygiene behaviour and only minimal impact on Self-protection: this is not invoked on a true microbiological
elective hand hygiene intent.725 Yet, the strongest predictor of basis, but on emotive sensations including feelings of
self-reported compliance by nurses and doctors who had unpleasantness, discomfort, and disgust. These sensations are
previously been exposed to hand hygiene campaigns was not normally associated with the majority of patient contacts
the belief that the practice was relatively easy to perform.732 within the health-care setting. Thus, intrinsic motivation to
Hand hygiene behaviour considered as being relatively easy to cleanse hands does not occur on these occasions.
perform is likely to be elective hand hygiene opportunities.
Whether the hand hygiene opportunity the HCW is presented
with is elective or inherent, the primary motivator to undertake 18.2.2 Potential target areas for improved compliance
it is self-protection.725 Therefore, future cognitive programmess
aiming to modify HCWs hand hygiene behaviour should Education. While HCWs must be schooled in how, when and
consider adjusting the benefits to include self-protection and why to clean hands, emphasis on the derivation of their
patient protection. community and occupational hand hygiene behaviour patterns
may assist in altering attitudes.
The nursing behaviour model predicts a positive influence by
senior administrators and doctors on the hand hygiene Motivation. Influenced by role modelling and perceived
compliance of nurses but, surprisingly, there was no influence peer pressure by senior medical, nursing, and administrative
by senior nurses on junior nurses. Lankford and colleagues 802 staff, motivation requires overt and continuing support
found that poor hand hygiene practices in senior medical and of hand hygiene as an institutional priority by the hospital
nursing staff could provide a negative influence on others, while administration.789 This will, in due course, act positively at both
Pittet and colleagues 335 reported that doctors perception of the individual and organizational levels. Such support must
being role models to other colleagues had a positive influence be embedded in an overall safety climate directed by a top-
on their compliance, independent of system constraints and level management committee, with visible safety programmes,
hand hygiene knowledge. an acceptable level of work stress, a tolerant and supportive
attitude towards reported problems, and a belief in the efficacy
All influences in the model for nursing hand hygiene behaviour725 of preventive strategies.
act independently of behavioural intent. This suggests that the
effective component of the Geneva programme,60 which has
demonstrated significantly improved and sustained hand Reinforcement of appropriate hand hygiene behaviour
hygiene compliance over a period of several years.60,490 was
not only the introduction of an alcohol-based handrub per se, Cues to action such as cartoons and even alcohol-based rub
but were those components of the programme that directly itself appropriately located at the point of care should continue
promoted the desired behaviour: peer support from high-level to be employed.
hospital administrators and clinicians789 and the perception that
ones colleagues adherence behaviour was good.732 Patient empowerment. While involvement of patients in hand
hygiene programmes for HCWs has been demonstrated to be
Results of a behaviour modification at an organizational level effective 803-806 and also incorporated in a national programme, 807
further support these conclusions. Larson and colleagues713 one campaign found less than a third of patients and public
described a significant increase in handwashing compliance in a wanted to be involved.808 Further study of the approach
teaching hospital sustained over a 14-month period. The focus of engaging the public is required before its widespread
of this behaviour-based programme was directed to induce an application will result in acceptance. Possible obstacles to be
organizational cultural change towards optimal handwashing addressed include cultural constraints, the barrier of patient
with senior clinical and administrative staff overtly supporting dependency on caregivers, and the lack of applicability of this
and promoting the intervention. tactic to ventilated, unconscious and/or seriously ill patients
who are often at most risk of cross-infection. 656 Furthermore,
The dynamic of behavioural change is complex and whether patients reminding HCWs that they have to clean their
multifaceted.60,713,725,789 It involves a combination of education, hands before care would interfere with the patientcaregiver
motivation, and system change.789 Wide dissemination of hand relationship remains to be properly assessed in different
hygiene guidelines alone is not sufficient motivation for a change sociocultural and care situations.
in hand hygiene behaviour.728 With our current knowledge, it
can be suggested that programmes to improve hand hygiene
compliance in HCWs cannot rely solely on awareness, but must
take into account the major barriers to altering an individuals
pre-existing hand hygiene behaviour.
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System change 18.2.3 Research implementation

Structural. As successful behavioural hand hygiene promotion Confirmation of behavioural determinants of hand hygiene in all
programmes induce increased compliance, the convenience other health-care occupational groups and in varying ethnic and
and time-saving effects of cosmetically acceptable alcohol- professional groups is essential to ensure that these findings are
based handrubs will prove of further benefit. However, inherent constant and the implications that flow from them are universally
hand hygiene behaviour will always persist and will continue relevant.
to require handwashing with water and soap; hence, the
accessibility of sinks must still be carefully considered. The impact in practice of each behavioural factor influencing
hand hygiene must be carefully measured and considered, so
Philosophical. Heightened institutional priority for hand hygiene as to design cost-effective motivational programmes suitable for
will require that a decision be made, at least at the organizational both high- and low-resource health-care settings.
level as for many social behaviours, as to whether these other
promotional facets of hand hygiene are then supported by law or
marketing. Rewards and/or sanctions for acceptable or
unacceptable behaviour may prove necessary
and effective in both the short and long term, given both the
duration of pre-existing hand hygiene behaviour inappropriate
to the health-care setting and its continued reinforcement in
the community. This approach has been successfully applied in
many countries to other public health issues such as smoking
and driving under the influence of alcohol, but further studies
are necessary to assess its application to hand hygiene
promotion. Alternatively, the philosophy of marketing may be
considered; such an approach takes particular consideration of
self-interest, which may be extremely pertinent given that self-
protection continues to be the primary motivational force behind
all hand hygiene practice. The value of active participation at
the institutional level and its impact on HCWs compliance with
hand hygiene have been demonstrated in several studies.60,651,713

Patterns of hand hygiene both in the community and in health

care represent a complex, socially entrenched and ritualistic
behaviour. It is thus not surprising that single interventions have
failed to induce a sustained improvement in HCW behaviour.
Multi-level, multimodal and multidisciplinary strategies,
responding to these behavioural determinants, would seem to
hold most promise. 59,60,684,789

10 10
1 1

Organizing an educational programme
to promote hand hygiene

Education of HCWs is an inherent component of the work of the infection control team. Through education, the
infection control team can influence inappropriate patient-care practices and induce improved ones. Traditionally,
a formal education programme is relied on to introduce new infection control policies successfully in health
care. It is now recognized that for hand hygiene, however, education alone may not be sufficient. There are also
reports that a unique teaching session is unlikely to be successful and, even after positive change is noted, it
might not be maintained.705,809 HCWs attitudes and compliance with hand hygiene are extremely complex and
multifactorial,738,750,789,810,811 and studies indicate that a successful programme would have to be multidisciplinary
and multifaceted. 684,701,750,767

Education is important and critical for success and represents This offers a distinct advantage because studies have shown
one of the cornerstones for improvement of hand hygiene that guidelines are in themselves an effective means of
practices.812 It is therefore an essential component of the WHO influencing behaviour regarding infection control. 832 However,
multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy together the wide dissemination of guidelines alone is insufficient to
with other elements, in particular, the building of a strong and change clinical practice.728 It is important to realize that HCWs
genuine institutional safety culture which is inherently linked compliance can be extremely low when guidelines are simply
to education. The reasons why education is important can be circulated down the hospital hierarchy: research indicates
summarized as follows. that the compliance rate can be as low as 20%.793 When
monitored, compliance with MRSA precautions was only 28%
Successful hand hygiene programmes reported in the literature in a teaching hospital 833 ; compliance was as low as 8% during
inevitably have an educational component.60,651,676,684,813,814 They the evening shift and 3% during the night shift. The success of
are not all consistently successful and their impact is not always the implementation process depends on the effectiveness of the
sustainable. Some 811 appear to have only a short-term influence, education programme, and careful planning is essential.
particularly the one-time educational interventions.666,705,740,809 It is
important to emphasize that educational programmes alone are If a formal education programme is organized to introduce the
inadequate for long-lasting improvement, and other behaviour- guidelines, the effects would be more assured, especially when
modifying strategies must be included in a multifaceted there is firm administrative support.728 The programme must
approach in order to achieve change. 657,684,701,750,767,809,815,816 be well designed701 and the use of a prepackaged educational
There is also clear evidence that adequate physical facilities toolkit will aid uptake.1,834,835 The WHO Implementation Toolkit
for hand cleansing could affect the success of the programme (available at http://www.who.int/gpsc/en/) offers a blueprint
itself and must certainly be in place.335,810,817 However, these for practitioners interested in hand hygiene improvement.836
considerations do not negate the critical role of the formal In this section, guidance is given on the planning process of
education programme for achieving better adherence to hand the education programme, together with a guideline review
hygiene. scheme that could help in developing an effective strategy for
Surveys and studies on HCWs have shown that valid
information and knowledge about hand hygiene do influence
good practices.335,814,818-820 This is consistent with the finding 19.1 Process for developing an educational
that informational power is the most influential social power programme when implementing guidelines
in infection control. 821 An educational programme providing
accurate and pertinent facts is therefore indispensable for It is important that all audiences are considered when
success. developing and implementing educational programmes.
Inclusion of the elements suggested in this section should
Educational programmes have been reported as an essential be promoted in all settings, including in undergraduate
ingredient for success in other infection control strategies, programmes.
including the control of ventilator-associated pneumonia 822-825
reducing needlestick injuries,826 and the implementation of Prerequisite conditions: submitting a customized guideline
isolation precautions.423,827 There are also reports on the according to updated knowledge; local resources and goals for
effective use of education for hand hygiene promotion strategies endorsement; and instructions for implementation.
outside the acute hospital care setting.449,828-830 It is important,
therefore, to continue to use the formal education programme 1. Customize the recommendations to meet the requirements
as one feature of the implementation strategy for hand hygiene of the health-care facility. The central part of this scheme is a
improvement in health care. method for reviewing guidelines before implementation. 837,838
Following this review, the infection control team will obtain
It is noteworthy that robust hand hygiene guidelines are now essential information for the formulation of the education
available for infection control teams around the world. 58,831 programme (Figure I.19.1). An infection control guideline
10 10
2 2

consists generally of a list of recommendations on appropriate Many techniques788,839 for persuasion, such as the use of
patient-care practices. In the education programme, instead opinion leaders758 and participatory decision-making have been
of covering all the recommendations in a similar fashion for all described, and successful application in the health-care facility
categories of HCWs, a better strategy is to focus on patient- context has been reported.788,839 The use of these persuasion
care practices that require adaptations, particularly those interventions could be time-consuming and should be reserved
that would meet resistance from HCWs. The review scheme only for programmes requiring attitude change, i.e. the non-
seeks to anticipate the educational needs so that the infection established practice (HCW resistance) recommendations.
control team can plan accordingly. This might highlight some
of the recommendations that are deemed to be critically
important for success or, on the other hand, choose to exclude 19.1.1 Categorization of recommendations in the guidelines
recommendations that are not relevant for the institution. The in order to identify educational needs
document should provide specific information such as the
actual person to contact for queries and the precise location (i) Established practice. A policy for the practice is already
of the supply of hand antisepsis products. A final draft of the present in the institution or is already standard practice.
guideline will often require endorsement for implementation An example is the washing of hands that are visibly dirty
from the management of the institution or from the infection or contaminated with proteinaceous material, or are
control committee. Importantly, institutional experts need to be visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids. Even without
knowledgeable about evidence-based information regarding an official guideline for hand hygiene, many health-care
hand hygiene. facilities will usually already have such a practice in place.

2. Categorize all recommendations into the four types of (ii) Non-established practice (easy implementation). It is
practice described below in Section 19.1.1. This task should expected that HCWs would agree with the rationale
be performed with the help of a panel of experienced HCWs in of the recommendation and also that resources for
the institution. It is recommended that a senior infection control implementation, if needed, are already in place. Therefore,
professional in the hospital conducts the initial review.837 Other the practice should be easily implemented by the usual
senior nurses in the institution should also be coopted for this educational programme of in-service lectures or posters.
exercise. Using this scheme, studies have shown that front-line An example is hand antisepsis before inserting peripheral
senior nurses in the hospital are accurate in predicting actual vascular catheters or other invasive devices, as most
practices on the wards. A survey comparing their predictions HCWs will not object to such a reasonable practice. Azjen
with practices reported on the wards showed a significant & Fishbein have shown that, under such circumstances,
correlation.837 the desired behaviour will often follow the intent.840 Studies
(a) work with the institution to provide the necessary resources have shown that where there is agreement for a patient-
for non-established practices detailed in the care practice, a standard educational programme of
recommendations (lack of resources). The infection control lectures or posters will be effective.793
team must ensure that these resources are actually
available for the wards when the guideline is introduced. (iii) Non-established practice (difficult implementation: lack of
resources). For this category, it is anticipated that
(b) identify reasons for HCW resistance to non-established implementation would be difficult mainly because of the
practice (HCW resistance). The easiest method will be lack of resources. An example is the need to provide a
to convene a focus group consisting of HCWs from the sufficient supply of alcohol-based handrub for use in
relevant wards. Discussions can be followed, if necessary, areas of high workload and high-intensity patient care so
by a simple survey of the key issues identified by the that it is available at the entrance to the patients room or
focus group. It is also worth while to gather information on at the bedside and other convenient locations. A list of
the determinants of good adherence to hand hygiene so such resources should be compiled for the new guideline,
that these points can be emphasized in the educational and the infection control team must ensure that these
programme. A good example of such research is reported materials are in place before launching the implementation
by Sax and colleagues.732 programme.

3. Measure baseline rates before the introduction of the new (iv) Non-established practice (difficult implementation: HCW
guideline. The infection rate may be included, but by itself it may resistance). Implementation is difficult in this category
be difficult to document improvement because large numbers because HCW resistance is expected to be high. An
are usually needed. Other structural, process or outcome example is the recommendation for hand antisepsis after
indicators may be measured, and it is also pragmatic to obtain glove removal as many HCWs may consider their hands to
the compliance rate or evidence of behavioural change. This be clean, having been protected by the wearing of gloves.
involves assessing the level of several key practices before The successful implementation of the new guideline usually
introduction of the guideline, e.g. observations for hand hygiene hinges on this category of non-established practices (HCW
compliance rates before and after patient contact, or the resistance). Disagreement from HCWs is anticipated, and a
amount of antisepsis product used in the institution. programme of persuasion is needed to institute the required
change. It will be worth while for the infection control
4. Formulate and execute an educational programme focusing team to understand the reasons for resistance, and both
on the resistance factors of non-established practice (HCW quantitative and qualitative studies may be required to elicit
resistance). Presenting a standardized technique for hand these factors. Special studies or surveys may be carried
hygiene such as the five moments will be an advantage.1 out on the various barriers to hand hygiene that have been
10 10
3 3

identified in the literature. After understanding the reasons required, which may preclude the use of e-learning in resource-
for resistance, a special behavioural change strategy might poor facilities.843,844 To conceive and construct an e-learning
also be adopted to implement these practices788,839 (see module is a very time-consuming task requiring specific
Part I, Sections 18 and 20). competences by the trainer. 845 However, this form of distance
learning ultimately reduces the time and energy investment
by the teacher and is very advantageous for easily monitoring
19.2 Organization of a training programme the learning process 844. Successful e-learning programmes in
medical and care domains have recently been described, 845,846
An educational programme is intended to raise awareness, build with one used in association with traditional training (blended-
knowledge, and help to remind about critical issues and ways learning). In building a curriculum, it is recommended to
of focusing on them. A promotional programme should include a consider e-learning as a pedagogic approach including
specific training programme if the aim is the development of core instruction, social construction, and cognitive, emotional and
competencies (i.e. a system of conceptual and procedural behavioural perspectives, also encompassing the contextual
knowledge allowing the identification and the efficient resolution perspective by facilitating interaction with other people.
of a problem).841 Although HCWs are expected to perform hand E-learning should be a strategy that complements the classic
hygiene, theoretically a very simple act, the contextual sequence teaching methods and remains associated to them.
of care is often complex, and hand hygiene does not always fall
naturally within the care flow. Ideally, hand hygiene should be an The focus group technique is well adapted to the subject of
automated behaviour that the HCW is able to analyse and adjust hand hygiene. It considers the complexity of an expected
according to each specific care situation. behaviour, depending on several multi-influenced aspects (such
as perception, attitude, beliefs) independent of the existing
An optimal training programme must be tailored to the target knowledge before developing a training intervention. The
audience, its skills, and requisite capacities. It should focus qualitative research of focus groups may help in tailoring the
on different objectives covering the three learning domains training aimed at improving hand hygiene.684,731,847
known as Blooms taxonomy842 affective, psychomotor,
cognitive which are designed to facilitate learning, training, Visual demonstration of the effectiveness of hand hygiene with
and evaluation. As part of a promotional project, training should the fingerprint imprint method72 or the use of a fluorescent dye 814
include not only educational content (Table I.19.1), but also during practical sessions seems to have a strong impact on
strategies for promoting, teaching, practising, and assessing persuading HCWs of the importance of hand hygiene.
practice performance. Teaching and training strategies should
aim at progressive educational objectives and preferably In many studies, promoting hand hygiene through a multimodal
facilitate different ways of learning; lessons learnt should strategy including feedback of local data on HCAI and hand
be used to strengthen and sustain awareness and practice hygiene practices was an essential element of educational
improvement. The training programme should reach out to each sessions and constituted the basis for motivating staff to
individual in the target audience and include refresher sessions improve their performance. 60,494,657,663,714,716
to update knowledge. A variety of educational methods should
be used. Among these, the proven instructional effectiveness To facilitate the process of starting the project and its following
of five pedagogic methods can be identified: 1) presentation of implementation activities.705,820,834, it is very important to ensure
the topic by a traditional lecture accompanied by one or several that training sessions are accompanied and supported by
other methods (e.g. interactive whiteboards, mind mapping, educational material such as a guideline summary, leaflets,
video); 2) demonstration: the trainer shows how to perform brochures, information sheets, and flipcharts.
a certain procedure, assists the trainee in its performance, and
asks the trainee to explain the procedure; 3) interaction: based The present WHO guidelines are accompanied by educational
on his/her expected background (knowledge, acquired mastery material to convey the key recommendations and support
of a given topic), the trainee establishes links and builds training activities. The WHO Implementation Toolkit includes
knowledge starting from a specific question; 4) discovery: a an extensive range of tools for education, including a slide
problem-solving approach where the trainee is asked to find presentation; a brochure summarizing why, when, and
the information needed to solve the problem, but without any how to perform hand hygiene; a leaflet containing the core
previous lecture on the topic; and 5) experiment: the trainee is recommendations of the guidelines; a practical pocket leaflet;
stimulated to evaluate his/her personal experience in practical and a training film. All these educational tools are centred on
situations and learn from these. The more the methods the concepts of the Five moments for hand hygiene and the
are integrated into the training programme, the more the correct technique to perform hand hygiene; they are intended
programme will relate to each trainee, respond to various needs, to be used as a basis for training the trainers, observers and
and help to build the competence required. HCWs, following local adaptation if required. Figure I.19.1 shows
the different educational methods that can be used for each
Although training sessions usually require the systematic category of recommendations.
presence of both the trainer and the trainee, some new
perspectives are offered by e-learning, i.e. learning where
the medium of instruction is computer technology. E-learning 19.3 The infection control link health-care worker
offers considerable flexibility in time, space, and selection of
curricula and content which may be particularly useful if a large Research has indicated that the effect of a formal education
HCW population has to be trained.843 Basic computer skills programme for infection control would be significantly improved
and easy access to a personal computer and the Internet are when front-line ward HCWs have been recruited to participate in
10 10
4 4

the education programme for the guideline.758,848 The infection Table I.19.1
control link HCW programme is an attempt to apply this Contents of educational and training programme
principle in practice and has been widely used to assist in the for health-care workers
implementation of guidelines in health-care facilities.849
Global burden of health care-associated infections
In the infection control link HCW programme, a senior member
Global Patient Safety Challenge
of staff is appointed from each hospital ward from the pool
of HCW staff presently working in that clinical area. She or Morbidity, mortality, and costs associated with HCAIs
he becomes the ward or department representative assisting
the infection control team in implementing new policies Transmission of pathogens
in the institution. The position of the infection control link HCW is Routes of transmission
generally a voluntary assignment without monetary
remuneration, and the HCW is under no obligation to accept the Consequences for the patient and the HCW (colonization and
appointment. Special training must be provided for the infection infections)
control link HCW so that she or he can be the person on the Strategy to prevent the transmission of pathogens
spot to enhance compliance with guidelines.
Standard precautions
The infection control link HCW could be enlisted to participate in Hand hygiene
the educational programme of the hand hygiene guideline, and
could help to identify the reasons for resistance to the non- Care-associated precautions
established practice (HCW resistance) recommendations. An
Indications for hand hygiene
initial educational session should be organized for the infection
control link HCWs before the launch of the formal programme Concept of health-care area and patient zone
for the entire institution. They could then begin preparing their
My five moments for hand hygiene
wards for better acceptance of the guideline. Subsequently, in
the institutionwide, formal educational programme, they could Hand hygiene agents and procedures:
also be present to assist in providing comments and answering Care of hands
questions, especially for HCWs who are from their clinical areas. Glove use

Other innovative methods should also be explored. For

instance, a recent paper reported that the use of an electronic
voice prompt is effective in enhancing practice.699 Social
marketing has also been proposed as a possible new approach Figure I.19.1
to enhance compliance in infection control, and perhaps it Scheme for effective education approaches and
may be applicable for the implementation of the hand hygiene implementation of a new guideline
programme 850 (see Part I, Section 20.3). Indeed, adherence

to guidelines is critical for the success of the entire field New guidelines Implementation
of infection prevention and control, and not only for hand methods
hygiene. Therefore, organizing an effective formal educational
programme requires considerable time and effort, but it remains
essential to effect changes in staff behaviour.

Non-established Established Announcement

practices practices and

Easy Used education

Implementation programme
e.g. lectures and

Difficult Provide
implementation resources
lack of resources

Difficult Special
implementation persuasion and
HCW resistance behavioural
change strategy
10 10
5 5

Formulating strategies for hand hygiene

20.1 Elements of promotion strategies Audits of hand hygiene practices (see also Part III, Section
1.1) and performance feedback have comprised several
Targets for the promotion of hand hygiene are derived from multifaceted promotion campaigns and are valued as one of
studies assessing risk factors for non-adherence, reported the most effective strategies.60,334,651,657,665,676,684,686,687,715,716,738,858
reasons for the lack of adherence to recommendations, and Two studies have reported a very positive impact on hand
additional factors perceived as important to facilitate appropriate hygiene attributable to feedback performance.666,676 Conversely,
HCW behaviour (see also Part I, Section 16.3). Although some these results should be viewed with caution. In one study,666
factors cannot be modified (Table I.20.1), others are definitely no statistical evaluation is provided and the very low number
amenable to change. Based on the studies and successful of observed opportunities during the three surveys precludes
experiences in some institutions described below, it appears further conclusions. Tibballs and colleagues 676 showed an
that strategies to improve adherence to hand hygiene practices extraordinary improvement after feedback of hand hygiene
should be multimodal and multidisciplinary. practices. One of the caveats in this study is that baseline
compliance was obtained by covert observation and the
The last 20 years have shown an increasing interest in the subsequent survey was overtly performed, which might have
subject and many intervention studies aimed at identifying favoured better results.335
effective strategies to promote hand hygiene have been
connducted.60,217,334,429,485,486,613,648,651,663,666,667,670,680,682,684,686,687,713, The change in system from the time-consuming
Recent studies have further enriched the scientific handwashing practice to handrub with an alcohol-
literature.140,428,493,494,655,657,694,698,699,701,705,707-710,715-718,728,853 In general, based preparation has revolutionized hand hygiene
most studies differed greatly in their duration and intervention practices, and is now considered the standard of care. 58
approach. Moreover, the outcome measure of hand hygiene Several studies show a significant increase in hand
compliance varied in terms of the definition of a hand hygiene hygiene compliance after the introduction of handrub
opportunity and assessment of hand hygiene by means of direct solutions. 60,140,334,428,429,485,486,494,613,645,682,686,687,698,701,707,717,718,855
observation 60,217,334,485,486,494,572,613,645,651,657,663,666,667,670,680,682,686,687,701,
or consumption of hand hygiene products, 60,334,429,486,494,71 Of note, handrub promotion with an alcohol-based preparation
making comparison difficult, if not impossible. only started to be tested in intervention studies during the
Despite different methodologies, most interventions have been late 1990s. In most of these studies, baseline hand hygiene
associated with an increase in hand hygiene compliance, compliance was below 50%, and the introduction of handrubs
but a sustainable improvement demonstrated by a follow- was associated with a significant improvement in hand hygiene
up evaluation of two years or more after implementation compliance. In contrast, in the two studies with baseline
has rarely been documented. 60,490,494,657,714,715,717,718 Most compliance equal to or higher than 60%,613,682 no significant
studies used multiple strategies, which included: HCWs increase was observed. These findings may suggest that high
education, 60,140,334,429,485,486,613,651,663,666,667,670,676,682,684,686,687,698,705,707,708, profile settings may require more specifically targeted strategies
performance feedback, 60,334,485,486,651,657,663,666, to achieve further improvement.
use of automated sinks, and/or Most studies conducted to test the effectiveness of hand
introduction of an alcohol-based handrub. 429,485,486,494,645,651,682,686, hygiene promotion strategies were multimodal and used a
Similarly, these elements are the quasi-experimental design, and all but one713 used internal
most frequently represented in the national campaigns recently comparison. Consequently, the relative efficacy of each of these
initiated in many countries worldwide. 857 components remains to be evaluated.

Lack of knowledge of guidelines for hand hygiene combined HCWs necessarily evolve within a group, which functions within
with an unawareness of hand hygiene indications during an institution. It appears that possible targets for improvement
daily patient care and the potential risks of transmission of in hand hygiene behaviour not only include factors linked to the
microorganisms to patients constitute barriers to hand individual, but also those related to the group and the institution
hygiene compliance. Lack of awareness of the very low average as a whole.494,715,724,738,789 Examples of possible targets for hand
adherence rate to hand hygiene of most HCWs and lack of hygiene promotion at the group level include education and
knowledge about the appropriateness, efficacy and use of hand performance feedback on hand hygiene adherence, efforts to
hygiene and skin care protection agents determine poor hand prevent high workloads (i.e. downsizing and understaffing), and
hygiene performance.738 To overcome these barriers, education encouragement and role modelling from key HCWs in the unit.
is one of the cornerstones of improvement in hand hygiene At the institutional level, targets for improvement are the lack of
practices. 58,60,140,334,429,485,486,613,648,651,663,666,667,670,676,682,684,686,687,698,705, written guidelines, available or suitable hand hygiene agents,
However, lack of knowledge of skin care promotion/agents or hand hygiene facilities, lack of
infection control measures has been repeatedly shown after culture or tradition of adherence, and the lack of administrative
training.789 leadership, sanctions, rewards or support. Enhancing individual
and institutional attitudes regarding the feasibility of making
10 10
6 6

changes (self-efficacy), obtaining active participation at both settings. These recommendations balance formal evidence with
levels, and promoting an institutional safety climate all represent consensus regarding each specific intervention.
major challenges that go well beyond the current perception of
the infection control professionals usual role. The second step is to perform an assessment (see also Part
III, Section 1) to determine whether these practices are indeed
Table I.20.1 reviews published strategies for the promotion of being performed. This assessment need not be exhaustive.
hand hygiene in hospitals and indicates whether these require Sampling strategies should be employed. For example, was
education, motivation or system change. Some of the strategies hand hygiene practised after the next 10 patient contacts in
may be unnecessary in certain circumstances, but may be the dispensary or ward when monitored one day a week over a
helpful in others. In particular, changing the hand hygiene one-month period? What percentage of bedsides had a filled,
agent could be beneficial in institutions or hospital wards with a operative alcohol dispenser present at 07:00 on one day, 12:00
high workload and a high demand for hand hygiene when on another day, and 18:00 on a third? For each recommended
alcohol-based handrub is not available.182,185,656,859 A change in high-priority intervention, determine whether:
the recommended hand hygiene agent could be deleterious,
however, if introduced during winter in the northern hemisphere the practice is being performed rarely, or not at all;
at a time of higher hand skin irritability and, in particular, if the practice is being performed, but not reliably (for
not accompanied by skin care promotion and availability of example, hand hygiene is performed on leaving a patients
protective cream or lotion. bedside less than 90% of the time);
the practice is well established and is performed reliably (for
More research is needed on whether increased education, example, at least 90% of the time).
individual reinforcement technique, appropriate rewarding,
administrative sanction, enhanced self-participation, active Clearly, if a practice is being performed reliably, it is not
involvement of a larger number of organizational leaders, necessary to have a major education campaign or quality
enhanced perception of health threat, self-efficacy, and improvement intervention. Simple continuing education
perceived social pressure,720,724,751,789,860 or combinations of these and reinforcement together with monitoring to ensure that
factors would improve HCWs adherence to hand hygiene. performance has not deteriorated should suffice. For practices
Ultimately, adherence to recommended hand hygiene practices that are not being performed at all, or should be performed
should become part of a culture of patient safety where a set more reliably, consider answers to the following questions in
of interdependent elements of quality interact to achieve the deciding how to prioritize and focus education and improvement
shared objective. 861,862 work:

It is important to note, however, that the strategies proposed in Do we agree, and can we convince others, that the practice
Table I.20.1 reflect studies conducted mainly in developed really is important and is supported by sufficient evidence
countries. Whether their results can be generalized to different or consensus?
backgrounds for implementation purposes still needs further Is implementation likely to be easy and timely (e.g. will
research. HCWs resist, are there key opinion leaders who will object,
will a long period of culture change be required)?
Do we have the resources to implement the practice now,
20.2 Developing a strategy for guideline and if not, are we likely to obtain the resources (e.g. a
implementation reliable supply of alcohol at a price we can afford)?
Is change within our own power, and if not, what would be
Most guidelines, including the present document, contain a required to be successful (e.g. will success require a
relatively large number of recommendations that vary in their change in policy by the government, or the development of
degree of supporting evidence and importance in preventing a reliable, high-quality source for required materials)?
infection. Moreover, some recommendations focus on
interrupting the transmission of pathogens from patient to If possible, try to implement the high priority practices as a
patient, while others focus on preventing contamination of bundle, emphasizing that the greatest impact can be expected
intravenous catheters and other devices with the patients own if all of the practices are performed reliably. Experience
microbial flora. Because of the complexity and scope of these has demonstrated that this bundled approach catalyses
recommendations, prioritization is critical to achieve rapid breakthrough levels of improvement and fundamental change
improvement. These strategic priorities should guide education in attitude and practice in infection control (see, for example,
and guideline implementation. the 5 Million Lives campaign at www.ihi.org).863 Educational
programmes are easier to design and digest if they have a
The first step is to choose the specific recommendations that coherent theme and emphasize a limited number of critical
are most likely to result in fundamental change if practised points. In addition, competency checks and compliance
reliably (in other words, performed correctly almost all the monitoring are simplified.
time). Consideration should be given to the specific site
and complexity of local health-care delivery, as well as the The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO)
cultural norms that are in play. These guidelines provide has produced a series of recommendations for successful
recommendations on a package (so-called bundle) of implementation based on four published systematic
interventions that are most likely to have the largest impact on reviews; 864-867 a summary is presented in Table I.20.2. The
preventing infection in a wide variety of health-care delivery RNAO goes on to suggest that consideration of the different
needs and state of readiness of each target group should
10 10
7 7

be assessed early in the planning stages, citing for example, A marketing strategy can be developed by making use of the
that implementation approaches for doctors and nurses may renowned marketing mix known as the 4 Ps (product, price,
require different methods. Acknowledging the context and promotion, and place).873 These are considered as the basic
culture into which a guideline will be implemented is important building blocks of the marketing mix because they are deduced
in attaining stickiness (i.e. capacity to stick in the minds of from four generic conditions for any commercial exchange to
the target public and influence its future behaviour) and assuring come about:
successful implementation, 868,869 Curran and colleagues 870
reinforce this, by suggesting that local participation and existence of a tangible or intangible exchange goods
contextualization of implementation interventions is key to (product);
adoption and sustainability. at least two parties willing to exchange goods of reciprocal
value (price);
The WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy and communication about the existence and quality of the
tools for implementation are detailed in Part I, Section 21. exchange goods (promotion);
an interaction in the physical world to deliver the goods
20.3 Marketing technology for hand hygiene
promotion Along with the traditional 4 Ps, we propose a fifth, persistence,
to stress the need for specific actions that lead to sustainability
In the commercial world, marketing appears to be an efficient in hand hygiene promotion. Explanation of these 5 Ps and
and essential technology, judging by the amount of expenditure examples of their application in social marketing with regard
dedicated to it. Even if a strange idea at first, looking at hand to hand hygiene promotion are shown in Table I.20.4. The 5
hygiene promotion through a marketers eyes could help Ps constitute a very powerful and actionable checklist when
to overcome the dead end of a more traditional, moralistic engaging in a promotional endeavour.
approach. It would be an error to reduce marketing to simply
advertising. Marketing governs all activities that link the product The evolution of marketing science goes in the direction
to the consumer and includes components such as market of societal marketing, relationship marketing, and viral
research, product design, packaging, vendor channels, product marketing to gain greater effect and sustainability. The Internet
placing and long-term relationships with customers. Marketing brought a new edge to this movement with intercustomer
strategies are based on knowledge from psychology, sociology, networks and individualized two-way relationships between
engineering and economics. Applying marketing to the non- customers and the industry. Why should hand hygiene
commercial field is not an entirely new concept. Since Philip advocacy not also profit from this evolution and continue to
Kotler introduced the idea of social marketing 871 in the 1970s, the assimilate new concepts of marketing as they are developed by
concept has been applied successfully in preventive medicine, the industry?
and there are increasing numbers of reported examples within
the field of infection control 850 and, more recently, in hand
hygiene promotion.1,872

When applying marketing strategies to infection control,

definitions (Table I.20.3) have to be adapted to the health-care
setting. Here, HCWs take on the role of customers. Marketing
is fiercely consumer obsessed: it is not about objective truth,
but all about what customers believe and feel. Therefore, every
product launch starts with market research to understand
what customers or HCWs in this case want, need or
demand. The ultimate goal is to ensure that HCWs perceive
hand hygiene as an innovative, intuitive-to-use, and appealing
object that they associate with professionalism, security, and
efficiency. To achieve this goal might involve actions across all
levels of marketing as it is understood today.

As a tangible product, a redesigned handrub bottle would

constitute a promising object to be used in a marketing strategy.
The bottle design will be particularly important. It should not
only be practical but attractive to look at and appealing to touch.
The cap could open with a discreet but readily recognizable
click. The click could then become a stickiness factor to be
used in promotional material (Patient safety just a click away)
and become a slogan among HCWs. The handrub solution
should ideally improve skin condition. Market research could
single out the best model among various prototypes or identify
several different models that each fits a particular segment of
the market among all HCWs.

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8 8

Table I.20.1
Strategies for successful promotion of hand hygiene in health-care settings

Strategy Action Selected references a

1. System change Make hand hygiene possible, easy,
Make alcohol-based handrub available
Make water and soap continuously available
Install voice prompts
2. Hand hygiene education

3. Promote/facilitate skin care for
HCWs hands
4. Routine observation and feedback
5. Reminders in the workplace

6. Improve institutional safety climate General
Promote active participation at individual
and institutional level
Avoid overcrowding, understaffing,
excessive workload
Institute administrative sanction/rewarding
Ensure patient empowerment
7. Combination of several of the above
Readers should refer to more extensive reviews for exhaustive reference lists.48,204,724,738,749,809

Table I.20.2
Evidence on implementation strategies: data from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario

Evidence on implementation strategies

Generally effective Sometimes effective Little or no effect

Educational outreach visits Audit and feedback Educational materials

Reminders Local opinion leaders Didactic educational meetings
Interactive education visits Local consensus processes
Multifaceted intervention including two Patient-mediated interventions
or more of the following:
Audit and feedback
Local consensus process

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9 9

Table I.20.3
Key marketing concepts and their application to the field of hand hygiene

Concept Marketing Hand hygiene

Product The exchange good can be a tangible object or an Hand hygiene: a handrub solution, a moment of its use
intangible service

Customer An individual or institution interested in acquiring HCW

a product; can be a party that does not actually Health-care institution
consume the product but delivers it to a further party.

Consumer Customer who actually consumes the product Could be the patient who profits from hand hygiene use

Need Basic requirements to live HCWs have no need for hand hygiene, but they have
a need for recognition and for self-protection that can
be associated with optimal hand hygiene performance

Want A desire for a product that can or cannot be met by an HCWs do not usually want hand hygiene
exchange value to meet its price

Demand A desire for a product that is met by the necessary Ideally, hand hygiene becomes a demand for HCWs;
exchange value this would be achieved when they perceive enough
benefit against the costs

Market Customers who are targeted by a given product All HCWs: eventually including patients as consumers

Market research Research to understand customers and their needs, Understanding the values and perceptions of HCWs
wants, and demands (and eventually patients) towards hand hygiene

Market Grouping of customers into groups with similar Groups of HCWs and/or patients with unique common
segmentation behaviour vis--vis a product; the market mix values and interests in hand hygiene

Exchange Act of exchanging a product against an exchange Making HCWs perform hand hygiene in exchange of a
value that corresponds to the price between the firm perceived added value (i.e. appreciation by patients)
and their customers

Branding To give a firm or a product a unique set of attributes Giving hand hygiene a positive image optimally linked
with a high value of recognition to a correct use

Market mix Building a marketing strategy from basic building Optimal design of promotional activity to increase
blocks called the 4 Ps (Product, Price, Place, hand hygiene compliance according to the 4 Ps after
Promotion), optimized according to the findings of investigation of the HCWs demands, groups with
market research similar views, and the position of hand hygiene in the

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Table I.20.4
The 5 Ps of the marketDescription
5 Ps mix and their translation into hand hygiene promotion
Commercial marketing Hand hygiene
example marketing example

Product An object or a service designed to Soda brand, computer New hand hygiene formula
fulfil the needs, wants or demands of operating system, One hand-operated personal
handrub customers adventure holidays, dispenser
counselling My five moments for hand hygiene
Clear and uniform language in hand
hygiene matters
Building a local hand hygiene brand

Price (cost) The price is the amount a customer Introduction price, Costs to buy the handrub for
the pays for a product. It is determined by overpricing, sales institutions management;
a number of factors including market Non-monetary cost for good
share, competition, material costs, compliance for the HCWs such as
product identity and the customers negative image with colleagues
perceived value of the product. The Price as time consumption,
hand price relates to what can be gained by hygiene going against the
rhythm of buying the product, its exchange value work flow
Negative impact on skin condition
Negative perception

Place Place represents the location where Web site, convenient Use-centred placement of
handrub a product can be bought. It is often proximity to other dispensers
referred to as the distribution channel. products, motor race Distribution channels of
handrub, In a second, wider sense, the place atmosphere, adventure, training location
refers to the emotional context in which admired film star, Perceived emotional environment
of the product appears success hand hygiene

Promotion Promotion embraces all communication TV spot for a shower gel, Promotion of alcohol-based handrub
about a product with the intention contest to introduce a for hand hygiene on posters
to sell it. Four channels are usually new telephone service, By word of mouth
distinguished: sponsorship for a solar Through subtle product placing in
1) advertising that promotes the product car race, non-smokers scientific meetings or coffee breaks
or service through paid for channels; are cool TV spot
2) public relations, free of charge
press releases, sponsorship deals,
exhibitions, conferences, etc.;
3) word of mouth, where customers are
taking over the communication; and
4) point of sale

Marketing approach to increase VIP customer card with Integration in the institutional culture
sustainability, relationship marketing, cash-back function, and system:
investing in long-term relations between investment in brand integration in all training courses and
the firm or a brand on one side and value, creation of a material on any other topic
customers on the other; investment in consumer community frequent and natural integration in
social consumer networks network printed and spoken information on
any topic
abundant and ergonomically placed
handrub dispensers;
institutional and by-sector re-
engineering of hand hygiene as a
brand with the participation of local
ongoing staff feedback mechanisms
on usability and preferences

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1 1

The WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene
Improvement Strategy

21.1 Key elements for a successful strategy of hand hygiene practices and performance feedback;

The successful implementation of guidelines into practice

continues to elude health improvement efforts globally. 876 The
Replicating Effective Programs (REP) framework is one example
of a successful approach, although largely within the context of
HIV prevention interventions.877 Recent work has also focused
on knowledge transfer, often incorporating learning from the
body of knowledge on diffusion of innovation. 869 The literature
confirms that there is no magic solution to guarantee uptake
and assimilation of guidelines into clinical practice.

Against this background, the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene

in Health Care have been developed with the ultimate objective
of changing the behaviour of individual HCWs to optimize
compliance with hand hygiene at the recommended moments
and to improve patient safety. For this objective to be fulfilled,
a successful dissemination and implementation strategy is
required to ensure that practitioners are aware of the guidelines
and their use.728,878

Ensuring that guidelines are transformed from a static document

into a living and influential tool that impacts on the target
practice requires a carefully constructed strategy to maximize
dissemination and diffusion. 868 Fraser describes implementation
as being concerned with the movement of an idea that works
across a large number of people (the target population). Based
on the best available scientific evidence and underpinned
by both the long-standing expertise of Genevas University
Hospitals to promote multimodal hand hygiene promotion
campaigns 60 and learning from the England & Wales National
Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) cleanyourhands campaign,
the WHO Hand Hygiene Implementation Strategy has been
constructed to provide users with a ready-to-go approach to
translate the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care
into practice at facility level.

The WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy

consists of a Guide to Implementation and a range of tools
constructed to facilitate implementation of each component.
The Guide to Implementation accompanies the WHO Guidelines
on Hand Hygiene in Health Care and outlines a process for
fostering hand hygiene improvement in a health-care facility.
The implementation strategy has been informed by the literature
on implementation science, behavioural change, spread
methodology, diffusion of innovation, and impact evaluation. At
its core is a multimodal strategy consisting of five components
to be implemented in parallel; the implementation strategy itself
is designed to be adaptable without jeopardizing its fidelity and
is intended therefore for use not only in virgin sites, but also
within facilities with existing action on hand hygiene. The five
essential elements are: system change, including availability
of alcohol-based handrub at the point of patient care and/or
access to a safe, continuous water supply and soap and towels;
training and education of health-care professionals; monitoring

11 11
2 2

reminders in the workplace; and the creation of a hand hygiene

safety culture with the participation of both individual HCWs and
senior hospital managers. Depending on local resources and
culture, additional actions can be added, in particular patient
involvement (see Part V).

21.2 Essential steps for implementation at heath-

care setting level

The Guide to Implementation details the actions and resources

necessary to ensure each component of the multimodal
strategy can become assimilated into existing infection control
and safety programmes. The Guide is structured around five
sequential steps which are recommended to reflect an action
plan at facility level (Figure I.21.1). The target for this approach is
a facility where a hand hygiene improvement programme has to
be initiated from scratch.

Step 1: Facility preparedness readiness for action

Step 2: Baseline evaluation establishing the current
Step 3: Implementation introducing the improvement
Step 4: Follow-up evaluation evaluating the
implementation impact
Step 5: Action planning and review cycle developing a
plan for the next 5 years (minimum)

Step 1 is to ensure the preparedness of the institution. This

includes getting the necessary resources in place and the key
leadership to head the programme, including a coordinator and
his/her deputy. Proper planning must be done to map out a
clear strategy for the entire programme.

Step 2 is to conduct baseline evaluation of hand hygiene

practice, perception, knowledge, and infrastructure available.

Step 3 is to implement the improvement programme: availability

of an alcohol-based handrub at the point of care and staff
education and training are vitally important. Well-publicized
events involving endorsement and/or signatures of commitment
of leaders and individual HCWs will draw great dividends.

Follow-up evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the

programme naturally comes next as Step 4.

Finally, Step 5 is to develop an ongoing action plan and review

cycle. The overall aim is to inculcate hand hygiene as an integral
part of the hospital culture. A more comprehensive outline of
activity within each step is presented in Figure I.21.2.

Each step in the cycle builds on the activities and actions

that occurred during the previous step, and clear roles and
responsibilities are outlined within the strategy. The steps
are presented in a user-friendly guidebook, designed to be

10 10
1 1

a working resource for implementers and leads in infection 21.4 My five moments for hand hygiene
control, safety, and quality. Throughout the five steps, activities
are clearly articulated and the accompanying tools to aid In this section, a new model intended to meet the needs for
implementation are clearly signposted. At the end of each step, training, observation, and performance reporting across all
a checklist is presented and implementers are instructed to health-care settings worldwide is described.1 This model is
ensure all recommended activities have been completed prior to also integrated in various tools included in the WHO Multimodal
moving to the next step. Central to the implementation strategy Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy (see Part I, Sections
is an action plan, recommended to be constructed within Step 21.121.3).
1, to guide actions throughout each subsequent step.
The concept of My five moments for hand hygiene aims to:
Rather than a linear process, the five steps are intended to 1) foster positive outcome evaluation by linking specific hand
be dealt with in a cyclical manner, with each cycle repeated, hygiene actions to specific infectious outcomes in patients and
refined, and enhanced over a minimum 5-year period. A key HCWs (positive outcome beliefs); and 2) increase the sense of
feature of an implementation strategy is evaluation and this is self-efficacy by giving HCWs clear advice on how to integrate
a permanent feature of the WHO multimodal strategy during hand hygiene in the complex task of care (positive control
Steps 2 and 4. Implementation, evaluation, and feedback beliefs). Furthermore, it reunites several of the attributes that
activities should be periodically rejuvenated and repeated and have been found to be associated with an increased speed
become part of the quality improvement actions to ensure of diffusion of an innovation such as relative advantage by
sustainability. Following the full implementation of the strategy being practical and easy to remember, compatibility with the
for the first time, the plan of activities and long-term steps existing perception of microbiological risk, simplicity as it is
should be based on lessons learnt about key success factors straightforward, trialability as it can be experimented with on a
and on areas that need further improvement. Therefore, the limited basis, and specifically tailored to be observable.879 The
choice to privilege some specific activities and/or steps might fact that the concept uses the number 5 like the five fingers
be performed. of the hand gives it a stickiness factor, i.e. the capacity to stick
in the minds of the target public and influence its future
behaviour, that could make it a carrier of the hand hygiene
21.2.1 Basic requirements for implementation message and help it to achieve the tipping point of exponential
popularity.880 Since its development in the context of the Swiss
In situations where the complete implementation strategy is National Hand Hygiene Campaign 881 and its integration in the
not considered feasible, perhaps because of limited resources WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy, the
and time, implementers can focus on minimum implementation concept of My five moments for hand hygiene has been widely
criteria to ensure essential achievement of each component adopted in more than 400 hospitals worldwide in 20062008, of
of the multimodal strategy. The eight criteria are listed in Table which about 70 have been closely monitored to evaluate impact
I.21.1. and lessons learnt.

21.3 WHO tools for implementation 21.4.1 Concept features and development

The Guide to Implementation is accompanied by an Requirement specifications for a user-centred hand hygiene
Implementation Toolkit (called Pilot Implementation Pack during concept.
the testing phase and illustrated in Figure I.21.3) including
numerous tools (Table I.21.2) to translate promptly into practice The main specifications for the concept are given in Table I.21.3.
each of the five elements of the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Importantly, it aims for minimal complexity and a harmonious
Improvement Strategy. These tools focus on different targets: integration into the natural workflow without deviation from
operation, advocacy, and information; monitoring; hand hygiene an evidenced-based preventive effect. The resulting concept
product procurement or local production; education; and applies across a wide range of care settings and health-care
impact evaluation. The latter is an essential activity to measure professions without losing the necessary accuracy to produce
the real impact of the improvement efforts at the point of care. meaningful data for risk analysis and feedback.
The same tools used for the baseline evaluation should be
used to allow a comparison of standardized indicators such as Furthermore, the concept is congruent in design and meaning
hand hygiene compliance, perception and knowledge about for trainers, observers, and observed HCWs. This sharing of a
HCAI and hand hygiene, and availability of equipment and unified vision has a dual purpose. First, it avoids an expertlay
infrastructure for hand hygiene. The Guide to Implementation person gap and leads to a stronger sense of ownership 882
includes details on each tool and instructions on how and when and second, it reduces training time and cost for observers.
to use it. The practical toolkit represents a very helpful and Additionally, the robustness of the concept reduces inter-
ready-to-go instrument enabling facilities to start immediately observer variation and guarantees intra-hospital, inter-hospital,
their hand hygiene promotion without the need to decide upon and international comparisons and exchange.
the best scientific approach to be selected.

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100 100
W HO GUIDELINES ON HAND HYGIENE IN HEALTH CARE PART I. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC DATA REL ATED TO HAND HYGIENE Health care-associated colonization and infection: the It further contains surfaces frequently touched by HCWs while
prevention targets caring for the patient such as monitors, knobs and buttons, and

The important concepts of colonization and infection associated

with health-care practices have been discussed in depth in Part

In summary, four negative outcomes constitute the prevention

targets for hand hygiene: 1) colonization and exogenous
infection of patients; 2) endogenous and exogenous infection in
patients; 3) infection in HCWs; and 4) colonization of the health-
care environment and HCWs. The core element of hand transmission

During daily practice, HCWs hands typically touch a continuous

sequence of surfaces and substances including inanimate
objects, patients intact or non-intact skin, mucous membranes,
food, waste, body fluids, and the HCWs own body. With
each hand-to-surface exposure, a bidirectional exchange of
microorganisms between hands and the touched object occurs
and the transient hand-carried flora is thus continually changing.
In this manner, microorganisms can spread throughout a health-
care environment and between patients within a few hours.126,883

The core elements of hand transmission are stripped down

to their simplest level in Figure I.21.4. Effective hand cleansing
can prevent transmission of microorganisms from surface A
to surface B if applied at any moment during hand transition
between the two surfaces. Typically, surface A could be a door
handle colonized by MRSA and surface B the skin of a patient.
Another example would be surface A being the patients
groin and surface B being an open vascular access hub. If
transmission of microorganisms between A and B would
result in one of the four negative outcomes detailed above, the
corresponding hand transition time between the surfaces is
usually called hand hygiene opportunity. It follows clearly that
the necessity for hand hygiene is defined by a core element of
hand transmission consisting in a donor surface, a receptor
surface, and hand transition from the first to the second. Conceptualization of the risk: patient zone and critical


To meet the objective of creating a user-centred concept for

hand hygiene, the evidence-based hand transmission model
(see Part I.7) was translated into a practical description of
hand hygiene indications. The terms zone, area, and critical
site were introduced to allow a geographical visualization of
key moments for hand hygiene (Figure I.21.4a). Focusing on a
single patient, the health-care setting is divided into two virtual
geographical areas, the patient zone and the health-care area
(Figures I.21.4a and I.21.4b).

The patient zone contains the patient X and his/her immediate

surroundings. This typically includes the intact skin of the patient
and all inanimate surfaces that are touched by or in direct
physical contact with the patient such as the bed rails, bedside
table, bed linen, infusion tubing and other medical equipment.

101 101
101 101

other high frequency touch surfaces. The model assumes that From the two-zone concept, a major moment for hand hygiene
the patients flora rapidly contaminates the entire patient zone, is naturally deduced. It occurs between the last hand-to-surface
but that the patient zone is being cleaned between patient
admissions. Importantly, the model is not limited to a bedridden
patient, but applies equally to patients sitting in a chair or being
received by physiotherapists in a common treatment location.
The model also assumes that all objects going in or out of the
patient zone are cleaned. If this is not the case, they might
constitute an alternative transmission route.

The health-care area contains all surfaces in the health-care

setting outside the patient zone of patient X, i.e. other patients
and their patient zones and the health-care facility environment.
Conceptually, the health-care area is contaminated with
microorganisms that might be foreign and potentially harmful to
patient X, either because they are multiresistant or because their
transmission might result in exogenous infection.

Within the patient zone, critical sites are associated with

infectious risks (Figure I.21.4a): critical sites can either
correspond to body sites or medical devices that have to
be protected against microorganisms potentially leading to
HCAI (called critical sites with infectious risk for the patient), or
body sites or medical devices that potentially lead to hand
exposure to body fluids and bloodborne pathogens (called
critical sites with body fluid exposure risk), or both precited risks
simultaneously (called critical sites with combined risk). Drawing
blood for example concerns a critical site with combined risk
that is at the same time associated with an infectious risk for the
patient and a body fluid exposure risk for the HCW.

Critical sites either 1) pre-exist as natural orifices such as the

mouth and eyes, etc.; 2) occur accidentally such as wounds,
pressure ulcers, etc.; 3) are care-associated such as injection
sites, vascular catheter insertion sites, drainage exit sites, etc.;
or 4) are device-associated such as vascular catheter hubs,
drainage bags, bloody linen, etc..

The added value of critical sites lies in their potential use in

visual material and training: risk-prone tasks become
geographically located and hence more palpable. On the
behavioural level, manipulation of critical sites corresponds to
either a clean/aseptic procedure or a body fluid exposure
procedure, and in the case of simultaneous risk, to a clean/
aseptic and body fluid exposure procedure.

21.4.2 The concept and its practical application

My five moments for hand hygiene explained

The geographical representation of the zones and the critical

sites (Figure I.21.5a) is useful to introduce My five moments for
hand hygiene. The correlation between these moments and the
indications for hand hygiene according to the present guidelines
is given in Table I.21.4. To further facilitate ease of recall and
expand the ergonomic dimension, the five moments for hand
hygiene are numbered according to the habitual care workflow
(Figure I.21.5b).

Moment 1. Before touching a patient

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102 102

contact with an object belonging to the health-care area and Disposable gloves are meant to be used as a second skin
the first within the patient zone best visualized by crossing to prevent exposure of hands to body fluids. However, hands
the virtual line constituted by the patient zone (Figure I.21.5a). are not sufficiently protected by gloves, and hand hygiene is
Hand hygiene at this moment will mainly prevent colonization
of the patient with health care-associated microorganisms,
resulting from the transfer of organisms from the environment to
the patient through unclean hands, and exogenous infections
in some cases. A clear example would be the temporal period
between touching the door handle and shaking the patients
hand: the door handle belongs to the health-care area outside
the patient zone, and the patients hand belongs to the patient
zone. Therefore hand hygiene must take place after touching
the door handle and before shaking the patients hand. If any
objects are touched within the patient zone after opening the
door handle, hand hygiene might take place either before or
after touching these objects, because the necessity for hand
hygiene before touching objects within the patient zone is not
supported by evidence; in this case the important point is that
hand hygiene must take place before touching the patient.

Moment 2. Before a clean/aseptic procedure

Once within the patient zone, very frequently after a hand
exposure to the patients intact skin, clothes or other objects,
the HCW may engage in a clean/aseptic procedure on a
critical site with infectious risk for the patient, such as opening
a venous access line, giving an injection, or performing wound
care. Importantly, hand hygiene required at this moment aims
at preventing HCAI. In line with the predominantly endogenous
origin of these infections, hand hygiene is taking place between
the last exposure to a surface, even within the patient zone and
immediately before access to a critical site with infectious risk
for the patient or a critical site with combined infectious risk.
This is important because HCWs customarily touch another
surface within the patient zone before contact with a critical site
with infectious risk for the patient or a critical site with combined
infectious risk.

For some tasks on clean sites (lumbar puncture, surgical

procedures, tracheal suctioning, etc.), the use of gloves is
standard procedure. In this case, hand hygiene is required
before donning gloves because gloves alone may not entirely
prevent contamination (see Part I, Section 23.1).73,884

Moment 3. After body fluid exposure risk

After a care task associated with a risk to expose hands to
body fluids, e.g. after accessing a critical site with body fluid
exposure risk or a critical site with combined infectious risk
(body fluid site), hand hygiene is required instantly and must
take place before any next hand-to-surface exposure, even
within the same patient zone. This hand hygiene action has a
double objective. First and most importantly, it reduces the risk
of colonization or infection of HCWs with infectious agents that
may occur even without visible soiling. Second, it reduces the
risk of a transmission of microorganisms from a colonized
to a clean body site within the same patient.885 This routine
moment for hand hygiene concerns all care actions associated
with a risk of body fluid exposure and is not identical to the
hopefully very rare case of accidental visible soiling calling for
immediate handwashing.

103 103
103 103

strongly recommended after glove removal (see Part I, Section A critical feature to facilitate the understanding and
23.1). Hence, to comply with the hand hygiene indication communication of My five moments for hand hygiene lies in
in Moment 3, gloves must be removed and subsequently

Moment 4. After touching a patient

When leaving the patient zone after a care sequence, before
touching an object in the area outside the patient zone
and before a subsequent hand exposure to any surface in
the health-care area, hand hygiene minimizes the risk of
dissemination to the health-care environment, substantially
reduces contamination of HCWs hands with the flora from
patient X, and protects the HCWs themselves.

Moment 5. After touching patient surroundings

The fifth moment for hand hygiene is a variant of Moment 4: it
occurs after hand exposure to any surface in the patient zone,
and before a subsequent hand exposure to any surface in the
health-care area, but without touching the patient. This
typically extends to objects contaminated by the patient flora
that are extracted from the patient zone to be decontaminated
or discarded. Because hand exposure to patient objects, but
without physical contact with the patients, is associated with
hand contamination, hand hygiene is still required.

Coincidence of two moments for hand hygiene

Two moments for hand hygiene may sometimes fall together.

Typically, this occurs when moving directly from one patient to
another without touching any surface outside the corresponding
patient zones. In this situation, a single hand hygiene action will
cover the two moments for hand hygiene, as moments 4 and
1 coincide. Another example of such a simultaneous moment
would be the direct access to a central venous line as a first
hand-to-surface exposure after entering the patient zone. In this
example, moments 1 and 2 coincide.

Two patients within the same patient zone

Health-care settings and situations have very different features

across the world. It may happen that two or more patients
are in such close contact that they occupy the same physical
space and touch each other frequently. For example, this
situation could be represented by a mother with her newborn
child, or two patients sharing a single bed or bedding space.
In these cases, the application of the patient zone and the
actual compliance with the five moments is conceptually and
practically difficult. Nevertheless, the two close patients may
be viewed as occupying a single patient zone. Hand hygiene
is certainly still required when entering or leaving the common
patient zone and before and after critical sites according to
their specific nature, but the indication for hand hygiene when
shifting intact skin contact between the two patients is probably
of little preventive value because they are likely to share the
same microbial flora. Understanding the visual message

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its strong visual message (Figure I.21.5b). The objective is to Reporting results of hand hygiene observation to HCWs is
represent the ever-changing situations of care into pictograms an essential element of multimodal strategies to improve
that could serve a wide array of purposes in health-care
settings. The main visual focus depicts a single patient in the
centre to represent the point of care of any type of patient.
The patient zone, health-care area, critical sites and moments
for hand hygiene action are arranged around and on this
patient to depict the infectious risks and the corresponding
moments for hand hygiene action in time and space. This visual
representation is congruent with the point of care concept.

Some limitations can be envisaged in this model and are

discussed elsewhere.1 Training

There are important interpersonal differences when it comes

to learning styles. Some individuals respond well to conceptual
grouping and will readily understand the risk-based construct of
zones and critical sites and the five moments for hand hygiene.
The rationale of the current concept is a strong motivator.
With these trainees, it is helpful to insist on the main reason
for each of the five moments for hand hygiene. Other people
respond better to circumstantial cues. For them, it is useful
to list the most frequent examples occurring in their specific
health-care settings. The five moments model also offers many
possibilities for the development of training tools, including
on-site accompanied learning kits, computer-assisted learning,
and off-site simulators. It is of importance to understand that
HCWs often execute quite sophisticated medical tasks without
conscious cognitive attention. Their behaviour is triggered
by multiple cues in the environment that are unconsciously
processed. To build hand hygiene into their automatic
behaviour for these situations, they may need training in a given
environment with multiple cues for action. My five moments
for hand hygiene would serve as solid basic building blocks for
such training. It is crucial to determine the delimitation of patient
zones and critical sites with local staff in their unique setting,
which has the added benefit of increasing process ownership
by the concerned staff. Monitoring

Direct observation is the gold standard to monitor compliance

with optimal hand hygiene practice. The five moments model
can be a valuable aid to observation in several ways. Many care
activities do not follow a standard operating procedure, so it is
difficult to define the crucial moment for hand hygiene. The five
moments concept lays a reference grid over these activities
and minimizes the opportunities for inter- observer variation.
Once HCWs are proficient in the five moments concept and its
application, they are able to become observers with minimal
additional effort, thus reducing training costs.1 Furthermore,
the concept solves the typical problems of clearly defining the
denominator as an opportunity and the numerator as a hand
hygiene action (see Part III, Section 1.2). Reporting

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hand hygiene practices.58,60 Based on the five moments, it is health-care facility could enrol in order to access all the tools
possible to report risk-specific hand hygiene performance in included in
full agreement with training and promotional material. The the Pilot Implementation Pack and to ask questions related to
impact implementation. In this way, any health-care facility has been
of feedback is thus increased, as the different moments can able to participate in field testing as a complementary test site
be individually discussed and emphasized. (CTS). For logistic and economic reasons, support offered by
the WHO to a CTS is limited and mainly web-based. Through
the web community, experiences and solutions related to the
21.5 Lessons learnt from the testing of the WHO implementation have also been shared with other test sites.
Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy in pilot
and complementary sites

Since 2006, the WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy

(see Part I, Sections 21.121.4) has been tested in a number
of health-care settings around the world to generate
information on feasibility, validity, and reliability of the
interventions, to provide local data on the resources required
to carry out
the recommendations, and to obtain useful information for
the revision and adaptation of the proposed
implementation strategies.62

Before and during implementation, the Pilot Implementation

Pack tools were translated into the six official languages of
WHO (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and
Spanish) and also into some local languages (e.g. Armenian,
Bengali, and Urdu). Eight hospitals were selected in seven
countries (Table I.21.5.1) located in the six WHO regions
(Africa, the Americas, South-East Asia, Europe, Eastern
Mediterranean, and the Western Pacific) to participate in the
pilot test phase with technical support and careful monitoring
from the First Global Patient Safety Challenge team. Field
testing has been made also possible through the support of
the WHO Regional Patient Safety Focal Points and the WHO
representatives at country level, as well as collaboration with
expert technical and
academic partners and professional associations. Diversity
was built into the selection of pilot sites to ensure comparability
of the results across the six regions, and they represented a
range of facilities in developed, transitional, and developing

All sites identified a project and deputy coordinator and

formed a committee mandated to give advice and take
decisions on
the project plan. The instructions included in the Guide to
Implementation and the steps proposed in the action plan
were carefully followed in all sites, and all implementation tools
were used at the suggested steps (see Part I, Sections 21.1
21.3). Therefore, hand hygiene promotion was conducted
according to the WHO strategy, and baseline and follow-up
evaluation included the detection of hand hygiene compliance,
alcohol- based handrub consumption, perception of hand
hygiene by
senior managers and HCWs, HCWs knowledge, and
structures related to hand hygiene.

At the same time, a wide range of different health-care

settings worldwide also requested to use the WHO Hand
Hygiene Improvement Strategy and tools. For this reason, a
web-based community forum was established where any

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This has provided a discussion forum exclusively for CTSs and was equipped with sinks (sink:bed ratio equal to 1:22) and no
an opportunity for mutual support and exchange during the soap and towel were available. This partly explains the very
implementation process. low overall level of hand hygiene compliance (8.0%) among

Pilot testing has been completed in most sites and results have
been made available. Similarly, a process of evaluation has been
undertaken in some CTSs (Section 21.5.2). Data and lessons
learnt from testing have been of paramount importance to revise
the content of the present Guidelines and to confirm the validity
of the final recommendations. Furthermore, when appropriate,
they enabled modification and improvement of the suite of
implementation tools.

Sections 21.5.1 and 21.5.2 briefly summarize the experience

and lessons learnt from the official pilot sites and a number
of CTSs. In Section 21.5.1, the specificities of each pilot site
regarding implementation and impact and sustainability at
local and national/regional levels have been highlighted in brief
paragraphs and the lessons are summarized in Table I.21.5.2. A
detailed and exhaustive report will be published separately after
a careful scrutiny of all data and information available. Specific
information about critical aspects of the local production of
alcohol-based handrubs is detailed in Section 12.2.

21.5.1 Implementation in pilot sites

WHO African Region (AFR)

Mali - Hpital du Point G

Hpital du Point G, an acute-care, 456-bed university

health-care facility serving the population of Bamako and its
surroundings and being a referral hospital for the entire country,
was selected as the pilot site representing the African region. No
infection control expertise was available before the enrolment.
A pharmacist underwent training in infection control and learnt
how to produce the WHO formulation I at the University of
Geneva Hospitals and became the project co-ordinator.

The preparation phase was very intensive, in order to set up the

conditions for implementation. A committee was established to
advise on action plan and take decisions; the hospital
directorate showed strong leadership in the promotion and
support to the project kick off. Nine units (two surgical,
gynaecology and obstetrics, urology, nephrology, infectious
diseases, internal medicine, and accident and emergency)
representing 13 wards and 224 HCW were selected for pilot
testing. The WHO strategy was faithfully implemented fulfilling all
steps, starting from December 2006. The WHO-recommended
formulation based on ethanol, produced locally from sugar
cane and included in the hospital budget, was manufactured at
the hospital pharmacy and bottled in 100 ml pocket bottles; a
cleaning/recycling process was put in place. At very low cost,
3700 bottles were produced and quality control tests confirmed
accordance with the optimal quality parameters in all samples
(see also Part I, Section 12.2).

The baseline infrastructure survey identified severe deficiencies

in hand hygiene facilities and products. Although clean water
was permanently available, only a minority of patient rooms

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1932 observed opportunities at baseline. Compliance markedly methods for hand hygiene promotion among most resistant
differed among professional categories, ranging from an professional categories and for patient involvement will be part
average of 3.2% for nursing assistants to 20.3% for doctors and
an average of 4.4% for nurses. Compliance also varied among
medical specialities, with the lowest level observed in intensive
care (2.4%). The level of HCWs knowledge was also very
low, with limited understanding of the pathogen transmission
dynamics, of the concept of colonization and of the infection
risk. Interestingly, according to the baseline perception surveys,
the level awareness of the epidemiologic importance of HCAI
and of its impact was higher among senior managers than
among HCWs.

Implementation of hand hygiene promotion was launched on 2

November 2007 in an official ceremony chaired by the Minister
of Health, the WHO representative in Mali and the hospital
director, and involving all HCWs. During the event, chairs and
HCWs were invited to sign a giant bottle of alcohol-based
handrub as a symbol of their commitment, and information
leaflets and T-shirts with the project logo were distributed.
During the following months, visual posters featuring the
WHO project, hand hygiene indications and the technique for
handwashing and handrubbing were displayed in study wards.
Following the launch, five three-hour education sessions using
WHO materials and including feedback of baseline survey
results were organised for all study ward HCWs. All participants
were given a 100 ml individual pocket bottle of alcohol-based
handrub and trained to use it in practice. From this time on,
alcohol-based handrub has been regularly distributed by the
pharmacy to the study ward head nurses upon return of the
empty bottles.

Interestingly, the improvement of critical deficiencies in

infrastructure for handwashing was not considered by the
hospital directorate as a top priority for improving practices
because of resource and cultural issues. Firstly, improving
sink:bed ratio is associated with economic constraints at
UHPG. Secondly, HCWs consider that sinks in patient rooms
are for patient use and are therefore usually reluctant to use
them. Thirdly, in patient rooms, soap bars would very likely be
taken by patients and/or visitors and to install wall-mounted
liquid soap dispensers would be too expensive.

At follow-up evaluation (six months after implementation kick off)

hand hygiene compliance increased to 21.8% and handrubbing
became the quasi-exclusive hand hygiene technique (93.3%).
Improvement was observed among all professional categories
and medical specialties, especially as far as indications after
body fluid exposure risk and after touching a patient are
concerned. Knowledge scores the following educational
sessions increased significantly (p<.05) among professionals.
The HCWs perception survey highlighted the importance of
each component of the strategy for successful promotion.

The project was strongly supported by the hospital directorate

which engaged, together with key staff members, in an in
depth evaluation of the results of the pilot phase in order to
enable sustainability, expansion and further improvement. Hand
hygiene promotion and measurement activities have been
included in the annual management plans for the entire hospital.
Locally adapted posters are in preparation and innovative

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of the forthcoming boostering phase of the campaign. The Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Trinidad and
study successful results about the feasibility of the strategy Tobago are now preparing to adopt the WHO strategy.
implementation and practice improvement have motivated
the Mali government to expand the production of the alcohol-
basedhandrub and the dissemination of the strategy to the
national level.

WHO Region of the Americas (AMR)/Pan American Health

Organization (PAHO)
Costa Rica: Hospital Nacional de Nios (HNN)

The strategy was implemented from March 2007 to September

2008 in 12 wards (290 beds) of HNN, a paediatric hospital in
San Jos, Costa Rica. All steps of the action plan were
completed and the facility is now developing a review cycle and
a five-year plan to ensure sustainability.

The alcohol-based handrub was produced according to the

WHO recommendations by a private company, which accepted
to donate the product and the dispensers. The validation of the
local production of the WHO-recommended formulation took
much longer than expected because of several initial failures
at the quality control test level (see Part I, Section 12.2). An
engineer reviewed the hospital plan to place the new dispensers
at the point of care according to local safety criteria. The
system change was critical to the improvement of hand hygiene
practices, because alcohol-based handrubs were not previously
widely available and, in some areas of the hospital, significant
infrastructure deficiencies (sink to bed ratio <1:10) constituted
an important barrier.

Observers for hand hygiene monitoring underwent two days of

intensive training and were subsequently validated. An official
ceremony, chaired by the minister of health, was organized to
launch the hand hygiene promotion campaign (Step 3). Giant
dolls in the shape of a handrub bottle were prepared and
used to market the improvement for promotional purposes.
HNN committed also to patient involvement and families were
informed of the pilot project and encouraged to use the alcohol-
based handrub when caring for their children.

Educational activities with feedback of data collected during the

baseline period (Step 2) were organized with the participation
of all HCWs from the test units. Overall, 1421 and 1640 hand
hygiene opportunities were detected at baseline and follow-
up (after 5 months of implementation), respectively. Overall
compliance increased from 25.2% to 52.2%. The key success
factors of implementation in this site were the high-level, medical
leadership and the pragmatic, continuous action by head
nurses. Strong support from the government not only facilitated
the excellent pilot implementation of the WHO strategy, but also
led to its national scale-up with a National Call to Action made
by the minister of health to all hospitals in the country.

The Costa Rica experience has had a catalytic influence on

other countries in AMR. The expertise of the pilot project team
has been successfully exploited by the WHO Regional Office
for the Americas (AMRO) in collaboration with PAHO, which
has coordinated training initiatives involving other countries.

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WHO South-East Asia Region (SEAR) of alcohol-based handrub dispensers, above washbasins, and
Bangladesh, Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) between each bed space, and large-size versions of the posters
were positioned at the ward entrance. All ward-based staff, both
CMCH has been implementing the WHO Hand Hygiene
Improvement Strategy since September 2007 in five wards
(neonatal care, surgery, orthopaedics, and paediatric and
adult ICUs). Given the critical conditions of the hospital (162%
bed occupancy, no infection control professional, no data on
HCAI and antimicrobial resistance, significant infrastructural
deficiencies), there was much scepticism at the time of the pilot
enrolment about the feasibility of the project and its worthiness
in the presence of other major priorities. To overcome these
obstacles, the hospital directorate took the decision to make
a major investment in the project. From the CMCH staff,
one doctor and one nurse were selected as pilot project
coordinators and trained in Lahore and then in Chittagong
with the support of the WHO country office. A multidisciplinary
infection control committee including the departmental heads of
all relevant units was established. The alcohol-based handrub,
based on the WHO recommended formulation II (isopropyl
alcohol) was manufactured locally by the national Essential Drug
Company Ltd. A survey was undertaken to establish the best
position for the alcohol-based handrub dispensers to meet the
point of care concept. Sinks (1 for every 15 beds) were installed
in all of the pilot wards, as only the nursing station and doctors
rooms had a sink. In order to improve inadequate water supply,
two deep tube wells were sunk and major water supply lines
were improved.

Following a preliminary assessment, which clearly highlighted

that no hand hygiene action was regularly performed by HCWs
because of absence of sinks, running water and soap in the
wards, outside the doctors rooms and the nurses stations,
the decision was taken not to undertake baseline hand hygiene
observations and to consider compliance equal to 0% at
baseline. Specific challenges to the observation of compliance
were the high bed occupancy (two patients per bed in some
wards) and overcrowding that made it difficult to apply the
patient zone concept, the complexity of the WHO method,
and cultural sensitivities to be observed. However, baseline
HCW perception surveys yielded some interesting findings.
Bearing in mind the infrastructural deficiencies with respect to
sink availability, it is significant that during the pre-pilot phase
83.5% and 44.5% of respondents, respectively, stated that their
hand hygiene compliance exceeded 50% (most respondents
estimated it to be between 80% and 100%) and that they had
received formal training in hand hygiene. In addition, 87.8%
considered that the performance of hand hygiene required a
major effort, and 54.7% stated that the availability of alcohol-
based handrub at the point of care would have no or little effect
on the improvement of hand hygiene practices.

To launch the implementation phase, a high profile event was

held at the hospital with the attendance of the WHO
representative, the minister of health, senior ministerial officials,
and public and private hospital representatives. Five hundred
persons attended the event. In the wards, alcohol-based
handrub was made available through wall dispensers and
pocket bottles distributed to all HCWs. Posters translated into
Bengali were displayed throughout the wards at the locations

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doctors and nurses, were trained to follow the Guidelines with sent the databases of all surveys included in the WHO strategy.
refresher courses every fortnight. Some perception difficulties Preliminary analysis of hand hygiene observations related to 66
emerged in the use of the WHO educational concepts and tools 953 opportunities detected at baseline in 172 hospitals indicate
(see Table I.21.5.2) and a simplified two moments approach
was adopted. Evaluation of the implementation impact with the
use of the WHO surveys has been undertaken (Step 4) and data
are under analysis.

The project has led to very beneficial actions beyond hand

hygiene improvement both at CMCH and at national level. The
CMCH infection control committee is well established and
meets regularly every month or more often if necessary and
plans to expand the WHO strategy to the entire hospital. It is
in the process of developing an antibiotic utilization policy, to
conduct a prevalence study, and has already pilot infection
registers on wards. An audit on surgical procedures is planned
to investigate the appropriateness of surgical instruments
reprocessing and of surgical hand preparation.

The Joint Secretary Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Family

Welfare (MOHFW) visited CMCH during implementation of the
pilot and has called for a national roll-out of the pilot project
without delay. The MOHFW thus expressed its strong
commitment to strengthen infection control across the country,
in particular by ensuring that each hospital has a functioning
infection control team and propoer access to handwashing
facilities by installing one washbasin per 10 beds in all hospitals.
Alcohol-based handrub will be procured on a national scale and
its use promoted as the gold standard for hand hygiene of non-
soiled hands. The proposed timeframe is for roll-out during the
financial year 20082009 with consolidation during 20092010,
and a specific budget has already been allocated that includes
the strengthening of human resources. The WHO country office
will support the MOHFW in the adaptation and updating of
guidelines and norms required for the success of the initiative.

WHO European Region (EUR)

Italy: network of 41 ICUs

In November 2006, the Italian ministry of health decided to join

the Clean Care is Safer Care initiative by launching a national
campaign organized by a national coordinating centre for HCAIs
(Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale Emilia-Romagna) and
funded by the National Centre for Disease Control (Centro
Nazionale per la Prevenzione e il Controllo delle Malattie, CCM).

Participation in the campaign was proposed to all of the 21

Italian regions and public hospitals. Overall, 190 hospitals from
16 regions joined the campaign, accounting for 315 hospital
wards, mostly ICUs and surgical and medical units. The entire
range of tools included in the WHO Pilot Implementation
Package was translated into Italian and the printed material
distributed. One national and four regional training courses for
coordinators and observers were organized; the WHO strategy
and action plan were entirely adopted (see Part I, Section 21). 886
A web platform was created on the CCM web site for tool
downloading, technical questions, and interactive discussion
among the sites. One hundred sixty one hospitals reported their
findings and experience to the national coordination centre and

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that overall compliance was 43% and that, in 71% of hand wide in many institutions and additional health-care facilities
hygiene actions, handwashing was the technique used. have spontaneously joined the national campaign.

Given the high level of data collection accuracy and adherence

to the WHO strategy in the Italian campaign, a network of
participating ICUs was selected to become the pilot site
for EUR according to pre-established criteria (Table I.21.1).
Forty-one ICUs from eight regions were eligible, and most
of them implemented hand hygiene promotion between
October 2007 and January 2008 and conducted baseline and
follow-up evaluations during 36 months before and after the
implementation. Thirty ICUs sent the complete set of baseline
and follow-up data of all WHO surveys.

Observations related to 9 828 and 9 302 opportunities were

carried out at baseline and follow-up, respectively, with an equal
distribution of professional categories and types of indication.
Overall, a significant improvement in hand hygiene compliance
(from 55% to 69%) was detected following implementation of
the hand hygiene strategy. Comparing baseline with follow-
up, use of handrubs to perform hand hygiene increased from
36.9% to 60.4% of hand hygiene actions. This is reflected in
the structure surveys results from 30 ICUs which indicate that
permanent availability of alcohol-based handrubs improved
from 70% to 100% and that pocket bottles were available to
each HCW in 92% of cases at follow-up (vs 52% at baseline).
Improvement was more striking among nurses and nursing
students (compliance increased from 58% to 73% and from
52% to 69%, respectively); compliance increased from 48%
to 59% among medical doctors and from 56% to 69% among
auxiliary nurses. A comparison of the knowledge questionnaire
results at baseline and follow-up (1238 vs 802 respondents,
respectively) identified areas that need further improvement,
e.g. the understanding of the dynamics of microrganism
transmission and the role of different sources of infection. In
contrast, there was an interesting, positive correlation between
the increase of hand hygiene compliance before patient contact
(from 49% to 65%) and before an aseptic/clean task (53% to
70%) and the improvement of knowledge at follow-up when
answering questions related to these two indications.

According to the perception questionnaire (1116 vs 902

respondents at baseline and follow-up, respectively), the
percentage of HCWs who underwent training on hand hygiene
increased from 39.7% to 86.6%, respectively. Most respondents
attributed the highest scores (6 and 7 of a 7-point Likert scale)
to every component of the WHO strategy when asked about
the importance of the strategy components in determining their
hand hygiene performance improvement.

Working group discussions with 24 pilot ICU coordinators

using the CTS evaluation interview template (see Part I,
Section 21.5.2) provided very interesting information on the
implementation strategy feasibility and invaluable suggestions
for improvement (Table I.21.5.2). The discussion was very
instructive, particularly to identify actions for securing the
sustainability of the hand hygiene promotion programme. In
most pilot hospitals, staff working on the wards not involved
in the pilot testing requested hand hygiene promotion to be
extended to their settings. The campaign is becoming hospital-

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WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) by the hospital director and other high-level authorities
and an advertisement on the KAMC web site. A leaflet
For several reasons, more than one pilot site was selected in
EMR. Although all sites have committed to undertake all
activities included in the action plan for the implementation of
the WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy, they are at
different stages of implementation.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Two different health-care settings agreed to participate in

the pilot testing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In both sites, a hand
hygiene campaign was undertaken in 2005, following the
ministerial pledge to the First Global Patient Safety Challenge
and the launch of a national campaign. In connection with
the latter, all hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health were
provided with alcohol-based handrubs as the gold standard
for hand hygiene according to the WHO strategies. Since
2007, hand hygiene promotion has been further reinforced with
participation in the testing of the WHO strategy. In both cases,
the hospital bore the entire cost of implementation.

King Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC), Riyadh, is a

960-bed teaching hospital delivering high-quality primary,
secondary and tertiary health-care services for the Saudi
Arabia National Guard. The infection control committee
appointed the coordinator and his deputy and also
identified infection control practitioners and infection control
champions (focal points) to implement the activities.

The KAMC ICUs (seven units: adult, paediatric, neonatal,

burn, adult and paediatric cardiovascular, and medical
cardiac) and two surgical units were selected to be the pilot
wards based on the acuity of care provided, the high risk of
microorganism transmission, and the high number of hand
hygiene opportunities. Alcohol-based handrub was already
available at KAMC, but during the campaign preparation
phase a new product was selected among several
proposed according to WHO criteria, and the number of
fixed dispensers located at the point of care was increased.
The goal of the campaign was to reach at least 90% or
above compliance with hand hygiene practices.

Through the use of a specific form, evaluation of the quality

of the hand hygiene technique was added to the range of
other WHO surveys at baseline and follow-up. Each unit
had a champion in charge of carrying out the surveys,
coordinating staff training on hand hygiene, and liaising with
the campaign coordinator and his deputy. Champions had
also to be prepared to meet specific, challenging situations
in their interaction with HCWs and others, such as surprise,
apprehension of the unknown, scepticism, cynicism, and
strong resistance.

Feedback was given to HCWs, leaders, and key players

during the launch day when the promotion campaign was
inaugurated. Formal reports on local compliance data were
distributed to the respective area directors. The campaign
was launched on 13 April 2008 with an official ceremony

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was prepared to inform the patients and invite them to and all four products were quality control-tested at the
participate in the campaign by asking HCWs to perform University of Geneva Hospitals in Switzerland and found
hand hygiene. An original aspect of implementation at
KAMC was the organization of mobile stands inside and
around the hospital, which moved to a different location
every two to three hours in order to reach all HCWs and
patients. These stands, managed by the infection control
practitioners, displayed WHO and non-WHO posters and
documents on hand hygiene. Stand visitors could watch the
WHO training film and were taught the correct technique
to perform hand hygiene antisepsis. Throughout a two-
month period, 23 training sessions were organized with
the participation of 530 staff members from the pilot units.
Several promotional tools and posters were adapted from
the WHO versions or newly produced in English and Arabic
(Table I.21.5.1).

Overall, 1840 and 1822 hand hygiene opportunities were

detected at baseline and follow-up (after three months
since implementation), respectively. Overall compliance
increased from 45.1% to 59.4% with improvement
greatest among nurses (43.9 vs 62.8%). Compliance
rates with Moment 3 (after body fluid exposure risk) and
Moment 4 (after touching a patient) were high during both
observation periods (82.9% vs 85.0% and 67.7% vs 76.2%,
respectively). Compliance with Moment 2 (before clean/
aseptic procedure) achieved the greatest increase (45.8%
vs 84%); improvement was also detected with Moment 1
(before touching a patient) (29.4% vs 58.1%, respectively)
and Moment 5 (after touching patient surroundings) (13.2%
vs 30.0%, respectively).

King Saud Medical Complex (KSMC), Riyadh, is a

1446-bed teaching hospital delivering primary, secondary,
and tertiary care, under the government of the Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Health. It consists of four hospitals: a general
hospital, maternity hospital, childrens hospital, and a dental

In September 2007, a hand hygiene committee was

created to plan and carry out the activities related to the
project. Together with four infection control professionals,
three infection control nurses were identified to play the
role of trainers for the education sessions and observers.
Sessions train the trainers were organized and led by the
coordinator and deputy coordinator.

The WHO strategy was implemented hospitalwide, but

the observation of hand hygiene practices was carried out
only in selected areas. Alcohol-based handrub dispensers
were already installed in all wards and departments, but
the decision was taken to introduce the WHO formulation.
A local company was appointed by the ministry of health
to produce different samples of alcohol-based handrub
according to the WHO Guide to Local Production. Four
types of solutions were produced: one corresponded
to the WHO formulation 1 (based on ethanol), while the
other three were the same formulation but with some
modifications such as a different fragrance or emollient.
All four formulations were made in the form of a solution,

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to be consistent with WHO requirements for the final by doctors), and there was a remarkable difference in the
concentrations of the ingredients. Following the reception
of these results, the test of acceptability and tolerability of
these products among HCWs was carried out according to
the WHO method. The best tolerated and most appreciated
product was selected and distributed in wall dispensers at
the point of care.

Hand hygiene observations were conducted monthly and

during the baseline period. KSMC overall hand hygiene
compliance was 56%. Feedback of results of the surveys
conducted during the baseline period, in particular hand
hygiene compliance, was given to all decision-makers on 19
May 2008.

Great emphasis was placed on education at this pilot site.

From September 2007 to October 2008, the members of
the hand hygiene committee managed to lead 56 sessions
during which 998 HCWs were trained in the concepts
promoted by the First Global Patient Safety Challenge, in
particular, My five moments for hand hygiene. In addition,
a weekly training session was scheduled every Sunday
and attendance was a contract requirement for new staff
and for staff renewing their contracts. In 2008, 1297 HCWs
participated in these sessions. Much effort was dedicated
to producing a large range of new posters on hand hygiene
with more visual impact and adapted to the local culture.
These were distributed in large quantities across all wards.

Monthly observations during the implementation period

(from May to September 2008) documented an increase
of the average compliance rate to 75%, with specific
departments reaching rates as high as 88.8%.

Pakistan, Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS)

Three ICUs medical (9 beds), surgical (14 beds), and neonatal

(17 beds) were selected for pilot testing the WHO Hand
Hygiene Improvement Strategy at PIMS, a tertiary referral
hospital with 1055 beds. Alcohol-based handrubs have been
in use at PIMS since the emergency situation following the
2005 earthquake. In keeping with the WHO project, the WHO-
recommended formulation based on isopropanol was produced
at PIMS where it replaced the alcohol-based handrub previously
purchased from a commercial source at a much higher price
(US$ 3.00 per 500 ml vs US$ 1.85 per 500 ml).

Baseline structure evaluation pointed out no relevant deficiency

related to handwashing: sink-to-patient ratio was about 1:3,
and clean, running water was regularly available. In contrast,
alcohol-based handrubs were available (intermittently) in only
one of the three ICUs. A high level of awareness of the impact of
HCAI and of the importance of hand hygiene was demonstrated
by the 123 HCWs responding to the perception survey. It is
widely reported that most HCWs believe that compliance in their
hospital is higher than 50%. At PIMS, among 755 observed
opportunities, the overall hand hygiene compliance at baseline
was 34.7% with no significant differences between the major
professional categories. Compliance was highest with Moment
1, before touching a patient (60.0% by nurses and 55.5%

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compliance with Moment 4, after touching a patient, between Hospitals (see Part I, Section 12.2). The WHO tolerability
nurses (48.8%) and doctors (22.9%). and acceptability survey (double-blind, randomized, cross-
over design) was carried out, and 65% of HCWs indicated a
On 11 August 2008, a training workshop on hand hygiene was
held at PIMS to train the trainers and key individuals involved in
the project, and the implementation phase was launched. All
staff members of the pilot ICUs were subsequently trained and
the WHO hand hygiene posters were made available in Urdu
to overcome language barriers. An interesting specificity of the
promotion campaign at PIMS was that training was not limited
only to regular staff, but was simplified also and offered to the
so-called janitors, illiterate support employees who are in
charge of clinical and human waste disposal and the emptying
of urinary bags. The adaptation of educational messages to
their level of knowledge was a very challenging task.

The WHO project implementation in ICUs had an overall,

positive impact at PIMS because an infection control doctor
and three full-time infection control nurses were appointed, and
an infection control committee was established. For the first
time, proper surveillance of HCAI was also established in the
Neonatal ICU using WHO tools. As a result of this project, HCAI
has now become a high priority as a part of quality and patient
safety agenda of the hospital. In addition, given the substantial
cost savings and the potential availability of additional funds, it
is planned that the production of the WHO formulation will be
expanded for distribution to other wards and departments. In
addition, the previous health secretary at the federal ministry of
health has expressed an interest to train 100 000 health visitors
throughout Pakistan and distribute alcohol-based handrub
to them. It is also anticipated that by the end of the project, the
WHO representative and the federal ministry of health will
explore the feasibility of the production of the WHO formulation
on a national scale using public/private partnership.

WHO Western Pacific Region (WPR)

China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR):
four pilot hospitals

The implementation of the WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement

Strategy started in Hong Kong SAR in 2006, a few months after
the pledge signature in October 2005. Four pilot hospitals with
20 study wards in total have progressively enrolled since April
2006. Enrolled wards were surgery, internal medicine, adult
ICUs, orthopaedics, and geriatrics. Each hospital selected a
coordinator and a team of infection control professionals to
carry out the project. Aspects specific to the study design for
Hong Kong SAR pilot hospitals included that each test ward
be associated with a control ward of the same type, and the
conduct of a long-term follow-up of hand hygiene compliance

During the preparation phase, much energy was devoted to

setting up the local production of the WHO formulations in the
perspective of ensuring costeffectiveness and large-scale
production. Production was put out to tender, and the company
proposing the lowest price (including the purchase of plastic
fixed dispensers and pocket bottles) was selected. The quality
of the final products was ascertained at Genevas University

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preference for one of the two WHO alcohol-based handrub 21.5.2 Lessons learnt from complementary test sites
formulations in use, although some considered it to have an
unpleasant odour. All 41 Hong Kong SAR public hospitals are Since the start of the testing phase of the WHO Multimodal
currently purchasing the WHO formulations from the selected Hand Hygiene Implementation Strategy, complementary
local company at the price of US$ 0.50 for the 100 ml bottle test sites (CTS) were able to access the entire range of tools
and US$ 1.60 for the 500 ml dispenser. Compliance at baseline included in the Pilot Implementation Pack following registration
(AprilOctober 2006) was 20.7% and 22.2% in study and through an interactive web platform created for this purpose.
control wards, respectively. Such low rates are surprising in Although CTS did not receive direct monitoring by the First
Hong Kong SAR, when considering the major achievements Global Patient Safety Challenge team, a process of evaluation
with hand hygiene compliance only a few years previously at the has been undertaken when the implementation phase reached
time of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak. an advanced stage. A structured framework was developed
including three levels: level I, the mapping exercise; level II,
Implementation in the test wards of the Hong Kong SAR pilot quantitative evaluation; and level III, qualitative evaluation. The
hospitals involved original aspects of adaptation of the WHO mapping exercise was conducted with the use of an online form
strategy and tools. Education was carried out by presentations and allowed to collect general information about the health-
targeted to the different professional categories. Different care settings, their progress in the implementation of the WHO
scenarios simulating real care situations were presented to Strategy and which tools had been adopted or adapted. Sites
staff, and solutions and explanations were given. All possible at advanced/semi-advanced stages of implementation and
efforts were made to enhance HCWs access to alcohol-based which had used most of the WHO tools underwent evaluation
handrubs by increasing the number of dispensers at the point levels II and III through a semi-structured telephone interview
of care in test wards, distributing the new products in pocket with the coordinators. The interview included both open and
bottles as well with special belts and clip holders, and making ranking questions (7-point Likert scale) on different components
powder-free gloves available in test wards. A question and of the WHO Strategy and the Pilot Implementation Pack. The
answer (Q&A) leaflet was prepared, responding to all HCWs objective was to receive feedback on the drawbacks and
concerns about the use of alcohol-based handrubs (e.g. skin advantages of the implementation of the strategy, feasibility of
damage, fire safety, bottle contamination), and topics were alcohol-based handrub local production, and the validity and
discussed with HCWs according to the needs. Feedback about obstacles encountered in the use of the tools. For the purpose
hand hygiene performance was given to HCWs individually and of quantitative evaluation, the coordinators were requested to
immediately after observation. A competition was announced to send the available data on key indicators e.g. hand hygiene
identify the best slogan to promote Clean Care is Safer Care compliance, alcohol-based handrub and soap consumption,
in Chinese. To boost implementation, emphasis was placed on as well as the results of the knowledge/perception/structure
role modelling after the first and the second follow-up periods. surveys. Level II evaluation is ongoing.

Three periods of follow-up observations were carried out every A total of 114 complete responses were received for the level I
3-4 months. In the first period (October 2006March 2007), survey and concerned both single sites and networks of health-
overall compliance rates were 56.6% and 18.3% in the test and care settings. Forty-seven coordinators from the advanced and
control wards, respectively. In test wards, compliance improved semi-advanced sites, representing 230 health-care settings
in all professional categories apart from doctors (15.5% from Egypt, France, Italy, Malta, Malaysia, Mongolia, Spain, and
compliance at baseline) who showed no improvement and a Viet Nam, participated in the level II and III evaluation.
significantly lower compliance at all follow-up measurements
(mean 23.4%). Between July 2007 and January 2008, the
hand hygiene campaign was announced hospitalwide in all Comments on the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene
pilot hospitals, with an official launch ceremony. All the above- Improvement Strategy and the Guide to Implementation
mentioned actions were extended to all wards and no longer
limited to test wards only. After the hospitalwide roll-out, General comments by most coordinators on the WHO
compliance rates in test wards remained 52.4%, whereas it Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy indicate
increased to 43.8% in the control wards. On 21 January 2008, that it is comprehensive and detailed, and its action plan very
following the success of the WHO strategy implementation in helpful to guide practically the local implementation. For these
the pilot hospitals, the Hospital Authority, Hong Kong SAR, reasons, it was considered to be a successful model suitable to
launched a national campaign aiming to create an institutional be used also for other infection control interventions. However,
safety climate and improving hand hygiene in 38 public there is a strong need for a summarized/simplified version.
hospitals. At that time a big banner (15 m wide and 9 m hight) Some coordinators raised concerns about the complexity of
was posted up outside the Hospital Authority Head Office for the strategy and the Pilot Implementation Pack, especially in
increasing public awareness of the importance of hand hygiene. contexts with limited human resources, while others requested
Most of these hospitals are currently displaying a giant banner more details on implementation in poorly-resourced countries.
on hand hygiene at their entrance to show their participation As the main focus of the strategy is on hospitals, adaptation to
and using the WHO Implementation Strategy, toolkit, and other types of health-care settings was strongly suggested. The
methodology. It is also of note that the strategy was adapted overall median score attributed to the usefulness of the Guide
and successfully implemented in seven home-care facilities in to Implementation to help understand the rationale behind the
Hong Kong SAR. strategy, the step-wise approach to implementation, the
objectives and application of the tools was 6 (range 4-7). The

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section on sustainability was considered worthy of expansion

with more detail by some individuals.

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Some examples of the local adaptation of the strategy are the Feedback was noted as being very important to raise
local production of posters, brochures, training films, badges awareness and to acknowledge the results achieved. The
and gadgets, organization of focus groups on glove use, use method used most frequently was a slide presentation during
of the fingerprint method for educational purposes, and the educational sessions; in some cases, immediate compliance
involvement of patients and visitors in hand hygiene promotion. feedback and a written report were given to staff and the
hospital directorate. In some facilities, the reaction of HCWs to
reported low rates of compliance was not positive; in others, Comments on specific elements of the WHO Strategy when data were disseminated to other units, they generated
much interest to take part in the implementation.
System change. System change was considered a very
important component of the WHO Strategy (median score 7, The other WHO tools for evaluation (structure, perception and
range 4-7). As far as handwashing was concerned, in some knowledge surveys) were used in some sites. Although their
cases where major infrastructure deficiencies were present (e.g. usefulness to gather a more comprehensive understanding of
lack of sinks and paper towels), these could not be completely hand hygiene practices was acknowledged, it was also pointed
overcome, mainly due to lack of resources. out that it was too time-consuming to perform the surveys,
some questionnaires are too long, and some questions are
Forty-six CTS adopted locally-produced WHO-recommended difficult to understand. In some sites, a combined knowledge/
handrub formulations produced either at the hospital pharmacy perception questionnaire was developed locally.
or in a centralized facility. In the sites where handrub was
already in use, the system was strengthened through the Reminders in the workplace. WHO posters were used in all
increase in the number of dispensers and the use of different sites and adapted locally in some cases. They were also useful
types of dispensers. for patients and visitors and led to spontaneous patient
participation. Perishability was one concern and, in some sites,
Reported long-term obstacles to system change included posters were plasticized to overcome this problem. The median
staff subconsciously resistant to using handrub (mainly for score attributed to the importance of reminders was 6 (range
self-protection reasons), leakage problem with liquid solutions, 3-7;) median scores attributed to the WHO posters were as
rumours about handrubs causing skin cancer, and allergic follows: 5 Moments, 7 (range 6-7); How to Handrub, 6 (range
reactions. 5-7); and How to Handwash, 6 (range 5-7).

Education. This component was considered of major Patient safety climate. Some coordinators pointed out that
importance for the success of the campaign and the WHO tools the implementation of the hand hygiene campaign acted as a
were widely used with the addition of local data in most cases. trigger to introduce other patient safety topics. Support from
HCWs who had previously received less education expressed top managers and the directorate varied from strong practical
the most interest. In many cases, traditional educational support to more moral and verbal support among the different
sessions with slide-shows were used, but other methods such sites. No active patient participation was reported. The median
as interactive sessions and practical sessions on hand hygiene score attributed to the importance of the promotion of a safety
technique were also adopted. The My five moments for hand culture was 6 (range 2-7); scores attributed to the usefulness
hygiene concept was perceived as the key winning message of of the tools to secure managerial support were: information
the Strategy and the visual impact of the educational tools and sheets, 5 (range 3-7); advocacy sheet, 4 (range 2-6); and senior
the training film were highly appreciated. managers letter template, 5 (range 2-7).

Major obstacles were the limited time availability of HCWs

beyond the work shifts and the reluctance of doctors to attend
training sessions.

The median score attributed to the importance of education

was 7 (range 5-7). Scores given to the usefulness of the
different WHO educational tools were as follows: training film,
7 (range 5-7); slide presentation, 6 (range 5-7); hand hygiene
brochure, 7 (range 5-7); pocket leaflet, 7 (range 5-7); and the 9
recommendations leaflet, 7 (range 5-7).

Observation and feedback. All sites adopted the WHO

observation method and found it relatively easy to apply due to
the precise instructions included in the Manual for Observers.
The median score attributed to both the importance of
observation and feedback and the usefulness of the Manual for
Observers was 7 (ranges 4-7 and 1-7, respectively). Observers
were mainly infection control nurses. Nevertheless, difficulties
were experienced for their validation and the time availability for
this task, particularly when limited manpower was available.

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Table I.21.1
Basic requirements for implementation

Multimodal strategy Minimum criteria for implementation

1A. System change: alcohol-based Bottles of alcohol-based handrub positioned at the point of care in each ward, or given
handrub to staff

1B. System change: access to safe One sink to at least every 10 beds
continuous water supply and towels Soap and fresh towels available at every sink

2. Training and education All staff involved in the test phase receive training during Step 3
A programme to update training over the short-, medium- and long-term is established

3. Observation and feedback Two periods of observational monitoring are undertaken during Steps 2 and 4

4. Reminders in the workplace How to and 5 Moments posters are displayed in all test wards (e.g. patients rooms;
staff areas; out-patient/ambulatory departments)

5. Institutional safety climate The chief executive, chief medical officer/medical superintendent and chief nurse all
make a visible commitment to support hand hygiene improvement during Step 3 (e.g.
announcements and/or formal letters to staff)

Table I.21.2
Type of tools* available to implement the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy

Type of tool Tool

Informational/technical WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care

A summary of the Guidelines
The Global Patient Safety Challenge document
Information sheets
WHO-recommended hand antisepsis formulation guide to local production
Alcohol-based handrub production planning and costing tool

Educational Slide presentation on HCAI and hand hygiene for HCWs and observers
Training films
Pocket leaflet
Hand hygiene brochure
Manual for observers

Promotional (marketing/reminder tools) How to handrub poster

How to handwash poster
My Five Moments poster
Clean hands poster
Clean environment poster
Clean practices poster
Clean products poster
Clean equipment poster
Sample letter to chief nurses/senior medical staff

Evaluation and monitoring Facility situation analysis

Country situation analysis
Senior executive manager perception survey
HCW perception survey
Ward structure survey
Soap and handrub consumption survey
Hand hygiene observation survey
HCW knowledge survey
How to use Epi-Info
Baseline and follow-up data summary report framework
Alcohol-based handrub tolerability and acceptability survey

* Most tools are freely available at: http://www.who.int/gpsc/en/

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Table I.21.3
Requirement specifications for a user-centred hand hygiene application concept

Consistent with evidence-based risk assessment of HCAI and spread of multi-resistant microorganisms

Integrated into a natural care workflow


Logical clarity of the concept

Applicable in a wide range of health-care settings

Minimising the density of the need for hand hygiene

Maximal know-how congruence between trainers, observers, and HCWs

Table I.21.4
My five moments for hand hygiene: explanations and link to evidence-based recommendations

Moment Endpoints of hand transmission Prevented negative outcome

1. Before touching a Donor surface: any surface in the health-care area Patient colonization with health-care microorganisms;
patient exceptionally, exogenous infection
Receptor surface: any surface in the patient zone

2. Before clean/ Donor surface: any other surface Patient endogenous infection; exceptionally
aseptic exogenous infection
procedure Receptor surface: critical site with infectious risk for
the patient or critical site with combined infectious risk

3. After body fluid Donor surface: critical site with body fluid exposure HCW infection
exposure risk risk or critical site with combined infectious risk

Receptor surface: any other surface

4. After touching a Donor surface: any surface in the patient zone with HCW colonization; environment contamination
patient touching a patient

Receptor surface: any surface in the health-care area

5. After touching Donor surface: any surface in the patient zone without HCW cross-colonization; environment contamination
patient touching the patient
Receptor surface: any surface in the health-care area

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Table I.21.4
My five moments for hand hygiene: explanations and link to evidence-based recommendations (Cont.)
Moment Examples of care situations WHO recommendation (ranking Comments: changes since
when the moment occurs for scientific evidence a ) Advanced Draft of these

1. Before touching a Shaking hands, helping a patient Before and after touching patients The two moments before and after
patient to move around, getting washed, (IB) touching a patient were separated
taking pulse, blood pressure, chest because of their specific sequential
auscultation, abdominal palpation occurrence in routine care, unequal
negative outcome in case of failure
to adhere, and usual adherence

2. Before clean/ Oral/dental care, secretion Before handling an invasive device This concept was enlarged to cover
aseptic aspiration, skin lesion care, for patient care, regardless of all transfer of microorganisms to
procedure wound dressing, subcutaneous whether or not gloves are used (IB) vulnerable body sites potentially
injection; catheter insertion, resulting in infection
opening a vascular access system;
preparation of food, medication, If moving from a contaminated Since it is not possible to
dressing sets body site to a clean body site determine these body sites
during patient care (IB) objectively, this indication was not
retained as a separate item, but
covered by within patient zone

3. After body fluid Oral/dental care, secretion After removing gloves (IB) After body fluid exposure risk
exposure risk aspiration; skin lesion care, wound covers this recommendation; see
dressing, subcutaneous injection; text for further comments
drawing and manipulation any fluid
sample, opening draining system, After contact with body fluids or This risk was generalized to include
endotracheal tube insertion and excretions, mucous membranes, all tasks that can potentially result
removal; clearing up urines, faces, non intact skin, or wound dressings in hand exposure to body fluids.
vomit; handling waste (bandages, (IA) A paradox of body fluid exposure
napkin, incontinence pads); was resolved by including the
cleaning of contaminated and notion of exposure risk instead of
visibly soiled material or areas actual exposure.
(lavatories, medical instruments)
If moving from a contaminated See comment 2 in Moment 2
body site to a clean body site (before clean/aseptic procedure)
during patient care (IB)

4. After touching a Shaking hands, helping a patient Before and after touching patients See comment in Moment 1(before
patient to move around, getting washed, (IB) touching a patient)
taking pulse, taking blood
pressure, chest auscultation,
abdominal palpation

5. After touching Changing bed linen, perfusion After contact with inanimate Retained to cover all situations
patient speed adjustment, monitoring objects (including medical where the patients immediate
surroundings alarm, holding a bed rail, clearing equipment) in the immediate and potentially contaminated
the bedside table vicinity of the patient (IB) environment is touched but not the

Ranking system for evidence (see Part II): category IA, strongly recommended for implementation and strongly supported by well-
designed experimental, clinical, or epidemiological studies; category IB, strongly recommended for implementation and supported by some
experimental, clinical, or epidemiological studies and a strong theoretical rationale.

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Table I.21.5.1
WHO sites for the testing of
Country the WHO Guidelines
City Hospital on Hand Hygiene
Hospital in Health CareStatus
wards and itsofstrategy
the and tools
Local tool preparation and/or
region testing at adaptation
of guidelines
2008 )

AFR Mali Bamako Hpital du Pilot testing complete Concluded Leaflet for hand hygiene
Point G in nine units campaign launch
including medicine, WHO-recommended
surgery, emergency, formulation
anaesthesia and Promotional tee-shirts
intensive care,
gynaecology and

AMR Costa Rica San Jose Hospital Targeted on subset Step 5 Training film
Nacional de of wards, including Hand hygiene song
Nios infectious disease Posters

SEAR Bangladesh Chittagong Chittagong Five wards representing Step 4 Translation into Bengali of most
Medical 450 beds WHO tools
College Simplified 2-moments
Hospital observation tool including the
case of 2 patients per bed
WHO- recommended

Italy National Network of ICUs selected Concluded Guide to Implementation
network 41 ICUs according to the summary
following criteria: Posters
Use of the fingertip method to
- Having a reliable educate HCWs
system for HCAI Gadgets
surveillance (HELICS
protocol; surveillance
system for MRSA

- Explicit consent to
provide requested
data (results from all
WHO surveys and
HCAI rates)

- No other major
prevention project
to the strategy

- Compliance with the

time line agreed with

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114 114

Table I.21.5.1
Pilot sites for the testing of the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care and its strategy and tools (Cont.)

WHO Country City Hospital Hospital wards Status of the Local tool preparation and/or
region testing at adaptation
of guidelines
2008 )

EMR Saudi Riyadh King Saud Hospitalwide Step 5 Campaign original logo
Arabia Medical Posters and banners displayed
Complex outside the hospital
Pens, mugs, t-shirts, round big
buttons with campaign logo
Screen saver
DVD, educational brochures
and pocket leaflets for HCWs,
patients (adults and children)
and visitors translated into 4
different languages (arabic,
english, tagalog, urdu)
Demonstrations of the hand
hygiene technique
Use of finger tip printculture to
educate HCWs and patients
Drawing book for children
with cartoons related to the
formulation with alternative
fragrances and emollients
National hand hygiene
Hand hygiene guideline
summary for the HCWs during
pilgrimage season

Saudi Riyadh King Nine pilot areas Concluded Banners and posters
Arabia Abdulaziz including 7 ICUs and 2 Brochures for HCWs
Medical surgical wards Brochures for patients
City Pocket leaflets for HCWs
Badges, pens and mugs

Pakistan Islamabad Pakistan Medical, surgical and Step 4 Translation of posters into Urdu
Institute neonatal ICUs WHO-recommended
of Medical formulation

WPR China Hong Kong Four pilot Selection of tests and Concluded Giant banners for the outside
SAR hospitals: control wards in the wall of the hospital
Queen Mary four hospitals Cartoons and other posters
Hospital, Q&A leaflet responding to
Caritas HCWs concerns about the use
Medical of alcohol-based handrubs
Centre, WHO-recommended
Tuen Mun formulation
Yan Chai

115 115
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Table I.21.5.2
Lessons learnt from testing in pilot sites

Country Site Lessons learnt and suggestions for improving the WHO strategy

Mali Hpital du Strong support from the WHO country office was critical to overall pilot success, particularly for
Point G ministerial engagement and proposed scale-up activities
Active support from the hospital directorate was critical to the project endorsement and development
Difficulties were experienced with some questions comprehension and the collection of the perception
questionnaires. These should be shortened and simplified
Procurement of some ingredients and dispensers for the WHO-recommended formulation was not
possible within the country.
Finding an effective method for the distribution of handrub pocket bottles has been a challenging issue,
especially because of the risk of being taken along outside the hospital
Successful implementation at this pilot site has been critical to demonstrate the feasibility of the WHO
Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy in a setting with limited resources in the African

Costa Rica Hospital The national pledge was a strong driver for action
Nacional de Strong support from WHO regional and country offices has been critical to overall pilot success,
Nios particularly for proposed scale-up activity
Strong medical and nurse leadership at the facility level was also a key factor of success
Translation and adaptation of tools and the sourcing of alcohol-based handrub were significantly more
time-consuming than originally planned and resulted in delays
Strengthening local capacity to verify quality of the WHO formulation would significantly speed up the
process for regional scale-up
Strengthening local capacity for monitoring and evaluation, particularly data analysis, would yield
significant regional and country benefits
Advocacy could be strengthened and assist in securing donor funding, particularly having a strong
case for the intervention and associated advocacy materials
There were initially numerous aesthetic concerns relating to the alcohol-based hanrubs, particularly the
perception of dead microbes remaining on hands as a disincentive to use the handrub
There were recycling and environmental concerns related to alcohol- based handrub dispensers. Bottle
reprocessing offered a solution

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Table I.21.5.2
Lessons learnt from testing in pilot sites (Cont.)

Country Site Lessons learnt and suggestions for improving the WHO strategy

Bangladesh Chittagong The national pledge was a strong driver for action
Medical Strong support form WHO regional and country offices has been critical to overall pilot success,
College particularly in relation to proposed scale-up activity
Hospital Facility preparation, especially installation of handwash basins, took more time than expected. Local
procurement of heavy duty sanitary equipments such as lever operated pillar taps was not possible.
The close collaboration of a doctor and a nurse as project coordinators was essential to effectively
develop and maintain hand hygiene behavioural change among all HCW and patient attendants
At the facility level, commitment by the director, strong support by the head of the newly formed
infection control committee, and strong medical and nurse leadership were significant drivers for
Production of a handrub at the para-statal Essential Drug Company Ltd (EDCL) was effective and
facilitates the process to add alcohol-based handrubs to the government approved essential medical
and surgical requisition list, aspect which is important for budget implication of the national scale-up
The handrub quality control, performed by the EDCL, in future should be complemented through a
WHO quality control mechanism
The Guide to Implementation was a very useful basis for all discussions between WHO headquarters
and the country and facility leads
The five-step approach was adhered to but adaptations were made based on real-life application, in
particular usability was considered an area requiring improvement (need for a simpler guide)
Strengthening local capacity for monitoring and evaluation, particularly data analysis, would yield
significant regional and country benefits
In many cases, relatives provide routine physical care to their patient and are being encouraged to
use the sinks and handrubs. Need to provide patients and relatives with information on HCAI or hand
Comment boxes are present in hospitals and subject to regular review, demonstrating high-level
commitment and a culture supportive of patient perspectives
The Five moments-2 concept was considered complicated, especially as far as observation is
Initial cultural sensitivities have emerged as regards observation staff did not like being observed
Perception, knowledge, and structure questionnaires raised questions in relation to their cultural
The training film was not used due to lack of easy access to equipment and and re-shooting the film in
a Bangladesh hospital is planned to aid scale-up
It was not possible to procure locally durable, economic and purpose-designed wall mounted handrub
dispensers and procurement abroad would have delayed the project by at least 6 months. Instead
liquid soap dispenser were procured
With the installation of sinks in the wards, soap use (and with it some theft) increased. Due to a
normative annual budgeting and procurement cycle of the hospital consumables, difficulties to supply
increased amounts of soap to the wards were experienced
Local production of heavy duty flip-top dispenser head or spray head for pocket-carry bottle was not
possible. Instead large numbers of spare flip-top heads were procured
Paper towels and paper towel holder were procured from local markets
Staff feedback on the WHO formulation was positive, though an unpleasant smell after application was

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Italy Network of Strong support from the national coordination centre and the regional coordinators has been critical to
ICUs the overall success of the national campaign and the testing in the ICU network
The fact that the campaign was in partnership with a WHO campaign generated a lot of stimulation and
motivation to participate and achieve the intended objectives
The strategy approach was particularly appreciated as a very suitable model for practical
implementation of recommendations. Recommendation was made to use the same model for other
The Guide to Implementation is complex and the burden of activities to be carried out is arduous. A
summary of the guide was produced by the national coordination centre and considered very helpful
Feedback was considered very important to raise HCWs awareness and to maintain a high level of
support and attention by senior managers throughout the programme roll-out
The five moments approach, the visual impact of WHO educational tools, and the training film were
considered to be the key determinants of the success of educational sessions
Difficulties were experienced to attract the medical audience
The knowledge questionnaire is difficult to understand; an Improvement in the formulation of questions
16 and 21 and the removal of question 26 were suggested.
Difficulties were experienced in the use of the Epi Info databases provided by WHO and therefore it
was necessary to make corrections and adaptations

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118 118

Table I.21.5.2
Lessons learnt from testing in pilot sites (Cont.)

Country Site Lessons learnt and suggestions for improving the WHO strategy

Saudi King Saud Strong infection control team and support from the hospital directorate were keys to the success
Arabia Medical In general, the WHO strategy requires considerable investment, particularly in human resources. This is
Complex not very clear in the Guide to Implementation
WHO should offer training on using Epi Info for data entry and especially data analysis
When the WHO formulation (liquid) was introduced, some HCWs expressed their preference for gel
The knowledge questionnaire is difficult to understand in many places, especially questions 23, 24, and

Saudi King Leadership is an important success factor.

Arabia Abdul Aziz Assessing shared beliefs and values regarding the issue of patient safety is highly important in order to
Medical create a safety culture
City A patient-centred/customer-focused approach would be beneficial.
It is important to build on system thinking and not individual thinking
More training is needed for co-ordinators on: behavioural theories; change management; and project
management principles
A post description is needed to facilitate co-ordinator selection.
Some questions regarding the perceptions and knowledge questionnaires are redundant and others
are difficult to understand and need re-wording
A facilitators guide together with the PowerPoint presentation can be very helpful. The presentation
should include slides that assess the feelings (emotions) of the HCWs, i.e. photos of infections,
experiences of people who were infected, etc.
The Let us do it Together form to assess the how to perform hand hygiene (psychomotor) should be
added to the other WHO tools
A standardized sample reporting format is needed where metrics are shown in a consistent manner
An Excel sheet could be helpful for the calculation of product consumption
Communication is the key component of success: to provide ideas on the topic in a very helpful and
informative manner (communications management plans)
A small guide is needed on how to overcome resistance to change
Coordinators and project facilitators should be trained on how to address HCWs resistance, i.e.
surprise, apprehension of the unknown, scepticism, cynicism, complacency, strong resistance, etc.

Pakistan Pakistan The success of this project was possible due to strong commitment of PIMS senior management.
Institute The project is very demanding in terms of time to be dedicated to education, because of shortage of
of Medical permament members of staff and high turnover of medical and nursing students
Sciences Language barriers exist (especially among non-medical staff), and there is a need for translation of the
(PIMS) WHO material into the local language (currently been undertaken)
There are difficulties to identify some tasks as aseptic, e.g. dental/oral care; therefore, the wording of
Moment 2 is not adequate
Availability and production of good quality 100 ml flip-top bottles to dispense alcohol-based hand rub
was challenging
Providing a dedicated room with adequate temperature control and storage facilities for the production
and storage of alcohol was a difficult task
The Guide to Implementation was complex and difficult to understand
Delay to obtain quality control information of locally produced WHO formulation from Geneva because
of restriction of sending liquid sample by postal and couriers services
Staff were delighted at the introduction of the WHO formulation as the commercial product previously
in use had a very high incidence of dermatitis
No religious issues were raised on the use of the alcohol-based handrub product

Hong Kong Four pilot Barriers to implement system change: HCWs concerns about the use of alcohol-based handrubs
SAR hospitals (potential skin damage, fire safety, and pocket bottle contamination) and the perception that hands are
clean only after handwashing.
Difficulties to allocate time to attend the education sessions
No hand hygiene compliance improvement was observed among doctors. The WHO strategy should
include suggestions and ideas how to induce behavioural change in different professional categories

119 119
119 119

Figure I.21.1
Visual representation of the 5-Step Implementation Strategy

Step 5 Step 1 Step 5 Step 1

WHO Guide to WHO Guide to

Implementation Step 2
Implementation Step 2
Step 4 Step 4

Step 3 Step 3

Year 1 Year 2 Repeat minimum 5 years

Table I.21.2
Action plan step-by-step

Step 1: Step 2 : Step 3: Step 4: Step 5:

Facility Preparedness Baseline Evaluation Implementation Follow-up Evaluation Developing Ongoing
Action Plan and Review

Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities

Identify coordinator Baseline Assessments: Launch the strategy Follow-up assessments: Study all results carefully
undertake undertake

Identify key individuals/ Senior managers Feedback baseline data Health-care worker Feedback of follow-up
groups perception survey knowledge survey data

Undertake Facility Health-care worker Distribute posters Senior executive Develop a five year
Situation Analysis perception survey managers perception action plan

Complete alcohol-based Ward structure survey Distribute alcohol-based Health-care workers Consider scale-up of the
handrub production, handrub perception and strategy
planning and costing campaign evaluation
tool survey

Train observers/trainers Local production or Distribute other WHO Facility Situation

market procurement of materials from the Pilot Analysis
handrubs Implementation Pack

Procure raw materials for Data entry and analysis Educate facility staff Data entry and analysis
alcohol-based handrub
(if necessary)

Collect data on cost- Hand hygiene Undertake practical Hand hygiene

benefit observations training of facility staff observations

Evaluate computer Health-care worker Undertake handrub Monthly monitoring of

equipment knowledge survey tolerance tests use of products

Undertake training on Monitor use of soap and Complete monthly

data entry and analysis alcohol monitoring of usage of

120 120
120 120

Figure I.21.3
The Pilot Implementation Pack (now named Implementation Toolkit) comprising tools corresponding to each component of the
WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy

120 120
120 120

Figure I.21.4
Core elements of hand transmission

a b

a b


1) Donor surface A contains microorganisms a; receptor surface B contains microorganisms b.

2) A hand picks up a microorganism a from donor surface A and carries it over to receptor surface B, no hand hygiene action
3) Receptor surface B is now cross-contaminated with microorganism a in addition to original flora b. The arrow marks the
opportunity for hand hygiene, e.g. the time period and geographical dislocation within which hand hygiene will prevent cross-
transmission; the indications for hand hygiene are determined by the need to protect surface B against colonisation with a the
preventable negative outcome in this example.
Reprinted from Sax, 20071 with permission from Elsevier.

121 121
121 121

Figure I.21.5a
Unified visuals for My five moments for hand hygiene





The patient zone is defined as the patients intact skin and his/her immediate surroundings colonized by the patient flora and the health-
care area as containing all other surfaces.
Symbols for critical sites with infectious risk for the patient and critical sites with body fluid exposure risk, two critical sites for hand hygiene
within the patient zone (Figure I.21.5a).
Reprinted from Sax, 20071 with permission from Elsevier.

122 122
122 122

Figure I.21.5b
Unified visuals for My five moments for hand hygiene

1 4


The patient zone, health-care area, and critical sites with inserted time-space representation of My five moments for hand hygiene (Figure
Reprinted from Sax, 20071 with permission from Elsevier.

123 123
123 123

Impact of improved hand hygiene

Evaluation of the effectiveness of hand hygiene guidelines or recommendations on the ultimate outcome, i.e. the
HCAI rate, is certainly the most accurate way to measure the impact of improved hand hygiene, but it represents
a very challenging activity. Indeed, guideline implementation should not be evaluated per se but in relation to the
availability of clear instructions on how to translate it into practice and, ideally, the existence of related tools and
impact of their implementation. As an illustration, in a sample of 40 hospitals in the USA, Larson and colleagues
found that although most HCWs were aware of the hand hygiene guidelines with alcohol-based handrub available
in all facilities, a multidisciplinary implementation programme was conducted in only 44.2% of the hospitals. 728
The impact was quite disappointing: mean hand hygiene compliance rates were no higher than 56.6%, and the
correlation of lower infection rates with higher compliance was demonstrated only for bloodstream infections.
The authors concluded that a real change following guideline dissemination is not achievable unless fostered by
factual multidisciplinary efforts and explicit administrative support.

Difficulties to deal with this challengig issue depend firstly on the HCWs to recommended handwashing measures improved.
diversity of methodologies used in available studies, and this is This strategy yielded sustained improvements in hand hygiene
well reflected in the very different conclusions that can be drawn
from systematic reviews on the topic. 887,888

The lack of scientific information on the definitive impact of

improved hand hygiene compliance on HCAI rates has been
reported as a possible barrier to appropriate adherence
with hand hygiene recommendations. However, there is
convincing evidence that improved hand hygiene through
multimodal implementation strategies can reduce infection
rates. In addition, although not reporting infection rates, several
studies showed a sustained decrease of the incidence of
multidrug-resistant bacterial isolates and patient colonization
following the implementation of hand hygiene improvement
strategies.428,655,687,701 Failure to perform appropriate hand
hygiene is considered the leading cause of HCAI and spread
of multi-resistant organisms, and has been recognized as a
significant contributor to outbreaks.

At least 20 hospital-based studies of the impact of hand hygiene

on the risk of HCAI have been published between 1977 and
June 2008 (Table I.22.1).60,61,121,181,182,195,196,489,494,645,657,659,663,667,713-
Despite study limitations, most reports showed a temporal
relation between improved hand hygiene practices and reduced
infection and cross-transmission rates.

Maki195 found that HCAI rates were lower when antiseptic

handwash was used by HCWs. Doebbeling and colleagues 659
compared hand antisepsis using a chlorhexidine-containing
detergent to a combination regimen that permitted either
handwashing with plain soap or use of an alcohol-based
handrub. HCAI rates were lower when the chlorhexidine-
containing product was in use. However, because relatively
little of the alcohol rub was used during periods when the
combination regimen was in operation and because adherence
to policies was higher when chlorhexidine was available, it
was difficult to determine whether the lower infection rates
were attributable to the hand hygiene regimen used or to the
differences in HCW compliance with policies.

A study by Larson and colleagues713 found that the frequency

of VRE infections, but not MRSA, decreased as adherence of

124 124
124 124

practices. The intervention lasted eight months, and a follow-

up survey six months after the end of the intervention showed
a sustained improvement in hand hygiene practices. More
recently, several studies demonstrated a clear impact of
improved hand hygiene on MRSA rates.489,494,718 In a district
hospital in the United Kingdom, the incidence of hospital-
acquired MRSA cases significantly decreased after a successful
hand hygiene promotion programme.489 Similarly, in Australia,
a hospitalwide, multifaceted programme to change hand
hygiene culture and practices led to a 57% reduction of MRSA
bacteraemia episodes as well as a significant reduction of the
overall number of clinical isolates of MRSA and ESBL-producing
E. coli and Klebsiella spp.494 The programme was subsequently
expanded to another six health-care institutions and then to
the entire state of Victoria. After 24 months and 12 months of
follow-up, respectively, MRSA bacteraemia and the number of
MRSA clinical isolates significantly decreased both in the 6 pilot
hospital and statewide (see Table I.22.1).719 In another study,
the intervention consisted of the hospitalwide introduction of
an alcohol-based gel and MRSA surveillance feedback through
charts.718 Significant reductions of MRSA bacteraemia and
MRSA central line-associated bacteraemia were observed
hospitalwide and in the ICU, respectively, with a follow-up of 36
months. In this study, however, it is difficult to define the actual
role of hand hygiene to reduce MRSA bacteraemia, because
charts were a strong component of the intervention and, at the
same time general infection control measures were intensified
and the use of antibiotic-coated central venous catheters was
initiated in the ICU.

In 2000, a landmark study by Pittet and colleagues 60

demonstrated that implementing a multidisciplinary programme
to promote increased use of an alcohol-based handrub led
to increased compliance of HCWs with recommended hand
hygiene practices and a reduced prevalence of HCAI. Individual
bottles of handrub solution were distributed in large numbers
to all wards, and custom-made holders were mounted on all
beds to facilitate access to hand antisepsis. HCWs were also
encouraged to carry a bottle in their pocket. The promotional
strategy was multimodal and involved a multidisciplinary team
of HCWs, the use of wall posters, the promotion of bedside
handrubs throughout the institution, and regular performance

feedback to all HCWs (see http://www.hopisafe.ch for further

details on methodology). HCAI rates, attack rates of MRSA

125 125
125 125

cross-transmission, and consumption of handrub were studies concluded that hand hygiene promotion had no impact
measured in parallel. Adherence to recommended hand hygiene on HCAI. A very early study from Simmons and colleagues
practices improved progressively from 48% in 1994 to 66%
in 1997 (P <0.001). While recourse to handwashing with soap
and water remained stable, the frequency of handrubbing
markedly increased over the study period (P <0.001), and the
consumption of alcohol-based handrub solution increased
from 3.5 litres to 15.4 litres per 1000 patient-days between
1993 and 1998 (P <0.001). Importantly, increased recourse to
handrubbing was associated with a significant improvement in
compliance in critical care,334 suggesting that time constraint
bypassing was critical. The increased frequency of hand
antisepsis was unchanged after adjustment for known risk
factors of poor adherence. During the same period, both overall
HCAI and MRSA transmission rates decreased (both P <0.05).
The observed reduction in MRSA transmission may well have
been affected by both improved hand hygiene adherence
and the simultaneous implementation of active surveillance
cultures for detecting and isolating patients colonized with
MRSA.889 Follow-up evaluation 8 years after the beginning
of the programme revealed continuous improvement with
hand hygiene practices, increased recourse to alcohol-based
handrub, and stable HCAI rates; it also highlights the cost
effectiveness of the strategy.61 The experience from Genevas
University Hospitals constitutes the first report of a hand
hygiene campaign demonstrating a sustained improvement over
several years; some recent further studies reported a positive
impact of hand hygiene promotion with a prolonged follow-up
(up to 3 years). 494,714,717,718

More recently, a number of studies assessed the effectiveness

of hand hygiene improvement to prevent HCAI in neonatal
care. Following the implementation of hand hygiene multimodal
strategies, Lam and colleagues 648 and Won and colleagues714
demonstrated a significant decrease of overall HCAI rates
in neonatal ICUs, whereas Pessoa-Silva and colleagues657
observed only a decrease in very low-birth-weight neonates
(Table I.22.1). A significant reduction of HCAI was also observed
in adult ICU patients in a hospital in Argentina.716 Other
investigations showed an impact of improved hand hygiene
on specific types of HCAI such as rotavirus715 and surgical
site infections in neurosurgery717 (Table I.22.1). Furthermore,
a recent review of the literature related to the effectiveness of
handwashing against SARS transmission concluded that nine
of 10 epidemiological studies showed a protective effect of
hand hygiene, but this result was only significant in three in a
multivariate analysis. 890

In several other studies in which hand hygiene compliance was

not monitored, multidisciplinary programmes that involved the
introduction of an alcohol-based handrub were associated with
a decrease in HCAI and cross-transmission rates. 429,489,645,735
The beneficial effects of hand hygiene promotion on the risk of
cross-transmission have also been reported in surveys
conducted in schools or day-care centres,454,891-896 as well as in
community settings. 248,249,449,754,815,830,897-900

While none of the studies conducted in the health-care

setting represented randomized controlled trials, they provide
substantial evidence that increased hand hygiene compliance
is associated with reduced HCAI rates. Indeed, only very few

126 126
126 126

showed that interventions aimed at improving handwashing

practices in ICUs failed to improve them substantially and
therefore to reduce HCAI.667 A very recently published two-year,
prospective, controlled cross-over trial by Rupp and colleagues
has attracted much attention, including from the lay press. The
authors observed that a significant and sustained improvement
in hand hygiene adherence following the introduction of an
alcohol-based handrub did not lead to a substantial change
in device-associated infection rates and infections due to
multidrug-resistant pathogens.707 Nevertheless, it is crucial to
note that although the study was, in general, well-designed
and conducted, it presents key limitations that have led to
harsh criticism following its publication, 901-903 including lack of
screening for cross-transmission, lack of statistical power, and
use of an alcohol-based handrub that fails to meet the EN 1500
standards for antimicrobial efficacy.

Methodological and ethical concerns make it difficult to set up

randomized controlled trials with appropriate sample sizes that
could establish the relative importance of hand hygiene in the
prevention of HCAI. The studies so far conducted, although
semi-experimental and of good quality in most cases, could
not determine a definitive causal relationship owing to the
lack of statistical significance, the presence of confounding
factors, or the absence of randomization. Given that multimodal
strategies are the most preferred methods to obtain hand
hygiene improvement,60,713,719,728 additional research on the
relative effectiveness of the different components of these
strategies would be very helpful to successful achievement of a
sustainable impact. 809,904

The unique large, randomized controlled trial to test the impact

of hand hygiene promotion clearly demonstrated reduction
of upper respiratory pulmonary infection, diarrhoea, and
impetigo among children in a Pakistani community, with positive
effect on child health.249,449 Although it remains important to
generate additional scientific and causal evidence for the
impact of enhanced adherence with hand hygiene on infection
rates in health-care settings, these results strongly suggest
that improved hand hygiene practices reduce the risk of
transmission of pathogenic microorganisms.

127 127
127 127

Table I.22.1
Association between improved adherence with hand hygiene practice and health care-associated infection rates
(1975 June 2008 )

Year Authors Hospital Major results Duration of

setting follow-up

1977 Casewell & Adult ICU Significant reduction in the percentage of patients colonized or 2 years
Phillips121 infected by Klebsiella spp.

1989 Conly et al. 663 Adult ICU Significant reduction in HCAI rates immediately after hand hygiene 6 years
promotion (from 33% to 12% and from 33% to 10%, after two
intervention periods 4 years apart, respectively)

1990 Simmons et Adult ICU No impact on HCAI rates (no statistically significant improvement of 11 months
al. 667 hand hygiene adherence)

1992 Doebbeling et Adult ICUs Significant difference between rates of HCAI using two different 8 months
al. 659 hand hygiene agents

1994 Webster et al.181 NICU Elimination of MRSA, when combined with multiple other infection 9 months
control measures.
Reduction of vancomycin use. Significant reduction of nosocomial
bacteremia (from 2.6% to 1.1%) using triclosan compared to
chlorhexidine for handwashing

1995 Zafar et al.182 Newborn Control of a MRSA outbreak using a triclosan preparation for 3.5 years
nursery handwashing, in addition to other infection control measures

2000 Larson et al.713 MICU/NICU Significant (85%) relative reduction of VRE rate in the intervention 8 months
hospital; statistically insignificant (44%) relative reduction in control
hospital; no significant change in MRSA

2000 Pittet et al. 60,61 Hospitalwide Significant reduction in the annual overall prevalence of health care- 8 years
associated infections (42%) and MRSA cross-transmission rates
(87%). Active surveillance cultures and contact precautions were
implemented during same time period. A follow-up study showed
continuous increase in handrub use, stable HCAI rates and cost
savings derived from the strategy.

2003 Hilburn et al.645 Orthopaedic 36% decrease of urinary tract infection and SSI rates (from 8.2% to 10 months
surgical unit 5.3%)

2004 MacDonald et Hospitalwide Significant reduction in hospital-acquired MRSA cases (from 1.9% 1 year
al. 489 to 0.9%)

2004 Swoboda et Adult Reduction in HCAI rates (not statistically significant) 2.5 months
al. 852 intermediate
care unit

128 128
128 128

Table I.22.1
Association between improved adherence with hand hygiene practice and health care-associated infection rates
(1975 June 2008 ) (Cont.)

Year Authors Hospital Major results Duration of

setting follow-up

2004 Lam et al. 648 NICU Reduction (not statistically significant) in HCAI rates (from 11.3/1000 6 months
patient-days to 6.2/1000 patient-days)

2004 Won et al.714 NICU Significant reduction in HCAI rates (from 15.1/1000 patient-days to 2 years
10.7/1000 patient-days), in particular of respiratory infections

2005 Zerr et al.715 Hospitalwide Significant reduction in hospital-associated rotavirus infections 4 years

2005 Rosenthal et Adult ICUs Significant reduction in HCAI rates (from 47.5/1000 patient-days to 21 months
al.716 27.9/1000 patient-days)

2005 Johnson et al. 494 Hospitalwide Significant reduction (57%) in MRSA bacteraemia 36 months

2007 Thi Anh Thu et Neurosurgery Reduction (54%, NS) of overall incidence of SSI. Significant 2 years
al.717 reduction (100%) of superficial SSI; significantly lower SSI incidence
in intervention ward compared with control ward

2007 Pessoa-Silva et Neonatal unit Reduction of overall HCAI rates (from 11 to 8.2 infections per 1000 27 months
al. 657 patient-days) and 60% decrease of risk of HCAI in very low birth
weight neonates (from 15.5 to 8.8 episodes/1000 patient-days)

2008 Rupp et al.707 ICU No impact on device-associated infection and infections due to 2 years
multidrug-resistant pathogens

2008 Grayson et al.719 1) 6 pilot 1) Significant reduction of MRSA bacteraemia (from 0.05/100 patient- 1) 2 years
hospitals discharges to 0.02/100 patient-discharges per month) and of clinical 2) 1 year
MRSA isolates
2) all public 2) Significant reduction of MRSA bacteraemia (from 0.03/100
hospitals patient-discharges to 0.01/100 patient-discharges per month) and of
in Victoria clinical MRSA isolates

ICU: intensive care unit; NICU: neonatal ICU; MRSA: methicillin-resistant S aureus; VRE: vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp; MICU:
medical ICU; HCAI: health care-associated infection; SSI: surgical site infection;
NS: not significant.
Source: adapted from Pittet, 2006885 with permission from Elsevier.

129 129
129 129

Practical issues and potential barriers to optimal
hand hygiene practices

23.1 Glove policies catheter insertion, also require surgical glove use. In addition
to their sterile properties, these gloves have characteristics of

23.1.1 Reasons for glove use

Prior to the emergence of HIV and the acquired

immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, gloves were
essentially worn primarily by HCWs either caring for patients
colonized or infected with certain pathogens or exposed to
patients with a high risk of hepatitis B. Since 1987, a dramatic
increase in glove use has occurred in an effort to prevent the
transmission of HIV and other bloodborne pathogens from
patients to HCWs.905 The National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health Administration in the USA (NIOSHA)
mandates that gloves be worn during all patient-care activities
involving exposure to blood or body fluids that may be
contaminated with blood,906 including contact with mucous
membranes and non-intact skin. In addition, gloves should be
worn during outbreak situations, as recommended by specific
requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 58,423,906
The broad scope of these recommendations for glove use
potentially leads to inevitable, undesirable consequences, such
as the misuse and the overuse of gloves; therefore, there is a
need to define glove use indications with greater precision.

Medical glove use by HCWs is recommended for two main

reasons: 1) to reduce the risk of contaminating HCWs hands
with blood and other body fluids; 2) to reduce the risk of germ
dissemination to the environment and of transmission from the
HCWs to the patient and vice versa, as well as from one patient
to another.701,884,907,908

Single-use (also called disposable) examination gloves, either

non-sterile or sterile, are usually made of natural rubber latex or
synthetic non-latex materials such as vinyl, nitrile and neoprene
(polymers and copolymers of chloroprene). Because of the
increasing prevalence of latex sensitivity among HCWs and
patients, the FDA has approved a variety of powdered and
powder-free latex gloves with reduced protein contents, as well
as synthetic gloves that can be made available by health-care
institutions for use by latex-sensitive HCWs and for patients
with latex hypersensitivity. 909 Several new technologies are
emerging (e.g. impregnated glove materials that release chlorine
dioxide when activated by light or moisture to produce a
disinfecting micro-atmosphere),910 but none of them has so far
led to changes in glove use recommendations.49 The correct
and consistent use of existing technologies with documented
effectiveness is encouraged before new technologies are
introduced. The main feature of examination gloves to bear
in mind is that they are meant to be single-use and to be
discarded.907,911,912 In most cases, they are non-sterile.

Sterile surgical gloves are required for surgical interventions.

Some non-surgical care procedures, such as central vascular

130 130
130 130

thickness, elasticity and strength that are different from other

medical gloves (either sterile or non-sterile).

Medical gloves are designed to serve for care purposes only

and are not appropriate for housekeeping activities in health-
care facilities. Other specific types of gloves are intended for
these types of non-care activities.

In published studies, the barrier integrity of gloves has varied

considerably based on the type and quality of glove material,
intensity of use, length of time used, manufacturer, whether
gloves were tested before or after use, and the method used
to detect glove leaks.913-920 In some published studies, vinyl
gloves more frequently had defects than did latex gloves, the
difference being greatest after use. 913,914,917,921 Intact vinyl gloves,
however, provide protection comparable to that provided by
latex gloves.913 Limited studies suggest that nitrile gloves have
leakage rates close to those of latex gloves. 922-925 Although
recent studies suggest that improvements have been made
in the quality of gloves,919 the laboratory and clinical studies
cited above provide strong evidence that hands should still be
decontaminated or washed after glove removal.73,123,139,204,520,914

23.1.2 Glove efficacy

The efficacy of gloves in preventing contamination of HCWs

hands has been confirmed in several clinical studies.72,110,139 One
study found that HCWs who wore gloves during patient contact
contaminated their hands with an average of only 3 CFUs per
minute of patient care, compared with 16 CFUs per minute for
those not wearing gloves.72 Two other studies of HCWs caring
for patients with C. difficile or VRE found that wearing gloves
prevented hand contamination among a majority of those
having direct contact with patients.110,139 Wearing gloves also
prevented HCWs from acquiring VRE on their hands when
touching contaminated environmental surfaces.139 Preventing
gross contamination of the hands is considered important
because handwashing or hand antisepsis may not remove all
potential pathogens when hands are heavily contaminated. 88,278
Furthermore, several studies provide evidence that wearing
gloves can help reduce transmission of pathogens in health-
care settings.701,884 In a prospective controlled trial that required
HCWs routinely to wear vinyl gloves when handling any body
substances, the incidence of C. difficile diarrhoea among
patients decreased from 7.7 cases/1000 patient discharges
before the intervention to 1.5 cases/1000 discharges during
the intervention.422 The prevalence of asymptomatic C. difficile
carriage also decreased significantly on glove wards, but not
on control wards. In ICUs with VRE or MRSA epidemics,
requiring all HCWs to wear gloves to care for all patients in the
unit (universal glove use) appeared to contribute to the control
of outbreaks.926-928 These data must be interpreted in the light of
the actual direct impact on patient care, however, and some
additional considerations need to be discussed.49,929 Glove use
is not sufficient to prevent germ transmission and infection if

131 131
131 131

not rigorously accompanied by previous and successive further low compliance with recommendations for glove use and its
preventive measures.930 The benefit of gloves is strictly related
to the conditions of usage; the appropriateness of the latter
strongly influences the actual reduction of germ dissemination
and infection cross-transmission.

Hand hygiene is the most important measure to protect

patients, HCWs and the environment from microbial
contamination. Hand hygiene indications exist regardless
of glove use, even if they influence glove wearing. A study
highlighted the risk related to universal gloving as regards
multidrug-resistant organism transmission: universal gloving
can lead to a significant increase of device-related infections. 884.
Furthermore, wearing gloves does not provide complete
protection against the acquisition of infections caused by HBV
and HSV.913,931,932 These studies provide definitive evidence
that gloves must be removed after care of a single patient
and during the care of a patient, when moving from any body
site to another such as non intact skin, mucous membrane
or invasive medical device within the same patient, and that
hand cleansing must be performed after glove removal.
Bacterial flora colonizing patients may be recovered from the
hands of up to 30% of HCWs who wear gloves during patient
contact.123,139 Doebbeling and colleagues 520 conducted an
experimental study in which the artificial contamination of gloves
was undertaken with conditions close to clinical practice. The
authors cultured the organisms used for artificial contamination
from 4100% of the gloves and observed counts between 0
and 4.7 log on hands after glove removal. In a recent study
identifying neonatal-care activities at higher risk for hand
contamination, the use of gloves during routine neonatal care
did not fully protect HCWs hands from bacterial contamination
with organisms such as Enterobacteriacae, S. aureus, and
fungi.73 In such instances, pathogens presumably gain access
to the caregivers hands via small defects in gloves or by
contamination of hands during glove removal.123,520,913,914

23.1.3 Glove use and hand hygiene

The impact of wearing gloves on compliance with hand hygiene

policies has not been definitively established, as published
studies have yielded contradictory results.49,216,661,672,739 Several
studies found that HCWs who wore gloves were less likely to
cleanse their hands upon leaving a patients room, 661,688,739,908,930
and two established an association between inappropriate
glove use and low compliance with hand hygiene. 908,930 In
contrast, three other studies found that HCWs who wore gloves
were significantly more likely to cleanse their hands following
patient care.216,672,802,933 Most of these studies were focused
on hand hygiene performance after glove removal only and
did not consider other indications. One study found that the
introduction of gloves increased overall compliance with hand
hygiene, but the introduction of isolation precautions did not
result in improved compliance.934 For example, compliance
with glove changing when moving between different body sites
in the same patient was unsatisfactory, as well as compliance
with optimal hand hygiene practices. Furthermore, although
some studies demonstrated a high compliance with glove use,
they did not investigate its possible misuse.683,689,935,936 Surveys
conducted at facilities with limited resources showed that

132 132
132 132

misuse is not only associated with shortage of supply, but also disposal) and with rigorous sequences and techniques for glove
with a poor knowledge and perception of the risk of pathogen donning and removal (Figures I.23.2 and I.23.3). Conditions
transmission.695,937-940 Other studies pointed out the practical
difficulty to combine hand hygiene and glove use.689,759 In one
study, glove use compliance rates were 75% or higher across
all HCW groups except doctors, whose compliance was only
27%.128 HCWs should be reminded that failure to remove gloves
between patients or when moving between different body
sites of the same patient may contribute to the transmission of
organisms.73,927,930,932,941 In two reports, failure to remove gloves
and gowns and to wash hands when moving between patients
was associated with an increase in MRSA transmission during
the SARS outbreak. 942,943

Whether hand hygiene should be performed before donning

non-sterile gloves is an unresolved issue and therefore this
moment should not be recommended as an indication for hand
hygiene. In this connection, a study found that volunteers did
not contaminate the outside of their gloves significantly more
often when they did not wash their hands before donning
gloves, compared with the level of glove contamination that
occurred when they washed their hands first.944 The study did
not determine whether or not HCWs transmitted pathogens to
patients more frequently when they did not wash their hands
before donning gloves.

23.1.4 Appropriate and safe use of gloves

The use of gloves in situations when their use is not indicated

represents a waste of resources without necessarily leading
to a reduction of cross-transmission. 884,930 The wide-ranging
recommendations for glove use have led to very frequent and
inappropriate use in general, far exceeding the frame of real
indications and conditions for appropriate glove use that remain
poorly understood among HCWs. Careful attention should be
paid to the use of medical gloves according to indications 907
for donning, but also for their removal. Moreover, numerous
conditions regulate glove use and are aimed at preventing glove
contamination and further consequences.

General indications for gloving and for glove removal are listed
in Table I.23.1 and practical examples of care situations with
indication for glove use are included in the pyramid (Figure
I.23.1). It is important that HCWs are able to: 1) identify clinical
situations when gloves are not indicated; 2) differentiate
these from situations where gloves should be worn; and 3)
correctly select the most appropriate type of gloves to be worn.
Indications including indirect health-care activities, such as
preparing parenteral nutrition or handling soiled waste, are also
shown in the figure. In general, the moment for glove removal
meets the recommendations for single use, i.e. related to a
single patient and to a single care situation within the same

Conditions for glove use also imply the existence of a glove use
procedure. Proper glove use requires continuous reasoning
and a behavioural adjustment according to the care situation
(Table I.23.2). These conditions are associated with equipment
procurement and management (supply, availability, storage, and

131 131
131 131

for glove use in health care are as crucial as the identification 23.1.6 Caveats regarding washing, decontaminating and
of indications. Indications represent a frame to limit the start reprocessing gloves
and end of glove use. Importantly, gloves must be donned
immediately before the contact or the activity that defines the Manufacturers are not responsible for glove integrity when
indication and removed immediately after this contact or activity the principle of single usage is not respected. Any practice
is over.945 of glove washing, decontamination or reprocessing is not
recommended as it may damage the material integrity and
Glove use does not obviate the need to comply with hand jeopardize the gloves protective function. Although these
hygiene.884 1) When the hand hygiene indication occurs before practices are common in many health-care settings, essentially
a contact requiring glove use, handwashing or handrubbing in developing countries, where glove supply is limited, 947 no
must be performed before donning gloves to prevent glove recommendation exists concerning the washing and reuse of
contamination and possible cross-transmission in case of glove gloves, nor the washing or decontamination of gloved hands
damage or improper use/efficacy. 2) Gloves must be removed followed by reuse on another patient.
to perform handwashing or handrubbing to protect a body site
from the flora from another body site or skin area previously In one study, washing gloved hands between patient treatments
touched within the same patient. 3) Hand hygiene must be using 4% chlorhexidine and 7.5% povidone-iodine liquid soaps
performed immediately after glove removal to prevent HCW for 30 seconds eradicated all organisms inoculated from
contamination and further transmission and dissemination of both glove surfaces.948 Another study describes a significant
microorganisms. It should be noted that handwashing with soap reduction of bacterial count on perforated gloves to permit their
and water is necessary when gloves are removed because of a reuse for non-sterile procedures after cleansing of the gloved
tear or a puncture and the HCW has had contact with blood or hand using an alcohol-based preparation with chlorhexidine. 949
another body fluid; this situation is considered to be equivalent Although the microbial efficacy of glove washing and
to a direct exposure to blood or another body fluid. decontamination is demonstrated, the consequences of such
processes on material integrity still remain unknown. More
Further crucial conditions for appropriate glove use are their research on glove integrity after washing, decontaminating, and
mechanical and microbiological integrity. Medical gloves should reprocessing is necessary to answer numerous unsolved issues
be kept in their original package or box until they are donned; 945 before arriving at consistent recommendations. To this end, we
this requires that gloves are available at the point of care as well call upon the manufacturers of gloves for medical application to
as alcohol-based handrubs. Moreover, it is appropriate to have concentrate on this issue and to conduct research to develop
more than one type of gloves available, thus allowing HCWs to recyclable gloves for both examination and surgical use, and to
select the type that best suits their patient-care activities as well provide also information about safe reprocessing methods for
as their hand size. When removed, gloves should be discarded the reuse of gloves in resource-limited settings.
and disposed of; ideally, gloves should not be washed,
decontaminated, or reprocessed for any reuse purpose. Cleansing gloved hands to allow for prolonged use on the
same patient may result in considerable savings of disposable
These conditions are essential to prevent germ transmission examination gloves. Some evidence exists that cleansing
through contaminated gloves to the patient and the HCW, and latex-gloved hands using an alcohol-based handrub solution is
their further dissemination in the environment. When gloving effective in removing micro-organisms and shows increasing
is required continously because contact precautions are in contamination rates of hands only after 910 cycles of
place, all these conditions are difficult to integrate as part of cleansing.950,951 However, cleansing plastic-gloved hands with an
usual care activities. Indeed, while the general indication to don alcohol-based formulation leads to early dissolving of the plastic
gloves should remain until the contact with the patient and his/ material. If there is an intention to proceed with the process
her immediate surroundings is completed, indications for glove of glove decontamination, this should be started only after
removal, hand hygiene and, again, further indications for gloving performing a local study using the type of gloves and products
may occur. provided at the facility. It should be noted that this process
may be applied only in the framework of contact precautions
implementation 907 and as long as gloves are not soiled with
23.1.5 Factors potentially interfering with glove use blood and other body fluids. As a consequence, this limited
context for glove decontamination probably does not represent
The use of petroleum-based hand lotions or creams may an effective response to the serious problem of glove shortage
adversely affect the integrity of latex gloves. 946 Following the in developing countries.
use of powdered gloves, some alcohol-based hand rubs may
interact with residual powder on HCWs hands, resulting in a In conclusion, no evidence-based recommendation currently
gritty feeling on hands. In facilities where powdered gloves are exists regarding glove reprocessing. While this may be an
commonly used, a variety of alcohol-based hand rubs should be interesting option at facilities where supply is insufficient, all
tested following removal of powdered gloves in order to avoid consequences of the reprocessing should be anticipated
selecting a product that causes this undesirable reaction. 520,914 and measured before putting it into practice. A reprocessing
As a general policy, health-care settings should preferably method has been suggested by the Johns Hopkins Program
select non-powdered gloves for both examination and surgical for International Education in Reproductive Gynaecology and
purposes. Obstetrics (JHPIEGO). 952 This process is not standardized

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130 130

nor validated, and no recommendation of this or any other

reprocessing process can be expressed in the absence of good
quality research. This protocol firstly includes a situation analysis

131 131
131 131

assessment and some criteria for opting for reprocessing gloves hazard is often witnessed in developing countries: many
in order to minimize the risks and to optimize the results. Before reprocessing units use powder inside reprocessed latex gloves
planning or continuing the reprocessing of used gloves, every
health-care facility should first undertake an assessment of
factors leading to the shortage of single-use gloves, such as
budget constraints or interrupted supply chains. Efforts should
focus on reducing the need for gloves by avoiding wastage
caused by unnecessary use and by providing a secure stock
of good quality single-use surgical and examination gloves,
together with a budget for regular restocking. Opting for glove
reprocessing without having made these assessments would
amount to contributing to the maintenance of inappropriate
glove use. Health administrators are encouraged to purchase
good quality disposable gloves and replenish stocks in time.
In addition, clinic managers and supervisors should check
that gloves are not wasted, and HCWs should be educated to
appropriate use of gloves (see Figure I.23.1).

In institutions with limited resources, some authors suggest that

if the necessity for the reprocessing of single-use gloves persists
after a thorough evaluation, the reprocessing of previously
decontaminated and thoroughly cleaned surgical gloves using
sterilization (autoclaving) or high-level disinfection (steaming) can
produce an acceptable product; when combined with double
gloving, this may constitute a temporary tolerable practice. 952,953
However, the practice could be retained only if basic criteria,
such as glove quality, are satisfied and the selected processes
and technologies for reprocessing are reliable and under
control. A universal problem is the introduction of equipment,
technology, and method with no evaluation of associated needs.
In this case, their reliability and safety are not guaranteed. 929
If reprocessing does take place, the institution should develop
clear policies to define clinical situations where gloves are
needed, when the use of reprocessed gloves can be tolerated,
and when gloves should be discarded and not reprocessed
(e.g. when holes are detected). Only surgical latex gloves may
be reused either as surgical gloves using double gloving or as
gloves for examination purposes. Some authors recommend
that latex rubber surgical gloves should be discarded after
three reprocessing cycles because gloves tear more easily
with additional reprocessing. 954,955 Examination gloves should
never be reprocessed because of their particular composition
properties, thinness, and inelasticity.

Systematic research is urgently needed to evaluate

reprocessing methods and to develop and validate a process
that leads to a product of acceptable quality. Furthermore,
well-conducted costbenefit studies are required to evaluate
the potential benefits of reprocessing gloves and the general
need for investing in preventive measures. Through an analysis
of the financing structures of health-care delivery systems in
developing countries, incentives for investment in the prevention
of HCAIs from the individual, institutional, and societal
perspectives can be identified.

The practice of autoclaving used plastic gloves in case of

shortage and of autoclaving new plastic gloves meant for
examination for use as surgical gloves has been described. 956
The reprocessing at 125 C leads to gloves sticking together,
and separation causes tears and holes. The authors found 41%
of recycled gloves with impaired integrity. 956 Another potential

132 132
132 132

to prevent material sticking together and to facilitate reuse. The No evidence-based recommendations for glove reuse or
consequences of use of powdered latex gloves in terms of the reprocessing exist other than those described above. Medical
development of latex allergies and impaired working conditions gloves are meant to be disposable and for single use. They are
leading to sickness in HCWs are well documented. 957

In general, one of the major risks of reprocessing gloves is that

they could show a higher rate of non-apparent holes and tears
after the reprocessing cycle than new ones. A study by Tokars
et al. showed that surgeons wearing a single layer of new
surgical gloves had blood contact in 14% of the procedures,
and blood contact was 72% lower among surgeons who double
gloved.958 Therefore, double gloving in countries with a high
prevalence of HBV, HCV and HIV for long surgical procedures
(>30 minutes), for procedures with contact with large amounts
of blood or body fluids, for some high-risk orthopaedic
procedures, or when using reprocessed gloves is considered an
appropriate practice.

The illegal recovery and recycling of discarded gloves from

hospital waste dumping sites, often using dubious and
uncontrolled reprocessing methods, can constitute an additional
health hazard and is of growing concern in countries with limited
resources. Hospitals are therefore encouraged to destroy each
glove before discarding.

In brief, the opinion of international experts consulted by WHO

is that glove reprocessing must be strongly discouraged and
avoided, mainly because at present no standardized, validated,
and affordable procedure for safe glove reprocessing exists.
Every possible effort should be made to prevent glove reuse
in health-care settings, and financial constraints in developing
countries leading to such practices should be assessed and
tackled. Institutions and health-care settings should firmly avoid
the reuse of gloves. In circumstances where the reprocessing
of gloves has been carefully evaluated but cannot be avoided,
a clear policy should be in place to limit reprocessing and reuse
of gloves until a budget is allocated to ensure a secure supply of
single-use gloves. Policies for exceptional reprocessing should
ensure a process that follows strict procedures for collection,
selection and reprocessing, including instructions for quality/
integrity control and discarding of unusable gloves.

23.1.7 Conclusions

Medical glove use is an evidence-based measure to protect

patients, HCWs, and the environment. The recommendations
for glove use must be implemented regardless of the type
of setting and the resources available. Nevertheless, glove
misuse is observed regularly worldwide, irrespective of the
underlying reasons. Even in institutions where gloves are widely
available, HCWs often fail to remove gloves between patients
or between contact with various sites on a single patient,
thus facilitating the spread of microorganisms.154,744,952,959,960
Knowledge dissemination and practical training on the
appropriate use of gloves are the foremost interventions leading
not only to best practices, but also to resource saving. Deficient
glove procurement in terms of quantity and quality causes
inappropriate and unsafe practices such as glove misuse
and overuse and may lead to uncontrolled reprocessing.929,947

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133 133

intended to complement hand hygiene and are effective as long that 40% of nurses harboured Gram-negative bacilli such as E.
as they are used according to the proper indications. Hand cloacae, Klebsiella spp., and Acinetobacter spp. on skin under
hygiene still remains the basic and most effective measure to
prevent pathogen transmission and infection.

In no way does glove use modify hand hygiene indications

or replace hand hygiene by washing with soap and water or
handrubbing with an alcohol-based handrub.

Gloves represent a risk for pathogen transmission and infection

if used inappropriately.

23.2 Importance of hand hygiene for safe blood and

blood products

Providing a safe unit of blood to a patient who requires blood

transfusion is a multistep process. It includes identifying safe
blood donors for blood donation, safe blood collection without
harming the blood donor and the donated blood, screening
of donated blood for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis,
processing the blood into blood products, and issue of blood or
blood product to the patient, when prescribed.

Appropriate hand hygiene practice is crucial to the safety

of blood and blood products at all stages in the transfusion
chain during which the donated blood units are handled. The
microbial contamination of blood or blood products may occur
at the time of blood collection or during the processing into
blood products, labelling, storage and transportation, or during
administration of blood at the patient bedside. This can have
fatal consequences for the recipients of the transfusion. Serious
consequenses of microbial contamination can be avoided by
giving particular attention to the hand hygiene of the donor care
staff at the time of blood collection and by thorough cleansing of
the venepuncture site on the donor arm.

Furthermore, blood collection staff frequently needs to collect

blood in environments that are especially challenging. Special
care must be exercised in hand hygiene while collecting blood in
outdoor situations where access to running water is limited.

It is essential that all those who work in areas where blood is

handled pay strict attention to hand hygiene. Standard operating
procedures should be available to staff, detailing exactly how
hands should be decontaminated in order to protect blood
donors, patients, and the staff themselves, as well as the blood
and blood products. Figure l.23.4 depicts the crucial steps
during blood collection, processing, and transfusion with an
associated risk for the contamination of blood or blood products
attributable to poor hand hygiene of the staff involved in these
processes. At each step, there are several critical procedures,
including meticulous hand hygiene, which ultimately lead to the
safety of blood and blood products.

23.3 Jewellery

Several studies have shown that skin underneath rings is more

heavily colonized than comparable areas of skin on fingers
without rings.961-963 A study by Hoffman and colleagues 962 found

134 134
134 134

rings and that some nurses carried the same organism under be acceptable, but in high-risk settings, such as the operating
their rings for months. In one study involving more than 60 ICU theatre, all rings or other jewellery should be removed.969 A
nurses, multivariable analysis revealed that rings were the only
significant risk factor for carriage of Gram-negative bacilli and S.
aureus and that the organism bioburden recovered correlated
with the number of rings worn.964 Another study showed a
stepwise increased risk of contamination with S. aureus, Gram-
negative bacilli, or Candida spp. as the number of rings worn
increased.153 In a Norwegian study comparing hand flora of 121
HCWs wearing a single plain ring and 113 wearing no rings,
there was no significant differences in the total bacterial load
or rates of carriage of S. aureus or non-fermentative Gram-
negative rods on hands, but personnel wearing rings were
more likely to carry Enterobacteriaceae (P=0.006). 965 Among 60
volunteers from perioperative personnel and medical students,
Wongworawat & Jones 966 found no significant difference in
bacterial counts on hands with or without rings when an alcohol
product was used, but there were significantly more bacteria on
ringed hands when povidone-iodine was used for handwashing
(P<0.05). Furthermore, Rupp and colleagues707 reported that
having longer fingernails and wearing rings were associated
with increased numbers and species of organisms on hands.
In addition, at least one case of irritant dermatitis under the ring
has been reported as a result of wearing rings.967

A survey of knowledge and beliefs regarding nosocomial

infections and jewellery showed that neonatal ICU HCWs were
not aware of the relationship between bacterial hand counts
and rings, and did not believe that rings increased the risk of
nosocomial infections; 61% regularly wore at least one ring to
work. 960

Whether the wearing of rings results in greater cross-

transmission of pathogens remains unknown. Two studies found
that mean bacterial colony counts on hands after handwashing
were similar among individuals wearing rings and those not
wearing rings.963,968 One study compared the impact of wearing
rings on the efficacy of several different products in 20 subjects
who wore a ring on one hand and no ring on the other: an
alcohol-based formulation; a waterless, alcohol-chlorhexidine
lotion; and a povidone-iodine scrub. There were no significant
differences in bacterial counts when the two alcohol-based
formulations were used, but there were higher counts on the
ringed hands (p<0.05) after povidone-iodine scrub 966.

Further studies are needed to establish if wearing rings results in

a greater transmission of pathogens in health-care settings.
Nevertheless, it is likely that poorly maintained (dirty) rings and
jewellery might harbour microorganisms that could contaminate
a body site with potential pathogens. Rings with sharp surfaces
may puncture gloves. Hand hygiene practices are likely to be
performed in a suboptimal way if voluminous rings or rings
with sharp edges or surfaces are worn. Jewellery may also be
a physical danger to either patients or the HCW during direct
patient care, e.g. a necklace may be caught in equipment or
bracelets may cause injury during patient handling.

The consensus recommendation is to strongly discourage the

wearing of rings or other jewellery during health care. If religious
or cultural influences strongly condition the HCWs attitude, the
wearing of a simple wedding ring (band) during routine care may

135 135
135 135

simple and practical solution allowing effective hand hygiene is Jeanes & Green 979 reviewed other forms of nail art and
for HCWs to wear their ring(s) around their neck on a chain as a technology in the context of hand hygiene in health care,

23.4 Fingernails and artificial nails

Numerous studies have documented that subungual areas of

the hand harbour high concentrations of bacteria, most
frequently coagulase-negative staphylococci, Gram-negative
rods (including Pseudomonas spp.), Corynebacteria, and
yeasts.63,534,970 Freshly applied nail polish does not increase
the number of bacteria recovered from periungual skin, but
chipped nail polish may support the growth of larger numbers
of organisms on fingernails. 971,972 Even after careful handwashing
or surgical scrubs, HCWs often harbour substantial numbers
of potential pathogens in the subungual spaces.154,973,974 In
particular, the presence of fingernail disease may reduce
the efficacy of hand hygiene and result in the transmission
of pathogens. A cluster of P. aeruginosa SSIs resulted from
colonization of a cardiac surgeons onychomycotic nail. 523

A growing body of evidence suggests that wearing artificial

nails may contribute to the transmission of certain health
care-associated pathogens. HCWs who wear artificial nails
are more likely to harbour Gram-negative pathogens on their
fingertips than those who have natural nails, both before and
after handwashing154,534,974,975 or handrub with an alcohol-based
gel.154 It is not clear if the length of natural or artificial nails is
an important risk factor, since most bacterial growth occurs
along the proximal 1 mm of the nail, adjacent to subungal
skin.154,972,974 An outbreak of P. aeruginosa in a neonatal ICU
was attributed to two nurses (one with long natural nails and
one with long artificial nails) who carried the implicated strains
of Pseudomonas spp. on their hands.976 Case patients were
significantly more likely than controls to have been cared for
by the two nurses during the exposure period, suggesting that
colonization of long or artificial nails with Pseudomonas spp.
may have played a role in causing the outbreak. HCWs wearing
artificial nails have also been epidemiologically implicated in
several other outbreaks of infection caused by Gram-negative
bacilli or yeast.159,167,977 In a recent study, multiple logistic
regression analysis showed the association of an outbreak of
extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing K. pneumoniae
in a neonatal ICU resulting from exposure to an HCW wearing
artificial fingernails.155 A cluster of five cases of S. marcescens
bacteraemia in haemodialysis was associated with a nurse who
used an artificial fingernail to open a vial of heparin that was
mixed to make a flush solution. The strains isolated from the five
patients and the nurse were indistinguishable.856 Allergic contact
dermatitis resulting in months of sick leave has been reported in
an office worker with artificial nails. 978

Long, sharp fingernails, either natural or artificial, can puncture

gloves easily.123 They may also limit HCWs performance in
hand hygiene practices. In a recent survey among neonatal ICU
HCWs, 8% wore artificial fingernails at work, and knowledge
among them about the relationship between Gram-negative
bacterial hand contamination and long or artificial fingernails
was limited. 960

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136 136

including: applying artificial material to the nails for extensions; with regards to supply of hand hygiene products, replenishment
nail sculpturing; protecting nails by covering them with a of consumables, and maintenance of the dispensers should be
protective layer of artificial material; and nail jewellery, where clearly described and communicated.
decorations such as stones may be applied to the nails or
the nails are pierced. In addition to possible limitations of
care practice, there may be many potential health problems,
including local infection for individuals who have undergone
some form of nail technology.979

Each health-care facility should develop policies on the wearing

of jewellery, artificial fingernails or nail polish by HCWs. These
policies should take into account the risks of transmission of
infection to patients and HCWs, rather than cultural preferences.

Consensus recommendations are that HCWs do not wear

artificial fingernails or extenders when having direct contact with
patients and natural nails should be kept short ( 0.5 cm long or
approximately inch long).

23.5 Infrastructure required for optimal hand hygiene

Compliance with hand hygiene is only possible if the health-

care setting ensures the adequate infrastructure and a
reliable supply of hand hygiene products at the right time and
at the
right location in alignment with the concept of My five moments
for hand hygiene (Part I, Section 21.4).1 An important cause
of poor compliance may be the lack of user-friendliness of
hand hygiene equipment, as well as poor logistics leading
to limited procurement and replenishment of consumables.
The latter is one of the most commonly cited obstacles to
hand hygiene improvement in developing countries (reports
of workshops hosted by the WHO Regional Offices for Africa
(AFRO) and South-East Asia (SEARO) in 2007, see http://
www.who.int/gpsc/in/). As an example, very low overall hand
hygiene compliance (8%) was shown in a university hospital
in Mali where, at the same time, a survey on infrastructure for
hand hygiene demonstrated that no alcohol-based handrub
was available. Only 14.3% of patient rooms were equipped
with sinks, and soap and towels were available at only 47.4% of
sinks.980 In developed countries, Suresh & Cahill 981 described
several deficiencies in the structural layout of hand hygiene
resources that hinder their usage: poor visibility, difficulty of
access, placement at undesirable height, and wide spatial
separation of resources that are used sequentially.

Other parts of these Guidelines have already described the

need for clean water for handwashing and have elaborated on
the advantages of handrubs over handwashing, namely, the
freedom from the requirement of sinks and the possibility to
clean hands at the point of care. While describing the overall
infrastructure necessary, this section is particularly focused on
soap and handrub dispensers.

23.5.1 General guidelines

All health-care settings should have written guidelines

describing the appropriate placement of sinks and soap and
handrub dispensers. Furthermore, the delegated responsibility

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137 137

23.5.2 Sinks Wall-mounted systems

While not all settings have a continuous water supply, tap Wall-mounted soap dispensing systems are recommended
water (ideally drinkable, is preferable for handwashing (see Part to be located at every sink in patient and examination rooms,
I, Section 11.1). In settings where this is not possible, water when affordable. Wall-mounted handrub dispensers should be
flowing from a pre-filled container with a tap is preferable to positioned in locations that facilitate hand hygiene at the point of
still-standing water in a basin. Where running water is available, care, in accordance with the concept of the My five moments
the possibility of accessing it without the need to touch the for hand hygiene. Careful consideration should be given to the
tap with soiled hands is preferable. This may be achieved by placement of these dispensers in areas with patients who are
taps that are opened by using an elbow or foot. In settings likely to ingest the product, such as disoriented elderly patients,
without budget restrictions, sensor-activated taps may be used psychiatric patients, young children, or patients with alcohol
for handwashing, although it must be noted that the system dependence. In patient areas where beds are geographically in
reliability is paramount since its failure completely prevents any very close proximity, common in developing countries, wall-
access to handwashing facilities. In summary, manual or elbow- mounted, alcohol-based handrubs can be placed in the space
or foot-activated taps could be considered the optimal standard between beds to facilitate hand hygiene at the point of care.
within health-care settings. Their availability is not considered Some institutions have customized dispensers to fit on carts or
among the highest priorities, however, particularly in settings intravenous-pools to ensure use during care delivery.
with limited resources. Of note, recommendations for their use
are not based on evidence. Splashes on the floor from wall-mounted dispensers have been
reported as a potential problem, as this may lead to the
To avoid water splashes, the water stream should not be discolouration of certain floor surfaces or even result in the floor
directed straight into the drain, and taps should be fitted with surface becoming slippery. Some manufacturers in developed
an aerator screen. The mesh of the aerator screen should be countries offer dispensers with a splash-guard intended to
sufficiently wide to ensure that no water remains on top of the catch splashes and droplets to avoid these problems.
aerator screen, as this may lead to bacterial contamination and
consequent spread of microbes.982 Dispensers should be mounted on the wall in a manner that
allows unrestricted, easy access (i.e. not in corners or under
hanging cupboards). They should be used preferably with
23.5.3 Dispensers disposable, transparent containers of a standardized size,
thus allowing the use of products from different suppliers (e.g.
In most health-care facilities, alcohol-based handrub dispensers Euro-dispenser for standardized 500 ml and 1000 ml bottles).
have historically been located close to the sink, often adjacent The product should be placed in the dispenser in such a way
to the wall-mounted liquid soap. Part of their function was to that the label and content is visible to ensure timely replacement
dispense pre-set amounts of handrub (mostly 1. 5 ml, half of of empty containers by housekeeping or maintenance staff.
what was needed according to older guidelines). Frequently, Dispersion of the handrub should be possible in a non-
these dispensers were designed to allow the user to apply touch fashion to avoid any touching of the dispenser with
handrub without using their contaminated hands to touch the contaminated hands, e.g. elbow-dispensers or pumps that
dispenser (elbow-activated). While wall-mounted dispensers can be used with the wrist.58 Despite the fact that ease of
at the sink seemed a logical place to start promoting hand access may lead to increased use, as shown by Larson and
antisepsis with rubs over handwashing, the main advantage of colleagues 654 when comparing the frequency of handrub use
handrubs is the fact that they can (and should) be used at the of manually operated and touch-free dispensers in a paediatric
point of care, for example at the end of the bed. Placement of ICU, robust mechanical systems are preferable over electronic
handrubs exclusively at the sink therefore disregards one of their non-touch systems that are more susceptible to malfunction,
unique features and is not aligned with promoting hand hygiene more costly, and frequently only usable with the suppliers own
at the five moments when it is required in health care. hand hygiene formulation. In general, the design and function
of the dispensers that will ultimately be installed in a health-
The advantages and disadvantages of the different dispenser care setting should be evaluated, because some systems were
systems are discussed below and summarized in Table shown to malfunction continuously, despite efforts to rectify the
I.23.3. Although the same wall-mounted dispensers are used problem. 983
frequently for handrubs and liquid soaps, this section will focus
on handrub dispersion. It is obvious that economic constraints
as well as local logistics have a major influence on the choice Table-top dispensers (pumps)
of dispensing system. Furthermore, in many settings, the
different forms of dispensers, such as wall-mounted and those A variation of wall-mounted dispensers are holders and frames
for use at the point of care, should be used in combination to that allow placement of a container that is equipped with a
achieve maximum compliance. Some of the prerequisites for all pump. The pump is screwed onto the container in place of the
dispensers and their placement are given in Table I.23.4. Some lid. It is likely that this dispensing system is associated with
examples of dispensers for use at the point of care are shown in the lowest cost. Containers with a pump can also be placed
Figure I.23.5. easily on any horizontal surface, e.g. cart/trolley or night
stand/bedside table. Several manufacturers have produced
dispenser holders that allow positioning of the handrub onto

138 138
138 138

a bed frame, thus enabling access to the handrub at the

point of care. A disadvantage of these loose systems is the

139 139
139 139

fact that the bottles can be moved around easily and may be the number of dispensers in working order compared with
misplaced, resulting in decreased reliability. Where possible, the total number of dispensers in a unit ;
the combination of fixed (wall-mounted) and loose dispensers
should be used. Pocket or clip-on dispensers

Studies that compared the use of personal alcohol-based

handrub dispensing systems with the traditional wall-mounted
dispenser and sinks were unable to show a sustained effect on
hand hygiene compliance,709 possibly because the increased
availability of hand hygiene products is only a single intervention
within a broad multimodal approach. Individual, portable
dispensers are ideal if combined with wall-mounted dispensing
systems, to increase point-of-care access and enable use in
units where wall-mounted dispensers should be avoided or
cannot be installed. Also, wall-mounted systems can be used
for back-up, as many of the pocket bottles or clip-ons are
frequently not transparent and may be found to be empty when
required. In some of these systems, the amount of handrub
may be so small (1020 ml) that several containers per HCW are
needed each day. Costs and dependency on a single
manufacturer and its products may be a problem especially with
the clip-on system. Because many of these systems are used as
disposables, environmental considerations should also be taken
into account. In some situations, concern has been expressed
about the potential contamination of the external surface of the
bottle. However, this is considered to be almost theoretical and
negligible because of the excess spillage of the disinfectant and
the overall short time until replacement. Automated wall-mounted dispensers

These types of systems have emerged from the non-medical

setting, are aesthetically appealing, and are presently being
marketed in many health-care settings. Such systems are
truly non-touch and easy to use. Barrau and colleagues 984
compared a wall-mounted, hand-activated sprayer system
with bottles on a table, suggesting a possible benefit of the
sprayer system. The study had several flaws, among them the
low volume of product dispensed, which may be associated
with lower efficacy.985 On average, less than 0.8 ml was supplied
for a one-time handrub, an amount less than three times than
that currently recommended. In addition to the costs of the
dispensers and the problem of their maintenance, many of
these systems have to be filled with the manufacturers own
handrub, which is generally more expensive than other products
distributed in 500 ml and 1000 ml standardized containers. In
general, the maintenance is more complicated and the chance
of malfunction is higher in automated systems. Indicators/surveillance

Within the health-care setting, simple structure and

performance indicators may be used to evaluate:

the number of dispensers filled compared with the total

number of dispensers in a unit;

140 140
140 140

the proportion of patient and treatment rooms with generated an audible static spark when she touched the metal
dispensers present at the point of care; door, igniting the unevaporated alcohol on her hands.989 This
the number of sinks in patient and treatment rooms and
sink/bed ratio;
the proportion of sinks equipped with soap and single-use

Recently, special dispensers with electronic surveillance

systems have been made commercially available. While
measures of use are not validated in observational studies and
do not allow conclusions about individual HCW adherence
to hand hygiene indications, particularly the five moments,
these electronic devices, in combination with other measures,
may help to collect information about soap and handrub use,
including the effect of quality improvement and educational

23.6 Safety issues related to alcohol-based


23.6.1 Fire hazard issues

Alcohols are flammable. Flashpoints of alcohol-based

handrubs range from 17.5C to 24.5C, depending on the type
and concentration of alcohol present.484,540 Therefore, risk
assessment and minimization is crucial and alcohol-based
handrubs should be stored away from high temperatures or
flames in accordance with National Fire Protection Agency
recommendations in the USA.

Although alcohol-based hand rubs are flammable, the risk of

fires associated with such products is very low. For example,
none of 798 health-care facilities surveyed in the USA reported
a fire related to an alcohol-based handrub dispenser. A total
of 766 facilities had accrued an estimated 1430 hospital-years
of alcohol-based handrub use without a fire attributed to a
handrub dispenser. 987

In Europe, where alcohol-based handrubs have been used

extensively for many years, the incidence of fires related to
such products has been extremely low.484 A recent study988
conducted in German hospitals found that handrub usage
represented an estimated total of 25 038 hospital-years. The
median volume usage was between 31 litres/month (smallest
hospitals) and 450 litres/month (largest hospitals), resulting
in an overall usage of 35 million litres for all hospitals. A total
of seven non-severe fire incidents was reported (0.9% of
hospitals). This is equal to an annual incidence per hospital of
0.0000475%. No reports of fire caused by static electricity or
other factors were received, nor any related to storage areas.
Indeed, most reported incidents were associated with deliberate
exposure to a naked flame, e.g. lighting a cigarette.

One recent report from the USA described a flash fire that
occurred as a result of an unusual series of events, which
consisted of an HCW applying an alcohol gel to her hands then
immediately removing a polyester isolation gown and touching a
metal door before the alcohol had evaporated. 989 Removing the
polyester gown created a large amount of static electricity that

141 141
141 141

incident underscores the fact that, following the application of based handrubs in health-care settings, the Ministry of Social
alcohol-based handrubs, hands should be rubbed together until Affairs and Employment rejected such an exception and set
all the alcohol has evaporated. the maximum amount of occupational absorbed ethanol at
In the USA, shortly after publication of the 2002 CDC/HICPAC
hand hygiene guideline, fire marshals in a number of states
prohibited the placement of alcohol-based handrub dispensers
in egress corridors because of a concern that they may
represent a fire hazard. On 25 March 2005, the Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Services adopted a revised version of
the USA National Fire Protection Agencys Life Safety Code that
allows such dispensers to be placed in egress corridors. The
International Fire Code recently agreed to accept alcohol-based
handrubs in corridors. In addition, the CMS 3145-IFC (Fire
Safety Requirement for Certain Health Care Facilities, Alcohol-
Based Hand Sanitizer and Smoke Detector Amendment) was
published in March 2005, addressing this issue.990

23.6.2 Other safety-related issues

Accidental and intentional ingestion and dermal absorption of

alcohol-based preparations used for hand hygiene have been
reported.599,778-780 Acute, severe alcohol intoxication resulting
from accidental ingestion of an unknown quantity of alcohol-
based handrub was recently reported in the United Kingdom,
resulting in the unconsciousness of an adult male patient
(Glasgow Coma Scale 3).778,781 This unusual complication of
hand hygiene may become more common in the future, and
security measures are needed. These may involve: placing
the preparation in secure wall dispensers; labelling dispensers
to make the alcohol content less clear at a casual glance and
adding a warning against consumption; and the inclusion of an
additive in the product formula to reduce its palatability. In the
meantime, medical and nursing staff should be aware of this
potential risk.

Alcohol toxicity usually occurs after ingestion. It is primarily

metabolized by an alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver to
acetone. Symptoms and signs of alcohol intoxication include
headache, dizziness, lack of coordination, hypoglycaemia,
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and haematemesis. Signs of
severe toxicity include respiratory depression, hypotension, and
coma. Among alcohols, isopropyl alcohol appears to be more
toxic than ethanol, but less so than methanol. Blood isopropyl
alcohol levels of 50 mg/dl are associated with mild intoxication
and 150 mg/dl with deep coma. Apparently, isopropyl alcohol
has no adverse effects on reproduction and is not genotoxic,
teratogenic, or carcinogenic. 991

In addition to accidental ingestion, alcohols can be absorbed

by inhalation and through intact skin, although the latter
route (dermal uptake) is very low. Any absorption exceeding
certain levels may result in toxicity and chronic disease in
animals 992 and humans.780 Recently, the Health Council of the
Netherlands 993 suggested to classify ethanol as carcinogenic
and to include it in skin notation because of the fear of an
increased risk of breast and colorectal cancer in persons with
an occupational exposure to ethanol. While the Dutch Social
and Economic Council advised the Ministry of Social Affairs and
Employment to consider an exception for the use of alcohol-

142 142
142 142

such a low level that the decision could possibly lead to a ban from microbial production in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies
of ethanol-containing handrubs in the Netherlands if upheld. have shown concentrations ranging from 0 mg/litre to1.6
Obviously, such a decision would be disastrous for health-care
settings and could induce other countries to consider similar
measures. Indeed, while there are no data to show that the
use of alcohol-based handrub may be harmful and studies
evaluating the absorption into blood show that it is not
reduced compliance with hand hygiene will lead to preventable

Data used by the Dutch Heath Council estimated the

absorption level after spraying of the total body under occlusive
circumstances and after exposure times of up to 24 hours,
although this is obviously not relevant for the application of
handrubs. Furthermore, they estimated a worst case dermal
uptake of 30 mg ethanol after a single application to hands
and forearms, and a daily uptake of 600 mg/day after 20
applications per day, an estimate that has been proven wrong
by several new studies.782,784,994,995

In practice, absorption of ethanol from a handrub would be by

a combination of dermal absorption and inhalation. In a study
using a solution of 44% ethanol sprayed on the skin and left for
15 minutes, there was no positive identification of ethanol in any
of the blood samples taken (limit of detection was 9 mg/litre).994
Turner and colleagues evaluated the dermal absorption through
HCWs intact skin599:3 ml of an isopropyl alcohol-containing
handrub (52.6% (w/w) isopropyl alcohol) were applied to HCWs
hands every 10 minutes over a 4-hour period. A blood sample
was taken 5 minutes after the final application of handrub and
blood isopropyl alcohol levels were measured. In 9 out of 10
participants, a rise in the blood isopropyl alcohol level was
noted at very low levels (the highest observed level was 0.18
mg/dl), much less than the levels achieved with mild intoxication
(50 mg/dl).

More recently, Miller and colleagues conducted two studies in

which large amounts of an ethanol-based handrub were used
very frequently over periods of several hours; they found that
blood alcohol levels at the end of the trial periods were below
the level of detection.782,995 Brown and colleagues exposed
HCWs to intensive use (30 times/hour) of ethanol- and
isopropanol-based handrub solutions and found only
extremely low concentrations of ethanol in the blood (far too
low to cause symptoms) and that blood isopropanol levels were
undetectable.783 Similarly, insignificant levels of ethanol were
detected in the breath of a few study participants and no trace
of isopropanol. Kramer and colleagues studied the intensive use
of handrub solutions containing 5595% ethanol and found that
blood ethanol concentrations were far below levels that would
result in any noticeable symptoms. For example, the highest
median blood ethanol concentration after intensive use of a 95%
ethanol hand rub was 20.95 mg/litre, whereas levels of 200
500 mg/litre are needed to impair fine motor coordination, and
levels of 5001000 mg/litre are needed to impair judgement.784

The presence of ethanol in the blood of human beings can

also have other origins. Ethanol can be found in ripe fruit with
concentrations of 0.6% or higher as a product of fermentation
by natural yeasts.996 A very small amount of ethanol is present
as an endogenous substance in the blood, probably resulting

143 143
143 143

mg/litre.997,998 In rare instances, much higher endogenous

concentrations have been reported (> 800 mg/litre) in
Japanese subjects with serious yeast infections; endogenous
ethanol appears to have been produced after they had eaten
carbohydrate-rich foods. 997

Studies to measure both alcohol and acetone levels in

subjects chronically exposed to topical alcohols are required to
investigate further this issue. Based on work emerging from the
United Kingdom,Table I.23.5 lists the risks and recommended
mitigation measures. 999,1000

Table I.23.1
Indications for gloving and for glove removal


Glove use 1) before a sterile condition

2) anticipation of a contact with blood or another body fluid, regardless of the existence of sterile conditions and
including contact with non-intact skin and mucous membrane
3) contact with a patient (and his/her immediate surroundings) during contact precautions

Glove removal 1) as soon as gloves are damaged (or non-integrity suspected)

2) when contact with blood, another body fluid, non-intact skin and mucous membrane has occurred and has
3) when contact with a single patient and his/her surroundings, or a contaminated body site on a patient has
4) when there is an indication for hand hygiene

Table I.23.2
A question-frame to capture practical conditions for appropriate and safe glove use

Before donning gloves When to wear gloves When to remove gloves

Is there any indication for glove use? Does the indication for use of gloves still When does the exact moment for
What is this indication? remain? removing glove apply?
What type of gloves is required? Does any indication for glove removal Has the technique to remove gloves been
Are gloves still in their original occur? respected?
packaging? Have gloves been properly disposed?
When does the exact moment to put Has hand hygiene been performed
on gloves apply? immediately after glove removal?
How do they protect the patient, the Have hands been washed if soiled with
HCW, the environment? blood or another body fluid after glove
Is any hand hygiene action indicated removal?
before donning gloves?
If any indication for hand hygiene,
was handwashing or handrubbing
Was it performed immediately
before donning gloves?
Have both hands to be gloved?
Has the gloving technique been

144 144
144 144

Table I.23.3
Advantages and disadvantages of different dispensing methods

Dispenser type Advantages Disadvantages

Wall- and bed-mounted HCWs know where they are can allow Not always placed in convenient locations;
dispensers attainment of hand hygiene in alignment in some units they will not align with the
with the Five moments concept requirements of the Five moments
Can be operated by a no-touch system (if concept
elbow-operated) Dependent on good service (refilling and
Standardized with regard to refill (freedom maintenance)
to choose other suppliers) Patients and visitors can access and
Visible for staff, patients and visitors ingest (e.g. areas where patients are
confused and paediatric wards)
Splashes on floor that stain certain floor

Table-top dispensers (pumps) Use at point of care allowing attainment of No fixed location
hand hygiene in alignment with the Five Patients and visitors can access and
moments concept ingest (e.g. elderly and paediatric wards)
Low costs No-touch difficult

Pocket- and clip-on Constant access by HCWs increased Can run-out at point of care, thus require
dispensers perception of self-efficacy among HCWs back-up and facilitated access in wards
No access for patients and visitors for for refill
safety purposes Costs
Dependent on supplier (clip-on)
Environmental concerns and disposal if
containers are not reused

Automated-wall mounted Faster and aesthetically appealing Unusable when out of order
No touch Standardized amount of product preset
Costs of maintenance
Dependent on supplier

Table I.23.4
Characteristics to be considered as a prerequisite for all dispensers and their placement

Prerequisite Comment

Easy and unobstructed access Allow enough space around the dispenser; e.g. do not place under cupboards or next to
other objects that hinder/obscure free access

Logical placement HCWs should know intuitively where dispensers are placed. They should be as close as
possible, (e.g. within arms reach) to where patient contact is taking place, to avoid to have to
leave the care/treatment zone

Wide availability Available in all patient rooms (possibly at the bedside) and in all examination rooms and other
points of care

Standardized (with regard to fillings/ Standardization should ensure that dispensers can be used with products of multiple brands,
containers) instead of only fitting the product of a single manufacturer
A Euro-dispenser has been developed that holds European standard 500 ml and 1000 ml

No-touch system To allow use by contact with clean body part (e.g. elbow dispenser, pump on a bottle
operated by a clean wrist). This is with the exception of pocket bottles or systems worn on
HCWs uniforms

Disposable reservoir Dispensers should generally have a disposable reservoir (container/bottle) that should not
be refilled. If reusable reservoirs have to be used, they should be cleaned and disinfected
according to the instructions in Section 12

Avoid contamination Dispensers should be constructed in such a way that contaminated hands do not come into
contact with parts of the delivery system of the dispenser and/or those parts unable to be

145 145
145 145

Table I.23.5
Summary of risks and mitigation measures concerning the use of alcohol-based hand hygiene preparations

Risk Mitigation

Fire Involve fire officers, fire safety advisers, risk managers, and health and safety and infection control professionals in
risk assessments prior to embarking on system change
Risk assessment should take into account:
the location of dispensers
the storage of stock
the disposal of used containers/dispensers and expired stock
Storage: store away from high temperatures or flames
Drying: following application of alcohol-based handrubs, hands should be rubbed together until all the alcohol has
evaporated (when dry, hands are safe)
Storage Local and central (bulk) storage must comply with fire regulations regarding the type of cabinet and store,
Production and storage facilities should ideally be air-conditioned or cool rooms
No naked flames or smoking should be permitted in these areas
National safety guidelines and local legal requirements must be adhered to for the storage of ingredients and the
final product
Care should be taken when carrying personal containers/dispensers, to avoid spillage onto clothing, bedding or
curtains and in pockets, bags or vehicles
Containers/dispensers should be stored in a cool place and care should be taken regarding the securing of tops/lids
The quantity of handrub kept in a ward or department should be as small as is reasonably practicable for day-to-
day purposes
A designated highly flammables store will be required for situations where it is necessary to store more than 50
litres (e.g. central bulk storage)
Containers and dispenser cartridges containing handrub should be stored in a cool place away from sources of
ignition. This applies also to used containers that have not been rinsed with water

Disposal Used containers and dispensers will contain gel residues and flammable vapours
Rinsing out used containers with copious amounts of cold water will reduce the risk of fire and the containers may
then be recycled or disposed of in general waste
Location of Handrub dispensers should not be placed above or close to potential sources of ignition, such as light switches and
dispensers electrical outlets, or next to oxygen or other medical gas outlets, because of the increased risk of vapours igniting
The siting of handrub dispensers above carpets is not recommended, because of the risk of damage and lifting/
warping of carpets.
Consideration should be given to the risks associated with spillage onto floor coverings, including the risk of
pedestrian slips
WHO The WHO-recommended formulation handrub should not be produced in quantities exceeding 50 litres locally or in
Formulation central pharmacies lacking specialized air conditioning and ventilation
Since undiluted ethanol is highly flammable and may ignite at temperatures as low as 10 C, production facilities
should directly dilute it to the concentrations outlined in the Guide to Local Production (http://www.who.int/gpsc/
The flashpoints of ethanol 80% (v/v) and isopropyl alcohol 75% (v/v) are 17.5 C and 19 C, respectively

Spillage Significant spillages should be dealt with immediately by removing all sources of ignition, ventilating the area, and
diluting the spillage with water (to at least 10 times the volume)
The fluid should then be absorbed by an inert material such as dry sand (not a combustible material such as
sawdust), which should be disposed of in a chemical waste container
Vapours should be dispersed by ventilating the room (or vehicle), and the contaminated item should be put in a
plastic bag until it can be washed and/or dried safely

Fighting a Water or aqueous (water) film-forming foam (AFFF) should be used; other types of extinguishers may be ineffective
large (i.e. and may spread the fire over a larger area rather than put it out
bulk storage)
alcohol fire

Ingestion In areas where there is thought to be a high risk of ingestion, a staff-carried product is advised
If a wall-mounted product is used, consideration should be given to small bottles
If bottles with a greater capacity than 500 ml are used, consideration should be given to providing them in secured
Consideration should be given to the labelling of the handrubs, including an emphasis on the sanitizing properties
and warning of dangers associated with ingestion
National and local toxicology specialists should be involved in developing and issuing national/local guidance on
how to deal with ingestion (based on products available within a country)

146 146
146 146

Figure I.23.1
Situations requiring and not requiring glove use

Any surgical
procedure; vaginal delivery;
invasive radiological procedures;
performing vascular access and
procedures (central
lines); preparing total parental nutrition
and chemotherapeutic agents.


Potential for touching blood, body fluids, secretions,
excretions and items visibly soiled by body fluids
DIRECT PATIENT EXPOSURE : contact with blood; contact with
muscous membrane and with non-intact skin; potential presence
of highly infectious and dangerous organism; epidemic or emergency
situations; IV insertion and removal; drawing blood; discontinuation of
venous line; pelvic and vaginal examination; suctioning non-closed systems of
endotracheal tubes.
INDIRECT PATIENT EXPOSURE : emptying emesis basins; handling/cleaning
instruments; handling waste; cleaning up spills of body fluids.

GLOVES NOT INDICATED (except for CONTACT precautions)

No potential for exposure to blood or body fluids, or contaminated environment
DIRECT PATIENT EXPOSURE : taking blood pressure; temperatureand pulse; performing SC and IM
injections; bathing and dressing the patient; transporting patient; caring for eyes and ears (without secretions);
any vascular line manipulation in absence of blood leakage.
INDIRECT PATIENT EXPOSURE : using the telephone, writing in the patient chart; giving oral medications;
distributing or collecting patient dietary trays; removing and replacing linen for patient bed; placing non-invasive
ventilation equipment and oxygen cannula; moving patient furniture.

Gloves must be worn according to STANDARD and CONTACT PRECAUTIONS. The pyramid details some clinical examples in wich gloves
are not indicated, and others in which examination or sterile gloves are indicated. Hand hygiene should be performed when appropriate
regardless indications for glove use.

140 140
140 140

Figure I.23.2
How to don and remove non-sterile gloves

When the hand hygiene indication occurs before a contact requiring glove use, perform hand hygiene by rubbing with
an alcohol-based handrub or by washing with soap and water.


1. Take out a glove from its original box 2. Touch only a restricted surface of the 3. Don the first glove
glove corresponding to the wrist (at the
top edge of the cuff)

4. Take the second glove with the bare 5. To avoid touching the skin of the 6. Once gloved, hands should not touch
hand and touch only a restricted surface forearm with the gloved hand, turn anything else that is not defined by
of glove corresponding to the wrist the external surface of the glove to be indications and conditions for glove use
donned on the folded fingers of the
gloved hand, thus permitting to glove
the second hand


1. Pinch one glove at the wrist level lo 2. Hold the removed glove in the gloved 3. Discard the removed gloves
remove it, without touching the skin of hand and slide the fingers of the unglo
the forearm, and peel away from the ved hand inside between the glove and
hand, thus allowing the glove to turn the wrist. Remove the second glove by
inside out rolling it down the hand and fold into the
first glove

4. Then, perform hand hygiene by rubbing with an alcohol-based handrub or by washing with soap and water

141 141
141 141

Figure I.23.3
How to don and remove sterile gloves

The purpose of this technique is to ensure maximum asepsis for the patient and to protect the health-care worker from the patient's
body fluid(s}. To achieve this goal, the skin of the health-care worker remains exclusively in contact with the inner surface of the glove
and has no contact with the outer surface. Any error in the performance of this technique leads to a lack of asepsis requiring a change
of gloves.



8 9 10

13 14

1. Perform hand hygiene before an "aseptic procedure" by handrubbing or hand washing.

2. Check the package for integrity. Open the first non-sterile packaging by peeling it completely off the heat seal to expose the
second sterile wrapper, but without touching it.
3. Place the second sterile package on a clean, dry surface without touching the surface. Open the package and fold it towards
the bottom so as to unfold the paper and keep it open.
4. Using the thumb and index finger of one hand, carefully grasp the folded cuff edge of the glove.
5. Slip the other hand into the glove in a single movement, keeping the folded cuff at the wrist level.
6-7. Pick up the second glove by sliding the fingers of the gloved hand underneath the cuff of the glove.
8-10. In a single movement, slip the second glove on to the ungloved hand while avoiding any contact/resting of the gloved hand on
surfaces other than the glove to be donned (contact/resting constitutes a lack of asepsis and requires a change of glove}.
11. If necessary, after donning both gloves, adjust the fingers and interdigital spaces until the gloves fit comfortably.
12-13. Unfold the cuff of the first gloved hand by gently slipping the fingers of the other hand inside the fold, making sure to avoid any
contact with a surface other than the outer surface of the glove (lack of asepsis requiring a change of gloves).
14. The hands are gloved and must touch exclusively sterile devices or the previously-disinfected patient's body area.

142 142
142 142

Figure I.23.3
How to don and remove sterile gloves (Cont.)


16 17


19 20 21

15-17. Remove the first glove by peeling it back with the fingers of the opposite hand. Remove the glove by rolling it inside out
to the second finger joints (do not remove completely).
18. Remove the other glove by turning its outer edge on the fingers of the partially ungloved hand.
19. Remove the glove by turning it inside out entirely to ensure that the skin of the health-care worker is always and exclusively
in contact with the inner surface of the glove.
20. Discard gloves.
21. Perform hand hygiene after glove removal according to the recommended indication.

NB: Donning surgical sterile gloves at the time of a surgical intervention follows the same sequences except that:
it is preceeded by a surgical hand preparation;
donning gloves is performed after putting on the sterile surgical gown;
the opening of the first packaging (non-sterile) is done by an assistant;
the second packaging (sterile) is placed on a sterile surface other than that used for the intervention;
gloves should cover the wrists of the sterile gown.

143 143
143 143

Figure I.23.4
Blood safety: crucial steps for hand hygiene action
of blood
Collection of Storage and Issue of
blood from transport safe blood
blood donors and blood
products to

Hand Hand Hand Hand

hygiene* hygiene* hygiene* hygiene*
Sterile blood Clean Gloves** for Gloves** for
collection equipment safe handling safe handling
bags Gloves** Correct Safe bedside
Donors arm temperature transfusion
cleansing to avoid procedures
Gloves** physical
damage and

* Hand hygiene before and after the procedure.

** Clean non-sterile gloves.

Figure I.23.5
Different types of dispensers at the point of care

144 144
144 144

Pocket bottle with clip Pocket bottle

145 145
145 145

Figure I.23.5
Different types of dispensers at the point of care (Cont.)

Dispenser fixed to the medicine trolley

Euro dispenser with spill tray

Pump dosing device for placement on the container/bottle

146 146
146 146

Pocket bottles (snap-cap and pump) and clip-on dispensers

147 147
147 147

Hand hygiene research agenda

Although the number of published studies dealing with hand hygiene has increased considerably in recent years,
many questions regarding hand hygiene products and strategies for improving HCW compliance with
recommended policies remain unanswered. Table I.24.1 lists a number of areas that should be addressed by
researchers, scientists and clinical investigators. Table I.24.2 includes a series of open questions on specific
unsolved issues that require research activities and field testing. Some of the research questions will be covered
by studies conducted within the framework of the World Alliance for Patient Safety.

Table I.24.1
Hand hygiene research agenda
Area In both developed More focus on developing
and developing countries countries

Education and Survey on perceptions among HCWs regarding indications for hand hygiene Test different strategies for
promotion hand hygiene promotion in
Identify more effective ways to educate HCWs regarding patient-care activities that
developing countries
can result in hand contamination and cross-transmission
Conduct costbenefit,
Assess the key determinants of hand hygiene behaviour and promotion among the
cost utility, and cost
different populations of HCWs
effectiveness analyses of
Evaluate the impact of different definitions and approaches to the Five moments
improving hand hygiene in
Explore avenues to implement hand hygiene promotion programmes in developing countries
undergraduate courses

Study the impact of religion and culture on population-based education on hand

hygiene behaviour

Identify effective methods and models for patient participation in the promotion of
hand hygiene compliance among HCWs in different cultural or social contexts
Document benefits and disadvantages of patient empowerment/participation in the
promotion of hand hygiene in health-care settings, in particular, its impact on hand
hygiene compliance
Implement and evaluate the impact of the different components of multimodal
programmes to promote hand hygiene

Ascertain the impact of social marketing on hand hygiene compliance

Develop and evaluate methods to obtain management support
Evaluate hand hygiene practices in traditional medicines and explore the possibility
of promoting hand hygiene among practitioners

148 148
148 148

Table I.24.1
Hand hygiene research agenda (Cont.)

Area In both developed More focus on developing

and developing countries countries

Agents, Identify the most suitable agents for hand hygiene based on a set of valid criteria Study skin adverse events in
indications, different ethnic groups and in
choice of Determine the role of alcohol-based handrub (gloving + handrubbing vs gloving + tropical climates
hand hygiene handwashing) to prevent the transmission of spore-forming pathogens
technique, Determine if preparations with sustained antimicrobial activity (based on various
hand care components, e.g. triclosan, chlorhexidine, silver) are more effective to reduce
infection rates than those whose activity is limited to an immediate effect when used
for hygienic hand antisepsis

Develop and field-test devices to facilitate the optimal application of hand hygiene

Develop hand hygiene agents with lower skin irritancy potential

Study the possible advantages and interactions of hand care lotions, creams, and
other barriers with hand hygiene agents

Conduct market research on handrub products and their cost at country level

Determine if bar soap is acceptable; if yes, establish if single-use, small pieces

should be recommended

Establish appropriate duration (90 seconds vs 3 minutes) of surgical hand

preparation, in particular, using alcohol-based handrubs

Establish whether there is a need to perform a second handrub for surgical

procedures of more than a two-hour duration and, if so, determine the duration of
the handrubbing.

Establish which skin areas must be cleansed (up to the wrist, forearm or elbow?)
during surgical hand preparation

Determine the effect of changing the sequence of steps or reducing the number of
steps for hand decontamination on efficacy

Ascertain the need for handrubbing before using non-sterile examination gloves

Establish a feasible method (e.g. disinfecting gloves) for performing hand hygiene
between patients for HCWs who are gloved for designated procedures (e.g.

Assess the effect of glove use on compliance with hand hygiene

Investigate the impact of wearing a watch on the efficacy of hand hygiene

149 149
149 149

Table I.24.1
Areahygiene research agenda
In both (Cont.)
developed More focus on developing
and developing countries countries

based and epi-
demiological Conduct experimental studies to understand different aspects of transmission,
research and colonization and infection role of casual contact and the environment (surface
development contamination) in the transmission of pathogens, transmission dynamics from
colonization to infection, etc.

Develop and evaluate new standardized protocols to test the efficacy of hand
hygiene agents considering, in particular, short application times and volumes that
reflect actual use in health-care facilities

Establish if hand antisepsis prior to donning non-sterile examination gloves reduces

transmission of pathogens to patients

Conduct further studies to determine the relative efficacy of alcohol-based solutions

vs gels and other formulations in reducing transmission of HCAI

Compare the utility of different methods (new devices, surrogate markers, etc.) to
assess hand hygiene compliance that allow frequent feedback on performance

Compare the results of hand hygiene monitoring methods using different

denominators (e.g. indications vs opportunities)

Determine the percentage increase in hand hygiene adherence required to achieve a

predictable risk reduction in infection rates

Assess compliance with recommendations for surgical hand preparation Conduct

further studies to determine the consequences of soap contamination Evaluate

contamination of tap/faucet water at the sink with P. aeruginosa and non-

fermenting Gram-negative bacilli and its role in hand contamination

Evaluate the frequency of recontamination (when rinsing) after surgical hand scrub
and its impact on surgical infection rates

Conduct additional in vitro and in vivo studies of both alcohol-based formulations

and antimicrobial soaps to establish the minimal level of virucidal activity required to
interrupt direct contact transmission of viruses in health-care settings

Evaluate the effectiveness of handrubbing or handwashing to interrupt transmission

of pathogens such as noroviruses

Identify the most appropriate surrogate virus for human norovirus for use in
laboratory studies of hand hygiene agents

Gather evidence on reduced susceptibility to antiseptic agents and evaluate whether

resistance to antiseptics influences the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance

Determine the actual risk of triclosan-inducing resistance in in-use situations

Establish sample size requirements for studies designed to answer different

research questions in hand hygiene epidemiology and research

150 150
150 150

Table I.24.1
Hand hygiene research agenda (Cont.)

Area In both developed and developing countries More focus on developing


System Determine the effect of quality (or lack of it) and temperature of water on hand Establish the requisite quality
hygiene of water for handwashing

Develop and evaluate models for inexpensive and sustained supply of products in Establish the most
different countries appropriate method to keep
water safe for care and hand
Develop a cost-utility tool for large-scale production, storage, and distribution of hygiene purposes when it
alcohol-based handrubs needs to be stored at point of
use (containers)
Establish correlations between hand hygiene compliance rates (ideally by direct
observation), product consumption, and HCAI rates Establish the recommended
number of sinks per bed
Investigate the potential for aerosolization of water-borne pathogens associated with
air dryers Evaluate the costbenefit of
glove reuse in settings with
limited/poor resources

151 151
151 151

Table I.24.2
Unsolved issues for research and field testing

Area Outstanding questions to be resolved

Water quality and Should water for handwashing be drinkable or simply the cleanest possible?
its availability in
health care Should water requirements be differentiated according to the resources available in different settings?

Are the water quality requirements at the tap/faucet in the operating room different from those in the rest of the
health-care setting?

Should high-risk populations (e.g. immunosuppressed) who need guaranteed high standards of water quality be

Soap What is the potential for actual soap contamination during use?

What is the best storage method between uses?

Hand drying What quality of paper should be used for hand hygiene?

What should be the standards for paper? Is there a preferred type of paper?

Does the quality of paper have an impact on hand hygiene compliance?

What are the best approaches when single-use towels are not available?

Use of recycled paper for hand drying:

What type of in vitro studies may be appropriate to assess the level of contamination of recycled paper?
Could there be an impact of the type of paper (recycled vs not-recycled) on HCAI or colonization rates by
multidrug-resistant pathogens?
What is the costbenefit of using recycling paper?

Antimicrobicidal When handling norovirus, is handrubbing or handwashing preferred?

activity of products
Is there an impact of resistance to antiseptics on the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant strains?

Use of gloves Should hand hygiene be recommended before donning non-sterile gloves?

What are the costbenefits of glove reuse in settings with limited/poor resources?

How many times could gloves be reused?

What type of gloves could be reused?

Could gloves be decontaminated between different patients? How?

Should the reuse of gloves definitely be forbidden: during outbreaks; if there is direct contact with blood or body
fluids; and during the care of patients colonized and/or infected with multidrug-resistant pathogens? In other

Surgical hand What are the different types of surgical hand antisepsis currently performed in different countries?
antisepsis What elements are to be included in a standardized protocol to define the status quo?

What is the appropriate time for surgical hand preparation? A 5-minute or a 3-minute scrub? Are times < 2
minutes inappropriate?

Hand hygiene Is there a consequential impact of low budget, educational interventions on compliance with hand hygiene in
promotion countries with limited resources?

What are the cognitive determinants of hand hygiene behaviour?





Ranking system for evidence

The consensus recommendations listed below (Part II, Sections 19) are categorized according to the CDC/
HICPAC system, adapted as follows:

Category IA. Strongly recommended for implementation and strongly supported by well-designed
experimental, clinical, or epidemiological studies

Category IB. Strongly recommended for implementation and supported by some experimental, clinical, or
epidemiological studies and a strong theoretical rationale.

Category IC. Required for implementation, as mandated by federal and/or state regulation or standard.

Category II. Suggested for implementation and supported by suggestive clinical or epidemiological
studies or a theoretical rationale or a consensus by a panel of experts.

1. Indications for hand hygiene F. Soap and alcohol-based handrub should not be used
concomitantly (II).617,1009
A. Wash hands with soap and water when visibly dirty or
visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids (IB) or after
using the toilet (II).179,248,249,287,339,899,1001-1005

B. If exposure to potential spore-forming pathogens is strongly

suspected or proven, including outbreaks of Clostridium
difficile, hand washing with soap and water is the preferred
means (IB). 419-421,432

C. Use an alcohol-based handrub as the preferred means

for routine hand antisepsis in all other clinical situations
described in items D(a) to D(f) listed below, if hands are
not visibly soiled (IA).60,221,329,333,484-487,665If alcohol-based
handrub is not obtainable, wash hands with soap and water

D. Perform hand hygiene:

a. before and after touching the patient (IB); 50,52,73,88,110,114,


b. before handling an invasive device for patient care,

regardless of whether or not gloves are used (IB); 1007
c. after contact with body fluids or excretions, mucous
membranes, non-intact skin, or wound dressings
(IA); 50,125,127,179
d. if moving from a contaminated body site to another
body site during care of the same patient (IB);73,88,125-127
e. after contact with inanimate surfaces and objects
(including medical equipment) in the immediate vicinity
of the patient (IB); 73,111,112,114,125-127,129,130
f. after removing sterile (II) or non-sterile gloves

E. Before handling medication or preparing food perform hand

hygiene using an alcohol-based handrub or wash hands
with either plain or antimicrobial soap and water (IB).1001-1004

152 152
152 152

2. Hand hygiene technique

A. Apply a palmful of alcohol-based handrub and cover all

surfaces of the hands. Rub hands until dry (IB). 201,814 (The
technique for handrubbing is illustrated in Figure II.1)

B. When washing hands with soap and water, wet hands with
water and apply the amount of product necessary to cover
all surfaces. Rinse hands with water and dry thoroughly
with a single-use towel. Use clean, running water whenever
possible. Avoid using hot water, as repeated exposure to
hot water may increase the risk of dermatitis (IB).255,586,587
Use towel to turn off tap/faucet (IB).151,220,222,1010,1011 Dry hands
thoroughly using a method that does not recontaminate
hands. Make sure towels are not used multiple times
or by multiple people (IB).75,115,257,671 (The technique for
handwashing is illustrated in Figure II.2).

C. Liquid, bar, leaf or powdered forms of soap are acceptable.

When bar soap is used, small bars of soap in racks that
facilitate drainage should be used to allow the bars to dry
(II). 265,266,640,1012-1015

3. Recommendations for surgical hand preparation

A. Remove rings, wrist-watch, and bracelets before beginning

surgical hand preparation (II). 962,965,966,968,1016 Artificial nails
are prohibited (IB).154,167,534,974,977

B. Sinks should be designed to reduce the risk of splashes

(II). 235,552

C. If hands are visibly soiled, wash hands with plain soap

before surgical hand preparation (II). Remove debris from
underneath fingernails using a nail cleaner, preferably under
running water (II).63

D. Brushes are not recommended for surgical hand

preparation (IB). 247,261,463,511,545-547

153 153
153 153

E. Surgical hand antisepsis should be performed using either f. solicit and evaluate information from manufacturers
a suitable antimicrobial soap or suitable alcohol-based regarding any effect that hand lotions, creams, or
handrub, preferably with a product ensuring sustained alcohol-based handrubs may have on the effects
activity, before donning sterile gloves (IB).162,227,282,336,463,482,524,

F. If quality of water is not assured (as described in Table

I.11.3) in the operating theatre, surgical hand antisepsis
using an alcohol-based handrub is recommended before
donning sterile gloves when performing surgical procedures
(II). 250,282,463,482

G. When performing surgical hand antisepsis using an

antimicrobial soap, scrub hands and forearms for the
length of time recommended by the manufacturer, typically
25 minutes. Long scrub times (e.g. 10 minutes) are not
necessary (IB). 284,378,380,460,511,512,525,541,542

H. When using an alcohol-based surgical handrub product

with sustained activity, follow the manufacturers
instructions for application times. Apply the product to
dry hands only (IB).562,564 Do not combine surgical hand
scrub and surgical handrub with alcohol-based products
sequentially (II). 617

I. When using an alcohol-based handrub, use sufficient

product to keep hands and forearms wet with the handrub
throughout the surgical hand preparation procedure
(IB). 328,557,568 (The technique for surgical hand preparation
using alcohol-based handrubs is illustrated in Figure I.13.1.)

J. After application of the alcohol-based handrub as

recommended, allow hands and forearms to dry thoroughly
before donning sterile gloves (IB). 463,482

4. Selection and handling of hand hygiene agents

A. Provide HCWs with efficacious hand hygiene products that

have low irritancy potential (IB).219,220,262,264,329,548,549,572,607

B. To maximize acceptance of hand hygiene products by

HCWs, solicit their input regarding the skin tolerance, feel,
and fragrance of any products under consideration (IB).221,

C. When selecting hand hygiene products:

a. determine any known interaction between products

used to clean hands, skin care products, and the types
of glove used in the institution (II); 342,946
b. solicit information from manufacturers about the risk of
product contamination (IB);160,643,644
c. ensure that dispensers are accessible at the point of
care (see Part I.1 for the definition) (IB); 335,486
d. ensure that dispensers function adequately and reliably
and deliver an appropriate volume of the product
(II); 60,983
e. ensure that the dispenser system for alcohol-based
handrubs is approved for flammable materials (IC);

154 154
154 154

of antimicrobial soaps being used in the institution A. Do not wear artificial fingernails or extenders when having
(IB); 342,563,1018 direct contact with patients (IA).154,155,159,856,976,977
g. cost comparisons should only be made for products
that meet requirements for efficacy, skin tolerance, and
acceptability (II).464,488

D. Do not add soap (IA) or alcohol-based formulations (II) to a

partially empty soap dispenser. If soap dispensers are
reused, follow recommended procedures for cleansing.161,358

5. Skin care

A. Include information regarding hand-care practices designed

to reduce the risk of irritant contact dermatitis and other
skin damage in education programmes for HCWs (IB).618,624

B. Provide alternative hand hygiene products for HCWs

with confirmed allergies or adverse reactions to standard
products used in the health-care setting (II).

C. Provide HCWs with hand lotions or creams to minimize the

occurrence of irritant contact dermatitis associated with
hand antisepsis or handwashing (IA).549,607,623-626

D. When alcohol-based handrub is available in the health-care

facility for hygienic hand antisepsis, the use of antimicrobial
soap is not recommended (II).

E. Soap and alcohol-based handrub should not be used

concomitantly (II).617

6. Use of gloves

A. The use of gloves does not replace the need for

hand hygiene by either handrubbing or handwashing

B. Wear gloves when it can be reasonably anticipated that

contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials,
mucous membranes, or non-intact skin will occur
(IC). 906,1019,1020

C. Remove gloves after caring for a patient. Do not wear the

same pair of gloves for the care of more than one patient

D. When wearing gloves, change or remove gloves during

patient care if moving from a contaminated body site to
either another body site (including non-intact skin, mucous
membrane or medical device) within the same patient or
the environment (II).72,123,139

E. The reuse of gloves is not recommended (IB). 956 In the case

of glove reuse, implement the safest reprocessing method
(II). 952

7. Other aspects of hand hygiene

155 155
155 155

B. Keep natural nails short (tips less than 0.5 cm long or G. With regard to hand hygiene, ensure that the water supply
approximately inch) (II).976 is physically separated from drainage and sewerage

8. Educational and motivational programmes for

health-care workers

A. In hand hygiene promotion programmes for HCWs, focus

specifically on factors currently found to have a significant
influence on behaviour, and not solely on the type of hand
hygiene products. The strategy should be multifaceted and
multimodal and include education and senior executive
support for implementation.(IA) 60,651,657,676,701,708,713,725,732,767,802,

B. Educate HCWs about the type of patient-care activities that

can result in hand contamination and about the advantages
and disadvantages of various methods used to clean their
hands (II).60,657,663,666,670,715,716,727,814,939,1022

C. Monitor HCWs adherence to recommended hand hygiene

practices and provide them with performance feedback (IA).

D. Encourage partnerships between patients, their families,

and HCWs to promote hand hygiene in health care settings
(II). 803-805

9. Governmental and institutional responsibilities

9.1 For health-care administrators

A. It is essential that administrators ensure conditions are

conducive to the promotion of a multifaceted, multimodal
hand hygiene strategy and an approach that promotes
a patient safety culture by implementation of points BI

B. Provide HCWs with access to a safe, continuous water

supply at all outlets and access to the necessary facilities to
perform handwashing (IB). 939,981,1023

C. Provide HCWs with a readily accessible alcohol-based

handrub at the point of patient care (IA).60,485,486,615,647,665,855,

D. Make improved hand hygiene adherence (compliance) an

institutional priority and provide appropriate leadership,
administrative support, financial resources, and support
for hand hygiene and other infection prevention and control
activities (IB).60,657,708,713,728

E. Ensure HCWs have dedicated time for infection control

training, including sessions on hand hygiene (II).732,1026

F. Implement a multidisciplinary, multifaceted and multimodal

programme designed to improve adherence of HCWs to
recommended hand hygiene practices (IB).60,713,719

156 156
156 156

within the health-care setting, and provide routine system

monitoring and management (IB).228

H. Provide strong leadership and support for hand hygiene

and other infection prevention and control activities (II).713

I. Alcohol-based handrub production and storage must

adhere to the national safety guidelines and local legal
requirements (II).

9.2 For national governments

A. Make improved hand hygiene adherence a national priority

and consider provision of a funded, coordinated
implementation programme, while ensuring monitoring and
long-term sustainability (II). 875,1027-1029

B. Support strengthening of infection control capacities within

health-care settings (II).1026,1030,1031

C. Promote hand hygiene at the community level to strengthen

both self-protection and the protection of others (II).248,249,451-

D. Encourage health-care settings to use hand hygiene as a

quality indicator (Australia, Belgium, France, Scotland, USA)

157 157
157 157

Figure II.1
How to handrub

Hand Hygiene Technique with Alcohol-Based Formulation

Duration of the entire procedure: 20-30 seconds

1a 1b 2

Apply a palmful of the product in a cupped hand, covering all surfaces; Rub hands palm to palm;

3 4 5

Right palm over left dorsum with Palm to palm with fingers interlaced; Backs of fingers to opposing palms
interlaced fingers and vice versa; with fingers interlocked;

6 7 8

Rotational rubbing of left thumb Rotational rubbing, backwards and Once dry, your hands are safe.
clasped in right palm and vice versa; forwards with clasped fingers of right
hand in left palm and vice versa;

158 158
158 158

Figure II.2
How to handwash

Hand Hygiene Technique with Soap and Water

Duration of the entire procedure: 40-60 seconds

0 1 2

Wet hands with water; Apply enough soap to cover Rub hands palm to palm;
all hand surfaces;

3 4 5

Right palm over left dorsum with Palm to palm with fingers interlaced; Backs of fingers to opposing palms
interlaced fingers and vice versa; with fingers interlocked;

6 7 8

Rotational rubbing of left thumb Rotational rubbing, backwards and Rinse hands with water;
clasped in right palm and vice versa; forwards with clasped fingers of right
hand in left palm and vice versa;

9 10 11

Dry hands thoroughly Use towel to turn off faucet; Your hands are now safe.
with a single use towel;

159 159
159 159




Hand hygiene as a performance indicator

Monitoring hand hygiene adherence serves multiple functions: system monitoring, incentive for performance
improvement, outbreak investigation, staffing management, and infrastructure design. 60,648,651,663,666,670,676,684,686,713,714
It has to be kept in mind, however, that hand hygiene performance is only one node in a causal tree leading to
the two major infectious outcomes: HCAI and health care-associated colonization with multi-resistant
microorganisms. As a process element in this causal chain, hand hygiene performance itself is influenced by
many factors, not least the structural aspects related to the quality and availability of products such as alcohol-
based handrub at the point of care.

The correct moment for hand hygiene is usually termed available to detect all occurring hand hygiene opportunities and
opportunity. According to an evidence-based model of hand actions and to assess the number of times and appropriate
transmission,1,885 the opportunity corresponds to the period timing when hand hygiene action would be required in the
between the moment in which hands become colonized
after touching a surface (either environment or patient) and the
moment in which hands touch a receptor surface. This transition
can potentially result in a negative infectious outcome.
Opportunities constitute the denominator in the calculation of
compliance with optimal hand hygiene. As a consequence,
measurement technologies and methods can be divided into
two main categories: those with a measured denominator, and
those without.

An ideal indicator of hand hygiene performance would produce

an unbiased and exact numerical measure of how appropriately
HCWs practise hand hygiene so that its preventive effect on
negative infectious outcomes is maximized. Ideally, such an
indicator implies a technology that does not interfere with the
behaviour of those observed, assesses the microbiological
outcome of each hand cleansing action in real time, and
reliably captures each moment requiring hand hygiene even
during complex care activities. Furthermore, the method used
should not require excessive staffing time and other incurred
costs to provide sufficient data to exclude selection bias and
underpowering. Bias and insufficient sample size represent the
two major threats to meaningful monitoring outputs (see Part III,
Section 1.1 below).

Today, such an ideal method does not exist. All current

measurement approaches produce approximate information on
real hand hygiene performance, each with certain advantages
and disadvantages (Table III.1.1).

Hand hygiene performance in health care can be monitored

directly or indirectly. Direct methods include direct observation,
patient assessment or HCW self-reporting. Indirect methods
include monitoring consumption of products, such as soap or
handrub, and automated monitoring of the use of sinks and
handrub dispensers.

1.1 Monitoring hand hygiene by direct methods

Detection of hand hygiene compliance by a validated observer

(direct observation) is currently considered the gold standard
in hand hygiene compliance monitoring.58 It is the only method

158 158
158 158

sequence of care. Observations are usually performed by

trained and validated observers who observe care activity
directly and count the occurring hand hygiene opportunities and
determine the proportion being met by hand hygiene actions.
It is essential that hand hygiene opportunities, indications, and
actions are clearly defined (see Part III, Section 1.2). The
validation of observers is essential for the quality of observation
data (see under 1.2.3).

Opportunities for hand hygiene action using alcohol-

based handrubs can be distinguished from those requiring
handwashing with soap and water. If pre-established in the
selected methodology, direct observations allow to collect more
detailed information. This can comprise glove use, handrubbing
technique, application time, and other quality parameters that
affect hand hygiene efficacy such as the wearing of jewellery
and fingernail status (see Part I, Sections 23.4 and 23.5).
Whereas routine monitoring needs to be kept simple and
straightforward, observations for research purposes can be
even more detailed. A major drawback of direct observation is
the large effort required (trained and validated staff and many
working hours). For example, with a typical average density of
10 hand hygiene opportunities per hour, a total observation time
of 80 hours is required to obtain 500 opportunities.

Causes of potential bias arising from hand hygiene direct

observation are listed in Table III.1.2. The most important are
observation, observer, and selection bias. Observation bias is
generated by the presence of an observer who influences the
behaviour of the observed HCWs towards a higher compliance
or by an increased attention to the topic under study. In a recent
study, compliance found to be 45% with overt observations
was in reality only 29% when observations were covert.736
Observation bias can also induce increased recourse to hand
hygiene action at inappropriate times during the sequence of
care, i.e. not associated with true improvement in compliance.
If observational surveys are conducted periodically, this
bias would be equally distributed among all observations. 831
Observation bias might be eliminated by keeping observations
covert. Such observations, however, are not recommended
in conjunction with promotional interventions because they
can induce mistrust in the observed HCWs. Furthermore,
hiding the true reason for the presence of an observer can
hardly be maintained in the case of repeated observations.
If a baseline observation is covert, then the results of overt
follow-up observations would be confounded by the change in
method. The observation bias can also be attenuated by
desensitizing HCWs through the frequent presence of observers
or an unobtrusive conduct during observation sessions. Some

159 159
159 159

investigators call this effect the Hawthorne effect following and self-assessment markedly overestimates compliance with
ergonomic studies in the early 20th century at the Hawthorne hand hygiene.218,220,666,667,676,733
factory of Western Electrics in the USA. 334,810,1032,1033 On the
other hand, this effect can be used deliberately to stimulate
hand hygiene compliance in a promotional intention, rather
than to obtain objective quantitative results.334,810,1033 Obtaining
a sustained and never-ending Hawthorne effect associated
with improved compliance with hand hygiene and decreased
infection and cross-transmission rates could certainly represent
an ideal perspective.810

Observer bias refers to the systematic error introduced by inter-

observer variation in the observation method (Table III.1.2). To
reduce this bias, observers have to be validated. It is noteworthy
that even the same observer can unconsciously change his/her
method over time.

Selection bias results from systematically selecting HCWs,

care settings, observation times, or health-care sectors with a
specific hand hygiene behaviour. In practical terms, this bias
can be minimized by randomly choosing locations, times during
the day, and HCWs.

Another threat to meaningful hand hygiene compliance results is

the inclusion of a small sample size. In a comparative quantitative
analysis of hand hygiene performance during two different
periods, a large enough sample is needed to exclude the
influence of chance. A sample size calculation should therefore
be performed at the design stage of every hand hygiene
monitoring scheme. For example, to show a difference between
40% and 60% compliance in two different measurements with a
power of 90% and an alpha error of 5%, twice 140 (140x2)
opportunities have to be observed. The sample size increases to
twice 538 (538x2) opportunities when a difference between 40%
and 50% is to be detected. Another more innovative statistical
approach for measuring improvement over time and determining
whether statistical improvement has really occurred is described
in Appendix 4. However, because this method has not yet been
applied to the analysis of hand hygiene data, further research is
needed to consolidate its use in this field.

If hand hygiene monitoring is used for comparison between

health-care sectors or periods, confounding factors should
be included in the dataset and corrected for by stratification,
adjustment, or by keeping them unchanged between the
monitoring sets. Typical confounders in this field are professional
category, time of day, and health-care setting. Critical reviews of
observation methods have been published.809,1034,1035

Patients could be observers of HCWs hand hygiene

compliance. In two studies, patients were encouraged to
find out if HCWs had washed their hands before patient
contact.804,805 Patient monitoring of hand hygiene compliance is
not well documented, however, and has never been objectively
evaluated.1036 Patients may not feel comfortable in a formal role
as observers and are not always physically or mentally able to
execute this task.737,1037

Self-assessment by HCWs can be carried out. It has been

demonstrated, however, that self-reports of compliance do not
correlate well with compliance measured by direct observation,

160 160
160 160

1.2 The WHO-recommended method for direct each occurring hand hygiene opportunity. It is recommended
observation that the person in charge of validation remains the same for

Observation is a sophisticated activity requiring training, skill and

experience. Observers have to be aware of the multiple potential
biases introduced with the observation process and they can
help to minimize these by gaining a full understanding of the
methodology. A stringent adherence to the same methodology
over space and time is required.

WHO proposes a standardized hand hygiene observation

method based on an approach validated through several
studies.60,652,686,738 All relevant theoretical and practical
aspects related to this method are detailed in the Hand
Hygiene Reference Technical Manual that is included in the
Implementation Toolkit (available at http://www.who.int/gpsc/
en/). An Observation form for data collection, consistent with
the proposed method and including concise user instructions,
is also availabletogether with a Compliance calculation form to
facilitate the immediate performance feedback. Observation of
hand hygiene practices is an essential component of the WHO
Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy (See Part I, Sections 21.2
and 21.3).

1.2.1 Profile and task of observers

The task of observers is to observe HCWs during their usual

care activity and to assess their compliance with the
recommended indications for hand hygiene. To be able to
accomplish this task, observers have to be able to understand
the logic of care. Ideally, they have training and experience in
patient care as professionals.

1.2.2 Training of observers

Observers have to be trained according to the principles of

My five moments for hand hygiene and, ideally, have become
excellent monitors of the application of hand hygiene during
health-care delivery. Their excellence should be confirmed
through observations performed by a senior observer, if feasible,
depending on the setting. They have then to be instructed in hand
hygiene observation according to the present methodology. This
should take a relatively short time if they have already proved to
be proficient in the application of the five moments.

1.2.3 Validation of observers

Once knowledgeable in the use of the observation form

and process, observers must be validated either by parallel
observation jointly with a confirmed observer, or by being tested
through the use of the WHO Training Film included in the WHO
Implementation Toolkit (available at http://www.who.int/gpsc/
en/). In the first case, two observers engage in an observation
session during a real-life care situation and each completes an
observation form separately while observing the same HCW
and the same care sequence. Results are then compared and
discordant notifications discussed. This process is repeated
until concordance is reached in the number and nature of

161 161
161 161

all new potential observers in a given setting. It is advisable to It is important to understand that hand hygiene actions not
perform validation in each care setting that is to be monitored corresponding to an opportunity, and therefore additional and
by the future observer. The WHO Training Film provides visual not required, should not be taken into account by the observer.
examples of the five moments for HCWs and observers.
Observers can be trained and tested through the use of the 1.2.5 Understanding the observation form
scenarios, which include different sequences of health care
where hand hygiene is necessary. Observers are asked to Observations are noted on a paper form using a pencil and
complete the form while watching the film, and the trainer can rubber. Each form represents a separate observation session.
then judge their performance by comparing the results with the Experience shows that this material is ergonomic for
those provided in a slide show presentation that accompanies observations. The surface of a sheet of paper provides the
the film. The subsequent discussion is usually very valuable necessary overview of the past evolution of observed activity in
for learning purposes. If a time grid of opportunities can be several, simultaneously observed HCWs. Using a pencil and an
established in a scenario, kappa statistics can be calculated to eraser, errors can easily be corrected.
quantify the level of coincidence between two observers.
The form has three main sections: 1) a header contains
information on the institutional level (country, city, hospital,
1.2.4 Understanding the five moments for hand hygiene site identity); 2) a second header contains information on the
session (observer identity, date, start and end time, duration,
The concept of My five moments for hand hygiene has been period number, session number, form number, department,
created as a robust framework for understanding, training, service name, ward name); and 3) four columns below the
measuring, and communicating hand hygiene performance.1 header represent the sequence of actions for different HCWs
Understanding this concept (see Part I, Section 21.4) is a observed during the same session. Each column is usually
prerequisite for any future observer. It is a simple concept dedicated to one HCW and therefore the form can include up to
that should not leave any knowledge gap between the insight four HCWs. Alternatively, in situations with low activity, each
of observers and observed HCWs once they are adequately column can be dedicated to a different professional category
trained in hand hygiene. It is essential, however, that local and therefore the HCWs belonging to the same professional
specificity related to the application of the five moments category can be grouped within one column. This method can
is established and known by everyone. For example, the be practical when the observer chooses to observe more than
delimitation of the patient zone in a given setting needs to be four HCWs during the same session. This results, however, in a
specifically determined. loss of the possibility to calculate a per person density of hand
hygiene opportunities and individual feedback after the session.
Health-care activity must be imagined as a succession of tasks The header of each column contains information about the
during which the HCWs hands touch different types of surfaces observed HCW (professional category, code, number). The rest
prior to and after patient contact. Each contact is a potential of the column consists of equal blocks that are incrementally
source of contamination for HCWs hands. numbered from 1 to 8 from top to bottom. Each block
represents one of the sequentially occurring opportunities for
A crucial point specific to observations is the distinction hand hygiene. For each opportunity, the observer notes in the
between indications and opportunities, which is more corresponding block all the applicable indications and if hand
extensively described in the Hand Hygiene Reference hygiene was executed by handrubbing, handwashing or missed.
Technical Manual. The indication is the reason why hand
hygiene is necessary at a given moment to effectively interrupt
microbial transmission during care, and it corresponds to 1.2.6 Determining the scope of an observation period
precise moments in patient care. Very close to the concept
of indication, the term opportunity is much more relevant to Before starting an observation period, the investigators and
the observer: it determines the need to perform the hand project coordinators must determine the scope of observations.
hygiene action, whether the reason (the indication that leads Possible scopes are listed in Table III.1.3. If the scope is to build
to the action) be single or multiple. From the observer point of a comparison between two or more observation periods to
view, the opportunity exists whenever one of the indications assess the evolution of hand hygiene compliance over time,
for hand hygiene occurs and is observed. Several indications special attention should be paid to control for the potential
may arise simultaneously and create a single opportunity. Very confounding factors. This can be achieved by predefining a
importantly, the opportunity constitutes the denominator for target number of opportunities by profession, wards, and time
calculating compliance, i.e. the proportion of times that HCWs of day. To minimise inter-observer variability, the observer or the
perform hand hygiene action of all observed moments when this team of observers should remain the same across the different
was required. periods of the project. The best unit for calculation is the
denominator, i.e. opportunities for hand hygiene, because this
For this purpose, hand hygiene action is defined as either will directly influence the results.
rubbing hands with an alcohol-based handrub accepted by
the institution or handwashing with soap and water. Neither the
duration nor other quality aspects of hand hygiene such as the Selection of location and time
quantity of product used, glove use, length of fingernails, or the
presence of jewellery are assessed.

160 160
160 160

A representative mix of wards and time of day should be sought.

Naturally, observers tend to undertake their activity at times
and in locations with a high density of care to gather a higher

161 161
161 161

number of opportunities more quickly. Observers have to be Feedback of results to those concerned is a very powerful
aware that changing the method of selecting time and location promotional tool and should firstly address groups with a
for observations between observation periods can lead to
bias because there is usually an association between density of
opportunities and compliance. Therefore, we suggest to
establish a rough location plan and timetable ahead of planned
observations that will be remain stable over observation periods. Selection of HCWs

Once location and time are determined, observers have to

choose the HCWs to be observed during a session. Selection
bias should be minimized by choosing at random. In the case of
repeated observation periods in particular, observers may know
the intrinsic performance of individual HCWs and this could
easily influence the overall observation result by always selecting
HCWs with extreme behaviour. Starting, continuing, and concluding an observation


Once a health-care situation is identified, the observer may

introduce himself/herself by indicating unobtrusively the scope
of his/her presence. The way in which this introduction is
handled depends on local social and medical culture. A balance
should be sought between increased observation bias through
a too overt presence and inducing the feeling of being cheated
in the observed by pretending to be there for another scope.
This includes also a discreet positioning of the observer.

After completing the form header, each observed opportunity

is noted on the form (see above). Only opportunities for which
the entire time between the two delimiting hand-to-surface
exposures can be observed are noted.

During the observation session, the observer must not interfere

with observed staff. The session should be concluded after 20
minutes 10 minutes according the duration of care activity.
The observer may want to give feedback to the observed
HCW(s) about the observed hand hygiene performance. This
depends on the scope of the observation, but it was found to be
very efficient and appreciated by HCWs.

1.2.7 Analysis

Following data entry (Epi Info databases for entering data

collected according to the WHO-recommended method for
direct observation are available), the simplest form of results
is the overall compliance. This is calculated by dividing the
number of observed hand hygiene actions performed when an
opportunity occurs, by the total number of opportunities. It has
been found useful to stratify compliance by institutional sector,
professional category, and indication (moment) for hand hygiene
using the My five moments for hand hygiene as strata.1

1.2.8 Reporting of results

162 162
162 162

strong internal identity. A short delay between observation The use of sinks and handrub dispensers can be monitored
activity and reporting of results might increase the effect of electronically.699,710,852,986 Systems that are even able to identify
feedback. Continual feedback of unchangingly bad results HCWs when using a sink or a handrub dispenser are under
without any intervention should be avoided, as it may lead to
desensibilization and demotivation.

Special attention should be given to the potentially low number

of observed opportunities when using percentages to report
compliance. Low numbers occur especially with stratified
results. It is good practice to calculate 95% confidence intervals
and include these in graphics. For instance, for 30 opportunities
with a compliance of 50%, the confidence interval would
stretch from 31% to 69% compliance. With 100 opportunities
and 50% compliance, the confidence interval would shrink to
4060%, and for 200 and 50% compliance opportunities to
4357%. Finally, observations can be reported to HCWs directly
after each session, which produces an immediate impact. For
statistical methods to measure hand hygiene compliance over
time see also Appendix 4.

1.3 Indirect monitoring of hand hygiene performance

In the quest for less expensive monitoring approaches, experts

have used the consumption of hand hygiene products such as
paper towels,1038 alcohol-based handrub or liquid soap 60,334,
to estimate the number of hand hygiene actions.
To make these monitoring techniques more meaningful, the
quantity of handrub was translated into a number of hand
hygiene actions by using the average amount per action as a
divider. The missing denominator of the need for hand hygiene
actions was either ignored by only following the evolution over
time, or substituted by a surrogate measure such as patient
days or workload indicators drawn from a computerized
database of nursing activities. 851

Some studies 60,334,486 have shown that the consumption of

products used for hand hygiene correlated with observed
hand hygiene compliance, whereas others have not.1039 Thus,
the use of this measure as a surrogate for monitoring hand
hygiene practices deserves further validation. Other studies
found that feedback based on measured soap and paper towel
consumption did not have an impact on hand hygiene.802,1038

Methods based on product consumption cannot determine if

hand hygiene actions are performed at the right moment during
care or if the technique is correct. The advantages, however, are
that they are simple, can be continuous, and provide a global
picture that remains unaffected by selection or observer bias
and, most likely, observation bias. The amount of alcohol-based
handrub used by health-care settings has been selected as
one of the indicators. Nevertheless, it has to be considered that
this measure may not exactly reflect the product consumption
by HCWs, but could include the amount used by visitors or
patients, especially if the dispensers are located also in public
areas of the health-care setting and they are wall-mounted.

1.4 Automated monitoring of hand hygiene

163 163
163 163

development. These methods allow precise quantitative results

on hand hygiene activity to be obtained, with the only costs
being the installation and maintenance of the system. Changes
over time can be assessed. Some studies have attempted to
measure the need for hand hygiene by monitoring patient room
entries and linking each entry to the use of a sink or a handrub
dispenser. For the moment, no comparative studies exist to
validate the appropriateness of electronic detection of hand
hygiene opportunities.

Wireless devices placed inside handrub or soap dispensers

can provide useful information regarding patterns of hand
hygiene frequency. A recent study evaluated wireless devices
that were placed inside handrub dispensers on a general
medical ward and in a surgical intensive care unit.1040 During
a 3-month trial period, 17 304 hand hygiene episodes using
handrub were recorded on the medical ward for a rate of 9.4
hand hygiene episodes/patient-day. A total of 50 874 hand
hygiene episodes using handrub were recorded in the ICU
for a rate of 47.7 hand hygiene episodes/patient-day. Average
usage was highest between 10:00 and 19:00; the lowest was at
05:00. By mapping the location of each device, it was observed
that dispensers located in rooms with patients on contact
precautions were used significantly less often than those
located in other rooms on the ward (P = 0.006).

Table III.1.1
Advantages and disadvantages of various hand hygiene monitoring approaches

Monitoring approach Advantages Disadvantages

Direct observations Only way to reliably capture all hand Time-consuming

by expert observers hygiene opportunities Skilled and validated observers required
Details can be observed Prone to observation, observer, and selection bias
Unforeseen qualitative issues can be
detected while observing hand hygiene

Self-report by health- Inexpensive Overestimates true compliance

care workers Not reliable

Direct observations Inexpensive Potential negative impact on patientHCW relationship

by patients Reliability and validity required and remains to be

Consumption of Inexpensive Does not reliably measure the need for hand hygiene
hygiene products Reflects overall hand hygiene activity (denominator)
such as towels, soap, (no selection bias) No information about the appropriate timing of hand hygiene
and alcohol-based Validity may be improved by surrogate actions
handrub denominators for the need for hand Prolonged stocking of products at ward level complicates and
hygiene (patient-days, workload might jeopardize the validity
measures, etc.) Validity threatened by increased patient and visitor usage
No possibility to discriminate between individuals or
professional groups

Automated monitoring Absence of observer may reduce Scarce real world experience so far
systems observation bias Potential ethical issues with tracking of individual activity
May potentially produce valuable Unknown impact on staff and patient behaviour
detailed information about hand hygiene Systems may be costly and failure-prone
behaviour and infectious risks

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Table III.1.2
Potential bias in hand hygiene observation

Bias Description

Observation bias Presence of an observer induces better than usual hand hygiene behaviour

Observer bias Observers systematically interpret the observation method and definitions for hand hygiene opportunities and
actions in their own way; consequently, their results are different from those of other observers

Selection bias Observers systematically select certain times, care situations, health-care sectors, HCWs or opportunities for
their observations; consequently, their results do not reflect the overall hand hygiene compliance

Table III.1.3
Potential scope of hand hygiene observations

Compare the evolution of compliance over time in the same institution or sector

Compare different sectors

Perform a baseline measurement of compliance in an institution

Perform formal observations with immediate feedback to the observed HCW for training purposes

Establish the impact of system changes and multimodal interventions on compliance (before/after study)

Compare the quality of care in different hospitals

Evaluate hand hygiene practices in the framework of an outbreak investigation

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Hand hygiene as a quality indicator
for patient safety

Patient safety has become the touchstone of contemporary medical care. Medical errors and adverse events
occur with distressing frequency, as outlined persuasively in the USA Institute of Medicines To err is human.1041
HCAIs are second only to medication errors as a cause of adverse events in hospitalized patients. Hospital
infection control provides a mature template for patient safety with a long track record of research, evidence-
based practice standards, and practice improvement efforts. Moreover, infection control professionals and
hospital epidemiologists have pioneered real-time methods to detect the occurrence of HCAI and monitor
compliance with infection control standards. Nonetheless, as documented in these WHO guidelines, compliance
with hand hygiene the pillar of infection control remains woeful in the vast majority of health-care institutions.
The current emphasis on hand hygiene by the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety and many regulatory and
accrediting agencies reflects the slow progress of the health professions in meeting even modest performance

Donabedians quality paradigm of structure, process and Industry often seeks to achieve defect rates of one per million or
outcome1042,1043 provides a useful framework for considering less (a component of so-called six-sigma reliability).
efforts to improve hand hygiene compliance. Clearly, if sinks and
alcohol dispensers are not readily accessible (faulty structure)
and hand hygiene is not performed (inadequate process), the
risk of infection and its attendant morbidity, mortality, and cost
(outcomes) will increase. Quality indicators can be developed
according to Donabedians framework.

Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) is another

valuable method to examine the system of patient care as
it relates to hand hygiene. Originally developed to provide
astronauts with pathogen-free food, HACCP is now widely
employed in good manufacturing practice, food and drug safety,
and blood banking. In brief, the method identifies error-prone
aspects of systems (critical control points), evaluates the risk
they pose, and designs them out. Critical control points are
scored according to their probability of occurrence, probability
of avoiding detection, and severity of downstream impact.
Failure mode and effects analysis is closely related to HACCP
and is being exploited increasingly in patient safety. A desirable
feature of both HACCP and failure mode and effects analysis
is their emphasis on system errors and their consequences. An
empty alcohol dispenser, failure to educate staff in proper hand
hygiene technique, and failure to practise hand hygiene after
glove removal are serious failures at key points in the patient-
care system. When multidisciplinary care teams map their
institutions system for hand hygiene, they not only identify
error-prone critical control points and barriers to compliance,
but also identify which aspects of the system are most critical to
improve and monitor. This collaborative approach to identifying
key quality indicators vastly improves these indicators local
credibility and relevance and provides a guide to ongoing
improvement and auditing efforts.

Failures at critical control points in the hand hygiene system can

be seen as problems in the reliability of the system. The concept
of reliability is the bedrock of modern manufacturing (e.g., it
transformed the quality of automobile production), but has been
applied to health care only recently. Reliability looks at the defect
or failure rate in key aspects of production (i.e. patient care).

166 166
166 166

While such a high degree of reliability seems impossible in many

aspects of health care, it is worth noting that most institutions
have hand hygiene defect rates of six per ten opportunities
or greater. Moreover, these rates do not even reflect current
thinking about rigorous reliability, in which the entire system
either performs correctly or does not. For example, defect-free
care of a central venous catheter would require selection of the
optimal insertion site, perfect hand hygiene, maximal barrier
precautions, correct skin preparation, and prompt removal of
the catheter as soon as it is no longer needed. Failure at any
one of these steps means no credit. Clearly, current defect
rates in the hand hygiene system are no longer tolerable. Even
in a setting with severely constrained resources, basic hand
hygiene can and should be performed very reliably with a defect
rate of less than 510%.

Although health-care providers particularly managers

in relatively complex organizations will find it valuable to
understand and apply Donabedians quality paradigm, HACCP,
failure mode and effects analysis, and reliability theory, it
should be relatively easy for health-care providers in virtually
every setting to start evaluating, improving, and monitoring
the reliability of the hand hygiene infrastructure and practice
immediately. Table III.2.1 provides a variety of structure and
process quality indicators that are derived directly from these
WHO guidelines. Health-care providers and multidisciplinary
teams (in collaboration with quality improvement and
infection control experts where available) may want to begin
by considering some of these indicators. The emphasis is
on structure and process because the ultimate outcomes
reduced infection and antibiotic resistance rates are likely
to be linked closely with improvements in structure and
process, are more time-consuming to measure, and may not
be immediately discernible. Many indicators in Table III.2.1 are
relatively easy to measure and provide real-time feedback to
caregivers and managers.

For example, at the most basic level, are user-friendly, clear

policies in place, and are these accessible to HCWs in the
workplace? Is the design of the work space, including the
placement of sinks, alcohol-based handrub dispensers, and
other hand hygiene equipment and supplies, conducive to
compliance? Are the alcohol-based handrub dispensers

167 167
167 167

conveniently placed near every bed space (or are they hiding The ultimate customer, of course, is the patient. Patients
behind the ventilator)? Are the sinks fully operational, and are and their families can be given a tip sheet to help them
soap and clean towels always available? Are alcohol-based
handrub dispensers full and operational? Are appropriate
education programmes available to all HCWs, including trainees
and rotating personnel, and is continuing education provided
on a regular basis? What is the actual attendance at these
programmes and are they mandatory? Can HCWs answer basic
questions about hand hygiene (either by survey or web-based
learning modules), such as the indications and rationale for
hand hygiene and the efficacy and relative merits of various
hand hygiene products and procedures? It is particularly
important to verify the competency of all HCWs in performing
hand hygiene procedures a critical certification step that is
applied all too rarely, especially to doctors. Can HCWs actually
demonstrate proper technique when washing hands or using
alcohol-based handrubs? Are hand lotions always available to
HCWs and conveniently placed?

These types of questions are asked in technical tools included

in the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy
and conceived for evaluation such as the WHO Facility Situation
Analysis and the WHO Questionnaire on Ward Structure for
Hand Hygiene (Implemenmtation Toolkit, available at http://

Quick, simple real-time checks of the health-care environment

can be extremely useful for monitoring barriers to compliance,
e.g. checks to see if alcohol-based handrub dispensers are full
and operational.

Random audits of actual practice are indispensable (see Part

III, Section 1.1). While hand hygiene practice can be considered
a process of care, when it is not performed appropriately it
can also be viewed as an important intermediate step in the
chain leading to the colonization and infection of patients.
Moreover, audit and feedback of compliance data is a major
component of any multifaceted behaviour change programme.
Simple graphics of compliance rates (or, alternatively, defect
rates) should be prominently displayed where they can be seen
during routine work. Data should be incorporated into HCWs
education and fed back in real time.

Efforts to improve hand hygiene performance will be more

successful if they take advantage of basic behavioural science
principles. Sustained improvement requires knowledge do
providers understand the indications and rationale for hand
hygiene? Are HCWs enabled to do the right thing by ensuring
that sinks or alcohol-based handrubs are available at the point
of care, and has this been verified by observing HCWs work
habits? Are staffing ratios adequate, or are HCWs so harassed
that they cannot perform even the most basic procedures
reliably? Are they motivated, and do they have a strong sense
of self-efficacy? How do they view the unit or departments
social norms regarding hand hygiene? Can they identify an
opinion leader in their unit or department who takes the lead
in education and the promotion of hand hygiene? If HCWs are
educated, competent, have convenient access to hand hygiene
facilities and supplies, and have sufficient staffing, are they held
accountable for defects in their performance?

168 168
168 168

understand their role as partners in patient safety. They should

be encouraged to point out lapses in hand hygiene technique
without fear of retribution. Surveys can help HCWs determine if
patient perceptions match their own view of their performance
(see Part V, Section 6).

In conclusion, hand hygiene is an important indicator of safety

and quality of care delivered in any health-care setting, because
there is substantial evidence to demonstrate the correlation
between good hand hygiene practices and low HCAI rates (see
Part I, Section 22). It is embedded in the HCAI planks of the
5 Million Lives Campaign (http://www.ihi.org/IHI/Programs/
Campaign/) and is emphasized in the WHO Collaborating
Centre on Patient Safety Solutions as one of the highest priority
solutions to improve patient safety (www.who.int/patientsafety/

169 169
169 169

Table III.2.1
Examples of quality indicators which may be used in relation to hand hygiene in health-care settings
(not including pre-surgical hand preparation)

Indicators* Measure option** Measure option** Suggested frequency**


Hand hygiene policies located near the

point of care

Hand hygiene education and training

program, including behaviour change
strategies, at least annually

Functioning sinks with clean, running water One per ward Sink to bed ratio Annual or more frequent
available in clinical rooms/wards/treatment depending on results and
areas for hand washing action

Sinks equipped with liquid soap in clinical 100% to zero Monthly/weekly/daily


Sinks equipped with bar soap/soap flakes 100% to zero Monthly/weekly/daily

in clinical areas1

Bar soap/flakes on a dish that drains

excess liquid

Sinks equipped with single use/disposable 100% through none Monthly/weekly/daily

towels in clinical areas2

Liquid soap dispensers in working order 100% through none Monthly/weekly/daily

Beds with alcohol-based handrub 100% through none

dispensers within arms reach, e.g. affixed
to bed

Alcohol-based handrub pocket bottles all staff through 75%, Monthly/weekly/daily

carried by staff 50%, 25%, zero

Alcohol-based handrub bottle affixed to 100% through zero Bottle to trolley ratio Monthly/weekly/daily
trolleys for use in clinical areas

Alcohol-based handrub bottle affixed to wall 100% through zero Bottle to room ratio Monthly/weekly/daily
in rooms/cubicles/treatment rooms

Alcohol-based handrub dispensers in 100% through zero Monthly/weekly/daily

working order

Supply of alcohol-based handrub pocket

bottles available in clinical areas

Hand care lotion bottles in rooms/cubicles/ 100% through zero Bottle to room ratio Monthly/weekly/daily
treatment rooms

Posters (5 Moments) in rooms/cubicles/ 100% through zero Poster to room ratio Monthly/weekly/daily
treatment rooms

Posters How to rub/rinse in rooms/ 100% through zero in rooms/cubicles/ Monthly/weekly/daily

cubicles/treatment rooms treatment rooms

Glove boxes in patient rooms/cubicles/ 100% through zero Bottle to room ratio Monthly/weekly/daily
treatment rooms

Clean gloves in a range of sizes available 100% through zero Glove stock to bed ratio Monthly/weekly/daily
for use at the point of care/each bed space

Hand hygiene monitoring and feedback (at

least monthly) showing adherence data of
staff and leadership, including prominent
display of clear graphs presenting trends
over time

170 170
170 170

Table III.2.1
Examples of quality indicators which may be used in relation to hand hygiene in health-care settings
(not including pre-surgical hand preparation) (Cont.)

Indicators* Measure option** Measure option** Suggested frequency**


Correct answers by staff to a complete, 100% through zero random choice of x staff, Bi-annually
standard list of knowledge questions on overall and individual %s
hand hygiene of knowledge

Staff fully in compliance with institutional

hand hygiene policy

Healthcare workers do not wear artificial 100% through zero random choice of x staff, Quarterly/weekly
finger nails or extenders % of staff wearing or not

Healthcare workers perform all three key

hand hygiene procedures (hand washing,
handrub, glove removal) correctly

Healthcare worker hand hygiene 100% through zero % by ward/department Depends on score, aim
compliance with Five Moments annual or more frequently

Healthcare worker performance in relation to 100% through zero % by ward/department Depends on score
correct technique for hand hygiene

Volume of product usage (soap and alcohol- Mls per bed day Need to set benchmarks.
based handrub) Measure monthly

Soap and alcohol-based handrubs are not random choice of x staff, Quarterly/weekly
used concomitantly % times used or not used

Where alcohol-based handrubs are available 100% through zero % by ward/department Quarterly/weekly
antimicrobial soap is not in use

Multimodal strategy implemented Annual


Infection rates monitored Monthly/quarterly, if

surveillance in place

Transmission rates for epidemiological As above Monthly/quarterly if

pathogens (including antibiotic resistant surveillance in place
pathogens) monitored

Product tolerance and acceptability analysis Annual

Product cost comparations/benefit analysis Annual

* Those in bold indicate the first criterion that should be considered

** The suggested measure options are not based on evidence, but on expert consensus and local experiences
Where liquid soap not available
Where disposable towels not available measure availability of freshly laundered dry cloth towels

171 171
171 171

Assessing the economic impact of hand hygiene

3.1 Need for economic evaluation is the comparator, e.g. hand hygiene using soap and water.
Intervention B does not necessarily have to be an active
Several choices are usually available to endeavour to deal with programme; a second option of maintaining the status
health problems. These choices are often referred to as
interventions. Identification of interventions is usually based on
whether they lead to the desired outcomes or not i.e. does the
chosen intervention reduce death or disability, or improve the
quality of life to the desired extent? This simplistic approach
is often adequate as the first step. However, when more than
one intervention is available, which may be often the case, it is
necessary to choose the one that provides a greater return on
investment. In particular, when resources are limited, a choice
has to be made in favour of the one that provides the most
output (reduction in disease, death or disability) at the lowest

Economic evaluation refers to the comparative analysis

of alternative courses of action in terms of both costs and
consequences. The basic task of any economic evaluation
is to identify, measure, value, and compare the costs and
consequences of the alternatives being considered.1044 Thus,
two features always characterize any economic analysis. The
first deals with obtaining information on inputs and outputs
(often called costs and consequences) of the interventions. The
linkage between costs and consequences usually facilitates the
reaching of a rational decision. The second feature concerns
available choices. An inherent assumption underlying this
characteristic is that resources are scarce and only the most
efficacious ones should be deployed. A full economic evaluation
thus means measuring the costs and consequences of two or
more interventions or between an intervention and the status
quo at the least.

In addition to hand hygiene, several infection control

interventions are available. According to Graves and
colleagues,1045 those who set budgets for infection control in
hospitals and decide how those budgets should be allocated
between infection control programmes must address two
questions. First, should current rates of HCAI be reduced, and
if so, by how much? Second, which infection control strategies
are cost effective and/or productively efficient? Answers to
these questions can be found by studying how economic costs
and health benefits change with different infection control
strategies.1046 The framework below provides basic information
on how two of the more common types of economic evaluation
are carried out to select health interventions (Figure III.3.1).

3.2 Costbenefit and costeffectiveness analyses

Figure III.3.1 illustrates two competing interventions, A and

B. Intervention A is the intervention of interest, e.g. hand
hygiene using alcohol-based handrub, and intervention B

172 172
172 172

quo could even be considered, i.e. doing nothing. The

consequences of both interventions would be reduction of
HCAIs. While the identification of various types of cost are
similar across most economic evaluations, the overall process of
economic evaluation can be of two types: costbenefit analysis
or costeffectiveness analysis.

3.2.1 Costbenefit analyses

Cost-benefit analyses (CBA) measure both the costs and the

consequences of alternatives.1044 The results of these analyses
may be presented in the form of a ratio of monetary costs to
monetary benefits or as a simple sum. A typical example of a
CBA would be to compare the costs and benefits of performing
hand hygiene using soap with that of an alcohol-based handrub.
While there is extensive evidence on the added advantages of
alcohol-based handrubbing as part of a multimodal promotion
strategy in reducing the transmission and disease rates, few
studies have compared costs of alternative interventions using
a CBA approach. Haddix and colleagues1047 state that CBA is
often the most appropriate approach when a policy-maker has
a broad perspective and is faced with one or more of the
following situations: (1) must decide whether to implement a
specific programme; (2) required to choose among competing
options; (3) has a set budget and must choose and set priorities
from a group of potential projects; or (4) the interventions under
consideration could produce a number of widely differing

3.2.2 Costeffectiveness analyses

Analyses in which costs are related to a single common effect

or consequence which may differ in magnitude between
alternative programmes are referred to as costeffectiveness
analyses (CEA). Compared with CBA, in a typical CEA the
consequence or summary measure is expressed in costs
per unit of health outcome, e.g. costs per quality-adjusted life
year (QALY) saved, per life saved or per life year gained.1047 A
typical example may be extension of life after renal failure. Two
interventions that could be compared may be renal dialysis
and kidney transplantation. The outcome of interest for both
these interventions is common, i.e. life years gained. Normally,
we would compute the differential costs and consequences
and then lean towards the intervention with the least cost.
This measure is called an incremental costeffectiveness ratio
(ICER). If kidney transplantation costs US$ 50 000 and extends
life by 10 years, this would generate an ICER of US$ 5000 for
each life year gained. Similarly, we could compute the costs of
dialysis and compare the ICERs of the two interventions in order
to make a decision.

Cost utility analysis is one form of CEA that uses QALYs instead
of merely looking at costs per life year gained. The QALY
concept attempts to place values (derived from population-

173 173
173 173

based exercises) on different states of health. QALYs allow for quality, consisting primarily of single-centre, simple beforeafter
the comparison of different health outcomes as health positions studies of limited internal and external validity. Thus, we were
or utility value placed by society. To do this, any state of
health or disability is assigned a utility value on a scale ranging
from 0 (immediate death) to 1 (state of perfect health). QALYs
thus measure health positions and are a linear measure. There
are perhaps some issues with their use, as they discount health
gains among the elderly more severely and treat each
movement as of equal value. Such movements are probably
non-linear, however, with people valuing slight improvements
when they are ill more than they value similar improvement
increments from gains in fitness at the top end of their recovery.

The ability to compare directly the dollar cost of different health

outcomes is sometimes attractive to the decision-maker. For the
policy-maker, the health intervention that produces the greatest
QALYs at the least cost is often seen to be more attractive.

Cost utility is a difficult but interesting area to explore. This is

because most health infections are transient states and
assigning health utility states over a long term may be less
meaningful. Using QALYs, which are rather static instruments,
may be less applicable to infection-related illnesses, as these
may come and go, thereby making assessments difficult. The
DALY (disability-adjusted life year) is another outcome measure
used in CEA that combines life years gained in full health
and life years gained in less than perfect health (seen as a
disability) in one combined measure. The DALY has been used
when examining health deficiencies or the burden of disease
in the international literature particularly that relating to less
developed countries. Thus one might estimate the DALYs lost
related to various illnesses, e.g. eye disease, or infections, e.g.

3.2.3 Analyses perspective

Regardless of whether a CBA or CEA is performed, the

analyses perspective is a crucial element in decision-making.
Perspectives available for either analysis include societal, payer,
hospital or individual. Costs and consequences within the
analyses will differ based on the perspective chosen; the results
will thus also vary based on the perspective chosen. Most
studies to date have focused mainly on the hospital or institution
and have not captured costs and consequences from a broader
perspective.1048 A societal perspective is more useful for policy-
makers and governments who need to allocate budgets and
choose between different health programmes or interventions.

3.3 Review of the economic literature

Despite the availability of established methods of economic

evaluation, few prospective studies have been conducted to
establish the costbenefit or costeffectiveness of hand hygiene
in health-care settings. The Agency for Health Care Research
and Quality in their recent review of quality improvement
prevention strategies for HCAI concluded that the evidence
for quality improvement strategies to improve adherence to
preventive interventions for HCAI is generally of suboptimal

174 174
174 174

unable to reach any firm conclusions regarding actionable The cost per litre of commercially prepared alcohol-based
quality improvement strategies to prevent HCAIs.1049 handrubs varies considerably, depending on the formulation,
the vendor, and the dispensing system. Products purchased
In general, studies have compared the costs of hand hygiene
promotion programmes versus the potential cost savings from
preventing HCAIs using a business case analytic approach.
Unlike a CBA or CEA, a business case analysis usually provides
an explanation of a providers expenditures for a programme
over a short period (often13 years), including the effects of
any offsetting savings.1050 Ritchie and colleagues reviewed
all economic studies relating to the overall impact of alcohol-
based hand hygiene products in health care1025 and concluded
that, while further research is required to measure the direct
impact of improved hand hygiene on infection rates, the
potential benefit of providing alcohol-based handrubs is likely
to outweigh costs, and their wide-scale promotion should
continue. The review also recommended that those planning
local improvements should note that multimodal interventions
are more likely to be effective and sustainable than single-
component interventions and, although these are more
resource-intensive, they have a greater potential to save costs
over the long term.

Examples of typical costs incurred and cost savings associated

with implementing hand hygiene programmes in institutions
are provided below. Furthermore, evidence is provided on the
costs and cost savings from a hospital/institutional perspective
through the use of a business case approach. While some
studies presented here have shown cost savings, it should be
noted that business cases usually fail to deliver projected cost
savings in the short or near term.1051 This is mainly because
hospitals are known to have high fixed costs (up to 85%).1052
This leaves the administration with limited scope to demonstrate
savings from a small percentage of remaining variable costs.

3.4 Capturing the costs of hand hygiene at

institutional level

The costs of hand hygiene promotion programmes include costs

of hand hygiene installations and products, plus costs
associated with HCW time and the educational and promotional
materials required by the programme. These can be categorized
into fixed and variable costs. Examples of fixed costs
include those associated with buildings, equipment and new
installations, salaried staff, and overhead costs such as heating,
air conditioning, and water. Examples of variable costs include
products needed for handwashing, including soap, water, and
materials used for drying hands (e.g. towels), while the costs
of hand antisepsis using an alcohol-based handrub include
the cost of the handrub product plus dispensers and pocket-
sized bottles, if made available. In general, non-antimicrobial
soaps are often less expensive than antimicrobial soaps. In
health-care settings, mainly in resource-poor countries, basic
handwashing equipment such as sinks and running water is
often not available or of limited quality. In calculating costs for
hand hygiene, these substantial construction costs need also
to be taken into account. In addition, overhead costs for used
water and maintenance need to be added to the calculation.

171 171
171 171

in 1.01.2 litre bags for use in wall-mounted dispensers are An unscheduled revisit to the operating room for incision and
the least expensive; pump bottles and small pocket-sized drainage after an SSI can limit the number of procedures that
bottles are more expensive; and foam products that come can be performed in a day. Hold-ups often cause delays and
in pressurized cans are the most expensive. Presumably,
a locally-produced solution composed of only ethanol or
isopropanol plus 1% or 2% glycerol would be less expensive
than commercially produced formulations. Boyce estimated
that a 450-bed community teaching hospital in the USA spent
US$ 22 000 (US$ 0.72 per patient-day) on 2% chlorhexidine-
containing preparations, plain soap, and an alcohol-based hand
rinse.1053 When hand hygiene supplies for clinics and non-patient
care areas were included, the total annual budget for soaps
and hand antiseptic agents was US$ 30 000 (about US$ 1 per

Annual hand hygiene product budgets at other institutions vary

considerably because of differences in usage patterns and
varying product prices. Countries/states/regions/localities with
centralized purchasing can achieve economies on a scale that
can result in considerable cost reduction of products. A recent
cost comparison of surgical scrubbing with an antimicrobial
soap versus brushless scrubbing with an alcohol-based
handrub revealed that costs and time required for pre-operative
scrubbing were less with the alcohol-based product. 328 In a trial
conducted in two ICUs, Larson and colleagues 329 found that the
cost of using an alcohol-based handrub was half that of using
an antimicrobial soap for handwashing (US$ 0.025 vs US$
0.05 per application, respectively). In another study conducted
in two neonatal ICUs, investigators looked at the costs of a
traditional handwashing regimen using soap, use of an alcohol-
based handrub supplemented by a non-antimicrobial soap, use
of hand lotion, and nursing time required for hand hygiene.646
Although product costs were higher when the alcohol-based
handrub was used, the overall cost of hand hygiene was lower
with the handrub because it required less nursing time.

3.5 Typical cost-savings from hand hygiene

promotion programmes

To assess the cost savings of hand hygiene promotion

programmes, it is necessary to consider the potential savings
that can be achieved by reducing the incidence of HCAIs. One
of the easiest ways to assess the cost savings is to estimate the
excess hospital costs associated with the excess patient days
caused by HCAIs. In a recent study by Stone and colleagues,
costs of catheter-related bloodstream infection (CR-BSI),
surgical site infection (SSI), ventilator-associated pneumonia
(VAP), and hip SSIs were estimated and found to be a minimum
of US$ 5500 per episode. The authors further reported that
CR-BSI caused by MRSA may cost as much as US$ 38 000
per episode.1054 Table III.3.1 provides a summary of the costs
of the four most common HCAIs based on a systematic review
of literature published by Stone and colleagues for periods
19902000 and 20012004.15,1055

In addition to the costs reported above, there are several hidden

costs that are not included in the calculation of these figures.
These costs could instead be referred to as lost opportunities
for saving. Stone and colleagues provide several examples.

170 170
170 170

postponement of scheduled procedures. Another example of a 9.5 per 100 admissions in 2001. Total costs of HCAIs were
hidden cost includes the dissatisfaction of the patient and the estimated to be CHF 132.6 million for the entire study period.
referring doctor. Research suggests that dissatisfied customers
often have the tendency to tell more people about the
deficiencies in their care. Hence, the loss of existing customers
(patients) means higher replacement costs associated with
attracting and receiving new patients. These include costs for
marketing and registering new patients into the medical records
system and the costs of countering any negative publicity and
building renewed trust.

Thus, it is not surprising that the excess hospital costs

associated with only four or five HCAIs of average severity may
equal the entire annual budget for hand hygiene products used
in inpatient care areas. Just one severe SSI, lower respiratory
infection, or BSI may cost the hospital more than the entire
annual budget for antiseptic agents used for hand hygiene.1053
For example, in a study conducted in a Russian neonatal ICU,
the authors estimated that the excess cost of one health care-
associated BSI (US$ 1100) would cover 3265 patient-days of
hand antiseptic use (US$ 0.34 per patient-day). 687The authors
estimated that the alcohol-based handrub would be cost saving
if its use prevented approximately 3.5 BSIs per year or 8.5
pneumonias per year. In another study, it was estimated that cost
savings achieved by reducing the incidence of C. difficile-
associated disease and MRSA infections far exceeded the
additional cost of using an alcohol-based handrub. 429

Several studies provided some quantitative estimates of the

cost savings from hand hygiene promotion programmes. 60,181
Webster and colleagues181 reported a cost saving of
approximately US$ 17 000 resulting from the reduced use
of vancomycin following the observed decrease in MRSA
incidence over a 7-month period. Similarly, MacDonald and
colleagues reported that the use of an alcohol-based hand gel
combined with education sessions and performance feedback
to HCWs reduced the incidence of MRSA infections and
expenditures for teicoplanin (used to treat such infections). 489
For every UK 1 spent on alcohol-based gel, UK 920 were
saved on teicoplanin expenditure.

Including both direct costs associated with the intervention

(increased use of handrub solution, poster reproduction, and
implementation) and indirect costs associated with HCW time,
Pittet and colleagues 60 estimated the costs of the programme to
be less than US$ 57 000 per year for a 2600-bed hospital, an
average of US$ 1.42 per patient admitted. Supplementary costs
associated with the increased use of alcohol-based handrub
solution averaged US$ 6.07 per 100 patient-days. Based on
conservative estimates of US$ 100 saved per infection averted,
and assuming that only 25% of the observed reduction in the
infection rate has been associated with improved hand hygiene
practice, the programme was largely cost effective. A
subsequent follow-up study performed in the same institution
determined the direct costs of the alcohol- based handrub
used, other direct costs, indirect costs for
hand hygiene promotion, and the annual prevalence of HCAI for
19942001.490 Total costs for the hand hygiene programme
averaged Swiss francs (CHF) 131 988 between 1995 and
2001, or about CHF 3.29 per admission. The prevalence of
HCAI decreased from 16.9 per 100 admissions in 1994 to

171 171
171 171

The authors concluded that the hand hygiene programme was box below). Countries without centralized distribution networks
cost saving if less than 1% of the reduction in HCAIs observed might not achieve sufficient economies of scale to make such
was attributable to improved hand hygiene practices. An
economic analysis of the cleanyourhands hand hygiene
promotional campaign conducted in England and Wales
concluded that the programme would be cost beneficial if HCAI
rates were decreased by as little as 0.1%. The impact of the
cleanyourhands campaign is the subject of a 4-year research
programme which will look at the effectiveness of the various
components of the multimodal approach.

A quasi-experimental study in Viet Nam to assess the impact of

the introduction of an alcohol- and chlorhedixine-based hand
santizer for hand antisepsis on SSI rates among neurosurgical
patients revealed a reduction in the infection rate by 54% and
a reduction in post-operative length of stay and antimicrobial
use from 8 days to 6 days (P<= 0.001).717 Although no costs
were provided in this study, it is reasonable to assume that
the reduction in hospital stay allowed the hospital to generate
additional revenue by filling beds with new admissions
(increased volume). Antibiotic costs were also reduced because
of earlier discharge for these patients.

Despite the fact that the above-mentioned studies strongly

suggest a clear benefit of hand hygiene promotion, budget
constraints are a fact, particularly in developing countries, and
costeffectiveness analysis might be used to identify the most
efficient strategies. To achieve this goal, data on the incidence
of HCAI and the resulting opportunity costs, as well as on the
cost and effectiveness of competing infection control strategies,
are required.1045 Because these variables may vary by and
large according to the region and institution, local studies may
be necessary to help choose the best strategies.1045 Well-
conducted local studies may suggest other infection control
interventions of even greater cost benefit, depending on the
socioeconomic and cultural environments of the health-care
system. Although a business case approach may be beneficial
to the hospital management in determining the cost of the
infection control programmes, it is necessary to conduct
economic evaluation from a broader perspective, i.e. societal, so
as to reflect the values of all members of society and not just the
preferences of select individuals who manage hospital services.
This approach will allow policy-makers and payers to choose
between infection control interventions that offer the greatest
quality output per unit of cost. Clearly, hand hygiene would be
an intervention of interest for many developing nations that are
often faced with several competing priorities compounded with
limited resources.

3.6 Financial strategies to support national


Interventions designed to improve hand hygiene across a

country may require significant financial and human resources,
particularly multifaceted campaigns. Costs must be balanced in
terms of anticipated reduction in HCAI. The economies of scale
achieved by centralized design and production of supporting
materials will logically result in less cost to the overall health
economy. This approach was used in the cleanyourhands
campaign conducted in England and Wales (described in the

172 172
172 172

an approach feasible without additional massive investment

from the commercial sector. Similar approaches have been
used by some other countries and have met with success. For
instance, according to the WHO recommendations, Hong Kong
SAR has adopted a centralized system for the production and
distribution of alcohol-based hand rub to all its hospitals. This
strategy has not only resulted in economies of scale by lowering
the cost of the product, i.e. alcohol-based hand rub (see Part
I ,Section 12), it has also fostered a spirit of campaign and
competition, achieved standardization across health entities,
and provided a foundation for evaluation of its success in the

Taking into account the many financial constraints in resource-

poor countries and the considerably high cost investment
required (e.g. secure water supply and sinks), the investment in
programmes using alcohol-based handrubs as the primary or
sole means of hand hygiene seems to be an obvious solution.
It should nevertheless be taken into account that investment in
the infrastructure of health-care facilities, such as secure water
supply and sinks, is necessary in the long run to improve the
quality of health-care delivery as a whole. This investment can
show benefits other than an improvement in hand hygiene

173 173
173 173

England and Wales national programme, a programme
with potential benefits
National programmes can achieve economies of scale in At the outset, the six main sources of possible financial
terms of the production and distribution of materials. In benefits to the wider health-care economy resulting from a
England and Wales, the NPSA cleanyourhands campaign successful campaign were identified as those relating to:
is a collaboration between national government bodies reduced hospital costs;
and the commercial sector in the development, piloting, reduced primary care costs;
evaluation, and implementation of the programme. The reduced costs incurred by patients;
national procurement body for the National Health Service reduced costs of informal carers;
(NHS) and the national NHS Logistics Authority, which productivity gains in the wider economy;
has expertise in distributing products across the NHS, reduced costs associated with litigation and
have worked in partnership with the NPSA to ensure the compensation.
campaign achieves its objectives. The Logistics Authority
is responsible for the distribution of the alcohol-based Though there are some up-front costs for hospitals
handrubs and the campaign materials to every hospital associated with implementing the campaign, for a 500-
implementing the campaign. bed hospital it would cost around UK 3000 initially to
put alcohol-based handrub at each bedside. The analysis
The NPSA campaign is funded centrally for its first year; suggested that the campaign would deliver net savings
thereafter, all campaign materials will be produced and from the outset. An Excel spreadsheet for self-completion
funded by commercial companies on the national alcohol- by an individual health-care institution has been produced,
based handrub contract. The companies will fund this by which allows for the input of local data and will indicate
paying a licence fee in proportion to their turnover on the likely cost savings over time (Appendix 4). Even if financial
contract. savings were not to be realized, the likely patient benefits
in terms of lives saved and relatively modest costs mean
that the intervention would still be highly cost effective
compared with many other NHS activities. The economic
evaluation went on to suggest that the campaign would
be cost saving even if the reduction in hospital-acquired
infection rates were as low as 0.1%.

Table III.3.1
Costs of the most common health care-associated infections in the USA

Type of infection Attributable costs in US $ Range

Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum

Bloodstream infection 36 441 37 078 1 822 107 156

Surgical site infection 25 546 39 875 1 783 134 602

Ventilator-associated pneumonia 9 969 2 920 7 904 12 034

Urinary tract infection 1 006 503 650 1 361

Reproduced from Cosgrove SE & Perencevich EN with permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.1056

174 174
174 174

Figure III.3.1
Basic types of economic evaluation

Costs A

Intervention A
Consequences A
(Programme of interest)


Intervention B
Consequences B

Costs B

175 175
175 175





3. 1.

Guidelines do not implement themselves,1057 and simple dissemination strategies have been described as
unlikely to have any impact at all on implementation.1058,1059 Health-care policy-makers and strategists have
therefore looked towards nationally coordinated and centralized health improvement programmes as an
acknowledged method of tackling significant health-related problems. National programmes do not necessarily
employ campaign approaches; however, national health improvement programmes have been shown in many
cases to use elements of campaigning and mass media involvement to good effect. This part reviews the
increasing shift towards national hand hygiene improvement programmes, with or without campaigning, as a
method of spreading hand hygiene improvement strategies in health care.1060 It concludes with an account of
current national hand hygiene improvement programmes, drawing on the progress made by them and lessons
learnt from the countries that have embarked on such an approach. Based on the experiential learning and the
current literature, a blueprint is presented for developing, implementing, and evaluating a national hand hygiene
improvement campaign within health care.


The present guidelines recommend a multifaceted system and behaviour change intervention as the most
reliable method to improve hand hygiene in health care. To accompany the guidelines and aid implementation
at a local level, a comprehensive Guide to Implementation and a suite of facilitative tools have been developed.
This part is concerned with how to develop a successful improvement programme at a national level that will
aid in implementation at a local level. It reviews the literature on national health improvement programmes and
campaigns and explores the applicability of such an approach in relation to hand hygiene. Behaviour change
interventions in the health-care context are increasingly utilizing the popular media within an integrated campaign
framework and this has been shown to have numerous benefits, not least in terms of costeffectiveness.1061
The background, risks, and benefits of national approaches to hand hygiene improvement are described
within the context of general public health or health improvement campaigning. This part further highlights
the developments of national hand hygiene improvement campaigns in the time period since the launch of the
WHO First GlobalPatientSafetyChallenge, and the publication of the 2006 Advanced Draft of the guidelines, and
concludes by presenting a blueprint for national campaigns.

175 175
175 175

3. 1.

The First Global Patient Safety Challenge of the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety (www.who.int/
gpsc) entitled Clean Care is Safer Care has followed a classic approach to health improvement. It calls
for a concerted global effort to effect policy and intervention strategies to enhance patient safety through
implementation of a simple, low-cost health improvement (improved compliance with hand hygiene in health
care) to contribute to the prevention of HCAI. Achievement of its aims has required action on a country-by-
country basis, and has involved lobbying for national political action on hand hygiene improvement. This section
positions hand hygiene improvement in health care as one component of an infection control/quality and safety
health improvement programme. National health improvement programmes are historically associated with
numerous benefits, including the avoidance of fragmentation, cost inefficiency, and duplication of effort.1062

Hand hygiene improvement in health care has not been seen raising awareness, and offering technical support to further the
conventionally as a public health issue, though it does concern improvement agenda, national campaigning has come to
a health issue of significance to a subset of the population, prominence as one inspirational component of a comprehensive
i.e. those receiving treatment in a health-care setting. With infection control strategy. Ministers of health signing a statement
in excess of 700 million people hospitalized annually, and an of commitment to address HCAI as part of this Patient Safety
overall prevalence of HCAI ranging from around 5% in the Challenge agree specifically to developing or enhancing
developed world up to 20% in some developing countries, the ongoing campaigns at national or sub-national levels to promote
burden of associated disease is significant.479,835 Thus, there is and improve hand hygiene among health-care providers.
an argument for the application of public health strategies to
change HCW behaviour to impact positively on the health of The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), agreed to by all
patients. Historically, public health behaviour change campaigns countries worldwide and all leading development institutions,
have focused on persuasion as a major tool.1063 offer a blueprint for improvement. The goals have galvanized
remarkable efforts to meet the needs of the worlds poorest
Until recently, national hand hygiene improvement programmes populations.1064 The MDGs are time-bound, have political
in health-care settings were not widely reported. With the support, and are ambitious in their scope. These are common
emergence of the WHO First Global Patient Safety Challenge features of successful health improvement campaigns.
and its three-pronged approach of gaining political commitment,

176 176
176 176

Public campaigning, WHO, and the mass media

Public campaigning is central to a number of WHO programmes. In The World Health Report 2002,1065 WHO
reported on a series of comprehensive approaches that have been implemented at the national level to reduce
specific risks in health care, taking into account a variety of interventions including the dissemination of
information to the public, mainly through media outreach. The use of mass media within public health campaigns
forms one component of broader health promotion programmes and can be useful in wide-scale behaviour

As many international and national health campaigns have A feature of conventional campaigns, reflected in the IHI
demonstrated, the media play a key role in mobilizing public approach, is their association with a focused and time-bound
support, influencing behavioural change, and setting the local effort.1063 The IHI campaign was constructed around specific
political agenda. A 2001 Cochrane review1068 showed that the targets and deadlines; it also won support from national
use of the mass media was a way of presenting information professional organizations, creating what they describe as a
about important health issues, targeted by those who aim to powerful national infrastructure to drive change and transform
influence the behaviour of health professionals and patients. The health-care quality. IHI identified the target (described as
review concluded that the mass media should be considered conceptually simple interventions) and the deadline and
as one of the tools that may influence the use of health- provided tools and resources for implementation. Berwick and
care interventions. Their usefulness in changing knowledge, colleagues1075 emphasize, however, that the ultimate results
awareness and attitudes makes mass media campaigning rest with the participating hospitals to reliably introduce the
a potentially significant component of attempts to impact on interventions and engage boards, executives, frontline clinicians,
hand hygiene behaviour change strategies, since hand hygiene patients, and families.
compliance is predicated upon knowledge, attitudes, and
beliefs of HCWs. Mass media campaigns are usually designed National-level campaigns to improve antibiotic use in Europe
to generate a specific outcome in a relatively large number and the USA have been reported in the literature.1076 Such
of individuals within a specific period of time and through an campaigns have targeted the population level and employed
organized set of communication activities.1066 With the growth in techniques of mass media distribution. Similar to hand hygiene
telecommunications, television and the Internet are increasingly improvement campaigns in health care, antibiotic campaigns
used as channels for promoting behaviour change1069 and could are multifaceted and are concerned with costeffectiveness.
play a role in hand hygiene-related mass media campaigns, According to Goossens and colleagues, only two countries
particularly if they target national and local opinion leaders. in Europe have undertaken and evaluated national antibiotic-
use campaigns and reported demonstrable success.1076 The
USA has seen a dramatic reduction in the use of antibiotics by
4.1 National campaigns within health care paediatricians.1077 In conclusion, these authors call for a wider
use of the campaign approach and the incorporation of social
National health improvement programmes are designed to marketing, together with cultural adaptation and population
mobilize action at local levels to implement accepted methods targeting.
to change behaviour and improve health care. Such
programmes rely on carefully constructed improvement and Campaigns are likely to be more successful when they are
spread methodologies, with the prominent model of the PDSA accompanied by concomitant structural changes that provide
cycle1070 incorporating quality improvement principles as a the opportunity structure for the target audience to act on
central component. the recommended message.1063 These authors also suggest
that accompanying campaigns with reinforcing legislation
As one approach to health improvement, there is a considerable and regulation can influence the campaign impact and
body of evidence to support the positive impact of campaigning sustainability. An illustration of the impact of legislation and
on health-related behaviours,1071,1072 although campaigns are regulation can be seen in England and Wales where the national
not without their critics.1066,1073 The Institute for Healthcare cleanyourhands campaign (Table IV.9.1) received considerable
Improvement (IHI) in the USA turned to the campaign approach leverage with a parallel national target to reduce MRSA rates by
at a national, regional, and facility level to achieve a goal of 50%.1078
transformational improvements in health care, using learning
from electoral politics to reach a large number of health-care
facilities across the country.1074 In describing the subsequent
IHI 100 000 Lives Campaign (Table IV.9.1), Berwick and
colleagues1075 outline a need to create a sense of urgency and
pace. This campaign, one of the largest attempts to mobilize
health care to focus on issues of quality and safety, holds much
relevance when considering hand hygiene improvement in
health care.

177 177
177 177

5. Public campaigning, WHO, and the mass media
Benefits and barriers in national programmes

National political commitment to a health issue increases awareness and helps leverage additional resources.1072
Translation of national political commitment into action yields benefits, and these can be quantified in terms of
avoiding a fragmented and cost-inefficient duplication of effort.1062,1079 The focus should be on producing practical
tools that can be implemented across entire health-care systems. Pragmatic adaptations to these national
programmes are described as necessary in order to achieve maximum local ownership, which is critical to
ensuring successful implementation.

Dawson and colleagues1080 describe the ongoing oral polio programme is crucial; national and hospital programmes should
vaccine campaign in India as an example of a mass population- be harmonized. At the hospital level, chief executive officers
based intervention that illustrates both the benefits and
problems of mass campaigning. The authors highlight the
importance of establishing procedures for reviewing policy
formulation and implementation and emphasize monitoring
and evaluation, with explicit, clear lines of responsibility for all
aspects of the programme. Evaluation is central to mass health-
care improvement.1027,1081 The necessary expertise and resources
are essential in ensuring robust evaluation. Tilson Pietrow and
colleagues1082 describe a number of new challenges for
international health programmes of the 21st century and
conclude that health communication programmes will be under
increasing scrutiny in terms of evaluation and documentation
of their impact, costeffectiveness, and sustainability. Data to
facilitate impact assessment, while crucial to determine
success, are not always available in many published studies1083
and, where available, it is often difficult to prove a definite
correlation between the campaign and the desired outcome.1084

The NHS for England and Wales, where a national patient safety
alert1031 was issued instructing organizations to implement
alcohol-based handrub at the point of care, provides further
evidence of the role of regulation. Its action was supported
by built-in monitoring mechanisms via the national health
watchdog (Health Care Commission), which examines whether,
and to what extent, organizations have implemented both the
campaign and the near-patient handrubs.

When deciding on the suitability of a national approach to

improvement in relation to hand hygiene, politicians or leaders
need to consider a number of factors that can influence
success. Characteristics of national strategies will be influenced
by the key drivers for improvement868 which, in the context of
infection control in the developed world, relate to the growing
need to reassure patients and the public that care provided is
clean and safe.

Improvement is a dynamic process, and success will be affected

by internal as well as external factors.1085 Improvement must be
preceded by an analysis and understanding of existing patient
safety and infection control structures, policies and programmes
and this is emphasized by the WHO World Alliance for Patient
Safety toolkit for the implementation of hand hygiene strategies.
Political commitment and national ownership of programmes are
essential but, inevitably, those strategies
that are dependent on social and political dynamics are subject
to risk. The integration of all levels of a health improvement

178 178
178 178

(CEOs) should be made aware of any recommendations/

Public campaigning, WHO, and the mass media

requirements for hand hygiene promotion campaigns that are
issued by organizations that accredit or license health-care
facilities. Accreditation can be a powerful driver for health
improvement and is cited as a powerful driver for improvement
across many WHO regions (see, for example, AFRO Workshop
Report 2007 and SEARO Workshop Report 2007, available
at http://www.who.int/patientsafety/gpsc/en). The benefits
and barriers associated with national improvements will be
influenced by how health care is regulated and operated
nationally, regionally, and locally.1085

Wachter and colleagues1027 in their critique of the IHI 100 000

Lives Campaign describe the modus operandi of the campaign
as being one of leveraging unprecedented social pressure
for participation, pressure that was constructed upon a set of
realistic goals for improvement. Risks to success associated
with national-level health improvements are further explored
within the context of the campaign, with the need for regular
communication, clear role definitions, and a clear national
agenda emerging as critical factors for success.1074

If a decision is taken to integrate campaigning into a national

health improvement programme, cultural and contextual
alignment should be considered. Pillsbury and colleagues,1086
in their reflection on a campaign to raise community awareness
about reproductive and sexual health, highlight a lack of
research into understanding local behaviours. They emphasize
the importance of evaluating the local understanding and
appropriateness of messages used; some of the African
examples cited by them illustrate the risks associated with
communication strategies where messages do not talk to the

179 179
179 179

Limitations of national programmes

National hand hygiene improvements must acknowledge that hand hygiene is not the sole measure necessary to
reduce infection. 49 An acknowledgment of the importance of other factors such as environmental hygiene,
crowding, staffing levels and education is emphasized by Jumaa as part of a total infection control improvement
package.51 Indeed, vertical programmes based on single interventions or diseases are under close scrutiny
in terms of their effectiveness and impact, and there is a growing movement towards horizontal programmes
that build capacity across the entire health system. The First Global Patient Safety Challenge, Clean Care is
Safer Care, and its main output, these WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care, support this premise
and emphasize that hand hygiene is one of a range of interventions designed to reduce the transmission
of pathogenic microbes in health-care settings. Countries currently implementing national hand hygiene
improvement programmes have emphasized that an initial focus on hand hygiene improvement can open doors
to a broader focus on infection control improvement and result in renewed or intensified focus on infection
control practices themselves (http://www.who.int/gpsc/country_work/Bangladesh_pilot_report_Jan_2008.pdf) .

Much of the literature relating to hand hygiene improvement in Africa that has successfully promoted sexual and reproductive
health-care settings is concerned with developed countries, health messages. The importance of connecting with locally
and it is accepted that the threat from infection in developing based groups described in this account mirrors the work of
countries is high. The extra hurdles faced by developing Curtis and colleagues1088 with womens nongovernmental
countries in terms of technical and human resource capacities organizations described as ideally positioned to connect
have been cited as potential barriers to national health the target audience with the body of scientific information
improvement programmes.1087 In addition, the limited or non- concerning the desired health behaviour. Credibility of
existent public health infrastructure, including access to basic the messenger is key, and the cultural context including
sanitation, and the wider geographical and cultural influences establishing beliefs on the importance of hand hygiene as a
cannot be overlooked. Improving hand hygiene compliance contributor to HCAI within the target audience is an important
within health care in developing countries must therefore starting point in the development of any mass campaign.1089
take account of these constraints. The work of Curtis and
colleagues1088 provides testimony to the fact that it is possible to Mah and colleagues 872 suggest that it is possible for individual
mount national programmes, including campaigns to improve institutions (or even wards) to run successful, participatory
hand hygiene, in developing countries. In these settings, campaigns to improve hand hygiene with a moderate budget.
however, taking account of local constraints, context, and The involvement of industry sponsorship is suggested as a
cultures is paramount; this observation is equally relevant in means of securing financial resources and, when channelled
the developed world. 868 Pillsbury and colleagues1086 describe a centrally, may yield more promising returns, particularly from an
community-based nongovernmental organization approach in economy-of-scale perspective.

180 180
180 180

The relevance of social marketing and social
movement theories

Part I, Section 20.3, provides a comprehensive account of the applicability of social marketing to hand hygiene
improvement. In a systematic review of hand hygiene behavioural interventions, 872 Mah and colleagues found
synergies in many modern-day approaches to hand hygiene improvement and the ethos of social marketing.
Scott and colleagues1089 extol consumer marketing as a new approach that might overcome some of the
conventional limitations associated with hand hygiene behaviour change outside health care. Social marketing
might add value to the global drive for better hand hygiene in health care, exactly because it has been applied in
both developed and developing countries.1090 Mah and colleagues 872 suggest that social and behavioural theories
and models are underused in the design of current hand hygiene promotion interventions. They counter the
commonly held belief that social marketing is cost-intensive and conclude that social marketing is not necessarily
an expensive activity due to its scalability. One of the chief advantages of nationally coordinated campaigns with
pooled financial input is that it ensures resource provision that maximizes economies of scale and utilizes the
expertise of the marketing world in spreading hand hygiene improvement messages within health care.

In contrast to the evidence relating to social marketing, the 7.1 Hand hygiene improvement campaigns outside
relevance of social movement theories to hand hygiene of health care
improvement, or health improvement generally, is an unresolved
issue. Social movement theories concerned with large- While there is little available published literature on national
scale societal change have gained prominence within health hand hygiene improvement strategies in health care, the
improvement literature in recent years and embody much of Global PublicPrivate Partnership for Handwashing with Soap
what is aspired to by health policy-makers striving to improve (GPPHWS) illustrates a comprehensive strategy for improving
practices in health care. However, Brown and colleagues1091 hand hygiene in the community. The partnership was catalysed
urge caution in drawing conclusions regarding the usefulness around a bold objective: to establish large-scale national
of such a comparison and emphasize that social movements programmes on handwashing,1088 which involved putting into
are defined by the emergence of informal networks based place a number of collaborative efforts for success at the
on shared beliefs and solidarity that mobilize around issues national level including between government, academia, the
of conflict and usually involve some form of protest. These private sector, and external support agencies. The partnership
possibilities of applying social movement theories within relied on the identification of a national coordinator at the
general spread strategies offer a new angle to hand hygiene governmental level.1088
improvement in health care, and this might hold relevance
in terms of pursuing a global hand hygiene improvement Within a developing country context, Scott and colleagues1089
movement. Within the context of broader patient safety have used a social marketing approach to consider motivations,
improvements and the need to mobilize HCWs in a different way environmental factors, and habits that mitigate against the
of working, there may be benefits in the concept. desired behaviour within their target audiences. This approach
Bate and colleagues1092 argue that social and organizational has been rolled out in Ghana and a number of other countries.
change do have similarities with health-care improvement In developing countries, this publicprivate partnership1093 has
and conclude that those considering large-scale change in attempted to tackle the problems across nations exacerbated
health care might benefit from consideration of change from by low compliance with hand hygiene in the community, rather
a perspective of social movements. There is no literature than in the health-care setting. This campaign involves close
specifically reviewing hand hygiene campaigns and social working with the private sector with the aim of developing and
movement theories, and this gap in the literature may benefit executing far-reaching improvement strategies. Transferring
from further study. such an approach to hand hygiene in health care will raise
ethical issues relating to partnerships working with corporate
Social movements tend to occur spontaneously, and this bodies. This may not necessarily be a barrier, and WHO is
contrasts sharply with current examples of national hand ideally placed to act as a catalyst to this end.
hygiene improvements that rely on centrally constructed
programmes of change implemented in a coordinated A list of critical factors that are necessary to drive forward this
manner using accepted methodologies of health improvement improvement has been drawn up: political will; policies and
spread. Whether it is possible to create a contagious hand strategies that enable improvement; finance; coalition and
hygiene improvement movement using the vehicle of national partnerships; local governments and local action; and external
programmes is only recently being addressed, and emerging support agencies. Fewtrell and colleagues1094 emphasize the
results of the impact of these approaches are expected in the importance of selecting interventions for developing countries
coming years. based on local desirability, feasibility, and costeffectiveness.
These factors will differ in a number of ways across developed

180 180
180 180

and developing countries, not least in the absence of robust

public health infrastructure in developing nations. Finally, they

181 181
181 181

emphasize also the importance of making intelligent choices of market, consumer attitudes, behaviours, and most appropriate
interventions for specific settings.1094 promotional strategies and communication channels. These
programmes have achieved an effective partnership between
These non-health-care programmes to improve handwashing private industry and the public sector to promote handwashing
behaviour appear to be feasible and sustainable, especially with non-branded soap; therefore, many of the strategies
when they incorporate traditional hygiene practices and employed require further consideration by those involved in
beliefs1095 and take into consideration locally appropriate developing national campaigns on hand hygiene improvement in
channels of communication.1096 Consumer and market studies health care.
were effectively employed to understand the nature of the

Nationally driven hand hygiene improvement in
health care

Lessons from the Global PublicPrivate Partnership for Handwashing with Soap suggest that mass behaviour
change is achievable and that commercial marketing techniques can be applied to good effect, even on a large
scale.1096 Hand hygiene improvement in health care presents unique challenges: the target audience is not the
public or patients with or at risk of a disease, but the HCW. Unlike other health improvement campaigns, the
target behaviour (hand hygiene compliance) contributes to the prevention of numerous episodes of infection
and not a single disease. The published literature illustrates few examples of national campaigns aimed at
improving hand hygiene within a health-care context, thus reflecting the novelty of such approaches. However,
WHO has monitored the development of national campaigning over the past five years and has recorded
a rapidly increasing number of new initiatives (http://www.who.int/gpsc/national_campaigns/en/). The first
documented campaign, cleanyourhands (Table IV.8.1), was launched in England and Wales in 2004. It is centrally
coordinated and funded, has political backing, and involves the provision of campaign materials to support local
implementation of a multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy. The campaign is the subject of a five-
year research evaluation project,1028,1097 with early indications suggesting a change in hand hygiene behaviour.
Although not without its critics,787 the campaign has demonstrated the possibilities of running an integrated
behaviour change programme on hand hygiene at a national level.
Since 2004, a further 25 countries have been identified as for Patient Safety.857 This network will continue to centralize
running or preparing to embark on national programmes. lessons learnt and share examples through its National
A network of hand hygiene campaigning nations is in an Campaigns web platform.
embryonic stage, coordinated through the WHO World Alliance

182 182
182 182

Towards a blueprint for developing,
implementing, and evaluating a national hand
hygiene improvement programme within
health care

Based on the current evidence and experience from existing national hand hygiene improvement programmes
(including national campaigns), this part concludes with an outline of the steps required in the development
of a national strategy for action on hand hygiene improvement. Central to the strategy is the process required
to progress from an initial desire to focus on hand hygiene improvement down to the actions required at a
local health-care facility level to implement the WHO multimodal strategy. The WHO Implementation Strategy
incorporates the evidence relating to implementation effectiveness within its core Guide to Implementation and
accompanying toolkit for improvement (http://www.who.int/gpsc/country_work/en/). Table IV.9.1 presents a
detailed framework for action, summarized in Figure IV.1.


Avoidable harm continues to occur to patients receiving health care, because of the unreliable systems and
strategies that mitigate against optimal hand hygiene compliance. As part of the continued global effort to
ensure that no patient is unavoidably harmed through lack of compliance with hand hygiene, consideration
should be given to nationally-coordinated programmes (in some cases campaigns) to promote and sustain
hand hygiene improvement, keeping the issue in the national spotlight1072 and ensuring effective implementation
of guidelines that have an impact on hand hygiene at the bedside. Noar1066 emphasizes that even taking into
account the numerous caveats associated with campaigning, it is likely that targeted, well-executed mass media
health campaigns can have some effects on health knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour. The existence
of guidelines does not in itself improve hand hygiene compliance. Therefore, the added impetus provided by a
nationally coordinated campaign or programme, with some form of monitoring and evaluation, targets and
regulation, has been demonstrated to provide a powerful adjunct to local implementation. In particular, to raise
awareness of the issue and elevate it to a level of prominence that might not be realized in the absence of a
nationally coordinated activity. For hand hygiene improvements to succeed within an integrated safety and
infection control agenda, national-level approaches should be considered.

183 183
183 183

Table IV.8.1
The public information component of two national campaigns focusing on the prevention of health care-associated infection

Campaign Interventions and tools Target audiences Implementing bodies Significant results

cleanyourhands A multimodal campaign HCWs NPSA 100% of all acute

England and based on social Senior management trusts in England and
Wales1029 marketing and within health-care NHS Trusts Wales signed up to the
(September 2004 to sustainable methodology settings campaign
date) aimed at educating and Department of Health
providing prompts. It Patients 80% of trusts say hand
includes: Welsh Assembly hygiene is a top priority
Implementation guide Hospital visitors Government
with supporting Use of alcohol handrub
resources for HCWs with Partner organizations and soap has risen
ongoing support through threefold
e-bulletins and local visits
Initiated patient
A series of three posters: empowerment pilot
the core campaign
posters; the staff Expanded programme to
champion posters; the non-acute sector
patient posters

Patient leaflets, badges,

stickers to encourage
patient involvement

Printed information
materials including staff
leaflet, multi-purpose
panels and pump

A media kit

A campaign web site

Screen saver

Media launches of the

campaign involving local


National televised debate

184 184
184 184

Table IV.8.1
The public information component of two national campaigns focusing on the prevention of health care-associated infection (Cont.)

Campaign Interventions and tools Target audiences Implementing bodies Significant results

100 000 Lives Information calls on the Health-care providers IHI 3000 hospitals joined the
USA 863 campaign and on each campaign
(December 2004- intervention Partner organizations Hospitals
June 2006) Target lives saved
Campaign brochure Patients Systems achieved according to IHI
data sources
Sign-up process: system,
state and regional events

Media kits, media events

Getting started kits

Campaign web site

Information to existing
partners on enrolling new

Publicity of the
successes of
participating hospitals
in implementing the

185 185
185 185

Table IV.9.1
Framework for action

Step Actions/issues for consideration References WHO implementation tools

1. Readiness for Considerations: 798,1072,1074,1088,1094

Pledge briefing pack
Patient Safety Strategy: Country situation analysis
Is there an existing or planned regional
(WHO) strategy on patient safety, hand Facility situation analysis
hygiene improvement and infection
control? Perception surveys
Is the WHO country office driving infection
control/hand hygiene improvement? WHO guide to local production of
Is there national political support/ alcohol-based handrub
leadership for patient safety, hand hygiene
improvement, and infection control? WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in
Is there a national patient safety agenda? Health Care
Is there a national infection control
agenda? WHO Guide to Implementation of the
Is hand hygiene improvement integrated/ multimodal strategy and associated
embedded within broader patient safety toolkit
Is hand hygiene part of an accountability/ Break-even cost analysis tool
governance framework; does it link with

Commitment to Clean Care is Safer Care:

Has a national political pledge of support
to Clean Care is Safer Care been
Do national or regional policies/guidelines
exist on hand hygiene improvement in
health care?
Is the WHO strategy consistent with
national policies/guidelines on infection
control/hand hygiene?

Is there broad support from policy-makers,

professionals and the public to prioritize effort
and resource on hand hygiene at a national

Will the programme be coordinated through

the ministry of health or via another mechanism
(e.g. regional or district authorities or a network
of experts)?

Do hand hygiene campaigns outside of health

care already exist; can links be made?

186 186
186 186

Table IV.9.1
Framework for action (Cont.)

Step Actions/issues for consideration References WHO implementation tools

Infrastructure and resources:

Are national data available on the
economic cost of HCAI?
Are national data available on likely costs
of a hand hygiene programme?
Is there a HCAI national/local surveillance
system in place or anticipated?
Is technical infection control expertise
available to coordinate the campaign?
Are required products affordable/available
(soap and alcohol-based handrub)?
Is national or donor funding available for
the short, medium or long-term?
Are partnerships with commercial sectors
How feasible will it be to produce, adapt
and translate (where necessary) the WHO
implementation toolkit?
How feasible will it be to produce the
WHO alcohol-based handrub formulation
nationally (if limited, affordable access to
commercial sector products)?
Does the national infrastructure support
rapid spread of improvement?

Once a decision is made to run a national

programme, proceed to step 2

2. Identify roles and Actions: 1086

WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in
responsibilities Health Care
1. Establish a national task force, headed by an
influential, technically competent (in infection WHO Guide to Implementation of the
control or patient safety) national lead and multimodal strategy and associated
deputy to coordinate and champion the toolkit
campaign (credibility of the messenger in
conveying scientific information to the target Regional advocacy guide on hand
audience is key) hygiene

2. Develop terms of reference for the task force

relating to implementation of hand hygiene
improvement programmes at local level, as
an integral part of national infection control

3. Task force membership should comprise

national safety and infection control
professionals and national bodies for infection

4. Task force membership should include ministry

of health officials concerned with infection

5. Brief/sensitize a task force on all aspects of the

improvement, including local implementation
using the WHO Guide and technical and
advocacy toolkit

187 187
187 187

Table IV.9.1
Framework for action (Cont.)

Step Actions/issues for consideration References WHO implementation tools

3. Develop a Considerations: 1074,1075,1088

WHO Guide to Implementation and
framework for associated toolkit
monitoring and What will the realistic deadline be for action?
evaluation Evaluation tools (facility situation
What realistic targets will be used (e.g. analysis; hand hygiene compliance;
reduction in infection, increase in compliance health care-associated infection
and product usage) rates; soap consumption; alcohol-
based handrub consumption;
What parameters/baseline data are available to knowledge surveys; perception
measure the impact of the programme? surveys; ward structure surveys)

Is there a system for accreditation and

regulation? How will the hand hygiene
improvement fit into this system?

4. Establish Considerations: 1072,1086,1098

Regional Advocacy Guide for Hand
and strengthen Hygiene Improvement Strategies
partnerships, Which agencies/professional bodies,
community coalitions, voluntary organizations, partners,
mobilization, and and nongovernmental organizations will be
the media involved?

Will patient and public engagement feature in

the programme?

How will marketers and the mass media be

involved to ensure local hygiene practices and
beliefs are taken into account?

Will behavioural/industrial psychologists be

involved in the communications and
promotions activity to ensure alignment with
local culture?

5. Implementation: National 1074,1094

Regional Advocacy Guide for Hand
Hygiene Improvement Strategies
WHO Guide to Implementation
1. Prepare a national action plan, based on steps
1 to 4, including all issues raised in the WHO
Guide to Implementation

2. Establish a process for refining the plan in

response to learning during implementation


Consider a national and sub-national meetings

for hospital directors, managers, and other key
decision-makers (for sensitization, awareness-
raising, and building commitment)

Consider awareness-raising activities from

national to local: including preparing
communications/briefings to circulate to
hospitals presenting an outline of the strategy
and its benefits

Develop and execute a plan to communicate

and implement the strategy

How many and what type of facilities will be


188 188
188 188

Table IV.9.1
Framework for action (Cont.)

Step Actions/issues for consideration References WHO implementation tools

Will a pilot test occur or is mass roll-out


Consider holding a training session(s) for

infection control teams using the WHO training

In parallel, work to ensure infection control

and the WHO strategy is incorporated within
existing education programmes

Consider creation of networks to support

change at the front-line of care

Local Regional Advocacy Guide for Hand

Hygiene Improvement Strategies
WHO Guide to Implementation and
1. Local health-care facilities are provided with associated toolkit
the WHO Guidelines, Guide to Implementation
and toolkit

2. Local health-care facilities work through the

five-step implementation process

Figure IV.1
Action framework

1. Readliness for action

funders 2. Identify roles and

3. Develop a framwork for

monitoring and evaluation

Patient group 4. Establish and strengthen
partnerships, community
mobilization and the media

Local 5. Implementation: national 5. Implementation: local


Preparation and execution of Work though 5-step

national action plan implementation process

189 189
189 189




Overview and terminology

Patient empowerment is a new concept in health care and has now been expanded to the domain of patient
safety. In developing countries, this has been influenced significantly by the USA IHI reports on health quality and
safety, with a focus on increasing the publics awareness of medical errors and national efforts to actively engage
patients in their care.1041,1099 Even though the term can have different meanings and interpretations, empowerment
in health care generally refers to the process that allows an individual or a community to gain the knowledge,
skills, and attitude needed to make choices about their care. The term patient participation is more often used
when referring to chronic diseases such as diabetes, in which patients are invited to participate in the ongoing
decisions of their care. Patient empowerment is generally required in order for patients to participate. Thus
empowerment refers to a process that, ultimately, leads patients to participate in their care.

Although there are many unanswered questions about how to report on the results of the WHO Global Patient Survey of
approach patient involvement, this part of the guidelines patients perspectives regarding their role in hand hygiene
presents the evidence supporting the use of programmes improvement;
aiming to encourage patients to take a more active role in their propose a multifaceted strategy for empowerment that can
care, especially with regard to hand hygiene promotion, using a be incorporated into a broader, multimodal, hand hygiene
three-fold approach: improvement strategy.
review the current literature on patient and HCW
empowerment and hand hygiene improvement;

Patient empowerment and health care

The term chosen to engage and involve patients will depend on what is appropriate for the specific culture of
a region or community. Patient empowerment might be the preferred term from a patient advocacy point of
view. However, the less emotionally charged and challenging term patient participation might be a term more
acceptable to many HCWs, patients, and cultures. For the purpose of these guidelines, the word empowerment
is used.

WHO defines empowerment as a process through which A process in which patients understand their role, are given the
people gain greater control over decisions and actions affecting knowledge and skills by their health-care provider to perform a
their health and should be seen as both an individual and a task in an environment that recognizes community and cultural
community process.1100 differences and encourages patient participation.

Four components have been reported as being fundamental

to the process of patient empowerment: 1) understanding
by the patient of his/her role; 2) aquisition by patients of
sufficient knowledge to be able to engage with their health-
care provider; 3) patient skills; and 4) the presence of a
facilitating environment.1101 Based on these four components,
empowerment can be defined as:

190 190
190 190

Components of the empowerment process

3.1 Patient participation verbal persuasion, relates to the impact of encouragement on

an individuals perceived self-efficacy. Finally, physiological
WHO recognizes that the primary responsibility for the delivery
of safe care is with the health-care system. Nevertheless, there
are now many ways in which patients can become involved in
the process of their own health care. Lyons1102 identifies three
key contributions patients can provide: 1) historical background
about their health; 2) self-interest and motivation for a
beneficial outcome; and 3) being physically present at all times
during care and treatment. Their age, culture, background,
personality, and level of intelligence have been identified as key
characteristics when engaging patients in participation.1102
To sum up, the opportunity for patients to be involved
in their health care has evolved over the last decades from
passive to more active. An understanding of this new role by
both patient and HCW is the foundation of an empowerment

3.2 Patient knowledge

Patients can be empowered only after having gathered enough

information, understanding how to use the information, and
being convinced that this knowledge gives them shared
responsibility with their HCWs. In their review of materials
given to patients, Coulter and colleagues1103 found that relevant
information was often omitted, many doctors adopted a
patronizing tone, and few actively promoting a shared approach.
Studies have also shown that patients prefer information that
is specific, given by their HCWs, and printed for use as prompt
sheets if necessary.1103,1104

3.3 Patient skills

3.3.1 Self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is defined as an individuals belief that he/she has

the capabilities to produce an effect or reach a certain goal.1105
Individuals with high self-efficacy regarding a given behaviour
are more inclined to undertake this behaviour, have greater
motivation, and usually undertake more challenging tasks than
individuals with low self-efficacy.1106

Promoting self-efficacy among patients is fundamental in order

to bring them to the stage where they will feel confortable to
ask HCWs about hand hygiene. Bandura identified four major
ways (dubbed sources) to improve ones self-efficacy: mastery
experiences; vicarious experience; verbal persuasion; and
physiological responses. Mastery experiences, considered
as the most important, relate to the fact that previous
successes will raise self-efficacy. Vicarious experience refers
to the increase in ones self-efficacy upon witnessing other
individuals completing successfully a task. The third source,

191 191
191 191

responses such as moods, emotional states, physical reactions,

and stress levels also influence ones perception of self-efficacy.

These skills can be applied to the behaviour of empowering

patients to ask about hand hygiene. Knowledge will give
mastery experience of the behaviour, role modelling by HCWs
will provide vicarious experience, and patients asking their
providers to perform hand hygiene will give verbal persuasion. It
is likely that the high self-efficacious person will have the skills to
invest more effort.1106

3.3.2 Health literacy

Health literacy is the ability to understand health information

and to use that information to make good decisions about
health and medical care. Lower health literacy has been
reported among people who are elderly, less educated, poor,
and members of minority groups1107 and is associated with
lower health outcomes, increased rates of hospitalization, and
higher costs for care.1101,1108 Health literacy is fundamental to
patient empowerment.1109 However, authors of health education
material often attempt to encourage health literacy by simply
rewriting existing materials in lay language and fail to recognize
that information is only one piece of the literacy process.1110 To
solve this problem, an action plan has been set forth to improve
literacy in the USA.1111

In summary, the skills of self-efficacy and health literacy

have been linked to the performance of a task that requires
a change in behaviour. High levels of self-efficacy appear
to be a motivating factor to perform a task. Health literacy
and community partnership provide the structure required
by champions of empowerment to deliver the message of
engagement to their communities.

3.4 Creation of a facilitating environment and

positive deviance

The creation of a facilitating environment can be defined as

the process in which patients are encouraged to develop
and practise open communication about their care in an
environment free of barriers. There are three prerequisites that
HCWs require if they are expected to help patients be seen as
partners and to facilitate an environment for empowerment.1112
These are: a) a workplace that has the requisite structure to
promote empowerment; b) a psychological belief in ones
ability to be empowered; and c) acknowledgement that the
relationship and communication of HCWs with patients can be

An individual cannot create personal empowerment in another

individual, but the partnership of HCWs and patients can
facilitate the process of empowerment. If patients are given
knowledge and resources in an environment of mutual respect
and support, then a facilitating environment for empowerment
will develop.

192 192
192 192

Positive deviance is based on the observation that, in most Social mobilization is an opportunity for health-care settings to
settings, a few at-risk individuals develop uncommon, beneficial identify problems and find solutions to increase compliance.
practices and, consequently, experience better outcomes This can be done by bringing together the individuals who have
than neighbours with similar risks.1113,1114 Recognition of these a vested interest in the problem. Information-gathering would
individuals and identification and explanation of their uncommon offer an opportunity for individuals to identify the best ways
behaviour allows the design of behaviour change activities that to involve patients and HCWs. Behavioural change can be
can lead to widespread adoption of beneficial behaviour. This developed through a partnership that takes responsibility for
approach, which takes advantage of the communitys existing implementation. For some communities, the process of positive
assets, was originally developed for combating childhood deviance may reveal a lack of hand hygiene products, cultural
malnutrition,1115,1116 but has also been applied to various health- barriers to empowerment, or the need to develop networks of
care programmes such as newborn care or reducing the spread champions.
of MRSA.1117,1118 It is now being seen as a means to provide a
framework for facilitating empowerment. The partnership of HCWs and patients can facilitate the process
of empowerment if HCWs recognize patients as equal partners.
Positive deviance could be used to promote hand hygiene and Positive deviance can be used to find solutions to common local
patient empowerment. The strategy involves: 1) social issues within a community and encourage behaviour change.
mobilization; 2) information gathering; and (3) behaviour change.

Hand hygiene compliance and empowerment

Multimodal programmes for increasing hand hygiene compliance are now recommended as the most reliable,
evidence-based method for ensuring sustainable improvement. 60,713 WHO has developed and tested a multimodal
Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy (see Part I, Section 21) to translate into practice the present guidelines.
Although patient empowerment was already referenced in the 2006 Advanced Draft of the Guidelines 59 and
explicitly stated as one of the final recommendations, the emphasis placed upon it within the associated
implementation strategy has been limited. WHO is committed to informing and educating patients about the
importance of hand hygiene and their potentially powerful role in supporting improvement.767 This is mirrored
across a growing number of countries of the world that are incorporating patient empowerment into their national
strategies. (Table V.4.1)

4.1 Patient and health-care worker empowerment thought that they should be involved in hand hygiene

4.1.1 Willingness to be empowered

Miller & Farr1119 surveyed patients knowledge of HCAI in the

USA by asking if they were satisfied with the information they
received about infection control and if they were willing to pay
for increased investment in infection control programmes within
their hospital. Responses revealed that 70% of patients were
concerned about the risk of infection, 69% said the risk was
never explained, and 57% said they would be willing to pay
for better infection control programmes and information on

The NPSA for England and Wales assessed patients views

on involvement as part of their cleanyourhands campaign
and reported that 71% of respondents wanted to be involved
in improving hand hygiene practices.1029 Similar results were
reported by an acute care trust,1120 where 79% of patients

193 193
193 193

A willingness to be empowered is dependent on patient input

during the development of the programme. Entwistle and
colleagues1121 reviewed the content of five leading patient
safety directives in the USA; they reported that the
had been developed without input from patients and lacked
information about what the HCWs needed to do and what
support should be given to patients. In 2001, the National
Patient Safety Foundation Advisory Council in the USA took up
the concern about consumer involvement and developed a new
programme with input from patients and families, Patients and
Families in Patient Safety: Nothing About Me, Without Me, as a
call to action for health-care organizations at all levels to involve
patients and families in systems and patient safety problems.1122

In 2004, WHO launched the World Alliance for Patient Safety to

raise awareness and political commitment to improve the safety
of care in all its Member States. A specific area of work,
Patients for Patient Safety, was designed to ensure that the
wisdom of patients, families, consumers, and citizens, in both
developed and developing countries, is central in shaping the
work of the Alliance. In 2007, as part of the WHO First Global
Patient Safety Challenge, Clean Care is Safe Care, the
development and

194 194
194 194

implementation of an empowerment model for hand hygiene necessary when removing barriers to patient empowerment,
was initiated in collaboration with Patients for Patient Safety. involvement or participation in hand hygiene compliance.
In studies undertaken in the USA and the United Kingdom,
McGuckin and colleagues 803-805 reported on patients willingness
to be empowered and involved in hand hygiene by asking their
HCWs to clean their hands. They documented that 8090%
of patients will agree to ask in principle, but the percentage
of those that actually asked their HCW is slightly lower at
6070%. A recent survey of consumers on their attitudes
about hand hygiene found that four out of five consumers
said they would ask their HCW did you wash/sanitize your
hands? if their HCW educated them on the importance of hand
hygiene.874 A patients willingness to be involved, empowered
or engaged is dependent on the overall environment of the
organization and its attitudes toward patient safety and patient

4.1.2 Barriers to patient empowerment

There are several different theories from various disciplines that

provide insight into the barriers of hand hygiene compliance
that may apply to patient involvement. These theories include
cognitive, behavioural, social, marketing, and organizational
theories that may be valuable when considering barriers to
be overcome, or a strategy to involve and engage patients. 876
Pittet789 discusses in some detail the promising effect of
the theory of ecological perspective as part of a multimodal
programme to increase hand hygiene compliance. In this
theory, similar to that of positive deviance,1115,1116 behaviour is
viewed as affecting and being affected by multiple factors, and
both influences and is influenced by the social environment.
Although further assessment of these theories is needed,
they do appear to have a bearing on some of the barriers
of patient empowerment. Three barriers that can lessen
patient involvement are: 1) intrapersonal; 2) interpersonal;
and 3) cultural.1125. Intrapersonal factors include psychological
vulnerability, acute pain, and illness,1126 and each can be
influenced by a lack of knowledge1127 and professional
domination.1128 Interpersonal factors centre on the importance
of communication and the need to use clear, simple language
so that expectations are apparent.1129 Cultural factors such as
cultural marginalization, caused by social pressure, can have
a significant impact on speaking up.1130 In addition to these
barriers, a significant factor often perceived by the patient is
the fear of a negative impact/response from their HCWs.1131
This barrier was explored in an acute care rehabilitation unit
where patients are often dependent on their HCWs for activities
of daily living. The authors reported that 75% of patients were
comfortable asking their HCWs did you wash/sanitize your
hands?805 It is important to note that empowerment is a major
part of the rehabilitation process and, therefore, this may have
been a motivating factor for empowerment in these patients.

Although HCWs are trained and motivated to provide the best

care possible, they are often faced with barriers that are more
system-related than behavioural. Empowering a patient covers
issues that go beyond decision-making and involve more
individual interests and cultural parameters. Acknowledging
different views on patient empowerment and dealing with them
in the context of an organization, culture, or community will be

195 195
195 195

Table V.4.1
Countries and territories with national strategies for patient
empowerment (as at October 2008 )





England and Wales



Northern Ireland


Ontario (Canada)

Saudi Arabia


196 196
196 196

Programmes and models of hand hygiene
promotion, including patient and health-care
worker empowerment

5.1 Evidence 10% in compliance, but believed this was attributable to

limitations in their observation technique. Using demonstrations
As only a few studies have been published to assess the as a form of education and empowerment about hand
efficacy of patient involvement to increase hand hygiene, an
evidence-based review of programmes that have empowered,
involved or encouraged patient participation in hand hygiene
promotion cannot be evaluated by the traditional method
focused on quantitative data, linear causality, and scientific
reliability.1132 The complex multidisciplinary approach to
hand hygiene compliance lends itself to evaluations that are
used more in health promotion.1133 These evaluations use a
theory-based approach that explore links between activities,
outcomes, and context and take into account the relationship
between individuals and their environment.1134,1135 They
determine not only what works, but under what conditions,
and the relationship programmes have within an organization.
Many organizations, both at the national and local levels, have
developed programmes of empowerment for hand hygiene
that use various approaches. In most cases, these do not have
a strategy for evaluation. Therefore, the following review of
programmes that have used empowerment has been limited to
published articles and reports in which there was some form of
evaluation for hand hygiene as a separate outcome or as part of
a multifaceted programme.

5.2 Programmes

Programmes for patient and staff empowerment in the

context of hand hygiene improvement can be categorized
into educational (including Internet), motivational (reminders/
posters), and role modelling within the context of a multimodal

5.2.1 Educational programmes

Hand hygiene information for patients can be in the form of

printed matter, an oral demonstration, or audiovisual means. In
their patient empowerment model, McGuckin and colleagues
educated patients about hand hygiene by using brochures
that asked the patient to be a partner with their HCWs. The
materials presented discussed the who, why, where and when
of hand hygiene. This programme has been evaluated in several
multicentre studies documenting that 8090% of patients
reported that they had read the educational brochures. 803,804
Petersen and colleagues1136 developed a promotional campaign
that included educational brochures for patients on hand
hygiene as well as bottles of alcohol-based hand rub. Although
patients were encouraged to speak up about hand hygiene,
Petersen and colleagues reported an overall increase of only

197 197
197 197

hygiene was evaluated and found to increase awareness and

compliance.1137 Chen & Chiang compared the use of a hand
hygiene video to illustrated posters to teach hand hygiene skills
to parents of paediatric intensive care patients and to empower
them about their role in hand hygiene. They reported a steady
sustained increase in compliance and empowerment by parents
attributable to a strong motivation to protect their child.1138 In
2008, the CDC released a podcast on hand hygiene and patient
empowerment stating that it is appropriate to ask or remind
health-care providers to practise hand hygiene (http://www2a.
cdc.gov/podcast/player.asp?=9467). Empowering patients
about patient safety issues using Internet sources such as
home pages for hospitals or national agencies has become part
of many hospital systems as a result of mandatory reporting
of quality and safety. When 32 consumer participants were
introduced to five Internet sources on quality care in order
to educate them about patient involvement, they reported a
significant improvement in test scores after exposure to the
Internet sources.1139 The studies described here are from health-
care settings in developed countries.

5.2.2 Reminders and motivational messages

Patient empowerment models often include visual reminders

for both the HCW and the patient.803-805 These visual reminders
usually include small badges or stickers worn by patients with
a message such as did you wash/sanitize your hands? A
multicentre, one-year evaluation of a model using education
and reminders as a route to empowerment, found a statistically
significant increase in hand hygiene compliance with the model
working equally well for all sizes of hospitals and unit types.1140
Posters, another form of reminder, are used in hand hygiene
programmes and campaigns to educate and empower HCWs
as well as patients. An evaluation of 69 hand hygiene posters
representing 75 messages found that only 41% framed the
message for motivation, empowerment, and health promotion.
Similar findings were reported from a poster campaign in a
paediatric ICU to encourage both HCWs and patients/visitors
to practise hand hygiene.1141 If the message is framed correctly,
posters can serve as a visual reminder and encouragement
for both the patient and the HCW to participate in hand
hygiene practices. Educational videos, posters, brochures,
and visual reminders targeted to educate HCWs and patients
were evaluated in three long-term care facilities as part of a
comprehensive hand hygiene programme. This combination
of HCW education and patient empowerment resulted in an
aggregate increase in hand hygiene compliance of 52% and a
32% decrease in infections.806

198 198
198 198

5.2.3 Role modelling In summary, programmes and models for empowering patients
and HCWs must be developed with an evaluation component
Role modelling in which the HCW behaviour towards hand that includes both qualitative and quantitative measures to
hygiene is influenced by either peers or superiors has been determine not only what works, but under what conditions,
shown to influence compliance and motivate the patient to be and within which organizational context the programme works.
empowered.732,802,853,872,1142-1145 Programmes in which there is some evidence of empowering
patients and HCWs are usually part of a multifaceted approach
McGuckin and colleagues reported an increase in hand and include one or all of the following: educational tools,
hygiene compliance and alcohol-based hand rub use by motivation tools, and role modelling. Many aspects of patient
using authority figures as role models for empowerment. 853 empowerment remain unexplored; for example, the views of
The medical director, nurse manager, director of nursing, and HCWs on this topic are largely unknown. Also, as most studies
infection control professional dedicated to the medical/surgical exploring the impact of patient empowerment on HCWs hand
ICU recorded short audio messages about hand hygiene, hygiene practices were conducted in settings with low baseline
such as we want 100% compliance with hand hygiene in our compliance rates, the impact has always been significant and,
ICU and remember to use sanitizer, that were broadcast at therefore, the effect on settings with higher baseline compliance
randomly timed intervals from the announcement speakers at remains unknown. In addition, because the studies were
the nurses station. Christensen & Taylor1142 question the use short term, any sustainable effect has not been determined.
of empowerment for the ICU patient and suggest that patients Finally, empowerment programmes require further testing in
need to have control restored before they can be empowered. settings where a multimodal promotion strategy including
Lankford and colleagues 802 reported that a HCWs hand hygiene system change, monitoring and HCW performance feedback,
behaviour was influenced negatively when the HCW was in a education, reminders in the workplace, and promotion of the
room with a senior staff member or peer who did not perform institutional safety climate is being promoted.
hand hygiene. Sax and colleagues732 identified social pressures
that could be considered a form of role modelling as highly
ranked determinants of good hand hygiene adherence: the
influence of superiors and colleagues on staff and patients.

WHO global survey of patient experiences

A WHO survey was undertaken as part of the work of the Patient Involvement Task Force established during the
development process of these guidelines, to identify existing gaps in knowledge and to incorporate geographical
and culturally diverse perspectives related to patient empowerment and hand hygiene improvement. A two-
phase, web-based survey was conducted between March 2007 and January 2008. The survey sought views on
infrastructure, barriers and facilitators, existing country strategies, and case-study examples. Detailed results are
presented in Appendix 6.

In summary, 459 completed surveys were received, with only feel comfortable doing so if invited to. This decreased to 52%
13% from WHO regions other than AMR and EUR. Infrastructure when not invited, and increased to 72% when presented with a
to support hand hygiene varied by region with, as anticipated, scenario where failure to comply was observed. Furthermore,
major constraints reported in AFR and SEAR. Of the 29% of respondents who had direct experience of an HCAI were more
respondents who reported asking a HCW to wash/sanitize likely to question the HCW (37% among those who had direct
their hands, 25% reported receiving a negative response. One experience vs 17% among those who did not). Details of the
of the key findings is the impact that HCW encouragement study design, data analysis, and results of all questions, as well
seems to have on the likelihood of patients feeling empowered as specific details from case-studies, can be found at http://
to ask about hand hygiene, with 86% reporting that they would www.who.int/patientsafety/challenge/en.

199 199
199 199

Strategy and resources for developing,
implementing, and evaluating a patient/health-
care worker empowerment programme in a
health-care facility or community

Patient/HCW empowerment programmes should form one component of an evidence-based multimodal

hand hygiene improvement strategy. Table V.7.1 presents a template of a strategy to develop an empowerment
programme in a health-care community by providing several steps for ownership, programme review,
development, implementation, and evaluation. Each step identifies a task, or tasks, with the process that is
needed to complete each one. Background information and resources are cross-referenced with the text of the
guidelines, as well as with Appendix 6 for the survey results.

Table V.7.1
Template of a strategy to develop an empowerment programme)

1. Ownership: develop a shared responsibility

Task Process Guidelines (Part V)

Section no.

Introduce empowerment in Present the evidence-based multimodal Hand Hygiene 4, 5

the context of hand hygiene Improvement Strategy to key decision-makers
improvement to key decision-
makers Discuss WHO commitment for improving hand hygiene 2
(through lobbying for adoption of recommendations in the
WHO Guidelines)

Highlight better outcomes by using multimodal Hand 3.4, 4

Hygiene Improvement Strategy approach

Share results of the WHO patient survey in your region Appendix 6, Table 2

Determine the most appropriate Decide on wording that is positive, not easily 1, 2
terminology to describe misunderstood, and appropriate for your community/
empowerment in your culture or organization. Some of the most common terminology:
community patient empowerment
patient involvement
patient participation
patient engagement

Establish your core support Identify sources for individual and organizational support. 3.4
network Suggestions:
community leaders
champions of health-care causes
patient advocates

Form a support/action team responsible for making hand 3.4, 4.1.1

hygiene initiatives top priority

To ensure involvement, implement the step of positive 3.4


200 200
200 200

Table V.7.1
Template of a strategy to develop an empowerment programme (Cont.)

2. Review existing empowerment models/programmes

Task Empowerment models Guidelines (Part V)


Research existing empowerment Multimodal 4

programmes for information on
how they are structured and Education 5.2.1
implemented. Four types are
Motivation 5.2.2
listed here
Role modelling 5.2.3

3. Programme development : know your organization

Task Process Guidelines (Part V)

Section no.

Review and understand current Establish each team members role 4

knowledge, skills, and attitudes of
HCWs and patients at your health- Evaluate your current knowledge and perception of hand 4, Appendix 6, Table 6
care facility hygiene and target areas to seek additional information
use WHO Knowledge and Perception Surveys

Evaluate your teams skills 4

Evaluate the degree to which you have a facilitating 4

environment for empowerment

Evaluate the willingness of patients and HCWs to 4.1.1, Appendix 6, Figure 4

participate in empowerment

Evaluate the barriers of patients and HCWs to participation 4.1.2, Appendix 6, Table 3, Figure 2
in empowerment

Understand WHO survey expectations Appendix 6,Table 5

Review and understand patient Understanding of self-empowerment 3.1, 4.1.1

factors that may present
challenges to implementing the Willingness to be in a partnership with HCWs 4.1.1
programme. Use knowledge
Understand how respect is shown towards HCWs 4.1.2
and skills to design tasks that
(reinforced directly or subliminally by HCWs)
overcome challenges
Understand cultural barriers that patients may have 4.1.2
towards communicating with their HCW

Review and understand HCW Attitudes towards patient input 3.1

factors which may present
challenges to implementing the Availability and use of printed materials 5.2.1
programme. Use knowledge
Availability and use of visual reminders 5.2.2
and skills to design tasks that
overcome challenges Attitudes towards the message: HCW + patient partnership 5.2.3

Degree of agreement with the WHO survey patient 6.6, Appendix 6, Figure 3, Table 2

Plan and develop educational Include patient input in the design and wording of your 5.1, Appendix 6, Tables 4 & 5
materials based on your materials
organizations norms
Design printed materials 5.2.1, 5.2.2

Design visual reminders 5.2.2

All materials should promote the message: HCW + patient Appendix 6, Tables 4 & 6

Incorporate insight and local understanding from WHO Appendix 6, Figure 1, Table 4
survey patient responses

201 201
201 201

Table V.7.1
Template of a strategy to develop an empowerment programme (Cont.)

4. Programme implementation

Task Process Guidelines (Part V)

Section no.

Put your programme designs into Know your communitys or organizations 4, Appendix 6, Table 2, Figure 3
action. You should include plans preferences for instruction techniques
to overcome challenges in patient
and HCW factors, and have your Include HCW involvement and partnership 5, Appendix 6, Table 4
educational materials ready
Identify barriers when the programme is 4.1.2
under way

Include WHO survey patient preferences 6, Appendix 6,

Tables 3-5

5. Evaluation

Task Methods Guidelines (Part V)

Section no.

Design your evaluation process. Three Theory-based / health promotion 5

ideas are listed here.
Patient satisfaction survey 5

Patient as observer of practices 5

202 202
202 202




Guidelines for hand hygiene prepared by various other agencies, both prior to and after the publication of the
Advanced Draft of these guidelines, are currently available. An analysis of recommendations in guidelines
produced by 16 countries was published in 2001. 635 However, several guidelines included in the analysis were not
formal publications agreed upon nationally or sub-nationally, and the level of details provided could be expanded
more extensively. This section examines the scope, approaches, and recommendations of some national and
sub-national guidelines.

Different strategies were used to identify available guidelines. directives,58,1146,1150,1152,1153,1159 while the primary focus of others
These included using search engines such as Google and were the technical issues of why, when and how to perform
electronic resources such as PubMed and the Guideline
International Network. Keywords used in the search were hand
hygiene, hand washing, handwashing, hand rubbing,
handrubbing, hand decontamination and guidelines in
various combinations. Requests for hand hygiene guidelines
were also made to members of the WHO First Global Patient
Safety Challenge core group of experts, national representatives
of the European Union hospital infection network (Hospital in
Europe Link for Infection Control through Surveillance) and
WHO regional offices.

Twenty-one guidelines were obtained for comparison.

These included 15 national guidelines from Australia,1146
Belgium,1147 Canada,1148 Egypt,1149 England,1150 France,1151
Germany,1152 Ireland,1153 Nepal,1154 the Russian Federation,1155
the Netherlands,1156 Tunisia,1157 Scotland,1158 Sweden,1159 and
the USA, 58 and six sub-national guidelines from Ontario1160
and Manitoba1161 (Canada), and Liverpool,1162 Southampton,1163
Mid Cheshire,1164 and Bassetlaw1165 NHS Trusts (England).
The documents were analysed using a methodology adapted
from the European HARMONY (Harmonisation of Antibiotic
Resistance measurement, Methods of typing Organisms and
ways of using these and other tools to increase the effectiveness
of Nosocomical infection control) project approach,1166 a tool
developed originally to evaluate antibiotic policies in different
hospitals and since used in several other infection control-
related projects.1167 The main aspects considered by this
method were: information about the guidelines title, year of
publication, endorsing body, and mode of publication; aspects
related to the guideline development process (e.g. national vs
sub-national, developers, target population, and methods for
evidence evaluation and recommendation development); type of
recommendations, details about indications and technique, and
products recommended for hand hygiene; and recommended
strategies for hand hygiene improvement and guideline

Eighteen of the 21 guidelines were available through web sites,

14 of which were in English. These documents were developed
either by professional societies involved in infection prevention
and in the control of antimicrobial resistance or by governmental
agencies such as the ministry of health. In some cases,
recommendations on hand hygiene were part of much longer
infection control or antimicrobial resistance control guidelines.
In the latter documents, details on important issues related
to hand hygiene were generally insufficient or the information
was made available in different parts of the document or allied
publications, thus making difficult the analyses.

The documents varied in their scope, approach to the topic,

and content. Some were primarily intended as advisory

200 201

hand hygiene.1149,1154,1157,1162-1165 Developers of the advisory type of

documents focused mainly on evidence-gathering and making
general recommendations applicable to different settings
and areas. The latter group of documents focused more on
specific issues related to implementation such as technical
details, popularizing practices, and logistics; they referred to
documents in the advisory group for their evidence base. Some
documents belonging to the advisory group mentioned and
referred to companion materials, such as training guides and
other national guidelines, for some details. Several documents
contained a long detailed text in addition to the evidence for

The extent to which evidence was collected and assessed

varied considerably. Only three guidelines described clearly
the method used for collecting or selecting evidence. Seven
national and two sub-national guidelines graded the evidence
for recommendations. 58,1148,1150-1153,1159,1160,1162 However, they
used different grading systems and definitions to indicate the
strength of evidence and recommendations. The strength and
quality of evidence was determined based on expert consensus
in three documents.1148,1152,1159 The evidence grading was
performed using the methods adopted by the National Institute
for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) from the Scottish
Intercollegiate Guideline Network (SIGN) for the EPIC (Evidence-
based Practice in Infection Control) 2 guidelines.1150 Published
guidelines used as references were assessed using the AGREE
(Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation) instrument in
one document.1150

Table VI.1 shows some of the major aspects of the evidence-

grading systems used in different documents. There were
additional differences in the individual statements. For
example, the CDC Category 1A is strongly recommended
for implementation and strongly supported by well-designed
experimental, clinical, or epidemiologic studies and that of
France Category 1 is strongly supported by well-designed
studies and do not pose economical or technical problems.
In EPIC 2 guidelines, evidence grades 1 and 2 were further
classified into three (e.g. 1, 1+, and 1++). In general, there were
three to five grades of evidence and recommendations. The
quantum of evidence and details of data from studies presented
varied considerably. This probably reflects differences in the
rigour in evidence-gathering and assessment.

The recommendations formulated were based on expert

consensus for most documents. The validation process was
not clear for most guidelines. Seven described internal or
external peer reviews and public consultations as the methods
of validation.

The guideline documents appeared to be still evolving. Several

guidelines stated that they need to be revised periodically based
on new evidence and some are currently being revised, e.g.
the French and Belgian guidelines (personal communication).

201 201

Based on the original CDC evidence document, a How-to Although indications and methods for hand hygiene were
Guide was made by the same agencies a few years later.1168 the focus for several national and all sub-national guidelines,
Four guidelines,1148,1160-1162 one revised guideline,1150 and the IHI the level of detail described varied considerably between
How-to Guide document1168 were published after the publication documents. In general, the sub-national guidelines tended
of the Advanced Draft of these WHO Guidelines (October to have more technical details with easier to understand
2005 onwards), although, interestingly, only three of these six illustrations than the national documents, which were more
documents referred to the WHO publication.1158,1160,1168 advisory in nature. In some documents, the approach was to
describe the methods according to indications (for example,
HCWs were the main target population in all guidelines. Since before and after indications and then the appropriate
all were national and sub-national documents, policy-makers methods) and, in others, the indications for a given method (e.g.
(local authorities, institutional authorities, etc.) were also all indications requiring handrubbing) of hand hygiene.
possible intended users, but this was specified only in nine
documents.58,1146,1150,1153,1158,1160-1162,1164 The intended settings were Most guidelines advocated hand hygiene for a variety of, but
also not exactly specified in most documents. Seven documents similar, before and after indications. Some documents
mentioned health care in community settings in addition to advised that the decision for hand hygiene and choice of
hospitals.1146,1158,1160-1162,1164,1165 As far as it is possible to understand, methods be based on risk assessment by the HCW.1162,1165
the others are intended to be used primarily for care in hospital Many guidelines also had umbrella indications that could
settings. Although not clearly specified in many documents, most include many different situations for hand hygiene. These meant
of the recommendations relate to inpatient care. that it was up to the HCW to decide whether hand hygiene
was required or not for individual situations. The indications
Most documents stated that the intended outcome was to which were listed were meant to be examples and not to fulfil
produce improvement in hand hygiene so as to contribute to a complete list, at least in some. There were also differences
the reduction in pathogen transmission and ultimately HCAIs in wording between documents which led to differences in
and/or antimicrobial resistance. However, audit and measurable situations included under one stated indication.
indicators were mentioned in only nine of them. 58,1148,1150,1151,1153,
Overall, there is an overlap between stated indications from
different documents. An analysis of what was stated in the
Administrative approaches for implementation, such as the documents was performed (Table VI.2). Among the indications
emphasis on the binding nature of the document, varied. before an activity for routine patient care, performing invasive
Fourteen documents recommended the implementation procedures was the most mentioned. Among indications
of the guidelines as a priority, 58,1146,1147,1150,1151,1153,1157,1158,1160-1165 for hand hygiene after procedures during routine patient
and eight stressed adherence to the guideline as a care, visible soiling of hands, and contact with blood, body
requirement.1151,1158,1160-1165 All sub-national guidelines make this fluids, wounds, catheter sites or drainage sites were the most
statement. frequently mentioned.

Although the general concepts concerning indications and A few documents listed situations where hand decontamination
methods to perform hand hygiene practices were similar in was not required.1147-1149,1151,1156 The situations included were
essence in all documents, the terminology used to describe before nursing care or the physical examination of non-
various issues differed considerably between documents, thus immunocompromised patients, before and after short or social
making exact comparisons difficult. For example, terms such contact with non-immunocompromised patients, and after
as decontamination and antisepsis were used synonymously contact with surfaces not suspected of being contaminated.
in different documents. Several documents included a list of
definitions, but the number of terms for which an explanation Handwashing was the standard for routine patient care in seven
was provided and even its details varied. Definition of terms
documents,1146,1148,1149,1155 ,1157 ,1164 ,1165 and alcohol-based handrub
used to classify situations where hand hygiene practices were
indicated also differed between documents. For example, in in seven others. 58,1150-1152,1156,1159,1160 Either handwashing or
some cases, social indications meant contacts other than handrubbing were recommended in seven.1147,1153,1154,1158,1161-1163
Most guidelines, especially sub-national, provided details of the
patient care (between HCWs, casual social contact between
patient and HCWs, etc.). In some others, the same word was procedures for hand hygiene and the analyses of their content
used to include all situations where plain soap and water was in this regard are presented in Table VI.3. Handwashing was
recommended as the method, including visible soiling with recommended in all documents for soiled hands. Handwashing
blood and body fluids. Others did not classify indications, with medicated soap was recommended as an alternative.
but merely provided lists. In the present evaluation, three types
of indications for hand hygiene were considered: social Several strategies were considered for promotion and
(contacts different from patient care), patient care, and surgical implementation of the guidelines. Here again, details were
hand preparation. According to this classification, most more developed in the sub-national guidelines. In most cases,
guidelines appeared to have focused on the latter two types strategies recommended for implementation and sustainability
of indication. Five guidelines, three national and two sub- were based on multiple elements. Ongoing education of HCWs,
national,1148,1150,1156,1161,1162 were developed primarily for routine making materials required for hand hygiene easily available
patient care and had only social and routine patient-care and accessible, monitoring performance, and attention to the
indications. skin care of HCWs were stressed to be the most important

202 201

aspects: at least nine documents had some reference to all of

these four issues.58,1148,1150,1151,1153,1158,1160,1162,1164 One document
had only a general discussion on various issues impacting on

203 201

implementation, but without clear recommendations.1154 Details a reference internationally. Both WHO and CDC guidelines are
provided in various documents were analysed. documents prepared specifically to promote hand hygiene.

Regular training was considered important in 15

guidelines, 58,1146,1148,1150,1151,1153,1154,1157-1162,1164,1165 and some
information on areas to be covered was provided in
five.58,1153,1157,1160 ,1161 Reminders in the workplace were
recommended by eight.58,1153,1158,1160-1164 Wall-mounted dispensers
for hand rub were recommended in 1158,1147,1151-1153,1155,1158,1160,1162-1164
and pocket dispensers in 3.58,1151,1164 Aspects of skin care were
dealt with in 19 documents. 58,1146-1148,1150-1156,1158-1165

Nine documents recommended monitoring of

performance by an audit of hand hygiene, with direct
observation being the method suggested in most
documents. 58,1148,1150,1151,1153,1158,1160,1162,1164 Audit of product
consumption was mentioned in three 58,1150,1153 and tools for
audit were provided in three. 58,1153,1160 Feedback to HCWs
was mentioned only in six guidelines. 58,1148,1150,1151,1158,1160
Two documents suggested the possibility of administrative
actions in the case of non-compliance with hand hygiene

Outlines on how to choose a hand hygiene product were

available in eight documents. 58,1151-1153,1158,1160-1162 Roles and
responsibilities of stakeholders were considered at least in a
very basic manner in eight documents.1146,1150,1151,1153,1158,1160,1162,1164
Ten guidelines stressed the need for active HCW involvement for
successful implementation,58,1146,1148,1150,1153,1157 ,1158 ,1160 ,1161 ,1162 and
four had recommendations for patient participation.58,1160,1161,1164
Outlines for the location of handwashing facilities were provided
in 13. 1146-1149,1152,1153,1156,1158,1160-1164 Reference to wider safety issues
were made in four documents. 58,1153,1158,1160

Detailed information on costing or costeffectiveness was not

provided in any guideline. Two documents included very basic
information on this aspect.1147,1150

In summary, although the overall aim of all the documents

included in the comparison was to give recommendations for
optimal hand hygiene practices, there were wide variations in
the scope, goals, content, breadth, and depth of topics covered.
Lack of uniformity in terminology further compounded analytical
differences. Many documents did not adequately cover several
aspects, especially those essential for proper implementation
and sustainability. Some of the recommendations were such
that the HCW had to make decisions as to when and how to
perform hand hygiene.

The WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care were

developed in 2005 as an advanced draft and have been finalized
as the present document in 2008. This document has taken on
board the above-mentioned concerns and bridged most of the
gaps. This is the most extensively referenced and comprehensive
guidelines for hand hygiene available to date. These guidelines
are for use by policy-makers, managers, and HCWs in different
settings and geographical areas. In many countries, guideline-
and policy-developers are already using these guidelines as a
resource for adaptation to local needs and logistics.

Guidelines developed by the CDC in 200258 are also used as

204 201

Both documents reviewed evidence extensively and used a

similar grading system. The layout and the issues discussed
are also broadly similar and include a wide variety of topics
related to hand hygiene While the CDC guidelines are primarily
intended for use in the USA and other Western countries, the
WHO guidelines were conceived in a more global perspective
and, therefore, are not targeted at only developing or developed
countries, but all countries regardless of the resources available.
Another general, but essential, difference of approach is that the
present WHO Guidelines have been validated and finalized after
a pilot test phase using a specific implementation strategy in
different health-care settings worldwide.

Furthermore, in the present guidelines, evidence has been

derived from more recent studies, details of how the evidence
was collected are provided, and the recommendations are
based on extensive international consultations. Although
the CDC guidelines were constantly considered as a very
valuable framework, many innovative aspects of hand hygiene
are dealt with in the present WHO guidelines. For example,
there are sections on mathematical modelling to understand
the transmission of pathogens in health-care settings, local
production of alcohol-based handrubs, religious and cultural
aspects of hand hygiene, promotion of hand hygiene on a
national scale, and social marketing, and including the detailed
analyses of guidelines presented here. More details are also
provided on behavioural aspects, infrastructure required for
hand hygiene, and safety issues. The WHO guidelines are
therefore more extensive. Details of hand hygiene procedures
including pictorial representations are made available in the
WHO guidelines, and more detailed strategies for promotion for
use in a wider range of settings are also discussed.

Both documents present recommendations and indicate the

grading of recommendations. Most are similar, but the WHO
document (see Part II) has a few that are not considered in the
CDC document and vice versa. Recommendations for handling
medicines and food, and a set of recommendations for national
governments provided in the WHO guidelines are examples.
The respective strength for some recommendations also
differs between the two documents. Outcome measurements
are considered at great length in the WHO document. Other
aspects such as the promotion of hand hygiene on a large
scale and providing information to the public are also given due
importance in these guidelines. CDC guidelines provide links to
other web sites for further reference.

205 201
Table VI.1
Grading of evidence used in different guideline documents

USA* England** France Canada Germany Sweden Ireland

IA IB IC II N 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 IA IB II III IV I II III I II III

controlled trials







Most experts

Mandated by


* CDC guidelines
** EPIC 2 guidelines

Table VI.2
Guidelines mentioning indications for hand hygiene before, after, and between activities

Before an activity No. of guidelines References

Performing invasive procedures 18
Any direct patient contact 16
Preparing, handling, serving or eating food, and feeding a patient 12
1147,1149,1151,1153,1157,1158 ,1159,1161-1164
Beginning of workshifts 11
Care of particularly susceptible patients 10
Contact with catheter sites and drainage sites 10
1146,1148,1149,1151,1153,1154,1157,1158,1163 ,1164
Eating 10
Patient contacts that may pose an infection risk to the patient 9
Contact with wounds 8
Using (any) gloves 7
Using sterile gloves for invasive procedures (not surgical) 6
Direct contact with patients who have antimicrobial-resistant organisms 6
Preparing and giving medication 6
Handling of clean materials 4
Entering the clean part of staff changing rooms of operation areas, 2
sterilization department, or other aseptic areas
Use of computer keyboard 1
Caring activities after risk assessment 1
Injections or venepuncture 1

After an activity
Contact with blood, body fluids, wounds, catheter sites or drainage sites 16
Visible soiling of hands 15
Glove removal 14
Personal body functions 14
Contact with infectious patients 13
Contact with wounds 11
Contact with patients intact skin 11
End of work shift 9
Contact with inanimate objects in the immediate vicinity of the patient 7
Microbial contamination 5
Suspected or proven exposure to spore-forming pathogens 1
Contact with items known or suspected to be contaminated 1
Using computer keyboard 1

Between activities
Contact with different patients 9
Moving from a contaminated to a clean body site of the same patient 7

204 204
204 204

Different caring activities on the same patient 4
Contact with different patients in high risk units 3

205 205
205 205

Table VI.3
Guidelines including specific recommendations
(n =21) hand hygiene techniques Surgical (n =16 )

Preparation 19 13
(removal of rings, bracelets, etc.)

Surfaces to be cleaned 18 10

Brushing technique 9

Handwashing Handrubbing Handwashing Handrubbing

Recommended 21 19 16 8

Agent Soap 21 Gel 4 Medicated bar or

Liquid (plain or Other not specified liquid soap
medicated) 20
Bar soap as
alternative 3

Number of documents where the following are mentioned

Quantity of product* 10 10 4 3

Duration 18 (1015 sec in 13 (1530 sec) 15 6

most) Some until dry

Disposable/sterile towel
21 13
21 12

*Some other documents refer to the manufacturers recommendations.

206 206
206 206

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Appendix 1.
Definitions of health-care settings
and other related terms

HEALTH SYSTEM: all the activities whose primary purpose is to promote, restore or maintain health
(The World Health Report 2000 Health systems: improving performance)


(available at: http://www.wpro.who.int/chips/chip04/definitions.htm)

Health infrastructure qualifications to be registered and/or legally licensed to

practise midwifery, and are actually working in the country.
General hospital. A hospital that provides a range of The person may or may not have prior nursing education.
different services for patients of various age groups and
with varying disease conditions. Nurses. All persons who have completed a programme of
basic nursing education and are qualified and registered or
Specialized hospital. A hospital admitting primarily authorized to provide responsible and competent service
patients suffering from a specific disease or affection of for the promotion of health, prevention of illness, the care of
one system, or reserved for the diagnosis and treatment of the sick, and rehabilitation, and are actually working in the
conditions affecting a specific age group or of a long-term country.
Pharmacists. All graduates of any faculty or school of
District/first-level referral hospital. A hospital at the first pharmacy, actually working in the country in pharmacies,
referral level that is responsible for a district or a defined hospitals, laboratories, industry, etc.
geographical area containing a defined population and
governed by a politico-administrative organization such Dentists. All graduates of any faculty or school of dentistry,
as a district health management team. The role of district odontology or stomatology, actually working in the country
hospitals in primary health care has been expanded beyond in any dental field.
being dominantly curative and rehabilitative to include
promotional, preventive, and educational roles as part of a Other health-care providers (including community
primary health-care approach. The district hospital has the health workers). All workers who respond to the
following functions: national definition of health-care providers and are neither
physicians/doctors, midwives, nurses, pharmacists, or
it is an important support for other health services and dentists.
for health care in general in the district;
it provides wide-ranging technical and administrative Inpatient. A person who is formally admitted to a health-care
support and education and training for primary health facility and who is discharged after one or more days.
it provides an effective, affordable health-care service Outpatient. A person who goes to a health-care facility for a
for a defined population, with their full participation, consultation, and who leaves the facility within three hours of
in cooperation with agencies in the district that have the start of consultation. An outpatient is not formally admitted
similar concerns. to the facility.

Primary health-care centre. A centre that provides

services which are usually the first point of contact with
a health professional. They include services provided
by general practitioners, dentists, community nurses,
pharmacists and midwives, among others.

Health workforce

Physicians/doctors. All graduates of any faculty or

school of medicine, actually working in the country in any
medical field (practice, teaching, administration, research,
laboratory, etc.).

Midwives. All persons who have completed a programme

of midwifery education and have acquired the requisite

240 240
240 240

Appendix 1.
Definitions of health-care settings
otherFROMrelated terms
(available at http://www.euro.who.int/observatory/Glossary/TopPage?phrase = D)

Ambulatory care. All types of health services provided

to patients who are not confined to an institutional bed as
inpatients during the time services are rendered (USAID,
1999). Ambulatory care delivered in institutions that also deliver
inpatient care is usually called outpatient care. Ambulatory
care services are provided in many settings ranging from
physicians offices to freestanding ambulatory surgical facilities
or cardiac catheterization centres. In some applications, the
term does not include emergency services provided in tertiary
hospitals (USAID, 1999).

Day care. Medical and paramedical services delivered to

patients who are formally admitted for diagnosis, treatment or
other types of health care with the intention of discharging the
patient the same day.

Long-term care. Long-term care encompasses a broad range

of help with daily activities that chronically disabled individuals
need for a prolonged period of time. Long-term care is primarily
concerned with maintaining or improving the ability of elderly
people with disabilities to function as independently as possible
for as long as possible; it also encompasses social and
environmental needs and is therefore broader than the medical
model that dominates acute care; it is primarily low-tech,
although it has become more complicated as elderly persons
with complex medical needs are discharged to, or remain in,
traditional long-term care settings, including their own homes;
services and housing are both essential to the development
of long-term care policy and systems. Nursing homes, visiting
nurses, home intravenous and other services provided to
chronically ill or disabled persons.

Social care. Services related to long-term inpatient care plus

community care services, such as day care centres and social
services for the chronically ill, the elderly and other groups with
special needs such as the mentally ill, mentally handicapped,
and the physically handicapped. The borderline between health
care and social care varies from country to country, especially
regarding social services which involve a significant, but not
dominant, health-care component such as, for example, long-
term care for dependent older people.

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Appendix 2.
Guide to appropriate hand hygiene in connection
with Clostridium difficile spread

Hand hygiene and infection control after using the toilet;

Hand hygiene is a crucial action recommended for preventing

and controlling the transmission of pathogens within health-
care settings to ensure that patients remain safe and that their
risks of acquiring infection are minimized. Hand hygiene is
an essential practice for all health-care workers (physicians/
doctors, midwives, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, and other
care providers including community health workers and family
members) in order to protect the patients and themselves.

The method employed in ensuring that hand hygiene is effective

falls into one of two categories:

Handrubbing with an alcohol-based handrub

Handrubbing is the gold standard technique to perform
hand hygiene on all occasions except for those described
for handwashing with soap and water, i.e. handrubbing is
the action recommended for health-care workers for the
routine, day-to-day decontamination of hands.

Handwashing with soap and water:

Handwashing still occupies a central place in hand hygiene
and should be employed when hands are visibly dirty or
visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids; after using
the toilet; and when exposure to potential spore-forming
pathogens is strongly suspected or proven, including during
outbreaks of diarrhoea.

Correct method at the correct moment

Understanding and employing the correct method and

technique at the correct moment is highly likely to result in
optimum compliance with hand hygiene and maximum safety of
patients and staff.

The advantages and disadvantages of both alcohol-based

handrubs and handwashing with soap and water can be found
throughout the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health
Care. The following information is intended to support health-
care workers and others in understanding and explaining the
challenges presented by patients with C. difficile infection,
particularly in relation to hand hygiene.

Specific challenges posed by patients with

diarrhoeal illnesses

Preventing and controlling the spread of all diarrhoea-related

bacteria, viruses, and parasites is always important. One of the
main actions in this regard is to ensure that hands are washed
thoroughly with soap and water when they are:
visibly dirty or visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids;

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when exposure to potential spore-forming pathogens is

strongly suspected or proven, including during outbreaks of
C. difficile.

What is Clostridium difficile?

Background information on C. difficile is available from a range

of scientific and patient support documents. The following
information is an overview of what C. difficile is and the
problems it can cause.

C. difficile is a bacterium (germ) that is present naturally in the

bowel of some individuals. It can spread by touching faecally
contaminated surfaces and then touching your mouth, e.g.
when eating. It can also spread following contact with the
faeces of people who have the infection, if the bacterium is
ingested through your mouth.

If someone is taking antibiotics to treat an infection, they can

kill the good bacteria living in the bowel as well as the bad;
when this happens C. difficile can grow quickly in the bowel
and produce toxins that lead to disease. C. difficile is passed
out in the faeces of people who are infected, including in the
form of spores (a hardy form of the bacterium), which can
survive for a long time in patient surroundings on any surface,
e.g. toilet areas, clothing, sheets, and furniture, if these items
are not regularly and appropriately cleansed. It is possible
for anyone to spread the infection (to themselves or others)
because they have not performed hand hygiene properly or kept
patient surroundings clean. Elderly people and patients with
comorbidities or who have had certain medical procedures to
the bowel are especially at risk of getting C. difficile infection.

Why have there been increasing numbers of cases in

certain countries recently?

This is not entirely clear, though it is known that a number of

factors may be responsible, including natural changes to the
way in which bacteria act in relation to their circumstances;
for example, C. difficile becoming more resistant to antibiotics
in response to their increased and more widespread use. The
growing numbers of elderly, sick patients receiving care, the
pressures on health-care workers to deliver care, and the way
in which services such as cleaning are provided to health-care
settings may all have had an impact. New strains of C. difficile
have evolved in recent years that appear to spread more readily
and may cause more severe cases of illness. It is also possible
that the recommended practices for preventing and controlling
C. difficile are not always applied for a number of reasons and
may, as a result, be contributing to the current problem. Finally,
in some countries where there has been no surveillance of C.
difficile until now, reports of rising numbers may be explained
because they are now looking for it.

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243 243

Can appropriate infection control practices help What is the concern about health-care workers
prevent and control Clostridium difficile? using alcohol-based handrubs at the point of care
when patients have Clostridium difficile?
Yes, they can. It is recommended that gloves be worn (together
with gown and application of other contact precautions) and There is concern because alcohol-based handrubs are known
hands washed appropriately if exposure to potential spore- to be less effective on soiled hands generally and, specifically,
forming pathogens is strongly suspected or proven, including C. when there is C. difficile infection. This is because of the
difficile outbreaks. The method of hand hygiene to be employed handrubs inability to kill the C. difficile spores that at times can
must be handwashing using soap and water. Even when be present.
gloves have been worn, handwashing is essential. Of note, it is
important that the correct technique for handwashing is applied. Conveying simple messages to health-care workers, through
In all other health-care situations, alcohol-based handrubs routine training and updates, and reinforcing these during times
remain the preferred method for hand hygiene and the most of outbreaks will help to ensure that the correct methods for
reliable method to ensure maximum compliance and efficacy hand hygiene are applied at the correct moments. To sum up,
to reduce health care-associated infections and cross- these messages are repeated in the diagram.
transmission of pathogens.

Routine method for health-care workers dealing with all patients at

all times, with the exception of:
RUB (use
visibly dirty or visibly soiled hands (with blood or other body fluids) an
after using the toilet alcohol-
when exposure to potential spore-forming pathogens is strongly suspected based
or proven, including during outbreaks of C. difficile handrub)

Special measures for health-care workers in the presence of

Clostridium difficile (diarrhoea)
use gloves for all contacts with patients and their surroundings (and wear
a gown as part of contact precautions) WASH
when hands are visibly dirty or visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids (use soap
after using the toilet and water)
when exposure to potential spore forming pathogens is strongly
suspected or proven, including during outbreaks of C. difficile.

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Should we remove alcohol-based handrubs from When patients with C .difficile have severe diarrhoea, large
areas where there is Clostridium difficile infection? amounts of spores can be present. This is the basis of all the
recommendations featured here. This is also true of specific
No. Alcohol-based handrubs are required at the point of care
for a number of reasons:
They are easy to use and therefore more likely to result
in greater compliance with the need for hand hygiene by
health-care workers.

They are proven to be effective in killing a range of

pathogens and therefore reducing patients risk of
acquiring health care-associated infection.

They are effective in killing the non-spore form of C. difficile

which may be present in higher numbers than the spores.

Sinks for handwashing are not always readily available and,

even if they were made available right next to a patient,
washing takes at least twice as much time than rubbing
all factors that mitigate against full compliance with hand
hygiene. Relying on promoting handwashing only in health
care is thought to result in lower compliance, lower
efficacy and greater risk of continued spread of

Evidence-based research reinforces the need for the

presence of alcohol-based handrubs to ensure maximum
patient safety.

There is no evidence to suggest that their use has been

connected with increased C. difficile infections.

Thus, alcohol-based handrubs should NOT be removed

from health-care settings; to remove them would be likely to
result in greater risk to patients from health care-associated

Are visibly clean (not soiled) hands still at risk for


It is very unlikely. Because handwashing with soap and water

is recommended when exposure to potential spore-forming
pathogens is strongly suspected or proven (this includes
outbreaks of C. difficile), it is very unlikely that using alcohol-
based handrubs on visibly clean hands will put patients at risk
of cross-infection. In fact alcohol-based handrubs are effective
in killing the non-spore form of C. difficile that can also be
present. Therefore, appopriate glove use and adopting either
means of performing hand hygiene on non-soiled hands will
ensure clean, safe hands.

The bottom line is to remember the message that hands

should be washed thoroughly with soap and water when they
are visibly dirty or visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids.

How often will the spores be present when patients

have Clostridium difficile infection?

245 245
245 245

strains of C. difficile, including those that are epidemic in available chlorine (this can be done by cleaning areas as
certain countries. Effective hand hygiene at the point of care, normal
together with other well-accepted control measures (in and then using a bleach to clean afterwards or by using
particular, glove use and gowning as part of contact a combined detergent and chlorine-based solution). It
precautions, and individual rooms), helps to manage the should be noted that non-chlorine-based cleaning agents
problem. can promote the formation of C. difficile spores. Air drying
should be allowed following cleaning.

Clostridium difficile figures are very high is some

countries, and seem to have become worse. Is
this because of alcohol-based handrubs?

There is published evidence that the extensive use of

alcohol- based handrubs in hospitals has not led to an
increase in C. difficile.

Does the promotion of alcohol-based handrubs

imply the downgrading of sinks and handwashing?

No. Guidance usually highlights the fact that handwashing is

essential in specific situations (as described above). Although
washing hands with soap and water remains an accepted
method for routine hand antisepsis, alcohol-based handrubs
should be promoted as the gold standard for hand hygiene
considering, in particular, their dramatic impact on improving
compliance with hand hygiene and ensuring clean, safe

What other key measures should be taken to

prevent and control Clostridium difficile?

There are several measures, including performing hand

hygiene, that should be applied to prevent and control C.
infection, and these have been published widely. The
following is a brief description of these key steps, which
should be in place when C. difficile infection is present.

Antimicrobial prescribing is a crucial part of preventing,

controlling and managing C. difficile infection. Guidance
is widely available on this. Antibiotic stewardship is
therefore an important part of health-care services to
control C. difficile, as is the appropriate prescribing of
other drugs including antacids and perhaps proton pump

Patients with, or strongly suspected of having, C. difficile

infection should be cared for in a single room with a toilet
or dedicated commode and other dedicated care
equipment until they are symptom-free for at least 48
hours. If single rooms are not available, cohorting of
patients with C.
difficile infection should be considered in conjunction
with risk assessment and infection control expertise.

Patients with C. difficile infection should have their

surroundings and other areas of concern, e.g. toilet areas,
cleaned at least daily using clean equipment and a
freshly- made solution containing at least 1000 ppm

246 246
246 246

Health-care workers should wear gloves and aprons

when providing care for patients with C. difficile and Summary
should discard them immediately after they have been
worn for a patient-care activity. Hand hygiene must then Preventing and controlling the spread of all diarrhoeal
be performed. There is evidence that wearing gloves diseases is important. The main message is that
significantly reduces C. difficile infection and is therefore hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and
crucial, even though handwashing reduces spores and water when they are: visibly dirty or visibly soiled with
alcohol-based handrubs are effective against non-spore blood or other body fluids; after using the toilet; or
forms of C. difficile. when exposure to potential spore-forming pathogens
is strongly suspected or proven, including during
outbreaks of C. difficile.
Washing of clothing (including staff uniforms), bed linen, etc.
both in health-care settings using industrial processes and in Performing hand hygiene using an alcohol-based
the home is also important when someone has C. difficile handrub is the recommended and most effective
infection. Careful handling of contaminated clothing is essential method to clean hands in most patient-care situations.
in order to prevent the spread of any of the bacteria or its spores According to recent evidence, alcohol-based handrubs
to hands or other items. Key points to consider for laundering have been a major factor in the reduction of serious
include: infections such as MRSA, for example in the United
always hold laundry away from yourself; Kingdom.

do not sort through laundry unless absolutely necessary It is important that the correct technique for hand
and do not shake it; hygiene is always applied.

perform hand hygiene after handling laundry;

use normal detergent to wash the laundry;

dry laundry either in a tumble dryer or on a washing line;

iron clothes according to their instructions, using a hot

steam iron if possible;

keep clean the machines or sink areas where laundry has

been washed.

Organizational steps are also important in aiding prevention and

control. An adequate health-care infrastructure should be in
place, including:
a functioning and effective infection prevention and control

functioning and effective communication strategies and

information available for patients and visitors;

written guidance that sets standards and assigns

responsibilities, including monitoring of recommended
practices against the standards;

surveillance and education programmes, with

multidisciplinary teams working to ensure targeted
management and control.

There are also other specific measures that are recommended

during outbreaks of C. difficile (http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/
dhqp/id_Cdiff.html) 1

247 247
247 247

Vonberg RP et al. Infection control measures to limit the spread of
Clostridium difficile. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2008, 14(Suppl.

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Appendix 3.
Hand and skin self-assessment tool

Rate the current condition of the skin on your hands on a scale of 17


Abnormal: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Normal:
red, blotchy, rash no redness, blotching, or rash


Many abrasions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Completely intact:

or fissures no abrasions or fissures

Moisture content

Extremely dry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Normal amount of moisture


Extreme itching, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No itching, burning, or soreness

burning, or soreness

Sources: adapted from Larson E et al. Physiologic and microbiologic changes in skin related to frequent handwashing. Infection Control,
1986, 7:59-63 and Larson E et al. Prevalence and correlates of skin damage on the hands of nurses. Heart & Lung, 1997, 26:404-412.

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Appendix 4.
Monitoring hand hygiene by direct methods

The power calculations detailed in Part III, Section 1.1 of the WHO Guidelines for Hand Hygiene in Health Care
are critical for obtaining reliable estimates of the percentage of hand hygiene compliance at the organization level
at a single point in time. The objective of these calculations is to determine the sample size necessary to produce
results that can be generalized to larger populations and can meet the defined degree of confidence and margin
of error. These considerations are similar to those involved in conducting point-in-time research. Examples of this
approach can be found in political polling, market research, and educational testing. When measurements are
made in the context of an improvement initiative, however, the research questions and approaches to sampling
are different. An improvement team is typically interested in answering the following questions: (1) are we making
progress toward a goal of increased hand hygiene compliance? and (2) how will we know when we have reached
the goal?

Studies aimed at improvement, known as analytical studies,1 select one of the clinics to be the pilot. To do this you would
seek only enough data, collected repeatedly at suitable write the numbers 112 on separate pieces of paper (it is best
intervals, to detect and track the effectiveness or efficiency to use the same size of paper) place them in a bowl and stir
of improvement efforts over time. The requirements for data
collection and inference under such circumstances are different
from those required by clinical or population research aimed at
answering questions about efficacy. 2 For instance, you do not
need a valid scale to monitor weight loss, only a consistent one.
It does not matter if the scale reads a few pounds too light or
too heavy; as long as the readings are reasonably consistent:
you can successfully track your progress over time, and you will
know when you have lost that extra 10 pounds because your
daily readings will hover around the desired level. Of course, if
your goal is to weigh exactly 150 lb, you will need a scale that is
valid as well as reliable.

In the case of improving hand hygiene, the improvement goal

typically is to bring compliance (i.e. the percentage of fulfilled
hand hygiene opportunities) above 95% by introducing systems
improvements, behavioural incentives, education, and other
interventions described elsewhere in these guidelines. The
challenge for improvers, therefore, is to determine if progress is
being made towards the target, and when it has been reached.
In order to judge the effects of the interventions, baseline
measures should be taken on the units where improvement
work is under way; then performance over time can be
compared with the baseline and the desired target or goal.

Sampling strategies for tracking improvement initiatives draw

from both probability and non-probability sampling techniques.
For ministries of health or other agencies that are interested
in gauging the impact of an initiative in a region, a province or
a health system, it may be desirable or necessary to start the
work and track progress in a small sample of institutions or
settings. For example, imagine that you have 12 clinics spread
out across a region. Rather than collecting detailed data at all
12 clinics every day you might want to select one clinic to pilot
test a new strategy for hand hygiene compliance. You could
select a clinic to be the pilot, based on your knowledge of the
clinics (e.g. Clinic 4 has experience with improvement work and
would be more receptive to trying a new project related to hand
hygiene compliance). This is what Deming characterized as
judgement sampling.3 Another approach would be to randomly

250 250
250 250

them around. Without looking at the pieces of paper, reach into

the bowl and select one piece of paper. If the number 7 was on
this piece of paper then Clinic 7 would be the one that you have
randomly selected to be the pilot clinic for our hand hygiene
test. Once a unit of analysis has been selected, you will need
to make decisions on two key concepts related to
improvement studies: (1) the number of data points needed to
represent accurately the variation in the process and (2) the
of observations included in each data point. Both of
these concepts are briefly described below.

Whether you are using judgement sampling based on your

knowledge of the unit(s) of analysis or simple random
sampling where all units of analysis have an equal probability
of being selected, you should try to obtain around 20 data
points (or subgroups) before analysing the variation in the
process. The general assumption behind this guidance is that
a relatively stable distribution of the results starts to form when
you have
1525 data points.4-6 When you have fewer than 15 data points
the variation in the process has a tendency to be quite volatile
and the probability of improperly representing the current
variation due to a type I or type II error increases.7 Obtaining
around 20 data points, therefore, taken within the unit of
analysis where improvement efforts are under way, can
provide a robust enough estimate to gauge whether
improvement is occurring.

When tracking hand hygiene compliance, the preferred

measure is typically a percentage where the numerator is the
number of times an HCW was observed to have appropriately
washed his or her hands before and after a patient encounter.
The denominator is the total number of observations made.
When analysing data based on percentages it is advisable to
have denominators that are at least in the double digits. The
general guidance is that a minimum of 1215 observations
should be in the denominator before a percentage is calculated.
For example, if you have only 4 observations in the denominator
and 2 of the HCWs (the numerator) properly washed their
hands this produces a 50% compliance number (2/4 = 50%).
But this
is not as robust a 50% calculation as one with a denominator
of 18 with 9 HCWs as the numerator. Data collection for
improvement not only needs to be based on sound statistical
methods but it also needs to be practical and reasonably easy
for the data collectors. Those interested in gaining more
insight on more precise sampling estimates than those offered
in the

251 251
251 251

general guidelines described above should consult standard do not require complex statistical calculations they can easily
references on quality improvement methods. 2 be understood and constructed, and can be applied by those
A practical yet robust data collection plan for tracking the
percentage of workers adhering to proper hand hygiene
compliance could be set up as follows:
select a unit of analysis to be the pilot unit or clinic;

select a random day each week to observe hand hygiene


on selected days, collect a minimum of 15 observations of

hand hygiene opportunities (the denominator);

out of these opportunities determine the number of

times hand hygiene was completed properly (this is the

compute the percentage of hand hygiene compliance for

that week;

repeat this process for the next 1520 weeks, as work goes
forward on improving compliance:

use a run chart (see below) to assess the success of the

improvement efforts.

As measurements will be used to gauge which interventions are

successful for improving compliance, the pace of data collection
should match the pace of the improvement efforts. If you can
collect 1215 opportunities several times a week, then instead
of collecting 120 weeks of data you can analyse the data each
day or several days a week rather than wait for one data point
each week. In this regime, feedback to the improvers will occur
more rapidly, and they will be able to make more timely
adjustments in their efforts. Important considerations
in the decision about how frequently to measure are (1) the
ability of the data collectors to gather data more frequently;
and (2) having sufficient opportunities to observe hand hygiene
compliance so that the denominators are appropriate.

Note that when you repeatedly gather samples over time (e.g.
daily or weekly) the sample size increases quickly. For example,
if you perform 25 hand hygiene observations each week you will
have 100 observations in a month. This provides a very robust
and stable distribution of data points for analysis.

Once the data have been obtained, statistical process control

(SPC) methods are the preferred way to analyse process
performance over time. The basic tools in this branch of applied
statistics are run charts and Shewhart control charts. These
tools can provide a degree of statistical confidence similar
to that achieved by more familiar statistical tests that use p
values and confidence intervals. Run charts, for example,
perform at roughly the 95% confidence interval, while the more
robust control chart functions at a level equivalent to the 99%
confidence intervall.7

A run chart provides a running record of a process over time.

It offers a dynamic display of the data and can be used on
virtually any type of data (e.g. counts of events, percentages,
wait times or physiological test results). Because run charts

252 252
252 252

who lack formal statistical training. Most improvement teams more robust statistical tests are applied to the charts to
start out with run charts because they are easy to grasp, do not detect what Walter Shewhart (1931) called common and
require computers to develop, and provide a good foundation to special causes of variation.
move eventually to the more robust control charts.

Interpreting run charts for significance involves the application of

a set of decision rules based on sequential patterns of
observations that refute the assumption that the measures were
drawn from a completely random system.8 Such patterns are
based on the notion of runs. An example is shown in Figure
1. Note that time is displayed on the horizontal axis, while the
measure of interest is plotted on the vertical axis. The centreline
on the graph is the median. Runs are defined relative to the
median. A run consists of one or more consecutive data points
on the same side of the median. Data points falling on the
median are not counted. In Figure 1 the chart contains 4 runs as
shown by the circles drawn around the data clusters. Two data
points fall on the median.

Once the number of runs has been determined, the next step is
to apply four run chart rules to determine if the data on the
chart display random or non-random patters of variation. The
run chart rules designed to detect a non-random pattern in the
data include:

Rule 1: A shift in the process, or too many data points in a run

(6 or more consecutive points above or below the median).

Rule 2: A trend
(5 or more consecutive points, all increasing or decreasing).

Rule 3: Too many or too few runs

(use a table to determine this one).

Rule 4: An astronomical data point, which is a point that

visually is dramatically higher or lower that all the other data
points. This is a judgement call when using the run chart and
should be used not to determine statistical significance but
rather as a signal that more rigorous analysis with a control
chart is needed.

Figure 1 shows that the data have, in fact, shifted upwards.

This is determined by seeing that the last run contains 6
consecutive data points above the median, which is a signal of
a non-random pattern. In this particular case this is a desirable
outcome to observe, because it shows that the intervention
the team put in place between January and February of 2008
had the desired effect (i.e. the percentage of hand hygiene
compliance increased).

As improvement teams become more comfortable with data

collection and analysis, the next logical progression analytically
is to place the data on a control chart. Control charts are very
similar to the run charts with the following exceptions:
the median is replaced with the mean;

the upper and lower control limits (known as sigma limits)

are computed;

253 253
253 253

The appropriate control chart for hand hygiene compliance is

what is known as a p-chart. In this case, the p stands for a
percentage or proportion (i.e., the percentage of HCWs properly
cleaning their hands). There are six other basic control charts
that form the foundation for SPC analysis. Given that there
is only one way to make a run chart and many ways to make
control charts, it is advisable to start out improvement teams
by making the run chart. As they gain greater knowledge of
and comfort with statistical methods, they can move to the
application of control charts. Standard texts will provide the
reader with a full background on the theory and application of
control charts.3-7,9-11 A good short treatment of Shewhart chart
construction can be found in Mohammed et al.12.

Figure 1.
Hand hygiene run chart







30 Lower control Limit














Deming WE. On probability as a basis for action. The American Statistician, 1975, 29:146152.
Brooke R, Kamberg C, McGlynn E. Health system reform and quality. JAMA, 1996, 276:476480.
Lloyd RC. Quality health care: a guide to developing and using indicators. Boston, Toronto, London, Singapore, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004.
Shewhart WA. Economic control of quality of manufactured product. New York, NY, Van Nostrand, Inc., 1931.
Wheeler DJ, Chambers DS. Understanding statistical process control. Knoxville, TN, SPC Press, 1992.
Provost L, Murray S. The data guide: learning from data to improve health care. Austin, TX, Associates in Process Improvement, 2007.
Grant EL, Leavenworth RS. Statistical quality control. New York, NY, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,1988.
Swed FS, Eisenhart C. Tables for testing randomness of grouping in a sequence of alternatives. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 1943, xiv:6687
(Tables II and III).
Gitlow HS et al. Tools and methods for the improvement of quality. Homewood, IL, Richard D Irwin, Inc., 1989.
Carey RG, Lloyd RC. Measuring quality improvement in healthcare: a guide to statistical process control applications. Milwaukee, WI, ASQ Press, 2001.

254 254
254 254

Carey RG. Improving healthcare with control charts: basic and advanced SPC methods and case studies. Milwaukee, WI, ASQ Press, 2003.
Mohammed MA et al. Plotting basic control charts: tutorial notes for healthcare practitioners. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2008, 17:137145.

251 251
251 251

Appendix 5.
Example of a spreadsheet to estimate costs
A spreadsheet for completion by an individual health-care England and Wales cleanyourhands campaign. Values are for
institution allows the input of local data and will indicate likely the purposes of example.
cost savings over time. The example below is used in the

Data in coloured cells can be changed Data in coloured cells can be changed

Upfront costs
HCAI information
This is the estimated additional upfront 2 351
cost of Rate of HCAI (inpatient phase) 7.8%
equipping each bed in your Trust with
Achievable reduction in HCAI 9.0%
alcohol rub
Target reduction in HCAI 9.0%
Current annual deaths 18
Trust information Excess inpatient cost for those with HCAI 3 777
Number of general and acute care beds 500 Current estimated HCAIs 1 560
Occupancy rate 85.4%
Total general and acute care admissions 20 000 Average QALYs lost (fatal infection) 7
Average QALYs lost (non-fatal infection) 0.007
Additional costs incurred by patients () 6.9
Do you intend to use PASA? Yes
(choose Yes or No) Average additional primary care costs () 23.5

Average costs of additional informal care () 149

Hand hygiene compliance
Average production gains () 408
Initial handwashing compliance rate 28.4%
Target handwashing compliance rate 76.2%
(after 5 years)
Discount rates
Current usage and spending Discount rate financial costs and benefits 3.5%
Current annual alcohol rub usage (litres) 100
Discount rate QALYs 1.5%
Current annual alcohol rub spend () 810
Current annual alcohol unit cost ( per litre) 8.10 Perspective
Current volume per 1000 patient-days (litres) 0.64 Perspective for evaluation (choose hospital Hospital
Current cost per 1000 patient-days () 5.20 or society)

PASA = Purchasing and Supply Agency;

PASA unit costs
QALY = quality-adjusted life year.
per litre 6.40

New alcohol gel unit cost 6.40
Volume per 1000 patient-days 6.49

Final annual alcohol gel usage (litres) 1 011

Final annual alcohol gel cost 8 193
(, at current unit costs)
Final annual alcohol gel cost () 6 474

250 250
250 250

Central campaign costs

Costs of posters, etc. 2.56
average cost per bed ()

251 251
251 251

Appendix 6.
WHO global survey of patient experiences in
hand hygiene improvement

A survey was undertaken during 20072008 to ascertain the views of patients in relation to health care-
associated infection (HCAI) and, in particular, the role that patients can play in hand hygiene improvement (see
the summary included in Part V of WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care).

Details of the study design, preliminary data analysis and In total, 457 questionnaires were collected during the study
results for all questions, as well as specific details from case- period. The geographical distribution of respondents is shown
studies, can be accessed at: http://www.who.int/patientsafety/ in Table 1.

Table 1.
Respondents by WHO region

WHO region No. of respondents Percentage

The Americas (AMR) 237 52%

Europe (EUR) 161 35%

South East-Asia (SEAR) and the Western Pacific (WPR)* 42 9%

Africa (AFR) and the Eastern Mediterranean (EMR)* 17 4%

* Because of the relatively low number of respondents, the results from SEAR/WPR and AFR/EMR have been merged.

Existing infrastructure
Availability and ease of access to products is the cornerstone this reason, respondents were asked to indicate whether such
of the WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy, described as products were readily available (see Figure 1).
system change within the Guidelines recommendations. For

Figure 1.
Availability of products by WHO region






No Response




252 252
252 252

The patient experience

I was in a special care unit for three days recently, too sick to Twenty-nine percent of respondents stated that they had asked
think about handwashing, but I never saw even one health-care a health-care workers (HCW) to wash or sanitize his/her hands.
worker wash/sanitize her hands before coming to my bedside Regional analysis shows that the greatest percentage of positive
(survey respondent, USA). responses was from the Region of the Americas and the least
from the European Region (Table 2).
Table 2.
Patient experiences of patient participation by WHO region

Have you ever asked your health-care worker to wash AMR EUR SEAR/WPR AFR/EMR
or sanitize his/her hands (Q5 )

Yes 85 (36%) 28 (17%) 16 (38%) 5 (29%)

No 151 (64%) 132 (82%) 26 (62%) 10 (59%)

No response 1 (0.3%) 1 (1%) 0 2 (12%)

Respondents were asked to provide additional information

relating to their experiences. Figure 2 illustrates some themes
from around the world relating to patient-perceived barriers to

Figure 2.
Free text related to patient-perceived barriers to patient involvement

...They were
offended that I
had asked them to
wash their hands

of not asking
questions of
health care
You dont normally
remind doctors
of what they are
I would feel Malaysia

Medical workers
quickly get angry
and feel challenged
...medical workers

I thought to tell questioned

someone to Nigeria
wash their hands,
but it made me

253 253
253 253

Heatlh-care worker response

First it is necessary to change the cultural barriers: patients have The way in which HCWs communicate risk and the nature of
no right to tell the physicians what to do their response to being asked was central to the survey. A sub-
(survey respondent, Slovenia). analysis of responses (Figure 3) to the question related to the
HCWs reaction and/or answer when asked to practice hand
hygiene reinforces the importance of ensuring that HCWs are
prepared for strategies that include patient participation.










They washed/ They said this was They said they They were angry at They refused to Other
sanitized their not necessary washed/sanitized you for asking wash/sanitize their
hands because they wear before coming hands
gloves to you

If the doctor said, please remind me, I would find it quite easy to When presented with scenarios in which a HCW invited the
say, you asked me to remind you to wash your hands...it would patient to remind them to clean their hands, 86% reported
be similar to my saying why I was there, or giving the doctor that they would feel comfortable doing so. This decreased
an update on medication, etc...that is, just part of the routine to 52% when not invited, and increased to 72% when they
(survey respondent, USA). were presented with a scenario where failure to comply was
observed. These high rates were probably attributable in
some part to the hypothetical nature of the questions. Table 3
illustrates overall responses to these scenarios.
Table 3.
Patient expectations in hypothetical situations

Yes No No response

If your doctor, nurse or other person providing health care to you 86% 11% 2%
asked or invited you to remind them to wash/sanitize their hands
before examining you, would you feel able to do this? (Q8)

If your doctor, nurse or other person providing health care to you did 52% 44% 4.6%
not ask or invite you to remind them to wash/sanitize their hands
before examining you, would you feel able to do this? (Q10)

If you saw a doctor or nurse taking care of the patient next to you 72% 25% 3%
and then coming to you without washing or sanitizing their hands,
would you ask them to do so? (Q12)

254 254
254 254

Patient views on best methods of getting hand

hygiene messages across
Massive education all levels/sectors of society infection control was HCWs showing the importance of hand
(survey respondent, Australia). hygiene, e.g. by cleaning their hands in the presence of the
patient; 398 of the 459 responders reported that this was either
Respondents reported that the most useful method to educate useful or very useful (Table 4 illustrates this by region).
people in their country/community about hand hygiene and

Table 4.
Best methods of getting message across
(number and percentage of patients who marked the method as either useful or very useful, by WHO region

Method of promoting hand hygiene Total AMR EUR SEAR/WPR AFR/EMR

Through HCWs showing its importance, 398 ( 87%) 206 (87%) 142 (88%) 36 (86%) 12 (70%)
e.g. by cleaning their own hands in the
presence of the patient

Through caregivers giving permission for 328 (72%) 170 (71%) 123 (77%) 26 (62%) 8 (47%)
patient to ask about hand hygiene

Through a media campaign explaining the 342 (75%) 175 (74%) 123 (77%) 34 (81%) 11 (65%)
facts and encouraging involvement

Through education in schools and colleges 344 (75%) 169 (71%) 131 (82%) 34 (80.5%) 9 (53%)

Through hospital campaigning 333 (73%) 167 (70%) 129 (80%) 27 (64%) 9 (53%)

Through clinics or other health-care 362 (79%) 184 (77%) 134 (83%) 32 (76%) 11 (64%)
facilities actively promoting the importance
of hand hygiene

Through the involvement of community and 258 (57%) 116 (53%) 100 (62%) 22 (52%) 8 (47%)
country leaders

Through visual aids or prompts 331(76%) 176 (74%) 128 (79%) 34 (81%) 11 (65%)
(e.g. posters)

255 255
255 255

Risk communication
Inform patients that they are in so much risk in medical care Building on this series of questions, the second stage of the
(survey respondent, Republic of Moldova). survey attempted to explore in more detail some of the issues
around risk communication with respondents asked for their
views on eight possible methods (Table 5).

Table 5.
How useful do you think the following methods are for encouraging patient participation in hand hygiene improvement?
(Figures for respondents who replied useful or very useful, and percentages of those from each region who were asked the question)

Methods to encourage patient Total AMR EUR SEAR/WPR AFR/EMR


Open verbal dialogue between patients 176 (79%) 77 (83%) 87 (78%) 7 (78%) 5 (63%)
and health-care providers on the real risk
to patients caused by poor hand hygiene

Open verbal dialogue, as described above, 168 (76%) 81 (87%) 77 (69%) 6 (67%) 4 (50%)
and a clear invitation to patients to remind
health-care providers to, for example,
clean their hands

The provision of written information to 173 (78%) 77 (83%) 85 (76%) 6 (67%) 5 (63%)
patients describing the evidence linking
low levels of hand hygiene with the
development of HCAI

The provision of written information as 170 (77%) 78 (84%) 82 (73%) 6 (67%) 4 (50%)
described above and a clear invitation to
patients to remind health-care providers
to, for example, clean their hands

Explicit communication, including 187 ( 84%) 83 (89%) 92 (82%) 7 (78%) 5 (63%)

campaigns, describing the risk and the
harm (including the risk of mortality) that
HCAI can cause, and explaining the role of
hand hygiene as an important preventive

Explicit communication, as described 168 (76%) 79 (85%) 78 (70%) 7 (78%) 4 (50%)

above, and a clear invitation to patients
to remind health-care providers to, for
example, clean their hands

Providing HCWs with formal training in 184 ( 83%) 83 (89%) 89 (79%) 7 (78%) 5 (63%)
patientHCW risk communication to ensure
they are receptive to the needs of patients
in relation to the prevention of HCAI

Providing HCWs with formal training in 179 ( 81%) 83 (89%) 84 (75%) 7 (78%) 5 (63%)
patientHCW risk communication, as
described above, and instructing HCWs to
invite patients to ask them to clean their

256 256
256 256

Does experience of health care-associated infection Figure 4.

influence behaviour? Does having a direct experience of a health care-associated
infection influence the likelihood that a patient will ask their
My family members who have been hospitalized have acquired health-care workers to clean their hands (wash/handrub)?
nosocomial infections this is a very serious problem in my
country 100
(survey respondent, Mexico).

People who had direct experience of an HCAI were more 80

likely to question the HCW; 37% among those who had
direct experience vs 17% among those who did not. Among 70

respondents who identified themselves as not working in any 60

aspect of health care, this is more pronounced: 31% of patients
who had had a direct experience of an HCAI had previously 50

asked their HCW to wash/handrub, while only 4% of those who 40

did not have a direct experience had done so (Figure 4).


Patients who have Patients who do
direct experience NOT have direct
Comparison of the study with previous work of a HAI experience of a HAI

Data comparing the results of this study with four other studies/
surveys asking for a patients preference for involvement are
shown in Table 6.

Table 6.
Comparison with other studies

Study Yes, patients should be Would you ask? HCW permission


England and Wales NPSA (2004) 1 71% 26% NA

Ontario (Canada) 2 32% 42% NA

USA consumer survey3 NA NA 80%

USA web survey4 NA 60% (20) NA

Current study NA 52% (29% had actually 86%

asked in this survey)

Patient narratives
On the high dependency ward where we had to request that the 110 respondents were successfully contacted and a total of 11
nursing staff washed their hands, wore aprons and gloves, their completed standard narrative forms were received. At the time
attitude was that we were ove reacting the HCAI developed, the patients had been admitted because
(narrative, United Kingdom). of a range of underlying medical conditions. Four respondents
specifically identified methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
Respondents who indicated a personal experience of HCAI were aureus (MRSA) as the HCAI. The remaining descriptions
asked for their willingness to be contacted. Of these, 123 included urinary tract infection, wound infection, septicemia,
respondents (27%) stated that they were willing to be contacted; and C. difficile, and one patient acquired HIV infection.

257 257
257 257

Risk communication
We were informed by the ward nurses that Mum had contracted Building on the earlier questions exploring how best to
a little, of no concern infection. We were given a broadsheet communicate risks within the context of HCAI, the narrative
A4 paper with the initials MRSA and what they stood for, there forms explored both how the individuals had been informed
was no other information given to my family whatsoever 20 of the acquired infection and whether they had been informed
hours later she was in a coma and died 11 days later about any risk of HCAI whilst receiving care/treatment (Table 7).
(narrative, United Kingdom).

Table 7.
Patient narrative risk communication

Country Infection/organism How told Informed of risk of HCAI while in hospital?

India HIV Report Not answered

United Kingdom MRSA Verbal No

USA Septicaemia Verbal No

Australia Urinary tract infection Not told No

USA Urinary tract infection Not told No

United Kingdom MRSA Verbal No

USA MRSA Not told No

USA Septicaemia Not told No

USA Wound Verbal No

United Kingdom C. difficile Leaflet No

United Kingdom MRSA Had to ask No

Conclusion Limitations of the study

The results of this study reinforce a number of findings from The survey was targeted at individuals having a health-care
previous studies. Many individuals who have had an experience encounter as a patient. However, distribution channels (WHO
as a patient are interested in the possibilities of participating Patients for Patient Safety Champions and members of the
in hand hygiene improvement among HCWs in health-care International Alliance of Patient Organizations) inevitably resulted
settings. Most respondents are interested in and positive about in sample bias with a high percentage of respondents being
empowerment; however, there were a number of caveats. The both patients and also involved in some way in the health-care
following action areas should be considered by any country or sector, which limits the capacity for generalizing these results to
facility intent on introducing or strengthening this component of the population as a whole. It is probable also that respondents
the strategy: were sensitized to the issues surrounding HCAI during the
infrastructure for hand hygiene; survey and replied to certain questions in a manner that might
patient and HCW information and education; be considered as a socially acceptable response. Although
risk communication; limited, the number of responses from the African, South-East
alignment with culture. Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, and Western Pacific Regions
are useful for comparative purposes, and further work will be
In particular, the survey reinforces the importance of programme required in the future to gain a greater understanding of patient
development and the need for any patient empowerment perception in these regions.
strategy to be at one with the organizational culture and
context. The survey results present an endorsement that patient
empowerment should form one component of a multimodal
hand hygiene improvement strategy.

Patient empowerment (pilot web site). London, National Patient Safety Agency, 2008 (http://www.npsa.nhs.uk/cleanyourhands/in-hospitals/pep/,
accessed 1 December 2008)
Zorzi R. Evaluation of a pilot test of the provincial hand hygiene improvement program for hospitals - final report. Toronto, Cathexis Consulting Inc., 2007.
McGuckin M, Waterman R, Shubin A. Consumer attitudes about health care-acquired infections and hand hygiene. American Journal of Medical

258 258
258 258

Quality, 2006, 21:342-346.

Aleccia J. The dirty truth about docs who dont wash: Patients shouldnt be shy about asking providers to hit the sink, experts say. Microsoft web site,
Health page, 2008 (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22827499, accessed 26 November 2008).

259 259
259 259

AFFF aqueous (water) film-forming foam INICC International Nosocomial Infection Control
AFRWHO African Region Consortium
AFRO WHO Regional office for Africa IPA isopropanol
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome IPA-H isopropanol + humectants
AMR WHO Region of the Americas JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
AMRO WHO Regional office for the Americas Organizations
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials JHPIEGO Johns Hopkins Program for International
BSI bloodstream infection Education on Gynecology and Obstetrics
CBA costbenefit analyses (international health organization affiliated to
CCM Centro per il Controllo delle Malattie Johns Hopkins University)
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention KAAMC King Abdul Aziz Medical Center
CEA costeffectiveness analyses LR log reduction
CEN Comit Europen de Normalisation / European MDG Millennium Development Goal
Committee for Standardization MIC minimum inhibitory concentration
CEO chief executive officer MICU medical intensive care unit
CFU colony forming unit MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
CHG chlorhexidine gluconate MSICU medical/surgical intensive care unit
CMCH Chittagong Medical College Hospital NHS National Health Service
CoNS coagulase-negative staphylococci NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical
CR-BSI cather-related bloodstream infection Excellence
CR-UTI catheter-related urinary tract infection NICU neonatal intensive care unit
CTICU cardiothoracic intensive care unit NIH National Institutes of Health
CTS complementary test site NIOSHA National Institute for Occupational Safety and
DALY disability-adjusted life year Health Administration
DDAC didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride NNIS National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance
EA ethanol n-P n-propanol
EDTA ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid NPSA National Patient Safety Agency
EMR WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region OPD outpatient department
EMRO WHO Regional Office for the Eastern PACU post-anaesthesia care unit
Mediterranean PAHO Pan American Health Organization
EN / prEN European norm / European norm in preparation PASA Purchasing and Supply Agency
(prenorm) PCMX para-chloro-meta-xylenol
ESBL extended-spectrum beta-lactamase PDSA PlanDoStudyAct
EUR WHO European Region P-I povidone-iodine detergent
EURO WHO Regional Office for Europe PICU paediatric intensive care unit
FDA Food and Drug Administration PMT Protection Motivation Theory
GPPHWS Global Public Private Partnership for PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Handwashing with Soap QAC quaternary ammonium compound
HACCP hazard analysis critical control point QALY quality-adjusted life year
HARMONY Harmonisation of Antibiotic Resistance REP Replicating Effective Programs
measurement, Methods of typing Organisms and RNAO Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
ways of using these and other tools to increase RSV respiratory syncytial virus
the effectiveness of Nosocomical infection SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
control SEAR WHO South-East Asia Region
HAV hepatitis A virus SEARO WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia
HBM Health Belief Model SEM Self-efficacy Model
HBV hepatitis B virus SICU surgical intensive care unit
HCAI health care-associated infection SSI surgical site infection
HCP hexachlorophene soap/detergent TFM Tentative Final Monograph
HCW health-care worker TPB Theory of Planned Behaviour
HELICS Hospital in Europe Link for Infection Control USA United States of America
through Surveillance USAID United States Agency for International
HICPAC Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Development
Committee UTI urinary tract infection
HIV human immunodeficiency virus VAP ventilator-associated pneumonia
HLC Health Locus of Control VRE vancomycin-resistant enterococci
HNN Hospital Nacional de Nios v/v volume/volume
HSV herpes simplex virus WHO World Health Organization

260 260
260 260

ICER incremental costeffectiveness ratio WPR WHO Western Pacific Region

ICU intensive care unit WPRO WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific
IHI Institute for Healthcare Improvement

261 261
261 261

Developed by the Clean Care is Safer Care Team
(Patient Safety Department, Information, Evidence and Research Cluster) with:

Critical contribution to content from: Mary-Louise McLaws Andreas F Widmer

John Boyce Faculty of Medicine, University of New Innere Medizin und Infektiologie,
Saint Raphael Hospital, New Haven, CT; South Wales, Sidney; Australia Kantonsspital Basel und
United States of America Universittskliniken Basel, Basel;
Geeta Mehta Switzerland
Yves Chartier Lady Hardinge Medical College, New
World Health Organization, Geneva; Delhi; India Walter Zingg
Switzerland University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva;
Ziad Memish Switzerland
Marie-Noelle Chrati King Fahad National Guard Hospital,
University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva: Riyadh; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Switzerland Technical contributions from:
Peter Nthumba Vivienne Allan
Barry Cookson Kijabe Hospital, Kijabe; Kenya National Patient Safety Agency, London;
Health Protection Agency, London; United Kingdom
United Kingdom Michele Pearson
Centers for Disease Control and Charanjit Ajit Singh
Nizam Damani Prevention, Atlanta, GA; United States of International Interfaith Centre, Oxford;
Craigavon Area Hospital, Portadown, America United Kingdom
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Carmem Lcia Pessoa-Silva Jacques Arpin
Sasi Dharan Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Geneva; Switzerland
University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva; Response, World Health Organization,
Switzerland Geneva; Switzerland Pascal Bonnabry
University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva;
Neelam Dhingra-Kumar Didier Pittet Switzerland
Essential Health Technologies, University of Geneva Hospitals and
World Health Organization, Geneva; Faculty of Medicine, Geneva; Switzerland Izhak Dayan
Switzerland Communaut Isralite de Genve,
Manfred Rotter Geneva; Switzerland
Raphaelle Girard Klinishche Institut fr Hygiene und
Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Lyon; Medizinische Mikrobiologie der Cesare Falletti
France Medizinischen Universitt, Vienna; Monastero Dominus Tecum, Prad Mill;
Austria Italy
Don Goldmann
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Denis Salomon Tesfamicael Ghebrehiwet
Cambridge, MA: United States of University of Geneva Hospitals and International Council of Nurses;
America Faculty of Medicine, Geneva; Switzerland Switzerland

Lindsay Grayson Syed Sattar William Griffiths

Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre, Centre for Research on Environmental University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva;
Heidelberg; Australia Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Switzerland
University of Ottowa, Ottawa; Canada
Elaine Larson Martin J. Hatlie
Columbia University School of Nursing Hugo Sax Partnership for Patient Safety; United
and Joseph Mailman School of Public University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva; States of America
Health, New York, NY; United States of Switzerland
America Pascale Herrault
Wing Hong Seto University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva;
Yves Longtin Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong Switzerland
University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva; Special Administrative Region of China
Switzerland Annette Jeanes
Andreas Voss Lewisham Hospital, Lewisham; United
Marianne McGuckin Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital, Kingdom
McGuckin Methods International Inc., Nijmegen;The Netherlands
and Department of Health Policy, Axel Kramer

262 262
262 262

Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Michael Whitby Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universitt Greifswald,

PA; United States of America Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane; Greifswald; Germany

261 261
261 261

Michael Kundi Clean Care is Safer Care Team, Clean Care is Safer Care:
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria World Alliance for Patient Safety Benedetta Allegranzi, Sepideh Bagheri
Nejad, Pascal Bonnabry, Marie-Noelle
Anna-Leena Lohiniva Peer review from: Chraiti, Nadia Colaizzi, Nizam Damani,
US Naval Medical Research Unit, Cairo; Nordiah Awang Jalil Sasi Dharan, Cyrus Engineer, Michal
Egypt Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Frances, Claude Ginet, Wilco Graafmans,
Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia Lidvina Grand, William Griffiths, Pascale
Jann Lubbe Herrault, Claire Kilpatrick, Agns
University of Geneva Hospitals; Geneva; Victoria J. Fraser Leotsakos, Yves Longtin, Elizabeth
Switzerland Washington University School of Mathai, Hazel Morse, Didier Pittet, Herv
Medicine, St Louis, MO; United States Richet, Hugo Sax, Kristine Stave, Julie
Peter Mansell of America Storr, Rosemary Sudan, Shams Syed,
National Patient Safety Agency, London; Albert Wu, Walter Zingg
United Kingdom William R Jarvis
Jason & Jarvis Associates, Port Orford, Bloodstream Infections:
Anant Murthy OR; United States of America Katthyana Aparicio, Gabriela Garca
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Castillejos, Sebastiana Gianci, Chris
Public Health, Baltimore, MD; United Carol OBoyle Goeschel, Maite Diez Navarlaz, Edward
States of America University of Minnesota School of Kelley, Itziar Larizgoitia, Peter Pronovost,
Nursing, Minneapolis, MN; United States Angela Lashoher
Nana Kobina Nketsia of America
Traditional Area Amangyina, Sekondi; Central Support & Administration:
Ghana M Sigfrido Rangel-Frausto Sooyeon Hwang, Sean Moir, John
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Shumbusho, Fiona Stewart-Mills
Florian Pittet Mexico, DF; Mexico
Geneva; Switzerland Communications & Country
Victor D Rosenthal Engagement:
Anantanand Rambachan Medical College of Buenos Aires, Vivienne Allan, Agns Leotsakos, Laura
Saint Olaf College, Northfield, MN; Buenos Aires; Argentina Pearson, Gillian Perkins, Kristine Stave
United States of America
Barbara Soule Education:
Ravin Ramdass Joint Commission Resources, Inc., Oak Bruce Barraclough, Felix Greaves,
South African Medical Association; Brook, IL; United States of America Benjamin Ellis, Ruth Jennings, Helen
South Africa Hughes, Itziar Larizgoitia, Claire Lemer,
Robert C Spencer Douglas Noble, Rona Patey, Gillian
Beth Scott Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol; United Perkins, Samantha Van Staalduinen,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Kingdom Merrilyn Walton, Helen Woodward
Medicine, London; United Kingdom
Paul Ananth Tambyah International Classification for Patient
Susan Sheridan National University Hospital, Singapore; Safety:
Consumers Advancing Patient Safety; Singapore Martin Fletcher, Edward Kelley, Itziar
United States of America Larizgoitia, Fiona Stewart-Mills
Peterhans J van den Broek
Parichart Suwanbubbha Leiden Medical University, Leiden; The Patient Safety Prize & Indicators:
Mahidol University, Bangkok; Thailand Netherlands Benjamin Ellis, Itziar Larizgoitia, Claire
Gail Thomson Editorial supervision from:
North Manchester General Hospital, Didier Pittet Patients for Patient Safety:
Manchester; United Kingdom University of Geneva Hospitals and Joanna Groves , Martin Hatlie, Rachel
Faculty of Medicine, Geneva; Switzerland Heath, Helen Hughes, Anna Lee, Peter
Hans Ucko Mansell, Margaret Murphy, Susan
World Council of Churches, Geneva; Patient Safety Department Sheridan, Garance Upham
Switzerland Secretariat
(All teams and members listed in Radiotherapy:
alphabetical order following the team Michael Barton, Felix Greaves, Ruth
Editorial contribution from: responsible for the publication) Jennings, Claire Lemer, Douglas Noble,
Rosemary Sudan Gillian Perkins, Jesmin Shafiq, Helen
University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva; Woodward

260 260
260 260

Special technical contribution from:

Benedetta Allegranzi

261 261
261 261

Reporting & Learning: WHO Collaborating Departments: WHO acknowledges the Hpitaux
Gabriela Garcia Castillejos, Martin WHO Lyon Office for National Epidemic Universitaires de Genve (HUG), in
Fletcher, Sebastiana Gianci, Christine Preparedness and Response, Epidemic particular the members of the Infection
Goeschel, Helen Hughes, Edward Kelley, and Pandemic Alert and Response, Control Programme, for their active
Kristine Stave Health Security and Environment Cluster participation in developing this material.

Research and Knowledge Blood Transfusion Safety, Essential

Management: Health Technologies, Health Systems
Maria Ahmed, Katthyana Aparicio, David and Services Cluster
Bates, Helen Hughes, Itziar Larizgoitia,
Pat Martin, Carolina Nakandi, Nittita Clinical Procedures, Essential Health
Prasopa-Plaizier, Kristine Stave, Albert Technologies, Health Systems and
Wu, Lorri Zipperer Services Cluster

Safe Surgery Saves Lives: Making Pregnancy Safer, Reproductive

William Berry, Mobasher Butt, Priya Health and Research, Family and
Desai, Gerald Dziekan, Lizabeth Community Health Cluster
Edmondson, Luke Funk, Atul Gawande,
Alex Haynes, Sooyeon Hwang, Agns Policy, Access and Rational Use,
Leotsakos, Elizabeth Morse, Douglas Medicines Policy and Standards,
Noble, Sukhmeet Panesar, Paul Rutter, Health Systems and Services Cluster
Laura Schoenherr, Kristine Stave,
Thomas Weiser, Iain Yardley Vaccine Assessment and Monitoring,
Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals,
Solutions & High 5s: Family and Community Health Cluster
Laura Caisley, Gabriela Garcia-
Castillejos, Felix Greaves, Edward Kelley, Water, Sanitation and Health, Protection
Claire Lemer, Agns Leotsakos, Douglas of the Human Environment, Health
Noble, Dennis OLeary, Karen Timmons, Security and Environment Cluster
Helen Woodward
Permission to reproduce
Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance: Chapters 7 to 9 and 21.4 are adapted
Gerald Dziekan, Felix Greaves, David from Pittet 885 and Sax1 with permission
Heymann, Sooyeon Hwang, Sarah from Elsevier.
Jonas, Iain Kennedy, Vivian Tang
Chapter 17 is adapted from Allegranzi B
Technology: et al. Religion and culture: potential
Rajesh Aggarwal, Lord Ara Darzi, Rachel undercurrents influencing hand hygiene
Davies, Gabriela Garcia Castillejos, Felix promotion in health care. American
Greaves, Edward Kelley, Oliver Mytton, Journal of Infection Control, 2009, 37:28-
Charles Vincent, Guang-Zhong Yang 34 with permission from Mosby, Inc.

Felix Greaves, Claire Lemer, Helen
Hughes, Douglas Noble, Kristine Stave,
Helen Woodward

262 262
262 262

Conflict of Interest Statement

Development of the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in

Health Care
For the purpose of finalizing the WHO Guidelines on Hand With regard to the specific content contribution to Guidelines
Hygiene in Health Care, Declaration of interest forms from development, the above-mentioned experts have co-authored
the technical experts who contributed to the content of the or provided input to the following chapters:
Guidelines were gathered. All 27 of these experts contributed to
the development of the Guidelines through their participation in I.7. Transmission of pathogens on hands (J. Boyce)
five experts consultations and core group meetings. There was I.8. Models of hand transmission (J. Boyce)
no conflict of interest disclosed among the experts contributing I.9. Relationship between hand hygiene and acquisition of
to the content of the Guidelines apart from four persons who health care-associated pathogens (J. Boyce)
have disclosed the following information: I.13. Surgical hand preparation: state of the art (J. Boyce)
I.23.7. Safety issues related to alcohol-based preparations
Dr John Boyce disclosed that he had contract agreements (J. Boyce)
and consultancies with GOJO, Clorox, Advanced III.3. Cost-effectiveness of hand hygiene (J. Boyce)
Sterilization Products, Soap and Detergent Association,
3M Corporation, Dial Corporation and Mycrocept. Some I.1. Monitoring hand hygiene compliance (B. Cookson)
arrangements with GOJO and Clorox focused on hand III.3. Cost-effectiveness of hand hygiene (B. Cookson)
hygiene in health-care settings. He has received funding VI. Comparison of hand hygiene national guidelines
for research on diverse topics ranging from comparison of (B. Cookson)
alcohol-based hand rub products and frequency of their
use in an observational trial conducted in a health-care I.17. Religious and cultural aspects of hand hygiene
setting, to assessing the cleanliness of environmental (Z. Memish)
surfaces in a health-care setting (not directly related to
hand hygiene) and advice regarding products intended for V. Patient involvement in hand hygiene promotion
surgical hand scrub. Dr Boyce has received honorariums (M. McGuckin)
from Clorox and Advanced Sterilization Products as a
board member for attending annual meetings where hand None of the above-mentioned authors contributed to chapter I.11.
hygiene was one of the subject areas of discussion. "Review of preparations used for hand hygiene", or to chapter I.12
"WHO-recommended handrub formulation".
Professor Barry Cookson received an education grant from
GOJO which was added to funding from a Department
of Health, UK, grant .The funds were used to assess the
effectiveness of the national hand hygiene campaign
being implemented in all NHS Trusts over a period of
four years. Professor Cookson has been a consultant for
3M, Biomerieux, Wyeth, Sanofi Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline
Beecham and Momentum on matters not related to hand
hygiene or hand hygiene products.

Dr Ziad Memish disclosed that he has contract agreements

with GlaxoSmithKline and Wyeth on research trials on
vaccines and has not provided consultancy on any matters
related to hand hygiene or hand hygiene products.

Dr Maryanne McGuckin disclosed that she has contract

agreements with Ecolab, GOJO and Medline for the sole
purpose of providing their clients (health-care facilities)
with enrolment in her hand hygiene compliance and
benchmarking programme. She receives compensation
from these companies for this service but does not
recommend or promote the use of any hand hygiene
products. Currently, Dr. McGuckin receives no funding
from these companies for her research and development
work. She holds shares in Steris as part of an independent

263 263
263 263
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CH 1211 Geneva 27 Please visit us at:
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