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Sue Golding - Margaret Francene McIlroy - Helen Deakin
Over the years I've worked with most I grew up doing musicals at the Playhouse Theatre
Auckland community theatres, but living on then took a 17 year break to get married and have
the North Shore, only one play at Titirangi children. This is my 3rd show at Titirangi Theatre,
Theatre - Judy in Roger Hall's Four Flat Whites the others being Pack of Girls 2010 and the
in Italy a few years back. I'm travelling Pantomime in which I had the pleasure of working
overseas again for the dual delight of a good with my sons. I played Ruth in Calendar Girls back
meaty role, and working with Sian Davis. I've in 2015 which won me a NAPTA best actress award.
worked with Sian several times (memorably It has been amazing working with new people and a new director. Sian
Doubt, The Raft, and PA for Who Wants to be has me doing things on stage that I have always been taught not to do,
100? at Company Theatre). Birthrights is Sian's kind of play and mine see if you can work them out. I dedicate this performance to my Dad,
so I'm relishing the chance to help bring it to life out West. Brian Clark who has always been my inspiration.
Ella Bernstone - Kelly
Zac Clarke - Mark The first time I ever went on stage was a character
This will be my first time performing at ballet piece for The Lion King- since then I've been
Titirangi Theatre. I am no stranger to the hooked. I've been in several Kids4Drama productions
boards, having performed at TheatreWorks, and two pantomimes at Titirangi Theatre, and loved
both my extras role and as Princey in last year's
Phoenix Theatre and Mt Cotton Drama Group
Christmas panto. To play a very serious role as Kelly
in Brisbane, Australia. My most enjoyable
has been a great change from my over exaggerated
roles include Blunchli in George Bernard
characters in the past, and a challenge I've enjoyed tackling. It's been cool
Shaws Arms and the Man and Leonard in
working with Sian, and I've been able to learn a lot through her unique
Rumours. I am delighted to be working with directing style
Sian again and to be sharing the stage with a fun and talented cast.
Ashton Brown - Martin
Rachel Bock - Claudia Ashton is a professional actor, stand-up comedian
This is my first production with Titirangi Thea- and writer for both theatre and television as well as a
tre and I'm absolutely thrilled to have the op- writer and performer of spoken word poetry. A
portunity to be in a David Williamson play and drama school graduate, Ashton now runs his own
playing the dynamic role of Claudia. theatre company Self Deprecating Eclecticism and his
Although it's been over 10 years since last be- writing and theatre has won several awards. Ashton
ing on stage I've been in a few tv series and on is a strong advocate for mental health in NZ and this
TV commercials over the last few years. But year he wrote and performed a solo show in the NZ
International Comedy Festival which was centred around his struggles with
like many actors stage is a first love.
mental health. The show went on to sell out and received rave reviews. This
The past two months have been fun working with a wonderful director,
is Ashtons first show with Titirangi Theatre and he has thoroughly enjoyed
cast and crew and I hope you enjoy the story of Birthrights tonight. PS the
spending time with his passion acting for stage.
accent is natural!
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