Response of Beams Resting On Viscoelastically Damped Foundation To Moving Oscillators
Response of Beams Resting On Viscoelastically Damped Foundation To Moving Oscillators
Response of Beams Resting On Viscoelastically Damped Foundation To Moving Oscillators
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Messina, Vill. S. Agata, 98166 Messina, Italy
The response of beams resting on viscoelastically damped foundation under moving SDoF oscillators is scrutinized
through a novel state-space formulation, in which a number of internal variables is introduced with the aim of representing
the frequency-dependent behaviour of the viscoelastic foundation. A suitable single-step scheme is provided for the numer-
ical integration of the equations of motion, and the Dimensional Analysis is applied in order to dene the dimensionless
combinations of the design parameters that rule the responses of beam and moving oscillator. The eects of boundary con-
ditions, span length and number of modes of the beam, along with those of the mechanical properties of oscillator and
foundation, are investigated in a new dimensionless form, and some interesting trends are highlighted. The inaccuracy
associated with the use of eective values of stiness and damping for the viscoelastic foundation, as usual in the present
state-of-practice, is also quantied.
2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Dimensional analysis; Modal strain energy (MSE) method; Moving oscillator; Standard linear solid (SLS) model; State-space
equation; Traintrack interaction; Viscoelastic foundation
1. Introduction
By virtue of the relevance in the analysis and design of railway tracks, the dynamic response of beams rest-
ing on elastic foundation and subjected to moving loads has been extensively investigated, and a number of
experimental and numerical studies have been published in recent years (e.g. Fryba, 1996; Yang et al., 2004
and the references provided therein).
The crudest approximation known to the literature is the so-called moving force problem, in which the
vehicle-track interaction in completely neglected, and the action of the vehicle is described as a concentrated
force moving along the beam (e.g. Fryba, 1999; Timoshenko et al., 1974; Warburton, 1976). Also the case of
beams on elastic foundation under moving loads has attracted engineers and researchers. Among the contri-
butions published in the last decade, Thambiratnam and Zhuge (1996) have used the Newmark integration
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 090 397 7170; fax: +39 090 397 7480.
E-mail address: (A. Palmeri).
0020-7683/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1318 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
scheme in order to scrutinize the eects of load speed, foundation stiness and beam length on the dynamic
amplication of the beam response. Felszeghy (1996a,b) has analyzed the response to moving step loads by the
Fourier transform method. Chen and Huang (2003) have investigated the resonant velocity of innite and
nite railways subjected to harmonic bands.
More rened models are required when the phenomena of traintrack interaction are dealt with. In partic-
ular, the solution of the so-called moving oscillator problem, in which the vehicle is modelled as a SDoF
oscillator of given mass, stiness and damping, allows a qualitative evaluation of the interaction eects, which
can be directly related to many engineering issues, e.g. damage in the track components and/or on the wheels.
A reliable quantication of the traintrack interaction necessitates, however, still more sophisticated
approaches, in which each train vehicle is modelled as a MDoF system moving along the rail. In this way,
for instance, the vibrations in a train crossing a railway bridge can be dependably predicted (e.g. Cheng
et al., 2001; Biondi et al., 2005).
Despite the accuracy in modelling the train vehicles, however, the railway tracks are often handled with a
very crude approximation, as elastic beams resting on a bed of elastic springs with a purely viscous damping.
Actual tracks, on the contrary, exhibit a dynamic behaviour which may be much more complicated, with fre-
quency-dependent stiness and damping. As an example, this is the case of the track in the Milan subway,
where a single elastomeric pad is placed under the base-plate with the aim of mitigating the vibrations expe-
rienced by vehicles and track components (Bruni and Collina, 2000). In these situations the assumption of a
mere viscous damping is inadequate, and more accurate rheological models should be considered in represent-
ing the viscoelastic behaviour of the foundation.
In the frequency domain the application of viscoelastic models is quite straightforward, and the mechanical
impedance of a given track conguration can be easily evaluated once the properties of the elastomeric com-
ponents are assigned. The vehicle-track interaction, however, lends itself to be eectively studied in the time
domain. To do this, the equations governing the dynamic equilibrium of running vehicles and supporting
track have to be coupled with the equations ruling the state variables of the viscoelastic components.
In this paper, the dynamic response of elastic beams resting on viscoelastically damped foundation to mov-
ing SDoF oscillators is coped with. The oscillator-beam-foundation interaction is investigated via a novel
state-space formulation, in which the state variables are: the relative displacement and the relative velocity
of the moving oscillator; the modal displacements and the modal velocities of the beam-foundation sub-sys-
tem; the additional internal variables associated with the frequency-dependent response of the viscoelastic
Once the governing state-space equation is established, an eective single-step scheme is provided for the
numerical integration. The Dimensional Analysis is successively applied in order to highlight the dimension-
less combinations of the design parameters that control the response of the system under consideration. In the
numerical examples, nally, the eects of boundary conditions, span length and number of modes of the sup-
porting beam, along with those of the mechanical properties of moving oscillator and viscoelastic foundation
are scrutinized, and some interesting trends are discussed.
2. Equations of motion
Let us consider the dynamic system shown in Fig. 1, made of a SDoF oscillator moving along an elastic
beam resting on viscoelastic foundation.
The oscillator is made of a lumped mass, mv, connected at one point only to the beam through a linear
suspension. The latter is idealized as a KelvinVoigt element, made of an elastic spring, kv, in parallel with
a viscous dashpot, cv. The position of the oscillator along the beam at a generic time instant, t, is described
by the time law x = xv(t).
The beam is homogeneous, and extends from x = 0 to x = Lb. For the sake of simplicity, the Euler
Bernoulli model is assumed for the kinematics of the beam, although the extension to the Timoshenko model
is quite easy. In addition to the span length, Lb, the mechanical parameters of the beam involved in the
dynamic analysis are: the area, Ab, and the second moment, Jb, of the cross-section; the mass density, qb,
and the Young modulus, Eb, of the material; the damping ratio, fb, which is thought to be constant in all
the modes of vibration of the beam.
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1319
The foundation is homogeneous too, and is represented in Fig. 1 as a bed of springs, even if the response of
these springs is assumed to be viscoelastic rather than purely elastic. The behaviour of the foundation, then, is
fully dened by the dynamic stiness, Kf(x), which is a complex-valued function of the circular frequency, x
(e.g. Nashif et al., 1985; Sun and Lu, 1995).
In a rst stage, the moving oscillator and the elastic beam on viscoelastic foundation are handled as two
non-interacting dynamic sub-systems, whose equations of motion are independently derived (Sections 2.1
and 2.2). In a second stage, the equilibrium and the compatibility conditions at the position of the moving
oscillator are used in coupling the equations of motion (Sections 2.3 and 2.4), in so re-establishing the dynamic
interaction among the two sub-systems.
The motion of the beam in Fig. 2a is governed by the partial dierential equation:
ux; t Eb J b u0000 x; t Db x; t f x; t K f xux; t
qb Ab 1
where the over-dot and the prime stand for the partial derivatives with respect to the time, t, and to the ab-
scissa, x, respectively; f(x, t) and u(x, t) describe the time-dependent elds of transverse loads and transverse
displacements, respectively, and Db(x, t) is the term associated with the viscous damping in the beam. It is
worth noting that Eq. (1) has been conveniently written in the so-called mixed time-frequency domain, in
which the dependence on the vibration frequency of the beam-foundation sub-system (also referred in this
study as the continuum) is easily showed. Even if formally not rigorous, this way of writing the equations
of motion allows to directly introduce the dynamic stiness, which is the most popular experimental descrip-
tion of the viscoelastic components.
Fig. 2. Interaction between beam-foundation sub-system (a) and moving oscillator (b).
1320 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
Once the motion of the beam is projected into the modal space, the eld of the transverse displacements can
be expressed as linear combination of the modal displacements:
ux; t /i xqi t 2
where /i(x) is the ith modal shape of the continuum, and qi(t) is the associated modal displacement, which is
ruled by the ordinary dierential equation:
Z Lb
qi t 2fb xi q_ i t x2i qi t
f x; t/i x dx F i t 3
Fi(t) being the ith modal force arising from the reaction of the viscoelastic foundation, Kf(x)u(x, t), from which
the purely elastic portion, Kf(0)u(x, t), is subtracted; that is
K f x K f 0
F i t qi t 4
qb Ab
where the equilibrium modulus, Kf(0), is the stiness of the foundation under static loads.
Once the boundary conditions are assigned, the ith modal shape, /i(x), and the ith modal circular fre-
quency, xi, appearing in Eqs. (2) and (3) can be evaluated as solution of the eigenproblem:
Eb J b 0000 K f 0
/ x ai /i x; xi ai 5
qb Ab i qb Ab
with the usual ortho-normal condition:
Z Lb
qb Ab /i x/k x dx dik 6
dik being the Kronecker delta. It is worth noting that, since beam and foundation are homogeneous, the modal
shape /i(x) and the eigenvalue ai in the rst of Eq. (5) do not depend on the equilibrium modulus of the foun-
dation; on the other hand, according to the second of Eq. (5), the modal circular frequency xi increases with
Eqs. (3) and (5) have been derived by extending to the case of continuous structures with distributed vis-
coelastic damping the method recently proposed by Palmeri et al. (2004) for the modal analysis of steel frames
provided with viscoelastic dampers. The method allows to carry out the dynamic analysis of structures with
viscoelastic damping in a consistent modal space, in which the actual rheological behaviour of the viscoelastic
components is properly taken into account. Accordingly, the modal oscillators of a viscoelastically damped
structure are SDoF dynamic systems featuring a damping which is viscoelastic rather than viscous. In Eq.
(3), in particular, the modal force Fi(t), given by Eq. (4), accounts for the eects of the frequency-dependent
behaviour of the viscoelastic foundation on the ith mode of vibration. When the viscoelastic components are
distributed proportionally to mass and/or elastic stiness of the structure, like in the beam-foundation sub-
system considered in this study, the viscoelastic damping is classic. The modal oscillators, then, vibrate inde-
pendently, and the modal equations are uncoupled. The mathematical conditions to perfectly uncouple the
modal equations can be found in Inaudi and Kelly (1995), in which the well-know CaugheyOKelly condition
(Caughey and OKelly, 1965) is generalized to the case of viscoelastic damping.
The vertical vibration of the SDoF oscillator of Fig. 2b, moving along the beam, is ruled by
mvva t cv v_ t k v vt mv g 7
where va t is the absolute vertical acceleration of the mass of the oscillator, mv; v(t) and v_ t are the relative
vertical displacement and velocity between oscillator and beam, respectively, and g is the intensity of the sur-
rounding gravitational eld.
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1321
When the oscillator is in contact with the beam (0 6 xv(t) 6 Lb), the absolute acceleration va t is the sum of
the relative acceleration, vt, and of the acceleration of the beam at the contact point, given by d2u(xv(t),t)/dt2;
otherwise absolute and relative accelerations coincide, i.e. va t vt. Eq. (7), then, can be rewritten as
vt 2fv xv v_ t x2v vt g v t uxv t; t 8
where xv k v =mv and fv = cv/(2xvmv) are the circular frequency and the viscous damping ratio of the mov-
ing oscillator and v(t) is a window function, which gives 1 when oscillator and beam are in contact, 0
v t U xv tU Lv xv t
U(x) being the unit step function; that is: U(x) = 1 when x P 0, U(x) = 0 otherwise.
2.3. Compatibility
Eq. (8) satises the compatibility between the vibrations of supporting beam and moving oscillator, which
is forced by the total acceleration of the continuum at the contact point. Since the latter moves along the beam
according to the time law x = xv(t), the total derivative in the r.h.s. of Eq. (8) brings:
2.4. Equilibrium
In order to satisfy the equilibrium between continuum and oscillator, the eld of the transverse loads on the
beam in Eq. (3), f(x, t), is now expressed as the force in the suspension of the oscillator, localized at the contact
point (see Fig. 2):
f x; t k v vt cv v_ t v tdx xv t 11
where d(x) is the Dirac delta function. Then, substitution of Eq. (11) into Eq. (3) gives:
qi t 2fi xi q_ i t x2i qi t v tk v vt cv v_ t/i xv t F i t
which shows that the moving oscillator forces the ith mode of the continuum proportionally with /i(xv(t)),
which is the value of the ith modal shape at the contact position.
In the previous section the equations governing the coupled vibrations of moving oscillator and supporting
beam on viscoelastic foundation are established, with the aim of simulating the dynamic interaction among
train vehicles and railway track. A key aspect in this interaction proves to be the modelling of the track, where
a central role is played by the elastomeric components, particularly in the case of non-ballasted tracks (e.g.
Bruni and Collina, 2000 and references given therein). In this circumstance the use of a KelvinVoigt model,
with equivalent values of elastic stiness and viscous damping, cannot be considered fully adequate, since it is
unable to reproduce the actual frequency-dependent behaviour of elastomeric components.
1322 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
In the paper by Bruni and Collina (2000), as an example, a non-ballasted track conguration, widely
adopted in the Milan subway, has been experimentally and numerically investigated. In this conguration
an additional viscoelastic damping is provided by a single elastomeric pad, which is placed under the base-
plate (a sketch is displayed in Bruni and Collina, 2000). It is found that simple rheological models, given
by the combinations of a few elementary components (elastic springs and viscous dashpots) allow to accu-
rately reproduce the dynamic behaviour of the track.
Accordingly, in the following the so-called Standard Linear Solid (SLS) model, depicted in Fig. 3a, is con-
sidered in representing the viscoelastic behaviour of the foundation. This model depends on three parameters
only, being made of the elastic spring K0, which gives the equilibrium modulus, and of a single Maxwell ele-
ment in parallel, which is characterized by the stiness K1 and the relaxation time s1 = C1/K1. The combina-
tion rules for series and parallel chains allow evaluating the dynamic stiness of the SLS model as
s1 x
Kx K 0 K 1 13
s1 x j
j 1 being the imaginary unit. Of course, more rened models, e.g. involving more than one Maxwell ele-
ment (e.g. Palmeri et al., 2003), could be required in the real life. However, the extension of the proposed ap-
proach is quite straightforward; moreover, the simple SLS model is able to capture the main features of a wide
variety of elastomeric materials of practical application.
Finally, one can also show that the SLS model is perfectly equivalent to the so-called elementary Zener model,
depicted in Fig. 3b and suggested in Bruni and Collina (2000), once the four parameters k1, k2, k3 and c1 are prop-
erly set. Notice that, even if eective, the Zener model results to be over-parameterized, i.e. one stiness among
k1, k2 and k3 is redundant. The SLS model, then, should be preferred in practical applications.
In the mixed time-frequency domain, the forcedisplacement relationship for any linear viscoelastic model
can be posed in the form (e.g. Nashif et al., 1985; Sun and Lu, 1995):
F t KxU t
where U(t) is the time history of the displacement measured at the free end of the model, and F t is the time
history of the total force experienced by the model, including the purely elastic portion, K(0)U(t) = K0U(t).
When the latter is removed, one obtains:
F t F t K 0 U t Kx K 0 U t 14
which is analogous to in Eq. (4).
Fig. 3. Standard Linear Solid (SLS) model (a) and Zener model (b).
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1323
When a linear viscoelastic model is obtained as chain of springs and dashpots, the force F(t) can be
expressed as a linear combination of a certain number of state variables, ruled by linear equations. In the case
of the SLS model, in particular, the state equations are well-known to the literature (e.g. Palmeri et al., 2003),
and can be posed in the form:
k1 t
F t K 1 k1 t; k_ 1 t U_ t 15
where k1(t) is an additional internal variable, measuring the strain in the spring K1 of the single Maxwell ele-
ment. It is worth noting that no approximations are introduced in this way, since Eq. (15) give the exact reac-
tion force experienced in the Maxwell element.
4. State-space formalism
In previous sections the equations governing the modal responses of the continuum (Eq. (12)), the vibration
of the oscillator (Eq. (10)) and the response of the SLS viscoelastic model (Eq. (15)) are established. Aim of
this section is to couple these equations in a compact state-space form. Afterwards, an eective numerical
scheme is provided which enables the dynamic responses of continuum and oscillator to be simultaneously
evaluated in the time domain.
0 1 0 0
Dv ; Dvi t
x2v 2fv xv K vi t C vi t
In order to eliminate in the r.h.s. of Eq. (17) the time derivative of the modal state arrays zi(t), Eq. (16) is
substituted, so giving:
z_ v t Dv tzv t Dvi tzi t vg v M vi tF i t 18
i i
Dv t Dv vvT M vi tDiv t; Dvi t Dvi t vvT M vi tDi
In a second stage, the comparison between Eqs. (4), (14) and (15) shows that an additional internal variable,
namely ki1(t), has to be introduced for the ith mode of vibration of the continuum. As a consequence, when the
rst m modes are retained in the dynamic analysis, m additional internal variables, i.e. k11(t), k21(t), . . . and
km1(t), have to be considered. By using these new quantities, the ith modal force associated with the reaction
of the foundation, Fi(t), can be expressed as
F i t ki1 t 19
qb Ab
1324 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
where ki1(t) can be viewed as the strain in the spring K1 of the SLS model (Fig. 3a) associated with the eects of
the viscoelastic foundation on the ith mode of vibration of the beam. By virtue of the second of Eq. (15), more-
over, this additional internal variable is ruled by
ki1 t
k_ i1 t q_ i t 20
Eqs. (16), (18), (19) and (20) have to be solved simultaneously. To this end, let us consider the super-array
listing the state variables of the coupled oscillator-beam-foundation system:
. .
zt zTv t .. zT1 t zTm t .. k11 t km1 t 21
z_ t Dtzt f 22
where the time-dependent dynamic matrix, D(t), and the constant forcing array, f, take the expressions:
When the initial conditions of the system are assigned, z(0) = z0, along with the time law for the moving oscil-
lator, x = xv(t), the solution of Eq. (22) furnishes at once the dynamic responses of beam, foundation and
oscillator. Since the classical incremental solutions do not apply when the dynamic matrix is time-dependent,
an ecient numerical scheme is proposed in Section 4.2.
Eq. (22) constitutes a set of 3m + 2 rst-order non-homogeneous linear dierential equations, with time-
dependent coecients. The solution can be expressed in integral form as (Szidarovszky and Bahill, 1998):
Z t
zt Ht; 0z0 Ht; s ds f 24
where z0 is the array listing the initial conditions of the state variables, and H(t, s) is the two-time transition
matrix associated with the time-dependent dynamic matrix D(t), given by the rst of Eq. (23). Unfortunately,
Eq. (24) is not useful in practical applications, as numerical evaluation of the transition matrix and implemen-
tation of the convolution integral are too cumbersome.
The solution of Eq. (22), then, can be sought by the single-step scheme herein presented. Let the time axis
be subdivided into small intervals of equal length, Dt. More precisely, Dt should be suciently small when
compared with the time scales of oscillator, beam, foundation and time law of the transit, e.g.:
1 2p 1 2p 1 1 Lb
Dt min ; ; s1 ;
8 xv 8 xm 5 50 max fjx_ v tjg
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1325
where 2p/xv and 2p/xm are the undamped periods of vibration of the moving oscillator and of the higher
mode of the continuum, respectively; s1 is the relaxation time of the viscoelastic foundation and
maxfj_xv tjg stands for the maximum speed of the oscillator along the beam.
Since Dt is small, in the nth time interval, [tn, tn+1], being tn = nDt, the dynamic matrix can be assumed to
be constant without appreciable loss of accuracy. In particular, let the nth dynamic matrix to be
Dn = D(tn + Dt/2), i.e. the coecients of Dn take the values at the midpoint of the nth time interval. In this
interval, then, Eq. (22) can be re-written as
z_ t Dn zt Dt Dn zt f; tn 6 t 6 tn1 25
Eq. (25) can be conveniently viewed as a state-space equation with time-independent coecients, forced by the
constant array f and by an extra time-dependent term, [D(t) Dn]z(t). The key point of the proposed numer-
ical scheme is the assumption that this term varies linearly in the nth time interval. Hence, the state arrays at
the beginning, zn = z(tn), and at the ending, zn+1 = z(tn+1), can be related via the implicit equation:
zn1 Hn zn Ln f Cn0 Dtn Dn zn Cn1 Dtn1 Dn zn1 26
where the nth transition matrix Hn can be easily computed as the exponential matrix of DnDt (Szidarovszky
and Bahill, 1998):
Hn expDn Dt
and where the matrices Ln, Cn0 and Cn1 are given by Borino and Muscolino (1986):
1 1
Ln Hn I3m2 D1
n ; C n0 H n Ln D1
n ; C n1 L n I 1
3m2 Dn
Dt Dt
I3m+2 being the identity matrix of size 3m + 2. According to Muscolino (1996), Eq. (26) can be solved with
respect to zn+1:
b n zn L
zn1 H b nf 27
b n and L
where the modied matrices H b n are given by
b n Jn fHn Cn0 Dtn Dn g;
H b n Jn Ln
being Jn = {I3m+2 Cn1[D(tn+1) Dn]}1.
The generic response of the dynamic system considered in this paper, e.g. the peak deection of the sup-
porting continuum or the maximum vertical acceleration experienced by the moving oscillator, can be viewed
as an output variable, Q0, which is a function of a large number of input variables, Q1 Qr. The application of
the Dimensional Analysis (see Appendix II), then, allows dening the dimensionless combinations of the
design parameters which rule the response. As a result, the dependence on the input variables can be suitably
According to the procedure summarized in Appendix II, the complete set of the input variables in our prob-
lem is initially identied. The rst input variable is the acceleration of gravity, [g] = L T2. For the beam we
have four input variables: mass per unit length, [qbAb] = L1 M; exural stiness, [EbJb] = L3 M T2; span
length, [Lb] = L and damping ratio, [fb] = 1 (dimensionless). Three for the oscillator: mass, [mv] = M;
undamped circular frequency of vibration, [xv] = rad T1 (radians are dimensionless) and damping ratio,
[fv] = 1. Three for the foundation, described by the SLS model: equilibrium modulus, [K0] = L1 M T2; sti-
ness of the Maxwell element, [K1] = L1 M T2 and relaxation time, [s1] = T. Finally, in the simplest case
where the speed x_ v of the oscillator is constant, there is one more input variable: the travelling time,
T tr Lb =_xv T. Altogether, then, r = 12 input variables (design parameters) rule the response in our study,
whose dimensions are in the form Qi LNil MNim TNit i 1; . . . ; r, where L, M and T are base units of length,
mass and time, respectively. Among the several suitable choices, the s = 3 input variables qbAb, EbJb and g are
1326 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
selected in constituting the complete subset of dimensionally independent variables. In practical railway appli-
cations, in fact, qbAb and EbJb are preventively selected, and g = 9.81 m/s2 takes a xed values.
Once the dimensionally independent variables are chosen, Eq. (A.4) is applied in order to dene the inde-
pendent dimensionless combinations: P1 Lb 3 qb Ab g=Eb J b , which controls the span length of the supporting
beam; P2 = fb (the damping ratio is dimensionless); P3 mv g=q2b A2b Eb J b , which gives the dimensionless
mass of the moving oscillator; P4 xv 6 Eb J b =qb Ab g4 , which measures the circular frequency of the oscil-
lator in radians; P5 fv ; P6 T tr 6 qb Ab g4 =Eb J b , which gives the travelling time of the moving oscillator;
p p
P7 K 0 3 Eb J b =qb Ab g4 and P8 K 1 3 Eb J b =qb Ab g4 , whose values control the stiness of the foundation;
P9 s1 6 qb Ab g4 =Eb J b , which gives the relaxation time of the foundation.
6. Numerical examples
The numerical scheme of Eq. (27), implemented in a Mathematica 4.0 (Wolfram Research, 1999) code, is
applied in order to scrutinize the eects of the design parameters on the dynamic response of the oscillator-
beam-foundation system. It is also quantied the inaccuracy associated with the use of an equivalent Kel-
vinVoigt model in representing the viscoelastic foundation. To do this, the so-called Modal Strain Energy
(MSE) method is applied (see Appendix I). Noticeably, the MSE method, originally proposed by Johnson
and Kienholz (1982) for the analysis of structures with constrained viscoelastic layers, is the most popular
one in the dynamic analysis of viscoelastically damped structures. Even though straightforward, however, this
method proves to be inaccurate is some engineering situations (e.g. Palmeri et al., 2004; Palmeri and Ricciard-
elli, 2006; Palmeri, 2006), and then should be carefully adopted.
In the numerical analyses the beam is assumed to be the UIC60 European high-speed rail, which has the
following properties (Chen and Huang, 2003): qb = 7850 kg/m3, Eb = 2.00 107 N/cm2, Ab = 76.9 cm2,
Jb = 3060 cm4. Since all these quantities are used in dening the subset of dimensionally independent variables
in our problem, the dimensionless results displayed in the following can be directly extended to dierent track
congurations once the current values of mass per unit length, qbAb, and exural stiness, EbJb, are
Both simply-supported (SS) and clampedclamped (CC) boundary conditions are investigated. In our anal-
yses the span length, Lb, varies from 5 to 40 m: for actual track congurations, in fact, convergence studies
prove that beams of span length Lb > 10 m can accurately approximate the response of the ideal beam of in-
nite length (Thambiratnam and Zhuge, 1996). Then, the rst dimensionless combination, P / Lb, varies from
0.230 (short beam) to 1.84 (long beam). The damping ratio of the beam is assumed to be zero, i.e. P2 = 0.
The mass of the moving oscillator mv is assumed to vary from 100 to 500 kg: as a consequence the third
dimensionless combination, P3 / mv, varies from 0.0761 (light oscillator) to 0.380 (heavy oscillator). The
fundamental circular frequency of actual train vehicles, xv in our simple model, varies from 5 to 25 rad/s;
accordingly, the fourth dimensionless combination, P4 / xv, varies from 7.45 (exible oscillator) to
37.3 rad (sti oscillator). Also the damping ratio of the oscillator is assumed to be zero, i.e. P5 = 0. The trav-
elling time, Ttr, is assumed to be one second, and then the sixth dimensionless combination, P6 / Ttr, takes the
constant value 0.671.
According to Thambiratnam and Zhuge (1996), the equilibrium modulus of the rail foundation, K0, varies
from 5.20 106 to 3.54 107 N/m2. As a consequence, the seventh dimensionless combination, P7 / K0, varies
from 1.91 105 (soft foundation) to 1.30 106 (sti foundation). The viscoelastic behaviour of the founda-
tion is governed by the last two dimensionless combinations, P8 = (K1/K0)P7 and P9 / s1. In order to dene
realistic values of these quantities, we refer to the experimental results displayed in Bruni and Collina (2000),
in which low-frequency tests show that the equivalent stiness (the storage modulus) of the elastomeric pad,
Re[Kf(x)], monotonically increases with the frequency of vibration, approximately from 2.0 107 N/m at
x = 31.4 rad/s, to 2.7 107 N/m at x = 628 rad/s. These can be assumed as the limiting values of the storage
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1327
modulus when the frequency goes to zero (equilibrium modulus) and when the frequency goes to innity,
respectively. When the elastomeric foundation is modelled with the SLS model (Eq. (13)) we have
Kf(0) = K0 and Kf(1) = K0 + K1, from which one computes K0 = 2.0 107 N/m and K1 = 0.7 107 N/m. If
the ratio K1/K0 = 0.7/2.0 = 0.35 is assumed to be constant, it follows that P8 = 0.35P7.
More complicated is the assessment of the last dimensionless combination. The experimental results pre-
sented in Bruni and Collina (2000), in fact, demonstrate that the elastomeric pad used in the Milan subway
is almost hysteretic, as the loss factor of the foundation, gf(x) = Im[Kf(x)]/Re[Kf(x)], increases slowly with
the vibration frequency, approximately from 0.15 at x = 31.4 rad/s to 0.21 at x = 628 rad/s. Recent studies
demonstrated that the use of more rened state-space viscoelastic models, e.g. the Generalized Maxwell
model (Makris and Zhang, 2000) and the LPA (Laguerre Polynomial Approximation) technique (Muscolino
et al., 2005), enable the time-domain dynamic analysis of linear hysteretic structures. Since the SLS model is
too simple to accurately t the experimental data, nevertheless in our analyses it is assumed that the relaxation
time varies from 0.001 to 1 s, in so covering all the situations of practical interest; as a consequence, the dimen-
sionless combination P9 varies from 6.71 104 to 0.671.
6.2. Eigenproperties of the continuum: eects of boundary conditions and span length
The eigenproperties (modal frequencies and modal shapes) of the beam-foundation sub-system are evalu-
ated according to Eqs. (5) and (6). Once the boundary conditions of the beam at x = 0 and x = Lb are spec-
ied, the rst of Eq. (5) gives modal shapes and characteristic equation. In particular, when the beam is Simply
Supported (SS) at the ends, the ith modal shape takes the expression:
/i x Ai sinci x=Lb ; i 1; 2; . . . 28
and the characteristic equation is sin(c) = 0, whose non-trivial solutions are ci = ip. When the beam is
clampedclamped (CC) at the ends, the ith modal shape is
and the characteristic equation is cos(c)cosh(c) = 1, whose non-trivial solutions should be numerically com-
puted: c1 = 4.73, c2 = 7.85, . . . (notice that ci (2i + 1)p/2 for i > 2). In both Eqs. (28) and (29) Ai is merely
a normalization constant, whose value can be computed via Eq. (6) when i = k. In Fig. 4 (top rows) the rst
six modal shapes of the beam for both SS (solid line) and CC (dashed line) boundary conditions are depicted
in a dimensionless form; for each mode the values of the coecients ci. are also displayed.
Once the dimensionless coecients ci are evaluated, the ith eigenvalue in the rst of Eq. (5) takes the
Eb J b 4
ai c
qb Ab L4b i
Since its dimensions are [ai] = T2, the associated dimensionless value proves to be
s 4 4
3 Eb J b Eb J b 3 c4i ci
qb Ab g4 qb Ab g Lbb P1
where P1 accounts for the mechanical characteristics of the beam, and the coecients ci depend only on its
boundary conditions.
The second of Eq. (5) allows now evaluating the modal circular frequencies of the continuum. The ith
dimensionless value is given, in compact form, by
4 s s
c i K 0 3 E b J b c i
xi Eb J b =qb Ab g4 P7 30
P1 qb Ab qb Ab g4 P1
1328 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
It is worth noting that the parametric investigation presented in the previous sub-section demonstrates that for
the rst modes of vibration the prevailing term in the r.h.s. of Eq. (30) is the dimensionless combination P7,
which increases with the foundation stiness.
The eects of boundary conditions and span length of the beam, which is measured by the dimensionless
combination P1, are then investigated. In Fig. 4 (centre rows) the dimensionless values of the rst six modal
circular frequencies (Eq. (30)) are displayed for P1 varying from 0.230 to 1.84, while the foundation is
assumed to be soft (i.e. P7 = 1.91 105). Interestingly, this analysis reveals that when P1 P 1.00 (i.e.
Lb P 21.8 m in the case of the selected UIC60 rail) the rst three modal frequencies approach asymptotic val-
ues which are independent of the boundary conditions. The convergence is slightly slower when higher modes
are considered.
For the comparison purposes, Eqs. (A.1) and (A.2) are also applied in order to compute the equivalent val-
~ and damping ratios, f~i , given by the MSE method. These quantities reveal the
ues of circular frequencies, x,
Fig. 4. Modal shapes of the beam-foundation sub-system (top rows). Eects of the span length of the beam (P1 / Lb) on frequencies
(centre rows) and eective damping ratio (bottom rows) of the rst modes. () Simply supported (SS) beam, (- - -) clampedclamped (CC)
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1329
Fig. 4 (continued )
same tendency, i.e. when P1 > 1.00 the asymptotic values are approached. In the following, then, the numer-
ical analyses are conducted with P1 = 1.00. Moreover, given that the boundary conditions do not aect appre-
ciably the eigenproperties of the continuum, in the following the beam is assumed to be SS at the ends.
Fig. 4 (centre rows) demonstrates also that the equivalent circular frequencies x~i . in the MSE method are
everywhere greater than the corresponding circular frequencies xi, as the viscoelastic damping in the founda-
tion induces an apparent increase in the stiness of the system. Finally, Fig. 4 (bottom rows) shows that the
eective damping ratio f~i . provided by the viscoelastic foundation is slightly higher in the case of SS beams;
furthermore, f~i . tends to increase with the span length and to decrease in the higher modes.
The eects of the dimensionless combinations P7 (equilibrium modulus) and P9 (relaxation time), which
fully characterize the viscoelastic foundation, are scrutinized in this sub-section. For the limiting values of
1330 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
the equilibrium modulus, i.e. P7 = 1.91 105 (soft foundation, solid line) and P7 = 1.30 106 (sti founda-
tion, dashed line), Fig. 5 shows in log-linear form how dimensionless modal frequencies (centre rows) and
eective damping ratios (bottom rows) vary with the relaxation time.
The plots reveal that the equivalent modal circular frequencies in the MSE method, x~i , increase monoton-
ically with the relaxation time, approaching the asymptotic value for P9 > 0.01 (i.e. s1 > 0.0139 s in the case of
the selected UIC60 rail). In addition, it is worth noting that when the foundation is sti (dashed line) the val-
ues of the rst six modal frequencies are very close, since the prevailing contribution to the stiness of the
beam-foundation sub-system is due to the bed of viscoelastic springs.
More interesting is the behaviour of the eective modal damping ratios, f~i . When the foundation is sti
(dashed line) f~i . decreases monotonically with the relaxation time, and is almost constant for the rst six
modes of vibration. On the contrary, when the foundation is soft (solid line) f~i takes a maximum where
P9 = 0.002 (i.e. s1 = 0.00298 s), and decreases signicantly in the higher modes.
Fig. 5. Modal shapes of the beam-foundation sub-system (top rows). Eects of the relaxation time of the viscoelastic foundation (P9 / s1)
on frequencies (centre rows) and eective damping ratio (bottom rows) of the rst modes. () Soft foundation, (- - -) sti foundation.
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1331
Fig. 5 (continued )
The accuracy of the response is investigated as a function of the number m of the modes of the continuum
which are retained in the analysis. Fig. 6 (left) shows the convergence in terms of the peak displacement of the
beam, while Fig. 6 (right) in terms of the peak absolute acceleration of the moving oscillator. In both cases for
m P 12 the responses predicted by the proposed method (solid lines) and by the MSE method (dashed line) do
not vary appreciably. Since the computational time exponentially increases with m, one can conclude that the
use of m = 12 allows a good degree of accuracy with a tolerable computational eort. In the following, then,
all the numerical analyses are conducted with m = 12 modes of vibration of the continuum. Moreover, it is
worth noting that although the MSE method allows saving some computational time, the peak responses
of beam and oscillator (Fig. 6) could be excessively underestimated. For instance, in the particular case con-
sidered in this sub-section (P3 = 0.380, i.e. heavy oscillator, P4 = 14.9 rad, P7 = 1.91 105, i.e. soft founda-
tion, and P9 = 0.00336) the inaccuracy of the MSE method is greater than 15%.
1332 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
Fig. 6. Convergence of the dimensionless peak responses of beam (left) and oscillator (right) when the number of modes retained in the
analysis increases.
6.5. Response analysis: eects of mass and stiness of the moving oscillator
The eects on the response of the dimensionless combination P3 and P4, which control the mass and the
circular frequency of the moving oscillator, respectively, are scrutinized. Fig. 7 shows that the peak responses
of beam and oscillator increase linearly with the mass mv, which is proportional to P3, and conrms that the
MSE method is anticonservative. Fig. 8 reveals that, in the selected range of values, the peak response of the
beam is almost independent of xv, which is proportional to P4, while the peak response of the oscillator tends
to increase with xv.
Finally, the eects on the response of the dimensionless combination P7 and P9, which control the equi-
librium modulus and the relaxation time of the foundation, respectively, are investigated. Figs. 9 and 10 show
that, for the selected range of values, the peak responses of beam and oscillator reduce as the equilibrium mod-
ulus and the relaxation time increase. More interestingly, as a consequence of the apparent increase in the
modal frequencies of the continuum, also in this case the MSE method (dashed line) proves to underestimate
everywhere the peak responses.
Fig. 7. Eects of the mass of the oscillator (P3 / mv) on the dimensionless peak responses of beam (left) and oscillator (right).
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1333
Fig. 8. Eects of the circular frequency of the oscillator (P4 / xv) on the dimensionless peak responses of beam (left) and oscillator
Fig. 9. Eects of the equilibrium modulus of the foundation (P7 / K0) on the dimensionless peak responses of beam (left) and oscillator
Fig. 10. Eects of the relaxation time of the foundation (P9 / s1) on the dimensionless peak responses of beam (left) and oscillator (right).
1334 G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336
7. Concluding remarks
A novel state-space formulation for evaluating the dynamic response of elastic beams resting on viscoelas-
tically damped foundation to moving SDoF oscillators has been presented in this paper. The formulation is
essentially devoted to investigate in the time domain the interaction between train vehicles and railway track,
where viscoelastic components, e.g. elastomeric pads, are often introduced with the aim of mitigating the
vibrations in vehicles and track. The main advantage is that, as opposite to the current state-of-practice
(see Appendix I), the introduction of a number of additional internal variables in the complete state array
(Eq. (21)) allows the proposed technique to consistently take into account the frequency-dependent behaviour
of the viscoelastic foundation.
As the position of the oscillator on the beam varies with time, the dynamic matrix of the governing state-
space equation is time-dependent (Eqs. (22) and (23)). Since the classical incremental solutions do not apply in
this circumstance, an ecient single-step scheme has been provided for the numerical integration, based on a
dynamic modication in each time step (Eq. (27)). The proposed approach enables the dynamic responses of
supporting continuum and moving oscillator to be simultaneously computed, once the twelve design param-
eters have been selected.
Since this number is too large to carry out parametric investigations of general interest, the Buckingham P-
Theorem (see Appendix II) is applied in order to dene the dimensionless combinations of the design parameters
that control the response of the system under consideration. In doing so, the results of the dynamic analyses,
presented in a convenient dimensionless form, can be directly extended to dierent track congurations.
The proposed procedure is amply illustrated by numerical examples, in which the eects of some important
parameters, such as boundary conditions, span length, number of modes of the supporting beam, as well as
dynamic characteristics of moving oscillator and viscoelastic foundation, are investigated in dept, and some
interesting tendencies in the responses of beam and oscillator are highlighted. Finally, it is pointed out that
the inaccuracy associated with the use of eective values of stiness and damping for the foundation, widely
adopted in the conventional techniques, could be unacceptable for engineering purposes.
The Modal Strain Energy (MSE) method (Johnson and Kienholz, 1982) is a general tool that allows den-
ing the equivalent KelvinVoigt modal oscillators of a structure provided with viscoelastic components.
According to this method, the eects of the viscoelastic foundation on the continuum considered in this study
can be accounted for with equivalent values of the modal circular frequencies, x ~ i P xi , and of the modal
damping ratios, ~fi P fi , herein denoted with an over-tilde. In particular, the circular frequency of the ith mode
of vibration is the root of the implicit equation:
ReK f x ~ i
~ i ai
x A:1
qb Ab
~ i is numerically found, the damping ratio in
where ai is the ith eigenvalue of the rst of Eq. (5). Once the root x
the ith mode of vibration is given by
~fi fb ImK f x ~ i
~ 2i qb Ab
while the associated modal response is ruled by the equation:
Z Lb
qi t 2~fi x
~ 2i qi t
~ i q_ i t x f x; t/i x dx
In comparison with Eq. (3), the only formal dierence is that in this case the ith modal viscoelastic force, Fi(t),
is missed out. As a consequence, the state-space governing equation of the oscillator-beam-foundation system
can be written in a form like Eq. (22):
~z_ t Dt~
~ zt ~f
G. Muscolino, A. Palmeri / International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 13171336 1335
where the reduced super-array ~zt zTv t .. zT1 t zTm t is of size 2m + 2, i.e. the m additional internal vari-
ables associated with the viscoelastic foundation are cut out, and where:
in which
0 1 e t D t vvT M t D
D ; D vi vi vi
x~ 2i 2~fi x
while the remaining quantities in Eq. (A.3) take the same expressions as in Eq. (23).
The basis of the Dimensional Analysis is that the form of any physically meaningful equation has to be
such that the relationship between the actual physical quantities is independent of the magnitude of the base
units. This is because the value of a physical quantity, Q0, that is an output variable in a physical process,
follows uniquely once all the input variables that dene the process, Q1, Q2, . . . and Qr, are specied.
In this framework, the so-called Buckingham P-Theorem plays a fundamental role (Barenblatt, 1996).
The latter can be expressed as:
Any physically meaningful equation Q0 = U(Q1, . . . , Qr), involving a set of r input variables, is equiv-
alent to a dimensionless equation of the form P0 = W(P1, . . . , Prs), invoking a set r s independent
dimensionless combinations of the original r input variables, where s is the number of these input vari-
ables that are dimensionally independent.
The important fact to notice is that the new relation W involves s fewer variables than the original relation
U: this simplify the theoretical and experimental studies, and allows highlighting what really matter in a phys-
ical process.
According to Sonin (2001), in the practical application of the Buckingham P-Theorem, four steps have to
be done:
1. The complete set of the input variable, {Q1, . . . , Qr}, that determines the value of the output variable Q0 is
2. The dimensions of the input variables {Q1, . . . , Qr} are listed; a complete subset of dimensionally indepen-
dent variables {Q1, . . . , Qs}(s 6 r) is selected among the input variables; the dimensions of each of the
remaining input variables, {Qs+1, . . . , Qr}, and of the output variable, Q0, are expressed as product of pow-
ers of the dimensions of {Q1, . . . , Qs}, i.e.:
Qi QN1 i1 QNs is ; i 0; s 1; . . . ; r
where the exponents Ni1 Nis are dimensionless real number.
3. The independent dimensionless combinations are dened:
Pi N N ; i 1; . . . ; r s A:4
Q1 si1 Qs sis
along with the dimensionless form of the output variable:
P0 N 01 0 N 0s
Q1 Qr
4. The dimensionless relationship P0 = W(P1, . . . , Prs) can be established.
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