Physical Features of Pakistan
Physical Features of Pakistan
Physical Features of Pakistan
Satellite view of South Asia
Political Map of Pakistan
Neighbors of Pakistan
24 N - 37 N
61 E - 75.5 E
Total Area:
796,096 sq km
Highest point:
K-2 (8611m)
Deepest point:
Dasu patan (6500m)
Lowest point:
Sea level 0 (feet)
Immediate Neighbor Countries
Great Himalayas
Height: more than
4600 meter
Northern Mountains
Average height is about 6100 meter
Goodwin Austin (K-2) 2nd highest peak
North Western Mountains
Waziristan hills:
1. Located between Gomal and Kurram river.
2. Its Height ranges from 1500 - 3000 meter.
3. These range forms the border between Afghanistan
and Pakistan
4. Famous Khyber pass lies in this Range.
Western Highlands
Deserts in Pakistan
Thar Desert:
This desert lies in the South east of Pakistan.
Thal Desert:
Thal desert lies between the River Indus and Jhelum.
Kharan Desert:
The Kharan desert located in the North west Baluchistan.
Plateaus of Pakistan