Events and Celebrations, Fall 2017

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The article discusses catering and events for celebrations like weddings and bar/bat mitzvahs. It also provides some tips for hosting parties at home.

The article is about catering and event planning for Jewish celebrations like weddings and bar/bat mitzvahs. It discusses topics like wedding cakes, venues, and tips for throwing parties.

Tips given for hosting parties at home include using doormats, filling in furniture scratches, moving breakables, cleaning floors, applying wood protection, and doing a quick cleanup after the event.

Events & Celebrations

A Supplement to the Jewish Standard Fall 2017

Jewish Standard S-3

Taking the cake............................................... 4

Sweet confections help celebrate the happy occasion

Office max....................................................... 8
Events build brand awareness and relationships

On the fly...................................................... 10
Tips for throwing a last-minute soiree

Sunshine on my shoulder.............................. 11
Arts and crafts shop makes house calls

Matters of platters........................................ 12
Creative culinary cornucopias, a feast for the eyes, palate

Smart jewelry, a smart gift

to stay connected......................................... 14
House party, keeping it clean and lean......... 14

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Taking the cake
Sweet confections help celebrate the happy occasion
Heidi Mae Bratt Curbside Confections, a mobile candy business

that launched in July. While based in Westwood,
ive feet tall and 100 pounds a vision of their beautifully appointed truck comes onto the
stunning white accessorized with colorful scene of the party or the event and delivers candy
flowers. Everyone at the wedding made and all kinds of custom sweets. It is a part of the
sure to come up and look. party.
Was it the beautiful blushing bride? The truck is stocked with more than 20,000
No. It was the six-tiered, $10,000 wedding cake pieces of candy from old-fashioned sweets like
among the most memorable wedding cakes that Mary Janes, Cracker Jacks, candy cigarettes, uni-
he has seen in his nearly 40-year catering experi- corn lollipops that bring back the childhood nos-
ence because of its stature and cost, said North- talgia for many adults, as well as more contempo-
ern Valley Affairs owner Les Friedman. It became rary candy, like the new flavored Skittles.
a centerpiece of the celebration at a wedding that In addition, said Ms. Lyons, the truck is
took place at Northern Valley Affairs at Temple equipped with three ovens to serve and heat up
Emanu-El in Closter. different treats, such as warmed pretzels.
It was a massive, huge wedding cake, Mr. The reaction to our business so far has been
Friedman said. I think it was as tall as the bride. amazing, said Ms. Lyons.
Maybe it was even taller once it went on the table. Its not only the kids who like it, but the adults
People were just in awe. They kept coming over remember the candy of their childhood, she said.
to it to see it. I think when people eat candy, they remember
Sweets help make a celebration. And even with happy times. Thats what were hoping to do. Add
Above, A five-foot tall, 100-pound todays changing trends and health consciousness to the happy times.
wedding cake at Northern Valley to eschew sugar and fat and cut down the calories, Both she and Ms. DeVincenzo, whom she
Affairs at Temple Emanu-El in cakes, candy and other treats still are part and par- describes as the real candy lover, are friends
Closter. At right, Is it a bag? Is it a cel of the celebration, say caterers and other party and both work in the healthcare field. The idea
cake? Ask Louis Vuitton. Custom makers. was spawned when planning Ms. DeVincenzos
cake available by order from While Mr. Friedman said the trend has shifted upcoming wedding, and she wanted to include a
Cedar Market in Teaneck. Below, from overwhelming Viennese tables and wedding candy truck, but couldnt find one suitable to her
A classic bar mitzvah cake at cake as a last course to butler-style desserts and taste. So they created their own.
Northern Valley Affairs at Temple mini sweets that are either served at the table or Thus far, Curbside Confections has been a part
Emanu-El in Closter. paraded around the dance floor and handed out of several corporate events, community events
to guests who dont want to stop dancing, he still and other occasions, and can customize candy
sees the cake as the va-voom factor. and confections for bar and bat mitzvahs, wed-
The cakes are works of art, said Mr. Fried- dings and other celebrations, she said.
man. Especially for bar and bat mitzvahs. Ive At Palermos Bakery in Ridgefield Park and
seen guitars, baseball-themed cakes, shopping- other locations the family-run business has been
themed cakes like a Louis Vuitton bag, and even making the party sweet for weddings and other
a cake that was two-feet high and three feet wide occasions for years. Their cakes are so famous
that was made to look like Yankee Stadium. that one was presented to Whoopi Goldberg,
Its not only cakes that make the party special, who celebrated her birthday on television on the
but also sweets in general. show she co-hosts, The View. Former FLOTUS
Tara Lyons and Danielle DeVincenzo have Michelle Obama also enjoyed a cake from Paler-
taken a sweet idea and propelled it into mos, said Jen Mejias, an administrative assistant at
Fun facts about wedding cakes

wedding cake is the traditional
cake served at wedding recep-
tions following dinner. In some
parts of England, the wedding
cake is served at a wedding breakfast;
the wedding breakfast does not mean
the meal will be held in the morning,
but at a time following the ceremony on
the same day. In modern Western cul-
ture, the cake is usually on display and
served to guests at the reception. Tra-
ditionally, wedding cakes were made
to bring good luck to all guests and the
Its candy land galore from the mobile sweet shop, Curbside Confections. couple. Today, however, they are more
of a centerpiece to the wedding and are
A baby boy and not always even served to the guests.
a princess dream, Some cakes are built with only a single
custom cakes available edible tier for the bride and groom to A hanging chandelier cake from
by order from Cedar share, but this is rare since the cost dif- Palermos Bakery in Ridgefield Park.
Market in Teaneck. ference between fake and real tiers is
minimal. to the traditional all-white tiered cake
Wedding cakes come in a variety In Medieval England cakes were
the bakery, which is owned by
of sizes, depending on the number of stacked as high as possible for the bride
, Joanne and Jerry Bruno, who
guests the cake will serve. Modern pas- and groom to kiss over. A successful kiss
founded the company.
try chefs and cake designers use vari- meant they were guaranteed a prosper-
Among some of the more
ous ingredients and tools to create a ous life together.
e popular and extravagant cakes,
cake that reflects the personalities of Traditionally the bride would place a
Ms. Mejias said, is the chande-
the couple. Marzipan, fondant, gum ring inside the couples portion of the
lier cake, which hangs from
paste, butter cream, and chocolate are cake to symbolize acceptance of the
the ceiling and is adorned with
among the popular ingredients used. proposal. During the mid-17th century
- crystals. The cake isnt exactly
Cakes range in price along with size to the beginning of the 19th, the brides
- a cake, but a foam form cov-
and components. Cakes are usually pie was served at most weddings.
- ered in fondant and decorated
priced on a per-person, or per-slice, Guests were expected to have a piece
to look like an upside down
basis. Prices can range from a few dol- out of politeness. It was considered very
s tiered cake. This kind of cake
lars to a few hundred dollars per-person rude and bad luck not to eat the brides
is especially popular at Indian weddings,
or slice, depending on the pastry chef pie. One tradition of brides pie was to
she said.
who is hired to make the cake. Wed- place a glass ring in the middle of the
n Also very popular are cakes that are
ding cakes and cake decorating in gen- dessert and the maiden who found it
made in vanilla butter cream and deco-
eral have become a certain pop culture would be the next to marry, similar to
rated with fresh flowers, with roses being
symbol in western society. In the United the modern tradition of catching the
the most popular flower to use in decorat-
States, reality television shows such as flower bouquet
r ing the cake.
Cake Boss and Amazing Wedding Cakes Fruitcakes were a sign of fertility
At Cedar Market customers can buy
have become popular and are trending and prosperity, which helped them
their cakes, but for an extra special design,
in todays popular culture. gain popularity because married men
e the market orders cakes from a Brooklyn
The contemporary wedding cake has wanted to have plenty of children. The
s bakery, Shloimys, which designs specially
grown out of several different ethnic tra- brides cake would transform into the
decorated cakes.
ditions. One of the first traditions began modern wedding cake we know today.
in Ancient Rome where bread was bro- In the 17th century, two cakes were
ken over the brides head to bring good made, one for the bride and one for the
fortune to the couple. groom. The grooms cake would die out
Wedding cake was originally a luxury and the brides cake becomes the main
item, and a sign of celebration and social cake for the event. When the two cakes
status. The bigger the cake, the higher were served together, the grooms cake
was the social standing. Wedding cakes was typically the darker colored, rich
in England and early America were tra- fruit cake and generally much smaller
ditionally fruitcakes, often topped with than the brides cake. The brides cake
The familiar blue marzipan and icing with tiers. Cutting was usually a simple pound cake with
boxes cake from the cake was an important part of the white icing because white was a sign of
reception. White icing was also a sym- virginity and purity.
s Palermos Bakery in
Ridgefield Park. bol of money and social importance The cutting of the cake is a task full
in Victorian times, so a white cake was of symbolism. The cake was originally
highly desired. Today, many flavors and intended to be distributed among the
configurations are available in addition See Wedding cakes page 6
S-6 Jewish Standard FALL 2017 CELEBRATIONS

Wedding Cakes represented prosperity and were a sta-

from page 5
tus symbol because only wealthy fami-
guests by only the bride because con- lies could afford to include them in the
suming the cake would ensure fertility. cake. Modern wedding cakes still use
As weddings grew and the number of this method, with an added form of
guests increased this task became a joint support with dowels embedded in the
venture, the groom needed to help cut cake to help carry the load, especially
the growing cake and distribute it among of larger cakes.
their guests. Layers of cakes began to White cake is currently the most tra-
pile up and the icing would need to sup- ditional wedding cake flavor, but dif-
port the weight of the cake, making it ferent flavors of filling can be added
very difficult for one person to cut. The between layers. Chocolate, carrot, Ital-
groom would assist the bride in this pro- ian Rum and Italian Cream are also pop-
cess. Once this tradition began the bride ular choices. Frosting can be a classic
and groom would share a piece of cake smooth surface or combined with driz-
before distributing it to the guests to zle, swirls, or chips.
symbolize their union and their promise Fondant is a form of frosting style that
to forever provide for each other. is rolled out and draped over tiers. Its
The modern wedding cake, as we smooth, firm sugar icing is often embel-
know it now, originated at the 1882 lished with appliqus, gum-paste flow-
wedding of Prince Leopold, Duke of ers, or royal-icing details. Fondant can
Albany. His wedding cake was the first be cut into designs, formed into shapes,
to actually be completely edible. Pil- flavored or tinted. Poured fondant is
lars between cake tiers did not begin to used to glaze petits fours and other
appear until about 20 years later. The detailed confections. Such fondant gives
pillars were very poorly made from a glossy finish and a sweet sugary taste.
broomsticks covered in icing. The tiers  Wikipedia

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S-8 Jewish Standard FALL 2017 CELEBRATIONS

Office max customers and clients and get the word out about your
event face-to-face, encouraging your team members to do
the same, too.

Events build brand awareness and relationships Incentives for attendance

To be on the safe side and ensure good attendance, offer

f you want to build brand awareness or relation- make sure the event is a memorable one. the right kind of incentive. A great guest speaker, a quirky
ships with clients and business partners, a corporate theme or venue, interesting interactive sessions, all pose
event is the way to go. Heres how to make it happen Ask for help as points that intrigue attendees and make them regis-
successfully. If this is your first time at organizing an event, and you ter for events. In fact, they might even recommend your
need to ask for help, ask for help. Most people think its event to their friends, increasing your ticket sales and fill-
Set clear goals not such a big deal to stage these events, but they are mis- ing up your venue.
Having clear goals should be first. Depending on the taken. Setting a date, finding a venue, organizing a team
goals you want to achieve, you can decide which kind and allotting tasks, finding caterers, putting up decora- Give em gifts
of an event would be best. Later, you also have to take tions, sending invites, is a lot of work. Learn from those All kinds of freebies make attendees happy. They dont
into account consideration of your target audience, the whove been down the road before. need to be expensive, but promotional goodies, product
impression you want to make, and what the attendees can samples, information packets, all are real charmers. They
gain from the event. The right kind of promotion leave a good impression and promote brand awareness.
More than what you say or how you say it, the right kind
Team up of promotion relies on where you say it. Once you know Find the feedback
For small business owners and start-ups, events can be who your target audience is, you can find them on and off Where there is scope of being better, there is scope
expensive. So, you could collaborate with similar busi- line, and carry out promotional activities there. Facebook, for growth. Getting feedback from your attendees is
nesses to share the workload, expenses, and the benefits. Twitter, email, blog posts are regulars when it comes to extremely important so that you can figure out your flaws
You could even hire a professional event organizer to social media. Apart from these, you could go up to your and correct them, and polish the things you did right.

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S-10 Jewish Standard FALL 2017 CELEBRATIONS

On the fly
Tips for throwing
a last-minute soiree

veryone wants to be a great host or hostess when
throwing a last-minute party, but how can you
impress your guests when you have little prep time
and a budget?
When you have to put together a party on the fly,
theres no need to panic, advises Amanda Gluck, lifestyle
blogger at You dont need
weeks to plan or a big budget to create a fun, memorable
Here are some last-minute planning tips for putting
together a party on the fly:

Start with a budget and stick to it

A budget will help prevent over-spending, Ms. Gluck
said. Plus, knowing you have to be creative on a limited
budget can help inspire your creativity.

Buy in bulk drinks, plates, food and decor. arrangement to grace your table can get pricey, and who
Stores like BJs Wholesale Club or Costco can be a great Building your party around items you already have can has time to create something complex. Go for simple and
resource for last-minute parties because you can get save time and money. elegant. Buy roses in bulk, trim and place them in your
everything you need in volume in one spot, including For example, the box of crackers in your pantry can pair own vases for quick, clean arrangements.
with a freshly purchased block of gourmet cheese to make
a simple, satisfying appetizer. Get creative with presentations
Adding a different size or shape serving plate to your
Choose a theme for your get-together table can change the whole look, Ms. Gluck said. Add
Themes such as Italian feast or evening at the beach decorative stirrers to dress up cocktails or lemonade. Use
can help you focus on what you need to buy and make, brightly colored paper placemats on a white tablecloth to
from food and beverages to dcor. create a presentation that blends elegance with fun.
Finally, before you hit the wholesale store, be sure to
Bypass cooking whenever possible make a detailed list of everything you need. Divide the list
No-cook appetizers are easy time-savers that taste great. by category (for example paper plates, cups and napkins)
Cheese platters or brie topped with honey and sliced to help ensure you dont miss anything and you can move
almonds save time on dinner party prep. Buying a floral through the store quickly. Brandpoint

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Jewish Standard S-11

Sunshine on my shoulder affair?
Arts and crafts shop makes house calls
Heidi Mae Bratt

hen artist Alice
Small took over a Come see the
gift shop in Engle-
wood with an eye Largest Selection
on creating a studio, she
didnt quite know that seven of Eveningwear,
years later she would be busy
teaching art classes, hosting Sportswear, and
drop-in artists of all ages and
stages, offering mini-camps, Accessories, too!
and renting out her studio
for occasions, birthdays, and
This was a gift shop
when I took over, Ms. Small
Now there is one shelf
with gifts and the rest of the
studio is filled with art and
art supplies.
She also probably didnt
know that she would be mak- FIRST PLACE
ing house calls. SPECIAL OCCASION
Sunshine Pottery, which offers every- apartment was on the 10th floor and had
thing from clay work to glow-in-the-dark a sweeping view of Manhattan, a lovely
painting and more, and which will rent backdrop. The birthday party was themed
out the space for an in-studio party, will Harry Potter and Ms. Smalls clay project
also bring the party to you, said Ms. followed suit.
Small, who hails from Boston and speaks Oh, Ive gone everywhere, Westches-
with more than a hint of a New England ter, all over New Jersey, Long Island,
inflection. Brooklyn, she said, adding wherever peo-
Ms. Small has brought a bit of Sunshine ple want.
and her art projects to various party ven- The house calls are not just for the kids,
ues, including schools, synagogues, gyms, either.
as well as soirees in the intimacy and com- Ms. Small will bring an accompanying
fort of a clients home.
Just recently we went to a day school and
set up the lunchroom with paint stations as
entourage to assist in her bigger parties.
She has also done home parties for
if it were our own studio, said Ms. Small. Ive gone to dinner parties, and its
It was a childs party and I had gotten very convenient for the celebrant, Ms.
all the guests initials prior to the party. In Small said. They dont have to get a baby
the paint stations, the youngsters did their sitter, and they can have dinner right in the
initials, so they not only had a project, but next room. Everyone is in the same place. 885 Teaneck Road Teaneck, NJ
a gift to bring home with them. Its also easy, she added. We come,
On another occasion, Ms. Small said, we set up, they do their art, and then we
she went to a very large apartment build- cleanup and leave the place exactly as it Sun & MonClosed Tues to Thurs 9:30-6 Fri 9:30-5 Sat9:30-6
ing in Fort Lee where the young birth- was when we got there.
day celebrant lived with the family. The What a way to celebrate.
0003574344-01_0003574344-01 10/4/13 4:12 PM Page
S-12 Jewish Standard 1

Matters of platters
Creative culinary cornucopias,
a feast for the eyes, palate
Heidi Mae Bratt gathering where what else? food is

there to help make it an occasion.
s it color? Is it design? Is it the Present ation i s ever y thing,
variety of different foods artfully said Yamin Dayan, owner of Esti-
arranged just so to make a platter hana Teaneck. You have to eat first
pop with an excitement and an with your eyes. Imagine, he contin-
anticipation of enjoying its culinary ued, especially with sushi which is
contents? not cooked, if its not nice and good
And the things that one can do? looking.
There is an array of appetizers, cheeses, Mr. Dayan said the Asian glatt kosher
meats, nuts and dips, vegetables, main restaurant, which specializes in Asian-
course items, fruit, desserts, you name inspired dishes and sushi, is gearing up
it from which to create a rainbow of for the platter season when office par-
victuals in varying colors, shapes and ties and holiday parties begin to unfold
sizes. The most artful and delicious- during the winter months. Mr. Dayan
looking platters are staples on the said that the platters can accommodate
party circuit, whether it is a small office as few as 10 at a party, and the restau-
party, a Kiddush, a birthday bash, an rant has catered weddings as well.
anniversary celebration or just a family Themes play a big part in creating the


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Jewish Standard S-13

sushi platters, Mr. Dayan said. Very popular are sushi

platters shaped like footballs especially during the
Super Bowl season menorah-shaped sushi platters
for Chanukah, and for a vort (a religious engagement
party) heart-shaped sushi platters.
At Englewoods Hummus Elite chef-owner Gyora
Malka said that he could make a variety of platters
from the many Mediterranean options that are on the
menu, from the creamy varieties of hummus to falafel,
cigars, kebabs, chicken fingers, shwarma, sandwiches,
to name a few items. The restaurant has catered many
parties, simchas, kiddushes, corporate events and
other occasions with its fresh, wholesome and healthy
Mr. Malka lets the food be a star on the platter and
leaves the old-time festooning with lots of extra garnish
Back in the days there was a lot of garnish, but now
its the food, he said. Mr. Malka can do platters for par-
ties of 10 people and more.
At Cedar Market, platters can be ordered for fruit,
Sushi shaped as a menorah by Estihana Teaneck
sandwiches, dessert like cookies, vegetable, sushi, deli,
help celebrate Chanukah.
said Oscar Cuevas, the store manager.
When Les Friedman of Northern Valley Affairs at
Temple Emanu-El in Closter displays food, he is going
for a more individual look, he said. Instead of serving Instead of doing the big platters today Im doing
on platters, the food is put in small containers or glasses individual pick and go. Its more of a tapas style plat-
Tapas platters are the rage at Northern Valley Affairs at
for an individual to pick and go. ter, Mr. Friedman said.
Temple Emanu-El in Closter.


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from $13.95 to $17.95). (price Restaurant
levels range from $13.95 to $17.95).
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Best Value even during these economicBest Value even during these economic
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132 Veterans Plaza, Dumont, New 201.384.7767
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S-14 Jewish Standard FALL 2017 CELEBRATIONS

Smart jewelry, a smart gift to stay connected
ewelry has signified the bonds between people since Top designers are also collaborating with high-tech
the ancient Egyptians created the wedding band. But developers to create smart rings, bracelets, necklaces and
the digital revolution is quickly converting jewelry other fine and fashion jewelry. FitBit, for instance, offers
from a symbol of connection to wireless ways to stay a line of fitness trackers conceived by Tory Burch, a well-
connected. known womens wear designer. The technology is embed-
Rings, watches, pendants - even cufflinks - have been ded in embossed metallic pendants and bracelets.
transformed into miniature electronic devices that keep
us in touch with people, including ourselves. This merger Protect smart investments
of fashion and function is catching on fast with consumers. Since smart jewelry could be a major jewelry invest-
According to Gartner Inc., an information technology ment second only, perhaps to an engagement ring its
and research advisory firm, purchases of wearable smart important to adequately protect it with insurance.
devices will increase 16 percent in 2016, with smartwatch Most homeowners insurance policies cover jewelry to
sales alone predicted to rise a whopping 66 percent. some extent. In many cases, however, your coverage may
The wearable device trend took off a decade ago, pri- be limited. Plus, a jewelry claim could affect the status of
marily for fitness. The Nike+iPod fitness tracker was the your entire policy. Thats why its important to evaluate
forerunner for a flood of new products embedded with your insurance options.
Glatt Kosher tiny sensors that report the wearers workout progress. Typical warranties and protection plans wont reim-
Mediterranean Cuisine Functions, aesthetics determine price
burse you if your smart jewelry disappears under mysteri-
ous circumstances - meaning youre not sure whether it
Dine In Take Out Catering Today, nearly all the major tech companies compete in was lost or stolen. The best jewelry insurers, such as Jewel-
the smartwatch market, including Apple, Google, Micro- ers Mutual Insurance Company, a leader in jewelry insur-
soft, Motorola and Samsung. Meanwhile, some traditional ance since 1913, will cover loss in such circumstances. They
39 East Palisade Ave watchmakers, such as Tag Heuer, have developed their will also repair or replace the item through the jeweler or
Englewood, NJ own high-tech timepieces. manufacturer of your choice and a loss. Brandpoint

Sun-Thurs: 11:30am-10pm Fri: 10am-2pm


House party, keeping it clean and lean

osting friends and family at wide range of wood tone colors, of its own? Ease guests stay by posting
your home for a party, cele- stain markers have a convenient felt a small note card with directions for
bration or event is a guaran- tip that delivers stain precisely where anything that might not be obvious.
teed way to make long-lasting you need it, making your worn furni- Youll make them feel at home.
memories. ture look virtually new again. Set out guest towels: Overnight
Not only will your guests be remi- Move fragile objects: Hosting guests will need to shower and pre-
niscing about the wonderful con- can mean extra activity throughout a pare for the day. Set out extra towels
versation and laughs you shared, home and accidents can easily hap- and washrags for their use either by
Steakhouse but thanks to some quick tips from pen. Rather than a friend acciden- the guest bathroom sink or on their
Bruce Johnson, a spokesman for tally bumping into your grandma's bed. Not only is this convenient, but
Sushi Bars Private Parties Minwax, Bruce Johnson, theyll heirloom porcelain vase, opt to store it also encourages guests to wipe
Catering remember how great your home it for a while. Breakables are best put up wet messes which will eliminate
looked, too. away when guests are over, especially future mold and mildew growth.
To prepare your home for guests, when hosting large parties. Protect tabletops: To avoid unin-
no matter how long they plan to stay, Clean hardwood floors: tended white rings and water spots
consider these easy tips: Keep your floors looking great for on wooden surface, apply a coat of
Mats and rugs: The sand and company with a hardwood cleaner. wood protection a few days before
dirt on the bottom of guests' shoes An easy-to-use cleaner will gently your guests arrive. Then, set out
act like 60-grit sandpaper, wear- remove dirt and grime, without leav- coasters and trivets for easy use so
ing away your floor's finish as they ing a soapy film behind. guests stow drinks safely throughout
move from room to room. Protect Protect finishes: A great way to your home.
your floors with fresh doormats and preserve and protect the finish on Quick Cleanup: No need for a
Reserve now for colorful rugs on each side of your any of your wooden furniture is with full cleanup after an event, but basic
Thanksgiving doors. Plus, new rugs add a welcom- a coat of something like Minwax steps can help avoid long-lasting
ing touch while instantly refreshing Paste Finishing Wax, in either natural damage. Make sure to visit each room
515 Cedar Lane, Teaneck your space. or special dark. Rub it on, let it begin and pick up plates, cups, napkins and
201-530-5665 Fill furniture nicks: Make fur- to dry, then buff with a soft cloth to a glasses. These often have moisture or
Sun-Thur 12-10pm
niture look new again by filling in semi-gloss sheen. food under them, which can damage
marks and scratches the easy way Directions: Finicky furnace? furniture (and smell) if left overnight.
with stain markers. Available in a Touchy toilet? Microwave with a mind  Brandpoint

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