GCL OPS 0167 WI (Winfrog Telemetry)
GCL OPS 0167 WI (Winfrog Telemetry)
GCL OPS 0167 WI (Winfrog Telemetry)
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Winfrog Telemetry Prepared by: Date:
DC 16/03/07
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Winfrog Telemetry Prepared by: Date:
DC 16/03/07
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 TELEMETRY OPTIONS ....................................................................................................... 5
1.2 DONGLES ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Multi-Vehicle Telemetry ...................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Controlled Remote.............................................................................................. 5
1.2.3 Subsea Telemetry................................................................................................. 5
1.3 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ...................................................................................................... 6
2 TELEMETRY SET-UP............................................................................................................. 7
2.1 ADDING TELEMETRY DEVICE ............................................................................................ 7
2.2 CONFIGURING TELEMETRY DEVICE .................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Unit Setup Tab ...................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Network Setup Tab .............................................................................................. 9
2.2.3 Timers Tab............................................................................................................ 10
3 TIME SYNC TO GPS......................................................................................................... 12
3.1 SETTING PRIMARY GPS DEVICE TO TIME-SYNC ................................................................ 12
3.2 ADDING TIME-SYNC TO PRIMARY VEHICLE ...................................................................... 13
4 MULTI-VEHICLE TELEMETRY ............................................................................................ 15
4.1 TRANSMITTING POSITIONS .............................................................................................. 15
4.2 RECEIVING POSITIONS ................................................................................................... 16
4.3 TRANSMITTING/ RECEIVING TARGETS .............................................................................. 17
4.3.1 Transmitting Vehicle Winfrog Setup ................................................................ 17
4.3.2 Receiving Vehicle Winfrog Setup.................................................................... 18
5 CONTROLLED REMOTE TELEMETRY MASTER WINFROG .............................................. 19
5.1 CREATING VEHICLES IN THE VEHICLE LIST FOR REMOTE VEHICLES ....................................... 19
5.2 SETTING OPERATIONAL MODE ....................................................................................... 19
5.3 CONTROLLED REMOTE WINDOW ................................................................................... 20
5.3.1 Connecting to Remote Winfrog...................................................................... 21
5.3.2 Position Output................................................................................................... 22
5.3.3 Position Tab......................................................................................................... 23
5.3.4 Data Tab ............................................................................................................. 25
5.3.5 Offsets Tab .......................................................................................................... 27
5.3.6 Waypoint Tab ..................................................................................................... 28
5.3.7 Line Tab ............................................................................................................... 29
5.3.8 Events Tab........................................................................................................... 30
5.3.9 Graphics Tab ...................................................................................................... 32
5.3.10 Vehicle Configuration Tab ............................................................................... 33
5.3.11 Vessel Shape Tab............................................................................................... 35
5.3.12 Display Remote Graphics at the Controller .................................................. 36
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1 Introduction
This document is designed to instruct how to set-up a Winfrog Telemetry Network.
1.2 Dongles
Winfrog allows you to access the various Telemetry options only if the correct Modules are available
on the Dongle.
The available Modules are marked on the Dongle, or can be accessed in Winfrog under:
File->License Information->Modules.
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2 Telemetry Set-up
Both the Multi-Vehicle and Controlled Remote Telemetry require a Telemetry device to be created
on each Winfrog System to be included on the Network
A Telemetry Radio is connected to the Winfrog PC to enable communication with the rest of the
Winfrog Network
The Telemetry device is created as follows:
Configure ->I/O Devices -> Add.
From the list, select Telemetry and click Ok.
Select the appropriate Com port number and port settings and click Ok
Note: The baud rate for the Telemetry should be set as high as possible (e.g. Satel Radios set to
19200 Baud)
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Set Transit to On
Select a Radio Type from the list of options. The 2 most common options are:
Generic for Radio Modems using the RTS/CTS lines to control radio transmissions
PC RFM96W for Radio Modems not using the RTS/CTS lines to control radio
Note: If in doubt, select PC RFM96W.
Ship ID
Each Winfrog System in the Telemetry network requires a unique ID number, as well as a
unique ID number for each vehicle whose position is to be transmitted. Each Winfrog system
can transmit up to 5 vehicles positions. This ID number can be from 1 to 32 (ID Number 1 is
special as it sets that Winfrog System to Receive Only).
Note 1) To avoid confusion, a table of Vehicle Names and associated Ship ID codes should
be created at the start of the Project.
Note 2) When using Multi-Vehicle Telemetry, the ID selected here must be assigned to one
(and only one) vehicle whose position is to be broadcast
Note 3) When using Controlled Remote Telemetry, this ID number provides the address of the
Remote Winfrog System to which the controller is to communicate.
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If the Radio Modem supports multiple channels (frequencies), the operator uses this
dropdown list to select the channel that Winfrog will instruct the radio to use.
Note: Satel Radios do not support this feature. Leave this option set to 1.
Network Type
Set Network Type to Token Ring
Network IDs
Network IDs should be set to Automatic Search (This is the most flexible option as it monitors
the Vessels available to use in the Network. As vessels enter the Network area, their presence
is detected and they are added to the Network. If one of the vessels moves out of range,
their departure is detected and they are removed from the Network.)
Note: Manual could only be used if the vessel ID list was to be constant through-out the
Project (i.e. no vessel with Winfrog Telemetry on board was to exit or enter the Network area).
This is unrealistic to expect for the majority of projects.
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Control Timers
The Control Timers should be set as follows (these settings are recommended by Pelagos):
Slot Timeout Controller 1.2/Remote 1.2
(Default setting is 2.0, but as we are using 19200 baud, 1.2 is
Integrity Msg Controller 60.0/Remote 600.0
User Timers
The User Timers should be set as follows (these settings are recommended by Pelagos):
Broadcast Msg Controller 2.0/Remote 2.0
(Not used for Contolled Remote unless RTCM broadcast is also being
used when it should be set for optimisation. With 19200 baud, a setting
of 1 or 2 should be used)
Interleave Controller 3/Remote 3
(Only a factor if the Telemetry device file transfer option is used rather
than Controlled Remote Working file transfer)
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Message Priority
Note: the priority of the messages used for the Remote Control Telemetry are not operator-
configurable. However they are impacted by the settings here if that operational mode is
mixed with another Telemetry feature, specifically the transmission of the RTCM corrections.
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Select the Telegram type that is being sent from the GPS receiver (the standard GPS position
Telegram is $GPGGA. However the GPS receiver may be sending an alternative position
telegram ($GPGLL) or additional Timing telegram ($GPZDA))
Click Ok
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Highlight the TIMEDATE Device as above and click on Edit. The following Window will appear.
Synchronize Mode
Set to Synchronize ON
Synchronization Settings
Tolerance 200ms (Default)
Local time offset (h.hh) Set this to the time offset between local time and GPS time
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4 Multi-Vehicle Telemetry
A WinFrog station can be configured to broadcast the position of up to 5 vehicles being directly
positioned at the WinFrog station. This position information includes the vehicle identification,
latitude, longitude, speed, elevation, and heading. This information is then available to all other
WinFrog stations on the telemetry network. The position is received and associated with the vehicle
having the same identification. This allows a WinFrog station to track multiple remote WinFrog
vehicles in real-time, several of which may be coming from one "source" WinFrog.
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TX-POSITION will now have been added to the list of devices. Highlight TX-POSITION and click Edit.
The following Window will appear.
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On/Off The transmission of the target data can be turned on or off, providing
control without having to remove and add the data item for a given
Transmit Frequency The user enters the interval in seconds at which the target data will be
put into the telemetry transmit queue.
Transmit Duration The user enters the length of time in minutes that the target data will
repeatedly placed in the telemetry transmit queue.
Cancel Transmission Not used.
Note: The TX-TARGET data item is added to a vehicle on the WinFrog station controlling the
target data. It is added to the vehicle on that station that is to ultimately receive and use the
target data. For example, on a barge-based WinFrog system configured to track anchor
tug(s) using the telemetry, the TX-TARGET data item is added to the vehicle(s) assigned as the
anchor tug(s) on the barge WinFrog system.
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Select Address on the Controlled Remote Window. The following Window will appear
Connection Mode
Set to Winfrog Telemetry
Remote System ID_Vehicle Address
Set Remote System Address to the Ship ID of the Remote System
Set Vehicle Name as used in the Remote System
Note: The Remote Vehicles Name must be entered exactly as entered at the Remote
Transmission Repeat Interval
When the Controller transmits a query, configuration data, or a file segment, it waits for the
appropriate response. If it does not get a response within the time interval entered here, it
repeats the transmission. The process is repeated three times. If the appropriate response is
not received, the transmission is aborted. The default of five seconds is a reasonable initial
setting if using the WinFrog Telemetry, though this can usually be reduced to three seconds in
reasonable conditions.
Winfrog Telemetry Device
Select the Telemetry Device to use.
Once the settings have been completed, click Ok. To connect to the Remote System, click
Connect on the Controlled Remote Window.
If the Remote Winfrog is visible on the Network, the connection waits for 30 seconds for the
Remote to configure its Vehicle list. It then transfers set-up information to synchronise the
settings on the 2 Systems.
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By default the Remotes position is not transmitted to the Controller. Once connected, select
the Position Tab and click on Tx Interval. The following Window will appear.
Enter an appropriate Transmit Interval for the position Output (2 or 3 seconds is adequate)
and click Ok.
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This Tab displays the position information for the Remote if the associated Tx Interval has been
set such that the Remote is transmitting the position data back to the Controller.
The display includes:
The time of the position and the age of the data used for the position at the Remote.
Latitude and longitude in the Remotes local ellipsoid complete with the standard
deviation (from the Kalman Filter).
Velocity North and East vectors with the standard deviations (from the Kalman Filter).
Water Depth
Position status LED indicating the status at the Remote. If the age of the data exceeds
15 seconds the LED is yellow; if the age exceeds 30 seconds, the LED is red. In
addition, if the age exceeds 30 seconds an audible alarm sounds. This is
acknowledged by clicking the red button in this tab.
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This will display the Configure Vehicle Devices Window for the Remote. The configuration
information in the Position, Kalman Filter, Velocity Filter, and Range Gate panels are the
configuration items intended to be manipulated from the Controller.
Note 1: Although the Data Source is set to Real-Time, there are no devices displayed. It is
important that no devices are added (clicking the Add button) from this dialog. If data items
are added, the information is not transmitted to the Remote because this capability is not
supported by the Remote Control feature. However, they will remain in the list adding
confusion to the operation that is really occurring.
Note 2: Changing the Data Source results in the change being implemented at the Remote
and causes the Remote vehicle to stop positioning correctly. Do not change this setting.
Note 3: When the Configure Vehicle-Devices dialog is accessed from any other part of the
Controller, such as via the right-click in the Vehicle Text window (when the Remote vehicle is
displayed), it does not send a configuration message to the Remote when exited with the OK
button. Any changes will however be shown on the Controller side, so there will be a
discrepancy between the Controller and the Remote. Therefore only change the Position,
Kalman Filter, Velocity Filter, and Range Gate panels through the Controlled Remote
This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Tab.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
Tx Interval
This will prompt for an output rate for the position information for the Remote. Set an
appropriate value (2 or 3 seconds) and click Ok.
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This Tab displays the Raw data for the Remote if the Tx Interval associated with this tab has
been set such that the Remote is transmitting the raw data back to the Controller. The
specific data displayed is controlled by selecting a Device in the Data Type List in this
Note: The transmission of raw data is given a lower priority by the Remote than any other data
being transmitted. As a result, the update rate for the raw data may not be as high as set
using the Tx Interval button. The viewing of the raw data is intended for troubleshooting the
Remote system. If required for troubleshooting, the position transmission interval for the
Remote should be set to 0 seconds (off) and only the data set to transmit.
This will bring up the Edit page for the Device highlighted.
This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Device highlighted.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
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Tx Interval
This will prompt for an output rate for the Raw data information for the Remote. Set an
appropriate value (2 or 3 seconds) and click Ok.
This controls the transmission of the raw data for all data items, not just the one displayed at
the time.
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This Tab displays the current vehicle offset selected for the Remote.
This will bring up the Offsets Configuration Window for the Remote.
Note: The configuration of the offsets for the Remote can be accessed from here or
anywhere else offsets are configured at the Controller (i.e. from the Vehicle Text window
when the Remote vehicle is displayed, use the right mouse button to access the pop-up
menu and select the Configure Offsets option) with the same results.
This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Tab.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
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This Tab displays the active waypoint and waypoint tracking information for the Remote.
This brings up the Waypoint Configuration Window for the Remote.
When a waypoint is selected, the waypoint tracking configuration and the associated
waypoint data are transmitted to the Remote. Therefore, the Remotes Working Waypoint file
does not need to be synchronized with the Controller in order to configure the waypoint
tracking for the Remote. The waypoint file accessed when selecting a waypoint at the
Controller for the Remote is, in fact, the Controllers Working Waypoint file
Note: The configuration of the active waypoint for the Remote can be accessed from here or
anywhere else a waypoint can be selected at the Controller (i.e. from the Vehicle Text
window when the Remote vehicle is displayed, use the right mouse button to access the
pop-up menu and select the Setup Waypoint Tracking option) with the same results.
This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Tab.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
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This Tab displays the active Line name and Line tracking information for the Remote.
This brings up the Survey Line Configuration Window for the Remote.
When a line is selected, the line tracking configuration and the associated line data are
transmitted to the Remote. Therefore, the Remotes Working Survey Line file does not need to
be synchronized with the Controller in order to configure the line tracking for the Remote. The
line file accessed when selecting a line at the Controller for the Remote is, in fact, the
Controllers Working Survey Line file.
Note: The configuration of the active line for the Remote can be accessed from here or
anywhere else a track line can be selected at the Controller (i.e. from the Vehicle Text
window when the Remote vehicle is displayed, use the right mouse button to access the
pop-up menu and select the Setup Line Tracking option) with the same results.
This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Tab.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
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This Tab displays the event status and data for the Remote if the Tx Interval associated with
this tab has been set such that the Remote is transmitting the Events data back to the
Controller. The Start Events and Stop Events buttons are located directly within this tab if the
Events are enabled or active, respectively.
This brings up the Events Configuration Window for the Remote. The configuration of the
Eventing at a Remote requires two stages of configuration communications, the first to setup
the eventing parameters and the second to define and create the appropriate files. If either
fails, the event configuration aborts. The actual configuration is the same as if being
executed for a local vehicle.
The starting and stopping of the events is controlled via the buttons that are shown in this tab
at the appropriate stages of event setup and execution. These mimic those in the standard
WinFrog toolbar. It is important to note that even though the event data can be sent by the
Remote back to the Controller, it is only logged at the Remote.
Note: The eventing configuration accessed here is for the Remote only. Eventing
configuration accessed anywhere else at the Controller is for the Controller system. The two
are independent, including the setting of the Event states of Off, Primary, and Secondary in
the Vehicle Presentation dialog.
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This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Tab.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
Tx Interval
This will prompt for an output rate for the position information for the Remote. Set an
appropriate value (2 or 3 seconds) and click Ok.
This controls whether or not the Events data is displayed on the Controller. The events can still
be logged on the Remote even if the Tx Interval is set to 0 (off).
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This Tab displays the Graphics1 window configuration basics for the Remote. There are also
Zoom In and Zoom Out located directly in this tab to directly control the Remote.
This brings up the Graphics Configuration Window for the Remote.
Note: The configuration and manipulation of the Remotes Graphics1 are only possible from
here (unless the Display This Remote Locally checkbox is checked). In this case, any action
and configuration executed on the Graphics1 window at the Controller acts directly on the
Remote Graphics1 window.
This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Tab.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
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This Tab displays the basic vehicle presentation configuration for the Remote, including a
rectangle displaying the current vehicle colour.
This brings up the Vehicle Presentation Window for the Remote.
Note 1: The configuration of the Vehicle Presentation for the Remote can be accessed from
here or anywhere else Vehicle Presentation can be selected at the Controller (i.e. from the
Vehicle Text window when the Remote vehicle is displayed, use the right mouse button to
access the pop-up menu and select the Vehicle Presentation option) with the same results.
The exception to this is the manipulation of the Event Generation settings which is associated
with where this dialog is opened. If opened from the Controlled Remote window, these
settings affect the Remote vehicle at the Remote. If opened from anywhere else at the
Controller (i.e. from the Vehicle Text window when the Remote vehicle is displayed, use the
right mouse button to access the pop-up menu and select the Vehicle Presentation option)
these settings affect the Remote vehicle at the Controller. Therefore, the Event Generation
settings at the Controller and the Remote are independent.
Note 2: The name of the Remote can be changed from this dialog. If this is done, the name
entered for the Remote Vehicle Name for the associated Controlled Remote window (see
Section 5.3.1) and in the Vehicle List (See Section 5.1) must be changed to reflect this.
Otherwise, though the connection to the Remote WinFrog will remain operational,
communications with the Remote vehicle will cease.
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This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Tab.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
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This Tab displays the Vehicle Shape type for the Remote.
This brings up the Configure Vehicle Outline Window for the Remote.
Note: The configuration of the Configure Vehicle Outline for the Remote can be accessed
from here or anywhere else Configure Vehicle Outline can be selected at the Controller (i.e.
from the Configure Vehicles dialog when the Remote vehicle is highlighted, click the
Configure Vehicle Outline button) with the same results.
This prompts the Remote to send the appropriate configuration for the Tab.
Note: There is not a message to advise you that the query is aborted, so you should monitor
the query process to ensure it is successful.
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To display the Remotes Graphics Window locally at the Controller, check the Display This
Remote Locally box (Only 1 Controlled Remote Window can have this checked at any one
time. If another Controlled Remote window has this checked then it is automatically set to
Checking this box automatically sets the configuration for the Controllers Graphics1 window
to match the configuration for the same window on the Remote. This enables the Controller
to monitor what the Remote is seeing.
Note: This forces the Controller to use the same Graphics1 window configuration, but it does
not mimic all factors affecting the display of data in this window, due to the limitations of the
synchronization of the Controller and the Remotes. For example, the Controllers Graphics1
window displays all vehicles set to be displayed at the Controller, whereas the Remote may
not even be configured to track all vehicles. As a result, the Controllers Graphics1 window
will not be exactly as the Remotes. While in this mode, if the Graphics1 window on the
Controller has the focus, any toolbar graphic functions, such as Zoom In, and any change in
the configuration for this window will be transmitted to the Remote as if they were accessed
directly from the Controlled Remote window via the Graphics tab. They will not be applied at
the Controller until an acknowledgment of the changes transmission has been received from
the Remote.
Select the Working File to transfer to the Remote and click Ok.
The Controller transmits the file in segments. After transmitting each segment, it waits for
confirmation that the Remote has received that segment without errors. If necessary, the
Controller makes three attempts to transmit each segment. If unsuccessful after three
attempts to send the same segment at any stage in the file transfer, the transfer is aborted.
At the Remote, when the file transfer is completed, the new file automatically replaces the
current relevant Working File and is written to the disk.
Note: Monitor the Transfer to confirm that the Transfer was completed correctly.
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7 RTCM Broadcast
Winfrog can be configured to broadcast RTCM Differential corrections over a Telemetry network. This
is possible for both a Multi-Vehicle and Controlled Remote set-up. A standard scenario for this
application is a Central Main vessel operating with a number of Support tugs. The tugs only have
Stand-alone GPS systems on board to provide positioning. The Main vessel can broadcast RTCM
corrections to the tugs to augment their GPS positioning.
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RTCM Station
In the RTCM Station area, enter the ID of a specific station in the Code field. This should be the
closest available Station to the Work site.
It is recommended that if only one station be selected for re-broadcast over the telemetry (as
described above). If the All option is selected, the Telemetry will become slow with poor
position update rates due to the time required for the transmission of the multiple RTCM
corrections sets.
Note: The Station code can be changed at any time and the new setting is initiated
immediately as you select OK to exit this window.
RTCM Source
Set RTCM Source to the Input RTCM source that you wish to broadcast over the Telemetry
Broadcast Interval
Enter a transmit interval in seconds. WinFrog will only re-broadcast RTCM corrections after this
interval has elapsed since the last RTCM re-broadcast. This permits control of the re-broadcast
rate in cases where the RTCM source provides corrections at a high update rate.
Note 1: If the interval is too small, the telemetry will be unable to interleave position and
target broadcast messages, thus eliminating this functionality.
Note 2: The RTCM data broadcast is always the last received by the selected RTCM source.
The Relay checkbox configures this station to re-broadcast the RTCM data upon receiving it.
This feature is for situations where not all vehicles in the network can hear the originating
station for RTCM data. It should only be used if necessary, since it will impact the transmission
of position and target data by the relay station.
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Position Comparison
Set Position Comparison to Off.
Position Source to be set on NONE.
Set the RTCM Source to the Network Telemetry Device that is receiving the RTCM corrections.
Set the Output interval to an appropriate value (e.g. 3 to 5 seconds)
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8 File Transfer
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File Transfer
Designate a file to transfer either by typing the path and file name in this field or by clicking the
Browse button and navigating to the file
Dest ID
From the dropdown menu, select the Ship ID of the destination WinFrog station.
This menu displays all Ship ID numbers that are currently visible on the network.
Select the message priority from the Priority dropdown menu.
Priority values range from 2 to 4, with 2 being the highest priority and 4 being the lowest. This priority
setting is ranked the same way as those discussed in Section 2.2.3, and as such sets the priority of the
File Transfer messages with respect to other broadcast messages.
Generally, the message priority should be set to 4 (lowest) as the network speed is sufficient to
transfer files in a timely manner. Only exceptional conditions will warrant increasing the priority of a
vehicles message, as this will obviously be to the detriment of other vehicles messaging. An example
of this is the transfer of critical working files.
Click the Start button, in the Control area of the Telemetry Transfer dialog box, to begin the file
The file transfer can be stopped at any time by clicking the Abort button in the Control area
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The following information is displayed in the first line of the Status area of the Telemetry Transfer
dialog box:
Total size of file being transferred
Segment number being transferred
Percentage of file already sent
The second line displays messages regarding the progress of the transfer.
Note: this dialog can be exited and re-accessed later to examine the file transfer status without
affecting the file transfer.
The Telemetry area is where WinFrog stores files received via an interfaced radio telemetry network.
This directory can be set to the Filing Directory, or any directory entered in the user entry field.
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9 Subsea Telemetry
The Subsea Telemetry device is used to facilitate telemetry interfaces between barges and anchor
handling vessels. This device is used to transmit the position and heading of the barge and receive
the position and heading of the Tugs.
Note: This Telemetry system is completely separate from the Multi-Vehicle and Controlled Remote
Telemetry Systems.
Highlight GPS,SUBSEA TELEMETRY,DATA OUTPUT and click Ok. The DATA OUTPUT device will now
have been added to the Device list.
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Highlight the DATA OUTPUT device on the list and click Edit. The following Window will appear.
Normally, the position that is to be output will be the position of the CRP of vehicle. However, if
another position is required, the offset to be applied to the output position for the DATA OUTPUT data
item can either be taken from the list of vessel offsets or a manual offset entry can be input.
Click on SSOL Telemetry. The following Window will appear.
Enter an Identifier code for the Vehicle (This value needs to be in the range 0 to 9).
Enter the required Output Interval.
Note: Subsea Telemetry is not a synced Network like the Multi-Vehicle and Controlled Remote
Telemetry. Therefore there is the possibility of data clashes if 2 systems attempt to transmit at the
same time. It is therefore prudent to vary the output interval between systems so that the possibility of
data clashes is minimised.
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Winfrog Telemetry Prepared by: Date:
DC 16/03/07
Under Code, enter the Identifier code for the System whose position and heading is to be received.
Click Ok.
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Winfrog Telemetry Prepared by: Date:
DC 16/03/07
10 Troubleshooting
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Winfrog Telemetry Prepared by: Date:
DC 16/03/07
10.4.1 Vessel shapes on the Remote Winfrog are not synced to the Controller
Re-send the configuration to the Remote by clicking RemUpdate (See Section 5.3.14)