Islamic History
Islamic History
Islamic History
Muhammad, the founder and prophet of Islam, was born in circa a.d.
570 into a culture characterized by polytheism and animism. Yet,
throughout his merchant career, he likely came into contact with
Jewish and Christian monotheism. Muhammad was a spiritual man
and encountered many visions. At first he thought they were satanic
visions, but his wife, Khadija, persuaded him that the visions were
from God. In a.d. 610, Muhammad claimed he had been visited by the
angel Gabriel and commissioned to be a prophet of God. His basic
message was simple and elegant: There is one God to whom all
people must submit and there will be a day of judgment in which all
humans will be judged according to their deeds, both good and evil.
worship in Islam are means to prepare man to fulfill this
mission. Islam aims at changing life and producing a new man
and a new society, both committed to God and the welfare of
mankind. That is why Islam is not a religion in the limited sense
of the word; rather it is a complete code of life and a culture-
producing factor. Muslim culture profits from all available
sources, local and international, but its unique characteristic is
that it grows from the foundations of the Quran and Sunnah.
Hence the distinctiveness of Muslim culture and life in Europe
and elsewhere.2